Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English...

Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands The Hopes of Men Event guide 2015 Part of Dumnonni Chronicles http://www.tirnanbeo.com

Transcript of Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English...

Page 1: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our

Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands

The Hopes of Men

Event guide 2015

Part of Dumnonni Chronicles


Page 2: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


Welcome During the Eastern weekend of April 3rd - 5th, Tir Nan Beo will organise its main event for 2015.

And what an event it will be! Another year filled with 'specials' has past and intricate storylines

have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all

year long we have welcomed new people into our midst who proved to be great additions to our

already great crew. We have had councils, travelled to the lands of the Pale-faces and lost a few dear

characters. Crew and players have sat around campfires listening to songs and tales and have

fought each other through dark forests and torch lit woods. Again we will travel to Five Stones, but

this time to celebrate. To bind a King to the land of tears and to find a leader for the Tir Nan Beo

Norse. In the weekend of April 3rd - 5th we hope to see you all again, old friends and new.

Page 3: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


The event guide We start with the camping and out-of-character information. Be sure to read this as it contains the information needed to

navigate to our site and to know what you can and cannot do. After this information we've listed a large part of game

information and a short list of our game rules.

English please In-game we use the English language. This is because we have many foreign friends who attend our events. The Crew will

be instructed in Dutch, but as soon as you walk into the game, make sure you do not forget this. If you find it difficult, do

not despair, for neither will we. We all try as best we can and none of our foreign friends will think less of you because of


What is Tir Nan Beo Tir Nan Beo is a spin-off event within the great setting of Dumnonni Chronicles (http://www.dumnonni.com) which is

held in the UK. Many of us have gone over there to play, but it was Bart Holsbergen who took the initiative to bring the

concept to the Netherlands. In close alliance with the Referees of Dumnonni Chronicles we were allowed to use their

setting and their rules. As a bonus they were willing to come over and bring with them a truckload of spears, shields and

other battle-gear. That enabled us to kick-start our own world. We were given the lands we now call Tir Nan Beo, and so it

all began. To make sure our English friends did not know every setting detail, Tir Nan Beo was built with clans mostly not

used by Dumnonni Chronicles. Therefore our storylines exist outside the main plot lines of Dumnonni Chronicles, though

the plots sometimes do mix. What happens in Dumnonni, happens in Tir Nan Beo, so if your character dies on Dumnonni

Chronicles' Outlore, he or she cannot be played in Tir Nan Beo any longer.

Page 4: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


What do we want We want a setting that lives, even when players do not see it. We want it to look good, feel real, but foremost we want to

have a World in which atmosphere and fun are the basic foundations on which we build our events. We need people to

play fair, in order for our game system to function. We want you to understand that honour is the greatest value within

our game and that having it can make you great. We have no game system that allows you to 'buy' skills that make you a

great warrior. We have a system where you must prove to be a warrior and where you can grow in such a role. Tir Nan

Beo is based on the principle that you can do what you can do, with the exception of using Wyrd. Wyrd is our magic and to

have Wyrd means you have to play even harder to convince people you are someone with honour. We have no 'spells', so

you have to convince someone you have used Wyrd. This means you have to perform in such a way that the World around

you accepts your performance and applauses by acting upon it. It is a World of make-believe in which everyone must do

their part to make it as believable and acceptable as possible.

Players and Crew We believe that crew makes an Event. Sure, the players are the ones on the pictures, but it is our crew that makes the

setting. Their gritty fights, their acting in all those moments, make it possible for players to have something to go on. They

are the traders, traitors, villains and hero’s in our great world. They work effortless in front and behind the screen to

make sure that our Setting is the best we can make it. If you want to attend as a crew member or player you are more than

welcome. We are often amazed what others can do and perhaps we can show you a trick or two as well. Our setting is full

of terrors, so make sure you like to fight now and then. It is not all fighting of course, but we do want people to understand

this. Our world is based on heroism and honour and what better way to challenge that than with a gritty battle with

spears and shields. Other than fighting we need “actors” who can improvise and who can bring atmosphere to the players;

to help them play. Our world is one of stories and mysteries. Where Gods are close and hardship is everywhere. We need

heroes and champions, skirmishers and villains. We need traders and refugees, tears and laughter. We want crew to have

fun, even when they can relax. Come over and join! We will clothe you and show you our world and together we will strive

to make players happy, even in their own defeat.

We are a small event, so we usually have few players attending. We do this so we are able to give them what we see as fun.

On specials this means we want about two crew to one player and on our main event is about one on one. Our players

bring great costumes, play and enthusiasm to our game and we hope that when you join as a player, you will do this as

well. We have high standards and our setting is not the easiest to comprehend, but we do believe that it is all worth it in

the end.

