TSC ZLATAR - Turistička organizacija Bijelo · PDF filethe monasteries Zica, Studenica...


Transcript of TSC ZLATAR - Turistička organizacija Bijelo · PDF filethe monasteries Zica, Studenica...

Page 1: TSC ZLATAR - Turistička organizacija Bijelo · PDF filethe monasteries Zica, Studenica (protected by UNESCO), ... manastir Ježevica pauza. Grad Čačak se nalazi u središnjem delu


Page 2: TSC ZLATAR - Turistička organizacija Bijelo · PDF filethe monasteries Zica, Studenica (protected by UNESCO), ... manastir Ježevica pauza. Grad Čačak se nalazi u središnjem delu

On June 25, 2016 the participants of the marathon will gather in Kraljevo. They will be provided space for placing the tents, as well as possibility to spend their nights in facilities. The promotion of the marathon and the final registration of participants will take place at the city square of Kraljevo, in the afternoon hours. The participants, the representatives of touristic organiza-tions and the guests will attend a cocktail party in the building of municipal administration, in the evening hours.The propositions of the marathon:- Marathon doesn’t have a competitive spirit- The participants of the marathon provide their own food and accommodation- The organizer has determined and provided the locations where the participants will spend the night- Before the very start of the marathon, the participants are obliged to sign the statement which guarantees that they will act according to the defined rules of behaviour as well as the clause on participating at their own risk. This clause also states that the organizer is not responsible for any sort of unexpected accident, possible injuries, quitting and similar..- Upon completing the marathon, the organizer will provide the participants with transport to Kraljevo, along with their equipment.- In order to take part in this marathon, each participant is obliged to fill in the registration properly, to pay registration fee and to be physically prepared. Also, a fine quality bicycle in good condition is required as well as suitable equipment such as:

- a mountain bike, a helmet, a spare tire, a tent, a sleeping bag and a mat- The organizer can forbid participating if a competent person claims that the bike is not of good quality and in appropriate condition as well as in case of not possessing the suitable equipment or other objective reasons.- Registration fee: 30€- Before the marathon start, each participant will receive “Marathon Guide” which will inform them about:- populated places where they can provide themselves with food- track itself (length, configuration, elevation, wellsprings)

All the information regarding the marathon you may get by calling: +381 64 130 81 75 – Radoslav Golubovic (head of the club) or on the website of the club: http://cikermtb.webs.com/. You can also email us on: [email protected] or [email protected]

LODGING IN KRALJEVO (a day before the maraton) On June 25, 2016:

Dom učenika srednjih škola: Lodging - 600 din

Garni hotel Belvedere: Lodging - 1750 din Lodging with breakfast - 1950 din

25.06.2016. godine je predviđeno okupljanje uče-snika maratona u Kraljevu. Obezbeđen je prostor za besplatno postavljanje šatora, kao i mogućnost noćenja u objektima. U popodnevnim časovima, u centru Kraljeva, na gradskom trgu, će se održati pro-mocija maratona i finalno evidentiranje učesnika. U večernjim časovima će se, u zgradi opštinske uprave, održati prigodan koktel za sve učesnike, predstav-nike turističkih organizacija i goste.

Propozicije maratona:

- Maraton nema takmičarski karakter.

- Učesnici maratona sami obezbeđuju ishranu i opremu za smeštaj.

- Noćenja će se obavljati na lokacijama koje su defini-sane i obezbeđene od strane organizatora.

- Učesnici su dužni da, pre starta maratona, potpišu izjavu o prihvatanju definisanih pravila ponašanja, kao i klauzulu da učestvuju na ličnu odgovornost tj. da se orga-nizator oslobađa odgovornosti za bilo kakve nepredvi-dive okolnosti, eventualne povrede, odustajanja i sl.

- Po završetku maratona, prevoz učesnika i opreme do Kraljeva obezbeđuje organizator

- Za učešće na maratonu neophodno je da učesnik pra-vilno popuni prijavu, uplati kotizaciju, da poseduje odgo-varajuću fizičku spremu, bicikl odgovarajućeg stanja i kvaliteta, kao i neophodnu opremu i to:

- mountain bike, kacigu, rezervnu unutrašnju gumu, šator, vreću i podmetač

- Organizator zadržava pravo da uskrati pravo učešća kandidatu za koga odgovorno lice utvrdi da ne pose-duje bicikl odgovarajućeg stanja ili kvaliteta, kao i u slučaju da ne poseduje neophodnu opremu, ili iz drugih objektivnih razloga.

- Kotizacija: 30€

- Pre početka maratona organizator će podeliti učesni-cima ’’Vodič kroz maraton’’ iz koga će učesnici moći da se informišu o:

- mogućnostima nabavke namirnica u naseljenim mestima kroz koja se prolazi

- Informacije o stazi (dužina, konfiguracija, nadmorske visine, izvori…)

Sve informacije u vezi sa maratonom možete dobiti na tel. +381641308175 - Radoslav Golubović (predsednik kluba), ili na sajtu kluba: http://cikermtb.webs.com/ Možete nam i pisati na e-mail adrese: [email protected] ili [email protected]

PRENOĆIŠTE U KRALJEVU (dan pre maratona) 25.06.2016:

Dom učenika srednjih škola: Noćenje - 600 din

Garni hotel Belvedere: Noćenje - 1750 din Noćenje sa doručkom - 1950 din

Page 3: TSC ZLATAR - Turistička organizacija Bijelo · PDF filethe monasteries Zica, Studenica (protected by UNESCO), ... manastir Ježevica pauza. Grad Čačak se nalazi u središnjem delu

Grad Kraljevo se nalazi u centralnom delu Srbije, 172 km južno od Beograda i zauzima prostor oko donjeg toka reke Ibar i srednjeg dela toka reke Zapadna Morava.

Grad se nalazi na nadmorskoj visini od 203 - 208m. Predstavlja administrativni, privredni, prosvetni, kulturni, zdravstveni i politički centar Raškog okruga. Istovremeno je i značajan saobraćajni centar ovog dela Srbije, s obzi-rom da se u njemu ukrštaju važne putne i železničke saobraćajnice.

Kraljevo danas ima oko 120 000 stanovnika.

Teritorija grada Kraljeva predstavlja kolevku srpske države i kulture. U ovoj oblasti je u srednjem veku bilo jezgro srpske države Raške, kojom je vladala svetorodna dinastija Nemanjića. Iz tog perioda, u živopisnoj Ibarskoj klisuri, koju nazivaju „Dolina vekova“, sačuvani su spo-menici neprocenjive vrednosti: manastir Žiča, Studenica (pod zaštitom UNESCO-a), Gradac i srednjevekovni grad Maglič.

