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-, - .... ~ - .. -..;. - .... - .... " --=.~ - ... - .... ~.' ~. -;;. -.' ~ I ews Complete Netvs Coverage of All the Pointes rosse All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday L::====M=o=r=n'=ln~ VOL. 2b-NO. 29 Entered as Second Class Matter at tb" Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN. JULY 22. 1965 •. 00 Per Year lOc Per Cop~' 20 Pages-Two Sections-Section One '-------------------------------------------~--------------------------_.-----------~.' The fate of a number of beautiful public and pri- vate-owned elm trees in the Pointe await a complete The thirteenth annual regatta of the Grm.se Pointe survey and analysis by the Farms Boat Club will be held at the Farms Pier Satur- State Agriculture Depart- day and Sunday, July 24.25. ment in Lansing. The final AppliJcations for decorated0--- ------------- results of the survey and boats and races are now being I L C k h P' All t tit t analysis should be made ta en at t e l~r. con es . as on,cer aval'lable I'n ab 0 ut t\"O ants must be reSIdents of Grosse, rr Pointe Farms. There will be I Of Ft. 1 weeks. it was disclosed on prizes and trophies for all: . es "va Tuesday, July 20. events. The survey is being made by . The Beauty Contest prelim- N e'xt M 0",day the Agriculture Department be. Inary was held Jt.ly 12. The cause a large number of elms finalists ch()sen were Sue Boyd. appenr to be infected with the Pat Crea, Pat Poster. Bdh Distinguished String Quar- dread Dutch Elm Disease, al- Truba, Sue Savage and Carol though this is not certain. Ex- Reardon. From this group the tet of Top Detroit Sym- perts revealed that the unusual Grosse Pointe Farms Queen phor.y Artists'WiII Give dry spell. which created a lack will be chosen. Participaltil'J.g Program of ground moisture, might be judges were Richard C. Hud- 1 responsible for the condition of son, Charles Verheyden. James. I the suspect trees. 0ausley, John Mazer and Leon. The fm~l concer~ of th~ However, elms known to ac- Prizes for the Queen will be Grocse POInte MUSIC Festl OJ " - tually have the disease have $100 saving bond from the Boat val .w~ll b~mg ~ pr~gram by been removed from public and Club, $150 certificate for cloth. a dIstmgUlshed s1nng quar- private property. although the in l g antd be~Uttyword~fromIU!:egaOgne' tet to the summer music! number that had to be taken a so ranSlS or ra lOS, 0 d ich ' I d . . and "lther pdzes. There will scene, a~ "e p~ogram S own on pnva:te property IS also be bonds and beauty work I appeal WIll be heIghtened not known. for the five runners-up. by a return to the excel. None Felled in Park Boat raees and decorated bi. lent acoustics and attractive It was reported that no trees cye1es will be the order of the I setting of the Crystal ball-: have yet been taken down in day Saturriay, starting at 10 I room of t.he War YIemoria1's IIthe Park. where the State is a.m. Final elimination, crown. I Fries Auditorium. still conducting its sur ve y. iug of the Queen and .dancing Art f th . I which will take approximately under the stars Wltn the r ISs or e. ~venlD~ are another week. The disclosure UNDERDOGS. ~ popular Pointe Gordon S~~p~e~,vlOl1O;Eaouard I was made by Herbert Heger, band, axe scheduled for the K~sner, '101m, Nat~~n Gordon, I head of the Park Public Serv- evening. I VIola; and It310.~abml, cello. A~I ice Department. Mayor William F. Connolly I four are famlbar to DetrOIt I . M V h . ...l '11 b I music lovers in their first chair I Seven pubhc trees have been and r. er eYuen WI e I .. It' th C't tho G d Ma h 11 fo th d I posItions of the Detroit sym-, os In e I Y, IS seaSOn. ac. ran rs a s r e para e I h cording to information released ~unday starting at S~ar'~ park- I pony. by City Manager John Cant- mg lot at 1. !he hlghhght. of I In 2 .chang~ d sClme,.tr.i~ con- I, well. The State is stili conduct- the pa~ade WIll be the ~I1gh-1cert will be gIven upstairs lD the ing a survey in the community. land Pipe Band from Shrmers glass-walled ballroom where the I and so far, '13 private trees a;e Moslem. Temp,I~. Th.e baD:dsmen J audience can enjoy the .iew of suspected of being diseased. and their farmhes WIll enJoy the I the formal gardens and Lake St. ~ f C' facilities of the park ror the' Clair along with tht! music. The Al '0 Alorml er Ity m.~yors, rest of the day. choice of the location was made onzo en of. 412 Lmcoln Fleet review will get under- by th n .. h 'd road: and Fredenck Parker of way at 2, after which all trop-h- the 2~OU~~~~~la~: ;~e 0 ;~lr;:~o~ 354 Washington, were not im. ies will be awarded. particularly good for strings, mune from tree losses. ------- Opening the prO<'r3m w;ll bLast ye.ar, Allen lost a stately M . G b h b' .~ . e I elm on hiS pl'operty because of otorlst ra s Sc u e~t s A ,mmor quarte~-a I'the blight. and th thO work filled w1th Hun gar 1 an P k d' ano er IS T M k h' d' I vear' ar er Iscovered that WO ar ~Slnel1 I' ~tnms an evo.callve tunes for I ~ne '(jf h's be t I h b which Schubert IS famous. It is J s e ms as een -- I the only one of his quartets that tagged and .may h.a:'e to be re- Mr, R. ~i~te, of Kerche~al was published in his lifetime.' ~loved. He IS ~waltlng a report avenue, notr..Ied Farms pohce This will be f 0 I lowed by the 10 the test bemg taken by the on Th~day, July I?, that he i Jo~quin Turina quartet _ "La State was holdmg two boys ill front of I Orarjon del Torero" (Oration of In the Woods, City Adminis- the Public Library. Patrolmen the Bullfighter) ;ich in fiery: trator Chester Petersen re- a'I"rive~ and spvke. to tile boys, II Spanish style. I vealed that so far, the city has age eIght and mne, who ad. Th 1 -, . k '11 b I lost a total of 30 public trees. mitted shooting a plastic pea e c~nc udmg wor WI eA survey of privately-owned shooter, automatic type pistol I the poetIc and tli'JUghtful late I elms is still in progress. and at Mr. Mitt~'s car. :qua~tet of ~Be~thoven . - Opus I being made by the State he Mr. Mitte didn't want to sign! 130 m B f1~. mmor It IS a ~vork said. ' a complaint but requested that I regarded as one of the fInest the boys be taken home to their masterpieces of quartet litera-I sFlour Re~('Ived in Sh?res . ture. lores VIllage Supenntend- parents. The mot?er.s were m- . ent Thomas K. Jefferis re- formed of the mCIdent and TIckets for the concert are, veaIed that four bI" d the~ stated the boys would be $2.50 and wi~lbe available at the! trees known to a~~a:~:~~e pumshed. I War Memonal, from Mrs. F, E. I had Dutch El D' . h ------ Brossy the ticket chairman. or 'been cut down m Idsease, avde t th d th . f th I an remove TO PUNISH TRESPASSERS I a e oor on e evemng 0 e one in the George Os' 1\" . .' con-cert The startmg time '11 lUS .UTIlCI- Farms patrolman were called I b 8'30' .I k M d WI pal Park: two in Vernier road to St. Paul's Cemetery on )101'- n~ng: Juf y c~~ on on ay eve- and o?e from another street: os:; road Thursday, July 15, on He said that a second elm in ------ the report that boys were tres- the park is suspect. and might p3SlSing on t~ grounds. They I SCAVENGERS VANISH ha\'e to be removed. pieked up three- boys: Larry He said a survey is still un- Grillo, of Harper Woods; Wil- Mrs. John L, Pottle, of coun-I derway in the Village. He Ham M. Beckley, of Detroit; and try. Club lane. (alled Farms stated that he did not have a Ronald Craig Gorman, of Rose- pOllce on Wednesd~y, July 14, I count of the number of elms ville. Gorman was driving a to report some boy.~10 81. Paul's :taken down from private p 0 Ford converHble registered to' cemetery. Upon arrival, Offi. erty. but did know that s~ni~ his father. All three were taken I cers Ronald Wooten and Joe trees had to be taken dow d to the station and turned over Belanger found n~ one around. some more will have t b n an to Sergeant ~red Martin who Mrs. Po~t1e explaIned that the The elm loss in the O F:;ms contacted thel'l' parents. All par- boys claimed to be on a scav- I according to John DeFoe, head ents agreM to a work program enger hunt and had asked her I of the Public Se -' D to be arra~ged with the ceme- for ~ome food Iterns before ment. is four due 7;Ct~e b~f~- teTY custodian. headmg for the C(.metery. and four due to n t I ' _______ ~ -_ ..--- a ura causes. suc~ as lack of water, roots cut Street ReCaTJpin(~ Pro ject du~~: ~~~~~~c~~~e;tc'in the r 54 923 Farms should be completed To Cos t Farms $ sO?1 etime t.his ~eek, DeFoe . ., said. regardmg prIvate trees. ---------. "d In each of the Pointe co The Farms council approved, F~ur fIrms subnutterl ~1 s.on munities, when an elm i m. the awarding of a contract to I the Job, and four others mvtIed to be diseas d 't. s found the second highest bidder for to bid, did no~ do so. according i immediately.e \~ IS cut dow!1 the a~phalt recapping of cer.' to a report given to the coun. I "ate pro t ereas, On Prl- tain sections of city streets. cil by Bremer. ! davs in ~r.y, owners have 10 Cost of the project to the city The city mana;{er Eaid that I move d' hlc~ to cut and re- will be $54,923. parts of the following streets I und I~ed~se or .dead trees, . . will be recapped Charlevoix, er .0, mances 10 each of At Its regular meetmg held Hillcrest, Ridgemont, .Maison, the Pomtes. o~ Mo~day, July 19, the co~n- Roland, Bournemouth, AIlad, cll, actmg !?O a rerommendatlOn LaBelle. Champine place. Bt.'l. SOLICITOR WARNED made by City M:nager Andrew I anger, Calvin. Touraine, Clover. Farms police received a call B.remer, Jr., g..,ve the reca;i I ly, Man 0 1', Edgemere, Elm on. !h~rsday, July 15, about pmg contract to ~e petro court, Pine court, Vincennes sol1('ItatlOn in the vicinity of Asph~lt company; reJeebng the I place and Voltail e place. Re- Kercheval and Touraine road low bId of $52,47;s. made by the \ capping will be none only where They picked up Stanley Clin: Jess M. Gregory company. needed on thesl' streets, he ton Strong. of Blackduck, Minn The city manager said that I said. who was selling magazines fo; the low.bid company was turned I The project wi)] be started at ,Local Readers Service, Inc., in down because it did not meet I the end of July. and should I Terre Haute, Ind. Arrest cards the specifications regarding cur~ take a month. to complete, Brem- were made out and the subject rent State Pre-Qualification. er said. . was warned and released. ThirteenthAnnual 49 Already lRemoved on Regatta in Farms i Puhli~ Land S f W k d State Survey Telling Story :.:;: \', et or ee en of Casualties on ~rivate .'. ".,',. Property Nearmg ,. "':,.. . Completion "1 Crowning of Queen. Boat Races. Parade, Highland ~ Band and Dancing on Program Being Held <:"., Saturday and Sunday '" , ".:'. Fireworks Display at Par- cells School Raises Over $4.000 for Club's Phil- anthropies 150,000 See Kiwanians' Annual Show ,:X .:' ..:;'. ::: .....', ,,,': .:: ,'-.j". ,,,: ,':: ' .. :'::.::;:.::;: .. ;: :.:':::': ." ,\':,.':'"::: - PICTURE BY EDDIE McGRATH. JR. mono The hazard is believed to be the remains of an old dock crib. Pleas to have a buoy placed over the spot have so far gone unheeded. The Coast Guard says it is the responsibility of the U.S. Corps of Engineers, which has been notified of the danger. ._--~-~~_._--- ~, : ::;"':. ;;' ,,', ,::, ",:::\:,.' :,::,: ,... ,.... "',,,; '>::>'c,:: ':":.::::",:,:,::,,::,.:,":.:,: " ;":;:").'::'" , .:.•. ;....,...:::: ,::'.:' ,::}':.:,'<' ::. ,",,'" ,:::',' ,.;;:':.:.: .. ':.:, :.:. ',:, '.""'::,:: , < Another Boat Piles Up On Hidden Hazard , ',~"'~,) .,';~j,h~,,,~ ", ~i"-~:'1~'~~:~1"~J;:;::I~f~:~ISJ ,,-'," '~' '," m'~'.'~<:,'~' "..... ,. , ,'. 'i::;::',h?:t ." ... ~,y~, '"" ." '.' .... ", ... '. ,., ,.,'x~,;~N'l1)11m~4l@~y,.y,.1t1E4~Irl~ j';':: '::' ' ~;::i::!:~~:::::: .:. '~') ',:' T,:~~?C;i~(~III;{~~~:~~~~.:~", ,~ : ~ __ ' ".. :: ~<;~ .. ,:~~~;\ :.~,~:;:~T'\~~:~~~;~1f~~;~~~~~~~~~tli0:~ ':.( . ", . ; ,.,.. :'. .... ~'~~~%:i\:lKw*.'\.< -;" ~ ~..' ~~'~: ~': ,;;@ilt. ,!:~;;:;:!i:~ri:ijk&M~::&~:::. . ",~~:~~:~,;:t~ , :!~~.:~]~;il~ ~[;]!i:' ... :.:l I~. .:: ,~ •• ,.;;;,:,,::~,. " .. " w , .. <,.. ,..~ ,f1~::;;i::.:';.", ...•.•. 3:::~::.< .. '>l'."' ,. 'N' , ' .. w , .• ,.,. "w .d <•••• ;~KJL.",.?:«~:::~'::::~~::~::~::,:, :'*::'iMi~N~, .. ~.N •••••••• <,~., .., , .,:~ As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News HEADLINES Thursdal. July 15 U. S. AMBASSADOR to the United Nations Adlai E. Steven- I son was stricken in LO'ldon yes' , terday and liied moments later. I Washington receivl'd word last! night from the American Em- i bassy in London that Stevensoh I had died of a heart att~ck'i Stevenson was In London follow. ing Ui'; meetings in Geneva la-t' \,eck. lie was walking along: t'pper Grosvenor Street with, M:-s. Marietta Tree. a feHow member of the U S. delegation at the U~. when he fell to the pavement. Mrs. Tr~e summoned help from the nearby Interna. tional Sportsmen's Club but a doctor who arri"ec! on the scene minutes later could get no re- sponse to artificial respiration admmistratton. Stevenson \vas pronouncec: dead at St. George's Hospital. 'lis son said plans call : for his father's body to be taken to Washington for a funeral: ser ..ice Fr !day, then to Illinois I for a final tribute in the state capitol and burial in a family, plot at Bloomington on Monday. ' President Johmon. when learn. , ing of the ambassador's death. I said, "America has lost its most I FIVE YOUNG people were taken off this badly eloq~lent spirit. its fine~t voice. damage'"', cruiser last week after it ran up on a sub- The world of freedom and hu" merged menace off the Farms shore just east of the man dignity has lo~t its mOst, Grosse Pointe (Little) Club. Residents living on the articulate cham"lJio~." I __ l_a_~k_e_fr_ont say~su_c_h~i_n_c_id_e_n_c_e_s_have become fairly com- , Friday, July 16 Cl S Sd D - k- P hI 'fIlE MARI:'>JER4 spacecraft lOrllS et tn ent rIll 109. ro em' f1;!~;h<:d kICK tne iit:'it pirtures 1 of .:-vrarsThllr~da:-. Taken at aD IFOJ~ .Concert Dl-SCUssed wl-th Reporter altlfudp I)f 1thout 10.500 miles, I ' the photograph showed a view lOT d B H hSh IP - I of the red planet's brilliant! nileS ay y ig C 00 rinclpa D£'sert of Amazonis. It took 8' hours, 35 Ininutes to get to -- ---~ - tracking stations on earth be-j Fries Au d it 0 rium at Jerry Gerich Gives Frank Opinions on Adult Responsi-' fore thE' transmission finally Memorial Center to Be hility and Increase in Experimentation Among ,'ame through Thursday night., S' F A I Y P I The photograph. first of a series I ettlng or nnua oung eop e (,f 20 ~xpected to be relayed by I Presentation at 8: 15 By Anne Boynton July 24. also pictured part of: (Editor's note: This Is &econd in a series of three articlp-s.) t,h.e Martiar:t h~~i7.0n. curving! .The air has been fill~d A high school principal is a likely target for' a sore The 27th annual fire- slightly agaInst .ne background i WIth many sounas of mUSlC topic even if it doesn't directly involve high schoolers. works display sponsored by of space. ••• 'at ~he .Grosse Poin~e War But this one does and Jerry J. Gerich, principal of Grosse the Kiwanis Club of Grosse St d JI 17 Men,onal Center thIS sum- Pointe High School kindly fell prey to questions on Pointe, on Monday, July 5, • a ur ay, U Y 0 f th h . t' d th 50 000 THE 575.POl"ND MARINER ~~~s~~~ m t~e d~~~:e d~in~ing, about wh!ch. he's probably been quizzed since spr:~at~r~ r :nd agnross' re- 4 t£'1evising historic pi"tures of \ P' S Ch I hIS fIrst year as prmcIpal. :\ia.-s, re'\'('~l('d 'that the~ pla~et's Ol~te um~er oro.s pre- Mr. Gerich helpfully swung~ ceipts from voluntary con- atmosphere is too thin for any parmg for Its fourtn an- the conversation the way he saw This is why Mr. Gerich had tributions totaled more than form of life as known on earth. nua! c o.n C e r t t? be pr~- fit, immediately hi n gin g on little s.>'mpathy with some of the $4,000, club officials dis- The photographs showed an se~ted III the FrIes A~dI- adult responsibility rather than students he knows who were in- closed. earth like des£'rt bordered by tonum on Tuesday evenmg, teen behavior. "We must show volved in the now thrkely-pub- The officials said on Friday, smudges which mayor may not July 27. at 8:15. where we put our priorities," he licizcd story of a recent teen July 16, that the display was be vegetation. The atmosphere The summer ch 0 rus was admonished. beer blotst iI1 the City. Although one of the most succef;sful held at the surface ;1> about equal to I (c t' - Pg 2) "Yes the times they are a those involved were probably since such events began 27 th t f th' t b I on Jnuea uil a e, . f f' thy ars g Th t h ld .a 0" ear s .. a a out 50: changin'," as the song goes, and VICIms 0 Clrcums .ance, e con- e a o. e even was e l~~les Men lanomg there .c:~:! in !his vein, Mr. Gerich raised fessed, .he also po1Oted out the on the Parcells Junior High t.l~nly wo~!? .neE'd spa~esU1~s. I Woods to Sell serIOUS que S t ion s about the faulty Jud?ment on the. part of Scheol grounds. said Dr. .Ilham H. PH.. kenn!',. val~dity of laws con c ern i n g some. WIt h 0 ut stat10g any Not only were the spectators laboratory director S!'i~nti~ts Old City Hall smoking and drinking. "Why nam~s, he referred to a couple treated to a brilliant, multi. do not exdude th£' posslbtl~ty, have laws about tobacco and of gIrls whom he sP,~ke. o~ as colored show, but also witness- that some oth?r typ£' of life I --. liquor and then not follow good students, who deflDltely ed a 16xl6-foot birthday cake. form may exist. however, I At the Monday, Ju~y 19, meet. them?" he ask e d. "It's a should have known better." shaped fireworks display hon- * .. '" tl~g of the .G~sse Pomte Woods I sham!" He therefore feels a Their noses and a look around oring the 50th ang.iversary of Sunday. July 18 ~ Ity Counc~l. It was ?",clded t~at serious review is in order. (Continued on Page 2) I the founding of Kiw:>~~ Inter- APAS <.. I" G FISHER'lA'" th£, city '-"Ill advertise for bids . . national The beautiful de"ign ., • "If , _., '"If d b 2 f .th I The prmclPal who had under I ..\ found a b'lllet-riddled (TllIS"r ' ue Sept£'m er 0 01 e sa e of . ' . 1 was applauded by the vast . " . the old citv hall and public hiS care approxImately 2,~00 B S. I d s II :, mer g ""d and aban,-Joned, 1 ft . d t t s t u 0 e n t s last year concedr: f oy erlOUS y crow . floating in the Detroit RiH'r sa e) ('par ~en .. that there is nrobabl~ more ex- h No Admission Charge Saturdav near Peche island and' The old bUlldmg. at Mack and . t t' - th' t Hurt In eras There was no ad m i s s ion . . -', "--'t' '1 t b' ;:>eTlmena IOn now an In pas reported It to thp Belle Isle "'".Illa. ISpr('senl y vacan , emg H h . charge to watch the display C tG d stat" Th bused onlv for elections. , y~ars. owever,. e w~s l~- b h' ..' .oas ,uar , IOn. -. £' oat. -. .. I chned to agree WIth pohce In A 12-year-old boy was serious- ut t e Pomte orgamzabon ac. a 28-foot 1958model Chr~<;Craft. The bid form s~e~lfles that I feeling that there has not been ly injured in a freak accident cepted voluntary contributions had been strock by 17 ~ullets. I there must, be a mInimum of a, a rise in problems of late. which occurred Friday, July 16, from persons making them. The probably from a 30-30 nflI'. A $75.000 offer. th~t a 10% de- money is placed in the local large hole had been torn in thp ,POSit.be made when the bid is Know Who Drinks near Kercheval a v e n u e and club's treasury, and is used to hull. t~e engine Was destroyed, I SublnJ.tted,.a~d that the balance Asked how widespread the sit. Moran road. promote civic activities and and pIpes were cut From the be paId withm 2~ days after the uation is at GPHS, Mr. Gerich ~1arie Louise ~~~ert, 61, of programs. N'ndi!ion of the bow, poliee i dehvery of the title. responded, "We ~ould actually Falrford road, dnvmg a Ch,ev. The club members are local theOrized th~t the b~at had ram- I A bid of $4.677 from Lee i name the drinking crowd." So, ,rolet sport sed~n. was gomg business and professional men, med 60methmg at htgh speed. ~Walker & Co. was awarded for I apparently administrators know south on ~oran. She. turned. onto who are interested in their * .. * : the ~ightmg of the Lake Front! 'sho they are, and therefore the Kerch~va. and colhded WIth a I community, and in promoting Monday, July 19 , tenms courts. I kids must know also. I car dnven by Gordon R: Patter. anything that will benefit their A STRIKEN PASSE:'-JGER: ----~-------------- .... _-- ,__ son. 19, of Lakeshore dnve. Mrs. city LI:'>JER, wi~h 600 aboard, was I •.• Hebert's car then shot back . . . • stranded and helples.' Sunday. i Stupid Vandal"sm Follows across the west bou~d lane. \ The Kiw~~Ians hav.e another 500 miles east of St. John's.: II striking a boy on a bIke, The mone:r raISIng proJect, and ~e\\'fOU!1dland. Aid was not ex. T bl S h lB k Jr car and the boy still on his bike, I that IS t~e Peanut Sale, held pe('ted to arrive before e~rly rom y c 00 rea -In continued over the curb a~ross annt.tally 10 September. Tuesday. Spoke~men for tilt:'.. the lawn at 210 Kercheval, fmal- Wlt.h the money reaped from Holland America I ine:; in \lon-' V I I b k -.- t- u- t '" Iy stopping against a wall of the 1 the fIreworks show and peanut treal said that a sm'all fire broke i Tro~~,~ aSc~oolro~o I~e~con~~ i ~~' :r~~a~~~~!l~~:~:I~: ;::tt house. The boy was pinned in, sale, th~ :oca~. Kiwan.idansSPd on . out in th(> ship's engine room I fielcl between 4' p:n on Tue's-' tered 'O"S and' furniture about- frort of the auto. ,so~ 'l sC °darh~ldIPs, al un er- t t . t' .-h d . kl' b I' .. . . JIM kB k fM d ,pnVl ege C I ren support Boy )ll was ex mgUls e qUiC ,r Y day. July 13. and 9 a.m. on the floor. In a not her, 72 1 ar roo s, son 0 r. an 'Scout and Girl Sc~ut ro rams Cfew members. Howe\'er. thf" Wednesdav July 14 ~ausinC1 Christmas ornaments were re Mrs. George M. Brooks of Tou- I t L'ttl LPg .. ' fire did damage the el('('trt('al' some da"1age to seve~al room; moved from boxes and smashed I raine road, suffered a broken I rromo ~ I ~d eague acbVI- system. Carrying 400 passengers ~('cording to information re: on the floor police' said - I left leg below the knee and a i leSt' a.n1 ptrovlhe Pwrogdramps a~d and a crew of 200. the ship was' ceivr:d from Park Police Chief . .' '. : fractured right wrist. :ma erla sot e 00 s ublic not thought to be in any imrnedl. : Arthur LOUWErs ! In ~tJ!1ano~her room, the m. i Mrs. Hebert received injuries! Safety Dep~rtment to ~elp the ate danger. ~o 00(. was injured. The report of the break-in: trudel. or mtruders, s~rung, on her forehead, chest. and hip. ~epartment.s never endmg traf. '" I and vandalism was made to yarn from the overhead hghts, Farms officers transported fiC safety fIght. . Tuesday, July 2tJ I police by Herbert Schwartz. an.d un!"o]]ed rolls of colored both victims to Cottage hospital Have Bought FIVe Buses . FORMER KOREAN Presid~nt \ engineer of the school, who dis- tOidlet tissues and shelf paper, via a fire department ambu. E~ch ye~r, ~:e $WOodSfrKi. Syngman Rhee, who has been covered the damage when he 1 an s<,.attered them about the I lance. wa~llans se '.iSI e. 1,000 om In a hospital since March, 1960. opened the building Wednesday floor. .. '. Total damage caused by the thel~ treas~:y, until at the end died Monday of a st.oke. He was morning. I Not s.atIsfled With thiS, those accident was est i mat e d at of fIVe yea"~, when they ~ave 90 Yl'ars old. Rhee. who had led Patrolman Gar y Mitchell, I r:sponslble entered the school $3,635. aCCUl-;")lateda total of $5,000, his native land on a 5O.year try who was dispatched to the kItchen where they scattered Police issued a ticket to Mrs. they purchase oh bus, to ~e for mdependence, and had lived' school to investigate, s,id that st'~ar cubes on the floor, ai1d Het>ert for faHure to have her used to transp ~oods chilo In exile for manv vears, desired I I'ntrv il'to the building was i drank several bottles of soft I vehicle under control. Police dren .to the Woods lak~front to be buried in Korea. The go\"' ' mad~ by the vandals breClking' drinks, taken fr0'!l the ref!"ig-I theorized that she got conf'lsed par~, In Jefferson avenue, In St. I'rnment of Pre sid e n t Park, a 12x16 pane of glass of th~ erator, before leaVing the bUild- 'and hit the accelerator instead Clan Shor~s. There. are thr~e Chung Hpe was expected to door at the southeast corner ing. ' of the brake. buses now In .opera~~)ll for t~IS comply. A tough leader, Rhee lof the school, and unlocking I At the last Teport, tbe Witnessing the accident was pur&ose, Semor cItIzens Wlt~h had been elected to four terms Ithe door. amount of dama~ is not Mrs. B. H. Paddock of Lincoln par passes may soon use e as president of the Republic. , The person, or pel'8Ons, who knOWD. road. (Continued OD Page z) ,

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ewsComplete Netvs Coverage of All the Pointes

rosseAll the News

of All the Pointes

Every Thursday

L::====M=o=r=n'=ln~VOL. 2b-NO. 29 Entered as Second Class Matter at

tb" Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN. JULY 22. 1965 •. 00 Per YearlOc Per Cop~' 20 Pages-Two Sections-Section One


The fate of a number ofbeautiful public and pri-vate-owned elm trees in thePointe await a complete

The thirteenth annual regatta of the Grm.se Pointe survey and analysis by theFarms Boat Club will be held at the Farms Pier Satur- State Agriculture Depart-day and Sunday, July 24.25. ment in Lansing. The final

AppliJcations for decorated0--- ------------- results of the survey andboats and races are now being I L C

k h P' All t tit t analysis should be madeta en at t e l~r. con es . as on,cer aval'lable I'n a b 0 u t t\"Oants must be reSIdents of Grosse, rr

Pointe Farms. There will be I Of Ft. 1 weeks. it was disclosed onprizes and trophies for all: . es "va Tuesday, July 20.events. The survey is being made by. The Beauty Contest prelim- Ne'xt M0",day the Agriculture Department be.Inary was held Jt.ly 12. The cause a large number of elmsfinalists ch()sen were Sue Boyd. appenr to be infected with thePat Crea, Pat Poster. Bdh Distinguished String Quar- dread Dutch Elm Disease, al-Truba, Sue Savage and Carol though this is not certain. Ex-Reardon. From this group the tet of Top Detroit Sym- perts revealed that the unusualGrosse Pointe Farms Queen phor.y Artists'WiII Give dry spell. which created a lackwill be chosen. Participaltil'J.g Program of ground moisture, might bejudges were Richard C. Hud- 1 responsible for the condition ofson, Charles Verheyden. James. I the suspect trees.0ausley, John Mazer and Leon. The fm~l concer~ of th~ However, elms known to ac-

Prizes for the Queen will be Grocse POInte MUSIC FestlOJ " - tually have the disease have

$100 saving bond from the Boat val .w~ll b~mg ~ pr~gram by been removed from public andClub, $150 certificate for cloth. a dIstmgUlshed s1nng quar- private property. although theinl

gantd be~Uttyword~fromIU!:egaOgne'tet to the summer music! number that had to be takena so ranSlS or ra lOS, 0 d ich ' I d . .and "lther pdzes. There will scene, a~ "e p~ogram S own on pnva:te property ISalso be bonds and beauty work I appeal WIll be heIghtened not known.for the five runners-up. by a return to the excel. None Felled in Park

Boat raees and decorated bi. lent acoustics and attractive It was reported that no treescye1es will be the order of the I setting of the Crystal ball-: have yet been taken down inday Saturriay, starting at 10 I room of t.he War YIemoria1's IIthe Park. where the State isa.m. Final elimination, crown. I Fries Auditorium. still conducting its sur v e y.iug of the Queen and .dancing Art f th . Iwhich will take approximatelyunder the stars Wltn the r IS s or e. ~venlD~ are another week. The disclosureUNDERDOGS. ~ popular Pointe Gordon S~~p~e~,vlOl1O;Eaouard Iwas made by Herbert Heger,band, axe scheduled for the K~sner, '101m, Nat~~n Gordon, I head of the Park Public Serv-evening. I VIola; and It310.~abml, cello. A~I ice Department.

Mayor William F. Connolly I four are famlbar to DetrOIt I .M V h ....l '11 b I music lovers in their first chair I Seven pubhc trees have beenand r. er eYuen WI e I .. It' th C't tho

G d Ma h 11 fo th d I posItions of the Detroit sym-, os In e I Y, IS seaSOn. ac.ran rs a s r e para e I h cording to information released

~unday starting at S~ar'~ park- I pony. by City Manager John Cant-mg lot at 1. !he hlghhght. of I In 2 .chang~ d sClme,.tr.i~ con- I, well. The State is stili conduct-the pa~ade WIll be the ~I1gh-1cert will be gIven upstairs lD the ing a survey in the community.land Pipe Band from Shrmers glass-walled ballroom where the I and so far, '13 private trees a;eMoslem. Temp,I~. Th.e baD:dsmen J audience can enjoy the .iew of suspected of being diseased.and their farmhes WIll enJoy the I the formal gardens and Lake St. ~ f C'facilities of the park ror the' Clair along with tht! music. The Al '0 Alormler Ity m.~yors,rest of the day. choice of the location was made onzo en of. 412 Lmcoln

Fleet review will get under- by th n .. h 'd road: and Fredenck Parker ofway at 2, after which all trop-h- the 2~OU~~~~~la~:;~e

0;~lr;:~o~ 354 Washington, were not im.

ies will be awarded. particularly good for strings, mune from tree losses.------- Opening the prO<'r3m w;ll bLast ye.ar, Allen lost a stately

M . G b h b' . ~ . e I elm on hiS pl'operty because ofotorlst ra s Sc u e~t s A ,mmor quarte~-a I'the blight. and th thOwork filled w1th Hun gar 1 a n P k d' ano er IS

T M k h' d' I vear' ar er Iscovered thatWO ar ~Slnel1 I' ~tnms an evo.callve tunes for I ~ne '(jf h's be t I h bwhich Schubert IS famous. It is J s e ms as een-- Ithe only one of his quartets that tagged and .may h.a:'e to be re-Mr, R. ~i~te, of Kerche~al was published in his lifetime.' ~loved. He IS ~waltlng a report

avenue, notr ..Ied Farms pohce This will be f 0 I lowed by the 10 the test bemg taken by theon Th~day, July I?, that he i Jo~quin Turina quartet _ "La Statewas holdmg two boys ill front of I Orarjon del Torero" (Oration of In the Woods, City Adminis-the Public Library. Patrolmen the Bullfighter) ;ich in fiery: trator Chester Petersen re-a'I"rive~ and spvke. to tile boys, II Spanish style. I vealed that so far, the city hasage eIght and mne, who ad. Th 1 -, . k '11 b I lost a total of 30 public trees.mitted shooting a plastic pea e c~nc udmg wor WI e A survey of privately-ownedshooter, automatic type pistol I the poetIc and tli'JUghtful late I elms is still in progress. andat Mr. Mitt~'s car. :qua~tet of ~Be~thoven . - Opus I being made by the State he

Mr. Mitte didn't want to sign! 130 m B f1~.mmor It IS a ~vork said. 'a complaint but requested that I regarded as one of the fInestthe boys be taken home to their masterpieces of quartet litera-I sFlour Re~('Ived in Sh?res

. ture. lores VIllage Supenntend-parents. The mot?er.s were m- . ent Thomas K. Jefferis re-formed of the mCIdent and TIckets for the concert are, veaIed that four bI" dthe~ stated the boys would be $2.50 and wi~lbe available at the! trees known to a~~a:~:~~epumshed. I War Memonal, from Mrs. F, E. I had Dutch El D' . h

------ Brossy the ticket chairman. or 'been cut downm Idsease, avdet th d th . f th I an removeTO PUNISH TRESPASSERS Ia e oor on e evemng 0 e one in the George Os' 1\" . .'

con-cert The startmg time '11 lUS .UTIlCI-Farms patrolman were called I b 8'30' . I k M d WI pal Park: two in Vernier road

to St. Paul's Cemetery on )101'- n~ng: Jufy c~~ on on ay eve- and o?e from another street:os:; road Thursday, July 15, on He said that a second elm in------the report that boys were tres- the park is suspect. and mightp3SlSing on t~ grounds. They I SCAVENGERS VANISH ha\'e to be removed.pieked up three- boys: Larry He said a survey is still un-Grillo, of Harper Woods; Wil- Mrs. John L, Pottle, of coun-I derway in the Village. HeHam M. Beckley, of Detroit; and try. Club lane. (alled Farms stated that he did not have aRonald Craig Gorman, of Rose- pOllce on Wednesd~y, July 14, I count of the number of elmsville. Gorman was driving a to report some boy.~10 81. Paul's : taken down from private p 0Ford converHble registered to' cemetery. Upon arrival, Offi. erty. but did know that s~ni~his father. All three were taken I cers Ronald Wooten and Joe trees had to be taken dow dto the station and turned over Belanger found n~ one around. some more will have t bn anto Sergeant ~red Martin who Mrs. Po~t1e explaIned that the The elm loss in theO F:;mscontacted thel'l' parents. All par- boys claimed to be on a scav- I according to John DeFoe, headents agreM to a work program enger hunt and had asked her I of the Public Se -' Dto be arra~ged with the ceme- for ~ome food Iterns before ment. is four due 7;Ct~e b~f~-teTY custodian. headmg for the C(.metery. and four due to n t I '_______ ~ -_ ..--- a ura causes.

suc~ as lack of water, roots cut

Street ReCaTJpin(~ Pro ject du~~: ~~~~~~c~~~e;tc'in ther 54 923 Farms should be completedTo Cost Farms $ sO?1etime t.his ~eek, DeFoe

. ., said. regardmg prIvate trees.---------. "d In each of the Pointe co

The Farms council approved, F~ur fIrms subnutterl ~1 s.on munities, when an elm i m.the awarding of a contract to I the Job, and four others mvtIed to be diseas d 't. s foundthe second highest bidder for to bid, did no~ do so. according i immediately.e \~ IS cut dow!1the a~phalt recapping of cer.' to a report given to the coun. I "ate pro t ereas, On Prl-tain sections of city streets. cil by Bremer. ! davs in ~r.y, owners have 10Cost of the project to the city The city mana;{er Eaid that I move d' hlc~ to cut and re-will be $54,923. parts of the following streets I und I~ed~se or .dead trees,

. . will be recapped Charlevoix, er .0, mances 10 each ofAt Its regular meetmg held Hillcrest, Ridgemont, .Maison, the Pomtes.

o~ Mo~day, July 19, the co~n- Roland, Bournemouth, AIlad,cll, actmg !?O a rerommendatlOn LaBelle. Champine place. Bt.'l. SOLICITOR WARNEDmade by City M:nager Andrew I anger, Calvin. Touraine, Clover. Farms police received a callB.remer, Jr., g..,ve the reca;i I ly, Man 0 1', Edgemere, Elm on. !h~rsday, July 15, aboutpmg contract to ~e petro court, Pine court, Vincennes sol1('ItatlOn in the vicinity ofAsph~lt company; reJeebng the I place and Voltail e place. Re- Kercheval and Touraine roadlow bId of $52,47;s. made by the \ capping will be none only where They picked up Stanley Clin:Jess M. Gregory company. needed on thesl' streets, he ton Strong. of Blackduck, Minn

The city manager said that I said. who was selling magazines fo;the low.bid company was turned I The project wi)] be started at ,Local Readers Service, Inc., indown because it did not meet I the end of July. and should ITerre Haute, Ind. Arrest cardsthe specifications regarding cur~ take a month. to complete, Brem- were made out and the subjectrent State Pre-Qualification. er said. . was warned and released.

ThirteenthAnnual 49 AlreadylRemoved on

Regatta in Farms i Puhli~ Land

S f W k d State Survey Telling Story:.:;:\', et or ee en of Casualties on ~rivate.'. ".,',. Property Nearmg,. "':,.. . Completion

"1 Crowning of Queen. Boat Races. Parade, Highland~ Band and Dancing on Program Being Held

<:"., Saturday and Sunday

'" ,


Fireworks Display at Par-cells School Raises Over$4.000 for Club's Phil-


150,000 SeeKiwanians'Annual Show

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:.:':::': ." ,\':,.':'":::

- PICTURE BY EDDIE McGRATH. JR.mono The hazard is believed to be the remains of anold dock crib. Pleas to have a buoy placed over thespot have so far gone unheeded. The Coast Guard saysit is the responsibility of the U.S. Corps of Engineers,which has been notified of the danger.._--~-~~_._---

~, :

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Another Boat Piles Up On Hidden Hazard

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As Compiled by theGrosse Pointe News


Thursdal. July 15U. S. AMBASSADOR to the

United Nations Adlai E. Steven- Ison was stricken in LO'ldon yes' ,terday and liied moments later. IWashington receivl'd word last!night from the American Em- ibassy in London that Stevensoh Ihad died of a heart att~ck'iStevenson was In London follow.ing Ui'; meetings in Geneva la-t'\,eck. lie was walking along:t'pper Grosvenor Street with,M:-s. Marietta Tree. a feHowmember of the U S. delegationat the U~. when he fell to thepavement. Mrs. Tr~e summonedhelp from the nearby Interna.tional Sportsmen's Club but adoctor who arri"ec! on the sceneminutes later could get no re-sponse to artificial respirationadmmistratton. Stevenson \vaspronouncec: dead at St. George'sHospital. 'lis son said plans call :for his father's body to be takento Washington for a funeral:ser ..ice Fr !day, then to Illinois Ifor a final tribute in the statecapitol and burial in a family,plot at Bloomington on Monday. 'President Johmon. when learn. ,ing of the ambassador's death. Isaid, "America has lost its most I FIVE YOUNG people were taken off this badlyeloq~lent spirit. its fine~t voice. damage'"', cruiser last week after it ran up on a sub-The world of freedom and hu" merged menace off the Farms shore just east of theman dignity has lo~t its mOst, Grosse Pointe (Little) Club. Residents living on thearticulate cham"lJio~." I __l_a_~k_e_fr_ontsay~su_c_h~i_n_c_id_e_n_c_e_s_havebecome fairly com-


Friday, July 16 Cl S S d D - k- P hI'fIlE MARI:'>JER4 spacecraft lOrllS et tn ent rIll 109. ro em'

f1;!~;h<:dkICK tne iit:'it pirtures 1of .:-vrarsThllr~da:-. Taken at aD IFOJ~ .Concert Dl-SCUssed wl-th Reporteraltlfudp I)f 1thout 10.500 miles, I '

the photograph showed a view lOT d B H h S h I P - Iof the red planet's brilliant! nileS ay y ig C 00 rinclpaD£'sert of Amazonis. It took 8'hours, 35 Ininutes to get to -- ---~ -tracking stations on earth be-j Fries A u d it 0 r i u m at Jerry Gerich Gives Frank Opinions on Adult Responsi-'fore thE' transmission finally Memorial Center to Be hility and Increase in Experimentation Among,'ame through Thursday night., S' F A I Y P IThe photograph. first of a series I ettlng or nnua oung eop e(,f 20 ~xpected to be relayed by I Presentation at 8: 15 By Anne BoyntonJuly 24. also pictured part of: (Editor's note: This Is &econd in a series of three articlp-s.)t,h.e Martiar:t h~~i7.0n. curving! .The air has been fill~d A high school principal is a likely target for' a sore The 27th annual fire-slightly agaInst .ne background i WIth many sounas of mUSlC topic even if it doesn't directly involve high schoolers. works display sponsored byof space. ••• 'at ~he .Grosse Poin~e War But this one does and Jerry J. Gerich, principal of Grosse the Kiwanis Club of Grosse

S t d J I 17 Men,onal Center thIS sum- Pointe High School kindly fell prey to questions on Pointe, on Monday, July 5,• a ur ay, U Y 0 f th h . t' d th 50 000

THE 575.POl"ND MARINER ~~~s~~~m t~e d~~~:ed~in~ing, about wh!ch. he's probably been quizzed since spr:~at~r~ r :nd agnross' re-4 t£'1evising historic pi"tures of \ P' S Ch I hIS fIrst year as prmcIpal.:\ia.-s, re'\'('~l('d 'that the~pla~et's Ol~te um~er oro.s pre- Mr. Gerich helpfully swung~ ceipts from voluntary con-atmosphere is too thin for any parmg for Its fourtn an- the conversation the way he saw This is why Mr. Gerich had tributions totaled more thanform of life as known on earth. nua! c o.n C e r t t? be pr~- fit, immediately hi n gin g on little s.>'mpathy with some of the $4,000, club officials dis-The photographs showed an se~ted III the FrIes A~dI- adult responsibility rather than students he knows who were in- closed.earth like des£'rt bordered by tonum on Tuesday evenmg, teen behavior. "We must show volved in the now thrkely-pub- The officials said on Friday,smudges which mayor may not July 27. at 8:15. where we put our priorities," he licizcd story of a recent teen July 16, that the display wasbe vegetation. The atmosphere The summer c h 0 r u s was admonished. beer blotst iI1 the City. Although one of the most succef;sful heldat the surface ;1> about equal to I (c t' - P g 2) "Yes the times they are a those involved were probably since such events began 27th t f th' t b I on Jnuea uil a e, . f f' thy ars g Th t h ld.a 0" ear s .. a a out 50: changin'," as the song goes, and VICIms 0 Clrcums .ance, e con- e a o. e even was el~~les Men lanomg there .c:~:! in !his vein, Mr. Gerich raised fessed, .he also po1Oted out the on the Parcells Junior Hight.l~nly wo~!? .neE'd spa~esU1~s. I Woods to Sell serIOUS que S t ion s about the faulty Jud?ment on the. part of Scheol grounds.said Dr. .Ilham H. PH..kenn!',. val~dity of laws con c ern i n g some. WIt h 0 u t stat10g any Not only were the spectatorslaboratory director S!'i~nti~ts Old City Hall smoking and drinking. "Why nam~s, he referred to a couple treated to a brilliant, multi.do not exdude th£' posslbtl~ty, • have laws about tobacco and of gIrls whom he sP,~ke. o~ as colored show, but also witness-that some oth?r typ£' of life I --. liquor and then not follow good students, who deflDltely ed a 16xl6-foot birthday cake.form may exist. however, I At the Monday, Ju~y 19, meet. them?" he ask e d. "It's a should have known better." shaped fireworks display hon-

* .. '" tl~g of the .G~sse Pomte Woods I sham!" He therefore feels a Their noses and a look around oring the 50th ang.iversary ofSunday. July 18 ~Ity Counc~l. It was ?",clded t~at serious review is in order. (Continued on Page 2) I the founding of Kiw:>~~ Inter-

A P A S <.. I" G FISHER'lA'" th£, city '-"Ill advertise for bids . . national The beautiful de"ign• ., • "If , • _., '"If d b 2 f . th I The prmclPal who had under I ..\found a b'lllet-riddled (TllIS"r ' ue Sept£'m er 0 01 e sa e of . ' . 1 was applauded by the vast

. " . the old citv hall and public hiS care approxImately 2,~00 B S. I ds II :,mer g ""d and aban,-Joned, 1ft. d t t s t u 0 e n t s last year concedr: f oy erlOUS y crow .floating in the Detroit RiH'r sa e) ('par ~en .. that there is nrobabl~ more ex- • h No Admission ChargeSaturdav near Peche island and' The old bUlldmg. at Mack and . t t' - th' t Hurt In eras There was no ad m i s s ion. . -', "--'t' '1 t b' ;:>eTlmena IOn now an In pasreported It to thp Belle Isle "'".Illa. IS pr('senl y vacan , emg H h . charge to watch the displayC t G d stat" Th bused onlv for elections. , y~ars. owever,. e w~s l~- b h' ..'.oas ,uar , IOn. -. £' oat. -. . . I chned to agree WIth pohce In A 12-year-old boy was serious- ut t e Pomte orgamzabon ac.

a 28-foot 1958 model Chr~<;Craft. The bid form s~e~lfles that I feeling that there has not been ly injured in a freak accident cepted voluntary contributionshad been strock by 17 ~ullets. I there must, be a mInimum of a, a rise in problems of late. which occurred Friday, July 16, from persons making them. Theprobably from a 30-30 nflI'. A $75.000 offer. th~t a 10% de- money is placed in the locallarge hole had been torn in thp , POSit.be made when the bid is Know Who Drinks near Kercheval a v e n u e and club's treasury, and is used tohull. t~e engine Was destroyed, I SublnJ.tted,.a~d that the balance Asked how widespread the sit. Moran road. promote civic activities andand pIpes were cut From the be paId withm 2~ days after the uation is at GPHS, Mr. Gerich ~1arie Louise ~~~ert, 61, of programs.N'ndi!ion of the bow, poliee i dehvery of the title. responded, "We ~ould actually Falrford road, dnvmg a Ch,ev. The club members are localtheOrized th~t the b~at had ram- I A bid of $4.677 from Lee i name the drinking crowd." So, ,rolet sport sed~n. was gomg business and professional men,med 60methmg at htgh speed. ~Walker & Co. was awarded for I apparently administrators know south on ~oran. She. turned. onto who are interested in their

* .. * : the ~ightmg of the Lake Front! 'sho they are, and therefore the Kerch~va. and colhded WIth a Icommunity, and in promotingMonday, July 19 , tenms courts. I kids must know also. I car dnven by Gordon R: Patter. anything that will benefit their

A STRIKEN PASSE:'-JGER: ----~-------------- ...._-- ,__ son. 19, of Lakeshore dnve. Mrs. cityLI:'>JER, wi~h 600 aboard, was I •.• Hebert's car then shot back . . .

• stranded and helples.' Sunday. i Stupid Vandal"sm Follows across the west bou~d lane. \ The Kiw~~Ians hav.e another500 miles east of St. John's.: II striking a boy on a bIke, The mone:r raISIng proJect, and~e\\'fOU!1dland. Aid was not ex. T bl S h l B k Jr car and the boy still on his bike, I that IS t~e Peanut Sale, heldpe('ted to arrive before e~rly rom y c 00 rea -In continued over the curb a~ross annt.tally 10 September.Tuesday. Spoke~men for tilt:'.. the lawn at 210 Kercheval, fmal- Wlt.h the money reaped fromHolland America I ine:; in \lon-' V I I b k -.- t- u- t '" Iy stopping against a wall of the 1 the fIreworks show and peanuttreal said that a sm'all fire broke i Tro~~,~ aSc~oolro~o I~e~con~~i ~~' :r~~a~~~~!l~~:~:I~: ;::tt house. The boy was pinned in, sale, th~ :oca~. Kiwan.idansSPdon.out in th(> ship's engine room I fielcl between 4' p:n on Tue's-' tered 'O"S and' furniture about- frort of the auto. ,so~ 'lsC °darh~ldIPs, al un er-t t. t' . -h d . kl' b I' .. . . JIM k B k f M d ,pnVl ege C I ren support Boy)ll was ex mgUls e qUiC ,r Y day. July 13. and 9 a.m. on the floor. In a not her, 72 1 ar roo s, son 0 r. an 'Scout and Girl Sc~ut ro ramsCfew members. Howe\'er. thf" Wednesdav July 14 ~ausinC1 Christmas ornaments were re Mrs. George M. Brooks of Tou- I t L'ttl LPg .. 'fire did damage the el('('trt('al' some da"1age to seve~al room; moved from boxes and smashed I raine road, suffered a broken I rromo ~ I ~d eague acbVI-system. Carrying 400 passengers ~('cording to information re: on the floor police' said - I left leg below the knee and a i leSt' a.n1 ptrovlhe Pwrogdrampsa~dand a crew of 200. the ship was' ceivr:d from Park Police Chief . .' '. : fractured right wrist. :ma erla sot e 00 s ublicnot thought to be in any imrnedl. : Arthur LOUWErs ! In ~tJ!1ano~her room, the m. i Mrs. Hebert received injuries! Safety Dep~rtment to ~elp theate danger. ~o 00(. was injured. The report of the break-in: trudel. or mtruders, s~rung, on her forehead, chest. and hip. ~epartment.s never endmg traf.• • '" I and vandalism was made to yarn from the overhead hghts, Farms officers transported fiC safety fIght. .

