This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...

DISCLAIMER This is a volunteer blended version of all of the revisions / amendments by literally cutting and taping pages together. It is the intention that everything was captured over the years but when in doubt please refer to the original pages (without cut / paste markings). Each page of the original recorded pages should have a book/ date stamp on them.

Transcript of This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...

Page 1: This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...


This is a volunteer blended version of all of the revisions /amendments by literally cutting and taping pages together.

It is the intention that everything was captured over the yearsbut when in doubt please refer to the original pages (without

cut / paste markings). Each page of the original recorded pagesshould have a book/ date stamp on them.

Page 2: This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...



THK DECLARATION, made by Sherwood Forert DCTdopmcnt Corporation, a tloridacorporation, (hepdnafter referred to as "Dedannt");


WElEREA&Dedarantfathe owner of certain pTopeityhiPahnBwdlC<nnty,IIori(to, more

partmdariiy deacribed fa EXHBBUT A afflitd baeto and inade » part hereof, and la deriiwia ofBubjectin^ tnndi real property to the conaante, WBditiona tad nstricliB- bcrrinaflicr aet Itelh, euAand aB of which are for the b dBt of inch pnpwiy AnS each pnseat and firtnre awner »ad .apply to and hmd weiy prBaent and fctnnt awnsr of raid propwty and titdr bdn, anuaason aid

NOW, THEREFORE, dediuwrthCTclydedansth«tdie redpropKtydBuribedlaEBBIBITA ta and shaB be hdd, transftand, soM, wmvyvd, u«ed and occ naliject to die cavnwti,coDdittons and mtricflBaB herelnaflte- nt forth:


Section 1. "A»aoci«tioB" shdl mean and refer to SHERWOOD FOBEST BmiEOWNERS

AMOdATIQNOFDELRAY, BSC, a Florida coTyiruBm not-for-profit»itB Biwceaun and asdigiu.

Sedioal. "Owner" dudl nieao and nfw to fte record awner.wtoliu" one w non penons oreatftteB, of a fee alnph tfde to aiiy Lrt incdndhig contract adlers, but eaclndiag tfai» baving tad

intwurt msr^ty as .ecnrity for tte purfonumce of an obligation.

Sccti<u3. "PFopCTty" abaU mean and refer to tbatcertate real property described ta EXES.

A affixed hBnto and made a part hweof, and audi addtttom therBto w may henaiftw Iw bn>l%htwithin the JnxtBdlctton offlieAaaodatioiL

Scction4. "Co»nHinArea"8haHmeanaUnaIpH >perty(andintereat8fl rMBBDdunprOTe!moilsflieffeu*) aind penoutd property owned or leawd by or dedicated to the Assodatittn for fte conuKninae and enjnynwBt of the Oineni. The Common Area to be aiwaed by the AaandatiAn at the *tm» offconveyance of tte first Unit ahaUcansut of .B portions of the Property wbidi an nirt Unita1 nordedfcated to . gdvemincntol entity or the pubKc, and shall Bpedficalty fndude the accea roafe to the .Knite and op» spacea of the Property which are not Units.

* Lotpcrimoars are diown by heavy Made Ijnea un &ufividnal lot swvtys. TtKB comcum a'eas-an aU portinu ofthe sidxfivision not mctuded wJthin Aese Uack }mss.

Coveiwirt* -Sbtrwootl Sorsat Muaws Paael

Book20977/Page397 Page 9 of 25

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Sections. "Unit" aluaB niuu d>e lot and any rwideatial gcoBBtnwtedonalotwifli&ifl®recorded Plat of Sherwood Vorwt ad conveyed by recorfed deed to a purehuer flttnot Nomnbdivfafon duU be pCTuutted, . nd no aUc»afion, tnuufer, deatfa^ sale or lean ofoaty . portton of

a Lot BhaU be penaitted. Any nuA aUenatioa, tranrfw, denote, ate or kauc nnut be of an eafin Lwfc"Unit" ahaU abo mean any nnimproved h>t

Section 6. "Dedanint" ahaBmeau wid refertoShenvood FonatDweIopmertCwp^A MBch^in.Corporation, if »pedfic .noceKwn and aulgna.

