umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play...

t , I .j . " Calhni L. u " ;: , C - -.~ L , Cv 1 ..... ,;(11 ..... t ...... \1"., l-,,,, 'R,. .,.-".~ b) I he Rt"\.lt"\\ - LI'" "OX Ii 02. TH\'" '\OL He 1,(" 0" ('a' Rc( ~pt Boo~ j.t( I ( e ... o i ... GJil'd rccf'l.p£ Febl d.'" Ruc pi, (lie prmted on P'll,., Papa Your Carrier Boy IS Now Collecting for the Month of February DJ.\!d J Logan Jr 17 son of Park Police Sgt Da\ld J Logan and Mrs Logan. 1456 Beaconsfield ha.~ enlisted m the Army SI1Plai corps Da~ld I\a~ graduated from PDln'e H,:::h Schoo11a.~t m0nth Play Ball! GP V IAFL Plea rarms Is Rejected i~~, d~o~~,~~~I, 1 Village of Grosse Pomte Park •I council meetmg Monday mght I "erf' I-Purchase or an QustiD- I Western street sweeper from the \\ ar AM4:l5 AdrnimstratlOB office at Columbus, Ohio, lor $1~05 - ~Denial of the request or tbe Grosse Pointe Park City Employees Local 523 of the AFL for adoption of a du~ dedudion plan for bourl,. rated employes of the ,"dlare. ' 3-Denial of a request from tbe 1\laek A~eDue Business Men's Club to improve lirht- inr conditioDll on the south of l\lack avenue between Alter and Cadieux Roads. Purchase of the street sweeper; which Will be dehvered shortly. I u. expected to reheve the publIn I works problem considerably. I CommissIOner GlUet remuked that the money saved in labOr' I by usmg this macbme, which I Iwas used by the Army to sweep airport runways, would amount to the price of Its cost withIn 1a year The request of Local 523 waa Iturned down alter consideration I I \If a report by a VIllage Labor Committee. named by the coun- CIl to study the issue The com- mittee submItted the following report to the COunCI], I-A dues deduction plaa would reqaire some ruisian of reneral policies, reruIatioos and aecountinc proeedure. 2-Dues deduction aDd pay deductioo plaDl have met with disfavOl' from both union allll non-union employes of GrwIe Pointe Park. 3-The TillaJe of G r 0 sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor- poration has DO agnement or writt~n eentracts witb other orranhatiom fnvolviq dues and pay deductions and finan- cial matters of such Ilature. Therefore it is the reeom. mendation of this committee th., lh,; le-\lliest Gf Luc~: S!! for a dues deduction plan 'be denied. Re-Jection of the plea by the Busmess Men's Club mdlcates that the VIllage hand.<; are .'ltlll tIed and no action has been completed to improve the pre500 ent general lIghting sys t e In, WhlCh was declared oD...<oleteby the VIllage CounCil Itself m 1945. Followmg IS the letter of re- I quest from the Busmess Men's Club, wntten on Feb, 12. "From time to tIme our club has called ~'our attention to the great lack of llghtmg l!l your vIllage. as we belt eve It 15 ex- Itremely da.llgero\1S to all trafhc LiJAt h~ t-Jo tra ..erse j"vur strect:L I "Our attention !.o; agam callen to thIS condition by a Oooklet called the LIfesaver, whIch show! how traffIC street lightmg re- duced trafflc deaths 111 DetrOIt, "It shows how. by Improvmg the lIghtmg a tremendous sav. I Ulg In lives has been effected and they gn..e the fIgures to prove It .. Accordmg to VIllage ~Ianager EverItt B Lane, the follov. mg leaer \I, hlCh '" as '" ntten ong- Contmued on Page 2 8\" H.\RR\ H-\\S Edltor'~ ~ol(" Thl~ i, th(' first of h\o arlieif'.; \\ f1tl('n for Th(' Gr(l';~l' POint€' R('\,!('\\ b\ Harn Haa~, tax eono;ultanl. ('"plammlt ,"aflOIl~ Income ta'\. problem~ Thr ~('cond artlcl(' \\111 aPIM'ar n('),1 \\('('k I .... o•••e lnr l..T(lU OL I In <p tr 0f ,111']1" rdunt onal dlo' nl '111' Trr hun ",r,\ < papp1 < ,rei o' \1f'r , I rep, 0' p,iO 1 (' nlor 1 (It)n \ f' fa,..... '('\111:11 .... : n. 1 J \"\...,' 1 n.... . i'l I" n11" .... nn l f I} "ltl )1~(' n'" , 11 1 '\ (" t. '.: 1 ... ~ r-,\'" t I r n '.(" ( (' 111 \ r r rll~ G. 1 (; 1(' ~ dl~'\£!: "1r r _ll ~nd obllga'10n, u u' r ~ :1'" f ~, la\\ < In I hr,p 11 ,lh \<' \\ l!\ d < rll .... l:::: ~ f(,\\ of .. lr. 11('n' .... .:l Hi pu.',l 01.: ,illH' 0; :,IC m >:>. Cl.l1 1'1 'I \RS ~GO On ,da\r hrmer I( Grf\<,r Pnil11r "\" 10 t np \ IlIa!:e I O))pl a'l)J1 111 'II dlpll of '\1r "1e ,')11\'11\1l .. I ~pd to thrm Hr '1"'11)<:: " 1nrl()~ ~ fn (' prnatr homr1=', p, and 11;1a.", bot. , ('\, had all br('n !O\1ng bfl:'s and I, H\RS AGO "" nnmber of \ oters ,he p:>lIs m an ex- gr elect1'lO east r ,)nmary in Gr<)s.~e f' Of an r('~- =)3; td",t brtl1tlt't , \!ll harl &'aupre If,))] \r, Slla) f .. r i!1rutrmbtr? , I 20 H \RS 4.GO l'~ ;,11'1 .al ChrIStmas Party .1r cl1lldren of the Com- ~ .. \ II II bl' held at the ~"b8 "Jod Cluo on Thurs- nc'" n~ December 30 at 8 :1 T, nr \1,111be cano\ "~r , n (,kes for cyeT1onc' I gr 1 r have been made " S' 1( l,lu, to ~top on hl~ hl", ?lcl there v.lll be a 4 r There \\111 be no 1",- \1 '\ 1fuged " Elizabeth Stoliker enter- ed 25 rnends at her Lm- Road home last Saturday , ng The event her da\ and thIS party has ed IllIO an annual aHalr as fnends look forward to and on bell1g With her for thlS 101 umped Sewer Program Favored for __ ----------0 0 OINTE--,Praiect Is D ------- II d' A~~h~p~n~r_PH_S:Listed by O",c... ~Mf.~:!tr,,~C:~h~.m. fAi VCetnter ----- Ifill" \!LYJle, 14, ~1~2 Sum- ' 2 ff _ _ are s II "IT,,!! t.n cotta~e 0 ICI a I s THE 11u!i('e al~ gomg to the dog,> , •. that is, in ~I\al \l'~ld;~"b'\' George Met. I an:m Pl'Ing the numerous reque"t~ fl om GlO,,~e Pomte W -II CI "tcr bcltlg thIO\\\1 from her d t t I ose ; \\hlCh ~he was l'ldmg 10 I From the number 01 phone, l'€ill en s U l'emo\ e stray pups from then', "OOd.~ area of Mack A,venue. I calb at the Gr<J.>sePomte Farms AmllllO' tll <. II f hI th tP k I "I " e a S 01 eP WetS one at sen al' After 16 months of operatIon. e report that PatriCia s con. v11lage offIces. there 15 ll1dlca I 0 M tta drhmg I 1)0 Ice to 1 OU Ren"mlrton to remo\ e a i>tray dog In )11'8. the Veterans InformatIOn Cen'er n l-' senvUS, f teh a'cCldent ItlOn that the clllzens of the VII :'II KG' I I \"h , the t,mc 0 e •I h •. . nen s "enne ¥ en pohte apPlOathed the a! the Gro.~se Po,nte Councli or I [ ; " tlle c'rl', ald. I age ave taken a !.een llllere6t, fl 1 lgh tened dog Jumped tile "a df d d .v .. ' 0 .,' l' enLe an e:.cape, I Veterans' Affairs on Kercheval •. m the propo.~ed program to pru ' c \'Iallage ot Grosse pointe I Vide storm \\ atel se .... er relle! Anothf'1' call <;ent police officers to 15124 ;\IatJ.., IAvenue. WhICh aided approxl' "' ha, granted permISSion II throughout the entire VIllage un- \\ here :'Ill' Deet~ of Deet" FIsh :'Ilal ket had reported that mately 5.000 WOIld War n vet no'nas W Brank and JameS Ider one plogram rather than to I a mongrel had been hit b~' an automobIle. Polite found erans 111thelr reconverSIOn trom l'hlte lesldents at- Grosse I I the dog so badly injured they \\ ere forced to shoot it. mIlitary to clVlllan status, '1.111 1<' Park and Arthur T HllI. put of! one glOUp In preferem.e termmate Its actiVIties Feb 28 01 DellOit to operate a cab to another. v.hlch \\ould be nec- I Later, polILe \\ ere dlspat( hed to 1216 Han ard road, I a'l\ (10m a gas ~tatlOn at l essary If done piecemeal o\er a \\here seH~lal dogs were reported at large, Of the 2289 veterans from Mack 011 a da)-to-day ar'l period of )ears, I I Grosse Pomte and Gratiot Town- cmcnt 1 I OffK('rs set out post haste, but got there too late. ~h,p who have already been dlS The follol\lI1g t, an explana Theil' quarry had Yamshed. charged. 1.785 have appeared inl four lear old bOY v.'alked tlOn by VIlla~e Clerk Han v A person at the Information Cpn. :'frs Osthoff's home 843 Furton and Engmeer r.lurry M. I ter for adVice or aliSlStance. Also, erslt\ Place and said he was SmIth of how the entIre VII- I Volunteer Fu nd Honors 1.002 veterans from DetrOIt and Mr~ osthoff called Grosse lage ",ould be benefited by tne I St Clair Shores have taken ad. ' ",ho returned the proposed constlt.ctlOn as \\ell as - ., Mother of 2 vantage of the Center's facill. " \\anderer to hiS anxIOUS the specifIC alea~ "here storm tles In addltlon. the Center I ,~ a H,ghland Parker \\ho v.ater relle-f 1<necps<ary <tnd the IreceIved about 2000 telephone 1"lIlng Dr Duffy. 755 Um. probable method of fll1ancmg I Eleanor (Mrs Hov.ard M) calls and had more than one I ,Il Place "The storm \\ ater sewer lellef I Bmgham 168 Vendome Grosse I personal call tram 500 veterans I , 'I I plogram proposed IS estimated I Pomte, began her career as a' STARTED OCT 15, IM5 to cost $350,000. The construc'l I tlOn program would mclude the I volunteer for the Red Feather The Center began operations I bUlldmg of storm water sev.ers almost eIght years ago as an art 10 Its qUQ!l.!)ethut headquarters and the installatIOn of additIOnal teacher at Tau Beta commumty at 16829 Kercheval oct 15, 11145 On that same date, Joseph RI pumps at the Kerby Road sewer House Last Wednesday she was O'Connor. a veteran of four: pumpmg station awarded the Red Feather lapel years' service With the Army All I SERVE ALL SECTlOXS pm as Volunteer-of the-Week on Forces was chosen as Veterans' I Taking a queue from newspaper repolts on the "ThJS pIogram has been de- ~¥"~ Fran HarrIS' "Red Feather Re- Counsellor. DetrOit Tigers at Lakeland. these Grosse Pointe )'oungs- SIgned to serve all sectlOn~ of .'" \ue" The publlc service pro I Accordmg to John J O'BrlE'n, tel's defIed the bnsk weather SatUlda:-- to get a ball Illur H Bennett. supenn. Itne Village. proVldmg adequate . h d h h ' ent of Grosse Pomte Shores. I stonn water se\\ er or pump ca 1 gram IS ear each Wednesday c aJrman of t e CounCIl'S Exec-I game gomg, Thev were so enthused the\' did not e\'en llf; h.s 68th birthday and paclty as the need may be II at 1 15 pm o\'er WWJ. utlve Cornnuttee. the declSlon to I bother t<l warm u'p a bit but chose up sid~s lmmediatel.r. I termmate the actIVIties of the I F I f p\l\~n"\' retlreme-nt age on "The area betv.een Chalfonte 1\1rs. Bineham tauebt art InformatiOn Center came after .rom e t to nght are Larry Lindquist, 1098 Beacons. rdav March 1. Shores em-I and Mark would be proleded I regularly at Tau Beta for a . the record.<; cbsclosed that onlY aI fIeld; Teddy McRobert, 1230 Lakewood; John Yerge, c, pl3nneu a gala farewell from storm water floodmg by yur. but shifted her votun- I relatively few veterans from thl,s r 1046 "Lakepointp; Beverly Yerge, 1946 Lakepointe. All er party for the veteran Ithe additional pump capacity I' teer-work interest when the ,arl?a ,emaUl to be released from are 2nd and 3rd grade pupils at Defer School. nelt \Iho gave 24 years of . The storm v.ater rellef lIRS. ELEANOR BINGHAil .. IservIce It was also dISclosed - -- -- -------- - -.---- -- ~----I ce I area~ are as follo\\s' Stephens ---0 war made greater demands on : that the center's headquarters P II F T h- I Road. Cloverh Road Tourame Rollutz.on IIT ar e""r>one, ror thrce YC:1fSshe mll~t bl' removed from Its pres. ~ 0 av 0 rsea c I n 9 \ l1e Pollce Cruef's meetmg I Road, Vendome Road. Kerb) ,t'. served as co-chalrman of a I el1t locatIOn by March 15. 1947 ' rTloal to OISCU»S lllt: iN Uce I RUdu, CambrJdge Road. }'hl,,- unit 01 the American l\ omen 5 to make Way for a new bwldmg' A 1A- d - P f - I: ~~~\el~Ch~~~k~~~IPCh~~e~ ~~~:nR~~~g~n~~~r~~:o~~~e Pressed Anew Yoluntary Services, and con- Ion the property. I' S ,,,'V ern ra esslon \,\'fC I! three to report 111 Pomte BlId and Fisher Road cluded her connection ",ith I l\IA~'Y PROBLE~IS ~~------------ olr\e detail on the s)stem McK.nley A\e. McMllIan Ave b" S1'0rtsmen tbat group a ~ear alter tbe Smce Its openmg the Center I Would YOU want vour chIld E l' t '.r' ,bet\\een Kercheval A\e and I u'lder the direction of O'Con 1to be a teacher? Because of the n IS. 'S end of the l\ If i - t d t t hi, [11eGrat.ot TownshIp Re- Chalfonte A\ e. also Le\\ IS ton , " Inor. \11th the assIStance of Mrs Icurren lSCUSSlon a eac ers 1,"21 Part\ s first meetmg Road, Ke'1\\'ood Court. :'vIoran I In fultherance of Its campaIgn Then she became "_n d"nt I Vera Mae Brady as secreta"' Iand their problems the Grosse aga nst tream pollutl "n In De ar < h 'J' t:l~'''''e RIO"""" ~<kpd 'POinters _ '1e puma!) election Aden Road Mernweather Road and I s v - RdF 'h k I as counseled veterans on the .. ~.,., ..... -.. ...,- - -~ t t d G P t t e eae er wor er. As an area th t 11 \ell'on \\a~ named perma. Mt Vernon Ave, bet\\een Char- rOI ~n rosse am e wa er~. I preparation of termmalleave ap- IS ques Ion In a recen. po cnallman and WlIllam Roy It:VOlll. AH' a'1d Chalfonte Ave the VIa:,ne County Sport.Sman s chaIrman she ~erved long hOurS: phcatlOns. f'dUcatLOnal matters. I Two-thIrds of those queried said h'1 ,'l'Crelar).treasurer. !' In the above streets the ex Club I.l1vlted the 34 members of dunng last fall s campaIgn, and employment. msuran('e and I they wo~ld be In f~vor of theIr fd~!'1g U'1lt, and co-opera- Istlng se\\ers W111not ha\e to the wayne County delegation to when the campaign v.a.;; over many other subjects. jChlld en,enng the .cachmg pro. 10 the Apnl 7 election be relaid but \\111be cros"ed b\' the Leg1slature to meet v.lth a she c nt d I fesslon prOVided, of course that pa.\1 Ilnammoush aareed one large storm v.ater se",er committee of the ch..b In Lans. a mue to be aC,lve at 51 The Grosse Pomte CounCil IS' he or she really wants to teach '~e pla' .orm presented by which \I, III practlcall\ double the lng Wednesdaj West Warren. center of Com- headed by an Exect.tlve com-I 1\IRS. DAVID SL"TTER, 46 pme: ",,,\0'1 ~Iartm candidate I>€",er capac!t\ of the area b\ Among the 34 lO\lted 1l1unlty Chest actiVitIes mlttee made up of many prom- Court, sald "Although I taught s,ne" 1 ,or Ne\\1'on. defeated' provldmg an adequate Ol,tlet.' Rep Harry T Gage, 305 Rivard At present Mrs Bill ham ment cltlzens of Grosse Pomte for three j ears, I ,;,;as unhappjo. I \11n' In thf' pnmary road . .g IS a 1d Gratiot TownshIP. and m. for the c1rcumstances I taught f ~l..:cdhb \\holeheaned sup: I BO:-:n F!:\.\:"C!~G I ).~'1tnn P Adams. secrelaX\- program chairman for the Wo- eludes Mr O'Bnen. chalrman. under v.ere umsually trymg I The Farms has all\ ays used engmeer of the Stream control men s Committee of the Com- Dr Paul Essert, cc-ch::.lnn::n,' Therefore ! ~aul{l S'''' I :1m, I the senal bond method of fmanc- Comml&>lOnexplamed the com. mumty Chest_ 11\Irs Alger Shelden, co-chalrman; rather InclIned to bp too un. I mlr rather than the smkmg mlSS10'1~ request tor a $144 000, Dr Herbert G AllISOn. Dr Leo fa\orable If the s1tuatlOn had I fund method I e to arrange appropnatlOn for antI' stream llother of t"o children, H Barlmeler. C. G Burns, Rey been a different O'le I thmk I retlrements annually oyer a per- p;)lIutlOn \\ork for the commg Eleanor Bmgham feels that I James P Clark Ralph S Far. v.ould have enjoyed It n lOd of \ears to mamtam an \eal' The state bLdllet director "beinr a voluntt"cr for the num Forrest Gear~ Alo\s A I 'T I d 'IRS BES even taxmg plO~ram durmg the has cnt \lllS amount to S97000 Communlh" Ch t d GhesCjulere Rev FranCIS H J:\~I;~c ;~~EHS:~F' d ft' life of 'the Issued bond~ but PH'n thIS \\oLlld be a con es 15 a lion er- Glazebrook Odlhon Houtekler. ,. ., !s e 1111 e. . The usual and probable plan "lOerable Impro\ement o\'er the fully sahsf)mg expenence, James W Lee n ~1rs T WP 1) a vO,catlon Only t!lose \' 11;) fOI fll1ancm~ the abo\e propo~ed S40.000 apprOprI'\tlOl1 In pastt There are all kmds of jobs for I Ll\ll1g~tone RIchard Ma >.. 0 '1 are to ~ork lon~ hours construction CO'itS of approxl' \ears and would pe-rmlt the con. I all kmds of pt'ople and we'd Paul I MoralaJ'ld Robert p, a!lld arte "'th 1l1mg to ~Inehof Itdhe-bm I I 3 -00 30 . f f Id ff I '1"- ff Ed d Ise ves 0 elr PUPI s s au e. wate y S;) 00 IS a ~ear pro. tmuanre 0 a Ie 0 Ice m be bapp) to welcome anyone" "e 'l'\iar J Pengracz:. Jr m t a hI' ld bId 1 gram Wyandotte a'1d patrOl buat on I Hemv R. Reesch, C. E Run!.le, co e e c. ers "ou e pease , Based on ~Ol'1g mtere<' rates the flV('f made pes"lble v.hen Those mterested In volunteer Vmeent E SChoeck, AlgerShel. :f one of m~ ~hll~~el1 deCIded to I a retlremenl pro~nam for t!le the WCSC obtamed an emer- sernce are Inllted to call Tl"npll' den Herbert B Tr'" Elmer F I Derome a t(.acher . I"sue v.rll1d ac:d ~"') 0'. 1 ,ltel~ gpnI S250no la.<t fall from tbe 11600 and contact the Central Ulr:ch Rl'bert G Waldron and 'IRS RlSSELL H.-\RK~ESS, Cor.t,nul'd on Pag ... 2 Lil Ill' Leg _11.\1<1 f' Volu'11N'r Bl1rr3n Thormo'1 Wa'l"l fall 1,36 Rosl\ n Road stated Yr< I ___________ ~. . I \\ould uke (' 'hpr one- of 111'0 Tax PI-oble •• ls E I . d daughtel5'obe a 'eacner ,[she . xp BIlle "'lShed to I feel It l.<an honor ... I abl~ profesSion and \ nail:, 1111 I port ant to our ~outh " mon mhronccot.r,n~ ThIs IS other ancestor stepfatner or of cash recelp' ~ and dl.SbJr"e. Howe\ er \\ hether the mo' h pllnr pall~ r('htprt to fam h t'X stepmother uncle aunt m>pl1e'il: ments dul"lng each calendar eri' f('1t It ~as a good or bad pmot'on;; 111,'1Or<. dpc!3raL0!1!\ or 11Il'cr but no' thr.r hus. "ear, Jan 1 to Dec 31 mclu. caree-r all fplt SI'I0!10!\ 'h,11 "r e<1 1 m,1'p(i 13>" ta"able 3'1d bands or ",l\rs ~alhrr Il1la'" S1\(' D:fferent metnod~ or perl' tP3chPfS ",ell' n'1orrpa.d' 'IRS non' a"ablf' mrom" b,1smr,,"~ In, mol her 1'1.a\\ bE. ner 'n 11V. SIS. OuS of accoun' .'1g arr pe-rm,l'ed H.\RLD :\lrCIl'RE 16814 S' ,,>.1' 1.1d Opc1lC' "T1< toll"rp,,-, 'PI :~,hv. son ,n lav. or dallgh t, ta"pa~ers ",ho regl"arl:, keep Palll s alert Prrson1.l\ I '.1 "I-. a('('r-,un\lng HqltlIc- 1 ert .. :::. sales 4er ': 1:1\\ OOO!\.... ~~ac!1 ng: lS J n~re proJf'r..., on f,lf 1 ld p"Ch.11~1" of propf"'\ d" If a I hl'd .S omr 'rg:lldirss Y,)nr 'axl', mal bp C0111JJ'E'<!:;:r~< and v.0'11en B" :1'r fal' ;)rr..'.al,on ppr,('nal drdllrtlOn~ of 111r Iengtn of 1"< 1J'e \\.:hm nacroraal1ee \\'tn a.1~ ITe!hod that teachpr, a r l' 1lI10Npaid ," ~nd no 1dro\lct,oIP plI.prndltl.rp, tat' iaxaolc \p,\r \I'll are en~ of aCCOllntll~ which \OU use keepll1;; man:, flom tl1~~ F r,t .s t1)p matlp" of laml'\ '1llpd to tllr full exe.rp:.on 0' reglliarh and \\hlCh eorrec'l\ r(" Leld" ' r,p IlP, 0" 1.!<.r f,p--tr"ni!' .1'e S50 tnr ,,)('n ~hllc1 fll'ct, \our 1'1~Ome and p"Pf'ndl llRS ST-\X1.FY "'11TH 8,)ll r l1"1rC'rc1 \\ tl1 n('o'ne t 1'-,,' The cred t fOf dppp"'crr.~ I Ire., .. \ taxj}a\cr ca.1rol alold S nn,n<;calr ,\'1n 11;\, • '" 0 (' II 'lw,r rJo.(ll1p'.m~ arp frcq"rl'l:, m~H nC)' ~ c11\oed ')l"\\een a pa\mf'nt of Income ta."E's b\ fa, drr,l sad Thrrl' ar ~oo rhan£:po b\ la\\ 1l11ipr l.H' nrh- h"lnrl a"d '" fr l' ml,,,' be 111'-: to keep book, i'ropcrl\ If lTam otllf'r carrl'" (\j)C +(\ ('"", .... : 1'HC: C'\(T\ .~'\ptn('r .... "- ('on "a'kC'n b\ thf' r.~V' i1.h) fllr ..... ~:l~d 11f' )..,('rp" no 0001\. ... " or n "'l OUv .... ~ \,-,u,)r ~le0..,\" t~{l,.. \ ~. 3, ..... 'C' '1 k<1 '0 nnr r"r'11p:IO' o. S5GO ill" d,,€f <upplr' : (' "\rr l1al~ 00 not ('l('a~h reflect h ~ t'1COll1l' ro' on'y bc"('f ~a\ b .. n11 r fn h m,p]f and :hr samr for 111" \if thp 'otal ,upj}or' thrl1 lhr la\\ rl'q ..lrr< that h ~ chancr< f,)r 111('('i ,'0: p"op f' aa '\ 0p (,hp l1ao no l"1e'll1r If ,I\. ml""r rmld ",110 If'rl>r' , rOlnr ,hall be or'r:m ned :n much )p.... < crn,un, b "I),r \\110 'ill dlCl n'l (VIIa- I" .... u, ,.. ,,~ .... ,>.,,.. h,1f I, ,-' ,H}Ort fr, m ,'-eh marnrr as \\ III clearl~ rc makr th(' p r l\;1.'r ! \e. (f 'l',c'1 r opel \\,'" hpr h, sbard'< on h.< p;upnt and \\110&' gro.", m- lIrc, no' .'I( 11lIH "'" cur, vu u'" ' 'hp rr' Ir', to ,\arran! tll" S)()() ('.)n1l' fr0m ('" (\r {1thN In othE'r ~ord.~ If \01, fa.l to ~ hrlher pro or rO'1 ,I .n:rp('d r'.pmp. 'n f('r I1f" «' 'fC(, 1$ ,r.<.<.hi!'" S'lO(1mal bl' !.NCPproper record~ the Go\en' 'hat teach ng ,< a ~r"at pr"fp, -\ '0 .,rm (,r.l1) .'1 arr al ,I '~l>r" ~, '\ or\)("or'1' Thf' '11"11' ""11 kppp them for \"1 at ,Ol1 a rt 'ha \1' 'lrrd \:i'Oc' r{1 f~' ('~ 1 (' .... (' "rl~ ~( (lC 1 \1) <;: ('(1 ,);:: ... '('('(1 L hi" In \.).r ('\prl,..,,,,,,"" a"d \()d ar"" .,1 oral '("", ., 1f'~) ]11 I ri (~lr L. )('1 (if'r' '11") ,.. (' \0rj 11) .... -,' : ~1 ~ (di('c1 11(' ~)(t \"' '..,t11" I' c\ \ rrmf'd~ lrl dl~t.'h(t,ng ~,lf • (' ~(,'1+"'a \!.... \\ 11 ('11 oj (' '\11' \" 1 ... () 11r "ln~) : Inn '1 t '\ ~1 n ...... ~ • l'\. }1 ~ I'''lod 2,$ "rll ..('~ O,}"'f'Q f. ") .. r- bO'.d ... ](' ,~,p,\pr ;)nd "1) lnd r." b\ 1(' ( '1 n"l\ O( ...... ,)\rl(d I' \1l,1 rf" .\(' .nrnm" fn 111 of 0\\ ,l\~ \ P II ~ ('\r, ;\1,0 \,1all $:>00 ,ne •.n" of h~, or her Tno1\ ,oual, r~prr,,1Ih \\ a~r Irl1' ,lIS m\(~~tl11ent" bl..,Il'f':,s op- I?;os"lp.n~ ;orgur, '!Je\ [rrl t!J.\ o\\n r<llnpr, \\I\U """') l" n.dematle PI1 1 1,m.< etl \OU llllbt lo.t'ep ac ,\\r >\11111,1\p mor" pe::lple cm -\ rJ().<rh frlatf'd drprnelr'1' rr(',)rd .. o! lhpl~ f "rClal ~f. ematl' rerords a.~outlmed aba,e played III thl< Ldo The\ arl' h ..< h,'(n rlrlml'd bl lhp Trn< f1lr, Hp rpC'!ll'ro bl 1\\\ t.) d(' FailurE' to do so IS costly h) lInttrd ,n <a)'~ Soml'thmg llr~ a~ paren', 8 la dp;uen~ or tam nc .. c l1C .aA in ~ne ba.>\s the taApa~E'I. has to be Q0ne-:.o>\"

Transcript of umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play...

Page 1: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration

t,I .j. "



u ";:

, C - -.~L

, Cv

1..... ,;(11 ..... t ...... \1"., l-,,,, 'R,. .,.-".~ b)I he Rt"\.lt"\\ - LI'" "OX Ii 02.

TH\'" '\OL

• He 1,(" 0" ('a' Rc( ~pt Boo~• j.t( I ( e ...o i ... GJil'd rccf'l.p£• Febl d.'" Ruc pi, (lie prmted on P'll,., Papa

Your Carrier Boy IS

Now Collecting for theMonth of February

DJ.\!d J Logan Jr 17 sonof Park Police Sgt Da\ld JLogan and Mrs Logan. 1456Beaconsfield ha.~ enlisted mthe Army SI1Plai corps Da~ldI\a~ graduated from Gro.-..sePDln'e H,:::h Schoo11a.~t m0nth

Play Ball!