Osim bogatog kulturno - istorijskog nasleđa, Kraljevo ima izuzetne prirodne potencijale za razvoj svih vidova turizma: zdravstvenog, sportsko - rekreativnog, seoskog, zimskog, lovno - ribolovnog i dr.

26.06.2016. Start maratona će biti u 8h. Učesnici će voziti obodom planine Jelice, odakle će se spustiti u Čačak, gde će se napra-viti duža pauza u centru grada, nakon koje će maratonci nastaviti put kanjonom Ovčarsko-Kablarske klisure do Ovčar Banje, gde će biti prvo noćenje za učesnike.


SUNCE: Noćenje - 800 din

BLEF: Doručak - 400 din Večera - 700 din Noćenje i doručak - 1565 din Noćenje - 1265 din

WELLNESS: Doručak - 400 din Večera - 800 din Polupansion i bazen - 3485 din Noćenje sa doručkom - 2685 din

The City of Kraljevo is situated in the central part of Serbia, 172 km south of Belgrade and it occupies the area around the lower flow of the Ibar river and the middle part of the West Morava river flow.

The City is located at the altitude of 203-208 m. Kraljevo is an administrative, economic, educational, cultural, health and political centre of the Raska district. At the same time, it is a significant traffic centre of this part of Serbia, considering the fact that many important roads and railroads intersect here.

Today, Kraljevo has around 120000 citizens.

The territory of the City of Kraljevo is a cradle of Serbian state and culture. In the Middle Ages, this area was the centre of the Serbian state of Raska, which was ruled by the holy dynasty of Nemanjic. In the picturesque Ibar gorge, also called “The Valley of Centuries”, many invaluable monu-ments have been preserved from that period, among which the monasteries Zica, Studenica (protected by UNESCO), Gradac and the medieval town of Maglic.

Apart from the rich cultural-historical heritage, Kraljevo also has the exquisite natural potentials for the development of all types of tourism: healthcare, recreational, rural, winter, hunting, fishing tourism and many others.

June 26, 2016 - The marathon starts at 8 am. The participants ride along the side of the moun-tain Jelica, from where they descend to Čačak. At the town’s square they make a longer break after which they continue their way through the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge until they reach Ovčar Banja, where they stay for the night.


SUNCE: Lodging - 800 din

BLEF: Breakfast - 400 din Dinner - 700 din Lodging and breakfast - 1565 din Lodging - 1265 din

WELLNESS: Breakfast - 400 din Dinner - 800 din Overnight stay and pool - 3485 din Lodging with breakfast - 2685 din







Page 4: TSC ZLATAR - Turistička organizacija Bijelo · PDF filethe monasteries Zica, Studenica (protected by UNESCO), ... manastir Ježevica pauza. Grad Čačak se nalazi u središnjem delu

Grad Čačak se nalazi u središnjem delu centralne Srbije u Moravičkom okrugu. Od Beograda je udaljen 150 km, a pored Čačka na području Moravičkog okruga su i Gornji Milanovac, Ivanjica, Lučani i Guča.

Smešten najvećim delom u zapadnom Pomoravlju, grad Čačak čini vezu između zatalasanog pobrđa Šumadije na severu i brdsko – planinskih oblasti unutrašnjih Dinarida na jugu. Centralni deo grada čini čačanska kotlina, sme-štena između planina Jelice na jugu, Ovčara i Kablara na zapadu i Vujna na severu, dok je na istoku otvorena prema kraljevačkoj kotlini. Ove planine se blago i talasa-sto spuštaju prema čačanskoj kotlini, gradu Čačku i toku Zapadne Morave.

Teritorija grada zauzima površinu od 636 km2, i u pogledu reljefa može se podeliti na:

- Čačansku kotlinu sa nadmorskom visinom od 200 m do 300 m

- Brežuljkasto-brdski predeo od 300 m do 500 m nad-morske visine

- Planinski predeo od 300 m do 985 m nadmorske visine. Planine Jelica sa (929 m), Ovčar (985 m), Kablar (885 m), i Vujan (857 m) okružuju čačansku kotlinu kroz koju protiče reka Zapadna Morava čija je dužina 318 km. Površina kotline je preko 270 km, duga je oko 40 km i pruža izvanredne uslove za poljoprivredu.

Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura se nalazi u centralnom delu Srbije, u okviru Zapadnog Pomoravlja, a razdvaja visoku Šumadiju, na severu, od Dragačeva i Starovlaško-raške visije na jugu. Spada u ona područja Srbije koja svojim prirodnim vrednostima i spomeničkim lepotama pri-vlače pažnju već vekovima. Osnovno prirodno obeležje klisure čine upečatljivi masivi Ovčara i Kablara, po kojima je i dobila ime. Malo koja klisura u Srbiji je ukrašena tako izraženim uklještenim meandrima ili termalnim izvorima kao ova. Glavnu morfološku osobenost klisure predstav-ljaju izvanredno izražene okuke rečnog toka Morave i donjeg, najnižeg dela doline, koje je naš čuveni naučnik Jovan Cvijić nazvao nakalemljenim meandrima, odno-sno uklještenim meandrima. Uredbom Vlade Republike Srbije (SL. Glasnik RS br. 16/2000) Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura proglašena je kao zaštićeno prirodno dobro I kategorije – Predeo izuzetnih odlika. Zaštićeno područje se prostire na 2250ha, od čega je 1700ha na području opštine Čačka, a 550ha na području opštine Lučani. Na području klisure ustanovljeni su režimi zaštite II stepena (542 ha) i III stepena (1707 ha).

Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura spada u red onih područja u Srbiji koja su poznata široj javnosti po svojim prirod-nim lepotama i spomeničkim vrednostima, koja privlače pažnju već vekovima. Osnovno prirodno obeležje klisure čini reljef, a pre svega upečatljivi masivi Ovčara i Kablara, po kojima je i dobila ime. Malo koja klisura u Srbiji je ukra-šena tako uklještenim meandrima ili termalnim izvorima kao ova. Ogrnuta u lepe i tajanstvene šume, sa nezabo-ravnim pejzažima, još je lepša kad njeno nebo zapara orao ili kliktaj sivog sokola.

The city of Cacak is located in the mid part of central Serbia in Morava Region. It is 150 km far from Belgrade and apart from Cacak, Gornji Milanovac, Ivanjica and Lucani are in Morava Region.

Mostly located in the western Pomoravlje, the city of Cacak makes a connection between hilly area of Sumadija in the north and hilly-mountainous areas of internal Dinaric Alps in the south. Central part of the city is Cacak valley located among mountain Jelica in the south, Ovcar and Kablar in the west and Vujan in the north, while in the east it is open towards Kraljevo valley. These beautiful mountains sur-round Cacak valley, the city of Cacak and the flow of the West Morava.

