Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation...

1 OT10.2 PsalmsPart 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture: Psalms 1-41; Psalm 1, 8, 19, 23, and 33. Lesson Goal: The book of Psalms is a collection of songs and prayers used to praise and worship God. This lesson is about the first group of poems written mostly by King David and how it is similar to the book of Genesis. Introduction: Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and has 150 chapters. It can be divided into five parts or books. These parts are Book 1: Creation-Psalm 1-41; Book 2: God's Help-Psalm 42-72; Book 3: Temple Songs- Psalm 73-89; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey-Psalm 90-106; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word-Psalm 107-150. The first book of Psalms is about Creation and covers chapter 1-41. Many of the chapters in this section go along with another Old Testament book Genesis. Attention Getter: SingingDo you like to sing songs? Singing is a great way to tell about all of our feelings. Sometimes we feel happy and loved. Sometimes we feel sad and lonely. Sometimes we feel afraid and need help. Sometimes we feel brave and strong! God loves us and wants us to share those feelings with Him through music. Singing songs can also change us. The words and melody can help us remember who God is and how we can learn to trust in Him. God wants us to have faith in Him and singing is an important way to worship God. In the Old Testament the Jewish people showed their love, worship, confession, and faith in God by singing songs of praise. These psalms were mostly written by King David and were often played on the harp in the tabernacle and temple. Many of the words to these songs are still sung today in our worship services. The melody and instruments may have changed but they still have an important message to us! The book of Psalms is a collection of songs and prayers used to praise and worship God. Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and has 150 chapters. It can be divided into five parts or books. These parts are Book 1: Creation; Book 2: God's Help; Book 3: Temple Songs; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word. This lesson is about the first group of poems written mostly by King David and how it is similar to the book of Genesis. Opening Prayer: “Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for giving us these beautiful psalms to read and use in our worship. You have shown us how to praise you by remembering that you are the great Creator of the World. You not only made us but promised to redeem us through your Son Jesus. Thank you loving and caring for us like the Good Shepherd cares for His flock. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Memory Verse: The memory verse is Psalm 33:1 “Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.” Lesson Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oKzjjChbhI Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and has 150 chapters. It can be divided into five parts or books. These parts are Book 1: Creation; Book 2: God's Help; Book 3: Temple Songs; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word.

Transcript of Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation...

Page 1: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation

Scripture: Psalms 1-41; Psalm 1, 8, 19, 23, and 33.

Lesson Goal: The book of Psalms is a collection of songs and prayers used to praise and worship God. This lesson is about the first group of poems written mostly by King David and how it is similar to the book of Genesis.

Introduction: Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and has 150 chapters. It can be divided into five parts or books. These parts are Book 1: Creation-Psalm 1-41; Book 2: God's Help-Psalm 42-72; Book 3: Temple Songs-Psalm 73-89; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey-Psalm 90-106; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word-Psalm 107-150. The first book of Psalms is about Creation and covers chapter 1-41. Many of the chapters in this section go along with another Old Testament book Genesis.

Attention Getter: “Singing” Do you like to sing songs? Singing is a great way to tell about all of our feelings. Sometimes we feel happy and loved. Sometimes we feel sad and lonely. Sometimes we feel afraid and need help. Sometimes we feel brave and strong! God loves us and wants us to share those feelings with Him through music.

Singing songs can also change us. The words and melody can help us remember who God is and how we can learn to trust in Him. God wants us to have faith in Him and singing is an important way to worship God.

In the Old Testament the Jewish people showed their love, worship, confession, and faith in God by singing songs of praise. These psalms were mostly written by King David and were often played on the harp in the tabernacle and temple.

Many of the words to these songs are still sung today in our worship services. The melody and instruments may have changed but they still have an important message to us!

The book of Psalms is a collection of songs and prayers used to praise and worship God. Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and has 150 chapters. It can be divided into five parts or books. These parts are Book 1: Creation; Book 2: God's Help; Book 3: Temple Songs; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word. This lesson is about the first group of poems written mostly by King David and how it is similar to the book of Genesis.

