Tips for Breathing Easier - VNSNY

Tips for Breathing Easier From time to time, people with advanced illness may experience some form of shortness of breath that can be uncomfortable and distressing. The good news is this feeling can be managed to provide comfort to the patient. Here are some things you can do to help relieve it: Keep the room cool: open a window or turn on the air conditioning; put a bowl of ice in front of a fan Try changing position, helping the person to sit up a bit higher, to a 30-45 degree angle, or turning the person to the side Coach the person to take slow, deep breaths and focus on relaxing Use a fan aimed at the face and upper body Try applying cool cloths to the face Loosen clothing that appears tight or constricting (collar/bra) If using oxygen, check the mask and tank to ensure flow rate is correct and that tubes are not kinked Decrease stimulation in the room (lower music/ TV, calm family members) Provide some distraction (favorite music, books/ magazines, comfort foods) Arrange the bed to improve the patient’s ability to see out a window, if possible If only one lung has discomfort, suggest lying down with that lung on the bed Give medication for shortness of breath, as ordered Here are some additional things you can do to help prevent shortness of breath: Conserve energy by keeping frequently used items near the bed or chair Make sure to use inhalers as ordered, about 15-30 minutes before planned activities Devote time daily to relaxation and meditation (spiritual and non-spiritual) Tell your physician or hospice care team about things that may be causing you anxiety Tell your hospice care team right away if you are experiencing any symptom of shortness of breath. In most cases, it can be well controlled. Care Matters At VNSNY Hospice and Palliative Care, we are committed to helping you feel confident that your loved one is receiving the best possible care. Questions or concerns? Call us at 212-609-1900 or visit our website at HOS-CM-1013 Care Information from VNSNY Hospice and Palliative Care

Transcript of Tips for Breathing Easier - VNSNY

Tips for Breathing EasierFrom time to time, people with advanced illness may experience some form of shortness of breaththat can be uncomfortable and distressing. Thegood news is this feeling can be managed to provide comfort to the patient. Here are some things you can do to help relieve it:

• Keep the room cool:open a window or turn on the air conditioning;put a bowl of ice in front of a fan

• Try changing position, helping the person to sit up a bit higher, to a 30-45 degree angle, or turning the person to the side

• Coach the person to takeslow, deep breaths and focus on relaxing

• Use a fan aimed at theface and upper body

• Try applying cool cloths to the face

• Loosen clothing that appears tight or constricting (collar/bra)

• If using oxygen, check the mask and tank to ensure flow rate is correct and that tubes are not kinked

• Decrease stimulation in the room (lower music/ TV, calm family members)

• Provide some distraction(favorite music, books/magazines, comfort foods)

• Arrange the bed to improve the patient’s abilityto see out a window, if possible

• If only one lung has discomfort, suggest lying down with that lung on the bed

• Give medication for shortness of breath, as ordered

Here are some additional things you can do to help prevent shortness of breath:

• Conserve energy by keeping frequently useditems near the bed or chair

• Make sure to use inhalers as ordered, about 15-30 minutes before planned activities

• Devote time daily to relaxation and meditation(spiritual and non-spiritual)

• Tell your physician or hospice care team aboutthings that may be causing you anxiety

Tell your hospice care team right away if you are experiencing any symptom of shortness ofbreath. In most cases, it can be well controlled.


At VNSNY Hospice and Palliative Care, we are committed to helping you feel confident that your loved one is receiving the best possible care. Questions or concerns? Call us at 212-609-1900 or visit our website at




Care Information from VNSNY Hospice and Palliative Care

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Consejos para la respiraciónDe vez en cuando, las personas con enfermedadesavanzadas pueden experimentar alguna forma dedificultad para respirar que puede ser incómoda yalarmante. La buena noticia es que esta sensaciónse puede manejar para proporcionar comodidad alpaciente. Las siguientes son algunas cosas quepuede hacer para aliviarlo:

• Mantenga fresca lahabitación: abra unaventana o encienda el aire acondicionado;coloque un tazón con hielo frente a un ventilador

• Trate de cambiarle de posición,ayudando a la persona asentarse un poco más, a unángulo de 30 a 45 grados, ocambie a la persona de lado

• Enseñe a la persona a respirar despacio yprofundamente y a enfocarse en la relajación

• Use un ventilador dirigido a la cara y a la partesuperior del cuerpo

• Pruebe aplicar paños fríos en la cara

• Afloje la ropa que parece apretada o restrictiva (cuello/sostén)

• Si utiliza oxígeno, revise la máscara y el tanque para asegurar que el flujo de aire es correcto yque los tubos no están retorcidos

• Disminuya la estimulación enla habitación (baje el volumende la música/TV, calme a losmiembros de la familia)

• Proporcione alguna distracción (música favorita,libros/revistas, comida sencilla)

• Si es posible, arregle la cama para mejorar lacapacidad del paciente para ver por una ventana

• Si solo tiene molestias en uno de los pulmones,sugiera que se acueste en la cama de ese lado

• Proporcione los medicamentos para la dificultadrespiratoria, según lo indicado

Las siguientes son cosas adicionales que puede hacerpara ayudar a prevenir la dificultad para respirar:

• Conserve la energía al mantener los artículos de uso frecuente cerca de la cama o de una silla

• Asegúrese de usar los inhaladores según lo indicado,15-30 minutos antes de las actividades planificadas

• Dedique tiempo todos los días para la relajacióny la meditación (espiritual y no espiritual)

• Informe a su médico o al equipo de cuidadospaliativos sobre las cosas que le estén causandoansiedad

Informe de inmediato a su equipo de cuidadospaliativos si está experimentando cualquiersíntoma de dificultad para respirar. En la mayoríade casos, se puede controlar bien.


En VNSNY Hospice and Palliative Care, estamos comprometidos a ayudarle a sentirse seguro de que suser querido está recibiendo la mejor atención posible. ¿Tiene preguntas o inquietudes? Llámenos al212-609-1900 o visite nuestro sitio web en




Informacion del Programa de cuidados paliativos de VNSNY

SPANISH CareMatters HPC SOB 3 PREP_PREP Carepage Hospice.qxd 12/8/13 10:41 PM Page 1