The territory of the city occupies area of 636 km2, and as far as relief is concerned it can be divided into:

- Cacak valley with sea altitude from 200m to 300m

- Hilly area of the altitude from 300 m to 500 m

- Mountainous area of the altitude from 300 m to 985 m . Mountains Jelica with (929 m), Ovcar (985 m), Kablar (885 m), and Vujan (857 m) surround Cacak valley through which the river West Morava flows whose length is 318 km. The area of the valley is over 270 km, it is about 40 km long and it offers excellent conditions for agriculture.

Ovcar-Kablar gorge is situated in the central part of Serbia, within West Pomoravlje, and it splits highlands of Sumadija, in the north, up to Dragacevo and Starovlaska-Raska highlands in the south. It belongs to those regions of Serbia which have attracted with their natural beauties and monuments treasure for centuries. Basic natural char-acteristics of the gorge are impressive massifs of Ovcar and Kablar by which the gorge got its name. The main mass of these mountains is built of limestone from the period of Triace. Not many gorges in Serbia are decorated with squeezed meanders or thermal springs as this one. The main morphological feature of the gorge presents excep-tionally expressed windings of the river Morava flow and the lowest part of the valley, which our famous scientist Jovan Cvijic called squeezed meanders. By the Regulation of the Government of Republic of Serbia (”Official Gazette RS No. 16/2000) Ovcar-Kablar gorge was pronounced natural heritage of I category – Region of exceptional characteristics. Protected area spreads on 2250 ha out of which 1700 ha is on the territory of Cacak municipality, and 550ha on the territory of Lucani municipality. On the territory of the gorge protection regime of II degree (542ha) and III degree (1707) are established.

Ovcar-Kablar gorge’s basic relief, especially mountains Ovcar and Kablar are dressed in secretive woods and unforgettable scenery and it is even more beautiful when one can see an eagle in its sky or hear the sound of gray falcon.



Page 5: TSC ZLATAR - Turistička organizacija Bijelo · PDF filethe monasteries Zica, Studenica (protected by UNESCO), ... manastir Ježevica pauza. Grad Čačak se nalazi u središnjem delu






27.06.2016. godine trasa maratona, iz Ovčar Banje, kanjonom reke Morave dolazi do Požege, gde će se napraviti duže zadržavanje za odmor, užinu i promociju maratona. Iz Požege će maraton nastaviti uspon grebenima Zlatibora do Zlatiborskog jezera, gde će se i završiti drugi dan maratona.


TO ZLATIBOR: Doručak -300 din Večera -500 din Noćenje - 1630 din

KAMP (sobe): Noćenje - 880 din

June 27, 2016 - The marathon path leads from Ovčar Banja, through the canyon of river Morava, to reach Požega, where the participants make a longer break for snacks and marathon promotion. From Požega, the marathon path continues to ascend along the reefs of Zlatibor to the Zlatibor Lake, where the second day of marathon ends.


TO ZLATIBOR: Breakfast - 300 din Dinner - 500 din Lodging - 1630 din

CAMP (rooms): Lodging - 880 din

2. DAN DAY 2 Požega se nalazi u zapadnoj Srbiji, između Čačka I Užica i predstavlja vrlo bitnu raskrsnicu drumskog i železnič-kog saobraćaja. Površina opštine je 426 km2 i prosture se na nadmorskoj visini od 315m. To je srednje razvijena opština sa oko 30.000 stanovnika.Požega važi za mali i lepo uređen gradić sa modernim kružnim trgom koji je rekonstruisan 2012.godine i tada je dobio NINovu nagradu za najbolje arhitektonsko delo u Srbiji te godine.Požega je rodno mesto knjaza Miloša Obrenovića koji je i tvorac kružnog trga davne 1832.godine. Danas se u Požegi može posetiti njegov spomen kompleks u selu Gornja Dobrinja. Velika turistička vrednost je i Železnički muzej sa preko 500 eksponata uzanog koloseka i starim lokomotivama, na samo 300 m od centra grada.

Pozega is located in western Serbia, between Cacak and Uzice and represents a very important crossroads of road and rail transport. Covers an area of 426 km2 and prosture at an altitude of 315m. This is a medium developed munic-ipality with about 30,000 residents. Pozega true for small and beautifully furnished with modern circular town square which was reconstructed in 2012 and then received the NIN Award for best architectural work in Serbia this year. Pozega is the birthplace of Prince Milos Obrenovic, who is also the creator of the circular market back in 1832.godine. Today in Pozega can visit his memorial complex in the village of Gornja Dobrinja. Great travel value and Railway Museum with over 500 exhibits and old narrow-gauge locomotives, only 300 meters from the city center.



Opština Čajetina se nalazi u jugozapadnom delu Republike Srbije, sa severa okružena opštinom Užice, sa istoka opšti-nom Arilje, sa jugoistoka opštinom Nova Varoš, sa juga opštinom Priboj, a sa zapada Republikom BiH.

Administrativno pripada Zlatiborskom okrugu i zauzima površinu od 647 km. Prostor opštine Čajetina geografski podrazumeva talasastu visoravan između reka Sušice i Uvca i planina Tare i Murtenice, sa planinskim masivom Zlatibora kao središnim i glavnim delom.

Centralno mesto u opštini Čajetina zauzima turistički centar Zlatibor. Zlatibor je najposećeniji turistički centar u Srbiji. Njega godišnje poseti preko 250.000 posetilaca koji ostvare više od 1.000.000 noćenja.

Veruje se da je Zlatibor ime dobio po belim borovima sa žutom četinom, boje starog zlata, koji su nekada prekri-vali talasaste padine planine. Naučno ime bora je PINUS SILVESTRIS VARIEGATA ZLATIBORICA.

Druga legenda kaže da je Zlatibor nazvan po bogat-stvu borove šume, koja je doseljenicima iz Crne Gore i Hercegovine bila glavni izvor prihoda. Koristili su ovo drvo za građu, ali su od njega pravili katran i luč, koje su proda-vali u Šumadiji i Dalmaciji, i za njih je bor bio zlata vredan. U priči su ga uvek hvalili: “Zlatan je to bor!

Treće predanje kaže da je ime dobio po suvatima (pašnja-cima) koji s jeseni dobijaju žutu boju, boju zlata.

Page 6: TSC ZLATAR - Turistička organizacija Bijelo · PDF filethe monasteries Zica, Studenica (protected by UNESCO), ... manastir Ježevica pauza. Grad Čačak se nalazi u središnjem delu




manastir Uvac1080m



28.06.2016. godine maraton će se kretati sa Zlatibora, pored Ribničkog jezera, Stubla, Kratova, Rutoši i Radoinja do Nove Varoši i Hotela “Panorama”, gde će učesnici zanoćiti treću noć.


