Tikun Hakklali Shakti English Rev3

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  • 7/25/2019 Tikun Hakklali Shakti English Rev3


    Tikun Hakklali Shakti 2011 Light Attunements www.Light-Attunements.com Page 1

  • 7/25/2019 Tikun Hakklali Shakti English Rev3


    Tikun Hakklali Shakti 2011 Light Attunements www.Light-Attunements.com Page 2

    Prerequisite: Reiki or Kundalini Reiki Master Level

    Tikun Hakklali Shakti is spiritual healing force that is very effective to repair and restore

    us in many levels : Physical , energetic , emotional , mental and spiritual , it helps us to

    restore our lost spiritual light , spiritual light is light of our spirit , the light that we have

    all but it affected with many things and became dim , this is the light that encourage us

    to see our true path to perfection , this is the light of hope that encourage peoples to

    walk in their path to perfection and dont stop in the middle of path. It helps us to

    become more in harmony with universe, all that is.

    Tikun Hakklali Shakti have a great effect on our sexual level , to clean , heal , and balance

    it, be it in physical body or in other bodies , Tikun Hakklali Shakti will help us to restore

    our sacred sexuality , it can be used to heal any kind of sexual impotency and imbalance.

    Tikun Hakklali Shakti will help masses and bring good things such as freedom from

    despair, help others with fears of oppression, bring freedom from depression, help

    others to develop inner vision and experience a deeper Oneness with All and the Divine

    Source, as well as bring out divine attributes and purify, elevate others in words,

    thoughts and deeds, inspiring others to accept what is theirs by divine right, claim their

    divine inheritance and raise consciousness and personal power.

    Tikun Hakklali Shakti is name of a prayer extracted / decrypted form Prophet Davidpsalms by a cabbalist saint named Rebbe Nachman of Breslov , reciting this prayer In

    specific manner have great effects for healing , cleansing , solving life problem , clearing

    obstacles and reaching abundance , and finally spiritual growth.

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    I received this energy when working with this prayer and in request of deeper

    connection to this spiritual energy , Tikun Hakklali Shakti not even have effects of

    reciting this prayer but have greater and deeper effect especially when you let it to flow

    to you freely and using it permanently.

    Restoring spiritual power and light

    Healing of disease, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual

    Creating new hope and desire for life

    Changing our view to higher divine view

    Deep clearing in body and subtle bodies

    Strengthen aura and energy body

    Upraising of ones energy vibration

    Great psychic protection

    Helping to live in peace with others

    Healing fear and despair

    Improving ones ability to have greater positive effect on others

    Great sexual clearing, healing, restoration

    Helps to release unused and negative energies and thought, feeling from the past

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    Using Tikun Hakklali Shakti is very simple, you need just intent to activate energy, andthen you can use any hand position like as Reiki hand positions or other technics

    For activating Tikun Hakklali Shakti say mentally / loud I now activate Tikun Hakklal

    Shakti perfectly and let it to flows to my whole being to heal, restore and rise me.

    1Pray for protection and guidance

    2Activate Tikun Hakklali Shakti.

    3mentally / loud : I ask creator of universe to bless me in this healing session , I am

    now connected to Tikun Hakklali Shakti to receive perfect healing and restore my whole

    being to state of balance and perfection .

    4Put your both palms on chest (right palm up) and let energy flow by itself!

    Standard time for self-healing is 20 minutes

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    1Pray for protection and guidance

    2Activate Tikun Hakklali Shakti.

    3 Pray God to bless and guide you and receiver during the session, then mention

    illness etc (if any, otherwise just let energy flow but itself it will work to heal any part


    4Put your both palms on receivers shoulder and let energy flow by itself.

    Standard time for healing others is 20 minutes

    1Pray for protection and guidance

    2Activate Tikun Hakklali Shakti.

    3 Pray God to bless and guide you and receiver during the session, then mention

    illness etc (If any, otherwise just let energy flow but itself it will work to heal any part


    4 Imagine the person or his name on your palm, put your hands in prayer position

    front of chest and let energy flow by itself.

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    Mentally say I call in protection of Tikun Hakklali Shakti, imagine Tikun Hakklali Shakt

    energy as an powerful golden light enter your crown chakra and goes down to yourheart and lighten your heart like a golden sun, imagine the light is radiating from your

    heart to out of your body and makes a great golden protective aura around your body,

    continue imagining golden aura for 2-3 minutes, to form the shield.

    When you want to cancel hatred and anger of others to yourself and invite the person

    to peace and friendship, pray God and imagine golden light of Tikun Hakklali Shakti

    comes down to your heart, then send the golden light like a wave to the person that

    imagining front yourself, and say mentally: I forgive you, I bless you with divine love and

    light, I invite you friendship.

