ttJ~ cll@@Nf~~~' -...

I ~ I WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR - ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY I ~ By Mall $Z 00 per year, Smgle Cop,es 5 Cents THE HOME NEWSRAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRIC.T GROSSE POINTF MH HIQA.N THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1936 L B OLDHAM rublIsher THE GROSSE POINT!:: PRINTING CO. Pubh,h ... PHONE LENOX 1162 ~ , ,__ iilJmIi! VOl ll-No 5 ) to t \I t Oldest M.lItary School The Coast ArtIllery school at Fort Monroe IS the oldest mlhtary speCIalty tral11lng school m the country havmg been organIzed In 1824 and in contmuous eXIstence ever smce Edgar Allen Poe was enrolled In the school for a short tIme In 1828 under the name of E A Perry \V J Beaupre of Grosse Pomte has recently been appomted vocatIOnal dl. rector m tlhe Detr01t area for the In ternatlOnal Correspondence Sdhoals of Pe 1nsytvama HIS office IS located In tlhe DaVid ">tott bu ldmg and he mVltes hiS' many tnends fat'" a fnehdly VlSlt When 111 thl. v l. 111t) W J Beaupre Appointed Vocational Director The regular mOllt.<hlymeetmgs of fuel \Vomen s Repubhcan CluJb of Grosse: P01l1te Vvlll be resumed on Tuesday, Octolber 6 01 thiS date the lf1ldles Will !hold an lformal meet1l1g and tea at the Ne1gh- horhoad Clulb Waterloo avenue at St Clalr at 2 p m Plans WIll be made for an electIOn day round Uip of voten ail1d final :re. 1ort~ on the Anti New Deal canvass WIll be discus~ed The chalrman vIrs Edlwm Krreg1hbff, ., ,cr\ de rou~ of a reoord attend~ anct. Women's Republican Club to Meet Oct. 6 A veteran Un verslty of Detro t team Will uppose another eleven well fort1- fied J11 expenenced men When Western State Teachers Collerge comes to the Titan stadium to open t!he season It l~ prob3,Jble that Detrolt Will start 10 lettermen and one player who IS on the squad for the third season though not yet possessed of the vars1ty D' Western State has ten lettermen burt the majonty of t1hem W111be on the bench at the open ng whistle With a ~trong SOlPhomore group replacmg them \Vestern State 1S coached by MIke Gary late of M nnesota who naturally uses the offens1ve formatiOns that ha, e brought hiS alma mater so much success Detro t does not see as mUlCh of thIS style of football as of the Notre Dame system but been work1l1lg' on 1t ever Sl lce the 'Pracbce season opened The Titans are eel tam to hold their own or better 111stratglht football as they ha"e a very powerful aIttaok and a defe 1se that no enemy has can. ,>Istently pierced by runnlOg plays In the la::tt couple OIfsea~ons or more But the T tans haven t sho'0. n anythmg m the \\ ay of a forward passmg attack, nor have tohey developed what could be called and adequate defense <ilgamst one Con"equ€ntlv they are a httle afra d thd.t thc enemy WIll score by the oVl.f'head route A.ccord1l1g to advance l.l1forwahonJ Wbter 1 ~tdte has 1t been alble to <be. velar It PdS::t 19 game to the pomt it rtddhed la t yed.r f1he reason for th~s 1'S that Jerry '\Jeuman former DetrOIt h gh SC'hool "t<l.r \\ ho wa;:, expected to be tl e mall1::ttay of the team thIS year n puntll1g J. ld pa:,s111g Isn t aval1able \n dutamob Ie acue!t..nt last summer can ed I :. IO::tsto tlhe team There are lour tarr pd-s."t:r.::tlett but ni:J'body that compare'l \\ Ith \Teuman "f\he same thll g dfliplle" to punt ng However it ."nt I kely th ,t the Teachers will be much outc1a sed 1 the klckmg depart- mel t for Doral" ~ ~ttll 100'kmg for a con." ~tent punter He has severaJl faIr o 1b ut lQb dv who can be relted on to get he ght and distance all the time n spite of the fact that tJhe strong hne can hoLd long enough to give them every chance DoraiS w 11try to use all of hIS new men at ~ome time 111 the game If the .,tate af the score warrants It but Will keep tne veterans 111 until he t1unks victory IS as~U1ed He 1S pi<l!rhcular1y anxIOus to get a look at hIS sophomore talent under fire before the VIlla ~QIVa game whldh I'; sdheduled for Sunday, October 2 That promIses to be one of the hardest battles of the fall and competltlve e:x1penence IS needed by the men who are on the val Slty squad foe the first time U. D. Varsity Lineup Ready for Western Tilt Friday Night Repubhcan Club have so forcibly Neighborhood Club Activities NeLshbor41Ood Club girl<; classe" Vv11 ~tart tihe "Week of Octdber 5 The..,e classes ll1clude gynaslUm cookln.g- met alcraft halldct"alft Junior dramM cs g rl guards tap dancmg and SOCialdanc ng A few more days W 11 be given for regIstratIOn Get 11 early so you wtll be sure to have a place In the classes Danc 19 \faster~ of Arner ca and lead lng danclOg schools ot the "L mted State~ M "" Arndt teache.. correct and artistic dancmg of all types to children and adults beg1l1ners and ad \ anced profeSSIOnal dancers and teadh ers Bes df's the ever popular tap an-d ballet c1a~~e~ MISS \rndt offers course,; Ill. ballroom danc ng In four groups children h~gh ~chool age adults and ad, anced c1as~es All groups mclude 1I1structlOl 11 ~oclal etiquette Also course" for women 111 tap and step da'1c ng reducllg and cahsthel11cs J,f deSIred The I<..1all1c \:fane Erndt studiO IS 10 cated at 919 Barrmgton road In the fir~t block soutJh of J effersol1 Lenox 7639 Elaine Mane Arndt's Note to Mothers Your children s feet are valuable I They should be strengthel ed and pre served a ld ,,\ th the proper exercIse much ca 1 be done to 1!11Iproveweak arches and ouher phYSIcal defects It 1S a duty of the mot!hers to prCiPare theIr chIldren for 1fe m whIch healtlh IS one of the most lmportant features and so t I'; for you to create strong bod es With graceful figures havmg pOIse and feelIng and appreCIatIOn ()If the arts and we know t'hat all thIS can be accomphshed WIth competent tram lng' n t'l.e dance Be caut ous 111 your selectlOn of d teacher as Improper tr<l.1n111gwJ11accompl ~h 10 good 'Dl e EIal1e Mar e AI ndt Dance Stu 1 ) s endoned by the Oh cago As ~OUdtlO1 Of Dane ng Ma;:,ter~ tihe The Beverl) Hils pu.bhc golf course wlll hold a Gamber Dav Saturday Septemlber 26 TJ1e great Gam WIll ex hiblt hiS sk 1l and Wizardry w1th the dTlver The Beverly HIlls Golf Club IS 10 cated On Van Dyke at tlhe 120 M Ie road Several substantIal pnzes WIll be offered In compet tlOn -during the day A reasol aJble fee for all day golfing will be ('harged Golf enthUSiasts v-;:J11 welcome tIns Oip opportumty "The people of Grosse Pomte have dehvered a sharp rebuke to Pres.dent Roosevelt and h,s New Deal WIth Its dangerous and fan- tastic and unconstttutional experIments, whIch are ruIning our country today. "WhIle "II thinkmg AmerIcan res.dents are greatly heartened by the G0 P victory In Grosse Pomte, we must not grow o-ver M Mrs M Kr.eghoff, cha.rman of the Women's of Grosse POInte congratulates the voters who expressed the .. d.sapproval of the New Deal In a recent Interview she stated NOIse Don't Count I I has followed many a band" saId Uncle Eben, lland I never yet saw any publIc questIon settled oy a parade Dora Van Gelder to Deliver Lecture on Tuesday, Sept. 29 \1rs Chaliles Horton Metcalf who IS enterilltg Ujpon her fifteenth consecu tlve year as preSident of the H stor c Memonals Society w1ll pres de over the first fall meetll1lg of the ~oc ety } l' dd.Y morn111g October 2 at 1 he \Vhlttler be,gU1l1111gat 11 0 clock Dr Samuel H 101 rer Will gIve an addl"e~s ent tied Cl d.utauqua '\s A..n InstitutlO 1 The meet ng WIll )e follo'\Cd by a luncheon for vhlch reservatlOn~ may he made ,\ It 1 \ir '>s Carol~ 11" ?vI-cG1-a\\ Mrs Rohert J u 1e ~ chalrma 1 of trans lJ,)rtat 01 1 he SOCiety s pl<l.nnmg a blldJge party for the I ear future Historic Memorials Society Meeting Oct. 2 Dorn Chosen Delegate I Gamber Day at to State Convention Beverly Hills Course September 26th Elected delegate from the City of Grosse pOll1te at the Prlmary electIOn held September 15 Wilham F Dorn of 513 l\eff road was c'hosen as a dele gate from \iV ayne County to the State Conventton of the Democratic party to be held at Battle Creek on Frtday and Saturday ActIOn naml11g Dorn to the State conventiOn ta.lken at the Wayne County convention of the Democratic party held la~t Monday at the Cass Techn cat Hl~h School At the State convenhon the dele gates Vllll nomll1ate the Democratic cand dates for Secretary of State State Treasurer Attorney General AuditOI Ge 1eral and Supreme Court Justice I am exceedmgly grateful for the splendId co QPeratlol1 extended to me b\ m", fr ends 11 t'he Pr mary electIOn said Dorn today I earne tly feel that the successrful outcome of my candldaJcy for delegate 1S largely attnrbuted to the loyal sup port of the reSidents of the communIty and to them and those that they 1l1ter ested 1n my behalf I am sll1cerely alp preclatlve Dorn stated \tJ h 1 11 h [\fl<'s Dora \ an Gelder bort ll1 Java 1C lfgan mUSIc overs WI ave a cf Dutch pare 1tage and educated 111 rare opportumty to hear one of Uncle A 1 II dIll d ustra la WI elver an I ustrate Sam s most famed and accoIntphshed lecture 111 Theo-so, Hall 1509 mmlcal aggregatlons When the Umted B d \' I BI"- rea \\ ay 'v ur tzer U\I5 at 8 rp m State Navy Band markes Its only ap Tuesday September 29 She W11dls pearance orf ilhe season at the \:fason c 11}" A H 1h d eu" 1e -:LUman ura 111 ea t an Temple Aud1tor urn 111 Detr<nt Mon DI~ea"e dav September 28 The great band u \ G Id b b 'V) I"~ an e er w '0 wa.g orn With known far and WIde for ItS rendlt On of" d mh d J db b 1 ~eCOI1 s~o t an euucate y t e ate glOriOUS mUSIC both on tJhe radiO and "\'1 C u, L db f t!h vr VI! ea eater 'One 0. e concert ~tage Will appear under tl1e Id I b cLe auspIces of the ~t John s Da Lea ue wor ~ greatest c alrvoyants as ma of yo kg a speclaltv of l11vesttgahon 1n the force an Orglanl7atlon Wayne a land m t f th b b dy D M e ana IOns rom e uman 0 ur I acornb County Masons 1l1g the past wmter In New York III PeJ"'haps no band 111 eXIstence pas co-Habor-at on With some OIf the Clt s e~ses the Wide program range for y most promment doctors she !held elm \\blch the Umted States Navy Band Ical eXaml11atlOl1S of patients suffermg IS noted Whet!her It plays a stlrrllllg' fro b r d d ffi It f d m c scu e lseases t cu 0 lag mal"l~h a ltltmg 'POPular air on an 11 no 1 From "h t d II t ;:,s '~ ese s u les a co ec Ion tncate symplhomc arrangement tts 40 of pictures 111color was pamted CQiV <'kIlled mUS1CIans all artists 111thetr erll f t M V I 19 some or y cases ISS an own rllglht blend themselves mto one of Ge1del Will display these PlctUtrCS dur the most per'fecNy attuned bands of lUg the cottr~e of her lecture and Will our day po l1t out tpe 1111lPOrtance{)Ifmel'1tal and So that tlhlS program Wlll SUIt every emotlOnal tral11mg on the fUllotlOns of taste for mUSIC Lleut Oharles Benter t<he humal body USN director has "elected for pre There IS ad 1 b no m sSlon c arge and sentat10n tn DetrOIt a Wide range of the publ c IS cordially mVlted numbers whldh mc1udes popular mill -- _ tary claSSical and sem1 claSSical lairs Included 10 the personnel of th s III ternattonally known band are fOUf of the nation s leadmg solOIsts Oscar Short cornetist has ~ppeared 10 solo WIth such celebrated conductors as Artpur Pryor Edward Franko Gold man and J dhn Phlhp -Sousa Bernard Rosenthal vlol1111St has been col01st WJth both t1te BaltImore and Washmg ton Symphony orchestras To rad~o fans everywhere the names ot Clarence Edwards trombol11st and LauloS Gouch er xylop-ho11lst are well know\! As a feature of the '\avy band s aJP pearance In DetrOit s \JaS011lC Temple \ audltonum th1S year there ""'111be spe ctal ohlldren s concerts at 2 30 and 3 30 on the aJfternoon precedmg the mam I program w hlah IS ~checbuled for 8 30 l Cn ldl en WIll be admitted to the alfter noon performances for the small fee of 25 cen1~ Pnces for the evenmg per tormance are 50 cents $1 and $1 50 In Detr01t t ckets now are on sale at Grmnell Brothers Mati orders should be addre::>sed to St John::t Day League MasoUlc Temple Detroit Because the entire lPf'oceeds ff'om confident." thIS concert w 11be g ven to cpanty all I 1. th - h' d "Th fi Ib 1 II f h Magna Charta in Latin admls.'>lOn ttckets w111be tax free n c oSIng e InterVIew 50 e sa 1 , e na att e Wi be oug t The Magna Charta was wrItten _______ at the polls on Tuesday, November 3. To keep America a self, Iin Latm It was addressed "To F th the archbIshops abbots, earls, bar .. al and Systel.aa governing deMocracy we must be VictoriOUS on the final election ons JushClars, £01esters, sherIffs, Systems ex!'rclse the mmd, liut enhghWns and su1d~s It. d!i¥ " governors, officers and to all ba.- I \ \.~ - ~ __ -', __.. L __ L-- _ ~ ..1_..l.,;",.Jild ~ lljfs and hIS faIthful subJects,':' I .:1' , -f' _~__...J ~ __ St. John's Day Music Festival September 28 was the to meet small at1J~ fnghtene<1 her three month old Easy to Find Fanlt "It s so easy to find fault" saId Uncle Eben, dat a man who IS sure enough smart ought to be ashamed to waste hIS mergles dat way t Prmceton Once Had LotterIes Seven lotterIes were authOrIzed for the benefit of Prrncetor umver slty then the College of Hew Jer- sey, between 1748 and 177"" and the proceeds ranged from 600 to 3,000 pounds Aloysius Cadieux Wins Cuban Trip I ve spent my I fe ralsmg that boy he said Now he s gone As Vaughan sp.eaks he 'Pauses to comfort hi'> Wife Hannah 'Hannah W"asnt Tommy s real mo~h e-r vaughan tells newspa.permen HIS real mother ehed" hen !he was but {our But she consldered htm as her own \Ve last saw Tommy Sunday eve mag He and Paul (Paul RIfe 21 of 172..,0 Maumee avenue CIty of Grosse Pomte also killed In the cra'>h) were cookmg their ey'enmg meal at our house They were haw) and were talk ng of the fun they were gomg to have tJhat night The fun they) ouehs planned ended n death when thelr new c<ilr left the road on M 21 at more Vhan a mile a mmute In J:ront of the Rife !home stood a cleaners and dyers truck Paul Rife drove thiS truck home from 'Work Sat urday l11ght He .was to return 1t M-onday mornmg' Paul s motlher called hiS employers vesteT'day to come after the truok Paul couldn t dnve It any more He was k1l1ed \Alhtle all was sorrow at the Cook ~on Vaughan and RlIfe homes "today a hopeful mother leaned over a hosJ1:l1tal cot In the Port Huron hospital She IS Mrs Lora u Inch Her 21 year old son Carl was the The Mothers CIUlb of the Grosse ouly surVlvor of tJhe crash HIS con Pomte Hlg!h Sohool Will hold ItS first I d hon 1S crthcal Carl s oldest sister meehng of the season Monday eve was to be marned next Saturday Thlght ~mg Septemlber 23 at 7 45 0 clock 111 at the Ulnch home 3460 Algon-qu1l1 he Bligh Sdhool audJtortUm avenue Those plans are at a standshll Bouquets and bnc a brnc Will be the pcrdlng the outcome of Carl s 1l1Junes subject of an mterestmg aJddress to be The four youtlh all pals from bo~ gIVen by Mrs 1'rederrck K Hauck Mr hood ",ent for a llde early Mond~y John Fmch head of the dep-artment of mor11lng when Bud Cookson got off mU'51'Cal educatIOn '" 111 lea.d In com wonk Whether a dense fog an un mUl11ty smgmg banked curve or exceSSive speed caused Refreshments Will be served and a the crash IS a matter o:f co 1Jecture pleasant evenmg IS assured Interested There were no witnesses mo-tlhers are cordIal y 111vlted Grosse Pointe High School Mothers Club to Meet Sept. 28th A Widowed mother only 17 wept soft ly today at her home 2196 Canton ave nue She 1S Mrs Dons Cookson Her husband Harry or Bud as he was called around home killed Monday tn an auto crash near Port Huron The same a'COidenil: ela med tJhe livCls of two of h1s fnends while &hl1 another lIes near death In a Poct Huron hospItal 1vfrs lootkson h~htly c1as'Ps baby D1anne She doesn t say much but tear sifamed cheeks testIfy to her gnef \Ve were so happ) Bud and I sibe sald And DIanne Vvas just three months old yesterday-the last day I saw Bud ahve Why couldn t vhls have happened to a couple not as happy as we were? At 1042 Lakepo111te avenue Grosse P0111te PIal k a g~7Z'led polIceman paces the floor of hiS modest -flat HIS eyes arf' red from weetp111g He IS Thom.aJs F Vauglhan HIS son Thomas Jr 22 second of the three youths death Three Local Boys Killed in Accident Monday At Port Huron, Mich. MR AND MRS THOMPSON STOCK of Road have returned from a ~hort soay at Battle Creek j Rehglous Drama M1Ch and .t~n to leave Sept 24 to Oriental drama is basically leligious motor to Nffr~'~jd Wash,pgtop -'!.\l socIal, authorl~es say ~,J Fmal arrangements have been com pleted 'for tihe Ltons Clulbs balby cbmc w\hlch WIll open on Mondla) September Z8 The chntc WIlt be estaJbhshed on the fourteenth floor olf tfue Hotel Statler under the dlJrechon of a co:tnmlttee of doctors repTesentmg tlhe Wayne Coun ty Medilca1 As<soclatIon The first pU1'1pq.seOIfthe climc IS to exam1l1e 1 000 !babIes w!ho have 'been entered m tlhe LIOIllS Clubs Better Baby 'ConJtest and select tht,: one most neanly perfect In healtlh ThIS pnze wmnlllg youngster WIlt tater be coro .. nated as DetrOIt s Perfect BJlIby at a huge commU111ty party to be staged at the Olympia on Octdber 14 Tlhe more slgI1llficant phase of the .elm c~ work !WIll be the thorough and con"Clent ous eXlammatlon of every dh11d entered m the contest by compe tent phySICians A dtetalled report on the physl'Oal cond1tlOn of every druId Will be gIVen to ealchl motiher W1th thIS informatIon the parents can talke the iProper steps to Ihave any weakness M r AloystUS Cadieux of the Kelvma es or defects corre'Cted I tor Corporatlon DetrOit Branoh locat J J Rus~e'll director df the LlOns ed at 2842 West Grand Boulevard re Club program who has arranged SImIlar celHxl word today that he had been dml'Cs In many otlher mtles states 111 selected by Kel'Vma'tor Co~oratton as oonnectlOn WIth thIS work The chl11 one of ItS 25 leardmg salesmen of com cal exatnmahon of supposedly perfect merclaJl refngerat10n In the entIre ly healthy balb1es has proved Itself an Ul11ted States and aWlaroed a tr'lP to l.l1valuaJble servtce ta,nd !pays dlvld1ends Havana Cuba Mr Cadieux salled 111the' health of mnumerable chIldren from New York on Monday Sept throughout the years to ccnne It ~s 21st 'W'1~ha group of mOie than 600 sunprl')mg how many serIOUS denects Kelvmator salesmen executives and 111 are thus detected Fortunately at thl5 vlted guests abord the Cunard WhIte early stage in the child s develOlpmen1 Star hner Francoma which hias been these can usually be corrected chartered by Kelvmator for the round It 1S hoped 1Jhat thiS ch11lc project tfllP The group Will melude In addl wilt not only benefit these brubles enter hem to the 25 leadtng commercIal sales ed In the contest but 'tIhat It Will pro-- men of domestiC refngeratlon and 50 mote ,general mterest 1U chlld health engaged 111wholesale sales The party and welfare by brmgmg to the atten w111 reach on Fnday Sept hon ?if all rparents the necessity of reg.. 25 remaullng In the Cuban eatp1tal for ular examma1:1ons of tfuelr -ch1ldJren two days and ta,rnvmg back 111 New 'fIhe Wayne County Med'l:cal Assocla York on Thursday morn1l1g October 1 tlOll has enthusIasttcally endorSed the The .crUise 1U part Will talke the project and seventy five of Its members form of a floatmg U11lVerslty saI'C1 Will conduct the worlk '()ifthe dlmc As Mr Cadieux With natlOnal knQlWn slstmg these doctors and speciallsts WIll author1t1es spewk111g on subjects per be a staff of quwltned nurrses who have tlnent to the rerk~geratlon 11100stry also volunteered the1r serVIces Among these will be Professor Robert The Wayne County Mooilcal Asso F Elder of MassaJdhusetts Institute of ClatIon has enthusIastIcally endorsed Technology Dr Vergtl Ree.d of the U the proJect and seventy five 0If 1tS mem S Department of Commerce and bers Will condutCt tJhe work of the elm 1'1homas Beck pUlbhsher of Colber s IC Asslstmg these doctors and spec In addlbon to thIS company execu la11sts ""111be a staff df quahfiedJ nurses bves 111c1udilng George W Mason who have also volunteered their serv preS'l-dent and chairman of ~he board of Ices Kelvltlator GorporatIon and H W The chmc project !IS a part of the BurrItt Vlce PreSident m charge of Commumty 'ServIce Program now ibe d{ sales Will make talk~ on the tnp on ll1g carried on by the Metropohtan De j)he col'lporatlOtl, s programs and poholes trOlt CounCIl of LIOns Clulbs Thts pro While the crUIse IS arranged as a re gram WIll be 'ClImaxed on Octolber 14 ward for COn!Hstent sales effort It v;rtll With a huge Community Party at the afford an opportumty for the men out Olympia when the Pedect B<liby WIll tn the field to get better acquamted lbe coronated At thIS hme a mammoth w1th the ext,:cutlves of the cOIllipany be twenty act entertamment review fea hLlld the fir111g Ime 10 Detr01t tUrlltg radIO 111g1htdub and theatncal stars w1ll be presented and the Queen of Honor of the Service Program WIll be <l.cclalmed Proceeds arom the ticket sale to thlS event Villi go to the Lions Fund for underprIvileged chIldren fbnd the bhnd rorty DetrOit busmess firms are coope ratl!1lg In the trakets dlstnbutIon ann each ()Ifthem has delegated Its employ ees to aid 111thiS servl-ce Lions Club to Hold Baby Clinic Sept. 25 Tne Women s Democratic orgal1lza tlon of the 14th Congre5sl'onal dtstnct gave a danICe and card party In the Kmghts of Columbus Hall on Mack avenue at Phlhp Fnday September 18 whIch was attended by about 400 people Refreshments were served end pnzes were a\\ arded t1hose wlt-h lucky number;:, The suctess of tJhe rparty was diue to \1rs Emma Walsh general chamnan and her comnllttee olf the follQIWwg ladles Mrs T1heres<l. MoDona.Ld Mrs Anna Wllkerson MISS Ameha Carrol MI<'s Lola BreaJg1h Mrs Jolhn Carson \1rs Thomfls McMillan Mrs Edward Tank Mr~ Laura Hartman MISS Mary St Germam Mrs Setgel Mrs Barker Mrs Adelaide Vandle1"1berg Mrs Del Barbara \>irs Ghar11es DeLlesle Mrs W Rogers Mrs Donald F \iValker \tIrs Margaret Aihernathy MISS Delta '"canlan and MISS Mary Wlhlte 'Mrs Wtlham K Williams oounty ,Ice ohamnan SJPdke Ul'Ig111g the women to attend tihe Democrahc conventIOn at Battle Creek September 23 and 24 400 Attended Women's Democratic Meeting Friday, September 17 'Tertice that Vacant HGUie in the Columna "f The Review. ie..-C..,ts of p...ize Beef Available at Fred's d Glaeser of Freels M<l.t1ket at Keretheval avenue was succesS'ful cunng a su(bstantIal qUdlltIty of tgan SbMe Fair pr~ze steer beef e cuts are now on dIsplay at thlS d1d market and are avalla;ble to lUS of Fred s IS advls~ble to caLl or phone for particular cut whIle tlhese deh es are stilI available Why not t the family to One of t!hese de JUS dall1hes? News Digest Lar~ WaroirQP obOist at Station WJR and well known Detr01t mUSICian has Jomed tlhe tatulty OIfDetrOit Con scrvatoty of MUSIC 5035 Wocx1lward av.enue where he will teach all wood wmd mstruments Mr Wardrop who has one of the finest private tCollechons ()If woocbwmd mUsIc 1Uthe country IS the founder of ~he famed TriO D Andhes woodwmd trIO He IS plannmg a state wIde con test m \\~hldh contestants Wilt Vie for a sdholarshlip 111 'Woodlvimd Eugene C~Hrcsu V'lOhn puptl of Ma.y Leggett AJbel of the Detr<nt Conserva tory ha~ !been awarded a second year scholarsh~p to the Curttss Instttute of MusIc III PlhllaJdIe1'p.hla 'Dhe Detrort Conservatory Wilt open ranch stttdlOs October 1 at 14511 Grand IVler aNetvue near Strathmoor It WIll the first br'\uodh opened by the Con vi;lt\JJ:;yIn more than 20 years $500 tIcket Joke disrupted a recent DemocratIC conVlent10n Detroit Conservatory of Music Notes It IS the conQensus of op",,~ol1 that mass spendmg of pubhc fund. must be curtaIled reflected m natiOnal straw votes Babe Ruth the f01gotten man of baseball IealIzes now that a man s serVIce 15 never mrnspen- sIble Even polIce fund. are bemg used m gamblIng ventures m the CIty of DetrOIt accon]mg to a recent charge Dhe bribery charge of $25000 was ordered checked by the State 111 the recent»I cfnde parole It seemS that gulls have delI caetcs sJ.\ch as lobster tor dmner alOng the wast of Mass"chusetts Nl e ba,e baT! seasrm clo;es thrs "eok so "e turn to football and hockey for pastllnes HIbler overburdened jWlth of fices plans to relInqUIsh some of hIS duties -- Ettore gave J ere LOUIS a fine \H,rkout m the figlht at PhIladel- phIa Tuesday 11Ight A "ell known baseball figure for over 24 years RabbIt Mar al1VIlle hung up IllS spIked shoes thIS week Al ecent nudIst conventtton was held wIth the majority appearmg well clouhed Is thIS fad slIppmg a lIttle? The TIgers have been showmg what they wuld do If they really tried m the last few days m the whIrl" md fimsh whIch took Vhem from fourth place to second place Govel n"r Fltzgel aId lIsts hIS campaIgn expenses for the PrIm at"\ eLectIon as nIl Felndale IS promotmg bUlldmg actIvIties by sellIng lots at "dlcu Iou sly low prices wIth stlpula hons tlrlt purchase1 must com plete home withm stx months It means added revenue m the way of taxes \

