Two-Channel SAR-GMTI via Fractional Fourier Transform · The Fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) is...

Two-Channel SAR-GMTI via Fractional Fourier Transform S. Chiu Defence R&D Canada Ottawa TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 October 2004

Transcript of Two-Channel SAR-GMTI via Fractional Fourier Transform · The Fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) is...

  • Two-Channel SAR-GMTI via Fractional Fourier Transform

    S. Chiu

    Defence R&D Canada √ Ottawa TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 October 2004

  • Two-Channel SAR-GMTI Via FractionalFourier Transform

    S. ChiuDefence R&D Canada - Ottawa

    Defence R&D Canada - Ottawa

    Technical Memorandum

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

    October 2004

  • Her Majesty the Queen as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2004 Sa majest́e la reine, repŕesent́ee par le ministre de la D́efense nationale, 2004

  • Abstract

    SAR along-track interferometry (SAR-ATI) can be used to measure motion in ascene by utilizing the phase and magnitude information of an interferogram. Thephase of a target’s interferogramϕATI is, to the first order, proportional to its slantrange velocityvr at broadside. In this paper, a relatively unknown yet powerfultechnique, the so-called fractional Fourier transform (FrFT), is applied to the SAR-ATI in order to estimate moving target parameters. Due to the nature of SAR datacollection, the moving target signal is unavoidably contaminated by the scene clut-ter. The FrFT technique is first used to improve the signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR) foran enhanced ATI phase estimation, which in turn allows the estimation of target’sslant-range velocity. By mapping a target’s signal onto a fractional Fourier axis, theFrFT permits a constant-velocity target to be fully focused in a fractional Fourierdomain affording orders of magnitude improvement in SCR. Then moving targetvelocity and position parameters are derived and expressed in terms of an optimumfractional angleα and a measured fractional Fourier positionup, allowing a targetto be accurately repositioned and its velocity components computed. The proposedtechnique is applied to the data acquired by the two-aperture CV580 airborne sys-tem configured in its along-track mode. Results show that the proposed method isan effective and elegant way of accurately estimating moving target velocity andposition parameters.

    Résum é

    L’interf éroḿetrie longitudinale SAR (SAR-ATI) peut servir̀a mesurer le mouve-ment sur un lieu d’action en utilisant les données de phase et d’amplitude de l’inter-férogramme. La phase d’un interférogramme de cibleϕATI est, au premier ordre,proportionnellèa la vitesse distance-tempsvr à la position transversale (broadside).Dans la pŕesenteétude, une technique relativement peu connue, mais puissante,appeĺee la transforḿee de Fourier fractionnaire (FrFT), est appliquée à la SAR-ATI afin d’estimer les param̀etres d’une cible mobile.́Etant donńe la nature del’acquisition de donńees SAR, le signal de cible mobile est inévitablement conta-miné par le clutter du lieu d’action. La technique FrFT est d’abord utilisée pouraméliorer le rapport signal/clutter aux fins d’une estimation de phase ATI, laquellepermetà son tour d’estimer la vitesse distance-temps de la cible. En mappant lesignal d’une cible sur un axe de Fourier fractionnaire, la FrFT permet de foca-liser entìerement une ciblèa vitesse constante dans un domaine de Fourier frac-tionnaire, ce qui aḿeliore de plusieurs ordres de grandeur le rapport signal/clutter.Alors les param̀etres de position et de vitesse de la cible mobile sont calculés et

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 i

  • exprimés selon un angle fractionnaire optimalα et une position de Fourier frac-tionnaire mesuŕeeup, ce qui permet de repositionner exactement une cible et decalculer les composantes de sa vitesse. La technique proposée est appliqúee auxdonńees acquises par le système áeroport́e CV580à deux ouvertures, qui est confi-guŕe selon son mode d’interféroḿetrie longitudinale. Les résultats montrent que laméthode propośee offre un moyen efficace etélégant d’estimer avec exactitude lesparam̀etres de vitesse et de position d’une cible mobile

    ii DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • Executive summary


    Synthetic Aperture Radar Along-Track Interferometry (SAR-ATI) is a techniquethat can be used to measure motion in a scene. For a stationary radar, motionsensing can be measured with relative ease. The sensing radar simply takes two“pictures” of the same scene at different times and compares the two snap-shots forany changes in the scene, and this can be accomplished with only a single antenna.For airborne or spaceborne radar, the task is not as simple because the radar movesat a high speed with respect to the scene it senses. Therefore, the whole worldis moving from the radar’s perspective. So how does one detect slowly movingtargets embedded in a “moving” scene? The answer is to use two or more antennas.Additional sensors provide needed degrees of freedom for a moving sensor to detectmovers in a stationary background. Using two antennas or sub-apertures aligned inthe direction of flight allows one to capture two snap-shots of a same scene fromthe same position in space but at different times. This motion sensing techniquewas originally proposed by Dickey and Santa of General Electric [8] and is calleddisplaced phase center antenna (DPCA). Depending on the way the two images arecompared, the technique is called the subtractive DPCA if the complex images aresubtracted one from the other in order to cancel clutter or is called the ATI if thetwo images are combined interferometrically (i.e. multiplying one image with thecomplex conjugate of the other) in order to “cancel” clutter in the signal phase. TheATI approach has the advantage that it not only provides target detection capabilitybut also gives information on the target’s velocity and position from its phase.

    Principal results

    Moving target signals are embedded in the imaged stationary scene, which is called“clutter.” In order to accurately estimate a target’s true position and velocity param-eters, clutter contamination of the target’s signal must be minimized. For a two-aperture radar system, the additional degree of freedom provided by the secondaperture can be used to cancel clutter via the subtractive DPCA, providing movingtarget indication (MTI) information. However, the expended degree of freedom canno longer be used to estimate target parameters. The ATI, on the other hand, con-tains target parameter information but is contaminated by the scene clutter becausethe ATI method does not actually cancel clutter in the sense of removing clutterfrom the target. It only nulls clutter’s interferometric phase but does not truly can-cel the clutter as does the DPCA.

    The Fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) is a relatively unknown yet powerful tech-nique, which, when used in combination with the ATI, provides significant signal-

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 iii

  • to-clutter ratio (SCR) enhancement and at the same time allows target position andvelocity parameters to be accurately estimated. The FrFT is a generalization of reg-ular Fourier transform (FT) in that the FT transforms a signal from the time domainto the frequency domain, the FrFT transforms it into a fractional Fourier domain,which is a hybridized time-frequency domain. A constant-velocity target signal,which is a linear chirp, can be fully focused in an optimum fractional Fourier do-main. Moving target position and motion parameters are derived and expressed interms of a best FrFT angleα and positionup, which are experimentally measuredor computed from the data.

    The Convair 580 radar, configured in its along-track interferometric mode, was usedto collect MTI data. Application of the FrFT to SAR-ATI to achieve both enhancedSCR and accurate parameter estimation was successfully demonstrated using thecollected airborne data. Mathematical expressions were derived using the FrFT,which relate moving target parameters to the measured FrFT parameters.

    Significance of results

    Moving target parameter estimation using FrFT methods, in combination with theATI, is demonstrated here for the first time. The new proposed approach is com-pared to the conventional SAR-ATI approach and is shown to be more effectiveand robust. In particular, the technique is not dependent on a target’s across-trackvelocity component (vy) or its Doppler shift, which is difficult to measure exper-imentally due to insufficient degrees of freedom. The FrFT depends only on thetarget’s Doppler rate, and this is shown to be measurable experimentally with ahigh degree of robustness. The SAR-ATI approach, on the other hand, is depen-dent not only on the target’s Doppler rate but also onvy. Moreover, the selectionof matched-filter length directly affects the measured (or the apparent) ATI phase.These additional unknowns make the SAR-ATI a less desirable method for esti-mating target parameters in comparison to the new proposed FrFT approach. TheFrFT method also allows the estimation of a target’s true azimuth position (or theso-called “broadside” position) directly from its measured position in the fractionalFourier domain without actually forming a SAR image or knowing “the position ofclosest approachtc.” The new method is elegant and simple and, most importantly,very effective.