Opening Prayer: “Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for giving us these beautiful psalms to read and use in our worship. You have shown us how to praise you by remembering that you are the great Creator of the World. You not only made us but promised to redeem us through your Son Jesus. Thank you loving and caring for us like the Good Shepherd cares for His flock. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Psalm 33:1 “Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.” Lesson Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oKzjjChbhI Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and has 150 chapters. It can be divided into five parts or books. These parts are Book 1: Creation; Book 2: God's Help; Book 3: Temple Songs; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word.

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OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

The first book of Psalms is about Creation covers chapter 1-41. Many of the chapters in this section go along with another Old Testament book. Let me see if you can guess what book in the Old Testament that is? What book of the Bible would you show to someone to tell them about how God created the world and man? Yes, it is the first book in the Old Testament...Genesis! Did you know that Genesis isn't the only book in the Bible to tell about how the world and people were created? Just as Genesis tells how mankind was created, fell into sin, and was then promised redemption so do the Psalms in Book 1.

Let's look at Psalm 8: 1-3. This psalm or song was written by King David. King David wrote about the creation of the world. He said, "Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.

3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in

place." You see that King David believed that God created the universe--the world, the sun, the moon, and the stars!

Let's keep reading to see what else King David said about man. Psalms 8: 4-5 4 what is mankind that

you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? 5 You have made them

a little lower than

the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. In these verses King David is saying the God created

man with glory and honor. That is God created man perfect and holy like Himself.

In Psalms 8: 6-8 King David tells us that God gave man a job to do. Let's read and find out what the job was.

6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their


7 all flocks

and herds, and the animals of the wild, 8 the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the

paths of the seas." Did you hear what the job was? Yes, it was to be in charge of everything on the earth.

What does that mean? God is saying, "I made this wonderful earth for you to enjoy so please take care of it." Many people today are very concerned about taking care of our land, our water, and wildlife. They want to preserve our natural resources and not let pollution destroy our plants and animals. Unfortunately many people have not taken care of God's creation and we have many problems today because of that! As Christians, we should care about our earth because our Creator God made it for us. By treating the earth with care, you are showing love and appreciation for God.

Some people really have a hard time accepting the fact that God created the world. They believe that God had little or no part in how the world began. They believe in evolution. They say that man evolved from a monkey and the earth came from a big Bang! But Evolution is NOT the way God says that the world began.

Listen to what King David writes in Psalm 19: 1-4 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies

proclaim the work of His hands, 2 Day after day they pour speech; night after night they display

knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.

4 Their voice goes out into all

the earth, their words to the ends of the earth.” King David is saying that people should just look at His creation. Look at the majesty of the mountains, the beauty of the tall trees and plants the amazing stars and planets. They all show the power and beauty and majesty of a Creator. They didn't just happen! They speak of their Creator God! People should not trust science because it is always changing. They should trust God who never changes.

God created the world for man to have a perfect place to live. He created Adam and Eve. He walked and talked with them all the time. So what happened? Even in this perfect place Adam and Eve chose to disobey God which caused their downfall. We can summarize this event with four words beginning with the letter D.

The first D stands for the "devil" or Satan. He did not want man to love and serve God. The devil appeared as a beautiful serpent in the Garden of Eden. He tempted Adam and Eve by suggesting that they disobey God.

Satan spread the next D which is Doubt. Satan wanted Adam and Eve to doubt that God really meant what He said. Have you ever doubted God's Word?

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When you doubt God, it leads us to the third "D" which is disobedience. God allowed Adam and Eve to eat from any tree they wanted except for one. The serpent deceived Eve and she disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit. She gave some of the fruit to Adam and he too chose to disobey God by eating it.

Now they faced the fourth and final D--Death. Adam and Eve would now eventually die. They did not drop dead the minute they disobeyed instead their bodies began to grow old and decay. Eventually their bodies would die.