GP V IAFL Pleararms Is Rejected

i~~, d~o~~,~~~I,1 Village of Grosse Pomte Park

• I council meetmg Monday mght

I "erf'I-Purchase or an QustiD-

I Western street sweeper fromthe \\ ar AM4:l5 AdrnimstratlOBoffice at Columbus, Ohio, lor$1~05 -

~Denial of the request ortbe Grosse Pointe Park CityEmployees Local 523 of theAFL for adoption of a du~dedudion plan for bourl,.rated employes of the ,"dlare. '

3-Denial of a request fromtbe 1\laek A~eDue BusinessMen's Club to improve lirht-inr conditioDll on the south ofl\lack avenue between Alterand Cadieux Roads.Purchase of the street sweeper;

which Will be dehvered shortly.I u. expected to reheve the publInI works problem considerably.I CommissIOner GlUet remukedthat the money saved in labOr'

I by usmg this macbme, which

IIwas used by the Army to sweepairport runways, would amountto the price of Its cost withIn

1a yearThe request of Local 523 waa

I turned down alter consideration

II\If a report by a VIllage LaborCommittee. named by the coun-CIl to study the issue The com-mittee submItted the followingreport to the COunCI],

I-A dues deduction plaawould reqaire some ruisian ofreneral policies, reruIatioosand aecountinc proeedure.

2-Dues deduction aDd paydeductioo plaDl have met withdisfavOl' from both union allllnon-union employes of GrwIePointe Park.

3-The TillaJe of G r 0 ssePointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration has DO agnement orwritt~n eentracts witb otherorranhatiom fnvolviq duesand pay deductions and finan-cial matters of such Ilature.

Therefore it is the reeom.mendation of this committeeth., lh,; le-\lliest Gf Luc~: S!!for a dues deduction plan 'bedenied.Re-Jection of the plea by the

Busmess Men's Club mdlcatesthat the VIllage hand.<; are .'ltllltIed and no action has beencompleted to improve the pre500ent general lIghting s y s t e In,WhlCh was declared oD...<oletebythe VIllage CounCil Itself m 1945.

Followmg IS the letter of re-Iquest from the Busmess Men's

Club, wntten on Feb, 12."From time to tIme our club

has called ~'our attention to thegreat lack of llghtmg l!l yourvIllage. as we belt eve It 15 ex-

I tremely da.llgero\1S to all trafhcLiJAt h~ t-Jo tra ..erse j"vur strect:LI "Our attention !.o; agam callento thIS condition by a Oookletcalled the LIfesaver, whIch show!how traffIC street lightmg re-duced trafflc deaths 111 DetrOIt,

"It shows how. by Improvmgthe lIghtmg a tremendous sav.

I Ulg In lives has been effectedand they gn..e the fIgures toprove It ..

Accordmg to VIllage ~IanagerEverItt B Lane, the follov. mgleaer \I, hlCh '" as '" ntten ong-

Contmued on Page 2

8\" H.\RR\ H -\ \S

Edltor'~ ~ol(" Thl~ i, th('first of h\o arlieif'.; \\ f1tl('n forTh(' Gr(l';~l' POint€' R('\,!('\\ b\

Harn Haa~, tax eono;ultanl.('"plammlt ,"aflOIl~ Income ta'\.problem~ Thr ~('cond artlcl('\\111 aPIM'ar n('),1 \\('('k


lnr l..T(lU OL •

I In <p tr 0f ,111']1" rdunt onaldlo' nl '111' Trr hun ",r,\ <papp1 < ,rei o' \1f'r , I rep, 0' p,iO1 (' nlor 1 (It)n \ f' fa,..... '('\111:11 ....

: n. 1 J \"\...,' 1n.... . i'l I" n11" ....nnl f I} "ltl )1~(' n'" , 11 1'\ (" t. '.: 1 ... ~ r-,\'"t I r n '.(" ( (' 111 \ r r

rll~ G. 1 (; 1(' ~ dl~'\£!: "1r r _ll~nd obllga'10n, u u' r ~:1'" f ~,

la\\ <In Ihr,p 11 ,lh \<' \\ l!\ d <rll ....l:::: ~ f(,\\ of .. lr. 11('n' .... .:l Hipu.',l 01.: ,illH' 0; :,IC m >:>. Cl.l1

1'1 'I \RS ~GOOn ,da\r hrmerI ( Grf\<,r Pnil11r

"\" 10 t np \ IlIa!:eI O))pl a'l)J1 111

'II dlpll of '\1r"1e ,')11\'11\1l.. I

~pd to thrm Hr'1"'11)<:: " 1nrl()~ ~ fn ('

prnatr homr1=',p, and 11;1a.",bot.

, ('\, had all br('n!O\1ng bfl:' s and

I, H\RS AGO"" nnmber of \ oters

,he p:>lIs m an ex-gr elect1'lO east

r ,)nmary in Gr<)s.~ef' Of an r('~-

=)3; td",t brtl1tlt't, \!ll harl &'aupreIf,))] \r, Slla) f ..r


, I

20 H \RS 4.GOl'~ ;,11'1 .al ChrIStmas Party

.1r cl1lldren of the Com-~ .. \ II II bl' held at the~"b8 "Jod Cluo on Thurs-nc'" n~ December 30 at 8

:1 T, nr \1,111be cano\"~r , n (,kes for cyeT1onc'

I gr 1 r have been made" S' 1 ( l,lu, to ~top on hl~

hl", ?lcl there v.lll be a4 r There \\111 be no

1",- \1 '\ 1fuged

" Elizabeth Stoliker enter-ed 25 rnends at her Lm-Road home last Saturday

, ng The event herda\ and thIS party hased IllIO an annual aHalr asfnends look forward to andon bell1g With her for thlS101

umped Sewer Program Favored for__ ----------0 0

OINTE--,Praiect Is D ------- II d'A~~h~p~n~r_PH_S:Listedby O",c... ~Mf.~:!tr,,~C:~h~.m.fAi VCetnter -----Ifill" \!LYJle, 14, ~1~2 Sum- '2 ff _ _ are s

II "IT,,!! t.n cotta~e 0 I C IaIs THE 11u!i('e al~ gomg to the dog,> , •. that is, in~I\al\l'~ld;~"b'\' George Met. I an:m Pl'Ing the numerous reque"t~ fl om GlO,,~e Pomte W -II CI"tcr bcltlg thIO\\\1 from her d t t I ose; \\hlCh ~he was l'ldmg 10 I From the number 01 phone, l'€ill en s U l'emo\ e stray pups from then',"OOd.~area of Mack A,venue. I calb at the Gr<J.>sePomte Farms AmllllO' tll <. II f h I th t P k I"I " e a S 01 e P WetS one at sen al' After 16 months of operatIon.e report that PatriCia s con. v11lage offIces. there 15 ll1dlca I 0M tta drhmg I 1)0 Ice to 1 OU Ren"mlrton to remo\ e a i>tray dog In )11'8. the Veterans InformatIOn Cen'ern l-' senvUS, f teh a'cCldent I tlOn that the clllzens of the VII :'II KG' I I \"h, the t,mc 0 e • I h •. . nen s "enne ¥ en pohte apPlOathed the a! the Gro.~se Po,nte Councli or I

[ ;" tlle c'rl', ald. I age ave taken a !.een llllere6t, fl1lgh tened dog Jumped tile "a d f d d.v .. ' 0 .,' l' enLe an e:.cape, I Veterans' Affairs on Kercheval

• •. m the propo.~ed program to pru 'c \'Iallage ot Grosse pointe I Vide storm \\ atel se relle! Anothf'1' call <;ent police officers to 15124 ;\IatJ.., IAvenue. WhICh aided approxl'"' ha, granted permISSion II throughout the entire VIllage un- \\ here :'Ill' Deet~ of Deet" FIsh :'Ilal ket had reported that mately 5.000 WOIld War n vetno'nas W Brank and JameS Ider one plogram rather than to I a mongrel had been hit b~' an automobIle. Polite found erans 111thelr reconverSIOn troml'hlte lesldents at- Grosse I I the dog so badly injured they \\ ere forced to shoot it. mIlitary to clVlllan status, '1.1111<'Park and Arthur T HllI. put of! one glOUp In preferem.e termmate Its actiVIties Feb 2801 DellOit to operate a cab to another. v.hlch \\ould be nec- I Later, polILe \\ ere dlspat( hed to 1216 Han ard road, Ia'l\ (10m a gas ~tatlOn at

lessary If done piecemeal o\er a \\here seH~lal dogs were reported at large, Of the 2289 veterans from

Mack 011 a da)-to-day ar'l period of )ears, I IGrosse Pomte and Gratiot Town-cmcnt 1 I OffK('rs set out post haste, but got there too late. ~h,p who have already been dlS

• • The follol\lI1g t, an explana Theil' quarry had Yamshed. charged. 1.785 have appeared inlfour lear old bOY v.'alked tlOn by VIlla~e Clerk Han v A person at the Information Cpn.:'frs Osthoff's home 843 Furton and Engmeer r.lurry M. Iter for adVice or aliSlStance. Also,

erslt\ Place and said he was SmIth of how the entIre VII- I Volunteer Fund Honors 1.002 veterans from DetrOIt andMr~ osthoff called Grosse lage ",ould be benefited by tne I • St Clair Shores have taken ad.' ",ho returned the proposed constlt.ctlOn as \\ell as - ., Mother of 2 vantage of the Center's facill." \\anderer to hiS anxIOUS the specifIC alea~ "here storm tles In addltlon. the Center I,~ a H,ghland Parker \\ho v.ater relle-f 1<necps<ary <tnd the I receIved about 2000 telephone1"lIlng Dr Duffy. 755 Um. probable method of fll1ancmg I Eleanor (Mrs Hov.ard M) calls and had more than one I,Il Place "The storm \\ ater sewer lellef I Bmgham 168 Vendome Grosse I personal call tram 500 veterans I, 'I Iplogram proposed IS estimated I Pomte, began her career as a' STARTED OCT 15, IM5

to cost $350,000. The construc'l ItlOn program would mclude the I volunteer for the Red Feather The Center began operations IbUlldmg of storm water sev.ers almost eIght years ago as an art 10 Its qUQ!l.!)ethut headquartersand the installatIOn of additIOnal teacher at Tau Beta commumty at 16829 Kercheval oct 15, 11145On that same date, Joseph R Ipumps at the Kerby Road sewer House Last Wednesday she was O'Connor. a veteran of four:pumpmg station awarded the Red Feather lapel years' service With the Army All I

SERVE ALL SECTlOXS pm as Volunteer-of the-Week on Forces was chosen as Veterans' I Taking a queue from newspaper repolts on the"ThJS pIogram has been de- ~¥"~ Fran HarrIS' "Red Feather Re- Counsellor. DetrOit Tigers at Lakeland. these Grosse Pointe )'oungs-

• SIgned to serve all sectlOn~ of .'" \ue" The publlc service pro I Accordmg to John J O'BrlE'n, tel's defIed the bnsk weather SatUlda:-- to get a ballIllur H Bennett. supenn. Itne Village. proVldmg adequate . h d h h 'ent of Grosse Pomte Shores. I stonn water se\\ er or pump ca 1 gram IS ear each Wednesday c aJrman of t e CounCIl'S Exec-I game gomg, Thev were so enthused the\' did not e\'enllf; h.s 68th birthday and paclty as the need may be II at 1 15 pm o\'er WWJ. utlve Cornnuttee. the declSlon to I bother t<l warm u'p a bit but chose up sid~s lmmediatel.r.

Itermmate the actIVIties of the I F I f

p\l\~n"\' retlreme-nt age on "The area betv.een Chalfonte 1\1rs. Bineham tauebt art InformatiOn Center came after .rom e t to nght are Larry Lindquist, 1098 Beacons.rdav March 1. Shores em-I and Mark would be proleded I regularly at Tau Beta for a . the record.<; cbsclosed that onlY a I fIeld; Teddy McRobert, 1230 Lakewood; John Yerge,c, pl3nneu a gala farewell from storm water floodmg by yur. but shifted her votun- I relatively few veterans from thl,s r 1046 "Lakepointp; Beverly Yerge, 1946 Lakepointe. Aller party for the veteran Ithe additional pump capacity I' teer-work interest when the ,arl?a ,emaUl to be released from are 2nd and 3rd grade pupils at Defer School.nelt \Iho gave 24 years of . The storm v.ater rellef lIRS. ELEANOR BINGHAil .. IservIce It was also dISclosed - -- -- -------- - -.---- -- ~----Ice I area~ are as follo\\s' Stephens ---0 war made greater demands on : that the center's headquarters P II F T h-• • I Road. Cloverh Road Tourame Rollutz.on IITar e""r>one, ror thrce YC:1fSshe mll~t bl' removed from Its pres. ~ 0 av 0rsea c In9

\ l1e Pollce Cruef's meetmg I Road, Vendome Road. Kerb) ,t'. served as co-chalrman of a I el1t locatIOn by March 15. 1947 'rTloal to OISCU»S lllt: iNUce I RUdu, CambrJdge Road. }'hl,,- unit 01 the American l\ omen 5 to make Way for a new bwldmg' A 1 A - d - P f -

I: ~~~\el~Ch~~~k~~~IPCh~~e~ ~~~:nR~~~g~n~~~r~~:o~~~e Pressed Anew Yoluntary Services, and con- Ion the property. I' S ,,,'V ern ra esslon\,\'fC I! three to report 111 Pomte BlId and Fisher Road cluded her connection ",ith I l\IA~'Y PROBLE~IS ~~------------

olr\e detail on the s)stem McK.nley A\e. McMllIan Ave b" S1'0rtsmen tbat group a ~ear alter tbe Smce Its openmg the Center I Would YOU want vour chIld E l' t'.r' ,bet\\een Kercheval A\e and I u'lder the direction of O'Con 1to be a teacher? Because of the n IS. 'Send of the l\ If i - t d t t hi,

[11eGrat.ot TownshIp Re- Chalfonte A\ e. also Le\\ IS ton , " Inor. \11th the assIStance of Mrs Icurren lSCUSSlon a eac ers1,"21 Part\ s first meetmg Road, Ke'1\\'ood Court. :'vIoran I In fultherance of Its campaIgn Then she became "_n d"nt I Vera Mae Brady as secreta"' I and their problems the Grosse

aga nst tream pollutl"n In De ar < h 'J' t:l~'''''e RIO"""" ~<kpd 'POinters

_ '1e puma!) election Aden Road Mernweather Road and I s v - R d F 'h k I as counseled veterans on the .. ~.,., ..... -.. ..., - - -~t t d G P t t e eae er wor er. As an area th t • 11

\ell'on \\a~ named perma. Mt Vernon Ave, bet\\een Char- rOI ~n rosse am e wa er~. I preparation of termmalleave ap- IS ques Ion In a recen. pocnallman and WlIllam Roy It:VOlll. AH' a'1d Chalfonte Ave the VIa:,ne County Sport.Sman s chaIrman she ~erved long hOurS: phcatlOns. f'dUcatLOnal matters. ITwo-thIrds of those queried said

h'1 ,'l'Crelar).treasurer. !' In the above streets the ex Club I.l1vlted the 34 members of dunng last fall s campaIgn, and employment. msuran('e and I they wo~ld be In f~vor of theIrfd~!'1g U'1lt, and co-opera- Istlng se\\ers W111not ha\e to the wayne County delegation to when the campaign v.a.;; over many other subjects. jChlld en,enng the .cachmg pro.

10 the Apnl 7 election be relaid but \\111be cros"ed b\' the Leg1slature to meet v.lth a she c nt d • I fesslon prOVided, of course thatpa.\1 Ilnammoush aareed one large storm v.ater se",er committee of the ch..b In Lans. a mue to be aC,lve at 51 The Grosse Pomte CounCil IS' he or she really wants to teach

'~e pla' .orm presented by which \I, III practlcall\ double the lng Wednesdaj West Warren. center of Com- headed by an Exect.tlve com-I 1\IRS. DAVID SL"TTER, 46 pme:",,,\0'1 ~Iartm candidate I>€",er capac!t\ of the area b\ Among the 34 lO\lted 1l1unlty Chest actiVitIes mlttee made up of many prom- Court, sald "Although I taught

s,ne" 1 ,or Ne\\1'on. defeated' provldmg an adequate Ol,tlet.' Rep Harry T Gage, 305 Rivard At present Mrs Bill ham ment cltlzens of Grosse Pomte for three j ears, I ,;,;as unhappjo. I\11n' In thf' pnmary road . . g IS a 1d Gratiot TownshIP. and m. for the c1rcumstances I taught f

~l..:cdhb \\holeheaned sup: I BO:-:n F!:\.\:"C!~G I ).~'1tnn P Adams. secrelaX\- program chairman for the Wo- eludes Mr O'Bnen. chalrman. under v.ere umsually trymgI • The Farms has all\ ays used engmeer of the Stream control men s Committee of the Com- Dr Paul Essert, cc-ch::.lnn::n,' Therefore ! ~aul{l S'''' I :1m,I the senal bond method of fmanc- Comml&>lOnexplamed the com. mumty Chest_ 11\Irs Alger Shelden, co-chalrman; rather InclIned to bp too un. I

mlr rather than the smkmg mlSS10'1~ request tor a $144 000, Dr Herbert G AllISOn. Dr Leo fa\orable If the s1tuatlOn had Ifund method I e to arrange appropnatlOn for antI' stream llother of t"o children, H Barlmeler. C. G Burns, Rey been a different O'le I thmk Iretlrements annually oyer a per- p;)lIutlOn \\ork for the commg Eleanor Bmgham feels that I James P Clark Ralph S Far. v.ould have enjoyed It n

lOd of \ears to mamtam an \eal' The state bLdllet director "beinr a voluntt"cr for the num Forrest Gear~ Alo\s A I 'T I d 'IRS BESeven taxmg plO~ram durmg the has cnt \lllS amount to S97000 Communlh" Ch t d GhesCjulere Rev FranCIS H J:\~I;~c ;~~EHS:~F' d ft'life of 'the Issued bond~ but PH'n thIS \\oLlld be a con es 15 a lion er- Glazebrook Odlhon Houtekler. ,. • ., !s e 1111 e.

. The usual and probable plan "lOerable Impro\ement o\'er the fully sahsf)mg expenence, James W Lee n ~1rs T W P 1) a vO,catlon Only t!lose \' 11;)fOI fll1ancm~ the abo\e propo~ed S40.000 apprOprI'\tlOl1 In pastt There are all kmds of jobs for I Ll\ll1g~tone RIchard M a >.. 0 '1 are to ~ork lon~ hoursconstruction CO'itS of approxl' \ears and would pe-rmlt the con. I all kmds of pt'ople and we'd Paul I MoralaJ'ld Robert p, a!lld arte "'th

1l1mgto ~Inehof Itdhe-bmI

I 3-00 30 . f f Id ff I '1"- ff Ed d Ise ves 0 elr PUPI s s au e.

wate y S;) 00 IS a ~ear pro. tmuanre 0 a Ie 0 Ice m be bapp) to welcome anyone" "e 'l'\iar J Pengracz:. Jr m t a hI' ld bId 1gram Wyandotte a'1d patrOl buat on I Hemv R. Reesch, C. E Run!.le, co e e c. ers "ou e pease ,Based on ~Ol'1g mtere<' rates the flV('f made pes"lble v.hen Those mterested In volunteer Vmeent E SChoeck, AlgerShel. :f one of m~ ~hll~~el1 deCIded to I

a retlremenl pro~nam for t!le the WCSC obtamed an emer- sernce are Inllted to call Tl"npll' den Herbert B Tr'" Elmer F IDerome a t(.acher .I"sue v.rll1d ac:d ~"') 0'. 1 ,ltel~ gpnI S250no la.<t fall from tbe 11600 and contact the Central Ulr:ch Rl'bert G Waldron and 'IRS RlSSELL H.-\RK~ESS,

Cor.t,nul'd on Pag ... 2 Lil Ill' Leg _11.\1<1 f' Volu'11N'r Bl1rr3n Thormo'1 Wa'l"l fall 1,36 Rosl\ n Road stated Yr< I___________ ~. . I \\ould uke (' 'hpr one- of 111'0

Tax PI-oble ••ls E I. d daughtel5'obe a 'eacner ,[she. xp BIlle "'lShed to I feel It l.<an honor... I abl~ profesSion and \ nail:, 1111

Iport ant to our ~outh "mon mhronccot.r,n~ ThIs IS other ancestor stepfatner or of cash recelp' ~ and dl.SbJr"e. Howe\ er \\ hether the mo' hpllnr pall~ r('htprt to fam h t'X stepmother uncle aunt m>pl1e'il: ments dul"lng each calendar eri' f('1t It ~as a good or badpmot'on;; 111,'1Or<. dpc!3raL0!1!\ or 11Il'cr but no' thr.r hus. "ear, Jan 1 to Dec 31 mclu. caree-r all fplt SI'I0!10!\ 'h,11"r e<1

1m,1'p(i 13>" ta"able 3'1d bands or ",l\rs ~alhrr Il1la'" S1\(' D:fferent metnod~ or perl' tP3chPfS ",ell' n'1orrpa.d' 'IRS

non' a"ablf' mrom" b,1smr,,"~ In, mol her 1'1.a\\ bE. ner 'n 11V. SIS. OuS of accoun' .'1g arr pe-rm,l'ed H.\RLD :\lrCIl'RE 16814 S',,>.1' 1.1d Opc1lC' "T1< toll"rp,,-, 'PI :~, hv. son ,n lav. or dallgh t, ta"pa~ers ",ho regl"arl:, keep Palll s alert Prrson1.l\ I '.1 "I-.a('('r-,un\lng HqltlIc- 1 ert ..:::. sales 4er ': 1:1\\ OOO!\.... ~~ac!1 ng: lS J n~re proJf'r..., on f,lf1 ld p"Ch.11~1" of propf"'\ d" If a I hl'd .S omr 'rg:lldirss Y,)nr 'axl', mal bp C0111JJ'E'<!:;: r~< and v.0'11en B" :1'r fal';)rr..'.al,on ppr,('nal drdllrtlOn~ of 111r Iengtn of 1"< 1J'e \\.:hm nacroraal1ee \\'tn a.1~ ITe!hod that teachpr, arl' 1lI10Npaid ,"~nd no 1dro\lct,oIP plI.prndltl.rp, tat' iaxaolc \p,\r \I'll are en~ of aCCOllntll~ which \OU use keepll1;; man:, flom tl1~~

F r,t .s t1)p matlp" of laml'\ '1llpd to tllr full exe.rp:.on 0' reglliarh and \\hlCh eorrec'l\ r(" Leld" 'r,p IlP, 0" 1.!<.r f,p--tr"ni!' .1'e S50 tnr ,,)('n ~hllc1 fll'ct, \our 1'1~Ome and p"Pf'ndl llRS ST-\X1.FY "'11TH 8,)llr l1"1rC'rc1 \\ tl1 n('o'ne t 1'-,,' The cred t fOf dppp"'crr.~ I Ire., ..\ taxj}a\cr ca.1rol alold S nn,n<;calr ,\ '1n 11;\, • '" 0 (' I I'lw,r rJo.(ll1p'.m~ arp frcq"rl'l:, m~H nC)' ~ c11\oed ')l"\\een a pa\mf'nt of Income ta."E's b\ fa, drr,l sad Thrrl' a r ~oorhan£:po b\ la\\ 1l11ipr l.H' nrh- h"lnrl a"d '" fr l' ml,,,' be 111'-: to keep book, i'ropcrl\ If lTam otllf'r carrl'" (\j)C +(\

('"", ....: 1'HC: C'\(T\ .~'\ptn('r ...."-('on "a'kC'n b\ thf' r.~V' i1.h) fllr .....~:l~d 11f' )..,('rp" no 0001\. ..." or n "'l OUv ....~ \,-,u,)r ~le0..,\" t~{l,..\ ~. 3, ..... 'C'

'1 k<1 '0 nnr r"r'11p:IO' o. S5GO ill" d,,€f <upplr' : (' "\rr l1al~ 00 not ('l('a~h reflect h ~ t'1COll1l' ro' on'y bc"('f ~a\ b .. n11 rfn h m,p]f and :hr samr for 111" \if thp 'otal ,upj}or' thrl1 lhr la\\ rl'q ..lrr< that h ~ chancr< f,)r 111('('i,'0: p"op f' a a'\ 0p (,hp l1ao no l"1e'll1r If ,I\. ml""r rmld ",110 If'rl>r' , rOlnr ,hall be or'r:m ned :n much )p....< crn,un, b "I),r \\110'ill dlCl n'l • (VIIa- I" .... u, ,.. ,,~ .... ,>.,,.. h,1f I, ,-' ,H}Ort fr, m ,'-eh marnrr as \\ III clearl~ rc makr th(' pr

l\;1.'r ! \e. (f 'l',c'1r opel \\,'" hpr h, sbard'< on h.< p;upnt and \\110&' gro.", m- lIrc, no' .'I( 11lIH "'" cur, vu u'" ''hp rr' Ir', to ,\arran! tll" S)()() ('.)n1l' fr0m ('" (\r {1thN In othE'r ~ord.~ If \01, fa.l to ~ hrlher pro or rO'1 ,I .n:rp('dr'.pmp. 'n f('r I1f" «' 'fC(, 1$ ,r.<.<. hi!'" S'lO(1mal bl' !.NCPproper record~ the Go\en' 'hat teach ng ,< a ~r"at pr"fp,

-\ '0 .,rm (,r.l1) .'1 arr al ,I '~l>r" ~, '\ or\)("or'1' Thf' '11"11' ""11 kppp them for \"1 at ,Ol1 a rt 'ha \1' 'lrrd \:i'Oc'r{1 f~' ('~ 1 (' ....(' "rl~ ~( (lC 1 \1) <;: ('(1 ,);:: ... '('('(1 L hi" In \.).r ('\prl,..,,,,,,"" a"d \()d ar"" .,1 oral '("", ., 1f'~) ]11 I ri (~lr L.

)('1 (if'r' '11") ,.. (' \0rj 11) ....-,' : ~1 ~ (di('c1 11(' ~)(t \"' '..,t11" I' c\ \ rrmf'd~ lrl dl~t.'h(t,ng ~,lf • (' ~(,'1+"'a \!.... \\ 11 ('11 oj ('

'\11' \" 1 ... () 11r "ln~) : Inn '1 t '\ ~1 n ......~ • l'\. }1 ~ I'''lod 2,$ "rll ..('~ O,}"'f'Q f. ") .. r- bO'.d ...](' ,~,p,\pr ;)nd "1) lnd r." b\ 1(' ( '1 n"l\ O( ...... ,)\rl(d I' \1l,1 rf" .\(' .nrnm" fn 111 of 0\\ ,l\~ \ P II ~ ('\r, ;\1,0

\ ,1all $:>00 ,ne •.n" of h~, or her Tno1\ ,oual, r~prr,,1Ih \\ a~r Irl1' ,lIS m\(~~tl11ent" bl..,Il'f':,s op- I?;os"lp.n~ ;orgur, '!Je\ [rrl t!J.\o\\n r<llnpr, \\I\U """') l" n.dematle PI111,m.< etl \OU llllbt lo.t'ep ac ,\\r >\11111,1\p mor" pe::lple cm

-\ rJ().<rh frlatf'd drprnelr'1' rr(',)rd .. o! lhpl~ f "rClal ~f. ematl' rerords a.~outlmed aba,e played III thl< Ldo The\ arl'h ..< h,'(n rlrlml'd bl lhp Trn< f1lr, Hp rpC'!ll'ro bl 1\\\ t.) d(' FailurE' to do so IS costly h) lInttrd ,n <a)'~ Soml'thmgllr~ a~ paren', 8la dp;uen~ or tam nc .. c l1C .aA in ~ne ba.>\s the taApa~E'I. has to be Q0ne-:.o>\"

Page 2: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration

- - '"




R.lndldln, ond Ropoln" \.Cl .. n.... and .u EI~clr I ,1


Leodlll' Un.. of Elo<l' .1and ea. Ral'r:

(Open Frl lIU II-S.l 'II II


IH3Z Horpor TI \ I

Electric Universal, February 27, I

TU. 1-1600


With the Purchase of aSelactecl Group of





Special!s1001WORTH OF NEW


52 C.llon. glass msulatlOn.\\hlte enam-IllOl.h, upper and lower umls .••




DeLuxe B.64 RangeImmediate Delivery!

Open Thurs.• Fri., Sat., E\emng. '111 9 pm. - Deferred Pa)'Illent.



At GrossePointe'sAppliance Center!


COMPLETE SERVICE on Radios-Refrigerators. Vacuum Cleaners

EI@~tro.oD@ A.pplianc@ CO.

ELECTROZONE 1$ OFFICIAL • • •Groo.. Pointe Dealer for the complet.

HOOVERline 01 Appliance..

DeSllr!ledfor all I)pe. of surface. deep well and o,'en cookk:~:Thll IlIreatnew range fealure. 5 co~~mghealTO. de~~.fry;at ielectriC time dock control. The mmute Imer, an rOIpan.grill.

Gibson Range


Westinghouse StandardThi. D.64 model is compleleWith $21445automatic IImer for oven and pial.form light.

The range Mrs. Amenca asked forlFeatureo e:ltra.larRe oven. brOiler.roaoter with ad,ustable, three,posl-tlOn rack: bandV rack for kitchentools. large aloralle compartment.

Presteline Range

Thi. Service Available For All Makes



15401 Eo Jefferson at Nottingham





Repaired, R.plactd IndCluned-

MIIII Deckt-lorchet-f1iItItoofinl

'AntiquatedBlamed for


Income Tax Service

Harry Haas Tax ConsultantGeneral Tax alii Bllil ... Service, IIC.

14841 Kerchual Ave. Comer Alter Road

LEnox 7812Open l) no a m to 9.00 pm.

Retums due in t 94 7 on t 946 income, and EstimatedTall R('turns for 1947. are to be computed. for the fintlime. under the .. t 946 Tax ReductIon Law." This newtllX lllw hll~ mllde many chllng~ affectmg all e1aSIQ oftaxpll}ers

To Indl\ IdUIlls. Partnerships and C"rporations weoffer our senlC('S for the correcl preparl\hon and computa-lion of T~tnm.. 0." or"'''nl7"hon _11 hnng to YOI'" t!l~problem the cumulahve experience of many yean of pro-fesslonl\1 tax work. a'-'1urinll: you It competent job. YouCl'ln hllrdly l'lfford anythm~ le~.