    Future Work

    This work is part of the preparatory work for RADARSAT-2 MODEX project. Thesatellite is scheduled to be launched in late 2005 or early 2006. The proposedparameter estimation algorithm in the present work can be readily adapted and

    iv DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • applied to spaceborne GMTI data such as ones to be collected by the CanadianRADARASAT-2 and the German TerraSAR-X. Both radars are equipped with twosub-apertures and can be configured in an along-track mode to sense motions. Thecontinuation of this work involves applying the technique to different terrain-typedata from the Convair 580 as well as applying it to spaceborne data when theybecome available.

    S. Chiu; 2004; Two-Channel SAR-GMTI Via Fractional FourierTransform; DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172; Defence R&D Canada -Ottawa.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 v

  • Sommaire


    L’interf éroḿetrie longitudinale SAR [recherche et sauvetage] (SAR-ATI) est unetechnique qui peut servir̀a mesurer le mouvement sur un lieu d’action. Dans lecas d’un radar fixe, la d́etection du mouvement est relativement facileà mesurer.Le radar de d́etection n’a qu’̀a prendre deux “instantanés” d’un m̂eme lieuà desmoments diff́erents et̀a les comparer pour estimer le changement intervenu surle lieu d’action, et cela peut se faire au moyen d’une seule antenne. Dans le casdes radars áeroport́es ou spatiaux, la tâche n’est pas aussi simple, car le radar sedéplaceà grande vitesse par rapport au lieu d’action. Par conséquent, du point devue du radar, tout est en mouvement. Alors comment peut-on détecter des ciblesà d́eplacement lent qui sont elles-mêmes emportées dans le mouvement du lieu oùelles se trouvent ? La solution consisteà faire appel̀a deux antennes ou plus. Descapteurs supplémentaires fournissentà un d́etecteur mobile les degrés de libert́enécessaires pour la détection d’entit́es en mouvement sur un fond fixe. L’utilisa-tion de deux antennes ou sous-ouvertures alignées dans la direction du vol permetde produire deux instantanés d’un m̂eme lieuà partir d’une m̂eme position dansl’espace, mais̀a des moments différents. Cette technique aét́e propośee à l’ori-gine par Dickey et Santa de la Géńerale lectrique [8] et s’appelle DPCA (displacedphase center antenna = antenneà centre de phase déplaće). Selon la manière dontles deux images sont comparées, on parle soit de DPCA soustractive, si les imagescomplexes sont soustraites l’une de l’autre pour annuler le clutter ; soit d’ATI si lesdeux images sont combinées par interf́eroḿetrie (c.-̀a-.d. en multipliant une imagepar la conjugúee complexe de l’autre) afin d’ “annuler” le clutter dans la phasedu signal. L’approche ATI a l’avantage non seulement de permettre la détection decibles, mais aussi de fournir de l’information sur leur vitesse et leur positionà partirde la phase du signal de la cible.

    Principaux r ésultats

    Les signaux de cibles mobiles sont incorporésà l’image du lieu fixe, appelée “clut-ter ”. Afin d’estimer avec exactitude les véritables param̀etres de position et devitesse de la cible, il faut réduire le plus possible la contamination du signal de lacible par le clutter. Dans le cas d’un système radar̀a deux ouvertures, le degré deliberté suppĺementaire offert par la deuxième ouverture peutêtre exploit́e pour an-nuler le clutter suivant l’approche DPCA soustractive, en fournissant des donnéesMTI (visualisation des cibles mobiles). Toutefois, cette liberté accrue ne peut plusservir à estimer les param̀etres de la cible. L’interf́eroḿetrie longitudinale (ATI),par contre, fournit de l’information sur ces paramètres, mais elle est contaminéepar le clutter du lieu d’action, car elle n’annule pas véritablement le clutter, au

    vi DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • sens òu il serait “enlev́e” de la cible. La ḿethode ATI ne fait qu’annuler la phaseinterféroḿetrique du clutter ; elle n’annule pas le clutter comme le fait la DPCA.La transforḿee de Fourier fractionnaire (FrFT) est une technique relativement peuconnue, mais puissante, qui, associéeà l’ATI, améliore sensiblement le rapport si-gnal/clutter et, en m̂eme temps, permet d’estimer avec exactitude les paramètresde position et de vitesse. La FrFT est une géńeralisation de la transforḿee de Fou-rier ordinaire (FT) : alors que la FT transforme un signal en le faisant passer dudomaine temporel au domaine fréquentiel, la FrFT le fait passer dans le domainede Fourier fractionnaire, qui est un domaine temps-fréquence hybrid́e. Un signal decibleà vitesse constante, qui est une impulsion linéaire compriḿee (chirp), peut̂etreentìerement focaliśee dans un domaine de Fourier fractionnaire. Les paramètres deposition et de mouvement d’une cible mobile sont calculés et expriḿes selon lemeilleur angle FrFT a et la positionup, qui sont exṕerimentalement mesurés oucalcuĺesà partir des donńees. Le radar du Convair 580, configuré en mode ATI, aservi à l’acquisition des donńees MTI. L’efficacit́e de l’application de la FrFT̀a latechnique SAR-ATI pour obtenir̀a la fois un rapport signal/clutter amélioré et uneestimation exacte des paramètres áet́e d́emontŕeeà l’aide des donńees recueilliespar radar áeroport́e.À l’aide de la FrFT, on a obtenu des expressions mathématiquesqui relient les param̀etres des cibles mobiles aux paramètres FrFT mesurés.

    Port ée

    L’estimation des param̀etres de cibles mobiles̀a l’aide de ḿethodes FrFT, associéesà l’ATI, est ici démontŕee pour la première fois. La nouvelle approche proposéeest compaŕeeà l’approche SAR-ATI traditionnelle et elle s’avère plus efficace etrobuste. En particulier, la technique ne dépend pas de la composante de vitesselongitudinale de la cible (vy) ni de son d́ecalage Doppler, qu’il est difficile de me-surer exṕerimentalement en raison de l’insuffisance des degrés de libert́e. La FrFTdépend seulement du taux de variation Doppler de la cible, et il est montré que cettevaleur est mesurable expérimentalement avec un haut degré de robustesse. L’ap-proche SAR-ATI, par contre, dépend non seulement du taux de variation Dopplerde la cible, mais aussi devy. En outre, la longueur du filtre adapté choisi influe di-rectement sur la phase ATI mesurée (ou apparente). Ces inconnues supplémentairesdiminuent l’attrait de la ḿethode SAR-ATI pour l’estimation des paramètres decible, comparativement̀a nouvelle approche FrFT proposée. Cette dernière permeten outre d’estimer la position d’azimut vrai de la cible (appelée aussi la position“transversale”- en anglais broadside) directementà partir de sa position mesuréedans le domaine de Fourier fractionnaire sans former réellement une image SARou connatre “la position de rapprochement maximaltc”(position of the closest ap-proachtc). La nouvelle ḿethode est́elégante et simple, et, surtout, très efficace.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 vii

  • Recherches futures

    Ces travaux font partie des préparatifs du projet MODEX associé à RADARSAT-2.Le lancement du satellite est prévu pour l’automne 2005 ou le printemps 2006. L’al-gorithme propośe ici pour l’estimation des param̀etres peut facilement̂etre adapt́eet appliqúe à des donńees de radars spatiaux GMTI comme ceux que doit acquérirle satellite canadien RADARSAT-2 et le satellite allemand TerraSAR-X. Les deuxradars sont dotés de deux sous-ouvertures et peuventêtre configuŕes en mode longi-tudinal pour la d́etection de mouvements sur des lieux d’action. La poursuite de cestravaux visera entre autresà appliquer la techniquèa différents types de données deterrain provenant du Convair 580 ainsi qu’à des donńees de radars spatiaux lorsquecelles-ci seront disponibles.

