Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I...

Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was working somewhere outside the country.

Transcript of Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I...

Page 1: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1

What a nice surprise to meet you in this park!

Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was working somewhere

outside the country.

Page 2: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 2

I think it must have been more than that. You used to be such a small thing. I just found a new job here and decided to

settle down. What about you? That’s why I think I haven’t seen you for at

least four years. Would you like to visit us some day?

Page 3: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 1:Passage 1

Kathy did not notice the time until it was nearly six o’clock.

She phoned her mum and asked her to come pick her up.

When she saw her mum’s car turn the corner she began to think about the row which she believed was coming.

Page 4: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 1:Passage 2

Mrs. Wilson had an unpleasant shock at home. She bought some meat, washed and intended to

store it in the freezer. One wet hand touched the side of the freezer

and immediately stuck to it. He turned off the electricity supply to the freezer. He sponged her hand with warm water. She managed to extract her hands from the


Page 5: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 2:Dialogue1

I wanted a day off from work.I decided to take a little drive in the countryside.

Can you stay for lunch? I just wanted to drop in and say hello to

my old friends

Page 6: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 2:Dialogue 2

This is a little present for you. What a beautiful paper-cut! Please sit down and make yourself

comfortable. Can I get you some coffee or tea or soft

drinks? Tea would be fine for me.

Page 7: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 2:Passage1

microwave oven 微波炉

rubbish dump 垃圾堆 electrician 电工 trunk 行李箱 siren 警报器 pull over 开到路边

boot 行李箱 puzzled 迷惑不解的 point to 指向 radar set 雷达 turn red 变红

Page 8: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 2:Passage2

virtue 美德,优点 outweigh 超过 remarkable 突出的 trait 品格 physical 身体上的 moral 精神上的 frustration 挫折

crush 压倒 determination 决心 overcome 克服 setback 挫折 undisputed 没有争议 expose oneself to 暴

露 inspire 鼓舞

Page 9: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1: Part 3 : Dialogue 1

When shall I expect him? Shall I bring anything? Just bring yourself. Please don’t bother.

Page 10: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 3:Passage 1

James and Jim are twins. They were separated at birth. James joined the army and retired as a

general. They both liked car racing

Page 11: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 3:Section B(1)

I will bet it does. You have a good memory. Don’t tell me

you have been counting the days till I came home again.

I don’t know if you still like going to the movies. I thought we might take in a show or something and then go dancing.

Page 12: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 1:Part 3:Section B(2)

A new government report says the population of Americans 100 years of age or older has risen by almost 100 % in the past ten years.

Today officials say an estimated 70,000 Americans are believed to be centenarians.

They hope to discover the genetic,medical and social reasons why people live to be 100 and above.

Page 13: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 1:Dialogue 1

I need 5 notebooks and a dozen envelopes.

I also need a stapler. How much would that come to? Can I write you a check? Please make it out to R&B Department


Page 14: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 1:Dialogue 2

What have you bought then? Beef, chicken, eggs, mutton and some

vegetables. Why not have some seafood? It’s on sale

today. I have bought some daily necessities. Apples, peaches, plums are all very fresh I’d like to go to the seafood section first.

Page 15: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 1:Passage1

automobile 汽车 consumer product 消

费品 purchase 购买品 consist of 组成 parts 零件 spark plug 火花塞 carburetor 汽化器

assemble 装配 highway 公路

Page 16: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 1:Passage2

cassette recorder 录音机

electrical shop 电器店 on display 展示 scratch 刮破 antenna 天线 control 遥控器 jam 卡住

receipt 收据 apologetic 道歉的 free 免费的 battery 电池 in the end 最后

Page 17: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 2:Dialogue1

May I have a look at the 14K gold one? Sure. Here’s a nice gold tiepin. Its regular

price is $40, but now you get a 20% discount.