Transcript of ttJ~ cll@@Nf~~~' -...

Page 1: ttJ~ cll@@Nf~~~' -… · grosse ';< ~---• $ -"






By Mall $Z 00 per year, Smgle Cop,es 5 Cents




~ , ,__ iilJmIi!

VOl ll-No 5

)to t\ I t

Oldest M.lItary SchoolThe Coast ArtIllery school at

Fort Monroe IS the oldest mlhtaryspeCIalty tral11lng school m thecountry havmg been organIzed In1824 and in contmuous eXIstenceever smce Edgar Allen Poe wasenrolled In the school for a shorttIme In 1828 under the name of EA Perry

\V J Beaupre of Grosse Pomte hasrecently been appomted vocatIOnal dl.rector m tlhe Detr01t area for the InternatlOnal Correspondence Sdhoals ofPe 1nsytvama

HIS office IS located In tlhe DaVid">tott bu ldmg and he mVltes hiS' manytnends fat'" a fnehdly VlSlt When 111thl. v l. 111t)

W J Beaupre AppointedVocational Director

The regular mOllt.<hlymeetmgs of fuel\Vomen s Repubhcan CluJb of Grosse:P01l1te Vvlll be resumed on Tuesday,Octolber 6

01 thiS date the lf1ldles Will !hold anlformal meet1l1g and tea at the Ne1gh-

horhoad Clulb Waterloo avenue at StClalr at 2 p m

Plans WIll be made for an electIOnday round Uip of voten ail1d final :re.1ort~ on the Anti New Deal canvassWIll be discus~ed

The chalrman vIrs Edlwm Krreg1hbff,., ,cr\ de rou~ of a reoord attend~


Women's RepublicanClub to Meet Oct. 6

A veteran Un verslty of Detro t teamWill uppose another eleven well fort1-fied J11 expenenced men When WesternState Teachers Collerge comes to theTitan stadium to open t!he season

It l~ prob3,Jble that Detrolt Will start10 lettermen and one player who IS onthe squad for the third season thoughnot yet possessed of the vars1ty D'Western State has ten lettermen burtthe majonty of t1hem W111be on thebench at the open ng whistle With a~trong SOlPhomore group replacmgthem

\Vestern State 1S coached by MIkeGary late of M nnesota who naturallyuses the offens1ve formatiOns thatha, e brought hiS alma mater so muchsuccess Detro t does not see as mUlChof thIS style of football as of the NotreDame system but been work1l1lg'on 1t ever Sl lce the 'Pracbce seasonopened The Titans are eel tam to holdtheir own or better 111stratglht footballas they ha"e a very powerful aIttaokand a defe 1se that no enemy has can.,>Istently pierced by runnlOg plays In

the la::tt couple OIfsea~ons or more Butthe T tans haven t sho'0. n anythmg mthe \\ ay of a forward passmg attack,nor have tohey developed what could becalled and adequate defense <ilgamstone Con"equ€ntlv they are a httleafra d thd.t thc enemy WIll score by theoVl.f'head route

A.ccord1l1g to advance l.l1forwahonJ

Wbter 1 ~tdte has 1t been alble to <be.velar It PdS::t 19 game to the pomt itrtddhed la t yed.r f1he reason for th~s1'S that Jerry '\Jeuman former DetrOIth gh SC'hool "t<l.r \\ ho wa;:, expected tobe tl e mall1::ttay of the team thIS yearn puntll1g J. ld pa:,s111g Isn t aval1able\n dutamob Ie acue!t..nt last summercan ed I :. IO::tsto tlhe team There arelour tarr pd-s."t:r.::tlett but ni:J'body thatcompare'l \\ Ith \Teuman "f\he samethll g dfliplle" to punt ng However it."nt I kely th ,t the Teachers will be

much outc1a sed 1 the klckmg depart-mel t for Doral" ~ ~ttll 100'kmg for acon." ~tent punter He has severaJl faIro 1b ut lQb dv who can be relted onto get he ght and distance all the timen spite of the fact that tJhe strong hnecan hoLd long enough to give themevery chance

