Underriver Newssheet...500 chunky, say high, thick candles 500 Seasons greetings cards filled in...

Underriver Newssheet NOVEMBER 2015 This Month: Remember page 4 Christmas Giſts for migrants page 6 Sell/Buy tack page 8 Listen to the Band page 8

Transcript of Underriver Newssheet...500 chunky, say high, thick candles 500 Seasons greetings cards filled in...

Page 1: Underriver Newssheet...500 chunky, say high, thick candles 500 Seasons greetings cards filled in with a number of messages that the Diocese will provide and signed with a hristian

Underriver Newssheet NOVEMBER 2015

This Month:

Remember … page 4

Christmas Gifts for migrants … page 6

Sell/Buy tack … page 8

Listen to the Band … page 8

Page 2: Underriver Newssheet...500 chunky, say high, thick candles 500 Seasons greetings cards filled in with a number of messages that the Diocese will provide and signed with a hristian


Key: BCP = Book of Common Prayer - a service using traditional (17th C) language and form; CW = Common Worship - a service using contemporary (21st C) language and form

The Church of St Margaret, Underriver

Vicar: The Reverend Carol Kitchener St Lawrence Vicarage, Stone Street, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 0LQ

Telephone: 01732 761766 Email: [email protected]

Church Calendar NOVEMBER

1 Morning Prayer (CW)


11:15 All-age Service with Baptism Reading: Revelation 21:1-6a

2 ALL SOULS DAY 20:00 All Souls Service at St Lawrence

5 08:30 Morning Prayer (CW)


08:00 Holy Communion (BCP) Readings: Hebrews 9:24-28 & Mark 1:14-20

10:55 SERVICE OF REMEBRANCE Readings: Micah 4:1-5

12 08:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

15 2nd before Advent Green

11:15 Family Holy Communion (Short) Readings: Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25 & Mark 13:1-8

19 08:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

22 Christ the King Red

11:15 Parish Communion (CW) Readings: Revelation 1:4b-8 & John 18:33b-37

26 08:30 Morning Prayer (CW)


11:15 All-Age Advent Service Reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16

3 Dec 08:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

St Margaret’s Church Website St Margaret’s now has its own website. To keep up to date about services and events please see


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In the month of November we become very aware of the changing season, most of leaves have fallen from the trees we are most definitely in autumn. The clocks have gone back by an hour, the evenings are darker and the nights longer, temperatures are getting lower day by day and we are beginning the season of remembering.

On the 1st of November we have our annual (joint) All Souls Service, this year it will be held at St Lawrence’s Church, Seal Chart at 8 pm. This service gives us an opportunity to remember with thanksgiving people whom we have loved and lost. Come along and light a candle for someone you remember and listen as they are named in this service.

On the 8th November the churches, and the communities that surround them, will be holding Remembrance Sunday Services - St Lawrence’s will be at 10.30 am and St Margaret’s at 10.55 am. These services are an opportunity to remember the people who died in both World Wars as well as the many who have died in the many conflicts, which have followed those wars.

In the Church, we move from remembrance at the beginning of the month to joy at the end as we celebrate the feast of Christ the King on the 22nd November. We will be

thinking about the Kingship of the risen Christ, remembering the way that his Kingship became apparent just before his death - at Jesus’ trial Pilate said, “You are a king, then!” (John 18:37).

The last Sunday of the month (29th) will be Advent Sunday, the beginning of the Church’s year and the four weeks that prepare us for the celebration of Christmas. In the service at St Lawrence’s Church we will be sending out Mary and Joseph on their Advent journey from home to home. They will be welcomed back on Christmas Eve at the Christingle service. This year they will have a freshly knitted donkey with them to make their journey even easier!

Do come and join us in our churches for one, or maybe all, of the occasions this November – you will be most welcome.

Yours in the love of Christ



Page 4: Underriver Newssheet...500 chunky, say high, thick candles 500 Seasons greetings cards filled in with a number of messages that the Diocese will provide and signed with a hristian



Looking Back:

The Harvest Festival on 4th October was well attended, a good number of peo-ple went across the Village Hall for our Harvest lunch. Thank you to everyone who decorated the church so beautifully for our celebration. Thank you also, to the people who made delicious Shepherd’s Pies and apple puddings for our lunch.

