THURSDAY. AftftlU iy. 1841 Coin Camporee Here Ordered . v vw … · 2010. 1. 14. · Bh THURSDAY....

Bh THURSDAY. AftftlU iy. 1841 TORftANCE HERALD. Tci-fano*. California IN T- Tax Sale Raises 580,000 for Co. Approximately 180,000 was ob talned from the sale of aboi 1,000 parcels of tax-deeded lan conducted at the office of th county tax collector In the Ha of Justice Friday, Monday an Tuesday. Frank Murphy, deputy wh conducted the sale, said the sa was more successful than an previous sale of tax-deeded lane that has been held by the coun ty. Spirited bidding developed fo several parcels of land In th vicinity of Cast ale, near th honor farm operated by th county jail department. Insom Instance!, the county got three times as much as the amoun of unpaid taxes, which was se as a minimum figure on cacl -parcel offered for sale, Speculators bought some the land, but In moat Instance tho buyers had Investigated th property, located the record own er and obtained a quit-claim deed from him, before bidding at the sale. Mr. and Mrs. o. A. EVMI* en joyed a theatre and dinner party at Lo> Angeles Sunday. N*w you limply dial the Mixnustar to tk« «or- net, snudac speed lor any mixing job you h»ve at haniil They an all plainly indicated on the new Mix-Finder dial. Tou have the perfect] [mixing speed at^yoar m*ftt-tlpi. Con>« iaiad r*ee the n*w"Muana<ter.' CMnplete with iulce ex- 124,75 NATIONAL HOME APRLfANCE CO. •MMT M. AHAMSON VNIfNflU CIIOII" IJW SMHMI AVI. n,. 7i . v vw ^*f mm^fm^m Camporee Here This Weekend Six Boy Soout.trocpe In the Domlnguea district, which In- cludes Tormnoe, have been in. vited to participate In the sprtn* Camporco to be held Saturday and Sunday south of Bast Road and west of Western avo. just cast of the city yards. The over* night conclave, which will sUrt at 10 o'clock .Saturday morning and ofM-tit 4 ip'oloCk Sunday af- ternoon;;' will be In charge of J. »- Wiater*, chairman of the ocal Scout Advancement eom- mlttee, and District .Commix Visitors will be welcome a&t- irday and Sunday afternoons, Winters said. Following Is the program for 'the spring Camp- ores: : 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.—Check m at general headquarters tent, in spection of paeks, setting up tamp. 13 to 13:30" p. m. Lunch Scouts to bring prepared meal). S to 5 p. m. Troop activities, ipen to public. 5 to 0:48 p. m.—Preparation.of (Inner, cleanup. 7 p. m.—Flag lowering cere mony, 7 to 7:30 p. m.—Camp leaders taff meeting. 7:46 to 9:18 p. m.—Campfli program. 10 p. m. Taps. On Sunday the schedule wi 8:30 a. m.—Reveille. fi:4fi a. m.—Flag raising eere mony. 7 to 8:30 a. m.—Preparation o reakfast, cleanup. 9 to 10 a. m.—Inspection. 10 to 11 a. m.—Troop Activity open to public. ' 11 to 13:80 p. m.—Preparatloi of lunch, cleanup. 1 to 2:30 p. m.^Troop activity cmonstrations for camp visitors 2:30 to 3:30 p. m.—Break camp nspectlon of site. 3:30 to 4- p. m.—Cheek oul resentatlon of awards. ive issetnblyman to enew Request for ehicles Branch A renewed .request that Tor ance be granted"u staU' nioto hlcles branch office will resented at Sacramento by As emhlymaii Vincent Thiunai an Pedro. The assemblyman U seeking he re-opening of the driver's cense examination service for art-time basis two year's ago Similar service at San Pedro scontlnued along with that a orrance for "economy reasons,' as been re-established and the olumc of requests being made the police station and the chamber of commerce by motor- ts in the north Torranoe area arrants the same move at Tor ance, Thomas will contend. Dorothy Thonw and a roup of friends are spending e week at Big Bear. Mr, «nd Mi*. J. SJewsrt Miller ere dinner guests of Mrs. Jo- ph McKcnna Sunday. Look Your Best . . . you'll feel happier in the Happy Kitchen when you know that morn ing . . . noon ... or night you look your most flattering best . . . and we can vary certainly help you for our exclusive line of Cara Nome Cosmetics have " wide variety of »peo[»lized creams and lotions for every complexion need. PORE CREAM CLEANSING CREAM BLEACHING CREAM ASTRINGENT COLD CREAM SKIN FRESHENER * SKIN TONIC LOTION e ROUGE, LIPSTICK