Types of Interview

Types of Interviews Submitted By :- Kamlesh – 181 Aakash – 199 Nikhilender - ? Shivam - ? Shivam - ? Professional Communication for Recruitment and Employability

Transcript of Types of Interview

Types of Interviews

• Submitted By :-

• Kamlesh – 181

• Aakash – 199

• Nikhilender - ?

• Shivam - ?

• Shivam - ?

Professional Communication for Recruitment and



• An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements from the interviewee. Interviews are a standard part of qualitative research. They are also used in journalism and media reporting (see Interview (journalism) and in various employment-related contexts.

Telephone Interview

Be ready

Use your notes/resume

Introduce yourself clearly and directly

Modulate your voice

Eliminate any distractions

Group Interview

Interact as a team player

Show personality

Avoid conflict

Keep an eye on the interviewer

Panel Interview

Several Interviewers

Eye contact with each person

More eye contact with questioner

Patience and calm

One-On-One Interview

Make good eye contact

Match their “style”

Remember body language

Give examples

On-Campus Interview

Usually only 30 minutes

Extra “face time”

Portfolio with resume and recommendations

Company Material


Be alert

Be polite to everyone!

Be punctual (15 minutes early)

Observe environment

Sequential Interview

Two or more interviews

Continuous assessment

Tour may be included

Lunch may be included

Behavioural Interview

Based on previous activities

Requires specific examples

e.g. interpersonal skills

"Describe a time you had to work with someone you didn't like."

e.g. leadership skills

“Give me a time when you motivated others.”

•Stress Interview• Remain calm and tactful

• De-personalize the process

• Example Questions

• "(deep sigh) Well, if that's the best answer you can give ... (shakes head) Okay, what about this one ...?"

• "How do you feel this interview is going?"

Case InterviewTwo way discussion

Problem solving

No perfect answer

Structured approach

Ask questions

Technical Interview

Problem solving and creativity

Specific knowledge

Not only technical but interpersonal

Brain teasers

Meal-time Interview

Follow interviewer’s lead

Show social know-how

Be discrete!

Avoid messy food