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Camping info & Out of Character info

The Site

• Inca Terrein

• Weversweg 5

• Zeeland (province: Noord-Brabant) - Zeeland as the town, not the province.

• Googlemaps:



When are you welcome and when do we begin

• You are welcome on the site on Friday from 10:00 in the morning.

• The game will begin around 20:00

• We aim to stop around 15:00 – 16:00 on Sunday.

• We expect everybody to leave on Sunday except our English participants.

Emergency call number

This is the mobile number which can be reach in case of emergency: +31 - 6 - 4968 3562


• You are allowed to park your car near your tent at the First field of grass you will see when driving down the

sand road. Please make sure there is enough space for tents and cars by parking your car on a logical spot.

• Cars are allowed near the game areas for unloading purposes only.

• At our main event your car isn't welcome in game areas between 19.00 Friday and 16.00 Sunday. So make sure you unload before that time, or be prepared to carry your stuff and supplies from the camping field to the game


• When parking your car, make sure you park it as far away from the playing area as possible.

• When you leave in the dark when the game is still on try to use minimum lights as much as possible ( do not

endanger yourself though !!! )

OC Camp (plastic camp) • OC tents are not allowed in the game area. We will make a field for OC tents (called the plastic camp) and cars.

• IC tents are of course allowed in the OC camp for OC camping.

• Please be quiet after midnight around the OC camp as we all need sleep.

Rubbish & Trash

• Your rubbish/trash is your responsibility; you take care of it and clean it up.

• We do NOT like surprises such as trash around the campfires in the early morning. Either you clean it up before

going to sleep, or find someone crazy enough to do it for you in the morning.

Toilet Area

• The Toilet block stands in the middle of our game area. When you use it when it is dark (for e.g. coffee, tea,

shower etc.) then always try to close the doors as much as possible. The Lights in it are quit bright which does

not work well with the overall game encampment.

• When using the toilet block please make sure you do not mess it up to much.

In-Game camp:

• In our game area there are only IC tents allowed. We want the camp to be 24/7 In-Game. That means if you want to eat in the game area you have to make sure you won't be using plastic bottles etc.

• Everything you use in the game area is supposed to be IC, so wrap your bottles with leather, unpack food in a

tent, so non see its package etc.

• All are expected to improve the overall look of the encampment with setting related props, such as lights,

banners, etc.

Page 6: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our



• A campfire is only allowed at the campfire spot on the site.

• We are allowed to make some cooking fires. Make sure these fires are on a platform, such as a metal sheet on

four bricks and away from any tents. We don't want to trash the site for we need our good contacts to make sure

we will be allowed a next time.

• In close proximity of any open fire there MUST be a bucket with water or a fire extinguisher. TNB will NOT provide fire extinguishers or buckets. Arranging that is up to you if you want to have an open fire!!!

• It is always a possibility for open fire not to be allowed because of extremely dry weather. We will try to keep

you all up to date about the fire codes.

• The TNB organisation only provides firewood for the main campfire

• Each has to take care of their own cooking, no individual campfires are allowed, except for the main campfire!

• Fires cannot be abandoned. There must be someone in the area watching out for them, so do not leave without

making sure such a person is there to guard your fire.

Alcohol, drugs, etc.

• Concerning drinking the same rules apply as in the rest of Holland.

• No drinking under 18!

• We do not allow drugs!

• Don't fight while drunk!

• Please make sure you do not have to be ashamed of yourself next morning.

• If your drunk behaviour causes our Refs to put extra effort in your drinking problem we won't welcome you on our next event.

• If you cross the law we will inform authorities accordingly.


• You will have to take care of your own food and drinks.

• There will not be a set time for eating, but we will try to synchronize them with the crew and overall plotting.


• 0 - 16: Please contact organisation to ask if you can bring your child. If we allow you to bring your child, your

child can come with a parent/adult, may not fight or be allowed near a battle, and must have full-time


• 16 - 18: You can come and crew/fight as long as you have parental accompaniment.

• For kids count the same rules as for adults. Everything is at your own risk. In this case, the burden of risk is placed on the parents instead. We as organisation cannot be responsible for the kids!


• Refs will have the last say in discussions in the game, but also in problems outside the game.

• You can contact Refs with all your questions.

[email protected] if you have questions beforehand.

Campfire behaviour

• The players will be in character 24/7, so if you join their campfires you are entering a game area. Make sure you have woads, know what clan you are and have a minimum of a reason you are there. (ask a Ref if you have none)

• Try to be courteous when Bards sing and tell their tales. This is a very important aspect of our events.


• Only in agreement with the organisation.

Time in

• From Friday +/- 20:00 to Sunday +/- 16:00 we are IC in the Game area.