:f yuu :UtyC n IdA "'JuL:of;,,~ t..I".5 ~t ~u ..... ~', 1..r,v....the an'lWer'l.

lnoured by One of

Is "Fireproof?"

Amerlce • lArgeot Inourlollce CompanIes

The Vital Force



Fear of hcmno a 'toluoble gOllMflt l'\Iined by destructive...,.,.iInow a thing of the past. Every garment de~by IIIis procened with the fIliracukM U.SAH-O iNuredmoItIproof deaning system wtIidI r .... moths. Your gar-IHntI are insuract alloinlt mafh d_ge fw lilt fIIClnths; ••at no .me colt to you. forget yovr deanino cmd maIIt-proofing problems. Give IIIa try Gftd you'U for".t 'fOUl"lIlOfI'f)IoofInt plOblems. You11 say, "Gee, ",y clothing isbeautiful ••• insured agamt moth dOfllClgt!, too."

•\VI.ite Iiouse(;)eOllers A O,Ters

20756 MACK AVE.1 Blodc North of 8 Mi. Rd.

"G'lt1Tantud Hl~hest Quality WOTkman~/IIf1"

Dr Stoliker Returns Mrs. Field Wins I• • ~lrs (11'01'11:('Field, of L.1kevlew

fronl Vacation 11'0~dwon t\\'o tlcket.s for till!!Dr Edward R. Stollker has re.\ Skating VllIlItJIl'S at ~~tOirtl:~p:r

. ft for ~uesbJ.ngt 1e cor dturned to the Pointe a er a In a prcsentea songwinter vacatIOn In thl' Lauren. I by Vocallst La y Tayler on

Archaic systems of dealing with crime and criminals was Uans Mountams north of Mon. WXYZ Ia.~t l\!ondayblamed for current crime condltlons by Colonel Melvin Purvis, treal, Quebec. Orosse Pomte .Ex..Q.Man,in addressing a OrooSliepointe LeCture audience Tuesday At. th lasts 1111be interested 1 More ProtectiODnight at PleNe AUditoriwn. ...1 en US '1\ I F r Your Moae)'

SubJect of b1.s addresa Wall "Can We LeMen Crime 1n the to know that ski conditlons 0 M C BERGENUS?" there are perfect with deep snow ••

. Observations made by Purvis were drawn trom eight years and moderate temperature. InsuranceWith the F. B. I. plus activity aa Deputy War Crimes comm!s' accommodations at the Since 1926~lor:cr for the European area, lI:athering evidence to convict Nazi c.~~'~i~ ('h:1I/'tIl leavt' nothmg to TUXEDO 2-7164war"~~~eln~~s do have a direct bearing upon crime," said be desired. IpurvIS, It is his per.sonal opInion that War cannot be blamed 1---lC.EC~'BOZO'I'TEPresentsfor crime. During the first six months of 1m, crime In the ~~ ~ , ...u. S. was 13°~ hIgher than a correspondlng perIod 111 1945 and -'eIght percent higher In the first nine months of 1946 than in A N G ESthe same months In 1945. R

AGENCIES OVERLAPFailure to cope wltb crime situations was blamed b~' Purvis

on overlapp1Og of city, county. state and Federal law enforce-t f h t ment agencies. He cited the WlllJams murder case in Crucago

The public has a dangerously wrong concep ? w. a 10 1944.still unsolved, in which eight different agencies ot lawthe word "fireproof" as applied to hotels and pubhc bUlld- enforcement a.nd Investlgatlon were 1l1volved.

m•""', means. That was the gist of expert comment mad.e Law enforcement oftlcers are not dign1r1ed in this country,ev in which the yearly pay is as low as $MO a year, sald Purvl.s.

at the recent KaHonal Conference on Hotel Safety In "Our Parole and Penal Systems are archaIc," said purv18,'Dhi1ad I hi& "and th18 factor rontrlbute& a great deal toward crime. Our.-; e p . , Penal, Parole and Investigative services, likewise are not syn.

A good many people seem to think that "fireproof' chronlzed and the net result Is that time and money is wasted,, t t h 'nterior and exterior are immune Pictured above 15 "The Ood Icranes go Wl&Olvedand exo<:rlnuna!:;are thrown back on &OClet)'IDle8JlS a s roc ure w ose I . •. _ I and Country' award wlueb la as eneInles of mankmd."ro re"..!!~' serious d:lma~e b~r fire But as ll- Nghonal FIre I ,lVl .. l..i.Jl~ tv 1st Cl Boy Scouts. I YARLtTIOSS OF SE1\'TE...'IlCESProtection Association member pointed out, "a fireproof I In recognition of their religious i Another contributing factor tv pro:noting hatred of society 11

ui!din. b d f' 't" where th structure will re- actlVlt!ellIn thel1' ovm church. I by persons ConViCted of crImes Is the vast laCk of W\ltOlmJtyb g y e 1m Ion IS one e" " of sentences, said urvis. The speaker also decried trial by Jurymain intact after a burnout of its contents. Under thIS C 01 and pleas of lllSanlty, Ick!fi 'U n a stove or a furnace is a perfect example of fire- 0 unCI "It is unfair to say that the newspaper, the radio, comics

ml 0 , d ed b t or the movies are the cause of crime," declared Purvl&, "but ifproof construction. The. co~tents may be estro~- , u (Continued from Page U anyone of them cause any boy ,~ gin w comm1t Ii crLme, theythe basic structure remalDs mtact. inally In replying to a prevIous never should have been allowed .

• t sept 26 1945 was Much hope is seen by the speaker In worle bemg done for'11le public's interest lies in a type of constructIon ~~e:ot: Busm'ess Men's iroup youth, such as Boy SCout. 4-H ClUb and Junior Birdmen move-

whicb, whether it is caBed "fireproof" or not, will give again tlus week. ments, but he believes that they only .scratch the aurface and--Insl d th d "The remstaliatlon of a com. fall to reach the youths Who should most be touched.

. maximum protection to ~upants ~.... ea ~ plete llghtmg system constltuWs "Juverule delinquency, with the ~;xcept1onof a few mental

. htjury by fire. And here 18 where building codes ha\e a problem for the Village Com- mcorngIbles, IS a .~adly coined word... slLld Purvis who insistedwoetuU behind. A recent issue of Life iOns- mission of Orosse olnte Park. I that It waa truly Adult Delinquency.JaIled y ." We agree that the present street SOLUTION SEEN

tratee safe versus unsafe construction, 'WIth BOme VIVid lighting system is obsolete and Hope of remedy for our mounting crune situation was seen: dra. In the safe hotel or similar building, com- is not gIving sumcient lIghtIng by Purvl&.in provIding:,WJJII'& • • • f' for eneral street serVIce. It Is FIRST. An adequate, well.paid torce to cope wIth condltlons.

partmentB and fire walls linut the area where Ire can my Jnderstandlng that thIS mat SECOND: Educational efforts to leoSlienattractiveness oftraveL A blaze might shoot up an air shaft but it would ter was presented to the Village cnme.

_: .... 1 b t' I_.~ f f":>.L In th ---'. CommissIOnsome tLme ago. TIURD: Synchronization of all investigative and law enforo-tIlen qUKaJ)" urn OU lor-.wr.o;a 0 '"' e IIlUliU,.. ing agencIes.I!IU'udare OIl the other hand, fire roars along natural "At present the Villale of FINALLY, That each of us 80S a responsible citIZen, asawne

- 0 --~- b"" ._t II- __ .I levator shafts. Open Grosse Pointe Park holds an a responsIbllity to our cluldren a.nd to all youth and all .society: .. - ,7 open 81A1rwe.., IUN e eel Indebtedness of approximately to prevent crime.

doors and transoms permit it to enter rooms 1D1check. $Z70,8000n the present street DILLINGER TILAP. ADd death by boming gas IUlCi 8Uffocation foU0w8. lirhtinc system. When in. Durmg his talk Purvis gave a graphic account of the tip from

, ... '- staned, uneallabl" bonds were the "lady in red" wruch ended the Dillinger manhunt in a.n alleyThe National Board of Fire Underwritenl, 85 donn I issUed and natlii'ally the viI. I bt::01de the Blograph UleaLer In Chicago.

" , .......... L ..... "ft" .......... 'hl ... fll. ...... '0 4 A +1.."." .,....111 ... "......_ ~_""_".. .. ""' ... ,..Afrft6 ....~A ........ 0lio .. UA k ....4treet, New York City, offers to communities a m~1 bul1d- 'f-und~uth'":..:-un-d-e"r--th-e-la--w.-Thi--s.. _ " _oo.- ~,~ .. - u~........ ~ .... ~ ~ ......~._v~~.....v~, ~ cause of a weakness in our court and penal .system which per.:m. code which is designed to give the maximum possible remains a bo~ded deb~ .to tbe mltted hIS partner in his first crIme to turn states evIdence after

.•protection to the public. COOes such as this, vigorously en.- toupll,retYireersmeUnnttiolftableltehX})eJrllbotinds°n.the pair had slugged a storekeeper WIth an Iron pipe in a robbery.

Dillinger was "pushed around" by pollee after his stretch and-'forced. aDd made retroactive in the case of existing pubhc The installatIon of a new SY!- thus became an "enemy of society," and launched his bank:..buildings, should become the law in every city and town in tem DOWoutstanding. robbing career.the nation. A8 a postwar project, this mat. Mr. Edward Pongracz, Jr., W8,spresiding officer of the eve-

tel' has been referred to the ning, assisted by Mr. Lambert Whetstone.PlannlnK CVmm1sslon of Grosse Farms l' rOUITE COLLECTORS l\1EETPointe Park for study. We have .receiVed the services of lIghting The Oro.sse Pomte Collectora

To an American. steeped in ideals of lilberty, the most engmeers includIng the DetroIt Continued from. Page 1 Club will meet at the bOme of~i trsld in the world today is the growth of 001-1 EdISon cO, who have submitted $19,000 annually w the VIllages' Mr. Willis S. Thompson, IM6leetivimn. Practically all of the nations of the Old World alternate plans for a reins talla. present retirement program. On SOmerset on Friday at 8 pm at'I._"e turned the;" t..-ks on freedom, and a.....--ted, Wl'lll'ngly tion systpm. Since then. the present assessed values of $30.. which time Mr Thom~" "will~., .... moo; ~.. question arose about the practl- 600,000, the additional annual .........:orotherwiae, the cruet ideology of the super-state. Under cal installation for the future, needs would reqUire an increase ~~e o~hrt ff ~~ a~:;'1ofeolleetivism. the individual is nothing, except insofar as he whether the system be incades- of approximately 63 cents per lubi~on to e:e ~eld ein Detr~~ian be used to serve the purposes of the government. The cent lighting. tlurescent IIghtmg $1,000of assessed valuation To in A ril 1 ..... ..... 20916 MACK AVENUE, at Hampton Rd.. "6"_ au. 0" COOlllm h"htlnl> 4 npclslon the average bome owner this p.

-,- 18 Ihas- not been reaChed, but I as- would mean. depending on the. 'I'hi8 leaves the United States almost alone as the cita. sume that a recommendatIon assessed valua.tion, an added cost~c1el of trad.ti f freed 1 . 1 ba k to th M: will be presented to the Village of from $2 to $6 per year for: a I o~ 0 . om w lIC I goes C e agna ICommiSSIOnoy the lanning Com- this purpose."Carta. And this Imposes on the government and the IIUSSlonin the near tuture. The village will vote on the Ipeople of the United States an enormous obligation ot issue March 10. Iprove that the dignity of the individual still lives that the I I do not !nte..'ld to burden you I I I'• ' . WIth endless detaIl on thIS mat. S' Et P trIghts of man are a fact and not a myth, that freedom IS ter. However 1 would like to Igma a resen s• vital force that will not be denied. have you understand the c1r.j M uSlca I Program

This b.• .1: __ 1.. I cumstances and conditions. In I The Sigma Eta Sorority will• .0 ligation can be UIo'!Ialarged in on y one way- the mlenm, we Will make an furnish a mUSical program for

by re&i8tmg every encroachment by the state upon the effort to improve some of the the members aDd guest of thepriviJegeB, the right and the predogatiVe6 of individuals. lIghting .sections on MaCk Ave- Southeastern Woman'oSClub onIf 'We permit govemm~t to dominate us in OUr economic nul', which can only be un. Monday at 1'30 p, we will eventuaDy have govemment domination of proved by the mstallation of To complete a delightful pro-

• . • clean or ne\\ globes and the gram, a tea will be served byaD other facets of exIstence. Freedom 15 an absolute-- UlStallatlOnof hIgher lummlUIes I Mrs. Ben Miller and her com-once we temporize with it, we pave the way for its de- IUnder the present system, no I mittee.8tnIction. Inew equIpment can be Installed I The hostesses are Mn. Ed-I

until the transformation IS made ward Malo, Mrs. NIels 'I'hygpsonThose nations which wish collectivism are entitled to to the overhead power Imes of land Mrs. WilHam Carey, who is

.it. But it must never be confused "ith freedom or allawed I the Detroit EdIson Company" In charge of reservations. I•a foothold here.

What has happened to all those old-fashioned fountain GU'rI'ERS andpens that could write everywhere except under water? I I, - DOWN SPOlITS



-- ---_ .. --

Page Two



Office at 15121 Kerche\-al between Man'land and Lakepointe• "The Only Weekly Newspaper Coyermll AU ~h~, Homes

in Grosse Pointe and Gratlot TownshIpsL. B. OLDHA~I •.•.•.•• , ••..•....•... publisherPA l'L J. BLACKBURN ••••• Advertising Man.a~erROBERT P. OLDHA:)I. •••••••••••.. Advel1ls ...,gCHARLES MA~OS ..••••••••••••••••••.. Editor

Subscription Rates: By Man. $2 UOper year; 5c per cOpy.By Carrier, 10 cen~ a Month

Published E\'ery Thursday by The Grosse Pointe Printing Co.LEnox 1162.1168


> I

t~-lj.'f i, I,

Page 3: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration


Par;e Three







latomatic Soap Cbips15 oz. Box - - - - 31eGiant Box ____ $1.59

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Corned BeefBRISKET




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Lipton's Spaghetti Sauce 2 TINS 27C

Demmiag's SALMON Tall ';i:Flat 5Se

Babitanl PEA SOUP 2 TINS 33C


TOMATO JUICE46-oz. Tin 24c

16822 KERCHEVAL AVENUE880 West McNichols-Phone UN 1.6700

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TURKEY I6Slli. .


Pay lor No Waste


Ass't'd 2Pkgs.15eFlavorsMINUTE RICE

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t1 BEEF ~ Sliced Bacon~!" •.49c 68c

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Headlights cleaned. or replac-ed.Seal beams aimed.All bulbs replaced.• Labor Only $600Steering gear adjusted.Tire Wear Inspection.Wheel Balance.

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Labor Onlv $350Malor Brake Adjustment.Check Complete HydraulicSystem.