DoraiS w 11 try to use all of hIS newmen at ~ome time 111 the game If the.,tate af the score warrants It but Willkeep tne veterans 111 until he t1unksvictory IS as~U1ed He 1S pi<l!rhcular1yanxIOus to get a look at hIS sophomoretalent under fire before the VIlla ~QIVa

game whldh I'; sdheduled for Sunday,October 2 That promIses to be oneof the hardest battles of the fall andcompetltlve e:x1penence IS needed by themen who are on the val Slty squad foethe first time

U. D. Varsity LineupReady for Western

Tilt Friday Night

Repubhcan Clubhave so forcibly

Neighborhood ClubActivities

NeLshbor41Ood Club girl<; classe" Vv11~tart tihe "Week of Octdber 5 The..,eclasses ll1clude gynaslUm cookln.g- metalcraft halldct"alft Junior dramM cs g rlguards tap dancmg and SOCialdanc ng

A few more days W 11 be given forregIstratIOn Get 11 early so you wtllbe sure to have a place In the classes

Danc 19 \faster~ of Arner ca and leadlng danclOg schools ot the "L mtedState~ M "" Arndt teache.. correctand artistic dancmg of all types tochildren and adults beg1l1ners and ad\ anced profeSSIOnal dancers and teadhers

Bes df's the ever popular tap an-dballet c1a~~e~ MISS \rndt offers course,;Ill. ballroom danc ng In four groupschildren h~gh ~chool age adults andad, anced c1as~es All groups mclude1I1structlOl 11 ~oclal etiquette Alsocourse" for women 111 tap and stepda'1c ng reducllg and cahsthel11cs J,fdeSIred

The I<..1all1c\:fane Erndt studiO IS 10cated at 919 Barrmgton road In thefir~t block soutJh of J effersol1 Lenox7639

Elaine Mane Arndt'sNote to Mothers

Your children s feet are valuable IThey should be strengthel ed and preserved a ld ,,\ th the proper exercIsemuch ca 1 be done to 1!11Iproveweakarches and ouher phYSIcal defects It1S a duty of the mot!hers to prCiParetheIr chIldren for 1fe m whIch healtlh ISone of the most lmportant featuresand so t I'; for you to create strongbod es With graceful figures havmgpOIse and feelIng and appreCIatIOn ()Ifthe arts and we know t'hat all thIS canbe accomphshed WIth competent tramlng' n t'l.e dance Be caut ous 111 yourselectlOn of d teacher as Impropertr<l.1n111gwJ11accompl ~h 10 good

'Dl e EIal1e Mar e AI ndt DanceStu 1 ) s endoned by the Oh cago As~OUdtlO1 Of Dane ng Ma;:,ter~ tihe

The Beverl) Hils pu.bhc golf coursewlll hold a Gamber Dav SaturdaySeptemlber 26 TJ1e great Gam WIll exhiblt hiS sk 1l and Wizardry w1th thedTlver

The Beverly HIlls Golf Club IS 10cated On Van Dyke at tlhe 120 M Ieroad Several substantIal pnzes WIll beoffered In compet tlOn -during the dayA reasol aJble fee for all day golfingwill be ('harged

Golf enthUSiasts v-;:J11welcome tIns Oipopportumty

"The people of Grosse Pomte have dehvered a sharp rebuke toPres.dent Roosevelt and h,s New Deal WIth Its dangerous and fan-tastic and unconstttutional experIments, whIch are ruIning our

country today."WhIle "II thinkmg AmerIcan res.dents are greatly heartened

by the G 0 P victory In Grosse Pomte, we must not grow o-verM

Mrs M Kr.eghoff, cha.rman of the Women'sof Grosse POInte congratulates the voters whoexpressed the .. d.sapproval of the New Deal

In a recent Interview she stated

NOIse Don't CountI I has followed many a band"

saId Uncle Eben, lland I neveryet saw any publIc questIon settledoy a parade

Dora Van Gelder toDeliver Lecture on

Tuesday, Sept. 29

\1rs Chaliles Horton Metcalf who ISenterilltg Ujpon her fifteenth consecutlve year as preSident of the H stor cMemonals Society w1ll pres de over thefirst fall meetll1lg of the ~oc ety } l' dd.Ymorn111g October 2 at 1 he \Vhlttlerbe,gU1l1111gat 11 0 clock

Dr Samuel H 101 rer Will gIve anaddl"e~s ent tied Cl d.utauqua '\s A..nInstitutlO 1

The meet ng WIll )e follo'\Cd by aluncheon for vhlch reservatlOn~ mayhe made ,\ It 1 \ir '>s Carol~ 11" ?vI-cG1-a\\Mrs Rohert J u 1e ~ chalrma 1 of translJ,)rtat 01

1 he SOCiety s pl<l.nnmg a blldJge partyfor the I ear future

Historic MemorialsSociety Meeting Oct. 2

Dorn Chosen Delegate IGamber Day atto State Convention Beverly Hills Course

September 26thElected delegate from the City of

Grosse pOll1te at the Prlmary electIOnheld September 15 Wilham F Dornof 513 l\eff road was c'hosen as a delegate from \iV ayne County to the StateConventton of the Democratic party tobe held at Battle Creek on Frtday andSaturday

ActIOn naml11g Dorn to the StateconventiOn ta.lken at the WayneCounty convention of the Democraticparty held la~t Monday at the CassTechn cat Hl~h School

At the State convenhon the delegates Vllll nomll1ate the Democraticcand dates for Secretary of StateState Treasurer Attorney GeneralAuditOI Ge 1eral and Supreme CourtJustice

I am exceedmgly grateful for thesplendId co QPeratlol1 extended to meb\ m", fr ends 1 1 t'he Pr mary electIOnsaid Dorn today

I earne tly feel that the successrfuloutcome of my candldaJcy for delegate1S largely attnrbuted to the loyal support of the reSidents of the communItyand to them and those that they 1l1terested 1n my behalf I am sll1cerely alp

preclatlve Dorn stated

\tJ h 1 11 h [\fl<'s Dora \ an Gelder bort ll1 Java1C lfgan mUSIc overs WI ave a cf Dutch pare 1tage and educated 111

rare opportumty to hear one of Uncle A 1 II dIll dustra la WI elver an I ustrateSam s most famed and accoIntphshed lecture 111 Theo-so, Hall 1509mmlcal aggregatlons When the Umted B d \' I BI"-rea \\ ay 'v ur tzer U\I5 at 8 rp mState Navy Band markes Its only ap Tuesday September 29 She W 11dlspearance orf ilhe season at the \:fason c 11}" A H 1 h deu" 1e -:LUman ura 111 ea t anTemple Aud1tor urn 111 Detr<nt Mon DI~ea"edav September 28 The great band u \ G Id b b

'V) I"~ an e er w '0 wa.g orn Withknown far and WIde for ItS rendlt On of" d mh d J d b b 1~eCOI1 s~o t an euucate y t e ateglOriOUS mUSIC both on tJhe radiO and "\'1 C u, L db f t!hv r VI! ea eater 'One 0. econcert ~tage Will appear under tl1e Id I b cLeauspIces of the ~t John s Da Lea ue wor ~ greatest c alrvoyants as ma

ofyo kg a speclaltv of l11vesttgahon 1n the force

an Orglanl7atlon Wayne a land m t f th b b dy DM

e ana IOns rom e uman 0 urI acornb County Masons 1l1g the past wmter In New York III

PeJ"'haps no band 111 eXIstence pas co-Habor-at on With some OIf the Clt se~ses the Wide program range for ymost promment doctors she !held elm

\\blch the Umted States Navy Band Ical eXaml11atlOl1S of patients suffermgIS noted Whet!her It plays a stlrrllllg' fro b r d d ffi It f dm c scu e lseases t cu 0 lagmal"l~h a ltltmg 'POPular air on an 11 no 1 From "h t d II t;:,s '~ ese s u les a co ec Iontncate symplhomc arrangement tts 40 of pictures 111color was pamted CQiV<'kIlled mUS1CIans all artists 111thetr erll f t M V

I19 some or y cases ISS an

own rllglht blend themselves mto one of Ge1del Will display these PlctUtrCS durthe most per'fecNy attuned bands of lUg the cottr~e of her lecture and Willour day po l1t out tpe 1111lPOrtance{)Ifmel'1tal and

So that tlhlS program Wlll SUIt every emotlOnal tral11mg on the fUllotlOns oftaste for mUSIC Lleut Oharles Benter t<he humal bodyUSN director has "elected for pre There IS ad 1 bno m sSlon c arge andsentat10n tn DetrOIt a Wide range of the publ c IS cordially mVltednumbers whldh mc1udes popular mill -- _tary claSSical and sem1 claSSical lairs

Included 10 the personnel of th s III

ternattonally known band are fOUf ofthe nation s leadmg solOIsts OscarShort cornetist has ~ppeared 10 soloWIth such celebrated conductors asArtpur Pryor Edward Franko Goldman and J dhn Phlhp -Sousa BernardRosenthal vlol1111St has been col01stWJth both t1te BaltImore and Washmgton Symphony orchestras To rad~ofans everywhere the names ot ClarenceEdwards trombol11st and LauloS Goucher xylop-ho11lst are well know\!

As a feature of the '\avy band s aJPpearance In DetrOit s \JaS011lC Temple


audltonum th1S year there ""'111be spectal ohlldren s concerts at 2 30 and 3 30on the aJfternoon precedmg the mam

I program w hlah IS ~checbuled for 8 30l Cn ldl en WIll be admitted to the alfter

noon performances for the small fee of25 cen1~ Pnces for the evenmg pertormance are 50 cents $1 and $1 50 InDetr01t t ckets now are on sale atGrmnell Brothers Mati orders shouldbe addre::>sed to St John::t Day LeagueMasoUlc Temple Detroit

Because the entire lPf'oceeds ff'om confident."thIS concert w 11be g ven to cpanty all I 1 . th - h' d "Th fi I b 1 II f h Magna Charta in Latinadmls.'>lOn ttckets w111be tax free n c oSIng e InterVIew 50 e sa1, e na att e Wi be oug t The Magna Charta was wrItten

_______ at the polls on Tuesday, November 3. To keep America a self, Iin Latm It was addressed "ToF th the archbIshops abbots, earls, bar ..

al and Systel.aa governing deMocracy we must be VictoriOUS on the final election ons JushClars, £01esters, sherIffs,Systems ex!'rclse the mmd, enhghWns and su1d~s It. d!i¥ " governors, officers and to all ba.-I \ \. ~ - ~ _ _ -', __..L __ L-- _ ~ ..1_..l.,;",.Jild ~ lljfs and hIS faIthful subJects,':'I .:1' , -f' _~__...J ~ __

St. John's Day MusicFestival September 28

was theto meet

small at1J~ fnghtene<1her three month old

Easy to Find Fanlt"It s so easy to find fault" saId

Uncle Eben, dat a man who ISsure enough smart ought to beashamed to waste hIS mergles datway t

Prmceton Once Had LotterIesSeven lotterIes were authOrIzed

for the benefit of Prrncetor umverslty then the College of Hew Jer-sey, between 1748 and 177"" andthe proceeds ranged from 600 to3,000 pounds

Aloysius CadieuxWins Cuban Trip

I ve spent my I fe ralsmg that boyhe said

Now he s goneAs Vaughan sp.eaks he 'Pauses to

comfort hi'> Wife Hannah'Hannah W"asnt Tommy s real mo~h

e-r vaughan tells newspa.permen HISreal mother ehed" hen !he was but {ourBut she consldered htm as her own

\Ve last saw Tommy Sunday evemag He and Paul (Paul RIfe 21 of172..,0 Maumee avenue CIty of GrossePomte also killed In the cra'>h) werecookmg their ey'enmg meal at ourhouse They were haw) and weretalk ng of the fun they were gomg tohave tJhat night

The fun they) ouehs planned endedn death when thelr new c<ilr left theroad on M 21 at more Vhan a mile ammute

In J:ront of the Rife !home stood acleaners and dyers truck Paul Rifedrove thiS truck home from 'Work Saturday l11ght He .was to return 1tM-onday mornmg' •

Paul s motlher called hiS employersvesteT'day to come after the truok Paulcouldn t dnve It any more He wask1l1ed

\Alhtle all was sorrow at the Cook~on Vaughan and RlIfe homes "today ahopeful mother leaned over a hosJ1:l1talcot In the Port Huron hospital SheIS Mrs Lora uInch

Her 21 year old son Carl was theThe Mothers CIUlb of the Grosse ouly surVlvor of tJhe crash HIS con

Pomte Hlg!h Sohool Will hold ItS first I d hon 1S crthcal Carl s oldest sistermeehng of the season Monday eve was to be marned next Saturday Thlght~mg Septemlber 23 at 7 45 0 clock 111 at the Ulnch home 3460 Algon-qu1l1he Bligh Sdhool audJtortUm avenue Those plans are at a standshll

Bouquets and bnc a brnc Will be the pcrdlng the outcome of Carl s 1l1Junessubject of an mterestmg aJddress to be The four youtlh all pals from bo~gIVen by Mrs 1'rederrck K Hauck Mr hood ",ent for a llde early Mond~yJohn Fmch head of the dep-artment of mor11lng when Bud Cookson got offmU'51'Cal educatIOn '" 111 lea.d In com wonk Whether a dense fog an unmUl11ty smgmg banked curve or exceSSive speed caused

Refreshments Will be served and a the crash IS a matter o:f co 1Jecturepleasant evenmg IS assured Interested There were no witnessesmo-tlhers are cordIal y 111vlted

Grosse Pointe HighSchool Mothers Club

to Meet Sept. 28th

A Widowed mother only 17 wept softly today at her home 2196 Canton avenue She 1S Mrs Dons Cookson

Her husband Harry or Bud as hewas called around home killedMonday tn an auto crash near PortHuron The same a'COidenil: ela medtJhe livCls of two of h1s fnends while&hl1 another lIes near death In a PoctHuron hospItal

1vfrs lootksonh~htly c1as'Psbaby D1anne

She doesn t say much but tearsifamed cheeks testIfy to her gnef

\Ve were so happ) Bud and I sibesald And DIanne Vvas just threemonths old yesterday-the last day Isaw Bud ahve

Why couldn t vhls have happened toa couple not as happy as we were?

At 1042 Lakepo111te avenue GrosseP0111te PIal k a g~7Z'led polIcemanpaces the floor of hiS modest -flat HISeyes arf' red from weetp111g He ISThom.aJs F Vauglhan

HIS son Thomas J r 22second of the three youthsdeath

Three Local Boys Killedin Accident Monday

At Port Huron, Mich.

