TIIE POLICE OONTK8T. fcirtly, INJUNCTION.Thearaaiatioeof*1'leisn r zwaa signed lie-fourth afJunc,...

.»f.» h I wetdd cite the death of Dume ai th « lutUf «f He < h< i b*< Ii, are describe \ though r>r.»>tty and fcirtly, with dramatic effect. The ie«#»aii which lt. hirra tmche» in Ibis, in the two ;. ore-lmg w»l- «jiiicM, ia th«- cUtijjcr to the man and ta t*v r>U'«m ul an uiicontrouVd single nihr. The d*ta>cr ta h .ratj hraaet.i-d Li the ability ol the autocrat. The genta«, af no man, however transcendent, is. equal in force to the genius, the collective Oev« of Man, if ¦¦**" atratiicd, it dies, just by hrtue of its quality of a-eimie, seek oer to eiilarye it* ¦obere af action, o> I 00, *.e-i»rrg m contact sacBM* or later with the ahao* bate tshetructiona of natt>r.,l Uwe, waet-* nhaW ¦ mud, ruinous clort« te conquer them. The volume-cloaee miih the first cauUHUgO in Mx- atn, Jur e. 1813. It is composed of Bu^e 00»*a: HaaAieef^cfir/ Mint ia ni thai is. bd nmhi^Uke hieUry of the erign. uf aajf war with Grout Bntain aa bean anoa Frem h history and ^ Spaoiah cam- peien of I81'41 /,*.< CamwUt, which tella iu uf tin- Jrulrfary and diplomatic preparation t* t renewing the aomvet with th. Cxar Ah-xonsVr, and shown its, by Ma* side of Napoleon's greatness aa a m ui and da i rok-r, a aVfree of dnpbeitT, taJaehood and bttWee, that w<pukl become a lower onh-r of horse-jockey5 1.mtun «.»</ Baavfsea, which narrates the eveni the S|>rii*af campaign in Germany, when a rohV 'tion 0/ the light of their pa«t gkurj ihiuos anew on Baa* ptdoen and the French anna. Thearaaiatioe of*1 'leisn r zwaa signed lie- fourth afJunc, and the army went info oantoomenta. .' NapcJoaa utoieee] tlie coastrurtian of a momv anext. to be plao. d on the aammtt "f me Alps, »ith this Baoartpthm: jtarouon To tbi Funecn Pi im:, ix *x>aat»iou4TioN 01 rra onannooa arronTs toaissr tm Coalition or 1M3. Tha idea waa stamped with all the grandeur of hiegeniusi but tor this . enefa people us well as for hlmaelf, it woold have been better worth to send t" Paria a treaty of peace, Sti| u- hating to rehnquish the Confederation of the Rhine, Haaiberg, Fllvri« «ud Spain, super-enb-d: Sxcuiri- gjgj ttf ifapoLioa to tri Fribch Pkoflk. Napoleon would have remained a patronage, not more poeth indent, but more truly great, aad thla noble people would rot hav e lost the fruit of it* best bled so freely abed during twenty yearn." Purchasers' of 'liners' great work should be in¬ formed that U alias of some sixty plans and charts, drawn by competent persons, under the direction of the historian, is nearly complete. It adds large'} to the value of the text. The Paria retail price is thirty francs. The ninth nnd concluding volume of "The Me¬ moirs of Marsh;.I Maimont, I»iik<- of Rugliea," is now out. The work, printed from the tnanuaoripl ©f the Marshal, covers the period between and 1H4, and is a desirable companion of the work iuai nnoken of, and of the Correspondence of King Joseph. Certain statements mid strictures, of the Marshal, capeciall] tboaa referring to Eugene Ilcau- hamais, have cxi .t.-d considerableattention. Count Tascht r de hi Pageric, a form« r nid«de-cainp id' the PTiiiec, bus endeavored to refute them in a recent pamphlet: and a curious cum- Ll now pending before one of the tribunals hero, in which the heirs of Prince Beauhnrnail demand that the publishers of the Memoirs lha11 insert at the ,-nd of the aevonth volume a number of documents which, as they think, ?.ill uphold tl:e memory of that Prince ag.iinst the Marshal s allegations. On noeoont of the recent death of the dnnghter of Bonuhnrnaia, a Countess of Wirtonibcrt:, the case is adjourned so aa to give time for the next nearest roLt.ves.to wit. the Queen of Sweden and the Kmprcss Dowager of Krazil.to be heard in the matter. George Sand, in the intoresding novel entitled .* La Dainiella,'' which she has been writing tor the bVuilleton oi l.a l'rcste. tin- bocm and personages of vjvhich arc Italian, wa* lesi t<i lay, by way of rhetor¬ ical effect, uItnlf is a courtesan Mat purification, " and a people always hüs tJic kind of government ** itdeeervee." This passage, and others of similar import, excited the regret* of ex-1'resi lent Manin, Ary Sthclii-r the painter, Henri Martin the historian, who, through a letter publ.sliisl iu th- papers, signed by M. de lu Forge, expressed to Madame their pain nt hcariiu; such sentiments from a liberal like herself, and made it out that she was renouncing bor old opinions and unjustly aspersina the characters of the amble patriots of Italy. To this she made a brief and ¦nflcJenl defense iu 0 letter lent to the 1'rtssc. Tne last number of the noted appeared in a few dnj 2&th ol March, and s.vihh to have been written iu aouie sort as explanation ami defense of the paaaage referred to above. It is a view of th.- preaeot atate of thmgs in Rome, presented in the form of a letter from one of the personages of the nOToL It is writ¬ ten ir. her beet style, so eloqueutly and riridij that 1 am sorry to i>c obliged omit .hin part of it. bome fragnn nt.ir. extracts uro all that I have room for. a%ftOT giving due pnuKe to the people of Koine, who acted so wi ll in 1*1-, be save be look* in vain for them to-day; he Bern only a uat.on of l>eggsrs. " I cannot speak to yen of tin- people I have seen. It is BOt a people, it is a mob. You no longer find that herd of superstitious but s:nit>le believers, wh. ai.is.-ry area icneoled bycecsmooJeaand images. They believe in nothing, not even in tlie priest, tli.it specter who bo long baldhis pi nee by the side of Goa, and .ans worehiped before God. They hate him, threaten him in their glancea and their thoughts, but salute him with the bended knee and with their li]-. A low pas* anon foi gain is the only dream of their Iii '. The lot¬ tery booths, which offer a gros- caricature of out spec- vxlatiotis tit tie- Kourse, are the only temples they Ire« Bjnaal vvith enthnaiasm. There, moved by a remnant of pagun inpemtbtion, they addreaa their vows to tin! Virgin, 01 some Saint, before riaking their la-t coin, But ut nun fauna* of su.cees th.- Virgin and tba Batata are loudly cms- d nnd in-ulted in teinis that in JKrnnre you would nut boar addroaaed to the tOwael creature in tlie streets. VN h« 11 the Pops appenm. a sort of crowd still gathers about him, fTotn which, however, he defends lu.i..-1 If Ly raaki ot Geraana So 1-« halberdiers, diesaed in apera costume, which form a hedge up t.. the very tiHi..i thealui. It is a aojuad of noisome beggars, indecently ande, ntrlict« d with aO tba wounds and vermin nnd inoc.stroeiti.-s i>f miserv that the worst nightmare could preean! to you. The orthodox ex- eitiito nt tin- beaoti of the sp.-ctnblc The Popa nTid Cardinti '- trailing their gold nnd purple ia the mi 1st of tliem- mg, und this ulcered wretchednes*.what panndUty.whal a Ina »ontiment nf Chriatinn frntar- Bity 1. .'Let those who will Ih amuaed with the easy nn« naaeeraoi the ItaJiana, with tha pride of the ragged ¦man, with the |>hilosophv of the laughing In net making BV rry amid the rinns of the palace of tne djsrsais. 1 cannot to me all tl.;- is a paiafnl ught; the philosophy of tin ,-e WTi tclo - is ae lepugnant as thi ir aaaaa. I have never seen anywhere else the human being so d. graded, and the anrocHiee of the old pagan time, the wild baaets of the cirous devaluing men in eight of a public tbhat) for bitsxi, slave- aronrged and tortured- all th.it f',->r.;. mot for humanity which ontered so largely luto the bm guiheent pompa of a B .- man fct.-, aecBM t.. tne perpetuated and Laeannted in ¦aadera Kome. Frracaages have changed with tin- sHvne, it is true. Tba terrible Caaars are mUd pon- tiffs. ard tlie victims arc imbrated mendicant.-. Ui r eaeentiiilly there Me the same (vntrn-ts, the -.^u:" horrors. The lioaa nnd ttgt rs of the CoGseum ai.- debftecini 11, ronrrsption* starving wiatilmdai'ss, and all Home is one jpoaf, arena where the greedy eye afffha enriofs, Benrtlem spectator may tv..l it.'-if on the most hideous terms of physical and moral de- atrui lion. This state ofthiri?» is ,ittributi>d by tho writer to ntuuiy CBUacB, the Chief of which, however, is the *'anoni.dou- foam of the Pontifical Goveminent, .'which I,:.-the detects of ,11 known constitution. .'and none ot then- merits." Theeaaentialevil is the celibacy of the plicata, in whi-s. hands, M elect ora or elected, a',1 power is hold; tin bereditai] ei. ment rci|ui-ite for a monarchy or an oligarchv. the micial and faudl) interests requisite in any n'n<to- cratic or Bepsdat republic, are eoualh wanting. For nuaVhahlng ihfa fetulletoa, ia Prmm wus visit- nd with a "w hi. -ig" from the French authorities, am the pretext that .t w.»s mil^pcaking of a friendly aUtivernmenf. That plcasant-sti^rj blh r Kdinond About has fctlch gucn 01 tWO mev err. r!.|, Brat and beat hi "LeRoi des Montagnea," which claims to repn'wnt, with certain kasTmwas a*vaggera. tions of detail, the highly proaparoua nature oT tha robb*T business as at press-r. carried on in Qieaee ander the w inking ey,* ol the constituted authori- tics and with tin- connivnuc-ot reepectable ritii It is the rraTaanrr pendant of " La Greet Cootom- poraire," by the s.ime author. The other story, .'(Jonnaine." he calls the aOCOOd *ori"s id " I. hJariuges do Puris." It is of itself as long M the aiv tak-s that enMBaXtrdl the 1».' n. uied voiiiiuc. but has not the 11 crit of il< juedec.. -rs. Bnthof, its fVulf is hVal if assini.iM to Ih ,1 novel, and BO does 11.d tvdly answer expectation: wbik- the short.-r stone- ol which 1 -poke bud Summer wen- all they pre- ifjbjdl d to In-. * miscfi.i.\m:<»is. - alr«. Beaohar Btowe was httely at Baplea, ~ Ak xnnd. r Clark, the \m< ricnntaotegrafaVw, Wfd t I«io. n f.rtb»- mnor-UugM. r «f KBMf**. f'ad tpams-d bim »mOn pbotogrdph ;>f indicted Oonit, hwecn. "lätK> pbw ***** that he «>rly acted in seif- f, rM., rolir the di seased had -track hun, .u.d tha ,0rv f' ii'nl l.iin BfA E 111 _-7*r EuropK'Ti Ttmn anrwcr.ees that Mr. ChaAea Meehay V on'^me eve of paying ¦ rbdt to tbe Uurtitd Mate* r.wl Canada, In nrus r to -. e vrith hl* oura eyes t)c-iaic of wflti» Ibere- to cvjoj tbo manblccnt rcen« rv af tba W< -t« rn werk), and t.. oh* rve M pmr- aVal morbbig of rmHtlcal h sntnfhan ivhleh tseuo M u.111 ,:.n .?. and rritici»rri in tbc oel «ounlry. TrT Wt* Ol CBIROMBB. During Iba Ii '. J tUT Muri I.«" been er id nnd written against the abase, af " crinoline." but tbo inhabitants nf Vi.-ot.a hiv.- »u-t l ud n RW f tl uf it may - Bietia e. be afreet Nnitt to tbe wearer. A yoang English girl, wbo waa am- ptcyed e> gorrracsa mibe thirdly of an ecjrpioyee, was »o dissatisfied with her lot mat ah« r**aJeed to mal «n ei d an bar hm by lumping from tba mmpnrts inte tl i drv RM at. An 1 ffn er, who --«w the poor rirl put her rawtdel design htto execution, relates "tut " -L'- Ii« ii like a l.nllo. n in Iba air. ' Tin' Mghl "f tl - « nII iflbe city at the apot when the utt mptat arm da aa area amde may he about 4-r> feat, but tbe gill wns m little hurt by her full " that she walk. 1 bwdv ..« if toll lag had happened.'" (V1< im» CorTerjx.u.lent of The Loa ton Time«. EatMRATioa ravoH Nonwai !<. Canana irothi I'turn Si *t»tl -Infi rmntion hn« reached Bnglaod that upward of I0,0M Noiwegkni will proceed from Itarway toQauhec daring the pi aaaal Bamrnar. Sev¬ eral or ihoaa will r>lofiin in Canada, bot thalarger pcrtbmwUI paaa on to tbe North-weetern Btatea ..!" America. Sir Cuaech Raaey hau left Eagtaad for (1 riiiiima to mum airuugenvnta for the transit of tbi aa j* raOM from Qaebec to their daatiiiatton, ind a!io tt. liufeniinate information with reference to I'm ada en behalf of Iba Ootarameat. MneaacuB or Fnnacn Settlsm dj Ifnw Calkoo- *u.. The acbooaer Bhu k Dogarrhred at Sydney on the 3d of February from New Caledonia, bringing in- lelligence i f n rb«>~htogmaiaecre of the French colon¬ ists by tbe native-. Kleven Europeans and fourteen 01 fifteen Km eke- in their aarrice had been murdered. 7 hi fipafaee Movai'eg I/rrtUd gives the fotloaiag ae- ace. rr.t: " Tbe townahip of Monti i* distant from Poet da France abont tOTea Htilea, nt which plncc eleven Fieri l.tin ti and a aambi i of native- from the Bau !- wich laltodl wen hfr.tio::. d far the purpose of obtnm- mg madalwood. About tbe 90th January, the Mow Cakdoabm aatirea made an attach aponthi settle- meat, and savpgely murdered «11 the inhabitaota; ao extetmmetma, win- their onslaught flat not a HinLde in- dividal was left to taO the particulars of these droadfn n.urdi rs. The bodms of 11 white tnea und II or IS ishmden wen discovered aeridentally hv pnr'.i- s j.ro ceediag from tin- township. Among the victims of this ravage niadpk i^ M. Jlernr.-i. attached to the firm of Vial d A re m dj Co., of this city, and who was for- BBeiTy an < Beet in tin- French nav y. The Julia Percy, n bconer, passed by the scene of the dhvaster during bhoconiun math nof this fearful bagedy, and observed an aausal moren enl on shore, on approaching which thi natives wem sei a to retire, bu; she was compelled to stand off again." 7/e flpdaep Empire says: " The cause of this attoc.ty can or.lv lie g!ics=eij af. It fitJjeiirs clear that there was nothing it; toe OOnduci of Mi Hi rard and hit white eompnnions which 00u] 1 paBlate M. Tbe natives wen treated by them with ¦reat kindnees, and ezpreraed for them me warumsl friendship. The crime wns consummated by the natives approaching the Settlers in small parties, with their aeeastomed prefers. - of friendship, until a large pnttyhnd been collected, when the worn of murder was Von meoeed in ci Id blood. If e/«H not a Dgbt, tor the settlers wi re ard upon when, without wins iu their blinds they were engaged ia their ordinary avocations. "As the bodies were not eaten, (attboujth the na- Ifrrei of Hi w-Cnj. doi.ia are eannibala). th- a. af- n.- of toncennee, InnnprabnbilUytha New-Caledi i iani w ere dhl !. aaed with the introduction of natives from V.-.teor Sr.dwiili bland, 'one of the N sr.Hebridee), whom they fook upon with hostile foelinga. It may be. t<<>, that the fact of the settlement having be.;u nade in this qnarl with tbe permfaadbh of th:- Frenob (local) Oovertm>enl instead ol under the authority of the native chiefo, Indneed tha latter to slaughter the aettlers. "Capt.Lewk bchovaa the disturbance has arison fn m wrefnenl of tbe French aettlan to pay the aame price for tbe land ai rtie Engtbth." THE INDIAN WARS. INDIAN MA88ACRE IN MINNESOTA. Kerm Ihr St. Paul jlWasrraf, April 17. , We },'ivi hi low n letU rfrom a reUable oorreapoadenl of ihia paper, laaMinfi at Mankato. The letter was writtin oa Sunday last, the day on which the messen- gerieft Mankato for Fort bnelliBg. It will be seen, from a pernsal of the letter, thut the report- circulated in tliis city were gioatly eaasararated abal s.-rioa'- dfcdnibaaoos Iibm- oeearred is evideat. A body of Indians, it appears, trcacherou-ly «t- laiked tlie settlers at the town of Springlieid, on the Wntonwn liver, ia nine Furth County, on the 2d of Apiil, killing seven men. wounding three, and carry¬ ing oar four women. The Indians bad nreviously at- tu. i. d ti at tUen at sj bit Lake, nnd killed qeveral men. Tba s<. ae oi tbe spirit Lake nmaani re, we be¬ lli re, is in Iowa, near the State line. Tbe namra of tba killed at Springfield, as far a- could be tic, rtained, wtrc Meaaia. William and (lea, M. Wood, Church nnd Stewart. Mr. William Wood was formerly a resident of Manhato, The aaaaei of but two of trie women em lied off have been a.-ier- tamed. Mis. Marc 1 and r. Mba Qaidaer. lln- ri lnniniiig n ttii is al Spriagfield i' .rtifi.-d them- ¦elves in a bouse, end ihm escaped being munh red. Such was tin suddenness of the cowardly attack thai but two ladlans were killed { undone ofthos.- w.is ¦hot by Mm. Church (nil honor to tfaadhrave wonaan) who loaded the gnas for the men. A Mr. Bbxnm, residu e twenty miles from Mankato, being apprebeasire of «n attack from the Indians, etat to Mankato for aaaiataaoe, Tbirty-eigbl rotun. teei.-, ander eommnndof Dr. Devi-, left that pis.-,- and n nrhed Slocum'a on Sntnrdny night. Aa attempt whs a ade to draw the party jji,, u oinbu.-i ad ¦, b it it failed. The vohinteers thrn fortified and ooenpied »Slocnm'a bouoe, wbera tbey w er. inntiundod by 150 Indians. This war- on Saturday night la-t. A pfcrty of .'>ü Tohmteen from st. Patera and Tra¬ verse, ander Cant. Dudd, passed through Mankntc on Sui day last, r.ud expi nod to reach Slocum's the sn:.i<- evening. Another pailv was to have follow . Mendny. Tin- nest newa wfl] probatdy bring as the roatdt of the encounter intwem ('apt. Dodos party and the lndiiins. \A c have nti doubt of the result. M.MiWo, April l !, 1857. . In our last we endiuvonu to inform the public ihrosxfh your columns, of tin state id" affairs oa tha Dos Momee, nnd particularly at Spirit Lahe. Tba Biesaaagera wbiok had been dispatcbed to Fort R d ¦. ley, logetiu r with the aoldiem, b it here or. the men., ing of the Vivo ult., and procetided to Spriagrleld oa tie D,-s Al. in. -, hft. en miles from th. m-. ae ol depre- di.tit bp. They reached Springfield on kadurday, Ith of April, the soldiers st.il in doubt as to the coaroi t- Lese of the report, but n| on entering the town, what wiisth.ii lurpriae to find thai th,- Ind.uns bad been them; that en Tuesday, Apnl 3, a band of Si,,i.x had aitsiked the town. hiBed seven, wounded three and catricd four women into eaptirity. Tbe captain Im¬ mediately dawatched a company to the f.irt lor r.-in- loncnut «:.: provisions. Among tin- killed was Wiilh in >N' is d, i:.-o:u' M. Wood, Mr. Church und Ji SUsh Stewart. The atta. k wns without provocation und unni. ported bl the settlers. Wm. \No.h1 was «u old n-^. nenl of Mankato and a tradi i ..t Sj.ri. rfi .. It Hpp, that in tbe 11 mm net mem be went ot ., the bnr.k of the riwsrtotalk to tha lad uns, «: I as he turned about to go borne he was shot dead ua-.l bnme- diaii ly ii! in fire, Lie body, n In n (bund, being aa lybaraed. Several of tbe citisens were temporarily abaeat, but ka,ve since returned. Those that ibrtii d tin ii andres aeeaped besag murdered. Two Indtao w. n kilaad ».i.i w.i.- sbi'. by Mm. Chunh. who loaded gt.ns tor the im n iu one I f the ht Bsea. the) eamei uf Iba woRwn tnken priaoaera wi do art know, with the aserpticnoi two. M:s. Marvel end Mieati ber. Mr. < hiilia-. the in. -s. agar, win. was Imt anal 11 the fort, has ainoi returned from Springfield, aad . in buried five n.en in «>t.e grave the day before be Imt, He reached Li.ai Uocmn'a, oa the Watuawa Kiver, IWaaty a Has from Mtu knto. ,>a Tliursday 1«-!. und reached Ihia Pinea on Friday evening. Mr. s, seal di wn to Mankato f-1 aawslain ha aatidpati I da agi r) by Mr. CbefRna, who bioagbt tin- ej.i mt< III- gi nee 11 tu« Riaaancra, A large me, tit-g wns huinedlatelyheld, aad thbty- eit-ht rwuateera, wall > quipped, wen n al to thi r si-tane. 'iin v r achedSsucuffl's oa Raturdav nigfal ami found Italians ih re. Mr. W. F. le araa ehoaaa ( a] ium. and with a lau bm a n ever la th tu t«, wb iv ti.ey i. u..d t..t.e Indiana, wh-» mn dial [.* appearance i: the whites, throwing ti. iV tm .-beta uate tba ,.:.r , ad firh g al the whit -7 Th wl.t. s m.-, enarged anon them and k Q our. Vmm , i .... whnee wi .- injured, with the -x- . I /.i ' ti " '' h"r »«ved a shghl wound in i l.ai.ii. TahW, it appaara, was the Sad ind hi n .dmt.ly upon th.- ratVSre f 'th. a J it was lorromaiad by about IM laalha warri r* a \\eTm\fS. Jhtel juM ,nmv'-''. ^H* th abave .-ti ti u.i nt, wnn n is. ..rei t. Word wa- -«al »Trai r..- des Soai and St V. team for as.-tste.nee, m .1 th;* morning t fty ,,f the rit! . r- , f H. Patar, arrived aadei Capt. m eeaaanaadaed will i nibalny reach tba s.. i.. if batlla lu i_i.LL . they wft Maaltato a: 3 o'clock this ol moon. \t tl reiiiforri ment will be up f on. T:.