labor Only 5540

~~~!WDear EdItor: I desire to take Dear EdItor: I

thLs opportunity to express to The Grosse Pointe Woods Iyou t.he appreciation of this BU61ness and Professional Men'sHeadquarters and of myself per. Association meeting Wednesday

I sonally, for the excellent co- Feb. 19, was not quite so welloperation and support gIven to attended as previous meetings,the Army Recruiting Service however. about twenty weretinTIng the past year '. - I VCe5ent. III The record of the Michigan S:>me of us were 80mewhatRecruIting Distnct in securing startled when step,pmg into the

Irecruits iur the Rtguiar Army I spacIOUS d1n1ng room of theIs surpassed by few recruiting Early American Restaurant anddIStricts in the entire country fin~ it + all set--W1:-c whatThis t.xcellent record has been I appe:ued ~C be abo'olt seven

I made possible in 1arf1;e 'Part bv hU!1~d _gorgeous ladies of theI the fme co-operation of the I neIgIlOQrnood ,Who we!e the~press and radio of MIchigan. to attend & 'Zotleet. tne Mrs. I

WIth your cont.mued support, broadcast program. Where toI am sure that we w1ll be able put the men was no task forto keep Michigan in the first the ingenUIty of George our veryrank In bUlldlng the new peace- genial host, who qwetly usher.

gul ed us to what we feared wa.stune Re ar Army. to be the "basement" but it

Yours very truly. turned out to be a very wellW.~TER C. COLE, appomted below staIrs diruIl€

Colonel AAF room WIth a cosy wood 1r.reComma:nding. going in the flreplace.

-- HOW anyone could object to

I the clean sweet odor of a wood Ifire is beyon<1 us, but (you

D0 N'T BE guessed it) our very effiCIent Is II somewhat blunt spoken PlUInb- I

• • i fng &z; Heating bos.s-man Pete I

NI PP ED By 'I :=11 :;l;::J:dso~:V::dO~!smoke questIon but drd not

JAC K "FROST I ::::~;~ the heat situation very !

I President Doctor Rod g e r stook over and conducted a very IUa1JbVour Car I snappy and to the poInt meet-'- n, ,'".L « : 1n g. President Rodgers ap- I

k d R · d. l'l I pointed Attorney John N. Me- IChee e erzo lea /,V Pherson to the by-laws and I

',/ I plannmg commIttee to assIstAll Work Done By Our our npw Judge Goodrow 'Ictlo

recently took on the addedCertified Cadillac Craftsmen! :dutIes of a. J. P. for the Town.

I*~ I

I Real Estate man Paul Rowe

: ~~~~~~anse~~ru:ehmili:~~isuggestIOns were taken underadVISement by PresIdent Rodg-ers and the commIttee and withthe appomtment of your scribeaB publlclty man for the groupthe meetmg adjourned on thepr~.'iCnbed tIme. I

These ent~rtamlng a.nd In-struct ,\ e IJn.::heon U1ce~lIlgswill be a regular WednE'.~daynoon affa.:r and all GrossePOlIlt Woods Business & Profes-SIOnal men are cordially m,"lledto attE'nd ThE' priCI' has beenset at one dollar. mnety centsfOT ~.hc I~n('heon and ten ccn4sto the ven courrous and effl.Clent waItress. try and beatthat If you can.

see you at the meetlrl::EARL CRA.\lER




flOOr LampeMillar ElKtncaJ



Note To CustomersCONNElL.CADILLAC Has



(11 HeatIng system checked forproper operation. NO CHARGE.

12 Complete Motor Tune up.Overhaul Distributor.Overhaul Carburetor and Auto-matic Choke.Battery removed and cfeanedCables checked and replacedas necessary.

Labor Only $17-Other Specials to Meet Your Requirements

Please Call TW 2-1043 forPick UP dnd Delivery Service





w. wlI1 b .. RCA - WBC01l ea, - Em...... - Mull: -Fada - Ol,mp;. - Am. Radio. WIa. Anilabl ..

SIXthChu rch of Ch rist.SCientist. Detroit

14730 Kerche ....l An .....

Sunday Service.030 A.M. and S.00 P.M.

Sunda, Schoollilt Seoaion 10:3a A.M.

oood Sellion 11:4 S A.M.eaday Evening Teortimon.ialMeetina 8.00 P.M.

dulr Room OpeD week daY'lo e In. to 9.00 p.m.-Su.o-2:3 0 p.rn. to 5 :00 p.m.

loberts Badio Shop _16369 Eut Warrell at Courville

ape,. Monday, Friday, Saturday till 9 P.M.

February 27.1947 TH E GROSS E PO I NTE P EV r EW

i~9 Ends • [)~an [)i~s 1! G;;;i~;T;';;,;i;l; -'fl HBombi-nd9bSquFadron tHlero 1~~~~~~~~o~,;E~;':~,tE!EI t. I :c .. onore y arres a have gone out to Greece. Po-ec Ion The unexpected death of the ; • : I land. Czechoslavakia, Chi n a,r Rev James F Butler. S J.:l.'> i 'T0171/" (0 ... Lt (J~l Leonard Park Ed. ville and BUka Islands, Lt (jgJ AUBtna. Italy Korea. and other

. ndldates for Vll. socld.'.e profeswr and dlreclor .L , ""., : wards. USNR, of 946 WaBhlng I (then Ens J Edwards defied in. countnes struRgllng to re estab-Il1gof ca the March 10 of the DcpartnlPl1t of Mathe. \ * ton rd Grosse Po1Ote Mich. tense antl.alrcraft fue to press lJ~h their schools.Ol!Ill,~III Tuesday with I maUl'') at the University of De. ",~.++++++++., f.U U ol:..l.Hto.Hto.................. husband of Mrs Shl~ley Ed home low.altltude attacks and There Is stili time to .send ar.

jOns d(),~e~n listed as can. troit. left a gap In the rankB of I The legular meetll1g of the Beacon P T A was hpld at wards has reeel~ed a perman. score damagmg hits on the as. tlcles to China, Korea and Ethl.ollv\\:ng 111 the JesuIt In.'Structors that Will Beacon School. Gratiot Township, Tuesday evening, February ent c;tation for his AIr Medal 1>lgned targets opla. Mrs. Hubert C Goebel 10-es of (,ro~sc Pointe Park not easLly be filled 1 18th. Various comlmttee reports were given. Mrs. ~urel Boyer, I from secretary of the Navy ---- cal AAUW president. said The

e G Slamman, Village Father Butler, whose untlffie. committee chaIrman, reported on the at Patrick a Day dance I J .lmes Forrestal, for the Pres I AA UW A.d UNRRA oHer of free tran.~porta.[lalll \1.111 Gillett, Elmer Iy death occured last week at whIch WII] be held March 14th for the children of the fifth. dent. I tlon of educational supphes to. \\ I ;5' McMIllan VlIlage hIs rebldence in the faculty ~Ixth sev~nthand elgth grades. ParenUl are also Lnvlted Lt. (jgl Edwards, who has I these countries IS open untllh Ja 1\ r< (two year terml bulldmg on the campus. had Mr~ Villa Artair gave a report On Girl Scout lICtlvltles, been reled.>t:u tu !llactlvc dLlty, StAb d March 1 BeSides these smaller

1<"JUJl~,~,~mg. VIIlage Com. I been one of thl' best-loved and ~tre.!>6mg the need for leadership. Anyone Interested please con- earned tile aWdrd for aerial, en roa L1""~loom [,c,-"""Itles, there IS a!'t'tpr one} eM ,C.::'.) ,:l:C::;t p, ,,, .. ,,cut m ......ij ...'.:> v1 taCt Mrs lo/uanot or pnone .PH !l~!4. fhght aB pilot of a dive bomb., As the result of a plea by the I special need for school equip-on

er, I LrOS!le Pointe Farms the faculty for the past seven "Faith and Hope" was the title of the Founders Day pro- Ing plane durmg action agalIlSt American Ab.'ioclatlOn of Umver. ment _ maps. t.'~tbooks. etc.

e uK WatkLTlS, president; years. He was Widely known m I gram enacted by the fOllowmg cast: Mrs A. Gottler, Mrs Wm, enemy forces in the Solomon Islty Women for school SUPPIJe.s,1 Anyone wlShll1g to contributees F connolly, Jr. Horace Grosse Pomte. , SommerVIlle, Mrs VIda Adair, Mrs L. Jones, Mrs. Edmlnston Islands and the Bismarck Archl. the POinte branch has to this drIve, may call Mrs I

am r Henry H Hubbard, He was born In Chicago on Martin pelago Area:;. contributed several boxes to be I Goebel TV 2.0277. for furtherr~e G Kirby. Irving T. July I, 1895. the son of Mr a.nd Mr: AdenNewton gave an Interesting talk on "Your SChool:: Dunng the war, CitatIOns were sent to chIldren to war.t~rn I Information

an Trustee' Harry A. Fur. Mrs. James Butler He entered An educatlonal film was also shown on "Pop Rings the Bell. temporary, or Incomplete, for _le~k l\lon~O J O'Connor, the JesUit NOVltlll,te at Floris. Refreshments were served by the third grade mothers and security reasons. •C s ~ H(Jck. Treasurer; Rus. santo Mo, m 1913 and was or. I teachers DelICIOUS cherry pIe and cheese and coffee was on Text of the full CItatIOn Is asCl Labartll' AsseS?or I damed In St WUIS, Mo. 10 I themenu The Wayne County Councll Parent.Teachers Assocla- follows:e of (irO!>scpomte Woods 1927 His tertaiMhlp was served I tlon has accepted a dinner II1vltatlOn to be held at the Beacon "FOr meritorious achievementis A Ghesqmere. presl-I at Brooklyn College. Cleveland. School on Apnl 8th at 6 p m This being our fIrst dinner, we In aerIal flight as pilot of a dive

,~eoi~ur:a~~~~SSW~dx ~: I ?~~o, ~~28a:~~ f~ms~~:go~n~: I ;e~~;v~~I~~k~;tC:I~~~c~S, ~:es~'~~~rgvltfe ~t;e~ ~~~ab~~!n ~~6~e d~~ingBo~~~ Call ••.night paul W Rowe. Com., scholaBtlcat~ In Milford, OhIO. The Beacon Gtrl SCout Troop No.1 of Gratiot Township against enemy Japanese forces .... • 12 3 4oners. Phillp F Allard, Jo. Father Butler. who receIVed held their regular meetmg at Beacon SchocH Wednesday eve- In the Solomon Islands and the 1'IIIIIlIIIII1.J Bl'aufalt, Margaret L. a Master of Art$ degree from mng. PreparatIOns are bemg made for Investure ServIces to be B Ism arc k Archipelago Areaser Norman Sielaff, VIllage 8t LoUIS University m 1921, held on March 18 at whiCh time the girls will be awarded legal from AprIl 20 to May 30 1944

Be!! R Brothers. W1lliam I was a profes ..'iOr of mathematics I Scoutshlp EveIJ'one Ls mvlted. Participating 1n n u mer 0 us Iht Vlllage Treasurer; Leo at Bavler Umverslty. cmcmna.1 The GratlOt TownshIp dIStrict of the Women's Mlehlgan strikes against Japanese shiP-!th~an, Arnold. J, LeIbold, tl. from 1~35 ~ntl1. 1939, wher: State Ccllf'gp Ftl'n<irm RJ>rvh'::~had an old tune dance at : pmg airfields and shore instal. Ie Assessor I he <-anlt: w tilt: UlUVl:l:>ILYor Houe1leker H21! on Saturd:;.y nlg-ht. February 22. A four-pIece Iatlo~ on New Brltam Bougam- I

--- I DetrOlt orchestra furms11ed them USIC for the large crowd that at- 'EI t d I ---~ tended Mr LIvermore was calIer for the old time square

gan ec e N VFW Ladi dances Everyone enjoyed a most entertaining floor show givenasurer I ew es by the Novak Studio of East Detroit. There were several lucky

Duggan real estate 1 Auxilia. F d prize winners. Refreshments of hot dogs and coffee wereJ ated ~t Mack and ry onne served by members ()( the Extel1S.lon SCnice.

er loe road was recently . , The Commumty Group of the M S. C. Ext. ServIce held~1l:Surer of the Eastern The new ladles auxIlJary of their 1'!'lonthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Barrl, 19331

ed re aU AsSOCiation for the SChaefer.Rochelle post No. Elkhart, Tuesday evenmg, February 25th. After the business I

t Rean Yhas specia1Jzed In 6782 of the Veterans of Foreign meeting a lesson in the m6lldmg of woolen.'! Wll.5gIven by ourf~ and Grosse Pomte 'Wars. In East DetrOit, W3.') Insh. leal!lers, Mrs Car] Sarn and Mrs. Clarence MorliBon. A de-.. ~ e for over twenty fIve tuted on Sunday February 16th llclou.s luncheon was served by aur hostCo' It was organized by Catherme Mr and Mrs. John Graham and daughter are at home on

DuBoLs assISted by Elsa Danish, Elkhart avenue after spendIng the last three weeks at the homeHazel Beckman and Mary Zlns of Mrs. Graham's parent$.of aUXIliary No 6784 of Gratiot Mr and Mrs. Gerald Bruggeman will celebrate their thlr-townshIp 46 ladles took the obli- teenth wedding annIversary on March 2nd. Congratulations.gatlon Into the new aUXIliary, Best wLshes to Mr. and Mra. James South way of R.oseom-They were lIlStalled by Clyda mon avenue and the twins who are now at home With them.Trangmar, chief of staff of the The Boy Scouts of Gratiot TownshIp w1ll have their paperDepartment of Michigan ladies' drive on Saturday, March 1.auxilIary. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Livermore Will be celebrat.lng their

The new awullary officers twentIeth weoding anniversary on saturday, March lat.were Instituted by Grace FIsher, . The Republican Independent Orgarnzatlon WlShea to takePast Department PreSident and thIS opportunity of thanklng their many frienda and neighborspresent Department Chief of of Gratiot Township for the wonderfut suPPOrt you gave themStaff of the Michigan ladles m the recent primary electIon. Your continued SUpport in theauxlllary Veterans of FOreIgn general election April 7 will assure you representative gov-Wars. ' ernment.------------------------

Page 4: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration

TU 12741


" 'With our



Thurettay, February 27, I




Decorator in Y 0111 I: ome

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/RickYsJ3eauty 8alon


Plume us for an ApPL ..

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able in lOft putel color. (the comforter hua quilted rayon satin C:OVet Wlth a non-tiipIaille undersicH). Euily c:leaned? Of COUIM.

See them now at your favorite departmentItore, at your elec:tri.c appliance deat.r or atyour neighborhood Detroit Edison 0Hi0li.For .... PLIl; that', out of thl~ world anelectric comforter Of blanket ia a blue' rib-bon myestment in rest.

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Wanamaker StudioPINCREE 6555 14392 CRATIOT, opposite Ward'.I

OP"" -til 9 Thun.. Fri. and s.t. I

Richard FlemIng, Prop.

under an Automatic Electric Comforter

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NI. 2335

Your Weddingin Action!


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YOUI YilT 'lIST IUGHT under your new.tee:tria comforter or blanket will convinceyou how COllY wintertm.. sleeping can be.No IIlOn WNStling with lIlountaiN of old.fuhiOl*! conn or qui!t.-too wann OM

minute. too cold the nut. Michigan'. un-predictabt. ... ther need nenr dilturb your:_~ T!--.. ~~ ..... ,.l."'--u •• " ieDlpetature

yoa lib bed. ia mahltainec! automatically.Y0l:I .1Mp warm - sleep well - no matt.what the ... ther.

Electric blanket. and comforteR are nul-

• All Types Perm.1nents• Hair Tinting-4. • Contour Hair Styling

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I Wide Program .P~a1l:nedBy Newcomers ClubAt a board meeting held at OI""w"'e-r-e-gt-Ie-s-ts-W-ed-n-e-Sd-a-y-a-:'n:-""e-r.

the home of Mr and Mrs. Lester noon of thIS week at a tea heldEllIOtt, of McMillan Road, FrI. In the hOme of Mrs Cllrfordday evenmg, February 21, ext en. Lundgren, of Harvard Road The51\ I' plans were made for actlvl- hostesseB were the women of theties of the Grosse Pointe New- execu"t1ve boardcomers Club for the next two 0 the evening of Februarymonths. 14, Club members, on the invl.

Club members wiU try their tation of the Sunday I\lornlngskill at square daneinc when Forum group of Grosse Pulnte Ithey meet the evenlnc of Memorial ehurtlb, enjoyed par- Il\larch 7, In the Neighborhood ticlpation in a dinner d&lU'.eClub. Prizes will be awarded held at the church.for the most typical "hill Newcomers to Orosse Pomtebilly" CMtumes and refresh. who have attended Club events 'menta will be &ened at inter- for the first time during the II

mission The Benllett Bur. past month Include: Mr andlOOns, tbe Robert Scbal1el'll, Mrs Clifford Nevllle, Of Bishop I[the George lUcCal!s, ~ the Road; Mr and Mrs Jerry Lun-Bill Hunts are plannJD&' the dale of Mt Vernon; Mr andaflair. Mrs.' P G. Newton ,of Haw-The regular monthly brldge thorne ROad and Mr. and Mrs

party will be held March 21 at Howard Wolff, of Brys DrlVeGrosse Pomte Memorial Church. Mr. and Mrs S M Huestis.In April plans are being made membership chairmen, suggeBtfor a formal dinner dance to that couples who have movedtake place the eleventh. Later recently to Grosse Pointe fromIn the month male members of outsIde tbe greater DetrOlt areathe ClUb wlU be host& at a and are Interested In the Club'l;"Shop Talk" night When each actlvlt1es, telephone them at wl1l be I1:lven a five-minute 2-7420.period t-o talk "shop" II ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I

women members of the Club

.u';1.. I'.,



Becomes Bride

17001' K.rch" ....' NIIo..... 7788(JlTna.. POInte

Edw. J. Pongracz, .Jr.


Gro"se 1'0111 ie I PIOneer Jewelerr.,-.bluil ,~ ..o

JIlt ............. H""hflo4l1111fwy (IIW •••11M__1.11l«t Watmlgllt •. a $llIlIff. stunIy 17- jeftl lateI1tgtltwa!dl, tIn..- ..........0lI ... ~ h«b If Iftf'(daycl.niGlllIfa. S!loct aliso,. .1IlIf.1IllI!I''' ~ dial. ~........ 1 d .... ~ .....................

Next For Civic

SPlCI un rIlOCr.-o;'lEOTO Bl IT \~T FUrr"'G

q>FcrULV p~fh~r:m TO elln 1~

r;IlJ.6.:...~ r(Jt1rI6'1111'8 r •EAT DE llCIODS

Page Four

The next attractinn of the!) -----------C1Vlc Light Opera March 3 "Mocking BIrd," "SIlver Moon"through 9 Is "MY' Maryland" and "In the Soft SOuthern

. another ROmberg operetta, r~- NIght.. The sensational Sugar

. plete with SUrrl!'lg numbers and Chlle Robinson will tave a fea-• spect~ular ensembles The ture part in "My Maryland."

score at times Is comparable to _grand opera, wlth themes from Millmery Classold Amencan songs 11kI' "DlXIe," Reg-lStratiom ll~ now beIng at'."Maryland. My Maryland" and Icepted for the Morning Mlllmerythe "Battle Hymn of the Repub- Class ~hlch Is startIng Tuesday,

_ III'" A lrrpat sm!!lnI!' ('lISt WIll }.!arrh 41h at 10 30 a m. .A.llcertainly ~dOjt.6tlce to~such Rom-I those 'llilShmg to regIster please Iberg classICS as "Your Land and call NIagara 4600 before Tues-My LaJld," "Boys in Gray,". day, March 4th


. "My Maryland"


LAST V/EEK.ENDWas packed with fun,As ~'Ou can seeBy tlus long CQlumn,And yet each week seemsL1kp Jt has moreThan the one thatCame !>efore I I I

The special announcement that I know you're all waitingfor IS the revealing of POINTE PLAYERS cast for "yOU CAN TTAKE IT WITH YOU." es, Mr. Nelson announces the actors andactresses last week and they were as follows. DIANE FAULK1eadmg wlth the part of Penelope, the mother of several or thecmJdren OINN GREGORY proudly carrIed oft the part of Essie,DLane's daughter whose role has a considerable amount of danc-

m It SO ' far GINNY'S domg wonders "'lth 1t. The~0U5 part or the colored maid Reba is beIng well portrayedby VIRGINIA BLAKE JIM DONAHUE 1$ Paul C)'camore-father of the children. ,

It Is hard to believe that thlS Will be Bn.L DE GRAW S flrsttune on the stage he's doing so well WIth the part of Tony Kerby,WhlCh by the wa~' lS a romantIC lead qUite sUIted to B~EssIe'; htlSband IS Eo In the play but CALVIN PURDY in relife Another bIona.hatred daughter of Penelope IS Allce or reallyPAT HAMMOND, who plays the romantic role agaUl.St Tony.

r .,a #" U4, A comical RUSSlan wo~~ ~Olga portrayed by MARY ~ ..

• a~ru """<orhn Vanderhoff isEARL "BRAriii, -the grandfather ~.. 'of Essle and Allee A sly detec-tIve IS BILL McBRIDE as Hen-derson. Reba's colored bOy.friend Photo I S kis TED FUGAR or I>Onald ILl he The former :Miss Constance Denise Constant, daugh- Ex-Army Chap ain pea swilll>e an opening mght. One of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Constant of Lakewood became At Methodist Churchthase real old, decrepIt, battered da The Grosse Pointe Methodistout old men Is Mr. Depena taken the bride of :Mr. William E. Couller, in a Sun y ceremony Church wl1l hold the first of itsby BOB SHAW. Portraying an. at the Church of Assumption. Lenten Cottage Prayers Meet-other Ru.ssi&D man 13 PETE I Ings at the home of Mr. andKLAVER actmg aa Borl.s Kalin. S;c-t''''..VennV IRecent Weddings Mrs. FrancLs H. Brown, 1007kof. W, ~I AI .., Yorkshire Road. on Tuesday,

The drunk happy, gay sort of • •• Mr. and !Irs. HarI'J B. Lennon, March 4 at 8 p.m.a charaeter ENNYthatGa

Qy=gtj~DenIes QUlttlnu of Abington road, announce the The speaker of the evening

13, SUIts 0 '0 marrlaO"~ at their daughter, wlU be the Rev Mr Edwin~ MEEn ,, and yau certa.1nly can tell In a statement this week Wl1. Noral Je ..J to Lawrence C. In. Peerce, former aOnY chaplain,:.he's practICed a lot already. ham G. Baxter Mlchlgan State man, Jr, to .., of Mr. a.nd Mrs. and now pastor of the Bethany: The wealthy, stlff man of the play Is SAM EVOLA in the Administrator 'for the Sister Lawrence C. - en of B1rm1ng- MetbodlBt Church here in the~])alt of Mr. Kerby. His Wife, or Mrs. Kerby, is being taken by Kenny Foundation, denied the ham, Feb. 8. Clty of Detroit.:.JOY WILLIAMS, who Is a very stuffy old lady. report that SiSter Ke~ny would Before her ma.rr1age recently, The Rev. Mr. Pearce is an out- !f. C"(tJ. fJ{iggins

And so that ends the lJst ot chuacters-but the play 15 yet retire, Baxter said: I In an In- Mrs Walter Couvreur was VII" standing speaker and hU a'1r) come! Don't m.1Sll such a performance with all these excell~ temew with ABC correspondent, gmia Cote daughter of Mr, and wealth of experience behind him ruzoodo Z.3Z00 MA. 7799:.ctors and actre.ssesl Watch for the dates to be announced Pauline Frederick, Sister Kenny 'Mrs. Charles Cote. of Holcombe, ~i~th;;t~h;e;arm~~e~d~f~o;rc;e4.;;;=;;;:;=~;;;~~~;;;~~~;;;~~1-this column later on. made it perfectly clear that she WIB Mr Couvreur is the son of- SURPRISE AND HAPPY' BIRTIIDAY were the words that had no intention of Mrs' Germaine couvreur Not-•once-echoed tbrough the TOWNSEND home on Frlday night when from her work. When question- tingham road. The wed(h~g took I

BETH gave a llurprise birthday party for DOT GEYER who be- ed about the retirement Kenny place at st. John Ben:hman's Iaame 18 that day. It was a dinner party, and a few ot those said: "I said that my dose as- Church.,who ate bourI ..way were aenny Qu1n, Lois :Mehl1Ill, Pa.t Gull- aoelaUon with the MLnneapoll8"burg, Eugen!e Hunt, Barb OIMe IUld Arlyce Buchbinder. IHeadquarters 13no longer neees- M&.t11yn M. Smith, daughert of I

And even more surprises were yelled down at the Yacht Club sa..ry becalMe that stllff ill fully. Mr. and Mrs E Quimby SmIth. I"when DOLORES DECK and SPIDER WEBB celebrated. their birth. trained. That will make it po8' of Berkshire road, became the.daya together. After Carroll Sherer, Bob Randel, Ray Bolo and sible for me to expand my work bnde of Arthur H. Engstrom, son IlIarrtane TrOmbley had feasted on wonderfu:l food the kidl to other clinics, bOth in tlW of Mrs. A. H. ErIckson, of DU'I

'trekked out into the cold nlght to see the "BANDrr OJ' 8HER- country and abroad." Slater luth, Minn. The ceremony, which-WOOD FOREST." Kenny further explained that took place Saturday at the home I• BOB CLEMANN 'n' BILL ANDERSON did .. tWOllOmeon g1v. she W1Ulavailable for advice and of the bride's parents, was fol.:1DI a dance at the Lochmoor ClUb on Saturday night. The ball. counael for any cIty or state lowed by a reception at theroom floor waa Illuminated in colored lights and the whole place that provided the necessary fa. Detrolt Boat Club. They wlllcarried out the theme of George washington's Birthday bY having cutties and financing for a has. make their home at the and white crepe paper streamel'll floa.ting from the ceU1ng. At pital or clmic. She sald: ''1 have

..the refreshment stand the Ulual In the line of 1'00Clwu aerved. given my gUt free to the people At a recent ceremony, Eliza'"Balloona b1gbllghted the festivities. of the United States. It I.s now beth Ann Shalvoy, daughter of- COupling it were: Eugene Stebbins 'n' Bev Martin, M&rllyn a sacred trust to them It's in IMr. and Mrs James Joseph Shal'

118mlth 'n' John Corfield, Mike Blgely 'n' Bonnie Lee, Doug Buck their hands for them to make voy, of Audubon road., became"n' Marilyn Bmlth, Dan Beck 'n' Do~, Joa1'LJleMorr180n 'n' use of." When aske<l when she the bride of Norman HarryCOb!:ry Bartlett, Amy M:orr1.son 'n' Jim Lemon, Joyce SChrleber planned to retire Sister Kenny E.~~..;.s~ of Mr. and.Mra Harry'0" Bob Striker, Jerry Webster 'n' Gloria James, Stewie Ward 'n' answered: "God will take care of M. l!;SCn, of Outer cnve They.. ~" H t MariOn Renn" 'n' Tom Ant" .. and Bob Hanson 'n' that'" are honeymooning in Fort Lau......... y or, ......... . derdale, Fla., and on their returnCarroll Orylla. Baxter pointed out that there wlll make their home ill DetrOlt.

PHYLIS MCCRAE wa.s bid good-bye in a rather formal way are already three techmclans inan Sunday eVen1ng when J.o\..~'E LUNDGF.EN g!.ve a going.away rllll tralmllg aL the KellllY ImLI-party for her. Nancy Georgi, Jean Webb, Oor13 DleBlng, Janet tute who will be ready to staff.Johnstone, Janice Skillman, Carroll Grylls Manlyn Walter and a Mlchlgan clinic. More Will be

_Polly Wilton chipped in together to bUy PHYLl68 a atrand at sent as rapidly as the facilitiespearls and a traveUng kit. will allow. "We are making every

The buffet table was set with an arrangement of yellow effort to brmg SJster Kenny todaffodils amidst other nowers for the centerpiece. The light MIchigan to supervlBe and dU'ect engagement was announced bylfUiJPer was highlighted by the deliclQUI turkey sandWiches that our efforts and make the com- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. JuhanJANE and her mother made. plete and authentic treatment E. Wic~rf', of ManOr avenue

TELEPHONE TOPICAL TEEN AGE TYPICAL i51.IIIla un the aval1i1blp tn eVPTyonp." Mr Bax- Mr and Y.!'5 H C Rlpprgpr,. stupendous fashIon show the EP_~ST KERN CO. Pl1t on tor all I ter Bald. "In the meantune we 10f Vernier clrcle, announce the• teen-age kids in DetroIt and area. SCads o'gals attended Monday stand ready to a1d any Indlvld- engagement of their daughter,- n.lght to watch the fashIon board models and the prep clUb put ual or instltutIon to the full, Betty Jane Aumatre, to' Charles

on a very amusing skit. Each girl there received a personal tele- llmlt of our ability" The Kenny M. Spangenberg, son of Mr. andphone dlrectory as a gift from Simplicity Patterns. Honest7'g-a1B Foundation of MIchigan Head. Mrs. Charles Spangenberg, ofif you weren't there amidst the huge crowd you really missed Quarters Is located at 606 Wash. Garland avenue The brlde~lect

: ,somethIng I 1 mgton Boulevard BUlldmg, De- and her fance are now attend-GALS! I trOlt 26. MichIgan. mg Wayne Un!verslty'T'RF. 'I'"t'TXTg C" lJB RAS S!"!' 'l'F-E tW!'E FOR lTS H.~G

DANCE.MARCH EIGHT TO BE a nng around the date on your calendar.That's all for now!

t tr' •i Ir-I? 1 •,~

j ~!IIHg

;f~;r,;H I~i


Page 5: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration



Page Five

















Make. aComplete




NO. z'iCAN

3 Sib.4Qc



Del Mont.Cream Styl. 29CCORN 2 CANS

Del Mont. 35CEarly GardenPEAS 2 CANS

Fancy Dried LB. 3ftcApricots c~~o iI


Brighten up that corn.~WIth a aplc and spancleanIng Job on yourlamp ahade.. Pickup ~rvlC&


Lamp ShadesBeautifully Cleaned

Perfect forMeat Loaf

We Now Feature

CALGONITEFor Electric Dishwashers

Rlchelleu De Luxe Spiced


Gold Coad






Metropolitan Opera Mrs Guenther HostessStar In RadiO Debut The regularly monthly meet-

ing of the Gro,,>sePomte BranchHjoerdls Schymberg, swedl~h af the Americ,tn Ass()clatlon of

ICOlOr&lturu. soprano. -::U1 m3!:c I UPIVer'iJty WOffiPn WllJ De neidher radio debut with the Metro- Thunday March 6th at 1 30politan Opera on Saturday, pm at the home of Mrs EdwardMarch 1, when the company In- Guenther 1046 WhittIer Road.augurates the flllal month of IAt thIS meetmg there wlll b(' anIts 1946-47 WXYZ-ABC broad,- election of otflcer" MJ.<isnor .cast series by presenting Verdi s (nce Sever~ ....111 dJ5LUSS"Recent"Rlgoletto" Books " Co.ho~tl'')s''s assisting "

Mill Schymberg, who made Mrs Guenther will be Mrs Johnher American bow Saturday as ."Suzanne" in "The Marriage of P Thoma.~, Mr.~ M L Van De.Figaro," will sing the roie of gens, and Mrs Raymond Wllcox