It’s very elegant. I will take two of them. How much are they? $15 each. That’s $120 plus $64 for the


Page 18: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 2:Dialogue 2

What can I do for you? I’d like a fur cap,please What fur is it? Squirrel. What size do you take? Can I try it on with the ear flaps down? Shall I wrap it for you?

Page 19: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 2:Passage1

happen to 碰巧 glance 看见 drown 溺水的 grip 紧握 guest 客人 blanket 毛毯

recover 恢复 grateful 感激的

Page 20: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 2:Passage 2

startling 令人吃惊的 theft 偷窃 private 私人的 account for 占 insurance company

保险公司 burglar 窃贼 popular 普遍的

break-in 入屋偷窃 burglary 盗窃行为 chat 聊天 deadlock 坚固的锁 secure 可靠的 bolt 门闩 for your own sake


Page 21: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 3:Dialogue(A)

I’m leaving for Australia next week. Our store is having a sale these days. Is liquor on sale? It’s 40 percent off, much cheaper than at

the duty-free shop at the airport. We are allowed to take only two bottles.

Page 22: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 3:Passage (A)

advertising 广告 play a vital part 起着

重要的作用 merchandising 商品 manufacturer 生产者 available 可以获得的 mail 邮寄

enormous 巨大的 employ 雇请 top executive 高级行

政人员 advertising agency

广告公司 decent 高尚的

Page 23: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 3:Dialogue(B)

Could you please give me details of flight frequency, fares and departure and arrival times?

I’m afraid there seems to be only 1 direct flight a week.

Would you like me to work out all the connecting flights?

I may have overlooked something. Will you enclose details of fares, flying time and

return flights.

Page 24: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 2:Part 3:Passage(B)

grain 谷物 seed 种子 protein 蛋白质 substance 物质 diet 日常饮食 flock 群 waste 粪便

die from 死于

Page 25: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 1 : Dialogue 1

Be seated, please. The pot’s just boiling. Black or white? This is a real treat. Would you like some cake or a sandwich

to go with coffee?

Page 26: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 1 : Dialogue 2

We have 7-up, Sprite, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, lemonade and iced tea.

I have some cookies, cakes and apple pies in the kitchen.

I don’t feel like eating, Jane. Don’t trouble. Would you like to go for a walk with me,


Page 27: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 1 : Passage 1

When somebody became ill because of a lack of vitamins, the doctor did not know what to do.

They did not know that a child with weak or soft bones needed foods containing vitamin D, like milk, eggs and oily fish.

We know that each person should eat a variety of different kinds of food.

Page 28: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 1 : Passage 2

diet 日常饮食 coastline 海岸线 cattle farming 家禽饲

养 depend on 依赖 arise 产生 continual 持续的 poisonous mercury


swallow 吞咽 breed 繁殖 make up 补充 deficiency 不足 trend 趋势 eventually 最后 shortage 缺乏

Page 29: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 2 : Dialogue 1

Are you ready to order ? Yes, I ‘d like the steak , please. We have potato chips , carrots , peas a

nd And to follow ? Iced cream with chocolate sauce , pleas


Page 30: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 2 : Dialogue 2

I am thinking of eating out to enjoy ourselves. I’m tired of KFC. They serve real Chinese food, the sweet and

sour meatball. That’s why I am recommending this restaurant. I prefer an ice cream to a cup of Chinese tea for

my dessert. especially

Page 31: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 2 : Passage 1

primitive 原始的 be the same as 一样 transport 运输 food preservation 食

物保存 limited 有限的 beef 牛肉 mutton 羊肉

pork 猪肉 chicken 鸡肉 turkey 火鸡肉 goose 鹅肉 rabbit 兔肉

Page 32: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 2 : Passage 2

proverb 谚语 One man’s meat is an

other man’s poison 对甲有利的未必对乙有利

apply to 适用于 table manners 餐饮

礼仪 be supposed to 应该

be aware of 注意 in any circumstance


Page 33: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 3 : Dialogue 1

May I have your order now ? I’d like bacon and eggs. Will you have your eggs turned over ? The French toast looks wonderful. I would like some tomato juice. Canned juice or fresh juice ? I am putting on weight. The coffee machine is on the counter.