MR AND MRS THOMPSONSTOCK of Road have returnedfrom a ~hort soay at Battle Creek j Rehglous DramaM1Ch and .t~nto leave Sept 24 to Oriental drama is basically leligiousmotor to Nffr~'~jdWash,pgtop -'!.\l socIal, authorl~es say


Fmal arrangements have been completed 'for tihe Ltons Clulbs balby cbmcw\hlch WIll open on Mondla) SeptemberZ8 The chntc WIlt be estaJbhshed onthe fourteenth floor olf tfue Hotel Statlerunder the dlJrechon of a co:tnmlttee ofdoctors repTesentmg tlhe Wayne County Medilca1 As<soclatIon

The first pU1'1pq.seOIf the climc IS toexam1l1e 1 000 !babIes w!ho have 'beenentered m tlhe LIOIllS Clubs BetterBaby 'ConJtest and select tht,: one mostneanly perfect In healtlh ThIS pnzewmnlllg youngster WIlt tater be coro ..nated as DetrOIt s Perfect BJlIby at ahuge commU111ty party to be staged atthe Olympia on Octdber 14

Tlhe more slgI1llficant phase of the.elm c~ work !WIll be the thorough andcon"Clent ous eXlammatlon of everydh11d entered m the contest by competent phySICians A dtetalled report onthe physl'Oal cond1tlOn of every druIdWill be gIVen to ealchl motiher W1ththIS informatIon the parents can talkethe iProper steps to Ihave any weakness M r AloystUS Cadieux of the Kelvmaes or defects corre'Cted I tor Corporatlon DetrOit Branoh locat

J J Rus~e'll director df the LlOns ed at 2842 West Grand Boulevard reClub program who has arranged SImIlar celHxl word today that he had beendml'Cs In many otlher mtles states 111 selected by Kel'Vma'tor Co~oratton asoonnectlOn WIth thIS work The chl11 one of ItS 25 leardmg salesmen of comcal exatnmahon of supposedly perfect merclaJl refngerat10n In the entIrely healthy balb1es has proved Itself an Ul11ted States and aWlaroed a tr'lP tol.l1valuaJble servtce ta,nd !pays dlvld1ends Havana Cuba Mr Cadieux salled111the' health of mnumerable chIldren from New York on Monday Septthroughout the years to ccnne It ~s 21st 'W'1~ha group of mOie than 600sunprl')mg how many serIOUS denects Kelvmator salesmen executives and 111are thus detected Fortunately at thl5 vlted guests abord the Cunard WhIteearly stage in the child s develOlpmen1 Star hner Francoma which hias beenthese can usually be corrected chartered by Kelvmator for the round

It 1S hoped 1Jhat thiS ch11lc project tfllP The group Will melude In addlwilt not only benefit these brubles enter hem to the 25 leadtng commercIal salesed In the contest but 'tIhat It Will pro-- men of domestiC refngeratlon and 50mote ,general mterest 1U chlld health engaged 111wholesale sales The partyand welfare by brmgmg to the atten w111 reach on Fnday Septhon ?if all rparents the necessity of reg.. 25 remaullng In the Cuban eatp1tal forular examma1:1ons of tfuelr -ch1ldJren two days and ta,rnvmg back 111 New

'fIhe Wayne County Med'l:cal Assocla York on Thursday morn1l1g October 1tlOll has enthusIasttcally endorSed the The .crUise 1U part Will talke theproject and seventy five of Its members form of a floatmg U11lVerslty saI'C1Will conduct the worlk '()ifthe dlmc As Mr Cadieux With natlOnal knQlWnslstmg these doctors and speciallsts WIll author1t1es spewk111g on subjects perbe a staff of quwltned nurrses who have tlnent to the rerk~geratlon 11100stryalso volunteered the1r serVIces Among these will be Professor Robert

The Wayne County Mooilcal Asso F Elder of MassaJdhusetts Institute ofClatIon has enthusIastIcally endorsed Technology Dr Vergtl Ree.d of the Uthe proJect and seventy five 0If 1tS mem S Department of Commerce andbers Will condutCt tJhe work of the elm 1'1homas Beck pUlbhsher of Colber sIC Asslstmg these doctors and spec In addlbon to thIS company execula11sts ""111be a staff df quahfiedJ nurses bves 111c1udilng George W Masonwho have also volunteered their serv preS'l-dent and chairman of ~he board ofIces Kelvltlator GorporatIon and H W

The chmc project !IS a part of the BurrItt Vlce PreSident m charge ofCommumty 'ServIce Program now ibe d{ sales Will make talk~ on the tnp onll1g carried on by the Metropohtan De j)he col'lporatlOtl, s programs and poholestrOlt CounCIl of LIOns Clulbs Thts pro While the crUIse IS arranged as a regram WIll be 'ClImaxed on Octolber 14 ward for COn!Hstent sales effort It v;rtllWith a huge Community Party at the afford an opportumty for the men outOlympia when the Pedect B<liby WIll tn the field to get better acquamtedlbe coronated At thIS hme a mammoth w1th the ext,:cutlves of the cOIllipany betwenty act entertamment review fea hLlld the fir111g Ime 10 Detr01ttUrlltg radIO 111g1htdub and theatncalstars w1ll be presented and the Queenof Honor of the Service Program WIllbe <l.cclalmed

Proceeds arom the ticket sale to thlSevent Villi go to the Lions Fund forunderprIvileged chIldren fbnd the bhndrorty DetrOit busmess firms are cooperatl!1lg In the trakets dlstnbutIon anneach ()If them has delegated Its employees to aid 111thiS servl-ce

Lions Club to HoldBaby Clinic Sept. 25

Tne Women s Democratic orgal1lzatlon of the 14th Congre5sl'onal dtstnctgave a danICe and card party In theKmghts of Columbus Hall on Mackavenue at Phlhp Fnday September 18whIch was attended by about 400people Refreshments were served endpnzes were a\\ arded t1hose wlt-h luckynumber;:,

The suctess of tJhe rparty was diue to\1rs Emma Walsh general chamnanand her comnllttee olf the follQIWwgladles Mrs T1heres<l. MoDona.Ld MrsAnna Wllkerson MISS Ameha CarrolMI<'s Lola BreaJg1h Mrs Jolhn Carson\1rs Thomfls McMillan Mrs EdwardTank Mr~ Laura Hartman MISS MarySt Germam Mrs Setgel Mrs BarkerMrs Adelaide Vandle1"1berg Mrs DelBarbara \>irs Ghar11es DeLlesle MrsW Rogers Mrs Donald F \iValker\tIrs Margaret Aihernathy MISS Delta'"canlan and MISS Mary Wlhlte

'Mrs Wtlham K Williams oounty,Ice ohamnan SJPdke Ul'Ig111gthe womento attend tihe Democrahc conventIOn atBattle Creek September 23 and 24

400 Attended Women'sDemocratic MeetingFriday, September 17

'Tertice that Vacant HGUie in theColumna "f The Review.

ie..-C..,ts of p...izeBeef Available at Fred's

d Glaeser of Freels M<l.t1ket atKeretheval avenue was succesS'fulcunng a su(bstantIal qUdlltIty oftgan SbMe Fair pr~ze steer beefe cuts are now on dIsplay at thlSd1d market and are avalla;ble to

lUS of Fred sIS advls~ble to caLl or phone forparticular cut whIle tlhese deh

es are stilI available Why nott the family to One of t!hese de

JUS dall1hes?

News Digest

Lar~ WaroirQP obOist at StationWJR and well known Detr01t mUSICianhas Jomed tlhe tatulty OIfDetrOit Conscrvatoty of MUSIC 5035 Wocx1lwardav.enue where he will teach all woodwmd mstruments

Mr Wardrop who has one of thefinest private tCollechons ()If woocbwmdmUsIc 1Uthe country IS the founder of~he famed TriO D Andhes woodwmdtrIO He IS plannmg a state wIde contest m \\~hldh contestants Wilt Vie fora sdholarshlip 111 'Woodlvimd

Eugene C~Hrcsu V'lOhn puptl of Ma.yLeggett AJbel of the Detr<nt Conservatory ha~ !been awarded a second yearscholarsh~p to the Curttss Instttute ofMusIc III PlhllaJdIe1'p.hla

'Dhe Detrort Conservatory Wilt openranch stttdlOs October 1 at 14511 GrandIVler aNetvue near Strathmoor It WIll

the first br'\uodh opened by the Convi;lt\JJ:;yIn more than 20 years

$500 tIcket Joke disrupted arecent DemocratIC conVlent10n

Detroit Conservatoryof Music Notes

It IS the conQensus of op",,~ol1that mass spendmg of pubhcfund. must be curtaIled reflectedm natiOnal straw votes

Babe Ruth the f01gotten manof baseball IealIzes now that aman s serVIce 15 never mrnspen-sIble

Even polIce fund. are bemgused m gamblIng ventures m theCIty of DetrOIt accon]mg to arecent charge

Dhe bribery charge of $25000was ordered checked by the State111 the recent»I cfnde parole

It seemS that gulls have delIcaetcs sJ.\ch as lobster tor dmneralOng the wast of Mass"chusetts

Nl e ba,e baT! seasrm clo;es thrs"eok so "e turn to football andhockey for pastllnes

HIbler overburdened jWlth offices plans to relInqUIsh some ofhIS duties

--Ettore gave J ere LOUIS a fine\H,rkout m the figlht at PhIladel-phIa Tuesday 11Ight

A "ell known baseball figurefor over 24 years RabbIt Maral1VIlle hung up IllS spIked shoesthIS week

Al ecent nudIst conventtton washeld wIth the majority appearmgwell clouhed Is thIS fad slIppmga lIttle?

The TIgers have been showmgwhat they wuld do If they reallytried m the last few days m thewhIrl" md fimsh whIch took Vhemfrom fourth place to second place

Govel n"r Fltzgel aId lIsts hIScampaIgn expenses for the PrImat"\ eLectIon as nIl

Felndale IS promotmg bUlldmgactIvIties by sellIng lots at "dlcuIou sly low prices wIth stlpulahons tlrlt purchase1 must complete home withm stx months Itmeans added revenue m the wayof taxes


Page 2: ttJ~ cll@@Nf~~~' -… · grosse ';< ~---• $ -"






LEnox 7639



... rrhursd-ay Sept-emhet'M 11936~ -- ...-.._-------

With SCientific Beauty 'I'reatm09ntaNe'fest Styles In PerJILl'»lentsAv~tla~Je at




AI,.L CL;ASS LESSONS FIFTY CENTSGrosse POinte's Most Popu14r J)ancI}lg SchOQl

PrIvate and Class Lessons In All TYPE(sof Dancmg


,Modernize-- RepairU"der NHA

YOU! Heatmg Plant WhIle Pnces Are. Still Downj CALL


of Kansas Cdy Mo


Win,dmill P,ointe

DetrOIt's Depl."ndablePlumbing and Heating ,serVIc.e:N e", 1:< urnace Installation AIr Con'<il.flOlllllg Replacement Parts

McAA;fltlzmg Old Plants Stokel Instal1tl1hon and Service.i< >.< No J pb 1;'00) Larpe 'W Toq S~mall :-l.<


919 Barrington Rd.MEMBER of Dancmg Masters of America, of DanCing

Masters and Dan~lng Masters of MichIgan

TAILORS, CLEANERS and FURRIERSWe Call and,lleljver Rhone "e~ox 3040

149iU E. Jefferson Ave. at City LimitsI

CLEANED, RELINED, ALTERED and REPAIREDFinest WorkmanshIp Most Reasonable Pric.s

12 Years in 1:his Neig1l!>orhOQd


Men's 3.Piece 7gV C Ladies' PlainSUITS DRESSES


Suits and Coat~s

Calloh and Carry

, II'Q::per,i~1Cleaners & OY~rSMack at Jlo!ottinghllm ' '1. "'U. 'fAnoo

~ l' J~.J!' ~ 4lf""'"WI 1;; (



Amphfiers P~ovided in Gymnasi1!m



Mem.ber of 'I:he :Soard of Lecr~ureshlpof The Mother Church,1 he Flr~t Chp,rch erf Ch.rlst SClenhst, In Boston. ¥4ssach\Jsetts

T,hePublicols Cordially Invited To Attend

I~ Gro~~e'Poj)\te Bouleyard, cor. fisher .Roasl

TUESD,AY EVENING, SEPTBMBER 29, 1936llt Eight O'Clo~k


In Grosse Pointe High ,Schoo~Auditorium

MR AND MRS FRANK C BARROWS JR formerly 'Of WhIttler Blvdhave taken the J Henry Smrbh homeon Bedford RDad

* • *

* * *MARTHA WOODRUFF daugil>'erof Mr and Mrs Stevehs WoodJmff ofKenrwo'9d Roa.d retut11-ed last Tlhursday from Leeslburg Va where she~pent <'everal weeks at the home 01her graJndmother Mrs E H Heaton

* * *

--*-.CORA BUHL daugMer of Mr andMrs Lawrence D Buhl of Lake ShoreRoad has returned home frorm a roundelf VlSltS In the East

\1RS GEORJGE HENRY KI NNof Devon~hl!'e Rid WIth her daughtersLoUIS 3Jnd Peggy left fast week for {Pougihkeep Ie N Y wthere Peggy Willenter Vassar as a freshman MrsKlem and Loulse returned Suooay

MR 'l.ND MRS FORJD BALLANTYNE of Lake Shore ROaJd return~d.last week after a month at their summer home at Mel1:amom

* * *

RALPH C WILSON JR son of Mr Iand Mrs Ralph C W1lson OIf Balfourfioad lelft "On Wednesday [or Charlottesv1lle Va 'Where he Will enter theU ntverSllty of VIrgmla

* * *,



Christian ScienceCh\1rc}

. -- .MR AND MRS HENRY E BQDMAN of McK1111eyPlace have returned to the~r horne aJfter a stay at Harbor POlllte

ViR AND MRS PAUL H DElMING of LaJke Shore RDad are retun1l"llg from E.urope on the Bremen and1amded 1ll 1\ ew York on Sunday

HARRIETT MITCHBLL of DuluthMllln arrwed early th1S week to drIVeback to BaltImore With Betty Fredenck daughter of Mrs Charles LFr~denck of Moran Road who IS resumlng her studies at Jo'hns Hopki1l1s

* * *

ReaMy WIll be tihe subJe-ct otE the ~esson Sermon In all Ohnsttan SCience r

Ohurches throughout the world on::Jundav ~eptetnrber 27

Among the BIble cltatlOns lS the fol0"mg (II Sam 22 31 33) As forGod hiS way 1S perfeiCt the ''lord ofhe LOl d IS tned he IS a buckler to all

the that trust III h m God!s mytrehgth and poY',er a.nd he maketih my'ay perfect

GorrelatlVe -passages to be read fromthe Chrlstlan SCIence textbook SCl"'nce and Healtth WIth Key to the SCt1rptures by Mary Baker Eddy mcludethe foUowmg (p 313) PerfectlOn unierhe:s reahty V/lthout -perfecbon10thmg 15 wholly real All -ehmg.s ,,,,11ontl11ue to dlsaplPear l1.qtd peJ:'ifecbon

appeqrs and reality IS rea-che-d



Sparrows' Eg~!>.but Why'In the account lolls of BIc€'ster pri \

01v Gf the time of Henry VI is a curl ~aus item for 12 uounds of spall ows "£'ggs for 13 pence "l.ftJ S 1" H CrosslevIn the nngUsh Abbev Just what theeggs ~ ere used for or how e'\tensnelythey" ere S"old is unknown

Mad Debve1"les on Stampsl\lexi-co prlnteu a CUllQUS set of

stamps in :\.89j -which gave a senes adtableaux depictmg the various ways ofhandling mail r.lhe one cent for in >:stance showed a postman deliverIngmall on foo" the four cent a postma01mounted on a mule the ten cent r.evealed a mail coach whIle the one pesohad .a plctme of a mail tram

Women on StampsMal tha '\"ashmgton is the only Arnel woman .on United .states staUlp~Pocahontas and Queen Isabella are tlHonly other", omen on A 11l.eliCanstamps

, ,How Blac:kbird Got Its

Color Is Ancient MythThe blacl~blrd that shy handsome

fellow \Vl~r. hiS glossy black coat andgolden beak "as once upon a t me sothe rrench fable teHs us pure whiteOne day in the "oods he came upon amagpie bU.t.Ily engaged ill hIding hlsstolen tr.ea",ure of Jf>"els

Where can I get such a stOle?ash.ed the white bhd The m'lgp1e belog nenous of betra~ al told him togo to the palace of the Kmg of nlche~ill the bowels of the earth but \'\arnedhim to touch nothing until he had recelved permlsslOn from the prince Heset out on his quest and flew throughcavern after caveill. unW he came toone fOImed entirely of gold and golddust lay thick on the floor The adventurer could resballl himself nolonger but plunged hts greedy bill Intothe gold dl,.st \,heleUpon a hOlrlbl(>demon $plang out of the groijnd spewing forth sdot and sruol~e Althought4e bird es,caped with hIs life he haltrow a 11?tblack plumage and a goldstaloM bill And Sillce then e' erytime the blacl~bird hear-s a suddenOOl.:.ein the woo{l he rushes out of thf>busnf>S With .crIes of alarm for \\ hoknows what teruble demon may purs;ue him a,gam?INSURANCE TIPS



T,he .Qe.~il'sSqu\\dron


Arizona Ra{ders



The White AngelPluo EDWARD EVERETT

J;j:0:F-TON rn

N9~'.s Fool

,Saturday Matinee Oply-


Now or NeverPlus "'"

Chapter No 10 C(lutehlng Hanpalso HI~Ll Contest

~,! ••",nT""""T"t,! ••t'



The Crime ofDr. ,Fo.rbes

Plus JACK HOLT and]'A'f GRJ:Y m

Crash Donovan

Aloma Theatre\

, 1~1~l'lY~'"ColinOJ' ., Waybill'll



The Return ofSophie~ang

Plus LAL,!{F]'CE OLIVIER In I-T"l' FISJt Mmute -1'1 QIrlhI $tand Condem.ned 'I The Ocean suntlsh, "lillc1, attarns

a y;ell{ht of one ton, IS no larger,__________ _ thau a pml\ead rhen younS'


East Jefferson and Ph1bp averluesRev R D Llllhart pastor

Beg1l1nmg at 10 30 every Sundaymornmg' a 15 m1l1ute 1,)rogram of s8.l~re-dorgan mus1-CIS rendered by Mr WIlhamFlShwldk as a pre:paratlOn to the servIce of wonhlP Th s !program IS glVenon a three manual Estey organ

The pastor 1Sattendll1g thIS week the1.1 c~lgall dIstrict convention of theAmer can Lutheun Onu!'ch wrnch ISmeetmg at Toledo OhiO He Willpreadh next Sunday Qll Our Churdhand Her Task

Loyalty Month at Falt'h Chur<G:hWill be observed dunng the mont!h ofOctOber begmnll1g one week fromSunday The attendance at these servIces will likely be the largest ()If tlbevear Our slogan 15 Every memberat chur-ch every Sunday m October

A Very cOlxhal welcome 15 extentde>d,to the p~ople of thiS 'Commul11ty to wor1lP at Fa1th Luthera!' Come

oncCu and you 11'Come agam

Faith L'Ilth,eranChurch

1t )'vi Pi

I.Spe.C1ahzlng In Clea.D1ng

R,U,SSELLCurtain Cleaners


15009 Charlevo~x ~t VIayburnI>OPU1<AR PIUCES

p"rtains & Drapes.,E},S;CLUS,lVELYHa"d1ed C,rofully b~ Exports I t

14727 Kerch_al Lenox 8275., ,


'tll'icLure Service,AId. IIlAKES REPAIRED

Reaaonable RatNNCli \;harw. r

J;!l!NCAN & Macl\UCOL I14927 CbarloTOI" at 'IV .yl>UrD I

NJ..hb. Sun. &: rT __ 0) USQ Hobday,oIJU. ~~- n. 2_. .


