Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver....

Underriver Newssheet SEPTEMBER 2016

Transcript of Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver....

Page 1: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds

Underriver Newssheet


Page 2: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


Key: BCP = Book of Common Prayer - a service using traditional (17th C) language and form; CW = Common Worship - a service using contemporary (21st C) language and form

The Church of St Margaret, Underriver

Vicar: The Reverend Carol Kitchener St Lawrence Vicarage, Stone Street, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 0LQ

Telephone: 01732 761766 Email: [email protected]

Church Calendar

SEPTEMBER 4 15th Sunday after Trinity Green 11:15 All-age Family Service

Reading: Luke 14:25-33

8 Thursday 08:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

11 16th Sunday after Trinity Green

8:00 Holy Communion (BCP) Readings: 1 Timothy 1:12-17 & Luke 15:1-10

18:00 Evensong (BCP) Readings: 1 Timothy 1:12-17 & Luke 15:1-10

15 Thursday 08:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

18 17th Sunday after Trinity Green 11:15 Short Family Communion (CW)

Readings: 1 Timothy 2:1-7 & Luke 16:1-13 22 Thursday 08:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

25 18th Sunday after Trinity Green

11:15 Parish Communion (CW) Readings: 1 Timothy 6:6-19 & Luke 16:19-end

29 Thursday 08:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

2 Oct HARVEST Green

11:15 Harvest Festival Service Readings: Psalm 100

6 Oct Thursday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

St Margaret’s Church Website St Margaret’s now has its own website. To keep up to date about services and events please see


Page 3: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


From the 1st August we have become a joint benefice, with our new status came a new name, we are now the “Parish of St Lawrence Seal Chart with St Margaret Underriver”. It would have been wonderful to announce this in the August magazines, but the notice came out after the printing dates had passed.

Our two churches have worked closely together for more than 20 years sharing the same vicar, or the same priest-in-charge. Over the years there have been many joint services on fifth Sundays and during Holy Week, as well as joint All-Souls Services each autumn. There have been lots of Garden Parties over the years alternating between lovely gardens in the two parishes. There have been shared concerts and social events and the annual Harvest Suppers and Harvest Lunches have had people from both parishes enjoying each others company. The new Joint Benefice makes in Law all that has been made by good will, friendship and hospitality through the years.

Our two churches will continue to have their own churchwardens and PCCs and the finances of the two churches will continue to be separate. Each church will still be in a position to make their own decisions about buildings, worship and social events. Through the joint Standing Committee, which will meet several

times a year, plans will be made about things to be shared and the strengths of each of the churches will be employed to the advantage of the other church.

People talk about the past as being like ‘another country’, well that also applies to the future, that too is ‘another country’, which is still to be explored – an adventure awaits.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the process of making two churches into a single Joint Benefice. Thank you to all of the people who have prayed and made plans over the last two years. Bishop James was in the parishes in June and he would like to be part of an event to celebrate our new Joint Benefice and once we have been given a date for our celebration I will let you know.

Yours in the love of Christ



Page 4: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds



Looking Back:

7th August 11.15: All-age Service with Baptism. Arlo Shemmings was baptised in our morning service.

Looking Forward:

Harvest Festival Service 2nd October 11.15am, to be followed by our Harvest Lunch in the Village Hall – all welcome. There will be a special collection on the 2nd October for Christian Aid.

(Andrea would appreciate offers of Cottage Pies and desserts)


For the new school year, especially for children who will be attending new schools this autumn

For young people off to college or university and for those starting work this autumn

For the couples married, or to be married, in our church this summer and autumn

Please come to our Prayer Group:

8th September 2pm at the White House

22nd September 10am at 50 The Crescent

Carol has announced the she has resigned as Vicar of St Lawrence with St Margaret and had her resignation accepted by the Bishop of Rochester. Her final service will be on Sunday 20th November the feast of Christ the King.

We want to give her and Chris a really good send off. Please let us know your ideas. Watch this space for further announcements!

A small boy asked his mother for a cucumber to take to Junior Church. A slightly puzzled mother complied. Later she asked what it had been used for. ‘Sorry, mum,’ he confessed. ‘I got it wrong. We were supposed to bring a new-comer.’

Page 5: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds



We are holding our Harvest Lunch as usual after the Harvest Festival Service which this year is on 2nd October at 11.15am. There is a flier enclosed with the Newssheet which gives further details.

As usual, we are very much dependent on the good will and generosity of Underriver cooks and helpers to make this a success. If you are able to cook a cottage or apple pie, or provide help with the drinks or serving up, or in any other way, I should very much like to hear from you (telephone 832408 or email [email protected]).

