Twisted Logic

How do you justify your stand when you know you’re on the wrong side? How would you save yourself from being condemned when you know that you are the one who has the fault in the scenario? Would you easily accept the fact that you were wronged? Or you will try to justify yourself and utter the most logical reasoning of your actions? Answers on these questions may start with, “it depends to…”, but the actual and most abrupt response of an individual was to justify yourself and utter the most logical reasoning of his/her actions. This is where the twisted logic manner with come into the scenario. The article “Twisted Logic” by Cito Beltran published on June 1, 2007 overall objectify the whole idea of twisted logic and tried to subjectively each points and ideas brought by the idea of “Twisted Logic”. [INSERT SUMMARY HERE] With this thoughts presented by the writer, we could come up with a greater understanding of the “Twisted Logic”. We were able to see the deeper sense of judgement and how brilliant reasoning can utter the real justified logic behind the situation that we are giving our opinion upon. We can say the Twisted Logic reasoning tend to blinded us from the real concept of just and fool us with fabricated ideas that tend to eat all our logical understanding upon the subject. But with all this thoughts, given by the article, the reader may be wondering these question, “Which is more acceptable, the


about twisted logic

Transcript of Twisted Logic

Page 1: Twisted Logic

How do you justify your stand when you know you’re on the wrong side? How would you save

yourself from being condemned when you know that you are the one who has the fault in the

scenario? Would you easily accept the fact that you were wronged? Or you will try to justify

yourself and utter the most logical reasoning of your actions? Answers on these questions may

start with, “it depends to…”, but the actual and most abrupt response of an individual was to

justify yourself and utter the most logical reasoning of his/her actions. This is where the twisted

logic manner with come into the scenario.

The article “Twisted Logic” by Cito Beltran published on June 1, 2007 overall objectify the whole

idea of twisted logic and tried to subjectively each points and ideas brought by the idea of

“Twisted Logic”.


With this thoughts presented by the writer, we could come up with a greater understanding of

the “Twisted Logic”. We were able to see the deeper sense of judgement and how brilliant

reasoning can utter the real justified logic behind the situation that we are giving our opinion

upon. We can say the Twisted Logic reasoning tend to blinded us from the real concept of just

and fool us with fabricated ideas that tend to eat all our logical understanding upon the subject.

But with all this thoughts, given by the article, the reader may be wondering these question,

“Which is more acceptable, the logical justification or the moral judgement upon the subject?”

We can see here that the major opponent of our logical reasoning is our moral judgements. As

a reader, we tend to dissect the major ideas that supports the “twisted logic”, as I look

thoroughly I saw that twisted logic pops out when moral judgement overpowers the logical

reasoning given in the scenario. Just put into example the part of the article that says,

“In many villages and barangays in the Philippines, a husband, or a parent or an older child will

slap someone weaker or smaller because they answered back. But instead of confronting the

abuser, many neighbours simply turn away and justify their fear and their weaknesses by saying

“it wouldn’t have happened if the weaker or smaller person did not answer back.””

Page 2: Twisted Logic

This part speak off that the societal norm of answering back the elders overpowers the logical

reality that the weaker person was abused. We can see that standing in the Philippine context,

we can therefore say that moral judgement overpowers the logical reasoning given in the

scenario. It is always the natural tendency as a Filipino. But do we need to always decide in

parallel to what is the norm in our society, or is it the time to hold back the beliefs and start

looking deeper upon the logical judgements?

Aside from having a trade-off between logical justification and the moral judgement, I was also

thinking about the thought of personal view depending on personal perspective and the

personal view in parallel to what was expected by the society. It was said that,

It becomes easy to relate and be “understanding of wrongdoers simply because their enemies

are also our enemies.”

These statement concludes my previous thought. The person may have personal biases on

his/her opinions, he/she also knows the idea of good/better or bad/worse. But it seems that

the personal biases overshadows all the logical preference in the decision making. Instead of

having a personal view depending on personal perspective, he/she tend to react with the

personal view in parallel to what was expected by the society which as in the case of the given

scenario was to be angry because the stressed person was his/her enemy. Here, twisted logic

again enters the situation.

These are the two main thoughts who suddenly tickle my reasoning mind upon the given topic

of “Twisted Logic”. This is a very powerful tool in fooling the shallow minds of the public in

making people believe upon the reasoning that may utter the more reliable truth. This make or

break a thought, build or destroy bonds and show or hide reality. Given the Philippines context

in further explanation of the topic, I could say that this is threat to Filipino people who tend to

react abruptly upon issues. I am hoping such way of reasoning may not mislead the people to

the proper truth from the blinded facts. I may not know which was the heavier judgement, was

it logical or the moral justification, or I may not assure that everyone avoid their personal

biases, I still believe the judgements will surely depends on the personal ability in weighing

facts, considering situations and choosing the most reliable source of information. Twisted

Page 3: Twisted Logic

Logic may be a threat but I believe that people are logical enough to further see the reality

hiding beyond the foolish way of proposing ideas sugar-coated by the twisted logic reasoning.

On the positive side of the subject, this is a very effective tool to test the ability of the people in

making decisions, a very friendly way to subconsciously test your own perspective and a way

for the people to weigh their thoughts and personal belief for a better outcome of the decision

to be made.