-.v . .¦. i:, .!,. ,.. to join the party. Hl Hksi trooi thml neigh t bm * *fx\ in fret .3 thrown BM «ftnrry. err eJanBSld aid are. ti> nr- u>l<j t. wn mth ihcjr families. Tbaaeei.aat rmn il>e t..wn «.i" PpriiiirrVd * t*a»'n f" rHr.( h. ffir>. who, we rtat.d b*f re, aecoin- I m had tba m|i i»r.i»i»m, and eesveea. Tb- "th"r ¦ toriob. rat« d by .tiff. r. r.t ir..-¦. r,ir. r«. who are com? 11 (1 '< m lecaa U> lb place. Uabannd j»y fever of escjtea land J- ' w-* enve yi ¦ ftirti er int,ii;ceroe «. ...<>n rereivrd. MltTlNo or rHI COKtüoa COOS. ii- Of ,T- V*vl~ Touoai Mi anno, April M, IX"»- Tl Mayor railed a tprcial.bag of the CoaaeU, nt me reqaeet of a Commrtti appointed stapupiic Basntii g of Iba < Ktxaae. in rxwieeooeaoe of rafceraaawa fn n IM Mtaaaw ta V aller that the Indian-" WBTS BWs> n ittiaa a"tjwedatleaa nnd maiden on Ike aeethws in it.- I: ac Earth i. ai.tv. in arder tha*- :!».. I eex*al af IheCI v.f Bt. i»r,ul might tr.kr rachatepa Mwan deemed advisable in toe a!.*. r.cc .f TVrmflrW bm ( i led Stu:** Baaaeti ta uk* th- reeetxariattry af affaire. . Tl.t- f< (Jewing r. *o!u'>< n araa nti.'in ino'.«rv ad "ptaP! ftuit.d. TbMblaBwsertaealH rBi " ,..-udt.»«pp.«t a Ct n i ¦.'<. (ii;., fr. ai :<.., i act b c BMjena * tin i:»r « i: n itt« . M I. .ri-.i.-.i. J !i> th. it;-. "f ft- 1 at tb. fa n..ti.i »f IheC irt j: ... : .1 . .** l|rf.N tt i- .. rt i. i..:.. f :r- . >| r' -. K / a:. ! ...«' 'f h«' .ar-ali in n ..I.i and anrrUioai f.-i roiaatart .a.. fun ft Pu l, i.I..I triru frnm Lira what action h* po.r>w« to tab. ii the ii kt'.r.f lb. Pi. i rra,aadtbrraiJCaoaautiM le tearet ta bia Haaat Iba Ma; .< aaJ tbat tba flaaare Osata aid.«In aVflaara ariH »Urb i-tt.^r it.t^rr* in«» »«" *"¦ rruii»-»trfi la baU tr.,tn«. lv,« in a «HaM l -r iaaaaraMi ttntes. Ihe Mayor appoiated Aid. Caaaibfia, Kittaoa aad M. (ir. rn.* from The t'hitajo Pre". Ap'il ^3 Rt. Part, Mibbumta, April 14, IfST. Thr ajtaada f thi.j. iry an re thrown ^n!<> a -fni< of wild raefteBeat lurt evaaiag by tho «mvij >>f a in>'«- ¦ergfr ffoBi Ht. peter with tba rtai^irt ialeifiaaaca ti nt ibe BaOBX Inlian« in the vi' imivf th<' ooath Dead of the k1ir.n.h..tn Ii.v.r bad brobea .out and ware luur.ir,- the lertlemeata on the li.t:-- Earth aad Walton f'rr, and ti arderina hi .! n aaaai raiag Iba m t:ler>: and tl:nt v.i wnrd ef fBC Irt'ii-.rs arara BO Ting tnwnrJ M kato f. r the jinrjm.r of drttroying; it. Knniors were alto afloat that Maakota wa. actaallydV troyad, aad that it.- citlaeaa were aioat baibaiwualy nnd inliumHiily ataraared. Tha aaaaa aieaacaaarthal btoaaht the in- teJIiajeaee broaghl Ibe IbllowTiif cotiininnicatioB from Ototgc IT ilep, en;., Bet retary of tba St. Paiar Coa> per,)-: St. Pirn, April II \<>'. 1 )r\k Sip: A t.-rrih!.' eaciteawMit praratM ban and aboat na. Reporti have eone tl.nt t!,o fretiane hara 'brokea oat oa the Bim Kurth Bad Walton Oro, aad i re it BnJeriaa the bababitaata. Bona forty in»-ti left Maahata refierday, Bad a Hha nnmi-, r .- h> r.- to- >.h\. Bead witin'ui delay/, anaa, BuiuaaJtioa and pn>. v,ci;h. IVa haTC m r.t arnb Iba v.-iunt. en all or aear* )v all the provijioiM we had. Got. Dodd hat taken tin- e.n nai d, and ha* nal tin* axpran that tahea thi.. to the tort ana a. tiog Goeernor. Col. Smith, t!..' cotrravtndant al Fort Sn.'llinjr, im- nediately in receieiag the above aeara,diapalcbed Ihn .. i npaak ¦« of ntaatij, fully araaed Bodaqaipped, ftr ibe m eae < f BCtioa. TLia it Drab g a large and moat btflaeatial meetip'.' ef eiti/> nt i f th;.-1 it> w at hi hi tocoaaider what neaaarea v. -e neceetary to be taken to protect kiaukato and the tetth b rata r-n tie' Blaa EartB and other tribatariet of the Minnesota l'i\i-r. Baven] Conunitteea were appoint! d. ose to provide anna and anunanitioa, an- btaer to rni-e \i hutaen, BBotber noaey, &e. So the prospea t araa that «onM- of the patriotkaa of "tir yoaag 1>1< (<i-which had beaa "rpiui.'c for some ton. w u!(i 01 d prop, r seat. Total t- era wars pieaty, aud the proaped am that nay weald each have a good rhance to get a land warraat for 14 actaal aar*ion' iu the '¦«-».].-.'' Col, Smith, hoarever, teal word to the Ccrrnftteei tbat the troops be baa Beat wan non than i-l fli. Bt to drive th.ee UnMNJ the nuinlier of " iiv baadred" Indians bnaara th<m. Bo,a*or Aaptaaeat, the .. faa" b i'kn aa if it hud beaa inynled. ( Uber tre-fi nperH hove airfvad to-ilny, who report Ihe natter not quite so bad an the first news, which Lur l< nded to allay the axcitaaatat. It > believed to'lie Ibe i-miie band of Indiani who nre dirtnrbing the cettl anenta aearMankatothat coaa- Biittcd the murders al Bpiril L«ke, Iowa. It ii* tincerely bopi d by noat poop;.- in tLiit. vitaaity that iheae oatraget by the ladiaai ariO be Ibe mean.- of mo e(lovernnentto take an asuraa to have the Rieux and Winoibago Indiana moved farther West Their proxfainily to taa white aettlen bt a great ob- .tarle to Ibe country being tbkUyaettlett The wttla- ti eata iti Nieollet, l^to- Earth, and If BrartToaatira are ci nttantlj annoyed by thi rih pradaiioaa, eithi r in pii- ferieg, rioting or fighuec. Their laeei'tes an by tar loo bear tb. tooth bend of tlie Mianesota, The Mi¬ llen oi tin n eoantiea have loriplieriiuviii? tbisapon Govemneat, and I should not he aaiprisedtp hear that the recent nnd pr. n! outruzee would make Lie ei<um* fort, gaaaral aprisng against than. If the Indians once provoke a general oardauirht, dep"ud u|i n d Ibey will be driven Bton tbeh prase at re-erva- ti. na. Tba iol«- for " i taJ i..-" in that ,i.»rt.o!i of the Tsnitory would be au additional atanulaat get rid t the Indiana. liut a law day will t 11 the want, probably. paBTtctTLABJ oi thi »:v--*'.:i ai ipaiaermn. Since receiving ihe above Utter, the particulan if the ij Bwacn of Bpriagfl. Id, in Bbn Earn eoaaty. baa come to head 'ine aumber hilled bad aot bt 'n pre- eiaely kn wn. but Willian Wood, Gecrge M. Wood, Mr. t'Luicb, uLd Ji..^ah >:> wait a.. Lum¬ ber. Tba attach wc < without prorogation, aad waa an- rail i led by Iba ^-tii.-r;. Mr. Willian Wo.*!, atn let ai'. an ..Id letth r f't Mnnkufo, had be. n pro. ^e<tin^ t<> have « inlk with Iba Indian oa Ihe bank of the r:*er. ahen be was shot dead and bfa body burned. Aft'T Ibis a general naesacra took place, n which aO who w«:e t .t Irmed inffered more or less, Tbosa who wi re urn e.i bar. ly < d. Two |p :.ar... were kdl-d one having been shot bv Mr. Church, *ho loaded cur.« fi r the men in or. . t the h.".;^-. Bareral women were tak. n pria. u.-^ \ the Indians, anoac whom are Mm. Marvi 1 and Mita Gardner. Thhiy«eigh1 vohurteerx left Mankato under Capt, Lswkt, namedlately aa receipt of the iatehUgaaea of Ihe nawacre. The eonpaay reached Blooun, on the WaUnwa Blver, on tb. evealng t't... lit!., where they rt et n body » f IndUM en i.'mped. who. ol th r .¦I i :< ach, fled, lluowing their batcneta In the air, tir- ii g bail aatbcryran. Ii:.- eonpany killed (bar In¬ diana. Tbw, however, araa bal bb oatpost. ton hnrno diatelj Bfbnward IM amed Irdiau.. nada their ap> pearan > aad ibi wed fight, Thet tktref« ." leal word to St. Pater for aaalvt* Bate, wht t fJet:. Dodd and fifty vobuteen ttaried for Ibe teens i f war. InteUbrenea reached Pauibaaft, eallin** on G -n. Bbieldi R rassattance, who immediately t;ii«ed aoan> paay of votaateen nLd Hta-.t-'d for Mankato, aoooni- jii edby Alexander Faribaall and n.-veral tadiaa rucnert. Bone of these ruuL.-n. had retaraed, con¬ firming the runaon of the me-wscre« la Blaa Earth County, and itoJbng that at fa asl to lettton had n b awacted r> b:- tha Big Bend. A .. ir i at y bad also he« n raised at Pwaoott, Wi'., Bad wan oa tha Tine and Tide nady to ctart, wh n aewa fron Fort Bnelllng arrived, ttatiag thai troopa lurBchrnt had beaa dispatched. The people of Pnn e. tt volunteered mosl nobly. A geatienaa anivi d at Preseott, who left Mankit.-» on I) e 14th, aba «tat.-« that tip thnt dat.> Markatu bad aat b. en taker bul that tome fifty anrden had 1 >. b ranrcltted by Hioax ladiaaa in ltlu-- Barth Coanty, When be h It Hiiinkttt.. 150 ladiaaa w.-r.- en- csmped four milea from Mnakat.., and it ic rin.'im'-d that it it against this lmn.1 that Osa. l>.-id arat nmtrv lag. Thi -.iti n bed bII tiiii fran their haaMB,an] wen fa aviag the eounry or gatberng be nmtun! pr>>- t.rii. n. Great alarm traa etoirwhaw f^it. All the Indians beyond tba Mianciata Btvai wen nM tobe assuming a hottil. aUituda. Iluniors w.-re nf«- of an alliance betwi en tba Biowx ai d CbippawM 01 Hi IAL ACCOl NT *<V THE MASSACRE IN IOWA. BJXT1 KILLED, WtX'BDED A.Mi lasM>0. Poai Don b, low \. April 13, I8S7. Teil» SattaVSSf JSaaai H'. Crtaatt, */'->r v the state *f ieL-j .- Sin: Bebte caDed apoa by Iba front!« r m-ttl. ra for aid Inrbecking ti..- borribls oatracaa «\>mrni:t.''i nimn Ihi «i; .'. ti g < a the Uttle Bivax Iiir.-r, i., ( ja« < i.t ij ::. tbc Si Irii Ij....- BOttlenents, and in Enanet <'. nt ly, 1 y th. Biouxludiibj the author': v yna vetted iL ma, I rahmd and organised and arnM litre. Ptnj Lies« f 30men. hfvdtM a er< u v. e proe.-edr.J :* >¦'<-¦¦ to <v. r dm u en h. We took uaou- tin B.air] ii IheSSlh i f A!.v h, and] raaat dad al the west brsseh of the Des Moines Biver to intoreept tb. »..%. \ ban, r> p. :t f;.:.!, were ur>. u: toswsepal ttie wtikinenti on tbat river. By tbrasd naiabea ILrcagbfatiW Mnka from fifteen to twenty bVet ektep, Ud twolktt .lore ,j ,. W(4\- ,,p Li tltv ptnt .. e. when v., leawaed ths Indiana wan eaa- bt dl« 500 r 300 itroB t. t bpring l...k.- und Bhj lalaad pove Sever wn Lai lei . . rundafädlDJ any body of men thca bj Ibbau 110 ntea nnder at/ nan n i i.d. We bad to ford trean hr.-;aal daap ever* few b Baa, m..J at al! mow banki ar drifls bad to ahord n b4 bi «i draw « t i b agi l* ibnagb by hand .«i;h tue r. p. .,!.]-. :hi a;:.:!-:-.-. Ah were v..t td di-y tij in n fall atkaal and lay oat on Iba npsa prnriea tif ; . oattenb rotlaarcaveiinftasjaahsaakat «.r i f. i. he. Al ul Bjji i bj we ne I tba who had « -cap.I tt. naatacn at n rtngfl. Id, aompoafdof Ikraanaea i.i hi.it, tv»«. waaaoed, aad ana female taoaaded and aevrral n-. n and '!.ild--n. b>afl Mnbiriagbok l-.oi .e i... Ths} bad escaped ia the night, car- m i r othfaog with them bat trbal obey b^iwhen tb. j wen Btiacked- bad nothing :.» eat lor two dayt aad one rijht, Tbej wen aN-ut esanaated aad ths It'fr.« .1. tl.. . ii'i ttrat. it:jC thrill. Had n.«t oll r .,,,,) |j ipiorted, then caa ha aa '.. bt i... n«. ij all woaldhave baennrnrderad U ati ght. W- fraiadth n ifi. n!|erabkaowditioa, ¦i« stituto of everything like el,,(hing and Cw>l, three «f Ii. m badly wnunded, and eev. ral of tne worn- n with .ut h< n. . r »h«»-n. They had nothing <>o them bn .bat lb y had the Dicht they d.d. Ike j-oor womea * Bdh if breast <!. Of through enow and water and ear¬ ly up tL».r crying hrtfTr. We halted UtaMmB lake that fnrnrdied MfihetrRl rin her to make Iras' add wann them- furnished IbsWB with i mviefc -. enve them t .-.i k- as ihs-M them fit n. U ' .-« :.¦ w. atber. and gave them all the n sV f in i ! i pewer. Our -urg«*«.n dnsBed thai w..nnds of the aaaaded, whom wound* asaes m a bad eeadstiee. We eieairped there with them that night, po<t lag asatiaala aad pi« kets, axpeeahag as )>e atta<*ke<i. bevt u emmg we aent them on with our «eont to what la known as the Irish settlement. t>> remain until we n tt m d,t: .. <¦. ttler« i.bov> that point having aban¬ doned their hewwa aad snshodhrd iheaasehraa at that ah <, when they wire ecpng.-d in be.,..line a bka k Ileus... \\ e pro.. aded oa eur avareh, thrawlag nut in od\ai.re aaaaa tluity sc..uts r firaneHarifg und ex¬ en .ti,ig e>ety point where the enemy might p< i ibly be lb and.every p..int of timber, lake and -tn-am »r»s efoeely ev.imir.ed, and f>and I fn^h traces of the Indiana throughout the <biv. From these tracks ai d trails they had nil when their coure fer Spiiit Lake, or in that direi turn. Uy fmvl u rel' - uwmnehed Iba Mate line,aeei >t tin fi. Id, and ei raa pad ubout rundown aa Iba margin of a grove. <!. taiied 60 men, arm« d with nrie- and sii-*hootrrs. wifb orderst.ok their supper* and supply tln-m- schrei with eold rations, sack company their own. aad be ready to aaareb all l ight, iu two divisions of 30 n.< u each, end surprise the Indians before daylight M \I RH it ing. Furnished them with guides, as tin- m- fi ranatioa ara had just reeaivad was that the Indians van ea bodied at or near the trading house of a half- I red by the name of I labeo. VVe pn cat dad with great hopes of overtaking and givmg a good aeeoaat of theml but, to our great mar* trfteauca, are (bead they had all dad Bp-a the ap- pn crli of .Mi n gahua Crom Fort Udgaaey, Wbasla and taboo, traden, pave them the information tbat the tru< i ¦ w. re coming, and wboee areveaneahi they seut their runners to wcteh. Had they not aeut to Kidghy for (loops we would most certainly have overtaken tlx m. The conduct af the troopa from Fort Ridgeie; is l aid to be aceoaated for. Oa Aaraday, Manh 27, the Indiens attacked Springfield and aehlkbiwhniid The ritixens defeaded lhaamelvaa a* well a* thev i i.id. The battle r.ud pillaging kitted until nightfall, when the Indians Withdrew. On Friday, in the after- nioti, tin- troops m m Bhkgt ley arrived all well D anted on mulee. Those troopa lay st Spring Beld ail dey Saturday, atid assisted in burying some of the d- ml. Their «fiieers counseled with tin- half-breed Cabco, who waa the only one unharmed, and known ti acting with, and identified with the Indians, aad whose soaaw he is ami lied to a srbbw was, at thai time, wearing tbc shawl of Mrs. Chureh, with other articsbstakea from Iba eitiaeaa, Saiil ofihoori lay aver from Friday eventing till Siuiday morning without pur- tuinp or ii eking nay rff.irt to overtake the Indians, who, they must have known, had taken oil'four white w< maa aa nrisaaera. On Sunday morning he set out on their trail, and folk w> d them half the day, finding their camp tires, overtaking three or fair RtiaggUag squaws, let them go, aid tinduig all kindr of good-thrown aodstnamed along tl eir trail to lighten their fond and expedite their Sight. Whea be could not have been over halt a day's march of them, be stopped and returned the sun e evening Sunday) to Springfield. When he or¬ dered the lio n to return they expressed it wi-h to fal¬ low on, and said they w.-uld put up with hall rations if be would aOoa it. His reply Was that he had no ordi r.- to follow them. On Monday be set out to Spirit Luke to bury th;* dead, etc. He weal toti,. iratbouat thatol Mr, \i- t lee, found ote dead body, buried it, tuid returned to Bmriagfield. 'Tis certain sncfa troops, or rather auch c ttie. i-,will afford DO protection to oiu frontier m tttcrs. Bock men me not tit hi proteel our ftobtiers. Think of his conduct! his men ail wall mounted, turning back whin he waa not half« day 'a manh off them; they loaded dow n w ith plunder, und horses and nudes, und carrying iff' wiih th.-ni four respectable women a.i prisoner*, 11.a It dbma wi re known to have soui 25 or 30 bend of hi raes and eicht orti c mules, taken from Ibe settlera. These Indians commenced low down on Little Sjc.i:x Riveras arth south-nri at comer of Buena Vista County, aad procejed to brenn ap and destroy all the aetttemeBte in that county, Clay, Dickinson a d En n itt Counties then iah adeucomh g iioa-u the \\. <>i Hi iu i h n." far to thi*y dar. . Through) ut their v how ii ane Iks r have eoaapli taly demolished every aettla> n.< i t, killed all the rattle, ravished the women and most seandaloBaly abtUM d them. They ^t,H>d over the men w itb their guua em ki d, w hOe tiny amre engaged m their hellish outragen. Along Btet river they ap¬ proached; and got into the houses throogh pn.fen-sions of friendrhip, und with a rush Mixed the men and s.iii -. taking the people by sarprise, attncJdflg in such a way that one family eonld not help the other; all tittr.eV. d etmtiltnr'eoii-.'y. lehlied tiiem of everything, ai 'i h it them tu i Ibe mblal of old weetnar ami d'iprLiw-. Ti'.ey did not eommence to kill the act- this aatil they had reached Dichharon county. Then, at Spirit Like, ft append that ihe settlers had pn- pen d to di lend themaeh es a- well »i» they could, and tnmoU appearances they fought bravely for their families, lhe ttler- at Spirit Lake aamband ovav I. rty souls, niid rot Mat of whom is left to toll lhe tale. Ftedingthat ribs troopa Iron FortBldgely bad not I nr.i ii tl .. di ad. 1 detailed 85 men to proceed 19 railea to tl.« Ijike und reconnoitre that Ci.-friet, and if no In- dlana were discovered te inter tb dead, as aa act af bmnanby. Ouiib - wen procured, ,ird they -?t out unoer tüe coRimnnd of Copt. Johnston and Lieut, hiaxe ill of * Ompaay ('. They a aid find no It diana, but found tl eir encampmenl and a dnndful deetruc. tion of property. They pi rfotmed the sod duty of in¬ terring ibedead so for as tbey conld find any. They fi urd and buried SB bodies.found the akuUi and bonaa of tin-c who were bumed in tlie ruins of a honso, which, with tin- one buried iiy the trootn from Kl Ige- ly. made iu «!1 3S dead found al Spirit Lake; 9 Lih -d a't Sj tiiirf.eld and I'J mi-sim: at the lakes, eartalnly killi d. It i supposed ibey ara I- h % ofi at a distance, ki.led in att< Rmtmg to escape: some two or three were fcend who bad been a j to escape, four Of lbs ir wi u:eii takeu oft' u- pOW 11 .ir '. tbn 8 badly w i I may sum Bp ns follows: In ail, 11 kQled; IS mlat fog, no doubl killed; I badly wounded, two I f.-n: wattnOyi 4 wcanea prisaaen, baaide aereral men from Baone Rivernad the eonutfos anat ofthia, wbo croesad the Des I?. im - lti\« r with avii wot going 111»:.. km- Mm County aad tin I-.i. ¦, have never yet been bea d ftom inppoaed to be killed on the way. Fn m all npj i BIBBni 4 the Biou Indian- have deter¬ mined to w aga a wm of aztettninntion on our frontlera, Meverytiibsf eoeato ihowitnt arcrypoinl on the upper Dee Homes, Big I-lar.d Grove,Spirit Like, and all points when wi found tracea of them. T.iey In d left the nu-t threatening sign-, stakes .-et up und painted red, trees barked and painted, representing men p.creed with arrows. Ac At every point they bri ke up and destn yed all lb aiture,bund Unbouaea, aad kilk d Ibe cattk on r l"<' In ad of fine cattle *< n- fi ui d shot dfiwn and ntOUehed in uay way but knorhhagonT the boras I suppose to make povrder- home. Their whole coane goes to show that they It'.tid te freak up aad atop the s< ttfonxeutof thai north aid aai Mta set coantry. Ti-n n.ui ii pitu-*-1 .iLiiot 1h- bestowedob theanea 1 have bed ur.it. r nr. ci mmand OB this OOrnwtBB. Otli- eeia and nwn, without exception, ha\ . done mehr duty; they endnn the greatest privation-and fatigue w iti'out b murmur-for seventeen days they pnsaed forward oa their nuareh, wadid river.- aad enntx 1 asl di ep, d raggil g wag. n- throng:, snow bank-, sii epina on the prai lei frequ intlf in Ihn ir wot olethea, expeetmg every snih after reaching 30 nxilea, to mewl the Indiant, as tbeix threat waa at Sou River, that i! e} an u!d »wi ap the Des Hohaei Ki-.i r settlement.-, on. men rafiered vety ansck, owing to thi severe d arce r.rd snow stoTBi. Wi have fourteen an badly In ren ard two b -t. ( pt. JobnaOB of Webster City, ad Mr. iu. hi i ... ot this piece, both rroseo to d.-ath :. r. i ?> w .tern;-tl;. v r < re separated \u returning In in the Ir.ki FjMR the State OS the men who sue- eeeded in getting back to camp, both ef these men in.-t 1+ dead; evi m s-an h hns be. n mud . lor them, but no discovery a-"*.:, so nvera waa the waathee ibat those wbt «rem parked up Budget in, were so Baach florin and exhi.u-t.