This is a happy occasion which is one of the highlights of the St. Margaret’s year but we also have in mind those who enjoy far less of this world’s good things than we do, living in one of the loveliest parts of England. All the pro-ceeds go to Christian Aid as in previous years.

This year will be the last Harvest celebration with Carol and Chris Kitchener so it would be lovely to see as many of you as possible at the Lunch.

Andrea Pierce

Scotts Project Fete

Saturday 10th September

11:30 am—3:30 pm

Delarue Close, Shipbourne Road, Tonbridge

Come Along for a great family day out and help support local people with learning difficulties.

BBQ, Cream Reas, Tombola, Raffle, Bric-a-brac, Craft, Cakes...

Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back. Anon

Page 6: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


Page 7: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


New plans to expand network of support on money and debt

Did you know that more than eight million people in the UK are struggling in real financial distress? They have no access to other finance options, and so many resort to high cost loans to cover basic necessities such as food and fuel. This is having a devastating effect on physical and mental health, families and entire communities.

To try and help, the Church of England has embarked on an ambitious programme to grow a nationwide network of support for people to help them take action on money and debt.

Pilot work under the Church Credit Champions Network across two regions has formed the beginnings of a ‘Just Finance Network’ to develop community finance and money advice services, and give people the skills they need to make sound financial decisions.

This pilot has mobilised nearly 200 churches so far. There are now over 250 trained volunteers providing budget and debt advice. This pilot is expected to generate £2.2 million in social value. Imagine the impact this would have if it was national.

The Archbishop has asked Church Urban Fund to deliver a national roll out of the Just Finance Network. To raise funds for this transformative work, CUF is running the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Mustard Seed Appeal. (www.cuf.org.uk/mustard-seed-appeal),

CUF says: “Together we can grow the seed planted so courageously by the Archbishop into a real movement for positive change. In the Archbishop’s words, ‘We have to challenge the sovereignty of money and finance over every aspect of our life and to say in quite a revolutionary way that money is not in charge - human beings are the ultimate value’.”

Page 8: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


Underriver Village Association

Chairman: Miles Hayward

Annual Membership £10 per household - To join contact [email protected]

Pilates Classes Mondays 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm

Tuesdays 9:25 am

Contact: Zoe George 07950 494 335 Email: [email protected] www.zoegeorgepilates.com

BOOT CAMP Fast paced circuit based workout

Every Tuesday 7.30pm Contact: Charles on 07759479179 or find

us on www.facebook.com/CharlesCrouchBootcamp

Dates for your diaries:

1st October - Cameo Opera Dinner

28th October - Fireworks & Halloween

UVA AGM - 30th Nov

9th December - Village Christmas Dinner

Yoga Classes Mixed Ability Yoga classes run every

Wednesday during term time 9:30-10:30

Contact Sonja for more information 07734153698

Underriver Boys Night – Friday 7th October:

Keep this evening free for a drink & relaxed evening in the White Rock.

The aim is to get as many of the chaps from the village together to say hello, catch up and maybe meet neighbours we haven’t met before

no sign ups, no commitment, no need to feel obliged.

Mike Clyne

Page 9: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


Opera Dinner Singing popular arias

from well known operas and songs from West End shows

– there is something for everyone –

Performed by

Cameo Opera

Saturday 1st October 7.30pm (Doors open 7.00pm)

Tickets £20 per person Includes glass of fizz and smoked salmon canapés

Bring your own food and drink

Tickets from: [email protected] or

[email protected]

Page 10: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


First Aid Training: Again at the AGM it was suggested that some general first aid training & working knowledge of the defibrillator would be a good idea & could help save lives!

So in the early evening of Thursday 8th September we will be organising a training session on using the defibrillator, the timing of sessions are still tbc but likely to be from circa 6.30pm.

The sessions will be free, however you will need to book your place in ad-vance in order that we can book sufficient trainers to run the course. Therefore please drop an email asap to [email protected] to reserve your plac-es.

33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show.

Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m.

Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome…

All proceeds to Royal Veterinary College. Animal Care Trust.

Phone 01732 838716. For further details. M. Owlett

My name is Caroline and I work for West Kent Mind, your local mental health charity and we support people in our local community experiencing mental health problems and we want to help look after mental wellbeing.

To do this we are marking World Mental Health Day on Monday 10 Octo-ber by holding a Training Day to Boost Wellbeing and Resilience. We have joined forces with local workplace training and online experts Skill Boosters, AXA PPP Healthcare and Tonbridge School to host this event which will com-prise of short interactive training workshops throughout the day in Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells.