    S. Chiu; 2004; Two-Channel SAR-GMTI Via Fractional FourierTransform; DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172; R & D pour la défenseCanada - Ottawa.

    viii DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • Table of contents

    Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

    Résuḿe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

    Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

    Sommaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

    Table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

    List of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

    List of tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

    1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    2 Moving Target Signal Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    3 Fractional Fourier Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    4 Airborne Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    4.1 Raw-Data Target Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    4.2 Velocity/Position Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    5 Other Effects Affecting ATI Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    6 A Comparison to Matched-Filter Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    Annexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    A Derivation of ATI Phase for The FrFT Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    B Derivation of ATI Phase for The SAR Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 ix

  • List of figures

    1 A target moving in a flat-earth geometry with motion components inx andy direction. The radar moves in positivex directions. . . . . . . 2

    2 Time-frequency plot, using short-time Fourier transform, of targetT8 showing the Doppler-shifted linear chirp of the target overlaid onstationary back ground clutter (3 dB beamwidth also shown). . . . . . 4

    3 Illustrating a target energy focused via the FrFT. The insert shows anactual moving target’s (T10) signal compressed in the fractionalfrequency domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    4 Range-compressed raw-data DPCA output. The horizontal lines aredue to motion compensation artifacts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    5 (a) - (c) are clutter-corrupted ATI signals for targets T4, T9, and T10respectively; (d) - (f) are the same targets’ ATI signals after the FrFTfiltering or focussing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    6 Track history of target T1 extracted from Figure 4. . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    7 Detected moving targets in the SAR image context. The circlesrepresent target azimuth-shifted positions and the squares areazimuth-corrected positions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    8 A simulated target’s interferometric phases with significant centeroffsetδt in its track history. The target has velocity componentsvx = −25 m/s andvy = 5 m/s. The “ideal” phase withδt = 0 isshown as solid line. The phase deviation from the ideal value issymmetric with respect toδt = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    9 Plotting the simulated target’svy vs. vx computed using (34) and(16). The new method takes into account the effect of offsetδt onATI phase and yields correct parameter estimates. . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    x DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • 10 A simulated deterministic target withvy = 5 m/s andvy = −25 m/sin a background Gaussian clutter and using a matched filter perfectlymatched tovrel but not tovy (v′y = 0). Assumeδt = 0. The idealATI phase is110.4 ˚ . The FrFT and SAR results are denoted by blueand red lines, respectively. (a) Voltage ratioVs/Vc = 0.06 or SCR =−24.4 dB; (b)Vs/Vc = 0.08 or SCR =−21.9 dB; (b)Vs/Vc = 0.08or SCR =−21.9 dB; (c)Vs/Vc = 0.1 or SCR =−20.0 dB; (d)Vs/Vc = 0.5 or SCR =−6.0 dB. Both signal and matched-filterlengths are equal to 3 ˚ beam width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    A.1 Derivation oftb from frequency-time geometry of target parameters. . 26

    B.1 Factorization of rect[(τ − x)/T ][rect(τ/Tr)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    List of tables

    1 Estimated interferometric phaseϕATI and ground velocityvg ofeighteen detected targets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

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  • 1 Introduction

    Canada’s RADARSAT-2 commercial SAR satellite, to be launched in Fall 2005 orSpring 2006, will have an experimental mode (called MODEX for Moving ObjectDetection EXperiment) that will allow two portions of the full antenna aperture tobe used with two parallel receivers to define two independent data channels [1].These two sub-apertures, arranged to lie along the flight path, enable one to detecttargets with non-zero radial velocity by providing essentially two identical views ofthe observed scene but at slightly different times. It can be shown that a moving tar-get with a slant range velocityvr causes a differential phase shiftϕATI = 4πvrτ/λ(τ is the time between two observations), which may be detected by interferometriccombination of the signals from a two-channel along-track SAR system [2].

    Moving target signals are embedded in the imaged stationary scene, which is called“clutter.” The interferometric phaseϕATI is often used to estimate a target’s radialvelocity and azimuth shift, without considering the fact that its phase is corruptedby the overlapping stationary clutter (cf. [3]). This may lead to serious errors in ve-locity and position estimates. In order to accurately estimate a target’s true positionand velocity, clutter contamination of the target’s signal must be minimized. For atwo-aperture radar system, the additional degree of freedom provided by the secondaperture can be used to cancel clutter via the subtractive DPCA, providing movingtarget indication (MTI) information. However, the expended degree of freedom canno longer be used to estimate target parameters. The ATI, on the other hand, con-tains target parameter information but is contaminated by the scene clutter becausethe ATI method does not actually cancel clutter in the sense of removing clutterfrom the target. It only nulls the clutter’s interferometric phase but does not trulycancel the clutter as does the DPCA.

    The Fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) is a relatively unknown yet powerful tech-nique, which when used in combination with the ATI, provides significant signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR) enhancement and at the same time allows target position andvelocity parameters to be accurately estimated. The FrFT is a generalization of reg-ular Fourier transform (FT) in that the FT transforms a signal from time domain tofrequency domain, the FrFT transforms it into a fractional Fourier domain, which isa hybridized time-frequency domain. A constant-velocity target signal, which is alinear chirp, can be fully focused in an optimum fractional Fourier domain. Movingtarget position and motion parameters are derived and expressed in terms of a bestFrFT angleα and positionup, which can be experimentally measured or computedfrom the data.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 1

  • )0,2


    ( 20


    00 ta




    x ++++

    Target)0,,( 00 yx






    ),0,( htva

    ),0,0( hva



    Figure 1: A target moving in a flat-earth geometry with motion components in xand y direction. The radar moves in positive x directions.

    2 Moving Target Signal Model

    The phase history of a moving target in a flat-earth geometry, as shown in Figure 1,can be modelled as

    ϕ(t) = −2kR(t)

    = −2k√

    [x0 + (vx0 − va)t+ ax0t2/2]2 + [y0 + vy0t+ ayt2/2]2 + h2,(1)

    whereR(t) is the range history of the moving target,k = 2π/λ (λ is wavelength),v anda are target velocity and acceleration, respectively. Subscript “0” denotesvelocity at time zero, andx andy are along-track and across-track components,

    2 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • respectively. The target velocity and position at broadside timetb are therefore

    vxb = vx0 + ax0tb,

    vyb = vy0 + ay0tb,

    xb = vatb = x0 + vx0tb + axt2b/2,

    yb = y0 + vy0tb + ayt2b/2.


    The Taylor expansion of (1) about broadside timetb can be written as

    ϕ(t) ≈ −2k{Rb + vybγ(t− tb)


    2Rb(v2rel + ybay)(t− tb)2


    2Rb[(vxb − va)ax + vybay(1− γ2)](t− tb)3 + . . .},


    whereRb are target’s slant range at broadside and

    γ = yb/Rb,

    v2rel = (vxb − va)2 + v2yb(1− y2b/R2b),(4)

    The signal of a moving target in “slow-time” can, therefore, be modelled as

    s = rect

    [t− tbT

    ]ejϕ(t), (5)

    which is a finite-time linear chirp with durationT centered at timet = tb. In realsignals, the “rect” function is also modulated by the antenna pattern.

    Figure 2 shows the time-frequency (TF) plot, obtained via the short-time Fouriertransform (STFT) technique [7], of a moving target’s range-compressed signal (T8;see Figure 4) superimposed on a stationary background clutter. The target’s range-compressed signal is a linear chirp in slow-time, which appears as a slanted linein the TF plane. Because of the target’s across-track velocity componentvyb, thesignal is shifted in frequency (in this case in the negative direction). If the targethas non-negligible along-track and/or across-track velocity components (vxb andvyb) with respect to platform velocityva (i.e. vrel 6= va), then its signal will berotated slightly in the TF-plane with respect to a stationary point target. The signalremains a linear chirp as long as the target has no acceleration components,ax anday, or other higher order terms.