I"Gllda" In the March 1 broad- A WASm~GTOS BABYIcast at 2 p. m. _

I Leonard Warren, American ur d.JlU ,vu" n.<;:mt<uu "U"<;:", Ibaritone, will be heard In the 1322 Nothmgha.m road. an"tltle role of hte Verdi score and naunce the blrth ot a baby boy,Jan Pearce Will sing the role of Douglas Am. on Saturday. Feb.!.he Duke Iruary 22, Wash Lng ton's l)lrthday








Popular Brand. 51 34CIGAREnES Carton •

Gulf Kist


Aunt Jane'. Pure 29APRICOT PRESERVES P~~D c

Florida Grapefruit 1geJUICE 46~Z.


Tomato 2 NO 2)' geJUICE CANS

Welch'. 5eedles.








Vz lb. Zge




18330 )1~\t:K~\\'E. «tpen Daily 8.6



PKG. 21e

Betwun MeKlnle, And MorAn


12 PKCS 29c I

PERSONALIZED SERVICESquare Deal Cleaners take a personal Interest In

every garrrent .C1ose Inspection assures oetter c~eanmg

, 11~ h / -Ioui Cocn Pno\o I I Square Deal Cleaners &: Dyers

Miss Patricia Kellogg Hei!, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "E ... ythin That the Nama .... pu....J. SIdney Heil of Neff road. wlli b~ome the bride of Mr. rILE 4225Leslie Andrew Bechtel, Jr., son of Mr. and :Mrs. Leslie 15226 CharlevoixAndrew Bechtel, at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church.-------_._---------------------------=====~================.



19316 KEllY ROADPR 6770

A:: .....:........~ ,:.:;- .- .............""" A ...~l ..Ie III I[U Ard AIl."n It tipp,n Il Rub-her hr- Iluud alfalnlt Ihpplnll.\\e'lfhs 4 pound_ Two veArold CAn I.ft 11 S.lut.ful bakedenAmel finIsh

Rldmg is a healthful pastIme'I all members of th.e family canen10v! Anv Sundav mornlne:youTI find Wll1lam It: Allen a:Jddaughters, Barbara. and Janet.burning up the indoor ring wlththeir brlsk cantering We hearMrs. Allen Is yielding to persue..sian and WIll soon make It afoursome, The Walter Stewarts,

Ison of Bob and daughter Carol,are ardent riders. DItto Mrs

IRocco DiMarco and,Donna and Tom, Mr and MrsI George Trendle, Mrs. Elmer IBO)d and sun. Jern., ~1r. andMrs. Ernest Putman, Dr. ArthurErkhtz and daughter, Ann, a.swell as Mrs Harold Rounds anddaUghter, Geri. are others who

Iprove that horses are a greathobby for bOth sexes, for allages! • • a

un Thursday eveumg, Febru.!ary 27th ,SIX Grosse Pomte Clubhorsemen WIll travel to Bloom. Ifield Open Hunt to partlclpatein that club's weekly mUSlcall

1 ride! Turn.about is falr play - ,I a couple of weeks ago Bloom-fleld gentlemen guest starred inthe Gro.sse Pomte club's muslcal

I ride. R. Edmund Dowhng, Dr II Arthur W Erkhtz, Ralph For-I•don, Joseph J. Marshall, ErnestIC. Putnam and Charles Verhey-

IIden will demonstrate how adeptthe Grosse Pomters are at ma.neuvers - on - horseback! J. HIEvinger, Hunt Club manager,I~,:: ,~;oo~f'~,~f"dnll-!


Learn Self Sufficiencyand Form Good

Hygiene Habits Early-


in Stock

Pin gree 6050TUxedo 1-2270

ARMSTRONG I&9!::!::d __- - - - - - sq. ,d: $ ·

?/8~!Je nel,.:;:; JJlin;~;ffli_a_o._-




Closed Monday

20455 MACK AT FLEETWOODTUxedo 1.3300




We Also Carry Flexalum Custom BlindsSizes for Immediate Delivery

19" $4.95 29"21" $5.45 ALL 31"23" $5.95 54" 33"25" $6.45 LONG 35"27" $6 37".95

39" . $9.95

Deep.Down Luster of Baked Plastic Fin-ish. Beautiful and Durable. Easy toClean and Keep Clean. Won't Chip, Crackor Scratch. Rust-Proof, Warp-Proof. Im-pervious to Sun, Moisture and Heat.

Whisper-Quiet Too!Expertly Measured and Installed

Choice of Tape-Sturdy HardwareFree Estimates

COl\SUL T US ABOUT YOUR BF.AlIT'Y lI.E.EDS -W. SpeCIalize in all type. of Beauty Work •.• We .110 carry


Xatherine [/(ammeT

Ul'IdllY, Feb~~ry_27~9_47

;it;j Nations Gardens I~"f1Jrp of '47 Flower Show" ....... - J ,

[OJr n.rrrs or bloomsin -0--- --------'Ith f'Ralnbow Gardens, the prlze.wlnnlng pie c e of(orn\"Omflcent ro~, fields I sculpturr depicting the "Spirit

000 m." nd other bulbs and or the United NatIOns" fort~IJJl<>(~ta"E(( mentl, ot flow' which compeUtlon Is noV: being..,,<-HISal!occasions, the Spring held through the Dcotrolt In.

for 'ShOW which is to be stltute or Arts. To make these\ler convention Hall, March gardens authentiC. the help ofd in~3 InclUSive, WIll be one the various nationallty groupsto. o.~t colorful spectacles ha.s been obtained through thethe m In Detroit The show International Institute, I 'r seJI~n"(-' by the Michigan I For the first Ump In many l tspa oU. c' I I \ ,.rtlcultl\!:11 society. ytJalb, the rU!>e, queen of the • ~

o uLlhtandLng exhibits will flowers. wUl reign In a magIII.1 £ '~lor till' .tllle "best f~=:~~ f1cent display In which mere I , ,~j

s)1()\\ one. an t"ft 10000 l 1 I -Paul < PholoGuden cumprlsing ".. n , roses w.l be 011 dls. I

nbol\00 square feet staged joint. play through the week Huge Mr and Mrs, James Peter~ thc t nree largest nurseries bouquets or t his perennial IWelr of Merflweather road an.

\~IIChlr: ,n . Monroe Nursery I' favorite, from six to eight nounce the engagement of thClI(l Grcellll1g" Nursery of Mon. Inches across and wlth stems daughter, Anna Marie, to WIl.

and pontiac Nursery Co. four to five feet long will be Ham Lyle MartlJ1, son of Mr andRomeo The rambow effect I arranged In the "Rotunda of Mrs, Lyle Martin ot Audubon I

, be nrrlcd out with a row Rose.s" road. MISS Welr Is a junior at I"hted f0untains 220 feet in Marygrove College. Mr. Martin I

~hd 1\\ n an avenue of trees FRED M, ZEDEK 18 now a medical student at hteflol\'crs culmmatlng In the , UruvefSlty of Iowa He is a memo

d . G ld" a golden water. Other features m the show ber of the Alpha Psi Qt Alphat 0 lll~: ;nto a goolden pool. Iwlll cover e\ery type of exhibit Kappa Kappa fratermty.l~;~bOV.~ fountain shooting from the estate gardens of Mra 1-----------

20 feet Into the alI willi John S. Newberry, Mrs. Edgarso t a constant cha.nge of B. Whitcomb al'ld Fred M. U Cl b 7\Tec controlled by a color Zeder, to little house plants ex. nunt u 1yotes:or, \ _" <<>'""t" th.. I'nlor hlblted bv anv flflWPf lnvPf who I "

ac.~rr~s'po"'~d-;ith--the note of I grows hlS own plants 10 a sunny I 81' fHEv , I IJILL TOrrI::n• '[Yll1~r to the organ wmdow of his home or apart-l~h'c;eated such a sensation ment and who takes pride In

the New York World's Fair. his achievement. For these The Club's Junior Boya achvl.TE~ GARDENS people a house plant competi. ties are perking up under the

tb::ln ha.s been arranged offer. genial proddmg of adUlt memoe second feature will be ing $150 in prlZes and open to bers Fredenck A Carey andUnited NatIOns gardens, ten 'I anyone WIth a green thumb, Emery B Hatch Sunday morn.

"'I "",rdens-each one repre- mgs bright and early Jim Tous-.. ~- TIckets are now iLva.Jlable D k Fru h f D Bulltlng one of the cultural na- throughout the city in neigh. ~~~yRai~h care~ ~~~e aa:eendez_ns of th" world; a COurt of borhood stores and florists ,"OUs III the md<>or rmg. Tues.tlOnsdlsplaylng the flags of shops, in an advance sale at day evemng early the lads un.

the nations and a large less than the regular admission der fowteen take a group lessonern garden symbOlIZing the price which goes into effect Jerry Boyd, Georgie Jerome, Mac

f tlODS The modern when the show opens on March Hatch, Don Custer and DaVid't1 0 na th tt for 15th GllllS are among the eager beav-

en will be e Be mg J • lersl But surprise _ surprise _lone Tuesday p m Janet WIder-man, aged eleven, trotted fightInto the midst crt the boys' m.structlon sesslOn Sald Janet,"I'd rather ride wlth the boysanywayl" We hear tell she'sbeen persuaded to Join the girlsin thelr regular Thursday eve.ning MUSIcal DrIll.

a • •

Page 6: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration



Realon able Prices!






G.E, AppliancesCas RangesElectric IronsBendix LaundryElectric RazorsC.E, ClocksVacuum CleanersNutone ChimesHeating PadsCoffe Makers

TU. '1.2313 383 KercheYJI1 Block wt of Moro.1 Rd




LENOX 3837



ard tne Eas t

COMPANI'15121 KERCHEVALBetv.een L<:"CC0 i'f ~ a • " dr 'c, • ,"> ar

• ~etterheads

• envelopes

• 8tatements

• Invoices


Dan~ing (;IassesNow Forming

Tap ••• Ballet and ToeAcrobatic and Ballroom Dancing

Print. ud CluaL... o:u - F....Be,inllen .Ild Ad'faDCHChildreD aJld Adult.

School of the Dance750 ALTER ROAD


t .1







I, II:

! II I, II I. ,II


i :





('onlpanyLEnox 4000


THE GROSSE POI NTE REVI EW -----~_:_--- Thursday, February 27,194. -IVernier 2nd GraderPointers J P()inte Woman Directs G~"e ~1!!o:..A~~ehBird

U'~.derwriters Meeting st;d;in;.~~~1 ;~~~r '~;"dsf I do they know their b'rd. I w.

'I " of the :,ucce:.S UThe Women's Group prcl>ldent \\.i:. 1Il c laro( ellll held at Olle of the issues of thl U~of the Detroit LIfe Underwriters Ixnde~ v..r~er~ad::~lat. totel tlus weekly newl>paper to \\hll h tAssociation, Mrs Albert M LIght Ie O'li >" n"~J:,led by Vera subscribed had a p1ctu'" of__________ --- week Sle ~ ..., ...,. n ',.,., JI K l M Bt'Ck Sall~ l' Brooks, L . cMckadee and named It .1 J.I. enor lrJ.eton lIan 0 'Hogue and Pegg)' E the class promptly wrotl to

Spowart all of Grosse pointe. bl"h I It

t M . Uall The hostesse~ ~ere highly pu ,.., er was a h.llJP\a USIC ,lll I t resent when the editor sent an ans'"plCl1S<'dIII belllg ab e 0 P apOlogIZing for the mlstahe ''f"< Fhle stapleton of Nc~ York

James Melton, leadulg tellor of I ~s-~the pnnople'r ~lrsthe Metropolltan Opera AssOCI~. IStapleton. ennnent budget aU.tion who will appear m Detroit s I thonty, Ircturer, author andMusic Hall next Tuesday, March I radiO speaker, delivered an mter.4, IS nationally kno\\n as a con. estmg lecture on "spending forcert and radio artist of highest Happml'Ss"rank. So Widespread "as the IOter.

Melton bOrn 111 GeorgIa wd est In Mrs stapleton subjecteducated' at the Umve'sity of that the meetlllg attracted rep-Flonda and Vanderbilt Umver. resentatlves of banks and trustslty in Tennessee. made his de. compames and women's clubs m

Ibut at the "Met" durmg the Grosse Pomte and greater De-1942-43 season. Before thiS he trOlt, as well as "Ives of L1fehad starred m many radio II Under" rlters.shows, frequently on the -----stages oc the Chicago, Cmcm. i P LEX I G LASnat! and St. LoUIS Qperas and I d C the had for ~'ears been firmly I She.U - R? I - emen I, ' I Dyu - VarlOUI Tb,ckn.... 'established as a concert artist and Colonwho attracted Immerse audl. i'LASTICRArr-KIT~ completeIences wherever he sang. I With Plexiglas, drawingl, laWI Success Wltn James MeiLulil and accenori." re~. $3 SO, ;pe

I ",as !rOUl thc very !:rst, s:mply, cial, to If.t you $2 SO.


a matte! of s.L.iging in an. j NEw'nnatural way, the songs people "Workzng !lIth Plexiglas"lOVed. Whatever the son g, the Comp.!o;,te_~anu~ $1.50

Iwhether an operatic aria .1 fa' SEE OUR DISPLAY OF BF.AU-mUlar classic or some Popular TlFUL PLASTIC GIFT ITEMS,folk melody 'he ImbUes it WIth ALSO ELECTRO;-\IC MUSICAL.. 'al I t "h t METRO ....OMES and L E W I S'" w~, person qua I y- ear I ViOLIN and CELLO STRINGS.appeal, it has been called. "FlIIger.Flex" sensatJonal sl-

Peter Hansen wIll be accom. lent VIolin pra~tlce deVIce,panlst for Mr, Melton and he endorsed by world famousis also slated for three plano muslGlarts.solos at mid-even,ng-a Brahms I" M' I P d CIntermezzo, Valse Oubliee by I P I' Ie & UIII:a rI a~ts I.Liszt and FantaslC> Impromptu I 15526 Harper, Dr. NotbBlbamby Chopin. PRo 8784



A Lar, .. ~Iedlon of FramedUnframed Mirro ....

ALSOM,rrora Made 10 Order

~.ded Cl••• Repe... - Horn. Sen,c.\ _ • G " c: '" ,r' D,-e-' <3.,

• 'i.y ••IIl"s11800 Kercheval Avenue


-McGill PbotosCaught by the camera recently

at the DetroIt AthletlC Club wereMRS FRANCIS M HALLY, ofMcKmle~ road. preSident of theIbex Club; Gene Raymond, MaryRoland. two of the guests ofhonor at a luncheon given byArthur C Kreubheder, honormgmembers of the cast of "TheGreat of These," the play at theShubert . L~.fayette. and HowardSnyder (standmgl, who resideso.n LakeVIew avenue.

In the Insert are: MRS. LES-LIE C. PUTNAM. of Berkshireroad, who is prebldent of theTheater Arts Club, and WIL-LIAM B GREGORY, of BIShoproad. vice-president of the Play-ers Club, are shown chatting atthe star.,jitudded luncheon.

Other honor gt.e.sts at theluncheon were Bra m w e 11Fletcher and Sam Jaffe, whoare prommently cast III the samWyle play based on the politicalpIcture ffi IndIa today.

Among others present 'WereJames Lafer. presIdent of theFIne Arts Club; John S, COppin,presIdent of the Scarab Club'WllIiam W. Comstock, Wlllia~ r -:: -' .~

:~t~~~~' ~~C~~~kG~f~'e;rank Robert Wyatt, Speaks ~r~~l~' ~~~ga~~;~llU~:1- _ At Newberry House verslty Ba~ over the halt hour

W,JR MichIgan Unllmlted pro-Pointe Co-Eds at U of M Guest SpeakE'r at the meet- grams, Sunday, March 2 and 3

Initiated in Society ~Wb,:~n~~~, :a~n. 5iJe~~IEleven UniverSity of Michigan ander Macomb Chapter, U 8 .

Iwomen students IVere ffiltlated Daughters ot 1812 W11l be :Mr IM0!1day mto the honorary music Robert D Wyatt, 'head of th~society, Sigma Alpha Iota I Socla.1 Stud1es Department of

Ari"1lssion to membership 1n I the Nolan IntermedIate &r,.oo1,the organlZatlOu lS based on whol:ie subjeet Wlll be "Per.scholarship and achievement m I SClna! Democracy." He will bemllSlC. At the 1rntlatlOn ban. I Introduced by Mrs. Harold M.quet Monda.y, a lnlest con('prt Hastings ttrSt vice-premdent.was presented by Thelma van I H-..£Elsenhauer, soprano of the Chi. I • U'>Lesses at the t we 1v ehagO C1VICOpera Company I odock IUMheon preeed1ng the

New members are Joan' Bul. meeting W111be Mrs. Williamlen, 10623 Fullerton Detroit. F. Turnbull, chamnan, a.idedNelda Alger, 13505 Gnggs Dt>: by Mrs. Laurence R. Dav..s, Dr.trolt; Margaret Bosscawer: 527 Nina A. Mangas and Mrs.RalphE. ThIrd. MIShawaka. Ind ; Joan I W. Perry,~zcynski, 1274 WhIttier, Grosse Mrs, C Cla.yton Lanier prem-~omte. Junl" Va.n Meter, 28940 dent. wlll coru:luct the b;H,rn~

roadmoor. Detroit; Rose Ram. SCSSlonprior m the iJrogram.sey, 3788 Taylor, DetrOIt, Doro-I-----------=.::..::.::::.::=~thy Duncan 38 Elm Ct Grosse P intPomte; Madelene Jones' 0 e; Mary Lou Metcalf, 90SGarfleld, Coldwater' M:lr:1~:s~nn~lde. Ann Arbor; and Bev.bel, 15701 Wmdml1i Pt Grosse Ger~!d an 'tPatten, 5709 Gllman,_ _ _ ' ......' en CI y.

~~-----!.1~III I comfo,,:! in your home. Re-

move ... Fall and enjoy the



BeUe Isle Tent &. Awning Co.7601 E. JEFFERSON AVE. DETROIT 14

"Let lJ. Serve You Too" '


Big Day BowlingProceeds To Guild

All the proceeds a.nd donatIOnsvf the BIg Day Bowling TOJrna.fc.ent held recently by theW?mlm's Dlstnct Bo\\lmg Ass'n\\,11 be donated to toe Tra\'e&ln~Wheel Chair Gmld The check iv,lli ('(wer the cost Of SIX travelmg \\ heel chairs and toesI' v. ,IIbr g'ven to the Veterans' Ho~-p tal in Dearbor" 111(' ('ontr.but on '(\111 be prf'-sentPd at Hm :('r ~a! th!' A'lnual Luncherln on Apnlthe 8th

At the S8l:> mee,mg neck, the JOU!'!ll~llsm ,~tl.dentsastounded the assembly by putting on a play '\\"hlch reallycU.splayed therr talent of the group

The bOys and guls wrote the play themselves and thenataged a very profeSSIOnal performance.

But before the production could be letter-perfect, therebad to be several practice periods. On Sunday last, afterrehearsals, the group trekked over to Francois' to sip cokeswhlle loolt1ng over thetr scripts and memorizmg their lmes.

Members of the cast include Ted Vernier, Don Simpson,Joan Krausmann, Nancy Schumacher, Rosemay wruble, JoanWe1dman, Jo Mannino, Nan 8t~I, Marty LOu Mauer, JoanneAth8.DBOn,Henrietta Sutton, DOlores Berges sally Curran andYour Pen Pal.

CONGRATULATIONS. feJlo\\S, JOU did a s\\ ell job thISseason Everyone was ju.stly proUd of your outstanding :,pDrts.manshlp

Orchids to yOU, COACH LAUER, on ~Our sucee.>Sfulseason We've heard It rumored that )our expert mstructlonwas the real reason for all those "WlllS,"

And to you, JOHN FUSHMAN, a specIal word of con-gratulations for your able leadership as captain of the team.Those victOries acqwred by St. au! were due L'1 a largemC3.Sure tn ~.nl1r ~k.1l1ful ulaymg

• • •Baaketball pmea Ileemed to be holding the "Hi-Lite" tb1a

.. .,.,It. The ch&.~ty gam~ were outstanding s~.ce~ dnrmgthe etra-eurrleular per10cla last Manday. Proeeeds from theseproea will be used to help the needy Europea.n peoples.The games were held with the nosh and Sophomore boys bat.tUng together &Del. the Junior and Benior Lassies r;rymg tortop honors.

When the final wh1stle blew the Soph boys and Juniorpia were proeIa1med the victors in tobe first halt of theencounters.

The other games WJ.1l be played later. Cheeering theIrteammates on to victory were JUdy Athman, Jack Auckland,Ralph Beaupre, Mam Bergmann, John Bingham, MarlonBrideau, Joe Cavanaugh, Johnny Clark. John Carpenter, Tuncarrtgan, Marg Clarke, George, Theresa DuPu1s, MikeFurguaon, Joan Geisler, D. Gelnlak Jean Hagan, Pat Hamlin.V1rgl,n1a falser, Doug ner1eh, Margaret Labadie. Rita Leit-hauser, Jim Law. Jane Lodewyk, Marto.n McLaughlIn, AnnMeathe, Ellen and PhylUs Moore. Marie Meldrum. Von Tamm,Irene Vlncke, Marg West11 Mary Wadeft Chlis Weot, PatTrombley. Jim Shane, Don campau, Fred MAddock, Maryoerardy, sally McKernan, Nancy Logue, Jo Camella., HelenCook, Sue Sharrow, Marilyn 8nUthfl. Judy Henneeke, MargLynch, Elaine WYJek, Ellle Wade, Dona Klein, Pat NormanaDd Chuck Boult. • •

•To wind up the week's festivities, a group of Senior girls

wenaea their way to tne Or~e pomte WOO<1sHowlmg Alleyfor It few fames We DOtlced that the girls are lmprovmgW'lth each visit. There were even a few who could take fullcredit for a .strike Or two.

EnJoying the afternoon together were Joan Atha.I1SOn JoMannino, Nan Stahl, Do Backman, Marty Mauer and yourReporter.

That.s all for \.JIlS week but ru be back againThursday with more news for you. UntIl then


8lx tunsters tramped out to Hart's stables to get 1n a:foe,,::hou.~ of riding on Sa.turday ..A., very '!!loyj$lhl~ ~ftprnoonwas provided for the gt'llp of riding enthusluts.

Pierre Belanger Judy Hennecke, MIke Galvin Ann Dungan~~ Lou Vermer, and Dot Ardttto all displayed 'their Ilportmgawny.

Your HI.LI'I'ER'S home on Moross Road was the sceneach chatter and merrtment on saturday night, when a

of her class mates gathered round for .unging and gossip-• During thll stnctly femlnlDe get-togetber,the talk.fest

'lli"8lSoutstanding (naturally), but coming in aa a close secondwas the record .sessIon to which all the girla contributed therrfavorites.

Later in the evening, the grab bag WL'S brought out andall the ~ came up with a gift to bring home aa alOuvenir. Some of the fun-seelters who took part In the eve-

'nlngs' entertainment were Do Backman, Jo Mannmo, MaryMauer, NOra Allard, Chr1s HO/lkins, Joanne Atha.n.son, NancyStahl. .Judy Beck, and Amanda Larren.

Even though thetr season has closed, some of the memoberS of the St. Paul team and other basketball enthusiastawended their way to the Grosse Pointe H1gh gym on Satur.GAYnight to see the Blue DevUs battle 'Mount Clemens In a

~•• torlOllS contest.• Closely watching the G P. H. players' tactics were CkOrge

t, Joanne SChwnmer, Mary smith, Ralph DeCender, BObride, Chuck Tanner, Ted Vernier, John Fusbman, MarYe, Allee Fauserft Marilyn M'llerer, and

Page SIX

.~(l"='(~(,<=-()~()<;;::::>f'<==-C.~O Iij St. Paul Hi-Lites ~=~()<:;;;;;;;;>()~by PAULA In~AUPJ(~ ,()~()~(O

The last game of tl,e ba.>ketball sea~on was attended b~iWlt about e\ etJ one VoIIOtook ad\ antage of this last oppor.tumty to see the FLYERS m action. And there reany \\lISplenty of fast mo\ ..Ilg action pro\'lded for all who m,lde theIrway to the St paul g~1n on Tl'CSday night

Gathered 'round to rheer for theIr favonte pI.!>er \\erclots of people mcludmg Nora Allard, Jo~ce Alef, Joan Bet711lg,Eiit:l' Buu~t, Ralph J)o>f'pnrler Rose Marie COOk, AI c~mpen.hout, L:aroi~n Engleh ..rdt, Theresa Ltltf) , HO\\le Meat1ll' BubMcBride. Beatnce Marchand, Vlrglll.a MlklaVlch. Joan MUlphy.sallv Nac~.. Thelm.1 Piche, Mary Pelrone, ManOn Rabaut,PhyillS Rapp, Betty Sheridan, Art SmIth, Hennetta Sutton.Maty Sparr, Ralph Schnelrder, Ted Vern~er, at Van Tlem,Chuck Tanner. Joan Lemmeux, Ron ~eno, Rita Lanigan, JoanLa Belle, John Hutton, Manl~ n otto, Phil Van Hollenbeke,Joan Whjte Jeanne Kulka. Peg Wortley. Joan Beaupre, MaryLou and aPt Tlubodeau, Anna Mane Tamm, Dona DuBeau,Al MOlr, Rosemary Wruble, Peg wagner, PhIl McGahe>. andSue B"rke

Pointer Actsin Stage Play

Linwood Bnghtblll. 912 Bar.rmgton road ".111 rT1<'lke h.sflrst appearan('c v. I t h thecatholic Theat~r. on March 29,at the Art Instl~ute \\ hen heemotes the rharadpr part ofZeb'ulun In :l.L'lr.' of Magrlala"

Bnghtl:nll l.~ also +hr unrlrr.stK:y for thE' m1.le 'red Papp"shu,c;band of Man

'l'he lea.dmg lad) III t.hf pla-;which IS ~Tltten In moderndl alogue and rOr'/'ern.\ the)' or\'of the most ~lrlkmg woman In

scrJpturP. L~ Juo;'me !-fcCarhThe play Will have .,",I'n p(r.

fotma.!lce.s. b('~mmr.2' !-hrch :!qt.lvough Aprll 2 Thl're Wll'

be Cl1i1nren., <l"1d "dJ,! ma' ) , ,malln~

'!'1ckpt,~ are avaII;.b11' at Gnnnell's M('l),o, tt s :'l.P<' :It :h.-catholic Of'I'" 1234Washlngt.on Bh d CA 1iOO


".If j.• ti




Page 7: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration

j• I


, .-.


Hickory 2000


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eel mec'lianics, using new parts em act-ually save you money. Savings ingasoline and oil alone, soon pay for theoverhaul. Increased acceleration andpower, smoother performance, andtrouble-free driving, are extras that gowith this economical service.

Stop at this modem service center--set up to do every service job, efficientlyand quickly. That's why you find ser-ice savings here.

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The Army Ground 'OtCeIlIOIdier is rllned rM hlI ability to c:arryout any a.. ignment with retOurcefulne .. and inLttative-th.q,\I&littet that make leaden in civilian Ute .. well AI the Army.

The GTOWld Forces not only te:lchyeu !ead~hif- they equipyou W1th fine job training to CO with it. In peacetime, the Ann,!it a gigantic IChool-ioln& orpnization-with training availablein rn.. rqt .1,4116 iU1d tradss. Cow&ea cfrercd ::.n;: f.1l ~.e wayfrom automotive mechanics to we1dinc - deti&ned to help YOlIfind the work you like and do beat.

Increased Army pay lCales are now in elfect, IIIld YOIl remvt20% additional pay for overseas tez'V1ce.

Thousands of outstandin« young men, abie to meet the newhi&bet .taDdatdI required, are watini iA the Regular Army.They arc bc&inninI iAterestinc. UItfu1 careen by learning leader- Iehip alOlli with special Iki11a. VISit your nearest U. So Army 1Reauitina Station for detai1LHIGHLIGHTS O. IIGULAR ARMY ENLISTMENt1. Cholc. of a", Io..... ch of lei 4. Fmult allo_,* fw 4.peod""tIwhich Itlll Iou quot.. to lit !II-.\, 01 IDe" ... 110\1"1 or .. 01.1"'" eo...~ of ClruUl o.. ne.. th .. t.... tmue until 6 _ilia Ifcor .ScwwhIch 11,1110"•• opaunp, on 3-rear II_t .... of war.ullatmoata. I. Eol••tmI!lU loe 1~. 2 or i l .....2. IWl.Illtment ace IrolD II to " ,.an (I-,ur ... 1I_nlS p..... utte4 forl"c1usIYl (17 WIth parenta' CO".... I) me. DOW to lb. IonJq ",tIa 'or mar_UClpt fo.t mo_ now UI Atm1~who molitha af •• r't'Jce.)ma" ..... 1i••• 1 ... " ", .. cd lorlD~ .. OP"OIt 10 retire at ba1f pe" I.___ ici Ill" depeAdtAc 01111l1&111 of tllo ntt of JOlII' hll afll~ 10 .,....H't"nC:e.. Hrt'LC._lDCrea_DiI to tll.rae-quarten•• B4ucatloul Jt.aIlti ..sor Qt pa" aftu Jll , ..... 01 OUT'''' AllJliII 01 R'p:tl for ",en who allot p...vioao b"""nIll. Ic.i.. 'ellen!belare oS.,all ......."atl.. of war.... .,lIta',. .... Ie. co.... taw,,~n ......... IOn'" eo 4&,. or ........ ntlnmlllt.

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•A go!! course in Cloudcroft,.New Mexico lays cla.1m to thelotltiest course m the UnitedStates. The course 18.ld outon top of the 8acnImento!,!(}1..:n't3.ins !.! !m!le 9,000 feetabove sea. level.'.Eddie Colll!'JJ, one of base-ball's immortals and a 1110'1graduate of Columbia Uwver.sity was singularly gradua.tes of that 1DlstItu.tion recently .









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Pontiac MotorsOverhauled


ickinsonaWaliace, Inc.Your Pontiac DealeT

740 Gratlot,t Houston Telephone PRospect 5000

1hUrtOs.Y, FebnaarY27, 1947 iJ"HE CROSSE POINTE REVTEW Pa. S!o.-

c::'::'''H;;;'':'~d'':ri:;;'''llDon't Forget, the Refreshments IPoin.te Cagers Lead Ii l'OiN1ECLEAr~r:RS&TAILORS •.L'/II"".;";;~.;'MM ~.~.-.'.;.... J Border C-I~t-I-es -League I M•••• Uld(~~e~J~1~~~~~to Or_ II• Aller,lloD'. ReIU1ID~ CI.....In, ud Pr.llia,

r fh;\\~~~n~~;~ed~elthr:k =eU1~~~: =:; IIJ JOE nOMM perlodl, the firat an4 fourth, The 14931 E. JEFFERSON. at Oty Limits~:tto ~1II games.: • • The Groue Pointe High SchOol =W~~;: =~w= dJ::: ,,.. M. Sdnlman Eat. 1921 0,•• £01 .... Till 7100 IL :1040MOe polMte fin took • I1ren with hlm to Wyano cagerll won two games last week. quaner.. I:or,,,,., ... if eM, bOth of equal I1In1ftcance.

e the reserve game Dive 8aehl, omcia1, IntelTUpted One beCauae it place4 the PoLnt- Jaciut brok.e the .cortnr tcel~r\~1eowner to s:"p s~und~g 1t. era 1n IOle posaeM1On Of ftrat With a buket 111the .&1'ly min.

place In t b e Border CIUeI ute.8 of the game and wuI!:ctbal1tea.m W1I.'l held up by B. 58-e&rtrain on tbe lAaeue .t&ndlDga and the other qUickly fOllowed. by two free

~~ndote. The tearn w&l MCcmpanled by Mr. Merlln beCal.lH1t WII a preparatklo for throWi by Paul Grubba of OtolM, Mr. P..obertH.f,n&On,b.Iatol'J' lnIt.ructOri. the oominc .tate regional tour'j Pointe. The remaIning ICOr1DIand _ _ • namat. wu aecompllahe4 by Gru))l)l, Bob

time durinl the Mt. Clemens reserve conteAt there w.... •• 111 Ollon, John Rummel and TomoneLleuptor the b.t!. offiCial John NevUle I&ld to the I'r1day ... t the _ue Dev Wi1llOn for Oro_ Pointe andlllgo~a"bOYS, come on, get up 1t's second down and 10." defeated a toU$h Wya.ndott,e Catarlno, :Moore, Jaclult anc1.. " ••• qUintttte, 115-'3, at t.he latter.' MOIl for wyandotte. The Point-

ket".l1 .... _ h~ _AOptec! • mucot. He •• S-mMI com. Thll 'lctol')' a.ncl McI1lOt: i era led at the end of t.he 1n1tlal

ball ,'.. ""..... ... .. ......... an4 JlJihla.nd Park', upset vie-l> Mr. webb l-' the bWl drlver who takes the torle. over P'ordton and Royal period, 21.11.

Vle\he away camM. During home lamea he can be oak, tespeetLveIy, gives Grosse D Ur Lng the ftna1 quarterflO V>Jlh the player. eheerlng them on. He Is a sport. Pictured above are a group of girls caught by the Pointe Ulllhsputed poiSes&1onof Grubbs. the iame', Indlv1d.ua1

l.lng'M ISalwe.ys doing thlnp for the t:lOYfi. Frld&y. for Grosse Pointe photographer as they were checkinr over ftrst place I.n the B, C. 1.. The at&t', WU remove4 because of:~h~ promoted a bOx of candy baril, compliments of their shopping list in prepara.tlon f<Jl' a "hag party" held Polntera cl.n be assured C1f at fouls. Up to that poln~ In the

JS • • • &It Sharon Crawford's home, 13141/~ Maryland last week. least a tie If they win one of game he had .core<117 points toFrom left to right they a:rt! Carol Krause, Pate Coyette, the two rema1n1ng games. becOme runner.up to Cata.r1no of