Section?. "Artidca and Bty-.Lam". » JB intended dat Artidtea of Ihcorponfiun fortbeAsBodation be filed with (he Ftorida Secretary ®f State, rohatentudty in the fonn ttactod hereto RBEXBOBIT B, and By-Lann for fte A»si>ciation Iw; adopted .nbstantuBy la die fwm attached hentofttEXHIBTTC

Section 8. "Sherwood Forert" .ball mean theprojectto bec<mstradtedBponthBProperitywM<Ais propoaed to cqntahi a BMuduum of 125 Uaits and the Common Ana an heni defiaed.


SectioB 1. ANNEXATION OF DECLARANT. VnO awA time aa avtt B Mcmbcnb^i to dieAMBciatioD haa ceaaed punnant to ttc pnnrWou of ARTICLE IV kcreo^ additional lantb nay beannend to the Property aa additional nndeatiri property .nd/ur Conunon Area wiUi coannt aidapproval of Dcdu-ant aad the City Coancfl ofDdray Bewh, Horida. No coasent fivn aay otherparty, indnding CIasa A membvn, or any mortg^Ma of any anys ahdj be nqnind. Snd .mitaBdlands adiaD be broa^ within die Bchcme of tUa Declaration by the ncmdiag of» dint ftum NoficeofDcdaration <Iut AaU be cKeuted by J)eda»ant in the PubBc Recoi* of Palm Beach Cuanty,Horida, The Aort form ofDedantion ahaD wfer to ttia Itedandion and ahaD, nntew apecificaByotherwise provided, fattorpomte by refenance all ttt tenu, protecttrecovenanta and condKioau of ttfaDeclamti&a. tiicrely snbjwting said Riruced landa to rodi twm», covoMnta, cmidltioaa andrestrictfona as M9y as though said aancxrf lands were described Iiereln us a porttoa of the pniperty.Snd Notice of Dedanlion may contafai auch adtUtfaua or modillcafions of die covBnante and

rMtrictioiu contained In thia Declaration aa may be newwaiy to idte^ the dBBfennt diaraeter»tf any,oftte added land and are not inconslBtBnt with tte fehems oftbia Dedanition. In no ewat, Iwnww,9baS sudi a Notice of Dedaratioa nvokc, modifr or add to the cweaante utaUidbcd ly flADeclaration a» to tihe Property.

Section 2 AniuaadonbyMembCTS. At aadi Cmc au Class B MenbcnUp has ceauedpnmuntto the prorfrimu of ARTICLE IV hereof, additioad lands nay he a-BBBd widi theconaatof twa-dilrda ̂ flrda) of Ac vnte of die meabunhtp In Ae Atuotution and the appnwal nf tihe QtyCouiicU ofDdray Bead, TIoriMfc.

Section 3. WittdrawaL For a period of five (5) yean fram the date of ncordatton of tttoDcdaratioa, the Derfai-ant ihaU be enti&d to wittdraw any paitian rf the Viwpwty from Acproviribou and appUaibffity of thia Decluration and Ae Arttdw aad By-Uws attaded bcsvta, bynconling a notiw thereof ia the PnMic Record! of Pdm Beach County; provMed, huwCTw, Aat ftfaCnventtats -Sherwood Vofest lOflSUOOS

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.yteof DednnnttBirtlhdnwdwMKrt tBaiiypMllouufdrFroptrtywUdilBiwliMneoanswl'tori pinhnawflKrapyB li^tbqpecffitdBynwmdiBinK&cBiwwuue. Tto

wiAanmai ' ' \ portIimafthePiroperiiyaahwnilnjdi vWsS B&aBtmty nqnlwflto ppn»nd<ifia»aiiyCtoaBdi*f»dayBt3»tA.J?lBrida*brt«hftBa(itnq«h'«ttecaMMrtBfjninfcr<ir ,

r, fl»A - ' eraay tfflw


Sactfanl. Oiiuw'tEawnufed'EiDosroanfcBvuy Owner IUn»ttBiV3t of.^ynurtia ludtoth* CMBBMkttAna fer itt hdnided pnrpB BB, nW

AT wUhftetMft(Beroiy1hiI1, mkjN!ttBfliefcBowlagpn»"

TtcritfrttftheA»BdadBatoaai|Kaidd»wttag ri^ttB w aofte CMnnwnABBa dwelled 1oncn<tti£G(t. g. podl dnMwne) .nOwNrftr pudflddurt^wkld lyaatfeuarta* U %»eaMdn»fin-a period not tBouwdribdytfS) A^fer any firadiBatfUapaUBAcdntoaBd


(b) TkerigUafABAaaod to/ tBaaypnMfc ac!^3aMy, wr»lBSIySw9wStympaM*

»s may be apcrf to by ttw Baiuniwi. No mid ddtea&n or teanafiiraIutB be .atettnwMbwrtcua of (2fl)oftkcmito<ifd» ti<n.

