To Be or Not to Be Famous

Title: To be or not to be famous? Nowadays, the meaning of being famous has drastically changed from what it meant 50 years ago, but still, it would be a dream come true for many people. However, is it such glamourous as it shows to be or this is just a vain mirage? Starting with their lifestyle, it may be exhausting to deal with many appointments and interviews. In addition to that, some “new friends” may not be even real ones to consider having strong bonds, because quite a bunch of them are likely to be around you pursuing their own interests. Some celebrities tend to be quite meticulous with their actions, since just a little mistake or bad decisions can be a new headline in newspaper because paparazzi’s are always haunting them no matter what place they are. In addition to that, some obsessed fans can be a hazardous issue to deal with as well. In the past, being famous was understood as being a role model, so it was somebody we could take as an example. Now, it is a different story, so anybody who intends to be famous just need to be spotted by the light of the media to get attention. Not so good when they represent scandals. In my opinion, I would prefer being successful as a tycoon rather than being actually famous. For the reason that I consider I would live happier and I wouldn’t get the pressure of the media.


English essay

Transcript of To Be or Not to Be Famous

Title: To be or not to be famous?

Nowadays, the meaning of being famous has drastically changed from what it meant 50 years ago, but still, it would be a dream come true for many people. However, is it such glamourous as it shows to be or this is just a vain mirage?

Starting with their lifestyle, it may be exhausting to deal with many appointments and interviews. In addition to that, some new friends may not be even real ones to consider having strong bonds, because quite a bunch of them are likely to be around you pursuing their own interests.

Some celebrities tend to be quite meticulous with their actions, since just a little mistake or bad decisions can be a new headline in newspaper because paparazzis are always haunting them no matter what place they are. In addition to that, some obsessed fans can be a hazardous issue to deal with as well.In the past, being famous was understood as being a role model, so it was somebody we could take as an example. Now, it is a different story, so anybody who intends to be famous just need to be spotted by the light of the media to get attention. Not so good when they represent scandals.In my opinion, I would prefer being successful as a tycoon rather than being actually famous. For the reason that I consider I would live happier and I wouldnt get the pressure of the media.6