-d that they ware erawtha] <n tle ir bands sud kre«e when f< un i, and three ot f. ur of them hr.d lo»t If. ir mind-, becoming p. rfoctly sVraaged, and knew bb one. A- near as l eouMna* 'nie. the Im.lan force was from lot) to '."CO warrior-, ladaing tram th< ir eaeampaaenta, ate., the numb -r at lediane must be 15or 90 Billed end woanded. From the uember seen to tali killed, and judging from the h). i dy < tbes ar ! ch t - i t" i.I«N«( in their i neamptre-nts, (ho straggiaat the Lnkes mtt.-t have been very <. vera, partkaJad] the '-re at hVa h-nt.i Esq. Mat¬ tes Is. Eh v n dead bodies were f. und r.t thia bau .-, t. .th.r v.ith leverul broken guns. they appear tu hr.ve fought band hi hard. I have to infonn your F.ii-i lleticy that we haveliriven aat&ftha Berth part of the s.a..- ovary Indian, and et i ra :! at at i naval then an no .Sou i in Iba > sah »s it be in that tu.-t n- ar the mouth of Big Koox! H i whole Im dy have rl. d iu the direction of th- Mi-- aoaAeroaaängtbi BbjSiuax I hull Bat ha animimil to hem if an attack an bsoux City, l am snti-ded .1 at Ibi K'' Btaf aaaaber af tiV SS Indian- were fijam the Mxereaui, as they w. r- itnagun to the al . re thev appeared, and a p.rti .n of them wire Ir.il-br.ni . .V, v r the history of onr coaatry baa so aatrageous a. ta bean Cm- n Itted - a any people. WP bnvenaneeonntol In-Una rriri tu sni b aim.-.-- n f. naatea .o. ti, v have ii.-i... dautd can autUi d by Jw h«lf-hr.at It ia t. te- amred that lb. y w.ll n Beat their .tepredntions ifsci ei easores «re not tekaatoBtaveatit. They ire w.ll am*i| md wrj . pptjed with Banmanirbni They took .*». nte-T» kegs of powder, with h.«fc ard lead, from Woods, at Spru»«6eSd. barst rna store Bad killed fi'irn, Ac We bare a he-d of d-sti'rrtr and UN or«i. tl persons thrown upon as to pr-iyHr for both f em LittJ» Sioux Kivrr and the Upper Kiyrr as wr 11 m our own fruaen and in-ahied no-a. I rward thi* hasty and «omewhat oonfased report; will gin ar.oth. r mod, mor« in detail. 1 instructed ( apt. Richards, Mr. Morrison and . thers, to forward to yu the affidavit*., «fco. apprize tou af' r.r mart-hire relieve the front-,.-, k e. 7 Van nay ..' 5J n vv. wiiXiAht.« HosTtUTixt taa aM.oonaiBB rfmaataaTraxt- tort..The following from Tie St. t/ruu Drmvrrat mske« t probsb'e that there m eoneert of aeti.-n arr.irc t!.< loan and Nebraska Indian*, and that oar who!, fn nt,er will *><*>n lie in a bhue: 'He «1. nn:<: M:: n. buha. which am v. d la--t frntatf, hrirpri-f..rrT.«ti«>n of a Mffoaa diffiCbNj that has oe» rurtol 1. tweet Ihe Pawnees and MttkMi of Nebraska Territory. < 'wm^ to the latei;-** of the hour, we are arable to detail the affair cleaily, and Ihne fore five the irformatiop bnmedlv imparted by the officer- of tha boat l b. Minnebaaa, on the Bp trip, found great exeiteneat prevailing at Platt smouth, the In¬ dian* hav ir«r driven in a tinniher af MttJen >.n Salt ( reek, and «eme s«nous tlchtinp had oc-nrred. re¬ sulting iu the hilling of several Indiana aud one white man. the waahdbaj of another, and the rapturing of thirteen Lilians. Who were kept strictly guarded at prwaaera. I he V .. ,.] t!i-« t..-n « to i tiaba ( :fy. when1 (.'. n. Thayer was r*«idinr. The funeral sot phot;? procuring volunteers, bought all the powder tn Omaha, ami started down on th.- steamer. On board there waa a idx-ponnder, consigned to Omaha, but instead of bail g put out there, it wni» earried buck to I'Intt-mcutb to be used if necessary against the Ir.diar«. On arriving there, Gen. lawyer and the volunteer* disembarked, and were Joined bv oth^r?. and it i- Mppoeed that tliey would be able to proie.-t tbcawetrea aad their homes successfully ocaiu -t any atta. k 11 the ladiaus. Sr. Lon - l)»m'.er»t, V/hl. MARINE AFFAIRS. I OR hlKOPK. The British «teami r (i'la»t:ow, (apt. Duncan. '.¦ Sat inlay for ti'n«jnw with 'JO fir-t-<abio pa-sender* atd 4T in the third eabin. QCABAVTIWB at OLD on.cHir.ri NWU, Thf Statt*. Inland Chronicle, intimate* that the Quarantine rVaiiiiiliiioaoii have it in noatanplatioB t<» advertise proposals for building a permanent CJunan. tine establishment on tha "Old Orchard Shoal," aad will hwmediately commence the work if five acre< of land inn U- made tin re for any (<ueh term* ai the law will warrant their e.vp« ndinp. i it inai or hoi k. The irr-T.'..-^' line by steamboat John Potter, hr-rcto- Cnre av it z pit r No. 1 North Iii vor for rhiladelphia at 5 o'doeh a. BL, ha^ bees chanced to ii o'clock a. m.. at..! will continne at that In. ur until farther aotica, ANoIIIMt MMM-HIF Iis»: ToKIKoP». A new liüi if Atlantic t^eomera will comm.-nce run- t lag -a May 1 etweea N. W»York, Londou and Hrcmcn, i«n\ini.- each port lemi aatwrfhly. That Una ia owned by tin Kuroj^-an and Amoriean Stmm Shipjiinj; ('.en- j a; \ oi T.. don ai d Southampton. Tito iteanen ar. the t^u. tn of the s<.uth, 3^91 t.n-; Indiana, -J.rWt tune: Argo,2,315tuna, Bad Joi»on, 'J.tkj? tann. TUeae ¦hipe w -.ii constitate a icni arnnthly hue. Oa the out- »iu.1 trip tlo- et. i.un-r will remoiu one day at South- anptoa. a ma>f>:OTH Cl SAPtikR. A nail >;enm< r to l.. caHad tba Scotia i* now build- inc on the Clyde, to ran between Uaarpool aad tba United Stat. -. She «ill be 450 feet in lenirth, which - 00 fee! It ncertliati the I'er iu, at pre«en. tiie Iar^.-«: sl ip ath nt. He Scotia will, it i* exposed, sttrpaaH in 1.. .: t'. Fir-ia. the (ästest steamer in the world. -a»>ti or thj «TKAx-nip rBsfPtar, A geatfenaa WTite« to 77,e Montreal IlrralJ, April 93, a- folli ws: IIa> it obs« read an article entitled " MeamcrMii-- Ing," ann nncing i,rav.- appr bensiona relative the fate of the MTew-steamer Tenpeet, tdie having beau 4!' dnyn t ut on her late pan-ft^e from Ni w-Vork to Glasgow, 1 have to i- form vou tbat by th.- Arabia I had tba informatioa fron (ria-^ow that the Tempest had put Intoaa l?>hiH>rt, diftna-ted and othrTw.«.- iojuitd, having been 40 days out. WHALIKC orf -A.nDT Hook. lbs athaansi vVn, BOoy, Cobb, and aOaap B< V. Brown, Honij., of NVa-London, have captured another whale, which il at present at the «teamboa* bavin nt Quarantine. Thin i- the third whole captured by t.. m partlea th'..- ....<..-n in these water-. The Inl .170 barrehi araa lost in the gale of the 19th; the *>«. t d one, of 40 barrow, we noticed last week, thi» ot e iv ab< ut tiie iianie site an the bat one, and will yield aln ut th.. HUM quantity of oil, it wan taken alx.u three miles east of the tail of Ronaor Bhoal, fn mx tathonut water; '¦' is a bull aad meBt-ures about 4 ". feotttleagtb. It ü intended, bT pooatble, to plain it ;ti.:. of our liox docks for exhibition. At the time of taking thi- one MVeral othrr« wi re in aigbt. tut van or it hii t. The .. u nununoth paddle-wheel iteaiaahip t'ander- bUt, 5,968 tana burden and 8^801 hnae power, I). I* VVilcox naster, will bi open for the uin- bnipactioa of tin public on and after Monday, April 97, ut pier No. 3 North Bivcr. .PLxantn am to avaraaua« The Royal Mail ataaanhby Kuropenr made the run to I'. rt Phibp, Auftralia, recently, in 54 days, 19 heaaa, having .-:one under -ad orly 977 hour-. Thll U n -j lendi l run. MTWAM rir xtrp.iT. By a dwpatah addraand to tue secretary of the Ii« aid 11 Trade by hw M^jeety'i Consul at N'ew-YotL it appean that on"the 6th of .January l»,«t the WTeck of th. llritii-ii bark Theti*, of London, Boyle, nia.-t r f:t:i Horduraa, wai en by Mr. 8aaui 1 A. vVebeter, master of the Harr.ltou, oi' Salem, in lat. :il 1? N. ! i :. 5 30 VV., waterlogged: ao.ne of the cr«.w wen- on a .-uinl! part of the piKip-deck, and other* ia the r. p. Alt. four Ui.y- of per.v. iit,f» ft'jrt in tb" most »evere weather, on the moroinfj of the loth of Jaiiuajy tLe Hamilton mci ended In naklag a line i«»t to the nlfUH nma.-t, bv wiach menn.i tiie i>urvivorB, Io n aanber (thiaa bavma beaa drowned and four dn-d fn in rtarvati. ri were tran-ferr. d to the vessel, ant provisions, rlotbing, &c., ho far a-mean- permit, weit» luppHed ta than, Oa the Sth »i Pebruary the cr.-w Ol tl..- Tbl ti- Wi landed at New-Votk and WBBB re- c< ived by hei n. ;.i ... Majesty v CoaaaL la coasequoace of the rvpieeentation of the above ft11- ti e Lord* 11 the Conntittae of I'rivy Couaail f>>r Trad, have bsen pleased to direct that a rrvld chra- n. met.r be pceet ated to Ca ptnin Wcb-t^r for bis euer- getk and ur.cea»ir.^ elTorts to save the shipwrecked crew fron peril no imminent, and for his humane and jreaeroui traatment; to the owner- of tba HaniltOB ihe inn of $170 br aabeisteaee oftbd .-ame: to the two mat..- the »um of £5 each; and to the crew the .US of £9aaeh, in cotu-idertition of tba reduced allow- auce in tluir provisione. [liondon 'lime-.. HUDSON RI VER I TEliB. Baow ib I't-'II r C'ot stt..Sr^)w f. l! to the depth .: two fi ¦'. at "j-:< r County on Monday and Tue-la* last. Th< rxdd waa intense. MSLABCVatl V\~r oi Drowkijic..A BttJe n{ Mr. Toftey ef 1* ;t:l !.r..', Htttche«« Connty. was drowned ia r rtream not far fron hniwdasanw on Tit.-die evenbsglaat Tha father and »ort were m tnrning bom.-, and in "-» !.. a bridjre over which the wnt" ri, the futher l»-t hi- foothold, snd both i II into the t.in. Mr. T. let go of his boy * haad, v :.. i. the ' Qd waa cairnd over a <l*ur» thirty le-1 loch and drowned. The father narrowly escaped. Thi body wai (band next day wed^.d le-twe^nUo r> i k.-. I >. eec.-e.! w ns I yeur« »f s?e. iaarAirCaai ./ />cew»<ey.-Mr. K^.^it Smith, a weü-anown ehtiaaa of M-IVnv :!le. Cosaaahia County, was arrldanlaMj nVawaad on Tu.»»lay. Ho went alone Ui a si..«II b"Bt acn^* the ere. k, near his r ... d. i i. to look at MM wood, and a «hört time aff.-r- sard the boat MM Wtom upward iu the ereek, Mr. S. bt ng nowhere vi-ible. Search was inuneds'ti - ly made, and ! tiodv found a short «L-tanee hel.,w il . hi at. having floated down with the current. Mr. rWath I. BVM « BWga family and many fiie.ids t«. mourn lit untimely end. j tefi If-cry McLean, anplnyad recently as a maaVt Brrhw betweaa KksaV rhook and aTimeiUn. fa hm l a County, was on Saturday ,M» id<ni:.ilry diowoe-l ...the Cevar* k t re« k, re ar tie? fcmp.r.- Work«, town .f Sic« k port. TIIE POLICE OONTK8T. NEW INJUNCTION. WK1T OF Ql'O WAR&ANTO. ¦IVKHl COnT.eWBWhtt 1BBW MwrnM XV.B^ JwigT Hl' II k«ni«A4n rv«o« Mt_ Janas« W. Nr*. Bt-ni I>r*aar t-r I htJwsB, B^wea, Junrag. T. «..... ... *»«»., Powell. Ac- arranged at lie close of ta* argument on KrvU eraonag, a* counsel <* Wh bjJm itlnlil u*J J I |1 Pari.,, at 10 orioch |h> aaormag, feir the PC* of having th* te«r,e,erary uyunoi,* so okx!^ . to i-onfice its operation to the City and Oenaatv .f N. fhatl . v.tt '.arge .ui,,,, of feel.u; an interest in the development of Ui. Kt«ktU bdwren the municipality of the metjMpo'u, w,i th, I.?¦ci-iature < f the State. lit Kv sits opened the proceeding* *¦-irjllBai the to.Iiw:cg aa the form m which ihe modhicatfa should he made: ( hearing ocnuse 1 for the plaintiff and d. frndaau erdcied that the motion of the j laintiffon an imar^ej- id ti...- action, in pun-uone. ol the order to diowaijaie I fTetoaVta t;i>en herein, he denied, except*., fj, M relate- to the l'olice of the City of New-Y.irk, r>j J* the pr. verty of said city connected therewith j^j * to that, the decision of the Court in re«-rr»fj ^ the nieaa time the pending it-junction Ufa'tv to». Untied. ttr.M) CoaoT. for the plaintiff, opposed the Bellte». tuu of the lejaiietioB in any respect ffe anflnumnl tl a: l H- ... would pre them an apenatunbythn noraiaguf seeing how fur it was araatnahfotowinh an ii., ditii-ation tn the injunction, and he (Ujr< «I C< : u on Im king over the act, wa» perneadid thai It was impossible to d<vil with it otherwise than aa ta enth jr. Than Commissioners ween cd to ejefe*, .ay phytonl Iwaeajsoa at all. str.ctly speaking. \\m Wen ou!> to eiert a »ort of |,«gialatlve coir.roiliir aa. thority, hi d therefore thev could not perform an act a ar.y one of the counties of this great Metropolitan de- tritt aa Lii< h might not in anine way aflVet Ibie cite. If the] gare an order, it wouhl be a'general order arsier thoWMBntal authority. 1Tie Cotiimi*si<>net> w<*rr h. rit t. 'i to own trard coui y linos. Altogefh. r the this* wns made so cot> ple(>-ly a unit that h<-thought it *m not at ail possible to limit Ihll restraint in such a at* as to preserve any particular countr or precinct frufi the eflhrl of thifl a,-t. I he Dear! ¦ <ht as arehl and*. tcki to i rj, tn the I )epain;ent of H ar from defendtaf a particular point, and to say, nevertheless!, ihn: it II u.<l be at libcitv t<> defend the whole country ex- cept that point, while the suneod« r of fhif would bt the pnrrendee of the who,', 111« Honor would see, by the Ith and dh section- of thi- act. that the wliok> sub¬ ject wm tiealed as ouethitu'. and. the:, tore, if the net were to be flBjosnud nt ail, it was to h- enjonnl aa on entin ty. In aoVtitioa to that m nthn to a nntUi« wVnch app«, reii to him to 1).- unanswerable. then wi re other ohiet tiona> The pnononttioa mto tin' City of Htfw-YorJi hy nenn ef an etcrp. tun. Hit peihaps he shonhl say nothing in r-jftnl to that, as the rwdlflration ot" the injunetioi, j Bande, would be in nonabenity with some safir**- ti»ns who'h his Honor had reduced to writing. Hinoehf ard aaanciatM wen- all af the 4euüul p|i\i.tion tliat it w-< uot poisible to reet/aia I] i iVi-rtrd of Comniissionem in nnnnni to lorsj limits. Hesid<e, he did not und, r-tand th- motive >4 Ihli iipprnaniTa haatt It lennatl to hn inhtruiony w.th ibe otn^uaiiinc of tin Hoard two ortwneawyenn at the Kgyptiaa Tombs. It wo* maiiiie-t, from the, prosrisiona ofthe net, thai no DBodlrlcatioa of the h*> nnctton n as nnn aamj, ^c, pt for the parnoaaofajauai 'ii i. i.d oltoirether d.-cj.nect. 1 iioin anv rrgarf to the public iutore*its. K\en supi«>se th. Mai.,r *ers dethroned Iron hi control over the police, that lone would rtatinoe to nerforn laatbatlea andei i'., nontrH ofthe Chief of l'i4ice. Aa to Statcn Island, West, cheater and Km*,- Ctnnljna, nobi-J> would pretand] .-a;, that thi > ooajd suffer any icjury by allowing tail atl'mr to rt main in its preaout jxisiition for a MBthi Hie argument waa thst berbrt allowing these Cesjnn> Pronen to wtaataa in the Egyntina^faa^be, aajtha Judge' might have latectered by injunction; but tha*. rot hav mg done ho, and having allowed then to organ- ire, th.-v and, apee fäcn, eanred on tha eaanlwef their authority, tint now they wanted the dart b> r/» ¦Wither, ard vtitunlly aaaWOy its own injunction by al¬ low tnc th> t'ommissioners to n. t ontsidt- ot tjie ho jo,I- arie«. f New-York City and County. As to binuelf niid a.-.<<'iatea, tbey took no interest in the ease m «-.v.nM'l lor the panaiaofWnatoheeter. Riehaaeai au<t King-. Countiee. Htill. th«y did n. batbrra it to be print., able for his Honor to draw up the injunction ta such a wa\ as to except the City of N. h-York (rxm tba ol- «itlou of Uie law, and yet leave it in rVwte u rninit Tiie n-Oiaiiider of the distil. t. air. Bdanaaa kxUowad on the same lidc. He nrgrd that tLe cotinsel for the ( oiiiinissiou. hail showa ae wir,.« why the mjuction should not be continued, Iba Oaty baeia of this motion wus what they regardod $$ a eoaanitoa ofcoaaana, that the inianctioa nhataa only to property. Ibiahe aaahai. Ii« admitted thst it hao In . i, the practice of courts t.. confine tajiim'tiouj to prt-pcrty, but it was only a habit as many easea si 'IT,-re was n>, res on why any part of tha In- jan ti' d aboald hi inodiin-d. V\ ben the .«.« wiafirst proi niifrrl it waa dlatiantl] apoa Ihe ;tM sc. two. to pie, cut this organization, which has been tiu then wi f>\ the Court. They itlie counsel for plaintiff; MM promptl) in th t mattei, because it wa.- expecM «s the ( onniaianBan wan at that time takiug tiie <»«th of office in Albany, they Would within twciity.futir hoan be pnpan d to lake poannani of the poant de- pattDM nt, whetln r pobticnl jsiwer, Corporate privikif* r, orporate pro;x'ity. Mr. tsimomis wan" nrocawdtag with the history of the it./.,notion, when he wa- directed by the t'oort t«> addraia hhaaokT to this great gneethxn, whether the d> fondn coaM lay thi ut Inger ou any rjs aV hanaa* reue me tO neaH fioui a ilelay of action iu the adja- (. nt countiee for a few days. Ha Mgaed that no in- convi nieace c<ndd re-ul( ln>m letting the mutter n-st. I! to, l oi.it n^sot««! t).r ii..si,rii nt.ou proponed, 0»« C«,n minaii r.crs ciuld miM-t in Brooklya within an hour, aad ..ot 1 ,V*<0 poaUMaa to warm over the. whob) distiid, including this city; and thes<: would be »ure to COM in rwafiGl with wliat was uow the !e<ral fot. e. A conriict would thus be inevitable. Judir« In-.vies (iuterruptingi said he had bWAkak* ing to nan what eaaM l>e anakadiauly done by this I- :.. in the-e different counties. lie npprebefllsd that tin ;. could do nothing until the Boaru of Su,i-r- rhwn ha«! ; tat, ana ho Uiou^nt it would be better for «I! partiea to let t) >. MttW stand precisely as it was Bi III b< should render hie decision. Mr, O Conor remarked that that was precisely whut In wanted. Mr kit-id objected to that, and wh.-n the opportu- Bi ;. .1 he desir. il to ej«-ak oa thu! p Bab Krarta followed "n the part of the ComaMen ra, He mi,.I be wistd-tj u nt, varyhriaary, the reasona bwafking Ulis noancation. Upon the preeanW*ejca i. ii i, ennlabatfl gem ralinjnaotnaatayedtheenaln pti. rsiingi of these t:i.<tn appoint, a hy a sutirte, un ihe c...ind of theit statute's un.on-tituf.oi.u.iiy. A oecesaan inodiriioatioa for the pun<o"<' n organizing the Board wa- graatad. and tiie eiwnniaediPMri awaib diMtienrtv the aaawlea ot the Oeent. The tf- poait.neeaned to eanweeV thai Ibe property on, »tion aloaa wn a*bia the « »pe «.i taa iajnaanna. Hi t -o tar a- ii-p."^-^ '->e 'i'"' "' ll" l*'>anl, a-ule from tliepoJtoe Bieperty of Hew-York, the Mayor of (faw-Yora had no powi r to interfere. Hut it wa- said t al tl ej oidd not s.-p^iute what was leg d Btan that which was il'igaJ. To tbia he would aaawat M yoa ronaat frnaae an hrjantinn for a legal okk.it witbaBl Iu reaching t" m hVayal cxt«.t.t. then it mu-tul. -]!,,, w.-o isU. -l I'l-in to e ve r.-osoiis why an unhiw- faliajaaadea -J.ouid Man stayed until the lawful j^ut of it ivuid bn d. ciiled 7 >.- I ol rt ba>rrnpti d, with sugg. -tions that tb^ra wa- u< w no re-t: ..n' .. .: f., t:M oth> r counti ¦*, proposed to add to the lint nsadifoatian, "aad B ta ring upou the duties of Comminsioistra of 1V -1 .. Ta t;..- Mr. O Conor strenuously aMectad, and oft- r some aiscuneiion, Mr. Ernrts proceeded with hi* argu- tt t. He POateneVd that they Were entitled to a T - da ttl B of the ir.'.undion so tha't inhouit not be larv I ll.up the r^'hts of the plaintiff and the at ü« he an u- pla-.ns of. h waa plain that if there were a rieht U Hipagn nnd nreat a taw, rbarn was no ri.'ht of tins plaiHifT to arrest it where It did not iat. rfere w.th lorn. Hut it was said tj.st tiie Court cold not .oparste the !< eal part of tba injunction from tue UksgaL If this we- so the whole mj tudion would fall, aa in the ease of a private contras t. The Coartoaae thai it illegal, ami yet Ibay were ne t with BBfawaM <>f eoo- *>l eaca, and told that Boharn could «ri«e from keep- inz the illegality over Sunday. When tin y hid p-s- t.\. law and Bonitiva ri^ut ou Jirirside, tiny were nvt to BO di.v, d to the ^uistion of convent m Mr. llaaBjdBaVwwj en tl e isnBB -id*. .Nobody *oii tL.: wa. a part:> '.¦ of a rvi.t to re-trjin th. -e «. la-1- mi"ionrr from Beting iu parts of the country outside - of Ni w-Yark. The ut/am uon should not he p-niuttv.. for a BWan Bl Bt cov. r the other rooTitu - 't w*< red Orked as a fsv ,r but demanded as a right. i.« alluded |o the ahnruhw Baaanaiy af eoaaanl nanlyhaj to .t*>r» the i pmtWB af a law "which they coufi an tlu-y d d cet understand. jadga Kotiionds nawhal having made any nahaaV B ba Ion. Mr. Fi. ld proceeded. Mayor Wo d nehker Mayor aer aa a tav-rnyr of Mew-Yark, had any n/ht :o intorfkn w;th an naakoaian of Hrooi.iyn. Th lafety « f the inhabitants af all the*, three cotioiiee on .w kagnVra dnunwdad bbV nakoe, wkM Maaaa-

