Twitter & SEO

Twitter and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Transcript of Twitter & SEO

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Twitter and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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Twitter Tips “Interested in getting more followers? Take a look at your last page of

tweets on Read them carefully. If you didn’t know you, would you want to follow you?”

Keep it positive and professional!

Mashable: “How to Win Friends and Twinfluence People.”

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Organizational Use of Twitter Composing a Twitter Pitch (Please Read)

Tell stories– don’t just shill releases or products

Involve others by replying to tweets and engaging with others

Authenticity, Transparency First person, conversational, humanize

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Tweet and Re-Tweet To encourage re-tweeting (the

viral spread of your message), you should:

Compose message in as few characters as possible, to allow room for re-tweeting

Ensure message is simple, include link (use URL shortener to track clicks) for additional information

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Tweet and Re-Tweet Ask people to RT (re-tweet) the message

Say please when asking to re-tweet

Thank people (either publically or privately through DM) when they RT your message

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There’s an App for That When you become familiar with

Twitter, you might want to use an application (e.g. Tweetdeck) to manage multiple accounts or searches, and to schedule tweets for later.

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Search Engine Optimization PR Practitioners are increasingly

becoming responsible for SEO.

Four Types of SEO: Paid Optimized Reputational Social

Edelman Position Paper (Please Read)