(e) 3by WJB5RricComnirAnb.

Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants and .:Restrictions for Sherwood Forest

Add an entirely new subparagraph (d) to ARTICLE III, Section 1 asofollows:

d the ri ht of the Association with the a roval of a ma'orit of therd of Directors a nd the a roval of two thirds fativotin interests

t e Association either in writin or b vote at a meetin of theers, to abandon, modir-. or amend the "Dedication" which was

rec amon the Public Records of Patm Beach Coun Florida atORB Pa e 287.





2. ^ Dd arftte. AnyOwBnrmastM» tofajnynea tBthBCoainaaAnatudftd

tymittoi. teteeaaaurim irfUa to

towrta »*a nrfdetB theTOdt flu period.


Page 5: This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...




.» V«tt aBaUiirharapai Bdtyh»r, t&iDb» BwaibBroirtuebe mtnxaftoj ff wyaatlM . - > ^JSG: <rf

Sertl<a»2. was aasyiw Mto fa VnB, MdptrniewtefersBdiUaStrtaUbe " Mttty . hrttn wnrt

be w tny.EyUrft.

Page 6: This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...


Section 1. Payinunt BfAsaeumcnte. The Declarant baday cavenanta, creates and eatabIfaheB, aadeach Chraerofa Unit, by acccptonce <rfa deed ortartrameat ofCBawyancelbr fte acqnialtion of tidein aiy manner, ahdl henafter be deeined to have umauurtied and ̂ reed to pay to tke Aaaoclatton ftefollowing duea, fees, chargea .Bd aaaessmaits, sabject to the piwlstons ofSeeltoB 3 afthfa AMICLEV:

(a) Any annual RBeumet or charge for fte purpose of opcrathB d Assodaflim andacconjdislti^ uyandaBofits pnrpons. Such asseasntttrts dudl be ta eqad aniomtB^»nut the Owen ofeuh Unit.

(b) Any spectal wseasmsata for cnpitd ImprovwnmtB, cmeiBeadca, or nonncurringNPUBSM; aach aascaaneata ahaH be in equd unounta agalnrtdie Owncn ofcadi Uait.

(c) Chnqgu incamd in connection wiUi ttc enfbrcnnent ofany oftiie tenas and conilteiwuhereof, iachding reasonable .ttorn<y fees and sasta.

(d) Feu or cluu'ges that may be cstabBsjtod for Uw use offiicUittwor for any otter pniposedeemed appmpriatc by the Board offDincton of the Aasodatffm.

(e) Aawamcsta rfany Mnd for tte cnatioa of naaonabte nawvw for Miy of the afonsaldpurposes. Sadi asseainiente sIiaU be In cqwl BiuouBts agalnat tkc Owaen of« h Unit.

Section 2. Creation of the Lien and Penonal ObUeation ofAMCssmBata. The Dedanrt, for wdiUnit owned wWhfn the Pnqperty hereby covemuita, and each Owner of any Unit by acceptance of adeed or instrument nf coanyance for &e acquisition oftlfie in say manner, wkether or .ot it ahril be

asataanients, or other diargca and few aet Ibrtt ir Section 1 herwf. toBBther wift intenMt, Iirfe fcu,coitoand nasonaMeattoniQr'afees. BbaUbchiduu'geoffheIand . IiaUbeacoiitinningBtnupantto Unit afiainateuAnchiBtusueat 1» made. TheBenfaefifecUvef miuid after m»rting a Claimof Uca in the public ncorda of the county in whfeh these an ncoided, rtating ttwduKnptionoftIic Unft, name of the Owner, amoiut due lid the dnc datea. Eadh nich a-easaBnl,together wWi intent, late Beta, costs, and naaonaUe attora^'s feu, riuU also he the penoaaioblation of the person who was the Owner of anch pnipwty at the time what tte aaawnent'iai due,a« weU as his lidn, dcviiees and pennnal represartatfvea. t

Section 3. CommencemeatofBintABewmait Aaaeuaeato pruvidedhn^n riunfintcomawnceaa to each unit oil Ac day of conveyance of title of each Untt by Dedmant (aalua ufliomise act finrfliby Dedarant ia roch convqwce to fte canfraiy). Theannnal (uuesauenta in affect at that timebe adjusted according to due numba- of mBaflM nmainSng In Ae calendar year after snch drte.