    3 Fractional Fourier Transform

    The fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) with rotational angleα of a signalf(t) isdefined as [5] [6]

    Fα(u) =

  • Slow Time (Bin)



    cy (


    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000








    Target signal outside clutter band


    Clutter Bandwidth


    Figure 2: Time-frequency plot, using short-time Fourier transform, of target T8showing the Doppler-shifted linear chirp of the target overlaid on stationary background clutter (3 dB beamwidth also shown).

    where, forα not equal to zero or a multiple ofπ, the kernelKα(t, u) is given by

    Kα(t, u) = cej2πa[t2+u2−2but], (7)


    a =cotα

    2, b = secα, c =

    √1− j cotα. (8)

    The FrFT with parameterα can be considered as a generalization of the conven-tional Fourier transform (FT). Thus, the FrFT forα = π/2 andα = −π/2 reducesto the conventional and inverse FT, respectively. Multiplying both sides of (6) bye−j2πau

    2, one obtains


    Fα(u) = F̃α(u) = c

    ∫ ∞−∞

    f(t)ej2πa(t2−2but)dt. (9)

    4 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • Substitutingν/2ab for u in (9), it becomes



    )= c

    ∫ ∞−∞



    ∫ ∞−∞



    ∫ ∞−∞


    = Gα(ν).


    The second last line in (10) shows that the FrFT is a variation of the standard FT.As such, many of its properties, such as its inverse formula and sampling theoremsfor band-limited and time-limited signals, can be easily derived from those of theFT by a simple change of variable. With respect to the parameterα, the FrFT iscontinuous, periodic (

  • Figure 3: Illustrating a target energy focused via the FrFT. The insert shows anactual moving target’s (T10) signal compressed in the fractional frequency domain.

    hand, mainly introduces a Doppler-rate change in the chirp and, therefore, does notlead to significant nonlinearity [9].

    This paper will not further consider acceleration effects, and from here on the sub-scriptb will be dropped from the velocity terms to indicate that they are constant.

    4 Airborne Experiment

    As part of the preparatory work for the RADARSAT-2 MODEX, airborne experi-ments were conducted to acquire SAR-ATI data for typical RADARSAT-2 resolu-tions and incident angles. The data set used in this study was obtained at CanadianForces Base (CFB) Petawawa on November 5, 2000, by the Environment CanadaCV 580 C-band SAR configured in its along-track interferometer mode. For moredetails on the experimental site, see [10]. The study focuses on targets of opportu-nity (TOOs) on Highway 17, which runs through the experimental site. The high-way was monitored by two video cameras 600 m apart set up along a stretch of the

    6 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • highway to measure TOO speeds. The highway has a speed limit of 90 km/h, butmost TOOs monitored were 10-20 km/h over the speed limit. The video camerasmonitored over 47 vehicles during the data acquisition period, and their monitoredground speedsvg varied from 83 km/h to 120 km/h.

    4.1 Raw-Data Target Detection

    Targets were detected in the range-compressed raw data domain via a combinationof the DPCA technique [8], which subtracts the aft-aperture image from the co-registered fore-aperture image to suppress the background clutter, and the raw-datatarget detection algorithm developed by Gierull and Sikaneta [11] [12]. The DPCAis first applied to the pair of fore and aft channel range-compressed signal data toobtain an “image” of target track history as shown in Figure 4. Since the targets areazimuthally uncompressed, their energies spread over the slow time. Since thesetargets are moving on Highway 17 along the across-track direction, their track his-tories are slanted in range as seen in Figure 4, indicating range walk. Uncancelledbright stationary targets also show up in the image, as seen in the upper right-handcorner of Figure 4 (where a small town is located), but their tracks are always ver-tical. In order to estimate the target parameters, Gierull and Sikaneta’s automaticdetection algorithm [11] is first applied to extract their signal tracks. Eighteen mov-ing targets are detected and analyzed.

    4.2 Velocity/Position Estimation

    Having detected the targets and extracted their tracks, each target is individuallyanalyzed via the following parameter estimation algorithm. The FrFT is first ap-plied to each target to maximize its SCR by mapping its energy onto a fractionalDoppler domain. This is done by scanning through the angular parameterα in (6)to maximize the SCR. Then the ATI phase is computed for this optimum fractionalangleα to get the “best” (or the least contaminated) ATI phaseϕATI . The radialvelocityvr at the broadside (also equal to the slant range velocity) is estimated fromthe interferometric phaseϕATI using the relationship [13]

    ϕATI =4πτvrλ


    va, (12)

    whereτ is the time delay between the pair of received signals andd is the distancebetween the centers of two sub-apertures. The ground range velocityvy is calcu-lated fromvy = vr/ sin η, whereη is the incident angle andγ = sin η = yb/Rb.The along-track velocityvx, on the other hand, is estimated from the fractional (orrotational) angleα, which can be obtained when the target is best focused in the

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 7

  • Range Bin



    h B


    100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000









    T1 T2,3

    T4 T5

    T6 T7 T8

    T9−12 T13,14


    T15 T17


    Figure 4: Range-compressed raw-data DPCA output. The horizontal lines are dueto motion compensation artifacts.

    fractional Fourier domain, that is, by setting (6) equal to a “sinc” function:

    Fα(u) =

    ∫ ∞−∞


    (t− tbT

    )ejϕ(t)Kα(t, u)dt


    ∫ tb+T/2−tb−T/2

    ejϕ(t)Kα(t, u)dt

    = κsinc[µ(u− up)]ejϕ′(u),


    whereκ andµ are constants,T is signal length centered at broadside timetb, ϕ′(u)is signal’s phase in fractional Fourier domain andup is the target position on thefractional Fourier axis, which can be shown to be

    up =1


    (−2kγvy +



    Note that (13) is equal to a sinc function only whent2 term in the exponential of

    8 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • the integrand is set to zero, which leads to

    α = acot


    Rbλf 2s

    [(vx − va)2 + v2y(1− γ2)



    vx = va −

    √Rbλf 2s cotα

    2N− v2y

    (1− γ2

    ), (16)

    whereN is sample length andfs is the sampling (or pulse repetition) frequency.The f 2s /N factor is introduced to convert frequency/time units to frequency/timesamples. The target azimuth shift correction∆x can be derived by setting thederivative of phase history (3) to zero and solving for (tc − tb), which yields theazimuth shift correction,∆x = va(tc − tb),

    ∆x =vyvayb

    (vx − va)2 + v2y(1− γ2)≈ vyyb


    , (17)

    where the approximation (≈) is valid only whenva � vx. In order to calculatetb from (17), one still needs to knowtc, the time of closest approach. This can beestimated only in the image domain and only when the matched-filter is correctlymatched to target’svrel. An alternate way to estimatetb without resorting to thisadditional processing step is via the FrFT method, which is by solving (14) fortb:

    tb =Rb



    + 2kγvy

    ). (18)

    This new approach permits parameter estimation (vx, vy, andxb = vatb) in the frac-tional Fourier domain directly from range-compressed raw data without actuallyforming a SAR image.

    Figure 5 shows the polar plots of three (T4, T9, and T10) of the eighteen detectedtargets’ interferograms. Figures 5(a)-5(c) are interferograms obtained from the reg-ular SAR-ATI processing (i.e. from the fore and aft SAR images processed by astationary terrain matched filter). Interferograms for the same targets obtained fromthe FrFT processing are shown in Figures 5(d)-5(e). The signal points near the zerophase radial belong to the stationary clutter. As can be seen, ATI phases obtainedfrom the regular SAR processing are severely contaminated by the interfering clut-ter and their values are consistently lower than those obtained from the FrFT, whichnot only gives much cleaner and well defined phases but also correct values com-pared to their true phases. The “true” phase is here defined to be theϕATI that givesthe correct azimuth correction to bring a target back onto the road (or Highway 17).