Tuesday, July 2tJ I police by Herbert Schwartz. an.d un!"o]]ed rolls of colored both victims to Cottage hospital Have Bought FIVe Buses .FORMER KOREAN Presid~nt \ engineer of the school, who dis- tOidlet tissues and shelf paper, via a fire department ambu. E~ch ye~r, ~:e $WOodSfrKi.

Syngman Rhee, who has been covered the damage when he 1 an s<,.attered them about the I lance. wa~llans se '.iSI e. 1,000 omIn a hospital since March, 1960. opened the building Wednesday floor. .. '. Total damage caused by the thel~ treas~:y, until at the enddied Monday of a st.oke. He was morning. I Not s.atIsfled With thiS, those accident was est i mat e d at of fIVe yea"~, when they ~ave90 Yl'ars old. Rhee. who had led Patrolman Gar y Mitchell, I r:sponslble entered the school $3,635. aCCUl-;")lateda total of $5,000,his native land on a 5O.year try who was dispatched to the kItchen where they scattered Police issued a ticket to Mrs. they purchase oh bus, to ~efor mdependence, and had lived' school to investigate, s,id that st'~ar cubes on the floor, ai1d Het>ert for faHure to have her used to transp ~oods chiloIn exile for manv vears, desired I I'ntrv il'to the building was i drank several bottles of soft I vehicle under control. Police dren .to the Woods lak~frontto be buried in Korea. The go\"' ' mad~ by the vandals breClking' drinks, taken fr0'!l the ref!"ig-I theorized that she got conf'lsed par~, In Jefferson avenue, In St.I'rnment of Pre sid e n t Park, a 12x16 pane of glass of th~ erator, before leaVing the bUild- 'and hit the accelerator instead Clan Shor~s. There. are thr~eChung Hpe was expected to door at the southeast corner ing. ' of the brake. buses now In .opera~~)ll for t~IScomply. A tough leader, Rhee lof the school, and unlocking I At the last Teport, tbe Witnessing the accident was pur&ose, Semor cItIzens Wlt~hhad been elected to four terms Ithe door. amount of dama~ is not Mrs. B. H. Paddock of Lincoln par passes may soon use eas president of the Republic. , The person, or pel'8Ons, who knOWD. road. (Continued OD Page z)


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Thursday,Thursday, July 22, 1965


Telephone TU 2.8231

HOURS: 9 to 6

pieazrl-'llol'tOll.. a:.. ..- OIl".Gan. PoDn'a

EXt')usive Lines of Fine Attire for Men

lof a new bus, the olde~.t bus is 1 Kiwanis .clubs are ~er\'icesold to the highest bidder, to; clubs, servII?~ th.c pu~1Jc ~ndkeep the three-bus fled up to I the commUnitIes In which theydate. ; are located.

•enloy yourvacation


Rely on u~ for yourfurnishings and apparel... attractive. comfort.able, correct and reason-ably priced.


Closed S.turd.,s, Jul,.AuGust

P1SHII IUILDIN.Closed Saturd.,s, July.AuGust

7 NILI .t LlnlNOISClosed Mond.,s, Jul,.Auliust

(Continued from Page 1)

buses for transport.t,ion to thepark.

Early last May, the Woodswas presented its fifth bussince 1951, when the local clubfirst inaugurated this 'Particularprogram. With the presentation



SAVE ON FORD, the car that won the "quiet" contest.' SAVE ON THUNDERBIRD, unique in all the world, with big v.a, powersteering, power brakes, many more luxury items as standard! SAVEON FALCON and get Falcon's famous gas savings too!SAVE ON FAIRLANE, the middle-size beauty now with pint.si2.e price. SAVE ON, FORD TRUCKS like the F-IOO Pickupwith great new 2.front.axle riding smoothness. SAVE ON USED CARS-a record selection going at record-low prices!

to.O OULI'..



Publisht'd every Thnrsday byAnteebo Publishers, Inc.

99 Kercheval Avenue";ro~f!ie Pointe 36, Michigan

Phor.~ TU 2-690uI Three Trunk LineSII ~ec:ond ('Ius PUllale paid at Or.,roll. MIC'hllall.

I I>ubscrlptlon Ratu ts.OO Per Yeal"Y Mall Illi.OO outsIde WaYIl~"':ounly I. All NeWI and Advt'rlls'lls";opy Mast Be In The t'ew~ orr.I'roy TUeiday Noon to Inlure InletIon.

199 Kercheval Avenue, Grone pl)lnteFarms. Mlch:llan 48238.

I Chanee of Addr •• " Forml 3579) toI I\ddrrl. a\l Mall ISub.crlllt1on~1-------.------I~~~m::~~~~~11~ _ J~,! 1~ coming event! :~ji

( The year's biggest :.G ;.\ Furniture Sol e '::<_ I

I~ ~;I:~~~~~~n~:~r::.:~;I

• 2 SI ill 0507 Ma~k_Ave. )\I ~<':::<>.,<'.< ..:•••:w.-,.......;<w;-0"., ••:<"'..,.-_-«.:::"z..: ..~~~. __ ... .. -- ... _~;>;J'."'I(yh ......../.~.:{~»n_"h;*'h;.,'~~;.f~N'a ....

Farms SubmitsBuilding'Report

urossePointt N~ws

The value of residential ando the r constructions in theFarms for the month of June,

I far exceeds that of June 1964,according to information re-leased by John A. DeFoe, publicservice director, in a monthlyreport.

The report also diaclosed thatfrom January 1 through June

•30 of this year, the vdlue of: total construction amounted toI $800,200, as compared to $620,.,200 for the same period lastI year.

Las( month, four permitswere approved for residential

. construction VI: lued at a total! of 8234.000; no permits for com-: mercia! buildings; 2nd nine formiscellaneous con s t r u c tion

. valued at a total of $34,400. ,

. During June 1964, only one I

. permit for a home valued at I

• $361000 was approved: nOne for: business; and 11 miscellaneous,: valued at a total of $53,850.

From .January 1 through June I3D, 1965, 12 permits for resi- i

I dential constructions valued at Ia total of $664.000 were okayed;1 for ~ommercial, valued at

I $45,000; 32 miscellaneous, val-. ued at a total of $91,200. One~permit was 2.pproved for nonas-: sessabie property valued at I. $170,138. I'

From January 1 throughJune 30, 1964, nine permits for'residences vah.:!'ld at a (otal of IS397,OOO, were granted; none

: for commercial; ar.r} 60 for mis.cellaneous construction valuedat a total of $223,200; none fornonassessable property.

. Residential permits approved,last month were for a $25,000: home at 349 Ridgemont road; a: S114,00 home at 35 Winthrop: place; a $M,Ooo home at 38I Warner; and a $40,000 home at! 270 Kenwood court.

--------~----~ --- !

TU 5.7510


These Two Feature. arePr... nted to C.I.brct.


By the


8.Mile (Vernier) & Kelly Rds.(X Mile West of Ford X - W.y exit)

Stor •• Open to 9 P. M.

In Per.onThe Compl.t. C•• t of


Cllrol DUtllIlI, LoreneB.bcock • Ed Allen

Present their R'gul., Pro"lm1:0fJ A. M. to 10:00 A. M.in hltl.nd'. GJlnd Court


~. .~




automobile torture

testin& ...and much more I

* Fun for ev~ryone I





* See the MagiC Sho"" with

its mysllfYlR1l illusions *"Squirming Irma" and

other marvlls 01 scientific

2 More Days-Thur., Fri. atEASTLAND CENTER

3 More D!ys-Thru Sat. atEASTLAND CENTER


100 Kerch,vll

will give complete and expert advice on

all foreian and domestic travel then make~ I

all the necessary arrangemelits for your


PI'. Two

Ch,orus Concert ,!uesday I

(Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) I Mejia from the Dominican Re-them shculd have s m e 11e d founded in 1962 by Dr. and Mrs. i public who is spending the sum-trouble. Donald Simmons witll the assis- mer with college classmate

Mr. Gerich confided that quite tance of accompanist Jerry S. John Huebner.a few student~ even come in to Hughes and his wife, Sue. The Tickets for the concert may

I counselors to talk of deep per- .chorus has far surpassed the I be purchased from these an~sonal problems, often involving I Ideal. of s~m~er mUSIcal fun .by I all other members of the ch~rus

Idrinking. "They've scared them. ~ro:",mg l:l SIZ~ and popularity as well as. the ~rosse Pomteselves" he said looking wor-, In Its short htstory. When the War MemOrial office, at $1 for

Iriea. ' , ,Simmon's left for Ohio State adults and 50 cents for students

Athletic Influence I Universi.ty this winter, Dick through senior high school age.One in t ere s tin g aspect he Johns picked up the baton for Plan Varied Pro~ramIb:r:ought up was the importance both ~he Sum~er Chorus a?d The program will include

,of high scilOol athletes in con- the Grosse Pomte Commumty Broadway show tunes, folknection with attitudes on the Chorus. .. . songs and a ringing arrange-part of the student body. He . DIck snd hiS Wife, LOIS ar- ment of the "Battle Hymn ofmentioned t h r e e outstanding nved he~e about five y~ars a~o the Republic" featuring Jerryplayers who graduated a few from QUincy. Mass .. With theIr Hughes and Lois Johns in theyear~ "'ack and h many talents, and soon became 4-hand piano accompaniment.",... ere we can . t f t f thsee a jusi.:fication for namc- a.n Impor an •. par 0 e ~u- Nancy Cary returns as soloistdropping. He noticed that when slcal community. As a speCial with Ann Sl,aheen in "Michigan

I Mar L k J., S d student at the New England Morn." Intermission entertain-cones, In. e er or C t D' k t d' d .Rick Bridges talked quietly to .onse:va ory, . IC S U te VIO- ment will once aJi(ain featurestud t t d . th Iln WIth Harnson Keller and Dave and Molly Hughes withh nen Sh'}co~greg& em. e voice with Marie Sundelius. His banjo plucking Bill Hope Asmacn~to\~ ~e t f:r werte sdervlntg 25-year background as church the Troubadors these ihre~

I Old fUu y, te sd uh end' s choir director well prepared have made ma~v appearancesi wou so y rep y an t en IS- him for his chorus duties as in the Detroit a~ea with their: pe;~~. . . well as those of the Grosse guitars and original arrange-I IS past year, III companson, Pointe Woo d s Presbyterian m t d 11 h t•has ofte:l found athletes the Church choir I b en s fanth are a c arher mem-roots of m bl A' . ers 0 e summer c orus. I

" a~y p.ro ems. gam, Many New Singers Also singing in the chorus areth~s IS a mmo!tty, lest anyone The ?O-voice g~oup has many Marylin Newa, Marcia Powell,

. t8 e undue of!\;nse. new singers thiS summer' as Nancy Messing, Cheri Burns,! We. also. contemplated t~e well as many charter merr.bers. Nancy Milne, Florence Wolford,~eem:ngly .lncreased em.ph~gls Hon?rs. for youngest member ~o Julie O'Brien, Joan Duffield,Just.m talkmg about the .l'iubJect to Vtckte Denman who will be in Rob Downey, Merry Hyde, Ar.of hquor. B~t Mt: GerIch ~elt the 5th grade at Richard School den Jaeger, Eleanor Huhn,!hat mor~ dISCUSSIon of drmk- this year. Vickie brings 6th Mary Baier, Donna McRea, Jim~ng, .smokmg, and sexual prom- grade sister Diane and father Getschman Helen McConachieIS~Utty was perhaps good. "This Dave, (all new Grosse Pointe Janp. Peebles,' Nancy Roger:sttll goes back to the home," he i residents), along for the family Sue Jackson, Pat Kelly, Lindaremarked. . fun. Smith, Hazel De Coster, Mary

~~...-...-.~ Need More. Activity . . Three other family groups Auble, Connie Wood. Helen_ . ____ __ _ ... _ _ .. _ __ Lac~ of meanmgfu~ acttv:ty are third year singers, Mrs. Jo- Boyle, Joyce Adams, Nancy

wa~ CIted by Mr .. Gench as the seph Shaheen with dal'ghters Ripka, Cind~' Te'.v, Lawrencemam reason. whIch leads stu- Ann and Julie, Mrs. Jeanette Verdier, Jim Young, Terry AI-den.ts to their parents' liquor Jobbitt with Cathy, and sisters len, Kit Dahl, Sylvia Frawley,

Icabl~ets. AllId he again stressed Lin~a and Saney Gaw.ura. Also Sallie Hicks, Marcia Johns andthe tmportan~e of the family in welcomed this year, is Raul Diane Tutag.

: providing worthwhile things to -------------------------------------------------------------------do-together. I

"In the SUmll1er we're for-tunate," he said, and praised theefforts of the War Memorial andthe Neighborhood Club. He in-

I ~icated in addition the four orfIve centers currently operatingwhere students can dance, etc.

In conclusion, Mr. Gerichacknowledged that the generalattitud~s of students at the highschool are wholesome.

"But you've got t? understandGrosse Pointe, too," he warned.With fathers having importantjobs, and both fathers andmothers out of town on business. 'Mr. Gerich feels that "childrenoften don't understand the reosponsibilities of parents."

eccceeeeeeeeccccceecQccccccecccccccccccccccecccccecccc.CCCCCeCCCcccccceeceeec •••••••••• ------

, I. • .'

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Page Three


$5 IIId $1.51



to the first 300customers who.visit our newcosmeticdepartmend

BOLD NEWBRUT FORME"for the most masculine maD

you know•••for aneI-sh'ave_.

after-~hower.... after an~g.StunD1.nglygift-boxed in handesome'silver.flashed bottl e-gt'eeD

decanters .... from FAIIERGE.

HALLMARK completePARTY LINENow for th L. •. e llrst tJ.mea compl~te se-lectIon of cards for all -" occasIODS,gIft wrapping, party favors,, stationery.

....•HALLMARK ...when you eareenough to send the very best'.

PRINCE MATCHABELLIIINDSONG COLOGNEWITH FREE PERFUMEHalf dram w- fu .r_r me purse dIspenserFree with e.lch 2 b. oz. otd~ of match-mg Cologne Parfumee •A Gift for You'............... $250•

.. ~":

. !

" ;. I


..,QUA~ITY.D~UGS SINCE 1888-: .- - .


4 oz, $1."15 8 oz. $3 PINT $5

BONNE BELL10-8-6 ,LOTION•••your face never had it so 1. c ean•••your skin is immaculatel 1. . y c ean,~tlSeptically clean, cleaner thanIt s ever been before Tbl'S .. aJ• onglnDoctor's prescription helps healas it cleanses your skin ••••useit first in the morning, last thingat night.

................... ",.'



CHANTILLY SPRAY COLOGNETouch the top d ..aD a c:ulhon littleperfume drops surround you with\U1forgettable Chantillythe fragrance that sayslovely tbings about you.

< ,'.




SHULTON LIMEAFTER~SHAVE LOTIONa brisk, ligh" refreshing scent inan elegant frosted botde ... bySiulton, makers of Old S "'pIce •••fa,mous toiletries for men.




laughing, lilting, flower-happy fra-grance is timeless as a dream ofsummertime-cooling as breezes offthe flower fields of Grasse(where it all began) W -B":''''. ear ..ue

Gress in ga:)' profusion every day,every way: shower it, powder its . 'pray It, mis t it, spend the summelflower-kissed in it! .

2 OUNCE age up


... q. -BATH OIL.•. S5

f.~'" .

..........~_ .

48 HOUR«:OLOGNE DEODORAN'Ta fine cologne combined with arevolutionary new ,deodorant with2-day.stopping power .... equallyeffective on every part of thebody... won't block sweat gland$.

• complete PRESCRIPlIOIt SERVICE • the finest

•Humidor fresh CIGARS and TOBACCOS


REFURBISHED fOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCEyour favorite in lInUOR ....chilled BEER imported & domestic WINES.....


,.~"., .

~.' ~... /.,





~abu, a heavenl)' 'fragrance at yourf1Dgerlips. It's that classic "Forbid-den Fragr ,. Tance • he expert blendingof rose and jasmin with precious muskand amber •. Ambush, a fresh, floweryyouthful scent. You'll level in ~he 'luxury uf these brilliant fragrances.Also available in 20 Carats.


All-PurpoSi:: Men's Lotion $2••• upJill-Purpose Spray Lotion ... $5Sba'!"c Cream ... $2 - Pre-Shave Lotion •••$I.50...IJI-Purpose Powder $1.50 - Deodorant •••$1Aerosol DcodoIant $l.&o - Soap •••$2

Thursday, July 22, 1965


IIf !'inr .\ttire for Men

i-7loptoR,..-0l1_.IG PODI"I'II


Thursday, _JuJy_!~,_1965

:',' Kiwanis clubs! \ (""lh .' ar(' ~. ~, s('rnn'" th ,'('r\'i~. 'I .. e pul)" ,e

" t' 1(' communities in .. 11(' and,l["C loc'lted \\ hlCh th, . ey

J c 'iT 2-8251JR5:9t1)6


r:d 'lith b", "I Ig V-B, powerI~IOUS gas savings too!II~e the F.I00 Pickup, at record.low pnces!

\0.0 :)LA~(..

. ~,'



Page 4: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1965-69/... · 2006. 1. 13. · -, - .... ~ - .. -..;. - .... - ...." --=.~ - ... - .... ~.' ~.-;;. -.' ~ I ews

Thursday, July 22, 1965


Thursday, July 22, 1965


2 boxes- $1(3 bar~ to a box)

:....s.....~J\.I"......•.~~~~.1, ,~L_.ih~', .' ,. '( ~-,..... .







Jacobsonspony skin.

Stock up on your favorite bath and

complexion soap now at a great saving

... French - processed hardmilled cold

cream soap that lathers with ocearlS of suds

even in the hardest water, hot or cold ...

treats your skin to a silken softness. Bouquets

or rose fragrances.

Including prints and some


Sizes P,S,M,L.

acrylic pile fake furs with

the look of broadtail and

For dorm, home or travel, ..

special savings en toasty warm

dusters in a variety of styles

• fJO~

I SO,~p 0.•..- .

~------ STORE HOURS ------..,Shop Monday thru Wednesday 9:30-5:30

Shop Thursday and Friday Evenings 'til 9 p.m.

Closed Saturdays Thru August 7


Worn in Your Ea,



2 Lori.} Aluminum '19Roaf V."h! I"stall.dGUARANT.ED INSTAI.LATION

H. WOODS DU 2-4873


~ ... HEAR'"(, AIDS


17907 E. Warren TU 1.3(;00

I certificate, and the Bonos were

Buys Clothing :';F~~~;:-;:1.c~:~~E~Ii~~t~\=~"=-~~~-~:;:::1On Stolen Plate SIgned the !lame of E1J.za~ethlb. t' it

I S B f Eli beth Bono and showed the driver I f1 comIng even. forMrs. am ono, 0 za ------ ------ _ I':'" <::,:

N' d H lth se' court, call e d Farms police ~¥ : I~i\ The year's biggef>t ~:~ursmg al? .ea rVlce, Thursdoay, July 15, to report * AIIL II .'1 .' .. Ji Furn,'ture S a Ie rf:

th~ Do~e~tlc SCIence and Ma~. that her daughter Elizaoeth's * n' sf, apopp," .. i FA:'"ua TraInIng classes for publIc billfold with a Hudson's charge : at :t ! ?:: storts in ug~~t ot itschools, the G r 0 sse Pointe plate and heir driver education ~ Sf d. ( Sh ~ I ;{ Belmont Furnl,ure, mWoods Community Club, Men- certificate, ,was _~olen from;: II 10 amera Op:; ~< 20507 Mock Ave. Mtal Health Group, and Little Gros~ P?mte High sChooll: 20229 Mack Ave. : ' i1...,..~... . ;, _"",:,,_ .,:,=.}iLeague Baseball and Football. sometIme In June. On June 8, ~*******••••••• ~-k***In :;:';:':::::':.',:,:'o'o?:m&lii mlli:-:,:'t:'X:<-i~:-:~J ...;ffi,N

Under club auspices, buildingthe first library with the helpnf Wayne County, and the firstgymnasiwn used hy public andparochial schoolB, was com-pleted. In 1918, the first hos-pital WtllS started in a smallframe cottage which later be.came the much-enlarged ilCot-tage Hospital."

The building was used as acentral coordinating agency forrecreational projects, Pub 1i cWelfare office space, Civil De.fen s e, Athletic tournamentsand leagues, flood control andemergency fuel administration,special interest groups, volun-teer training programs, riflerange, summer day camp, andthe School for ExceptionalChildren.

Since June 21, 1962. theNeighborhood Club has beentemporarily situated at 710Notre Dame avenue. Mr. EdgarKrattli became Executive Direc-tor of the club after Mr. EI.worthy's retirement, and he in-stigated group work programsfor children with special needs .He and Miss ]ylasak carry onthe social work and recrea-tional activities in the GrossePointe schools and churches.

In 1928 Mrs. Alger had arummage sale to raise moneyfor furnishings. This proved sosuccessful that it has been car-ried on under the name of ThENeighborhood Thrift Shop andwas moved into the buildingformerly housing the libraryand on the Club property.

The Thrift Shop is the mainsource of income for the Cluband is supplemented by selfsupport for the recreational.program while the United Com-munity Services augments itssocial service program.

It was necessary to close theNeighbor.hood Club building onJune 21, 1962. After extensivestudy by consultant engineers .and a notice from an insurancecompany that the liability pro-tect.ion could no longer coveractivities in the building, theNeighborhood Roard deemed itbest to study the matter be.fore making any necessary reopairs.

The purpose of the Neigh-borhood Club is to provideneeds of familiel> of the GrossePointes and vicinity in thefields of health, education, wel-fare and recreation. After threeyears of consideration and ex-ploration of the best way tocarry out the original terms ofthe charter, the club voted tosell th'8 property to the GrossePointe Board of Education foruse Il5 a Community Recrea-tional Center, subject to courtapproval.


Farms Fire LossTakes Big Drop

The history of the Neighbor-hood Club s'eems especially ap-propriate at this time, with theGrosse Pointe Board of Educa-tion about to purchue the pro-perty.

Incorporated as the MutualAid and Neighborhood Club onJanuary 14, 1911, the club'sfounders planned to create anagency for constructive socialwork.

Jessie Hendrie was the guid-ing spirit behind the orip-nalorganization made up of GrossePointe summer people for per-man,ent residents of the com.munity. The Board of 24 ladiesfirst met at the Country Cluband elected Mrs. Russell A.Alger, president; Miss FlorencePond, secretary; and Mrs. W.Howie Muir, treasurer.

The club was first housed ina srnali frame building on Ri-vard boulevard. The secondbuilding and gymnasium was lo-cated on Oak Street until Ker-cheval avenue was expandedand the club was forced tomove to new quarters.

In 1927 the late Dexter M.Ferry, .Tr., gave eight acres inWaterloo avenue, and $150,000was raised by a popular dona-tion drive for a new communitybuilding.

The first Director of the clubwas G e 0 r g e Elworthy, whoserved until his retirement in1961. Miss Pauline Masak hasguided the recreation programsince 1933.

Some of the first activities ofthe club were either absorbedunder public adm~nistration orcarried on alone. There was the

The fire loss in the Farmsduring the first six months ofthis year showed a tremendou~drop, compared to the loss dur-ing the same period in 1964, ac-cording to a monthly report sub.mitted to the Farms council enMonday, .Tuly 19.

The report, prepared by FireChief M. William Masun, andFire Capt. Ray m on d Snay,showed that from January 1through June 30, of this year,the total fire loss in the cityamounted to only $9,090, tobuildings, contents and automo-biles.

From January 1through June30, 1964, the total loss to build.ings, contents and cars, by fire,amounted to $31,343.

The monthly report disclosedthat during the first six monthsof 1965, the Fire Departmentanswered 21 calls for residentialand commercial fires; nine forautomobiles; 28 miscellaneous;four false alarms; and threeMutual Aid calls to assist othercommunities.

During the first six months of1964, the number of responsesto residential and commercialbuilding fires was 18; car fires,10; miscellaneous, 37; falsealarms, four; call for assistanceunder the Mutual Aid Pact, one;and three Mutual Aid calls.

There were 52 utility appara-tus runs, other tha.n fires, and96 ambulance runs this year, as~ompared to 70 utility apparatusruns and 63 ambulance runsduring the first si.x months of1964.

Last month, the fire reportshowed, the Farms Fire De-partment answered three callsto residence and commercialbuilding fires; five car fires;eight miscellaneous, one falsealarm; and two Mutual Aidcalls.

Chief Mason said that the de-crease in fire loss is not onlyattributed to the efficiency ofhis department's personnel, butalso to the fire safety consciousresidents of the community, plusluck.

The chief said that the per-sonnel of his department are inconstant t r a i n i n g, especiallyduring the summer months,when the departmental man-power is very short because ofvacations. As a result. of this,those still on the job are givenin-service training to maintaintheir fire fighting skills at apeak.

.------ _b_lI __ ._a_lI_a_._II_II_a_'lI_o-1(~o_a_~~~ _._a_t_._II_._II...~.-c:~.-...o_II_n_lI__ ~:s_a_~_II_~I_ .~~:eTIA;';tt:~CO~~R~Hed '( • Fournier's Exceptional Sale of Fine Carpeting • i

Farms police to repi>rt 1lhrat he ,lost a brown leather wallet in All $ 95 Squarethe vicinity of !XL Glass Co. Plush Velvet Acrilan Colors 7. Yard Ion Mack avenue at approxi- Imately 12:30 p.m. ,Wednesday, C $ • Wool Carpetinlll, from $5.95 ,July 14. The billfold contained • Nylon arpeting, from 6.95 0 Ihis driver educ.tion certificate,a G.P. F-arms pIer permit, and }"/U' Ita M;,.""'. e'... .lJftVIII }r .......:,J...... ~ Ia Red Cross first aid certifi. 'U,lAJUu.JUUL .lAJLI..U,I''''' ',UJUUL£UlJL, Icate. It contained no money. iLater in the day, the Red Cross 1-1285 • Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. 'Til 9 p.m. •Clird only dwas strecovered h'1 ••• _. ._._._. '__ .JI front of a rug ore. ,

••• •.



2 door. Radio, heater.white w<.lls. washers. Com-plcte with new car war-ranty. $69 down. $39month.

$1,295'64 POLARA

2 dr. hardtop. 500 serIes.Automatic transmission.Power s tee r 1n it andbrakes. R a d I 0, he,lter,white wall tires. Completewith new car warranty.

$2,145NEW CARS SALES15205 E. Jeff'rson





For 30 yeor~ en the East Sict..


16437 E. War:en TU 1-4980We buy old gold, jewelry

and diamonds.

Police Arrest 3 History of NeigllborhoodCurfew V~olators Club Goes Back to 1911

Three 15-year-old Park boyswere arrested by Park police at3 a.m. on Sunday, July 18, andcharged with violation of thecurfew law, it was revealed byPolice Chief Arthur Louwers.

The arresting officers, Patrol-men Henry Wilson and RonaldPeplowski, said they were patrol-ing Windmill Pointe drive atBarrington, when they observedthe teenagers walking near thewaterfront park. When the boys

Isaw the scout car, they fled onfoot, but the policemen were

I able to capture one boy.I The captured bO~Twas takenI to the station, where underquestioni!1g, he told the officerswhere his two companions weresupposed to meet him. if allmade good their escape, The

;two runaways were fouud at the

I,location, and taken into custody .Wilson and Furtaw said.

I The trio told police that theyI had just finished swimming ini the Park's waterfront park pool

and were on their way home! when they were spotted.

2V2-lb. $198Foil Pan



18328MACK AVE.

In fact, we guarantee it!

We can keep yon in hot water.


_%~%%'\\'f"'M\\WhWo%\~ An electric water heater is for theSATISFACTION ~ people who don't like to run out. of

~ hot water. We'rp. 80 sure you'll bke~ GUARA.NTEED ~ one, we guarantee your satisfaction-~ r."'" DETRCREDISON ~ for a whole year! What do we mean~ \~L./ ~ by 8Rtisfaotion? Simply this: If you~%%\'fl\%\\\%\\%WNmnWfJt; don't get all the hot water you want,when you want it. you. get all your money back, including any youmay have spent on installation. And i.t doesn't matter where yaubought your electric water heater. The Edison guarantee stillapplies. No strings attached. Fair enough?


~8.Average-size families with eleotric water heaters payas little as $3.88 a month - a standard rate - for hotwater. Howmuch are yo~ paying?


Always FrGsh All Beef



Rump Roast



Home Grown Peas


Page Four


Ham LoavesReady to Bake


Seedless Grapes

Opportunity seldom knocks if I Few habits put a man on the~'ou are dressed and waIting. ,skids quick,::!' than insincerity.


(.7l0P/ORIt>- On .. 1lia• P~

II' Fil1l" .\ttire for Men

" Ki\\ alli~ clubs arc ~"'r'"" .Ire'" ('Itlh~, srn'ing the public'" 'he communities in which t~~~

,I~"(' In,au'd.

r -fT :;-8251


~S: 9 to 6

id. with big V-8, powernous gas savings too!ke the F.I00 Pickupa~ ;&}cord-Iow prices!

~o.O 'U~r,f

~.:.• owr.T1 ....

.,,~; ""'l.'"~'::~~':'%~..,• .$.:W.,ilt!;m.P1~"~~~~":';~:{.{'~::~>.; ..~.~'y./.-./" ,,',::";'~'.'


Page 5: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1965-69/... · 2006. 1. 13. · -, - .... ~ - .. -..;. - .... - ...." --=.~ - ... - .... ~.' ~.-;;. -.' ~ I ews

I..Page Five

TU 1-4096




$271 ,623,394.076,812,083.95









Convenient Branch Officesto Serve You





Robert J. Hatton. President



$ 18.293.510.833.804,812.28

Eliminates a flashgun entirely!

The fantastic new Instamatic 104Camera with FLASHCUBE

Open Thursday

Evenings 'til 9


17114 Kercheval Ave.

"In the Village"


Standard Federal Savings has earned 3 reputatiOft for strength. safelyand a~olute reliab.i1ity during its seventy~two years of sound, -,.etdynamiC gro~h. Smce 1893 we have paid" without exception. thehighest earnings on savings consistent with maximum safetySta~dard Federal is t~ay one of the nation's Jargest and strongestsavmgs and lo~n aSSOCiations.W~ invite y?U to shar~ Standan::f Federars safety.. stJengtb andreliable earnings OQ savings whicb are ..ow enjoyed br SO maaythrifty Detroiters.

LEN ANDERSONNew and used car sales.Eastside reside~t. 5 yearsFord Sales experience inthe Grosse Pointe area.e The Most Complete Facilities

in t!te Detroit Area


JUNE 30. 1965

~~ .

First Mortgage LoansF.H.A.-Insured _ ....G.I. Veterans' loans _Sta dard Mortgag& loans ....

Cash on Hand anci in Banks .U.s. Government and Federal Agency Obligations 5 ••

Stock in Federal Home loan Bank ••••••••••••••••••• ., ••••••••loans on Savings Accounts ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _Properties Sold on Land Contract ...Real Estate Held for Redemption .Real Estate Owned ~

BOARD OF DIRECTORSWalter J. L. Ray, Chairman of the Board

William H. Baldwi~ James B. OgdenO.car L. Bard Edward A. WarnicaW. Emerson Ctyma Robert F. WeberRobert J. Hutton Ormond S. W......

Totat ~ .-


rt rt


Standard Federal Buildings andEquipment. Less Depreciation •••••• _ •• "'•••••••••••••• _.

Prepaid Federal Savings and -loanInsurance Corp. Insurance Premium -. _ •••

Other~~ts •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

LIABILITIESSavings Accqu nts .

loans in Process ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Advance Payment by Borrowers for

Insurance and Taxes ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '••••••••Other Liabilities •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Specific Reserves ••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••General Reserves •••••••••••••••••• s .

Surplus ••••• _ •••••••••••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••••••••••


WO 3-4700


Lt. CoJ. Nichols Receives Award Iinspired his men in the further- and material assistanve to bothance of Thai.American relations a Thai school and orphanage.

Lt C I . . _ . M h' by establishing ~n active peo- Lt. Colonel Nichols joined the• 0 onel Wayne S. NIChols, servIce du.ing the perIod . a~ ! ple-to.people program. This reo Lake Survey direct from his

District Engineer of the U. S. 9 to Dee~mber 1, 1964.whIle he I sulted in fur n ish i n g mUCh-I service in Thailand and now reoAnny Engineer District, Lake was servmg as Ba~tahon Com-I needed medical assistance to sides in Neff road with his wifeSurvey, was awarded the second ~an.der, B09th ~ngmeer ~atal-Ilocal nationals and financial I and two children. •oak leaf cluster to the Anny hon (Construction), Un It e d . . -------- _Commendation Medal on July States Army, Thailand. His out- I .7 during a brief ceremony pre. standbg leadership and profes- !

sided over by Brig. ~neral slona.l competence contributed.Roy T. Bridges, Division Engi', immeasurably to the accomp.neer, at U. S. ,e.rmy Engineer !ishment of his unit's vital mis"Division, North Central, in Chi- soin in the construction of thecago, HI. 95-kilometer Bankok By-Pass

This medal was awarded to Road.Colonel Nichols for meri~orious In addition, Colonel Nichols




since 1893

City COltncil ProposesAme,"(lme'nt to Charter

in Leland104 W. RIVER ST.

(Old Print Shop Bldg.l

SomethiCig Newand Different


Ileadi ••gNorth,

Pause a Whileand




DEL HURD'Sin Gaylord


Extensive Selections of Colorful Items - All in Excellent TasteFrom the Best DOl'l1estic and Foreigr'\ Sources




Thursday, July 22, 1965

Wassell Detroit Co.

Her. is 0"ellcitingonnou!1cement! Yourpiono now can becomea ployer piano in just afew seconds with the newDYNAYOICE PORTABLEPIANO PLAYER. You simply set the DYNAYOICEon your piano keyboard, put on your fovc>rile piano rolls,plug it in and sit back to enjoy Y'lur favorite pionomusic. Thousands of tunes are available, from the oldestold time favorites to the latest shOWtunes. To see ",is excitingnew DYNAVOICE PORTABLE PIANO PLAYER, call882-4729 for a free home demonstrotion on your own piano.




Gayiord - leland I

i.p p••• ~~.~~.~.~~~. =..~.~~~.,~~~~~~:~..~~~::..~~~:..~.I.~~.•~~~~.~:..~~~:~~ ~I

:' •••••••••••• " ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••••• " ••••••••••••••••• ..-•••••••••••••••••••••••• "II1II, ..------------ ~~--_._------------_._---------------p

;f ~ 1 THIEF STEALS TIREIt Allhellstilla . I • Robert Burton C'f 2016 Loch.: POPP," t I ~oor bO\lleva~d, told Woods po... at • lIce that whIle his car w~s: Sf d'o ( Sh ~ p~rked in the drive alongside.. U I amera Op. his house during the night of: 20229 Mack Ave ~,Tuesday. July 13, so m e on e Grosse Pointe City councilmen rectors of the James S. Holden~**************** ...:"*•• I broke into the vehicle and stole passed a pro p 0 sed charter Company informed the Council!

~ I the spare tire and wheel. amendment to be put on the bal- that they were unable to grant'---~~.-- ~--.~---- ------ lot in the November 2 general the city's request for the exten-

f@'jE1IyWIiJBb!!!!!551l(lm===r'==niU'GJ'=UDi1f:1!j1electionattheir July meeting sian of the land contract pay-l!J ... ~ I ~onday night. ment in the amount of $30,000


EJI' ..-OINTE •• TBA.RF ~I The amendment would allow due in December of 1965..... j I. the two present justices o~ .the The cut-off funds were going

18310 Mack at McKinley in the Farms peace tfl serve as murucIpal to be diretted toward a resurf-m EI judges for the remainder of acing and repair program of all


Cony Out and Home Delivery Only ~ their terms which expire in the municipal parking lots. TbisTU 5-4453 _ TU 5-4790 November 1967. program, of necessity, will now

This action was taken in ac. be deferred until the summer ofe Op.n 7 Days 0 Week 4 p.m. to 9-10 p.m. El cordance with a provision of the 1966.

~ ~

new Michigan COI;LStitution which During the next few months :• Broiled Fresh Water and Ocean F;sh IFileted) terminates the office of justice c~rtain leases an~ ?ptions rela: I

• Broiled Live Moine Lohster and Lobster Tails. Hot King Crab of the peace five years from tIVe t~ the mun~cIpal parkingE1 • Frie~ Jumbo Shl'imp, Seafood Plate, Scallops and ~E1now. Rather than wait o.ut the lan~ WIll be a subject of council


FreSh Lake Perch I five-year per i 0 d, councilmen I r~Vlews. At the direction of thethought better to abolish the of- CIty Manager, Rutten. Welling

• Fresh Fro, bgs, Steamed Clams, Cooked Shrimp, flee now. and Co. has prepared a stud"Clams on h Shell JE1 m. . . relative to the ownership of the


• Prime Tenderloin Steak ~ WIth the exceptlOI;! of the VII- land utilized by the municipal• T d I' S k lage of Grosse Pomte Shores parking system The study '1"1£in er o,n tea So"dwic!l, Fried and Broiled Chjc~!!n, d G P . t C't 11 th . WISpeghe"i, Yeal Cutlets an ro~se O.I~e 1 y, a e hopefully be an effective tool in

E1 EI othe: .Polll~e CItIes already have assisting the council in its de-'


• • 8eefburgen, Cheeset-urgen, Hot Kosher Corned Beef ~ mUnIcipal Judges. terminations.

All 't.ms listed Mery Be Ordered II la Carte or as D,.nners As municipal judges, the pres- ----,---ent justices of the 'leace will

EI Dinners 'ne1C1'.1, French f,ies or Baked Potato, Slaw, ~ have increased jurisdbion. For TREATED FOR CUT HAND


'011, Terrterr or Cocktail Sauce, Drawn Butter, lemon 1111 instance, they will have the Farms polk-e received a callIII power to conduct cl retrial which from the Lee Allen residence

SAVINCS ON FAMILY SIZE ORDERS rn a justice of the peace is net al. in Moross road July 13 con-E1 E1 lowed. cerning an injury. H 0 r ace

~r---------------------~~ John Cantwell. City Clerk, Allen, 9, ran his right hand

Broiled Prime Tenderloin rn will file the proposed arnend- through the glass part of theO"e Inch Thick Steak I!J mt-nt with the Wayne County back screen door while play-

E1~. ~ Clerk prior to September 16 so ing, cutting his palm. OfficersSlow, Roll, Fries at .. ) ., 0 J BId J h F I.~:-.. _', I it can appear on the November oe e anger an () n aT' ey ~

_ ..., ballot. transported the boy and his i

mother to Bon Secours where:E1 Tenderloin Steak Sandwich EI Another mat tel' taken up he was treated by Dr. Ganzales.1

~ ~

which was continued from last51. ~.. month's meeting, concerned Lee... ,. Realty eo.'s request for devia-

EI EI tion from provisions of Ordi-


. Summer Snack ••• Kosher Corned Beef ~ I nance NO.6, regulating signsSandwich and Shrimp Cocktail and banners and the posting of

card s and advertising. Last


E1. 51.4.~ ~E1I' month, the company was 01'-

I ~ d.;red to pre~ent an acceptable... ..1 sign at the July meeting, or else

it would be ordered to removeEI d the present one immediately.~aalii ==!5EJIEI""'I-""""'~IEJI...-..--'8=1 ===::18='===::18~'~~G~IEI=:!I James L. Hulet, representa-~-------_ ...-~- -. ------ ---------.--~------ tive for the company, described

the new sign which will elim-inate advertising on two of thethree walls of the Mack avenuebuilding which are presentlypainted. The requested sign is299 sq. ft., still about eight timesthe 35 sq. It. limit prescribedin the ordinance, but a third ofthe footage is the original sign.

The white lettering in themiddle wall of the present signwill remain but the backgroundwill be toned down from red togray.

I. . The Council approved the newsign.

. Hulet agreed to the addedstipulation that the subject beup for review in four )'ears asto whether the sign should bealtered.

Councilmen agreed to grantfour-year permits ot other estab-lishments requesting them. How-ever, the four-year limit is max-imum. If maintenance needsarise before the permit's expira-tion date, the matter will be sub-ject to review at that time.

This stipulation limits theconditions of the present per-mit which allows that the ap-proved signs remain until theyshould be alteree or re-paint~d,no matter how long that may be.

The limitation was made withthe ultimate expectation of reoducing signs in the whole area

I to a size nearer the prescl'ibedfootage. .

The City Clerk was also di-rected to send a letter to the

882-4729 :Business Association claerly de-'I fining the sign ordinance.

A letter from the board of di-•,II




_e_ ........_..-~IIIIi,i,iII..........:.





:es- $1to a box)


yeM'~ h''J(JC''t•i t '-l rr Sol f'

; in AU9lJ,t G\

ant Furnl~urc,


'ng event!



5 SquareYard

m $5.95


md thr R()IW~ wcrl.'f! mprrhan<!I'"~i.,:M;


~~Itan Detroit

July 22, J 965

Page 6: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1965-69/... · 2006. 1. 13. · -, - .... ~ - .. -..;. - .... - ...." --=.~ - ... - .... ~.' ~.-;;. -.' ~ I ews

Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 22, 1965 ThLJ

















• 196



Wnil,of FIE!severeacciden


72° cool.

72° warm.

Gas air conditioninl from the same hot air register? That'sright, just add a G8S air conditiol'.er to your present forcedair heating system. And there'll never be a better time than

now to do it.Because in addition to selling you a unit and installing it,

we'U give you up to five years to pay for it right on youri monthly gas bill. Down payments are low and terms are easy.

Besides that, with Gas air conditioning you !Jet 8. free springand fall check-up on the unit and our special reduced summerrate on all gas used in all of your Gas applianc.es.

Sound good? Wait'll you feel it! Ahh ... you and all thatI cool. clell~. pollen.free, dehumidified air looki~g out~i~e at

Ii the hot, sticky world around you. And a Gas aIr condlttoner

I costs much less to operate than any other central systems.I Call us or your heating and Gas air conditioning contractorIi for details. UVE MODERN ••• FOR LESS ••• WITH GAl




Mack neor Lod:moorJ.Herson E. at Copll"

16745 E. Warrenat lipo,KeR, -t Wiliffie,

19670 Sherwood "ear E. Oua, Dr.

BIRMINGHAM115 S. Woodward

MI 7-1177Eves. Mon. Only

NowBe One Of

The"In Crowd"


• Comet.$5 a DAY

• Mercury •$7 a DAY J'~e

• Lincoln.$12 a DAY ~~f.

At Manufacturem Bank you have more time to make your deposits orto ammge for a loan. Manufacturers makes all kinds of loans for anyworthwhile purpose: Personal Loans-Home Improvement Loans-Auto and Marine Flnancing-Mortgages. That"s why thousands ear."Manufacturers, that's my baDkf' Make it yours.

Summer Hours:

Smiley Brot.

A timelyreminder:.-

instant PIANO!

DETROIT5510 Woodward

TR 3.6800Eves. Mon. & Wed.

Custom built: Exclusive with Smiley Bros .... Ourown full 88-note keyboard console, 40" high, withALL NEW, exclusive TRlwART expression player ...Beautifulty styled in French or Italian Provincial in 3hand-rubbed finishes ... See and hear it today orjust fill out and sene us the coupon below for in-formation.~~~I_D_'~~~II NAME .. . . iL~~~_c_ J_....-cl_D_fl_a_a_a~._~~.~ ~~~~

.~UTO RENTALS• Weekly• Daily• Monthly

l.eosing (up to 3 yrs.) All Makes

INJURED FOOTCity police officer Beaupre

took Kathleen Carpenter, 10 of502 Lincoln road, to Bon secoursHospital Tuesday, July 12, from Ithe waterfront park, for treat-ment of an injured foot. I


) SASI;f. lNC (

• Aluminum orEnameled

• Porch fnclosures• Jalo!Jsi~., Screen Porche.• Awning Windows• Aluminum Siding• Awnings

17328 Mack Ave.Thr .. Blocks EOlt of Cod.,.

TU 1-6130

Storm Windowsand Doors

We Repair StormSash and ScreelU


MARGARET E. FITZGERALDServices :or Margaret E. Fitz.

gerald, who died. Monday, July12, were hely Thursday, July 15at Verheyden's Funeral Homeand St. Ambrose Church. Inter-ment was in Mt. Olivet.

Miss Fitzgerald, 78, was bornin Mt. Pleasant, Mich. and diedin Bon Secours Hospital. Shelived at 1050 Lakepointe.

Sur\'lvors include two sistersMrs. Alice F. Sargent and Mrs:George Whittier.

* .. '"


O B I T (J • H I 'IV S Vandals smashed a $500 win.~ r.... 'I dow on Monday, July 12, that_ had been installed in a new res'

JOHN A. SOWINSKI ciety. taurant under CQostruction at iA self-employed radio techni- Mrs. Berry was also a mem- 19299 Mack avenue, according I

cian, Mr. Sowinski die;J Friday, ber of the Society of Engineers' to information given to Woods IJuly 16, in st. John's Hospital. wives, an active airplane pilot, police by Fred Scheurman, 36,He was 57 years old. and member of the 99's. foreman for the construction

Born in Poland, he lived at ~he belonge~ to the Grosse I company. Scheurman said that19888 E. Williams court. POInte Memonal Chur('h. an object was tosspd thrcugh

'Mr. Sowinski is survived by Her husband, J. Leslie Berry, the 6x15.foot plate glass on thehis wife, Irene; and a sister, and a':l aunt, ¥rs. Richard E. II Bournemouth side of the newMrs. Stephanie Karolewski. Scherhng, survIve.. building.

services were held TuesdayHe was a member of the t 11 t V h d • I ------a a.m. a er ey en s. A man's conscience often

Knights of Columbus. St. Pat- Acacia Park was the place of I loses when temptation arises.rick Council. ..burial. i _Funeral service.! were held

Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. at theA. H. Peters Home and at 10a.m. at Our Lady Star of theSea Church.

Interment was in Mt. OiivetCemetery. .

'" '" '"

NITA BERRYMrs. Berry, a resident of 60

Lake Shore lane, died FridayJuly 16, in Harper Hospital. '

She was born in AlexanderW. Va., and war 68 years old:

A founder of the Detroit In.

Istitute of Musical Art, she wasa violinist on the faculty for a

I number of years. She was anactive member of the l'uesdayMusicale for over 40 years, and;vas a member of the nationalmusic sorority, Delta Omicron.

Active in the Theatre ArtsClub, she also participated inthe Fine Arts Society of De.troit.. She was past president of the

Women's Association for theDGtrcit Symphony and a char.ter member for the newly.form-ed Women's Committee for theGrosse Pointe Sympb?ny So.

CLARA J. SUINOMrs. Suino, of 707 Roslyn

road, died Saturday, July 17.She was born in Madisonville

Kentucky, 51 years ago. 'Survivors include her hus.

band, Bernud V.; her motherMrs. Giles Hewlett; two daugh:ters, Mrs. James Gunnis and

IMiss Gloria Daniels; fourgrandchildren; five brothers,

I P.randley Ashby, Robert, Ray-

Imond, Aubrey, and SammyHewdt.

Funeral services were fromthe Verheyden Funeral Homeat 9:30 Tuesday to St. Paul'sChurch at 10. A rosary washeld Monday evening.

Burial was in Mt. Olivet.'" .. '"

TU 5.1566


BlueberriesPi~ta '1°0

Cudlip HonoredBy Fellowship

The new fellowship is a me-morial to the late Robert S.Cudlip, of Detroit and GrossePointe. and was established byhis family and frinds. He was

i a victim of leukemia .! Fellowships ~f this type arei impor~ant, Dr. Murphy says, be-i cause they make it possible toI rapidly explore new leads as; they develop, thus acceleratingI the pace of research.





• MilANI •

Low Calorie Dressing.~O.,'lott" 3 5 C



Home Grown



Lie. 33 Oz.



TW 1.1600




Fabric Softener1 Pt. 10 0..3~

HOME MADEMeat Loave. or




Sweet Pickles1j~' 4~ ea.

O:I~:ry You can always be sure of QUALITY FOODS at Verbrugge DFI;:ry

White S!'3g Water Skiis


Bendix Direction Finders

Canadian ChaffS


It is with great pride t!1at we announce the First Whittier Antique Fair,at the Whittier Hotel, 415 Burns at Jefferson, on July 27,28 and 29th (Tues-day thiu Thursday\. As you know, the Whittier is Detroit's most distinguishedhotel and has recently been redecorat~, m;)king it the most luxuroius hotelin the city. The most breathtaking renovation is the Fountain Room, whereyou may lunch beside a beautiful swimming paol, at gaily decorated tables.Not to be forgotten are the famous Gold Cup Room where lunch and dinneris served daily and the Pompei Room, featuring superb cuisine.

The Antique Fair, itself, will be held in the elegantly-chandeliered Crys-tal Ballroom where YliU may browse and/or buy in air-conditioned comfort.You will b2 able to select from a myriad of antique items; there will be rarebooks, paintings, china, picture frames, silver, Early American fumiture andaccessories, fine jewelry, post cards, buttons, bottles, coins, dolls-somethir"lgof interest for everyone in the family. All this and more wi!! provide a re-freshing respite from the summer heat.

