Translate Jiwa

292-293 The RCRAS is focused on malingering (faking bad), yet another response styles also need to be considered. The RCAS procedure consider malingering as preclusion to criminal responsibility. Even though there is a provision inthe RCAS for mentally ill defendants who malinger, many evaluator may not seriously consider that defendants who blatantly malinger can still be genuinely entally ill.In the first author's experience,the most mentally disturbed defendants are sometimes the ones most likely to malinger, contrary to roger's (1984) assertion. It is also necessary to rule out or account for nondiberate distortion within (a) the reporting person, (b) the reported event. Nondiberate distortion due to anxiety,fatigue, or other factors ay largely explain both evaluation and crime related behavior and it is therefore considered first. deliberate distortion should be ruled in by a positive and replicapble demonstration of misrepresentation.deliberate distortion may be shown by the examiner, the client, andall cross-validating sources.Examiner can and do deliberately distort for various reasons.The author know of some forensic examiners who appear to thrive on the drama and publicityof court work and whose judgement and decision areclearly influenced by a personal desire to " stir up controversy". It is not in appropriate to look at the evaluator's track record for partycular type of forensic assessments, rate of court agreement with rendered opinions, and whether or not proffered findings can be replicated by equally competent examiners. The evaluation of defendant's self-reports should be scrutinized for misrepresentation by examining third-party reports and material evidence of the crime. Psychometric testing is very appropriate for assessing distortion in victim and other parties. Data derived from the input of significant of knowledgeable others, which indicate bias or given motivational set, should be excluded from the data pool or placed into proper perspective by being compared with other known data. FAKED BRAIN DAMAGE Detection strategies employed by the evaluator have been investigated both for their effectiveness at detecting particular


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Transcript of Translate Jiwa

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The RCRAS is focused on malingering (faking bad), yet another response styles also need to be considered. The RCAS procedure consider malingering as preclusion to criminal responsibility. Even though there is a provision inthe RCAS for mentally ill defendants who malinger, many evaluator may not seriously consider that defendants who blatantly malinger can still be genuinely entally ill.In the first author's experience,the most mentally disturbed defendants are sometimes the ones most likely to malinger, contrary to roger's (1984) assertion. It is also necessary to rule out or account for nondiberate distortion within (a) the reporting person, (b) the reported event. Nondiberate distortion due to anxiety,fatigue, or other factors ay largely explain both evaluation and crime related behavior and it is therefore considered first.

deliberate distortion should be ruled in by a positive and replicapble demonstration of misrepresentation.deliberate distortion may be shown by the examiner, the client, andall cross-validating sources.Examiner can and do deliberately distort for various reasons.The author know of some forensic examiners who appear to thrive on the drama and publicityof court work and whose judgement and decision areclearly influenced by a personal desire to " stir up controversy". It is not in appropriate to look at the evaluator's track record for partycular type of forensic assessments, rate of court agreement with rendered opinions, and whether or not proffered findings can be replicated by equally competent examiners.

The evaluation of defendant's self-reports should be scrutinized for misrepresentation by examining third-party reports and material evidence of the crime. Psychometric testing is very appropriate for assessing distortion in victim and other parties. Data derived from the input of significant of knowledgeable others, which indicate bias or given motivational set, should be excluded from the data pool or placed into proper perspective by being compared with other known data.


Detection strategies employed by the evaluator have been investigated both for their effectiveness at detecting particular response patterns of the faker and for characteristic of standardized test utilized to assess deception. As a measure of response set, most psychologists employed personality test in addition to specific test of malingering.

The most widely used personality test in the world is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. The original MMPI has been mainstay component of neuropsychological test batteries, and the MMPI-2 has been demonstrated to have comparable utility to the MMPI with neurological populations. The MMPI-2 provides the neurophysiologist with valuable information about patient's non cognitive functioning to include behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric issues. Also particularly useful in forensic circumstance are the MMPI-2 scales designed to indicate response bias.Lamb,Berry,Wetter, and Baer noted that MMPI-2 is vulnerable to stimulated closed head injury; MMPI-2 findings alone, however, should notbe relied upon as the sole indicator of malingering of head injury.

Detection strategies to measure spesificareas of neuropsycholgical faking outside the domain of personality fall into several categories. These include (1) assessing lack of neurological fit, (2)

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retsting or comparison strategies, (3) assessing certain test characteristics, and (4) searching for departures from expected levels of accuracy on forced-choice tests.