Joe catarinO's record a«alnst Grosse Pointe thIS year: WYlll1dotte for ....,.rl~.. honor.e lS J'G IT PF TP Sharon Crawford. hostess; and Jane Fordon. Other Tb1I total or 65 points It.· ....,... .January

18 7 5 1 19 guests at the party were EUy Corlield, Diane Thomn<U\n, DeW schOOl reeerd tor ,om" Catarina topped the ICOrerswith7 Ii l"'" aeond 1Dou came ...... Uer m 111.Pointers Bob Olson and JohnFebruary 21 1 19 Barbara. Bethey, Char Smith. Ann Young, Mary Banack. tile MUOD the Blue Devlltl Rummel were eloae behind their

Oil car see. be made the number Of field goals, • ------ roll.. ap H poin.- -"am.t teammate. Grubbs. blth With 15rowspersonal fowa ancl total points. Nineteen ill the S b r. S A b .. -- polnt.stot~i he has put together In one game th13 year. U 1(9 Dlb t! t m rose BA»1alOM. •_ • • ..J ~ ea' The Polnters ~ore~ 45 ?f ~eU' The following evening the Blue

clr f e1t.b k c1 bee I .I E~"'P'S D,.nals t<ltal pOIJlt proouetlOn In t.WO IDeVll. met ano. ceieaul1 a rougn I11AlIl'l'l dld not ea or er wee -en game lOuse lIT. :J It '/",..L' j IMt. Clemena Ave, M-32, in a non.

lIlJW"ed ankle. _ _ • y y' VanaO e~ lpa.guegame. Although 1t had no"" . By FRANK: DABNEY St. Paul Five Loses bearlnron the B. C. L. race 1t

e command<lSput on another game durIng the Var&ty Mt. C~emens Saint Ambrose Cavaliers, ha.v- • paved the way for the comingI Ion The Red team, ea.ptalned by Alex Bardy and Final St Ot 1 L Th P ill

N.h"' .....- DIA'" Be d f ing won 10 and lost 3 dunng the to. at es .state reg onaJa. e omters w

of Dan Beck, "' • .-..90, ..... ymore, e eated the h ed totearnof Bill carruthers, Jerry Thiede, Carl Stem Jack regular cage season, are now eye- B,. DON SIMPSON ave to become aeeustamand George Cherpells 1.0. Tom Dewey, Harvey Reyst The Gr038e Pointe H.ighSChool ing with great vIgor the on- playing two g3.m8S on suceessive

Free were the officials. reserve !quad eame out of their coming state finals. In their tinal game of the aea.- IDghta because the regionals aree~'l!tnIng point was scored by Bardy on a free throw lOo'llngstreak by cap. The Cavaliers, h&ving been san the 8t. PMll Flye1'l were run off In a !>hortpenod of days.

sank a bll8ket but was not counted because the ball turing two gamea thi.s laat week. placed In ClaM B competition, nosed out by their arch.rivlJa, Sat ...... ,. 1lIIht'. pme wu0' olflc,alLyIn play. seek and Stein had free throws but end. IWIll meet much tougher oppo- St. Che.rle.s, 45-39. The- contest roach and lIoPP1 tbroIaghollt'them At ane time all 13 bOY.were in one pile on the Fnday night they defeated B. nents than they eneountered whieh was held In the Red and the 8nt haU and midways and another tlme Serr8 lad to wrestl1ni head lock on qwntet from Wyandotte, 35-23, during their regualr l!eason. White gym, was extremely close ihro1lfb tbe thtrd period. AtReyst. and the following evening they The Ca.valler's opponent hu thrOughout IJ1d was, as 14 the tbII time the Poln&el'llball,.

• • • , walloped Mt. Clemens, '""25. not yet been announeed but two eustom of all games with st. bepD to work .. the,. ba"eBorderCities Leque bUtetblJ.1 standings: In the first contest they seized thinp are known. FInt 18tb&t Charles extremely rough and a showed they ean 1ft the put.

W L an 8-1lead and remamed In front the 11.rstplayo1r game WIll take great qUanity 23 on eaeh team, The first ~riod was nip andGROSSEPO~"TE ••••••.. S 2 all the way. Vince SChoeck place on Friday, March 7, 1947, of fours were cal1e4. taek all the way. The scoreFOrl!son 5 3 started the searing spree with a and second, the pla.ce wU1 be at The Flyers surpr1Sed t.he De- ".. &ied three tim. .. theRoya10&t 5 3 ba.sket in the early minutes of East Detroit High. tr~i~ral ~ J~PIn~ % af~ Bllle De'rils held a sU,bt ....Wyandotte • the game, He Wall followed by Annunciation's COugars, by vir. IlQriU10deaThearutc

yIt eOfthe lead at the eD4. They in-HIghland Part 1 & Spite Quirk and Bayard John. tueofthe1r36-32victoryoverthe pe . e q eyes ereue4 uu. to 19-11 at ball.son. referees began catching the nu- timeMonroe •• . .••.•..•••••• 1 '1 The Blue Devils could onl,. Cavaliers, walked off the court merous fou.1llcommitted by both •

_ • - taUy four points In the MCoDd last Tuesday with their ftrst team! and the game was a con- When the Pointer. began toen the eagers scored 54 polnta Baturday It marked the period but still led at half- champIonship slnce 1938. . tlnous free throw exhlbitiOll roll they lnCreued the lead to 13

tunethat they have lOCI OYerthe 50 mart. They have time 13.9. BaI'l'J' M1mro &ll.d The Cavallers held a .siX-POintwith the Red and White team point.. 80 that the score read60tW1ce.They have an average of 48.6 pOint4 a game Boll 'Hays were responsible ror lead throughout mOlt of the last out eonvertlng St. CharI.. and. Oroue ~lnte 38, Mt. Clemenll

ed t<) 31,8for tile oppoaeny. theM pointl. two q,uarters, but In the bal as the first period ended St. 25 at the end of the thkd per1od,_ • _ The Pointers increased their two minutes the Cougars over. Pauls lead 14 to 8. and 54-32at the bal horn.

Is of ..u tbe reoorda that. were bI'Oten th1.I HUOn lead to seven points at the end e~me this lead and went on to The f1rSt two minutes of the lohn Rummel- took the e'f'e.mgg: of the third quarter and ftn18hed Wtn. second quarter continued to dLs- nlng'. seorlng f1ono1'l with 18

,ard free style, BID KD4ow, at O. P. 12 points better than "yandotte. Jim Burns and Bill Coot play fouls and work from the polntll an nine bultetll. He wasyardfree style. BIll K.t1dOW. at. O. P. The largest sconng came 1n the clicked for 11 and. 10 points, re- free throw llne.- The game was folloWed. by Galhagher of Mtyardfree style, Bill Kildow. at Royal Oat. final period when Gro.sse Pointe spectlvely while Annunciatlon'a anyone's eontest at th1.s point. ClemeIUIwith 10 .yard free style, Bill Kildow, at W,andotte (tied). put In 14 and wyandotte 9. big 'd-h __ t With three minutes before the G P Lnt top' ped ".t Cl

yardbreast strote. Bob oTen.t.I, at G. P. Munro of Gr06Se Pointe led gun Wall .,.., wi h 15, half Arco, St. Charles guard, rosse 0 em. em-OO-yardbrea.'Ststroke, Bob Jenks. at Royal oak. the IICOrersWith II pomts. He nine of which were eharity was put out of the game on ens with 23 buckets to 11 but

yardl.l1dlvldualmec1ley,Bob Fosmoe,at Royal Oak. was follOWed b Llneb er of throws. personal fouls. st. Charles pull. were outseored on tree style Bill Wolfe PaUl Friese Fred La.Ferte BnI W d tte thY7 arg ed ahead Just before halftime to The latter sank 10 out of 16 •at G P, ' , • ,ySaan

t°da Wl

Wht' th P inter 1.,........ ~ .............. ~... lead at the Lnterm1ss1On2HII. tn. compared to e1ght oUitof 15 DLlIY lOWIT 'Oil IIUIUT

ur Y g e 0 Sl'!!' for the Blue Devna i:8llmedleyrelay, Bob Jenks, Bob Easert, BID Kildow, at won the second game, defeating S ';he FlYers goodl! quota. of free • I......, IBIItTUII STITlOlMt Clemens They seIZed an 8.5 •norts throws In the first penod was J'rlday the Pointers wUl meet

50medleyrelay, Bob lena, Bob Es8ert, COObY'Bartlett. at lead at the' end of the initial T not repeated 1n the second Royal oat on the home floor. In U. S. ARMY RECRUlTINC STATIONoak penod mcreased it 24-10at half- n · ,. which may well have C06t them these two teams' earller encoun-ter broken by CUllen of WYandotte. time ~d finished lead1Dg 44-25. ,L-'Olff"e at least a halftime lead if not ter the Pol.nters came (Iut on top, 21 CADILLAC SO.-DETROIT

dew hold,s every tree atyle record po66ible for a Spike Quirk led the scoring pa' .... ~ ... "'"~ .......... "' the game. here 1n the Groaae Polnte pool p;cept the ~yard rade by clroPping in 13 points on ------------------------------------------.----style, six neld goals and one free An 18-«ame baseball alate.

• : , twvw. He was foImwed by Bur the lon~est and most exact-Is the sw1l11m1q team'. CQIIDp1ete record w.s )'ear: back With 11. ~ ~~ea~e~n1~ryty ~~

-53 PGnt1ac 21 Commentlnl on the reserves, .......•88 Ba.w1 Part 18 Va.rs1ty Coach Ed wernet said, DetroIt has been nnouneed.49 River Roup 34 "1 am greatly cone~med abOut by IJoyd BraZJ.1, director ofU J'ordIcJn 39 the progress of the reserve athletics,51 Monroe 33 squad, I am dependent upon The schedule will open47 Wyandotte 37 them for next year's team to April '1, Mieh1p.n59 Highland Part 25 take the plue at the seniors. We Normal, and will include a4'1 Royal oall: 37 lose four of the ftve starting men home-and-home games with

.68 LInco1:ll P&l1I: lIS an4 W1l1.son and Ouaresuno in :Mieh!ga..n 8 tat e, M!cll.!ga.n,'" I'OrdIoa sa JllI1uary." Fromm. Toledo end Wayne sa fea-61 ~ ---- turea.1i0 ~ :: PIN STANDINGS50 Royal 0aJI: 31 W I:8S BlgbJ'nc1 P&!tt 21 Jeffe~ No. t... . ... M 28

TotaJa 750 4111 Desantis Undertakers • 56 36e team fa w1nd1n&' up Ul_ aeuoa t.ra1nlnC far the Itate E. D:>l1baugh Ford ., •• 55 37to be hpld llt T a ... fo .. o a ..+.. ~A... St. Clair Shores ...•••• 55 37

GAY.'0- ~---... \~::,.~~te'ce.b'CO::::: :L N AUTO SEAT COVERS ~.~~~~~::::::~ :

WeId1ng Gas okEquipment Co. .. 36 58

Kercheval CJem 32 60G WUsher Studebaker .. 30 62Fox creek Mea.tB 30 62

HuwAvailablelie" 1937_1-,


Page 8: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration

N i. ~7


Exotic Dancer


Hamburgers - Hot Lunche.Made from Grade AA Beef

Home Made Soups A Specialty -

Wondering Why I LookSo Pleased?

I'm still thinking of thatsteak I had at the Lake.pointe Inn. They're good, ~

mister, and I'mthe one Whatappreciates fine food, ~our- 0

leous, and prompt servIce.


And For Your Entertainment

ARNOLD and LEEFriday & Saturday Night




: 0 REA M yeA RM E L Sib. $ f .1

b"TDNY" IOINIS Confectione11 Corner of Barrington and Ealt J.fferlOn at the BUI Slop~~+.......... ~r~~M,U 1t ''''~'I.+ 110 II 0 ++++4'.' II X++-:-:""

Thursday, February 27

IPublic Invited To Parking Hearing ,,. --- I"'nl~ h"for" the C"A publ1c hearmg Ob Ult:' II' "'I.'~'~-- - v, UII

posed ordinance to require (Iff. ell at 10:00 a m Ull Pnstreet parking for new commer- the cuunCll Chambl'l t t.clal, mdustrial apartment llnd IHallInstitutional buildings wlll be

Jim Cipriano's New Club



" "III II1'1)va ...". u

RUTH KAYSong.trell

CLARENCE DORSEYand the SelUational 6



Community Information Serv-Ice, a Red Feather agency, an-swered 30,000 questions by teie-phone, letter and personal visit,in 1946.

Club MeetsMr Lester McDowell, prl'sldent

of the Gosse POlllte Camera It'

Club, has arranged for a demon.stratlon ot toning of photog-raphll for Tuesday evemng,March ~. at the Club's regular'l1eetmg.

Tht> . demonstration w111 beconducted by two of Detroit'swell known phO~graphers, Ed.ward Ketterer, and DonaldThomas

The lecture WIll be a practicalone showrug the varIOus stepsand procedures and the methodsof photographic tonmg of prmts.The lecturers mtend to mcludesepia and gold tomng m thel!talk and demOl'l.'ltratlGl1.

The Club members wlll alsosubmit their photographic prmtsto the Club's Judges for cntlcJSmand awarding of pomts.

The meetmg WIll be held inthe ClUb's c1ubrooms at theNeighborhood Club Preshtent


McDowell has ISSued an inVita-tIon to the mterested public tolltt.pndI - ---- II 15203 E. WARREN at LakepointeRecital Features ~ ......u'~+u.. " ..++, ~uuu. U, .... If 10\":0+

• • '}I-++<-<~++++ t++++.: ..~Boy Pta1Ust U ,

Gerald Taylor, l1~year-old ItIThose Who Trv 'EMson ot Mr and Mrs Taylor, of /14769 Coram, will give a 15- B Mpiece plano recital Saturday urv orevenmg at McGregor Library "./aUdItorium in Highland Park.

Among Gerald's selectlons Wl11be pieces by Bach

The young pIanISt WIll beasslSted by a 30-plece orches-tra He is a 7th grade studentat Gabriel Richard School HIStelU:her lS Cora Florence Odlen

The publlc IS cordially mVlted


I ft ...:_IoArUlllLSi

PO I f'lT E




Comm,; Soon"REnR~ OF "m"TE


Saturday ~arch 1ONE DAY ONLY

Tyrone Power, Nancy KellyIn

"JESSe IA..'\lES"

plu.<; \Ken CurtIS

m_ ."COWBOY BLUES" I.::>t-f,d"j Cd,UJOI1 IISun.~on-TuE's. ., 1\Iar. 2-3-4

Dorothy MCG1:~e, Roo. Young II"«.,LAlJDtA AND D,\\ID"

plU8Kent Ta~lor. Dona Drake


Ne,,",sreel Cartoon

Wed-Thun-Fri. l\'al' !>+'7 IIGall Russell, Adolph Menjou


plu..<;B<J"rn 80,s

Thurs. Fri. Feb. 27.18Bette DaVlS. Paul Henreld


plusJIm Bannon. Robert Wilcox




Speak;;ulent during strikes means loss of pay" 1

Bill Webb, llA: (Now a weml>er of Loca876 retail clerks union) "I'd rather spendmy' $2 a month on sodas and stuff than give itto stuffed shirts who don't work: for it."

Donald Schmitz, 9A: "The union job be.caUlSe yOLlcan get hlgher wages"

Don Venderbush, lOB: "A non.umon jobbecause umon dues take too much out or yourpay check, you're tied to your Job and youcan't work overtime I"

Pat l\1ann, llA: "Belong to the union suchas those which have been domg so much tocripple the nation? Give me the non.unlonjobl"

Bob Healy, SA: "The union Is giving theconunon person a raw deal. The job WIthouta union IS for me"

• Dale E"art, 8B: "Yes, In a labor union youlose money during strikes"

Sybil Scotford, 'lA: 'As long as I got paidenough I guess I woUldn't carel"

Juk Taylor, 7A: "I would take the JobWIthout the umon Less troubiel"

Harry Garman, 1M: "I would take the jobthat was not connected WIth labor Ull101lS be.cause 1 woUld rahter be independent thanhave to abide by group ruling"

Ellie Hewitt, 12A: "I'd take the Job With.out the umon and take my chd.ncl:S myselfIf the boss thmks I deserve to be fired, O. K ,I'll get l:\nothpr job 1 don't want a umon toprohibIt him from doing as he pleases. Iffilll'ht be a bOSS myself some day! "


"The Eagle'S Brood" is thefust of three to inaugurate the1947 productlOIlS of Columbia'sSpecIal Documentary Unit form-ed late last year under the guid-ance of Producer-Director Rob.ert Heller.


Highlights U. S. Coast Guard Academy OffersHollyw~d Opportunity to Pointe Graduates

According to Commander J. and should include three unitsF. WllklDson of the Grosse Of English, two of algebra andPointe Chapter, the Umted one umt of both plane geom-States Coast Guard Academy etry and physics.should be of great Interest to Two subjects, tngonometrythe yOWlg men in the gradual- and chemlStry, have bee ning classes of Grosse Pointe el1minated from the reqUire-high schools. ments and examinatJ(lIls.

The commander stated that To qualJfy physically, a can.the education standa.rds of the didate must be in perfectAcademy at New Landon are h I" a 1 t h, between 66 and '16the hIghest of any college in incheB in height, with weight

the country and Its graduate8 in proportion, must have 20.20excelled in engIneering. viSion, uncorrected, 1.n each

ThJ.s yea r ' IS graduates as eye, and must have a mmi-mum of 20 vital serviceable

Coast Guard Cade~ must be natural teeth. No waivers ongraduates of accredited prepa- ph y sic a 1 requirements aretory or pub1le high schools, granted for admiSSlon to thewith a m\nlIDum of 15 unIts of earned by June 1947,

I ' ---I The Coast Gua.rd Academy,;J prepare young men for rarpPTIlRlSl""n!U Tiae as office1'll in the Coast Guard.o Upon completion ot the four.

i 1,"' year engmeering course, ao J uneYlIe eadet ill eligible fOr a commls.Bion as eJlSign in the Coast

C " TJ"arnz"n!UGuard and a Bachelor 01rime rr l 0 SCIence Degree in Engineering.No political appointments are

Urgent waming agal.nllt the necessary. Any YOWlgman be-rl.slng tide of juvenile dellnquen. tween the ages of 17 and 22cy which senously threatens Of good moral charlU:ter lS eh.the American social structure glble.

lwill b broadcast nationWide In Detmed iniormatlon may bee obtamed from your hlgh school

.. special one-hour documentary, prmclpal, yOUr nearest COa.'it"The Eagle's Brood," over the Guard Recrultmg Office, or byColumbia Broadcastmg System addressmg the COMMANDANTand heard locally over WJR, (PTP), U. S. COAST GUARD,Wednesday, March 5th from 10 WASHINGTON 25. D. C.u:ntl1 11 p.m. EST.

The script unfolds a picture Nante Harry Wismerof civic indIfference, o1'ficlallm-potence and economIc short. WJR Directorslghtedness that is destined toshock the average hearer by Its Harry Wismer, Assistant to G.straIghtforward statement of A. Richards, President of WJR,authenticatcd facts. DetrOit, WGAR, ClevPland, and

j, IKMPC, 1A'; Angelell, was ap-

Based on his three months pomted to the Board of D1rec-fir~l-hand Btudy: in a c~un~I!" tors of WJR, The Goodwill Sta.Wlae tour ana COUI1l>kJ!LdoHUU tlan. Inc to fill a vacancy atwith hIgh authontl~ on the the regItlar meetmg of 'theproblem'S many aspects, the Board of DIrectors held In thescript was wntten and IS to be WJR executive offices in thedirected by CBS producer-<lirec. Fillher BUIlding la.'it week.tor.writer Robert LeWIS ShayonHIS one-hour documentary, "Op- THEeratlon crossroads," concernmgthe world in thlS Atomic Age"lI"'''' n'rCU::Antpn 1n mid-1Q46 wa.c;;idely-haUed- by hsteners andCritICS.


Entertainment EYe" Nite Except Sunday

A tune called "BQgey ManBoogie" has been dec.Ueatedto Humphrey Bog>art by com.poser Jack Ross at San Fran.e!seo's P':.i..~t Hctcl.

Arter completing a partlcu-1&rly horrtfle ~ene for BrOS'. "The Beast WithFIve Fingers," Peter (theBr.r.r) Lorre wisecre.c'ked-"And now, wlll somebOdyplease come and help mefeed my vampires"

Niven Busch, author otUnited States Pictures' west-em epiC, "Pursued," hall beeninvited to address the screen-writing class at U. s. C.

Another "Memory Lane"mUSIcal Bhort, "Let's Srog anOld.Time SOng," went beforea OIUllera. at W8.mers tb1llweek:. Jack SCholl l.s dlreetmg.

Anne Col'DwaJa., for mersilent star and one.tlme lead-ing lady to Richard Barthel.mess, Douglas MacLean, TimMcCoy and Tom Mix, he.swme out ot retirement for acharacter role In "The In Wlute" at WarnerBros. stUdios.

Young AmerIcans prefer nOl.l-ll.UluiJ jobs,according to a recent survey conducted inGrasse pointe High by the school's journalismstaft.

Tne questIon was: "Suppose that you hadyour choice of two jobs that you uked equallywell Both jobs otter you equal pay and equalopportunity for advancement, liowever, onejob requIre" you to joIn a labor umon and theother does not. Would tbat flU:t make a dit.fen'nee in your ('holl"p')"

The studen1!;' answers wereDu Guy, ItA: "I would take the n9n.

unIon Job because there are too many tl~connected with the union."

IOD Walton, ItA: "The non'Wllon job be.cause there are too many obligatl<n1s con.nected With the lUUOIl and I thmk there Is a

greater freedom and chance at advancementwithout the Wllon."

lanet Reid, lZA: "I would take the non.union Job. Although you mIght lose it sooner,the only authority you wouid be responsibleto would be your"

Bill Gallarher, 12A: "I would take the jobthat reqUIre" the jolnmg of the wllon. Youhave more chance for advancement and for asteady increase in wages the loss otyour job would be very improbable"

Joy Heidrich, ItA: "I would take the non.Wllon Job 1 am agaInst certafn pohcI~of a union, .such a:. strlking."

lane Oehlert, 12A: "The non-union jobseems more satlSfactorv because Wlemploy.ILatestFrom

Because of his outstandingdel>ut performance m UnitedStates Plcturell "Pursued "Milton Sperling has assignedJohn 1wd.ney to the m8.1elead J.n "Nothing But theNight" hiS next productIona.t Warner Bras Prior to hJ.swar service with John Ford'sN a val Photographic Unit,Rodney was with the Michael

II Ohekov Theater Group InNew York.

• • •I Jan1ll Paige, recently In "The Time, the Placeand the Gir!," and Don Mc-G u !r e, Lately featured In"Humoresque," a r I" to bepaired as a new romantIcteam in "The Wallflower" atWarner Bros. Film Is slatedto go before the cameraswithin 30 dl>y", "'!th FobertHutton and Joyce Reynoldsin the roles.. " "

LEnox 9000

And dance to ,ht smoothrhythms of g" it IIr j s tCh4Tles Cosullo mid bisorcbestrd.

14948 East JeffelSOll at l.urinFOftMU"",~289

OHerins Complete Dinn.r Seme.5.00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. DAILY

Week?y Radio GramsB~' JAMES H. QUELLO

(On. to • Cnotnm ... )


rYn('T' ,,"',.,....._- .............

CUII~A\A/AY'~JI IU,Y, t'" ..,

Famous Kitchen Now Open

!4336 Kercheval.t Qa1men

Specializing in Home-MadePIES. CAKES and Home-CooJ.ecJ F.....u

Oom ... and Op .... ted b,. Mr and Mn. Chari .. 'StackmuFormer owner ,of the B & C Sodette Dn Fi.he. Road

HOURS. MOD. to Fri. - 6 A M to 12 P.M.Sat. - 6 A.M. to 3 AM. - Clo.ed Sund.y

fIT OF' lI-6xt8

[/(nown only for the :&st:wc:at;.,~r to banqueu,' nceptioru,duuJera Dr any MlCial OCc:&alon.

Din~ in the Wine m the

POIPEIU ROOI SOLD CUP ROOItmJ. enjoy ,he m.trYelo"scuisine of The Whittier,

.Delicious food temptingl,sm'ed.

THE WHiniERIIII'M Drive at River

The MexIoa House of Rep-resentativ~ has unan.1mous!yadopted a resolutlon express-Ing Its gratitude to UnitedStates Pictures and WarnerBros. for showing many otthat state's scenie splendorsin "Pursued," a forthcomingromantic d ram a starring Marital difficUlties and familyTeresa Wright and Robert adjustment are the chIef rea-IMitchum. Much of the pro- sons people use SOCIal agencies,

Frank Gillen duct.,n v;as flImed in the accordmg to Commumty Infor-Red Rock Mesa country, near Imatlon semce, Red Feather I"The Man of a Thousand Songs" Now Back to Entertain You! G$llup. agency.

Treatt~;:rr~I~~~~;;:ar~~ ~:Ii~:DUlners I~,= .f.dt thoc....,a ........ .• . uSAVE AT STEINER'S ~ G. ~:" !~!~~'B~;,~QUE~''''l

~ Premium Draft Beer - Mixed Drinks U

~"D '~MOITESDPETC.I~LESONLY I ~ N' ..~.... o~r..s5~~~~:'"'' n I• _n ..... 1m III I. yt)j~ J.U I' maCk at l5eautalt ~I

O)~~~(KiiiiiiOiO>o<,;;;;;;;;>~~~ I

Bowl for Fun~1East Warren Recreation I

1722~:;~::~~ ~~!~e:o~oad IBeautiful Cocktail Lounge II

w. are now organizing mixed doubles. Also Saturday nIghthouse leagu. at 7 00 P.M. Contact Vince Kel~ at Niagara t0600 Of Nlasara 9481. $25 00 Pnu-Moncy Cuaranteed. , I,..--------------,1

OPEN 1l0WlINr. FVERY DAYTill 8:30 P.M. and Aft.r t t P. M. and

All Da, Sat1lrda,. .nd Sundayw

TIRES and TUBES(Exch.n-,.)--<:ompl~t~ PnreJl\CLl.:DI'G ALL T \ \f.5

ALFRED F. STEINER CO.18eol MACK at Grayton


BestaaraDt aDd sea FoodHouse

Beers - Wines - Uquon

Good Food You'll Remember

1564 Broadwayat Grand CirClIS Park

j.:. ThlS rough variable February network shows In the WiJldy..-eather Is unpopular wit h City. Detroit has only riveeveryone but radiO sponsors • network origInations. Of the11. night of cold or bad weather Detroit net shows, The Lonels estimated to be worth an aver- Ranger and the Sunday Eve-age $1000 t{) sponsors-they get nine Hour are the best Imown.'that many more llSteners per Note to soap opera bellttlers:~:'Ol:r~:n cdl:u- Il he late:>t daytime rating re-

;:: On the Radio labor front vealed that the top ten pro.)tadlo ascrlpt Wl'lters feel tney grams are ail SOdopoperas ex-are being made unwllllng VIC' cept No 10 WhiCh lS "Breakfasttlms of a squeeze play by the In Hollywood." The only other.;s~o AFRA hike for radio tal non-soaper that cracks Into the

wnt and the 18Y.o"'c boost gIVen first ten regularly IS "The Break.)nUSlclans Some scnpters be- fast Club," People razz the Boap.lleve sponsors are tryIng to ers, but stUl llSten to them.eompensate for these mcreases According to BIllboard Henryby takmg It out of the \Hltmg Relchhold, who SPOllIlO~S The\)udget Loudest beefs are from Sunday Evenmg H 0 u roverClllCagO free lancers wrltmg net- WXYZ-ABC JS stIll mterested In,ork shows establlshmg a local radio station

Chicago is Dot a network featurmg classical m'USic Similarchost town as man) beLJeve. to WvZR In New York His ap-New York and Hol1ywood are plication for a station lIcenllestill the major production ceo. has been filed, but no early de-ters, but a tabulation this velopments are revealed that the four Dick Osrood, Detroit's busi.maJOr neta are prod~ing 55 est r...diaman {wntes .nil iUl.

............... 1 nounces sixteen shows per1I'Pf'1r [0: mnvinr h~ Rhow

W ., World pro(ram ~IondayasUm S throul'h Friday from 6 p.m. to4:15. Ethel and Albert, popu-lar team, will take oYer the6 p.m. slot on WRYZ startiDcMarch Srd.Two BrltLsh Broadcasting com.

pany stories are getting a bigplay In the American preBS.-the banning of hypnotism v1atelevision because it was too Idangerous and the tale last

Closed Tuesdays week of the BBC soprano whoseOpen All Other Day. 'ul 1 •. m. hIgh notes llhattered drtnkiDgSWlday. ud Holiday. Open

from 1:00 p.EDo glasses.CLifford 2226 CAadi1lac 2230 Unlike many of hla skeptical

CQntemporarl~, sam Goldwynthmks telev1s1on will help movieattendance.


Page 9: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration


, ~




T t SOlI/t\Ivnja\,.t 1 1)-


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. (

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Base Plugs • Fixtures • S\\ ItchesFluorescent Flx1 ures

Hou:.e WlrmgLEnox 5727



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Want a MUSicalInstrument?

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WASHER.:-'d Reoair

I\STRLcrIO"-Some period.LO'Q.)ted near M.,CD SchoolP.,,,, 1626 An"a. TU 1 2l8Z,

1e Crc,ce POinte ReView

15121 KerchevalL Lakepolnte and Marylan41

LEnox 1162

\OS tuned

rt wtlr""

I "Y" RetreatIto be heldI

A-I-I-IIlAl-t.o-,~_E_'~-nV-:-~-~-n-~-'-'-'-'-'d-<-h-Il-'1-1I-0-0~--:-~-I'_-P-~-R-A_(-~-~-I-.D_"I-"-~'-c~-0-,,-~-P-,-.::')::I-'-I::l.::'(::'L::'::b::'r.:::::::::::,~::,,-::.::.:::.~_,_~::.E_.-o::'(::"::'::'b-.-d::'::'::'-u-I-IIat Cranbrookdrell a. (.!t",\lu: ... all''' C\I.Uml NII.lIla,a hualneu. ez(.el1enl houu, i'oud ",-ork aiLe metal bed ...nd Iprln,411t \1J~..t

)l~1 In". cendl"on. ~ tI'e or c.1I 80s RR mllhou•• r",,'ler, ITon,nll I>o"rd end The 19th ~nnual ~prlng reo---------------IC"' ..e I'olll'e R.v'.... 1~'21 KPlch. t tI D I YMCA 111(LSIO\l \IADI 'Jlp Loven up!lohlerv ,,\.1 ){J !aWHrO(,llWler IV 29154 Itrea.t 0 lC cHot w

"n I cu.I."",. ,.fin.d R••• .,,,,,bl. 1I0LSEKHPfR lor doo'"r, !lom< lIye ~( R.fnw.r.lor lor .!hl..- Good be held at Christ Church, cran-IIu<cI, '" I,~ In two chlldr.n (..11 ""ll'''01 n196 condll",n TL 2 2006 brook Saturday r.1arch 1 at 3 30 I

WALLS~nd ceillna' wo'h<d and ~'per lOll III \lO'~IRA.1IO" ef th. n.w I I Th l k thI d. H hi' • ---------------- 21. BY j'. aLSCH 1'".",.,,- f4 ~ pm e l:UC<l I>pea el IS 1es:'~:C'ed ~~en q~~el~:1 by l711~IO\lel 5ul~. and 1)ervLce. Plnlife• Y(~~~~nll \vb~~:~e:t l;-( )~::I.~nd Inwo~~~ !en. ~n AU~x .huller complete wllh ~'ear WIll be Dr Gaston Foote,VINCf" IS" 1I 1-;1-'~~I-r-I>-I-'-G.--'-------- Inu 'ond lion. nc.I'." PI. n. or floah. runlle hnd.. , bile... el~. l.1I pa;,tor Or the Grace MethodJst, "A \\ \'111"(, .nd Cp "", -Any klUd of r.p.1r • J I ",1 666"

1nl.'.,v rlo.". ~,_,' n_ •• ". ~ I work Ile.,,, ... "I. r.'.. ~'e... t!. Writ. 80. I. C,o... POln'" I(oYI ... I 0 n IChurch. Daywll, OhiO, the local I'0 drLppm~ wulcr or !loud" I :x.p~t1 III aln rill '\.1 0:143 Leon Vermeulen I ...... ,dl't:v.I ~ 1. PIL<..J \'.011- .... I .. n~ HOQln ~Ult. - speake Will be Dr Ernest Len~ed wurke-rlt huured Ldl HOW --- ------------ YOL'-C '~A~~..b')ut 21 ~... r. old. (or _1_n ~_"o_d__c_,,_n__d_'_'o_n__ '_6_1._I_d_k_.__p,_,,_,_" H ts r t f th Fi t B(or .prlUg"" \ I 9 u110 '" AI PLASrER-Wo'k done Old aad clOTlc~1work In .to<k broke" d- I on pas or 0 e rs au-AR 2S61 n.... wo,k. AI... rep.1I lMark. l1J. hce '0' ,. off,~e up.C1enc. or C..,UIV'ORCI:. RI:.IRICI:.14.. rO,(1L.. d.• lIe ~4 tist Church IX-trolt_____ 11. ~8tJ , I d A I 1"66 C\,Il:HC feet ex\.ell ut nuulln~ orCter •