Children under 12, with their parents, are admitted free of charge.

Be sure to mark t"'ese dates on your calendar-July 27, 28 and 29th;then call a friend and make a date for lunch or dinner at the exciting, newWhittier Hotel. The Fair will be open daily from 12:00 noon-10:00 p.m.,giving you plenty of time to enjoy all the luxuries offered at Detroit's most dis-tinguished hotel.

looking forward to seeing you on July 27th, 28th or 29th-at the Whit-tier Hotel Antique Fair.

The Pointes' Oldest Market898 St. Clair Ave., n•• r Mack TU 5-1565



Beef Roast


12140 Jos. CampCiiJ at Carpenter, Half.Mile S. of Davison

• Sperry Topside,.Safety Footwear

• Nautical Gifts


JULIA HARMSBorn in Poland, Mrs. Harms

lived at Grosse Pointe for 15years. She resided at 1969Fleetwood.

Mrs. Harms died Sunday, July18, !O Dea~ness Hospital at theage of 81.

.At Peters Funeral Home un.til 10 p.m. Tuesday, she was instate at S1. Paul's LutheranChurch before the Wednesdayservices at 1 p.m. Forest Lawnwas the place of burial. Call James Jenkins, TU 1.5000

SurvivoTs include her hus. "&J,band, Rudolph; a son, Alfred; ~and daughters, Mrs. RaymondRobh, Mrs. Auburn D. Stowell, IMrs. Fred Weston. Mrs. Richard I'Heyer; and TIili~ grandchildren.' I J 30 Ke"IIeval on tlte Hill

* ... '"FREDERICK C. RUSSELLStricken with sclerosis two

years ago, Mr. Russell diedSunday, July 18, in his home at1827 Littlestone.

A restaurateur and one of thefounders of the Mutual Invest-ment Club of Detroit, Mr. Rus-

TREE BROKEN sell was a board member of theFrancis Stratman, 51, of 2017 National Association ~f Invest-

I Lancaster, complained to Woods I ment Clubs when he dle~.

h h- h :police on Tuesday, July 13, that He was a partner 10 thet e. .p'S w gel, Inc. someone had broken a new tree Howard Johnson .restaurant at19605 Mack Ave. he had planted in his yard. He Mack and Vermer, and two

said the tree, one and a half ~ther Ho-yard. Johnson e.stah.Open Friday Nights 'til 9 TU 2-1340 inches in diameter and valued llishments 10 Flint .and Manetta,

____~ _ _ . ~~ ~ . a~ $17~~as br~~en in half. G~.er\'ices were held at 1 p.m.Tuesday in the Ebenezer Bap-tist Church. The body was atthe R. G. and G. R. HarrisFuneral Home and burial wasin Woodlawn Cemetery.

Mr. Rus~ell is survived byhis wife Eleanor; two children,Cathryn and Donald; his fatherFrederick Russell, and ~brother, Rev. Kenneth Russell.

... * '"


SEE •••


J1& WJU1liRA..

~~I HE aMI.CAt riiiliiil" I REPORTS THEFT

~ coming event' ~"l James Stouts of 1244 Mary.~ • ! la~d, called Park police on ~un.~ The year's biooest W: ,day, July 18, and told them that~ Furniture SO I. t someone bad broken into his Establishment of a fellowship~ stdrts in August at l' car, parked in froDt of _ his for. leu~emia re.se~rch at The~~ Belmont Furniture. ?; ,house, and bad stolen his one I Umverslty of ?r;fichigan by .the~~ 20507 Mack. Ave. ~f:,speed. 45.rmp record player in Robert ~. Cudlip Me m 0 rIa 1, 1: a chrome case. The loss is FoundatIon was anno,unced. re-id, . 1i: Ivalued at $73 , cent]y at the Regents meeting.r<i7!-'.4.}..wr~ ...:~' .___ .__ ~ .__ A gift of $5,000 will maintain

I the Rotert S. Cudlip Fellowshipfor two years. The award is to

, be made through the U-M Medi-i cal School for work in "virus

I,studies of human leukemia."

This work is under the direc.tio~ of !)r. William Murphy, as-sociate professor of microbio-logy and is carried out in co'operation with the departmentof pediatrics and internal medi-cine. Using special tissue cul-ture techniques, Dr. Murphy andhis associates have i Ii0 1ate dvirus-like agents from the bonemarrow of children with acuteleukemia.

The signifi~ance of this andI related work, Dr. Murphy says,I is that rather convincing evi.I oence now is accumulating to

Ishow that human leukemia maybe caused by a virus. The Uni-versit.y of Michigan is one of

-~~-~-~-------~------------I the major institutions in tilecountry now mounting intensiveresearch programs on this im-portant cancer of children andadults.


~.?"Z"S_IIR"'_.7"'7 •••••••••••••••••• ... 0...-_. _ •

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Page SevenMrs. Jaworski then parked her

car at a meter, and walked backtoward the damaged car. Thedriv~r of the car soon appeared,got into his auto. and drovenway. Mrs. Jaworski thinks thattht; driver did not realIZe thathis car was damaged.


14for 5699

Sunkist Lemons


4: 50-LB. BAGS525~




tlte finest!


Now in Prog ress

auto Saturday, July 17, with theright front fender of her '64-Dodge Dart while driving easton Mack avenue near Kerby.




STORE HOURS:Shop Monday thru Wednesday 9:00-5:30. Thursday and Friday 9:30.9 p.m. We will be closed all day Saturdays thro:.Jgh Aug. 7.

Fill your linen shelves now during our August White Sale ..•an exceptional opportunity to buy sheets, pillow cases, blank-ets, towels, comforters, bed pillows, table linens and otherhome furnishings at outstanding savings!

Reports Running Into Parked CarMrs. Jean Ma:ion Jaworski,

of St. Clair Shores, went to theFarms police station July 19 toreport that she struck a parked-----------------_._-----~---~ ,----- --


Sunkist OrangesSI

Getaloada this!


2 door. Radio, heater,white walls, washers. Com.plete with new car war.ranty. $69 down, $39 -month.

$1,295'64 POLARA

2 dr. hnrdtop. 500 series.Automatic transml.ssloD.Power • tee r I n g andbrakes. R a d I o. heater,white wall tires. Completewith new car warranty .

. $2,145NEW CARS SALES15205 E. Jefferson







GREENFIELD GARDEN & LAWN PRODUCTSGreenfi.ld Plant Food, 12l lb. Bag • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $4.95Green'l.ld Lawn Food, Covers 5,000 SII Ft. • • .. • • • : • • • • • • • • • $4.95Greenfiel~Weld and Feed,Covers6,. SII.Ft.. • • • : • • • • • • • • • $5.75Greenfl.ld Broadillf, Dandelion and Chickweed, Coverl 5,000 Sq. Fl. •• $3.95Gr•• nfl.ld Cra. Gr.a.n. Bro.dl ••• W•• d Killer, Covers 5,.Sq. Ft••• $&.95



MELDRUM &. SMITH17750 Mack Ave. TU 5.5433


Floods BlamedOn Parking Lot

BIKE TIRE STOLENBartlrold L"Cgato, of Lincoln

road, reported to City police onSaturday, July 17, that someonetook a chrome--rimmed, light tanrear !iTe from his 26" SChwinn10.speed bicycle. The simplelarceny took place at Neff Park.* ~ •••••••• ~i' Allhellstillapoppin' :.~ at :: Studio Camera Shop i~ 20229 Mack Ave. :'A'********************~

Six Washington road coupleswrote a letter dated July 13 toJohn Cantwell, Grosse PointeCity Manager, urging Councilaction on a matter concerningunsanitary sewer conditions.

The letter stated: "Up until acity parking lot was built on theback of our lots, flooding ofbasements had never occurred.However, since that time thehouses bordering the city park.ing lot have had their basements£looded with every heavy rain.Obviously, the manholes in thecity parking Jot are inadequateto handle the overflow of nor-mal rain. Consequently, we havehad to discard many valuableitems that were ruined withsewer wa.er, plus the time-con-suming job of scrubbing andshoveling fiith from our base.ment floors.

"The homes not bordering thecity parking lot llnd the homesacross the street have neverflooded. This is certainly proofthat the trouble rests in theCity'S parking lot sewer system."

Those signing the letter wereWilliam G. Blenmans, the Er.win Koning'S, the Glenn W.Mauls, the Orner L. Denomme:>,the John C. Leonards, and theB. Fedoraks.


rJ 2-5778



• •

POINT OF VIEWOnly an optimist has fore.

sight enough to lay by a littlesunshine for a rainy day.

Fraternity PaysLindahl Honor

Youths ConfessTo Car Thefts

Last seen in front of a housein Stephens road, a car ownedby John Winans, of Lincolnroad, was reported stolen toFarms police on Saturday, July17. The keys had been left in.side the car, a '65 Ford Galax.ietwo door hard top with a darkgreen bottom and vinyl top.

Later, while cruising on Mackavenue, l,>olice observed thestolen car in the middle of theroad on Shelbourne. The keyswere inside and it was out ofgas.

An unidentified woman statedshe saw a boy, abOut lS.years.old, with curly hair, leave thearea a short time before policearriv(;d.

An hour later, two boys, bothminors, were seen standing infront of the Stephens addressfrom where the car was origi.nally taken.

One of the boys admittedstealing the car and confessedthat his companion had beenwith him at the time.

Accompanied by still anotherminor, the boy al~o admittedtaking a car owned by Williaml'.'Iuir on July 10. Stolen from76 Cloverly road, this secondcar was recovered the next daysitting in front of a Stephensroad home.

L. K. Lindahl, chairman ofthe board of the UdyFte Corpo-ration, has been named a "Sign-ificant Sig" by the executivecommittee of Sigma Chi frater-nity. The award was made toMr. Lindahl, 910 Harcourt road,as one "whose achievementshnve hrought honor and prestigeto the name of Sigma Chi."

As recipient of the SignificantSig medal, Mr. Lindahl was hon-ored by the fraternity's GrandChapter at its recent conventionfor 1965 in Deaver, Co!.

In addition' to the Sigw.a Chimedal, Lindahl received a certi-ficate of citation which fully de-scribed the reasons for his se-lection for the honor.

It was under Lindahl's vigOT.ous and visionary direction thatUdylite grew from a smallchemical processing company tobecome world leader in themanufacture and distribution ofa wide line of plating and othermetal finishing products. Theseinclude many proprietary platingbaths, automatic plating andelectrical equipment, and a com-plete !ine of supplies and ac-cessories required by the elec-~roplating industry. Today, UJ'l_-der Lindahl, rthe firm serves cus-tomers in the U.S. and some20 foreign nations.

Lindahl, during his collegiatecareer, was a member of theKappa Kappa ehapter of SigmaChi at the University of nIinois .

Lindahl, a native of Chicago,is also a member nf the MasonicOrder (Shrine) and a Past Presi-dent and Honorary Life Mem-ber of Detroit's Recess Club.During World War I he servedin the Marine Corps.

An ardent outdoorsman, Lin-dahl devotes much time to hisranch in Arizona when he's noton the job at Udyilite where hekeeps an office and secretaryalways at "ready".

He i~ -very active in the regu-lar conduct of the company'sbusiness being its chief repre.sentative in foreign negotiationsand the most popular speakerat Udylite's annual sales meet-ing.

Americans of note who havereceived the Significant Sig A-ward in the past include GeorgeAde and Hervey Allen, authors,Roy Chapman Andrews, explorerand naturalist, Martin Flavin,playwrite and novelist, U.S.Senl\tor J. William Fullbrightand Barry Goldwater, 1964 Re.publican candidate for Presi-dent.




Strictly FreshWhole


TU 2-5777

Chuck Roast


LANG~S(JiL/.cupL ?rIJuzLL

• No Charp for SpectatoJ1• Come In Elrly •• ,We Open

It Noon• We Rent cars for You to Drive

Enjoythe thrill of


RACING. ~~",.'"America's newest .~~~IlHIlU

family hobby sport

Air ConditionedMOTOR CITl~



Although no complaints havebeen issued yet, a Pointe teen.ager was assaulted on June 18.

Jack Gajewski, 19, of Gray-ton road, and Joseph Reed, 19,of Lincoln road, were returninghome from a closed party inthe Farms when they wereforced to pull over to the sideof the road at Harvard andVernor by two carloads of boyswho had been following them.

A..--medwith a tennis ra~ket.Jack got out of the car tostraighten the matter out. Theanonymos assailant reached forthe racket and beat Jack overthe head, breaking the racket.As soon as JLIck began to de-fend himself, the other youthsunloaded from the cars andjumped the lone Pointer .

Besides losing some teeth,Jack suffered facial injuriesand a cut lower lip.

After the attack, Jack andJoe went immediately to Parkpolice and made a report.

Through investigation, ParkDetective James La Pratt ob.tained the names of 10 boysthought to be involved.

Latel' :n people were calledin to a conference held at theWayne County Prosecutor's of.fice. The group included wit.nesses, suspects, and the vie.tims.

So far, no decisions have beenmade in the case. Pf'llding fur-ther inv~stigation, the namesof the boys questioned are be.ing held .

Assault CaseHanging Fire













VA 1-0373 I




Excellent ,election ofLowrey, Klmb.lI, Story & Clark

PI. nos and OrgansNo Payments 'TII Aug. '65

22933 GRATIOT]"2 Bloc-ks N. of 9 MilePHONE 775-8000

Open Dally 10 to IISat. 9 to 6

Closed Sunday

19, at the Gill Glass Cl. on Mack , F. d SIC .ave~~ue. Gill w~ transported to I In to en arBon Secours Hospital by City 1Mb F. ldpolice. n acorn Ie

Peter A. Grarcey, pI Alla.rdavenue, called Farms policeSunday, July 18, to report thatsom~ unknown person had sto-len his car out of the garage.

The car, a PonUac Lemansconvertible, silver blue in colorwith a black top, and red linetires, had the bill of sale andregistration inside.

The next day Lt. Kolomjeckfrom the Macomb County Sher-iff's department, reported thatt:~e car had been recovered ina field and was towed away.



Alto Club help!

It ,;osu just a dime to call AAA roadIlervie and less than a nickle-a-day toenjo~ all Auto Club privileges.


Sur« your new car may not break doWl'J.But,_it may run out of gas, have a flattire, 'get stuck in the snow, boil over inthe nunmer, or even get locked-up withthe ieys inside. Then, you need help.Deptpdable, handy, considerate help.

l'I've got B new car,so who needs Auto ClubRoad Service}"

A member once said:

Profelsiona~ Gunsmith Servicevpen 9 to 6 ••• ~Iues. and trio 'til 8 p.m.


GROSSE 'aNTE DIVISION15415 t. J.ffenonPHn"2l..aOOO

GeOfT1t Mt3el, M(J7Iager

14250 E. Warren at Lakewood

Whyte OldsillobileUSED CARS



Modern We/nut Spinet . _._. 495.00 395.00Early American Maple Spinet . . 575.00 495.00Traditional Walnut Spinet . __.__..__575.00 495.00French Pr(){inciai Spinet _ __ _.. 695.00 575.00Itollon Pro'incial Walnut C-:>nsole __. 795.00 695.00


Kimboll Pbyer Orgon " . ... . ..17:.0.00 1495.00Baldwin SDinet, Used ..... . . . 1100.00 588.00Lowrey I-bliday, Used ._ ... ... 925.00 695.00Thomas Walnut, Used _ _ . . 995.00 495.00Lowrey H.llday Deluxe Organs. used only in Detroit Public andParochial Schools since Jan., 1965. Saye hundreds of dollars 011these orgms with a new factory guarantee. But Hurry . • • only af~w left!THESE AlE ONLY A FEW OF OUR NEW LOWER PRICES. SHOPTHE M:J51C CeNTER ••. OV!;R 100 PIANOS AND ORGANS ONDISPLAY

VA 1-5000



B. McDANIEL GUN SHOP 15~:l~:~~:yalGrosse Pointe'. On Iv GUT, Shop

Thursday, July 22, 1965

1963 OLDS 98 Holiday Sedan -$245

1964 OLDS 88 Holiday Coupe $260

1963 OLDS 88 Holiday Coupe - $195


• 1963 OLDS 98 Holiday Coupe $195

1~61 OLDS 88 Holiday Sedait $145

1962 OLDS 98 Holiday.Sedan $165

1964 OLDS 98 Holiday COnvertible _$245

1963 OLDS 98 Luxury Sedan, factory• ir-conditioning, full power $250

1964 FORD XL Hardtop, four on thefloor ----- _ --------$175

While at won, Alexander Gillof Fleetwood. drive, receivedsf'Vcre cuts on his right leg. Thea~_~~nt OI.'Curred Monday, July








air register? That'syour pres~nt forced

it' a bpt!f'f time than

mit ,mo installing it,ior it right on your

\' and tprms are easy.you get a free springciill rrduced summerpliances.... :pu (lnd all that

ir looking outside atR Gas air conditionerr central systems.nditioning contractor. FOR lESS .•. WITH GAl



--------- ,

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MqtliEturntakEgamnywin,a \lo,reliea Is.:>fourn

bigg!KingchoicJoh'!base~on thcamecd, rkstrable tHowl

Thlwerefourt!singlEinnin!Dan (

ThEwas trepr('~comir:Ernieis inDonn~cameruns.Dou;::

Thethe ~on W,filledCardsTompitchelinning:kstra Efor thEler. wI'the Tipitchinterrificb~;t COt

nal offDan

the gai'cored\\ as athat w(also hitOtherwere D,B:'uce I-

Big heluded ~Doug pi

At thE~rr. Ch.Woods.Spresent(nals wi!Trophy.



On FJWoods,tough .'1.Districtwere s(

score ofDa\'e

Gary E,('(lhan.J sea allHodgesboys hadunablefor a himanagedAnoy BrThis elircans fro

..\1:"0 (Pointe Vstartedan im~lnAnse CIGrosse Fti"e 7. IPagato \\He pitchas he alstruck 01walked t

Tom Hfirst inni!Gary Pawalked,sluggerblasted ain two rinning.home anfouris raanother rI~' Gregrun.

Thereuntil theShakotkoous hemning Bohentuallyon errorsduring thhad a sin


Autornoti\move agaisemi.finalHarperPointe Wa Score ofBlohm antiller andproud oflOoking fwith a stteam.

In theGrosse Pgame, Boney singlto score.Spike 0'runs camning Tofirst onand camsingle bvfourth intied th(>and an c

The tierun of thu.tLh'



CASUAL furniturl

Thursday. July 22, Iqb5

-except Si~rs ond Grcmd f_


20% to 600/0 OIFI,N,E


Woodard 5-pc:. di ...... 30Jt50" IlIble ....l.mpered gloa top and " sid'; choirs. ..l!oclt in Garoetlia irOft with AvaJ,do seotl.,

1."-$139.99Woodard "Mayfield"' 3-pc. sectionol. Gar-denia irocs with Avocado evlhi... or CeilBlue with White plastic: Ii"... cullans ....•

1."-$159.99~')tching arm choirs, sprirog ~iIs CI8cI~ables all sel. priced I .Ficks Reed 5.pc:. rattail groupa 3-pc. _tional, anft chair and corn.,r ta~ R~.hle, polyfoo.. zippered CVlhi~ .

1...-$' ..6-pc. Philippi. rotto. growp: so,,"2 Iovngechairs. (reversible MOt attd bod c:ushi_l.2 end, 1 cockta;! table. Wllinut ~ N.ltvroL'

"'~-$1S'."$329.95 6-pe. GuDo wrowght ... orO"P'sofa. 2 .r. dtairs, 2 end. 1 al1al1 toble.Black iron ••• Sponisb design ~ • .,Iega ..red Of blue priryf .,. _•.•••• 1I.1IE-$279.99$1.f.95 Ratfott lamp tobl. i.... lttvt ini.....ith plootic top ..... B,N,E-$9." lab witt.$1.f9.95 7.pc. outdoor .48" nU...n lahl.with umbrella hol. ond 6 chairs!i" 3 ~~benchl!S, Jooe or White ..... 1.-$119."


TO 40'% Off :

B Birmingb." st~N Northldtl st~E EostIa.c ...




to the many Resident Business and ProfessionalPeople who contributed to the success of our annualIndependence Day C('.lebration.

Kiwanis Club of Grosse Poi.nte, Inc.




display ond floor samples

20% to 60% OFF

YES! 4% on all Saving AccountsYES/ Free Checking Accounts




FAMOUS NAME BEDDING some discon-tinued models. lome slightly loiled and/or damaged covers. some mis-ft1otdted.Mony sizes ond models. a.H.E

24% to 500/0 OFF

216 FINE TABLESAND OCCASIONAL PIECESBY HERITAGE, BAKER. DUNBAR, HEKMAN,UNf. AMERICAN .. 20% to 48~. OFF-B,N,EMotorolo Hifi cabinels (hi<abinet, cocktoi1tabl. and wall cabinet designs) ••• fullyguoron,.ed. were $1182.00 to $1353.00".

SALE $949.00 to $1099.00$"2.95 to $134.95 American's "Pro<enio"collecrion. Bleached walnut ccKktail, cigll-rette. snack tables and commodes (...ot onpieces of 011 itores) ••..•. $29.99 .. $99.99

$,(19.00 5.pc. IIOfin wolnuf conlemporarygrovp by Ameticon. Double elre"tH". mirror,chest, ICing size hdbd., frame and 1 nighttoble ••.......•...•...•.••• 1:-$219.99$1097.00 Heritag. "Modc.yanti" Italic.grC:lp in Fr(;:"",,ood. Triple dreuer, mirtor,ekeot. simulated gold leaf lCing'lize hdbd.and frames •............ , .... 8-$879.99$688.95 Contemporary group by Thomas-ville in burnished Cheltnut. 76" triple ",feoser,lorge upright mirror, doorchest, 2 nighttables, full or Queen size hdbo. and frames


Jefferson at Alter RoadMack at Warrell

AU deposil$ insured up to $10,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


~ ~


We list but a few of the floor pieces available. We have thousands of others.





$1113.00 7.pc. contempor"ry group byJohnson of Grand Rapid.. Oil Teak andWalnut. Buffet with closed china deck .. senior.xt.nsiOlt table and 4 side chuirs .1-$799.00

$928.50 9.pc. Tronsirionol Pecan group byAm.ricon. large buffet and hutch, 42",,6 .....recto ext. toble (ext. to 100"), " ~ide and2 Drift chairs with C'Ilrte backs and foam seats


$93".00 7-pc. ClDnfe.. porary _Inut groupby A",erlcon. Buff.t, hutch, .xtension table,3 sid. and lor. chair E-$649.99

MORI! THA~ 50% OFF ON THOMASVillE'S"DIMENSION" OINII'oIG ROOM GROUPS INMOCHA (ebonized chestnut). 6 and 8.PC.GROUPS • • • were $659.50 to $878.00SALI $319." .. $419.99-a,N,E

$220.00 H.ritoge T.b o;hair with skirt.Choice of Gold/Gr~D OC" all_ bemberg, ...


$169.00 Voll.y high back o«osionoi chair.Pumpkin bemberg fobric •.•••. 1,N-$89.99

$181.50 Selig imp«ted Dani.It choir. Solidoil wolnuf exposed from •• Choic. of Rea,1a11V.ri .... "01'. Jade t-xturec1 fobric .......•

',N,£-$139.oo$705.00 Boker 1u.edo 0" IOfo. Rubberond down seats, aowa back cushion. Goldtextured damask ••.•.••••••••. 1-$599.00

$726.00 Heritage 96" lofa with solidCherry .xposed frome. Dac~ and foamcushioning. Gold matellou. • ',' . £-$499.00

$896.00 Dunbor contemporary lounge choir.Kelly green top groin leother •.. 1-$64'1'.00

$209.95 80" Itolian tufted back sofa with."poled Fruitwood frame. Beige or Goldc1amollt , .. B,N.E-$149.95

City to Host Diving Meet

By Mike GrangerThere's an old adage which

says, "Two's company andthree's a crowd." The Lochmoorswimmers "uncrowded" fir s tplace by edging the Detroit GolfClub lC5-151. "Accompanying"Lochmoor at the top are theWestern Swimmers, who arelikewise undefeated after threedual meets.

Highlighting the meet was therecord-breaking performance ofLochmoor's 200. Meter Girls'Freestyle Relay. The quartet ofPinky Sinclair, Kitty Wilkins,Lisa Beckenhauer and CherylGardner were ~ime.j at 2:06.2,breaking the previous record setby a Detroit Boat Club foursomeway back in 1960.

Lisa Beckennauer establishedan individual Inter-Club age .group record by breaking AnneWhyte's 1965 freestyle achieve'ment. Eleven-year-old Lisa wasclo~ked at 30.2, chopping over asecond off Anne's time. Lisaalso swam breaststroke in twowinning medley relays.

Pinky Sinclair pulled off themeet's biggest upset by defeat.ing Detroit Golf Club star, Phoe-be Bedford, in the backstrokerace. It was a rough night forPhoebe as Cheryl Gardner out-swam her in the freestyle race.Phoebe, though, did manage abutterfly victory.

Kitty Wilkins was unbeatablein the 13-14 freestyle race.

Pacing the boys' attack wereJim Godin, 14, and his youngerbrother, D. J., 9. Both boys wona pair of individual events, thefreestyle and backstroke races,plus little D. J. swam butterflyin the winning 9.10 medleyrelay.

Tommy Heholt turned in his:usual fine performance as he:won the 11.12 freestyle event..Tommy's 7. year - old sister,;Sussy, continued her age-groupdomination by winning the 25.}T1otnr frp<>"t"l"

Lochmoor BeatsGolf Club Team

'The City of Grosse Pointe I In the 16 years and over groupplays host for the seventh An- each competitor must do fourDual Inter-City Diving Cham. different dives. Ribbons will bepionship Saturday, July 24, at given for first, second and third12 noon, at the Norbert P. Neff place in each division.Memorial Park. Resi.dents of After the meet there will bea~y. of the Grosse Pomtes are a diving exhibition given by'JimeligIble. . . . . Wood from the City and Jack

.The . competitIon wIll' be dl' Kurber from the Farms.vlded mto three age groups. In. .the 12 years and under, and Entries ma! be obtamed at13-15 age groups each competi- ~ny .Park office. Return dead.tor will do three different dives. b~e IS Saturday, July 24, at the,. CIty Park.







Visit Our Showroomor Just Celli




OPfN SAT Till l' I'K>ON



I' ' "ROOF0 Wliiilow; Door, Baslmentb:: U R

...Os SOREEN s~. Ft. Prlu 9~We rllpalr & straIghten stul WIR'E ~LU~~'casements. Replacement hard. $4995war e availab.e. Kaiser Shade Screen 2Sc

TW 2.7800 111I.lr • Screen'\ • StorlllS64) •. 7 "'1. RD., NR. OAKLAND 11(.~_1~!w. ~ck U, an" D.llv.,. -








and Lee Marvin

with Jane Fonda



16835 KerchevalIn the Village

TU 5-1232



Open 9 to 5:30 Monday Thru Saturday


SHOPI'IERS SPECIAL tStainies') Iced Teaspoon






Do you prefer





F REiE PIC K U P AN'D DE t:1VE RY •• LA 6.3000


Have fundancing to the

4 Blocks Below 6 Mile Road13033 GRATiOT LA 6-3000




JUD.E~S .pluntatinn

24409 East Jefferson'If"..r'" 9 0-11 1 0 1,4.1,. 100dl

Reservations 711.Z110


, 4 Miles N. of Mt. Clemen.,1 West of Expressway

(Grosse Pointers Use Edsel Ford. :21 Mil. Rd. Exit w.lSKEET, TRAP, RIFLE AND PISTOL RANGES

OPEN EVERY DAYm New And Used Guns In StockI~ Pistols Start From $34.00


Iron Si hts Installed

Page Eight

I OP.r. lund.y. 10:00 to 4:00 'i Babe Ruth League IFarms Tankers;.~.wianDELI.VER '., --------------1 Win Over City

FARI\IS.CITY.PARK American Division and DOD. The G r 0 sse Pointe Farm

1-. On Order of $S or Mor. ',- GERS for the National Division. swimming team met and sound.By. Bill Stuck I d f t d th G P . t. R 0 SLy..... 10' In the National Division game y e ea e e rosse om eI I~ ! The American and National it was an extremt;ly close one City tankers in a meet held in'.: MAR K ET ','.Division Champs have been as the DODGERS got 1 run the City pool on Wednesday,

nanwd. The dust ha!\ settled. .. under 1 hit pitching by Rick July 14. The final score wasi Oldest in the Woods " but wasn't the week a "gorgeous Scavarda Rick also struck out Farms, 226; City, 74.

w{'ather week"? By the time 12. The GlA~TS' final score was One of the highlights of thei 21020 MACK at Roslyn Rd.' vou see this '.'cry possibly the 0 under 2-hit pitching by Wally meet was the mixed medley re-f TU 4.9821 ! i,t':lgue Champ will have been Marantette. Note: Late report lay. John Hammond beat out..._. __ .•. __ ._ ,_n_._.' decided.. feels was one-hit game for Micky Van on the first leg to

. Wedne~day first and second Wally too-ne\)dless to say it. give the City a short lead. Carolround wmners met and the reo I was a tight, tight game. Robinson held the lead for thesults were INDIANS for the Final Score DODGERS 1 and City by coming in ahead of

GIANTS o. Mary Fountain in the breaststroke leg. .

In the other Division it was A. J. Cervalo maintained thethe INDIANS 8 ar:d the TIGERS lead for the City against John6. Bill Bock.~tanz went the en- Fountain and the host teamtire g:,me for the TIGERS ~:ld appeared to have it aU wrap,pedit. wa~ a real ~ee.~aw match. up. Then John Swegles tookBill dId a real nIce lob. He was over for the Farms In the finalaide? by a solid singl.e. by John leg and beat at!t Laurie EmeryFrahck t.hat ~rought m 2 and a for the victory.good solid tnple almost an HR \ The first place winners were:by John O'Bnen. Boys 8 & under, 25-yd. free,

INDIAN Doug Dzuiba laid one I Terri Walworth, Farms, 19.4.over first that brought the IN. Girls 8 & under, 25 Free,DIANS back from 1.2 to 2-2. Beth Boerner, Farms, 16.9.Jeff Hadden had a triple that Boys JO & under, 25-yr. free,

IICAT BA.LLOU" brought in 3 runs and finally Rkhard Vinci, Farms, 14.8.Kip Oldani with another triple Girls 10 & under, 25 free,brought in 2 and that seemed to Leslie Clifford, Farms, 15.0.b(. the margin. Boys 12 & under, 50 free,

Byron Stuck was named win. Bra? Bl)l'rn~r, Farms, 30.5.ning pitcher and finished the GirlS 12 & under, 50 free,spason 9.1. He was relieved by Ann Aronson, Farms, 30.6.

IIKe:th Cunningham in the sixth Boys 14 & under, 50 free,to bring the game to a close. Mar~ Boerner, Farms, 29.2.

• ! "Stu" McMillan, TIGER mana. GJrls 14 & under, 50 free,- --- .-_. -. -~-----._.~--.~ gel' and his t(;am put on an ex- Sandy Haas Farms, 28.4.

cellent effort and had all the .Boys 1.6 &. under, 50 free,parents and spectators in action Dlc~ DaVIS, CIty, 24.5.but the end score named Chuck GIrls 16 & under, 50 free, Sue

: Campbell, manager of the IN. Haas, Farms, 29.3., DIANS and his fine coaches and Boys 1~ & und~r, .25 Back-'the players as the ones to face stroke, RIchard \i mCI, Farms,, the DODGERS. HJpe to see you 20.2::next season Stu, ar.d I know I Girls 10 & under, 25 Back.

speak for the parents. too. stroke, Joel Mace, Farms, 19.0.On Friday each Division had Boys 12, under, 5.0 Back-

chosen an All.Star team to enter .stro~e, Tom Fraser, CIty, 41.5.the District 2 of Michigan Babe Girls 12 ~ un?er, 50 back-

i Ruth Tournament. The National stroke, LaurIe SImon, Farms,! Divisi!'n faced the East Side Ki. ij4~. 14 & d 50 b kwanis and dropped the game 9. oys un er ae -to 3. Snodgrass the winning stro~e, Pete ~axon, Farms, 33.2.

, . ' h' h'l h GIrls 14 &: under, 50 Back-I }>ltcher, allowed 6 Its W 1 e t e t k J"ll W' I d F .National Division pitching al- ~;~. e, I Ie an, arms,lowed ol1ly 7 hits. Losing pitcher 'B~y 16 & under, 50 Back-

.~------ i was Donny Thompson relieved s;b~ .a. weary-from Wedne~day's ~~g~~'John Swegles, Farms,,Dlvlslon.game Wall y Maran- G' I 16 & d 50 B k: tette, Thompson and Walt Cy- Ir s. un er, ae -i tacki got HR's ... and got to stro~e, Micky Van, Farms, 35.7 .I k th b 11 th t th GirlS 12 & under, 25 Breast.I eep e game a a ey k S h It F:hit! ! Players for the National stro e, Jan cue, arms,: D' .. t' . I d d DOD 18.8.i IVlSlOn eam me u e . B 12 & d' 25 Breast-'GER' C k' S d P k oys un erI • ytac I, cavar a, an -, t k C .g With FI hurst, ~oody, R i c h a l' d son; II ;;~~~ ral a wor , arms,I PHILL\: Plane, D. Thompson, Boys 14 & under, 50 Breast-:D. Schnurr;. BRAVES: Robby stroke; .Jim Webb, Farms, 38.7.: H.ayes, Parvm, Sautter; CARD: Girls 14 & under, 50 Breast-i Jim Walk~r and GIANTS: M~r. stroke. Jill Wieland, Farms,: antette, Thompson and Rouble. 399 'I In the American Division Har' I 'Bo' 16 & under, 50 Breast.I W d tb t I ysI per 00 s game, ey 00 'stroke John Swegles, Farms,d:oppe~ the game 6 to 2. Win. 33.7. 'nmg pl.tcher. was Kalwarczyk Girls 16 & unde'.", 50 Breast-

I and losmg pltc~er was Dan~y stroke. Sandy Haas, Farms, 39.5.-------~- - ~ ---~------~----: Sutherland, r:h~ved by. BIll Boys 12 & under, 25 Butter-

Bockstanz ana fm~lly relieved fly. Scott Cardwell, Farms,b~ Byron Stuck . .ThIS gam.e \~'as 16.9.

: m.ghty close unbl the 6~h mmng Girls 12 & under, 25 Butter.•and then 3 runs decIded ~he fly, Laurie Simon, Farms, 15.5.,p rob I e.m ... and the n~ns Boys 14 & under, 25 Butter-i came. BIll Noecker had two hIts. fly, Paul Brideau, Fa,:,ms, 13.7'1'Ben Hubbard 1, Kenny Rem 1 Girls 14 & under 25 Butter.and the pitcher Danny Suther. fly. Kathy Rutan, Farms, 17.0.1

. land 1. . Boys 16 & under, 50 Dutter-Amazmgly, . two. excp.ll~nt fly, Jim Mabley, Farms, 30.4.

. throws from fIght flelder Mike Girls 16 & under 25 Butter-: Ferrell caught the same player fly, Sue Haas, 15.0. 'I at home plate for an out in two Relaysi different .inning~ .. ~lay~rs from Boys 150, Free, Farms, 1:20.2,I the AmeTlc~n DIVISIon meluded: Richard VinCI, 14.8, Jim Mabley,! INDIANS: Dzuiba, Stuck, Had- 27.2; Pete Maxon 25.8; MarkI den, Oldani, Hubbard, Rem; Boern€r, 12.4.i TIGERS: T. Wilson, Garry Mey. Girls 150, Free, Farms, 1:29.1,1 ers, Fl'alick. Bockstanz, P. Witt- Ann Aronson, 14.5; Jilt Wieland; stock; WHITE SOX: D. Suther. 30.2; Sue Haas, 30.3; Lauriei land; RED SOX: Phil Dara; Simon, 14.1.i YANKS: Mike Ferrel, Bill Noec- Mix e d Medley, 100 yds.:ker. Farms" 65.2, Micky Van, 15.1;i As we come into "the home Mary Fountain, 19.1; JohnI stretch" parents, we wonder at Fountain, 19.9; John Swegles,times if you really appreciate 11.1.

Iwhat your boys think when you: "just can't make it"-"that it's BIG HELP TO POLICEdinner time not ball playing Rohert M. 01'1', of Village lane,

'time" and some of the other who hud his wallet stolen in a ,stories. Tiley obviously wouldn't 50,OOO.crowd Tiger hall gam~ Ihave come out in the snow in on Friday, July 16, had a sur. I

I the March "GP" weather to prise for police when he came:register and later to tryout if to the staotion to report the loss. 1

they didn't think they would Iln preparation for such an oc.'have a good time and SHOW currence. Mr. Orr had photo-YOU just what they could de. stated the contents of his walletThis year as in past years our for 25 cents at the Grossegames "WON BY FORFEIT-- Pointe Public Library. Thus,not eno~gh players" is a COl'I' I police have his Social Securitytinuing problem. The "eason ;,s I and credit card numbers on

. about Over so we pass this along I hand will be able to tracemerely as "food for thought." the theft mU<'h easier.

Page 9: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1965-69/... · 2006. 1. 13. · -, - .... ~ - .. -..;. - .... - ...." --=.~ - ... - .... ~.' ~.-;;. -.' ~ I ews


Page Nine






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Iing this a most exciting series. I

The District 6 Tournament ofChampions opened Sunday withthe Grosse Pointe Park WhiteSox meeting the Hamtramck IRed Sox with Hamtramck reo 'ceiving the win 2.1. As is oftenthe case in these games theyare pitching battles and scoresare hard to come by. I

In the second inning ChrisBadger led off for the WhiteSox with a home run and thatwas the sale run for them.Hamtramck got a run in thesecond, brought in by RayLevocks' single. Phil Wettingellended the inning with a beauti-

jful fence catch in right field.In the fourth Gary Slappey I

in the right field robbed RobbieHoffman of a run. In the fourth 1

Hamtramck got their secondrun, when Gary Slappey hit tobring home Ray Lewock. Thebases loaded, Louie Brunostruck out two batters to endthe inning.

A double play in the fifth,pitcher Louie Bruno to first Ibaseman Gary Verkeyn tocatcher Bong Baily ended theinning. In the sixth three bat-ters came up and were struckout by Hamtramck Eugene Ker.paul This pitcher struck out 13batters to earn his win.

SHATTERED GLASSESFarms PQIice were called to

348 Hil,crest, Sunday, July 1B,about a broken car window.Mrs. James Helkowski, of War-en, Mich., reported that at ap-proximately 12:25, an unknownperson had heaved a high.ballglass through the rear winodwof his '61 Ford. I

I i

lt1nJ,TU 1-5000 i




Has Joined OurSales Staff


We Are Pleased

To Announce That

130 Kercheval on the Hill

Stan has Q background of30 years on the East sidein the automotive salesfield. He extends a cor-dial invitation to hismany friends and a('-quaintences to stop ir,and soy hello.

Lochmoor Tanl{.ers <:aptureFour Wins in 'Four .Meets

. - ------ -- - -~~~---------------------------------------~------Thursday. July 22. 1965

gle hi~ - and Joe Br!ggs, Billy

L -t tl L R L Tocco, and Dick Joseph rom.L e eague e_c:u, is bined hitting to give Iowa fourhits. Tom Van Lokeren, the

WOODS.SHORES 1 walked and went to third when winning pitcher struck out nineBy Cindy Tew I Bob Zink reached first on an batters. Michigan played an er.

I rorless game and accounted By Mike Granger I their four in~er-club meets. To-'I\(lnday evening at Ghes. error. Gene Barratta ~tepped to for the only double play _ sec. Fourteen.year.old Jim Godin night, the two teams will coHide

PUler(' Park about 300 people the plate and hit in the winning ond baseman Bill Schaffner to of Lochmoor swam the best race in wh.at shapes up as the Battle':lrned out to see tht Cardinals run with a solid single. Brian first baseman Steve Pember. of his young career when he f()r First Place.Iake charge of the opening Berlenback was the winning ton to third baseman George upset B rue e B 1 a c k, Grosse The final score of 160-152,:a;nl' of the W:>rld Series. Dan. I pitcher. He pitched a fOU7 hit. Chergelan. Pointe Yacht Club star, in the truly reflects the generosity of:'\' Clem is credited with the ter, struck out five men and al. Iowa came into the second 50 met e r bal.kstroke event. Roy Pouloit, ~_ochmoor coach.,\In, striking Ollt six while not i lowed only one walk. game all business. The first in. Godin's winning time was 33.2, Until I{athy Beck ended a Yacht,I :10\\lng any runs. Dan Dykstra I The Grosse Pointe Woods 13 ning was uneventful for both chopping one full second off his Club drought by winning the sev-: dl('\'ed Clem in the fourth; he I vear old Babe Ruth, All-Stars sides. Iowa came up in the previous best time. enth event, the backstroke race,;ll~o struck out six, tiut allowed I played an error.filled game second and Angelo Tocco er- It was more than just Godin, i~ looked like another humilia-~(Jllr run,;. I Sa~urday afternoon with Grosse rored to first brought horne by though that produced this vic. tlOg defeat for the Yacht Club.

Thr ~e('ond inning was the I POinte. Inc. The Woods boys had a double by Dick Joseph who tory f~r Lochmoor. The overall Of. the l.ast 20 events, ~rosse.:'I:':'.;('.,t for the Cards, Bnlce I five errors and lost the game stole home. In the third, Joe strength and versatility brought Pomte did man.age to WID 10Kln~ :';0\ on with a fiel:lers, aftcr five complete inningS by Briggs singled, Bill Tocco dOll- Lochmoor their fourth consecu- events. In the fm~l two ~elays.chOICC'. Ed Chase doubled and a score of 6 to O. Rain canceled bled bringing home Joe. Don itve win. Successive victories for e~ampl~, Pou~o~t.put hIS reg-.1oh:'l Shook walked to load the the game at the end of the Briggs got on, brought home by over Red Run, the Detroit Boat ular relay In exhibItion.~)a,,('s, There was no room left fifth, Bill Bailey of Grosse a hit by Tom Van Lokeren who Club, The Detroit Golf Club, and Lochmoor had two r e lay s Ion tIll' hases for Dan CI('m who, Pointe, Inc. pitched a no.hitter. was brought home on a long now the Grosse Pointe Yacht '"'(hich should be good enough to[,.Iml' to the plate. and he walk- He struck out eight men and triple by Dick Joseph. Club, have left the undefeated win the finals at Red Run. The(.d, rrcrinn,~ an RBI. Dan Dy. walked fiv£'. In the fourth inning Brian Lochmoor squad tied with West. opening Girls Medley Relay,,,Ira. next Up. slammed a dou. Bill Schleicher pitched an- Garvey got on and was brought ern, likewise conquerors in (11-12) winning time was 1:11.hIe to get three run~ in. Mike other great game only to lose. home by Joe Briggs. Don ------------- The quartet of Laurie Simon,!lowle then doubled in Dykstra. Bill only allowed two widely. "Briggs again walked and was . Lisa Beck::mhauer, Mary Am.

The two other Cardinal runs spaced singles as he struck out hit home by Angelo Tocco. Dick. Th~ Sox fou~t desperately In brose, and Mary Moran make upII ('rr picked up in the first and six batters and walked only Qne. Joseph was brought home in the fifth and ~Ixth fo a come this first relay. The foursome Ifou,th innings. Mike Howle Lauth and Hudson got tile only the fifth by Dennis Gabriel b.aek. In t~e fIfth Gay yeke~n of Pinky Sinclair, Cheryl Gard.'lngled in Dan Clem in the first hits for Grosse Pointe, Inc. The making th'o: score 11.0 as Michi. smgled, RIck McL~ughli':l sm- ner, Mary Ambrose, and LisaInning. Steve Ret::d singled in Woods 13.yard.olds play a con- gan came to bat. Bob DeClercq gled, and Da~e Wible .s~ngled Bpckenhauer won thl" Freestyle I

I t. , d got on base and two men walk- to bn.ng Gray m. A sacr~lce ~y Relay wI'th a tl'me of 2'.06.8.Dan Clem in the fourth. i so a IOn game on Sun ay. bb H ff b vhtl'he bl'!:!I'nnl'nd f01- the' TI',~nr.oi Sunday, July 18. ed to load the bases. A single R? Ie 0 man ro~~ in d . . .• .

"l'> ","' by David Hyde brought home Dick and another sac~lflce by In a dlhon to Lisa i" relay VIC.,II <I" th~ fifth. Bunky Begeman The Grosse Pointe Woods Michigan's first run but the in. D~ve Marr,s brought m Dav~ tories, shn captured the free.rl'prl'~('nted the fir::;t Tiger run, Automotive team Sunday met ning ended with the bases load- Wlbl~. ~hn~ Badger and Ph.II style ract'. Miss Sinclair andeoming in on a Cardina: error. and were defea~ed by East Side ed as Gorditl Pollina caught a WettlOgtl smgled and .Loule Miss Simeon both grabbed (heirEmir :\'ey sacrificed Gregg Dav- Kiwanis. The score was 4 to O. hard hit ball in centei' field. Bruno walked but the Inning respective backstroke r ace s,i" in for the second Tiger n:n, I Paul Shakotko pitched most of In the sixth Iowa started in ended with bases loaded. while Cheryl Gardner notchedDonny Daher and Tom Keller i the game and was relieved by to prove their strength. Don The sixth inning Gary Ver- a butterfly victory.[am(' in for the other t\:.o Tiger, Gary P~gato and Gre~ Ul.mer. Briggs singled, and was brought keyn singled and was brought Tommy Hebolt won his free-r~ll1~. coming in on a Single by These pltchers .'wld KiwaniS to in by a hard hit triple by Tom home by a home run by DaVe style race for Lochmoor pIll',;IJO\l~ Perry. ,only two hits, but Grosse Pointe Van Lokeren. Angel') Tocco on Wible. Two catches by George swimming in two winning re-

IThe second. and last, game of 1 lost the game on eight errors. first, was brought in by Dick Sa ad and Pitcher Tom Stack lays. Little sister, Sussy, con.Ihe \Vorld Series was :played I Paul Shakotko and Spike 0'. Joseph and the Michigan pitch- ended the inning and tomorrow tinued her age-group domina.,on Wednesday. In a suspense i Brien got the only Grosse Pointe cr took over and struck out the, night must tell the tale. If one tion by picking up her fourthfI11rr! nine-inning game, the hits. Manager B:ohm and coach. next two batters. boy can stand out in a game straight win in the 8 & underCards outlasted the :-:gcrs 4.2. r$ Sinning and Marsellet <lre Michigan again loaded the like this, tonight's star appears freestyle. ITom Clem was the winning waIting for next year, bases with Steve Pemberton to be White Sox Dick McLaugh. For the Yacht Club, the olderpltch('r, pitching the last three The Grosse Pointe Woods 13. hitting home one run but win- lin at short stop. He made four boys enjoyed g rea t success.innings. Dan Clem and Dan Dy. year AlI.stars played an acti~n ning pitcher Don Briggs ')truck excellent outs _ hit three times Steve Mason won the butterflykstra each pitched three innings packed consolation game Sunday out the last two batters giving _ two home runs _ and shared race, and finished second to Ifor the Cards also. Tommy Kel- in which they defeated Eastside the series to the National in the only double play of the Johnny Gehrke in the back-1('1'.who pitched six innings for Kiwanis by a score of 7 to 5. League 15-2. game. stroke. John DeHayes won his Ithe Tigrrs. and Gregg Davis., Bob David pitched a nice game This win gave Iowa the World I The Cards and White Sox en. second freestyle race in a.~ I ~pitching thr~e innings. put. up a i fG~ Grosse Pointe. Don ,Blo~- Series trophy in two out of tered the third and final game many weeks. .t "rnrie drfensr for the TIgers,! C)tllst went two for three In tl.e three games. They have won 20 10f the series determined to Jeff Black, 12, won his thirdhut couldn't I-;rt past th(' Cardi. ! hit department as did Jim Mont. games and lost only one this each leav€ the victor. There backstrok~ race of the season,llal offense, :morency. Jim Shelton hit a nice season. Hats off to the men I were but three errors in the and anchored the boys winning

Dan Dvkstra was the hero of :double and Mike Wolso a single. behind these boys _ Dr. Don- game and every play showed medley relay. Big brother BruceIhf' gam'l' for the C:m!s. He: Larry Griffin relieved in the aId Briggs, and Tony Tocco of the long hours of practice and avenged his backstroke loss to~t'Ored two runs. one of which: se\'cnth inning and retired the Iowa, and John Cerghezan and precision playing that won them Godin by taking the freestyle\I il~ a tremendous ho:ne run ISide. George Baltic of Michigan. each its pennant race. event. This was little consola-that won the game. Steve Reed ! ~ ... ... MAJOR LEAGUES The first inning was unevent- tion to the surprised Bruce. He<1 Iso h. t a homer for th(" Cards. I CITY The opening game of the ful for the Cards but the Sox also swam backstroke in theOther strong Cardinal hitters; Majors World Series between the Cards led off as batter Bongo Bailey same medley relay.\\l're Dan Clem. John Allen and The Braves, under Manager and White Sox offered many singled and Gary Verkeyn Jim Godin's two younger bro-Bruce King .. Dave Wightman and Coaches thrills to the packed stands. homered to bring him in. Dick thers, Ken and D.J., likewise I ~

Dig hitters for the Tigers m. Steve Horn and George Cotic. The game started as a pitching McLaughlin belted his third had a successful evening. Theeluded Jim ~ey. Tom Keller, aM chio. walked off with all the I contest with ti,e White Sox home run of the series. Dave trio together took home five ~Dou~ Perry. kudos for the 1965 season win- Rick McLaughlin and Dave Marrs hit a double but died on blue ribbons. In addition to his

At the conclusion of the game. ! ning the second half (th~y al. Wible hitting in the first but base. 'backstroke vi. c t.o r y, Jim an.~Ir. Charlry. the. preSIdent of! ready had won the first half), left on base as the inning end- The second inning proved to chored the wmnmg free. relay.Woods-She" ,'s Little. Leagu~ i and the All.Star Game. cd. I be the Cards. Chllck Getz led Ken swam backstroke. In . thepresent('d tlk S1. !AUIS Cardl': The All-Stars, managed by I In the second, a homer by off with single, Phil Fielding 11-12 medley relay. while htt1enals with the Charl~y .Johnson I Jack Spiess and made up of Chris Badger of the Sox brought follDwed suit, and Bill Douglass D.J., 9, won the back.stroke ~ace,Trophy. I th~ other 12.year.olds from the in the first run of the game. walked. Chuckie Crandall sin- and Swam butterfly m the little.