Not only would their bodies die but a more important thing died that day. It was the special friendship they had with God. God made Adam and Eve leave the Garden of Eden and they were never allowed to return. Not only that the Bible says that death was passed down to every person. Maybe you are thinking, "That's not fair. Adam and Even messed up and the rest of us have to pay!" But if we are honest, we would all have to admit to disobeying God too.

Because of Adam and Eve's sin, all people were divided into two groups. These two groups are the people who are going the right way and people who are going the wrong way. They are called the godly or righteous and the unrighteous. Those who believe in God and trust in Him are the godly. The ungodly are those who choose to go their own way.

Let's read Psalm 1: 1-3 to find out about these people. 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the

counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. 2 But his delight is in the

law of the Lord and on His law he meditates day and night.

According to these verses, what does a godly person do? He doesn't hang around with ungodly or wicked people. Think about who your friends are. You should be careful whom you choose as friends. If your friends are doing or saying things that are not what the Bible teaches you should not be with them. Their bad behavior will soon rub off on you and you will be doing it too! What does a wise or righteous person do? He happily studies God's Word and obeys Him. If you hang out with other kids that want to please God you will more than likely do that too.

The end of Psalms 1: 3 tells what the results are of living a godly life. 3 he is like a tree planted by streams

of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither: Whatever he does prospers." To prosper means to be successful. A Christian who follows God will find real peace, joy, and purpose in his life.

Now, let's look at another group of people found in Psalm 1: 4-6. They are the people who do not know God. Psalm 1:4-6 “Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. “

In these verses the Psalmist is comparing the ungodly people to chaff. Do you know what chaff is? In order to harvest wheat, the wheat stalks are beaten to get the good grains out of the plant. The part of the wheat that you can't eat is the outside covering of the grain which is called the chaff. After the stalks of wheat are beaten, everything is tossed into the air, and the lightweight, worthless chaff blows away.

The ungodly live as though God does not exist and they reject His Word. The ungodly choose to treat God's Word like chaff and let it blow right out of their lives. What is the result? For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." The ungodly will perish. To perish means to be lost forever.

Ungodly people may do good things for others. They may go to church, give money, but without placing their faith and trust in Jesus as their Savior, none of their good works will do anything to get them to heaven after they die.

The only way to go to heaven is to believe that Jesus died on the cross for you and that He rose again the third day. He is the only One that can take us to heaven. That is the only way to be righteous and follow God. We have to believe and trust in Him as our Savior.

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When we believe in Jesus, God places us in His family. God is our Father and He is our caring shepherd. One of the most well known psalms that David wrote about God’s protection is found in the first Book of Psalms. It is Psalm 23.

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. This means the Lord will take care of everything I need.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures. Sheep lie down when they feel safe and satisfied. This means that I can be happy and content because Jesus is taking care of me!

He leads me beside the still waters. Sheep need to drink water that is quiet. This means God cares and knows about every detail of my needs.

He restores my soul. A good shepherd wants all his sheep to be as strong and healthy as possible. God does what is best for me!

He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. The paths of righteousness are the right ways. God wants me to be a good sheep, doing what is right, and staying away from all sin.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death—This means that there will be difficult times in my life but

I will fear no evil. I do not need to be afraid of my enemies because For You are with me I cannot see God, but my prayers are being answered and God is in charge. Even when it feels I am alone, he is watching over me.

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. God has a rod for defending me, And he uses a staff for rescuing me. The rod is a stick for striking my enemies, and the staff is a hook for pulling me out of trouble.

You prepare a table before me in the midst of my enemies. Even in the worst troubles, God's love can fill my heart. There is no problem too big for God to solve. God can help me escape or go through any trial.

You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows. God has made me one of His children. He has given me so many blessings I cannot count them all. My life is like an overflowing cup.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. I want to be good just like Jesus. I want to show mercy, and love and patience with other people.

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Heaven is my final and everlasting home. I want to always be one of God's sheep, a member of his eternal family.

Psalm 23 still brings us comfort today! Just as God protected David, our protector and Savior is Jesus Christ. He is our Good Shepherd too! We should sing songs of praise to Him! Because God is our Creator, Lord, Savior, and Deliverer, He is worthy of our trust and praise. Because He is faithful and His Word is dependable we can rejoice and give thanks and praise Him.