Transcript of TIIE POLICE OONTK8T. fcirtly, INJUNCTION.Thearaaiatioeof*1'leisn r zwaa signed lie-fourth afJunc,...

Page 1: TIIE POLICE OONTK8T. fcirtly, INJUNCTION.Thearaaiatioeof*1'leisn r zwaa signed lie-fourth afJunc, and the army went info oantoomenta..' NapcJoaa utoieee] tlie coastrurtian of a momv

.»f.» h I wetdd cite the death of Dume ai th « lutUf«f He < h< i b*< Ii, are describe \ though r>r.»>tty and

fcirtly, with dramatic effect. The ie«#»aii which lt.hirra tmche» in Ibis, a« in the two ;. ore-lmg w»l-

«jiiicM, ia th«- cUtijjcr to the man and ta t*v r>U'«m ulan uiicontrouVd single nihr. The d*ta>cr ta h .ratjhraaet.i-d Li the ability ol the autocrat. The genta«,af no man, however transcendent, is. equal in forceto the genius, the collective Oev« of Man, if ¦¦**"atratiicd, it dies, just by hrtue of its quality ofa-eimie, seek oer to eiilarye it* ¦obere af action, o> I

00, *.e-i»rrg m contact sacBM* or later with the ahao*bate tshetructiona of natt>r.,l Uwe, waet-* nhaW ¦

mud, ruinous clort« te conquer them.The volume-cloaee miih the first cauUHUgO in Mx-

atn, Jur e. 1813. It is composed of Bu^e 00»*a:HaaAieef^cfir/ Mint ia ni thai is. bd nmhi^UkehieUry of the erign. uf aajf war with Grout Bntainaa bean anoa Frem h history and ^ Spaoiah cam-

peien of I81'41 /,*.< CamwUt, which tella iu uf tin-Jrulrfary and diplomatic preparation t* t renewing theaomvet with th. Cxar Ah-xonsVr, and shown its, byMa* side of Napoleon's greatness aa a m ui and da i

rok-r, a aVfree of dnpbeitT, taJaehood and bttWee,that w<pukl become a lower onh-r of horse-jockey51.mtun «.»</ Baavfsea, which narrates the evenithe S|>rii*af campaign in Germany, when a rohV 'tion0/ the light of their pa«t gkurj ihiuos anew on Baa*ptdoen and the French anna.