HOTEL „PANORAMA”: Doručak -300 din Večera -350 din Noćenje - 900 din

June 28, 2016 - The marathon starts from Zlatibor, past the Ribničko Lake, Stubal, Kratov, Rutoš, Radoinje, to reach Nova Varoš and Hotel “Panorama”, where the participants spend their third night.


HOTEL „PANORAMA”: Breakfast - 300 din Dinner - 350 din Lodging - 900 din

3. DAN DAY 3

The municipality of Cajetina is located in the southwestern part of the Republic of Serbia. It is surrounded by the munic-ipality of Uzice in the north, the municipality of Arilje in the east , the municipality of Nova Varos in the southeast, the municipality of Priboj in the south and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the west.

Administratively it belongs to the Zlatibor district and occupies an area of 647 km. The area of the municipality of Cajetina includes a wavy plateau between the rivers of Susica and Uvac and the mountains of Tara and Murtenica with the Zlatibor mountain range as well as the central and main part.

The central place in the municipality of Cajetina occupies the Zlatibor tourist center . Zlatibor is the most visited tourist center in Serbia. Annually it is visited by over 250,000 visitors who achieve over 1,000,000 overnight stays.

It is believed that Zlatibor got its name by white pine trees with yellow pine needles , the color of old gold , which once lined the rolling slopes of the mountain. The scientific name for this kind of pine is PINUS SILVESTRIS VARIEGATA ZLATIBORICA.

Another legend says that the mountain of Zlatibor was named after its abundance of pine trees , which for the immigrants from Montenegro and Herzegovina was the main source of income. They used this wood to build, but since it rules tar and light , which are sold in Sumadija and Dalmatia, and for them the pine was worth gold . In the story it was praised : “ It is a golden pine!”

The third legend says that it was named after the dry places ( pastures ), which in the autumn get yellow, the color of gold.

Page 7: TSC ZLATAR - Turistička organizacija Bijelo · PDF filethe monasteries Zica, Studenica (protected by UNESCO), ... manastir Ježevica pauza. Grad Čačak se nalazi u središnjem delu


Vodena Poljana SOPOTNICA







29.06.2016. godine trasa maratona će se kre-tati preko Vodene poljane na Zlataru, odakle se trasa spušta do sela Aljinovići. Od Aljinovića počinje uspon na planinu Jadovnik, na kojoj trasa završava u mestu Sopotnica, poznatom po prelepim vodopadima.


PLANINSKI DOM: Doručak -300 din Večera -300 din Kuvano jelo - 400 din Noćenje - 500 din

PRIVATNI SMEŠTAJ: Doručak -300 din Večera -300 din Kuvano jelo - 400 din Noćenje - 500 din

June 29, 2016 – The path continues over Vodena Poljana on Zlatar, from where it descends to the village Aljinović. From Aljinović the participants start ascending to the mountain Jadovnik. The path ends in Sopotnica, known for its magnificent waterfalls.


MOUNTAIN HOUSE: Breakfast - 300 din Dinner - 300 din Cooked meal - 400 din Lodging - 500 din

PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION: Breakfast - 300 din Dinner - 300 din Cooked meal - 400 din Lodging - 500 din

4. DAN DAY 4NOVA VAROŠOpština Nova Varoš se nalazi u jugozapadnom delu Srbije, kroz opštinu prolazi magistralni put M 21 Beograd - Jadransko more a od glavnog grada udaljena je 280 km. Teritorija opštine presečena je na dva, skoro jednaka dela sa tri akumulaciona jezera na reci Uvac (Uvačko, Zlatarsko i Radoinjsko).

Izrazito je brdsko - planinsko područje. Najniža nadmor-ska visina je na obali Lima - 436m, a najviša na Zlataru - vrh Golo Brdo 1627m. Sam grad je na 950 - 1050m nad-morske visine.

Opština Nova Varoš ima izuzetne prirodne potencijale za razvoj turizma tokom cele godine, sa mogućnostima za razvoj zdravstvenog, sportsko - rekreativnog, zimskog, seoskog, lovnog, verskog i drugih vidova turizma.

Specijalni rezervat prirode „Uvac“ je zaštićeno prirodno dobro od izuzetnog značaja, tj. prirodno dobro prve kategorije. Osnovnu vrednost i jedinstvenost ovog pod-ručja čini prisustvo i gnežđenje veoma retke i malobrojne vrste orla lešinara - beloglavog supa, impozantne veli-čine, raspona krila i do tri metra.

Na Zlataru, neposredno uz Hotel „Panorama“, posetio-cima su na raspolaganju natkriveni multifunkcionalni sportski tereni na otvorenom, a boravak turista na ovoj planini upotpunjen je postavljanjem adrenalin parka, koji je namenjen svima koji vole zabavu, avanturu i provod.

The municipality of Nova Varos is located in the southwest-ern part of Serbia and town of Nova Varos is 280 km away from Belgrade. The magistral road M-21 (Belgrade - Adriatic Sea) pass through the municipality that is cut into two almost equal parts by three lakes on the river Uvac (Uvac, Zlatar and Radoinja lakes).

This is extremely hilly - mountainous area. The lowest ele-vation is on the coast of Lim river (436m) and the highest on Zlatar Mountain – the peak Golo Brdo (1627m). The town of Nova Varos is located at an altitude between 950 and 1050m above sea level.

The municipality of nova Varos has great potentials for tour-ism development during the whole year, with significant possibilities for the development of health, sports - recre-ational, winter, rural, hunting, religious and other forms of tourism.

Uvac Special Nature Reserve is a protected natural area of great importance (I category). The basic value and unique-ness of this area is made by the presence and nesting of a very rare and meager type of vulture - the griff n vulture. This predator bird has impressive size and wingspan up to three meters.

On Zlatar Mountain, in front of the Hotel Panorama, visitors have access to a covered multi-purpose sport court. Staying on the mountain is enriched by Adrenalin Park (high-rope park), which is intended for everyone who loves fun, adven-ture and entertainment.