• • • : other li.:-ee teams, gave the' The third inning was sparked gled to bring in Getz and Field. relay.J)JSTRICT II TOURNEY Braves a real battle before sue- by a tremendous catch at the ing. Mike Getz was intention-

By Tom BJo'llquist i CLimbing by a 6 to 2 SCOre. fence by. the Cards' right field- ally walked and George SaadOn Frida\' thl' Grosse Pointf' I Tim CornelIie and Chris Mar. e: Bill I?ouglas but no r~ns fDr stretched a single to a triple

Woods AII.Americans played a I copulos shared the pitching ~It~er Side - .and ~gam the and brought home ~ouglass,1ou~h Anchor Bav team in the chores as they have done dur- mnmg .ended wI.th hitters Mc- Chuck Crandall and MI~e GetzDistrict II Tournament, and ing the regular season, allow- Laughlm and WIble on basco to go ahead 5..3. Rabble Hoff-\\'crr soundl\' defeated hy a ing only a douhle to Vince The fourth inning for the Sox man made a mce. catch to rob

r 'f 14 t' 4 MacDonald and a homer to produced a single by Chris JaR Sands of a hIt and ended~eo,e a o. , d' th . .Da\ (' DiCicco. .Jack Elias,' Strve Hamman. Heavy stick. Badger but Mike Ge(z, Car s e mnmg.

(;arv Egan. Tom Maceri. Dan' man for the Braves was Mark pitcher struck out t~e other The Sox snapped ~ack u~-Coh'an_ .Ton LaRose and Joe Walker with a two-run homer t?ree batters and rehred the daunted and Bongo Balle~ agam!sea all had sing]rs while Jere and a single. Johrl Council was Side. ~~m?er fou.r proved the ~l?gled, Gary yerkeyn htt andHodges had a solid triple. The, the defensive ~tandout in the Cards mnm~. Mike Getz ~nd I?lck ~cLaughllD:, for the fourthbov~ had plcntv of hits but were: game. continually rifling strikes T?m St~ck smgled on the fIrst hme 10 the senes: belted ~n-

. 'bl t -t th together to home plate from left field pitch. Bill Douglas walked and other homer to brmg them m.Ifilla f' h' °h pu emT. Add For the offici~l record t'he Jan Sands singled to bring in so the Sox regained the lead.(lr a E~ er score. 1m y ". d' . PIP d b" ," I-th te m and Jim and final stan:ings f01' 1965 were: the Car s first r~n.. a~ 0- Card Chuck Getz ma e a eau-1a7<l~~( die a th h s Won Lost korney walked brlOgmg 10 the tiful catch at second to rob

.\ne yo I.ra

. cYt\\I'etrhe

AellcoAace.. 1 2 Ttl 1 2 Ttl second. C1'uck Getz walked Louie Bruno of a hi~ as the1hiS e WHna {'( e . men- '. .. . th th' d d" d

. f th t • Braves fj 8 14 3 1 4 brmgmg 10 e Ir an mmng eude .{'ar~~. rom F

C' Io~rn:;en~. 0 Cubs' 6 3 l) 3 6 9 George Sa ad brought in the In the third the fielders took

.. "0 on TIC a:-. ~ r sse fourth on a walk. Dick Mc- d d\'ointl' \Vood~ automotive team ( Dodgers 4 3 7 5 6 11. ... over an no runs were score.I. "th I Cards 2 4 6 7 5 12 Lauglm ended the mmng With Tom Tracy of the Sox robbed,t:lrt('( tournamcnt p.av WI, . b t'f I t h t h t .

" - '. .' t .' I" Minors a eau I u ca cas or . Jan Sands of another hit c.ndan Impre"SI\e 'ill' ory over '-, f' h' . B B . d"k G th t.\nsc CrellSl'. The score was The Senators won it alone, In the 1ft. lOnmg ongo al' the Car s MI.e etz rew?(. J) . t "'ooels Au'omo-' primarily on S cot t Ralph's ley got to first on an ('rror and brother Cubck Getz to PhIl,ro,,~r Oln e.. . , I . h fIt 1 d F' ld' f th I d bl

111(' 7, L'Anse Crcuse O. Gary I steady hurling. WIt two suc~ess u sea s ma ~ Ie 109 or e on y ou e\' "t . the win ing pitcher I Won Lost home on a slO£!le by Dave WI' play of the game. nI the fourthlIa~a 0 ~a~ . ~ t'l g ~'Senators 8 2 hIe. In the fifth for the Cards. Pitcher Verkeyn doubled and. ,(' PltC re a \\onl cr ..1. ~~ i Grosse Pointer's 6 4 .Jim Westcott rob bed Bill was brought home by noned~ he allowed on y tour ItS,: Doug!ass of a homer by catch- other than Dick McLaughlin"truck Ollt 10 men and only I Giants 6 4 ing a hard hit ball at the fence and Dave Wible. Mike Getz'\ a lked three Pirates 5 5 ... . .. 'k' t. , . . . h; 'Tigers 3 '6 to end the mmng. Gomg mto ended the mmng by stn mg ou

10m Hermann led off 10 L.e /'., '. the top of the sixth, the Cards the next two batters and put-fir.,;! I11nmg With Ci dO~lble. then Philhes 1 8 I led 4.2 Wescott walked Chris I ting out the third at first.(. r' Pa'" \ and Ri('k Shalla i "'Plaved tie games. . ,"a :- ,:,a 0 -!'. * ¥ Badger got on on an error and Three up and three down for\1.alkf'Cl. l ~to the plate steppr<1 : Bongo Bailey hit to bring in the Cards in the sixth with a,'Ju~ger (.ene Bar~atta. who By PARK run number three. Gary Vel'- beautiful catch by Rave Wiblehla~ted a double whlrh brought . Mr~ .. Jean Present keyn doubled to bring in Bad.' nter field giving the, t. St"lI' th f" t' :\Imor Leag-..e Play-offs .. In ce ,

1,1 ,\\ 0 ~tnSi s~ k ~~ :. gr". I The winner of the Illst 'third ger and Batley maklI~f d the White Sox the win and the~lnll1g. :~I a 0C~ . "l~ fQ i of the American League Ms. score 5.4. The. Cards fal e to World Series trophy. Thesej' OJll~ ana edr rutn. d fibsI " a ad-! rines played the winner ~f the score as Chns Badger. shoeII' boys all are to be congratulated(JUrlS rappe ou a ou e an If .t t thO d M' h' 'th string caught one hard hit ba on three nights of real ball

:lOother run carne in. and final. 1 ~;s h' wo- fir l~' IC. Igan, WI h by Churk Getz, and Gary Ver- plaving and fine entertainm~nt.,~. Greg l'lmer singled home a: 1 .ltChI

gan10 9ma. YtcommTghthroug keyn another off the bat of To -the White Sox Co-Managers- 1 WI a - VIC ory. e score . h ft. .

11111. • varied from 1-1 tl) 3.3 n th George Saad to wm t e Irs Bill Bailey, Art WIble, and BIllThere \',as no furthe:, scormg I f'fth' .' un I e game of the ~eries for the Sox. Hoffman and to the men be.. 'f h" h PI' I mnmg ,

Ilhntlklthe fbltl Idnn::1tgw en aUd I The Mari~es Tim Finan dou. The Cards returned f?l' the hind the Cardinals, Bill Cran-

S a otl-:o e te uu a t~eme~ '! bled and brc:.tght home Mike second game of the Senes de- dall. Mel Crandall. and JackOtiS home run. In the Sixth tn.: Bode I a d th .. d d termined and unyielding In the Beck goes the credit for mak-,. B h Z. k ; -' d d i at n e mmng en e . .. ..,nln,.. a m ~.n~.lC an CV. I \vith the bases loaded . Michi. first IOnm~ Chuck Crandall hItrntllally sco~ed the seventh ru.n ; gan came right back with a a single to land on first. An IIon ~rrors. Zmk had another h.lt i single bv Bill DeClercq a oou- error accounted for Mike Getz ~~#dunng the game and At SlOWik I ble by Brad Vercouter~ a sin- trip to first ;m.] a double byhad a smgle. I gle by Steve Pemberton' a dou- George Saad brought in the

Saturday, Ju.ly 17 I ble by Ed Staff. a si~gle by first run. Bill Douglas walke?The ~ros~e POI?te Woo.ds i David Hyde. a triple by Tom aJ.1d . an err~r brought PhIl

.-\utomo1Jve ,earn \\ as 011 tne i Bogas _ together accountin'" Fleldmg to first and anot~er:no\"e again as they won a tough! for six runs before the first out run in. A beautiful bunt by Timsemi.final battle with a good i was made. Slusser brought in Saad andHa:pcr Woods team: Gro~se I Marines came out in the sixth Dougll~~. Pau~ Pokorn.y brou~htPomte Woods wOn thiS one oy! with a walk by Nick Lacata, a the next run ~n and hIt by Mik.ea score of 2 to' 1. :\1anager Norm! double bv Tim Finan a single Getz brought 10 two more. A hItBlohm and coaches Dave !iars. I each by 'Ford and To~ Wheat. by Tom Mack brought in Robbietillrf and George Sinning were ly - accounting for four runs Crandall and Mike Getz.fJrourl of their ooys and are and tying the score. Three bat- Bongo Bailey led off the Sox100Kill~ forward to the finals ters were walked but pitcher with a hard hit double and awith a ~trung Eastside Kiwanis Brad eVrcO'utere struck ~ut twO' home run by Dick McLaughlinteam, ' batters to end the inning. brought the two in The second

In the first inning of thc I Michigan came to bat in the and third innings proved un.Grasse Pointe-Harper Wood1: II sixth and piteh~r Brad Vel' eventfu~ for the Ca~ds but thegame Bob Zink and Marc Ran- coutere singled - and made Sox Chlrs Badger hit a homerlley ;ingled but were unable, home on errors to end the in the. second .and Gary ~er,to srore. In the second inning I game and win his own game - keyn 10 the thIrd got to f11"stSpike O'Brien singled but no which gave the pennant race to on an error and was broughtruns came in. In the third in. I Mirhigan. They will now face home by a se.cond homer byning Tom Hermann reached! National League Pennant Will- Rick McLaughlm. In the fourth,first on an error, s:ole second; ner Iowa for the World Series the Cards picked up two mo~eand f'ame home on a timely' crown. runs ?n walks an derrors and In:;'lngle bv Marc Rann~y. In the' 'Iowa. of the National League: the fl!th two more on a bunt Ifourth 'inning Harper Woods, took the first game of the MI- by Chuck Crandall brou?httied thp (lame with a double i nor League World Series 11-5. home by a four bagger by Mike

d '" I Eleven walks on both sides ac- Getz. A doube play by GaryanTh:nti:r~~~akcr and the last 'I counted for most of the runs. Verkeyn to Dick McLauglin a~drun of the game came in the Michigan's pitcher. Brad. V.er. b~ck to Verkeyn ended the, m-IutUl U1niIli when Tom Hermann coutere came Qut w~th theIr sm. mng fo rthe Cards.



r others..


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Thursday, July 22, 1965










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American Plan:ldulfs-$20.00 per da)

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Mr. Sheridan-Books. 81 Kercheval. recomrnends "IsParis Burning?" by Larry Collins and Dominique La-pierre. It's the exciting undercover story of how Parisescaped Hitler-'s sentence of death. Call 881.1671 or 881-2916 for immediate delive;'y.

Can't Keep nails long and even? Try a new product justin at Trail Apothecary Shop, 121 Kercheval .. : HelenaRubinstein's Long and Strong Nail Hardener and Con.ditioner .•. three.fifty.

children attended 19 speciai i filmstrips, records, framed artpro[rams. i prints, tools and taped music.

With a book collection in the Special acti\'ities included 7Libraries of 0ver 114,000, care- . Family Film Nights attendedfillly selected over t.he years to by 866 residents, and 6 Friendsmeet this community's needs. Film Forums attended by 371.the Public Library is well' The Director conducted 24 Bookequipped. ; Review Classes and ga\"e 25

The Central Library has 54.' : Book Talks to Grosse Pointe898 books the Woods Branch : and Detroit.area groups.32,195 and'the Park Branch 27.-; Library films were shO\\"D076. Books are supplemented by :2.868 times. and seen by 176,141excellent collections of films, residents, a remarkable record.

I "rlll t .. 1II~' ~ ~r c r, ~~

. ....~." .' ....'

By Virginia Leonard

CAn ion view Care

What Goes Onat

Your Library


BRING YOUR NEIGHBOR.It's a rolling home that sleeps 8, is as self contained as anyhome can be. Easy to drive, easy to park, carries a possengercor license. Anyone can drive rhe Dodge Motor Home whereverthe roads and trails lead. Nop, cook, eat, playas you rollalong at passenger car speeds. Bathroom, running hot or coldwater, refrigeratol, television, oir conditioning ond otherappliances ore fully operative as you trovel. And the minuteyou stop, you're home - living in relaxed comfo;t in yourspacious home on wheels. Bring the pup!

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FLORIDA! (ALIfORNIA! ARIZONA! I: IIo;! IRENT;;E:~~:~1rtO~DNOW I Th(~Wm.R.lIamiHon~o.

WINTER SEASON Over a Centurr of Serviee

(" .'.. :'Ili".~u ~~~.:G4F:::;;:;iJ;(~':;':::~>:,,'Inquiries invited concerning the ultimate in care forthe aged, nursing and convalescing, with plannedactivities for their needed comfort and health.

Guest Columnist, Robert M. gar; Mr. John W. Elder; Mrs.Orr, Dir~ctor. of Public I Emerson ~rantz; Mr. Harry V'!.

LibrarIes I Frost, Jr .. Mr. and Mrs. WIl. . A d t'. h th Iff th 'Ham D Gilbride' Grand Marais EnglIsh Accent . • . for your room. foun, an lque

P ~ll L'~ co~p ;6~~n y~ar o~ i Garde~ Club' M~s E R Gra~. English end table with a'removable pewter tray. Thes:~vi:e J~:ea~t~ as a Division: ger; Gro~se' Pointe Cou~cil hOf: wood an.d the pe\lvter7h7avK~a bheautliful time.etched patina.of the Public School System, it I Better LIt~rature f~r YO~It.; Do see It at Den er, ere eva.seems appropriate to review I Grosse Pomte Creah~e Stltch-some of the year's highlights. I ery ~roup; Grosse POIl~teDe.m.

. •. ! ocratIc Women's DISCUSSIOnWhlle statIstIcs tell only part Group' Grosse Pointe Motion

of the story, they do help to Pictur~ and TV Council' Staffinter~ret .the ~se of t~e. three of the Grosse Pointe Public Li-Pub~c Llbranes. StatIstically,. brary; Grosse Pointe Womenand In e,:ery respect, the ~a~t I Alumnae of Wayne State Uni-year agam broke all preVIOUS versity' Grosse Pointe Worn.records of Library use. an's Cl~b; :Mrs. George T. Hall:

The basic jo~ of the Public Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haughton; Elegance ... in the window ofLibrary is to brIng together the Mrs. Allington Bebb; Mrs. T. • . .right book and the right user. R d J ff' Key Invest-: the MermaId ..• a TIffany,aymon e s. I' . ..This can be accomplished only ment Club; Kiwanis Club of I sterlmg after dmner serV1ce, In-by an able, competent and well- Grosse Pointe. Inc.; Mrs. Helen ~eluding: sul1ar, creamer coffee. fIb r th", . I .~ . ,tramed sta f. e leve IS IS; B. Landrum; Mrs. Vmce~t: and tray. , . six hundred fortvtrue of our staff. I Leonard; Mr. and Mrs. Regr- I. •

Every member is profes-. nald MacArthur; Mr. Alvan I dollars.sional and community.minded, Macauley, Jr.; Mr. Edgar B. iactively participating in profes- Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. isiona! activities to the enrich. McCormick; Mr. and Mrs. Har-ment of the profession, the Li- old M. McCracken; Mr. John Barg(l.in, bargain . who has the bargains? Picard.brary <:''ld themselvel>. Like- D. McGrae; Mother's Club Norton, of I?ourse! It's tbeir Semiannual Sale ... goingwise, ev{'fY member of the Group; M;r. R?be.It: E. Mot- strong at 92 Kercheval.staf~, profession~l and. non-~ro. schall; MISS Vlrginla Nester; IfessIOnal, recogmzes hIS obhga- Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Orr; ,tion to the community by par. Our Lady Star of the Seaticipation in community activi- Rosary Altar Society; Overtureties. to Opera IV; Mr. 2nd Mrs.

Under the leadership of Presi. Charles A. Parcells, Jr.; Mr.dent William L. Newnan the and Mrs. Edward J. Pongracz;Friends of the Library group Mrs. Victor Rapport; Miss Me.continued to be very active, litta E. Roemer; Mrs. Normaachieving a new high in mem- Ro~mer; Rotary Club of Grossebership contributions. Their POll~te; ~t. Clare of. Montefal~oBoard of Directors held regu- ParIsh; St. Paul Pansh CouncIl; "'or LlOse who i1ave everything. give a gift certificatelar nwnthly. meetings, serv~ng Se,:ior. Men's Club 0; .Gro~s~ from The Bronze Door. It's a perfect entree to de~ightfulas an AdVIsory Board WhICh Pomte. Mr. Arthur ....hlml~m. dining.. wonderful bIrthday. anniversary or to saysupplemented the work of the Dr. and Mrs. F. Jan~ey Smlth; . fi t '1 bBoard of Education the Pub- Dr. Hllgh Stalker; MISS Evelyn "thank ¥ou ., The gold on whlte certi ca es are aval a Ielic Library's Officiai Board. Stewart; Mr. Norman H. at 123 Kercheval.

Three public meetings were Strouse; Mrs. Charles ~'. Todd, I •held, in addition to the Annual Jr.: Mr. and Mrs. WIlham J. 'I

Dinner Meeting at the War ;ous~ny+ ~~. ~d M1J' ~ar. Integrity is the priceless ingredient in every prescriptionMemorial. ;:ankiin r~.' W~ik:r~ M~~: from Trail Apothecary.Shop. 121 Kercheval. Call TUxedo

The Frienas co.sponso~ed James K. Watkins; Mr. Emil 11-5688 for prompt delivery.four Great Books DIScu.sslOnI Weddige: Miss Leona Weir;G~oups as well as the FYlends Mr. Renville Wheat; Dr. Alfred,FIlm Forum. They contrIbuted H Whittaker' Mrs. Edward W.$3,150 in special gift~ which in- Williams; M~. Charles Wrighteluded books not avaIlable from IIIpublic funds, film rental, Na. .tiona! Library Week Carnival ?ver 3,10~ boo~s \~(!re re-of Books celebration, donations celved as gIfts, o. WhICh 1,055to the Special Collections and wer~ kept. .Fine Arts Committees, Chur- FIve hundred and seventy.flvechill's Memoirs on records, es. meetings were held at the Cen.tablishment of a Filmstrip col. tral Library, attended by 12,357lection and candlesticks. Print. residents.ing of the three issues of the Almost 532,000 library ma.NEWSLETTER and the Annual terials were circulated. au in-Report were nther major con- crease of 33,590, the 14thtributions of the F'riends. straight year of substantial

'Contributions were received gains. Central Library circula.from: :A.M. Investment Club; I tion was 246,040, followed byMr. and Mrs. Edward Gray i the Woods Branch with 165.866,ACClllb; Mr. Russell A. Alger; and the Park Branch withAmerican Institute of Archi. 110,900.tects; Dr. and Mrs. Burke W. Twenty.eight thousand sevenArehart; Dr. and Mrs. David hundred and twenty - sevenH. Barker; Mrs. John Barr; Grosse Pointers were registereJBible History Study Group No. users on June 30, an increase3; Board of Education, Grosse of 987 over a year ago. CentralPointe Public School System; led with 14,013 users, followedBoard of Trustees of the De. by the Woods Branch witL 9,808troit Orthopaedic Clinic; Mr. and the Park Branch with 4,906.Thomas Alvin Boyd; Mrs. Alice The Children's DepartmentBruehl; Mrs. Sheelach Burns; had a busy year with 13,878,Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burton; boys and girls participating in ;Mrs. Neva D. Bushaw; Mr. organized activities. 2I6.708!Richard B. Bushaw; Mrs. Hugh children's books \vere loaned ~Chalmers, Jr.; Christ Church Children's use of the three Li. iCo.operative Nursery; .City of braries is hest illus~rated by the!Grosse Pointe Park' Dr. and fact that 4,060 children attend- i

Mrs. H. H. Comly;' Mr. John ed the summer film programs, ;Comly and Family; Mr. Lee 4,254 children in 155 classes;Crooks; Mrs. Frederick H. Cur. visited the Libraries for library:tis; Miss Esther Cutler; Mrs. ,instruction, 2,515 children at-!Joseph M. deGrimme; Mr. H. ! tended 54 school.age story:H. Dobbins; Mrs. Mark K. Ed. I hours and 437 nursery-school i


Our week end specialFriday, Sniturday and S4anday Only

Mey's Combination Plate

Egg Rell, Subgum Chow $225Mein, Frie~ Rice, Sweet andSour Pork including :;Oup,Dessert and Beverage.

E. JeHerson and Marter RoadCury.Outl, PR 2~2-Qpen Dally from 11 a..m, to 11 p.m.

PLAN A PARTY NOWI1h Mile South of , Mile Rd., St. Clair Shores

Three to Gi've Or~an RecitalThe Grosse Pointe Memorial Alain-Deuxieme. Fantaisie, by)

Church will present three or. I Miss Norma StevlIngson.ganists fro m the Grad.uate . B~dings-T.0ccat~; !,ves- Va.School of Music of the Ul1lver- natIOns on AmerIca, by Rob-sity of M.ichigan in a joint reo ert ,R0ubos.. . .cital on Wednesday, July 28 at M\ss Kautz IS the WInn~r In8 p n both the Chapter and Regional

... . Organ Competition of the ArneI"The musIC to be performed?n ican Guild of Organists ttis sum.

the A.llen Shelden Memon~l mer and will compete in theOrgan is: Bach-Toccata, AdagIO Nationals in Atlant.1 Ga. Iana Fugue in C. Majo~.. B~xt~. . There is no admi~sion chargehude-Chorale FantaSIa Wle . for the recital which is to beSchoe~ leuc~tet der Morgen.. played in the air.conditionedstern, by ;\fISSMargaret Kautz. sanctuary or the church located

Mendelssohn - Son a t a II; at 16 Lake Shore road.

FR1IlA V, JULY 23*9 a.m. & *10:30 a.m.~Summer Art Camp NO.2-Mrs.

Edward Lickteig, Instructor.11:00 a.m.-Towne Club-Cards, Meeting, Snack.12:30 p.m.-Neighborhood Club Retired Men~s Group-

Cards, Coffee.7:00 p.m.-College Players-Rehearsal. .*8:00 p.m.-"Brigadoon", Gene Kelly, Cyd Ch=lrnse,

Van Johnson.SATURDA Y, JULY 24

2:00 p.m.-College Players-Class in TheatricalMate-up.

*2:00 p.m.-College Players-Rehearsal. .5:00 p.m.-Barbara Luss. Robert Zuehlke - Weddmg

Reception.*7:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew

Walrond, Directors.8:00 p.m.-Beatrice J. Ranney-Otto Wuerful-Wed.

ding Reception.

SUNDAY, JULY 2510:30 a.m.-First Church of Christ, Scientist, Grosse

Pointe Farms. Service and Sunday Schoolin Fries Bldg., Infants Room in Library ofAlger House.

*1:00 p.m.-College Players-Rehearsal.

MONDAY, JULY 26*9 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.-Summer Art Camp No. 2-

Mrs. Edward Lickteig, Instructor.12:15 p.m.-Rotary of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon

Meeting. .*1:00 p.m.-Memorial Bridge-Mrs. Andrew Walrond,

Director.*8:30 p.m.-Summer Music Festival-$2.50 per person.

TUESDA Y., JULY 27*9 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.-Summer Art Camp No. 2- Mrs.

Edward Lickteig, Instructor.*9:30 a.m.-.Landscape Painting-Prof. Emil Weddige,

Instructor.*10:00 a.m.-Service Guild for Children's Hospital -

\Vorkshop. .12 noon - Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pomte-

Lur.cheon Meeting.6:30 p.m.-Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe--Dinnp.r

Meeting.*7:30 p.m.-Folk Guitar-Alex Suczek, Instructor.*7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Chess Club. . .*8:00 p.m.-Beginning Bridge-Mrs. CarrIe KIley, In.

structor.8:00 p.m.-Yoga Class-George Johnston, Jr.,

Instructor.*8:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Summer Chorus-Concert,

Adult $1.00, Student 50c.

WEDNESDA Y. JULY 28*9 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.-Summer Art Camp NO.2-Mrs.

Edward Lickteig, Instructor.12 noon - Senior Men's Cribbage Group-Cribbage

and Snack.*12:30 p.m.-Senior Ladies Club--Social, cards, tea

party.12:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Traffic and Safety Comm -

Luncheon Meeting.*1:30 p.m.-Outdoor Figure Painting-Prof. Robert

Wilbert, Instructor.*7:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew

Walrond, Directors.7:30 p.m.-College Playe,rs-Class, make:up ..

*8:00 p.m.-Refresher BrIdge-Mrs. Carne KIley, In.structor.

8:00 p.m.-First Church of C~rist,. Scientis~, GrossePointe Farms. Tesbmcmal Meetmg.

THURSDAY, JULY 29*9 a.m. & 10:30 a,m.-Summer Art Camp NO.2-Mrs.

Edward Lickteig, Instructor,*8:30 p.m.--College Players Production-"Bell, Book

and Candle". Admission $1.00.


An authenticffaJian specialty


Successful Center Drive

Now infrozen food

counter~at quality food


Egg noodles and layersof Ricotta and Mozzarellacheese exquisitelyblended in a tom~tosauce rich wi~h meat andspices. It's delicious!


Page Ten



GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGANSecond Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan

At long last it is possible to fulfill a promis~ mademany weeks ago. that eventually the complete list ofdonors to the War Memorial Center's Annual FamilyParticipation Campaign would be printed. During theheight of the drive these names come in by the hundredseach wt'ek, and it is inevitable that there be a vast ac-cumulation. Publishing each complete list weekly wouldnecessitate holding out many stories of other activities.

As hz,..~ been publicized, the eampaign reached a sue.cessful conclusion by Memorial Day, the official closingelate. The goal this year was $75,000. Donations conti-nued to come in and the latest word is that the total nowstands at $79,190.58 received from 4,881 donors. Thiscompares with the $75.361.3] received from 4,566 con.tributors last vear. The fact that more families are parti.cipating :n the drives each year is a source oi greatsatisfaction to the War Memorial Association.

The community is to be congratulated for its sup-port of this most worthwhile organization whkh contri-bute::; SO much to better community living. The help itreceives \vill continue to be reflected in the added activ-ities and programs it is able to provide. The remainderof the list for donors follows.

June 8 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Regius,M:. & :\Irs. George J. Heyer. Dr. and Mrs. George M. Rich.

l\Irs William J. Champion, Jr., arels. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rob.William F. Eaton. Mr. & Mrs. erts, Mrs. Saumel P. Rockw~l1,Linds('v Hobbs. Mr. & Mrs.,:\tr. and Mrs. Harold SchaIlI,Da\'id -J. Padilla, Mr. & Mrs. Charl~s ...M. Sim,!"ons: Mrs. FrankW. R. Phillips. l\lr. & Mrs. AI- C. SmIt .. , W. H. Smlth, Mr. andbert F. Siegmund, Mr. & Mrs. IMrs. Donald Stewa!'t, SteveAlbert F. Welch. ISzar('k,. ~omas J. T~om9son,

Jr., WIlham Tocco, Aaron E.June 9 Wilcox, Mr. and Mr.:'. James P.

)Irs. Walter A. Bailey. Mr. & \~illiams, Mr. and Mrs. I~.:'III'S. P:wl R. Baldwin, Miss Z~mper, Mr. and Mrs. . .Shir1£'y :\1. Clar}:, Mr. & Mrs. ZImmerman.Carl J. Fischer, Jr .. Mr. & Mr~Carl Fromm, Mrs. F. A. George,:'\11'.& :Mrs. Stanley Kenn, Mr.& :\Irs Ear! G. K i r b y. )Ir.S: \lr~ B. Courtney Rankin. Dr.lIowa:'d C. Recs. .\11'. & :\lrs..fohn W Walker. :'Ilr. &: :\lrs. G.Sam Zilly.

June 14

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bauer,Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Daley,Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Haber-korn. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie K.Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.Krajewski, l',!r. and Mrs. WH-

Junt" 11 ! liam W. Martin, Mrs. James W.- I McCandless, Mr. and Mrs. S,

'II' and l\~rs. George J. Ber. J. Nelson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C.tcl~ . .fr .. MIS'> Gladys Cather. F. Rousseau, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-wood. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. mond Straetmans, J 0 h n C.H.o~per. ;\'11'.and Mrs. Helmut Thomas, :Mr. and Mrs. PilterLllhch. Mr. and M(~ Charles V~ilOsdol, Mrs, James Vernor,F. Ro~gers. Mr. and i,ll'S. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Weber,R. Tngr::, Jr .. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wetherby.John Vanderpool.

June 13 I June 15:'.lr. and :'.Irs. Robert F. Agne, I Mr. and Mrs. L. KUk0lic.. Mr.

:'.Ir. and )Irs. Richard ~I Ball- and Mrs. Thomas V. LoCIcero,hof. Dr. and .\Irs. A. Duane Mr. and Mrs. David C. :Miller,Beam. Mr. and .'.oIl'S.William Mr. and Mrs. Januarius A. MuI.Beardslee, .:\Irs. L. S. Gardella len, Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.and ~Ir. and .\Irs. D F. Bracci, Schott, Miss Betty Vingi,:\lr. and 'Irs. Russell A. Brad. 'I

ley. David E. Burgess. CdI'. and June 17}Ir~. R. P. Chirnside. The Ray. II Miss Camii1a Ayers, Charlesmond Cracchiolos. }fr. and Mrs. I Ray Berger. Dr. and Mrs. PaulGilbert E. Df'lane~'. Mr. _and I aro~nell, Mr. and Mrs. Pall I~lrs. L. J. Deola. ~lr. and J~lrs'l CraIg. Mr. and Mrs. HerbertHorace A. Dial, H. Robert Dill, Epstein, Grosse Pointe Univer.;~Irs. F. W. Evans, ;\Ir. and 1\'11'.>.1 sity School Student Council,L. W. Flippo. ILloyd M. Lentzer, Mr. ClndMrs.

~Ir. !Inti ~Irs. Hi('hard 13.Fos.1 II. Silvestri.,,('('. ~lt,ntford GraybieI. Philip i Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bradley,Haddad. Mr. and Mrs. Bu~'ns: Walter X. Brennan, Mr. & Mrs.Hem\'. Jr. ~lr. and Mrs. Ed- Del S. Chalmers. Windwr R.ward' J. IIick('y. Peter Jacobs, Davies, Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Ed.Dr. and 'Irs. Loyal W. Jodar. I wards, Mrs. Melvin Gla~ser,Basil D. Johnson. ;\lr. and M~s'l Mr. & Mrs. Webster B. ~mght,A. A. Jossens. Athena KarslO' Mr. & Mr&. Albert LeWiS, Mr.tis. :'.Irs. Gayard F. Lafer, Mrs.: & Mrs. Robin G. Mace, Mr. &:'II. Garton Lathrop, Colin C. I, Mrs. Kenneth McCoy, Mrs.:\IcKelIar. 1\1rs. Robert Meier, .James T. Mitchell, Mrs. Long.~Ir. and :\Irs. Carl T. Mueller, 1 year Palmer, Mrs. Alfred F.:'.11'. and ~Irs. floyd Ni:,on, Jr., 1 Steiner, Mrs. Harringt:m Walk.}Ir. and -'Irs. Harold D. Paget.' er. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Wetzel.

IMemorial C:,nter ScheduleJULY 22-29. 1965. OPEN DAILY 9 A.M .• 9 P.M.


OPEN TO THE GRCSSE POINTE PUBLIC.Hospital equipment available for free loan, crutches,

wheelchairs, heating lamps and hospital beds.GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER A~D LI.

BRARY. Mrs. Leland Gilmour on duty Tuesday, Wednes.day, Thursday, 10 a.m.. 4 p.m. Volunteer consultant onduty Friday 2.4 p.m. TV 1.4594.

THURSDAY , JULY 229:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.-Summer Art Camp.

ROBERT B. EDGAR. EDlTOR and GENERAL MANAGER Mrs. Edward Lickteig, Instructor.WILLIAl\l ADAMO ADVERTlSlNG MAI~AGER 10:00 a.m.-Summer Theatre for Boys and Girls.JA~ET MUELLER. FEATURE PAGE. SOCIETY Mrs. David Hadden, Instructor.J A1\IE8 J. NJ AIM NEWS * 1:30 p.m .-Singing School-David Arner, In~tructor.KATHY DI~KSON __ ~EWS *2:00.4:00 p.m.-Children's Day. The Grosse P~mte W~rANNE BO ..NTON . . .. . v...~~~W~. Memorial invites all Grosse Pomte ChIl-GLORIA WOLFCALE AD ERT N I d (f I t h 01 age) for Free:-'lARY LORl~1ER. _ ADVKRTlSING ren 0 e emen a,ry sGc0 F hA~~ BRADLEY . ADVERTISING Variety Acts, MOVIeS, ames, avors, WlLJOlIN MacKENZIE BUSIN.l!:~S ice cream and pop at cost.JOA~:'JE EASON ACCOUNTS 7:30 p.m.-College Players-Rehearsal.ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTI~I~G 7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Numismatic Society-Meet.ONXELLEE KOENIG CLASSiFiED ADVERTISING ing and refreshments.FERN GREIG.;.... CL,ASSIFIED *8:00 p.m.-Parents Without Partners-Bar-B-Que.FLOR~ HA_RDlN~::.= _ vIRCULATlON *8:00 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Summer Chorus-Rehearsal,

Richard Johns, Instructor.

Member MIchigan Press Assocl.tlon .nd l'iaUonal EdItorIal AssoclatlimNATIONAL ADVI!:Rl'U,ING REl'KI!:SE:-tTATIVB

Weekly Newspaper Representatlves, Inc.4()4 FIfth Avenue. New York 19. Nt<w York. Byr.nt 9.7300

CHICAGO Ol'FICE333 I\orth M1chlg~n Avenue Phone FInancial 11-2214

, ,. .,

t ? s •

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Thursday, July 22, 1965 GROSSE POINT!: Ntvv;> Page Eleven

Denise Tracy WedsDavid S. Summers

rReopent"ng august 10th., with !~bu'ou.';"(;fall .

!ashwns ... Includtng avery special back-to-schoolcollection


1fJust two sllOppin[j daysleft lor our sale.

'1Closing, guly 23,.d lor atwo weeks vacatlo/1.

Center GivingParty for Kids

• • •

* * '"

DR. and MRS. FREDERICKM. PHELPS, III, of Ann Arbor,ann a u nee the birth of a son.RICHARD ALAN, on July 2.The mot her is the former

I MARION RILEY, daughter of,M R. and MRS. HOW A R DRILEY, of Bishop lane.



ecrul gachp~PToGjRAPI-fY"Wh.ere Quality Costs No More"


tv\rs. David S. Summers

YOU wouldn't shop forthat special dress by phone ....NOR can you choose yourwedding photographer by phone.

r For appointment at your home -the churcll or our store consult ourSpecialist WALLY MARKLE.

Complete Album.,

In Color Start tlt


and learn why it's less expensive than you think to capture. the highl~ghts of. YGUrweddi~gday in memorable, vivid color. Block and white is so ordinary. You II chensh the realityof color for years to come.

Delivery, SOc .. to the Five POintes, Harper Woods .. • •St. Clair Shores RAE NELL ROLF, daughter of

19700 fv1ack Ave. at Blossom Lane MR. and MRS. ARTIruR B.TU 6 3600 I ROLF, of Newcastle road has

- .I started her career as an EasternOUR FOURTHGENERATIONOF FL~-1f\. lAirline':; stewardess. A graduate- - - - ~ - _. - ----- ._----- - ~---- -- .~- ------

• THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL.GLADIOLUS • • • • • • • • • 96' full dozen


By Janet l\htf'U~r

~jamal5-jn assort~ prints of heavy brushed cottonknit fOt' girls or boys with snap. ;astened gro-feature waist and safety.«ep feet, Pink. blue QC'yellow., lUes l.2--3-4.

2.50 each~ 3.25 and 3.5fJ

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:( ~ ;>~:~~'~~lt!r/Stock-up SoleI

ClJiJJren'. Famous MaleeWittter S'eepwear

J,.pafr sets of heavy weight brushed cotton fOltbaTs or girls: T'NO complete pairs, one printand one coordinating solid, both with safety SL~P... ~ 01' bRIe, sUes 1-2.3.4,

210.. 4.591&SWJ'li, 2 fer, 6.00

.. .J phone orden Sll.d br1 5.00 tK ,.".~_ ... second ~ cItoice

From Another Pointeof View

--------------- --- --

Golfers' Tall Tales are replacing Fish Stories in ThePointe this summer. Though they sound a bit mythi~al,we have it OIl good authoritv that both of the followmganecdotes are true in every detail ...

" '" '"

•I ~ POINTE-16828 K.rchwal Jwe.L-"Wlldo 2~3700 • 0pea1hUb."9~

All Gro5.c;e Pointers of ele.mentary school age are invitedto the Grosse PoiJlte WarMemorial's Annual Free Party Pair to LiV1 in Moross Road Upon Their Return fromon Thursday, July 22, from 2 The Homestead; Bride's Gown Is Fashionedto 4 o'clock. . Of T d S'lkThe main events will take exture Iplace in Fries Auaitoriurn with - --------a children's art exhibit being A reception at the Country Club of Detroit followedheld in the basement of Alger the Saturday marriage of Penice Anne Tracy and DavidHouse and ref res h men t s Sala Summers. --~---------served at cost on the lakeside Monsignor Frank MCPhil-j pire gowns were edged withlawn by the Center's Youth lips officiated at the 11 narro~v pleats. Pink :noussel~ne

I Council. o'clock service in St. Paul's de SOle sashes, formmg a pmkTop act on the show will be tra'n e bro'dered in m a IIthe "One Man Circus" stag~d on the Lakeshore. I mI. s .

by Lloyd Morgan. athletic di- The bride. daughter of Mr. flowers, accented thelr bodIces.Y M C A and Mrs. Emmet Eugene Tracy, They wore pink Alice-in-Won-rector of Hanan . . . .

Magic. juggling, unicycle riding of Provencal road, wore a gown derland headdresses, and car-are all a part of his bag of of heavy textured silk. fash- ,ied stephanotis bouquets .

.. --~ .------.------~,-------- tricks and he invites audience ioned , ..ith a Cathedral length Flower girl Frances Anne~-----------.,' participation. Watteau train. I Farley. and ring ~arer J.ames

d I Children's Day will also serve Her veil was a sC2.lloped man- I Farley wore matchmg outfIts ofShort an to t as a show case for the Cen- tilla of heirlocm lace, and she: white linen with pink accents.i tee's Summer Time Fun Groups. carried an arrangement of gar-[ The bridegroom. son of :Mrs.Th P. t I The art camps as before men- denias. :Okey S. Summers, of Wilming-e 01n e I tioned will have their work on Mrs. James Farley. of Green. ~ton. Del.. and the late :\{r. Sum-I display. The children's summer wich. Conn., \,as her sister's' mers, asked the bride's brother,I~-----------' theater will give a pl$lY "The matron of honor. in a floor Emmet Tracy. Jr., to act as best

Add one more student to the f Stolen Cook", the singing school length gown of white novelty man.Grosse Pointe High School Hon-I will lead a community sing. Iweave pique. its ski!.t em- Seating the g u est s wereor Roll: STEPHEN SULLIVAN, and the dance troup will per- broidered in floral Venic-e lace. Thomas Tracy, another brotherson of MR. and MRS. DONALD form. Her flowers were pink Rubrum of the bride. Charles l\'fatthews,SULLIVAN. of Bournemouth Also there will be ('olor movie lilies. Douglas Roby.. Jr .. Gordon Gray,road, whose name was inadver- cartoons, and :;efore eacJ:!. Bride~maids were Mrs. :Mar- of Greenwich. Conn., Roberttently dropped from the long young guest leaves, he will be tin Jay O'Brien. of Virginia Stinson, of New York City. Al-list we publi<;hed last week.I given, a baloon. Beach, Va.. Liza Carson. of Los fred Dent. of Wilmington, Del.,Stephen will h a 10th grader in I Those wishing to atten.d this Angeles. Calif., Jeanne Kanach, James Griffin, of Skillman, N.J.,the fall. party are requested to pIck up of :'J'ew York City. Carol Robin. Lawton Lamb. of Bedford, N.Y..!'Irs. "-. \Varrt>n Schram. of Rivard boulevard, and .. '" '" free tickets in advance at the son, Mrs. ~eil Brown. Patricia and Frederick Robertshaw, of

two of her frier.ds were out at St. Clair Golf and Country The Freshman Council, thr War Memorial, 32 Lake Shore Petzold and Ruth Petzold. Scottsdale. Ariz.Club rf'ct'ntly and wt>re having trouhle because of the officers and representatives of road. so the Center wiII know The hemliEes of tacir floor For her daughter's weddingslow players ahf'ad. the ('lass of 1968 at Lake Forest for how many to prep:lre. lenJth novelty weave pique E111-and the reception. Mrs. Tracy

Two steps up from thrm was a foursome of women, College, Ill., included in a list _. ~ ._~___ _ ------------ c1lOse a costume of all-whiteand din'Ctly aht>ad of th('m was a I.me 12-year.old boy. of class members they wished of Grosse Pointe High School. floral patterned pique, and a

l\'lrs. S. and her friends decided to make a foursome to honor because of contribu- station in Saigon Viet ~am,' BEARDSLEE (Josephine Scher- she attended Butler University, IMarr"led French turban hat of shadedtions they have made to the after two weeks at home visit- er), of Colonial road, announce Indianapolis, Ind. She is current- ! pink flowers and deep greenof their ~roup. and kindly asked the little hoy dto jloin class, the name of JAMES H. ing with his parents MR. and the birth of th~ir third child, ly based in Miami. Fla. . foliage.

them-even though they were SURE he woul s ow JENNINGS, son of MR. and :VIRS. JOHN W HUTTON of second d a ugh t e r, BROOKE '" '" <I< Mrs. Summers wore a pinktbf'JD up. I MRS. JOSEPH N JENNINGS, :\old1i1lanroad. Lt. (j. g.) Hutton SCHERER BEARDSLEE, June MRS. THEODORE L. SED- i Jinen dress .. with white piping,

The youngster quietly consented ... then proceeded of W?ittier road. who was cit~d recently completed a three year 17. '" '" '" WICK, of Rittenhouse Square, ,a:ld ~ white double-breastedto shoot a fantastic {dare we say it?). 43. beatmg ever j- for hIS excell~nt performance m tour aboard the .d I' s t ~ 0 y e r Philadelphia, has left for home coat.b d ., ' "The Fantastics," a musical HAUSELL operatmg With the ELIZABETH E. D W A I H Y, after several crowded weeks i The newlyweds are vacation-

o ~. * * * presented bv Garrick PlaYers. ,U .S. Pacific Fleet. He har; visit- daughter of 11K and MRS. P. J. here, including a Fourth oi July i i ing at Th~ Homestead. HotThen there's :vII'S. Lawrence J. Verdier, of Cloverly drama group at Lake Forest I ed ports in Japan. Taiwa~, the DWAIHY. of Devonshire road, week-end cruise with :MR. and: .Springs. Va. They will return

College. I Philippine Islands. MalaYSIa, I~- Was :recently initiated into the MRS. BRUCE ::;1. TAPPAN. of I to make their home in Morossroad. who has proof of her golfing escapade ta,eked up '" ... ... donesia. and Australia i.n addl- University of Detroit chapter of d '1m SED load, Datrol't.d M h Westchester roa, (.fli\. - I "on a wall in the Verdier C'ottage at Lelan, leI. MR. and MRS. WALTER H. tion to various continental U.S. Angel Flight, coed auxiliary to WICK was in town for the I

Seems Mrs. VerdiN, who was accompanied by Mrs. SEEGERS and thpir daughter ports and overseas possessions. the Air Force ROTC Arnold Air cruise, too), visits with l\ffiS. Miss RanneyJames Degnan. of Harvard roac., already in the rou~h, DOROTHY, of Barclay road, Lt. (j. g.) HuWm has extended Society. Elizabeth. a U. of D. RICHARD WAGNER and MRS. _took her backswing and succeeded in literally wrappmg leave tomorrow for a vacation his tour on active duty for one junior majoring in Englit>h and FRANK WILTON. and parties Honor Guesther dub around a nearby tree~ in Hawaii and Japan. They will year and volunteered for duty in a graduate of S1. Paul High given by MRS. A L B E R T M.

' . Viet Nam where he re)X)rts to School. is a member of U. of D.'s MACKEY MRS l\{ RIVARD Several parties have been\Vhen the two lac1ies recovered from their hysterIa, return in time for Dorothy to the U.S. Military Adviso'ry Group Women's League and works 0/1 1 ,... • given in honor of Beatrice Jeanth('y examined the shaft of the number two wood, resume fall classes at Albion there. He it> a !!raduate of st. the camD_us publications: The KLIPPEL. MRS. WILLIA.\{ M. th R d d

. lITh 1 d I b rollege ~ LEACH, lIffiS. HAROLD GillW-..,: Ranney, of Sou enau roa.curiously bent at a 45-( egree ang e. e mang e e u.. . * * * Paul High School and received Tower. The Campus Detroiter PER, :MRS.J. C. HURLEY, MRS. "S • who will become the bride ofhangs now on the cottage wall. MR. and MRS. JOHN BLEZ. his Bachelor of Finance degree and The Varsity News. The U. WALTER GULER, :MRS. RAY- Otto Benjamin Wuerfel. of Com-

Strang('l~' enough. Mrs. Verdier reports. the ball ENSKI f N tt' hod n- from the University of Notre of D. chapter of Angel Flight, MOND WALK and I\ffiS. WIN- merce Lake. at an 8 o'clock cere.sailed through the air for one of the best shots she's ever I n~unc~ fhe ;ir~~lgfJt~Ja~gh~r, Dame in 1961. Lt. (j. g.) Hutton I organized in 1958, seeks to pro- FIELD S. JEWELL. I mony this Saturday in the Bar-

Iwas commissioned at the Naval mote the aims of the United >I< >I< *1 i bour Chapel of the Grosse

had. CAROL ANNE, July 16. Mrs. Officer Candidate School. NeW-I States Air Force. to maintain a POI'nte Memorial Church.* * * Ble.:~nski is tte former GEOR- Participating in Western ~ich-port. R.I. in August. 1962. broad educational pro g ram igan University's summer orien. MARY BETH .JEWELL and, Early in May. :\frs. George

Fall D~te To Remember i GINA BRITTON, daughter of ... '" * stressing world affairs and cur- tation program by paying visits Jame:: Douglas Wright ex- IBeard, of ;\lagnolia road. South.Here's one more datI' to rirel.- on Sl'Ptember'sl' MR. and MRS. GEORGE L. Enjoying an early July vaca- rent. events. and to aid. the Uni. to the Kalamazoo campus last changed marriage vows July I field, entertained at a linen

aJn'ad~.-h!.ginnjn.!.H()-b(' VERY rrowd('d calendar: BRITTON, of Ros~yn road. Pat- tion at the Old Club were the verslty through t'crVlce pro- week were several Pointers who 3, in Grosse Pointe Woods shower.Sunda'. Sept('mbt'r 26. will bt' Open House Day at ernal grandfather IS.JOHN BLE. CLETUS WELLINGS, of Renaud grams. will enter WMU as freshmen in Presbyterian Church. I ~'frs. Karl Wuerfel's home in

. /('ontillllf.'d on Page 1m I ZENSKI, o~ S1. ClaIr Shores. road. ,. • '" the fall, including NANCY HA- Th~ bride, ""no has been Whitcomb road. Detroit, was the--~---I ..~* * '" '" I PVT. ROGER LAPHAM, son WORTH, M I CH A E L O'LINN, making her home ill Muir scene of a miscellaneous showerDR. and MRS. C. F. LIVIN- Entertaining at a family din-I of Mr. and Mrs. War r e n GAIL SQUIERS, :MARGARET road. is the daughter of :Mr_ and luncheon on Sunday. June

OpelJ~ndal through Saturc:Ja, ,GOOD. of University place, and ner before Grosse Pointe sum-I ~apham. of Shore CI\1b drive. GORSKI, NANCY WATKINS, and Mrs. Clem H. Je',veU. of 13. Co-hostess was ~1rs. Robert! their daughter SUSAN, 16, and mer Music Festival's opening IS home :m lp.ave from the JANET DiLAl..TRA,DAVID Air Wayne. Her husband is the ITurner. of Salem road. Detroit,! ELIZABETH, 15, left Sunday concert last week. in honor of Marine Corps. Pvt. Lapham is a LARD, KIM COTTRELL, RlCH. son of Mrs. Jan;t!s T. Wright. I Hostesses last Friday at aI f~r. a nin,e.day visit with Mrs. a visiting cousin, MISS PERRY graduate of Grosse Pointe High AIm HESTAD. KAREN THOMA of Vernier road, and 1he late Ilw1cheon and linen shower atI LlVlngood s mother, Mr~. A J. JANES, of St. Paul, ::\1inn.,were School. attended M i chi g a n and LINDA SPIES. ),1•. Wright. Stouffer's were ?\1rs. Lee J.: Sinclair, in Denver, Co!. MR. and MRS. WILLARD S. Sta.te University and Macomb '" * * Karen Jewe-ll served as her Engel. of Balfour road, .:'IIrs.