Page 34: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 3 : Passage 1

eating habit 饮食习惯 generation 一代 exclusively 全部 mechanical 机械化的 constituent 成分 capsule 药丸 tablet 药片

pill 药片 artificial 人造的 delicious 美味的 famine 饥荒

Page 35: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 3 : Dialogue 2

It’s a 1970 vintage. I told you to bring just yourself. I have brought myself safe and sound. He just went to the corner shop to get some

cherry juice. These are chocolates , and these are almond-

flavored. I have got the recipes right here. See,these are

the ingredients, and then you just follow the directions.

Page 36: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 3 : Part 3 : Passage 2

early child care 小孩护理

attend class 上课 birth experience 生小孩

formula 配方奶 in addition to 除了 element 元素

hot 辣的 spicy 辣的

Page 37: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 1 : Dialogue 1

I’d like to see the dentist. May I make an appointment to have him

look at my teeth? I can arrange for you to see him two

weeks from now. But Dr. Anderson’s appointment book is

filled for the next couple of weeks. They are false teeth.

Page 38: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 1 : Dialogue 2

Can you make the arrangements, please? Does the head know about this? At about midday. Non-smoking seat on a train with a

restaurant car, please. I will have a room reserved for you.

Page 39: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 1 : Passage 1

colonist 殖民者 Massachusetts 麻省 appropriation 拨款 Harvard University in honor of 为纪念 property 财产 institution 大学

religious leader 宗教领袖

depend on 依赖 declare independenc

e 宣布独立 in operation 运作中

Page 40: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 1 : Passage 2

means 方式 transportation 交通运

输 communication 通信 advertising 广告 combine 联合 create 创造 giant 巨大的

industry 行业 tourism 旅游业 involve 涉及 on a temporary basis

以暂时为基础 beach 海滩

Page 41: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 2 : Dialogue 1

That alarm clock must be fast. Maybe you wristwatch is slow. I won’t be here until nine forty.

Page 42: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 2 : Dialogue 2

Could you explain your last point a little further? I seem to have confused it with other points.

I have some urgent work to do. It won’t be over until five. We have team work, that is, we are going to have a

performance rehearsal. I’m to accompany them with my musical instrument.

I don’t think you will ask for leave. If I were absent, their rehearsal would come to nothing. I will be punctual

Page 43: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 2 : Passage 1

runway 跑道 land on 降落 take off 起飞 control tower 飞行控制塔

pilot 飞行员

be fitted with 装配 radar device 雷达装置

Page 44: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 2 : Passage 2

terminal 侯机大厅 light article 轻便物品 be in order 没问题 boarding pass 登机卡 admission 允许进入 proceed 往前走 loudspeaker 广播

entrance 入口 exit 出口 the officer in charge 负责的官员

firearms 火器(步枪,手枪)

aircraft 飞机

Page 45: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 3 : Dialogue 1

Can you tell me the correct time ? It must be about four thirty. What time does the theater start its

performances ? My family will be there on time , too.

Page 46: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 3 : Passage 1

working day 工作日 in time 及时 dock 船厂 thrill bell 刺耳的铃声 swear 断言

on the way to work 在上班的路上

Page 47: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 3 : Dialogue 2

I’d like to make an appointment for a dental checkup.

Are you one of the doctor’s regular patients? I recently moved to this area and a friend of min

e recommended Dr.Katuna. Do you prefer morning or afternoon? We will expect you then at 10:30 on Wednesday.

Page 48: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 4 : Part 3 : Passage 2

as far as we know survive 幸存 close cooperation 紧密合作

various forms 不同的形态

infancy 幼儿期 helpless 无助的 creature 生物

feed 喂养 clothe 穿衣 normally 通常 form 组成 countless 数不清的 environment 环境 defend 防护

Page 49: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 1: Dialogue 1

What a scorcher! I have never suffered so much from the heat! I wish it would not stay this way for the weekend. I don’t know how they stood it in the old days

with only fans and shady trees to keep them cool

I guess it took a strong pioneer spirit.