1. Lack of neurological fit

reported history, presenting symptoms, or responses on neuropsychological test or on individual test items must make sense compared to what is known about the functional neurological systems involved. Otherwise, there exist a lack of neurological fit. for sing items or symptoms, does the assessee present signs that don't make sense neurologically, such as glove amnesia or hemiparesis ipsilateral,to a supposedly involved hemisphere? On multidimensional tests,does the assessee procedure a pattern of scores (profile) that is consistent with known neuropsychological syndromes?

2. Retesting or comparison strategies

a. easy versus difficult version of similar tests. The faker may not understand that a second testing may be easier or more difficult that the first. Thus, faker may perform similarly on two versions, whereas non fakers would perform differently.

The Dot Counting Test (DCT) illustrates this method. Cards A,B, and C (consisting of massed dots) are more difficult than their counterpart,Cards D,E,and F(consisting of clusters of dots), even though the two set have the same number of dots to count. Administration of the two sets of the DCT may yield such inconsistent result that only a conscious attempt to control performance can explain them. In a meta-analytic review of selected malingering detection procedures, vickery, berry, Hanlon Inman,Harris and Orey found that, on the DCT , malingerers scored. 75 standard deviation below honest responders from fakers,separating the two groups by approximately two standard deviations.

Anther test with built-in easy versus difficult items is the auditory discrimination test (ADT).Initial administration of the ADT involves informing the assessee that words will be read, two at a time, and that the task is to say whether the wo words are the same or different. A second form present same or different word pairs of similar difficulty and number(n=40) as the first form.In the term threshold values the faker may not realize that normals can miss many of the 'same' items, but should miss only a few of the ''hit rates" for same versus different items may detect a suspicious asymetry in the types of items missed.

Caution should be exercised, however, in deciding that failure of "easy" items within a test are more characteristic of deliberate distortion than a genuine responding. Mittenberg, Hammeke, and Rao examined the distribution of intratest scatter among brain-damaged and normal subjects on the vocabulary, comprehension, and similarities subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelegence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R).Their result suggested quite high cut-off scoresfor distunguishing brain-damaged subjects from normal subjects. If intratest scatter is to be used as an index of "faking bad" as well as

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an index of brain damage,then the cut-off scores for distuingishing actual brain damage from malingered brain damage would have to be even higher than those for distunguishing brain-damaged subjects from normal subjects.

The RCRAS difokuskan pada berpura-pura sakit (berpura-pura buruk), namun gaya respon lain juga perlu dipertimbangkan. Prosedur RCAs menganggap berpura-pura sakit sebagai halangan untuk tanggung jawab pidana. Meskipun ada ketentuan inthe RCAs untuk terdakwa sakit mental yang pura-pura sakit, banyak evaluator mungkin tidak serius mempertimbangkan bahwa terdakwa yang terang-terangan pura-pura sakit masih bisa benar-benar Entally ill.In pengalaman penulis pertama,

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paling mental terganggu terdakwa kadang-kadang orang-orang yang paling mungkin untuk pura-pura sakit, bertentangan dengan (1984) pernyataan roger ini. Hal ini juga diperlukan untuk menyingkirkan atau memperhitungkan distorsi nondiberate dalam (a) pelaporan orang, (b) peristiwa dilaporkan. Distorsi Nondiberate karena kecemasan, kelelahan, atau faktor-faktor lain yang sebagian besar dapat menjelaskan baik perilaku evaluasi dan kejahatan terkait dan karena itu dianggap pertama.

distorsi yang disengaja harus disingkirkan oleh demonstrasi positif dan replicapble distorsi misrepresentation.deliberate dapat ditunjukkan oleh pemeriksa, klien, andall lintas memvalidasi sources.Examiner dapat dan sengaja mendistorsi untuk berbagai penulis reasons.The tahu dari beberapa pemeriksa forensik yang muncul untuk berkembang pada drama dan publicityof kerja pengadilan dan yang penilaian dan keputusan areclearly dipengaruhi oleh keinginan pribadi untuk "membangkitkan kontroversi". Hal ini tidak di tepat untuk melihat evaluator track record untuk jenis Partycular dari penilaian forensik, tingkat perjanjian pengadilan dengan pendapat diberikan, dan apakah atau tidak temuan disodorkan dapat direplikasi oleh penguji sama kompeten.