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30.06.2016. godine, trasa maratona se spušta do Prijepolja, gde će se, na platou ispred Doma kulture, kao promocija maratona, napraviti duža pauza. Iz Prijepolja trasa se, preko Dušmanića i Đurišića, penje na pla-ninu Jabuka, do graničnog prelaza sa Crnom Gorom. Od graničnog prelaza trasa se kreće makadamskim putevima preko Otilovića i manastira Svete Trojice, do Pljevalja gde se završava peti dan maratona.


privatni smeštaj „FARAON” i HOTEL „24. JUL” - Noćenje - 8 EUR MILET BAŠTA(kamp), privatni smeštaj „APOLON”, HOTEL „OAZA”: Doručak - 4 EUR Večera - 6 EUR Noćenje - 8 EUR

June 30, 2016 - The path of the marathon descends to Prijepolje. At the plateau in front of the Cultural Centre the participants of the marathon have a longer break and attend the marathon presentation. From Prijepolje, across Dušmanići i Đurišići, the path ascends to the mountain Jadovnik, to reach the border crossing of Montenegro. From the border crossing, the path continues across the gravel roads over Otilović and Monastery of the Holy Trinity, to end the fifth day of the marathon in Pljevlja.


private accommodation ”FARAON” i HOTEL ”24. JUL” - Lodging - 8 EUR MILET BAŠTA(camp), private accommodation ”APOLON”, HOTEL ”OAZA”˝: Breakfast - 4 EUR Dinner - 6 EUR Lodging - 8 EUR

5. DAN DAY 5PRIJEPOLJEIzdvojite nekoliko trenutaka da se opustite i uživate u prijatnoj klimi, miru i tišini čarobnih sela i gostoprim-stvu domaćina. Probajte tradicionalna jela našeg kraja i prošetajte pored bistrih izvora i potoka kroz netaknute šume. Udahnite duboko i krenite na putovanje kroz kli-suru Mileševke, upoznajte se sa Beloglavim supom i pro-nađite najjužnije izolovano nalazište Pančićeve omorike. Osvojite srednjovekovni grad Mileševac i pešačite do Savinih isposnica.

Zastanite na trenutak i osmotrite predeo oko sebe. Moguće je da šetate stazama Rimljana, Slovena, Srednjovekovnih Srba, Turaka ili Austrougara. Njihovim stazama vodiće vas drevni spomenici poput manastira Mileševe, Davidovice, Kumanice, srednjovekovnog grada Mileševca, Sahat kule, Mahmut-begove i Ibrahim-pašine dzamije, Katoličke crkve.

Svratite do nekog od najlepših prijepoljskih sela. Otkrijte legendu o boru u Hisardžiku, odmorite dušu i telo na Jadovniku, častite oči pogledom na isklesane vodene skulpture na Sopotnici, zamislite želju kod Svetog bora na Kamenoj Gori i upoznajte se sa Boškom Buhom na Jabuci.

Usudite se da pripitomite limske bukove i ostavite trag guma na biciklističkim stazama koje će vas provesti kroz najlepše krajolike našeg kraja. Prepustite se čarobnim prijepoljskim vrelima i uživajte u lepoti novih otkrića.

Take a few moments to relax and enjoy in pleasant climate, tranquility and silence of magic villages and hospitality of the hosts. Taste traditional local dishes and take a walk by the clear springs and streams through untouched forests. Take a deep breath and take a trip through the Milesevka gorge, familiarize yourself with griff n vulter and find the sothernmost isolated site of Pancic spruce. Conquer the medieval town of Milesevac and walk to the Saint Sava’s hermitages.

Take a moment and observe the scenery around you. It’s possible you are walking the paths of the Romans, Slavs, medieval Serbs, Turks and Austro-Hungarians. Ancient monuments such as the monastery Mileseva, Davidovica, Kumanica, medieval town Milesevac, Clock tower, Mahmut-bey’s and Ibrahim-pasha mosque, the Catholic church will guide you through their paths.

Stop by one of the most beautiful Prijepolje’s villages. Discover the legend of pine tree in Hisardzik, rest your soul and body on Jadovnik, treat your eyes with sight of water carved sculptures in Sopotnica, make a wish by the Holy pine of Kamena Gora and meet Bosko Buha in Jabuka.

Dare to tame Lim’s rapids and leave tire tracks on the cycling trails that will take you through the most beautiful landscapes of our region. Indulge in the magical Prijepolje’s springs and enjoy the beauty of new discoveries.

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Pavino Polje





01.07.2016. godine, šestog dana maratona, trasa se iz Pljevalja, pored jezera Otilovići, uzdiže do prevoja Kovren na planini Lisa, odakle se, preko Pavinog Polja, spušta ka Bijelom Polju, gde se nalazi i konačno odredi-šte maratona. U Bijelom Polju će se, u večer-njim časovima održati “završno veče” za sve učesnike, predstavnike turističkih organizacija i goste.

ŠESTA NOĆ - BIJELO POLJE:HOTEL „BIJELA RADA”: Doručak - 1,5 EUR Noćenje sa doručkom - 8 EUR Noćenje - 6,5 EUR

HOTEL „DVOR”: Nočenje - 18,5 EUR Noćenje sa doručkom - 21 EUR

HOTEL „DOMINUS”: Noćenje sa doručkom - 13 EUR

HOTEL „FRANCI”: Noćenje sa doručkom - 25 EUR

July 1, 2016 – The sixth day of the marathon, from Pljevlja, past the lake Otilovići, the path ascends to the bend Kovren, From there, across the Pavino Polje, the path goes down to Bijelo Polje, reaching the final destination of the mar-athon. In Bijelo Polje, in the evening hours, an “ending night” for all the participants, represen-tatives of touristic organizations and guests will be held.

THE SIXTH NIGHT - BIJELO POLJE:HOTEL ”BIJELA RADA”: Breakfast - 1,5 EUR Lodging with breakfast - 8 EUR Lodging - 6.5 EUR

HOTEL ”DVOR”: Lodging - 18.5 EUR Lodging with breakfast - 21 EUR

HOTEL ”DOMINUS”: Lodging with breakfast - 13 EUR

HOTEL ”FRANCI”: Lodging with breakfast - 25 EUR

6. DAN DAY 6PLJEVLJANa krajnjem sjeveru Crne Gore, oivičena šumovitim i pitomim planinama i išarana rječnim tokovima Tare, Ćehotine i Breznice prostire se opština Pljevlja, treća po veličini u Crnoj Gori. Zahvata deseti dio državne teritorije ili 1.346 km2, a u njoj živi svaki dvadeseti stanovnik Crne Gore ili oko 32.000 građana.

Administrativni centar opštine je grad Pljevlja koji je zbog povoljnog geografskog položaja, na raskršću važnih starih i novih puteva, kroz istoriju mijenjao ime, značaj, i osvajače. Pečat bogatom istorijskom i kulturnom nasljeđu dali su Iliri, Rimljani, Sloveni, Turci i Austrijanci koji su kroz vjekove osvajali i otimali se za Pljevlja.

Ostaci dvije tvrđave - grada iz XV vijeka, Koznik i Kukanj kao i značajan broj stećaka –nadgrobnih spomenika, svjedoče o srednjevjekovnom značaju ovog područja.