Looking Forward:

All Saints Day All-Age Service with Baptism 11.15 am on the 1st November.

All Souls Day Service 8pm on the 2nd November at St Lawrence’s Church – a joint service to remember the people we have loved and lost.

A Service of Remembrance 10.55 am on the 8th November – as we remember those who died in the conflicts of the 20th century and this century also.

Christ the King 11.15 am on the 22nd November: Holy Communion (CW)

Advent Sunday 11.15 am on the 29th November: All-Age Service for Advent, the count down to Christmas begins…


For all whose lives have been blighted by war

For all who grieve for loved ones

In thanksgiving for the love and grace of Christ

Please come to our Prayer Group:

5th November 2 pm at 50 The Crescent

17th November 10 am at the Vicarage

Harvest Festival and Harvest Lunch

The Harvest Festival collection at St Margaret’s and proceeds from the Harvest

Lunch (food, drinks and sales of produce) went as in previous years to Christian

Aid. This year’s total was £652.31. Very many thanks to all who contributed so

generously in so many ways.

Page 5: Underriver Newssheet...500 chunky, say high, thick candles 500 Seasons greetings cards filled in with a number of messages that the Diocese will provide and signed with a hristian


Churchyard Working Party 10th October

A dozen eager volunteers, in age range from primary school to 70+, met in the churchyard at 10.30am on the Saturday morning. As the task was great and time was short, we concen-trated on tidying-up the overgrown graves nearest the church porch and the WW2 memorial. It is less than a month to Remembrance Sunday and by custom at the end of the service the congregation always assembles at the memorial for the wreath laying. It seemed appropriate to make this area

look as neat and tidy as we could.

Our efforts disturbed 3 tiny frogs and 1 small lizard, which we carefully replaced!

Very many thanks to all who gave up part of their Satur-day to help. We hope to fit in another Working Party for an end-of-year tidy-up before Christmas.

Andrea Pierce

A new minister was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeat-ed knocks at the door. Finally he took out a card, wrote ‘Revelation 3:20’ on the back and stuck it in the door.

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, ‘Genesis 3:10’.

Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked."

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Building Bridges of Love and Hope No-one can fail to be moved by the

plight of refugees across the world. The Diocese of Rochester will be highlighting some ways in which we can respond in the longer term. However, there is a small project that we hope to implement for Christmas. The Diocese is joining with a small charity called Seeking Sanctuary with the aim of sending gifts to the men in what is known as “The Jungle” in Calais in time for Christmas. The aim is 500 such gifts. It is important that each gift is the same, so we need:

1000 single Mars bars 500 pairs of Men’s medium size socks 500 Men’s scarves 500 cans of spray deodorant 500 chunky, say 4” high, thick candles 500 Seasons greetings cards filled in with a number of messages

that the Diocese will provide and signed with a Christian name.

These will then be put into Diocesan carrier bags and the aim is to deliver these to “The Jungle” early in December. A small team will then take them over to Calais where they will be distributed.

St Margaret’s has undertaken to raise £200 which will be used to buy Men’s socks. If you wish to support this initiative, could you please send a cheque to me, Andrea Pierce, at 1 Grenadier Cottages, Riding Lane, Hildenborough TN11 9QH and payable to ‘The PCC of St Margaret’s Church, Underriver’. As the goods need to be delivered to the Diocesan collection point by 20 November, can I ask you to send any cheque to reach me by 13 November latest.


If you want to Gift Aid your donation, please complete the declaration below:

I want to Gift Aid my donation of £______________

to: St Margaret’s Underriver PCC

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax

in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my

responsibility to pay any difference.