Remember! Let’s sing songs of praise to the Lord for His great creation and salvation!

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Review Questions: “Name that Instrument” Preparation: Print the template of pictures of various musical instruments below. Cut the pictures apart on the lines. Place the pictures in a bag or basket. Say: “In this lesson David used the harp as an instrument of praise to God. We are going to see if you can name the instruments that can be used to worship God. We will also answer review questions about the lesson.” Procedure: Have children take turns drawing a picture of an instrument out of the bag. Have child attempt to name the instrument and answer one of the following review questions. 1. How many chapters or songs are in the book of Psalms? (Psalms is the

longest book in the Bible and has 150 chapters. 2. How is the book of Psalms divided by theme? (Psalms can be divided into five parts or books. These

parts are Book 1: Creation; Book 2: God's Help; Book 3: Temple Songs; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word.

3. In Psalms 8 and 19, what topic does King David write the Psalm about? (He writes about God’s power and majesty in creating the world and man. He says that creation speaks to man about the character of God.)

4. What duty did God give to man when He created him? (God gave man dominion of animals and the earth. Caring for the earth shows our appreciation to God for His creation.)

5. What are the 4 D’s that describe the downfall of man and creation? (The four D’s are Devil, Doubt, Disobedience and Death.)

6. What did Satan want man to do? (Satan who wanted man to disobey God.) 7. How did Satan tempt man? (Satan wanted Adam and Eve to doubt that God really meant what He

said.) 8. How did Adam and Eve disobey God? (Adam and Eve both ate the fruit from the forbidden tree.) 9. What was the penalty for their disobedience? (Adam and Eve would now die and they immediately

suffered separation from the fellowship of God.) 10. What are the two groups of people described in Psalm 1? (The righteous man and the ungodly man

who take different paths in their lives.) 11. How does Psalm 1:1-2 describe a righteous person and what does he avoid? (A righteous person is

one who does not follow the advice of wicked people or associate himself with sinners or scoffers.) 12. How does a tree describe the righteous in Psalm 1? (Their lives are fruitful, they never wither, they

prosper in all that they do.) 13. How are wicked people described in Psalm 1:4-6? (They are like chaff that the wind blows away. That

is they do not listen to the Word of God and they will not last. They will be judged as worthless.) 14. What does it mean to meditate on the law of God? (It means to spend time reading and thinking

about God’s Word. It means to desire to understand and apply God’s Word to our lives.) 15. How does Psalm 23 describe God and His relationship to His people? (God is described as being a

Good Shepherd who cares and guides His sheep or His people.) 16. What things does the good shepherd do for His flock? (The shepherd leads his flock to green

pastures and still waters. He provides for their needs and protects them from their enemies. He pulls them from danger and does not leave them alone. He gives them many blessings and a long life.)

17. What is the memory verse? (Psalm 33:1 “Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.”)

18. What lessons can we learn from these Psalms? (God created the world and us. God speaks to us through His creation. We are to recognize and praise God for His work of creation and redemption. We are to make right choices as righteous believers and then we will prosper. We are to trust in God as our good Shepherd, Provider, and Protector.)

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Bible Memory Verse Activity: Choosing the Right Path”

Say: “Our memory verse is Psalm 33:1 “Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.” Have students locate the verse in scripture and read together aloud several times.

Say: “This verse tells us that King David wrote this psalm and sang its words while he played the harp. We too should praise the Lord with great joy.”

Procedure: Cut out 17 footprints from construction paper. Make each footprint at least 8-10 inches long. On each footprint write one word of the memory verse. Place the footprints in order on the floor so students can say each word as they walk on the “footprint” path. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Psalm 1 compared the righteous man as one who walks on a path of obedience to God. We are going to obey God by meditating and memorizing our verse of scripture.”