• In the game area we strive to be In-Game 24/7.

• After 24:00 we do not attack the main camp anymore, so people can relax if they want to. The game however shall continue.

Page 7: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


Game information

Weekend prologue For three winters I have wondered why

these lands have changed so much, but

now I believe I understand at last. I see

the warriors in their magnificent armour,

walking towards the many battles that

have erupted since first King Oswald

came to Tir Nan Beo. He brought terror,

horror and war to our lands, but with it a

sense of honour and pride we had long

forgotten. He is King of the mad some

would say, but also of the bold. Of the

bloodstained banners of those fighting for

our survival, without any reason to do so, but for the honour we once thought so

natural to our clans.

He has rallied all around him, for one

reason or another. Some because they

believe him to be a saviour, some because

they believe him to be mad and others

because they fear him and the ones he

represents. Enemies have sprung out of

hiding, after generations of silent banishment, meeting his men on the battlefield, sometimes ashamed to have less

honour than those opposing them. Others have taken opportunity to strike fast and hard to those who were too far away

to take notice of their own decline. This new wave of hope has touched us all and although this means that horror

awakened, it still is a better way to live than we did for so many years.

The blood we spill on the ground is as a prayer to our Gods, a sacrifice we once made out of sheer joy, but one we almost

forgot to make because of the darkness in which our thoughts so dwelled. Is he a saviour then, or a Sign of hope, or is he a

reminder of the world we once thought our own. An elder priest told me he was a bringer of Shame. A herald of the Gods

who tried to tell us, that we were not what we were supposed to be. The Bards tell us stories, of those races and tribes

who degenerated because of the downfall of their honour and pride. I realise now that we were spiralling into the same

darkness we were telling our children to keep out of.

Could one man do all of this then? Could one man ignite these cursed lands and bring peace afterwards. No, I do not think

so. I think he will bring war and suffering and in the end death. But he will also change the way we live and the way the

gods look upon us. He is not one man, but an army of men fighting under the oaths he gave to the Ard-Ri and thus the

lands we live in. All of us have awaked from a dream of despair. We have been forced to live outside again and confront all

the horrors and pain these lands will bring upon us and although we do not like it, it is the way of the Gods and how we

should live our lives.

We must forget our pains, must overcome our fears and live until death takes us away. We must rally under the banners

of our kin and see the stories they have witnessed. We must answer to our hearts when the world closes in upon us and

must stand fast when our enemies try to overcome us. He brought us war, death and suffering. Gave us shame and

ambition and all the darker sides wich reside in a living heart, but through it he has given us freedom and pride. So hate

him, fear him or love him, but understand that he represents all that was wrong with us.

Now he will bind himself to the earth and by doing so he will defy the terrors that harbour within it. He will face the

herald of the Gods and show that men are no longer afraid of the curse that hunts this land, but are able and willing to

hunt it down and kill it forever, if it is the last thing they will ever do. Now is the time to unite under his awakening, to

stand fast and follow this terrible future and know through and through that we were born to achieve greatness and that

no curse or terror can kill our spirits.

Harman the Loud, priest of Tyre.

Page 8: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


What is going on

The Formorians From the Atribatii lands they fight against every race trying to stop them. Under the unrelenting power of their

mysterious leader they call The Unfading, they strike behind enemy lines to terrorize their opponents and with great

result. Nobody knows what they want, besides the usual answers. Is there logic behind their schemes or is there insanity?

A madness they found in the bloodlands, a sickness that took away much of their honour. It seems nowadays that with

every drop of blood spilled in battle, their honour slowly returns to them and although this is a good thing, the sheer

madness of their tactics seems far away from a Formorian mind.

The Atribatii Locked between battles, few know if there are any Atribatii still alive. The returning honour of the Formorians gives hope,

but the lack of refugees tells a different story. The Rotting-Dyr, the disease bringing creatures, might have done their job

better then anybody would have feared, but who are these creatures and where did they come from. The prophecy of the

Veleda told that the Atribatii would be saved when the cauldron born were recognized and they were recognized a year

ago when Five Stones was returned to its older glory. Since then the free races have fought hard to overcome the growing

numbers of Formorians, but only a full victory will tell if the Veleda was right.

The Semnoness Caught between two worlds they suffer for the great curse brought upon them by the Druid Blathmac. The Curse that

bereft them from humanity and brought them to their knees. If ever there was hope for them, it seemed that they were

not chosen to prey upon it. Their backs begin to lower, their faces begin to turn. The anger once found in them seems

brighter and their hunger for blood drives them beyond anything they once dared to cross. Humanity slips away as rain

on dry land, and in the darkness their drums echo through the dense forest of the heartlands of Tir Nan Beo. Searching

and hunting for that what brings ease to their suffering.