My Details Title ____ First name or initial(s) ________________________________


Full Home address_____________________________________________________


Postcode ___________________ Date______________________________

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Underriver Village Association

Chairman: Miles Hayward

Annual Membership £10 per household - To join contact [email protected]

Pilates Classes Mondays 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm

Tuesdays 9:25 am

Contact: Zoe George 07950 494 335

Email: [email protected]


BOOT CAMP Fast paced circuit based workout

Every Tuesday 7.30pm

Contact: Charles on 07759479179 or find us

on www.facebook.com/


Dates for your diaries:

14th November—Tack Auction—Sarah Owlett

Saturday 21st November – Live band event in the village hall

25th November—Village Association AGM

6th December—Children’s Christmas Party from 3-5pm

Village Christmas Dinner - Friday 11th December

Yoga Classes Mixed Ability Yoga classes run every

Wednesday during term time 9:30-10:30

Contact Sonja for more information


Notice of UVA Annual General Meeting: The AGM of the Underriver Village

Association will take place in the Village Hall on Wednesday 25th November at

8.00pm. Please send any application to become a new committee member of

the Association, in writing to The Secretary (Robert Talbot, Weald Heights,

Fawke Common TN15 0SP) by Wednesday 13th November, i.e. 14 days prior to

the AGM. Applicants must be fully paid up members of the UVA and must be

proposed and seconded by other fully paid up members.

All members are encouraged to come along on the evening which will consist of

a short meeting followed by questions & then refreshments.

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Underriver Band Night Our local live music venue, the Underriver Village Hall has its next event soon. The Band with No Name is a local group that specialises in covers of well known songs from the last few decades delivered in a style that gets everyone signing along and/or dancing.

Tickets for ‘Underriver Band Night 2015’ which is being held on Saturday 21st November are now available at £30. Tickets include all of your drinks for the evening (beers, wines, soft drinks) and there will be no raffle or need to spend more money so buy your tickets and leave the wallets at home! The event will be a ‘stand up’ event i.e. other than a few chairs scattered around the edge of the hall we will be leaving plenty of space for great dancing, loud singing and friendly mingling.

We only have a limited number of tickets so please don’t delay – tickets are available from Mike Clyne on 01732 832000 or by email [email protected]. The event is expected to sell out and if this hap-pens we will keep a waiting list for hopeful attendees.

Proceeds from the event will be split 50/50 between the upkeep of the village hall and Demelza’s children’s hospice. In case you are not familiar with the great work that Demelza do, take a look at their website www.demelza.org.uk.

We hope to see you there.

Belinda Goodwin & Mike Clyne

Tack Auction – Saturday 14th November: This is your chance to buy or sell horse tack. The auction will commence at 7.00pm & you can preview from 6.00pm, if you have tack that you want to be included in the sale then ring me on 838716.

Sarah Owlett

German speaker available for tuition and conversation classes and translation

work. Please ring Jasmin Lewis on 07741 490319

Have you lost a kitten?

A sweet black and white kitten, we guess around 3mths old, has turned up at

Romshed Farm. If it belongs to you please let us know!

Fidelity on 01732 463372.

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Village Christmas Dinner – Friday 11th December

Our annual Christmas Dinner will take place on Friday 11th December at The White Rock. Tickets for this 3 course extravaganza are the same as last year £28 per head which includes a tip for the staff.

Numbers are limited and last year this event sold out early. Initially we just want to get an idea on numbers so it would be great if you could e mail me on [email protected] if you would like to come. If you are responding on be-half of others please advise me of their names.

Belinda Goodwin

The Underriver Christmas Posties: The Christmas card box will be placed in

the Church Porch from Friday 27th November & will be removed on Thursday

14th December 2014.

We will undertake to deliver your local Christmas cards within the village, all you

have to do is put them in the box. The map of the delivery area will be on top of

the box.

The service is free to anyone living in the village, but we are raising money for

charity so all donations (large or small!!) will be gratefully received. The box will

be emptied on a daily basis, so please feel free to leave any donations in the

box along with your cards.

Lucy Weston

Children’s Party – Sunday 6th December: This year's village Children’s Christ-

mas party will be held in the Village Hall on Sunday 6th December from 3-5pm.

It will be a Harry Potter themed party so the children can dress up. They will get

sorted with the 'sorting hat' and play wizarding games and have a 'Hogwarts


The party is open to any children in the village who would like to come. If your

child would like to come along please email me on [email protected].