SeetioB 4. EstaMshmcnt ofAsseasaentB. The Boari ofDincton of the Asaodafiou ahrilapprove and cataMfak aB auina which Bhdl be |»yd»te by the inmibtn althc Aagodation inwwordMuee whh tihe foUowing procednraa:

CWwna - Sherwood Powit WJW200S Pa(e4

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^ (a) AnBBaIf. T -.̂ laeBteapi i&attttcOwwmtriTaBirfflMUanB t aBbe (he

sdoptton of si- afvrattiv boOffS, aad wifUn notice <S tte drte .fcomnuuBBuat ttweufdufl be ̂ VCTI to uwh o*MMa'antlE» fltoi a- flilrtjr ptft daiTs fai

adwancBofttadateAenoI. TIicAbnaaI tduUjaotMSBeeattepriwraBaufBaanusmuat by uon than tea puncBit (10%) ttmit ttt . ppixnml rtFa Bu^urity of Unit(hrncn. Ann aweasiBtate . ludl be at Mid daw or thnu as flhe Bwu< of

Wwetwra <ih»ct wMch .baB te q nnte» ottenrtw d&nBdad. AMWL.A»ocfe»tia»p. to

eatobBdiawIa "

vuave fiwpB riodicnafata npururi»qd»cwaentoffaippinmnenlatotluCiMmnflBAwM.

(b) Spend AuuBin<at*»gateftteO»nB n and saH cater fc*», due».»eunBBl»lbr CFCP tfreu6aa6fciuuiw, a ybc liTtt*Bw>d<tflUrectws at uy wpiW or qwddtdtog thereat a'^bc jktmdthneor

tfancaasffieBftMidrfDiwetonaIyiIldind. Nbaudi.s ^.smHiaaaaatiSaB. tsesiS*fS*S^a& hi

yearocecd sww pa»wt(7%) (rfthc .nniid bidgetvzi? 3»fa6-if|)srf^afUalt OwuUjl. blued on the liBBmrlntLdai^

giudnl A-e-inant Bwraatt rfAnnnnI Tlmltrr*

IAM; Aan ar RnnaS to 7aA

I^M Than nr Eflnri to !.%

Greater Than 20%


NoneSlnrie MaiuritT


(c) Tone BiaJCTTe"(fce. kturiau , etc.) wAfa«Bcliun4blw spuejflc occa»Baca.

(d) The B(NUd tf IMncton nay, fiw daw to tine, . rtaMial, I»y A nadBtfun, nteorr^BtatuNB aped8cfaB <, dtiBior<Aflfeestob®P»MbyOwn«iaoflhritsfoiraBy»pa3dorpenaari uac of fadtte», or to niadwaie tiie Awodetfon ftr Bqiuua tKanred tn«HU*e<dlw»wUhti peeBaentofwiyorflietBrBUU)T&bIted»nftui.Sirii»»itBS8faabBf^rabfobytte mnnbwattadtiBror ai AaB be ca6AliBhaI ly flu»e»dtrftoB »mteor cftte officer wagaat

(e) 'nieAaw>d»tIaDAaB|MN^Ana*nrtBrrfABUalti. aiiuawisasateagglSsr&IetlNantowMdid»Bb»k^tfaidie^BceBfflu»Ana>da. fionandB?i.abcopaito lyaayOiroer. The Aued»tion aiMfl, apnn dmund, finnish an Chmer BabJs Ibf wSSaa»ewnwrt, ac<rtificitetnwraiBgatpB dlyanaffka-ufflrAaw>datleB,«UiB fin-fli

whBttCTfluMaiBauMntkaabMnpriduidfertteiunMmitwM- fii.dwiisAfiHiydflte. Asto pnrtfea wlttwtf Snaw^ge of umn, tAo nfy ttwciM, .ad certlfletta daH be

eItuirowWcacc of payment wpararipayBManttfaay tharrittrt

hwi^i beat paid w partially prid.

thBAasocinki Aisreq?aa«iFuBd-^Bptffc?isSfe±sS-hT^f9ei sst»S tfftwssi

eBriPsaaiEfaser&nroTTBCTBK igiuil to two lutiuUu ufthe uuiul . asfeaiutsts fuftadi %B5t?^tch-VL}fs-»feaaiB »rttB :We»lBBff CSapiAil. Foud