Group Learning Activity: “Play Your Harp” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need various widths of long rubber bands and child size chairs. You will also need a video or CD of music to play while students strum on their harps. The traditional song “Little David Play on Your Harp” works well with this activity. You can also use a CD of recorded harp music if desired. Say: “In this lesson we learned that a King David wrote many of the Psalms. He played the harp and sang praises to God. The harp he used was a U-shaped musical instrument with strings. It makes beautiful sounds when someone strums the strings. (Display a picture of the harp.) Today we are going to make our own harps and play them to accompany a song about David.” Procedure: Assist students with making harps by stretching rubber bands around the chair legs. Caution children not to pluck the bands too hard. You can prepare the chairs for the children ahead of time. Lead the students to use the harps to play music. Optional: You can use string or yarn instead of rubber bands. Expect the sound to not be as loud or have as strong pitch. Additional activity: After students have played their chair harps you can have students play a musical chair game with a twist. Have student walk around a circle of chair harps while the background music is playing. Designate a person to remove one of the chairs from the circle. When the music stops have the children sit down quickly and start playing their chair harps. You can also have the children recite the memory verse. Repeat the activity removing the chairs until you have only one student remaining. Say: “Playing instruments and singing songs of praise to God are ways that we can show our love for God. What are some other things that kids your age can do to show that they love God? (Pray to God. Obey His commands. Memorize a Bible verse.) Another great way to show love for God is to become a member of God’s family! (Talk with interested children about becoming a member of God’s family.)

Group Learning Activity: “Sign Language” Say: “In this lesson we learned that David wrote and sang songs of praise to the Lord. To help us remember to praise the Lord we are going to learn this phrase in sign language. Use the sign language to tell your family and friends about this lesson “David’s Songs of Praise.” Procedure: Here are the directions for the two hand motions for “Praise the Lord.” “Praise” The forefinger is upright and moves straight forward from the mouth. Clap hands.

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“(the) Lord.” Extend thumb and index finger of right hand to create an “L” shape. Bring “L” shape diagonal across chest from the left shoulder to the right hip as a royal sash.

Use your sign language to tell someone about the lesson this week. Group Learning Activity: (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Each student will need a Bible and a spiritual notebook. The puzzles below may be printed to include in the student’s notebooks if desired. Say: “Psalms are prayers that were sung. The word “Psalm” comes from the Greek word for “book” and literally means “song to the accompaniment of a stringed instrument. Psalms are songs for the worship of God by the people of Israel. They were composed over several centuries. There are many types of psalms. Today we are going to look at ones that express thanks to God from individuals.” Procedure: Assign individuals or groups the following Psalms to read aloud to the group. As each Psalm is read discuss the situation from which this psalm arose.

Psalm 30—This Psalm is written by David, Israel’s greatest king. David thanks God for delivering him from a disease in vs.2-3. He tells how the Lord has been his salvation and how God is his strength and has given him gladness and dancing. God’s healing made David want to sing. Now David could praise and thank God. This psalm may have been written when King David dedicated Araunah’s threshing floor as the future site of the temple. This was after God had just stopped the great plague that he had used to discipline David. David had become proud because of the great wealth, power, and fame that he had acquired as King. David confessed his sin and God was merciful to him and forgave him.

Psalm 34—This psalm was written by King David after he pretended to be a madman in order to escape from the Philistine King Achish, king of Gath. (1 Samuel 21:10-15) This psalm is about deliverance and use the name “the LORD.” In this psalm God promises great blessings to his people but many of these blessings require our obedience. He will deliver us from fear (vs. 4), save us out of troubles (vs. 6), guard and deliver us (vs. 7), show us goodness (vs. 8), supply our needs (vs.9) listens when we talk to him (vs. 15), and redeem us (vs. 22). But we must do our part. We must seek Him (vs.4, 10), cry out to him (vs. 6, 17), trust him (vs. 8), fear him (vs. 7,9), refrain from lying (vs. 13), turn from evil, do good, and seek peace (vs. 14), be humble (vs. 18) and serve Him (vs. 22),

Psalm 40—In this Psalm David talks about the benefit of trusting in God (vs. 1-4). This psalm says the doing God’s will sometimes means that we have to wait patiently. While we wait, we can love God, serve others, and tell others about him. David received four benefits by waiting: God lifted him out of his despair; God set his feet on a rock; God gave him a firm place to stand; and God put a new song of praise in his mouth. Next David tells how obedience is the best sacrifice (vs, 5-10). Just following religious rituals is not enough. God wants our devotion and love! (I Samuel 15:22) Next David prays for God to preserve and deliver him even though he had sinned (vs. 11-17) and his confidence in God’s mercy.