Please find more information about the workshops and our trainers here www.westkentmind.org.uk/world-mental-health-day-2016

Page 11: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


The Flower Show was held on the 23rd July in great weather. With teas, cake and music. Here are the full results


Jubilee cup Mrs B Granville For the best Indoor Flowering Plant

Pam Cup Mr C Thornton Highest number of points in the Vegetable Classes

Freddie Newell Cup The Hurrions Best collection of Vegetables

Silver Cup Mrs M Owlett Highest number of points in the Fruit Classes

Felicity Poole Cup The Hurrions Best exhibit in the Fruit Classes

Absaloms Rose Bowl Mrs M Hitchcock Highest number of points in the Rose classes

President’s Cup Mrs L Law Highest number of points other then Roses

Palmer Cup Mr C Thornton Best exhibit in the flower classes

Bill Mason Cup Sheila Grove Best exhibit of herbs

Black Charles Cup Sarah Owlett Best Cookery exhibit

Cook’s Cup Sarah Owlett Highest number of points in the Cooking Classes

Page 12: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


Tudor House Cup Mrs A Martin Best Craft exhibit

Arthur Palmer Cup Mrs T Granville Highest number of points in the flower arranging classes

Worshipful Company of Gardeners’ Diploma Mrs S Candlin Vegetable Classes

Worshipful company of Gardeners’ Floral Art Diploma Mrs T Granville

Young Underriver Classes

Jill Tidd Cup Florence Wells Highest number of points in the Children’s Classes

Mollie Bentley Cup Clementine Williams Highest number of points in the Childrens Craft Classes

Junior Cooks Cup Leo McFadyen

Page 13: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


Wartime career of Squadron Leader Percy Walter ‘Bill’ Mason DFC

I thought you would all appreciate an update on the progress of the publica-tion. The number of copies requested to date is 46, which has generated the magnificent sum of £1,125 to date– before Gift Aid is added – for Help for He-roes. It has more than achieved my personal target of £1,000, so my grateful thanks to all who will be contributing to this worthy charity when the mono-graph is finally published. The orders roughly break down as two thirds from Underrivians, some of whom never even knew Bill, and one third from outside of the Underriver area, and who definitely had never met, or heard, of him.

Currently, the final draft is all but complete (60 pages), and has met with the whole hearted approval of Bill’s family, who have written the ‘Forward’ to the monograph. After some minor residual research and checks for accuracy, the monograph will probably be printed in October sometime. Prior to the actual print run, I will be requesting your cheques. Once the copies are available, I plan to be at The White Rock Inn to distribute them one evening. Each will be individually numbered, and I will sign your copy if you so wish. Frank has agreed to lay on some nibbles, etc, and we should be able to enjoy a convivial evening. I will notify you all by e-mail of the date and time when known.

In the meantime, now is the time to request a copy if you have not already done so. Just contact me at: [email protected] , with your details, including address, and telephone number, and let me know what donation you would wish to make to Help for Heroes, with a minimum of £20, and if you are a tax-payer.

Tony Ansell

Page 14: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


Live shows

From Friday 26th August to Saturday 3rd September, Tun-

bridge Wells’ Trinity Arts Theatre (01892 678678) will

perform a stage version of Monty Python’s Spamalot. I pre-

viewed this show last month.

On Saturday 10th September, also at Trinity (01892

678678), Pop-up Opera will present an adapted version of Ros-

sini’s comic masterpiece The Barber of Seville, in which the

ever resourceful barber Figaro helps young Count Almaviva win beautiful Rosina (with

many disguises and wonderful music). However, please note that this innovative compa-

ny promises an experience of opera as we have never seen it before. Their aim is to

make opera enjoyable and inviting, without losing the quality of musical performance.

The Barber will be sung in Italian with English captions.

On Wednesday 14th September, Russian State Opera will return to Tunbridge

Wells’ Assembly Hall Theatre (01892 530613), with Bizet’s opera Carmen, giv-

ing us all the thrill and passion of love, jealousy, passion and betrayal in 19th century

Seville – and some of the best-loved arias in the repertoire. We are promised an im-

pressive cast and a large orchestra. Carmen will be sung in French with English surtitles.

Between 16th and 24th September, Tonbridge’s Oast Theatre (01732 363849)

will present The Laramie Project Cycle by Moisés Kaufman and members of Tec-

tonic Theater Project. Part One (16th, 17th (matinée), 21st and 23rd) tells how in 1998 a

homophobic hate crime victim was tied to a fence, beaten and left to die on the out-

skirts of Laramie – leaving the small town reeling. Part Two (17th (evening), 18th

(matinée), 22nd and 24th) takes place ten years later and shows how the Laramie commu-

nity dealt with that appalling crime. These two full-length plays are intended to be ap-

preciated either individually or together. They sound grim but gripping.