    The analysis results of all eighteen targets are summarized in Table 1, showing tar-gets’ interferometric phasesϕATI and their estimated ground velocitiesvg. The

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 9

  • 10000000














    180 0

















    180 0
















    180 0
















    180 0

















    180 0
















    180 0


    Figure 5: (a) - (c) are clutter-corrupted ATI signals for targets T4, T9, and T10respectively; (d) - (f) are the same targets’ ATI signals after the FrFT filtering orfocussing.

    velocities and azimuth shifts of 10 targets are correctly estimated by the FrFT ap-proach compared to only three by the regular SAR approach.

    Since all targets are either moving almost directly towards or directly away from theradar, their radial velocitiesvr are high and ambiguous due to phase wrapping. Thevelocity ambiguity can be resolved by using the track history of each target, as theone shown in Figure 6 for target T1. By converting azimuth samples to azimuth time(i.e. multiplying the number of azimuth samples by the pulse repetition frequency)and range samples to range distance (i.e. multiplying the number of range samplesby c/fA/D, wherec is the speed of light andfA/D is the A/D sampling frequency),one obtains an averagevy of +109 km/h for target T1. Therefore, the ATI phase isexpected to wrap around2π, which occurs atvr = 13.15 m/s (47.33 km/h). In fact,the measured ATI phases for all targets under consideration must be unwrapped toyield target speeds that fall within the monitored speed range (83 to 120 km/h). Forinstance, T1’s−1320 phase is in fact+5880, which yields avr = +77.3 km/h, or aground velocity of+106.2 km/h after taking into account the imaging geometry.

    10 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • Range Samples



    h S



    70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110











    32x4m = 128 m



    i = 5

    .8 s

    Figure 6: Track history of target T1 extracted from Figure 4.

    Figure 7 plots the targets’ azimuthally corrected positions estimated from the pro-posed FrFT approach. The circles represent targets in their azimuth-shifted po-sitions and the squares are their corrected locations. As can be seen, ten out ofeighteen targets are correctly positioned on Highway 17. The other targets are offthe highway because their SCRs remain small (. −3 dB) even after the FrFT pro-cessing.

    5 Other Effects Affecting ATI Phase

    When examining target track histories, one observes that they are not always com-plete, having breaks and missing portions (see Figure 4), at which times targetsappear invisible to the radar. As a result, the centers of the tracks may not alwayscorrespond to the broadside times of these targets. As can be seen in Figure 4,most tracks are not centered on the highway. Thus, one cannot determine the targetbroadside timetb from the track history. But more importantly (as will be shown

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 11

  • Table 1: Estimated interferometric phase ϕATI and ground velocity vg of eighteendetected targets.

    Target SARϕATI [◦] FrFTϕATI [◦] “True” ϕATI [◦]ID / vg[km/h] / vg[km/h] / vg[km/h]T1 −142/104.5 −132.7/106.2 −131/106.5T2 −42/118.9 −42.8/118.7 −43/118.7T3 0/0 −87/110.7 −157.7/98.4T4 +32/118.7 +80/110.4 +79/110.6T6 −60/110.4 −71/108.5 −71.3/108.5T7 +106/100.8 +103/101.3 +100/101.8T8 +88/103.2 +85.4/103.6 +85/103.7T9 −26/110.7 −65/104.5 −63.5/104.7T10 −30/109.9 −85/101.1 −84/101.3T11 −5/113.8 −70/103.4 −104.5/98.0T12 0/0 −135/93.0 −137/92.7T13 −60/104.2 −10/112.1 −83/100.6T14 −47/106.0 −48/105.9 −86.5/99.8T15 +30/124.7 +45/122.0 +44/122.2T16 −32/124.4 −130/106.7 −150/103.1T17 0/0 −82/115.0 −153.5/102.2T18 0/0 +44/120.8 +98.5/111.0

    12 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • Range Bin



    h B


    100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000














    T7 T8










    Figure 7: Detected moving targets in the SAR image context. The circles representtarget azimuth-shifted positions and the squares are azimuth-corrected positions.

    below), this time offsetδt of the target track center fromtb, together with a non-negligiblevx (with respect tova), causes the estimate of the target interferometricphaseϕATI to deviate from its true value.

    If the phase of the signal received at channel 1 is

    ϕ1(t) = −2kR(t) = −2k[Rb + vyγ(t− tb) +v2rel2Rb

    (t− tb)2], (19)

    then the phase of the signal at channel 2 in far-field approximation is

    ϕ2(t) = ϕ1(t)− kµ(t)d, (20)

    whereµ(t) ≈ vx − va

    Rb(t− tb) (21)

    is a Taylor series expansion of direction cosine “cosψ” about broadside timetb.To co-register the two channels, the signal received at channel 2 is time-shifted by

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 13

  • t = d/2va to yield a phase:

    ϕ2(t+ d/2va) =− 2kRb − 2kγvy(t− tb)− kγvyd

    va− kv


    Rb(t− tb)2

    − kdRbve(t− tb)



    ve =(vx − va)2 + (1− γ2)v2y

    va+ (vx − va)


    + (vx − va).(23)

    If the signal track is of lengthT and is not centered attb (i.e. t = tb + δt), thenco-registered signals at apertures 1 and 2 can be written, respectively, as

    s1 = rect

    [t− tb − δt


    ]ejϕ1(t) (24)


    s2 = rect

    [t− tb − δt


    ]ejϕ2(t+d/2va). (25)

    Substituting (24) into (6) and integrate to maximize the target signal in the fractionalFourier domain, one obtains

    Fα1(u) = ej�1

    ∫ +∞−∞


    [t− tb − δt



    = ej�1∫ tb+δt+T/2


    = ej[�1+ξ1(tb+δt)]Tsinc





    �1 = −2kRb + 2kγvytb −kv2relt


    Rb+ 2πau2 (27)


    ξ1 = −2kγvy +2kv2reltbRb

    − 4πabu. (28)

    Similarly, the optimum fractional Fourier transform of the co-registered signal re-ceived at channel 2 can be shown to be

    Fα2(u) = ej[�2+ξ2(tb+δt)]Tsinc


    ), (29)

    14 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • where

    �2 = �1 −kγvyd




    ξ2 = ξ1 −kdveRb

    . (31)

    Therefore, the phase of interferogram (ϕATI = arg[Fα1(u)Fα2(u)∗]) evaluated atoptimum fractional Fourier angleα can be shown to be equal to

    ϕATI =kdvyγ


    δt, (32)

    which indicates thatϕATI is also sensitive tovx if the target track is not centered attb and its sensitivity is dependent on the degree of offsetδt and platform velocityva.

    Figure 8 shows the ATI phase of a simulated moving target with its track historycentered att = tb + δt. The “true” phase (i.e. whenδt = 0) is shown as a solid line.The target moves at a constant velocity (vx = −25 m/s andvy = 5 m/s) in a flatearth geometry as depicted in Figure 1. The dominant term inve in (32) is along-track velocityvx. Therefore, largeδt andvx values lead to significant deviation ofATI phase from the true value. It is also noted that the phase deviation is symmetricwith respect toδt = 0.

    The estimation procedure proposed in the previous section yields good positionalestimates for the 18 targets examined, even though a majority of the target tracksare not centered at broadside. This is because most targets examined are movingmainly toward or away from the radar with relatively smallvx component, usuallyin the range of 2 to 5 m/s. This is especially true for targets T1 through T12.Therefore, track center offsets do not significantly affect thetb estimates.