---CWENTElilVOR-K--- (,0111. B[ ..LTY SALO'l _~>_:n_no_lb_:_:o_q~_,_ro_B_UJ_ld_,_~_~_y_,_n_p._r_lO_n__ '_ ~~/4 h.<I llood .,.re H,,,olJ'.LI. "I Dr Foote I>pent July andj 144 Cbalm.,. at \I«k --- -------------1 Z I [ [ LIRIC ",on.. "0 IIn~ b'J.. d I II Augu.~t (1946) In Africa and

REPAIR Or remodel, kl'ch.n., bOlh., P.mlen<n, Spec.all.. Eoat !Id. \\' ANTED TO KENT I a ",,11el.ct", h.,"r 2 .n",11 ,•• 1.. Europe repre~entlng the Boardrecreallon. tltlle r(X)nu o[llce and R,..iUlLU.Ul .!nee 1924 TU:redo 22188 ------. --------- Can or OOIOt: to ~rJS'Ie (JOin" (r,~un of MLl),\)lOllS of the MethodLSt

'ac.Lory partition. allo e:atpnOr good f 1 ..led \\ond.YII EUKene (.roqul8noJe, PAPER CO~1P~~V IP9 h.eerv'c. end workma",I"p 5 E ElH 1$, l> CII"1'1<,. lA£CUTlVE <II el \ .'e,a,;' Affdrs 16, or,,, I Church a tthe RegIOnal MJ.s.slon.ber 20360 ro. .. h" f\1 ';84 , rWl>-Or throe b.droom h"u•• Or .part. e\01 TU 1 10,0 'arv Conference In Leopoldville,'ARbl' I-FR-n OR' - -1'- ----! A\,. .. t l.df-S Iladoe to ord~r In any n eut "'lliurnl.hod~ by ChI.' adult. IKO\180'( d (I t l U ......L...I~ Bar, ~" •• p '" or now I "vl. or I.h"c b<dUtllulwo.krn.n I \\11l aupply nc.Hent rel.rence. W"Le 1 4>04 - on - or ,l< -, , BelgIan Congo He -,>pent 10 days

umrnl .. rt'"J lodded r uh~dr IlelJl bhlP re'\l'Ion\ ~Ie PrlCCa. \t.e .l"o do I B;lX D ••• Pte ReVIew, Croll. Ple . at the PaTls Peace Conference.mall Job. 8ct..epted IJ re-~d 621 b I "b'\ue Tt't..)\ t:rmK on ;)0 OUt frame. \ au. I Park30 ,\1Ich. or phrme Randolph 07 t9. LL R~ KA vacuu n c::lean .. r att,3,chrnl'l.Ul d 4 d t"~ d' t t________________ 1 dilld nntlqu.e oh,rcla made- ml\) line! \1onl:b} Ihroulh f'nday u..lod C:QndLtlC>n L"P eve-mnaa. hi I an ays In He a ea

WINDOW \V ASlIISG IldHJ.. I amp... p.,..d and ,.flO.. ".d 1001 Ruhr Valley of Germany He--------------- 91,,» G"nd £4"" lr 4 II>I~ T\\O \e,.,an. ond hlo,h.r ne.d 'wo IRrLD 1:.15E\tA..... l"dlO i'hon>-I'.1 [has held rormer pastorates lr.

1wr~~':o.r:~ ~:,rl~ l.~~dr~~~:;:::.~~~ ----------------1 or three B.d",o,,, Hou,. or Ila' 16 'ube comb'n' '" ",.1' "dnl the West and South. receIved Governor Kim Siller turn.~ over to Michigan t-H club youtl1 the_II. VA'S Dlleul 08'6 PAINTIN_'G &_'_U_E_CO__ R_A_T_IN_'_G_1J_o_h_n_\_I_cJo.._.e_._R_A_n_d_ol_ph__ I_I_H____ Rell.ncy .....w .u,tJel. lor finu' home I hiS M A and B D degrees at' order proclauning the week of March 2 to 8 as National 4-H Club Week--------------- IAlPAI-,TJ"C ."d decora'lng II.... LRce, rl.Y REQulRl:.D 22$I~ CaIdorm•. ~, (I." ~ho-u. L< ISouthern MethOdist' Umversity I in Michigan Marclll Harwood. Ionia county. and Donald ChrlstUaw.WALl \\ A511i'<". p.per cI<dIlOd.Ioer men" .nd lu," luro .pr.yed. Ro' Ho"••. f1.t or ap' for hmlly of Iltr••, IWOO"1 8 and 9 ~'I_ ""I, d Th 'Midland county. 4-H club members and ~tudents In the Institute of short

utlma'" "I"'e wa,k<,. ...~,k goor lI.ble colo,.d 0<1'11, IlIeJonll nper' 10 CO"1""". dau"hter'•• duoallo", I", --------------- rlS octorate ill eology at i course at Michigan State college, accept the oalclal ordf'r In MIChigan.... leed. TU 2 lOll I LI:. \ MU 0 I THRLl.PILCE lIed,oom OU'a'--j ,du'! Denver UnIversity Dr Foote I_______________ ..nee 461 182 C,o.. e Pt. High School We IIv. qUiet mg .prlng .nd ",all re" IL • c11 4-H club work reaches 50,000boys and girls With B'7 percent of them

O'BR E 0 .GI"I\f\~III'G In,."or n'.".r Il .nd <>an(urni.h ""cell<II' Cro... < Ihas travelled exten.5lvelv m Eu.1 compJetinl their proJects, Mlcmcan rank:; liecond ill the United SbatesI N BQ <:. flr-for ...',,,? Rrm ...f ,,~t' U.",,.'h.llm Pte rclerences for rellponllblhty perm O"lf "'1~ll thoroug~bred In1~1 ..Ueor ~................... _..J u.....~ ......_ ..........11;"Aro 1n",... ln4 ...Hc1IJbprnjPt;:'1.s!,.J)mplPt.II!d...... I "'...,J 1 UXf"d) J. M)..fI' Imen(.l:', ctc Ke:ward or .ny pro With p.!lper'li~ one year olJ J v),t'"do I'" UlJ\., .a.uu U.,lC Vl ..t..J..Il,. t J.,jI';:;'U, .L~~U,

W'lndow CleanIng I \\ \1 L \\ \SHI'\G I po.. ' w,ll be H W. P.rJiIl, 20614 and 19371 attended the Church I _• "'e,,"'. ul.ner f\1'i ..,a 3618, 'World Co f 0 f d' --------------------

I "'CUrd''''" 8",,,n. 30)6 Wa)hurn \\ AL'LT ehe.. of dra"e". larae ",aplol n erence In x or , 0 d" . OJCompany luxed, ,6641 WO\lA'I ••ec-ul-,v-e-f-e-r-E-l.-c-tr-o-m-.-'t;;'boDY bed, .. rver, hn~nIEngland and visited Edtnburgh I "C'l-zna 7'0 ay I ~Ae Lzsts Az

l! \\ r \ Jur Jr151de v.ork done b~t'::He c..orpOfd.lIOn walle. Of e CH tYtl 0 fO ... l t-hlecloth and napkm. !:ler mg ar~81t!'r Iin 1937 I n .L CStorm 8Mh and Screen Serv1ce I lh«: lUlooh ~eal>Ofl R~4.onctble pnc:e6 furm:=.hed or unturnhhed a~rtmenl. set ~nd ~rIUtiit btJttlu e ~".te8

Wall Washmg Ir.< e.'", ...,.. AR Il~' Loa, S,de or Cro... P,nn'. oreo Con. 5,»n,," .h.wl Pro,pee' 31'), ----- val t D,TA lfior Blz'nd fTetS:,tact Box DI: <..roue Pomte ReView. CHIPPE'DALE D!nJng Room SUlle-1 ~. : L'l m a :JL1 Y •

Paper and CalcimIne Cleaned LEflOX6588 1~IZ I K.,ch.".l Gro... P<llllt. Victor hlghbov r.dIo, w.lnul L<d ernler I IExterior House WashIng - Ex I ' AR 3161perienced Men for E..ery Job Ne s Swanson r",omou,. 'COlor motion pictures of Eng. A lIberal polIcy for blInd vet.

tlm t W t d R \IAIIOCA'Y Spmet Deok-f30. Wedg< II h 1'.:1 land Scotland and Wales, Ofl erans v,ho request certam typesEs Afw~sc~ee~YJ~lven Pa,n' '1g Pa~r Hangln~ and an e to e nt Ilo~u;~ece:.el1$2ro~ct;f .~,::,.;. p cv:"r; Sc 00 Auorts Ithe Chma to today, and of an \ of equipment to overcome thell'

De:cr.,'lflg ~~. I actIOn packed tour of Alaska are handicap has been adopted byLEnOX 8180 PongracL ne.d. hou.e for head I HIo....L fll LL f-A-.-~e-r-n-\I-lI-lk--J.-o-l..-o-t- I next \\ eek's World Adventure I the Vet e r d. n" AdmInlstratlon,:-8:9 lE'~OX Alen"e h k R f d I h I Hardly worn. .lZe 14 10 Ron' ,Il. Orphan Boy ISenes publIc lecture subjects at IRalph H, Stone, Dept.ty Admlnl-

2925 Ho':::orrb ....atc ma er. • 'ne coup e WIt 10\2 \\ I I the Detroit Institute of Arts strawr for the VA's OhIO-MiChl-_______________ PAINTERS - DECORATORS w.ll-behaved ch,ldren at PIerce and I LARCI:.W.>,L"uT roll lop d•• l. $lO "China Today" Wlth n~ Igan-Kerltucky Branch Office J.!1

wnmow SHADES Exterior - Interior GPHS d 3 b d t _ Inf.nt'. b.d ..nd hl.ttru.. $~ In the v. ar torn European Icolor motion ....Ictu:res filmed last Columbus 10 ) said today_______ ._______ nee e room Income. er antique rnaholiAny <..hUl of drawen I II II TW 1-8185 race or houoe. PI~.e Contact. ~;O I r 4129 or 172\ Rurn. , lands an\'tlme from dawn to Rpring and 811mrnpr, Will be Karl, StOTlP ~ald the various VA

WI NDO\ V SHADE I HU:U.\I.>,DI:. Alghon-C,,,U R".e"l1< I dusk, boys fr:lm SIX to SIX. Robll1.'>Olll> tOlilC at 3 30 next field stations In the\\'m Heinemann Otto SolterlSch Om J teen Sears of age can be seen Sunda~ afternoon, March 2 Rob. Iarea have been lIl.structed to fol-

CLEAN ING 8048 Mt Ohvet 1170Maryland Edw. J. Pongracz Jr. FILL DIRT-TU, 2-6725 I rOaInmg up and dovm the I L!150n shows the teemmg CIty low a Lberal procedure In pro-DetrOIt:; Gro.sse Pomte Park 30 I 1 streets because they have no and VIllage lIfe in five malor cessmg blind veterans' requests

NI 7788 or TU 2-1214 WANTED-TO BU! homes. GIrls are taken mto Iprovmces. He goes to Shangha1,! for certam aids.

G S D II I priva.te homes where they re- Hongkong, Pelping, Foochow and The list of approved aids toreorge a y ===========================:: WANTED FOR ReNIe. all Id\'de o' celve proper care but these, other Cltle.s; shows the dread the blind Includes araille writers.

Pamtmg - Decorating FOR RENT &OO~lS .a~"1.i~~ ~;,~~~~.l ~:::e~.:':,:~:l I more unfortunate bO~s have !Pellow R I ve r 1D flood, life Idesks, slates and paper. Brame01 library bel~oea I'jewport and £••\. to smft. for themselvc.s. 'I aboard pIcturesque Junks and in Ipocket. slates. BraIlle watcnea

Intenor - Exterior COiY~R:O~~LLroom In prlv.'e home lawn, LEo 81,0 woman in Hun- the remote mterior. Iand typewnters. Allthonty al.soDR 8J04 FUR"IITURE:W.nted. II YDUl1ayeany.) Therehls ah _",- 'ent out to At 8'30 \next Sunday evenmg, has been granted for local pur-COUPI..Eand d•• .,. 'noomo or ,c,_ •• U I 11Id I gary W ooe e_o w .lO--

f1al. lurn"h.d or unluCDlched.£.. , tu;;w:n:f ~~e Il~~ J:~e:.0N_~~n,:; th In s and she was able March 2, K&l'l Robinson's subject I chase by VA offICIals of such_______________ 15Ide ld ;oe\, Fu",llur., Il9JO K.reheyoL LE. 111~ I ese y r m the overn. ,is "Vacation in Al:LSka." He non,standard 1 tern s as darlt

H. BORMAN I OR ~ 1'\00\'5, (urnl.hed, In Groue "'''''TED -10 buy good furm'ur"l to secure ft°abl1shm gt that I shows scenIc hlghllghts of call-I glasses, glass eyes and radiOS.POIn'eVICInity(.Ieeplnll quar'." for Cre.. e PIolnteRe Sale Shop. 1H21.31 I ment an es en I b

gen'lehlan) <All Dres.t '7&4. between K.rcheval at eb.lme.. OpeDdally, II. would house one hundred of I forma. Oregon 1l.nd W,ashmgton To 0 tam aIds In overcommg6 p m .nd 2 • m 8 p m Lenos 6100 I th orphans She has a oy way of introductIon, then the handicap of hllndness, a vet.-

LANDSCAPING INTERIOR - EXTERIOR IOlsTRlcr 'hlanaaer cf Johnson Woos \toD£RN dmInll room .ulle, odd d,e.. gr:~~ problem' facIng her as cruISes northward through the eran should submit to VA a nit.-H-A-V-E-Y-O-U-'R-p-ru-n-,n-g-d-on-.-n-o-w-b-e-f-or-eI PainbnR and DeeoratinR Cr~~ d~~~r.&Ex2c:Ue~:d~C::;;en~~::e R: Fu~'lU~i.c;.;~~::u.S8~~rfHture Sc;hr.m these boys need food and superbly beautiful I.ns1de p~ .. ten request Includlng h.18 name,tlle ru.h. Per.on.1 .ervlce on all Job. , '""'9 F' d D N I "836 word \IL H62 Bt:!I'ESS ,fA, n••d. modern l 4 clothmg. thererore, she nee<ls age. He Pblcituresastt~e Wlhld~tnt. ad~ess atndhClalffid numberd, thheLOClleor omell I'<I.g.... 0569 or NI ,170 "2' '\ CO r ,I ~ OR 6 ROO'! houoe. fl.. or '~I bedroomhorn. good .tr.el C•• h de.l a tremendous axnount of help. ish Colum a co ,suc CI les eq~pmen e eslres an 4727 I Croue POinte Woode fer fou, .dul,. Phone 'II.. P... If proper'y 'UIU P. J Duggan. '" , as Sitka. Juneau. Wrangell Falr- Iparticular need for It The v~---------------- I --------------- I ",ore CatholocTh•• 're o!flee CA t100 eg.ra 6345 I The chIldren in Verruer banks; the Skeena and Stlk1ne I eran may prepare hIS request atT R.EERE M 0 V 1N G I CLEAN. reat rrterlor and )OL"C LOuPLE, no chlldr.n. coeds W.>,'TED TO BUY lap .ho.. for lllrlj SChool became deeply inter. IRlvers ,the new Alaska WghWay,\hOme or he Will be gIven assISt.

d d ..p',. /!at, or ,ocom.. unfunll.hod, In a". 3. good cond,'roll Call TL ested n,hen thev heard of thIS Al~ oka s Indian villages and wild ance In cam ....l1mg his request a'ex'e'lor pa ntlng an ea v.,. PI.OIe 0011 RICh.,d Marr, NI 2 \ 166. . U , th I - >,"TRIMMING coratlng. Ex per 1 wall 491\ WA'IH.D-Twlh bed. "",,,,pi... , al.o SItuation and thelr sympa. Y anImals. any VA office.

I \,ash rg BLSI"F.SS wom.n and mOlher <le."e ch•• l of dr.w.... all In good conch I has been dlIected toward , "England, Scotland, Wales" i:> I ------• CUYljI;C ""furn,.hed .pL. or ",come. Can 110n. TU 2.7486 these children. Slnce last I the travelogue subject of Wlni. ,

• BRACI1I.C I CA:'L \\'AL T "'Ollar. 2063. W t d Old-CI th spnng four Ooxes have been 1fred Walker world travelor, at I Daugnters of RevolutionDWLOYED coupl. d.... e. unfuml,h.d an e 0 Ing I sent to this woman in Hun- 1830 Wednes'dayeverung March M t W CI b

Ceneral Pruning and LEnox 0981 ev:;::~;•. h~. 2 ~~~~me OT .pI Cell H'llho.t pnce. paId for men. 'UIII, gary. Each trme letters were 15 She will present the new! eet a omen s Uand .hee. Telephono""II WlII bnnll u. d h h expressed her I ElI z a bet h Cass ChapterThinning of Shrub. f ...\IILY "f 'hree wuhe. to re"l Z 3 'a you ,mmed,"'ely T.lephone T}ler receIve, W lC . oolor mouon plctures she filmed Da ht f th Am •

R d I C II b.droom home WJlI deco'a~e or ce. 4 362;. appreclatlOn for thl.S kmdness last summer. A few hlghlJghts: I ug ers 0 e encaneOI entia ommercla II"er n.w C,lT C"l1 LenD"9ih --------------- that wa.s extended to the Allover hl.StOrlC London; Pl~- Rev 0 1Uti 0 n, Grosse PointeI I-l TREUTER LHCE'ITLY "I:.EUeO-Flat. aupl... or --WAJIi'TED--USEi)CARS chIldren she was helplng. Imouth Canterbury Cambridge I Farms, WIll hold ItS regu1&rI • ,. I I I ,,, bu'~, hy ~"upl. vn,h T~'YTold 1 ",. monthly meetmg on Monday.

Id'Uilh'er Ioc.1 r... dmla 17 yeare I NE-D CI EAN CARS The Vernier chIldren have I Gloucester, Stratford: on. Avon, I March 3. at 1 30 P m., at the

Painting & Decorating Co.ntractor R••po,,..ble Cr".. e 1""10'. relerOll". Becau.; J Sell a.on Ca .. al now taken a new approach many other Cities, .Cardifr'l Women's CIty ClubPRE.WAR PAINT' H W P.rfitt. 1111 ,698 Sen.. ble Price. which they feel wlll be even Swansea and Wales, Edinburgh, I M1ss Helen EllIS. of the Bur-

IWOlllWaohllllll' FITe R.pain TOP PRICE more satlSfacwry; that is to ~HasgOw and the country be-I ton Hlstoncal LIbrary, Wlll beI PRospect 2090 I FOR RElIl"T ~~:I~:I~.:,.~~u~I't:.I; Sal.. ",.n "adopt" one of the bo) s in i ,ween. • the guest speaker 'Her toPIC.------------- Beautiful EAST SIDE MOTOR SA_ES the ne\\ly fowld orphanage. I 0 ---- •• j .... 111 be The Geneoloclla Re-

E D WAR D IOHO Harper a' HaTcbng Thls plan means that the ILadies VFW Auxiliary Isources of the Burton LIbraryr F 0 rf' R IVanhoe 9'::53 I the children m all the grades CollectionL.A. f\J v _ tl Ice ()()Iml'~ , ~"e ...".~~"~ '" ~O'1e" wh!.Ch Holds r' ......A Darty_ 'fT •• H'1'5e • "Ph1t1np~- ""'e-_ _ _ --------------- .,.... U.l.u.~ ....~ ..... ...... .. J • I \..,.,C:i.iu ... ....--.. -- ..... - ------J, ~......

___ F I , E. R ~ AI" ~ A I DI IVl:D ",-m be sent to the home and I " , , regent, will presIde at the bus1-P~I'T1'G In IVIII\IVII uu 1 1.." used to feed a llttle orphan i The ladles auxlliary UI the ness meetmg

G D ' . . . : DECOR<\TI'G N Bid' at boy. There 15 no 111gh ten- Burger.Stockton Post No. 6784. The state conference Wlll bereater etrolt I ew ui J ng EAST SIDE t:OTOR S",_cS sion competition amo~rooms Veterans of Foreign Wars, of held on March 27,28,29, at the

d MU 7854 as the children give willingly I Gratiot Township are givmg a Wbiu:omb Hotel in St JosephLan scape Company 1----------- SUItable for 10540 HARPER and there 15 no comparISOn Icard party on February 28th at lat which tIme M1SS PlurineyPA INT IN G - DOCTOR at Hard, ...g made. HoutekIer Hall, 19269 Harper' and ~1rs. FrederIC A. FaIr wLll

(ill ,\.,,,, .~d f,ller. AheretlOtle, FREE ESTI:\lATE.S I DENTIST hanhoe 9253 avenue. There w111 be table represent the chapter as dele-l~ 00,\& cr...... Flnnt work. -.-, , , -; -;-;-c D ECOR,A.TING \-------------- Everybody Ls hoplIlg that I Prizes and lunch. I gates. A1t~rnates Wlll be Mrs •

•.;.';:r:.~Zft~I~~~~.lZ1~~:~~:::;; 1 1_u_x_e_u_u_-_/_-_-_L_1

_..! P~;:-e I 2~g ~g - Cc or S:leres REAL ESTA~t\\E~I~~R. ICa rs Wa nted I i~:U:u~~;: ;r:to~~~~f~:se:~ :~~~hT.~~rSd~yt~~ ~~g"~a:ki~~ll1i~r;\irS K~~~~:---------------1 ..-c ~ '"' • S'2~T'.,g a boy for a year, : each month. If you are thc,' Janueson and Mrs, George E.n, ~~~~.~ t:.:,~:e~ a;;:~r ~~; S_E_R_'_.._C_E_S______ - C"3: ~g Fine Location I I The children Wl)] eagerly I mother sISter WIfe foster Neal~'J~I{,-.o"o:"a 3959 H.v.rh,ll, W...'T vour h.s<-rt<nl cl•• r.d or I ERHARDT :2"~ Tul A;;;J:,rtrre~,'s Late Models walt for the letters that WIll mother of an overseas veteran 1

efla~:~~ap~:~kd~noe~r,,,:~'opo~~'/'::_~: KARL Highest Prices Pa,d come from thLs little and Lve III Gratlot Tovmshlp New S. P lis--.------ 1- 1H 10 Ma,d<n PHON E orphan '00"". as he IS studVlng you are muted to Jom. Anyone mger uCORSETIE&E v.em,'} C.II"', \, 6 I -, ~ _. h b f

, Pln~..,ree 311 g HAN 5-0N the EnglISh l!1nO'uage, They \\15 mg to becOme a mem er 0 Ov 1000 L tt~'" REFRIGERATIO'l-Servlc.. An ll'.1<ro. v NI 6642 -... th B -St lrt A III ,. er e ers,..i:R COR'US _ IncllvllluaUy are anxious W have hI.S photo- e urger DC on ux ary..,''''''d d d I Electric me'OT> r.patr<d All "o'k --------------- : graph t"". requested to call PR 4679. I Larry Taylor new Detroit

t. O"-r r;:a \ _l!n.r :~r~::erle:a: rru*ranteecL 447 '~oro!l. R". d I'l _ i'\ ....J } ... _ C .....! C \ll I N G _ vvdo, R"o." '-1 4CZlo. TO. 7.012. 7228. I LA-,;C,- I ~.1-; FJ' ]rLO-~"',':1 Ch I t C ----- I S'.nger \\hO qUletiy made hJ.1

~ ,I I ~J') ----------- ev ro eo" A~ord1l1g to tht" Vernier Bostony Symphony 1debut \\ Ithot.t an\.' fanfare a.'Y REI'RIGE"ATOR- Aod molOT",,'"<e- ,.. ---------------_----I L'cef'a<d .nd bond.d Ke)vln••or 'vV A '-- L PAP E R ~ I FOR SALE \.1:'::9 t,'ACK faculty staif this plan \\ill week ago WXYZ test~dDR.\PERIES FrillJdalr.. L""oa:d. Cold.po, Un,ver' ------------.-- - make their pupils feel that Heard on WXYZ hiS IIstenmg aUdIence thiS week

" " , ----- .. I and '" tI".,.,. LE. Jill I r-~---------' :~.~.I;iEL:~~~~'t~~e. w~~tn;.:n~ouu'~~ I U:53:0 I they are more closely con. I....,th amazing results, "-cc'e <o-S.",.o or -. ., --------- d th E Th S h... r - padour nlch,nll. uPHOL51cR~,~.d b. ~'c ne ° , I V,.. , the C,o POln'. RoSale Shoop necte WI an uropean e ~"IIlP ony No 5 1D D Larry offered a pair of tIckets

"" ,-., ~ bed.proad. b•• ,,- yonr hO"l'e \ '.c.nlK \\ & : \\" ,~ ~ at 1Hl1 } 1 'ch... 1 at Ch.lm... FOR S.\LE-Al"TOS country gaining a deeper m- MaJor decllcated to Jan SlbellUs to the Ska tlm~ Va11ltles for the\ E 9 0--0 I I Open d.,ly 118 p. m Lero," 6l00. lIb"0. "or~', l" 1.5727 "nd t.:p~ol.tory <.I.'ll\n~ " , :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~---- SIght l.ntn t lelr ov;n Ives Y by I'S composer. Ralph Vaukran fIrst 15 lett.ers reco~mzmg a

~==:;=======:lor AR 2563 DECORATOI 1 .. "Y1Hl"(, III good u••d ""u•• '>Old IHI \U..RCLR) lou, Door S<dan-LI.. tile o!:lsen'atlon the~ make \\',1 'am~ ".\.!! be the fed~ .. red tune plJ.~ed b\ hiS accompan-nEfTRlf\L REPAIRS BOOKKEcrDI,\.~ 5~~,<VICr: 1••••••••• [".. Iurn"h"aa 5•• I.,.ac....... ,way Fur new goed ruobor and hn." It tnll be a "lep In arrnmg I'umber of lhe Tuesda\. :\Iarch l"t Annlll Fr"nz He men-

e ~ _ - ,- _ N 1 -: lulure, 13930 .....rch.... I. l.E 211~. R..,.,.,.bl. Tl Z ,Qq; ".e~ 0'" onh a~ a bl'lter understandln~ and 4 br0adca.,t o,er station 'VXYZ tlOned there \\ouJd be a 50 cents\\ ;. (_ -:;' c,C_RVICE BY THE:\\0" TH 4255: ~l-.I • t)L1P\l<"T-1 \. he.' T 'ee. \ 1936 PL) \IOLTll • Uoor ~:-o;-n~:;; toll'rance tor o'her natlonaL. ABC 0\' t ne Bo.ston S.,mpho:l\' senlce cnarge nPr r.cket There

- \..... I.'S • .,d t{eopvrt "'f'T't"ce- ""' O~"~ ..... 8 0 ",(1. !> <.i ..:: p....'e. p:")..)d S'lo...,(l " 1"~8 tle"', ....rc0(j<;; ~,,,d ra,r~ 0 D T 1" t- r)'- F~d:~.; 5~:t:ll:n~ll~a"';:.~D ----- I il""l~ ..>"l'. 5--]1 or )r p}-.(I T9"I~5i~Ro\al (. ub (OU~ " I. :-cne" ra r Sergr KO~~f". \\.J."! on.~ one annChl.nCenlen~,::PAIR I -~',IPW""IE:Io"T 4.GESCIES ~aF~' ,~""",'n' Ll 8J.7 •• 'I~TI -\,,-~.dl',,,"n~ ",'-r ho'" c,'.r ----- \.~lk\ \\,:1 conouc; t1e broad. 1'11(' flr~t mall aelnen the

I HARRY H.o\0\8. Tax Con'Jltant ...... • " p - • re_ ° .xc., ,,' 0",'" 0' "'- , '" P f Arb .,. c""t fr. m Sander~ T H'a.tre In neAt mOll1111g brou;l:ht 934 let-JJ- Ceo~e::ard IICo,nerI1~,~lr~~~fHE\-\L~i;~. 7~'l \UUR _ FmoLo""en, .g.ncy Fl fIRlfl\,f '0_ ,_, •• 'o>d , .. dl~:~~: :::, /~~ .;1;,,"" ,d (. PI erect I I CamoflClgl' \1-bS Precedmgthe ter, to WXYZ na,mng songs

;: -_ ed ,"'-b 00-'-' C "., p ...."-'.,, 10' .<1"" - 'TO. • ,I. ~ R.,.,n 1------ - -- ---- at Masonic ioymphom' \\".11be . he Brande' 'onj\ 166 \\ere IIlcorrect' III

II - - CARPF.'T • L~OLEt;~1 "-. e} ;::,~ ~;<I',nc;_~... ~~'d~;e~.ner':, oh < I 0'- ":It ~I' ,'<-':- ' ~e ~~. I --REAl, Eli;T\TE FOR S.u.E- b\1rg C,"'(','''10 XO 3 m G ~h'or :la('11I0n Ill' rt"{'c,\ea Ii tt'Je--- ":,','S REPAIR =, ,.- u ., -~- • J 1_________________ '1'hr pprfrct .'\"J. ~ ... .J\. b... J S Bo<'h The b-oao('a.,~ \in'll" brl'1gllll! hi' tot~l o\er

LJ <.ERV ICE I STom CARPET S'~D - HU.!' " \" TF~"F'I.\~_. - , e' )4 ~'T\' 11

<) ,_, ---_-.,-.,-,-, I f4 ... TlI\I0~. "., • "-0 _.' :,i lIle, t ....l .. ,J ,I! Hl\" '''' (' ,Ill";' \\ ,II or !~para at n.' ~ lal "' eel(.. • "T' \ r'- .l' ,"10 nu LC . 11<1_ In - '" fl." lie (o"d' L"'''' , ( .. , 0 ,"".-. 14u4. j now H, , • <.. '110 takl's tne S~lll:t' ,II 'he \1a.-,011lC1.1 I' 830 In 93() pm EST d 10 , p~llgr,I,'

Tl\..- .... 2-] "':::0 21 YE..'RS ~XPER1E'\;CE. ~q,., r'" I 1....1" C"' rltU S rl -\\<\R " (r ""'1~~ ~:"' n " "lUl' I ~"'I""" _~4o ' .. ~ar.- I J .. Tf lnt)l~., Cd °1'1 or .. f)'" f{1ur Thr ,oJ. ghn "" ..b a:n.... ~('.... ,.. S lei" 1" 'r e l r (.:) " ,.". 4 '_., ._' __ . ,nl'1'-I\1 110"" I T \Y h \\('("11"0'\ ald F'rcta'__ ~ DAY _ ~I 0701 - EYE~I~G r"'-''''' I WfOl .... lC..u ,., .... t - - - t r"~. r'"' ';: nl~ 11.., bt"~ ! n1' g l.~ "'C" 1\ arC' "'''1.P "1 1943 a I ........g ... (' 81"" "I 30" .. ~

RJnr:'\ .;. Z.UiLOCKl i -------------- lUT. rf'1"1 TH(:~ ..j \::,... ,~. t. "I Jl' r\ ",,' t hI 1 r'1>.. O...ln ,,.. bf" ....I"~)... 11 1....... Pf' rf" 1)T"f"....r.'.at on or ....1 ....ld:rnrg- '1 \\0 "lrld \\.ar II J p)

E(~........ O'>ntractor I ORCHESTRAS HI I" "T -------------- erOll"t a"""" tsll. HJT' '-'yt"") t> ..... 1.. De."",)" Dr_1~ ~ G('n 'I'" ~\P~' ....t:. ~r ...." ~"'f.nri"'("'(lt ,~, \\ III T (. f'~ IR~ I "I .\, l:t"~ IH.... b"'~, It'''... 1 n I Cl1lr1(', D 0\(. "1l .... rl ...(\(....o:- of ,J ... If' u) 10'):1 P 1.'.1,r"'111): .(" 0"

l ..." .... cod =-\.. :... C_~ , i L".\~ : 1..1.... t" on ".:....d -pt',t;'ll R.,. ... bilflo,.' .... 'liS! 51-(-1 \1H:--'" tn~'-C:--"11=~-;:-;;::' t!1f' Gu.ld." r('('e~" n""(xiu(' 011 of ('1)f'I"':-.1 .1 -\10C'''' H1l n', J ~~(''1 RcpaJr~ng ..... " .. 1 .~~ " \ ,~..... t .... ",It • P3~ct I \n I.l~. -~~ ,"l.l ::!4 1913

;'~ ..!r :::->kcrc;.Thermo-l '," .. c.,r' \~IICMt_L' (jll!)"" ... _q,~"r"l (lIr .......... r"l'" rlT'<;''''' l,' ....... ~t h"l-"<, " I 1\ --- - '-'~ I. ... ~ r:: ~l"l'l().., ...l'" I b ...a"i Tar'lU )"'l "'" lh ()l bUTlf'£ tur "U ~~ 'HI'" ..i..!l' °il(, f\llt It ,ill.''::'x 0' . , nct Installed ----,\ J,-BTOOS~lALL PR 2350 ~lTl\TI0S\\\'Tt..D-t'E'1U.E <'I\ll-(,'-d-P~"-;-[" u " .11

" T '-'" ph\ SI,llJl<'f'('( J\ ,I s:r'hlpo'Pl...."-('o~ 4~~A ~ ..l I ~I~ ') J,~tnerAl I:....l~cl.. c ,- ..11 n "'''II ~ --CRAi"E- i" ...'GELICAI -"'0-- ,prn'1' f'P'''''' '[)P"' j • f''-'' .q,,,. nr~

---- - --- REfOR'I(EO CHlJlKH I Tn,' " (,,, d , , ','1 1 Iii ' \1',... ~ 1'1, ..... \ t"" t,.li" ~ ('"1111''' ,I ~ I. Ill' t ....n eo ... I Lak' ~ 1

AUTO p.r .. ~ on .... \.... n, «'po1n .... .At TcnPV.. ~£:.) ') b 't"_ j ,~ id ,) l ..C;

o~") I " .. , 1 4 .q "" ..It..,. 5, Prpu M~nlflt ..r D("r .... ' 1':1 pr It ....r;; '~11 i.tO (INSU RANC E 1\\ ,1 I .'1".... • 0 ,\,,,",, \\ a."rl '11) "1,'

";:'''"t''lol ,,'... I (" l{~ C. ~, r f('°tO '1 jr ..).. ... \\ (" ..,J."'., \' ~ .....

c ,. ..l \l: '" , ". 3 ...'1 ,,.1 ,"'.., ~ .... c. , .. \t l~ 1 I P

I • T ,." ... ... ~ i".1 ~ () j Ji... $) I ....l ...\ ", r .. ",,' (' ...

\\ '''' ",~. \f~ -~;-1;~-\~,~-.-. 1-- __ - '> l~e .,:':0 .' ...,." " 'd' - • h) .11 R.nd0 p' I 0\ hor~l':< heacl b\ Rr,~t"rnar~ fOr, (j"f'! I" \ 0.1u:.,..,...... ..' '1\. I .. t'~.. .....~ I.. ""~ 7 \.. "~.. I __ - 1 SeIber' or Gr()<;.~t" Pom r. I:" \\ I' n t 1C be '" 'I II ,~,,~ ,\ ,1<1

-------I(.R' ..' ..' ,...~Hl<'1(' p-"\(-... :r,',,'~~1 among ~hf" ("lay f1gjrc~" df"'Sd;zned a.'('m~) ..... 1 ,)""( l'\. • l r atJ"''''\ l J'. I ...... ~ r. "1l t l_ )r.. .-.- I R " I t H R >-" , ., l, ;,J ,1l1d !'\(rcut('d by rnl'm\)(>~, 01, allac 0<111 '( • , t" ,,)

_______ 1 )~I','I\ ...r ..."IIIR- ,H ~IAn.o:rO\(' Col\('-:(' craf' cla,<;"I('~' D:1\(' \'0 R lH'. HIU I1k(' '1,' ,),-~~.'f''' ri,\. \, \Il ('j~------ IT'lH" f ~llrjnrr;;, arC' ( I dj"~\::\J .L11 ;hr 1r(1.ddd,r i ...).r-.... n1. ...., ","' .....(,1\

",.. ~ ~ , .... 1 p...... ;,..~ .. 1"011. Iln":i t .. I tr (l j~d th" ~c..h(~()l.s Art d("part..mcnt. "'(,roK ~n .P

_0;- I Ik~'l-Iore bu. orc,t Pt~ I hgh sI-us!:!s.

lnttl"r C •.I.ll'l: TU 2 b-+504

_" \ er IdC=lltJficahon bracelet. onI' al or ne4f 'i.lre School

~d. 12M) CrOfton road


Ge, R. A. & Co!. F. M.A ~cr Post 995 V F,W.

ls Second and Fourth Mon.s Each Month at 17145 at.

Avenue, Grosse Pointe 30.gan. All VFW and poten-


rOSTER iviOTHERSpfO\lde esperienced woman

can for Chlldr..n in your ownhorn.

ByHou:. c.y or Week

LL TlJXEDO 2-2199

_\L1Ssa"to fI\3llable U1 )our homea. '1 to 8 p nl except Sunda),e-d mUleur Call Murray 11 b I tor


ACT bt'ldie pla~erl lntereal.d inpo"t. call P,nllree 0131, Esper!.not tlece.sNH)

uIsdaY. Feb~ar)' 21. 1947-REVIEWWant-Ads

CASH RATEInlmum charaa for

'hI It\ d. I. SO.. lor I'I'''dlo.d I .ur cent. tor .cb'0'" 0 dodd,llonll wor

CHARGE RATEv.r,ence, • .1. will b.

lJ • ,c.o;ev« Ihe telephoQ~~,;pmlOllnumchara. rat ...[b. I I~ word., lour centa10' 0;' .dd,lfonal word. Pay-b, ~a:'n b. mad. b, eaab.~':Ckor m.oney ordar.


Up:n Req'Iest


EADLINEp. m,Tuesday

Page 10: umped Sewer Program Favored for GP rarms Rejected Play · 3-The TillaJe of Gr 0sse Pointebrk as a mllllJeipaJ cor-poration


Sat til 9 P M



ThursdllY, Februllry

NIghts a Sundays: NI. 3609

at the new

aun eraIIlTH ...... T TO II 1" d II JtLlI. LDOAemuro- u-, 01'




Air conditioners and gravity replacementsand repairing duct work and blowers

IMMEDIATE SERVICECHAS. M. OLMSTEAD & CO.14926 M'ck Ave. at Alter R~ad ,NI 2600-2601

Servml DetrOIt for 17 Yean .... Ith ConllJluou, Sn.ic.

Cadillat: Own~rs!!Oldsmobile Own~r~!!



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See us for Expert Plumbing Repairs, Installat:,cR"s r. D~--~el.,... n.IVIlIUU III'~


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Furnish You WIthTIRES & SEAT






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Painting & Bumping* Porcelainize






rlctur~d aho, e ar~ fl\ ~ of Ollr rn~nty four mod~rns~n ICc <taPs. eqUIpped "Ith the mo~t up to dateln~tn m~nl'l of ~en ICI" Ihat ar~ obtainable. SucheqUlpmenl r" our eslah"~hml"nl guaranl~C'l ,our carIhe sp~ClaILl ..d sen 'ce It r~qulr~s.




Window Shades


Estim,tes Cheerfully Given


Bumping and Painting

"Western" Veneti,n BlindsACAIN AVAILABLE

M,de to Fit Your Window

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NEW JMercury Engines

I C H U RC H S ERV IC ES 'I t:H:::I,~:5~;~~~:I~~0:M~::':rr*D.trOlt. Po.tal lonlt 2.6

(tin.' Jf!~Ul' ~dl be' thr ..ubjf'('t

~t I ~1Io\ II a r, "Of "I, P "l"r\ Ire!! ST JAMES LUTHERAN CHUR.CH ST. PAUL EV LUTHER"'l\ CHURCH ~I It If" LUliOll "rLl1l .....U u ,I, I 1_ ....

-"u dl'l\ I! a 11 _ f nUl ;. ~(no"')l OF GROSSE POI"TE J.cluolt SchooJ Audltodum 'i, jrl\u. l hut 111"",( Ih,o\l~houl LJ r I'-Irlurei",,. "'\"Hnlo: "Ioulh (,ro\lp" 'Ihr D-H,lnn(" of 'iHon(ll!LCAtlon Hl Marlborou,h and W.v~n,.y Av.. ""''lild nil "'und,,\ \I ..lth.!I. d.\) e'f"Hlnjo; (hllr'l".I ll~ llh~.t 01 lht' Cro,.. ~dl h .. the C*ori. J. Gr .... now. p•• tor lie l.oldeu !l"sl tl.l/l.ll'!oh 9 tJ~ III

1he I ~ntt'll ... ud) l.roup \0\.11 1l1.. ~t ' I Id b 'u I"l'"rl1lotl "lUl>jf"l..t of the He .. l.eor)ilt f ThU:t,day Fpb 21 ... IIlo U.> d " hOrn un 0 "l do