AND PQVVpER . . . each differently prepared for your type skin. Normal, oily or dry Cam Nome Cdsmetlc* will help you look.ypur beat r , - ... nnd be sure. t,o try Ova, Nomt Hftnd Utlort, Eyery housewife must constantly fight ohapptd, and roughened hands; Cara Nome Hand Lotion will help you most. BEACON DRUG Co. 1A/E GIVE QRAMER.CY and CABRtU.0 STAMPS PHONE 180 Scout Sponsors All churches and other organ (gallons Interested In sponsorlni. a Boy Scout troop or Cub Pac •re urged, to send represents tlves to a meeting called fo this purpose next Monday, Aprl 31, at 7:30 p. m. In the court room at the Torrance city hall No definite* commitments noci be made, according to Chairman Post, but a course In Boy Scon leadership training Is being planned and those organizations which plan to sponsor troops should send five representative. this meeting to discuss the matter more fully. St. Andrew's Episcopal church already has Its plans and com nltteemen appointed. Prellmln iry plans are also under way b; the Catholic Church of the Na tlvlty, Central Community, First Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist an Latter Day Saints churches, as well as the Fire and Police depart' nents and Junior Chamber 01 Commerce. It Is also hoped thai he Parent Teachers' Association of the high school , Fern avenui and Elementary school will either sponsor troops or cub packs The First Christian church is al ready sponsoring a troop, as are the Rotary and Klwanls clubs. "Next Monday's meeting is th first important step in the en largement of the Boy Scou movement In Torrance, and .'all those organizations which desire to assist in this worthy work among our boys are urged to send representatives," Chairman Post emphasized. Two Beach Cities Fail to Pay For County Lifeguards . Free lifeguard service has been furnished two cities In the coun- ty for the last three years, while three other cities have paid for similar services in their areas, It was disclosed today at the Hall of Records. The two cities that have de- clined to pay for this service are Hermosa Beach and Man hattan Beach. Each contracted with the county for the service, but neither has paid, while (he- county has continued to provide the service. "This matter is of mbment right now because If the county Is to provide all the life guard service in these two cities, it if not right for the county to col- lect for similar services In Re dondo Beach, Santa Monica, Long Boach and Los Angeles," the su- pervisors were told in a letter addressed to them by Wayne Alien, chief officer (or .5, the board. DENY LIQUOR LICENSE Application of Augustin Mur- Illo for an on-sale beer license at his El Sur de America, 1917 Parson st. was denied by the State Board of Equalization this week because the applicant does not read, write or understand EnglUn. Youngsters Reveal Latest In Juvenile Contemporary Chants Four little moppets three girls and a boy on their way to Ele- mentary school marched up El Prado park this morning chant Ing what oldsters believe is th< very latest contemporary version of (1) a football yell and (2) an age-old bit of juvenilia. They were lusty shouters and their salutations to the new day rang out sharply In the sun- shine. Words of their rhythmic offerings sounded like this: "We want HIT-ler! "We want HIT-ler! We want Hitler's head cut OFF!" And they followed this chant with: "A tiskct, a tasket, Hitler's In his casket! Eenie, meenie Mussolini Should be IN THERE TOO!" Coin 0o*et -Are Ordered for City's Buses When those new buses for the Tomuiee Municipal BOB System arrive late this month, the city win be ready to start coHeottny; ensh lor ride* In tftent* Purchase of two coin boxes, coating $110, were ordered re cently by the city council. L, J. GUmelster, who will double as bus manager and Chamber of Commerce secre tary, Is now working out final operating details of Hie service the city will operate between Torrance and Los Angeles. First Reunion tn 60 Yean Held SEATTLE, Wash.,—(U. P.)