Page 50: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 1: Dialogue 2

He believes in the Farmer’s Almanac. He refers to it for information about future weather, what’s going to happen to crops and that sort of thing.

My grandfather often quoted the Almanac,too.he had much confidence in the Almanac.

I have often wondered, though, just how accurate the weather predictions were. I have never done a check on it.

I wish the Almanac could help me in a personal matter.

Page 51: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 1: Passage 1

irrigate 灌溉 irrigation 灌溉 canal 运河 ditch 沟 flood 淹没 dam 堤坝

dry season 旱季 wet season 雨季

Page 52: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 1: Passage 2

load 装载 trigger 引发 earthquake 地震 press on 压 motion 运动 seep into 渗进

occur 发生

Page 53: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 2: Dialogue 1

It is not like what the radio said at all. I wish the fine weather would stay. We are

having a picnic tomorrow. Why don’t you come with us?

The weatherman says it is. The temperature is high this afternoon. If it snows, we can take some pictures of

the landscape of snow.

Page 54: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 2: Dialogue 2

I am freezing. I heard the radio announcer say it was 18

degree below zero. We have to leave the car in the parking lot. How much anti-freeze do you put in your car

then? You must have to keep it well below zero. Right now I have it protected to 30 below. Speaking of cold,how about going for a cup of

coffee to warm up.

Page 55: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 2: Passage 1

still 平静的 Jamaican city 牙买加市

shock 地震 tsunami 海啸 swamp 淹没 slide 滑

survivor 幸存者 aftershock 余震 in ruin 一片废墟 vanish 消失

Page 56: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 2: Passage 2

take a bath 浴缸洗澡 extent 程度 scarce 稀少 prayer 祈祷 affair 事情

fireplace 壁炉 scented soap 香皂

Page 57: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 3: Dialogue 1

Of course it din’t snow as much as in Geneva.

The days were clear and dry and it was sunny and warm all the time.

What was last spring like?

Page 58: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 3: Passage 1

rainbow 彩虹 edge 边 violet 紫色 invisible 看不见的 ultra-violet 紫外光 affect 影响

photographic plate 相片底片

sweet liquid 甜水 artificial 人造的 insect 昆虫

Page 59: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 3: Dialogue 2

And here is today’s weather for the State of California. In Los Angeles the weather will be cloudy with a high of 50 degree Fahrenheit and low of 40. San Francisco will have a lovely day. The weather will be sunny and the high will be about 65 degree Fahrenheit and the low 50 …

Nice and sunny for a change. It has been miserable for the last few weeks.

Page 60: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 5: Part 3: Passage 2

space station 太空站 gravity 地心引力 float 漂浮 200 kilometers across 宽 200 公里

turn gently 温和地转动

pressure 压力

a dozen years 十几年

Page 61: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 1: Dialogue 1

What a breathtaking sight! There are so many curiously-shaped rocks at the

peak. What a nice view! I’d like to have my picture taken

here. Please, take the old rocks as the background.

Excuse me, sir. Will you take a picture for us please?

That’s terrific. Thank you, sir. That’s forbidden, Ann. See the sign.

Page 62: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 1: Dialogue 2

I envy you. I haven’t had a vacation for a long time. I wish I could get away for a while.

That’s very impressive. I visited the Washington Monument. It’s a magnificent sight!

After many difficulties and delays, the building was completed in 1885, and opened to the public in 1888.

The elevator make the ascent in only 70 seconds. I wish I could have a bird’s-eye view of the capital

from there.