.Jt.n Expletivej\.n expletive IS .a word Mten pro

)'1..,. lor An:y TYP<lBulld.n,

Wm. F. Frahm Lenox 2458,sgecilicatjOl\s and Detlliled


EnJOY a Glass of Be4!r, Sandwlehee.apd 1.Ight Lunches at

t;'es s e'g..dy PQS hon as bodyguardft-1}(i thauffeur A 1 references Apply")EO?' X 15121 Kerdhe~aI G"osse Po'¥t~J{~y,ew 1

:Business Opportunities j

- jT;4KE OFF WALL PAPER by steam

;&~eamer for rent Apply car"ta~erj~01Jl'I 'Theatre I

lI.iless Djrector~:

• * *MR AND MRS GEORGETHOMAS of L,keland Ave celobrateli vhen twenty fifth wwdmg anl11~ver".ary wIth a dmner at the DetroIt YadhtClub Saturday rught Table coverswere laid for 4(l guests a11d the guestS'of honor were Mary Thomas Mr anC\bdrs George VV 'Dhomas J r Son ofthe T\homas a-nldMr and Mrs WIlham

Wayne Ul11V~Slty has a ll10unced t1).e Frankincense Used in LehraJdltlOl1 of t\\'O tll$UranCe courses to Its Ancient ~urial Rites * * *evenmg school currIcutum for the com A toy SIze bronze bucket hung as a A crystal mIrror With slIver vaseslI1ig term Ore course will <cover F~re: necldace ornament yIelded evidencf> filled with whIte flowers was used onand Manne hnes and wIll be conduded that the inhabitants of Germany in the center tabJe On ea~h oblong tabl~ A SMART New Yonk cOilumn chranby M;r H TlhotniPson Sto<ck (M B A t11at remote bme lJsed frankmcense ehe!'e were thrree corutlco!pla shaped Ides the return of Mrs Dodge SloaneH d A B U M ) h In theIr funeU1I rLies .rhe little 7 f m h r re t, to En 1 d Mrarvar and df Wi a IS vases ho1dmg sliver cap,dle and '\v!hl1te to e cen np g an ""L


t 1 d tIh b bud~f>t. complete WIth handle and rom SI a left S r tn~ at"h he ~ht ofac lve y engage In e Insurance USI flowers tnrt~rnungled WIth green tnm 0 ne a a ~'Oa u e 15n~ss a,s a partner O'f Arthur J Stock ia ture stirrmg rod ',as found in a mmg the r<lJClngsea.son and s.aIled August lO- ~

~"ave at Stargard castle near Bargens f ~ t b dInsurance ~ency Detr01t Mr Stock; derf Among the guests wen: N(r and Mrs or a SuOT -stay a rOlaIS also well knOlwn as a wnter On m 0 F Neum,.ann Mr and Mrs Walter She retUltned on t1he Nq-rmandle

Its harc1onf'd contents mixed with I .,- C I h I ~surance tOPICS and as dhamnan of tlhe Edlmondson Mr and 1\rs Gale Stoak 14 O<..M,mguea. t 1 Y lurO'nzed and vet Videb Us that had got into the gl'lVe h f d blpUlbhclty and educatlQn commlttee of d I I ham Mr a"d Mrs "'e"bert H,-n chl>CIn navy and a touc Ql rei to endut ng Its ong burIal Wf>re sent to 8. J.~ '11 1515"

the Detrolt AS~OciatlOn of Insurance Berhn ntiCIOSCOPLSt HIS examlna bottom Jr Mr and Mrs Henry Ray W1~h her htps Mrs SlOiwnes New YOIIAgents and a member of the same com tion and analysIs .sho\\ed that the mond Mt a~ld Mts Fred MCJDomIJd resldence 15 Dl1IPark Ave but she Wq."mlttee of tre Nabonal A~sO'clatlon of matrix material conSIsted of partly Mr and 'lvtrs Allbert Mars-hall Mr plannmg to go dlrectly to her countryInsurance Agents 1 Qurped franhmcense Al?p.alently the and Mrs Oscar Wlche Mr al1id Mrs rpl<lJcenoiW 1l1'"Locust Valley

The other course Wlll cover tlhe field lIttle bucket which wa,s less than a'1 frd.nk $mltih Mr and Mrs Glen B * ~ *of Casualty Fldieltty and "Su.rety Mr Inch lIigh was filled WIth the incense Collar Mr and Mrs E A Weston M'l" MR AND MRS JAMEC::; A PARKHarold RemhoLd (L L B Wayne UUl at some point during the funeral cere- and Mrs S~ewa.rt Aust1l1 Df PontIa'C and theIr Son Reglmald 'Of LeWIston

" t ) tt d 11" d monies and after thIS use as a cens"'yr RDad ho haY he- at the' "nlmerve.l51y an a prpey an supen "",n Mr and! Mrs FraJ).'Cls Morns Mr anld w e vu I~ 5.....h S D f h was hung around. tl)e ne~l{ of toe de L M h hent at t e urety epa-rtment 0 t e Mrs FIer Pra,bel WIlham Jarrett and cottage nea.r exmgton lC ave,

parted with a fine linked chainUUlted States FIdelity and Guaranty PhilLIp Smith returned to theIr homeGompany at Detrrut WIll !be the In ------- * '" * *' *' *'structor Before conung to the Ull1ted Use of Nature's Gifts D! ROBERT W KING who has NICK GENE:MATA.S and hIS i:>OnSStates Fldehty rand Guaranty Company There no mdlcattons that in re Just returned from: .a four months stay WIUtam and (ieorge OIf 'J;hree MileMr Relll1b'01d was cJhjef clerk at the mote t~me eIther oIl or gas was put aJbroa.-d WIll s;pend a few days w1tih big. Dnve have returned home after aDetr01t office of the Brad$treet com I to mUch practical nse as modern peo brother lllJaw a..nd sister Mr '<ltndMitS sum-meT "'!pent In Europepans pIe undelstand that term but there Robert :weMy Patterson 1-of Ulllversity I . • •

As- {ar as It 15 practlc<lible the Case is little doubt that priests of the fire Place ~efore contlllt11ng on to h~s MR AND MR6 QHARLES RAYmethod of mstifuctlO11 'vi'11i 'be used and worshlplllg cult which flomished In Ih L A I MO'l\TT"'ISIEDItER (Elle-en Devlm) 01orne III os nge es .'i-Y'speCIal emphasJS !placed on the aptpli old Persia made ~OOd things out of ,{\ • *' j1gh Bedlf.oN RJoa.dl amnounce t:hte buth of aoahon of tlhe hnes co:vered- to actual the phenomena 'Not far from Beku MR ANn MDS qaUighter Janet Carol 'On ~ept 11busll'te:S's wb}ems Bot1h cOOl"ses ma are the ruins of a temple of the cult I -ltr./-"- FRBDERIC Y * II< *b iP" Y \, hlch is believed to have been In ex HENKEL of Lmcoln Road wiho have

e ~-en >diUrulg'the- <sante term Tlhey istenc'" for more than 2 ")00 year~ 1 be~n 5-pen!d.mgtwo we~k$ In Beimuda ;MR AND MRS MARSHAL Ea!'e .q.eslIWhedto' aJP!P,eaJl partrc-ularly to Tower beacons and altars arf.>{ilO\lded returned on M{)n..~ar TEMPLETON (M ary Rum n eyy.outlg executIVes- aedlit men IM1..lltanCe \'\ ith channeJ<; concealed 10 the masho Mr and Mrs Treu.t McMath olf Doug4ty) "fho !have been stayIng w~thaJgents and to anyone mterested 111 the ry Which demonstrate that ga-;:fittlng Harvard R,oad v.ho took the same Mrs Templetonls parents Mr <;tndvanous phases of 'the msurance !bUSI is not a craft of modern bJl th .rhe"=e crmse w1l1 alJs.o return l tJhen to tihe1l''' Mrs ;&lcpArd H Doughty of ,,\ ai:>h

bA"'_'l"na.nentW"ves lleS8 channels led (lro'11 fl<;sure::,in the earth home l11lgton RDad Slnce th,ielr return from'f:""u,,~~ ~ llhe !Class 1n fire 111sura11ce meets which once tnrnl ..hed natural gas 10 * *' .. their "YedldlI}.1g'tnp moved last week

CROQUIGNOLE OR SPIRAL Wedlnesd'4Y eVe11U1lg'Sf.rom 7 to 9 and thIS temple came pllll,"tlillS from all \fR AND MRS EDGAR BAN mto the Van Dyke Manor on Van t$2.00, $3 50, $5 00, $7 SO tbe casuafly surety ahd ficlehty class parts or the rf1.St as> as the CROFT W,ETDCOMB of Larke Shore Dyike Avenue

Viola Permanent Wave Shop 6n ThIU~sday evenings tlfunngthe same f'ight es of the Ia<:;t century Bf>>:ldf>'i Roard ha"e~alosed thellr summer home .........15309 Mack at Beaconsfield 1 boms Classes start September 23 aw' the \\alls of thr temple today stand<; W \ BARBARA CAULKINS dart1.n'llter

tlM' Mj " a -ode"n refinery furnish n on Isfow Island 111 the M'Uskoka ~,J~J.J.~. "'" 75.3~ Sepfember 24 lIhe term rod...l 16 ,L.U , I g an em of \ir and Mrs G ..............e P Caulkmswee&s thiles phatlc contra>:t in the old and new Lakes d1St~it:t 1ll Ontano and have re, UUA5

Thuses of l\ature s gift of 01 and gas turned to the C1t). y of Rl'v~'td Bl"Vid IMt M.ondiay for the

e 'Courses are Slpvh$ored by the De * ... * East where sh.e wlill attend Wellesleytr01t AS~OclatlOn of Insurance Agents ------- HENRY D SHELDEN who left fDr ColleJgea/1d already cOl1sIderaible has Mother Coote Theory Apphed a SOjourn at the Huron Mountaln Club KA~E1EJRINE KIDNER daugl-).tei ~ ~Kbeen shown by prospectIve studients The old 'lether Goese method of e;1.rly III the summer has return>ed to of Dr and NIrs rrederl0k CIlOton KId l \.._ r::: '4 "-many of whom are ad-Ively engaged m rand1mg stray sheep apphes to stray hIS boODleon Lake Shore RoClJdi. M"r ner of Pro\:,el1cal Rood left ~und.ay for I~t.~~)"l ;tlhe msurd.;r:tce bus1n,eS's mnle.t. al<;o it wQuld ..eem from an d M 'TIA"l<1S1>.Kaster s So",,,..,,....1at n ..rkbs Ferry ..i/I,Y.j.al1 r,s Alger Shelden Md tlhe1r sons ,*1',}. 'J' ),'IJ.. ".~ ..".... U VJ~ J.

Qccurrence in Scranton Pa • I eave Ih I h N Y Ithem alone and they II come home are ls .guests ootl t ey leave fOT the1r ~ , _drag~lng thl;'l.l' taIls behlnd them I WInter at Palm .sprIngs 4hf ttJ~_cll@@Nf~~~'quoted an official ot a coal company • • • Iwhen notified bv an amateur Bultelo \1A~IE ~OUlSE HURLEY da~gQo ~,BIll' that be was orgaDll:lDg a cr0wd ter of Mr a11'd 1y[rs WJ.lham B Hurley li!

to round up th-e 12 mules who had of Rivard Blyd entert<j.111yd20 guests' ':mwandered f10m the company's ~J.rd 1t lul1chepn Saturday at the U111ver<:ltySure enough the mules came home Club f

after reaehIng territor~ unfamilIar to The table was ceI11ered WIth an unthem dr.agging theIr taIls behlOd tllem I f Iusua arrang~ent 0 b ue grrrapes OIna-as predicted and expected cIrcular n1Jl'liOr ~llth bl~e and whlte

--------- fiov, ers aq.1~~ystal .candeLa!braRare Luther B1ble FolloWI11igluncheon MISS Budey took

A Bible illJstr.ated by I!lctUles pamt her gu.est~ to see l1-'8ll1.~Oand ]uhet .m!ed brv '1arOn Luther the great Gel F Iman reforni., and bearing many note, Ill't ;Pontchartrain IIn hls hanttwrftmg was diSCO'et ed bya Dntu~h bJokse11er He purchased a \irs Henry B Ke1Jlogrg Vl<;eregent'C'o1tectlOo of booIts from a Genran of Fo'!'t Pontchartram GhqlPter Daugih I ONfaIXUly Among them \, as the precIOu'" ters of the American RevolutlOn is ;;:: '" tj Y fntble Be"llde.s nOles In Lutt er s writ Ii " "~~::::~!:~~cE~;::n~~eSth;:~:rom1; ~~;~~~;:;~ ~:::.;;~ ~::~~~;~:;~Ii~C~)Rt' CTIANse' IEN:r'Eelude l\lelanchthon the reformer wh{\~ te.mber 25 at 2 0 clock .. ~"1 '\.fnas iH?I~no\VledgPd to be the mo\e Among tJbose ,attendimg are ¥rs A ....,. ... ~ment. leading schoiar IV Barron Mrs Warren R C.,lrh E . 1 d "Gh' .' S' ....L r.. I f S

______ j ~rl Theqdore Danelson Mrs MarVin nbt e: r~«a~ Clence: -J.j;le'r"ospe 0 a \1premeHoaglund Mrs Osmund He.avennch Aff" ~ G _.1" f "...-~,s< Jess,e lHI Mrs L Wallace Hoff eC~lOnror Ovuman \115 Kenneth Lan<t1S Mrs Ed by J~MES G ,ROWELL, C. S. B.vard J Savage and Mrs JOOn Searls

\1rs John Powels VIce -chairman'lSSlstlng 1{rs Kello:g~

(fpJe. adq..ed for emphas~s or rhetorICal~ect.I,,~~~~.:~NS I

ANNA D. BOESE.N!'If. 4619 253 McMdlan

Re¥iew Liners,FOR SALE

FOR SALE--<All k111dsand SIZes of Jarsand !bottles for pnclkhng and pre

servmg also Darw111 tuh? buLbs Pl1dcQf Baafllam bnlbant rose red colorV'lfry reason<ilble also small VlctrDla and1"ecoras Murray 4718 1

M'I-SCEiLLANEJOUS FURNITURFEt'C-624 Hampton Road Lochmoof'

N '.. &lIri' 6371

,lJ~hthousekeepingRooms for Rent

TWO ROOMS and bath near Vernorllhg1hWlay 1.319 Maryland Grosse

Pourte Park Mlch" H-elp Wanted-Male J

BELG1AN COUPLE for caretakersfrom November 1st to Apnl 1st See

V II DeBaeke 4 30 any Saturd;>y.lle¥erly HllIs Golf Clubs

Help Wa~te~-FemaleWANTED-Reh~ble trustworvhy com

petent woman for genefial !housewm:k .. 11p laundry go home nIghts ~ref"'l",»<;e-, Call after 7 l' m 1437'l,aJjeplolnte

WELTE MAID for general and car~,pf 'Ch1ld laundry OiltlOnal home

p'~rts Murray 1408

Gl-], heLp evemngs 5 to 8 $3 weekTuxedo 2 IO~2 ' ,

W;Ol'lt )Vanted-Fema~eR'EF1NED capable woman wants oarJ

of e1uldren or evenIngs Mu.rray~I82'ltX'l'E-R1ENCED Fmn,.h l",dy wants

<l,ay work Tel Murray 6707 360,D,~kers;:>n

Work Wanted-MaleF10RMEJR seoret

,servIce 0lPeratlve de

S1 t ,


Rebuilt Used Bicycle"LawQRJowera Sharpenedaro.... Pointe Motor Ie Bike Shop

,W3 l.fIkoRolJlte NI. 9478,,",t.Veol!rugglt. W.. bllYu,ed blcyd~ I

Page 3: ttJ~ cll@@Nf~~~' -… · grosse ';< ~---• $ -"

}0 \

Page Threl!