Samo tridesetak kilometara od grada je Ljubišnja, pono-sna kraljica dinarskih planina. Jednako privlačna i ljeti i zimi baš kao i Kovač, Kosanica, kanjoni Ćehotine i Drage i posebno veličanstveni kanjon Tare premošćen Velikim mostom na Đurđevića Tari.

U Pljevljima je priroda bila nesebična prema čovjeku. Ribolov, rafting, speleologija, kanjonig, jahanje, bicikli-zam, pješačenje, planinarenje, climbing, paraglajding, džip ture, izleti, kampovanje... neke su od aktivnosti koje pruža prirodno okruženje grada.

In the far north of Montenegro, bordered by forested and tame mountains and dappled with river flows of Tara, Ćehotina and Breznica, extends the municipality of Pljevlja, the third largest in Montenegro. It covers one tenth of the national territory or 1,346 km2, it is home to one in ten Montenegrin citizens, or about 32,000 people.

The administrative center of the municipality is the town of Pljevlja which, due to its geographical position at the cross-roads of important old and new paths, changed its name, significance and the conquerors through history. Stamp with rich historical and cultural heritage was given by the Illyrians, Romans, Slavs, Turks and Austrians, who con-quered and plundered through centuries for Pljevlja.

The remains of two fortresses – towns from the 15th cen-tury, Koznik and Kukanj, as well as a significant number of tombs-gravestones, testify of the medieval significance of this region.

Only thirty kilometers from the town there is Ljubišnja, a proud queen of Dinaric Mountains. Equally attractive in summer and winter just as well as Kovač, Kosanica, can-yons of Ćehotina and Draga Rivers and especially magnif-icent the canyon of Tara bridged with the Great Bridge on Đurđevića Tara.

Nature in Pljevlja has been unselfish to the man. Fishing, rafting, caving, canyoning, horse riding, cycling, walking, hiking, climbing, paragliding, jeep tours, excursions, camp-ing... are some of the activities offered by the natural envi-ronment of the town.

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Nalazite se u Bijelom Polju, u pitomoj i živopisnoj dolini Lima, okruženi visokim planinama i bistrim vodama, u blizini jedne od najljepših i najtajnovitijih pećina na svi-jetu Đalovića pećine . I dok uživate u čarima netaknute prirode, ne zaboravite da se nalazite u gradu bogate isto-rije, naseljenom još od neolita. Gradu za koji kažu da je ime dobio po nepreglednom polju bijelih rada koje se tu nekada nalazilo. Bijelo Polje je nastalo na raskrsnici kara-vanskih drumova, na mjestu gdje se sudaraju vjetrovi istoka i zapada, ukrštaju i prožimaju različite kulture.

Bijelo Polje je smješteno na sjeveroistoku Crne Gore, u dolini rijeke Lim. Rijeka Lim izvire iz Plavskog jezera I pruža idealne uslove za ribolov, i možemo reći da je subjektivno najbolja rijeka za vrhunski doživljaj splavarenja. Tu je i planina Bjelasica koja je za mnoge najljepša crnogorska planina. Bjelasica je atraktivna za pješačenje, planinski biciklizam, za ljubitelje botanike posebno u proljećnim mjesecima, kada je Bjelasica pokrivena cvjetnim pokri-vačem. Idealno je mjesto za porodice, gdje djeca mogu uživati na snijegu (čak do avgusta je moguće u usjecima naći snijega), jahati konja ili čak samo sakupljati cvijeće. Okružena visokim planinama i ispresijecana brojnim rječ-nim dolinama, čitava teritorija Bijelog Polja nalazi se na nadmorskoj visini većoj od 500 metara. Sa preko 46.000 stanovnika, Bijelo Polje je regionalni centar sjevera i treći po veličini grad u Crnoj Gori. To je univerzitetski grad sa četiri fakulteta i bogatom kulturnom tradicijom.

MTBC ‘’ČIKER’’ iz Kraljeva formiran je 25. 10. 1996. godine kao udruženje građana sa 16 članova. Danas klub broji oko 50 članova, različite starosne dobi. MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ je prvenstveno formiran kao rekreativni klub, ali je ubrzo formiran i takmičarski deo.Takmičarski deo je, od svog osnivanja do danas, postigao veoma dobre rezultate na takmičenjima na kojima su učestvo-vali takmičari ovog kluba. Tako je, u svojoj istoriji, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ imao prvaka SRJ u juniorskoj konkurenciji, prvakinju i viceprvakinju SRJ u ženskoj konkurenciji, sportistkinju grada Kraljeva, kao i osvajanje 8. mesta, takmičara našeg kluba, na Balkanskom prvenstvu.Sa druge strane, u svetu planinskog biciklizma, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ je poznat i po organizovanju višednevnih tura po plani-nama naše zemlje. Na taj način, članovi MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ su, na svojim biciklima, obišli sve dominantne planine (Kopaonik, Goliju, Bjelasicu, Komove, Durmitor, Sinjajevinu, Lovćen, Staru planinu, Vlasinu, Besnu Kobilu, Rtanj, Beljanicu, Taru, Zlatibor...) i osvojili, na svojim biciklima, mnoge njihove vrhove (Pančićev vrh 2017mnm, Jankov kamen 1833mnm, Zekovu glavu 2117mnm, Midžor 2170mnm...).Od 2012. godine MTBC “Čiker”, u saradnji sa turističkim organizacijama iz Srbije i Crne Gore, organizuje “Čiker MTB maraton” čija trasa kreće iz Kraljeva i završava se u nekom od gradova u Crnoj Gori. Prve godine maraton je bio deo IPA projekta: “Održivi razvoj biciklizma”, koji je proglašen za najbolji projekat prekogranične saradnje u 2012. godini, i finansiran je od strane EU.Cilj organizacije maratona je sportsko-turistički tj. pored propagiranja biciklizma kao sporta, prevoznog sredstva i zdra-vog načina života, maraton promoviše i turističke i kulturne potencijale dve zemlje. Maraton traje sedam dana i prolazi kroz brdsko-planinske predele, obilazeći pri tom turističke centre, kao i kulturne i druge znamenitosti na tim teritorijama.

You are now in Bijelo Polje, in the pleasant and picturesque valley of the River Lim, surrounded by high mountains and clear streams, next to the one of the most beautiful and mys-terious caves in the world. And while you enjoy the charms of unspoilt nature, do not forget the fact that you are in a town with a rich history, inhabited since Neolithic times. You are in the town that, as the story goes, got its name after the vast field of daisies which used to be there. Bijelo Polje sprang up at the crossroads of caravan roads, the place where the winds of the East and West collide, meet and go right through a variety of cultures.