The Aryans

Now called Pale-faces, or children of the moon, they spread their wings like ghostlike figures. A terror that haunts the

nights and frightens more than children alone. They come and go as nightmares, ever searching for the wyrd that drives

them ever forward. Bards say that some of the sons of Mill went to their homeland and gave great sacrifice on their soils.

That some returned mourning, but perhaps bringing more with them than grief alone. A mysterious clan of silent speakers, whose rage is unfathomed by those receiving it. Talk of the White Crows spread like the winds around the

country, speaking of Wyrd using Palefaces. A contradiction to that which they have shown outside their lands. Some say

that the silence of their words is a scream long forgotten and that some things cannot be undone.

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The Morinii Menapii Deep within their secret woods they seem to have disappeared

forever, leaving nothing but memories behind. There were

words spoken on the Kings Council that they were still very

much alive, but how they have managed that is everybody’s

guess. They were overrun by the combined forces of the

Semnoness and the Atuatucii while coping with the inland

attacks of the Palefaces and the Formorians. Their survival

brings hope to those in need, but offers questions as well. How

could they have managed to survive the numbers that were

thrown at them? Did they have support and if so from who?

Until now these questions are unanswered but it makes those

around them very nervous.

The Fae Oh how these strange creatures seem to smile upon our fates. Unseen, they whisper thoughts in those who want to hear

them and speak of things in riddle and taunt. How far their influence reaches is unknown, but some fear their hands are

closer by then a sane man would want see them. It is unnerving that we do not know where they stand, or if they are

interested at all. What we do know is that more and more strange things are seen everywhere. Straw dolls hanging from

branches, strange stick piles lying under trees and returning rumours of children missing and returning after days. They

are a mystery using whatever they can find in their wicked games of death and worse. A menace trying to upset the world

with their cunning and wit, for reasons many of us are unable to comprehend.

The Chatii Under the rule of the mighty King Mul the Bitter, they have given an ultimatum to King Oswald. The Tir Nan Beo Norse

have to leave their lands or they would bring war to Oswald. The Chattii, famed for their victories on the romans in the old

world, had asked this many times before it seemed, but for some reason their words never found those who could act

upon it. Now, in winter times, the ultimatum seems to be lost, for no clan can move in winter times and as such it almost

seems if the Chattii had this in mind all along. More and more Menapa clans flee from their borders, hoping to outrun the

battlefield, but the ultimatum is set after winter and that time is almost upon us.

The Sicambrii It is known that the Giants of the Sicambrii let none pass their borders. History has proven that to do so, means war and

none are known to have overcome their fury. They live separate from all others, having no need for trade or anything else

the other clans can offer. Still there are strong rumours that some travelled through their lands towards the Bloodlands and have returned. Whispers speak of helping the Sicambrii and strange tales of Tuatha and Fomorians haunt the lands.

Whatever the tale holds it is soaked with mystery and warnings.

The Nervii Stronger than ever the different Nervii clans seem to have the least trouble from the war against the Formorians. First to

bring their warriors to Oswald and Theodoric they prove to be the most loyal of Bannermen, but are they? Rumours speak

of raids still going on in the Frisii lands and men wonder how they can stand against the Formorians on their eastern

borders. The Nervii speak of heroism and divine favours, but many other clans wonder how they can muster so many

warriors. After the Kings council one of the Nervii clans became very favourable amongst the Nervii clans and there is talk

of a beautiful woman who was once a queen and of a young King who was able to best his elder brother in a battle of wits.

All of this makes the Nervii people happy, for wits and beauty are some of the most desired traits amidst their culture.

Traits that could make someone very powerful, very fast...

Page 10: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


The Frisii Bold and proud, but above all strong minded, they keep defending themselves

against everything that is thrown at them. Fighting against the Nervii raiders and

the Batavii raiders alike, they find themselves between two powerful shield walls.

They say that all this war is pushing them closer together, which could result in a

situation where all the clans would unite under the same blue stripes. It is said

that the Batavii have send warriors to help the Frisii from the raiding Nervii. A

strange thought as it were the same warriors who raided them not so long a time

ago. For this reason or another the Frisii have send their warriors to Oswald and

Theodoric, but this leap of faith better not fall into the snakepit they believe the

rest of the bannermen to be.

The Menapa Menapii How long can they stay loyal with all that is happening to them? Gall Heim attacked by masses of Formorians, the

Semnoness who ravage their western borders and the threat of imminent war with the Chattii on their eastern borders.