Evaluasi laporan diri terdakwa harus diteliti untuk keliru dengan memeriksa laporan pihak ketiga dan barang bukti dari kejahatan. Tes psikometri sangat tepat untuk menilai distorsi pada korban dan pihak lainnya. Data yang berasal dari input yang signifikan dari orang lain pengetahuan, yang menunjukkan prasangka atau set motivasi yang diberikan, harus dikeluarkan dari kolam data atau ditempatkan ke dalam perspektif yang benar oleh yang dibandingkan dengan data lain yang dikenal.

Dipalsukan OTAK KERUSAKANStrategi deteksi yang digunakan oleh evaluator telah diteliti baik untuk efektivitas mereka dalam mendeteksi pola respon tertentu faker dan untuk karakteristik tes standar digunakan untuk menilai penipuan. Sebagai ukuran respon set, kebanyakan psikolog dipekerjakan tes kepribadian selain tes khusus dari berpura-pura sakit.Tes kepribadian yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia adalah Tes MMPI-2. Asli MMPI telah komponen andalan baterai tes neuropsikologi, dan MMPI-2 telah ditunjukkan untuk memiliki utilitas sebanding dengan MMPI dengan populasi neurologis. MMPI-2 menyediakan neurofisiologi dengan informasi berharga tentang fungsi kognitif non pasien untuk memasukkan isu-isu perilaku, emosi, dan kejiwaan. Juga sangat berguna dalam situasi forensik adalah MMPI-2 skala yang dirancang untuk menunjukkan respon bias.Lamb, Berry, Wetter, dan Baer mencatat bahwa MMPI-2 adalah rentan terhadap dirangsang cedera kepala tertutup; MMPI-2 temuan sendiri, bagaimanapun, harus notbe diandalkan sebagai satu-satunya indikator berpura-pura sakit dari cedera kepala

Strategi deteksi untuk mengukur spesificareas dari berpura-pura neuropsycholgical luar domain kepribadian jatuh ke dalam beberapa kategori. Ini termasuk (1) menilai kurangnya fit neurologis, (2) retsting atau perbandingan strategi, (3) menilai karakteristik tes tertentu, dan (4) mencari keberangkatan dari tingkat yang diharapkan akurasi pada tes-pilihan paksa.

1. Kurangnya fit neurologismelaporkan sejarah, gejala yang muncul, atau tanggapan atas uji neuropsikologis atau item

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tes individu harus masuk akal dibandingkan dengan apa yang diketahui tentang sistem saraf fungsional yang terlibat. Jika tidak, terdapat kekurangan fit neurologis. untuk menyanyi item atau gejala, apakah tanda-tanda ini asesee yang tidak masuk akal neurologis, seperti sarung tangan amnesia atau hemiparesis ipsilateral, ke belahan seharusnya terlibat? Pada tes multidimensi, apakah prosedur yang dinilai pola skor (profil) yang konsisten dengan sindrom neuropsikologi diketahui?

2. 2. pengujian ulang atau perbandingan strategiSebuah. Versi mudah dibandingkan sulit tes serupa. Pemalsu mungkin tidak mengerti bahwa pengujian kedua mungkin lebih mudah atau lebih sulit yang pertama. Dengan demikian, pemalsu dapat melakukan yang sama pada dua versi, sedangkan non fakers akan tampil berbeda.

Dot Menghitung Uji (DCT) menggambarkan metode ini. Kartu A, B, dan C (yang terdiri dari titik-titik berkumpul) lebih sulit daripada rekan mereka, kartu D, E, dan F (yang terdiri dari kelompok titik), meskipun dua set memiliki jumlah yang sama dari titik-titik untuk menghitung. Administrasi dua set DCT dapat menghasilkan hasil yang tidak konsisten sehingga hanya upaya sadar untuk mengontrol kinerja dapat menjelaskan mereka. Dalam meta-analisis review prosedur deteksi berpura-pura sakit yang dipilih, Vickery, berry, Hanlon Inman, Harris dan Orey menemukan bahwa, pada DCT, malingerers mencetak. 75 standar deviasi di bawah responden jujur dari fakers, memisahkan dua kelompok sekitar dua standar deviasi.