— Four brothers and Bisters whose ages totalled ' 298 years held their first reunion In DO years. Meeting on* another her* were: Mrs. Barbara Rlchter, 75, Seattle; Charles StolU, 71 of St. Paul, Minn.; Peter StolU, 78, Valler, Mont; tuid George StolU; M. Crescent C4ty, Calif. Mr. and Mm. J. A. DaVidsoii and daughter Wannlte of 1842 Engracla left yesterday morning for Perry, Oklahoma, upon re ceiving news qf the serious llli ness of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Davldson who Is -In her 96th year. Girl Typist Without Hands Employed DUNDEE, Scotland. (U.P.) A girt who was born without hands jit. When she writes she holds a peMn between her wrists, and she types with the stumps of ' Vacancies cost you money. Classified ads are cheap. ————————————————§.. Mr. and Mn. Forrest MoKlttt , ley, accompanied by Mr. asn Mrs. John Reynolds attended Easter sunrise services at Holly- wood Bowl. A new experimental- automo- bile with a plastln body weighs about 900 pounds IMS than a/ comparable steel model. ' TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY The Westmont College Choir Westmont Trumpeters String Ensemble and Vocal Trio Vesper Eastei^ Concert at 4 p.n£ SUNDAY, APRIL 20 vou outstanding values' durfcig^tftfe Evejit. Savings'.you'll want to. take :ral 'Features each Day! ' Penney's bring to 39th Anniversary advantage of—Special; PRETTY CRIB SPREADS MEN'S SPORT SHOES 2-98 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Exoluiive Townoraft" 4 JQ traue, cool ••17 atterne! ^ BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS RAYON PANTIE VALUE! Armour Foot* DELUXE SOCKS Slick took for Ann 3p Triple Screen "Sift-Chine" UMdbyMiMNancy faker hitter Happy Kitchen Cooking School OM Ojwrprtm "ilfu flourJhra Timtt Jntt Sgtmv the Hmdlt SIFT-CHINE" U the sensa- tional flour titter that foremost looking authorities use, and so lighly recommend. Une hand ioldsand operates "just squeeze lie handle ' stir as you sift. A weirto better baking. No more altering of Hour. No-more lumpy sices or biscuits. Approved by Good Housekeeping institute and Jtber tciting bureaus. Super qiial- ty built to last for years. Highly dished finish with or without tvo encircling pastel bands of reeti, red, yellow or blue. TRIPLE screen- 5 cup size, one Operation sifts flour three timqe, M<J; DOUBLE screen, 0 cup izn, qne operation sifts flour twice, fl.OO; SINGLE screen. 8 quo-size" 75c; JUNIOR. 3 cup we, SINGLE «r«en only, 50o. |u«rint««d ittti»f«ctory. At everywhere. Dainty Decoration* TOWELS & DOILIES I S 8 They coil 10 little add so .much! An kinds of doiliei and embroidered lowolsl 10° Men's Ail-Purpose KNITTED SHIRTS intional Anniverptry ingal White combed otton with controlling 29< Indian Design BLANKETS Sturdy cotton in bright, i •oil - reeiltant ooldrel Stitched ende. 70'xSQ- Sturdy leather «tl««h- downe! Marklee* oompo. eitlon iclee. l'/i-2. PURE SILK HOSIERY Pure eilk—perfect qual- A*V ity—3.thread aheenl All if * I new ipring ahadee. VI New CteHbg Color*! Terry BATH TOWELS Good and husky— thirsty, tool Sized for the whole family. Don't mlis this buy! 15' SHEER RAYON PRINTS harminfl new printa. Good News If You Sew! SPORTY RAYONS veight Thick prints and '. thle low I Bhable! 39 SPRINGTIME COTTONS lav/dgs; Ifyltl Yfl*»t Mei'sSLACKSOCKS MM'I Super Px HM* WORK SHIRTS Rugqed covert, or M QQ uet «t ihli price! HEN'S SWRT SORTS 98C Cool Riyon,and oettpn 'abrioe—thrift prlc.dl Bright new colon teol 1269 Torrance 4a*Jv*nenr I t^flfll PEBBLE CIEPE IAKOI ItlPI TERRY WASH CIOTH5 , .._^ about Buy many te all your towejal Sturdy knit rayan in me dium and brief lengthe. Lanpwoarinal Practical! Value Special ANKLETS ONLY Combed Cotton! Snug elaetio topei In gay colora and white. 17' 5C COLONIAL BBSPMAD Simple all-over deeigntof AA live your room quaint •VV lookl Bedroom oolon! -I Lace TABLE CLOTH 1.00 80 lovely. 10 Inexpeneive, ifi tl)» higgcn bargain yet! Eaeyto WMHI SAVINGS FOR YOU SAVINGS FOR YOU 8AVINQS FOR YOU RAYONSUPSoNLvMc Annivarury tpecial! Smooth rayon eatin—Uvlfhly trimmed! 32 to 44. GIRLS'PATENT PUMPS Elaiticiztd for better (it! d| QD Leather loin, rubber Up 1.70 heela. 8i«ee 12-3. | Feature Value! GAYMODE* HOSE MARWSfTTE PANELS | ...i> faverite drae"e'ffeot?*Big'value*?*'' SAVINGS FOR YOU