Page 63: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 1: Passage 1

Make your plan early. Make sure your papers are in order. Know something about the place you are visiting. Make a list. Get a good night’s sleep. sightseeing 观光 tourist brochures 旅游小册子 passport 护照 visa 签证

Page 64: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 1: Passage 2

astronaut 宇航员 Hispanic 西班牙或 墨西哥裔美国人

Asian 亚裔美国人 crew 船员 the Challenger space

shuttle 挑战者号太空穿梭机

orbit 轨道 robot 机器人 satellite 人造卫星

Page 65: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 2: Dialogue 1

That’s a shame. But there are many lovely places: the

Grand Palace, and the beautiful coast. So let’s go to China first and then Thailand

on our way back.

Page 66: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 2: Dialogue 2

I saw some fantastic sight in Peru. It’s incredible! It’s high up in the mountains

and you can still see the ruins of temples and houses from 400 years ago.

I am having 3 rolls of film developed. What did you like best about the trip? Oh, Machu Pichu, definitely.

Page 67: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 2: Passage 1

oceanarium 大型水族馆

consist of 由…组成 the “Lowland” and the

“Headland” cable railway 缆车 aquarium 水族馆

dolphin 海豚

Page 68: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 2: Passage 2

continent 大陆 Antarctica 南极洲 melt 融化 have effect on 对…有影响

sea level 海平面 low-lying 低洼的

icecap 冰帽 icy layer 冰层

Page 69: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 3: Dialogue 1

I’d like to book a motoring holiday, please. Actually I have already filled in the form. Here

are the details. Do I have to pay the full amount now?

You are required to pay a deposit of $20 per person now. Then you need not to pay the balance until 8 weeks before you depart.

It’s fully equipped for cooking and it’s got a shower system that we put up every evening, weather permitting.

Page 70: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 1: Passage 1

the Atlantic 大西洋 the Caribbean 加勒比

海 Mediterranean 地中

海 cruise 巡游 departure 出发地 destination 目的地

antidote 矫正方法 hustle 推挤 bustle 喧闹 tension 压力 anxiety 焦虑

Page 71: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 3: Dialogue 2

I have been to Fiji. I have visited France, Switzerland, Italy and so on.

Well, last year we went to the Lake District, but we have also been to Scotland and Ireland.

Page 72: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 6: Part 3: Passage 2

a large business and tourist community 大型商业旅游城市

tourist industry 旅游业

Miami Beach 迈阿密海滩

variety 种类 Joe’s Stone Crab Res

taurant 螃蟹餐厅 famous for 以…著名

Page 73: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7: Part 1: Dialogue 1

Is there anything wrong with you? I feel terrible. I think I have got a bad headache. I have to finish my thesis this month. I am really

worried about it. For the last fortnight. I have been working 12

hours a day. But I have got to get my research paper done in


Page 74: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7: Part 1: Dialogue 2

I have got a sore throat and my chest hurts. Do you cough? That’s obviously why your chest hurts so much.

Let me check your chest first. There is a lot of it about. Take this prescription to the chemist’s and then

go straight to bed. Take plenty of water and you will get better in a couple of days.

Page 75: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7: Part 1: Passage 1

bruise 青肿 normally 通常,正常地

stiff 僵硬 occur 发生

limb 四肢 lie in bed 卧床 cold compress 冰敷 ease 减轻 apply 应用 soak 浸泡

Page 76: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7: Part 1: Passage 2

by accident 意外地 Indonesian 印度尼西亚的

traditional method 传统的方法

cure 治愈 peel 剥皮 recover 康复

investigate 调查 Polish 波兰的 identify 确定 effect 效果

Page 77: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7:Part 2:Dialogue 1

But you have been reading about 10 hours a day for the past fortnight. I am always telling you that you keep a balance between work and rest.

I’m afraid I’m down with the flu. I feel very sick. My goodness. Do you have a fever? But I have a bad headache and sore throat. You are running a temperature! I think we

should go to see the doctor. I hate taking pills.