    In more general cases, however,δt cannot be ignored and, therefore, the estima-tion procedure proposed in the previous section can no longer be applied directlyto obtain velocity and position estimates, particularly when bothδt andvx are non-negligible. In order to resolve this, an additional independent equation is needed.This can be obtained by making use of “angle-of-arrival” information. When un-registered signals from two identical channels are combined to form an interfero-gram, its phase (or angle) provides angle-of-arrival information of a target, insteadof its velocity information as in the co-registered-signal case. When the target is atbroadside to the antenna beam, the distances between the target and the two receiv-ing sub-apertures should be identical and, therefore, the phases of the two signalsreceived at two channels should also be identical, which leads to a zero ATI phase.However, whenδt 6= 0 the ATI phase computed from the two unregistered signals

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 15

  • 2














    180 0

    129.19o offset = 250/va

    91.61o offset = −250/va

    110.40o offset = 0

    Figure 8: A simulated target’s interferometric phases with significant center offsetδt in its track history. The target has velocity components vx = −25 m/s andvy = 5 m/s. The “ideal” phase with δt = 0 is shown as solid line. The phasedeviation from the ideal value is symmetric with respect to δt = 0.

    is no longer zero but can be shown to be

    ϕATIu =k(vx − va)d

    Rbδt, (33)

    which is a function of bothvx and δt. Substituting (33) into (32) to eliminateunknown parameterδt and solving forvy results in

    vy =vakγd

    {ϕATI − ϕATIu


    2s cotα

    2Nva(vx − va)+ 1

    ]}, (34)

    which has only two unknowns,vx andvy. Target velocity components can, there-fore, be obtained from (34) and (16), and its azimuth position from (18). Therevised parameter estimation procedure is applied to the above simulated target andits velocity components are estimated and plotted in Figure 9. Using this revisedapproach, the target parameters are now correctly estimated.

    16 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30−30







    vx (m/s)

    v y (



    (vx, v

    y) = (−25, 5 ) m/s offset = − 250/va

    offset = 250/va

    Equation (16)

    Equation (34)

    Figure 9: Plotting the simulated target’s vy vs. vx computed using (34) and (16).The new method takes into account the effect of offset δt on ATI phase and yieldscorrect parameter estimates.

    6 A Comparison to Matched-FilterApproach

    One would like to compare the FrFT method (32) with the matched-filter (MF)approach (i.e. via SAR azimuth compression). If one assumes a matched-filterthat matches exactly to the Doppler rate orvrel (i.e. the second coefficient in theTaylor expansion) of a constantly moving target but does not match correctly toits Doppler shift orvy (i.e. the first coefficient of the Taylor expansion), then thereference function for azimuth compression can be written as

    h(t) = rect



    ]ejϕr(t). (35)


    ϕr(t) = −2k(vryt+1


    2) (36)

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 17

  • andvry andTr in (36) are not necessarily equal tovy andT , respectively, in (24) and(25). The resulting ATI phase obtained by solving

    ϕATImf (t) = arg [s1(t) ∗ h∗(−t)][s2(t) ∗ h∗(−t)]∗ (37)

    can be shown to equal

    ϕATImf =kvyγd

    va− kγdve

    2v2rel(vy − vry) +



    2∓ Tr − T


    ], (38)

    where “∓” corresponds to cases where(tc − tb − δt) > 0 and(tc − tb − δt) < 0,respectively, andtc is the azimuth-shifted-time position of target, which is also thetime of closest approach if the MF is matched to the target’s Doppler rate. Whenvry = vy (i.e., when the reference function matches exactly to bothvx andvy), (38)reduces to

    ϕATImf =kdvyγ


    (δt2∓ Tr − T


    ). (39)

    The MF approach requires matching tovrel andvy simultaneously, which is moredifficult to accomplish than matching only tovrel as in the FrFT approach.

    The expression (38) also indicates that if one does not correctly choose avry for thereference function (i.e.vry 6= vy), the azimuth processing may actually lead to abiased or erroneous ATI phase because of its “vy − vry” dependence. A simulationrun of a moving target withvy = 5 m/s andvy = −25 m/s in background Gaussianclutter and using a matched filter perfectly matched tovrel but not tovy (vry = 0),clearly shows that the target’s ATI phase, computed via the MF approach, devi-ates strongly from the ideal phase value computed using (12), as shown in blue inFigure 10. The ideal ATI phase is calculated to be110.4 ˚ , but the SAR approachconsistently yields biased results for various SCRs. The SCR is here defined to bethe target’s signal-to-clutter power ratio before pulse compression. Even when theSCR is sufficiently large, the ATI phase is still biased at101.2 ˚ , which can be pre-dicted and confirmed by (38). Moreover, the MF method is dependent on “Tr −T ,”in addition to its dependence onδt and “vry − vy.”

    Also shown in the figure are the results computed using the FrFT method (in red).Without atb offset (i.e. δt = 0), the technique yields the ideal ATI phase, exceptwhen the SCR is very small and the ATI phase becomes severely contaminated bythe interfering clutter. It is clear, therefore, that the FrFT approach to parameterestimation is superior to the MF method because the FrFT approach only requiresmatching to target’s Doppler rate, which is a relatively straight-forward and robustprocess. The MF, on the other hand, requires not only matching to the target’sDoppler rate but also to its Doppler shift, a process proven to be difficult and unre-liable due to insufficient information.

    18 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • 7 Conclusions

    Moving target parameter estimation using FrFT methods, in combination with theATI, is demonstrated here for the first time. The new approach is compared to theconventional SAR-ATI approach and is shown to be more effective and robust. Inparticular, the technique is not dependent on a target’s across-track velocity com-ponent (vy) or its Doppler shift, which is difficult to determine due to insufficientdegrees of freedom. The FrFT depends only on target’s Doppler rate, and this isshown to be measurable experimentally with a high degree of robustness. The SAR-ATI approach, on the other hand, is dependent not only on a target’s Doppler ratebut also onvy. Moreover, the selection of matched-filter length directly affects themeasured (or the apparent) ATI phase. These additional unknowns make the SAR-ATI a less desirable method for estimating target parameters than the new proposedFrFT approach. The FrFT method also allows the estimation of target’s true az-imuth position (or the so-called “broadside” position) directly from its measuredposition in the fractional Fourier domain without actually forming a SAR imageor knowing “the position of closest approachtc.” The new method is elegant andsimple and, most importantly, very effective.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 19

  • −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800







    ATI Phase (degree)




    c = 0.06

    SCR = −24.4 dB


    −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800






    ATI Phase (degree)




    c = 0.08

    SCR = −21.9 dB


    −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800






    ATI Phase (degree)




    c = 0.1

    SCR = −20 dB


    −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800







    ATI Phase (degree)




    c = 0.5

    SCR = −6.0 dB


    Figure 10: A simulated deterministic target with vy = 5 m/s and vy = −25 m/s in abackground Gaussian clutter and using a matched filter perfectly matched to vrelbut not to vy (v′y = 0). Assume δt = 0. The ideal ATI phase is 110.4 ˚ . The FrFTand SAR results are denoted by blue and red lines, respectively. (a) Voltage ratioVs/Vc = 0.06 or SCR = −24.4 dB; (b) Vs/Vc = 0.08 or SCR = −21.9 dB; (b)Vs/Vc = 0.08 or SCR = −21.9 dB; (c) Vs/Vc = 0.1 or SCR = −20.0 dB; (d)Vs/Vc = 0.5 or SCR = −6.0 dB. Both signal and matched-filter lengths are equal to3 ˚ beam width.

    20 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • References

    1. Livingstone, C.E. 1998. The Addition of MTI Modes to Commercial SARSatellites. In Proc. of 10th CASI Conference on Astronautics, Ottawa, Canada,26-28 October 1998.

    2. Raney, R.K. 1971. Synthetic aperture imaging radar and moving targets. IEEETransactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-7(3), pp. 499-505.

    3. Gierull, C.H. 2002. Moving target detection with along-track SARinterferometry. Technical Report TR 2002-084, Defence R&D Canada -Ottawa, August.

    4. Chiu, S. 2003. Clutter effects on ground moving target velocity estimationwith SAR along-track interferometry. In IGARSS’2003, Proceedings of theInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toulouse, France,21-25 July.

    5. Almeida, L.B. 1994. The fractional Fourier transform and time-frequencyrepresentations. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol. 42, No.11, pp.3084-3091.

    6. Zayed, A.I. 1996. On the relationship between the Fourier and fractionalFourier transforms. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp.310-311.

    7. Boashash, B. 2003. Heuristic formulation of time-frequency distributions. InTimeFrequencySignalAnalysisandProcessing, Elsevier, pp. 38-41.