J Expert Barbers to Serve YouHours 8 A M to 7 P M

15005 Kercheval at Wayburn AveiiB#g~'l!j;£WJ,ptv!itf@i?M 3O'fZlFiP

Get your Hi-li Paddles herefor theatre tournament, 10c

light Sunddy to ::,unddj beb1111ng 11Il4I1l1lilll!llllllllllllllllllllllll.IIIIIil!l!ll1lllllll ••••October 4 \\hen the Re\ Lc4,ar De I Fol'" Fmest Service Try TheW,tt JOles D J) ,,11 be tne prea~hel GROSSE POINTE


Physicians approve this hygienic newmethod. • • • women everywhere who haveadopted B-ettes agree that they are morecomfortable, and permit greater personaldaintiness than any sanitary protection everbefore devised.

Here,-at last,~.i~a~sanitary -protfoction thatdoes away WIth pads, napkins and belts

• • • • that brings more freedom to modernwomen .•• a new method that is(\completelyinvisible, and so comfortable: that there isno consciousness of wearing a=sanitary pro-tection at all!

t '

Sprmgs III Can~dlan Roc[{le~The five duef sprmgs m the Ca

nadlan RockIes have a tot..,l flow ofabout 1 000 000 gallons a day andlssue from the ground the year For Job Prmtmg Call Lenox 1162rourd at temperatures 1a:rgmgfrom 78 to 122 degrees ra:bren A CADIEUX1el\ The chlef constltuents of the • 'waters are calcIUm sulphate or Kelvmator....,.,.:.Corn1"ne~~i1gypsum calcmm bIcarbonate and ~r_~:r~sulphate and theIr therapeutIc val Refrigeration _ue IS hIgh V\ mter weather does I /GROS5E POINTE DISTRICTnot m any way affect the temperame of these waters MA 9840 MU. 2142

Lutheran Church ~ Miss Maragret Grant~ ANNOU~CES~ ~~ The opening of her Piano Studio ~

I d~ I! Neighborhood Club, 17145 Waterloo I~ OCTOBER 1, 1936 •~ PrivateI Lessons h Ir;II Coachlng- nterpretahon Ponei'J Elementuy and Advanced Courses Niagara 4600~ ~~lli!J1jmjiill~~l!!J1'JJlill1l@Ji!!~



BaJptlsm wtll be adml111stered at thebegInnIng of the eve111ngworsh p etgl to clock thiS Sunday at the JeffersonAvenue BaptIst Church The RevWayland Zwayer m10lster Will preachon A New \fottve Hls subJect at the11 a m morn1Og worshIp wlll be GraCIOUSLIVIng' The music for the day ISunder the dlretctwn of Jason Mooreorgantst and chOIrmaster

'Dhe -church school held ItS Rally Dayamd promotlOool exerClses last Sundaym a fifteenth anntversary serv ce 10wihtoh all former general superIntendents Walter Matthews John Gladt1gGeonge DeVoss Mrs V\T J HoodStephen Folhn and Thomas BarlowpaJrtl'Clpated on mVItatlOn of GeneralSUlpermteooent Kessel D Gree'l1 TheOhurdq. Sohoo1 )YIll meet by departments at 9 45 a m T1he young people sorga111zahons meet at seven 0 clock 1'Dhe Jefferson Baptist ChuI1ch IS look Img forward to spe'Clal meetmgs every

nencesSunday school at 9 4'S 0 clock Come

and Jam a growmg Sundlay schoolwhere the B.tible IS taught b.y a corp<;t.of competent ann consecrated teachersWe have classes for begmners pnmary JUniors mtermedlate young peapIe and adult departments New scl '01ars are enrolled rC'Very SUltday Westress tlhe Ten Commandments a 1d theLlfe and Sacnfice of Cl111t Pt bhccordIally lllVIte-d

God <; Out of Door Pulplts w 11 berhe subject of the sermon next September 27th (16th Sunday after Trm t} Iat the Crosse PolI1te United LU1JheranChurch worsh1lP1l1ig 111 the Rl'chardSchool audltorlum Kercheval a:venueat McKmley Ro~d preaJched by theRev \1 luther Canurp D D pastor

ThiS Will be the second 11 a senesof .sermons drawn from vacation expe

muslOal Most of the mUSiC will be cong1'egatJonal smgmg T{1e-~will be somespecIal mUSIC by the senior and Jun orchOirs and the GirlS Fireside SextetteThe pastor wIll preach a short sermo 1

011 \iIulberry 'J. rees Talk to Us 1 heSunday Schoo! VIr H H \1c"'\e1l1supenntendent IS oIbserv ng Chn t alEducation \Veelk from September 27until October 4 The com1Og ~Ul dd.ylS PromotIon S ...t11ddy \'vIe 1 the Vd.flOU~classes are promoted from Ole department to ranot.her

\Vednesday evening the pastor WIllspeak on some phase of Chn<;tla 1 educatlOn Sunday October 4 V\lll be ~orlof a Rally Sunday 10 the entire Ghurclthrough all Its orgal1lZatlOnS

Jefferson AvenueBa~tist Church

* Internally wornsafe. efficient.

East JefferSOn~~1l15t1qUe CarlE Ktroher past?t

Rev Ca'r1 E Klreher Will speak onThe Gold of the Bible at 11 a m

at Eastmmster Pres!bytetlan ChurchAt 7 30 the serVIce WItH be largely

15129 Kerooeval Davld W Ewartpastor Sunday serVices 9 45 a mBible School 11 00 a m mor11lng worShIP Sermon, Tihie Lords Prayer630pm BYPU 730pmEvangehstlc serVice sermon A Canqueror \feets Defeat fine musIcalprogram

Wednesday 7 45 p m Pra) er meetlug Prayer and praise set v~ce and achalk tal~ on fulfilled Pr~hoCles ofChnst s first couung The f0110iW1I1g

Wednesday another dha,lk talk on Set:and Comm,g prophe'Cles


Eastminster Presby-terilln Church

Mt. Olive LutheranChurch

Boxes of 12 39c Handbag Packets of 3 12cOn Sale at Saylor Drug Co., Notre Dame Pharmacy, Pointe Drug Co., Swhier Drug Store and

Reid & Hagert PharmacyManufactured by B-ETTES COMPANY, INC., Dubois, Pa. \

J__ ,L._~ (

G. P. Baptist Church

Messiah LutheranChurch

Sout<heast 'Corner of Kercheval andLakewood avenue" A H A LoebernastOir 1434 L'akewvod avenue Televhone Lenox 2121

Kmg Herod-,Persecutor of ChrIStrans will be the su!J:>Jedto !be dls-cussed In the sermon next Sunday September 27 The serVI<:e Will take place at11 1) 't m and the Sunday sooool Willmeet at 10 0 clock

Under the ausplces of the YoungPeople S SocIety a film deplchng thework at the Lutheran Deafmute lnshtute w 11 be shown 10 the church basement on F-rldray evemng of tihlS week at8 0 clock

Rannor avenue at Mack r EStern pastor ReSidence 4425 RaJdnor!\ve Te1e1phone 'Hagara 3023

~undlay Sohool at 9 30 A \i and12 00 \1 Servrces at 10 45 A M

The annual mlSSlon festival wlll ibeobserved thIS Sunday Pastor G Pressof Hope Church Will be the guestpr:eadher SpecIal musiC has been arranged for

\1t Ohve extends a cordralmvltattonto you

MIchigan has 70 actIve bU11dllng andloan aSSOCl.atlons 52 state chartered assoctahons and 18 federal oharteredAssets of the MIchIgan assoclatWI1Samount to $109673509 of thIS amountthe state charteryd. assOClahons have$97529389 alnd the 18 federal associat,Dns $12 144120



and enjoy




Phone Nt5900

Blue Ribbon

Seely's Pure

Miracle Whip


BUTTER37e lb.


Klenzer59c Doz.

~~LT2 boxes 15c

DRESSING37e quart


~7cJELLO3Pkgs. for 14c

Bohemian BEER








PICKLESlb. Sc ~ljt: qt.


Cleanser2 for 15c



lb. 29c

lb. 24c

, ,



Blue RibbonSteer Beef onSale-at noExtra Cost

A phone call will reserve yourparticular cut of this choicebeef.

Rolled Roast V~al, lb.Broilers, lb.Wafer Sliced Bacon, lb.



BEEF lb. 22cBlue

Pickerel lb. 19c;



Fresh Caught


Fancy TenderGreen Bearts, 2 lbs.

\Well BleachedCelery Hearts, 2 bun.

tMainePotatoes, 10 IbS'.


Lemons doz. 29c





I Send Your Garments to Us Iand Be Convinced


LENOX 4225


Prompt DeliveryService

Domino Brownand 4XXXX

SUGAR7.:: lb.

19c ea.


CatsupLarge Size

Del Monte

21c bot.






Del Monte

P~achesLarge Cans

Lux or LifebuoyToilet SOAP

,COFFEE2Sc lb.

COFFEE25c lb.



SQUARE DEAL has been making a hit• w

with hundreds of facetidious Gros~e

Pointers for over 10 years. Our popu-,larity is due entirely to excellent dry

3 cansfor

3 for

_______ ... IIIiIIII_IlIlIII IlIIIII_~--IlIIIII----ISpecials for Thursday, I

Friday and Saturday,

Building Loan toReport Progress

T1;>ursday,September 24, 1936--------------~-----------------




Just Arrived-Some VeJfYFine Young Turkeys

111 cases of welt,wamtamed !property The report beIng complled for subrents are ralSlng are s!hown m a pre i mlS Ion by OrVIlle E Atwood Secre

I ~-, th I A t tary of ~tate to Gov :brank D FltzImmary survey Vl e annua re~,<orbId b th B ldll ,rl ge1'lald WIll coven the 12 months end10g

FIgures show1Og that mdustnal cent now elllg campi eye Ul 1\5 Tm e 30ers of Michigan are expenerncmg a and Loan DIV1SI09 of the Department<;h'Ort'age of hOUSing fa'ClhtIes and that of State Adl ....It1es of buddmg and loan asrr;:J [.i!m.!J~~[;iJiilliiJ.f@ITfI.@Jrn. SOClatlOns a \flchlgan as reflected 111

..~ ~ I record:> of the Du ldmg and Loan D~v~lCASH PRIZES DOOR PRIZES ;] s on show that these aSSOCiations have

Bil' ' a VItal pdrt In supporting the In

P Iay Ingo StltUtlOl1S of government dqnng ~he, I m past ) ear By the pa}mer t of dehnt,iL~~Jlt~$~'J)~ quenrt taxes on property held by them" ~ER¥ SATURDAY NIGHT AT 9 ao AT payment of taxes on thelr own prop

~ SUMMER HOME, Inc. elt) and 10>1S (0 thelr borrowers so~ (FORMERLY TURNERS') Ithat leves on the r property m ght be~ J2t404 ~ Jeffer'son Avenue East of 11 Mile Road paId thesc assoclat 011S W 11 be shown~ Corne and Bring Your Fnends to have contr buted hundreds of thous~ Plenty of Parking Space an is of dol ars to make economlC re~r~@JjillE!J~fiill@rtill~.f[ill@~JiID~I~liill~~~ covery an altuallty



Page 4: ttJ~ cll@@Nf~~~' -… · grosse ';< ~---• $ -"









Direct fromNew York


, ,t,~~SSES

GorgeousStyles <


f FascinatingShades

$7175to $23.75

Julie Mae Frocks,-14439 E. Jefferson af Chalmers

LENOX 6150

Asslstant dIstnct engmeers III cnarr'geot mamtenan<cE' a;s.ked for a totalof 125 more mIles of snow fences fornext The delpartmeni alreadyhas more t-han 700 Ill~le$ olf fen-ce

The snow removal budget -of lastWl11ter amounted to $1150000

East 5otde's Most Pbpular

-iif7"'~Thursday, September 24, 1936

t ~ '"",

lan~ and vIs1" j, Qhar1es. +I Mooneyemergency last wrnter t-03k a heavyeqmpment toll

I3IC~CL~0;: SALES & SEltVldE


for over 28 yearslormerly at 7628"E. ,LafayetteLiberal Trade-In Allowance


"""~i:! ~ 10{ ~;

At school age fU.~y ~h"tldten out ojevery hlJ,nd'(Jd have defectwe VISion

At college 1age. tb,e number hasrncr~ased to forty out of every hundred Thl:\Jt1credlbleand traglc storyof cnpplet eyes can he blamed In

large part Oll- the needless abuse of theeyes-and partly to Improper llght~lUg III the home Straimng the eyes toread new!5ptlnt or a prmted pageunder poor and madequate hght,wrItmg or studymg I1nder a glarmglamp whIChcasts harsh .shadowsthese are the thmgs whtch WIllslowlybut surely result 1U damaged eyeSIght .;tDUrIng school ye~rs. when a chlld IS fusmg hl~eyes extenslVely It ISdoublyunportant that you have good hghtD

109 m the home ThIS IS what theI new SIght Saver lamp prOVides-soft,restful hght WIthout glare. Haveyour chIldren's eyes e~amllled everyyear-and ~et one of the new SightSaver lampS for your home

See the New Stght.Saver Lamp on dISplay at. departments..tores,ljurmture stores, hardware and electncal dealersThe 1Jftrott EdIson Com.pany dOl!s not sell these lamps





Van Wago~r GettingPrepared for Snow

Removal on RoadsThe first crt<'p dJ\~c; of autumn find

State Hlghway Cornm <;<;lone-r\furrayD Van Vvagoner matppu1Jg plans forhlS <.!epartrnen1 s a11l1ual snow removalprogram next Wl11ter

With the exper ence of last wmrter sgreatest snow rep:;i~al emergency 11

modern hIstory If},eitl1.'1'1dhIm M1e commlSSlonel saId 1i.eavler eq111'pment iWl11be necessary to t)~'Vent blookades ontrunkhne ht@hways TentatIve iP1Cl1nscall fot the purohas~ of n ne ten tonfour-wheel drtve trucks and an ad

tdltlcmal Snow Go If A number of newSnolW'plows WIll also have to be pur('has~d ft.