Thearaaiatioe of*1 'leisn rzwaa signed lie- fourthafJunc, and the army went info oantoomenta.

.' NapcJoaa utoieee] tlie coastrurtian of a momvanext. to be plao. d on the aammtt "f me Alps, »ith thisBaoartpthm: jtarouon To tbi Funecn Pi im:, ix

*x>aat»iou4TioN 01 rra onannooa arronTs toaissrtm Coalition or 1M3. Tha idea waa stamped withall the grandeur of hiegeniusi but tor this . enefapeople us well as for hlmaelf, it woold have beenbetter worth to send t" Paria a treaty of peace, Sti| u-

hating to rehnquish the Confederation of the Rhine,Haaiberg, Fllvri« «ud Spain, super-enb-d: Sxcuiri-gjgj ttf ifapoLioa to tri Fribch Pkoflk. Napoleonwould have remained a patronage, not more poethindent, but more truly great, aad thla noble peoplewould rot hav e lost the fruit of it* best bled so freelyabed during twenty yearn."

Purchasers' of 'liners' great work should be in¬formed that U alias of some sixty plans and charts,drawn by competent persons, under the direction ofthe historian, is nearly complete. It adds large'} tothe value of the text. The Paria retail price is thirtyfrancs.The ninth nnd concluding volume of "The Me¬

moirs of Marsh;.I Maimont, I»iik<- of Rugliea," isnow out. The work, printed from the tnanuaoripl©f the Marshal, covers the period between and1H4, and is a desirable companion of the work iuainnoken of, and of the Correspondence of KingJoseph. Certain statements mid strictures, of theMarshal, capeciall] tboaa referring to Eugene Ilcau-hamais, have cxi .t.-d considerableattention. CountTascht r de hi Pageric, a form« r nid«de-cainp id' thePTiiiec, bus endeavored to refute them in a recentpamphlet: and a curious cum- Ll now pending beforeone of the tribunals hero, in which the heirs ofPrince Beauhnrnail demand that the publishers ofthe Memoirs lha11 insert at the ,-nd of the aevonthvolume a number ofdocuments which, as they think,?.ill uphold tl:e memory of that Prince ag.iinst theMarshal s allegations. On noeoont of the recentdeath of the dnnghter of Bonuhnrnaia, a Countessof Wirtonibcrt:, the case is adjourned so aa to givetime for the next nearest roLt.ves.to wit. the Queenof Sweden and the Kmprcss Dowager of Krazil.tobe heard in the matter.

George Sand, in the intoresding novel entitled.* La Dainiella,'' which she has been writing tor thebVuilleton oi l.a l'rcste. tin- bocm and personages ofvjvhich arc Italian, wa* lesi t<i lay, by way of rhetor¬ical effect, uItnlf is a courtesan Mat purification," and a people always hüs tJic kind of government** itdeeervee." This passage, and others of similarimport, excited the regret* of ex-1'resi lent Manin,Ary Sthclii-r the painter, Henri Martin the historian,who, through a letter publ.sliisl iu th- papers, signedby M. de lu Forge, expressed to Madame their painnt hcariiu; such sentiments from a liberal like herself,and made it out that she was renouncing bor oldopinions and unjustly aspersina the characters of theamble patriots of Italy. To this she made a brief and¦nflcJenl defense iu 0 letter lent to the 1'rtssc. Tnelast number of the noted appeared in a few dnj2&th ol March, and s.vihh to have been written iuaouie sort as explanation ami defense of the paaaagereferred to above. It is a view of th.- preaeot atateof thmgs in Rome, presented in the form of a letterfrom one of the personages of the nOToL It is writ¬ten ir. her beet style, so eloqueutly and riridij that1 am sorry to i>c obliged omit .hin part of it. bomefragnn nt.ir. extracts uro all that I have room for.a%ftOT giving due pnuKe to the people of Koine, whoacted so wi ll in 1*1-, be save be look* in vain forthem to-day; he Bern only a uat.on of l>eggsrs.

" I cannot speak to yen of tin- people I have seen.It is BOt a people, it is a mob. You no longer find thatherd of superstitious but s:nit>le believers, wh.ai.is.-ry area icneoled bycecsmooJeaand images. Theybelieve in nothing, not even in tlie priest, tli.it specterwho bo long baldhis pi nee by the side of Goa, and.ans worehiped before God. They hate him, threatenhim in their glancea and their thoughts, but salute himwith the bended knee and with their li]-. A low pas*anon foi gain is the only dream of their Iii '. The lot¬tery booths, which offer a gros- caricature of out spec-vxlatiotis tit tie- Kourse, are the only temples they Ire«Bjnaal vvith enthnaiasm. There, moved by a remnantof pagun inpemtbtion, they addreaa their vows to tin!Virgin, 01 some Saint, before riaking their la-t coin,But ut nun fauna* of su.cees th.- Virgin and tbaBatata are loudly cms- d nnd in-ulted in teinis that inJKrnnre you would nut boar addroaaed to the tOwaelcreature in tlie streets.

VN h« 11 the Pops appenm. a sort of crowd stillgathers about him, fTotn which, however, he defendslu.i..-1 If Ly raaki ot Geraana So 1-« halberdiers, diesaedin apera costume, which form a hedge up t.. the verytiHi..i thealui. It is a aojuad of noisome beggars,indecently ande, ntrlict« d with aO tba wounds andvermin nnd inoc.stroeiti.-s i>f miserv that the worstnightmare could preean! to you. The orthodox ex-eitiito nt tin- beaoti of the sp.-ctnblc The Popa nTidCardinti '- trailing their gold nnd purple ia the mi 1stof tliem- mg, und this ulcered wretchednes*.whatpanndUty.whal a Ina »ontiment nf Chriatinn frntar-Bity 1.

.'Let those who will Ih amuaed with the easy nn«naaeeraoi the ItaJiana, with tha pride of the ragged

¦man, with the |>hilosophv of the laughing In netmaking BV rry amid the rinns of the palace of tnedjsrsais. 1 cannot to me all tl.;- is a paiafnl ught; thephilosophy of tin ,-e WTi tclo - is ae lepugnant as thi iraaaaa. I have never seen anywhere else the humanbeing so d. graded, and the anrocHiee of the old pagantime, the wild baaets of the cirous devaluing men ineight of a public tbhat) for bitsxi, slave- aronrgedand tortured- all th.it f',->r.;. mot for humanity whichontered so largely luto the bm guiheent pompa ofa B .-

man fct.-, aecBM t.. tne perpetuated and Laeannted in¦aadera Kome. Frracaages have changed with tin-sHvne, it is true. Tba terrible Caaars are mUd pon-tiffs. ard tlie victims arc imbrated mendicant.-. Ui reaeentiiilly there Me the same (vntrn-ts, the -.^u:"horrors. The lioaa nnd ttgt rs of the CoGseum ai.-debftecini 11, ronrrsption* starving wiatilmdai'ss, andall Home is one jpoaf, arena where the greedy eyeafffha enriofs, Benrtlem spectator may tv..l it.'-ifon the most hideous terms of physical and moral de-atrui lion.

This state ofthiri?» is ,ittributi>d by tho writer tontuuiy CBUacB, the Chief of which, however, is the*'anoni.dou- foam of the Pontifical Goveminent,.'which I,:.-the detects of ,11 known constitution..'and none ot then- merits." Theeaaentialevil isthe celibacy of the plicata, in whi-s. hands, M electora or elected, a',1 power is hold; tin bereditai] ei.ment rci|ui-ite for a monarchy or an oligarchv. themicial and faudl) interests requisite in any n'n<to-cratic or Bepsdat republic, are eoualh wanting.For nuaVhahlng ihfa fetulletoa, ia Prmm wus visit-nd with a "w hi. -ig" from the French authorities,am the pretext that .t w.»s mil^pcaking of a friendlyaUtivernmenf.

That plcasant-sti^rj blh r Kdinond About hasfctlch gucn 01 tWO mev err. r!.|,Brat and beat hi "LeRoi des Montagnea," whichclaims to repn'wnt, with certain kasTmwas a*vaggera.tions of detail, the highly proaparoua nature oT tharobb*T business as at press-r. carried on in Qieaeeander the w inking ey,* ol the constituted authori-tics and with tin- connivnuc-ot reepectable ritiiIt is the rraTaanrr pendant of " La Greet Cootom-poraire," by the s.ime author. The other story,.'(Jonnaine." he calls the aOCOOd *ori"s id " I.hJariuges do Puris." It is of itself as long M theaiv tak-s that enMBaXtrdl the 1».' n. uied voiiiiuc. buthas not the 11 crit of il< juedec.. -rs. Bnthof, itsfVulf is hVal if assini.iM to Ih ,1 novel, and BO does 11.d

tvdly answer expectation: wbik- the short.-r stone-ol which 1 -poke bud Summer wen- all they pre-ifjbjdl d to In-. *

miscfi.i.\m:<»is.- alr«. Beaohar Btowe was httely at Baplea,~ Ak xnnd. r Clark, the \m< ricnntaotegrafaVw, Wfd

t I«io. n f.rtb»- mnor-UugM. r «f KBMf**.f'ad tpams-d bim »mOn pbotogrdph ;>f

indictedOonit,hwecn. "lätK> pbw ***** that he «>rly acted in seif-

f, rM., rolir the di seased had -track hun, .u.d tha,0rv f' ii'nl l.iin BfA E 111_-7*r EuropK'Ti Ttmn anrwcr.ees that Mr. ChaAea

Meehay V on'^me eve of paying ¦ rbdt to tbe UurtitdMate* r.wl Canada, In nrus r to -. e vrith hl* oura eyest)c-iaic of wflti» Ibere- to cvjoj tbo manblccntrcen« rv af tba W< -t« rn werk), and t.. oh* rve M pmr-aVal morbbig of rmHtlcal h sntnfhan ivhleh tseuo Mu.111 ,:.n .?. and rritici»rri in tbc oel «ounlry.TrT Wt* Ol CBIROMBB. During Iba Ii '. J tUT

Muri I.«" been er id nnd written against the abase, af" crinoline." but tbo inhabitants nf Vi.-ot.a hiv.- »u-tl ud n RW f tl uf it may - Bietia e. be afreet Nnittto tbe wearer. A yoang English girl, wbo waa am-

ptcyed e> gorrracsa mibe thirdly of an ecjrpioyee,was »o dissatisfied with her lot mat ah« r**aJeed tomal «n ei d an bar hm by lumping from tba mmpnrtsinte tl i drv RM at. An 1 ffn er, who --«w the poor rirlput her rawtdel design htto execution, relates "tut" -L'- Ii« k« ii like a l.nllo. n in Iba air. ' Tin' Mghl "ftl - « nII iflbe city at the apot when the utt mptatarm da aa area amde may he about 4-r> feat, but tbegill wns m little hurt by her full " that she walk. 1bwdv ..« if toll lag had happened.'"

(V1< im» CorTerjx.u.lent of The Loa ton Time«.EatMRATioa ravoH Nonwai !<. Canana irothi

I'turn Si *t»tl -Infi rmntion hn« reached Bnglaodthat upward of I0,0M Noiwegkni will proceed fromItarway toQauhec daring the pi aaaal Bamrnar. Sev¬eral or ihoaa will r>lofiin in Canada, bot thalargerpcrtbmwUI paaa on to tbe North-weetern Btatea ..!"America. Sir Cuaech Raaey hau left Eagtaad for(1 riiiiima to mum airuugenvnta for the transit oftbi aa j* raOM from Qaebec to their daatiiiatton, inda!io tt. liufeniinate information with reference to I'mada en behalf of Iba Ootarameat.MneaacuB or Fnnacn Settlsm dj Ifnw Calkoo-

*u.. The acbooaer Bhu k Dogarrhred at Sydney on

the 3d of February from New Caledonia, bringing in-lelligence i f n rb«>~htogmaiaecre of the French colon¬ists by tbe native-. Kleven Europeans and fourteen01 fifteen Km eke- in their aarrice had been murdered.7 hi fipafaee Movai'eg I/rrtUd gives the fotloaiag ae-ace. rr.t:" Tbe townahip of Monti i* distant from Poet da

France abont tOTea Htilea, nt which plncc elevenFieri l.tin ti and a aambi i of native- from the Bau !-wich laltodl wen hfr.tio::. d far the purpose of obtnm-mg madalwood. About tbe 90th January, the MowCakdoabm aatirea made an attach aponthi settle-meat, and savpgely murdered «11 the inhabitaota; aoextetmmetma, win- their onslaught flat not a HinLde in-dividal was left to taO the particulars ofthese droadfnn.urdi rs. The bodms of 11 white tnea und II or ISishmden wen discovered aeridentally hv pnr'.i- s j.roceediag from tin- township. Among the victims ofthis ravage niadpk i^ M. Jlernr.-i. attached to the firmof Vial d A rem dj Co., of this city, and who was for-BBeiTy an < Beet in tin- French nav y. The Julia Percy,n bconer, passed by the scene of the dhvaster duringbhoconiun math nof this fearful bagedy, and observedan aausal moren enl on shore, on approaching whichthi natives wem sei a to retire, bu; she was compelledto stand off again."

7/e flpdaep Empire says:" The cause of this attoc.ty can or.lv lie g!ics=eij af.

It fitJjeiirs clear that there was nothing it; toe OOnduciof Mi Hi rard and hit white eompnnions which 00u] 1paBlate M. Tbe natives wen treated by them with¦reat kindnees, and ezpreraed for them me warumslfriendship. The crime wns consummated by thenatives approaching the Settlers in small parties, withtheir aeeastomed prefers. - of friendship, until a largepnttyhnd been collected, when the worn of murderwas Von meoeed in ci Id blood. If e/«H not a Dgbt, torthe settlers wi re ard upon when, without wins iu theirblinds they were engaged ia their ordinaryavocations."As the bodies were not eaten, (attboujth the na-

Ifrrei of Hi w-Cnj. doi.ia are eannibala). th- a. t» af- n.-

of toncennee, InnnprabnbilUytha New-Caledi i ianiw ere dhl !. aaed with the introduction of natives fromV.-.teor Sr.dwiili bland, 'one of the N sr.Hebridee),whom they fook upon with hostile foelinga. It maybe. t<<>, that the fact of the settlement having be.;unade in this qnarl with tbe permfaadbh of th:- Frenob(local) Oovertm>enl instead ol under the authority ofthe native chiefo, Indneed tha latter to slaughter theaettlers."Capt.Lewk bchovaa the disturbance has arison

fn m wrefnenl of tbe French aettlan to pay the aameprice for tbe land ai rtie Engtbth."


Kerm Ihr St. Paul jlWasrraf, April 17. ,

We },'ivi hi low n letU rfrom a reUable oorreapoadenlof ihia paper, laaMinfi at Mankato. The letter waswrittin oa Sunday last, the day on which the messen-

gerieft Mankato for Fort bnelliBg. It will be seen,from a pernsal of the letter, thut the report- circulatedin tliis city were gioatly eaasararated abal s.-rioa'-dfcdnibaaoos Iibm- oeearred is evideat.A body of Indians, it appears, trcacherou-ly «t-

laiked tlie settlers at the town of Springlieid, on theWntonwn liver, ia nine Furth County, on the 2d ofApiil, killing seven men. wounding three, and carry¬ing oar four women. The Indians bad nreviously at-tu. i. d ti .¦ at tUen at sj bit Lake, nnd killed qeveralmen. Tba s<. ae oi tbe spirit Lake nmaani re, we be¬lli re, is in Iowa, near the State line.Tbe namra of tba killed at Springfield, as far a-

could be tic, rtained, wtrc Meaaia. William and (lea,M. Wood, Church nnd Stewart. Mr. William Woodwas formerly a resident of Manhato, The aaaaei ofbut two of trie women em lied off have been a.-ier-

tamed. Mis. Marc 1 and r. Mba Qaidaer.lln- ri lnniniiig n ttii is al Spriagfield i' .rtifi.-d them-

¦elves in a bouse, end ihm escaped being munh red.Such was tin suddenness of the cowardly attack thaibut two ladlans were killed { undone ofthos.- w.is

¦hot by Mm. Church (nil honor to tfaadhrave wonaan)who loaded the gnas for the men.A Mr. Bbxnm, residu e twenty miles from Mankato,

being apprebeasire of «n attack from the Indians,etat to Mankato for aaaiataaoe, Tbirty-eigbl rotun.teei.-, ander eommnndof Dr. Devi-, left that pis.-,-and n nrhed Slocum'a on Sntnrdny night. Aa attemptwhs a ade to draw the party jji,, u oinbu.-i ad ¦, b itit failed. The vohinteers thrn fortified and ooenpied»Slocnm'a bouoe, wbera tbey w er. inntiundod by 150Indians. This war- on Saturday night la-t.A pfcrty of .'>ü Tohmteen from st. Patera and Tra¬

verse, ander Cant. Dudd, passed through Mankntc onSui day last, r.ud expi nod to reach Slocum's the sn:.i<-

evening. Another pailv was to have follow .