Encourage students to complete the puzzles below for each of the Psalms and include them in their spiritual note books. Conclude in a prayer of thanks for God’s protection, strength in times of difficulty, and forgiveness when we sin.

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Craft Learning Activity: “Harp” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need a Bible, scissors, drinking straw, a 5 inch cardboard square, and six rubber bands for each child. You will also need colored markers. Cut the straws into 5 inch lengths. Say: “In this lesson we learned that King David wrote many of the psalms of praise. These were songs that were played on a harp. We are going to make harps that we can play to praise God.” Procedure: Have children color the cardboard squares. Show children how to stretch the rubber bands around the squares and then inserting the straws between the rubber bands and the cardboard. Children can play the harps by plucking the rubber bands. Optional harp craft: Preparation: You will need craft sticks, glue, small rubber bands, and paper. Procedure: Pass out four craft sticks to each child. Have students glue the four sticks together (corner to corner) in the shape of a square on a piece of paper. Have the students let the sticks dry overnight. Give each student several rubber bands to stretch over the craft stick frame to serve as strings. Tip: If you have access to an autoharp or other stringed instrument, bring the instrument and invite the children to play it. Have children play their harps and sing the Bible verse or play their harps to other recorded music.

Craft Learning Activity: “God’s Creation Mobile” (Grades 1-5) Purpose: Students will make a mobile of the seven days of creation to remember the majesty and power of God. Say: “In this lesson we studied Psalm 8 and 19 which describes the greatness and beauty of God’s creation of the world and man. These creations show us the majesty and goodness of God. Let’s read and review Psalm 8:1-9. (Read scripture.) To help us remember these verses we are going to make a Creation Mobile as our craft.” Preparation: You will need one clothes hanger for each child, poster board, fishing line, markers (assorted colors), scissors, and a hole puncher. You will also need to print copies of the seven days of the week creation cards and the “God Created” bubble cloud on poster or cardstock paper for each child. Procedure: Distribute the Creation Days of the Week cards and cloud shape of “God Created” to each student. Have students cut out the various shapes. Next, allow the children to color and decorate their creation cards on both sides. Next using a holepuncher make a hole at the top of each creation card. Cut various sizes of fishing line so the cards will hang at various levels. Tie a piece of fishing line to each card. Next, tie the other side of the fishing line to the hanger. Tie the cards in order of the days of creation. Cover the triangular section of the hanger with the colored “God Created” cloud. Encourage students to make their mobile colorful and to decorate with glitter or stickers, if desired. Have the children take the mobile home to hang them in their rooms.