    Continue until you feel it is enough!

    * This is not intervention in free will of others , this a way for sending love and

    compassion energy and inviting persons soul to release hatred and enmity.

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    Tikun Hakklali Shakti 2011 Light Attunements www.Light-Attunements.com Page 7

    This meditation is for connecting to Tikun Hakklali Shakti energy in deeper level and

    restoring and amplifying spiritual light and power.

    Pray according to your religion and ask God to protect and bless you during this


    Mentally say: I now connect to Tikun Hakklali Shakti and call in all being of light and

    Tikun Hakklali Shakti guides to help me in this meditation

    The Light of Tikun Hakklali Shakti now enter to my whole being , restore my spiritual

    light and make me pure and perfect.

    Imagine a column of golden light comes down from sky and enters to your crown chakra

    and goes to heart and start extending from there to all of your body and fills all of your

    body cells until whole of your body convert to golden light, then it fills your aura and

    become bigger, feel your golden body and aura as long as you can.

    For finishing meditation imagine your golden body turn back to your normal body and

    gently open your eyes.

    There is no time limit for this mediation

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    I have channeled 7 more empowerments in addition to main attunement for this

    systems, they are really great blessings!

    Receiving them itself is an complete energy session and also you can activate them for

    amplifying their effect

    It is good to put 3 days or more time between receiving each attunement , but you can

    follow your intuition also !

    They are:

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    Let your heart become awake!

    This empowerment will awake spiritual heart in receiver to connect him / her more withhigher divine love and power of source, to receive more love energy from God and

    higher beings, to become more in resonance with higher energies, following to

    awakening of heart , our consciousness will extend and our spiritual sight will be

    changed and we will become more free of lower energies , thoughts , emotions.

    Release what you dont need anymore!

    This forgiveness has deeper meaning than just forgiving others! it will help to releaseanything that is not for our highest good, anything that blocks our joy, it maybe thought

    forms that formed in us from living in specific situations, in our relationships, it maybe

    our fears, it may be a situation in our life that we cantrelease it or leave it to be healed

    Many times we experience restlessness, depression, etc... Because we cant release

    these things completely and we have negative emotions without any cause and we react

    to situations and things negatively, when we release energy of this things we back to

    health and balance.

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    Manifest greatness and sacredness of your sexual energy!

    This energy helps to restore our early sexual sacredness, release thought forms andmental structures that are not pursuant to the source and our spiritual nature,

    understanding greatness of our sexual force in ourselves and learn right way to use it for

    our spiritual growth.

    Be more alive!

    Heals sexual sickness, impotency and imbalance and makes sexual / vital energy

    generator of body more powerful to increase amount of personal vital energy and


    Be protected from negative things!

    This empowerment will active Psychic protection energy of Tikun Hakklali Shakti in you ,

    it will work automatically to protect you from psychic attack , black magic , negative

    entities and will make any energy that is not for your highest good ineffectual , thisenergy will become more powerful when you work with Tikun Hakklali Shakti.

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    Understand what a great being you are and what a great things you have!

    This empowerment transforms our view and consciousness to understand what a greatthings, abilities we have and we are unaware of it. It will help us to extend our sense of

    gratitude to universe and our being to manifest more satisfaction and joy in our lives

    and enjoy simple living.

    Let your whole being be a channel for light and blessings of universe

    This is the final empowerment in Tikkun Hakklali Shakti , that will fill your whole being

    with divine light and start extendending it to all parts of your being and your life , your

    bodies , your work , relationships and

    You can activate all of empowerment, unless Tikkun Hakklali Shakti Psychic Protection

    Activation Empowerment that works autonomous, bysimple intention and let the

    energy flow!

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    There are 8 attunements overall in this system: first one is Tikun Hakklali Shakti

    attunement and next seven are the 7 empowerments explained above.

    1 Find a place where you will not be disturbed for about 30 minutes. Sit in ameditation position or on a chair.

    2 Pray according to your religion and ask protection and guidance of God in


    3Inhale from the nose and breathe out from mouth until you fully relaxed.

    4Mentally ask your higher self I now ask to receive name of attunement prepared

    for me by teachers name,perfectly, Thanks.

    5Remain in position for about 20 minutes.

    1Pray according to your religion and ask protection and guidance of God and your

    guides to pass attunement.

    2- Imagine you are surrounded with golden light and it became slowly stronger, do it

    for 3 minutes or more.

    3- ask your higher self now I am sending name of attunement to name of

    person in location to call it when he / she likes.

    5 Remain in position for more five minutes, but it is better to do Tikun Hakklali

    Shakti Meditation in this time.

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