All children welcome but can I ask parents of young children to accompany


Fiona Mullick

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The Commons in Seal Parish

Some of you were involved in the consultation work that was carried out on Bitchet Common a couple of years ago. This developed into a much bigger project so that Sevenoaks District Council has been looking at all the Commons that they manage and ways in which they can be enhanced for all to enjoy. These special areas of land are owned by the two great estates, Knole and Squerryes and managed under a Scheme of Management going back nearly 100 years.

Working in partnership with local organisations and the landowners, SDC is still exploring whether or not funding can be found for work to be undertaken at the Commons in order to better manage the area, enable public access and in-crease local awareness about our natural history and cultural heritage.

To this end we would like to hear your views and ask you to complete a very quick and simple survey – it will take less than 5 minutes of your time and the more people we hear from the better.

The link to the survey is http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/services/leisure-and-culture/countryside-parks-and-open-spaces/countryside.

If you can disseminate the survey further please do so as we would like to get as many people as possible to reply to it.

If you would like to discuss any aspects of the project please contact Fidelity Weston on 01732 463372. Many thanks.

It was:

300 years ago:- on 24 Nov 1715 (until 9 Feb 1716) that the River Thames in

London froze over and a frost fair was held.

200 years ago:- on 24 Nov 1815 that Grace Darling was born. She famously

rescued survivors of a shipwreck off Northumberland in 1838. She and her

father used a rowing boat as the sea was too rough for a lifeboat.

150 years ago:- on 26th Nov 1865 that Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice’s Adventures

in Wonderland was published.

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On the 1st of October, the members of T.U.G. met for a delicious lunch,

followed by a most fascinating talk by Mrs Pat Matlock, a former teacher at

Tonbridge Grammar School, entitled Prevention and Cure, she described the

medical treatment available in Tonbridge from 1874, when so many children

died in their first year, of diseases . Germs and how they were spread began to

be understood, and an isolation hospital had to be provided. It was up to every

town to fend for itself . Tonbridge was no exception, finding a damp cottage in

Brook Street, the community provided beds and bedding etc. , employed a

couple to run it, paying them 15 shillings per week, in 1887 they were provided

with the luxury of running water, and in 1893 their wage was increased so they

could enjoy a little alcohol as this was known to help fight off disease! From the

success of the Isolation Hospital came the idea of the Cottage Hospital again

sponsored by the local people. Thanks to better sanitation and housing ,

vaccinations and injections , death from disease is now rare, but we still must

admire the efforts of our local predecessors.

Our Next Meeting is on Thursday 5th November at 12pm for 12:30pm when

our own Caroline Buck will show us ideas for gift wrapping , she even inspired

me last time, and that takes a bit of doing!

Fionna Brooks

80 years ago:- on 6th Nov 1935 that Britain’s Hawker Hurricane fighter plane

made its first flight. It played a major role in WW2, especially during the

Battle of Britain.

75 years ago:- on 14th Nov 1940 that the German Luftwaffe bombers virtually

destroyed the city of Coventry, including the medieval cathedral.

25 years ago:- on 12th Nov 1990 that British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee

published a formal proposal for the World Wide Web.

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Our 70th Season 2015-2016

Our 70th Season commenced in September 2015. Our first concert of the season will be held on:

Saturday 21 November 2015 - 7.30 pm Choral & Orchestral Concert

Beethoven - The Master Overture: Leonore No.3

Concert Aria: Ah! Perfido,

Beethoven: Missa Solemnis Soloists: Helena Dix, Linda Finnie

Paul Austin Kelly, Lukas Kargl.

Conductor: Matthew Willis

Tonbridge School Chapel Please note: new parking arrangements

Tickets £15 for adults, £14 for senior citizens over 60, £7 for students.

Substantial reductions are available with a concert season ticket.

Tickets available from: TPS Box Office: 07523 003200 email: [email protected]

TPS Box Office, c/o 31 Meadow Road, Tonbridge, TN9 2SX

Brittens Music, Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells Country Garden Florist, 191 High Street, Tonbridge

Wolfit Pet Shop, 10 High Street, Tonbridge

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Live performances

On Tuesday 3rd November at Sevenoaks’ Stag Theatre (01732 450175), Vienna Festival Ballet will perform The Nutcracker. Set to Tchaikovsky’s magnificent music, this wonderful ballet tells the story of Clara and her enchant-ed nutcracker doll, as they combat the Mouse King and journey through the glistening Land of Snow to the Sugar Plum Fairy’s Kingdom of Sweets.