How long before their suffering breaks them, or the trust in King Oswald falters in the fear and despair they live in. Of all

the clans under the bannermen they are struck the hardest. From all sides, but for the south, they are besieged by clans far

greater and more powerful than they are themselves. Once proud and deeply hidden in their forest, now open and

exposed because of the will of others. The grieve they felt for their brethren the Morinii is still fresh and the memory of

the murdered Fae still lingers with those who knew what it all meant. Now whispers are heard of Menapa who disappear

and do not want to be found anymore. Simply vanish into the deep forest, as the Morinii have done as well to survive their

coming doom. How long before the sweet words of the Fae change their loyalties and how long before they disappear,

when they are most needed. Many warriors already rest uneasy when a Menapa has watch at night. Trust is a mighty

power when used well, but the lack of it weakens even the most hardened chain.

The Batavii The Batavii seem to be on top of things, now that Theodoric the Forgiving is the

spokesman of King Oswald and they seem in favour because of warriors such as

Isengrim who offered so much of himself to revive the sacrifice stone in Five

Stones, but others tell a different story. Many believe that the leaders of the

Batavii play a different game, a most deadly game in which Theodoric is just

one arrow in a quiver full of sharpened words. It is no secret that the leaders of

the different Batavii clans are politicians who do anything for a little bit of

power and now that the Batavii have it, they seem well willing to play with it as

they please. One could wonder if Theodoric can withstand the troubles his

Batavii leaders start, and if his loyalty to Oswald will stand. Do not forget that

Theodoric holds more than a quarter of all the warriors in the midlands and

that such power can defile even the most pure of heart.

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The Tir Nan Beo Norse The Norse are in a world of turmoil.

Different men want different things

and because there is no Jarl all with

a voice try to over scream each

other. On their eastern and

southern borders they find the

Chattii waiting for the end of Winter and on their north border they find

the Formorians of the Atribatii

lands threatening their homes. Only

a small passage in the west allows

them to roam into the conquered

lands of King Oswald and these

lands are crawling with Aryans and

Formorian Warbands. So many long

to the sea, to the waves under their

longboats and the salty wind in

their faces. To the fjords and

coldness of their old homes, long

before the mist found them and

took them into these lands. Others believe that Oswald can restore the

honour needed to find Walhalla again, while another group believes that Oswald might be right, but is misusing their

failure to his own advantage. With few in numbers the Norse are at the brink of chaos and only a new Jarl can give them

peace, or war, but in any case an ending to the issue at hand, that will, very soon, explode into fighting.

King Oswald

Few kings have been blessed with what he gained from his fighting against Balors’ might and many believe him to be

cursed. At the Kings council he made a bold move in ordering half the warriors to his cause and ordering even more to

give to Theodoric. The warrior king, the drunken king and the laughing king are but a few names the commoners have for

him, yet they know in heart that he fights for them nonetheless. The cursed lands were not his home, yet he bleeds for

them every day and now he wants to bind himself to the land of Tir Nan Beo himself. A ritual famed for only great Kings

and is he great enough to withstand it. Even the Gods seem unfavourable as they have sent him a being symbolizing the

lands he wants to bind with. A horrible creature that speaks in black words and looks at you with milky white eyes. If his

blood was not enough, than what more can he give.

The Usipeti Although strange, the Usipeti are the smallest clan in Tir Nan Beo, next to the Tir Nan Beo Norse. Many of them seem

uncaring of the quest their King is set upon. They go where their trade brings them, leaving few warriors for the King to

command. Loyalty seems to be a trade they have few stock off, but those who are there commit themselves to whatever

King Oswald wants them to do.

Five Stones Five Stones is the place where our Event will take place. A trading post for different clans, such as the Tir Nan Beo Norse,

the Nervii, Usipetii, Frisii and many others. It has become a place of worship as there are four standing stones and one

broken one to kneel by and give homage to the Gods. Once almost lost to the winds it is now a famous place where people

come with hopes and prayers. A place where they say the Gods are close and the place chosen by king Oswald to bind

himself to the land.

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Game info

The time-in reason for this event King Oswald has announced that he will bind himself to the lands of Tir Nan Beo and where better than in Five Stones.

Many shall come and see, for not many will see such a feat being done in their lifetime.

Furthermore the Norse will come to find themselves a new Jarl, since their previous one died in the lands of the Pale-

faces. Three Norse have spoken to want the Job and that is all that is needed to have a feast and a few duels.

Five Stones is also close to the borders of the Atribatii lands and many a warrior comes through this place before going to

war. Some warriors come here to find a short break before returning.

Five Stones is also a place between the lands of the Menapa, Nervii, Atribatii and the Norse and so it is a much visited

trading post.

Last, but most important Five Stones is a place of worship, as four of the five stones have been reactivated. Many come

here to pray and hope for miracles.

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Game Rules in short

Ref calls First and foremost, ALL players must learn and react to the following:

Time Freeze: All players must freeze on the spot and close their eyes.