Bijelo Polje is located in the northeast of Montenegro, in the valley of the river Lim. River Lim springs from Plav lake and offers ideal conditions for fishing, and we can say that it is subjectively best river for the rafting ultimate .There is the mountain Bjelasica which is for many the most beautiful mountain of Montenegro. Bjelasica is attractive for hiking, mountain biking, for lovers of botany especially in the spring months, when the Bjelasica covered with a floral blanket. It is an ideal place for families, where children can enjoy the snow (up to August it is possible to find snow in cuts), ride a horse or even collect flowers. Surrounded by high moun-tains and interspersed with numerous river valleys, the entire territory of Bijelo Polje is situated at an altitude of 500 meters. With over 46,000 inhabitants, Bijelo Polje, the regional center of the north and the third largest city in Montenegro. It is a university city with four universities and a rich cultural tradition.

MTBC ‘’ČIKER’’ from Kraljevo dates back to October 15, 1996 when it was established as a citizens association of 16 members. Currently, this club has around 50 members of different age. MTBC ‘’ČIKER’’ was primarily created as a leisure club which soon received competitive spirit. As for the competitive part, from its establishment until today, the club has achieved very good results at competitions which the contestants of this club took part in. So, in the past, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ had a FRY champion in junior competition, a FRY cham-pion and vice champion in female competition, a female athlete of city Kraljevo as well as a competitor of our club who won the eight place at Balkan’s championship.On the other hand, in the world of mountain cycling, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ is known for organizing tours around mountains of our country that last for several days. That way, the members of MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ have visited the most dominant mountains on their bicycles (Kopaonik, Golija, Bjelasica, Komovi, Durmitor, Sinjajevina, Lovćen, Stara planina, Vlasina, Besna Kobila, Rtanj, Beljanica, Tara, Zlatibor...) and conquered many of their mountain tops (Pančić’s Peak 2017 m, Jankov kamen 1833 m, Zekova glava 2117 m, Midžor 2170 m....)Since 2012 MTBC “Čiker”, in cooperation with touristic organizations from Serbia and Montenegro, has been organizing “Čiker MTB marathon” that has a route which starts in Kraljevo and ends in a certain city in Montenegro. The first year the marathon was a part of the IPA Project ‘’Sustainable Development of Bicycling ‘’, which was declared the best cross-border project in 2012, and was financed by the EU.The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks on those territories.



MTBC ‘’ČIKER’’ iz Kraljeva formiran je 25. 10. 1996. godine kao udruženje građana sa 16 članova. Danas klub broji oko 50 članova, različite starosne dobi. MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ je prvenstveno formiran kao rekreativni klub, ali je ubrzo formiran i takmičarski deo.Takmičarski deo je, od svog osnivanja do danas, postigao veoma dobre rezultate na takmičenjima na kojima su učestvo-vali takmičari ovog kluba. Tako je, u svojoj istoriji, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ imao prvaka SRJ u juniorskoj konkurenciji, prvakinju i viceprvakinju SRJ u ženskoj konkurenciji, sportistkinju grada Kraljeva, kao i osvajanje 8. mesta, takmičara našeg kluba, na Balkanskom prvenstvu.Sa druge strane, u svetu planinskog biciklizma, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ je poznat i po organizovanju višednevnih tura po plani-nama naše zemlje. Na taj način, članovi MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ su, na svojim biciklima, obišli sve dominantne planine (Kopaonik, Goliju, Bjelasicu, Komove, Durmitor, Sinjajevinu, Lovćen, Staru planinu, Vlasinu, Besnu Kobilu, Rtanj, Beljanicu, Taru, Zlatibor...) i osvojili, na svojim biciklima, mnoge njihove vrhove (Pančićev vrh 2017mnm, Jankov kamen 1833mnm, Zekovu glavu 2117mnm, Midžor 2170mnm...).Od 2012. godine MTBC “Čiker”, u saradnji sa turističkim organizacijama iz Srbije i Crne Gore, organizuje “Čiker MTB maraton” čija trasa kreće iz Kraljeva i završava se u nekom od gradova u Crnoj Gori. Prve godine maraton je bio deo IPA projekta: “Održivi razvoj biciklizma”, koji je proglašen za najbolji projekat prekogranične saradnje u 2012. godini, i finansiran je od strane EU.Cilj organizacije maratona je sportsko-turistički tj. pored propagiranja biciklizma kao sporta, prevoznog sredstva i zdra-vog načina života, maraton promoviše i turističke i kulturne potencijale dve zemlje. Maraton traje sedam dana i prolazi kroz brdsko-planinske predele, obilazeći pri tom turističke centre, kao i kulturne i druge znamenitosti na tim teritorijama.