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OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Craft Learning Activity: “Psalm 1: One Way Sign” (Grades K-5) Say: “In this lesson we studied Psalm 1. In that Psalm we learned two paths one might take; only one path will lead to blessing and prosperity; so there is really only one way for a wise and careful person to choose--God’s way. For our craft, today, we will make a “One Way” road sign to help us to remember to choose God’s path. Preparation: You will need black and white construction paper, scissors, glue sticks, and tongue depressors. A template for the One Way Sign and letters are provided below. Procedure: Use a black sheet of construction paper as the background. Measure and cut two inches length-wise to make a rectangle. The children will need to cut out letters from white construction paper to spell out ONE WAY. Judge the size to make sure the letters along with an arrow fits into the black rectangle. Help younger children with patterns. Once the letters are cut out, have the children cut out an arrow and a thin border to go around their sign also from the white construction paper (again judge the size to make sure it fits near the edge of the black rectangle). Glue the border onto the black rectangle. Next, glue on the ONE WAY letters and the arrow. Suggestion: have the arrow pointing up instead of left or right). Glue the tongue depressor onto the bottom middle of the sign so it can be held up. Say: ““What happens when we choose a path that honors God? What happens when we choose a path that goes against God’s Word? There are two paths we can choose to walk on. Those who choose God’s path are those who desire to live by faith in God’s Word, seeking His righteousness; they will have a blessed life. In contrast, the path of the wicked will not cause them to prosper; and, like a dried leaf, the wicked will one day perish. What path are you on? Our choice is important, for God wants to bless our lives.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Beaded Star” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need two chenille stems (any color) for each student to make one star. You will also need beads of any kind that a chenille stem can fit through. Pony tail beads work well for this project. Say: “In this lesson we studied Psalm 8 and 19 which describes the greatness and beauty of God’s creation of the world and man. These creations show us the majesty and goodness of God. Let’s read and review Psalm 8:1-9. (Read scripture.) To help us remember these verses we are going to make a beaded star as our craft.” Procedure: Connect two chenille stems by twisting the ends together. String on the beads. Leave about an inch on each end to connect. Connect the two ends by twisting together to make a circle of beads like the example. Make a hook or loop out of the twisted ends to hang the star. Shape the beads and chenille into a star.

Craft Learning Activity: “Triarama” (Grades K-5) Purpose: Students will make a triarama to display what they have learned from Psalm 1, 8, 19, 23, or 33. A triama is a three dimensional way to display important events in a story or poem. Say: “In this lesson we have studied Psalm 1, 8, 19, 23, and 33. Each of these Psalms gives us different pictures of living a godly life. You are to choose one of Psalms and make a triad picture to display what these psalms tell us. “ Review the Psalms:

Page 10: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Psalm 1 shows us a person choosing two paths and how a righteous person is like a prosperous tree that is planted by a stream of water.

Psalm 8 and 19 tells us to consider the beauty of creation and to praise God the creator.

Psalms 23 uses the picture of a Shepherd and his flock to describe God’s care and protection for us.

Psalm 33 describes how we are to sing praises to God.

Preparation: You will need a large sheet of colored cardstock or construction paper (9” x 9” or 12” X 12”) for each student. You will also need glue, scissors, colored markers, and various colors of construction paper scraps. Procedure: Have students fold the right corner of the square down to the lower left corner. Repeat with the opposite corners. Open and cut one fold line to the center of the square. Draw a background scene on half the square as shown. Overlap the two bottom triangles and glue. Add stand up parts to complete the three dimensional scene.

After students have completed their triarama, encourage them to share with the class what psalm they chose and the picture they portrayed.

Life Application Challenge: “Praise, Ask, Confess, and Thank.” Say: "Many Psalms are written as prayers to God. We all need to learn to pray. There are four things we should always do when we pray--praise God, ask God, confess our sin, and thank Him. Everyone, bow your heads. When I call out the parts of the prayer, pray silently in that way.

Praise: Let's praise God for being our Good Shepherd. Think of one thing to praise Him about as your Shepherd. Ask: Think of a time when it would be so good to have a shepherd watch out for you. Ask God to protect and guide you during that time. Confess: We are all going to be quiet for a minute so each of us can silently ask God for forgiveness for disobeying or not following Him like He wants us to. Thank: Thank God for being our Good Shepherd. Thank Him for dying on the cross so we can be forgiven of our sins.

Remember that no child should be forced to pray but do encourage and invite each one. After you have prayed aloud, say "Amen."

Page 11: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Psalms Part 1: Creation

Psalm 33:1

“Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.”

Page 12: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 13: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 14: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 15: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 16: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 17: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 18: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 19: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 20: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

The Lord is My Shepherd

Psalm 23

Page 21: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Choosing the Right Path—Psalms 1

Psalm 1:6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

Page 22: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 23: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 24: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 25: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 26: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 27: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation€¦ · 1 OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.2 Psalms Part 1: Creation Scripture:


OT10.2 Psalms—Part 1: Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019