.haBI»(iu»BCEtBt^ -^^-^s^itT'tessd^uiratlht^iBretfcto^crtffitirtiiItritfeaeu Unit and .T=: . ' riS-B^'A^ified-atWBtsctfi Bui' <Sw .' EStt^dF-fee

CdWBinti -Shtniuod ¥wWt iftnamns n»:s<»o®

Book20977/Page401 Page 13 of 25

Page 8: This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...

ee f

N'tpow tf ̂ --fc-'Hb^'.sBarrtaat-



tBCoBBCt-Wtk Ni»QBB . A»UkO)?a¥s-^

-; 1. <-,I


f&aaSc itrft&tLnanto&dbrtgaflEs. Aahmnalxmimwidfldio Section 2.sBBoicBiaoonortlitUBntoMortg^Es, AaIncanalxnfBimnndfldio Section 2,Awoduioa fcrwunnflstt and fltturdu»gB» of Ac AwoditEea becouiCB

d&o w. ;^<ten<wdiniS<ifaCtaia<rfUna<faftpB ytewc^^Be6rfdieScnJuBbembop&iatetoabiBiafidBfiat

ncu&d; ^puI&tWKdspfcrtoaysiidChBaiifUea^dAflwMmitIM'tBcorded- ftepnt^ewcotds. &2afi)»<sie8saieatedB)Bnotbe«(&»a^ofalfa^ i*c41towBW4tiutiae>tmnmtfftflaIto»tmfi^»^lisa&.^H' »^e i^W» &0i »dAe«' aftitio; hia s»BS5s.^e^«^^AA«^Ai^g^^?

^ ^^^^^^^w^^i^4^^ .^^^^V^»^^aaa^f^eie^-v^hwm^eyaw^^^^-iwww&^-^^. ^^w^^

BFtttto io Bdt TinilE>5ti tTiflyi

ntjIdBBSLfen^lnwa nyAiwl Sr

ZHUBSJEl-fincteuw dtoB A>( nam<be|antasw«



^^B^ftTfrm NnA^ftw&i -fir d^BgneBtuaeaauctittfima

Bcuaeat<rfcoDectinily ctterflnafimd

&KSiS;a®ts.̂ 2Mi&s.^a^MSs^aAny lueii .alBertnaa&rpnnaafflttB*


720 JfltS. Florid



Page 9: This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...

I ~A'

SmBnnI. CMnmoaAnfc


Sec&ial Eaierfar 2to6»lLjUmtefa <l;?r:, pnirifc



Ill; " jffl


iqpCS. -^


» un

. I-

Book20977/Page402 Page 14 of 25

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tB«aB»dliylh«Xh»dmd^ar, ports iiadlnnn,pwlded,hm«v»,aAUe^OmifflirrfiaBlien^wttBflwArdrfte^uralCnnntfUBe aSai!?i

aadfcf-'---».AteB Ba&nwf Bte£;adn»"*ra«dt^ptoN m»^<. ' - . .

uitUtB^- topmfatnttt iCTBfaitteAastttfaflwt'S wnl.fte - . ,taaMlltattt» thei«»di»amUatott, thenmfatnumwKa Uidt.

BnnatdnornN i >.,, ;,

IkaAaudatiBB b henEy gfarnIf

UBfiuBfliy.gMrtiorAL caused

cmtrf mai.udIfaitfand^ssiL

flrwiBfaIw '^stwteftkeWt^iar«k_be <B£ °

AeUSalt OW»M*« ]

Section 3. Ri^ht of Entry by Association. Whenever it is necessary toenter a Unit, 'or' (li& dwl'-ll"ig thcKon, for the Association to conqilete thepCTformance of any inaintenancc or repair to assy portion of the dweUii^ or

improvements upon or aroimd tiie Unit, the Owner thereof shall permit anauthorized agpnt of the Association to ®ater sucfa dwcttmep, or go upon theUmt, iMmrided that such eaatry shaU be made onty with advanctti. writtai notkseto tjhe Owner, and at reasonabte times. In the case of emergeincy such as, butnot limited to, fire or hurricane, entry xnay be inade at any time only if suchentry is necessary to protect o'tiierUxuts or the Conuxuni Areas. Eiach Owner

does hereby appoint the ^sociation as its agent for the purposes hereinprovided aiul such entry bv an aufhorissed a^eot of fhe Association f^^ not becnniiidftred a treanass.