.. * * WORCESTER, of Ridge road. Community College. He will be Visiting her mother. ~ms. I sister's attendant. and Otto Jo;m E. Finch, of Cadieux road.LT. (j. g.) TERRY HUTTON, * '" * studying Radar and Communi- LESTER RUWE. of Touraine I Wendt was :vlr. Wright's best and :\liss Alta Gray, of Grayton

; USNR has left for his next duty ):IR. and MRS. WILLIAM C. cations at San Diego, Cal. when (Continued 011 Page 19) ! man. road.~-------------- -~----~-~---- his leave is over. I---------------------- ~ _

.... * '" '"


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One of 6rknown alllost see ycThis aUro,

Signed, S'Z"When dielife size f,~Street, LorYeames isMonchette'



COLLECTI(BY: CarloStonfield,Jones, Freeh.:>pe, ForeRomney, T


KathIeantique ivodelicate la,for her !TIc

Monsign(Phillips ojj 2:30 o'clo,St. Paul"s 0

The bride,and Mrs. EmStephens r,)aloom Bruss«mantilla stylElength of hercarried white

Her attendgowns weresilk 0 r g an,waistline:matching pin~pink organzacalots for the

They carrietered ear n ababy's breatli\'y.

Cecile ~1('Chonor. and~rary Katerir\icholas CarrDeL the bnChristine COyCity, Mrs. Th(Kay Kahn,Price, of Al.William Tobi


TU 2-9440


Thursday, July 22, 1965




[Rochelle 8alon

SUMMER STORE HOURSMonday though Friday, 9 :30 to 5,00

Closed Saturdays durinF: July and August

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£~ WARREN DIAMOND ... a gift forever

The diamond need not necessarily be htrt:e ... wirh \'\'arren's,perfection and quality are most imporrant. On rhese essen-

tial points, Warren diamonds are rhe soundest of values.




:Barthel-Glynn RitesCelebrated July 3


Get superb service, food andbeverages at the Bronte Door-

On the hill. Open every dayexcept Sunday.

Entertainment nightly

On the hill-Grosse Pointe

Mrs. Dennis G. Barthel

~0W- the place to dine is



On the hill • 123 KerchevalGrosse Pointe Farms, Michigan




Mrs. Jerry L.


Kercheval Ave.,at Fisher Road

In Bonds and PotsEspecial!y Grown to

Crosse Pointe

One or a Truck LoadAnytime till Nev.




GROSSE POINTE NEWS--~---------------- ~ __ ~ ~ , ~ ~_~ _r _

A Papal Blessmg was bestowed upon Pamela ~orrj'iGlvnn and David George Barthel at their Xuptial High~1~ss July 3, in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church.

Reverend Ralph Barton! - -, .- .-- -, ff' . t d t the II'?\) werethebndes SJ~ters.Palfl('jai 0 1CIa e a .u and Laura Glvnn.! o'clock marriage ceremony,: The brides~aids wore "hea:r.si which was followed by a :re- ;of aqua linen, their wai"ts andI ception at the Hillcrest i hems banded in turquobe. The: honor attendant's gown was tur,; Country Club. quoise. with aqua bandin;z. and

The bride is the daughter of the junior attendants' frocks: Mr. and Mrs. William John' were identical to those of theGI ' f E t Em( ry cou-t ,bridesmaids, but designed \1 nh

, j nn, 0 a.s ) L. fuller skirts.Her husband IS the son of Mr.and Mrs. Theodore M. Barthel, Their headpieces. were Djo!'

. ' bows, and they earned arrange.of Van K drIve. ments of leaves ir. \"ariom

For her marriage, the former shades of green.Miss Glynn chose a gown of Theodore ~f. Barthel. Jr.

.")2~':~I}~. )~~~~~~~;tf;:;f~;a:fjJe'~iE~~J:~~:~?::~~J:~~0:Photo by Eddie McGrdth. Jr. Photo by J. J. Clarke ; hem of her A line skirt. 'Tomas, of Cuyahoga Fall~. n ,

LINDA SUE WHIMS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. In Our Lady Star of the Sea Church July 3. Her elbow length veil of silk: and P~ilip Dagnon, of Chicago.Vene Lyle Whims, of Crestwood drive, was married to PAMELA 1\ ORRIS GLYNN, daughter of the William illusion fell from a matching I The mother of the bride \I'oreMr. Finch Saturday afternoon, in Grosse Pointe Woods John Glynns, of East Emory court, spoke her wedding bow of fabric and lace and she an Ice blue peau de soie jacketPresbyterian Church. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. vows to M!'. ~arthel, son of the Theodore M. Barthels,' . 'dress. with matching acces~l)-Leo Finch, of Rockford, Mich. of Van K drive. : earned an ar:ang{~m~nt of ~ries. while the bridegroom',

- .. -------~-- .-- ~~- ---,~------, - --_._-- -,-~,------,------ I roses, stephanotIs and I\'Y on mother chose a pink linenTl"1 S h k CI. B'd the prayerbook her mother had jacket dress. with matching ac-n' ayne c rec ~ almS rl e FaII Bride 1llazey-Le Vette :carried on her own wedding cessories

i Wayne Conrad Sch-;:eck~-so~- and -h-~ndmade by her mother. VOtVS SlJoken :day. Both mhothers pinned cymhi.!, Kathleen Geymann was maid dium are id corsages to theirof Mrs. Ruth B. SChreck, of De. wa'i fashioned of import~d silk,

vonshire road, claimed Carol with accen:s of Swiss lace and i of honor, and the bridesmaids purses.Irene Herbert, daughter o' Mr. a detachable Watteau train. Lan)' William Mazey, son of I were Cat her i n e Lewis, the' After a \'isit to :"Iagara Falls

d H be f A Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mazey, of i bridegroom's cousin, ~1:rs, Rob- and a motor trip through Can-i an Mrs. Ralph er rt, 0 nn Her short bouffant veil of ~Kensington road, and Sharon ert Gesell and Mrs Thomas ada. the newl\'weds will make: Arb()r, as his bride Saturday. . double.layered French illusion :Frida LeVette, daughter of Mr. Rauck. J u n i 0 r bridesmaid:.;. their home in' st. Clair Shores,: Officiating at the 2 o'clock fell from a Swiss lace crown, and Mrs. Danil:l P. Webster, of ~--_. ----,- ---~ -~ . . ~ _,ceremony in St. Andrew's Epis. ,and she carried a ca<;cade of ' ~orthlawn avenue, were married,Icopal Church. Ann Arbor, was st(?ohanotis and IJhalaenopsis . in Hillcrest Evangelical United!; the Reverend Gordon M. Jones, orchids. B!'ethren Church Saturday morn-

I: Jr. Mrs. I\orman Gene Herbert nig., : The bride's gown, designed was matron of hono". and After a recention at Devon

II' '~--- ~ . - :bridesmaids were Jear, Bi~'!). of Gables, the newlyweds left for I' 84 Kercheval Ave.! ~~"~ i Lakeside. 0" Mrs, Charle<; l'\iagara Fal!s and New York.,, c: Maier, of Marquette. Mich .. a:1d Thev will return to make theirI ! fLOWERING J I JoAn:1 Pompo. also of Mar- hOI~e in Detroit.

queUe. The bride's Italian l'ilk gown.Gordon Birf!baner. Jr.. of A'- was styled with a Chapel train!

gonac. acted as his cousin's best and a bodice of Chantilly lace,: man. Ushering were ;.Io~man ; re-embroidered with seed pearls': G e n e Herbert. the bride's and sequins.brother, David CrE!e~er. Clay- ' A French crown secured her I'ton Guensche and Robert Polui. . bOlJffant \'eil. Her flowers were

Bennett Birgbauer was ri!1~ ~lr. and ~lrs. Homer P. Strale, ; white roses and orchids. i: bearer, and flower ~irls were ?f Norwood drive. are announ~: In floor length silk dresses. i

'd' d B B' 109 the engagenJent of then . d' :I Hel I an eUe Ann :rg. d<1 "ht :'\A'>;CY LEE to Dr. I styled .whlte bo Ices and .laven. ;, bauer. WU]"'t erI.. ~~ CI ' of del' skIrts, were MarguerIte Le'i

a cr ~ee ,.. ac ean. son '\' tt h d h . t ' ,After a recepti(m at the Wom- 'I' d U Ed d S 'uac.' e e, W (j serve as er SIS er s ,.\ 1. an .urs. war .... h d t d b'd Ien's City Club, Ann Arbor. the Clean. of Cheyenne, Wyo. : o~or atten an, ~n n es., r

COST NO MORE i newlyweds left for a two.week lIiss Strale was graduated, maIds Joan HarrIngton and ------THAN COMMON PLANTS ' vacation in Nassau. They will from Grosse Pointe High School Anne Hoover.

I be at home in Ann Arbor after ;m3 the University of Detroit: Their bouquets were fashionedAugust 1. 'School of Dentistry as a Dental, of white carnations and laven.

The new M"s. Schreck. a !!ra- Assistant. . der chrysanthemums.NOTICE AS POSSIBLE _,__,1 '! Phone 453-0164 or Visit • duate of Ann Arbor Hi~h Dr. MacClean is a graduate of, Da\'id Ebel was ~1:r. Mazey's'

~ FlOWERlAND S<,hoo1• i~ attending the l"niver, the 1,;nin'rsity of Wyoming and ibest man. and ushering were:

685 5 CI ~ sity of Michi'!an. Her husband, received his Doctor of Dental' Alfred Webster. James Reed't. air ~! GARDEN' a graduate of St. John's Mi1i. Medicine degree from the Uni., and Gary Webster.

3 tarv Academy. Delafield. Wis.,' versity of .Oregon. _TIT 2.1110 43678 N GRATIOT is studying at Cleary College. A Sep~em!Jer. 4 w~dding is FALLS ON WET FLOOR


.' ' planned. In St. \hchael s Church.! MOUNT CLEMENS Among those Wllb enLertaln-' C'.. P nle Woods Farms police received a call.I l' I . f th d osse 0,. . ,eu at pre.nuptla parties or e to the Doelle residence on Elm

----- ~ : couple were Mr. and Mr~. -------- court Friday, July 16, to aid an :'" ~Charles Cares. Mr. and 1\lrs, , HURT BY FIRECRACKER injured woman. ~rs. ~farie H.,

I Spencer Kimball, Mr. and 1lrs. City police took William Fi.sh- ! Doelle, 67, had fallen in her i'Richard Whitker. !\Ir. and Mrs. er. 15. of Lakeland road, to B'on utility room on a wet floor and:Gordon John Birghauer. Mrs. Secours H03pital Saturday. July' injured her left hip. She was:L. David Creeger. Mrs. PhiJin, 17. He W33 pl?yin,:: with fire-! conveyed to Bon Secour,; Hos-'Duey, ~frs. Harold Hough and crackers. and one exploded, in.' pital by a:nbulance where X.

: ~1rs. hussell Hus3ey. jurin:( hi~ left hand. raY3 were taken.









from the

1~llayeSped'll Picnic Boxes, Include

Paper Plates, Forks, Spoons, HotDrink, Cup and Napkin.

A Good Idea For Family }'un .

Prices Range from $1.35 to $2.50






,!!"!i'",:, >::':'i" IiJilliil 1111 IIII !11m

Page Twelve



Society News Gathered froID All of the PointesMiss Whims SaysVows To Mr. Finch IPair to Live in Rockford, Mich.: Bride Wears Gown I

Of .~Iencon Lace and Peau de Soie, With II

Mock Bolero Bodice II

Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church was the I'setting for the Saturday wedding of Linda Sue Whims,daughter of ~1r. and Mrs. Vene Lyle Whims, of Crest, 'wood drive, and Jerry Leroy Finch. I

He is the son of Mr. and I ~-- .. ~-, ,~- . -- - ---~.~-I~lrs. Leo Finch, of Rock-; :--Jolting and Mrs. Forrest Roosa,f d ••. h of Rockford.or , ,.de . '. . I They carried cascades of :Ele-

f or her. marflage. the tormer gance carnations, Sweetheart~llss WhIms chose a gown of .Oses and ivy. I'

white Alencon lace, accented by !a narrow band of pe3U de soie i Terry Finch served all his:helow a mock bolero bodice. i brother's best man. Guests were.ller A-line skirt ended in a silk : seated by Henry Finch, of To. !

~eau train : ledo. 0., J~rry Carlson, of Ann:. . . . Arbor, and Tom Sonko 81'ld'

Her elbow length Silk IllUSIOn I Larry Elkins, both of Rockford. I\'d fell from an Alencon lace !

Circlet, featuring pearl-trimmed I ~ reception at the Grosse,raised rosebuds, and she CH- I POInte Yacht Club follOwed the:l"Ied a Oouquet of white roses. ,4 o'clock ceremony. Mrs. Whims~tep:1anotis and ivy. centereri I w?re a pale blue chiffon sheath!with a white orchid. : WIth an Alencou lace bodice I. I and a matching tlo ~'ered hat,

Her attendants. wore floor and pinned a cor~age of cym-]en~th cor a I. chiffon. gowns, oidium orchids to her purse. IWith oaler satin at theIr W21Sts I 'and soft panel~ at the back oC! Mrs. Finch chose a sheer itheIr sheath skIrts. ! muted print sheath in turquoise!

~a"cy Ann Whims was her i shades and a matching hat, and"I"t.er's maid of honor. Bride!';. I a cymbidi1lm orchid corsage.maids were Mrs. Robh't Amllto, !'if Grand Blanc. Mrs. John i The newlyweds will live inI.mdstrom. of Livonia, Linda I Rockford. Mich.



I - ---~----------------------------------_ ....------------------ ......1-~---- - - - -


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by, of and for Pointe Women~-~j~y. July 22, 1965

•~lntes'hursday, July "LJ., I~b~

Woman's Page • • •

bKU;)~t: pulNIt: NEWS Page Thirteen

• Swim Suits

• Long Line Bras53priced from

sag{:ls.Aftpr a w p d din g trip in

:\orthern :\lidllgan. the newly-weds \\ ill make their home inSt. Clair Shores.

broken sizes ... all sales final

371 Fisher Road, Grosse Pointe 30,TU 5~9456

• GirdlesS~@)


• Strapless Bras51





Mrs. Richard J. Baker

from $20, 17888 Mack Avenue




Mrs. C. Webster Wheelock

Photo by Herman Jaffee

CAROL KYLE, daughter of the Joseph A. Kyles,of Country Club drive, was we(l to Mr. Baker, son of

I the Robert E. Bakers, of Fairlane lane, at a July 10i _:eremony in St. Paul's on the Lakeshore.

-- - --~--~~---~~~~~~~---~~~-

Parties Honor Miss Wilson

Photo by Gene ButlerAt a 12:30 o'clock ceremony in 81. Paul's on the

Lakeshore SaturJ.ay, KATHLEEN ELLEN EAGAN,daughter of the Emmett E. Eagans, of Stephens road,was married to Mr. Wheelock, son of the Joseph A.Wheelocks, of Greenville, Del.

, The new.l~weds ar~ traveling: C. R. E,nersonIn the Mantlll1e Provmces. They\\'ill live in Princeton, N. J.• : To Tn ke Bride A June 16 linen shower, given I '¥ere co-hostesses at a July 14while Mr. Wheelcck studies for j I by Mrs. Joseph Hadley, :\irs. kit c hen and miscellaneous;

,Robert Pecbles and Mrs. Alton shower,his Doctorate in English at Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Wins- ,WIH'eler, was the first in a se- IPrinceton University. . low, of Bloomfield Hills, are an- ' ries of pre-nuptial parties honor. The bridegroom - elect was I

nouncing the engagement of ing 2Vhl'garet Wilson, daughter feted July 18, at a bar and tool,• .: their daughter, Bonnie Dee, to of the Hugh C. Wilsons, of, shower given by :'irs. Karl An-:

PnNTCHARTRA~N Charles Robert Emerson, :-on 01 Yorkshire road. derson. Mrs. Benjamin Jayne, of i~ " I Mr. and Mrs. Eoward J. Emer- ' :'lEss Wilson and George Baer, Bloomfield Hills, !'.ostes.seri the i

N 1 B d son, of Washmgton road, IT. s,an of Dr. and Mrs. George Spinster Dinner yesterday eve-I A~:rtments~ ~~: The bride.elect is a student at .James Baer, of Balfour road, ning, and tomorrow evening Mr.

I ~r~lfItt~s. coCned~: Purdue University and a mem. will exchange marriage vows and Mrs. Charles Koebel will, "I.. tionlng. Heated bel' of Chi Omega. Her fiance is July 31, in Grosse Pointe Me- entertain at a cocktail and sup-

:~~ell~na/~~~~~:a graduate of Purdue. where he I11nrial Church. per party.$13 5 MO.PANtDnu p ~1~~=~ed with Lam b d a Chi tai~;~' a;lam~~n:k~;c~i~~ s~~~e:; l{:':::';::::':'::::::~::::-:::::;-::::':~:::::~-'::'::-::,*-::::.-::>.::-:::::~- ..,:::,-.~::-::::~-.::~:-~::~-.:::>.'-::::::-':':':-~';-':;:-:'::::-::'.::'::-::~-~:~:::::-:.:.~:::':':.:.;:.~:::::~::i:::::::::::~::':::::.. :..:.:::.:$:::::t~:::::::.:;~~;;:.~::.::;.:..:::~:.;::~.:i<~:::;:<~::~:::::::~::.:'.:\::. ::':',::..:.:.:::.:::.:".:::,:...::...:. :::: :'.. : .... :

IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY An August wedding is planned. I and luncheon in honor of the I ~r:.MODEL OPEN '.7 DAILY

For rental Information, call resl. ------ : bride-elect June 26, and on July I (:dent Manage!' at 776.071~. The sincerest peacemaker i:: ~8 .Kare~ . Kleefuss and ~usan' ~(

22825-29 E. 9 MILE 'often accused of butting in. i Bridge Jomed forces to give a! r::ST. CLAIR SHORES I ~____ I personal shower. ::~::

TU 1.3000 ! Short cuts to success are just :'IiI'S, Paul Colby, ~~rs. Fred r~:...-----------, mirages in the distance. I Cowan and :\1.1's.Sven Hellstrom t.::

- rj:r"-"Wi;or 'Viil-;~~I CAll tetJ1A' FOR THE ANSWER!]




40 W. Grand River - Phone 962-1373




One of Brltoln's great pamters of History and Genre He isknown all over the world for hiS famous p'ctu; 2 "When did youlost see your Father~"ThiS attractive pointing has great speculative appeal. FullySIgned S,ze InC frame, 60" x 48"."When did you lost see your F-ather~" has been reproduced inlife size fIgures at Mada".~ Tussaud's, the wax works In BokerStreet, London and seen by hundreds of thousonds of people.veames ,s represented !n the 'late Gallery London, Liverpool,Manchelter, Hambourg, and Sheffield Museums.

COLLECTION OF ORIC:INAL OIL PAINTINGS AND SKETCHESBY' Corio C,~' oni, Andree Jourbert, DaVid Tenlers. W. Clarkson,Stanfield Pietro de Munrelli, Carmichaei, Bodd,ngton, AdrianJones, F;edenck Goodoll, Jourdair., Nichol, Bertrand, Sir Stan-hope, Forbes, A. F, Maitland, Francisco de R;~alta, GeorgeRomney, Taddeo Zuccaro, J. A. Mc N. Whistler.

Thousands of Available Subjects:MODERN - ABSTRACT - IMPRESS20N:ST - ETC.

prices to suit - rental plan available

15126 MACK AVE., G. P. PtukVA 1.8224

Pointings • Prints • Fro.,.~s • Mouldings. Woter Colors. Silks

. Kathleen Ellen Eagan wore an Empire gown of Iant~que l':~ry peau de soie, its portrait neckline edged in IdelIcate lace. belonging to her maternal grandmother,for her marnage Saturday to C. Webster Wheelock. i

Monsignor Frank J. Mc."- ~ --_.---- -_. -- - -~~ IPhillips, officiated at t~e D. C., and Mrs. Joseph Wheel- I] 2:30 0 clock ceremony, m' ock, Jr., also of Washington,.St. Paul's on the Lakeshore. :D. C. I

The bride, daughter of Mr.,and Mrs. Emmett E. Eagan, of' JC'seph A. yv h eel 0 c.k, Jr.,'Stephens road chose an h .. 'served as hiS brother s best I

,- ell' Th th f I\'~ ,loom Brussels lace veil, worn' man. ey are e !ions 0 •• , :

mantilla style and extending the ond Mrs .. Joseph 1A. Wheelock,length of her Chapel train. She uf Greenville, De .carried white rosebuds. In the usher corps were G.

Her attendants' floor length William Bissrl, of Pittsburgh .gcwns were fa~hioned of pink Pa., Nicholas Ca:'per. Emn~ettsilk 0 r g a n z a. Their Empire E.agan .. Jl'.. brother of. th£' brH~e,w a i ~ t I i n e s were banded in SI!1dalr HJtch. of PhiladelphIa,matching pink velvet. Two-toned Pa., Thomas L. Pulang, of Newpink organza .,rtals formed tiny York City, Cornelius :\1. l1Jman,calots for their headpieces. of Philadelphia, Pa.. Robert

. Frolich and Peter We Ils. bot h ofThey earfled ?ouquets l)f shat. NI'W York Citv, and Thomas S.

ten'd car n a t Ion s. roses and Wh 1 k d'J \Vh "'Io"kb b' b h f . h ee.oe an ames ("'". a y s reat, estooned WIt the bridegroom's brothcr".IVV

C~cile McCaffrey was maid of 1\1rs. Eagan .greeted her ~uestsl,onor, and bridesmaids were at .the receptIOn at the Grosse;\lary Kateri By r Tl e s, Mrs. Pomte ~Iub f 0.110 wIn ~ her:\ ch01as Carper, of Wilmmgtcn. daughter s weddmg, \\'?urmg aDel., the bridegroom's si"ter, dre~s of Fre~ch blue lInen andChristine Covey, of Nc\\' York a .':a~ of chIffon flowcrs andCity, :\1r,. Thomas Guthat. Mar ... vellln!,;.Kay Kahn, Mrs. Joseph n. :Mrs. Wheelock were a palePrice. of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs.' !.llue ensemble and a matchingWilliam Tobin, of Washington, . hat.

Kathleen Ellen EaganWed in St. Paul's


.. oJ

ce..- '~'JI-.....;. , .. / ~~41


" , r liS


""r LVAJ(!J'1'"

. -_;:-T':,-w,K' ..::~

~ ...~,r'.. l,'~• r Ii~'!~.

:~ :'1 \ 1:'11 to :\Ia~ara F'jil-

1. ~n(Jt(\r trip thr'ough Ca'~'::~r Dc\\'ly ....cds will makE''1nn1C in St. Clair Shor('~


~'c\d(Jr(' \I B2rlheL .1:'~a~ 'l::, brother's be,;( m'ln':;1~n1('n \\' ere Ed m 1: n Ii\ . .Jr .. Thomas BejlO and,;; Boyd. Jr., of Ci1ira~(la nd usher', were .Ta i:H'~

.1' of Cuyahoga Fall~ n'r>h 1 . . ... :1 Ip Dagnon, of Chlca~()~ :~;oth('r of the bride 110ft'

(' ~Iuf' peau de SOIC Jacket\1 t1h matchln~ acrt.~,,).

II hIll' the brid('gn)or~:',n rho,(' a pink lInen. C:'t."" II Ith matchin~ ac.::\', .

., :nother" pinned CIIl''J1

():chld rorsag('~ to't:l(,lr


" , -' r)r I

I ,•• 1 I\" J!!.' }'.t

.. ',;t'hncit-.,; si:-Ier" PI", • '. 'd I('la"a\:ra l.lynn.

. ,' hnde,;maic!s \\'or£, ,11 ,", • t .Itn,.;".1 Im\'n. their \1 al,'. ~ d

b . ~ un" ;1n<it'd In turelllO' 1"• "'t.." n4'~ a::cndant's (TO\\ n 1\ 1 t" ., Uf.'t', '" lth aqua ban(iIn.£:, and

',:n:or at t('ndanl ~' frock. l(i£'ntlc;;1 to those of th S,":;';lld". but deSigned \\1t~~ :,klrr~.

c,,' headpieces \\ere nlC~:md they carried arran'"'e.

. o' I . /', , ea','es 10 \'arl()lIS( .. of ~r~cn.

,I cd upon Pamela \'orris': .11 their ='iuptial Hiah

I): the Sea Church. b

Stop at Niagara Fallsny and Reception,try Club

\1 Ith \\'.l;fcn .~.

()l~ thcse e..~cn., . ;~.:l"[ of \,.dues.


D ... a gift torever

ln RitesJuly 3

TU 2-9440

Page 14: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1965-69/... · 2006. 1. 13. · -, - .... ~ - .. -..;. - .... - ...." --=.~ - ... - .... ~.' ~.-;;. -.' ~ I ews


100 Kercheva I

345 Fisher Roacl

At a cocktail party in theirLakepointe avenue home, :Mr.and Mrs. Joseph C. Smith an-nounced the engagement oftheir daughter, PATRICIA L.MILLIS, to Arthur H. Schau-peter, son of Art h u r H.&haupeter, of North Edge-w:>od drive, and Mrs. JohnPierpont, of Fort Lauderdale,Fla.

Patty is <:Iso the daughterof John B. MiHis, of Cam-bridge road, Detroit. Hergrandfather was the I ateJudge Chester P. O'Hara.

She is a graduate of GrossePointe High School and Ste.phens College. Her fiance wasgraduated from Staunton Mil.itary Academy and attendedthe University of Detroit andWayne State University.

A November wedding is be-ing planned.


•Only 97c


Thursday, July 22, 1965


5 • •

-------_._-_. __ .-_._------------



TUxedo 4-2228

Purdy & Edgar Associates

If you have always wanted that little house with large rcoms, nestled ot the for end ofa dead-end street, then you should consider this exclusive offering. Situated in the Farms,just a few feet from Lake Shore Road, this petite moison is done in the French flair. Thefirst floor boasts Q lorge foyer from wr.;ch wends a curver:l stairwell. There is a generouslyproportioned living room, dining room, heated garden room with fountain, and large library.Two staircases provide access to the three large upstairs bedrooms. QU<llity rings in everyroom and is evider>ced olso from the view from the curb to the detoils of the secluded patiofountoin.

But seeing is believing, so coli us for on escortl.d tour. You might wont to stay for 0 longf'ime to come.

Lamb CiancioloRites Celebrated


Roundtrip jet Detroit/Windsor to Mexico City,First-Closs hotels, 17 meals, transfers, com-plete sightseeing, English speaking guides andmeeting service. 7 nights in beautiful MexicoCity, 5 nights glamorous Acapulco, 1 nightquaint Taxco, 1 night gorgeous Son Jose PuruQ.

including exceptional lamp values!Store Hours 19849 MACK

9 :30 a.m. to 5 :30 p.m. TU 4-6615

up to


Summer Clearance


to take advantage of our extraordinary

only 8

Phone or Write for FREE Brochure •.•

Here is THE Vacation-Compare Value!


M. V. Marston Claims Bride

Mrs. Richard M. Sweet

DAY TRAVEL CO. ~~~si~:Ji16847 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe 30 TU 6-0 I I I



15 DAYSOnly $319:;:~'::':.DBL ocel

Mr. and MN. Albert RoswellLamb, IT, will make their homein Maryland avenue when theyreturn from their wedding tripin Northern Michigan.

They were married Saturday,at an 11 o'cloek service in st.Edmund Church, Warren Woods.A recepti()n at the GounnetHouse, St. Clair Shores, followedthe ceremony.

The bride is the formei" NinaMaria Cianciolo, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Fred Cianciolo, ofWarren Woods. Her husband is :::! .. ,

I the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace :::::.:.,.:.:".'> ..:..::::::P. Lamb, of Nottingham road. ::~....:.:...:.:<,:.:( .