Mendny.Tin- nest newa wfl] probatdy bring as the roatdt of

the encounter intwem ('apt. Dodos party and thelndiiins. \A c have nti doubt of the result.

M.MiWo, April l !, 1857.. In our last we endiuvonu to inform the publicihrosxfh your columns, of tin state id" affairs oa thaDos Momee, nnd particularly at Spirit Lahe. TbaBiesaaagera wbiok had been dispatcbed to Fort R d ¦.

ley, logetiu r with the aoldiem, b it here or. the men.,

ing of the Vivo ult., and procetided to Spriagrleld oatie D,-s Al. in. -, hft. en miles from th. m-. ae ol depre-di.tit bp. They reached Springfield on kadurday, Ithof April, the soldiers st.il in doubt as to the coaroi t-Lese of the report, but n| on entering the town, whatwiisth.ii lurpriae to find thai th,- Ind.uns bad beenthem; that en Tuesday, Apnl 3, a band of Si,,i.x hadaitsiked the town. hiBed seven, wounded three andcatricd four women into eaptirity. Tbe captain Im¬mediately dawatched a company to the f.irt lor r.-in-loncnut «:.: provisions. Among tin- killed wasWiilh in >N' is d, i:.-o:u' M. Wood, Mr. Church undJi SUsh Stewart.The atta. k wns without provocation und unni.

ported bl the settlers. Wm. \No.h1 was «u old n-^.nenl of Mankato and a tradi i ..t Sj.ri. rfi ..

It Hpp, that in tbe 11 mm net mem be went ot .,

the bnr.k of the riwsrtotalk to tha lad uns, «: I as heturned about to go borne he was shot dead ua-.l bnme-diaii ly ii! in fire, Lie body, n In n (bund, being aa d«lybaraed. Several of tbe citisens were temporarilyabaeat, but ka,ve since returned. Those that ibrtii dtin ii andres aeeaped besag murdered. Two Indtaow. n kilaad ».i.i w.i.- sbi'. by Mm. Chunh. who loadedgt.ns tor the im n iu one I f the ht Bsea. the) eamei ufIba woRwn tnken priaoaera wi do art know, with theaserpticnoi two. M:s. Marvel end Mieati ber.Mr. < hiilia-. the in. -s. agar, win. was Imt anal 11

the fort, has ainoi returned from Springfield, aad .

in buried five n.en in «>t.e grave the day before be Imt,He reached Li.ai Uocmn'a, oa the Watuawa Kiver,IWaaty a Has from Mtu knto. ,>a Tliursday 1«-!. undreached Ihia Pinea on Friday evening. Mr. s,seal di wn to Mankato f-1 aawslain .¦ ha aatidpati Ida agi r) by Mr. CbefRna, who bioagbt tin- ej.i mt< III-gi nee 11 tu« Riaaancra,A large me, tit-g wns huinedlatelyheld, aad thbty-

eit-ht rwuateera, wall > quipped, wen n al to thi rsi-tane. 'iin v r achedSsucuffl's oa Raturdav nigfalami found Italians ih re. Mr. W. F. le araaehoaaa ( a] ium. and with a lau bm a n ever la thtu t«, wb iv ti.ey i. u..d t..t.e Indiana, wh-» mn dial[.* appearance i: the whites, throwing ti. iVtm .-beta uate tba ,.:.r , ad firh g al the whit -7 Thwl.t. s m.-, enarged anon them and k Qour. Vmm , i .... whnee wi .- injured, with the -x-

. I /.i '

ti" '' h"r »«ved a shghl wound ini l.ai.ii. TahW, it appaara, was the Sad ind hi

n .dmt.ly upon th.- ratVSre f 'th. a Jit was lorromaiad by about IM laalha warri r* a

\\eTm\fS. Jhtel juM ,nmv'-''. ^H* th abave.-ti ti u.i nt, wnn n is. ..rei t.Word wa- -«al »Trai r..- des Soai and St V. team

for as.-tste.nee, m .1 th;* morning t fty ,,f the rit! . r- , fH. Patar, arrived aadei Capt. m eeaaanaadaedwill i nibalny reach tba s.. i.. if batlla lu i_i.LL .

they wft Maaltato a: 3 o'clock this ol moon. \t tlreiiiforri ment will be up f on. T:.-.v . .¦. i:, .!,. ,..

tojoin the party. Hl Hksi trooi thml neight r«

bm * *fx\ in fret .3 thrown BM «ftnrry. err eJanBSldaid are. ti> nr- u>l<j t. wn mth ihcjr families.Tbaaeei.aat rmn il>e t..wn «.i" PpriiiirrVd * t*a»'n

f" rHr.( h. ffir>. who, a» we rtat.d b*f re, aecoin-

I m had tba m|i i»r.i»i»m, and eesveea. Tb- "th"r ¦

toriob. rat« d by .tiff. r. r.t ir..-¦. r,ir. r«. who are com?t» 11 (1 '< m lecaa U> lb place. Uabannd j»yfever of escjtea land J- ' w-* enveyi ¦ ftirti er int,ii;ceroe «. ...<>n a« rereivrd.MltTlNo or rHI COKtüoa COOS. ii- Of ,T- V*vl~

Touoai Mi anno, April M, IX"»-Tl .¦ Mayor railed a tprcial.bag of the CoaaeU,

nt me reqaeet ofa Commrtti appointed stapupiicBasntii g of Iba < Ktxaae. in rxwieeooeaoe of rafceraaawafn n IM Mtaaaw ta V aller that the Indian-" WBTS BWs>n ittiaa a"tjwedatleaa nnd maiden on Ike aeethws in

it.- I: ac Earth i. ai.tv. in arder tha*- :!».. I eex*al afIheCI v.f Bt. i»r,ul might tr.kr rachatepa Mwandeemed advisable in toe a!.*. r.cc .f TVrmflrW bm( i led Stu:** Baaaeti ta uk* th- reeetxariattry afaffaire. .

Tl.t- f< (Jewing r. *o!u'>< n araa nti.'in ino'.«rv ad "ptaP!ftuit.d. TbMblaBwsertaealH rBi " ,..-udt.»«pp.«t a

Ct n i ¦.'<. (ii;., fr. ai :<.., i act b c BMjena* tin i:»r « i: n itt« . M I. .ri-.i.-.i. J !i> th. it;-. "f ft- 1at tb. fa n..ti.i »f IheC irt j: ... : .1 . .**

l|rf.N tt i- .. rt i. i..:.. f :r- . >| r' -. K / a:. ! ...«' 'f h«'.ar-ali in n ..I.i and anrrUioai f.-i roiaatart .a..

fun ft Pu l, i.I..I triru frnm Lira what action h* po.r>w« to

tab. ii the ii kt'.r.f lb. Pi. i .¦ rra,aadtbrraiJCaoaautiMle tearet ta bia Haaat Iba Ma; .< aaJ tbat tba flaaare Osataaid.«In aVflaara ariH »Urb i-tt.^r it.t^rr* in«» »«" *"¦

rruii»-»trfi la baU tr.,tn«. lv,« in a «HaM l -r iaaaaraMi ttntes.Ihe Mayor appoiated Aid. Caaaibfia, Kittaoa aad

M. (ir. rn.*from The t'hitajo Pre". Ap'il ^3Rt. Part, Mibbumta, April 14, IfST.

Thr ajtaada f thi.j. iry an re thrown ^n!<> a -fni< ofwild raefteBeat lurt evaaiag by tho «mvij >>f a in>'«-

¦ergfr ffoBi Ht. peter with tba rtai^irt ialeifiaaacati nt ibe BaOBX Inlian« in the vi' imivf th<' ooath Deadof the k1ir.n.h..tn Ii.v.r bad brobea .out and ware

luur.ir,- the lertlemeata on the li.t:-- Earthaad Waltonf'rr, and ti arderina hi .! n aaaai raiag Iba m t:ler>: andtl:nt v.i wnrd ef fBC Irt'ii-.rs arara BOTing tnwnrJ Mkato f. r the jinrjm.r of drttroying; it. Knniors were

alto afloat that Maakota wa. actaallydV troyad, aadthat it.- citlaeaa were aioat baibaiwualy nnd inliumHiilyataraared. Tha aaaaa aieaacaaarthal btoaaht the in-teJIiajeaee broaghl Ibe IbllowTiif cotiininnicatioB fromOtotgc IT ilep, en;., Bet retary oftba St. Paiar Coa>per,)-: St. Pirn, April II \<>'.

1 )r\k Sip: A t.-rrih!.' eaciteawMit praratM ban andaboat na. Reporti have eone tl.nt t!,o fretiane hara'brokea oat oa the Bim Kurth Bad Walton Oro, aad

i re it BnJeriaa the bababitaata. Bona forty in»-ti leftMaahata refierday, Bad a Hha nnmi-, r .- h> r.- to->.h\. Bead witin'ui delay/, anaa, BuiuaaJtioa and pn>.v,ci;h. IVa haTC m r.t arnb Iba v.-iunt. en all or aear*)v all the provijioiM we had. Got. Dodd hat takentin- e.n nai d, and ha* nal tin* axpran that tahea thi..to the tort ana a. tiog Goeernor.

Col. Smith, t!..' cotrravtndant al Fort Sn.'llinjr, im-nediately in receieiag the above aeara,diapalcbedIhn .. i npaak ¦« of ntaatij, fully araaed Bodaqaipped,ftr ibe m eae < f BCtioa.TLia it Drab g a large and moat btflaeatial meetip'.' ef

eiti/> nt i f th;.-1 it> w at hi hi tocoaaider what neaaareav. -e neceetary to be taken to protect kiaukato andthe tetth b rata r-n tie' Blaa EartB and other tribatarietof the Minnesota l'i\i-r. Baven] Conunitteea were

appoint! d. ose to provide anna and anunanitioa, an-

btaer to rni-e \i hutaen, BBotber noaey, &e. So theprospea t araa that «onM- of the patriotkaa of "tir yoaag1>1< (<i-which had beaa "rpiui.'c for some ton.w u!(i 01 d prop, r seat. Total t- era wars pieaty, audthe proaped am that nay weald each have a goodrhance to get a land warraat for 14 actaal aar*ion' iuthe '¦«-».].-.'' Col, Smith, hoarever, teal word to theCcrrnftteei tbat the troops be baa Beat wan nonthan i-l fli. Bt to drive th.ee UnMNJ the nuinlier of " iivbaadred" Indians bnaara th<m. Bo,a*or Aaptaaeat,the .. faa" b i'kn aa if it hud beaa inynled.

( Uber tre-fi nperH hove airfvad to-ilny, who reportIhe natter not quite so bad an the first news, whichLur l< nded to allay the axcitaaatat.

It > believed to'lie Ibe i-miie band of Indiani whonre dirtnrbing the cettl anenta aearMankatothat coaa-Biittcd the murders al Bpiril L«ke, Iowa.

It ii* tincerely bopi d by noat poop;.- in tLiit. vitaaitythat iheae oatraget by the ladiaai ariO be Ibe mean.-

of mo e(lovernnentto take an asuraa to have theRieux and Winoibago Indiana moved farther WestTheir proxfainily to taa white aettlen bt a great ob-.tarle to Ibe country being tbkUyaettlett The wttla-ti eata iti Nieollet, l^to- Earth, and If BrartToaatira are

ci nttantlj annoyed by thi rih pradaiioaa, eithi r in pii-ferieg, rioting or fighuec. Their laeei'tes an by tar

loo bear tb. tooth bend of tlie Mianesota, The Mi¬llen oi tin n eoantiea have loriplieriiuviii? tbisaponGovemneat, and I should not he aaiprisedtp hearthat the recent nnd pr. n! outruzee would make Lieei<um* fort, gaaaral aprisng against than. If theIndians once provoke a general oardauirht, dep"udu|i n d Ibey will be driven Bton tbeh praseat re-erva-ti. na. Tba iol«- for " i taJ i..-" in that ,i.»rt.o!i of theTsnitory would be au additional atanulaat I« get rid

t the Indiana.liut a law day will t 11 the want, probably.paBTtctTLABJ oi thi »:v--*'.:i ai ipaiaermn.Since receiving ihe above Utter, the particulan if

the ij Bwacn of Bpriagfl. Id, in Bbn Earn eoaaty. baacome to head 'ine aumber hilled bad aot bt 'n pre-eiaely kn wn. but Willian Wood, Gecrge M. Wood,Mr. t'Luicb, uLd Ji..^ah >:> wait a.. Lum¬

ber.Tba attach wc < without prorogation, aad waa an-

rail i led by Iba ^-tii.-r;. Mr. Willian Wo.*!, atn letai'. an ..Id letth r f't Mnnkufo, had be. n pro. ^e<tin^ t<>have « inlk with Iba Indian oa Ihe bank of the r:*er.ahen be was shot dead and bfa body burned. Aft'TIbis a general naesacra took place, n which aO whow«:e t .t Irmed inffered more or less, Tbosa whowi re urn e.i bar. ly < d. Two |p :.ar... were kdl-done having been shot bv Mr. Church, *ho loaded

cur.« fi r the men in or. . t the h.".;^-. Bareral womenwere tak. n pria. u.-^ \ the Indians, anoac whom areMm. Marvi 1 and Mita Gardner.Thhiy«eigh1 vohurteerx left Mankato under Capt,

Lswkt, namedlately aa receipt of the iatehUgaaea ofIhe nawacre. The eonpaay reached Blooun, on theWaUnwa Blver, on tb. evealng t't... lit!., wherethey rt et n body » f IndUM en i.'mped. who. ol th r

.¦I i :< ach, fled, lluowing their batcneta In the air, tir-ii g bail aatbcryran. Ii:.- eonpany killed (bar In¬diana. Tbw, however, araa bal bb oatpost. ton hnrnodiatelj Bfbnward IM amed Irdiau.. nada their ap>pearan > aad ibi wed fight,Thet tktref« ." leal word to St. Pater for aaalvt*

Bate, wht t fJet:. Dodd and fifty vobuteen ttaried forIbe teens i f war.

InteUbrenea reached Pauibaaft, eallin** on G -n.Bbieldi R rassattance, who immediately t;ii«ed aoan>paay of votaateen nLd Hta-.t-'d for Mankato, aoooni-jii edby Alexander Faribaall and n.-veral tadiaarucnert. Bone of these ruuL.-n. had retaraed, con¬

firming the runaon of the me-wscre« la Blaa EarthCounty, and itoJbng that at fa asl to lettton had b« n

b awacted r> b:- tha Big Bend.A .. ir i at y bad also he« n raised at Pwaoott, Wi'.,

Bad wan oa tha Tine and Tide nady to ctart, wh n

aewa fron Fort Bnelllng arrived, ttatiag thai troopalurBchrnt had beaa dispatched. The people of Pnne. tt volunteered mosl nobly.A geatienaa anivi d at Preseott, who left Mankit.-»

on I) e 14th, aba «tat.-« that tip thnt dat.> Markatubad aat b. en taker bul that tome fifty anrden had1 >. b ranrcltted by Hioax ladiaaa in ltlu-- BarthCoanty, When be h It Hiiinkttt.. 150 ladiaaa w.-r.- en-

csmped four milea from Mnakat.., and it ic rin.'im'-dthat it it against this lmn.1 that Osa. l>.-id arat nmtrv

lag. Thi -.iti n bed bII tiiii fran their haaMB,an]wen fa aviag the eounry or gatberng be nmtun! pr>>-t.rii. n. Great alarm traa etoirwhaw f^it. All theIndians beyond tba Mianciata Btvai wen nM tobeassuming a hottil. aUituda. Iluniors w.-re nf«- of an

alliance betwi en tba Biowx ai d CbippawM01 Hi IAL ACCOl NT *<V THE MASSACRE IN


Poai Don b, low \. April 13, I8S7.Teil» SattaVSSf JSaaai H'. Crtaatt, */'->r v the state *f

ieL-j .-

Sin: Bebte caDed apoa by Iba front!« r m-ttl. ra foraid Inrbecking ti..- borribls oatracaa «\>mrni:t.''i nimnIhi «i; .'. ti g < a the Uttle Bivax Iiir.-r, i., ( ja«< i.t ij ::. tbc Si Irii Ij....- BOttlenents, and in Enanet<'. nt ly, 1 y th. Biouxludiibj the author': v ynavetted iL ma, I rahmd and organised andarnM litre.Ptnj Lies« f30men. .« hfvdtM a er< u v. e proe.-edr.J:* >¦'<-¦¦ to <v. r dm u en h. We took uaou- tinB.air] ii IheSSlh i f A!.v h, and] raaat dad al the westbrsseh ofthe Des Moines Biver to intoreept tb. »..%.

\ ban, r> p. :t f;.:.!, were ur>. u: toswsepal ttiewtikinenti on tbat river. By tbrasd naiabeaILrcagbfatiW Mnka from fifteen to twenty bVet ektep,Ud twolktt .lore ,j ,. W(4\- ,,p Li tltvptnt .. e. when v., leawaed ths Indiana wan eaa-bt dl« 500 r 300 itroB t. t bpring l...k.- und Bhj lalaadpove Sever wn Lai lei . . rundafädlDJ anybody of men thca bj Ibbau 110 ntea nnder at/ nann i i.d. We bad to ford trean hr.-;aal daap ever* fewb Baa, m..J at al! mow banki ar drifls bad toahordn b4 bi «i draw « t i b agi l* ibnagb by hand .«i;h tuer. p. .,!.]-. :hi a;:.:!-:-.-. Ah were v..t td di-ytij in n fall atkaal and lay oat on Iba npsa prnriea

tif ; . oattenb rotlaarcaveiinftasjaahsaakat«.r i f. i. he.