A week later (Tuesday 10th November), it’s The Nutcracker again – this time with the Russian State Ballet and Opera House at Tunbridge Wells’ Assembly Hall Theatre (01892 530613). Two Nutcrackers in two weeks – could it be that Christmas is coming?

Meanwhile, on Thursday 5th November at Tunbridge Wells’ Trinity Arts Theatre (01892 678678) Rumpus Theatre Company will perform The Haunted Dolls’ House, based on a story by M R James. Mr Dillett buys a beautifully decorated dolls’ house – but it is not until the moon is up, the curtains drawn and the lamps lit that it reveals its truly terrifying secret …

Back at the Stag (01732 450175), on Friday 6th November, you can see the Ris-ing Stars Adult Theatre perform Willy Russell’s Blood Brothers (NB - the play version, not the musical). Two twin brothers are separated at birth and their lives take very different paths. A chance meeting leads to an unlikely friendship – but what will happen if they ever find out the secret of their shared history?

From Wednesday 11th to Saturday 14th November, again at the Stag, you can see a stage version of F Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. In the Jazz-Age Twenties, colourful and emotional self-made millionaire Jay Gatsby passionately pursues elusive Daisy Buchanan; while Nick Carraway, a young newcomer to Long Island, is drawn into his world of obsession, greed and danger. Simon Levy’s script is said to stay true to Fitzgerald’s words and to deliver the best of the novel.

On Friday 13th November at Trinity (01892 678678) Theatrical Niche will present their own “hysterical” version of Molière’s Tartuffe (“Dirty Dog”). Can impostor Tartuffe seduce the proud Orgon so completely that he will surrender both fam-ily and fortune – or will this dog finally meet his day? Much will depend on how

(Continued on page 14)


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well this great classic has been adapted.

From Saturday 14th to Saturday 21st November, Tonbridge’s Oast Theatre (01732 363849) will stage Brendan Murray’s new comedy Seeing the Lights. Mum’s 80th birthday is approaching and all she wants is a nostalgic family trip to Blackpool. Caring for his mother restricts her son’s activities; and then her daughter and husband cause sparks to fly, as sibling rivalry and simmering re-sentments surface over the proposed trip.

On Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th November at the Assembly Hall (01892 530613), you can see Miracle on 34th Street – The Musical, a stage version of a very popular film. A white-bearded gentleman claiming to be the real Santa Claus brings about a genuine miracle on 34th Street, spreading joy throughout New York City … Another hint to go out and buy those Christmas cards?

From Thursday 19th to Saturday 24th November at the Stag (01732 450175), the reliable Petts Wood Operatic Society will present Little Shop of Horrors with music by Alan Menken. Shop assistant Seymour finds fame and fortune after discovering a rare breed of plant. However, his new green friend proves more bloodthirsty than he had anticipated! To what lengths will Seymour go to se-cure the affection of his beloved Audrey and how long will his business be blooming?

From Tuesday 24th to Saturday 28th November, at the Assembly Hall (but ring 0845 269 1889), the excellent Tunbridge Wells Opera and Dramatic Society will perform Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Sunset Boulevard (based on the Billy Wilder film). In 1949 Hollywood, struggling screenwriter Joe meets pretty script editor Betty and they start a romance. Joe later meets ex-silent-movie-star Norma, who is foolishly hoping that Cecil B De Mille will direct her film version of Salo-me (starring herself). Eventually and catastrophically, Joe breaks with Betty and tells Norma that Salome is unfilmable. Driven insane, Norma shoots Joe dead and sweeps down the grand staircase to make her grand Salome entry.

On Thursday 26th November at Trinity (01892 678678), the Pantaloons will put a contemporary spin on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. This production is said to be in equal parts moving narrative, alternative rock band and hilarious send-up, fea-turing femmes fatales, high-speed chases, killer lines, killer crimes and several seriously weird sisters. Probably not soporific.