    8. Dickey, F.R., Jr., Santa, M.M. 1953. Final report on anticlutter techniques,General Electric Company Rept. R65EMH37, 1 Mar. 1953.

    9. Sharma, J.J. and Collins, M.J. 2004. Focusing accelerating ground movingtargets in SAR imagery. In this conference (EUSAR 2004).

    10. Livingstone, C.E., Sikaneta, I., Gierull, C.H., Chiu, S., Beaudoin, A.,Campbell, J., Beaudoin, J., Gong, S., Knight, T.A. 2002. An airborne SARexperiment to support RADARSAT-2 GMTI. Can. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 28,No. 6, pp. 794-813.

    11. Gierull, C.H. and Sikaneta, I.C. 2003. Raw Data based Two-Aperture SARGround Moving Target Indication. In IGARSS’2003, Proceedings of theInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toulouse, France,21-25 July 2003.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 21

  • 12. Gierull, C.H. and Sikaneta, I.C. 2004. Ground moving target parameterestimation for two-channel SAR. In this conference EUSAR 2004.

    13. Raney, R.K. 1992. Special SAR techniques and applications. In AGARDLecture Series 182 on Fundamentals and Special Problems of SAR,AGARD-LS-182, pp. 10-1 to 10-15.

    22 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • Annex ADerivation of ATI Phase for The FrFTApproach

    The full derivations of a moving target’s ATI phase (32) and motion/position pa-rameters are given here for the fractional Fourier transform approach.

    If phases of received signals at channels 1 and 2 from a moving target are

    ϕ1(t) = −2kR(t)

    = −2k[Rb + γvy(t− tb) +

    (vx − va)2 + (1− γ2)v2y2Rb

    (t− tb)2]

    = −2kRb − 2kγvyt+ 2kγvytb −kv2relRb

    (t2 − 2tbt+ t2b)



    ϕ2(t) = −2kR(t)−kd(vx − va)(t− tb)

    Rb, (A.2)

    respectively, then to register channel 2 signal with that of channel 1,ϕ2(t) is for-ward time-shifted byd/2va to yield

    ϕ2(t+ d/2va) =− 2kRb − 2kγvy(t− tb +



    )− 2k v



    (t− tb +



    )2− k(vx − va)d


    (t− tb +



    )=− 2kRb − 2kγvy(t− tb)−


    va− kv


    Rb(t− tb)2

    − kv2reld

    Rbva(t− tb)−





    4Rbv2a− k(vx − va)d

    Rb(t− tb)




    k(vx − va)d2


    = ϕ1(t)− kγvyd

    va− kv


    Rbva(t− tb)−

    k(vx − va)dRb

    (t− tb)


    where the strike-through terms are considered negligible. If the signal track is cen-tered att = tb + δt, then co-registered signals at apertures 1 and 2 can be written,respectively, as

    s1 = rect

    [t− tb − δt


    ]ejϕ1(t) (A.4)

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 23

  • and

    s2 = rect

    [t− tb − δt


    ]ejϕ2(t+d/2va). (A.5)

    Substituting (A.4) into (6) and integrate to maximize the target signal in fractionalFourier domain, one obtains

    Fα1(u) = ej�1

    ∫ +∞−∞


    [t− tb − δt




    = ej�1∫ tb+δt+T/2

    tb+δt−T/2ejξ1tdt = ej�1




    = ej[�1+ξ1(tb+δt)]2


    ejξ1T/2 − e−jξ1T/2


    = ej[�1+ξ1(tb+δt)]Tsin(πξ1T/2π)


    = ej[�1+ξ1(tb+δt)]Tsinc





    �1 = −2kRb + 2kγvytb −kv2relt


    Rb+ 2πau2, (A.7)

    ξ1 = −2kγvy +2kv2reltbRb

    − 4πabu, (A.8)


    ν1 = −kv2relRb

    + 2πa = 0. (A.9)

    Note the target signal is maximized in the fractional Fourier domain whenν1 isequal to zero, which yields a ”sinc” function in (A.6) and the optimum fractionalangleα (a = cotα/2):

    α = acot


    ). (A.10)

    Because the discrete FrFT deals with frequency and time samples rather than Hertzand seconds, one must convert them to frequency and time samples, which yields

    α = acot



    f 2s

    )]. (A.11)

    Similarly, the optimum fractional Fourier transform of the signal received at chan-nel 2 can be shown to be

    Fα2(u) = ej[�2+ξ2(tb+δt)]Tsinc


    ), (A.12)

    24 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • where

    �2 = �1 −kγvyd




    ξ2 = ξ1 −kdveRb

    . (A.14)

    Therefore, the phase of interferogram (arg[Fα1(u)Fα2(u)∗]) or the ATI phase (ϕATI)evaluated at the optimum fractional Fourier angleα yields

    ϕATI = �1 + ξ1(tb + δt)− [�2 + ξ2(tb + δt)]= �1 − �2 + (ξ1 − ξ2)(tb + δt)


    va− kdve

    Rbtb +


    (tb + δt)





    which indicates thatϕATI is also sensitive tovx if the target track is not centered attb and its sensitivity is dependent on the degree of offsetδt and along-track velocitycomponentvx.

    The positions of a moving target in the fractional Fourier axis for channels 1 and 2can be derived by settingξ1 = 0 andξ2 = 0, that is, evaluating at the maxima ofthe “sinc” functions in (A.6) and (A.12), which yields

    u1 =1


    (−2kγvy +




    u2 =1


    (−2kγvy +


    − kv2reld

    Rbva− k(vx − va)d


    ). (A.17)

    The third and fourth terms in (A.17) are negligible compared to the first two terms,and‖u1 − u2‖ is smaller than the spatial resolution of “sinc” functions, implyingspatial overlap on the fractional Fourier axis. Therefore one can setu1 = u2 = upand the target azimuth positionxb (= tbva) can be obtained directly from (A.16) bysolving fortb:

    tb =Rbv2rel

    (πupk sinα

    + γvy

    ). (A.18)

    Converting Hertz-second to frequency-time samples, (18) becomes

    tb =

    (f 2sN


    (πupk sinα

    + γvy

    ). (A.19)

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 25

  • f




    tb tc





    Figure A.1: Derivation of tb from frequency-time geometry of target parameters.

    (A.19) can also be derived from the geometry of the signal chirp in the frequency-time plane as shown in Figure A.1. From the figure, the time of closest approachtcis equal to

    tc =up

    cosα, (A.20)

    andtanα equal to

    tanα =tc − tbfD

    . (A.21)

    Combining (A.20) and (A.21) gives

    tb = tanα(up/ sinα− fD), (A.22)

    which can be shown to be exactly equal to (A.19) when substituting for

    fD = −kvrπ

    = −kvyγπ



    tanα =f 2sRbλ

    2Nv2rel=f 2sRbπ

    Nv2relk. (A.24)

    26 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • For unregistered channels, the ATI phase can be similarly derived. The phase of asignal at channel 2 is

    ϕ2(t) = ϕ1(t)−k(vx − va)d

    Rb(t− tb), (A.25)

    and the fractional Fourier transform of the signal at channel 2 is

    Fα2(u) = ej�2u

    ∫ +∞−∞


    [t− tb − δt




    = ej[�2u+ξ2u(tb+δt)]Tsinc





    �2u = �1 +k(vx − va)tbd

    Rb, (A.27)

    ξ2u = ξ1 −k(vx − va)d

    Rb, (A.28)

    andν2u = 0. Therefore the unregistered ATI phase is

    ϕATIu = �1 + ξ1(tb + δt)− [�2u + ξ2u(tb + δt)]= �1 − �2u + (ξ1 − ξ2u)(tb + δt)

    = −k(vx − va)tbdRb

    +k(vx − va)d

    Rb(tb − δt)

    =k(vx − va)d



    (A.29) is used to eliminate the additional unknown parameterδt due to the offset intb, the broadside time. Substituting

    δt =RbϕATIu

    k(vx − va)d(A.30)

    into (A.15), one obtains

    ϕATI =kγvyd


    vevx − va

    ϕATIu ; (A.31)

    and solving forvy yields

    vy =vakγd

    {ϕATI − ϕATIu


    2s cotα

    2Nva(vx − va)+ 1

    ]}. (A.32)

    Parametersα, ϕATI , andϕATIu are measured experimentally. Therefore,vx andvycan be solved using (A.11) and (A.32).