Time HOLD: All players must freeze on the spot they cannot move and their eyes can be open (for e.g. visions, scenes, etc.).

This works like a time freeze, except that everyone is still conscious and has their eyes open. Thus frozen you

are obviously very vulnerable to attack. Things can walk right up to you and put a knife in. Certain player

characters can fight the effect, some might only be able to talk, and others might together or on their own be

able to move slowly. If you have not been told you can do anything during this effect then you cannot.

Time Out: The game has been halted temporarily by a referee, players may relax and talk.

Time In: Players may continue the game and get back into character.

Man Down: Someone has been hurt for real! All playing stops until the injury has been attended to. Anyone who is injured

or sees someone else (being) injured should shout “Man Down!” and stand up (and preferably wave his arms

to get the right attention), all hearing it must sit down. Refs and those with first aid will take it from there.

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Some basic rules • If you attend our events, you are expected to know our rules!

• Only Refs decide if you can have more wounds or wyrd power. No one else.

• Information is game-play. To withhold it from everybody is to destroy its effects. We do not want you to spill

every bean, but keep thinking what great scenes would emerge from the information that you possess.

Especially when it is in your disadvantage.

• Honour is everything. Without it you may well be dead. Those with it are praised and respected, those without it

scorned and killed. Understand this when you speak with people, or ambush someone in the back.

• Those in power earn your respect. Even when you do not like them.

• Druids. They are the law, even if it makes no sense at all. Cross them, disobey them and you will suffer for it.

• You may rely on the words of a Bard. Truth is his greatest strength. Bards are the ones that get you famous, so

when he knocks on your door, you better feed him (and he will repay you with tales and songs and perhaps even

the latest in rumours).

• Priests are the voices of the Gods, even if they themselves do not believe it.

• A Berserker in rage does not recognise friend from foe. Remember that when you stand next to him in a fighting


• Hospitality rules are not just words. Breaking these rules is a serious offence and will have consequences.

• Wyrd-users are strange creatures and do not mix well with warriors. Their minds are different and trust

between them is something seldom seen.

• Fear a Wyrd-user for he/she is capable to curse you, even when you kill him.

• Only Romans and Aryans are known to kill Wyrd-users first and they are both loathed because of it.

• Distance in Tir Nan Beo is prone to Wyrd and such a journey is never the same length.

• An Oath is something very powerful. Something not easily broken. When broken you will suffer for it. To make

an oath is an honourable thing and a quick way to make a name for yourself.

• A Geasa (a behaviour restriction / challenge) makes someone stronger, especially when it is a burden to you.

Only Druids and Gods can give Geasa, although exceptions are known. You can place a Geas upon yourself,

including the punishment when not keeping to it. To do so you must make an Oath in front of witnesses. Make

sure you tell the Refs afterwards, because Geasa are very important to our gameplay. Do not take a Geas lightly.

There are many tales of those who died because they failed to do so.

• Bardic Names can only be given by Druids or famed Bards. Only heroic feats will gain you a positive one, but

mostly they are meant for teaching you a lesson, or pestering you.

• If someone curses you it is up to you to fulfil that curse. Do not see them as burdens, but see them as game-play.

A character without a few Curses, Oaths or Geasa is no character at all.

• You are only responsible for your own actions. The World belongs to the Refs.

• What happens in the game happens to your character. It has nothing to do with who you are for real.

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In-game money: There is a system of coins and precious stones. Small amounts are mostly stones and larger amounts

are coins. Valye is expressed in the word “Eye”.


• Green 1 Eye

• Clear 3 Eye

• Blue 5 Eye

• Red 11 Eye

Dumnonni coins:

• Small coin ( Mare ) 25 Eye With horse motif

• Medium coin (Stag ) 50 Eye With stag motif

• Large coin ( crown ) 100 Eye With crown motif

Tir Nan Beo coin:

• Medium coin ( tree ) 25 Eye With burned tree motif

Take note:

The “burned Tree” coin is a coin made in TNB and is commonly seen as a cursed coin. To pay with it

outside TNB can be seen as giving a little bit of the curse to the receiver and can be seen as an insult

or worse.


• Simple food 1-2 Eye

• Beer / meat / cider 1-2 Eye

• Spear 50 Eye

• Axe 100 Eye

• Sword 500 Eye ( minimum ! )

• Simple Leather armor 70 Eye ( a rigid armor is much more )

• A mail shirt 2000 Eye

Page 16: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


Combat • Cheating destroys the game.

• Not taking your hits irritates others more than you'd ever know. Refs try to manage this, but be assured that we

will take action when we see it.

• On the other hand, don't point fingers too often. On a few rare occasions, a character can be special en can do

something you cannot do.