Transcript of THURSDAY. AftftlU iy. 1841 Coin Camporee Here Ordered . v vw … · 2010. 1. 14. · Bh THURSDAY....

Page 1: THURSDAY. AftftlU iy. 1841 Coin Camporee Here Ordered . v vw … · 2010. 1. 14. · Bh THURSDAY. AftftlU iy. 1841 TORftANCE HERALD. Tci-fano*. California IN T-Tax Sale Raises 580,000

BhTHURSDAY. AftftlU iy. 1841 TORftANCE HERALD. Tci-fano*. California



Tax Sale Raises 580,000 for Co.

Approximately 180,000 was ob talned from the sale of aboi 1,000 parcels of tax-deeded lan conducted at the office of th county tax collector In the Ha of Justice Friday, Monday an Tuesday.

Frank Murphy, deputy wh conducted the sale, said the sa was more successful than an previous sale of tax-deeded lane that has been held by the coun­ ty.

Spirited bidding developed fo several parcels of land In th vicinity of Cast ale, near th honor farm operated by th county jail department. Insom Instance!, the county got three times as much as the amoun of unpaid taxes, which was se as a minimum figure on cacl

-parcel offered for sale,Speculators bought some

the land, but In moat Instance tho buyers had Investigated th property, located the record own er and obtained a quit-claim deed from him, before bidding at the sale.

Mr. and Mrs. o. A. EVMI* enjoyed a theatre and dinner party at Lo> Angeles Sunday.

N*w you limply dial the Mixnustar to tk« «or- net, snudac speed lor any mixing job you h»ve at haniil They an all plainly indicated on the new Mix-Finder dial. Tou have the perfect] [mixing speed at^yoar m*ftt-tlpi. Con>« iaiad r*ee the n*w"Muana<ter.' CMnplete with iulce ex-





. v vw ^*f mm^fm^m

Camporee Here This Weekend

Six Boy Soout.trocpe In the Domlnguea district, which In­ cludes Tormnoe, have been in. vited to participate In the sprtn* Camporco to be held Saturday and Sunday south of Bast Road and west of Western avo. just cast of the city yards. The over* night conclave, which will sUrt at 10 o'clock .Saturday morning and ofM-tit 4 ip'oloCk Sunday af- ternoon;;' will be In charge of J. »- Wiater*, chairman of the ocal Scout Advancement eom-

mlttee, and District .Commix

Visitors will be welcome a&t- irday and Sunday afternoons,

Winters said. Following Is the program for 'the spring Camp- ores: :

10 a. m. to 1 p. m.—Check m at general headquarters tent, in­ spection of paeks, setting up tamp.

13 to 13:30" p. m. — Lunch Scouts to bring prepared meal).

S to 5 p. m. Troop activities, ipen to public.

5 to 0:48 p. m.—Preparation.of (Inner, cleanup.7 p. m.—Flag lowering cere­

mony,7 to 7:30 p. m.—Camp leaders

taff meeting.7:46 to 9:18 p. m.—Campfli

program.10 p. m. Taps.On Sunday the schedule wi

8:30 a. m.—Reveille. fi:4fi a. m.—Flag raising eere

mony.7 to 8:30 a. m.—Preparation o

reakfast, cleanup.9 to 10 a. m.—Inspection.10 to 11 a. m.—Troop Activity

open to public. '11 to 13:80 p. m.—Preparatloi

of lunch, cleanup.1 to 2:30 p. m.^Troop activity

cmonstrations for camp visitors2:30 to 3:30 p. m.—Break camp

nspectlon of site.3:30 to 4- p. m.—Cheek oul

resentatlon of awards.


issetnblyman to enew Request for ehicles BranchA renewed .request that Tor

ance be granted"u staU' niotohlcles branch office will

resented at Sacramento by As emhlymaii Vincent Thiunai an Pedro.The assemblyman U seeking

he re-opening of the driver's cense examination service for art-time basis two year's agoSimilar service at San Pedroscontlnued along with that aorrance for "economy reasons,'as been re-established and theolumc of requests being made

the police station and thechamber of commerce by motor-

ts in the north Torranoe areaarrants the same move at Tor

ance, Thomas will contend.Dorothy Thonw and a

roup of friends are spending e week at Big Bear.Mr, «nd Mi*. J. SJewsrt Millerere dinner guests of Mrs. Jo- ph McKcnna Sunday.