. "" .. .. . dte^iegsctofioa.B^. ailrinJttongntoaapmi Pwgi^bnta&aSt&msaB^

. tyantffityw "ronuMBtoflti&ari^Nasto^ . wthe --^-BflhePnipcrty,arcaanr awMwatiteflic ofwqrofalndflit ; . . nadtwams

caud ri^rtd ufwya Br«tta-

Wanu'HBde»M^taB*Bfi«s. Tbu» . . ijyy wuncBrirf cfttelUte. Mpuali^dtePnpertyihMn TkeA»<»^ttonflwbttwuaiiywd »ndMgaswIifeJiai»tocatBdwttMBttePnipff<y. cwtaaad

dnBbeipurdttaBfAB T , ., . , au^itodlOnamw-tfcrthinAIBaaBVhewaA m» s^^safa]

wsMauwtapoauad uch(hiltliwtkepB Tpo»<rfaec<aap'

8MUBa& Stnto»3EIV, lwdB,u


' wttABBICLBnycrtftedntkiaftte


Page 11: This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...




Section L Owners RcsponsibOily. Each Unit Owner is responsibte, at his or herown "pense. for the repair, m^nteaauanoe and/or icplacement, at capcuM for aBotitcr-ui^nwacnentg construiAed on hisyjher Unit not o&crmisc dri^aled to .die^ooation, all of^wfaich shall be mnmtnmni^ nq ccaifonmty mfh oa®rdw^ing3^£K^rwood FOTWt fio(? ̂ accw(te°l<?e wim th1? sherenod P^BtAnAito-SJ

(ZfU^ \

N<? mffitwN <?hmii^? piw be made to tfae Unit witfaout th£13 ^tinnft,ttw /Mutwtwel CQmm^tn* ^C) flrid apwama'of the Boat^_oLJ^TOwided in Article DC hemin

Ownws are strictly prohibited ifrom peifomnng any maintenance duties of tiwAssociation wj&xm^^ar SB^^ooosent fi-om fhe Board of Directors.

5ftc6< 2. ABlhrfttihafih



^ff-^W ̂ ..

K -^ Owner Uatnlity. Should any Owner do any of the foUowmg:

(a) Fail to perforaa the responsibilities as set forth in Section 1 of thisARTICLE VH; or,

(b) Cause any damage to any unprovement 'ortuch the Association has fhcrcsponsibUity to maintain, rq»air and/or replace; or,

(<^ Undatake unauthorized improvements or modificatioiis to his o^ tedwelling or to any portion of his fy her Unit or to the Common Area, as set forthherrinri


The Association, after approral (rftm>timds (2/3id^ TOteoftheBoaidofDirecturaandtan (1<^ degre prior iinittea notfce, shaU hare tfae light, butnotflieotiKg^ion. fhrou^i itsagaats and cnqfloyces^ to cnte- upcn saxl Iftnt and cause Ifae reqpAcd repB irs or

mamtenance to be perfbni^ or as the case inay be, tiie remoralMrf tfae vipilatifn^^ ^ toTMTfflie lepal acKfin. Anv cnst' nr eaerwntws an InawnMl hu' t\v AMWsatmn wvh'iAna tni*

nnt ^Mnited to^ atfcC Mcncys fees and costs incuiyed in swhww cotnDtiflTtff* withSectkin. regiqrclli ^ss erf srfietfaer- fidgalion. is IM---t^t_ -owriicad costs to fhc A"'m»s***"n shaB. be added to and become a part of Ac

aBaessment to'wfcfch the Urrit is adi^ct.

Sa^iftl, WhMinMAitew JH1A±-i

Bditfirtm 'tSSf3&tjS993rs. . etei

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^^y^*'^w<^jale^w^1^*^^«»^»^sb^.tMbvt-ww^'~^^^^^^^ .tttcCalfa


3ra»e Archj^ctural Cftmmitte? w irpspoasiblc to assist t^p Board of Directors wlAtbff pripromwBt of ifa> mflintrnffinffl? ftfrHmHons of tfae Unit Owners, as wcU ^those sectfp^ ^ef forft in Article X. ProhibifcBd Uses fo- which Unit Owners

ffiiAgt w?k Aichitectural Committee puidflTiw The Arohitectural CommitteeshaU be a conumttee composed of at least three (3) but not more than five (5)reprweaiaGvw. Tbc Ccunmittjee will be headed by & Chairperson appomted bythe Board of Directors of the Associarioin. The Conunittee Chaupereon wfll thenselect at least two (2) but not more than four (4) Association members to sit onthe Comnadttee. The Architectural Conunittee will make a recommendadon tothe Board of Dincctora. The Board of Directors will detemune finalapproval/denial.