• When in doubt, go to a Ref and do not make a scene destroying the moment for others.

• Pull your blows. This means do not hit people with your full force, but instead over-emphasise your blow so they

look hard but are in fact reasonably soft.

• Do not stab with a weapon unless it is stab-safe. When in doubt, find a Ref.

• Avoid head or groin blows. Some might happen by accident but never intend them.

• In fighting, avoid body contact, wrestling, grappling, barging, offensive shield use etc. Some of the more

experienced crew and players will occasionally do all of the above to each other, but this is because they have

been doing this a long time and know how to do it safely.

• No fighting while drunk or under the influence of anything.

• Arrows need to be checked by Refs! Always check arrows (heads and flights) before use.

• Wooden shields are not allowed! We use foam shields only (this changed since our first main event).

• Self-made weapons must be checked by Refs!

• Some of you have trouble counting your armour points and some even use it as an excuse. There is no excuse. If

you have trouble counting, then use lesser armour value.

• You are not a real out of character fighter, but you play one. There are just a few that are really good in this, so

take a deep breath when someone beats you and play with it.

• Last: Understand that fighting is a means to enjoy the game. Winning a fight is nothing compared to the game-

play which flows out of it. The hatred towards your victor, the battle formations to better defend your Wyrd-

users, or the willpower to overcome your defeat. Healers are based upon your failure, so keep that in mind when

you feel the spear stabbing you in your shoulder.

Page 17: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


Combat rules Fighting should be dangerous and fun. To accomplish this, everyone must play honest and play out all hits given/taken. A

fight must be about grunting and groaning. It must be gritty and full of horrific elements. To achieve that all must fight in

such a way that your opponents know what your game is so they can go along. How strange it might sound, you must

understand that a Fomorian can only react on your blow when he can see them coming.

• All weapons do 1 point of damage.

• Arrows go through armour, but do not damage armour.

• Arrows, two-handed weapons, boulders and hits from large creatures such as trolls knock you from your feet

towards the ground even if the damage is absorbed by your armour.

• Arrows are stopped by a shield.

• Blocking with a shield will not stop the victim from being knocked back by two-handed weapons, large creatures

or boulders.

• Every hit must be acted out, even when it does not 'wound' you.

• You may repay a well-placed hit upon yourself with an extra show of impact!!

Hits, Wounds and dying

• Fighters have 2 hits on torso and 2 on arms and legs.

• Wyrd-users have 2 hits on torso and 1 on arms and legs.

• When torso has 0 hits you are dying and only a healer can save you.

• Everybody can lay a bandage and stop the dying process ( but it will not heal a wound )

• Fighting and running will disable a bandage to do its work and the wounds will begin to bleed again.

• Without bandage or healing you die in 5 minutes.

• A limb with 0 hits does not function any more.

• A limb that beyond 0 will become permanently crippled if not treated quickly. If it has taken a real battering then

be a sport and understand that it can no longer function.

The dying act If a player has been battered he/she may choose to commit a dying act. In short it is a bending of the rules, where a

character may go beyond his normal wounds and perform a last heroic feat. Save the day, kill the beast, etc. Mind you.

After this feat the character is dead and no healer or God can ever save him again.

Armour The World of Tir Nan Beo is a dangerous place and without armour combat can be a quick way to meet your ancestors.

Armour Values (any armour not given a value here can be given a value by a referee):

Armour Armour value Armour examples

Light armour 1 protection Leather, Thick leather, Fur or woading

Medium armour 3 protection Rigid armour or ringmail

Heavy armour 4 protection Chainmail, Lamellar, Lorica segmentata

Light Helmet 1 extra on torso Leather or padded

Heavy Helmet 2 extra on torso Metal helmet or Firbolg mask

Armour may be stacked. A chainmail over a leather armour will give you a total of 5 amour point (4 chain mail + 1 leather

armour = 5 total amour points).

Armour and Repairs Players may wish to leave ‘damaged’ armour etc. with relevant traders or craft workers for repair. After an agreed period

of time (and price) the armour can be retrieved fully ‘restored’ to its full armour point value. If game funds or available

time is insufficient, it is possible to just have one or two points of damage repaired. Both customer and ‘repairer’ are free

to haggle a price and completion time… preferably loudly (and in game money of course!).

Page 18: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


Wyrd Magic and Gods, in this system we call it Wyrd. The basic rules are:

1. In general it comes down to this. You must perform your 'spell' and convince your opponent to act out what you

throw at him.

2. Make sure your “victim” understands what you want from him, otherwise he shall do that what he thinks is


3. Crew with masks hear less than normal. Be smart and make eye contact first. This way your effort has more

change of working.