Look Your Best. . . you'll feel happier in the Happy Kitchen when you know that morn­ ing . . . noon ... or night you look your most flattering best

. . . and we can vary certainly help you for our exclusive line of Cara Nome Cosmetics have " wide variety of »peo[»lized creams and lotions for every complexion need.




. . . each differently prepared for your type skin. Normal, oily or dry — Cam Nome Cdsmetlc* will help you look.ypur beatr , -... nnd be sure. t,o try Ova, Nomt Hftnd Utlort, Eyery housewife must constantly fight ohapptd, and roughened hands; Cara Nome Hand Lotion will help you most.




Scout SponsorsAll churches and other organ

(gallons Interested In sponsorlni. a Boy Scout troop or Cub Pac •re urged, to send represents tlves to a meeting called fo this purpose next Monday, Aprl 31, at 7:30 p. m. In the court room at the Torrance city hall

No definite* commitments noci be made, according to Chairman Post, but a course In Boy Scon leadership training Is being planned and those organizations which plan to sponsor troops should send five representative.

this meeting to discuss the matter more fully.

St. Andrew's Episcopal church already has Its plans and com nltteemen appointed. Prellmln iry plans are also under way b; the Catholic Church of the Na tlvlty, Central Community, First Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist an Latter Day Saints churches, as well as the Fire and Police depart' nents and Junior Chamber 01 Commerce. It Is also hoped thai he Parent Teachers' Association

of the high school , Fern avenui and Elementary school will either sponsor troops or cub packs The First Christian church is al ready sponsoring a troop, as are the Rotary and Klwanls clubs.

"Next Monday's meeting is th first important step in the en­ largement of the Boy Scou movement In Torrance, and .'all those organizations which desire to assist in this worthy work among our boys are urged to send representatives," Chairman Post emphasized.

Two Beach Cities Fail to Pay For County Lifeguards .

Free lifeguard service has been furnished two cities In the coun­ ty for the last three years, while three other cities have paid for similar services in their areas, It was disclosed today at the Hall of Records.

The two cities that have de­ clined to pay for this service are Hermosa Beach and Man hattan Beach. Each contracted with the county for the service, but neither has paid, while (he- county has continued to provide the service.

"This matter is of mbment right now because If the county Is to provide all the life guard service in these two cities, it if not right for the county to col­ lect for similar services In Re dondo Beach, Santa Monica, Long Boach and Los Angeles," the su­ pervisors were told in a letter addressed to them by Wayne Alien, chief officer (or .5, the board.

DENY LIQUOR LICENSEApplication of Augustin Mur-

Illo for an on-sale beer license at his El Sur de America, 1917 Parson st. was denied by the

State Board of Equalization this week because the applicant does not read, write or understand EnglUn.

Youngsters Reveal Latest In Juvenile Contemporary Chants

Four little moppets three girls and a boy on their way to Ele­ mentary school marched up El Prado park this morning chant Ing what oldsters believe is th< very latest contemporary version of (1) a football yell and (2) an age-old bit of juvenilia.

They were lusty shouters and their salutations to the new day rang out sharply In the sun­ shine. Words of their rhythmic offerings sounded like this: "We want HIT-ler! "We want HIT-ler! We want Hitler's head cut OFF!"

And they followed this chant with:

"A tiskct, a tasket, Hitler's In his casket! Eenie, meenie Mussolini Should be IN THERE TOO!"

Coin 0o*et -Are Ordered for City's Buses

When those new buses for the Tomuiee Municipal BOB System arrive late this month, the city win be ready to start coHeottny; ensh lor ride* In tftent*

Purchase of two coin boxes, coating $110, were ordered re­ cently by the city council.

L, J. GUmelster, who will double as bus manager and Chamber of Commerce secre­ tary, Is now working out final operating details of Hie service the city will operate between Torrance and Los Angeles.

First Reunion tn 60 Yean Held

SEATTLE, Wash.,—(U. P.)— Four brothers and Bisters

whose ages totalled ' 298 years held their first reunion In DO years. Meeting on* another her* were: Mrs. Barbara Rlchter, 75, Seattle; Charles StolU, 71 of St. Paul, Minn.; Peter StolU, 78, Valler, Mont; tuid George StolU; M. Crescent C4ty, Calif.