For her wedding, the former, :::::::\:;:'''''':':':..:.'.:::

~~~e Ci;~:~OI~e c~::,af~~~n~~ It:ii:::(::~.:::;:::; ...;::[':::.::;:::::):; .. '"with an A line skirt and aChapel train, accented at neck.line and skirt with seed pearl!embroidery.

A matching s~d pearl-f'!m-broidered Dior bow caught her

Ishort silk illusion veil, and shecarried a cascade of white roses

, and white orchids.Mrs. Anthony DelBene served

as her sister's matron of honor.Mrs. Dave Duncan was brides-maid, and Jeanine DelBene, the

Photo by J. S. De Forest bride's niece, was flower girl.In Grosse Pointe Congregational Church Saturday The attendants' dresses were

eveningt JUDITH KAY POPPEN was married to Mr. styled with white cotton laceSweet. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. bodices and floor-length skirts IPoppen, of Peachtree lane. He is the son of Mrs. Stella of lime gr~n crepe. They woreGolembieski, of Detroit. .matching Dior headbows with

------------------------- tiny veils of lime green net, andcarried bouquets of green andwhite daisies and carnations.

Charles P. Lamb was hisbrother's best man. In the ushercorps were Lawrence P. Lamb,another brother of the bride. '"grOOm, Gerald Leamon, of Cleve-land, 0., and Leonard Cianciolo, Ithe bride's brother. I

The mother of the bride worea dress of aqua embroidered or-ganza with a matching coat andmatching accessories, while thebridegroom's mother chose apale pink pure silk sheath witha matching short jacket. Bothmothers chose white cymbidiumorchid corsages.

Photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr.

At a reception in the gardenof their Westchester road home,

: :\1r. and :\1"5, George Menendezannounced the engagement oftheir daughter, mANE PA.

: TRICIA, to :\1art i n GarrettChapin, III. S0n of Mr. and Mrs.:\lartin G. Chapin, Jr" of North

: Rosedale park., :vIiss :\1encndez attends the!I University of Michigan, where"she is vice president of hersorority, Kappa Kappa Ganuna.'\-lr. Chapin is a university ofMichigan Law student, and isaffiliated with Alpha Tau Omegaand Phi Delta Phi.

The couple plan to be mar-ried next :May.

Their headpieces were royu:~blue blows, nnd they carriedmum cascades.

Dr. Theodore Carzon servedas the bridegroom's best man.Ushers were Edward Witkowskiand Thomas Golembieski thebridegroom's brother.

For her daughter's wedding,Mrs. Poppen chose a streetlength mint green silk sheathwith a matching lace top andjacket, and a matching halohat. .

The bridegroom's mot her.wore a street length dress ofaquamarine chiffon and silk,and matching accessories. Both Imothers chose Amazon lily cor-Isages.

Following a rec~ption atLochmoor Club, the newlywedsleft for the Pocono Mountainsand a tour of the New EnglandStates.

For tl aveling, the bride chosea pink linen sheath dress and acranberr!, linen coat, with pink Michael V. Marston, son of ter, Holly MacMahan and Kath-accessorIes.. the Max M. Marstons, of Severn leen Bingman.

Upon their return, !he new I road, claimed Diane Davison, of They c a I' r i e d daisies andMr,. and Mr.s. Sweet WIll make Coldwater, daughter of the late greens.theIr home In Romulus. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Davison,_______ Best m:l.D was Gerald Tobeler.

as' his bride at a July 3 cere- Ushering were Carl J. Stotz,

To Be Bra,de mony in St. Charles Church, Arthur Schaupeter, John Dum-Coldwater.. ser Jr. and Donald B. Dahn,

For her marrIage, the former Jr' ,Miss Davison chose a floor l'. ,length sheath of white taffeta, A receptIon at Stukey s InnstyiJO with a detachable train. followed the cerem?ny. TheSeed pearl and lace detailing ac-1 newlyweds left. the Umted Statescented her bodice, and her July 5 for Izmrr, Turkey, ~hereshoulder length, French illusion Mr. Marst~)D has been ~sslgnedveil fell from a seed pea!'! but- by the Umted States AIr Forceterfly crown. as Judge Advocate.

She carried a cascade ar- The new Mrs. Marston attend-".i rangement of orchids, stephano- ed Michigan State University

tis and ivy, and received her B.A. degreeAttendants, in pale yellow from Hillsdale College. She has

Empire gowns, fashioned with A been teaching in the Royal Oakline skirts and detailed with School System.green ribbon and gold and white Her husband attended the Uni-daisy embroidery, were Barbara I\versity of Detroit and receivedPearce, Nancy Davidson, Mrs. his B.A. and Law degrees fromCarl Stotz, the bridegroomts sis- the UIt.versity of Michigan.

College GroupBid to Dances

A dance for College studentsis being held every Thursdaynight at the Christ Church Un.

• dercroft. This NeighborhoodEvening Club activity is open to all

1 Grosse Pointe residents andguests who have recently gradu-ated !rom high school or whonow attend college.

It starts at 8:30 p.m. andcosts 75 cent. Pass the wordaround and make this a placefor all the youth of GrossePointe to meet and dance. Pleasebring identification, e i the rschool lD. 01' a driver's license.

WOodward 1-6955


232 Fisher Road

2200 Belmont -Dearborn

18634 Muirland, Detroit

Sunday, J~ly 25, from 10 a.m.

Saturday, J"ly 31, from 10:00 a.m,

6264 Campus Drive-Dearborn Heights

Saturday, July 24, from 10:00 a.m.

32890 Whatley Rd., Franklin, Mich.14 MI. Rd., Y2 Mi. W. of Telegraph

Wednesday, July 28 from 10 a.m.

Not an Auction - All Items Priced



Grosse Pointe Forms

Sunday, August 1, froin 10 a.m.



Stalker, Boos, Purdy & Edgar, Assodaied




3078 Penobscot Bldg.


H. O. McNierney, Stalker & Boos, Inc.APPRAISERS

3078 Penobscot Bldg. WOodward 1-6955



Page Fourteen

______ ~ _ b. b b D b b D. D•• e • t .••••• D • D. S ? D' 2 • nnn?? 7 7 7 7 7 7 ?• ?? at? Z? 7? ? ? 7 ? ? ?? 77 t? 7? ? 7? rl

P..eception Follows SaturdayPair Tr~vel to Poconos andNew England States

Judi~h Kay Poppen, daughter of the Howard R.Poppens, of Peachtree.lan~, and Richard M. Sweet, sonof Mrs. Stella Golembwskl, of Longacre street, DetrOIt,exchanged marriage vows Saturday.

Officiatingat the 7 o'clock,.)----- -.--------<.:~remony.in Grosse Pointe I stephanotis and ivy, centeredCongregatIOnal Church was! with a white orchid.Reverend John Wi 11i a m I Maid of honor Janet M. Pop-Estc.;. pen. the bride's sister, wore a

The bride chose a silk faile floor length frock of royal andgown, trimmed with rc.e:n- powder blue silk linen, itshroidered Alencon lace at por- :-aised waistline defined by atrait neckline and elbow length flat back bow.~leeves, styled with an A line Bridesmaids, wearing dressesskirt and pleated Chapel train, identical to ihat of the honorfalling from a back waist bow, ,attendant, were Joyce Lynn

She wore her Alencon l;..cc- I Poppen. another sister of thetrimmed illusiGQ veil mantilla" bride. and Mrs. Edward Wit-style, and carried a bouquet of ! kowski, the bridegroom's sister.

Lochmoor ClubRites;

Miss Poppen BrideOf Richard Sweet

Society.News Gathered frOIDAll of the Pointes

) ... a gift forever

. \\ Ith \\'.lrrcn'~

On r:-tcsc cs~cn-..;~,:c~t ot ....dues.

TU 2-9440

j(! I'~CCURL~\I1ANENT$9.50


)00 and WAVE$2.25

1 mnthers pinned ('\ III hi1I;('hld ('orsa~es t;)' thl'lr


cd upon Pamela NorrisI a1. their ~uptial Hiahof the Sea Church, b

:. a \ I:-It to :":Iagara Fall.,:llolllr trip throllJ:!h C;:ln

'1(' newlyweds will rnak<>1i)TllC In St. Clair Shores

'J1. ~ & COMPANY~' " '.! : TH S'. . II;


,top at Niagara Fallsy and Receptiontry Clu~)

:UCH UP$7.50

In RitesJuly 3

lhl' hqcic's sisters 1>"1"o 0 [" '~'la

Laura Glynn., hrit!csmaic!s wore sht'ath~!~la lI~len .. thclr waists and

bandf'd I~ turquoi.'",. The- allf'ndant s gown was t. Uf,t'. \\ Ith aqua bandino "n I

h. U (

JUnIor attendants' frock,I(!l'ntlcal to those of th~

:--:11 ,wI", but designed \\IthskIrts.

'II' headpieces were DIOfand they carried arrangE"

, of lea\'('s in various" of .!.:f('en,

:>UR.S; 3:"~ to ) 00,:'1' and August

odor(' ,1. Bartl1cl .J"as IllS ~,rothcr's best ma'~'nsmen \\' ere Ed m 1I n rl. .Jr.. Thomas BcjiH andh DOY<I, Jr .. of Chi('a~oa rod ushers were J a \11('~s. of Cuyahoga Falls, 0'~J!ip Dagnon. of Chicago'

mother of the bride \Ioreh~llr pedU de soi(' jac:etII Ith rnatchin~ a('('('<;so,

\1 hill' the bridegroom ";'r, ('hose a pink linrn

(i!'l's:--. \Ilth matching dC'':t' ...

rsday, July ,22, 1965


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Page Fifteen


SchoolDR 1-3850


Parties Given For Bride-Elect

Beauty14242 Gratiot nr. 7 Mile Rd. Detroit 5, Mich.

DONBE Academy of Beaute, Inc.31710 Mound Rd., Warren


GOOD NEWS'DON BE Beauty School


(Save Half the Regular Tuition I

Start at your convenience, Small Down ;.Payment reserves your place. ~ .....

FREE BONUf Worth $lS0-Course Include, 'I - \J Advanced and Wig Styling

COMPARE-Ycu Can't Do Better

Lovelysetting for exquisite home-center foyer-excellent decor-3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Call today.


Windmill Pointe Area

Beji~DiehlRites Are Read

--------_._-~----- --


American patina Colonial (jI'OUP

Smartly functional ... yet so charmingly traditional the design is well suited to Early American and Colonialdecor. The deep-sculptured, raised-panel doors and beveled drawer fronts present a classically simple facade.

This styling is dramatically heightened by American Patina wiping stain finishes. You'll feel as though YOl!

have a full staff of servants, the way Mutschler pampers you ... Storage near each work center saves

bending, reaching and running about. A kitchen MUTSCHLER KITCHENS, INC.that's planned to fit your way of doing th.ings. Just 204S9 Maek Ave .• Grosse Pointe Woodsone of many distinctive style interpretations. Telephone TV 4-3700

Mrs. John B. Halsey



43678 N. GRATIOT




PLANTED NOWWill Be 20" Across

Within 4 Weeks



One or a Truck LoadAnytime till Aug.

Phone 463-0164 ar Visi~

by, of and-for P'ointe Women

Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr.At a Saturday morning .service in Our Lady Star

of the Sea Church, KATHLEEN ANN GRUBER,daughter of Edmund J. Gruber, of North Oxford read,and the late Mrs. Gruber, became the bride of Mr.Halsey, son of Mrs. Elmer Halsey, of Detroit, and thelate Mr. Halsey.

Teen Night SpotTurns to Folk

Pool-DeneckeTroth Is Told

The Cellar, a popular teennight spot at Lakepointe and

I Kercheval will become a coffeehouse called "Euphoria" fea-

I t~ring folk ~usic on Sund<.Yi mght, July 2;>., The music will include hard I

driving blues which inspired II the Rolling Stones as well as!: populllr folk music. I

Among the ;>erformers the:first Sunday will be the Milk:River .Tug Band and Jan Rieves- Ichel. Euphoria will open at I8:30 o'clock with entertainmentbeginning at 9. The price willbe 75 cents a person and $1.25

Planning a fall wedding areJohn Pool, son of Dr. and Mrs.Walter D. Pool, of Rolandcourt, and Kristin N. Denecke,daughter of the Harry Dennec-kes, of Dearborn.

The bride-elect is a grad-I uate of Adrian College. Her

fiance is a senior <it MichigaI!State University.


Don't depend on a sign . .let TOLES REAL ESTATE

handle your property.

::\'Irs, Ockford Kell~r and her Idaughter, Virginia, are home I Br.lde _Elect College Playersagain in Neff road after a visit~~:)t:~~f;:a~:~::~~i~~I 1I:!!*:?i'J';'~c~"~I Prepare Shmvwhere Mr. Miller is associated :m/,~:,:::-,'::' "::~':~:,~::::,,>:I The College Players, spor.-with the Central Intelligence t?:i>' <'f:::r::::; sored by the Grosse Pointe WarAgency. ,,",''.' , :',: Memorial Association, will pre-

'I The Millers entertained for sent the three-act comedy,their visitors at a buffet supper. "Bell, Book and Candle," in the

: Among the g u e 1> t:} were air-conditioned Fries Auditori-! several members of the C.I.A. urn Thursday, Friday and Sat.I and Gerald Miller, Jr., on va- urday evenings, July 29, 30 andI cation from Harvard. 31. Perform~nces start at 8:30

o'clock,Direetor of the bewitching

drama :" Robert Smawley, ofthe Grosse Pointe Theater. Castmembers include Elise Phebus,Christopher Norris, WilliamHope. Candy Mason and TomChrist, Set designer is Grost.ePointe Theater's Mike Mikas. I

Tickets for this productionare $1 and are on sale at theCenter's office in Lakeshore

The ~ngagement of BAR- road.BARA JEAN FREDERICK- --------.-----SON to Robert R. Stoetzer has per couple. For refreshment, Ibeen announced by the bride- coffee, soft drinks, and dough-elect's parents, Dr. a:ld Mrs. nuts will be available.George C, Frederickson, of This new venture is under IIOxford road, f the sponsorship of the Neigh- __

Mr, Stoetzer is the son 0 borhood Club.Mr, and ~lrs. Robert H. Stoet-zer, of Prestvllick road. Theyplan to be married next June.

Gorgeous home


_ l' 4 acres of beautitul landscaped groundsWith bobbling rock pond and sprinkler,

_ 4 bedrooms-4 baths_ 3 moid rooms and bath_ Modern kitchen• Library-terrace-morning room• Thermopane windows_ Fabulous games room_ Cord room with cirCUlar bar


• .. L 'I' 0 • •

TU 1-6300

..~' ...C '~''0~~' I IIs.= 111l1li Me !. _1 .. _

We will be pleased to make an inspection of same andadVise the price we feel can be obtained. You are underno obligation fr-r this service.


/' _.

Valente jewelryFINE JEWELERS

SINCE 1934


Sales, Repair and Service

Summer Store Hours9 a,m. to 6 p.m, Now Through August

Tall trees-

,- ......, . - .,

p.~' J' •..~.'I ,I~'"

~ - - - .,..J : ~~

~ ;:~-.~.~'~~l I '-~~ ---jJ~:- '.• -I ~~ - >- • 1 ~.- .• ,. ,. .... ~ '.

,,~- ',. , ,0' • 'J I - " ..:.....--.;:~~''_L-r~.,

_ Complete air-conditioning - Carriage hous~ with qu~rters above_ Photographer's dark room - 4 Car garage With eyectrlC eye doors_ Year round heated greenhouse - and much, much more

Thl.~ home has el'erlltJml(l lI[;1( can possibly think of and is inimmaculate condition, May lee ,,1'(;,1' it to YOU:'

Sunken gardens


Thursday, July 22. 1965

r~~ogency forl'OMEGA

I Parties Honor,Carolyn Stear'ls

IParties for bride-elect Ca-

rolyn Stearns, who will speak! hET marriage vows to TimothyHagedorn, son of the William

Bride Wears Traditional White Org"nza Gown With l"rederick Hagedorns, of EdselSwiss Cotton Accents; Attai1dants Choose :~~dla~~u~;ri;~i.S Saturday, be-

Dresses of Aqua Crepe The daughter of Dr. and Mrs._.. ------ ----- . A. B. Stea.rns, of Hampton I

Mr. and Mrs. ,John Beach Halsey are plannmg a I road, was feted ,,"pril 13 at aEuropean wedding trip, and will return to make their luncheon and 'round-the-clockhome in St. Clair Shores. (.'~ --~---------- shower, given by Mrs. Ivan B.

They were m::;,rrl'ed S t I Thl: bridegroom son of Mrs. T~ylor and Mrs. George Fre~-. . a - I 1 ' . ' D ' d erlckson at the Taylor home Inurday mer n 1n g, in Our' E mer Halsey, of etrOlt, an North Edgewood drive.lady Star of th S Ithe late Mr, Halsey, asked Paul .~ •. e ea 1 Gruber to serve as best man. Hostesses at a June 10 dinne .."Church. A recep~lOn at the IlJshers were Jamrs Halsey, E. I a~d table top shower were Mrs.Park She I ton Hotel fol-: John Gruber and Thomas Gru. : Richard C. Mertz and Mr:;.lowed the ceremony. ; (fer and groomsmen were Lee' Howard Gandelot. Pa:ty scene I

Th b'd lc' ,; llal'sey and Joseph Impastato. was the Mertz home In Hamp- Ie rt e, Lie wrmer Kath- ! ton road.leen Ann Gruber, daughter of i Mrs, Halsey, the bridegroom's A tea and miscellaneousEdmund J. Gruber, of North i mother, chose a pink lace, shower was on Miss Sterns'(~xford road, and the late Mrs, I str~et length dress and match- June 12 agenda.(,rubel', wo!,e a white organza ! ing accessories for the cere. Hostesses were Mrs. Victorgown, fasnlOned with ,a, can. : many and reception. I Galloway and Mrs. Joseph Kie-trolled bell sha~d sklr. and ------- : fus, clnd the party took place atsquare Chapel tram. I the Galloway home in East Bal-

I FENCE APPROVED .Swiss cotton motifs accented I lantyne court.

her bodice. and a full wreath of: The Farms council, on :.\1on- Mrs. David Leach opened herimported orange blossoms held; day, July 19. granted the ap- Colonial road. home for aher bouffant veil. Her flowers, I f v R t M ' h d f I brunch and recIpe shower June

h't pea 0 .~, us lIlr ea 0 30\\ ere w I e roses. I,. '25.l TouraIne road. to construct Another party a buffet din-

.' Maid, of ~lOnor 1\11'5: Glenn I a six-fout wood habitant fence, I ner for Caroly~ and TimothySmger, of Grand Rapids and' d th' . d .bride d M F 'k 1 ' : abcut 100 feet in length along an ell' fnen s, IS scheduled

.' smal S ,rs. ran In. , '" . this evening at the Fordcroft\\ IerneI' of Hmg1and Ind and hiS property hne of CharleVOIX, 0 d h ' f D d M' ... r a orne 0 I' an rs:\Irs. MarY,Conforti, of Warren, as well as across his back prop. I Thomas Petz,' .wore F.mplre fr(lCks of aqua , erty line, Fences over four feet Icrep.e ,and ('ontr?sting ~ior bow: in height must be given approval ""f. •

hea(Jpleces. an~ Cdrfled ar. i by the council, according to a A ~a]Jltal Tl"'lprangements of pmk roses, i Farms Fence Ordinance. ,

For M,.s. Keller

Kathleen GruberMarries Mr. Halsey

Woman's Page


















lesI paI1y 1IJ thf'lr('iiUt' h(l:lle. :'Ilr,h C. S;rl.lth an('n,,1~('mer~t of

'. PA TR!CL\ 1..':h~lr II. Seh,lll, Arthur Hf \'orth J::.d::e."nr! :\!r:-. Johnort La~l(lerdale,


I"n::J cf

F.::'ms.'. TheE'rC'u~lvIl:lr:: n.'1 ("\f'rv

:J ;:,.::tio

Iy 22, 1965

, thl:' clau;::htNlilhs, of earn.

DetroIt. Hl'r'as the l:t t I'

P, O'Hara.

iuate of Grossechool and Ste-Her fiance was

Staunton :\Iil.and attmdect

of Detroit and,jversity.

wedding IS be--


• - - - __ ~ - .. - __ __ __ - - _... .- - -. - 4 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _.....-...- ........ ..- ....


r • C d d d d st r dzA • r d tr ••


... ... .e ...

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.---Fage Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 22, 1965 Thursd

Three Trullk Lines To Serve You Quickly




20876 lbrperBet' ..e-w 8

!timm."Other da~.s I




BOOKS, art objImmediate c.B. C. Claes 1Since 1928Certified APIWO 3-4267.We have exCdelightful pa

WE BUY old gsilver. VogueXorosa Road.


This is lot 0a one manvour amil;ound ,f gunet, dnms.trumpet Yplay jus'wLessons nc1.one out t£ld

Buy tom the Iwith a

Sunday, July ::p.m. ioma 127777 Schook]troit lace C\tioned, freesion ':ic.

A1tiques E

19928 Live:PembrokE

862{Now )ffering l~of attiques colyears.

GAS '0Youtt bedsand ,Iaypeedo 15884.

DELUXE t>,..o-freeZErpound frezenew. Al9size eletrishape. 18-72

BAMBOOP>Rsuits, likl nother houehday and ;un25. TU 12027

PING-PO~z tImported cegreen trnchIon liner subblue broodeteen, siE 10conditio!. TV

BEDROOI suioriginalcost $lfrigeraor.S100. Iammetric fiI'1placetheatin: coalstools. ITxedo

G£J.TAF amplif$:25. ':'U 5.908

SMLE5510 Woo<wa115 S. Woodw


PING-'ONGtor el~ctrileatbr twifrarre. Circand lines,405-(

TWO MAPLEplet., VA 1

Buy-Sel(hen Dail)

ANTIQUES & 'Treastt'e< - TValues - Bar~Dealet's DiSCIMill Resale SI'Grosse Pte. \\


China, Brass. CoCollector



14357 F


TY}EWRITERSnachines. ne'~Salable price~fie Equipmenat Bishop. TV


Reloading equipment and com-ponents. Scope and Sight In-stallations. Stock fitting andcomplete gunsmithing.BROWNING & WINCHESTERWEATHERBY & REMINGTON




Cor. ~aryland VA 1-8200

3O.GALLON hot water tank.Good working order. $10.TUxedo 4-5644.


THAT SUITS YOL"R HO:\IF.Ha\'e your children started ask.

ing "what can I do?"They wun't if they have abrand new piano in the li,.ingroom and are learning toplay it! . . . Let them learnduring summpr "acation ..."THERE IS NOTHI::\G BET.TER FOR THEM TO DO."

SM ILEY BROS.5510 Woodward TR 3.6800115 S. Woodward 1\117-1177

BIKE, GIRL'S 26". turquoise,excellent condition. TUxedo1.9245.


Living, dining, bedroom, kitchenand family room. Reducedprices. TU 6-0525 from 9-4.

THE MUSIC CE!I.'TERPRescott 5-8000

BEDROOM SET, walnut. Loveseat, red velvet. SimmonsFold abed. Large wing chairwith ottoman. Club chair.Lamps. Emerson TV. Wringerwasher, dryer. Miscellaneous.Leaving state, will sacrifice.11~ Elmdale, 521-4580.

.MOVING - ~iece fireplaceset $10; library table $15; forbasement or cottage-Frigid.aire, new wiring, $10; com.bination eledric stove, ref.rigerator and sink $50. 823-0513.

SU~gfER vacation courSE, only$19.95. includes use of an or-gan or piano in your horn!'.including lessons. Call now.


Amplifier, 35 watts. 15" Jen-sen Concert Speaker, Dis.count, $159. Fender Profes.sional style solid body guitarwith vibrato arm $49 and $69.$50 new amplifier $34.88.Fender, Gibson. Ampeg.


14357 Harper

WE FrX ANY TV$19.95

Includes all parts and labor.110', 24", 27", slightly extra.

USED TV SALE17" TV _ _ . $1521" TV - - _ __..$25NEW ADMIRAL

PORTABLE ... _.._._..... .. $99

Vie & Phil's TV25280 GRATIOT


TOP SOIL (rich garden loam)-5 yard loads delivered. 371.7763, 6.9 p.m.


MUSIC CENTER22933 Gratiot Near 9

10 A.M. to 9 P.M.


22933 Gratiot Near 910 A.M. to 9 PoM.

OUTFIT YOUR FAMILYLargest Selection of Resale

Clothing in Area.New Girdles and Bras,

Half Price.Spring Clothing Taken

on Consignment for

HOLLYWOOD BED, complete,l?ractically new, $25. VAlley1-3733.


KIMBALL piano sale. Big 40"console for prke of a spinet.Only $695 includes bench anddelivery. Compare with pianocosting as much as $1,000.

------------- I75 YARDS us~d grey wool twist I

carpeting. TUxedo 2-1588.

PAL MER WOODS EXECU-TIVE MOVING - Antiques,furniture, h(l~ewares, ap. E L E C T R I C STOVE, 40.inchpliances, AR 3 stereo speak.ers, complete with cabinet; white Frigidaire. Six monthstelevision set, camping equip- old. Deluxe four burner, fullyment, cameras, furs. 193~ automatic oven. Leaving town.Cumberland Way. Neal' Bal. Cost $nO new. Price nowmoral, Detroit. Sunday 10 I $150. Call VAlley 2-8976_.__a.m. to 4 p.m. IA JIGGS JOHNSON Rummage

Sa1e, Saturday. 471 Rivard,BEDROOM SUITE, excellent Grosse Pointe City.

oondition. Whirlpool portable - _dishwasher-four p()Ster beO, AIR CO~DITIONER. 1963 G.E.very reasonable. TU 1-6266. Thinline, 8,400 BTU. !lO-volt.

with windc.w moanting. Per.DRIVERS! $12.41 qum'terly may feet condition, used little,

buy $10,000/$20,000 Liability $125 finn. TUxedo 4.9582.and Property Damage. TUxe.do 1.2376. B~WOOD SHADE. 9' x 7'.

-- .. ------- green rope rug. 6' x 9'. porchBLACK IRON TABLE, two rug, 9' x 10' 10". TLxedo

chairs, 30" plate glass top. 5.9917.$25. TUxedo 4-767B.

---ITHOROUGHLY new restaurant I

equipmep.t. Bar b e cue ma-chine, aut 0 mat i c coffeemaker, Henny-Penny Broast-er" fryers, candy showcases,candy cook stove, neon home-made candy sign, neon carry.out signs, l)()()ths, counterstools, hood, fan, work tables,air conditioners. 886-2435,TUxedo 4-6128.


THREE 9'x10' wool loop rugs.also new rubber padding, bestgrade. TUxedo 2-9321.._--

ESTATES bought and sold.Comp!ete or odd pieces. An.tiques, silver, china, furni.ture. Oriental rugs. Hugh C.Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO LEAVIXG TOW:"i-Three rock-6.2500. I ers at S5 each. Three pairs-------1 window length yellow flow-

COFFEE TABLES, fruitwood, ered drapes, $20; four pairsSwedish design, also Sligh's /' floor length I i v in groomgray.toned pieces, small bed. drapes, all for $35. Bar t3ble,room chest, seven drawers, I S5, Baby's high chair. $4. twotwo night tables, large book. baby cribs, $10 each. VAlleyshelf with one drawer, ward- 2-8976.robe trunk. All in good can.! 8-6~.I-'X--C-H~C-O-U-CH---m-an--u-f-a-c-t-u.r-e-rdition and reasonable. VAlley! Valentine-Seav~r (Kroehler).2.129~. I Beige and white slip co\'er,

CAMERA 8 mm, mOVie, $60: six cushions, $125. TU 4.3451.automatic zoom lens, like GOVER~OR WL'ITHROPdesk:new. cost $125. 884-2127. upholstered chairs, davenport,

CHILDREN'S games anrl toys, ~ l' ass rug s, miscellaneousm~scellaneous items. TUxedo ltems. TUxedo 2-2243.1-4964.

SACRIFICE Sin g e r sew i n gmachine With zig-zag in beau-tiful cabinet. Make button-holes, se~\' on buttons. Claimfor $3 per month or total of$33.69. Dealer, SL 5.7810.

LEE'S FASHION MART20339 Mack TU 1-8082

10 to 5 Daily - Fri. 'tit 9

TAFPAN gas stove, $15. TU.2-4~).

ALL HOUSEHOLD furnishings,including some mahog3nyColonial. 78 Muir road.

YOUR OIL PAINTINGS expert.ly repaired, restored andclp.aned.

ANTIQUE FRAMES completelyrestored. Museum standardsof perfection.

WIGLE'S ART SHOP8100 Kercheval WA 2-5165

Restoration Specialist

? LARGE white and gold chinalnmps, beautiful silk sh sdes.Large electric Westinghouseroaster, like new. 3.piecemen's Samsonite and 2.pieceladies wardrobe. 821.9022.

BED and dresser, dining roomoutfit, breakfast set, filingcabinet. G.E. stove and icebox. Bargain. TUxedo 5 7078.

DIAMOND RING, $600set, $150.Also m2'1'S one carat cluster,$150. Larger diamond ring -desperate! 372-0070.

AMAZING cut on Lowrey, Kim.ball, Story & Clark piano~, andorgans. Excise tax savingsand more. Compare our lowprices before you buy any-,where.

--------- -----

MUSIC CENTER22933 Gratiot Near 9

10 A.M. to 9 P.M.

SUCH AND SUCH, A PLACE,7639 E. Jefferson


Original oil paintings, Europeanand American. (Living Vel.vet) by J. Craig Hille. 18thand 19th century originalJapanese prints. Portraits inoil by Lumetta. Ar.tiques, ofcourse.

10.GALLON tropical fish ae.quarium complete, exc~Uentworking condition. Reason-able. TUxedo 4-1076.

60 SECOND Polaroid, one yearold. all accessories" $187 new,sell for $65. Generator, 2500volts, never used, cost $395,best offer. 881-3798.

AS-IS Lowrey organ sale. Onlyfinish as-is. These organs fac-tory gauranteed, are returnedfrom public and parochialschools. Used only since Jan-uary, 1965. Latest Lowreytransistorized Holiday Deluxeorgans. Save hundreds. Noreasonable offer refused. Sohurry.

ELECTRIC ORGAN - 2 man.ual pedaJs. Beautiful tone.Like new, $325. 752 Barring.ton.

The Cinderella Shop16227 Mack nr. 3 Mile

TU 6.0960

G. E. pushbutton electric stove,standard size, good condition.886.0215.

A 30 to 50% saving at Guitarand Drum WarehQuse ontrade.ins of drum sets, allmakes guitars and amps. Gib-son, Fen d e r, Ephiphones,Guild, Kay, etc. Factory deal.er. Shop us before you buy.

22933 Gratiot Near 910 A.M. to 9 P.M.

EXCEPTIONAL values - mod-ern furniture, all less thanone year old. Owner leavingcountry. Karastan rugs, 6x9and 3x5, off white. SimmonsHide--a-bed, Danish modern.5 piece dinette set, roundwood.grained table and blacknaugahyde ch'airs. TUxedo5-3980.

EXQUISITE Hepplewhite, din.ningroom set, !ight mahoganywith inlaid woods, 8 chairs,breakfront buffet. TUxedo 1-2233.

DAN ISH "Gunstockn walnutdouble dresser, night &tand,and coffee table. Approxi-mately :SOsquare yards goodwool carpeting. Chaise loungeframe. TUxedo 1-2634.

MOTO 22" lawn mower; Dough.boy swimming pool; televis-ion, some furniture, miscel.laneous item~. TU 4-~. Callafter 4 p.m.

KIMBALL Pianos and Organs,new. DESPERATE-must sellimmediately - name you rprice!!!! 14357 Harper.

GARAGE SALE - stove, reofrigerator, washer, maternityclothes, toys. curtains, mis.cellaneous items. Saturday,July 24, 9 to 4. 1581 New-castle.

WANTEDWomen's Summer

Clothesfor Consignment

662f.l% ReturnMonogramming

EmbroideryMen's and Women's Alterations10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri. 'til 9 jl.m.

NOT "Wholesale"! But real sav.ings. No ballooned price~ atGuitar and Drum Warehouse.!Fender, Gibson, Ephiphon~,and all others.

22933 Gratiot Near 910 AM. to 9 PoM.

UPHOLSTERING Fabric Rem._nants, below cost; start at 98cyard. Van Upholstering &Furniture Co., 20343 Mack,Grosse Pointe Woods.

78-ROOM AND BOARDWANTED-Room and evening

meal for professional (Den.tal) student willing to as-wme hourehold responsibili-ties if desired for partial pay.ment. R£!erences. Write J. I

A. Wiler, 140 South Lincoln,Bronson, Mich 49028.

A PLAYER Piano Exclusive.Smiley Bros. TRI-ART playerpiano in French or ItalianProvincial styling with yourchoice of cherry, walnut, ma-hogany hand rubbed case ...Trade in your old piano nowon this full keyboard expres-sion player piano. Convenien~bank rates incI. credit lifeinsurance.


SMILEY BROS.5510 Woodward TR 3-6800115 S. Woodward MI 7-1177

FUN SALE - Valerie nilsenselling everything in shop -drastically recduded prices!Exquisite antique Victorianbedroom suite. 10lk x 14lhRoyal Kerminshaw Orientalrug. Paintings, antiques, dec-orators cocktail tables. largemaple dropleaf table. Chinesetapestry, 5 x 7.,

FLEA MARKET bargain shel-ves-values to $10 - yourchoice - 99c.

WE BUY, SELL. close outestates. Also house sales.Come early for best buys.

4126 NORTH WOODWARD at13lh Mile. LIberty 9..6669.

CALL TUxedo 2-69006-FOR RENT-

(Unfumish.d)3 BEDROOM home, carpeted,

adults, one child, $l~o.. Va.cant. TUxedo 1-4080.


YOUNG COUPLE desires du- DESK and chair, walnut, Stowplex or small house in Grosse David, 32"x60", typewriterPointe or vicinity. Must have compartment. L ik e new.fenced.in yard and garage. Sacrifice. 886-3468.Have German Shepherd. Ref- 1------------ereneet; available. TUxedo 4- LEATHER TABLES, 2 step, 15798 or 886-5631. cocktail, $40 each. Tier, $15.

Lamps. TUxedo 1-8986.F.B.I. SPECIAL AGENT IN

CHARGE, DETROIT OFFICEand wife need by September15, in Grosse area, to rent,lease or option 3-4 bedroomhouse. family room, fireplace,2 car garage. Children awayat college. Call 965.2323, leavemessage.

3.OR 4 ROOM ap~ent orNORTH SHORE APTS income; stove, refrigerator,NEW AND SPACIOUS 'beat, gas furnished. Adults.

1 and 2-bedroom apts. Central August occupan~y. V A 11 e yair conditioning, private base- 2-4593 or 884-02:53.ments, GE appliances include Istove, refrigerator, dishwash- WANTED: two to three bed-el', garbage disposal, covered room house or flat. Betweencar ports, SWIMMING POOL. $100 and $125. Available forClose to public transportation. immediate occupancy. Chilo GENERAL ELECTRIC electricDocking facili'tJ.es WI'thin walk- dren. 771-2038 after 5. 0" . drange, 4 ,in good con ition,ing distance. Model open I-E-MPLQ--YE-ES-.-'-o-f-G-ro-s-s-e-P-o-i-nt-e$50. TUxedo 6-5249.daily. Furnished by J. L. Public &h(,ol System need 1--- _

Hudson Co. Call 7n-3124. housing. Flats and apart- BELL AND HOWELL 8mm.E. JEFFERSON AT 9lh MILE ments, furnished or unfur- movie camera with wide

nished. Call TUxedo 5-3808. angle lens attached, plusmany other extras. Brand

PROFESSIONAL family of four new. Call evenings and week-desires three bedroom un- ends, TUxedo 6-1755.i urn ish e d home or flat.Brownell School d i s t r i ct.Lease desired. Option to buy.TUxedo 2-3637 after 5 p.m.

SIX ROOM upper on S{)merset,$90. Adu1ts, no pets. TUxedo4-0655.

WANTED - Gentleman, 37,wishes room and board or toshare spacious home. Call anyday before noon, 568-2955.

OPEN SUNDAY .2-5Grosse Pointe Farms, 69 Maple-

ton. 3 bedrooms, $150, lease.885-2546. I'A-ROOMS WANT'ED

ALTER ROAD south of Jef- RETIRED gentleman. sober andferson. l'v;od~~ upper income. neat, need kitchen privelege.One bedroom. Car pet e d, Will assist in ~ol.lsehold .ass t 0 v e, refrigerator, heat. part paym~ .wrth ~gemalAvaiIable September 1. $100. couple or SimIlar. WHIttakerVAlley 3-0501. 885-7012 between 3-9 p.m.


1353 HARVARD, 2-bedroom ONE OR TWO rooms in private Ihome, 2-Yelir lease, $200 per home. For occasional use be.month. TUxedo 5-8342 or HO tween lake home and south.8-7832. By retired banker and wife.

TUxedo 1-0580 or 1-519-825-I4013 collect. FEDDERS 1 ton air conditioner,

$25. G.E. electric stove. $40.885-5735 after 6 p.m.

OFFICE SPACE in the Village.643 Notre Dame. AnswLringservice. Parking. TUx e do5.0518.

COMPANION for elderly lady-gentleman or couple. Free totravel. Excellent driving reocord. Available near August15. References exchanged.Reply Box W 42. GrossePointe News.


RETIRED Grusse Pointe ladywishes one or two days perwee1c-what have you? VAl-ley 1.2262.

HIGH SCHOOL graduate desiressummer baby.o;itting employ.ment. References. TUxedo2-1548.

HIGH school girl desires baby,.siaing days or evenings. Ex.peri~nced. TU 5-4249.

.MALE NURSE, expedenced andcompetent. Travel or relo-cate. Referen<:es. 36'7-0675.

GIRL WISHES days cleaning orironing. Can after .5:30 p.m.References. 925.9317.

WOMAN wants days,. child care, 6G-STORES FOR RENTsick care. general. Refer- I

ences. VAlley 2-8304. 20' STORE building with full------------ basement in exclusive Ker.5B-EMPLOYMENT cheval.On-The-Hill shopping

BUREAU center. Lease, possession in-------.----- fall. Mr. Toles, TUxedo 5.




First class custom-made drap.eries, bedspreads. dust ruffles,valences, samples, repairs.Free estimates. HOward 3.6153.

BOYS sturdy 24" bike. CubScout uniform size 14. Teen

Specializes in fa s t domestic ~---------- formals and clothing, size 8-s~rvice. We are offering effi- 7-WANTED TO RENT ' 10. TUxedo 6-1698.clent female help. Available .immediately. Applici.nts are -GOVEJ~.NMENT. ex e cut 1V e, NYLON beige tweed rug andscreened. marned, deslfes 2.bedroom pad. 10' 8"x23'. $50. TUxedo

apartment. WOodward 5-2323. 4-3083.3139 East Larned St., LO 8-3118 Mr. McCarthy. I

18TH CENTURY extention din-BANKER and family wish 3 ing table, walnut. VAlley

6-FCR RENT- to 4 bedroom house in $200. 2-8854.(Unfurnished) $250 range. Desire 2 year -----------

GROSSE POINTE 1421 S .1 lease, pre~erably with. llur.. ANTIQUES, . 0!Der chase option. Mr. Riddle, of'let. Lower 5 rooms, spaCIOUS. 222.3312or 886-2628. THE WAGGIN' TONGUEModern. New garage contract- . Country Furniture, Accessoriesed. Adults. $150 per month. GROSSE POINTE family of -4 22265 Mack, corner California

ISL 8-5742, open Sunday 1. needs 3 bedroom h 0 use, 8-9 Mile Rds.5 p.m. apartm~nt or flat. Up to $200, Open Daily, MO.l. thl:.u Sat., 11-4

will iease. TUxedo 4-1884. 771.1480THREE BEDROOMS, den, acti- ~ __vitics room, large living, din- RENT OR LEASE with buy o~ 243 WINCHESTER model 100ing, new kitchen facilities, tion, three bedrooms, $200 per automatic. 2x7 Weatherbyrecreation room, immediate month maximum. Responsible scope. One year old, like new.avaialll.blity. $260. 1428 Har. executive, one child. 921-2410, Call evenings and weekends,vard. Ageqt. PR 7-4500. exts. 3b2 or 333. TUxedo 6-1755.

Th'H TMI!lkLine. To Serve You Quickly

REGISTERED NURSES-For aU sE'rvices includingOperating !loom and Deliv-ery Room. Hospital rapidlyexpanding from 290 to 450beds. Situated dose to thecultural center of Detroit.Providing opportunities foradvanced study. Startingsalary $450 with shift dif.ferential and i n ere a s e severy six months. Adiveiuservice program. vaca-tion, Blue Cross, sick leave,and insurance plans amongtht: attractive personnelpolicie~. For further infor-mation write: Miss RuthA. Warner, R.N., Directorof Nursing Service. St. JohnHospital, 22101Moross ~oad,Detroit, Michigan 48236.

REAL ESTATE SALESPEO. I----~---_.--P~E - Training and all pro- NURSE, trained praetiC1\1. Anyfessional service provided, in. ease o~ relief duty. Gr06seciuding Real Estate attorney, Poi n t e relel'e'llces. VAlleypresent at. all closing. 4-0022.-----------~DOv.ER, 181M Mack Ave.,TUxedo 6-3730.

IF YOU'LL name the job youwant done, we'll do it . . .

Specializing in paint.ine alad lawn service.

VA. -!-9172

COOK for invalicl and nurse inGrosse Pointe Farms home.Dependable lady, age 50 to50, to live in. ~ec~nt refer-ences. Duties include mar~et.ing, meal planning. and someassistance to :-egular hous€-keeper. One or two dr.ys offduring week, but must workweekends. Good salary.

WOodward 3-9520

Coli I

TUXEDO 2-69003 Tfunk lines


YOUR OWN HOMEAll subjects; all grades. Ad.ults and children. Certifiedteachers.




Charge Ads-12 words for $'.00IOc eoch addition",1 word


18941 KerC:ll' val at No~ D~.'l'U 5.9898

..--------..12-TUTORING IS-SITUATIONWANTEDClassiJ~d Deadline SU"f."MERt t . h I

.l'~ U onng, ~our o~e. MIMEO _ PRINTIN"I Tu-" New math, remedial re:::dmg, Gs "';:Nay noon, 12 p.m.,tor all new COpy.chao,n of English. All grades. Refresher TYPINGcopy and eaoceI13t1on.. Ii Is coU!~es included. TUx e d 0suggested that all real e.tate 5-6215. WRIGHT-IDEAS TU 5.2727

-------.~----- ----.--------- EAST WARREN near GrosseCOpybe submItted to our of. 3-LOST AND FOUND Your Girl Fridey Pointe. BeautitJ1 three.roomfiee by Monday S p.m. ---------~- Secretartal Service upper, newly decorated, ref.

"-------------' LOST - yellow kitten with . t .... hot IMf<meo<1"rQphinrr ngera or, ""ov~, water,pink coll::r. TUxedo 1-5923. --. h ted $7" t:h W kMrs. Coleman TU 4~b442 ea.. ~ per lOOn'. or-LOST in vicinity of Grosse ing people, one or two, no

Pointe High. Boys' glasses in NEED a baby sUter? The Sittera pets. TUxedo 2-3046.black CAse. Reward. TUxedo Club, PRescott 7.0377. Li. ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom brick2-5395. \:ensed and bonded. Cape Cod. Beautifully glass.

4-HELP WANTED -C-A-LL---W-A-R-R-E-N--B--ab-y-s-it-tln-g-I ed.in terrace, many extras.MALE AND FEMALE Agency while you are away, RevtIed area. 11233 McKinny.

night or day. Licensed and I VEnice 9-9933.registered. 754-6339.

BOY, 16, wants grass cutting,odd jobs. Has mower. CallBill. TUxedo 4-9544.


MRS. LOU IS MARICK DIREC.TOR Tut~rIni by deel'f'e teacbers available in all subjects forgrades high school, college andadult education.

339 Men1weat.~erGrosse Pointe Farma


all elemer.tary subjects. $2.50per hour. 886-5189.


"We will stay while you'reaway. any hour, night or day"

Best Baby Sitters AvaliableLicensed and Bonded

Baby Care. Vacation Care.Convalescent and Elderly Care

TUxedo 4-2820' 7M-~070


reading in your home. VAlley! We H,"ve - We Need17259 I R.NlI - L.P.Ns

_~ . . ~_ Practicai and CompanioD!CERTIFIED teacher for sum-I Nur~es' aids, convalescent care;

er tutoring. Call Miss Con. also male nurses.aolly. TUxedo SoSl12. 885-8722 882-2498

HARKNESS PHARMACY20313 M.ck Ave. Ilt LoehmoorTU '-3100


Gra~d CIrcus Park News StandMajestic Bldg. New. S~d

E. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITSAlden Park Manor. E. Jefferson

&&.Id VanDykeCameron. GUt Shop. Wayburn

& Jeff.Park Drugs, CltyUmlta

GROSSE POINTE PARKMiller Pharmac.y. Waybum and

KerchevalSullvan Pharm~,.. Bueem.f1ed

ana KerchevealLouIs Party Store on Charl.~lx

GROSSE POINTE CITYKopp's PbarmaCJ'. CAd1eux end

KerchevalCunnmcnam'l Drup. Notre Dame

and Kercll.vaJNotre Dame Pharmaey. Notre


TraIl PhanPacy. Kucb.val ODthe mll

J'arms Oro,.. J'1Ibel' ltd. aDC:Kercbeval

Schettlen Drup. F'.abu Ad. and:\laum ..

KInsel Drup. Mac:.k and 7.Wl.Road

Wood's Dn1I CO'!!'l __llobck andBoumtmouUl (7 NUe Rd.)

GROSSE i'OlNTE WOODSGrosse Pointe Pharm.C)". M.ek SALESGIRL or woman for knit

and BunUnatoP h Call . QQA t>I\iBarkneu Pb,'umacy. Kack and SOp. evenmgs, ~70.LochmOO1' ------------ COMPANION to party in Flor.

Bowud Jo~. Mack and II. BABYSITTER, Jefferson.C~d. ida or Arizona this winter.Mlle .Ooron!1o.Mack and Anita leux llU'ea, recent Grosse Good driver. Plain cook. Con.Arnold'. DruJ. Mack .nd Haw. Pointe references. TUxedo sider semi-invalid. Home own- 6A-FOR RENT-BQtg~~erucs.Mack ar.~ Roslyn 5.2761. I er. Excellent references. Re. (Furnished)

DETROIT AREA I ply Box U-18, Grosse Pointe _Briggl Oro, ~tore. Maele and DEPENDABLE girl for doc., Ne\"'3. 3 ROOMS. Upper income. Mid.Ra~~~rall'e\l'dtc.lService Pharmacy. tor> office, typing. generall____________ ale aged couple or ~man.

Mack'and Moran office work, 32 hours a week. i 5A-SITUATION WANTED I Farms area. 884.2807.Blue Cross Drugs, Maci' and Netf TUndo 4-9060 between 91. _BIBTue HJVnPbarmacy. Mack and and 5 we~kdays. (Domestic) APARTMENT in Grosse. PointeDevonshire Drol'. Mack and, ------------- EXPERIENCED lady wishes -Will accommodate t h r e e

Devonilhlre \COLLEGE STUDENT. part, d k N k persons, $240 per month. TUL c~n;rl.~~armacy.Msok and Baa. I time sales. traditional men's I . ays or wee work. 0 coo.Colony Patent MediCine. 1564SI shop. Carl Sterr Co., 80 Ker. lng. Reference. 924-0696. 4-7978, 4 _to_8_p_.m_. _

Mack cheval. Grosse Pointe Farms, I EXPERIENCED lady wishes 6B-ROOMS FOR RENT------------ TUxedo 2.3590. day work. Grosse Pointe ref- --------.------

OT CES .. I VAll 39690 aft 1185 AUDUBON, lovely bed-l-PUBLICN I ST..~TISTICAL typist for certi- erenct::. ey - er room, kitchen privelege, for---GROSSE-P-O-I-N--T-E----'I f!ed public. accou~tant's. of- _5_p_.m_~. lady. Call anytime. TU 2-1539.

DRIVI~G SCHOOL I f~ce. ~xperlenced m typmg'l RELIABLE lady wishes <::on."Enjoy the Summertime" finanCIal stateJ?ents, ta~ re." valescent, child care. Days or KENSINGTON near East Outer

Learn to Drive turns. and ordlllary busmess evenings; References. 824- Drive and Warren. SchoolPersonalized Instruction I letters. Some filing and phone 4811. teacher or nurse preferred.

answering. Please reply to ---------___ TUxedo 5-3298.822.2412-_~___ _~_ Box V93, Grosse Pointe News, A-I LAUNDRESS, good ironer, ------------1A-PERSONALS giving age, experience and wishes days. Reference. TR tiC-OfFICES FOR RENT

--~----- ----- i salary desired. 1.1271.S P I R IT U A L readings, well ~______ __ -----------

known "HELE~A". For ap-I FEMALE - Acocuntant or LADY wishes housework, callpointment c a II VErmont I bookekeeper. full c h a r g e . WA1nut 2.2429.6.0'/45. 11 a.m. 'til 7 p.m. , Must be ahle to handle finan. .--O--N-G-'---'-

-- - ------ --_ -- - -- i cial sat( ..ments, income bx PLAIN. C OKI ,1 r? n lng,WEDDI~~ CA;"I?lDS--CompIete! knowledge helpful. Accl)unt- cl~amng, care for SIck and 6D-RESORT PROPERTY

album In brIlliant color. only i ant's office 18230 Mack chl1dt"en. Call 823.3927. FOR RENT$52. or in sparkling black and I TUxedo 1.3363. ' EXPERIENCED lady washing A A A I . . t dh't . • ~48 F I' ... new, uxurIOus, carpe e;Oi~~~~~ts. i~ ~:our o~o~e af; I LADyi~r-on~-d-a-v-a-w--e-ek- ~nd ironing. pickup and de-I homes and apartments withsee Grosse' Pointe's fine~t Thursday. Type 60 w.p.m.: _lIvery. PRescott 6-6661. I complete .. ~ontemporary ki!-wedding photography and re-I good penmanship. Interview I RELIABLE woman wants days, .chen fac~htIeS, ~cat~d 0h pr~-!"eivc a beautiful gift. call TU Tuesday, 10-3. DR 1-3850. ,cleaning or driving. Grosse ~atke sCahelsan. y Ceallc6802. -tH52 J S D F t 1---- --~------~-----I p. t f 8221273 La e ar evOlX. a -~ ' .. " e ores. om e re erences. -. 2731 3384689----- ------.- 4A-HELP 'WANTED or - .

2A-MU~;= I:DUCJ.':'iON (Domestic) LADY .wishes days ironing. or,' BEDROOMS cottage 35 miles------- ---- ------------ cleamng. Have Grosse Pomte ."

PUNCH A1'.D J'..'t;v GROSSE POINTE couple with references. 863-6021. from .Detroit on. Anchor Bar.three school aged sons de. ' All CIty convemences. AvaIl-

MUSIC STUDIO~ sires experienced cook and REFINED worn a n wishes able weekly through Septem.Piano, guitar, banjo, housekeeper to live in. Pri- housework, Monday, Tuesday, bel'. VAlley 1-8730.

accordion. vate apartment. Extra belp Friday. Excellent worker. COTTAGE to rent on LittleGuitar Rental and Sales. in house. Excellent time off VA 1-3436. Traverse Lake in beautiful

1~ -Kercheval I a~d salary. Must be reliable 'LADY with references wishes Lelanau, near Traver~e City.Grosse Pointe Farms I "l1th current references. Call three days: Monday, Tuesday, Every convenience, autom-

TU 4-4440 R~s. 372-8994 TUxedo 4-4581. Thursday. $10 and c:!rfare. atic beat, boat, raft, safe sand.

IWANTED ior placement: Ex: WA 1-7174. beach. Privacy, sleep.s .6, $75---,----.------- . d k't --------- per week. 2 week mlmmum.Sl:)lMER plano and organ les-I perlence coo s. 11\'81 resses MIDDLE AGE woman wishes Available Aug. thru Se t. 15.

sons, your. ho~e. Pre.school and couples. TUxedo :s-4576. day work. Phone 832-4325. 881-6669. Pthrough umve~slty level. Pop- NEAT, reliable bousekeeper ------~----- - _ular and eh!sslcal. ~ale teach. and cook, 2 adults. live-in or LADY WISHES Tuesday and 6F- TO SHAREcr. TUxedo 5-6215. go. References. TUxedo 1- Thursday cleaning or laundry. LIVING QUARTERS

------------ Grosse Pointe reference. 965-2B-TUTORING 0033. .;.()39.------------

-. t 2_ • ost"

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Thursday, July 22, 1965 Thursday, Juy 22, 1965..GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen

VA 2-3560


andSal.,... d


WOLVERINETypewriter S.rvlce

Our New LocatiotlN.JCt to the SOYarl"" Hotel

D'p."flabl. Servlc ••

Grosse Pointe


CROSSE PTE WOODS-Well ar-ranged 3 bedroom Ranch. pan-eled family room., attachedgarage, games room. Nicelyfenced yard with large patio.Can't be beat! $26,300. TU 1-6300.



$39.50/3131 E. JEFFERSON AVE.




BEFORD. 823 - Fine Colonialnear lake, parkS' and bus. 3bedrooms, 2~ baths, kitchenwith dining area, cool terrace.Carpet and drapes. See this.TU 4-0600.

CLOVERLY. 319 - Pretty asa picture with garden setting,this 1lh story has spaciousliving room, 3 bedrooms, 2baths, terrace Excellent car.peting included. TU 4.0600.

NR. LOCHMOOR GOLFCOURSE - Excellent 4 bed.room, 3 bath, Semi-lliinch.Paneled library, 30' familyroom with fireplace, terrace.Well located, everythinghandy. Must be sold TIJ 1-6300.

HILL.TOP SETTr~G - Central"Farms" location, Well de,signed French ColoniaL 4 bed .room, 21.2 bath, paneled li.brary, large kitchen. 3-carkitchen attached garage. Nice-ly landscaped grounds. Don'tmiss this! TU 1-6300.

STEPHENS, 236 - Exclusi\'e'Farms' location. Large livingroom, dining room, sharpkitchen, dis'lwasher and dis.posal; 2 bedrooms--each withdouble c1osets-2 baths, pan-eled library or 3rd bedroom.Florida room, games roomwith picture window. 2-ear at-tached - garage has electricdoor opener. TU 4-0600.

GROSSE PTE SHORES off Lake.shore, on Sunningdale, At.tractive 5 bedroom Colonial.Paneled library, games room.Excellent home for large fam.ily. Priced to sell in the lowfifties. TV 1-6300,


l'U 5-4100



TUxedt' 1-6800




Electrical RepairsAppliance Circuits


Krausmann Electric Co.TU 2-5900


J6S '11M, 14., 0", Hlth

Grosse Pointe CabTU 2-5300

BARRINGTON-This charmingEnglish home is but a shortwalk from the lakefront park,s c h 001 and busline. Hugekitchen, 3 bedrooms, fine con.dition. Well landscaped 60' lotwith sp:rinkler system. Pricedin the 20's. Call for appoint.ment today.

FAIRLAKE LA..~E-This attrac.tive ranch is vacant andready for i'11lllediate occu.pancy. Family room, largemodern kitchen, 2 baths, 119'lot located on a quiet lane inGrosse Pte. Shores. Priced inthe 50's.

74 Kercheval

ANITA, 1292 - For $21,500here's one not to miss; 3bedrooms, 2 b 3 t h s, gasheat, recreation roo m,kitchen with eating area,low taxes.

LANGE, 22461- St. CIa ireShON'S, on a canal, great3 bedroom Ranch on largelot. swimming pool. boathoist, fully air conditioned,a summer delight.


1st Offerting"FARMS"-Vacant, 4 bedroom,

2 bath, English bungalow, ablock to new Kerb~'. spa-cious living room, break-fast area.

I------------1ROAD SERVICE[


TU1.9813 ~~A~ ITU 4..3988 I



IIIShoe Repair ;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;,;';;;;,~

Tr 4-2228




BEAUTIFUL LEWISTONRoad we are pleased tooffer this five family bed-room house which is idealfor the family that requireseasy accessibility to ~,Paul's and Grosse PointeHigh. On 212 feet of iront-age, the house actually hasan "extra" lot. We mightadd that there are twomaids' rooms and a bathover the three-car attachedgarage, with access to themain house. First floor"opens up" with library,living room and diningrooms eaC'h leading offfrom the entran'Ce hall.Now vacailt and ready foryour furniture.





406 FISHERThis charming 4-bedroom Eng-lish home with spacious, mod-ern kitcben and plenty of eat-ing space plus many other i~ealfeatures is yours for Just$31,900.

1st Time OfferedSPOIL YOURSELF and family

with a move into this com-fortable single story houseon Holiday Road. This oneopens up with three honest.sized ~drooms, plus a pan.eled library which couldeasily substitute for afourth bedroom. S pre a dacross a wide lot, thehouse is built over a fullyequipped basement wit hparty room facilities.

EXACTLY FITS the descrip.tion outlined oy so manyof today's home buyers-Colonial architecture, lesstlIan ten years old, fourbedrooms with at le:lst twoand one half baths, largeextra room on the firstf I 0 0 r, sparkling kitchen,and in the "right loca.tion." We have one ... inThe City, and priced ullder$45,000. We also h a v eanother which fits this de.scription in the Farms, andthis ain't no double talk!

By AppointmentJUST OFF Windmill Pointe

Drive on Middlesex, is thelocation for this attractiveEnglish house. The kitchenhas been completely re-done, which will pleasemother. Up the spiral stair-case are five bedr(,omsserviced by two baths. Thefirst floor has a step-downliving room, dining room,and den plus family room.Price: $49,500.

DEEPLANDS N., 50 - CustomColonial with everything,6 spacious bedrooms, 4baths. marble foyer andcircular s t air s welcomesyou, library plus I a r g efamily room, 1st floor utili.ties, 'all carpets and drap.eries inc1uued, 3 car ga.rage.

TRY THIS ONE for size if you XOTTI~GHMI, 1039-~ear Jeflong for a house with real MOROSS, 357 - Across from ferson. Fine brick and stoneelbow room. Mammoth en. Country Club, under $30,' ranch with 2 bedrooms, 1~trance gallery which is 000, 4 bedrooms, 1~~ baths. baths, library, full diningpaneled and has the living, near Kerby School, beated room. kitchen has dishwasherdining alid library rooms porch, recreation room. and disposal. Attached garageall leading from it. There, with electric door, Good dealare four familY bedrooms ~{T. VERNON, 300-11;<2 story, for qualified buyer. TV 1-4200with three baths, and also 2 bpdrooms, bath down; 2t.wo more :OOl,?Sfo.r st~y- bedrooms, bath up; Kerby I SHOREH.<U1:,699--Up the circu-om-help. Mamtamed m mIOt and Brownell around the! lar drive ar.d through thecondition. comer, fine condition. door to comfort and conveni.

ence A home with 2 bedrooms,livingroom overlooking !;ar-den, paneled den with fire-place, Mutschler kitchen isbright with step-saving 1stfloor laundry. Dreams are likethis. TU 1-4200.

IF YOU HAVE CONTEMPTfor contemporary we chal-lenge you to take a look atthis "fooler" on BallantyneRoad. Inside the war mdecor "invites" :;ou to makey(>urse1f at home. Thereare three bedrooms, eachwith its own bath, plus acharming den which openson to a large and secluded'patio. Priced for the dis.criminating buyer in thesixty thousand bracket.

THIS IS NOT another threebedroom colonial with afirst floor lav, but this reocent listing defies compari.son with the rest of themarket. Its plus featuresare a porch large enoughto entertain on, also a base.ment room which you willbe proud of, IInd largeenough bedrooms to handlea growing family.

"They who always follow thecrowd finally become part of it."

n,e. Tru.1c Ulles To Serve YOII QuIckly

TU 4-1000





CUSTOM. BUILT Contempo-rary-3 bedrooms, 2 baths,family room, 3 fireplaces, at-tached 2--car gange, indoor.outdoor patio, 100' lot. $38,.000. PRescott 7.0151.

CENTER HALL COLONIAL, 3bedrooms, attached 2 car ga-rage. Cor n e r lot 75xl68.Aluminum storms, screens,awnings. Fully carpeted andd rap e d. Immediate occu-pancy. Priced in mid thirties.Shown by appointment.

Grosse Pointe


S. RENAUD, 871. Open Sunday2:30-5:00. Luxury ranch onlarge, beautifully landscapedlot. Three bedrooms. Activi-ties room. Paneled recreationroom, Big heated swimmingpool. Merits careful inspec.tion. $54,500.

ROSLYN. First Advertised.Charming one and one-halfstory. Two bedrooms on firstfloor. Large bedroom aboveFamily Room. Beautiful con-dit ••m. $29,800.

MOROSS. First Advertised.Very nice. Colonial. Threebedrooms one and one-halfbaths. $26,500.

WOODLAND SHORES DRIVE.Exceptional Early Americanbuilt in 1963. Bedroom, oneand one-half baths and Dress-ing Room on first floor. Threebedrcoms two baths .above.Paneled F ami 1y Room.Mutschler Kitchen. Air condi.tioned. High quality through.out.

STAl'j'l'ON LANE. Prime Farmslocation near parochial andpublic school, stores andtransportation. At t r activeEarly American. Five bed-rooms, three .and one-halfbaths. LIbrary. Large Family IRoom. $49,500.

. ONUNIVERSITY. Interesting con.,

temporary. Three bedrooms,two and one-half baths. Dress-ing Room. Library. Recrea-tion Room with bar. $35,900.

BERKSIDRE near St. Paul.Good house for sizeable fam-ily. Five bedrooms three andone-half bat h s. Breakfastroom. Den. Sun Room. Dou.ble Recreation Room.

BALLANTYNE CT. Well 10'cated ranch in impeccablecondition. Three bedroomstwo baths. Paneled Recrea-tion Room. $39,000.

HOLLYWOOD. Special ranch.Redecorated. T h r e e bed-rooms, one and one-halfbaths. Paneled Basement withadditional ~droom, full bathand recreation room. $35,000.

ANITA. Well arranged ranch invery good condition. Threebedrooms. Family Room.$25,000.

Stop in for IJ time saving llsttailored to ycur requirementsfrom our compI'ehensive GrossePointe catalog of photographsand small floor plans.


CALL TUxedo 1-6900


of Grosse Pointe

TU 6-4060




14' PLYWOOD BOAT, Johnson22 h.p.; in water. $295. TUx.edo 1.4723.

22' CABIN fishing boat, wellincluded, 22 h.p. inboard Gray,$750. 772-9641.

1961, 26-foot Chris-Craft cruiser,sleeps 4, 185 hp., fully equip-ped. Excellent condition. PR8-0350.

15' STURDY white oa1:: boat F. J. MciNTYREwith outboard, $75. 3560 Gull. TR 2.1«8 TU 6-0571ford.

17-}t'T. T AND T Thompson, 15electric Johnson, convertibletop, full cover, trailer. WoodsPark. Excellent condition.TUxedo 1-5884.

ARKANSAS Traveler, 14' fiber-glas, 40 h.p. Mercury. TUxedo4-4362, after 6 p.m. I NORWOOD 21176, H a r per

12f-RESORT PROPERTY Woods, Grosse Pointe schoolFOR SALE district - Attractive 3 bed-

room brick ranch, full recrea-tion room, enclooed p<.lrch.

For a gr~up of Businessmen, we have 800 acreswith farm included, largeClub house, all furnished,other buildings. Ideal hunt-ing and fishing. Mae E. Ma.lone, Realtor, P.O. Box 375,Roscommon, Michigan 48653


Martha Bachers RealtorMarine Office Call Collect

RO 5-7881Detroit VA 1-7710

LAKE HURON-Canadian side,18 miles from bridge, furn-ished summer home, all con-veniences, sleeps six, beauti-ful beach, large lot, $13,000.Phone, day 825-3460; evenings969.7722.

ST. CLAIR FLATSSni-bor.:) Channel

Island RetreatCompletely furnished and equip-ped, modern 24x48 mahoganyparleled LODGE on approxi.mately 5 acres. Boat included.Fish, hunt duck and (rough itin the plush) only 50 minutesfrom Grosse Pointe . 881-4647evenings.


81 Kercheval on the Hill

Member of National Associationof Real Estate Boards

National Council ofWomen Realtol'fi

Grosse Pointe Women RealEst.ate Counsellors

BEDFORD 14393-bedroom Colonial in primecondition. Large family kitchen,den, recreation room with nat-ural fireplace, large lot, zonedior physicians.


Gray brick with white trim. 3nice bedrooms, extra largeclosets. Large kitchen withdishwasher and disposall.Fine home for the growingfamily. Little tots can simplyslip through the back gate toget to school. Only f32,500.



Fo," out of stateshipping


1963 and Older


DR 1-7888




ACE AUTO SALESCalifornia buyers. Cash forcars. 1:5436East Warren. Cor-ner of Nottingham. TUxedo6,4344.

1962 CHEVROLET convertiblesupersport. Power steering,power brakes, power win.dows, vibrosonic radio. AceAuto Sales, 15436 East War-ren, TUxedo 6-4344.

14770 GRATIOTand 15300 GRATIOT

DR 1-7888

FORD 1960 4-door sedan. Radioand everything. New trans-mission and muffler. Collegestudent needs money for tui-tion. $275. TUxedo 5.5227.

AVANTI, 7,000 miles, 1963, air.condiiioDling, 4-on-tlle-floor, allpower. Best offer over $3300.822-283'9.

1950 CADILLAC, four doo!"'sed-an, widow's car, under 20,000miles, six-way seat, all pl)W-ered, beautiful car. $lloo.TUxedo ~1345.

1959 OLDSMOBILE Super 88,$595. TUxedo 2-8944.

CORVAIR Station Wagon, 1961.Radio, heater, new tires, auto.matico Excellent condition,sharp, $595. Call after 4 p.m.,TUxedo 1-1625.

MG.TD 1952- Excellent condi-tion, reasonable. 886-3394andVAlley 1-1952.

THUNDERBIRD, 1962, factoryair conditioning, dual-90 tires,all power, vinyl roof, tops inmarket. Best offer overwholesale takes it. TUxedo1-0494.


MIDDLESEX. Prime tri.levelContemporary. Five bed-

CANAL LOT! 50x180, steel sea rooms, three ar.d one.halfwall. BayYlew - between 10 baths. Library. Family Roomand 11 Mlle. Owner 881-5~60. with bar. Recreation Room.

TRs, MGs, F' ATS, I Many special features. $59,750f'v1ERCEDES SPRITES, MARINE CITY-Short distance Wi!! consider. smaller Grosse

AUSTI N HEAL YS ETC.' from North end <>f city. A POInte house m trade., good contemporary horn e

only 13 years old. Overlook- S. RENAUD. Very well ar.ing St. Clair River, 2 large ranged ranch. Two bedroomsbedrooms, living and dining plus Library convertible tocombination. Parkay floors. third bedroom. One and one-Loads of extra modern fea. half baths. Family room.tures. Beautiful patio with $37,500.canvas awning. Guest housein rear has 4 rooms. Rental$90 a month, 2 car garage.Lot 62x170. Extra lot acrossroad on river is included.Marine Office Call Collect



]960 CHRYSLER Windsor con-vertible, power steering, pow-er brakes. pink with blacktop, Good condition. 12126Corbett.

37.acre farm. Good hunting, 5-room frame house, garage, 1ge.barn, deep well. For futher in-

~ formation, call TUxedo 1-2561.TEMPEST convertible, 1964, Agent.

$1,795. 372.0269.

MUSTANG, 1965, cruisomatic 6, /12H-LAKE AND RIVERfully equipped. TUxedo 1-8631. PROPERTY

1963 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof,radio, excellent condition,clean, one owner, $1,295. TUx-edo 1.0814.

'n,•• Truak lilies To Serve Yo. Qlllckly

• 148.

9-ARTICLES WANTED II-AUTOS fOR SALEWANTED to purcha~e. Tiffany, 1963 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville.

St~uben, and other art glass, Special paint, air-conditioned,o:lental rugs and fine fur-I 6 way seat, tilt wh~el, electriculture. Cent';lry H?use Anti. trunk, AM.FM radio. Aceq.ues, 17105LlvernOis. UN1ver- Auto Sales, 15436 East War-sIty 1-1510. ren, TUxedo 6-4344.

WANTED - Home of furni.ture or odd pieces. WA 1-8575.

GIRL'S 25-inch bicycle. TUxedoJ-7729.


1964. HONDA Scrambler, 4,900mdes. Best offer. TUxedo 2-6155.

'59 T.BIRD -White, full power,clean but somp rust on rockerpanels. $600. VAlley ~-6087.

'64 VW-Blue, whitewalls, ex-cellent condition, $1,275. 772- I9641. I

WOULD you like a Ford Fair-lane-White with red inter.ion many extras. 12,500 ac-tual miles for $650.00? Canbe seen at: 415 Manor GrossePointe Farms.

1955 CADILLAC, runs \

'64 'VETTE - 2 tops, quads,4 speed, power steering, pow.er brakes, power windows.E.xtras. 12 to 4 p.m. only, Sun.day, 20895 Vernier, Apt. 7'.

1938 FORD coupe, excellent~ondiLon throughout. Makeoffer. TUxedo 6-5121.

----~--FORD XL convertib.e '62lf.z,

yellow, bucket seats, powersteering. Best offer, mustleave city. Private, 886.5271.

1965 TEMPEST GT0-335 h.p.,4-speed, Positraction, AM-FMradio, Reverb speaker, tintedglass, console, 4,000 mile~,new car warranty. 293.8235.

5 DAYTON chromed wirewheels, st'll $95, value, $375.Call evenings, TW 1-5896.

1959 MGA - Runs weil, nt:wtires, $695. TUxedo 1-3819.

1962 BUICK Invicta convertible,power brakes and steering,vriginal owner. Excellent con.dition. $1,675. TU 4-5463.

CORVETTE, 1964, two tops,four-speed, 300 h.p" positrlilc,tion, silver, excellent condi.tion. VA 4.1506,

i962CHRYSLER - Original1 owner. Chrysler Newport 4-

door sedan. Air conditioning,power steering, tinted ~las~,radio and heater, good condl'dition. Phone TU 4.4547, after6 p.m. or can be Seen at 365Belanger.

-------------1963 OLLSMOl:slLE 88 converti-

ble. lias everything, practi.cally new, just beautiful. Bar-gain. VAlley 3-f'629_._~ _

1963~- CHEVROLET IMPALAconvertible, white with blacktrim, whitewalls, stereo radio, 12A-BOATS AND327 cu. in. 300 h.p., 3 speedHurst. Excellent condition. MOTORSTUxedo 6-3481..____ 'AUXILIARY Cape Cod Cabin

~-FORD R~~ch Wagon - 6. Cat boat. Dacron sail. Reason-cylinder, low mileage, $175. able. VAlley 1-8257.PRescott 1.0972. __. HAMPTON Sai11ng Yacht, 18',

1963PONTIAC Bonneville con- complete with rigging, anchorvertiblc. Tilt wheel, power and line. 2 wits of sails withwindows, bucket seats, mag bags, paddle. Mahogany rod-wheels, radio and heater. der and tiller, spruce whLqerAce Auto Sal(~s, 15436 East pole, etc. $850. 822-2808.Warren, TUxedo 6.4344. _ 8 FT. HYDROPLANE, fiber-

'62 TEMPEST Le Mans con. glass seams, steering mech.vertibJe. Blue, radio, heater, anism, cleats, stained woodautomatic, goo d condition. aides, excellent condition, $85.$950, 1144 Keli"ington, TUxe- TUxedo 1.4838.


do 5-3821. ' DEFOE 4O.FT. YACHT- Sur-VALIANT. 1960, 200 sedan, vey excellent. Flying bridge,

automatic; radio, he ate r , dual controls, ship.to.shore,power steering. Excellent depth sounder. Loarted. Mustmechanical condition. $300. sell, best offtr. After 7 p.m.,Private. TU •. 2759. 777-3596.

com- PIANOS WANTEDI Grands, Spinets, and small Up.rights. Hic;hest cash paid.

VE 7.0506

~ .. ;r.



Bl!y-Sell-'rrade())en Daily 10:30-5:30

f-om the pastWith n fl"

- ._~------ --~--

Altiques By Jeanne19928 Livernois, cor.

'Pembroke, Detroit862-5753

l.;:\S lOWER reel m~youtt beds complete; traveland aypeu complete. TUx-t'd(l ] 884.



;["T:\R amplifier. Kay, bass.S25. '!U 5.9088.


PI\'G.tONG TABLE, Kelvina.!t)r electric stove. Whiteleat!"tr twin headboard ~ndfrarr.t. Circular clothes pole

1 nd lines, never used. 884-40,).\

TWO MAPLE twin beds,plett VA 1-8605.


This is 10t only dn organ buta one man band. You and~our .mi1~' Will play .thesound ... guitar. banjo, clari-net. drum, saxophont> andtrumpet. You can learn toplay jus(while school is out.Lessons bel. with rental. Pick ~iOTOR BIKE. JL\iW 50 acc.one out 6oday. 1962, only 262 miles. Like

new. $190. TUxedo 5-2687.

HONDA 50 Sports, model C110, 1963, very good condi.tion. $175. Edgewater 1-2472.

SMLEY BROS.S,';lOW oo~acd TR 3.68001i;> S. Wotilward MI 7-1177

--- ll-AUTOS FORSALEDELUXE .'o.door refrigerator- _f r e (' i:. et combination. 320 TRIUMPH. Classic roadsterpound fr~zer capacity. Like with rumble seat. 1~!l. $1,195.new. AI~ 23-inch apartment TUxedo 1-4723.size el~ric range. Good _. . __shape. ~.7229. FI~E 8~5x14 FIrestone black

~._--- SIdewalls, one new, 4. less thanB:\:\!BOO P)RCH hades, men's I a thousand miles. TUx"do

suits. likll new, size 40, and 5-0748.other notfehold items. satur-jday and ltnday, July 24 and TEMPEST Le Mans conv~rtible;;5. n- 12027. 1962, 4 speed, fully eqUIpped,

.- . - + ------- spotless. Must sell, $1095.PI\"G.PO:";; table, full sized. TUxedo 4-0303.

Importeci cello, girl's olive-"reen trech coat with acro- MERCURY.- 9 Passenger, 1963Ion liner subteen size 12-14 I Colony Pp.rk Station Wagon,blue brocade party dre~s, sub: white side walls,. rl'dio, heat-teen. si~ 10-12. All in newer, power steenng, brakes,conditio," TUxedo 6-0533. Grosse Pointe car. $1995. TU

- ~-5094.BEDROOl suite. selid birch, ------.

originalcost $600. Coldspot reo SPORTS CAR MG 53 ':'D classic.b~e:"a~r, self defrosting Excellent condition. 885.7981S100 1ammered brass ele(:-tm fiN»lace baskl::~with glass:I'a'ln:: ;oals. Garden hand I,'0" 1t;xedo 2-9583.


Bring Your Trades! ! !ARTISTS MUSIC

14357 Harper


TYEWRITERS and add i n gnachines, new, rebuilt. Rea.5tt1able prices. Natio:1al Of-fie Equipment, 16833 Harper1\ Bishop. TUxedo 1-7130.

:;0\\1 >f!i!rillg large assortmentpf a~iques collected over 25



.\:\T1QlES & "OLDE-TIQUES"Treas\l"es . Trash • Variety •Values. Bargains - Browse -Dralet~ Discount. The Grist\till fusale Shop, 21151 Mack,Grosse pte. Woods, 886-1640.


211876 lhrper 881-4455Betveen 8 and 9 Mile

)fC~DAYS 9 - 9Other days by cbance or


{'hina,Brass, COICollectors' 1

Sunday, July 25. 11. a.~. - .10p.m. Roma Hall 10 Llvoma,'.!"iii7 Schoolcraft, next to D~-trait lace Courst'. Alr-c\)n~l-honed, free parking. Admis,sion 75e.


BOOKS,art objects, paintings.Immediate cash.B. C. Claes Book ShopSince 1928Certi!ied AppraisalsWO 3-4267.We have excellent books llnddelightful paintings for lale.

WE BUY old gold, jewelry anddIver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377Moroa !load.



:\!l ,.1177

S~,11LEY BROS.TR 3.6800


. ----- ------


Hi'loa(l1n::: equipment and com.plinrnls Scope and Sight In.,;taliat:om Stork fitting and('omplrtt' :::unsmithin~.BHOW\"I\"G & WY:'-;CHESTF.RWE:\THERBY & RF:\II:"l'GTO:'ol

~.\LF:, & SERVICEGl',\S & SHOOTI:"l'G



(",r :\Iary!:l:ld VA l-8200

AIR CO\"DITIO\"ER, 1963 G.E.Thl"llrlr. 8..1(){I BYe. !lO-volt.wit h wmdow mountIng. ?t'r-fcct rondltion. uspd little,SI:.?5 fl:";n Tl-"rdo 4.9582.

:: L :.~(' T R I (' STOVE, 40-inchw~.te Fri~idaire. S;x monthsola. Dt':tlxr four ourner. fully<lutG:natir oven. LeaVing town.l.'o"t $270 new Prict' now~i;;O. (",111 \"All('y 2.8976.

:\ JIC;(;S JOH:\"SO\" Rumma~eSale. Saturday c:7l Rivard,{;ros,;e Point£' Cit;;

B.'\S~W()():) SHADI::. g' x ';...:n'c: ;Oi

'!' IlL!. fi' x 9'. porc'h

ruo;. 9' x 10' IO". Tl'xedo,ir}(/; 7.

WI:: F1X A...~Y TV

S19.95lr:r' ;,i(.'s all parts and labor.1:- •. ~.r. 27". sbhtly extra.

or:an .~ano

rntblt-f'{j .


t'." •

\ 1-, t




, \,;{ I


f~('1St. THAT SlTrS Yfll-R JlO:\IEC',;. 1/;1\ (' your chrlc1ren starkd ask.

1!1c; .. \\ ha' ("an I do:" ...Thf'\' \\'''n': if thf'Y ha\'f' ahra:H! nt'\\, piar:,) in thr li',inR'r()(l:l1 and arr learning topla~' it: ... Lpt them It'arndllrin~ swnmrr \'a('ation ...'THEI\E IS XOTIIIX(; BET.TER FOR THE:'>1 TO DO."


I-- ,


':> 86-1XC]] (Ol"CTl. manufa('turpr('Y Valentine.Scav!'f (Kro('hlcr).

Beige and wnit(' slip eo\'rr.1'ix cu:-hions. S]~S. Tl" 4 3451.

-BiKE. r;IRL'S 2(;". t!lrqtl()I;:P.

('x('Pl1f'nt ,'onr::tlOl' Tt 'xrdo1-924;)

P;';;'I. \ Y ITR'\rn-HE1-"1-:( )\1 \1 IDEL f/(i\IES

!.:.:.~~ '::.~]'].; l:x>rrr,"':n. kItchen~;: a:'r~ fa"11.1y rOO':1 R('(luc;:d

P~j 'l'S. IT 6-0525 from 9-4"

e' THE ~Il-SIC CE'\TERPRescott 5.8000

: BEDROO\1 SET. walnut. Loveseat. re.~ vel\"('t. Sim:nonsFolrlabcd. La:-;::£, wing ('!lair\\lth ottoman C'luh chair.

.T' Lam~. Emerson TV. Wrinr.:er82' washer. dryer. 2\Iise~lIa;1(';us.

Lea\ in::: state, wi II saCrifice.11853 Elmdale. 5214580.

- -- ~----- -~-.....-- --

c ..\IO\"r,\r; - 8-pie<"e fin'pla"e~N ~1O: !i::.rary table $15: forbasement 0:- cotta~e~Fri:::ici-

s. i airr, nE'W Wiring". S1O: com-'Y hl~~i~;('''l {I1P{'trle .'to\(\ rei.

fl":('~.,:('~ a:;,1 <'Ink S50. 823-05!:;

, TOP SOIL (nch garden loam)-5 yard loads delivered. 371.7763, 6:':1 p.m.

Inl Sl'\l\TFH \ dr'~jrir\~ .'O';T',(', onlyof '

$lg 95. mrltlc!f's use of an or-gan ()~ p:ano in V()ur hom('includmg lrssons.' Call t.ow:

3t,.(:,.\LLO"i hot water tank.ct' Cood working order. SIO.I,'''. Ti. xedo 4-5644.


kr (;n\'ER~OR '\T\"THHf ii' d{'~/{:upholstE"red cha:r!'. navenport.g r ass r U i! s. mi"ct'Il.10eOtl5itpms. Tl'xrdo 222-l.'3

Vie & Phil's T\I:!5~80 GR..\TIOT



(, '\ ,'W .\D~nR:\L}'IJRTABLE


-'~-~' -----_._---

'--- ~------


d ;';;)]0 Wooilwarrln- , 11;) S. Woodward11' '

C. ~ ~~ __ ~ ~_" _ro LEA VIXG TOW:':.-Thrce rock.

f'r" at $5 f'Jch. Thrp(' pJirs\\ in<low len;..:th yeilow flow.ered drapr<:. SZO; four pairsfloor lrn.!th I i v in:! roomdrapes. all f()r $,15. Bar talde.~5. Ha)r,',. h;-" chair. ${, twobahy Crib.', :310 (,:IC!l. VAlley289,6.

('I J.\lI'\RE : ' .TJ1!',TIFRB()T.T. n('w bas !I

:\::'t'::f1rr, 3.') '" aft,. 15" Jen-'f r: ;"('~('('rt Sp('ak('r. Dis-r",;~' !~.)9. Fender Profes-,;r,r,;d ';\!'" <'ol:d hody g-uitar\,.i':: '.::,:"(ltoarm $49 and $69.S."",D,''.\ amplIfier S3488.L'ndt'r. GIbson. Ampeg.

\' ox. etcARTISTS )ft"SlC'

14357 Harper



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.-z_a_-.a____ .__ &__ .2__2----------------------~~~-\

Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday;,July 22, 1965,






E L!'II]HEA~washl::arh,rem~\Ieml




Aciditiotypes e• Faroe RemtRoomsvertedRemodEFree IService



EXCLlby ;"E'n-i,5,';'131





LICEN.It e pGuarclean2-315


• HE.



FRAt\TU 2-8:








1 I




----TOP ~



Po- -





TV :::1>956


FRED NAVARR)TUxedo 2-5735


Walks • Drives • POr(hes• Patios ~ Waterproofinl

• Pre-Cast Steps• Tuck Pointing




CUSTOM upholsteriq. A splen-did selection of decorativefabrics. Expert ttedlepoint~ounting. Estlmaes cheer-fully given. Ewald, 11929 Ker-cheval. VA 2-8993.

CHAIRS RECANED, dolls reopaired. W A 1.2710.


JIM SUnONMod~rnization work. Home re-

pairs - attics. porches. Ga-rages.

1677 BRYSTU 4-2942 TV 2.2'36

ACME ASPHALT PATINGEast Detroit :93-7111

ASPHALT Paving dom profes-sionally byCONTINENTAL ASlliALT

, PAVING CO.I Driveways, parking lots andi sealer.

Call Nick RurelicEngineering &rvice

. 534-3345 535.3248

! 21-O-WATERPIOOFING1-----_-----!




TUXEDO 5-5700




HUGHES BROTHERS, painting i FRED NAVAlROand decorating, wall washing, I WATERPROOFIW CO.expert paper hanging, free: TU 2-573;estimates. fi293 Yorkshire, I _

TUxedo 2-9750 or 821.9643. 121 P-FURNITURI REPAIR

CUSTOM PAINTING& DECORATING : All work done has a written

Quality Work : guarantee. Inside waerproofingInterior and Exterior I guaranteed 5 years. Ve dig out-20 Years Experience ! side, 20 year wTittenguarantee.

ALL WORK 'GUARANTEED 'Water drains brokeno.r crackedRUDOLPH TONELLO 545-3203 ~re replaced. Free eomates, no

Job too s:11a11.Just .n


Exterior InteriorFree Estimatl:s40 Years in G.P.

TU 1-7050


A-OK Window Cleaners. Serv-ice on st.orms and screens.Free estimates. 52l-2459.

COMPLETE piano serVIce. Tun.ing, rebuilding, refinishing,de-mothing. Member Piano iTechnicians Guild. R. Zech,!



16-PETS FOR SALE 121H-RUG CLEANING \ 21N-ASPHALT----------- ----------; DRIVEWAYFREE, small, pet bunny and I

cage. TUxedo 1-0620. TACKED DOWN CARPETS CUSTo:\l. quality aspha~' pavingI ----------.-.---- AND FURNITURE of driveways, parkug IDtsAKC REGISTERED male black t. and roaus,

miniature poodle, 1th J'ears, C LEA NEDWhelped, Hialeah, Fla., good an: L~IVERSAL ASPHALT I\.VINGdisposition, $50. Cal). 881-1562, ,371-78001383 Hollywood, Gr<>sse Pte. LO CAT ION :Find us fast in the yello" pages.Wo~~~:__ ~_~ ~__ _ . : CO~CRETE DRIVE)

10.WEEK-OLD kittens, $2. TUx- RUGS PICKED UP , EXPERTLY CAPPElec:h 6-2056. AND DELIVERED i Protect asphalt drives with~---------.~--- I J.ennite sealer, 2 coat mplica.

20-PIANO SERViCE , tJOn.200;0

Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly



Stair Carpet ShiftedRepairs of All Types

Cigaret Burns Re-Woven


GROSSE POINTE WOODS TU 5-0703 771-08651504 ROSLYN ROAD ,--'

Brick Colo'lial, large living Iroom, natural fireplace, din-ing room, fully carpeted; ter-race; 3 bedrooms, one bath,gas heat, large, landscapedyard. Owner transfered, quickpossession, $21,900.


TU 2.6000

CALL TUxedo 1.6900

LAKEFRONT. Foot of StatlerBoulevard. Fine Contempo-rary designed by Alden Dow.Thl'ee bedrooms. two baths.Florida room. Many expen- Johnstone & Johnstonesive built.in featt:res. Good!water depth at Sea Wall. l-----------~-$65,000. COLONIAL---4 bedrooms includ-

ing large master's with 2walk in closets, 2V2 baths,separate dining room, largekitchen with dining area, pan-eled family room with fire-place, 86' frontage. Cornerlot, in top new location, inWoods. Less than 2 years old. IBy owner.

886-2157 ,

RIVER HOUSE CO-OP, 8900East Jefferson. For sale orrent. Or"e bedroom apart-ment. P h 0 n e WOodward2-3622,

775 HIDDEN LANEBrick R~nch, 3 bedrooms, 2

baths, dining, family and rec.rooms. Attached 2.car garage.Beautifully landscaped, p:\tio,sprinkler system, air-condi.tioned, automatic gar agedoor. Perfect condition. Own.er, TUxedo 4.4086.

Lakefront and canal frontage.WILDWOlm. Nice two-bed-room ranch. Boat well withelectric hoist. $28,000.


13-REAL ESTATEFOR SALE------------

I BY OWNER: 781 St. Clair. Co.Ionial type 2 family. Lookslike single. Celll be used as 6 New Freneh COLONIAL withbedroom single home. Lower commanding view of Lake St.now vacant. Excellent invest. II Clair. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, lav-ment. $29,500. Tuxedo 5.2500. atory, powder room, large Ii.

brary. impressive entrance with-------------.- circular drive, marble foyer,

lovely kitchen, iormal diningroom, fully air-conditioned plusmany other fine features. Toplocation. TUxedo 1-6300.


$37,500 r




477 CALVIN $25.9003 Bedrooms, I1h Baths.


Thre. 1runk Lines To Serve You Quickly

-- - ----~ ._-_.- -----------------------------------------------------~---------------------~--------

Carter & CO.CALL TU 4-4400

HA WTi-IORNE-Coml" see t~is : FAIRFORD, 720 _ Well-main.3, b('d.ro?~. eusto~. bU~lt tain~d ti.ree-bedroom, 2-bath(h,rm one ~ .ranch "Ith. 1 1": brick ranch. Excellent floorbaths, famJlj room. patio 2! plan with living room, fullca~ att~ched garage, plus an! dining room and lovely Flori-adjacent lot. da room. Kitchrn with built.

ins and pleasant breakfastarea. Needlepoint wood car.peting thruout ancl walkingdistance to parochial andpublic schools. Lot beauti-fully landscaped.

W. IDA LA~E-3 bed I' 0 0 m :ranrh. com p If' t e recreation:room with lavatory and stall :shower. Florida re'om and at- itached gara!;e.


16708 E. JEFFERSON $67,9003 Bedrooms, Lav., Bath,

LA~CASTER. 21133. 11 a I' per 2 Half-Baths.WOod~. Grosse Po.inte schools; 1861 LAKELAND $41,000attrac.Jv(> face brIck Ph-story, i 4 B d 21' Baths.2 bedrooms down. one up.: e rooms, 2

Completely f hin ish e d .base- : 728 LAKEPOINTE $49,000ment, 2-car g...rage, ?Iununum 5 B d II B htrim. Home in excellent con. e rooms, 3 12 at s.dition.

PE:\IBERTO~, 765 - We chal.len,ge you to find a better:huilt or better maintained'home-3 bedrooms a:>d nurse.ry with 21'2 baths, VC~il mod-ern kitchen.

951 nOSLYN $27.900:\IIDDLF5EX DRIVE. 23155 - 3 Bedrooms. Swimming OPE IL 2 M

Face brick ranch, 3 bedrooms. Pool. N DA Y -7 P. .11? baths. paneled living room "and dining area, large kitchen 1853 WESTvHESTE~ $32.500 I CA;NTERBURY, 777, G r os s ewith breakfast bar and family ~ 3 Bedroomf., 1 12 Baths. POinte ~oods .. ~ bedrooms, 2%dining area. Frigidaire built- baths, aIr-condItioned. All newins; 2.car Oiick attached ga- REMEMBER - area. $46,500. TUxedo 6-0545,rage. Excellent condition. OUR PHOTO FILES


WINDOW SHADESCleaning, Turning, Repairing




I14830 Warren, at Alter

GEORGE J. KUSHNER TUxedo 5-6000TU 1.8400

--__________ HANDY MAN S E R VIe EGROSSE POINTE Shores, At. Chimney, porch repair Bud

tractive ranch house, three odd jobs. PRescott 7-3452.bedrooms. Beautifully land-scaped. TUxedo 4,5687. 21D-ELECTRICAL

....cKINLEY RO.A T\-Three bed- APPLIANCESGROSSE POINTE, 755-757, St. lU. 'liJ-

Clair - Built 1960, 2-hed- r~, Ph .ba~ colonial. New HOOVER-EUREKAroom, I-unit, I-bedroom. in kitchen bUllt-lllS. S E'P a rat e I AUTH SF)VICEsecond unit, separated base- breakfast roam, s c r € e n e d ..",ment recreation, side drive, porch, recreation room with I FREE PICKUP & DELIVERYgarage, stove, refrigerators, fireplace. $31,500. TUx e d (1 ALL MAKESdisposals, many ext r a s, 4-7583. East S.,de VacuumM h h V II 7 COMPLETE decorating, Paper-

R!DGE\iO:\'T, 329 - Attractive 90 Kercheval - On-the-Hill a_r_t_a_B_ac_e_~rs_,_a_e_y__1_-_7_1_013A-LC)TS FOR SALE 17176 E. Warren TU 1.1122 hanging, insured, guaranteed.Colonial with 3 fine bedrooms, HOLIDA Y 19768 - Luxurious Formerly Harper Vacuum I AJ Schneider. TUxedo 1-0565.den. plus family reom. Natural I' brick 2 bedroom rancli, at-I GROSSE POINTE - Vacant. ------------ -----------fireplace in recreation room. ----~-.- tached g~rage 2 full baths Choice 80'x200' adjacent to GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY YERKEY & SONS2-car brick garage. \ central!)' air ~ooled, paneled fine homes. Agent. TUxedo.

521 M', DDLESEX library, full din~ng room, new. 2-0120. H 00 V ER. WE SPECIALIZE - Exterior------------ painting. 27 years' exp,~rience.CONSULT OUR OFFICE I ly decorated. Open Sunday 2-

FOR PICTURES Al'-.TJ)D;- I FRENCH COLONIAL. 4 bed- 6 p.m. ALTER ROAD FACTORY AUTHORIZED DU PONT PAINTS Used irooms. The frontal appear- .M. WARNER, REALTOR Approximately 4.f. Zoned for 2 SEllVICE Reasonable. Call Evenings.

FOR.\lATIO:\' ON THESE 'I ance of this house deceives TU 5-f1788 family dwelling. Make offer. POINTE VACUUM TW 1.5896 WA 5.0398: •A:\'D OTHER FINE HOMES the spa c i 0 usn e s s of the ------------- KARL DAVIES TU 5-3220 ------------ '

THROUGHOUT GROSSE charming interior of this FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY EXTERIOR! home and the grounds on OXFORD ROAD ---------- NEW REBUILT PARTS

POI:--JTE. 'h' h't t d It' II M d FI'd TU 1-1014 PR 2-4050 HOUSE and garage paiT!ting. ii W IC I S an s. IS rea y a First offering of this attractive j ove to on a Excellent references Very ibig house. It has living. din- Colonial with 3 bedrooms, Ph TO SETTLE ESTATE WE 21002 MACK reasonable. Free estimate. I~o job too small. Free estill')tesS,.,f 0wa y & CO. i

ling. fami~y and utility roo~s, baths, and 19'x24' family room ARE OFFERING AT ROCK 821-9684. I CALLmodern kItchen, den, multIple with fireplace. 2 - car garage. BOTTOM PRIC~S 21E-CUSTOM CORSETS --- : TV 2-6586

I baths, abundance of closet I Wide lot. $29,500. ---_________ PAINTING, co lor S Jr'Jatched.jTU 4-7000 I space. thermopane glassed TWO LOTS INDIVIDUALLY designed papering, paper remO\.ed,wall:------------

I porch, garage, too! house, GROSSE PTE. SHORES Spencer girdles and surgical washing w 0 r k guaranteed. I' NAVARRO----------~ I play, house, solid brick con- supports Over 30 years ex 1\' t 2An extremely fine ranch house. . 'Ler ens. 1 2 Muir. Tl' 2-0083. WATERPROOF IN'~I struction. slate roof. gas heat. I-Zoned for duplex - 800 perience. M a u d e Bannert. ...

BISHOP 1444. Buiek 3 bedroom Moderately priced for prompt Paneled family room with fire- Block Neff, near Mack. TU 5-4027 VE 9-138::. HAVE YOUR HOME ~-I COII ene first floor lavatory, d_en: I sale. Only a visit to this home place. Florida room overlooking I f SIt . s])a: .t~ng •

t d h t d d 1 garden, 3 bedrooms, dressing 2-329 Lakeshore Rd., on Lake or ummer. n erlOr ~am mg ~O JOB TOO SMALli carpe e . gas ea, SI e rIve, will display its quiet livability. 21G-ROOFING SERVICES also exterior. Ranch home;; Ithree car garage room, 2 baths and modern kitch- St. Clair, Grosse Pointe JUST CALL. For an appointment call ------------ painted. Reasonable rates./~L~RTHA BACHERS RLTR . en with all built-ins. Completely Farms .. ,." . I WILEY ROOFING Guaranteed work. Ref(?rences. I' TU 2-5735VA 1 7710 air eonditioned, at tic fan. -

- IJAS. G. CUNNINGHAM sprinkler system, "Electric eye" OWNER TW 1-1222 • Ne-v Roofs I Expert from Ita!y. WAlnut I----------,' 372.0074 garage door and many other eX-I' ,,__2-3805. I ALL KINDS CEMINT------------ • Roof Vents

BY OWNER I tras. I IEXTERIOR HOUSE ancl garage I AND BRICK W~K• RoOf Repairs I ,I RESIDENTIAL, G R 0 SSE I painting. Quality work Call: GARAGE FLOORS, ffiIVE.

Charming thr~e bedroom colo- : ----------- T. RAYMOND JEFFS POINTE WOODS-70x135. For Free Roof Check-Free Est. I TU d 45020 f f t 'nial in the Farms. Excellent' ! xe o. or es 1ma e. i WAYS. CITY WALKS. RATTV 1-1100 Res. TV 2-0176 further information call TUx- 371-7483 .------.-------,condition. Newly decorated and; C HA!V\PION edo 1-2561. Agent. ,A-l INTERIOR and exterior' WALLS, PRE-CAST ITEPS,carpeted. Paneled recreation' ~_______ , -----~ --------- : painting, wall washmg and, PORCHESroom. large kitchen. Owner, ' ALL ROOF & GUTTER WORK: paper hanging. Have ~nsur ..transferred. $29,500. 429 Moran REA LTOR anne parker, t~ 5.4415: offers: 14-REAL ESTATE Caulking. chimney repairs. ! ance. Kenneth Pygatt. SLo. iRoad. 0pen Saturday and Sun- I Grosse Pomte Y III a ~ e, I WANTED Gutters cleaned ; cum 8-1780, after 5:30 p.m. Iday. : adaptable, spaclOUS, for ------ _ ------ -- __ I

i By Appointment family living; 1 bedroom ATTORNEY has client to buy ADVANCE MAINTENANCE Fine Quality Painting- - ------------------ down, 4 up; recent roof. house in Grosse Pointe to TU 2-5539 Interior - ExterlOr

: FAIRFORD, 809-A .raneh you gas, kitchen, carpet, $32,900 $35000 cash. Agent TU 6- ------------ Since 1949I Id b d . . . an<:l also in Village. 303'1.' , ANY TYPE roof repaired or All Work GuaranteedLOCHMOOR BLVD.-If you are', wou e prou . to cwn on a 1 d W . l' .

135 ft lot ent1rely redeco income 4lf.z-41L on 50'xllO' --------_____ rep ace. e spe{:la Ize 10 T. G. RYDENlooking for a home with lol, : t 'd . . ' d th t t- lot, terms. r..: DOC TOR. nee d s 4-bedroom, slate, tile. and shingle. 772-0289of th"'t 5 b d I ra e III a eeor a canno A II t

space. IS IS 1 e -' h . t d I Grosse Pointe area, to $30,000. T. G. HYDEN ----------------- F>. ypes of cement, brx:k and1 b . . ! e appr(>cla e un ess seen. 1--.---------- LE1' 1\<E . t h Wrooms, 3z aths, lIbrary. en-, New fixtures spacoius kitch- Agent, TV 6.3032. 772-0289 .! pam your fluse, e block work: drIves, JDrches,

closed terrace, 2 car attach. I ens and dini~g area, see this I GRf)SSE POINTE FARMS ---~--------~! paint bricks. TU 1-4497, or walks, patios. Tuck p>inting.l'd garage. on corner lot. today. ! Brick colonial, 3 spacious bed- 2-BEDROOM brick home. $18,- ROOF AND GUTTER work- i 885-1864. Pre-cast steps.

rooms, 1112 baths, marble ~~~~ $~~~~ 9~~~5cO~~~'a~t:i~ci5 ~eeacr~s::~:;r:~~e~e~~~~~~~c~~! I~TERIOR and ~xteril)r paint- Natural Flagstone \\alksfoyer and hearth. Karast:m I on request. Don Seeger, TU i mg, .wall washmg and paper and Patios.carpeting. draperies. Base- __p_.m__. ~ 5-7460. ' hanglOg. Reasonable rates. 30 I Natural Stone Plan~rsboard heating. Screened tel" lS-BUSINESS I years experience. Ray Bar.; Free Estimates.race. plaster~d baseme?t, OPPORTUNITIES nowskv. :m-7S18.study, recreatIOn room With -------------' J D C d I ,- NO JOB TOO SMJLLbar; 21/2-car garage. Eady I, . an e r j KURT 0, BAEHR ',I LICENSED AND B~DEDpossession. By appointment. PARTN ERS I TU 2-0717. I ROOF ING CO . Interior, exterIor painting and' .... _

OWNER TUxedo 5-0094 I INC.. decorating. Wall paper~ng. Cus-

WANTE D ~lichigan's Oldest Rooft!r t~m work. Free estimates. LAke- VERBEKE CEtv£NTOpen Saturday and Residential and Commercial vIew 1-5716. Drives, walks. etc Brick,

__ S_u_n_d_a_y,_2._6____ All types of Roofs and Decks -------- block porches built, repaired.

To Fa rm Gutters and Conductors GEORGE S. DA.LLY Step r e p air s, e*rt tuckPAINTING, DECORATING pointing, basemeIt water-

Repairs. No job too large Paper hanging and wall wash- proofing.B U ILD IN G or too sma!'. ing. Serving this community for PATIOS-SHUFFLEkOARDCall WO 2-0512 for over 25 years. ! COURTS

COMPANY Free Estimate TU 1-7480 A SPECIALTY____________ ------------- Licensed and BOlded


Brick California bungalow. RADKE CARPET CLEANERS WALL WASH ING 2 t' S-CARPENTER WORKCarpets, rugs, tacked down or

Large living ~oom. natural 3 5 3 623 4 I d hId f 't. d' . b 'It . - oose an up 0 stere urnl ure PAINTr~G & DECORATING H F J ENZENfireplace, mmg room, U1 - cleaned and moth proofed, in HOME MAINTENANCE . .in china cabinet, den. modern E. your home the modern way BU I lDI NGkitchen, 2 bedroom:::. II,,:! venlngs with the latest Rug Deteger, ELMER T. LABADIEbaths, new gas furnace, ga- dries overnight. TU d 2 2064 Home and industrial repairsrage, immediate possession. xe 0 - Additions, a t tic. completed.A F H A tgag ------------- Repairing, serge binding, throw, - Porch enclos" s. recreation£sume .., mor e, 16-Pt;TS FOR SALE d . k d -,;;$27,900. , ~ ~I~~~sd~~ver~~~ners. pIC e up 21K-WINDOWWASHING rooms, garages repaired.

GEORGE J. KUSHNER I PO 0 D L E, miniature, black, F' bIG. OlM INI TU 1-9744 TO ~OllTU 1-8400 AKC registered, 8 weeks. ree estimate, rea son a e

------------ $100. 293-4165. _pr_i_ce_s_._D_R_l_-3_1_3_3._____ WINDOW CLEAKING CARPE~ER wants small jobs,1------------ SERVICE panelhng, repairing screens,EXEC, UTIVE home on Lake St. KI"-D home indoors needed for BEST CARPET CLr-t:ANERS por h

CI L I t CI n WALL WASHING c es, etc. PRescott 1-3729.

CHAMPiON air, a:ge o. ose to beautiful black Belgian Shep- CL G YE NGtransportation, yet secluded. herd dog, female, VAlley EANIN, 0 I FREE ESTJMATES

I 6 bedrooms and servant's 2-j972. REPAIRING WE ARE INSUREDquartt'fs on s e con d floor. ~---------- PROMPT HOME SERVICE VALLEY 1--9321

REALTOR \ Store room and 2 bedrooms SEVEN-week-old German Shep- FREE ESTIMATESTU 4-5700 on 3rd floor. Apartment size herd puppies. Black and tan, INSURED

e 1 e vat 0 r, greenhouse. By registered, excellent, papers.owner. TUxedo 2-6513. Telephone 777-4589. TU 2-6556




Covera~eof the


1:\OIA:\' \'ILl.Ala:A R F,:\S

Lar~e living rOOT:\ (25x13)with paneled fire-place wanand flagstone hearth. l\locl-ern kitchen with eatingarea. Dining room 14x 11.Den. paneled. with book-shelves, 17x 10. Flagstone('ntrance hall. Powder roomwith buiit-in ,'anity, :0 carattached gar~.ge. 2nd floorhas 2 extra-Iar;~{> bedroomsIGx13 and 17xlll. 3rd roomIS 8x 12. Large tiled bath.double I:>uilt-in vanity. giassenc!o:;ed tub with shower.Semi - finished basement.new draperie:: and carpet.ing throughout included.:\Iid 30's. For appointmentcall 885-4550 or visit OpenHouse. Saturday and Sun-day 2-5. 1003 Bedford Road.


TU 2.2.100



BOCR:\'E:\lOl'TII. 3 Iwelroonlraneh. HOl'Sf: BEAt'THTL.with 212 garage and brel:'ze-way_

BALL.-\:\,TY:\Fo~. (;rmsr PomlrWoods FIRST OFFERI:\G10 this irleal 10(,<1t;on on alluiet ('ourt off Fairfon!' 1)('-twe£'n 7 and 8 :-'!ile. Ex('{'llpnt,-room fac£' hrick ranch. 3lar~e hl"r!rooms. panpld denfinished ha~('nwn'. hllilt-ins.2-(';]1' att<1chpd garagp Starof th£' Sea parish

CROSSE POINTE Farms. 3 bed. ~room, 21~ bath. center en-: Grosse Pointe Vicinitytrance. Colonial. Hec. room I THREE MILE, 4173~Good buy.with bar. 2 car garage. Excel- Brick home. large I i v in glent condition. room, full dining room, 1 bed.

A:\' EXECUTIVR "SWEET" room and lav. down. 2 bed-CRESTWOOD ~he moment vou 'BAL~~:\'~YXE ROAD (Gros~e rooms and bath up. Nice up-

t . t f"s ~pacious 'a-I': Pomte Shoresl-Custorr. bUIlt dated kitchen. 2.car garage.s ep . In 0 nL ., . . . ( :;, \'Cars ago for today's mod- immediate possession. Pos-:hent1c raneh you WIll be Im- er~ living. This ex~eptional sible land contract.pressed with one of the most I

•. d k' h tri.level offers 3 twin sized I Ieost!y (lesigne Itc ens. sep. bedrooms. master beodroum I FISKE DRiVE. 324 - Centralarate grill area for charcf'al. 11~S adjacent bath, plus 1% locatinn. Four beurooms, twoing in the activtlies room.. more baths. Full size dinbg bath brick colonial built inl':ver)othing has been done I room. 2 natural fireplaces, 1960. Three fireplaces, beau-professionally from landseap.: large family room. Make an tiful family room, close toing and patio with a station.' ~ppoi\1tment today to see this water.ary umbrella. to exquisite: excellent homE.in:erio:' finishings. to mak(>:It the pace setter of them all. See our Photo Files and Floor

: Plans. ('oTllplet(> list of nearly; all homes availabl~ in this area. '\Please call us. ,


ST A:'-;HOPK Gracious Colonial.3 hedrooms. 1 full hath. 2half baths. Ideal location.:\Iontieth F:iemt'ntary a n rlBrownt'll Junior Hi~h. Quepnof Peace parish. ne:;r Mack.Ideally priced.

HUGH CHALMERSn' 4404fl 1T 2-2557

WEDGEWOOD. 1st OffNing-4 bedrooms. 2 clown. 2 Uy.112 baths. Jalousied brerL{>.way and covered patio.

580 COOK ROAD'\ OXFORD -Colonial with 7 I 4 Bedrooms 2~2

hedr('lo'Tls. Very versatile ar. I FISHER RD .. 539-4 bedrooms i 'rangement. Walking distance with 2 ?aths, This fine. roomy [ ~9984 FAIRWAY DR.to p a I' 0 chi a I and public: house IS ready for a happy' B d

family, at a fair price. Near 2 e rooms, Den.:-,hoolsschools. transportation andshopping.


IEaeh unit: 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. :it :ing room. kitchen. breakfast 1"It's fun to come home tv a

.\l-OCBOX -- 4 bedrooms. fam room. Third floor. 2 bedrooms. i QUALITY HOME . . . Solidth' room and tenJel'. Exeel 2 ',Jths and sto:'age. Pancll'd I Value .. Solid Constructionl~nt condition. 'rccreation room with bar in j ... Solid Comfort .. ,"

I ba.'iPffient. Separate furnaces. Ex. : Let us show you one of these.Bf<:RKSHIRF: -' «'arm eolor.ial. tra large lot, 4-car detached ga.:

4 bedrooms. Enl'1os('d terraee ra~~e. :"keds decorting. I Phone TU 4-6200:{Ox18. f<'amily room i5x18 'Immediate possession .• ""sking CALL 6-4444 I for appointment

IV::::F.STER - Ycry po,h Geo r9e Pa Im5 :! 790 ~~Ie~~oms,.1 % Ba~~;:9005 bedrooms. Library. Floridaroom. Up to the minute kitch- Real Estate£'n. Swimming pool with com-modiol:S cabana.

DETROITll.-\RBOR ISL<\~1), nCar (;ros.';('

Pointe - 2 hedroom t:olflnial,hoat wpll, S26.oo0.

93 Kerchnal


SO~,!ERSET 1370-72 - Flat 2hrdroom flat, built 1951. Gash£'at. May consider land can.trad.

:\ F.f'F RD. FLAT 2 bedrooms.hath and den. one b£'droom on3rd. Separate basements.

RIVEl{ HOl'SF.. Front, one bpl1-room. excel1pnt virw Swim-ming pool and recreation area.Vallpy 4.2862.

Page 19: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1965-69/... · 2006. 1. 13. · -, - .... ~ - .. -..;. - .... - ...." --=.~ - ... - .... ~.' ~.-;;. -.' ~ I ews



TUxedo 4-5770

Page Nineteen


lADl"'il£Y A'''U4V.' on,olT ,"



I'{ 1'tcUT '" IIIII Tnt Tltlm .OW'n' MAlt-AT 01Jl lOX omc[.

O'(H 1:2 HOON 9 ',M. DAilY."OM J.1olY SEARS STOlE 01


ADMISSION ~"ClS.l~ 1)"11'1' :l'Il-SiOO-S?YJIoIAT5 :,IIH. ~'1t0L :iIJl-S7~""-S'l("'JALL E'v'!ItINf>~ $7 (J/)-S7 ~-$) r.tJ







--~ ~---- ----------

20183 MACK AVENUEB~t",.,,:n Ox/oTd Rd. and NOf'Y'ood

PHARMACY • VA 2-2580


15324 E. Jefferson at Nottinghamf'lt PIf,Ie;,., on Noff;",""'"

Prr(((IjA, llr:CV.,(fJtf!,!'(lck(Jgr'rl Urj11()rS,

Full Lin~ of Fine







13243 E. WARREN VA 1.2500


..................................... t " " -" "" -"" ••• "" .."" ~,,_ ,

Pre~criptions FilledRay-Ban Sun Gla&,es also Ground to YourPreHcr;ption



LaDYM/,TINHS DAilY :2:00 ',J(.


AND GP.OUP SALES 962.7135 .

.Nigh.l (~lnb Purl,y IJlunnp(l at GPYCThe firs in a projected scric<; by mw ..ic for dantin;.:, will hi~h.

()f ;\jight Cluh Parties has been li/iht the evening.GrORse Pointe' ',['hl'l!ulf'rj this S;jturtlay at. the - - --"--

(;rf).~"'(' !,r,int" Yacht Clllh. Thl' love of oth('rs' mon"y islI. :!{Jllr.rwt dinn('r. follrlwcd: aUto the root of milch cvJ1.

Fint English

TUudo .-S862

EvI LutheranChurch

WORSHIP 9:30~;u's-ery AJje~ 1 Grid 2

Sunday Sch'JC1: AQ~, 3 . ';Rev. Chane. W. S~,"drock

putorMr. c;.r,.- K. I ee


Chalfonte and LothropTU 1'"70

VIe Ir,.,it~ Y'JJ t') '1hr~"lIp'N,th Us

BethanyChristian Church

(DiscIples ot Ch.rat)

5901 Cadieux RoadAt LiDvl1le

Serving Grosse Pointe

9:30 Church Scheol6:30 Youth Fellowships

10:45 Worship

Va."ft;.r R"eI at w.elg'woodDriv., GrotH Point. Wood.

Church WONhip Ilnc!Sunday School 9:30 o.rn .


SUnday 10:30 '.m.-Chuleh, Sund..,. 8<:1".001 ot;)(l infanta' Rf>(;mWedt:l4!:~Y • p.m., T",rtlmon~l 3oIe4!:ting

WM. H. FaIlS .UDITOaIUM. 32 UKf.SHOII lOADRndbl, Boom, Ifl813 Mae. AYe.

DIlly 10 to I ac:eJlt Sun~Y' and }Wlid.ay.7 to t 'I'burldMy IIDd Friday evc1nl'

Mac¥ and L,xhmocr

G,c';.se Pointe Wooos

Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Cllurch19950 ~.dt A..... (bet. 7 & • Mile Rd• .> TU 1.2000

Andrew F. ~h. Mln~t.r..",1 A. Wlnchest.r, AHOC!It. Mlnlste,.

Herold W. Abram, AHlstant Minlsl.,.Church S<er..lc~ 1()a.m,Chureh SChlY.>lHl ",m.

Rev. Gee". E. Kurz, 'altor.'0.. H.rre, Vicar

Sunday School-9:30 •. m.

Sunday Service: at 9:30 duroing the l'iummer. (!\urseryprovided. )


Sunday School and Bible Classes9 a.m.

Worship: 8:00 & IO:3J a.m.

Invites you to worshipwith us.

10:00 a.m. Church School11:00 a,m. Mornlne Worship

7:00 p.m. Evening Worshipand Radio Broadcast

Dr. A, Dale Ihrie, Minister


------- -_. '


30tIn bt.eTl


The Grosse PointeCongregatioNI

Church240 ChaIIonte at Lothrop

Church SeTvice-9:30 a.m.Church School: Cribroo:";]

thru Sixth Grade.Sermon Topic:"~o Return~"

John William Estes, Jr.Y.J.ni.ster


VA 4-9172


Men ~..ho blow in their moneyare always up in the air.


Chain link AII-St'eel andRustic Styles


Every Stfle of Fenceerfded fGr you

SI~CE liH6VA 2-1282


145C;8 CHARL~\'OlXBlk. east of Chalmer:

VA 2-7318


10403 HARPER

'-)\idlzing and Repairing, PO;';hing & Lacquering,

• :;--,' Repairing. Engraving.

No Job Too SmallGUdranteed Work

Pointe Service Co.897-6395

l'." i1:'ns. Fa mily Rooms\\t' .\Iso Spccialize in\!nr!f'rnizing Bathrooms

Thursday, July 22, 1965

TH IELE Construction& Supply CO.

PR 5.2323