Page 78: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7:Part 2:Dialogue 2

Do you often have backache? When did this backache start? How come? I was cleaning the floor when some heavy books

dropped from the bookshelf. I thought it would be all right if I took a few days

off from work. But it is getting worse, is it? It hurts so much that I cannot go to sleep at night.

Page 79: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7:Part 2:Passage 1

St. Mary’s Hospital

圣玛丽医院 do research 做研究 bacteria 细菌 mould 霉菌 penicillin 盘尼西林

antibiotic 抗生素

Page 80: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7:Part 2:Passage 2

dying 垂死的 manage to 设法 tuberculosis 肺结核

Page 81: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7:Part 3:Dialogue 1

My whole body feels weak. I really feel terrible. I am sorry to hear that. I will have to examine

you. Open your mouth wide so that I can look at your throat. Yes, it’s very red. It looks sore.

An injection is better than pills. If I gave you pills, you’d probably be ill for a few days, but if I give you an injection, you will feel better tomorrow.

If you do, you will probably catch the flu.

Page 82: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7:Part 3:Passage1

smoke tobacco 吸烟 Christopher Columbu

s Jean Nicot Lisbon, Portugal 葡萄牙,里斯本

the leaves of the tobacco 烟叶

nicotine 尼古丁

Page 83: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7:Part 3:Dialogue1

I’m glad to say it’s nothing serious. But as you know, heart trouble is never a minor illness.

Yours was not a serious heart attack. Please listen to my advice and I’m sure you will be fine.

Don’t you think I should have an X-ray? A little outdoor exercise would be good for you.

It would help you to lose some weight. Try to eat more fruit and vegetables instead of meat.

Page 84: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 7:Part 3:Passage 2

influenza 流行性感冒 take sleeping pills 吃安眠药

sign of fever 发烧的迹象

symptom 症状

warm nightclothes 和暖的睡衣

kick off 踢掉 bedclothes 被子 oxygen 氧气

Page 85: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 1:Dialogue1

I believe there is a variety show on tonight. I don’t actually care for country music. Then what do you like? Jazz, rock and roll or the

blues? I see. You like outdoor activities. Have you got any hobbies? And I like boating for days, all along a quiet creek

best of all. Sounds wonderful. Just get relaxed and enjoy


Page 86: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 1:Dialogue 2

Is there anything worth watching on the other channel?

I think it is a Western. Well, I rather wanted to see the football

match. They are in red and white. They are the

best professional team of our city. Who is kicking off.

Page 87: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 1:Passage1

parachute 降落伞 instructor 教练 relief 放心

definitely 绝对是

Page 88: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 1:Passage2

play 话剧 take over 接管 repetitive 重复的 motorist 司机 dummy 假人

effective 有效的 signal 信号 predict 预测 domestic jobs 家务 all-purpose robot 全能的机器人

robotized vacuum cleaner 机器人吸尘器

Page 89: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 2: Dialogue 1

So I usually take a long walk in the woods. Especially in winter, you know. I like swimming

outdoors in winter. But I go to the warm water swimming pool in the

club of our company. It’s a little costly but it’s fun. I even have some

Chinese and Japanese dolls in my collection. How about teddy bears, do you collect teddy

bears too?

Page 90: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 2: Dialogue 2

I hope that some day I can play country music on my guitar.

I don’t play any musical instrument. I know how to play bridge. I happen to be

the best bridge player around. It must be fun.

Page 91: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 2: Passage 1

Thomas Alva Edison telegraph operator 电


keep awake 保持清醒

letter 字母 sleep deeply 沉睡

Page 92: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 2: Passage 2

by chance 碰巧 electric telegraph 电

record player 录音机

Page 93: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 3: Dialogue 1

I don’t like boxing. It is a cruel sport. So actually you don’t seem to like sports and

games. Do you like ball games of any kind? What do you take pictures of, people or places? Usually people of all kinds. And sometimes

landscapes. I often take a photographic trip.