MTBC ‘’ČIKER’’ from Kraljevo dates back to October 15, 1996 when it was established as a citizens association of 16 members. Currently, this club has around 50 members of different age. MTBC ‘’ČIKER’’ was primarily created as a leisure club which soon received competitive spirit. As for the competitive part, from its establishment until today, the club has achieved very good results at competitions which As for the competitive part, from its establishment until today, the club has achieved very good results at competitions which As for the competitive part, from its establishment until today, the club has achieved very good results at competitions which As for the competitive part, from its establishment until today, the club has achieved very good results at competitions which the contestants of this club took part in. So, in the past, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ had a FRY champion in junior competition, a FRY chamthe contestants of this club took part in. So, in the past, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ had a FRY champion in junior competition, a FRY chamthe contestants of this club took part in. So, in the past, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ had a FRY champion in junior competition, a FRY chamthe contestants of this club took part in. So, in the past, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ had a FRY champion in junior competition, a FRY chamthe contestants of this club took part in. So, in the past, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ had a FRY champion in junior competition, a FRY chamthe contestants of this club took part in. So, in the past, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ had a FRY champion in junior competition, a FRY cham-pion and vice champion in female competition, a female athlete of city Kraljevo as well as a competitor of our club who won pion and vice champion in female competition, a female athlete of city Kraljevo as well as a competitor of our club who won pion and vice champion in female competition, a female athlete of city Kraljevo as well as a competitor of our club who won pion and vice champion in female competition, a female athlete of city Kraljevo as well as a competitor of our club who won pion and vice champion in female competition, a female athlete of city Kraljevo as well as a competitor of our club who won pion and vice champion in female competition, a female athlete of city Kraljevo as well as a competitor of our club who won the eight place at Balkan’s championship.On the other hand, in the world of mountain cycling, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ is known for organizing tours around mountains of our On the other hand, in the world of mountain cycling, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ is known for organizing tours around mountains of our On the other hand, in the world of mountain cycling, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ is known for organizing tours around mountains of our On the other hand, in the world of mountain cycling, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ is known for organizing tours around mountains of our On the other hand, in the world of mountain cycling, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ is known for organizing tours around mountains of our On the other hand, in the world of mountain cycling, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ is known for organizing tours around mountains of our On the other hand, in the world of mountain cycling, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ is known for organizing tours around mountains of our On the other hand, in the world of mountain cycling, MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ is known for organizing tours around mountains of our country that last for several days. That way, the members of MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ have visited the most dominant mountains on country that last for several days. That way, the members of MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ have visited the most dominant mountains on country that last for several days. That way, the members of MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ have visited the most dominant mountains on country that last for several days. That way, the members of MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ have visited the most dominant mountains on country that last for several days. That way, the members of MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ have visited the most dominant mountains on country that last for several days. That way, the members of MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ have visited the most dominant mountains on country that last for several days. That way, the members of MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ have visited the most dominant mountains on country that last for several days. That way, the members of MTBC ‘’Čiker’’ have visited the most dominant mountains on their bicycles (Kopaonik, Golija, Bjelasica, Komovi, Durmitor, Sinjajevina, Lovćen, Stara planina, Vlasina, Besna Kobila, Rtanj, their bicycles (Kopaonik, Golija, Bjelasica, Komovi, Durmitor, Sinjajevina, Lovćen, Stara planina, Vlasina, Besna Kobila, Rtanj, their bicycles (Kopaonik, Golija, Bjelasica, Komovi, Durmitor, Sinjajevina, Lovćen, Stara planina, Vlasina, Besna Kobila, Rtanj, their bicycles (Kopaonik, Golija, Bjelasica, Komovi, Durmitor, Sinjajevina, Lovćen, Stara planina, Vlasina, Besna Kobila, Rtanj, their bicycles (Kopaonik, Golija, Bjelasica, Komovi, Durmitor, Sinjajevina, Lovćen, Stara planina, Vlasina, Besna Kobila, Rtanj, their bicycles (Kopaonik, Golija, Bjelasica, Komovi, Durmitor, Sinjajevina, Lovćen, Stara planina, Vlasina, Besna Kobila, Rtanj, their bicycles (Kopaonik, Golija, Bjelasica, Komovi, Durmitor, Sinjajevina, Lovćen, Stara planina, Vlasina, Besna Kobila, Rtanj, their bicycles (Kopaonik, Golija, Bjelasica, Komovi, Durmitor, Sinjajevina, Lovćen, Stara planina, Vlasina, Besna Kobila, Rtanj, Beljanica, Tara, Zlatibor...) and conquered many of their mountain tops (Pančić’s Peak 2017 m, Jankov kamen 1833 m, Zekova Beljanica, Tara, Zlatibor...) and conquered many of their mountain tops (Pančić’s Peak 2017 m, Jankov kamen 1833 m, Zekova Beljanica, Tara, Zlatibor...) and conquered many of their mountain tops (Pančić’s Peak 2017 m, Jankov kamen 1833 m, Zekova Beljanica, Tara, Zlatibor...) and conquered many of their mountain tops (Pančić’s Peak 2017 m, Jankov kamen 1833 m, Zekova Beljanica, Tara, Zlatibor...) and conquered many of their mountain tops (Pančić’s Peak 2017 m, Jankov kamen 1833 m, Zekova Beljanica, Tara, Zlatibor...) and conquered many of their mountain tops (Pančić’s Peak 2017 m, Jankov kamen 1833 m, Zekova Beljanica, Tara, Zlatibor...) and conquered many of their mountain tops (Pančić’s Peak 2017 m, Jankov kamen 1833 m, Zekova Beljanica, Tara, Zlatibor...) and conquered many of their mountain tops (Pančić’s Peak 2017 m, Jankov kamen 1833 m, Zekova glava 2117 m, Midžor 2170 m....)Since 2012 MTBC “Čiker”, in cooperation with touristic organizations from Serbia and Montenegro, has been organizing “Čiker Since 2012 MTBC “Čiker”, in cooperation with touristic organizations from Serbia and Montenegro, has been organizing “Čiker Since 2012 MTBC “Čiker”, in cooperation with touristic organizations from Serbia and Montenegro, has been organizing “Čiker Since 2012 MTBC “Čiker”, in cooperation with touristic organizations from Serbia and Montenegro, has been organizing “Čiker Since 2012 MTBC “Čiker”, in cooperation with touristic organizations from Serbia and Montenegro, has been organizing “Čiker Since 2012 MTBC “Čiker”, in cooperation with touristic organizations from Serbia and Montenegro, has been organizing “Čiker Since 2012 MTBC “Čiker”, in cooperation with touristic organizations from Serbia and Montenegro, has been organizing “Čiker Since 2012 MTBC “Čiker”, in cooperation with touristic organizations from Serbia and Montenegro, has been organizing “Čiker MTB marathon” that has a route which starts in Kraljevo and ends in a certain city in Montenegro. The first year the marathon MTB marathon” that has a route which starts in Kraljevo and ends in a certain city in Montenegro. The first year the marathon MTB marathon” that has a route which starts in Kraljevo and ends in a certain city in Montenegro. The first year the marathon MTB marathon” that has a route which starts in Kraljevo and ends in a certain city in Montenegro. The first year the marathon MTB marathon” that has a route which starts in Kraljevo and ends in a certain city in Montenegro. The first year the marathon MTB marathon” that has a route which starts in Kraljevo and ends in a certain city in Montenegro. The first year the marathon MTB marathon” that has a route which starts in Kraljevo and ends in a certain city in Montenegro. The first year the marathon MTB marathon” that has a route which starts in Kraljevo and ends in a certain city in Montenegro. The first year the marathon was a part of the IPA Project ‘’Sustainable Development of Bicycling ‘’, which was declared the best cross-border project in 2012, was a part of the IPA Project ‘’Sustainable Development of Bicycling ‘’, which was declared the best cross-border project in 2012, was a part of the IPA Project ‘’Sustainable Development of Bicycling ‘’, which was declared the best cross-border project in 2012, was a part of the IPA Project ‘’Sustainable Development of Bicycling ‘’, which was declared the best cross-border project in 2012, was a part of the IPA Project ‘’Sustainable Development of Bicycling ‘’, which was declared the best cross-border project in 2012, was a part of the IPA Project ‘’Sustainable Development of Bicycling ‘’, which was declared the best cross-border project in 2012, and was financed by the EU.The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy The marathon goals are sport and tourism, i.e. advocating cycling as a sport, bicycles as a means of transport and healthy lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and lifestyle. The marathon also promotes touristic and cultural potentials of the two countries. The marathon lasts for 7 days and passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks passes through the hilly and mountainous regions, visiting on its way touristic centers, as well as cultural and other landmarks on those territories.