Al ul Bjji i bj we ne I tba who had « -cap.Itt. naatacn at n rtngfl. Id, aompoafdof Ikraanaeai.i hi.it, tv»«. waaaoed, aad ana female taoaaded andaevrral n-. n and '!.ild--n. b>afl Mnbiriagbokl-.oi .e i... Ths} bad escaped ia the night, car-m i r othfaog with them bat trbal obey b^iwhentb. j wen Btiacked- bad nothing :.» eat lor two daytaad one rijht, Tbej wen aN-ut esanaated aad thsIt'fr.« .1. tl.. . ii'i ttrat. it:jC thrill. Had n.«t oll r

.,,,,) |j ipiorted, then caa haaa'.. bt i... n«. ij all woaldhave baennrnrderadU ati ght. W- fraiadth n ifi. n!|erabkaowditioa,

¦i« stituto of everything like el,,(hing and Cw>l, three «fIi. m badly wnunded, and ee v. ral of tne worn- n with.ut h< n. . r »h«»-n. They had nothing <>o them bn.bat lb y had the Dicht they d.d. Ike j-oor womea* Bdh if breast <!. Of through enow and water and ear¬

lyup tL».r crying hrtfTr.We halted UtaMmB lake that fnrnrdied MfihetrRl

rin her to make Iras' add wann them- furnished IbsWBwith i mviefc -. enve them t .-.i k- as ihs-M themfit n. U ' .-« :.¦ w. atber. and gave them all the n sV fin i ! i pewer. Our -urg«*«.n dnsBed thai w..nnds of theaaaaded, whom wound* asaes m a bad eeadstiee.We eieairped there with them that night, po<tlag asatiaala aad pi« kets, axpeeahag as )>e atta<*ke<i.bevt u emmg we aent them on with our «eont to whatla known as the Irish settlement. t>> remain until wen tt m d,t: .. <¦. ttler« i.bov> that point having aban¬doned their hewwa aad snshodhrd iheaasehraa at thatah <, when they wire ecpng.-d in be.,..line a bka kIleus... \\ e pro.. aded oa eur avareh, thrawlag nut inod\ai.re aaaaa tluity sc..uts r firaneHarifg und ex¬en .ti,ig e>ety point where the enemy mightp< i ibly be lband.every p..int of timber, lakeand -tn-am »r»s efoeely ev.imir.ed, and f>and Ifn^h traces of the Indiana throughout the <biv. Fromthese tracks ai d trails they had nil when their courefer Spiiit Lake, or in that direi turn. Uy fmvlu rel' - uwmnehed Iba Mate line,aeei >t tin fi. Id, andei raa pad ubout rundown aa Iba margin of a grove.<!. taiied 60 men, arm« d with nrie- and sii-*hootrrs.wifb orderst.ok their supper* and supply tln-m-schrei with eold rations, sack company their own. aadbe ready to aaareb all l ight, iu two divisions of 30n.< u each, end surprise the Indians before daylightM \I RH it ing. Furnished them with guides, as tin- m-fi ranatioa ara had just reeaivad was that the Indiansvan ea bodied at or near the trading house of a half-I red by the name of I labeo.VVe pn cat dad with great hopes of overtaking and

givmg a good aeeoaat of theml but, to our great mar*trfteauca, are (bead they had all dad Bp-a the ap-pn crli of .Mi n gahua Crom Fort Udgaaey, Wbasla andtaboo, traden, pave them the information tbat thetru< i ¦ w. re coming, and wboee areveaneahi they seuttheir runners to wcteh. Had they not aeut to Kidghyfor (loops we would most certainly have overtakentlx m.The conduct af the troopa from Fort Ridgeie; is

l aid to be aceoaated for. Oa Aaraday, Manh 27,the Indiens attacked Springfield and aehlkbiwhniidThe ritixens defeaded lhaamelvaa a* well a* thevi i.id. The battle r.ud pillaging kitted until nightfall,when the Indians Withdrew. On Friday, in the after-nioti, tin- troops m m Bhkgt ley arrived all wellD anted on mulee. Those troopa lay st SpringBeld aildey Saturday, atid assisted in burying some of thed- ml. Their «fiieers counseled with tin- half-breedCabco, who waa the only one unharmed, and knownti b« acting with, and identified with the Indians, aadwhose soaaw he is ami lied to a srbbw was, at thaitime, wearing tbc shawl of Mrs. Chureh, with otherarticsbstakea from Iba eitiaeaa, Saiil ofihoori lay averfrom Friday eventing till Siuiday morning without pur-tuinp or ii eking nay rff.irt to overtake the Indians,who, they must have known, had taken oil'four whitew< maa aa nrisaaera.On Sunday morning he set out on their trail, and

folk w> d them half the day, finding their camp tires,overtaking three or fair RtiaggUag squaws, let themgo, aid tinduig all kindr of good-thrown aodstnamedalong tl eir trail to lighten their fond and expeditetheir Sight. Whea be could not have been over halta day's march of them, be stopped and returned thesun e evening Sunday) to Springfield. When he or¬

dered the lio n to return they expressed it wi-h to fal¬low on, and said they w.-uld put up with hall rationsif be would aOoa it. His reply Was that he had no

ordi r.- to follow them.On Monday be set out to Spirit Luke to bury th;*

dead, etc. He weal toti,. iratbouat thatol Mr, \i-t lee, found ote dead body, buried it, tuid returned to

Bmriagfield. 'Tis certain sncfa troops, or rather auchc ttie. i-,will afford DO protection to oiu frontier m tttcrs.Bock men me not tit hi proteel our ftobtiers. Think ofhis conduct! his men ail wall mounted, turning backwhin he waa not half« day 'a manh off them; theyloaded dow n w ith plunder, und horses and nudes, undcarrying iff' wiih th.-ni four respectable women a.i

prisoner*, 11.a It dbma wi re known to have soui 25or 30 bend of hi raes and eicht orti c mules, taken fromIbe settlera. These Indians commenced low down on

Little Sjc.i:x Riveras arth south-nri at comerof BuenaVista County, aad procejed to brenn ap and destroy allthe aetttemeBte in that county, Clay, Dickinson a dEn n itt Counties then iah adeucomh g iioa-u the \\. <>iHi iu i h n." far to thi*y dar. . Through) ut their v howii ane Iks r have eoaapli taly demolished every aettla>n.< i t, killed all the rattle, ravished the women andmost seandaloBaly abtUM d them. They ^t,H>d over themen w itb their guua em ki d, w hOe tiny amre engagedm their hellish outragen. Along Btet river they ap¬proached; and got into the houses throogh pn.fen-sionsof friendrhip, und with a rush Mixed the men ands.iii -. taking the people by sarprise, attncJdflg in sucha way that one family eonld not help the other; alltittr.eV. d etmtiltnr'eoii-.'y. lehlied tiiem of everything,ai 'i h it them tu i Ibe mblal of old weetnar amid'iprLiw-. Ti'.ey did not eommence to kill the act-this aatil theyhad reached Dichharon county. Then,at Spirit Like, ft append that ihe settlers had pn-pen d to di lend themaeh es a- well »i» they could, andtnmoU appearances they fought bravely for theirfamilies, lhe s« ttler- at Spirit Lake aamband ovavI. rty souls, niid rot Mat of whom is left to toll lhe tale.Ftedingthat ribs troopa Iron FortBldgely bad notI nr.i ii tl .. di ad. 1 detailed 85 men to proceed 19 raileato tl.« Ijike und reconnoitre that Ci.-friet, and if no In-dlana were discovered te inter tb dead, as aa act afbmnanby. Ouiib - wen procured, ,ird they -?t outunoer tüe coRimnnd of Copt. Johnston and Lieut,hiaxe ill of * Ompaay ('. They a aid find no It diana,but found tl eir encampmenl and a dnndful deetruc.tion of property. They pi rfotmed the sod duty of in¬terring ibedead so for as tbey conld find any. Theyfi urd and buried SB bodies.found the akuUi and bonaaof tin-c who were bumed in tlie ruins of a honso,which, with tin- one buried iiy the trootn from Kl Ige-ly. made iu «!1 3S dead found al Spirit Lake; 9 Lih -da't Sj tiiirf.eld and I'J mi-sim: at the lakes, eartalnlykilli d. It i supposed ibey ara I- h % ofi at a distance,ki.led in att< Rmtmg to escape: some two or three werefcend who bad been a j to escape, fourOf lbs ir wi u:eii takeu oft' u- pOW 11 .ir '. tbn 8 badlyw i

I may sum Bp ns follows: In ail, 11 kQled; IS mlatfog, no doubl killed; I badly wounded, two I f.-n:wattnOyi 4 wcanea prisaaen,baaide aereral men fromBaone Rivernad the eonutfos anat ofthia, wbo croesadthe Des I?. im - lti\« r with avii wot going 111»:.. km-Mm County aad tin I-.i. ¦, have never yet been bea dftom inppoaed to be killed on the way.Fn m all npj i BIBBni 4 the Biou Indian- have deter¬

mined to w aga a wm of aztettninntion on our frontlera,Meverytiibsf eoeato ihowitnt arcrypoinl on theupper Dee Homes, Big I-lar.d Grove,Spirit Like,and all points when wi found tracea of them. T.ieyIn d left the nu-t threatening sign-, stakes .-et up undpainted red, trees barked and painted, representingmen p.creed with arrows. Ac At every point theybri ke up and destn yed all lb aiture,bund Unbouaea,aad kilk d Ibe cattk on r l"<' In ad of fine cattle *< n-

fi ui d shot dfiwn and ntOUehed in uay way butknorhhagonT the boras I suppose to make povrder-home. Their whole coane goes to show that theyIt'.tid te freak up aadatopthe s< ttfonxeutof thai northaid aai Mta set coantry.

Ti-n n.ui ii pitu-*-1 .iLiiot 1h- bestowedob theanea 1have bed ur.it. r nr. ci mmand OB this OOrnwtBB. Otli-eeia and nwn, without exception, ha\ . done mehrduty; they endnn the greatest privation-and fatiguew iti'out b murmur-for seventeen days they pnsaedforward oa their nuareh, wadid river.- aad enntx1 asl di ep, d raggil g wag. n- throng:, snow bank-,sii epina on the prai lei frequ intlf in Ihn ir wot olethea,expeetmg every snih after reaching 30 nxilea, to mewlthe Indiant, as tbeix threat waa at Sou River, thati! e} an u!d »wi ap the Des Hohaei Ki-.i r settlement.-,on. men rafiered vety ansck, owing to thi severed arce r.rd snow stoTBi. Wi have fourteen an badlyIn ren ard two b -t. ( pt. JobnaOB of Webster City,ad Mr. iu. hi i ... ot this piece, both rroseo to d.-ath

:. r. i ?> w .tern;-tl;. v r < re separated \u returningIn in the Ir.ki FjMR the State OS the men who sue-

eeeded in getting back to camp, both ef these men

in.-t 1+ dead; evi m s-an h hns be. n mud . lor them,but no discovery a-"*.:, so nvera waa the waatheeibat those wbt «rem parked up Budget in, were so

Baach florin and exhi.u-t.-d that they wareerawtha]<n tle ir bands sud kre«e when f< un i, and three otf. ur of them hr.d lo»t If. ir mind-, becoming p. rfoctlysVraaged, and knew bb one. A- near as l eouMna*

'nie. the Im.lan force was from lot) to '."CO warrior-,ladaing tram th< ir eaeampaaenta, ate., the numb -r atlediane must be 15or 90 Billed end woanded. Fromthe uember seen to tali killed, and judging from theh). i dy < i« tbes ar ! ch t - i t" i.I«N«( in their i neamptre-nts,(ho straggiaat the Lnkes mtt.-t have been very <.

vera, partkaJad] the '-re at hVa h-nt.i Esq. Mat¬tes Is. Eh v n dead bodies were f. und r.t thia bau .-,t. .th.r v.ith leverul broken guns. they appear tuhr.ve fought band hi hard.

I have to infonn your F.ii-i lleticy that we havelirivenaat&ftha Berth part of the s.a..- ovary Indian, andet i ra :! at at i naval then an no .Sou i in Iba >sah »s it be in that tu.-t n- ar the mouth of Big Koox!H i whole Im dy have rl. d iu the direction of th- Mi--aoaAeroaaängtbi BbjSiuax I hull Bat ha animimilto hem if an attack an bsoux City, l am snti-ded.1 at Ibi K'' Btaf aaaaber af tiV SS Indian- were fijamthe Mxereaui, as they w. r- itnagun to theal . re thev appeared, and a p.rti .n of themwire Ir.il-br.ni . .V, v r the history ofonr coaatry baa so aatrageous a. ta bean Cm-n Itted - a any people. WP bnvenaneeonntol In-Unarriri tu sni b aim.-.-- n f. naatea .o. ti, v haved« ii.-i... dautd can autUi d by Jw h«lf-hr.at It iat. te- amred that lb. y w.ll n Beat their .tepredntionsifsci ei easores «re not tekaatoBtaveatit. Theyire w.ll am*i| md wrj . pptjed with Banmanirbni

They took .*». nte-T» kegs of powder, with h.«fcard lead, from Woods, at Spru»«6eSd. barst rna storeBad killed fi'irn, Ac We bare a he-d of d-sti'rrtr andUN or«i. tl persons thrown upon as to pr-iyHr for bothf em LittJ» Sioux Kivrr and the UpperKiyrr as wr 11 m our own fruaen and in-ahied no-a.

I f« rward thi* hasty and «omewhat oonfased report;will gin ar.oth. r mod, mor« in detail.

1 instructed ( apt. Richards, Mr. Morrison and. thers, to forward to yu the affidavit*., «fco. apprizetou af' r.r mart-hire I« relieve the front-,.-, k e.7 Van nay ..' 5J n vv. wiiXiAht.«

HosTtUTixt taa aM.oonaiBB i« rfmaataaTraxt-tort..The following from Tie St. t/ruu Drmvrratmske« t probsb'e that there m eoneert of aeti.-n

arr.irc t!.< loan and Nebraska Indian*, and that oar

who!, fn nt,er will *><*>n lie in a bhue:'He «1. nn:<: M:: n. buha. which am v. d la--t frntatf,

hrirpri-f..rrT.«ti«>n of a Mffoaa diffiCbNj that has oe»rurtol 1. tweet Ihe Pawnees and MttkMi of NebraskaTerritory. < 'wm^ to the latei;-** of the hour, we are

arable to detail the affair cleaily, and Ihne fore fivethe irformatiop a« bnmedlv imparted by the officer-of tha boat l b. Minnebaaa, on the Bp trip, foundgreat exeiteneat prevailing at Platt smouth, the In¬dian* hav ir«r driven in a tinniher af MttJen >.n Salt( reek, and «eme s«nous tlchtinp had oc-nrred. re¬

sulting iu the hilling of several Indiana aud one whiteman. the waahdbaj of another, and the rapturing ofthirteen Lilians. Who were kept strictly guarded at

prwaaera.I he V .. ,.] t!i-« t..-n « to i tiaba ( :fy.

when1 (.'. n. Thayer was r*«idinr. The funeral sot

phot;? procuring volunteers, bought all the powder tnOmaha, ami started down on th.- steamer. On boardthere waa a idx-ponnder, consigned to Omaha, butinstead of bail g put out there, it wni» earried buck to

I'Intt-mcutb to be used if necessary against theIr.diar«. On arriving there, Gen. lawyer and thevolunteer* disembarked, and were Joined bv oth^r?.and it i- Mppoeed that tliey would be able to proie.-ttbcawetrea aad their homes successfully ocaiu -t anyatta. k 11 the ladiaus. Sr. Lon - l)»m'.er»t, V/hl.



The British «teami r (i'la»t:ow, (apt. Duncan. '.¦

Sat inlay for ti'n«jnw with 'JO fir-t-<abio pa-sender*atd 4T in the third eabin.

QCABAVTIWB at OLD on.cHir.ri NWU,Thf Statt*. Inland Chronicle, intimate* that the

Quarantine rVaiiiiiliiioaoii have it in noatanplatioB t<»

advertise proposals for building a permanent CJunan.tine establishment on tha "Old Orchard Shoal," aadwill hwmediately commence the work if five acre< ofland inn U- made tin re for any (<ueh term* ai the lawwill warrant their e.vp« ndinp.

i it inai or hoi k.

The irr-T.'..-^' line by steamboat John Potter, hr-rcto-Cnre !¦ av it z pit r No. 1 North Iii vor for rhiladelphiaat 5 o'doeh a. BL, ha^ bees chanced to ii o'clock a. m..

at..! will continne at that In.ur until farther aotica,ANoIIIMt MMM-HIF Iis»: ToKIKoP».

A new liüi if Atlantic t^eomera will comm.-nce run-

t lag -a May 1 etweea N. W»York, Londou and Hrcmcn,i«n\ini.- each port lemi aatwrfhly. That Una ia ownedby tin Kuroj^-an and Amoriean Stmm Shipjiinj; ('.en-

j a; \ oi T.. don ai d Southampton. Tito iteanen ar.

the t^u. tn of the s<.uth, 3^91 t.n-; Indiana, -J.rWttune: Argo,2,315tuna, Bad Joi»on, 'J.tkj? tann. TUeae

¦hipe w -.ii constitate a icni arnnthly hue. Oa the out-»iu.1 trip tlo- et. i.un-r will remoiu one day at South-

anptoa.a ma>f>:OTH Cl SAPtikR.