~~~;~~:2~~~~;~~si,~~~:;~;:~;1r%mWW:-:L;:;;h'~-l\1 Short and to the Pointe - From An~!-'~-In~d-rr~m~-i.~~-~-ofViewor :\linor Repair The Farms Munl'cl'pal Court :? By Anne Boynton % I The Protest.ant ChiJdre--n-;s-'H~~~' i-;;C~ok road, and ever. v-Free Estimates :::1: (Continued from Page 11) third term of 1964 - 65 was

Licensed Contractor co~ ..ened Tu~sday, July 13, and It was no go for Cruising CI~ss. Kogel, a Crescent Sail road, and MR. RUWE, is MRS. EDITH M. HOPE, of Mc:\1i1lan body in Grosse Pointe is invited to tour the J{rounds andJuage Douglas Leo Paterson Classes A, B, and C at the Grosse Club yachtsman, has won in JAMES SCRIPPS of Loudon- road. cottages, ask questions and enjoy punch and cookies.

::R,Ai'\ K J. ST. AMOUR passed sentence on the follow- Pointe Sail Club's annual regat- every regatta in his c1a6s this ville, N,Y., her 5;n JIMMY and ... ... ... Special invitations arc bein~ sent to offirials of thr:'L' ::.c::~~:4 TU 5-5791 lI1g persons: ta on Lake st. Clair last Satur- except onc. hbj daughter MARY, MRS, BENJAMI:'ll G. C}{~p. local munitipalitles, and the Protestant Children's Home

_~____ Raymond Beveridge, of 22004 day. There just wa6n't el1Ou~'1 Another multiple win n e 1', ... ... ... MAN, III, of Fi~her road, WIth\[)lll: :ONS ALTERATlONS Colony, St. Clair Shores, was gusto ~o fill their sails for the George Van, sports WTiter for' FORD BALLANTYNE III s0n UILL, GAY and CIDPPER, leave Board most cordially extends an open invitaHon to th(~~1'l111y I'(l(lm~;,porch enclosures, f.oUlld gUl.lty ~or ?riving on are. 18-mile c?urse, and the fleet the Detroit News, topped op. of MR. and MRS. FORD MAL- soon fOt a vacation at the family Open House to all the Horne's friends and neighbors In':'odcl'll kllcnens, attics convert- ",oked driver s license. lIe was was stymied after the second ponets in K-Class, sailing Fid- LANTYNE JR, of Touraine summer home, Lake Wallenp~lJ' The Pointe.,'j f.mcd $50 or 10 days and one I round, None was able to finish dIers' Witch; road who 'recei~ed his Bachelor pack, Pa., in the Poconoc. Early ....:l1:'!II'L~TE MODERNIZING I ~pal' prol~atlOn. On an 0 the r 1 before the 5 p.m. time limit. Only two Tritons showed up of A;ts degree from Lake Forest in August Mrs. Chapman's moth- Back From Everywhere

LlCE~SED & INSURED ~h:t~e. Violation .of the drunk All others, 68 of the 170 origi- an~ Jack. Pur cell of Gro~se College, Lake Forest, Ill., June er, MRS, FREDERICK W. PAR. Wondf~ring how to make the la5t part of their sum-HELMER ~fo~ Or !a~, Bcver1(~ge was also I nal.starters, sailed the shorter Pomte Sad Club took the pnze. 12, plans to '.mter Cornell Uni. KER,.JR., and MR ~A..lU{ER, of mer vacati')n as fabulous as the first part are 16.y. ear-old

I und ..Ullty, and fmed $100 qr 9 mile course and finished. • ... ... versity's School of Medicine. A Washmgton road, Will be occu- ,TVx-zdo 4-0522 I 30 ~lays and p~obation. 1\ Roy Barbier was King of the Eight Detroit Area boats are biology major, his consistently pying th~ Parker cottage on the Gail lIiJIg('r and her 1:~-year-old brother, Glen, children

-~------~--l F ?und g u 1 I t Y ;)f charges, Day, cap t u r i n g the Clast> D forging their way in the 330. outstanding scholastic achieve- other Side of the same lake. of the Fred H iJlgcrs. of Lexington roan.

C t ft 'DaVid Wells. of 96 H~ndy place, ch~mpionship in regal form. D~. mile Chicago-Mackinac race. In I ments at Lake Forest were rec- ~ther recent users of The Ca? The whole Hillger famIly returned last weekrndUS 0 mer a ch~se to pay a ~20 fme.. '. spite the lack of wind, a north- contention in Lake Michigan at ognized in a recent Honors Con- l~S hav~ been Mrs. Chapman s after a month-long trip around the world .

I~~althew Pollard, of Umversny northeast breeze that barely present are Carter Sales. Jr. and vocaiton, when he W:l.5one of 12 Sisters, l~S .. JOHN R. G.oRDO~ They flew first to Rome, then jetted to Nairobi.CONSTRUCTION P , ~, stOod mute on a reckless blew five milE'S an hO'ur, Bar- J. A. Grow, Jr. in Winsome; seniors &tJmitted to the college of SmO'ke Rise, N.J:, Wlt~ Mh. Kenya, where their itinerary included a stop at the de-

COMPANY drldvICn.gcharge, was fO'und guilty bicr pulled the best corrected Thomas Hansan, BYC, in Daunt- chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. An GORDON and their chlldren, lightful Treetops Hotelan med $15 ti 2'56'03 B b' t 1 III' D S h DYC' t' t d t 1 d d CAMERON and KRISTIN' and . . . . .'T . '. me . . . ar ler, presen e6S , O'n uc er, , m ac Ive s u en ea er an par- 'In IndIa they vlslled Bombay New DelhI Benarcs.