The Snow Go ",,*,hlCih throws the5noVv alWay from the shoulders anddltc1hes IS ordmartly~ used only 10 theUpper Penmsula brut last year It wasnecessary to bnng two of the machmesdown to the western sectlOl1 of Lo~erMIC'h~gan to open up. blockades

Ten ton trucks are expected to handIe aU but the WOt;st of the hlookaides11hey are heavy ~nough to breakthrough the ,compacted snow and arefaster than the S!nov> Go Thesetrocks can also be used the year roundfor other tYipes of lmal1tenance work

In addtl10n to thIS eqmpment maInte lance engmeers are busy re 'CondiltlOmng the extsting tnventory and planO1ng replacements The snow removal

- - -..:. ~ - - - - -~ ...- -<>- -<.>- - - - - - --'I


Cheap Furniture Upholstering IDoes not pay Don't be misled by •

ttl"JckyadvertiSing It means neglect Iof details inferior materIals, hap-hazard workmanshIp'

For Beauty, perfect construction, II i\: ~ OT'ToultLANGEI '~~-----~,

~ Drapertes, Upholstermg, SlIp Covers Ij (-.. Lenox 7339 15114Kercheval

• Cl ~~ ~Q __ O __

IYou know It IS ~Olng to be cold soon-and then 1


WURM 'pturvIBtNG 8;cHEAriiNd CO.1690~Kercheval Place \ 1 Turro 2-3110 i

;;-FOR JOB PRINTING CALL LEN~ ~'ti2 d, t '

Buses Are Now RunningOver Old Desert Trails

,For the lirst time in history, busesare runmng betweeD Bagl}daEI andMecca Southward over the Arabiandesert w4~<:h toe old fashIOned earn.van took a month to cross th~ faithfn1 ~.are now whirl,ed in th~~ ..i1ajYs,'tIme with thelf beards and :W::t!ye;hsflymg III the wmd ror 600 miles thebIg SIXwheeled desel t oIDmbuses follow the ancient track across the highs.teppes where Jlothmg exists but spacetIme and the Bedomn

ThIS IS one of the oldest deserttracks in the w-orld CenturIes ago Itwas used by Chmese IndlaD and IPerSIan as well as Baghdad caravan~swellIng before they .reached Meccamto huge companies Dnmberrng mnnythousands of worn camelS and parchedveIled: men wlth a few big camels and rpattering llttle donkeys in the lead andall the miles of wlndibg length behmdobscured by the slow clouds of rlsmgdust

GYPSies 1ft • ReservationAll over the world the gypsy is re

garred as P.D undesilable Whereverhe IOlates the effort Is at once madeto move hl$ along Picturesque andromantIC he is J.1t the same tIme aborn Hue! In some parts of Europethe ~w>'!t;y tl1bes ~'re to pe ene-ounter-edin gleat nnmbers and 10 Czechoslovalda to ppt a stop to b'a rovings andalso hIS pilfering propensities measures ha.\e been passed py the .a.dmlllistrat~ve counCIl to keep the gypsIes ,ncontrbl the Washington Star relatesThey are to be registered confined tolimIted areas aDd pun~shed If theyleave them ~$is preliminary to theestabhsJ;u:p,ent of r~serves in wl;llch thegypsy may exist as a picturesque survival

Meahlng of "POints"'1he ternJ fOUl poInt II) rE'ferung to

a blanl,efl means weight A point isa Canadian umt of weIght slightlymore than a pound a writer relates In

the Indianapohs News A HUdson sBay blanket IS a very heavy all wool~nblftnke.t used by happers and tr~ders-llrke an army blanket except that itis even hea,lel' It filay be gray tanor ~atteined but a favorIte color ISred Qthel," trapper powt blanketsLOme in whIte with colored stnpedborders

500 VlI'Ing Graves YIeld RelicsThil ty of the some 500 VIking graves

in Wisklauten, <Dear the populaqBaJtic sea, resort Cranz were opened by theauthOrIties 9.J: the Pr\lss)a museum ofKonigsberg and yielded hlstOl'lCallyvaluable finds Among these are scalesland weights, lnilicating that the Swedish Viking settlem~nt mcluded merchants The grave,g date tram theNintA and Tenth .centures

Orlgm of BloUuq PapefNo definite date is aSSIgned to the

dIscovery of blotting pa.per tt IS mentlon~d as ear1,Y as the year 1465-atthat time consisting 'Of a .coarse. grayunsi:;~ed paper fragments of Whichhave bee~ found amo,ng the lea;ves ofnfteenth cen.tury .accounts wlle-re Jt

..had been led: after bemg used for blothng says a wrl ter tn the ClevelandPlatn Dealer It wa$ probably In prdlnary use early in the Sixteenth century for It Is r-eferrf'd to In \V Horman s I Vulgarla' 15H) and ea'rIy inthe next century charta bibula' ISmentioned lD the I PW8cothec<l oftNIClUSEr~ thraeus

GIant Water BugThe gu~nt ""ater ppg Is rapacIOU~

feedmg greedily Of! oth~r insects ands:r1all 'f\sh ~ike other w~t~r bugsthey fly readily from l?ond to pond, alldare fr~qpently attractf'd to light TillSJs eSpeCially the case wher-e electrIChght~ are' use(l With illl\ny Qf themthe female fd.stens h~r eggs on thetop of tht ba.cI~ Qf ~l}e male with athin layer of waterprqof glue qrhlchshe sec:rete<:lfor ~h,ts purpose__ ~~ __ ~ r

In ArcheryIn archery, to makp a gold means

to hIt the bull s.eye, 'the golden center of file taj,get. '


JoyJo.. Is a flame WhICh aSSOCIation

alone can keep alive and WhICh goesout unless tommunlcated -~am'll tIne

Who p~rtal~es In another's JOYS isa mo:t;e humane character than he whopartah::es III his griefs -Lavater

True JOy IS a selene an{l sober IDatlon ......Seneca

Joy never feasts so high as when thefirst cpurse Is of mIsery -Suckling

Joy is more l;inine than sorrow, forjoy is bread, and sorrow is I;lledicllle-Beecher ';<

All Who joY' woultl win must shareit. hapPIness Was born a! twin -Byron

the PalIsade.The Pallsa&es IS the nattle given to

a $e,l'les of rnass~ve cUffs on the westbank of the Hudson river~4rrom nealHaverstraw, NY, these e..;lend sputhto Weehawken, N J~"a dJ,sta:nc~ of.about .30 Qlllek. .these predpItouscUffs rise alU\~t d1~ect1y from the w,.ate, s edge "\'l'~p;: in h,elgllt from 2Q0to 550 feet ""1't.1eycon'3ist Of basalUc.trap rock or dl.abase 11,)...marked columDar effects The Palisades Interstate palk ~j)v-ering more than 48000acres 10 l\ew Yor.n: and New Jersey,embraces some of the finest portions ofthe Pahsades "i

Reason. for WeepingThe BlOwn famIly had f&ttened the

hog 1Vh1ch they had canned for futureus~ on Ule table and they haa fattenedthe yearling they had slaughtered andc-anned When the frj.lDg SIze chick~ns were plump and "'at they too hadl1een kllled; and cnno"d

Que mOl'I'ung Mr Brown lifted UttleRobert onto. hIs lap remarklflg • Mymy but th1s e!;llld .{s g-ettlIlg fat!

The little fell(l\~ Immediately bursttnto tears I -gon t \\ apt t~ be killed Ihe sobbed

A Man Wl'th Frte.mlsRappy~<:; the rn,a,n WIth hfs o~ n clus

tered around nun'" a man worl tng freeIy at his art Ot cutft, U illan with fasttnends iA D\an WIth gooa fellows aman ~vlth Qrave fe'lsts a man With analtllr ['1eeGlo.tu nod selt dlsclpllnefleedom aod <.l3cftfice freedom andJ1eliitL\.al n!Jd a foretaste .of bea."en-these tlllDg~ ma:ke f?lr happmess

WorkIf YOUI work is distasteful, love it

into shupe and kf'ep in your mmd adf'/;(Ire for something better and morec'Qpgerilitl and make yourself WOIthy of<;uch \vork wJ;ten It comes your way1\)'0matter hQW uncongenial your taskis today conSIder it a blessrng that youhave employment and push along to!.:letter things

Age for ~eS1dents fThe Presideqt must be a natural

born cltlz~n aDd at least thIrty t\e!years old but no maXImum age isspeclfled Wilham Henry HarrIsonSIxty eIght at the tIme of his Inauguration was the oldest at time of election but JaIr\:es Buchanan nearly seventy when he left office, was the oldest In offi~e

In.vented Archimedtan ScrewArchlQ:1ede.s Invented a Dumber of

mechamcal devices for incleasing man jua] power, including the Archimedlanscrew for raisIng water from a lowerto a .higher level By means of van!ous ingeniOUS military engines of hlSIown devismg he succeeded 10 keepingthe Romans out of Syracuse for threelyears

Kmg Henry VIU's Armor IA SUIt of armor made for Kmg

Henry VIII consIst"d of 235 pIecesan<j weJglIed 93 pOJJndll

THE1he announcement reve ... d ,that W I Febru;ary <Called Cabbl(il'''- "Tailor Ants Use Living

\1 RIce manne archItect empIQ~ed Month; Later Sun Month Spools in Nest Buildingby the state hd'3 completed h1s deSign I The anclen~ Sa~Q..ns qalll;.9 retll ualY The tallor ants and a f:ew .otherand sperclficatlOns o:f the new vessel Splontkale or the SproutIng of the ants are unIque among an the eal th SRice ~ald that lt wlll reqUIre at least Cabbage Later, Uns was changed to creatures, SQ far 1).$ Wf' IO;lOWin that

h bId h b t Sunmonath or sunmont!) because it they use their young as tools In nestCilght mont' ~ to U1 ~ e new oa: was at this period that da,Ylight lD constructIOnCamm SSlon~r Van Wagoner plans to creased and the prUning of trees l)egan rew adult insects spin silk buthave the vessel III operatwn by next l'he word rebruary comes from the the larvae of many have thIs abIlItyJune 1 Latin I februare meaning to expi to enc1oJ;le themselves 1n sll}{en CO

The boat Will be of the tce crushmg ate, because during this month the coons from WhiCh they wIll latertY1J:lefO permit year flound openbon Homan ceremony of punficatlOn took emerge as: fully formed adults TheIt will have a capaclty of 150 motor place Orlgmally It was the last month tailor ant utilIzes thIs accomplishmentvehlcles v.;l1l-chthe commIssloner sa d of the year, and not until 452 B C dId of its young 10 makmg its nests*111 douiblF' the transportatton capacity February assume its present place Scientists have often torn one ofof the state operated fleet of boats a'" When Juhus Caesar reformed the tile leaves that fOrmed Its box shapedthE" StIialtS Sevel11lt five !pet" cent of calelldar he gave 81 days to eaph al nest and then watched the proceedings

y 11 b d ternate month from January, and 80 '-\.t first there is a wild sortie on thethE" motor vehlcle load WI e carrie to the others, with the eJl:CeptlOn of part of the ants all in fighting moodon the lower deck wl~h the UlPJPerdeck February, which got 30 in leap year rhey cannot sting but they bIte anreserved for !?'eak traffic loads Auto and 29 every other year But when rlOymglymobIles WIll be loaded a'11diunloaded at Augustus took power he was unwlIIlng After they have given up trying tothe e ld of the 372 foot vessel rather that the month named after hIm should find and destroy the intruder workerthan the Sides be shorter than those on either side ants se17e larvae in their mt:\dlbles

Other features OIfthe desLgn mdude so he took a day from February and and bring them to the damaged porDle~el powered !pliant caPJaible of de addej1 It to August So that th,Fee twns Other workers seize the edges

1 I 500 h 14 f rt months of 31 days should not run con of the leaves and pull them toO'etherve opmg o-rsepower'" 00 secutlvely he reversed the other two whIle those with the larvae pas; themclearance between decks the same ac; bacl~ and forth stimulating the grub\-flrha.gan gradce separatlOfi strl1dures ------- to eXude silk whIch stick$ and holdstw/U electric screw tYipe of steenng Clipping of Whiskers the pieces of the leaves togethelgear to permlt greater fle:~{l.bilhty III on Bust of Thackeray After their SIlk has been used formaneuverl11l,g and pllot house control One of the most curIOUS events tbat the common good the luckless larvae

Cos.t of tl1e new boat IS e<'tlmated at ever oecU1red lD England s famous have to sleep naked$600000 to $800:000 Althougrh. Qn ap Westminster Abbey was the clipping of rhe tailor ant llves throughout thepI1G:atlon has been made before the the whIskers on the bust ot rlhacl~eray Old WOlld tropICS and is one of thePool c Works Admmstratl0n for as III th~ Poet s COlDer 'lpacl~eray s {tew ants that ale greenish in colorl~tat1lle 111financll1g the constru'CtlOn rlanghter Lady Rltchw had objected though some of Its varIeties are red

(,omm ~SlOner Van \Alalgoner said pla.ns for S'ears that the whlsl~ers on each and one In West Afllca IS brO\\ D al11 d d d I f b SIde of the face were too 10n.0' and at most to black -NatIOnal GeOel aphlcalWI procee 111 epen ent) 0 t IS an '\1agazme

pllcatlOll TiJ-'e state a,dimmlstl'attve I:a'lt asl~ed the dean to let her ha\ethem shot tenedboard ha~ authonzecl the construchon

:1he Dean consented reluctantly anaWIth <'ta e 1Unds A recent ruJmg orf accompaUled by a sculptor Ladybhe comptroller general clouds the el1g Rltthle arrIved one mOl'pmg for t~eIblhty of the boat as a P\VA project Walk The bust was taken to the

Clypt, where- the WhlSkel.s were ChISeled to theIr proper length 1hen tAesculptor flicked Off the statue wIth acloth, Just ~13 a barber would haveaiter shavin~ ~l)meone, aQd It was retarned to lts qH~.he


It Pays*0 ge{ the Best In MUSical Education 1

Founded In 1874

Detroit Conservatory of MusicIVQodward J Bertram Bell dIrectorJ

~ courses In aU branches of musIC:, dancmg,~M..~mahc art, and radiO techniquel'i';

Bids W~trted for ferry boat to be placed m operatrOP '"

N S..-t F I tb,e Straits of ,lackln., WIll be openew ... e erry ed Oct I 'Ylurray D Van Wagoner- Istate mghMay commISSloner announcedBIds for the constructIOn of a new tocLjiy

Page Four~ ---

Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co.,$ -" W >:.:'\Y' ~ "" -y '" "-<f" ~} "ll i <-- '\. ~ l" .... 1 Lenox 1162, fol' Job Printing.

• '!l!Lmlol.(jOl'!I!o~!l!J!!l!J!!l!J!!l!l!!l!J!'F.tIltiP.'J!!l!!l!J!lJ!l~''''!l!J!!l!l!!l!!l'.!t!~!l!!l'IJ!!l'~,i1oi'!l!J!~!I!..'!l!J!!l!!l'tl!tll 1!J'!1.OlJ'I'IIWl~!l!J!!l!J!!l!!l'!!P!lffiiiiliiliTiiT~TiiTiJitljTjiJi[ji18liilliTil I If • liTifii1iTiiTiTiiTiTiiIiliiJiTii1i1iifiTiiii1'iiTilii1i1iititli1i1ii1iTiififirniTiTiiTiTI~ i1'ifliTi;r,;r, .. u iTiTiiTiTiiliftiTiTil!It ;_\ ~m ~Itire VQq R~gi~t~r~~?"