4. When it is dark you have to talk, scream or yell harder to make sure someone notices you.

Underneath are some examples of effects so you understand how many times you can do certain things.

Petty things (cost only time)

• Slow healing (and we do mean slow).

• Sensing Wyrd.

• Navigating in the Otherworld.

• Talking to spirits.

• Trip / fall / windblast.

Minor things (max 3 times before needing rest)

• Instant effect on a handful of people (tripping them etc.).

• Short term effect on 1 creature (sleep / pain) for a couple of minutes.

• Forbidding anyone to go through a gate or protective area. A few minutes.

• Wounding someone / breaking something.

• Small bonus to someone along the line of strength, extra protection, special sight.

• Resisting Wyrd.

• Fast healing one wound or instantly repairing a damaged piece of armour.

• Talking to the recent dead or creating smaller glamours.

Major things (one time and then you must rest)

• All instant effects can be done to a large group of people.

• All short term effects can be done to a handful of people.

• You can wound a handful of people or kill one (understand that champions, hero's and some beasts are not so

easily killed).

• Give a bonus to a handful of people

• Fast heal all wounds of one person, or repair a complete armour.

Heroic things (cost only time)

• Be creative and understand that such feats take a lot of time, ingredients and effort

You can grow more powerful and receive greater power. To achieve this you must become famous and do special feats.

For those brave enough, you can always try to make deals with those who have great power, but be warned that those

with great power (Gods, Fae etc.) are not well known for their generosity, so if you want to make deals then you better be

sure you can outlive them.

Note: Wyrd (magic) cannot be cast by any class if they are wearing large amounts of metal, especially iron (about two

daggers worth including buckles etc.) Wyrd energy is disrupted by concentrations of metal, preventing the flow of magic.

Regaining Wyrd

For everyone in TNB Time to regain Wyrd

The right place (e.g. Shrine, Standing stone of the right kind) 1 hour

Meditating somewhere 2 hours

Walking / Talking / Blah 4 hours

Page 19: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


The curse Tir Nan Beo is called the Cursed Lands for good reason. Especially the middle lands of the forest clans are struck hard. The

curse destroys crops, poisons water and makes people mad. Although the curse is always felt, when darkness falls it

becomes obvious. Wyrd-users especially have trouble with the Curse at night as they are struck by it as if by a weapon.

Some become mad, others are in pain, but all feel a darkness inside them awaken. It is difficult to fight off this curse,

especially when you wish to use Wyrd. It’s harder, much harder to accomplish that what you want to achieve and many

say that using Wyrd after sunset is provoking some evil. Deep in the minds of the Wyrd weavers there is a wailing voice

that seeks neither comfort nor friendship, but drives those who listen to it insane. Many Wyrd-users have already died

because of the curse and even more have simply vanished. Of all the secrets of Tir Nan Beo, this one is feared the most. So

remember when you play a Wyrd-weaver, when you play at night, your character will not be immune to the effects of this

strange power. You may choose what to do with it, but the effects must be seen by others. Priests seem to have lesser

trouble with the curse, until they use it.

The effect of metal on Wyrd (,agic) Blood metal. A Wyrd weaving character may carry no more than about two daggers worth of metal upon their person

including metal belt buckles, studs, eating utensils and so on.

If more than this amount is carried then Wyrd points will start to drain away. This leaves Wyrd-users cold, listless and

useless for anything other than washing up the dishes after about half a day (one Wyrd point lost per hour).

Anyone trying to perform an action that entails the use of Wyrd points while carrying too much metal will immediately

suffer from a burn out similar to a critically short circuiting electrical item. They will immediately lose all Wyrd points

spent, and take an amount of damage equal to this number from the body location.

For example: A person casting a spell worth two Wyrd points will lose two life points from the body location. This

'Magical burn out' damage will not become worse if not treated but can kill a character and be very incapacitating not to

mention painful.

IMPORTANT: Don’t get leaned on by another character wearing chain mail while casting a spell… That would be

unpleasant as it will affect you just as it would if you were wearing it yourself. The worst effects of all come from what the

Fae call blood metal. This substance is iron and any of its derivatives (steel for example). Just being in a camp full of

warriors wearing chain mail is enough to make many wurd-weavers (wyrd-users) grumpy.

While some blood metals will not affect the fey or disrupt the Wyrd so greatly they will still bugger up spells.

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A Guide to Tir Nan Beo and Dumnonni outfit The following two pages give a good guideline in the DO’s and DON’Ts in the outfits for Tir Nan Beo and Dumnonni.

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Page 22: Tir Nan Beo – Cursed Lands · have infused our players’ different clans. Many of our English friends are coming over again and all year long we have welcomed new people into our


Contact details Tir Nan Beo

Website: http://www.tirnanbeo.com

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102725919859582