A nail >;enm< r to l.. caHad tba Scotia i* now build-inc on the Clyde, to ran between Uaarpool aad tbaUnited Stat. -. She «ill be 450 feet in lenirth, which- 00 fee! It ncertliati the I'er iu, at pre«en. tiie Iar^.-«:

sl ip ath nt. He Scotia will, it i* exposed, sttrpaaH in

1.. .: t'. Fir-ia. the (ästest steamer in the world.-a»>ti or thj «TKAx-nip rBsfPtar,

A geatfenaa WTite« to 77,e Montreal IlrralJ, April93, a- folli ws:

IIa> it obs« read an article entitled " MeamcrMii--Ing," ann nncing i,rav.- appr bensiona relative t» thefate of the MTew-steamer Tenpeet, tdie having beau4!' dnyn t ut on her late pan-ft^e from Ni w-Vork to

Glasgow, 1 have to i- form vou tbat by th.- Arabia Ihad tba informatioa fron (ria-^ow that the Tempesthad put Intoaa l?>hiH>rt, diftna-ted and othrTw.«.-iojuitd, having been 40 days out.

WHALIKC orf -A.nDT Hook.

lbs athaansi vVn, BOoy, Cobb, and aOaap B< V.Brown, Honij., of NVa-London, have capturedanother whale, which il at present at the «teamboa*bavin nt Quarantine. Thin i- the third whole capturedby t.. m partlea th'..- .«....<..-n in these water-. The Inl.170 barrehi araa lost in the gale ofthe 19th; the*>«. t d one, of 40 barrow, we noticed last week, thi»ot e iv ab< ut tiie iianie site an the bat one, and willyield aln ut th.. HUM quantity of oil, it wan takenalx.u three miles east of the tail of Ronaor Bhoal, fnmx tathonut water; '¦' is a bull aad meBt-ures about 4 ".

feotttleagtb. It ü intended, bT pooatble, to plain it;ti.:. of our liox docks for exhibition. At the time of

taking thi- one MVeral othrr« wi re in aigbt.tut van or it hii t.

The .. u nununoth paddle-wheel iteaiaahip t'ander-bUt, 5,968 tana burden and 8^801 hnae power, I). I*VVilcox naster, will bi open for the uin- bnipactioa oftin public on and after Monday, April 97, ut pier No. 3North Bivcr.

.PLxantn am to avaraaua«The Royal Mail ataaanhby Kuropenr made the run

to I'. rt Phibp, Auftralia, recently, in 54 days, 19

heaaa, having .-:one under -ad orly 977 hour-. Thll Un -j lendi l run.

MTWAM rir xtrp.iT.By a dwpatah addraand to tue secretary of the

Ii« aid 11 Trade by hw M^jeety'i Consul at N'ew-YotLit appean that on"the 6th of .January l»,«t the WTeck ofth. llritii-ii bark Theti*, of London, Boyle, nia.-t r

f:t:i Horduraa, wai en by Mr. 8aaui 1 A. vVebeter,master of the Harr.ltou, oi' Salem, in lat. :il 1? N.! i :. 5 30 VV., waterlogged: ao.ne of the cr«.w wen-

on a .-uinl! part of the piKip-deck, and other* ia ther. p. Alt. ;¦ four Ui.y- of per.v. iit,f» ft'jrt in tb"

most »evere weather, on the moroinfj of the loth ofJaiiuajy tLe Hamilton mci ended In naklag a line i«»tto the nlfUH nma.-t, bv wiach menn.i tiie i>urvivorB, Ion aanber (thiaa bavma beaa drowned and four dn-dfn in rtarvati. ri were tran-ferr. d to the vessel, antprovisions, rlotbing, &c., ho far a-mean- permit, weit»

luppHed ta than, Oa the Sth »i Pebruary the cr.-w

Ol tl..- Tbl ti- Wi landed at New-Votk and WBBB re-

c< ived by hei n. ;.i ... Majesty v CoaaaLla coasequoace of the rvpieeentation of the above

ft11- ti e Lord* 11 the Conntittae of I'rivy Couaail f>>rTrad, have bsen pleased to direct that a rrvld chra-n. met.r be pceetated to Captnin Wcb-t^r for bis euer-

getk and ur.cea»ir.^ elTorts to save the shipwreckedcrew fron peril no imminent, and for his humane andjreaeroui traatment; to the owner- of tba HaniltOBihe inn of $170 br aabeisteaee oftbd .-ame: to thetwo mat..- the »um of £5 each; and to the crew the.US of £9aaeh, in cotu-idertition of tba reduced allow-auce in tluir provisione. [liondon 'lime-..


Baow ib I't-'II r C'ot stt..Sr^)w f. l! to the depth.: two fi ¦'. at "j-:< r County on Monday and Tue-la*last. Th< rxdd waa intense.

MSLABCVatl V\~r oi Drowkijic..A BttJe n{Mr. Toftey ef 1* ;t:l !.r..', Htttche«« Connty. was

drowned ia r rtream not far fron hniwdasanw on

Tit.-die evenbsglaat Tha father and »ort were m

tnrning bom.-, and in "-» !.. a bridjre over which thewnt" ri, the futher l»-t hi- foothold, snd both i II

into the t.in. Mr. T. let go of his boy * haad,v :.. i. the ' Qd waa cairnd over a <l*ur» thirty le-1

loch and drowned. The father narrowly escaped.Thi body wai (band next day wed^.d le-twe^nUo

r> i k.-. I >. eec.-e.! w ns I yeur« »f s?e.

iaarAirCaai ./ />cew»<ey.-Mr. K^.^it Smith, a

weü-anown ehtiaaa of M-IVnv :!le. Cosaaahia County,was arrldanlaMj nVawaad on Tu.»»lay. Ho went

alone Ui a si..«II b"Bt acn^* the ere. k, near his r ...

d. i i. to look at MM wood, and a «hört time aff.-r-sard the boat MM Wtom upward iu the ereek,Mr. S. bt ng nowhere vi-ible. Search was inuneds'ti -

ly made, and ! tiodv found a short «L-tanee hel.,wil . hi at. having floated down with the current. Mr.rWath I. BVM « BWga family and many fiie.ids t«. mournlit untimely end.j tefi If-cry McLean, anplnyad recently as a

maaVt Brrhw betweaa KksaV rhook and aTimeiUn. fahm l a County, was on Saturday ,M» id<ni:.ilry diowoe-l...the Cevar* k t re« k, re ar tie? fcmp.r.- Work«, town

.f Sic« k port.


¦IVKHl COnT.eWBWhtt 1BBW MwrnM XV.B^JwigT Hl' II

k«ni«A4n rv«o« Mt_ Janas« W. Nr*. Bt-ni I>r*aar t-rI htJwsB, B^wea, Junrag. T. «..... ... *»«».,Powell.

Ac- arranged at lie close of ta* argument on KrvUeraonag, a* counsel <* Wh bjJm itlnlil u*JJ I |1 Pari.,, at 10 orioch |h> aaormag, feir thePC* of having th* te«r,e,erary uyunoi,* so okx!^ .to i-onfice its operation to the City and Oenaatv .f N.

fhatl t» . v.tt '.arge .ui,,,, offeel.u; an interest in the development of Ui. Kt«ktUbdwren the municipality of the metjMpo'u, w,i th,I.?¦ci-iature < f the State.

lit Kv sits opened the proceeding* *¦-irjllBaithe to.Iiw:cg aa the form m which ihe modhicatfashould he made:

( hearing ocnuse 1 for the plaintiff and d. frndaauerdcied that the motion of the j laintiffon an imar^ej-id ti...- action, in pun-uone. ol the order to diowaijaieI fTetoaVta t;i>en herein, he denied, except*., fj, Mrelate- to the l'olice of the City of New-Y.irk, r>j J*the pr. verty of said city connected therewith j^j


to that, the decision of the Court in re«-rr»fj ^the nieaa time the pending it-junction Ufa'tv to».Untied.

ttr.M) CoaoT. for the plaintiff, opposed the Bellte».tuu of the lejaiietioB in any respect ffe anflnumnltl a: l H- ... would pre them an apenatunbythnnoraiaguf seeing how fur it was araatnahfotowinhan ii., ditii-ation tn the injunction, and he (Ujr<«I C< : u on Im king over the act, wa» perneadid thaiIt was impossible to d<vil with it otherwise than aa taenth jr. Than Commissioners ween cd to ejefe*,.ay phytonl Iwaeajsoa at all. str.ctly speaking. \\mWen ou!> to eiert a »ort of |,«gialatlve coir.roiliir aa.

thority, hi d therefore thev could not perform an act aar.y one of the counties of this great Metropolitan de-tritt aa Lii< h might not in anine way aflVet Ibie cite. Ifthe] gare an order, it wouhl be a'general order arsierthoWMBntal authority. 1Tie Cotiimi*si<>net> w<*rr h.rit t. 'i to own trard coui y linos. Altogefh. r the this*wns made so cot> ple(>-ly a unit that h<-thought it *mnot at ail possible to limit Ihll restraint in such a at*as to preserve any particular countr or precinct frufithe eflhrl of thifl a,-t. I he Dear! ¦ <ht as arehl and*.tcki to i rj, tn the I )epain;ent of H ar from defendtafa particular point, and to say, nevertheless!, ihn: itII u.<l be at libcitv t<> defend the whole country ex-

cept that point, while the suneod« r of fhif would btthe pnrrendee of the who,', 111« Honor would see, bythe Ith and dh section- of thi- act. that the wliok> sub¬ject wm tiealed as ouethitu'. and. the:, tore, if thenet were to be flBjosnud nt ail, it was to h- enjonnl aaon entin ty. In aoVtitioa to that m nthn to a nntUi«

wVnch app«, reii to him to 1).- unanswerable.then wi re other ohiet tiona> The pnononttioa U»mto tin' City of Htfw-YorJi hy nenn ef an etcrp.tun. Hit peihaps he shonhl say nothing in r-jftnlto that, as the rwdlflration ot" the injunetioi, jBande, would be in nonabenity with some safir**-ti»ns who'h his Honor had reduced to writing.Hinoehf ard aaanciatM wen- all af the 4euüul

p|i\i.tion tliat it w-< uot poisible to reet/aiaI] i iVi-rtrd of Comniissionem in nnnnni to lorsjlimits. Hesid<e, he did not und, r-tand th- motive >4Ihli iipprnaniTa haatt It lennatl to hn inhtruionyw.th ibe otn^uaiiinc of tin Hoard two ortwneawyennat the Kgyptiaa Tombs. It wo* maiiiie-t, from the,prosrisiona ofthe net, thai no DBodlrlcatioa of the h*>nnctton n as nnn aamj, ^c, pt for the parnoaaofajauai'ii i. i.d oltoirether d.-cj.nect. 1 iioin anv rrgarfto the public iutore*its. K\en supi«>se th. Mai.,r *ers

dethroned Iron hi control over the police, that lonewould rtatinoe to nerforn laatbatlea andei i'., nontrHofthe Chiefof l'i4ice. Aa to Statcn Island, West,cheater and Km*,- Ctnnljna, nobi-J> would pretand] t«

.-a;, that thi > ooajd suffer any icjury by allowing tailatl'mr to rt main in its preaout jxisiition for a MBthiHie argument waa thst berbrt allowing these Cesjnn>Pronen to wtaataa in the Egyntina^faa^be, aajthaJudge' might have latectered by injunction; but tha*.rot hav mg done ho, and having allowed then to organ-ire, th.-v and, apee fäcn, eanred on tha eaanlweftheir authority, tint now they wanted the dart b> r/»¦Wither, ard vtitunlly aaaWOy its own injunction by al¬low tnc th> t'ommissioners to n. t ontsidt- ot tjie ho jo,I-arie«. f New-York City and County. As to binuelfniid a.-.<<'iatea, tbey took no interest in the ease m

«-.v.nM'l lor the panaiaofWnatoheeter. Riehaaeai au<tKing-. Countiee. Htill. th«y did n. batbrra it to beprint., able for his Honor to draw up the injunction ta

such a wa\ as to except the City of N. h-York (rxmtba ol- «itlou of Uie law, and yet leave it in rVwte urninit Tiie n-Oiaiiider of the distil. t.air. Bdanaaa kxUowad on the same lidc. He nrgrd

that tLe cotinsel for the ( oiiiinissiou. r« hail showa ae

wir,.« why the mjuction should not be continued, IbaOaty baeia of this motion wus what they regardod $$ a

eoaanitoa ofcoaaana, that the inianctioa nhataa onlyto property. Ibiahe aaahai. Ii« admitted thst ithao In . i, the practice of courts t.. confine tajiim'tioujto prt-pcrty, but it was only a habit as many easeasi 'IT,-re was n>, res on why any part of tha In-jan ti' d aboald hi inodiin-d. V\ ben the .«.« wiafirstproi niifrrl it waa dlatiantl] apoa Ihe ;tM sc. two. to

pie, cut this organization, which has been tiuthenwif>\ the Court. They itlie counsel for plaintiff; MMpromptl) in th t mattei, because it wa.- expecM «s

the ( onniaianBan wan at that time takiug tiie <»«thof office in Albany, they Would within twciity.futirhoan be pnpan d to lake poannani of the poant de-pattDM nt, whetln r pobticnl jsiwer, Corporate privikif*r, orporate pro;x'ity.Mr. tsimomis wan" nrocawdtag with the history of

the it./.,notion, when he wa- directed by the t'oort t«>addraia hhaaokT to this great gneethxn, whether thed> fondn coaM lay thi ut Inger ou any rjs aV hanaa*reue me tO neaH fioui a ilelay of action iu the adja-(. nt countiee for a few days. Ha Mgaed that no in-

convi nieace c<ndd re-ul( ln>m letting the mutter n-st.I! to, l oi.it n^sot««! t).r ii..si,rii nt.ou proponed, 0»«C«,n minaii r.crs ciuld miM-t in Brooklya within an hour,aad ..ot 1 ,V*<0 poaUMaa to warm over the. whob)distiid, including this city; and thes<: would be »ureto COM in rwafiGl with wliat was uow the !e<ral fot. e.

A conriict would thus be inevitable.Judir« In-.vies (iuterruptingi said he had bWAkak*

ing to nan what eaaM l>e anakadiauly done by thisI- :.. in the-e different counties. lie npprebefllsdthat tin ;. could do nothing until the Boaru of Su,i-r-rhwn ha«! ; tat, ana ho Uiou^nt it would be better for«I! partiea to let t) >. MttW stand precisely as it was

Bi III b< should render hie decision.Mr, O Conor remarked that that was precisely

whut In wanted.Mr kit-id objected to that, and wh.-n the opportu-

Bi ;. .1 he desir. il to ej«-ak oa thu! p BabKrarta followed "n the part of the ComaMen

ra, He mi,.I be wistd-tj r« u nt, varyhriaary, the reasona

bwafking Ulis noancation. Upon the preeanW*ejcai. ii i, ennlabatfl gem ralinjnaotnaatayedtheenalnpti. rsiingi of these t:i.<tn appoint, a hy a sutirte,un ihe c...ind of theit statute's un.on-tituf.oi.u.iiy. A

oecesaan inodiriioatioa for the pun<o"<' n organizingthe Board wa- graatad. and tiie eiwnniaediPMriawaib diMtienrtv the aaawlea ot the Oeent. The tf-poait.neeaned to eanweeV thai Ibe propertyon, »tion aloaa wn a*bia the « »pe «.i taa iajnaanna.Hi t -o tar a- ii-p."^-^ '->e 'i'"' "' ll" l*'>anl, a-ulefrom tliepoJtoe Bieperty of Hew-York, the Mayor of(faw-Yora had no powi r to interfere. Hut it wa- saidt al tl ej oidd not s.-p^iute what was leg d Btan that

which was il'igaJ. To tbia he would aaawat M yoaronaat frnaae an hrjantinn for a legal okk.it witbaBlIu reaching t" m hVayal cxt«.t.t. then it mu-tul.-]!,,, w.-o isU. -l I'l-in to e ve r.-osoiis why an unhiw-faliajaaadea -J.ouid Man stayed until the lawfulj^ut of it ivuid bn d. ciiled

7 >.- I ol rt ba>rrnpti d, with sugg. -tions that tb^rawa- u< w no re-t: ..n' .. .: f., t:M oth> r counti ¦*,

proposed to add to the lint nsadifoatian, "aadB ta ring upou the duties of Comminsioistra of

1V -1 ..

Ta t;..- Mr. O Conor strenuously aMectad, and oft- r

some aiscuneiion, Mr. Ernrts proceeded with hi* argu-tt t. He POateneVd that they Were entitled to a T -

da ttl B of the ir.'.undion so tha't inhouit not be larv Ill.up the r^'hts of the plaintiff and the at ü« he an u-

pla-.ns of. h waa plain that if there were a rieht UHipagn nnd nreat a taw, rbarn was no ri.'ht of tins

plaiHifT to arrest it where It did not iat. rfere w.thlorn. Hut it was said tj.st tiie Court cold not .oparstethe !< eal part of tba injunction from tue UksgaL Ifthis we- so the whole mj tudion would fall, aa in theease of a private contras t. The Coartoaae thai itillegal, ami yet Ibay were ne t with BBfawaM <>f eoo-

*>l eaca, and told that Boharn could «ri«e from keep-inz the illegality over Sunday. When tin y hid p-s-t.\. law and Bonitiva ri^ut ou Jirirside, tiny were nvt

to BO di.v, d to the ^uistion of convent m

Mr. llaaBjdBaVwwj en tl e isnBB -id*. .Nobody *oiitL.: wa. a part:> '.¦ of a rvi.t to re-trjin th. -e «. la-1-mi"ionrr from Beting iu parts of the country outside -

of Ni w-Yark. The ut/am uon should not he p-niuttv..for a BWan Bl Bt cov. r the other rooTitu - 't w*< redOrked as a fsv ,r but demanded as a right. i.« alluded|o the ahnruhw Baaanaiy af eoaaanl nanlyhaj to .t*>r»the i pmtWB af a law "which they coufi an tlu-y d dcet understand.jadga Kotiionds nawhal having made any nahaaV

B ba Ion.Mr. Fi. ld proceeded. Mayor Wo d nehker

Mayor aer aa a tav-rnyr ofMew-Yark, had any n/ht:o intorfkn w;th an naakoaian of Hrooi.iyn. Thlafety « f the inhabitants af all the*, three cotioiiee on

.w kagnVra dnunwdad bbV nakoe,wkM Maaaa-