Mr. and Mm. J. A. DaVidsoii and daughter Wannlte of 1842 Engracla left yesterday morning for Perry, Oklahoma, upon re­ ceiving news qf the serious llli ness of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Davldson who Is -In her 96th year.

Girl Typist Without Hands Employed

DUNDEE, Scotland. (U.P.) A girt who was born without hands

jit. When she writes she holds a peMn between her wrists, and she types with the stumps of '

Vacancies cost you money. Classified ads are cheap.

————————————————§.. Mr. and Mn. Forrest MoKlttt ,

ley, • accompanied by Mr. asn Mrs. John Reynolds attendedEaster sunrise services at Holly­ wood Bowl.

A new experimental- automo­ bile with a plastln body weighs about 900 pounds IMS than a/ comparable steel model. '


The Westmont College ChoirWestmont Trumpeters

String Ensemble and Vocal Trio

Vesper Eastei^ Concertat 4 p.n£


vou outstanding values' durfcig^tftfe Evejit. Savings'.you'll want to. take :ral 'Features each Day! '

Penney's bring to 39th Anniversaryadvantage of—Special;




MEN'S SPORT SHIRTSExoluiive Townoraft" 4 JQ

traue, cool ••17 atterne! ^



Slick took for Ann 3p

Triple Screen "Sift-Chine"

UMdbyMiMNancy fakerhitter

Happy Kitchen Cooking School

OM Ojwrprtm "ilfu flourJhra Timtt Jntt Sgtmv the Hmdlt

SIFT-CHINE" U the sensa­ tional flour titter that foremost looking authorities use, and so lighly recommend. Une hand ioldsand operates "just squeeze lie handle ' stir as you sift. A weirto better baking. No more

altering of Hour. No-more lumpy sices or biscuits. Approved by

Good Housekeeping institute and Jtber tciting bureaus. Super qiial- ty built to last for years. Highly dished finish with or without tvo encircling pastel bands of reeti, red, yellow or blue.TRIPLE screen- 5 cup size, one

Operation sifts flour three timqe, M<J; DOUBLE screen, 0 cup izn, qne operation sifts flour

twice, fl.OO; SINGLE screen. 8 quo-size" 75c; JUNIOR. 3 cup

we, SINGLE «r«en only, 50o. |u«rint««d ittti»f«ctory. At


Dainty Decoration*TOWELS & DOILIES


S 8

They coil 10 little add so .much! An kinds of doiliei and embroidered lowolsl

10°Men's Ail-Purpose

KNITTED SHIRTSintional Anniverptry ingal White combed

otton with controlling 29<Indian DesignBLANKETS

Sturdy cotton in bright, i •oil - reeiltant ooldrel Stitched ende. 70'xSQ-

Sturdy leather «tl««h- downe! Marklee* oompo. eitlon iclee. l'/i-2.

PURE SILK HOSIERYPure eilk—perfect qual- A*V ity—3.thread aheenl All if * I new ipring ahadee. VI

New CteHbg Color*!Terry BATH TOWELSGood and husky— thirsty, tool Sized for the whole family. Don't mlis this buy!


harminfl new printa.Good News If You Sew!


prints and '. thle low I Bhable! 39


lav/dgs; Ifyltl Yfl*»t


MM'I Super Px HM*

WORK SHIRTSRugqed covert, or M QQ

uet «t ihli price!

HEN'S SWRT SORTS98CCool Riyon,and oettpn

'abrioe—thrift prlc.dl Bright new colon teol

1269 Torrance

4a*Jv*nenr It^flfll


TERRY WASH CIOTH5, .._^ about Buy many te

all your towejal

Sturdy knit rayan in me­ dium and brief lengthe. Lanpwoarinal Practical!

Value SpecialANKLETS ONLYCombed Cotton! Snug elaetio topei In gay colora and white.

17' 5C

COLONIAL BBSPMADSimple all-over deeigntof AA live your room • quaint • •VV lookl Bedroom oolon! -I

Lace TABLE CLOTH 1.0080 lovely. 10 Inexpeneive, ifi tl)» higgcn bargain yet! EaeytoWMHI


RAYONSUPSoNLvMcAnnivarury tpecial! Smooth rayon eatin—Uvlfhly trimmed! 32 to 44.

GIRLS'PATENT PUMPSElaiticiztd for better (it! d| QD Leather loin, rubber Up 1.70 heela. 8i«ee 12-3. |

Feature Value!


MARWSfTTE PANELS |...i> faverite