Page 94: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 3: Passage 1

take up 从事 tend to 趋向于 self-improvement 自我提升

popular explanation 普遍的解释

pursuit 追求 means 方式 creative 创新的

urge 催促 constructive 建设性的 off duty 下班 convincing 令人信服 pastime 消遣 source 来源 incalculable 不可计算

Page 95: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8:Part 3: Dialogue 2

I enjoy playing it very much, but it is an avocation with me.

Say, George, my mother is going to give a literary tea party at her home for her friends to meet the famous professor of English literature. Would you like to play the piano at the party?

All my mother’s friends like classical music, you know, the old folks. They would be impressed.

Page 96: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 8: Part 3: Passage 2

the Tour de France 法国自行车公开赛

go by 路过 route 线路 competitor 竞争者 course 道路

stage 阶段 the Alps 阿尔卑斯山脉

pass 关隘

Page 97: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test A: Dialogue 1

Have you ever been to Britain on holiday? I have made several business trips to

Britain. Where have you been? Nowhere but London.

Page 98: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test A: Dialogue 2

Well, that does sound fun, but I’m afraid I have got a headache, to tell you the truth, and …

Why don’t you take a couple of aspirins and lie down.

Shall we come round for a coffee later on instead?

Page 99: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test A: Dialogue 3

I want to have these shirts washed and the suits dry-cleaned.

By the way, there is a stain on my trousers. Can you remove it?

I believe we can get this spot out all right. Here is your slip,sir. And can I have my laundry back tomorrow


Page 100: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test A: Passage 1

slow down 减速 lift 顺风车

motorbike 摩托车 hold tight 紧紧抓住

Page 101: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test A: Passage 2

Listeriosis 利斯特氏菌病

infected 被感染的 bacteria 细菌 It is estimated 据估计

contaminated 污染,传染

Page 102: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test A: Passage 3

international conference 国际会议

Cairo, Egypt 埃及开罗

billion 10亿

seek 寻求 call for 呼吁 birth control 计划生育 be responsible for 负责

Page 103: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test B: Dialogue 1

Well, to be honest, it’s my mother. How shall I put it? She’s behaving strangely lately.

But that’s normal. People are always upset by things like that.

But they never got on well when he was alive. Always arguing.

It would not be so bad if she din’t live so far away. My father suddenly had a heart attack and passed

away. Now she’s all alone in a big bungalow by the sea

Her memory seems to be going.

Page 104: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test B: Dialogue 2

I hope it won’t rain tomorrow and spoil the parade. The fourth of July!Bang! Bang! I’m already starting

to save my money to buy firecrackers. I can’t say I care much about firecrackers, but I like

the pretty fireworks display at night. Its real name is Independence Day. It’s the

anniversary of the day in 1776 when the States declared their independence from Great Britain.

That name is too dignified for such a joyous holiday

Page 105: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test B: Dialogue 3

How good are you at pingpong? Just fair-to middling. I bet you play football well. Not very well. I play centre forward, and sometimes

practise in goal. No wonder you are in such good shape. The City Team vs. the Youth Team They were very evenly match, and play a very close

game. What was the score? 82 to 78. They won by 2 baskets.

Page 106: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test B: Passage 1

present 现在的 transportation 交通 suburban 郊区的 boom 迅速发展 auto ownership 汽车拥有量

expressway 高速公路 interstate highway 州际公路

public facility 公共设施

dig one’s own grave 自挖坟墓

turn to 求助于 private automobile 私

家车 annual transit profit 年度的交通运输利润

Page 107: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test B: Passage 2

image 形象 care for 照顾 take care of 照顾

as a result 结果

Page 108: Unit 1:Part 1:Dialogue 1 What a nice surprise to meet you in this park! Fancy meeting you here. I often take a walk here in the evening. I thought he was.

Unit 9: Test B: Passage 3

footprint 脚印 cave 山洞 are believed to be 确信是

remains 残余 campfire 篝火 centimeter 厘米