U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can...

The Circulatory System - Part 1

Transcript of U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can...

Page 1: U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste capillary blood cells interstitial

The Circulatory System - Part 1

Page 2: U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste capillary blood cells interstitial

The circulatory system is divided into 3 parts:

Circulatory System


Blood vessels



Blood vessels

Page 3: U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste capillary blood cells interstitial

This exchange occurs primarily through diffusionBlood never makes direct contact with body cellsSubstances are exchanged through interstitial fluid

Function of blood vessels and heart is to move blood to and from cells of body

Circulatory System

When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste




interstitial fluid



Page 4: U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste capillary blood cells interstitial

Average adult has about 5L of blood



Urea and other wastes

Respiratory gases


Special proteins to fight infection and clot wounds

It serves many functions including transport of:

Page 5: U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste capillary blood cells interstitial

Blood consists of 3 components:


cells (red and white)

platelets (cell fragments)

plasma and blood proteins

Page 6: U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste capillary blood cells interstitial


Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are cell fragments that are involved in forming blood clots

White blood cells (WBC), also called leucocytes and lymphocytes, are slightly larger than RBC and have a nucleus

Plasma is about 90% water and 10% dissolved substances (nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antibodies, hormones, clotting proteins, CO2, urea)Red blood cells (RBC), also called erythrocytes, and are enucleated and biconcave in shapeThey are filled with hemoglobin, which transports oxygen

Page 7: U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste capillary blood cells interstitial




Relative size and number of RBCs, WBC’s and platelets


Page 8: U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste capillary blood cells interstitial

An artery branches into smaller vessels called arteriolesArterioles continue to branch and narrow until they become capillaries

Capillaries are networks of tiny blood vessels (5-10μm in diameter) that extend throughout body

There are 3 types of blood vessels:

Blood Vessels

Arteries take blood (under high pressure) away from heartArteries


Page 9: U4L14 - Circulatory System 1 - WordPress.com · Circulatory System When it reaches cells, blood can exchange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste capillary blood cells interstitial

Veins return blood to heartVeinsThere are 3 types of blood vessels:

Blood Vessels

They begin as narrow vessels called venules and widen as they near heartBlood is under low pressure in most veins, so they contain one-way valves to prevent back flow of blood