~~~~~~.d;:"r~'" s ~I;" ,,~: Ih'"tR.~:'.o~~ "or; p.o"" of ~I J.'''' 1 ulh,ou, S 00 p '" B'<l;h"h,,~d A"d \\ om ." " ~, .. " ."d "" ~o","""".. It l1U

f<.h of Lorou.e P"lnlr lit tnl:! "'f'rv ron, \lul'lcman. c;,O("l~I> \0\111 nu"et at '\h"U TIt" UI,lJl hi" ~h Hilri ..., Itl1d llll

'" II h' Ih. 'H'''' b""l .",,,I,d 0", I ,~ " .. , ~U,,)" \tA" h 1 II 00 ° \IA'I'n Lu'''" (hun h ~oth ",II h"ld ,,, •• ,h. II br .1I.,i \\ ,n"" ,,,I (OY'


U'" ..,n I .. th bv \\,1", \t.nh.lI, At ,h. I'u" h "d Iud, Ih.A'" •• p.ra'e ", .. ",,~. ..110' Ih. ",.hl' L.od II •• , .. 1•• 1Ot on I ~"'rl..h"'A1l ett \llt\.ml .. , road Ih" t~ III'; J.ftI1f'r !hl'" PllilU. -d P,...H....

Tbe- ': n C I "",II! mf' ...t C;und.\ "" ...n lIte- :a>rl,,()n~ In IIf'. 01 Lt!"1\1e-n lIer Frld.y, F.b 21 \IIOJl~ th~ 1:~lIn". (ll~l nn' .. th iIo


"l~ -I' I p l II II" h'll.c: oj PC'i£:' 1 ll'll on thl" t"rl~rifol tla~llLt' Du. 7,() P II It''lIlf'n \t'fIoIH'rlI P""OI 13I/\"et""l' IJoiln 12Q

l lht' lI"":ll d'Hdo Mtl"ll 2~b '1 "1I11il'" \ pUlt!'d DOllllllf'l 111 tilt" l .ht of thll" (..rr\,H'IO~ w II U"lo:" <"Ito h' 't'r llnn tOpiC J ,hn .:loC't'lh t-J"HII to I lllg UI to 1111 11111~t t~ eo alll ual lll"t"llnloC or th ... \on fhe- Rt"'t>!:l1101i 01 \1"n .. \\"dIlUII BCd I, It tUIl!, SubJrl t ... )n tOlllllW- 'iunda\. sa 111 hold 'hI' [ .. lllb 01 0 1\ 11(,.0

---')-~;;~"'~~-~-~-~!>O-M-~~;;*!>OM~-l6C~I)!-!>-O-O-~-~-IOl-)l-~-~::,~"'~'::~,.,',~,~I~ \;::~r:;,o\lla,";:w.?'~ '" II b. the D''',,,,r of Of!.n>~ :'.n~;:: ::",'~~. "~::I.dd o,:n ~ l!~:''''~'.7.:'d •• 'h "'., II.. "" of Ih. "'odd-Y". d I ,'I ll)( lid Ih. I)n ''''I' 01 ,I .. h".1, 'hrl"~ Ih. lr" .. \tY"C I"r ou, l", .. I.,,,, p.u ••• ' 'i' h. ,,,,,d I"""~OIr."'I"'\""')" ,'I""",.n!li, '\OrA::; pre C' 1~c=- l)..Jl..t(llC- ot the- R ...surrCl.tLon' l>pe-u .. 1 lh,. (hrl",tl.n SI.Ie-IHI:" le,tbook Snell e~ ' \. ... "" II It" -\dult BlblC'" lI1't"i 1l1f"el. at 1 ~ntl"n plOK N. ilia L.I tutn ",her anti llf').lllh \'lIth k.I'"V lo the ~(!IP

I lh. ",u,~ ,'""rl. of ,h. ,hu"h IlllU A " o"d the Spncla. .,hool b, ,h. ~.n,or (hoa \I. b,d \>u ft 'u'" b, \1 .. , B.hrr I dd', ,",Iud.


\01111 plf'fle'lt Up r AnnulI dfA;llllltll <It q ~\ .j In .> hOl'lrt) w ...h.Qme l) d1tt~nef our \ ..."p~r th.,. lollw.1I1-, \P j;2) ('''Ill!- dt" 1 HI

r-','d~«; '~h~~\ )~;'~'IUl'~~:' ~I'" W~I; II. \,,'n " .. I. on \lo"d., .\Ireh ;::1'.:",," ., ,h. Jaeh.on School Aud, .".t." ("", I. p,,,,.d 'b~' U ".,p .... " , \\ I, lJ"edo" D. '""n ' ti Uo p "' ot tb. I"one (Of \I, S"nday March 2 ' Ih. dOl"or ,d.. of L.od Ih. II,",I. ~.,ltJr II • pl., ... nl,t!.d R~, h lohn Il. nLe elder of 'he con~"K' ". m '1>", "K \\ o .. b,p 5""" L.ho.' ," (o",lor'" ,,,,.I,,,~ Ihr


\' P \t d II \\ on .nd 1101, l on ",un,o" Un,,' .. n.1 dOlIn. P"n.,pl. Lv,", and lo.od,,,.

\>,'~oo,~ '" I~n p,:,~n' ' ... ,,:',',:~ II .. Boord of the LUlheron Lav f vor 1I,~h,,1 ",III b. ,h. ,,,",on ' 1<110 all trulhBut H de ~;:l::h .LC'~g~~ p m~7t. <om Tueada) ~:sttl~~ ra1st:: •• Il

4"1 7tl'~f'n from Iht' LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE

_____ I hr Junwr \\ alth~r I e'tKueo -IIOLL ... t) II II. m (hdrlr .. n 'i Chunh REFORMATIO"lTHE CROSSE POI'YE MEMORIAL t f \olulf: prop}.. "l1C!ll!'l5 on r hUH Vernor Hl,h.way E, .t La.evlew

CHURCH da\ \\a rt h ~ , 10 P m at thro horl Ii!" q , III Sundd). School '" eo 'bJ({ <.. .. Ivln F ShekJ... 0 D, PaatorRe-v Frank FlU Mlnllter 04 Dsv d Carr. <..arol Colby SU\lnl ... )Qur dllld .. IH05t c.,Jrdl101 welcomlf' MUI Be'atnce Morrow, Paruh Worl-.r

16 Loke Shore Rood '0 h".,... 10 'n'oll ,n ono of ou, cl>",. 9 0 S R ZED SALES A~D SERVICESalnd.y, March 2 Sam Coeman 5." ,e. Rov Phlll,p tM ~It,,~.. ~" ;;-[j:I~r<~~••ch~oduIILlB~~; A UTHO I ,. - AU'll [0

9 4~ a m _ (hu<en School on All GROSSE POINTE WOODS Sonnlld' will be In charge (fA" lor ""n o"d "'011'" IZED PARTS AXD FACTORY TRAIr\ED l\ILCJlA~I D.p."",.n', 1 PRESBYTERIA'II CHURCH Tuudoy, Much 4 II 00 • '" - Op,n f l" w,ll b. ICS "'0 JOB 'l'00 BIG OR TOO S~lALL BRI 'I 9 H • '" _ COlllmun,cA"" Cia .. _ REV A"DREW F RAUTH, M,n,.I.r 7 p m lhe \1 .. , "'''n" group ,',. ,ubW' 01 the ,''''nd "'" on UI ; l' • • :'\U l~


... "" bll Roo" 1373 Rooly lid Ph one 1\1 7346 ".II hold ". monlhl, "''''I<I~ ,h. "r'" L.od. Open,,,.. IYOUR CAR FOR A CHECKUP-l\O OBLlUA llO.~9 4') a m SundAY l\1ormna Forum Sunday. Marc" 2 8 p m Sund8l\ 'ie-!lool 8;)d.rd \'Ioill ... 00 p m -\ Adull cia"" 'or tl os'" I C 'I LE' E B AKE ~ERVICE .1

Sp•• l .. D, Ro, Ha",lllo" p""donl 10 Jo 0 m -A"nual " .. y \l~mb .. nt.o, at tho 'hu,dl oil". u,,,,"'. ",,'h tI. chu"h 011 P,l", '~n I 0 ••p r R ::; , •

IOf -\llH l.on ...~e- ! dUUII on Pluto Cdln,\a.. \1;~Hshlp ~~r\I(C' .. erlnon ----~ doty \o\ll! bll! hll!ld Sunday .ftenloom.

\1 ,,' • n Chur<h ~ch, 01 C,n ,1> .. ,,. Re .... "'b..' he Church FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH a' 4 00 P m Hl dramatic ["pert. - FlOe Inspectiont nu~d Nur.rn. ....Inder"at rn. Prl 10 )Q a rn <..hun.h School me-otlnl fl 00 P m -Se-mor I uther L~s:ue

In d"'P-l:lo1t"llen{!> ) outh Budget Canvau E Je-ffcnon, at Pblhp ; (to p In - Youna: People s ltUrN

,n:~ ~~ ~), "'j Il~ \10,""'" ~ orot"p ~., HI II 0 ("u, ,n S,hool V~.:r, ~:uel La~\~~(.~"l::l, I '~~;;n.. ,"v ... n",~ L.n'en .. " ". i ~ 0 N BEUMOPI NAGyand SPAEINRT'VNGI C E

I! I Up' R.h •• ".1 01 'h. I lal lean I • [I... ". ,. " Co_n un 1\A.'v'~ Z.. dln O' •• n," ., ,H n m 1h. ~en ... 1 Ih,.... 01 I ,h (00"'> In .1\ of th. lo"." II ~J a m _ lun 0' C' '''' ReheAroal Harold TaUmon, D".<lor I tI. Inl.n .. " ,c," ,. In .. ,apobl. I ~•• , on ",1.0 0" ~,'e" ... d '" .. n .... g ; ,0 p m 1u ... Llob m.. un. a' Sunday, Mareh Z. 1947 I [ho c.. Th. ,o""nn O\,b)«1 10' I ~ 14350 E. WARREN AT CHAlt.4ERSIt -tt tllll!' rJtll;l~r \loruJIla' 5tnlCiP''' tllr Lommumt, nub ~unda\ Stl 001"" lh a d.u,s tor rv ...n \!drc..h.5 I-!I Den) o( Conte!5 I ------------------------

11 • S a ILl -S~s:!OK)n \1~f't1l1g -"leu ~ 5: 00 P lPl TI e ~du1t Blblro \tll.'505 on .. Ilt If '0 a HI ------

Lntl .. ~l:" 11 f"~11l1~ 41 till' home' uf \1r and 'tr"l \10 rl\lo '" \( orsriLp Sen Ile at II Oil THE CROSSE POI'TE METHODIST I K h Old bel CI ] jll P m Tu'u~ Club for Younir: \'.dined L \d.I",d(" lb9J. -\ilard Tosd a 111 CHURCH ole er smo I e 0

P."p'< \I,n. I ",,".. ~p ••• <t \\, i", March 4 S",non Th.",o n.. Lord 1. \11 M ~ K b •

I\1 I I

, I Shepl,.,d etun,lC' I.".OW in ~r)l SchoolIinu~ Hlo'l of r.m 10 llO a n \1~~lln~ ,If Pru,b, ter) ... Kerby, between. Kcorc:hfoVI.I and crOlle-1

Tue, Mar<:h Clnn Pt~~b\ te-nal th~ I rUl1buli A\c TC'Xl S~ John 10 II POinte Zoulc'ltlard 1 54 W10 1\ • " \~ o",on 0 o... "on nYe P,~.b, I",_n lltun h S"n,on b, th. PH'or Rev. Hurh C. Wh.l. P .. 'or 55 E. arren at Somerset

I I ).etutl\e BOdrd '11"'~tln~ Ro.:m S Wednuday, March Adult 1t1.'itrucllon UdSs SUndi} ~\f~n Tuxedo 1-112911 ~U '" m \.\ OIllt"11 $ -\"5001.1 LOl1 8 1I0 P 10 I he- '"Jt'''''JOll "'" tll me",' 1O'!l at 6}O p In "und<1.\ \I~HnLn~ IO.t; a m \\ "Jr mM~

BU'"lu('to .. Sto'o'ilon wllh Annual Report"l at tn'" hOll eo I)f Ild"r \1etn",on S T l Monda)', Ma.rch 3 15] Lp A11d Se-rn 011 by the polt.:tlotor \t II IDt'" JtlUl'al S~r"'lt.t" Plolip ...Hn _ \\ )Inen ~ Redrllo.loubh 2081 lid"" thorl1~ DnvC' eoscll~r"" '1t"CtUli( 10 b... rell;un1ed tul Bltll<1lle4l;.. • IPtlorlor ';p ....r \tr C ....:HW;ro ~ Pie rot FrICk)', M.rch 7 WIth all t-t"~<.hers mv (t"d 7,0 p nl 10 -4') 11 HI! e'l;l\on and Phy PerJOG I

IIJJr~c or of the \\ odd Ad, Il!'nlurt' ~efle"l 6,0 P II 1 hr- Anuui'tl fftlh .. r and W-e-dnesda)'. March 5 fQr Prtt School (tllldrell

Be-hInd the Sct'll"'S With "odd ~on Blllnquet "VJlUiort"d b\ Ihf 'olen.. Lf"nlt"n ~t"n IC"'''' ",' 8 00 P 1I1 1 he-t!" wdl be JUnior Church rorI '-t'l~bnl~e" A ...~o( IdllJOli of th... Chun ..h Roy L S("(JllOlJ The-me- Je-:.u:s ol"l 1 rial' Junwr 80\ "\ alld GLrls 11 ~'\ ",all llIeoet t

1 tJ I P m _ Lunt Fl~On _ \ten oS BI.u ..k ....dte-r PI~SIO~llt' T~"t P~alrn 41 S all d l~ \\l h It e '1:)rn ng Il;;rr\lCe for t! e , .. or iLounge" Se-nIlUI1 b'\ lh~ Pn'\lor I "i! lP pC-Clod 1I0d then be dl~nlls:!ied for ~

CALVARY LUTHERAN CHuRCH ----- ,b .. r own S."'c< tu~c;.c:.u.W L1JT'~FRA~ at;aller BETHA~Y LUTHERAN CHUft,CH Thur .. da\' ~o p m - (holr Prc'C""

SouthNllt -C~rne:r of Kercheval an.d Crone Pomte' Wood. I E. OUlt'T Onve, at Cnau"""orlb tlCt> III th,. hom~ of 'If" "'nd ,\Ir

.. !Lak.wood Avenues W J. GefTe-rt, P.ttOt' 0 Go L Run. P •• tor I \\ III 5 BUi:bf'~ 1002 Kl'"n"mg .:m Rd ~

Te:lephone ~noJt: 2121 ~\.lnda\ Sthoot rt1f'''l~ at 31) a m Walhr C. Rleu, Vicar ----- ,M C ~ A. ~.rbC'r', Pastor Ct-ddren ....ltt1"lUI f"nll'r("l1 lI'IIfflh ....tlOn A.,,"l!' C'hn .. l!li plll\qOn and dp~th 'Adl C""lon G d .~1

artln, u.slant P •• tal' 1n'ltf'Q lo ...nroll .at An, tune 't111Ur 10 be the I he"e of ilil SUVIC!""1 00 1IIII On \'\ ~dne-~d ..., \I Hch 'S !he thl'l'.d Dl'\ lue "Irn. Lee durmK Le'll ..... roT"' I At Luthf'r&n Church I asl I '"j of i'l !orTl~" of "'IX \1Idwl"'f"k Lent ...n I "\unda\ at II 00 a tn and t'VIH). Oule-r DrJ\ e .. l l..hahworlh, dunng th~

SUVICf'3 ""ltl be held at 7 -45 ') dock II \\ ~dnf".!lid~\ al 8 00 p m Lenl~O seat;,on ~n the' e\c-nmg Thf' "'iC'rmon ""lit tlof'I'It '"iermf".ln 'iubJll!'ct (or C;undn \larch I R 0 ld R n

j the- ClU~11 on "ddrec.'ed H''I ~ln1)n Z 10:; '" "'-Inn ii'lil1d Helpful LIte On t>, .!IiW:l e ..~ ....III del, ~r t1... .l.-~an'r

1 f'et~r \rt tnf)u tl'U!I 'Ian:!l ai' ~')l~ I \X eooe"ld..\\ \Iarch 5 th~ pjll",t('lr wall 5eTlH("lIlS nt"~l SUndd\ m:Jrm'K at I 0 ~O I ~c:; f IIlpfttK on Th f th S 1 "Ir et ;tn'" "''''' flr chOir y" II ~ 1"\100;

"I fi, ilcll""n \'10111 hr- tr-e .... r ... (n CIOllo;. II: a rr ll!' ec.h thr I an appropriate ftlltheotl\ for the "iP'r\ll:ro IRe<UOIf"t..t $or Sund ....\ \larch '1 loth 1II I I () ,\th~ 800 .... m and. lhe- ,rl!O 8 I - - - n e-dne~da, e\en nH: "a1 h ; I or am!f

J .. e-l"\lt"l' 1hf" SundlH School "'Ill an5

1 JEFFERSO;\J AVE~UE METHODIST I al 800 p III \ leu \1; dt~r Rle'\01 '" II ~1 s~rnblr at q I ~ 0 ('heLl; CHURCH conllnue h '" "ene", of L~uten rl<:dlta~

Jeffenon Avenue E .at Mar1baroulh 110n~ ~n 1 h~ Laon Hours w th i\ h: I Rev. S,dnoy D Ev': D D M,nlStor II '''PlO~ "',d .. .,d tho (0,1: row T e GoodWill Indu.stnes of, We Speciali%e in I Sunday, Morch 2, i947 Th .... mo" ""II bo I>>oed on Pol ... DetrOIt Will launch a campaign

10 a m _ \lomm~ W~rah,p Lav d.",,1 01 (h"., for $250.000 early In the Sprmg C t I man s Sundla) Dr Hc'ltll LAn Lll.-hlWdrdt The- monthlv '10\ He "-t1M:ht on Sun It d t f 1arpe S wh" wo. m.d,o,1 m".,nn.,y 'n Iran I d., .... un. \l."h 2, ,,,II ,"'u,. 0 expan 1 S aClltles and es-and now '0 h •• d 01 \l; "IlI,n. do. Iho plC'U" 1 h. \Ian \\'he f o,~o, tabllsh a summer camp for the

On Your Floor I p".1 Oe"o,I, ",II be II.. oPOU" God Thr .. filmo 0., p",.",.1 n ,. handIcapped It was announced100011 ')5 .. m Cuuren Schor>1 'lIOh&r,\ \'Iork all tho<len for throll' ro:lC. b G d W K b

Work Guaranteed I .\ ".11 ~qu,pp.d nu'""V u"d .. cOm cdl.nt qu'!", al." w,1I be .hn"n y or on Ings ury. preslPrompt Seni"e po'~n' I•• d,,,h,p " "Ad,hl. ler p"' ----- dent of the GoodWill board of

I .n" who ""h ,,, .1I.nd .. ,I." 0' h0lh PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH directorsFor Free Estimates ~~::n,.nR Vo.Jn,hlp dnd a (..hun.h ~c.lool East Warren ....nd B.Ucur At the same tIme, it ",as an4

Phone Tuxedo 1 1260 Enno C Clau., Pastor_ Tuuday Claren" J C,zok, Vicar nounced that the GoodWill In.

HAINES CARPET8 p m \tf" ..I~~an S~r\L('e GUIld ~111 c;~r'\.ce!li .Uf' he-ld al Pe-"c!" I uthC'r~n dustrles had purchased an addl-

I :::.1~~~'~:I~~~",e o( \Ira T A B.nd Church I... ~ ",.n and B.lI,u, .1 tlOnal bUIldIng, located at 6522


'1 CLEANERS W •.l"._olov e 30 and 'I ~O " <II (he .ermon 10 6544 Street. near East710 tll'" Ot'I'\"""(1 Il\. lo .... r"",,,,lul II ~ n...,""" - B' •

p m OffLC"I....l Bo~rd meetmg I nnQ C cta\lOl WI' I be hAfted on th~ i Ula-nO UUI!:'V.d.ldt llom the Na-80U p m \ "u,1 AId m •• 'm~ 'heme \1•• "" 1,.", Bl .... d Th.: tlOnal TwISt Drill Company pro-I10 ~ 01 _ R.~h,;-,:,od:,y .ow,n~ Chddrrn, Cho,. w,lI furnl.h Ih ... I I vldmg 120.000 square feet of

tro tm~ for the- st'1'"\ IC'Ie dd d12 10 p <II ",,""''' • 5"c,." Sund., School and Bbl. CI..... a e space This blUldlng, a€'!

I I"mh.on folbw.d b> bUlln... m.ot b.~m 'I 9 41 • m Th. I... on 10 b.1 cording to the present plan, \\111 ,I m", and progMOl l d d P) 111 p on Rocr.,' en hr you'h ot • u.." r~"n. m ,h. Co.", I I serve as a productIon center reo

II h h \lldw~eK Lt-nten Ser ...lrel "Ill AO'.:iin C"IV d t d I 'I ,. c ure and commuml, h. b.ld ,,' e on p m Th~ ,I"," ;1 at" Ing epo an sa vage sta.

Fnday .. ".. 01 'o'mo", ~".. I.d "".~'to Ihon Space also Will be prOVided4io 30 " rn -Lent~n Fe-lIoWlhlP 'Sup of Gold Ftrom Cah .. n Will be dl" I for sales.

per Re-ser"'Jat on~ pl"iI'u~ ILvered b" the" pa ...tor H ... "'Ill U"l~ Ihe7 -4) P ...... Le .... en S"nlc" In the third w:Jrd frOl'"'l lh ... C'rO$5 "' .. hi" th~,n~ TralDlnr and" rehabilitation

'H lctuarv £)r \\ "'Tn~r "R (01".. (n'\ ~ oman a...holrl Th\ lO;nn Th ... f'l1d activities. custom work and~n ...nt Baptlllli Church. Detrmt ~peakpf d rh 11f- \ "'T}OIll"' weolcome f ren " :.I1T \'1.1 furnu.h the m.ellln41: I sales units will remain In the

or I he" nC0'1SI0n I present headquarters at 356~ISER Cl ~ast Congress Street Incrcas-

rRJIZElt I! mg demands fOr service to the

1iISALES • PARTS • SERVICE i handicapped along with new

DeltY.r;e. Now BeiA, Madel techniques through which theORDERS TAK.EN JI 'handicapped may be liven full

• _ . oPlJOrtunitv to attain inde-RepaIrS on All Makes of Cars 11 pendence In gainful oecupa.

S I LtlOns and become socially

VA'S MOTOR SALES readjusted. has made it neces-sary fOr the Goodwill Indus-20139 MACK AVE at Oxford I tries to greatly enlarge its TU 2 3737lii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;----------;;;;;;;;;;-----~~ program, I. •III _ IIII While a large share of the I OPEN T

tLt,", I KI,", iviOTORS Repaired " $2:;0000 to bp r:used through - ues" Thurs .. Fri ..• N Ipubhc contributIOns has been 202 9ew Bearings, Any Size I earmarked for machmerv eqUlp, 2 MACK AVE. GROSSEAll T ment and needed facllltles ill

ypes of WATER PUM PS I the new bUlldmg, part of thIS'Made Like New In Our Shop sum WIll be Ulied to purcha.~e and IR' ..PiCK-UP and DELIVERY _ ieqlllP a summer camp eVlewQasslfledAds Get Results-LE.l1

All Work Fully cuarantseed e III' iI Gordon's Pump ervlce I

[il 563 lycaste __ Hickory 0164 ~


Let Us Service Your Car






MICHEL Sales &. Semce I14939~E. Je£fel'SO~~:J

F R E E EST I MAT E-I DAY S E R V leEPick Up aDd Delivery in Detroit and Suburbs

10711 WHITTIERAR. 0810 - AR. 2710

Standard Window Shade Company15915 E. Wmfn at Buckingham TU 2-5440



t•••Iltge TM ......


PHONE MElrose 0500

II Jefferson Lincoln Mercury Co.f 3700 East Jefferson I





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