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 27

  • Annex BDerivation of ATI Phase for The SARApproach

    The full derivation of a moving target’s ATI phase (38) is shown here for the SARprocessing approach.

    The reference function for azimuth compression can be written as

    h(t) = rect



    )ejϕr(t), (B.1)

    wheretb in (B.1) is set to zero:

    ϕr(t) = −2k(Rb + vyγt+1


    2) (B.2)

    The azimuth compressions of the registered signals are accomplished via correla-tion with h(t):

    z1(t) = =

    ∫ ∞−∞

    s1(t+ τ)h∗(τ)dτ


    ∫ ∞−∞


    (t+ τ − tb − δt








    ∫ ∞−∞


    (τ + t− tb − δt







    z2(t) =

    ∫ ∞−∞

    s2(t+ τ)h∗(τ)dτ


    ∫ ∞−∞


    (t+ τ − tb − δt








    ∫ ∞−∞


    (τ + t− tb − δt






    Using Figure B.1 as a visual aid, one can see that “rect[(τ − x)/T ][rect(τ/Tr)]” in(B.3) and (B.4), wherex = −t+ tb + δt, can be factored into


    (τ − xT



    )= rect

    (τ −M±




    Tr + T

    ), (B.5)

    28 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • LL

    M− M+ τx x

    Figure B.1: Factorization of rect[(τ − x)/T ][rect(τ/Tr)]

    whereM± = x2 ±Tr−T

    4andL = Tr+T

    2− |x|. Then the matched-filter processing

    leads to

    z1(t) = rect


    Tr + T


    ∫ M±+L/2M±−L/2


    = rect


    Tr + T





    = rect


    Tr + T



    ej(ε1+ζ1M±)(ejζ1L/2 − e−jζ1L/2


    = rect


    Tr + T


    sin(π ζ1L

    )π ζ1L

    = rect


    Tr + T






    z2(t) = rect


    Tr + T



    ), (B.7)

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 29

  • whereε1, ε2, ζ1, andζ2 are derived below. Therefore, the phase of interferogram,arg[z1(t)z∗2(t)], is equal to

    ϕATI = ε1 − ε2 + (ζ1 − ζ2)M±. (B.8)

    Expressingϕ1(t), ϕ2(t), andϕr(t) more generally as

    ϕ1(t) = β0 + β1(t− tb) + β2(t− tb)2, (B.9)

    ϕ2(t) = β0 + (β1 + β3)(t− tb) + β2(t− tb)2, (B.10)and

    ϕr(t) = β0 + βr1t+ β2t

    2, (B.11)


    β0 = −2kRb,β1 = −2kvyγ,βr1 = −2kvryγ,β2 = −kv2rel/Rb,β3 = −k(vx − va)d/Rb.


    Then “ϕ1(t+ τ)− ϕr(τ)” in (B.3) can be shown to be

    ϕ1(t+ τ)− ϕr(τ) = β0 + β1(τ + t− tb) + β2(τ + t− tb)2

    − (β0 + βr1τ + β2τ 2)= ε1 + ζ1τ,


    whereε1 = β1(t− tb) + β2(t− tb)2 (B.14)

    andζ1 = β1 − βr1 + 2β2(t− tb). (B.15)


    ϕ2(t+ τ + d/2va)− ϕr(τ) = β0 + (β1 + β3)(t+ τ + d/2va − tb)+ β2(t+ τ + d/2va − tb)2

    − (β0 + βr1τ + β2τ 2)= ε2 + ζ2τ,


    whereε2 = (β1 + β3)(t− tb + d/2va) + β2(t− tb + d/2va)2 (B.17)

    andζ2 = (β1 − βr1) + β3 + β2[2(t− tb + d/2va)] (B.18)

    30 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

  • Therefore, one can derive the general expression for “ε1 − ε2”:

    ε1 − ε2 = β1(t− tb) + β2(t− tb)2 − (β1 + β3)(t− tb + d/2va)− β2(t− tb + d/2va)2

    = −β1d

    2va− β3(t− tb)− β3


    2va− β2

    [(t− tb)









    Evaluating (B.19) at the position (t = tc) where signal or “sinc(·)” is maximum,that is, whenζ1 = 0:

    ζ1 = β1 − βr1 + 2β2(t− tb) = 0 (B.20)


    tc − tb = −β1 − βr1

    2β2, (B.21)

    then substituting “t− tb” for “ tc − tb” and using (B.12), (B.19) becomes

    ε1 − ε2 = −β1d

    2va+β3(β1 − βr1)

    2β2− β3d


    [(β1 − βr1)d




    �2va− k(vx − va)d


    (���−2kγ)(vy − vry)





    k(vx − va)d2

    2Rbva− �

    2kγ(vy − vry)d�2va


    − kγd(vy − vry)(vx − vav2rel





    Similarly, ζ1 − ζ2 can be shown to be

    ζ1 − ζ2 = ����β1 − βr1 +������

    2β(t− tb)− [����β1 − βr1 + β3 + 2β2(���t− tb + d/2va)]= β3 + β2d/va

    =k(vx − va)d




    EvaluatingM± at tc gives

    M± =x

    2± Tr − T

    4=−(tc − tb − δt)

    2± Tr − T


    =(vy − vry)yb


    2± Tr − T



    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172 31

  • Finally, the ATI phase via SAR processing can be derived from (B.8) as follows:

    ϕATI = ε1 − ε2 + (ζ1 − ζ2)M±


    −kγd(vy − vry)ve



    [(vy − vry)yb


    2± Tr − T



    −kγd(vy − vry)ve



    2± Tr − T




    where “±” correspond tox = −(tc − tb − δt) > 0 andx = −(tc − tb − δt) < 0,respectively.

    32 DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

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    Two-Channel SAR-GMTI Via Fractional Fourier Transform

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    DRDC Ottawa TM 2004-172

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    SAR along-track interferometry (SAR-ATI) can be used to measure motion in a scene by utilizing the phaseand magnitude information of an interferogram. The phase of a target’s interferogram ϕATI is, to the firstorder, proportional to its slant range velocity vr at broadside. In this paper, a relatively unknown yet powerfultechnique, the so-called fractional Fourier transform (FrFT), is applied to the SAR-ATI in order to estimatemoving target parameters. Due to the nature of SAR data collection, the moving target signal is unavoidablycontaminated by the scene clutter. The FrFT technique is first used to improve the signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR)for an enhanced ATI phase estimation, which in turn allows the estimation of target’s slant-range velocity. Bymapping a target’s signal onto a fractional Fourier axis, the FrFT permits a constant-velocity target to befully focused in a fractional Fourier domain affording orders of magnitude improvement in SCR. Then movingtarget velocity and position parameters are derived and expressed in terms of an optimum fractional angle αand a measured fractional Fourier position up, allowing a target to be accurately repositioned and its velocitycomponents computed. The proposed technique is applied to the data acquired by the two-aperture CV580airborne system configured in its along-track mode. Results show that the proposed method is an effectiveand elegant way of accurately estimating moving target velocity and position parameters.

    14. KEYWORDS, DESCRIPTORS or IDENTIFIERS (technically meaningful terms or short phrases that characterize a document and could be helpful incataloguing the document. They should be selected so that no security classification is required. Identifiers, such as equipment model designation, tradename, military project code name, geographic location may also be included. If possible keywords should be selected from a published thesaurus. e.g.Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms (TEST) and that thesaurus-identified. If it not possible to select indexing terms which are Unclassified, theclassification of each should be indicated as with the title).

    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Fractional Fourier Transform, Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI),Parameter Estimation

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