~r.d:'I{)n5:lnd Remodeling oC aU I r 2~~ ,case a~all1st James Wells, Commodore of the Crescent Sail Tigress; Henry Burkhard, BYC, ticipant in campus activities, he MISS GAY EDGAR, and their Calcutta and' Agra Thailand and ilong Kong 'were also" :)(, ""pntly done. o~ . ,:2 E. Grand, Detruit, was Yacht Club. outsailed a fleet in Meteor III; and Llwyd EccI,- has been a representative to the brother, ROBERT G. EDGAR. " '.. , r: . - . , -• :';:::111\ Hooms • kitchens ~dls.mlssed. W~I~s was found not of 18, thereby raising his string stone, Jr" GPC, in Yare, Community Government Asso- ... ... ... I on thelJ t1 avel ~g( nda, ann, 1hClr stopovcrs In .Japan In• Rcrod{'led • P. e c I' eat loin ! ~Ullty cf rln.vmg without due of victories to four. Others are Randy Wood, BYC, elatian, which promotes coopera. The ALFRED F. STEINERS, eluded Osaka, hyoto and '1okyo. . . ,p'O(lm' • porcr.es • Attics Con- I care and ~~utlOlI. Although DYC's Frank Perry in Espiritu IT; Karl Ness, BYC, tion between the student body, of Stephens road, lrft Wc>dnes. ' Honolulu .and Los Angeles were theIr PaCIfiC ports-'.en"d • Dormers • Garages I For fallmg to stop, Merritt in Alida hauled across the finish in Flying Buffalo; and Floyd faculty and administration and day aboard their yacht "Alolga" of-call. The; trIP took about two months to plan, all 1he::,."lOde!ed i ~teel, vf 2610~ Winton, St. Clair line ahead of Barbier, his cor, Hinsbee, Bayview, in Tamara. coordinates all phases of campus for Mackinac Island. With them Hillgers had a marvelous time, and Gail, for one, wouldF,ct' E:~timates and Planning I Shores. wasflnt'd $25, rected time did not take the win. The first boJts were expected extra.ct:.~Ticular activities, for went their son and daughter- like to take off tomorrow and cover the same ground~e,\ :Cf', FHA Financir;;;. ... j~lI~n Crow, of Berkshire road, He was 12 seconds behind. to pull into Ma~kinac island two years, and is currently I in-law, MR, and MRS, WIL- again!

.. a.s fmed S5 when he was found Next in Class D's line were early Tuesday morning. Then working on a project at Lake FRED STEINER, and their son,DE::\L DIR~CT WITH I guilty of parking charges. Gerald Sharpe in Ariel, Miles the fieet will sail down the other Forest's Ernest A. Johnson Me- JIMMY. MR. and MRS. LEWIS

BClLDER : James Worth, of 15220 E. Jef. Jaffe in Lenore, and Earton- ~ide of the state for Bayview morial Srience Center's summer J. NOVAK and the JUNIOR Something To Do TodayTU 1-1024 I ferson. wa6 ~ound guilty as Offer in Mistress II. Yacht Club's Port Huron to scientific resea.rch program, in. NOVAKS will be joining the Tired of sw~mmin~, sun-bathin~, chauffering chil-

. _ ,c~arged and fmed $25. He was With a cor r e e t e d time of Mackinac race which gets under vestigating the compound isoxa- Steiners on the Island July 31. dren to and from friends' homes? IJooking for somethin~I ~~~n 30 days to ?ay a bill at 2:17:40, Ross K?gel secured first way this Saturd~y. A record 160 zole O'n a $2,0~O grant from Ab- The ~~il1ers expect to be in, different to do todav?

, _ , . I . Secours Hospital. I place honors In the Folkboat boats have regls~ered for ~e bott Laboratones. M.ackl~a.c far a wee~ or so, and I Why not drop ~into Christ Child S()('idy's "Oppor--'\JJ, t Ions ~-- Alterations, - ~- - - ~-----,-_._------,- .- ~-- 41st annual affa:1r, a 235-mlle ... • • Will VISit CharlevOlx be for e t 't S, I ." I"h b'" , t 1f""O ' I rk th'. mornin"

New Homes : p contest. starting off Gratiot Named to the Ohio Wesleyan Cl uising back home. ! Un! Y • ? (, W 11(' q~ms a .. " .0 ~ .~). I.S :ri'IC1.pal Sllltzer L:~ts 3each in lower Lake Huron. University Dean's List for acado '" .. .. at the Cook road, (corner of Mormngslde dnve), home(, , (,t:' Back to the Chicago.Mackinac emlc achievement during the MAJOR EDWARD DJ EDO, of of Mrs. Frank Krus~, (if this happens to be a rainy Thurs-

:Rest Students at Brownell I r.n~~hBN~:e~n1;~~~~oi~'::t~~~ 'mllten, J. SmHb, GPSC; e~;:d pl~~:te;e'l,;~tcn;~~e;~:~:)~r;;;~~j~n:~~:~7~';,';~r.-the sale wiIJ be postponed114 boats Tuesday morning. If Trinity, F. Wyczalek, GPSC. 3. School at eamr> McCoy, Wis., One (If the Society's m(!mbers has donated 600 yards

: Charles S. Saltzer, retiring 1 George C~ockett, Cynthia Has. Bill and. Tom ~chocndorf, Bli~- Raver. from June 27 through .July 10. of beautiful decorator fabrics suitable for anythIng and: P~incipal of Brownell Junior I sig. Cynthi.a. Kenyo~, Marie zen's sklppe.rs, can keep their A MajQr, Diedo is a student in the I cver~thin~, including. upholstering, ~raperies, drcss-. HIgh School, has announced the Loosvelt, Wilham Spam, Garry correct.ed time t~e to form. 1. ssault, R. Sellers, GPYC; Army s Command and General , makm~, handcraft pro.lcrts ... all at Incredible prir('s!co~p.lete, honor roll for his ITurner, Nancy Wing, Lisa Bow- they WIll capture first place hon- 32.TWahif, J'IIMAasoGn,Jr., GDPyYCC;Staff College. 'Indudcd, too, in this sale wiIJ b(' us('d hous('hoJdb Id h

. f k h ors . yP oon , . re,p,-ory, ;Ul 109 s sevent , eIghth and Iers, Brad ord D, Bar er, Jo n L I I d . th . . S Sa Is k .. .. co i furnishin"s consistin~ of many lov('ly antiques frHm. __ ~ __~_ _ ninth graders. l.'ountain, Sunn Turner, Mich. I oca ea felrst In..... e

dcrUl~lI1hgt4. ea I IV, R. Ben erl, GPC; Altending the Annuul Leader. i the es'.tate"'o'f th" 'late Marrraret mHon . ,

" \H!,~:\TER ~ Ail types re- S th d 1 W'I1' Li d Ze k'r c asses 86 a 3 e .uon ay mg 5 B 0 c a - J 0, D. Kapetansky, h' . I W k h hi'" h .:' '.r and remodeling. Carl, even gra ers are Ellen ae 1 lams, n a "n e . were Winsome, Dauntless TII, GLYC. s I? Tr~In ng .or. s op at tel Buyt'rs and brows('rs arc rOl'dially welcome. Pro-'.', .,:-0

11. LA 6-5501. ~~Yd, F£ank 1 CBOlby,tt JaJmhes ~lso, Mic~a~l Butler, Julie and Yare. I FlyinJ{ Dutchman ,~mver~ltrG of ~Ic~~gua~ ~~}~ 1~ i ceeds fn)m this proj(>('t, an~ from all Chri,st .Child p'rn-

.. it.,nge.. aure a_s~e, 0 n ChIldress, Wilham Rob e r t s, .. • '" 1. Tremolo, S. Hllndy, BYC; ,roug were. ~ ~ jects, an~ used for the mamtenance of (,hrJst (~lHJd's> :\1; all t~'r)('~ of carpenter C~ltchfleld, Carla DICl~CO, Joan Dewey Allen Bidwell, Nancy Coming up , , , this weekend's 2. Blue Angel, P. Pratt, DYC. 11.AROL,I, of Dorthen road, and home fm- abandoned children and school for rctard .. d

H,<: rt'modC'lin£ attic rooms, ,DIsanto, Deborah Herrmg, Jane Elliott John Freeman Beverly 13th annual Grosse Pointe Farms Lightning SUE GUILLAUMIN. of York' h.ld.. ',', Small or big jobs. Ladney, Lisa Loveless, John Grenzke, Diane J08t: Patrice Boat CIu!) Regatta off the Fanns 1. Conflict, W. Tily, CSYC. shire road. Both girls ar~ stu. C I rro.:,'. ,:,,:,'s free.1Txedo 5.5892, ~1urray, Gary Sloetze~, Susan Matujec, Robert Meola, Linda Pier. Contenders must be Farms Thistle ~ents .at Our Lady S.tar of t~e H kiP

Trentacosta, Jo Francme Wer- Norman Martha Rise Sally re::idents and are reminded that 1 P' H....... . Sea School, where Suzanne IS U e iiU artyIT DRESSMAKING B b

. " . Iper, .. Ylalnwarln~. 'd tl S d2 _ ner, ar ara We~e~mg, James Slater, C~t~y Usndek, Mary Mc- applications for decorated boats CSYC; 2. North Wind, L. Sut~ vice !JrCSl ent,,o.f 1e. tu cnt: The Det roit Yacht Club "Wheels" havc' srhertlllcn a.. " --------~ Knapp, John WIlliams, John Leod WIlliam Allen Barbara and races are being taken at the ton CSYC' 3 Fl' W Z. CounCIl and Sue .s Student Coun. , /Tala r)oolsirle Hawaiian Jfukclau cocktaIl party helwPl'n

\,.H.RAT10N~; and !Iewlng.' S h a hu P I u' • ", ' , ,. mg, . 1m. '1 t ' ' '"' ' • .' ., " '1 ~'. d dr' c r s m, , ame ~ ',l.asSlg, Foote, Peter Go em an, Joe pier. Prizes and trophies will rnermal~ CSYC. ,CI reiJsurcr. , 6 and 8 o'clock Salurdav cveni,lg July 31.

'... l'U' up an elver. Deborah lJaVls DaVid Lmden Kraumann he awarded. The boat races start' ! ~ " '" . .' f~ f 't' 't M R 1 f,~\NI() 1-3669. Alln Schiesslcr: Elizabeth Tom: ' . K, CJa~s.~ :-,m. and :\1HS. H. J)():\,ALJ) i . Co-s<)c1al ch;urmen or the es IVI yare rs. () )er

__ ~ kinson, Lizabeth Bogan, Ruth And B.etty La~son, Susan: at, 10 a.m. and the fleet review 1.. Flddle~s WItch, G. Van. BLISS, and HOLLY, LAURI~L, i ~ll1g.' Jr, of Lakeland avenue, and Mrs. Earl Hoyt, of~;ii:"(; alterations. adults and Gibson Sanora McLachlin Mar- Lock, KIrk StanflCld, Robert; Will get underway at 2:00. DYC, 2. PYXIS, R. Dolson, GPSC; BUD 'd CHRIS f \1 '. : NottIngham road.

-::<!:'~il;:~p:s~~o~~~i.~r~~ff~~: rraret \.'anEckoute, Kathy' Krie- Voight, .T~omas ~al~er, Dem- I RACE RESULTS 3. No. 35, A. Patterson, GPSC. weathe:nroad, ha~e ~[)ld' t~r;/r Committee members include Kathy Sitzman, of Ida:' : 74~5. gel', Susan Schim, ~\[ancy Kush. I etra ~llliams, o.-Ignd Bo:v~r, i Cruising D. . , Reb~~ . '\house and are moving to BI'Il('- : lane, Mr:;, Arlhur Dav!cs, of Allard avenue, Mrs. Eu~enc

___ ~ man. I ~Oh: Dl L~r:to, :ark Fo~ee. i 2 ~/Ioul~t~, R B~~~:T3~~~' 1. Aset, E. Room, GPSC. vue, Washington nn Saturday,. Kornmej'~r, of St. Clair avenue, Mrs. Ernest Valaun, of:.\~:.L"lVE ALTERATIO:'oJS, Others are David Riddle e eLocca ~...:;, amh.ara

W' un-: G S~(a~'pe' Be~, 4 Le" l~, Snipe \.JUly 24, Mr. Bliss just r\'lurnprj , Nottingham road, Mrs . .John Trost, of Cadieux road, Mrs.

'\ :-larie Stephens. Quick, Mark Villeneuve, James Rawl: ~er, thrneStl~ona~ le, a~~~ I J~ff GLYC' 5 'M' tore 'IJ' 1. Naiad, M. Straley, Dye. from Washington, having hou,,;ht • David Gardiner. of Mack avenue, and Mrs. Michael. (In hems. (Furs). TU inson Susan Kuenel Elaine emdeR' b rte? en

Cde~as,S B rte'n Off 'EBe IS ress, Flying Scot Team : a house in Sibley Wood~. ~I arocco of Wqlison road

. ' 'war ° e son, an Ice wan-, a o. cr,. ,1 ~o 21 J Hunt DBC' ? ' - -",' , .:\1ajestor, Thomas Sheppard, son, Karen Trepanowski, John I . r • '. " • • . - • ~':

--- ~--- RIchard Hudson Susan Borne- I ' Alf d' A.Umver.,al I No. 56, J. Keller, E'EC. 3 No ..21U--PLUMBING man Sar:r\ra Gardiner David \w~lters, Irene CotZ13s

C'hire i 1. ;\1irwanna, W. Gay, Dye; 157, E. Kelly. EBe; 4. NO.5. F:

.' " • Wilke, Mary Bruna, ar ene, 2 P h t C u' t I BYC. Me III DYC' 5 '" 28 L- '

.' .' '.' .'. I' 'S' I) I. l' .'1 B I ....r G & Wl"htman Susan Buttrey Gina S I' oca on as, .• nlS e e, " no . ,. .~o. . r. I, - Lo •• ,~ D "'p I " . D' Decraene, ~1ax Gardner, tcven I 3 Siren F Thompson GPSC' \ Meier DBC I

:1: ~,:I~C - Kitchen Aid dish .. bC a rnJ,a'hLauru: oyle, NBar- !Hopkins, Thomas Spalding. 14' Haw-ias~ D Dip'boy'e BYC'I ' F1yl~d Scott f'AA i',,-.~, and In-Sink-Erator ara 0 nson, Nancy eef, . I • .,' ,. 1 " . '.':

_ ... p r!i ....posers Repair and Carol Crawford, Michael Duika, Nmth graders ar~ Sus~n I Performance Handicap . N~. 1B Penr' DYC, 2. :-';0. I "7t;')/_, :~ (, (I e 1. Tt.:xedo 4.4882. Glen Hillger William Noren Fraser, Margaret LeWIS, DaVid 1. Windswept E. Zenmin 54., B. lKng, ElK. 3. No. 16, B'i .{'If!..' f \11 - W Holly Smith, Susan Smith, Pris: McLaughlin, William Morrison, BYC; 2. Dutch T;eat, L. WiIlins', ~llbDuyr.D.YC;, 4. No. 25. A. Cron-' ~t',': :... : 0 ,yelCOmc agon. h N Al In C 5 No 19 S W Ik__ . _ _ cilia Cooper. Patricia Dushane, Jon Abra amson, ancy :ven, GLYC; 3. Rip pie, G. Brand,' , .. Fi~ ," a cr. J

~:(:::.\:-;LD master plumber. Mary Hamilton, Patricia Lock, I Martha Brown, Frances Cntch- ~SSC; 4. Manitou, R. Thompson, . n . ~i{ (' :J air s. remodeling, etc. Mary Jean Miller, Jill Schrader, field, Janet DeCosta, Ronald GPSC; 5. Crusader, E::.ames-Boyn- . 1. Llttl.e M?n.:ter,. W', W!ed. , United Prc~h.yferjanr;'xanteed electric sewer Michael Shore, Cynthia Curtiss, DiCicco, Robert Feuc~t, Thomas ton, GPSC. rick, .BYC, 2, 0 Fln~, ~. 0 Reilly, I . - j 16 Lake Shore Rd(r<,:<mg. Cal Roemer. TU Lynne Stelma. Hermann, Thomas Kirby, Helen! .. ' Bye,. 3. Andamo, G. Vl~la, BYC;. I 1=, ._": =,r; Al G B'll L' d BId Kulaid Mark Rentenbach carvll HandlCap-Umversal '1

4. )'1Issy, R. Mello, YC. I I ,Bertram de H.__.~_ ~. __ _ ,_ D ~ol' BarYt 1 'J Ifn

fa COlank' Schust~r Douglas Whit~ Suz- 1. TomBoy, H. Tomlinson, Mariner I • Atwoori

ame oyn on, e ery aI',' 'BYC' 2 N CS 6 D C 1 1 Ph' BIT IIr) PRE N K LE Alice Collioud, Colin Yitzgerald, anne Wybo, Gwendolyn Halbert, EBC.' 3' T1.Q

. T'al' L' R{}uhWles, 12 . 0'. R. Roohfn,d.CSYC; ~; en".. m.nRobert Grec'nin' Daniel Leeds Dale Johnson, Laurie McFad- DYC' 4' IHgerks Ie, J' en,. Wet or Dry, K. Kurtz, CSYC. '_ =:..- Richard W. Mitchell

" b,' . k ;. t', . orgenson, I Interlake .... ..J l;ary H.. Gruber• :<X.\lBl::-;G Marcia Moran, Betsey Noren, den, Muffet Nouse, Robert Zm , GPSC' 5 Sun Burst F Valk 1 N' Ministef!\

Glorii1 Schm!tt, George :Walker, IWilliam Acker, Linda. Jenzen, BYC.' . ,. a, 2. ~o. ~. J..~~eli:;d:: DY~; <:

• ilf::.\ TING Forrest Wilha~ns, ~l"rTlIl Wat- Carol ~~pp, Lon. Man Walton, Triton \ 3. T. H;att, ~YC; '4. N~' :oo~~.I ... --- ~r A~:~';-dwonbIP• :,EWER CLEA~]~G son Ann HIbbard Barbara Janet \\ngley, Lmda Buck. 1 C' . .J P )1 GPSC' N . ,. I prt'achlnl1" ' apTice. . urce., 7 • , I o. 21, B Ruthven DBC • "The M;,teri"lbm

~runo,. Eli:abeth Saltmarsh, Others are John Dempsey,! 2. Gretch, B. Griner, GPYC. I • ,. \ of Chrlstlanlt.,".l' rcdenck Gersuorff~ > Roxanne Diane. GaIda, Donald Moore,: . Crescent Want ad!! get quick reRult~ ~ I Churcthr~Ch7~i;;rl~~lb3 RoomJumer, Bar?ara Pa",et, Marty FranCIS :,arcells, .Boyd M.c' , 1. WIdower, W. Roney, C~YC; ------~ -- ~- --~- " ~ I

21 V I Schmelz. ,M:kn G:-aham, Alex I Cleary, Nannett~ .Slnger, WII., 2. Yloxie, D. Oriner. BYC; 3. Ca. ,'------------, -------------------------.~I~VE~ PLA! ,~~_~_ Taylar, Carol Anc~erson, P.at~y; lard Swenson, WIllJam Be~well, , Va, S. Woodruff, GPYC: 4. Man- . THE GROSSE POINTE

'::,\'ER &: GOLD PLATING Lane, Scott Smllh, ChnstIe 'Malgaret Colby, Joanne FIsher,' on, C. Keresztes, DYC; 5. Poca- iBrady, .Mark Irdon, Dave Ed., Marjorie Jensen, Susan Stoet.' hontas, H. Mistele, DYC. I BAPTIST CHURCHwards. I zer, R;::becca Decracne, Steven: L-Clas 8 !\IDe at Mack,

And Laurel ~ace, Barbara I Hicks, Douglas Kalvelage, W.: 1 B V AS Wh'tt k Gro!.Ie Pointe Wooct.H . h J I C k y Pa la T S h '. N A . on oyage,. 1 a er.al~ t, oe as ~' ~e! om Zur c mleue, ancy sm. IGPSC; 2. Sal1y-K, C. White, DYC;DaVIS, Donna LO•.go, Lj nne iUS, .Saundra Bruce,. Ros~m.ary i 3. Tally.Ho, K. ArRo, BYC; 4.~lontgomery, Robert ~wor, Les. I Rogier, K~rt Schmitt: Wilham; Pioneer, F. Skikiewicz. GPSC;1:::: .Mulll'on.. Pau~. Reidt, De~n i ~ogan, Ehzabeth Elliott, Den- I 5. LiIly.Ann, R. McGraw GPSC.!Sullivan, Jill Wieland, Judltn: Jamin Hubbard. ' . ' :

bb' ,... h' J h C rt' I I Pnvateer 'Jo Itt, ....ynl la 0 nson, u IS' Also, Marvin .Larivee, Chris~ 1 (;ott T R d ILeibbrand, Sa:ah ~la.ssey, S2.~ah ,tine Larsen, Martha Madarasz, I Bye. 2 o~. ~P'.j" ~ ~rum, i~~oran. Laune Smith. Lonn~; Gail Skubick, Reay Brown, Mary I BYC: . In oy, J. unn, :

....'1 Z-LAN-O--S-C--A-PI-lo..JG---- \- an Slyck. Janeen Carnaghl,: r.urtiss Jean McIntyre James C t~ \' C .. S'd' Kay M - '. , a amaran~ :.-------------SE CE an om\ a~, • ~ ~l .: c- Voigt, Janice Altman, Candace 1 C tt R P k GPC- 'r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"RVI __ ~. __ Inally, Ann PhlllIP-s, WIllIam Garbacz. Barbara Bowers, Clau. '" 'V;r;~ ~'R' k

ec'GPSC' 2. I j -~~--- -

',: ;)LEn: landscaping servo Russell. James Safran, Ann dia Castiglione, .Judith D'Arcy, . o. . , '. an e, 'J. Christ the Kingr.\. .JuliUS LaQuiere. TOIl Spitzley. Herbert Taul8, Gay- Carol Kassah. Kathleen Baird,. . ~olk ~at

. ,,;mg, cultivating, edging: wyn Walton. Delle Jean Caldwell .. Janel Mul. 1. ~am Tim, R. Kogel, CS~C; Lutheran ChurchEighth araders are Kenneth I K t"l ur Ik J • h 2. aKr.du, J. Tt)U.';C3ny, GP'iC;

~ Ih~. evergreens pruned.... mger a J. een "a er,' osep ? V 11• . 5 B dl GPYC, .'.n cut tin g. fertilizIng Sorens~~. Sara Vi.a. James Cud, Black: Marc Campb~lI. Sandra .>. a r<yrw:.. ra ey; ; :

- \lp Wilham Flndlav Paula H' k J h U if G g 4, Bon Vnant, G. ~aumann,:'::1~ clean.up work. Hourly Ke'llv :\ancv Smilh -Georgean Vllc s, COnthi~~o Cmlank' Cre orYd DYC; 5. Thumhelina, L. Sted-''. _ Rf'asonable, Free esti. ." -. ' '. mer, yn a ar. onra 'man Bye"', PRescott 8.2109. Graham. EdWin Larso~. Eilza. I Johnson, Marl Lisa ;~ace. By. , ' . En~i n

zeth Tuttle. ~Iolly Drake, )far.! rOn Stuck, James \~'cirl~erg. ' g . :-, ,,()T.I, I rl'ch !!arden loam) cia Johnson .Jahn ....elly Rob.' "1 t A H'll J t' 1. Rho~ee, E. Blanchard, DYC,

• C ,'" • • -, '. argare nne I, ane 2 D h- • . B Dilk BYC' i_ :-arcl loads deli\'ered. 371. erta Silva. CI.audla Therssen, I Hooper. . .e o~.;",lr,. s,.. Postor: Rev. Wolter J. Geffert... .-. h'c. p.m. Elizabeth Cantmc, Martha ~c.' T' d 3. ~o. 7;);), ),1. Ferry. GPC, 4. Director of Ed(,.cotion:

___ , :'fahon, C;lristine Pittel, Debra And G.ar~ Kennedy, _.In a Banner, A .. o':hnson, ~1.D., DYC; , R,cnord G. Krennln~Angell. Perry Bowen, Lawrence Lake, \\lI11am Mon~ogom:ry, 5. Horn Plpe, K. Horn. GPSC. ' TUxedo 4-5090G

'f' K lh' K LlOda Scjfulla. Susan Tant- Polan's .--- , • -----------~rI tm. a enne raemcr.. "J - - '- ~

Walter Remter, Kristin Thomp- BIInger, JanE:t ....Wlalk(;r. (: am.es 1. Si(~rra, C. Orr, CSYC; 2. -~---------~--- 'r-------------------------,, orne man .>J ar enc J rosse.

son, Ellen BuckmlOster, Dean' jJ K.I.... K. '1' ------------. St James S PIED' Galan Dawn Piper, Crai~: >ruce a,<,. );iJnc) eppt n:an, • t. au V,t' ., . . h Pamela ~folner, Robert 5alt- GROSSE POI ....'TE

Bagby, Laurel Bllss. ~11C 3('1 'h D h h A k' R th ~ Lutheran Church L h Ch hBonita Alice Chamberlain, mars,. e ora. t, Inson. .u . METHODIST CHURCH ut eran urcL. .' C 'k hank Sheila Ann Bilss, Robin Guile';, Grant~~une ,,~UlC S '. Humth, Martha Hood. William 211 Moross Rood Kerch" ...' at McMIlIo.l-J\'i1n. Chns MalfouTls. Jo<,(:. L' D 5' h V' k' TU 4-0511ph'ine ~lcCurry. ~lartr.'l Schras. \.altner,s ane~~ . mk1t.K. nleCt~ 9:'!O Worship: Church Schoolhun. James Stamman, Janet ance, , usan ...onSI, en -

T IB rbara White. . ~ustke .. James Daolant~s. Patr- for :-';ursery through

ayor. a C' I ICla Gillan. Steven Ku~l]man. 6th grade.Others are Thomas artmll. r' '1 1., C' G'l R Id. dd' B b \.. al .Y1C alg. al evn') s

Tlmothv ~Iaca 100. ar ara 'K t'- R' Th xl. .,. Cod a ur"'n Ignev. c( oreBur n ham, trances y, Schafl. .

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GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 22, 1965

****PageFeature****Page Twenty




Kro Flite

TU 1-5262

Golf Balls


9?c~nteCounter Points


Golf Bags$10 $15

See GrllY and Play



• Sunday Golf Bag $4.50

TU 1-2262

$9.95Golf ShoesMen's leather

P~f)orite Reeip8sof

People in The Know

Good Taste


Contributed by Helen Blair

4 egg yolks1/2 cup sugar2 tbsp. arrack

% tsp. grated nutmeg1 <,up heavy cream,


~." ..

Pointers of Interest..;,", ....

. :.'





Jim Krat:3manft, OwnerElectrical Wiring

and Repairing

TU 4.2138


Jolmson NanledFerris Director











,,'ho~".here and whatnotby whoo'1,;'


And a special welcome

'0 Bo'ex and Hassel...lad • • • now included

in our fomily of fine

_ A further. footnote ... to the Jeff Hudson-PollyKan~~er weddIng: On.e of the bride and bridegroom's~n~bltlons was ~~ be fIrst occupants of the PresidentialSUIte at DetroIt s new Pontchartrain Hotel-and theywere!

Back from her first experience . • . as pilot in aPowder ~uff Derby. (she flew co-pilot for ber sister inone prevIOus race)~ Mrs. Winifred DuPerow, oi st. Clair~venue. reports that the actual eross.country travelingIS a breeze compared to the banquet circuit tbe ladyflyers find themselves on during the race. Apparently,Powder Puffs are murder !In the waistline!

More than two vears ... separate brothers Joe andWallace Bruce. of -Ballantvne road, but the boys aresimilar in height and look verv touch alike .. , so muchalike, in fact. that they are o'ften taken for twins. The~'oungest Bruce. three.year-old Wallace, tired of beingpegged at; his brother's contemporary, has developed astock answer to adults who pose the are-you twins? ques-tion: "We're not twins, we're brothers. He's Joe, andI'm \Vallace. and I'm badder because I'm littler!"

IJe<lrning to "speak American" ... FAST are Anne,Pa:-icale and Philippt; Le Dire&cb, children .of the Jeanl,(' I>ireachs. of Sunningda)e drive, (be's France's newConsul Genera) in Detroit), who combine their lanl1uagelessons with drives around The Pointe~ stopping ~ff atsuch places as the local Fire Department to increasethf'ir vocabularies.

Who leaves Hawaii to vacation in Michigandt.ring the summer? ,"Vho else but Jessica Markle\'daughter of Mr. :lnd Mrs. J. Charles Markley, Jr., ofLakeshore road. Miss Markley's apparent "aberration,"Imost uf u~ would givf' our eye teeth to be GOING TOHawaii rigr.t about now). is explained bv the fact thatshe has been in The Islands for a year~ attending thel.'nivf'fsity of Hawaii, and will return for her senior year:H the l'niversitv of Hawaii after her vacation in ThePointe. .

By Pat Rousseau

Today Al?d TOlporrow . . . to take advantage of theWalton-PIerce ~ALE~ On .July twenty.third, the shop willclose for vacatIOn and to prepare for the arrival of allthe great new Fall fashions. BUT here's a hint thereare many "inventory clearance" suits and coats that be-

Icause of their cut and color will be very "IN" ... in aFall wardrob:~!

'" . .Beat the egg yolk until light, (( " .\rith the sugar. Add, stirring' c~?y . : " Sant~ sent m.e. Well even 1.f you don't ... you'll

I 11 th k d th t 1znd zts Chnstmas zn .July at the Top Drawer 17007\\'e e arrac an e nu -'K 1 l UP' 1 V'il .I' . , . e:c ~eva m t Ie t age. There are all kinds of put-m<'g. FOl.d In the. \\ ~Ipp~d away-presents and e'lJen if you don't put them av;au . . .

I neam. Chill well. ThIs drmk IS i you'll love uhat you found and what the sale to .,saidI eaten with a spoon, and is an ! '"' '" '" g.

. '('"c(-llt~nt dessert: accompanied! I?o YOI! ... paint, sew. write? Would you like to spend moreb~' cakes or cookIes. ' tIme WIth your hobby? Mutschler Kitchens, 20489 Mack Avenue

.._~- -- : says ... '"Bring your hobby into the kitchen. Give it a work';of Bournemouth circle. loves i c~nter ~lo~e' ell~ugh to the cooking a~ea so that you can com-:('amping, water skiing and va-; bme pamtmg With popovers ... bastIng seams with basting a! rationing in Northern Michigan. : roast and com... t? thi?k ,?f it, writing a column with jotting an:and is looking forward t(l her I on-the-spot shoppmg ilst,: fretShman vear at Western ~lich- i ... * *

Pl:otu by Eddie McGrath,Jr. i igan lJni\'~rsity. i A Little Traveling Music ... please! Travel to the tuneSenior Girl Scouts Corinne Florek, (front row, left to right), Berdean Buffa I .. '.. i of a pu~ring,. performing motor ... in a shiny new Dodge

Suc McLuckie, Beth Keller, Susan Hal- and Linda Deeds (standing, left to right). ' Hel blother Dale, 1~, IS a Bo~ • from RIVerVieW and the memorv of a cash . t tl tvorsen, Susan Sessions, Nancy Watkins, IScout and her father IS treasur- i • h BES d'~ regI.s er . 1a

,.'. ~______ _ _ pr for the Boy Scouts. Nancy I Iang up t e J 7 car. eal ~ou ve e~er had. RlVervI.ew,BJ Janet Mueller has participated in the Girl i 15205 East Jeffel son, \\ ~nts ~ou ~o ENJOY your vacation.

James Halvorsen, of Robert John S t f 10 Sh I . ...

Th . ht' . cou program or years. e , Th' I Tl v. f tl 1 . .e eig gIrls pIctured above are currently en- road, joined the Brownies as a is a Program Aide, Jack Tar and I zs s ze 1 em ... 0 . 1e 7azr cut. Howeyer the proJectcamped, along with 9,000 other Senior Girl Scouts from third grader in Detroit's Trix Aide to the Handicapped, and' .sho1fld not be taken l1.ghtly. Agreed! Fmd yourself athe six continents where Girl Scout and Girl Guide School. Her sister Ann, 18, used belongs to Troop 385. stylzst, who knows the why of fashwn and the how-to.groups have been established, and 2,000 adults, OIl the to be a Senior Scout. Her other Edward Nepi "Parrucchiere," 19463 Mack .4.t:ellue hasshores of Lake Pend Oreille, near Farragut, Idaho. sister, Linda, 13, is ja Cadet~e, "Scout~~g." says this fut~re, studied the situation and. is turning out newsy. manage-

__ . __ ,Scout, and Mrs. Ha.vorsen IS teacher, ha.s h~lped me de~lde I able hair-dos , .. daillf. TUxedo 4-8858.All members of the Grosse I a Scout Leader. on my goal III hfe. It has gIven' . >l. * "

Pointe Girl Scout District, they: ,;ifts .are mo~e or less tokens., Susan a Ranger Aide and me the opportunity to work. Mysten' of the travel pictures that didn't tIt S I . d., . 1 t d th b' f "ery ineXpenSIve often made b" :' with and . tug h'l' - . . . url ou. 0 \e\\ 1'1e sc PC e ,on e aSIS 0 I' , .J 'secretary of the Girl Scout Sen- asslS yo n er c I - bv a pre-,'acation camera check-up at Paul Gach ~t d' 34-th " . k'll I' the patrol members themselves. . dren and I have found 'h' , '. u 10, ;,. (,Ir campll1g s I s, persona .1- The lOr Planning Board, likes to col- I: ." L IS ! Fisher Road. One additional clue .. ~ they can supply film attIes and Scouting activities. III I ~eather-or-Knots' potlachs lect stamps and pen pals, to I work

d. bO,~h satIsfymg and re- I suprisingly low cost. Worth investigating ... now'

open competition with Senior are tmy weathervane roosters, 1 h . t d I \var Illg i .. "" •Scouts from all over the metro- mounted on outlines of Michi. p ay t e plano, 0 cook an to. . -~-~~~- Ipolitan Detroil area, to repre- gan, .treated to change color ac- read, to go camping and to vis- : Summertime ... is a good time to try "Sleek" bv Eliza-

;~ent their area at the Fourth cordlllg to probable weather it her relatives in Connecticut, ' beth Arden. It smooths awav hair alld actuallv Is goodI A 1 G' 1 S t S . changes' the\' are meant to be She wants to be a linguist. I for vour skin Find it at Kopp's a10n<1 with so mimv other

J)jd ~'ou happ<,n to see ... two paintings by one of R~~~c~uP. Ir cou • en lor, Uscd as 'hat ~mblems. Beth Keller, 16. daughter of Arden beautit'iers. b •

our most talented artists, (w(' call her one of OUR most . . I < • • ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Keller, " " .,tal~nt('d artists ('ycn though she has deserted The Pointe Actual Roundup dates aIe i Each member o~ .a Roundup I Jr., of Beaconsfield avenue, has :8 :Quick Res<:ll.e ... .for a sagging set. , . don't give up!for tWG and onc-half years to make her borne in Palm J~ly 15 throug~ 28, but the IPa~rol has a sp~clflC. R~u~dup i an older sister, Judith Anne, 19, ' Place a roller or two on top for a lift ... then clip theSprings and Santa Barbara, Calif.), Mrs. E. Doty glrl~ left ~he Po~nte a few. days, aSSIgnment; each IS an mdlVldual 'who went to the last Roundup e ll.ne in p~ace (USi.l1Q a. back m.irror). SPRAY SET ... withWorcester, reproduced in the June 28 issue of the earlier, via tray~ to Chicago, Ias well as a member of her pat- i in Vermont. a Ole Notre Dame Phonnacy's own hair spray. Let dnf.( h - - S' where they JOined another I rol: , -~ rIstl3n Oc'Clrnr(' Monitor? The paintings, landscapes, are . 1 d f . I f 11 I I M th d U wllile dressing, ;\'01V bnJ.,sh lightly, and raise here and

of ")Iount :\Iansfif"ld, '.T ('rmont" and "The Desert Near tram oa 0 glr s rom a over Sixteen-year-old Linda Deeds, 0 er Is Lea er 1 l'the country bound for Farragut. i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Her mether has been a Scout -+ t ~ere gent y 1JJ1t/1a hairpin. One of the advantages of

Palm Sprin~". Calif:' i\lrs. Worcester, incidentally, will, I AJ SPR.4. Y SET is that tile siliconf's revel moisture and holdbe local durinv; th(' summer, stayin~ at The Whittier be- Their equipment, (they take i Jay Deeds. ~ P:mberton road. leader since ~efer thi.i'd grader I !I ~l1e s/wve ... even on 1mmid days('au"' .. h .. r home in Sunningdale drive is rented to the en'rything with them), left! began scoutIng 111 the second Beth s~arted In sc.outmg. Beth, I .Byr~ '"'Shangri-La nub. She plans to return to her Palm SpTings e\'en earlier; their t"11ts, pots! ?rade, at Trtombly. Schoo.I. She wh.o wIll .be a semor at Gross~ II 'Sid Irwin ;\sks .. , "Do ,'ou know that Fashion Two Twent\.I . b and pans, duffle bag-apiece and ;I~ the .~ldes. of five chIldren. P~~n,.teHIgh, has two brothers, S' 'M' Scis-. products are the sensation 'of torln's bus\", bus\' woman? Thes~wille III Octo er. and of course to continue her painting W"ather Statl'on pro]'ect "vere', lIer 1\\ 111 brothers, John an.d WII1.am, 18, and Todd, 14. clSSOrs aglc or , " .

Id .t 'f h d h' P' .1 <:, sors' Madness . . . the i products give YOII that soft, "lowing natural look ... and when-won 11 ,"OU I YOU a O\\e.man SOWS In artS anu shl'ppecl to ldah'o at tile begl'n- i Jo<,. arc 10 years old, Her SIS- Sh" ll'kes all sports actI'vl'tl'es, >-I. 'b't i'" h h' II d h II th f h C I - " ch" h 0 i applied correctly at 7 a.m., it will still look beautiful and fresh(''X"I I er. III slIe a owe a s as ose 0 t e op ey 11I'ngof June. ,tprs, ;-';ancy. and Patsy, 1.5 an.d I camp1'ng especI'all',., }'s a Pro- olce IS yours w en y u. . B "I 14 1 J"t SIt 117 K : at midnight. You never hav(" to re-do your face. Tn' it and be-'';a('H~tv lit oston. If ass." . , . respective y, are actIve In £ram, Ran!!er and Aquatl'c AI'de, VISI our a On a er- '-

PI S d T GIS t d 1\1 D d ~ ~ h I th H'II lieye it!" 20445 Mack .\ venue.• I an econ rIp I 1T . ~ou S, an. rs. . ee s, hopes to teach physical educa- c eva on e I. ~______ ___ _ ~ ~._____ _ _

I They won't be home until the i too, 1S mterl:'sted 111 scoutmg. tion, and praises scouting for While I have c?lways fa- ~!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~/1, nd speaking of artists ... congratulations to one I beginning of August, having; Linda will be a senior at "giving me something to strive vored the Scissors' Magic '

of our up-and-coming Rembrandls, Nicholas M. Kelley, of Iel~cted te take a post-Roundup IGrosse Pointe High School in f~r - a set of values." Like that creates a coiffure toLa Salle place winner of the Lieutenant John A. Larkin, t~lP through Yellowstone N.a-! the fall. Her hobbies are camp- LInda. Berdean and Susan, Beth give the illusion of beau-.J l'. :\h'nloria. Prize in the amount of $20 for the best tlonal Park. In al~, 12 ~etrOlt- i ing. (naturally!). read.ing and is a member of T~'oop 302. ty-a style to suit the in-\\ ork in oil painting, ~astels or water color at Phillips area patrols of~ eIght girlS, 9.4, sports. and her fa~orItt; vaca- Sue McLuckie 17-year-old dividual and her way ofF 't '\ I . E tt N H Scouts from Greater DetroIt! hon spots are Califofma and d ht f M ' d. Mr life-we can and do give,xe er . cae enl~ , xe er. . . plus two Colombian girls as- i "all over" Michigan. a~g e~ 0 1 r. an 1 s. ~l~x the mad "cereal-b~wl ov-* • II: signed to :. Redford Patrol, will I MI.:Luckle, Jr.,. of So~th HIgbIe

be among the Farragut campers.: If she could, she'd travel, tour place, started In scoutmg at O~r er-the-head look" appear-I Europe and criss-cross the Lady Star of the Sea School III ing in many high fashion

The Pointe Patrol members United States. She plans event- 1957. She currently belongs to magazines-but only if it Live at the exclusive Shore Clubcall themselves the Weather-or- ually to teach school, thinks her Troop 385. is the patron's choice. with its beautifu4 trees, its pJeas-

Those rain\' davs for which a man saves usually Knots. Notifi~d that they had scouting experience will be help- She will be a senior at Our My expert staff is highly ing architectural design. EnjOJ)'ancome durin£! his va"atioI1. -Allan KI'ng b d '65 R d f k'il d . I . t If' the -'--_L. 'sp~ '- ee~ .accepte as oun up : ul ~hen ~he begins to teach, Lady Star of the Sea High s I e In our exc usive evening s ro In 11t"::>r~, en

par.tIcIpants last fal.1. they were: conSiders It has been helPfUl', School next fall, is a member shaping t.xhnique, the In- air of Lake St. Clair. Out- privateaSSigned to a spl'clal Roundup: already; "It's given me a chance of the National Honor Society tra-Curl-Cut _ a "top" Yacht Harbor, heated swimming

A new family moved into the neighborhood and Patro~ accordin.g to ~he~r geo-! to meet lots of people - and I recipient of the Marian Award: value at $3.00 for the cut pool and Club House are for yourtheir dog Bosco was soon making ~aily visits to the graphical. locatIOn WIthIn the 'ike people!" (given to Catholic Girl Scouts), alone. pleasure. The fivabiHty and con-neighborhood market, where he found a friend in the metropolitan area. a PrOl,ram Aide, Aide to Handi- If you want a hai'rdo to **"* * venience of this location will bear

ILinda's scouting distinctions ~* '. t' 1 2 3 bedproprietor, who ~ave him meaty handouts. The Pointe girls consider include a Program Aide Bar, a capped Persons and v~ce-presi- I start the week-end right ** "~ your Investlga Ion. - - -

One da.\" Bosco's mistress, who was unaware of her! themselves lucky; they all knew Ranger Aide Ba and an Office deI'.!-treasure~ of the GIrl Scout: or if your tir.~d tresses * * room apts. from $160.dog's afternoon calls. stopped at the same market and: eac:h other be.fore t~ey were Aide Bar. (Aide Bars are a- Semor ~lanmng Board. i need revitalizing after tQO * * Our Resident Managei' Waf Beasked to cash a check. While she was searching ber i aSSIgned to theIr speCIal Round- warded when a Girl Scout has Her SIster, JaM, 14, is a C~- I much sun and fun--call eN Delighted to Show YOII Around.purse for some identification. Bosco appeared. Tail wag- Iu~ Patrol-four of them were completed a training course, and dette Scout, and her mother IS TUxedo 1-6833. Our sa- c:/fl,f'Jre' or Phone 775-3280.ging. he w('nt promptly to his mistress. - ,even members of the same has accumulated a certain num- leade~ of a Cadette Troop. Sue, Ion always open Mondays ~I (]ta/,J East Jefferson at Nine Mite Rood,

"I '. ?" • I troop! ber of practical experience, or who hkes to sew and read and d S t d f It. Clair Shores.. Michiaaas thiS, ~our ~og. asked tbe p"roprletor. She nO,d: I Each Roundup Patrol was service, hours). wants to be an occupational an a ur ays or you r

dcd. then \\a~ bewIldered to hear: Why, of course 111 ! told to develop a local-angle! therapist "after college," ered- convenience--and closed ~ W HOMER W~ & CO.cash Jour check!" -Reader's Digest! specific project, and to give Also Wants To Teach :its scouting with giving her "a; Wednesdays for ours!

* * * itself a nal7le relevant to that Berdean Buffa, 16-year-old 6reater awareness of the oppor- . ----------------~--"~------ "-- ..._"--. . , . . _ . project. The Pointers took as i daughter of the Sebastian Buf-. tunities available for service in :

Sign on \\ all of Y. alhng rOOlI1 for fathers 111 the ma- the' th "I' d 't l'k 'fas of Balfour road wants to the United States"t 't . '1' f Ph'l d 1 h' h 't 1'" I Ir eme £ you on I e I ,~. •ern! y see IOn ?, a I a e p Ia OSPI a. We COMe to i the weather in Michigan, wait be a teacher, too. Her special i "the Pace Corps. ; five minutes and it will change." . ambitions are to work \\ith the! Plans To reach Deaf

* * lie : They built a Weather Station underprivileged and to join the: Susan Sessions, 18,. daughter_ •• to measure change~ in tempera- Peace Corps. i o~ l\'1r. and Mrs. CeCil R. Ses-

Thf' author of a book on f'ConOI!\1CS receIved at. h 'd.t ' d . I .t, I SIOI1i: of Hampton road is ah II d "I t" t t' t' ,IlIP. umllV, W1l1 \eoel\ l'k r'd h' th ld tl ' ,P Of!\ ('a one a~'. . ~m ques lO~mg your s a IS ICS on I and direction, "and are cllrrentl~ I.'.e ~I~ a, s e IS e .e :s membe~ oi Troop 377, a Pro.

the hIgh cost of hvmg, saId a vOIce on thf' othl'r f"nd. I taking -turns mJ'ln!1iIF' the sui- of. fl\ (' chIldren, an? agam lrke I gram AIde. District President of"'Iy wife and J eat cver)'thing our hearts desire for lion in the Roundup Demonstra- LlJl~a,. she has tWlO brothers, the Senior Planning ~oard andcxa{'tl~. 72 cents ~ we~k." 'lion Arell where all patrol 1l-jca1-o1d Sabe and Anthon~. ia member of the NatIOnal Hon-

"Sc\"entv-twr, Cf'nts a week'" echoed th" economl'st .projects a~e on display for the Iller other b~other. Thomas, ~s i or Society. She plans to be a. " '.".'. "4, and her sister Beth Ann IS. t h f th d f ."1 can't bl'Hevc it! Won't you tell me how? And could mo~e than 70,000 R 0 un d u p eight. ' '; eac er 0 e ea.~ou pl ..asp speak a littlp louder?" VISItors. , Berdean began scouting as a I Sh~ become interest~d in

"I can't speak louder:' said the voice. ''I'm a ~old- !nteresting Projects :fourth grade Brownie at Defer 1 SCOUhdngwdhen shFe waSHlD t~ef. h .. CiS h 1 'd secon gra e at erry. er SIS-IS . - oronet In Farragut, the Weather'or, 1 c (10, counts a Rangers Al e I t AI" 15' al 't t d~------- K t .. d th h Bar and a Off' A'd B . er Ice, ,IS so In eres eno s ]oIne reI' ot er pa- nice 1 e ar a- I • - r

troIs-the Briar Patch Patrol ~ong her Senior Girl Scout dis- 111 scou ~ng. . t' ..

from Georgia, (their demonstra- tInctions. Her three brothers Su~an s faVOrIte ac.IVltIes aretion consists of Uncle Remus are all members of Boy Scout cam~~ng and .ou~doo: sports.skits), tile Sea Farers from Troop 147, and her sister is a, She ,1~es .vacatlOmng 111 North-Long Island, (they ere making, Junior Scout. i ?rn Mlchl~an, wants to trav.el,

C 1 I J h f W' d .-. fishnets) and the Diamond-. She')] b 12th d t In the Umted States, and wIll,ar ,. 0 nfion. 0 In mil, . . ,e a gra er a Ienter Albion College as a fresh IPointe drive, vice-president for: backs 1rom Texas, (they are I Gro~se Pointe High next fall,' h' f 11 - !adv{'rti~ing and public relation~, i showing how useful rattlesnakes :.likes to play the piano and sew. Illlan t. IS a . :

! Parke, Davis & Company, has. can be; their demonstration ac- think., Colorado is a great place i Connne Florek. 16, daugh-':been (~lected to the bo~rd of I tivitil's include cooking the 10 \'acation. wants to travel in 'ter of the John S. Floreks, of.

-~ 'directors of the Ferri~ State i ,nake meat and making articles Europe and The States. ("espe- Harper ~oods, wants to be. a ,, College Alumni Association for' from the snakeskin). ciaJ1.\. in the National Parks"),. mathematIcs teacher. Her SI5-'

a three'year term. Th ~ f t 1 . and is outspoken in her praise i ters, Kathy, 14. Maureen, 11,A 1926 Pharmac"" graduate of t de:>e our PTraro s ared dheslg,:of the Girl Scout program' I. Joyce, 10, and bue, 8. and her I', ., na e as one oop, an ave . b th ....K • 12 . 11''Ferris Johnson is ~erving as a . I d' . h d' f I i ro er .uarVln, , are a In-

!. ' . ." a smg e a Visor, tea visor or Chance To Make Friends ' terested in scouting.dIrector from RegIOn 1 of the As- the Weather - or. Knots Briar I "} h d '. t' , t t' 'ave ma e a tremendous W'll A.t d MSUsO.:la Ion s represen a Ive areas. Patch Sea Farer and Diamond- b . I • enH h Irl h d t t I ' Ilum er of fnends from all over .' .e o__s an onorary oc ora e back Troop comes from Santa f' d' .' Connne has o'i!en a scout SIn-from Ferris R l'f tlen s WIth many dIfferent h d .

_____ ~ ~_' __ ~_~._ i osa, ea 1., so the northern, backgrounds. I have learned to ce the s~vent gra e,. (she wIll; sout~lern, eastern a~d western enjoy the world out-of-doors." be a 12t~ grader at .BIShop G~l-:sections of the Umted States Susall Halvorsen. 16 and head- ~agher !Ilgh School III the fall),G I J Ele~tric Co1 . are pretty evenly representeo:l cd fo; her senior year at Grosse IS preSIdent of her Tr~op 618In one Troop. Pointe High, feels much the' an~ ha~ ~arned her Hospital and

A special feature of the' same way about scouting: Office AIde Bars.'loundups. tthey are held only "Throu~h scouting I have Scouting, she says, "has help- :once every three years, which, made man\' new friends and cd me t<l become a mature, re-;makes them pretty special ev-. learnEd ne~' skills" Susan says. sponsible person, I have learned

;ents i? them~elves), i~, the ex-; "I have had ne~ experiencE's, lo mee,~ and to get along with I'

Grosse Pointe & East Side ,changing of potlachs, a cere- I and learn€d to appreciate more Ipeople..m(mial giving of gifts. 'things in life." ! Nancy Watkins. daughter of 1I Potlach is an Indian term. The! The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IMr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Watkins,



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