Section L Advance Approfval Neccssaiy.

No buildmg, outbuilding, gara©e, fence, waU, retQiadng wall, landscapixig orothCT steucture of axxy land shaU be erected, constructed placed or mamtainedon die Property, nor shall any dwelling or other improvements on each Unit, asoriginalty wnsta-ucted and provided by Declarant, be altered, changed, icparredor modified imlcss written rcoommc&dation firom the Architectural ComTnittwSBSLwritten approval ftom the Board of Directors has been obtained prioT to tfaecoinmenccmcnt of any work thCT»of,

y k. ¥V»/ V»I^AAaj^/JL1rfUU y*UAA.O Ciajli l* UJ^n-A«aAAV»CUAl/AAI» lAA^rA IrfAl/A l/y

A»-<ui ^^»^^v<»M<i^**u uiAiii* AA^n/* I^AEajhaia ^u.jki^. ..m/ t/A'h/v ><»*CUA


.Detailed drawinea

of fhe Unit mdicating and fbmig the exact location of ssach improvements,Btructurea or such altered structure on the Unit witfa reference to the street andside lines thereof, must be shall have been first submitted witti fhe completedarchitectuTal iw?icw applicatiDn paclcet ttt-^n'iting for approval and approwd inwiiliiig reviewed by the Architectural Committee for Board approvaL

, which shaU-be a cotamitt&c coupoacd of three (3) or more jpcprcscntativcsappointed by fhe Board of DiTcctors <rf tfac Association. -The foregoing priorapproval is inteaded to <pccificaHy apply to Chc pamting of a dwcUing or anyoilier maintenance or re^ir which changes fhe cxberior appearance of adwelling or ofhcr unprovenietits a Unil', iTT<'.lMdhig. but not Utnited to. tfie Unit,drivewav. sidewalk ancLei'ounfte. BkffiffiEESLJMaiiwnftl olantnaes bv an Owner ontheir own Unit do not rMiuire Drier sulbmissian to the Architectural Conunitteeor anoroval of the Board ofDnisctors.



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teeatfcSo Akn

vHirSr Endorsuncnt ufPlanA. Approval "of plans, spccificafions uad

its by the Apchitectural Oomnuttu. ahall b& cndorsul uubotfa sets ul said plans and apccificationa, adreturned by the Ar&lutectwal Committee to the pcrauu submittuig-the Bacac;The appx-wal i-ccomaaidatiion of the Architartural Cotamittec of plans andspecifications submitted for approval, as herein specified, shaH not be deemedto be a waivw by the Architectural Coianuttee oftiie rifi^itto object to any of &cfeatures or elements embodied in such plans or specifications if and when fhcsame features and etemcDts arc embodied m airy siibsequent plane andspecifications subnaitbed for approval for use on other Units.

Section^. Construction to be in Coirformance with Plans. AUconsteuction ahall conform witfi said plans and specifications except asmodjifications are apptwwd rwiewed by the Arehitwtural Conunittee emdapproved by the Board of Directors in writing. After completion, the Unit Ownerj?lWUW nattst notify the Architecttiral Conunittee in writing stating thecompletion date of the work,

(a) In tiw event that the Architectural Coixuxuttce shall fail for a periodof thirty (30) days to provide its leaanmendation to the Board of Directorsapprew-or disapprom aiy requests, plans, specifications, or plot plans,sulmutted to it for appi-oval review the aamt-shaU be deemed to'havc beeiiff2Qd^ifina2ISLdiS^>proved. Th? ApplUcant mflv submit ^ written request forckuification or reconsidcralion direcflv to the Boarf of Directprs vriiich mu^~beresponded to bv the Board of Dinsctor? witTiitr fifteen (151 daws of receiot or Ae

r a . .'

appljlc^tjffn wiU Aen be deemed approved.applicaut, flit Cc

ipt tliat by wiitU

toted not caacedingttec may cjctuid \lx. foraguiug thirty(30) day penod to a.ty(60) days.