~ k.. t ~~ %. ••

iiF. [ ;:~ ==~ "~"~.-~ 51!s.: Ie Sure You ~r!! pr!JperlY"~g's. ~I '~re~ In Or~~r~!~'y~te!his Fa~! I~ , I~ In order to vote in the Presidential Election November 3, 1936, ~~ you must be a registered voter. ~

• ~ The following facts govern voting registration in Michigan. ili~.--. ~

I I~ You must register if: ~Iii Ii~. 1. You have never registered. !;~ 2. You have not voted for two (2) years or more. mI 3. You have moved or failed to have your voting address III transferred on the registration list. I~ 4. You will be twenty:'one (21) years old by November ~~ 3rd, 1'936,liloddesireito vote in the President~1 Elec- II tion on that date. ~

IYou need not register jf: I~ 1,~~ tfi .. " ~i\.-rX%t".J"",g,. ~~ rr 1. I bu are properliYregistered at your present address, iliI and have vot~d duririlgthe last two (2) ~~ 2 You. haVe<~ved and notified the Townsh;'" Clerk of ~~ . the cl}ange o~ address. I,'" II Any Ameri~an "Citi"ZElD,natiV&born or naturalized. who is twen- ~111_ ty-oli'e (21) years old and pl'Qjlerly re.lfistered, l\nd who bas been in I~ the State for six (6) months. and in the Townllhin far ,twenty (20) ~~ d"<l: ..L :1='"~ ay .., md',lf),vote. = =iii Under tile Registration Law, if you have fail~d to vote during iIiI any two-yea;.;pe:rjod"your J:egistration is cancelle4, aqd you must re- ill~ regist~r. < I ' ) 1=~ Therefore, if you have not voted in a State, Cou;nty, TownshipI or Municipal Election, other,Mtan School ~ll!ction,wjthin the last two : =1.1 (2) ;vear~Ayou must-re-register. "_ :;r.~-_ =__.* Any person who will become twenty-one (21) years of age by ~~ November 3rd, 1936, the date of the Election, DJay register now. ~,~ ~I~ Naturalized citizens should bring their citizenship papers with m.-.-=~ them when they register. *.~.III For your convenience, you may 'register at the officeof the Clerk ~~_~_of the Village in which you reside, or at the Townshi, Clerk's Office ~~ in the Municipal BtdlHing on Ea&t Jeffersorl A.venue at Maryland ~~ Avenue in fhe ViIla.l.e o'flfG~ossePoint'e Park. the dfl1ce being open ~III from 9:00 a. m. to'5~{)0p. m. 1 ' 1_:I October 14th, 1936;is the final day for registration for the No- ~it! c r,embel,'~l,ection, which will 'he held on November 3r.<I.1936. III~"'11"'1"If,in doubt as to your proper registration, kindly communicate iIi~ ~wUh:<1'he..Township Clerk, who will gladly examine 'he registration ~:1:' Iis-f-and"ver~fyYOur'registration. (I' ~

~: Registration for School elections does not qualify you as a prop- III~ ~rIy registered voter for the Presidential Election. You must be ~III registered under the Township or VIllage 'in which you reside. ~~~"_ To avoitl inconvEmience,register as soon as'p'oSsible. ~~ ~

III ~A~PHE'~!~Nr~E,. ~~ TownshIp Clerk, Grosse"pointe townshIp III~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n.I'II.II~~~!~m~~~~~~oo~~~~~~if. IIJ_ I .'~iIilii1i1iili'lii!,iiii1iTiiIi1hli1ijJi1jil}i1iiTiT""TjJiil,i1iiIiIi _ ... l'L"iJiIii1iJiiliJifliIiiTil'i(lRliIIJf~1iJi~It!',nlili~miIJJiiJiJiiIiJiiOOiiIjiliifuHill

L ~ -;"t j;f ; ~ l:-'- ~


Page 5: ttJ~ cll@@Nf~~~' -… · grosse ';< ~---• $ -"




.. By Gene tarr~.'i#""

{Jrl' Sfl~ Lovas ~'"'NO"f- Hay


What do you thmk of Helen Wl1ls Moody gomg In for art thlSyeat InStead of playmg agaUlSt you at Wlmbeldon~ ,

Her p,ct1on bas macenally mcreased my appreciatiOn of artl

\Page Fiv



corlllCtn 936 VA,NnNE fUlTlJR!s'Sn.lD CJ,n.c •

J ' 'f r-::. Ii'.~t 1~\~~ i\ \jO\: FAMOUS .,,~\, FRENCH WRITeR' ) \ il


TilE DUCQ"" 5ULL¥ W~l:N '52 YEARS OL.\), !M ... ) ADOPTED A 32-veAR-OLD

(WIlOM He \lAD CRITICIZED AND '"EAW<:MANAGER TO WHOM~:s.J:J':tT~"r:eetgl~,~~!Silt Ilt\~ 86l:1oJENGAGij)!

~ II,,,:,DDITIES-LAND. S~A ANC AIR By C. Y. Renlc,", I


5£1'1I,... CIVILIZED j I



-PUBI.IC C>ENEF"AC'TOR iif~ 1'1' IS A SCAVENGER I~~ 6~~~~E~U'~~ i


o VAN NE HA U~E,? SlNl) t",lt if" I'Molf~'t..

-_.I- _

He/en Jacobs.

Cub /teporter


t ~\)

~ t:l. ~b- e::>


--~ - By Blumey

-.y RoyI.-Hoppman

One t;:: !Soot

WlY COll<;ITEOUS CLlSToD'7'SOON woN \\-\'C\R ES"T'CElv'\"'"AND 'CRE LoNE> WEC.ALL'CD E,t>..C\-\ oll-\E R8'1 ollR F\RST NAlv'\ES.

- ~~ - ...•-By Art Hellant ~


THE. Ce.YlL"" WHO IS SuPPOSED 1"'0 ])W~l.t-IN. OR, BEHIND -rHE l,..EF""- SlOE, WILL peRMIT1'10 MISFORTUNE TO 5"02.)"'6 WI\EN e_161tOWIT'tt THIS v'ALUF\aLE.~R.1"ICt,.E-50 6li~UR0(0 ""'0.5-'$H 1M PI FEw OP'tHE. 5P11.LE'D~AIN$'

I LIKf \0 661'-,I DO, £>' \oIt~Kl

'ii-l E WISE GUY 6l.TI,. IN 'il-\E NECK! I

~~~I~ 'd

o ~ 12oJnej'

_~ ~ I (Q{/~• I I


SYNO CATE.< C --:'=1:;AI f,;-I!oPPMAt!-t!)

-fl..IA""T'SO"? I3E""T'




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~::?y~~ Y ---:II I, ,.":~. ffJ-



WI'! OA\\..ii ,\<\UMBLt;o... ,t>..s¥- W,t>..,,=>NOT \-I/loRDBU:f R,t>..\\-\ER SINtSllLp),R



AND FOR Tt-\E:""'ST HOLlRNE:\..LlE HASI;;E;S.... OPEl'l-11'01(;> l=LO"1 ,,1<5SENT TO K.ITTY







HER up!

SPt~LIN6 SALT ---IN NoICIENT T,,,,,,eS SALT WAS A VAl.lJA8LE:,(..OMMOP,""" ee5fDE3' ITS J!ss. A$ $eASOf"(-trillo, IT .•:""f!'o~ /!'IoN IMPCtltT'ANT" \"1;li'M <)F ~OE





I /It-'1&:.LF, '-AS'

~) ,

Thursday, September 24 lQ36

1I II, 1



\L.......J.~~ ~ _._._ _1 J ~ _




Page 6: ttJ~ cll@@Nf~~~' -… · grosse ';< ~---• $ -"









SOcCash and Gattry

Thursday, September 24, 1936" ===~~


339FI.her Rd. dJ,p SohoolFinest Workmanship _ kepan Prices - Shoes Re;"l~

While You Walt

bve man who mIght !be alive todayThey belIeve that van Gogh s nervousstra1l1tng after he knew not whatSimply strikes a responsive chord In

modern ltrfe With Its almost neurotIcintenSIty ItS uncertamty an.q (1ts everIncreasIng tenrupD

Handbag Packets of 3ON SALE AT





Called for and Delivered

Men's Suits, Topcoats,Ladies' Plain DressesSuits ,nd Coats



New! D.~.Sanitary Protection

without napkins or belts.,HERE is samtary protectIOn that

does away With napkms and belts• •. that i. completely mVisible, andso comfortable that there IS no con~SCl(lUsnesSof wearmg sanItary protec.lion at all B eltes are approved by .'SphYSiCians•.. acclaimed by women f} »'%

i :'::..:::;2:' :::everywhere as the most comfortable, ,*y';' ~most convement method evfili'deVIsed ~~ ....

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You can't gl3 wrong with our FREE burning, OIL treatedScreened Coal which we recommend for the following .toker.

o Auburn 0 Kolmastero Combustioneer /I Linkbelto Fairbanks.Morse 0 Mastoker• Iron Fireman • Stokol

and many other.

.:. Stock up now before prices advance .:.

LENOX 3470R.F. MeekCoal&SupplyCo .

Establi.hed in 1898

2619 Conner at Charlevoix

Art~ on Octabe'1" 6 to remaIn un111 the28 In SMl FranCISco dlurlOg onemontlh 227,540 peolPle JammeJ the exh~blhon galler es and 111 OhlCagO wherethe plcture~ are now 111 display thecrow-dis are so great that the ChIcagoArt InstItute IS al>2.VmgdIffICUlty gIv111g<;cheduled gallery talks DetrDd Willbe the mnth Amencan <:Ity to showthe famous !P'lctu-res SlOce they wer-efirst e)ChLIf:)ltedat Nerw YO<fks Museumof Modern Art last year From Detro t they Will .go to Toronto for theirla<i exhibitIon before being .returned totlh'€lr owner Mme Kroeller Muellerof Holland

The usual adlmtss1Q>n,fee qf: 25 cents.. '"' '" ul:F-l\ the s"ecI~1e~~~"'1lia~eJ' WIll

be cl>a"ged to help d.I'" 1>1: 'Cii"'-mes"f ~"'''~~of the ex1ublt Adq'lfs,s,rlrrt:to !:'h~Ulldmg however IS fre'1 at a1) 'b-ImesJty actof the DetrOIt CIty Coun511 VIS tlllg

hours are as formerly Sun~) 2 to 6,\tIondl8Y dosed all day Tuesday 1 to

Some crthcs eXlP1al11tlbls phenomenal 5 and 7 to 10 Fnday 1 to 5 and 7 tomterest 111 the wo['ks of the Dutch 10 Satu.rdayl 9 to 5arttst by pomtlng to the tnagraphles Ithat have p1Clure.; hIm as the mad PIANO TEAC' ~ERpattnter who 'Cut off hiS own ear and nent It to a waItress and who 1111890 Experienced, wishes a few m"re

51hot hlmself b'Ut otherrs have seen In pupilsa Teaching at pupil's home.the enor-mous pop'Ulanty of hlS pictures Specializing in beginner$.eVIdence that van Gogh Ihradsometfuang 530 Oxford Rd. NI. 2115to say to modlern !people These crIttcs Grosse Pointema1l1td.ln that he lIved and iPamte>d 40years ahead of !hilStlme that except fOl

occasIOnal aJttadks of epllepi01del psy Ichosls he was perfectly sane and thathiS bnlhant rportr.a1ts and Jandsca:pes jWith theIr g!orwlI1rg blues .greens and Iyellows reveal ~he character of a senSI

Boxes of 12

Constitutiofl DayTea Well Attended

Tt s the !lttle thmgs 111 cookmg tlhatorten make the d'1fference between agood or a poor cook Sometimes 1t

s learn ng to do the small thmgs nghtthat seem the bardest to the begmnmgc('ok

Take ma~11ed potatoes for lllstance-almost a nat anal food for u~ here In

Amer ca If they are done nght-fluffy V\hlte smooth and dehclOus-11ey are a group aooltJon to any table

but If tlhe cook slipsup on them they~adiden a table con>Slde! ably Evem expcnenced cooks falloften In this part of

• a meal}< or uccess ~lth the potatoes bOll

them until hey are Jijs1: tender whena fork IS run mto them Dram andI1Cldentally save the !potato water ['rornthem Be sure tlhat all of the waterIS dralned off thorottig1hly This 1S 1mportant step number one Shake themn the van so thev WIll not stick and<;0 they '\\-111 be mc<:tly Set them overne hedt for a moment to be sure they

are dr) Mash tbem With a Will andallow not one smgle unmashed portIOno "'POll the fil11shed produ.ct After 7hey are rwell masihed hollow out aace and pour m the mllk and warm

~entlv 0\ er the fire Beat 111tthe mIlk1nd finl }> whipping the potatoes to afluffy y.,hltene<'s Wit 1 a fork or table,poan Be sure they are" ell seasonedand kept hot nnhl served

\Jaw you are ready for the gravymakll g anDthoc place where i:ooks fma) fall short 1

Loosen 1,11 particles of browned meator JUlce<;whlclh may be dmg1l1g to the!<lllet or brOller pan Add flour for

thlOke111rg and stir well mto tbe !hotfat 111the skillet Allow the flour fatmixture to brown hghtly whJ.le you<;t1r 1t hut be sure It DQeS not scorchAdd mIlk or mllk mixed WIth p-otatowater all at one time then shr VlgorDUsly until smooth and the proper conslstency

Lumpy or pale gra\y IS an albommatlOr which no husband should tolerate If tihere IS suffiCIent fat to takeup all the flour 111a smooth mnoc'Urebefore the liqUId IS added you JU'stcan t ha\ e lumps form Season thegrav, well and. serve 'PliPmg hot

Van Goh Drawingsto Be Exhibited at

Institute of Arts

I Potatoes and Gravy(Nutrition Department, DetroIt Dairy

and Food Council)

Among thE' Slxtv guests Wlhoattendedthe Con<;tltutlon Day tea g1Ven T1httrsday afternoon at the Colony Clurb byMrs Lloyd DeWitt Smith for 1812l)a'Ug!hters and a number of otherfriends were noted Mrs Oharles Hort'On Mete<:tIf \irs LouiS] FlInt MrsLoms G'l<;collgne Mrs Paul HaleBruske Mrs John Bennett Mrs RoyE DeHart Mrs LeWIS C Dunn MrsRQlhert L Kerr Mrs BasIl L Connel1y\1rs Wilham F Catltn MISS J essqeNoble H1l1 Mrs Wilham R Walter

I In another grouip Mrs Frederick CGtlbert Mrs Charles E Swales MtssGraCIe B Krum Mrs Ralpih E WlsnerMrs Sidney C Ptolbert Mrs OrIa BTaylor and Mrs Don Simpson werechattmg

ASSI"t111gMrs SmIth tn the rece1VmgItne v. ere Mrs Claren.ce J ChandlerMrs James W Partlan Dr Nelle GC Deffenrbaugh Mrs Marvm L Hoagland and Mrs Ohiarles H MooneyGuests they greeted mcluded Mrs LynnT MIller of Ithaca Mrs Fa-erdJenlOkJHahn of Sagmaw Mlss D EdIth Bullock of Howell Others noted were\irs fredenck J McMurtrIe MISSDorothy Ohandler Mrs Paul OhlipltlanMrs J Carl Danzlger Mrs A L Sttlson motJher of Carol StIlson Turnerwho sang so delqghtfully two groU9Sof songs wlth Mrs Kenneth LandiS asaocompal1lst Orla B Tlaylor announcedpermISSIOn to the 1812 Daugfhters tokeep 111tr~e DetrOit Hlstoncal MuseumtheIr 1812 treasures until such tIme asthey shall have a sUltaJble hOUSl1lgplaCe()If tlhelr own Mrs FranCIS C McMathread charmingly an ongmal poem s!hehad composed 111honor of tlhe Constltutlon and the Flag for th1s very occastOn Wlrt I Savery spdke fmpress1Vely and 111SPlr1ngly of the unlq1J.eoharacter of the Gonstltut10n Then allgatlhered about the tea table whIChwas centered by a graceful arrangement of rose colored dahltas and bluedelphlO1um IOterStpersed and based wlt1hcyb-ottum fern NIrs Gord'On W Kmg.gDury <:tnd Mrs Ohandler p1"eslded attlhe tea urns at eIther end of the tableSttll others wfu.o congratulated MrsSmIth on the deltghtful 'Oocaslon wereMrs Albert H Hart Mrs Edward JS<:tvage Mrs Malcolm D MacQueenMr<; P H Henry of ClOcmnatl andd1er mother Mrs Hosea Mrs GeorgeFll ott 1!n L r Ste'bbms \Irs ]Harvey '1\Aa'(well MISS BeSSie West'Irs I:<orest McKee \Irs Normanvillet virs VV 11ham r Carter








L~f:6c1.:'~~ IOc






Introductory Prtcf 1ScLb Can


Babocan 13c

















I5.1b peck 39c


















Tea Biscuit




BrUio Pads D 2 pkg.






























Eventually, Why Not Now! Kitchen Tested


GOLD MEDALF~~b~~$1.05




Page S~- _










C I 3 largee ery D D .talk.NEW FLORIDA TREE RIPENED


Onions ~ 5