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Services at St Lawrence, Seal Chart


1 All Saints Day 8:00 Holy Communion (BCP)

9:45 All-age Service

2 All Souls Day 20:00 All Souls Service

3 Tuesday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

8 Remembrance 10:30 Service of Remembrance

10 Tuesday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

15 2nd before Advent 9:45 Family Communion (CW)

17 Tuesday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

22 Christ the King 9:45 Matins (BCP)

24 Tuesday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

29 Advent Sunday 9:45 All-age Service

1 Dec Tuesday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

Screened live performances (with one recording)

November’s screenings will include:

- Balanchine’s ballet tryptic Jewels with music by Tchaikovsky, Fauré and Stravinsky, recorded live at the Bolshoi on Sunday 8th November (Trinity);

- The Royal Ballet in a quadruple bill - Carmen, Viscera, Afternoon of a Faun and Tchaikovsky’s Pas de Deux - from the ROH on Thursday 12th November (Tunbridge Wells Odeon and Trinity);

- Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men from the National Theatre on Thursday 19th November (Odeon); and

- The Kenneth Branagh Theatre Company Live’s production of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale from London’s Garrick Theatre on Thursday 26th Novem-ber Stag).

Arthur Rucker.

(Continued from page 14)

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Church Cleaning

7 Nov S Brunton & S Sinclair

14 Nov A Ridge & S Tawney

21 Nov B Leaf & L Notley

28 Nov R Hawker & A Martin

5 Dec G Brooke & J Fair

Church Brass Cleaning

21 Nov Robert Wells & Philip Payne

19 Dec Elizabeth & Richard Shirtcliff

Rotas for St Margaret’s

Sidesmen/-women and Readers 1 Nov Sides: P Payne

Reader: Robert Wells 8 Nov

8:00 Side: tba Reader: tba

10.55 Sides: R Wells & A Rucker Reader: Jonathan Horner

15 Nov Sides: J Hurrion Reader: Jennifer Fair

22 Nov Sides: J Clemence & H Clemence Reader: Tim Tawney

29 Nov Sides: C Honnywill & L Notley Reader: John Clemence

Newssheet subscription: £7.00 or £13.00 for postal subscribers. Cheques payable to St Margaret’s Church, Underriver or cash should be handed to the person who delivers your

newssheet or Belinda Goodwin, The Kentish Barn, Underriver, TN15 0SJ.

Church Flowers

1 Nov Jennifer Fair

8 Nov Betty Tong (Remembrance)

15 Nov Brenda Leaf

22 Nov Heather Clemence

29 Nov Jane Martineau

Useful Names and Addresses Church Warden Andrea Pierce, 1 Grenadier Cottages, Riding Lane, Hildenborough, TN11 9QH; 832408.

Underriver Village Association Secretary: Robert Talbot, Weald Heights, Fawke Common, Underriver, TN15 0SP; 761546. [email protected]

Village Hall Reservations Laura Chappell, 07778 128082 or [email protected]

www.underriver-village.org.uk Robert Talbot via the website.

Thursday Underriver Group Secretary: Pat Hope, 01732 833933.

Horticultural Society Secretary: Mary Owlett, Absaloms Farm; 838716.

Underriver Youth Group Charles Honnywill, Underriver Farm; 838036.

Cricket Club Ian Batty 07877 106681

Scotts Project Secretary: Jill Scott, 833498.

Neigbourhood Watch Co-ordinator: Lorna Talbot

[email protected]

Kent County Council Nick Chard, 42 High Street, Sevenoaks, TN13 1JG; 07855 787511. [email protected]

Sevenoaks District Council Ward Representatives Roderick Hogarth, 01732 760325 [email protected] Julia Thornton, 07831 234449 [email protected]

Seal Parish Council www.sealparishcouncil.org.uk

Clerk - Lorna Talbot; 01732 763488. [email protected] Anne Marie Jordan; 832187 [email protected] Fidelity Weston: 463372 [email protected]

Parish Administrative Assistant Tim Pierce [email protected]

All contributions should be submitted to the editor by 15th of the preceding month.

Editor Tim Pierce, 1 Grenadier Cottages, Riding Lane, Hildenborough TN11 9QH

01732 832408 [email protected]