Screened live performances and Encores will include:

On Thursday 15th September, Terence Rattigan’s The Deep Blue Sea from

the National Theatre (Encore) (Stag and Trinity);

On Thursday 22nd September, the National Theatre’s adaptation of Brecht’s and

Weill’s The Threepenny Opera (live) (Trinity); and

On Wednesday 28th September, Shakespeare’s Cymbeline from the RSC at

Stratford-on-Avon (live) (Stag, Trinity and Tunbridge Wells Odeon).

Arthur Rucker.


Page 15: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


Services at St Lawrence, Seal Chart


4 15th after Trinity 8:00 Holy Communion (BCP)

9:45 All-age Family Service with Baptism

6 Tuesday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

11 16th after Trinity 9:45 Family Communion with Baptism (CW)

13 Tuesday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

18 17th after Trinity 9:45 Family Communion (CW)

20 Tuesday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

25 18th after Trinity 9:45 Matins (BCP)

27 Tuesday 8:30 Morning Prayer (CW)

2 Oct Harvest 8:00 Holy Communion (BCP)

9:45 Harvest Festival


On 6th September a new national phone number “105” will be launched by electricity network operators for customers to call should they need to report or get information about a power cut in their area.

Key points to note about this service are:

Dialling 105 will put customers through to their local electricity network operator – the company that manages the cables, power lines and substations that deliver electricity into homes and businesses in their area.

105 is just one of the ways that customers can contact their electricity network operator. They can also contact them by phone or via their website, and most network operators are on social media too.

105 is a free service for people in England, Scotland and Wales.

Customers can call 105 no matter who they choose to buy electricity from.

Customers can also call 105 if they spot damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put anyone in danger. If there’s a serious immediate risk, they should call the emergency services too.

Page 16: Underriver Newssheet · 2020. 7. 17. · 33rd. Annual Fun Dog Show. Absaloms Farm, Underriver. Sunday, 4th September at 2p.m. Refreshments,l Raffle, spectators welcome… All proceeds


Church Cleaning

3 Sept S Honnywill & J Rucker

10 Sept G Brooke & J Fair

17 Sept B Leafe & L Notley

24 Sept J Hurrion & H Medlam

1 Oct R Hawker & A Martin

Church Brass Cleaning

24 Sept Robert Wells & Phillip Payne

22 Oct Tim Pierce & Tim Tawney

Rotas for St Margaret’s

Sidesmen/-women and Readers 4 Sept Sides: P Payne

Reader: Graaham Clark 11 Sept

8:00 Sides: A Rucker Reader: Sue Tawney

18:00 Sides: J Rucker Reader: Sue Owen

18 Sept Sides: G Clark Reader: Phillip Payne

25 Sept Sides: C Honnywill & J Fair Reader: Richard Shirtcliff

2 Oct Sides: L Notley & C Thornton Reader: Tim Pierce

Newssheet subscription: £7.00 or £13.00 for postal subscribers. Cheques payable to St Margaret’s Church, Underriver or cash should be handed to the person who delivers your

newssheet or Belinda Goodwin, The Kentish Barn, Underriver, TN15 0SJ.

Church Flowers

4 Sept Helen Medlam

11 Sept Angela Ridge

18 Sept Sue Tawney

25 Sept Janet Rucker


Useful Names and Addresses Church Warden Andrea Pierce, 1 Grenadier Cottages, Riding Lane, Hildenborough, TN11 9QH; 832408.

Underriver Village Association & Neigbourhood Watch Secretary: Robert Talbot, Weald Heights, Fawke Common, Underriver, TN15 0SP; 761546. [email protected]

Village Hall Reservations Laura Chappell, 07548 723867 or [email protected]

Village Website & Forum - Contact Omar Mullick on email:[email protected]

Thursday Underriver Group Secretary: Pat Hope, 01732 833933.

Horticultural Society Secretary: Mary Owlett, Absaloms Farm; 838716.

Underriver Youth Group Charles Honnywill, Underriver Farm; 838036.

Cricket Club Ian Batty 07877 106681

Scotts Project Secretary: Jill Scott, 833498.

Kent County Council Nick Chard, 42 High Street, Sevenoaks, TN13 1JG; 07855 787511. [email protected]

Sevenoaks District Council Ward Representatives Roderick Hogarth, 01732 760325 [email protected]

Julia Thornton, 07831 234449 [email protected]

Seal Parish Council www.sealparishcouncil.org.uk

Clerk - Lorna Talbot; 01732 763488. [email protected] Tim Martin 07929 839914 [email protected] Fidelity Weston: 463372 [email protected]

Parish Administrative Assistant Tim Pierce [email protected]

All contributions should be submitted to the editor by 15th of the preceding month.

Editor Tim Pierce, 1 Grenadier Cottages, Riding Lane, Hildenborough TN11 9QH

01732 832408 [email protected]