Today's Students [INFOGRAPHIC]

7 Things You Should Know About Today’s College Student #1. Bachelor Degree Completed & in Debt 1. Academics and/or Time Management 3. Making future plans 2. Financial, social, extracurricular, housing, or family stress $20,340 student debt has TRIPLED in the past 20 YEARS D e b t distribution ( $32,795 In 2013, 52% of college students agreed that: “My need to pay student loan debt is hampering my ability to further my career” (ASA Study) #2. Fighting the Freshman 15 2015 Average College Student Debt in the U.S.: >$35,000 College Students... eat more drink more (21+beverages) move less “So much of college is built around social calorie consumption. if it’s not social, it’s emotional eating.” (Cohen 442) 59% of college students studied agreed that their diet has gone downhill since they started college ( > < #3. Underemployment: The True Fiasco [The condition in which people in a labor force are employed at less than full-time or regular jobs or at jobs inadequate with respect to their training or economic needs . (merriam-webster)] Unemployed Underemployed Underemployment rate in the U.S. March 2015: 15.5% “We’re willing to do whatever it takes to get a job right now, because we know that it’s competitive. - Pompelia, Ligonier, Pennsylvania ( “According to BLS, the economy will create 50.6 million job openings by 2022 and only 27.1% will require college degrees .” ( #4. Tsunami of Social Media 87% 53% 37% 34% 23% 2014 % Use Among 18-29 year old (PewResearchCenter) VS Helpful Distracting Where’s the balance... ~ 2/3 of the students reported using electronic media while in class, studying, or doing homework” (Johnson & Wales University) Most Popular Majors Most Paid Majors Most Unique Majors 1. Business Administration & Management 2. General Psychology 3. Nursing 4. Biology 5. Teacher Edu. & Pro. Dev. Puppet Arts Turfgrass Science Bagpiping Farrier Science Comic Art 1. Petroleum Engineer 2. Actuarial Math 3. Nuclear Eng. 4. Chem. Eng. 5. Electronics & Communications Eng. #6. Dear Stress, Let’s break Up Top Causes of Stress for College Students ( 85% of college students feel stressed on a daily basis ( #7. The Sky is Our LImit Most Popular Places to Study Abroad 2015 ( Paris, France Melbourne, Australia London, England Sydney, Australia Hong Kong, Japan Millennials: “Study Abroad Generation” Sources: (Mark Kantrowitz, ( ( ( ( ( ( Cohen, Harlan. The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run into in College. Naperville, IL: Source, 2009. Print. ( #5. The Major Conglomerate

Transcript of Today's Students [INFOGRAPHIC]

7 Things You Should Know About Today’s

College Student

#1. Bachelor Degree Completed & in Debt

1.Academics and/or

Time Management

3. Making

future plans

2. Financial, social,

extracurricular, housing, or

family stress

$20,340 student debt has TRIPLED in the past 20 YEARS

Debt distribution



In 2013, 52% of college students agreed that:

“My need to pay student loan debt is hampering my ability to further my

career” (ASA Study)

#2. Fighting the Freshman 15

2015 Average College Student Debt in the U.S.:


College more

drink more (21+beverages)

move less

“So much of college is built around social

calorie consumption. if it’s not social, it’s

emotional eating.” (Cohen 442)

59% of college students studied agreed that their diet has gone downhill since they

started college (



#3. Underemployment: The True Fiasco [The condition in which people in a labor force are employed at less than full-time or regular jobs or at jobs inadequate with respect to their training or economic needs. (merriam-webster)]


Underemployment rate in the U.S. March 2015:


“We’re willing to do whatever it takes to get a job right now, because we know that it’s competitive.”

- Pompelia, Ligonier, Pennsylvania (

“According to BLS, the economy will create 50.6 million job openings by 2022 and only 27.1%

will require college degrees.” (

#4. Tsunami of Social Media


37% 34% 23%

2014 % Use Among 18-29 year old (PewResearchCenter)


Where’s the balance...“~ 2/3 of the students

reported using electronic media while in class, studying, or

doing homework” (Johnson & Wales University)

Most Pop

ular M


Most Paid Majors

Most Unique Majors

1. Business Administration & Management

2. General Psychology

3. Nursing

4. Biology

5. Teacher Edu. & Pro. Dev.

Puppet Arts

Turfgrass Science


Farrier Science

Comic Art1. Petroleum Engineer

2. Actuarial Math

3. Nuclear Eng.

4. Chem. Eng.

5. Electronics & Communications Eng.

#6. Dear Stress, Let’s break Up

Top Causes of Stress for College Students (

85% of college students feel stressed on a daily basis


#7. The Sky is Our LImit

Most Popular Places to Study Abroad 2015 (

Paris, FranceMelbourne, Australia

London, EnglandSydney, Australia Hong Kong, Japan

Millennials: “Study Abroad Generation”


(Mark Kantrowitz,






Cohen, Harlan. The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run into in College. Naperville, IL: Source, 2009. Print.


#5. The Major Conglomerate