c a e

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Cm 20190471955BOOK 31117 PAGE 14385 OF 18

ft?) All Boer^ ftpprpvwl dtprations. additions. imorovementja_fiish^ copaplv wifh all applicable permit niquirements. and-aU

povpmmftnt^ ?aws.. statutes. CT.flinanccs. rules, an^ ordcra applicable tpt^propo^sed w^, The Board xnay adopt and amead Rules and Repilations.^^RWi^dmfts Bcttog ferth wnditiffln? to ite and the Architectural Comnii^^ftppTWtf swp<? ̂ fr^gycstsfor alteradons. axaditions. fanoiuvemmts or chanoes9mi m^y rwnm? sulmiwjftn of additionfll plana and snedfications or othffii^rm^Qnymr ^ ^pprevmg or rwf '%ff ̂ ff submitted request aa^qjfi^^BBflV dftftervntrK* nfnianaro' ftnwt ritno tn ttma

Section^. Deemed ApprovaLWAfter the eaqiatation of six (6) monthsjfrom flie date of written notice by the Unit Owner to the ArchitecturalCoinmittee and the Association of completion of any structare or alter&tione,such structure or alteration shall be deemed to compfy wifh all of theproviaoiis of this ARTICLE K unless notice to tihe oontraiy shaU have beenprovided to the Unit Owner recetded in the ofGcc of lihc Cicrk of the CircuitCour^ in and for Palm DcAch Counfy, Fl(»rida> or legal procccSsssya shall have'been instituted to enforce auch compliance.

SectionAS. Ri^itof-Bntty-Inspection. Any agent or member of theArchitectural Comaaittee inay at any reasonabte time'enter aiad inspect anybuOding or property sulgect to the jurisdiction of the Architectural Conmuttoeunder constructfon or on or in which the agent or member may believe that amolation of the covenants, restrictions, rewrvations, acnitudc's or casementsis occurring or has occurred.

?Wtiftn ̂ J^P L^mty. Neither the ATchitecturaI Committee nor thePOTTd Of Pirectors shall b<; Hftbfc to any Unit Owner in connection with fheapprpval or ^^ffprpyqi of any alteration, ad^rt^n. improvement or chnnpftywth<?mwr<?, SMY reCWmniWt^ flpproval of anv plans or spccificatio^gjg. ttlEAFchit?ctwfl1 Cftmmittw and/pr Board of Directors shaU not be decmedjtSLbejl4^miinpti<m thflt wph piflns or specifications are complete or do not CQBtgjadrfwtp, pr m'feet i»wt a^iy. standards, guidelines and/or criteria of theAnAutectyral CftmniithT ^^/OT Board of Diiectors. or are in faxsjPrcbitwturally or aesth9tiw?Iy appropriate, or conylv wifh-any aiyoUcablePPYWnmffntftl fMUff«fm?nt9, m4 the Architechiral r^nmittee and/or Board^Piywtprp ^}\ nfft Iw h'flMff for anv deficiency^ or any mhirv resultme fmmanydeficiency, in sudi plans and spedfi<^^iai

3wtiw $, Remedy fin- Wolations. ta the event this ̂ ^tide is violated inthat 3l3y dtfflrfttwn. addition, impnwcment or change is made wifhout firsto^fliniTir ffofr Written Wprowal of the Arclutectaarfll flr. iii^tt^ ^ poard ofDweffhOT, or ̂ wt ̂ p^c. in Rtrjpt cnnfcrpqT1^ ̂ ^ finv aiiproral granted 1%ffite ArcbitWfrU 'd Cffm^rtW imd-Board of Directois.


£hr-Arclritectiu^lCftmmttw and/or Board of Directors shaH spedficaUv have the rigfaf ^demand th^t « Unit Owner stop. remove and/or alter anTalteration. ad^ilj^t.


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f^-- CR^ 20190471955BOOK 31117 PAGE 14406 OF 16

ov t or chan in a manner w ' corn lies with the uire ts ofe Architec ommittee. h the Uni Owner fail and se

Wirect fhe violatipn and/or remow the yn^uthorized alteration, addition.improvement or change after reasonable notice to the Unit Owner. the

ssoaation but shall nt bli ated to ertake s o as ma

legsl rwiedy tn obtai'Ti wmpljance. mcludin^. but not limited to. the filing ofleeal action foc_u;uimcfivej'elief or anv othCT lesal or cauitable nsmedv a-ffailahle

the Association m Qpder to accompUsh such purposes. No entry ^ateJheVtflt for w<;h pwppse shaU bp a trespass. Any cost or expense incurred by theAsso^atipiti jn wppectiop wj(h wwecting the violation-and/or the removal ofthe unauthorized alteration, addition or improvement or m enforcuiff theprovisip49 pf ftiis Article, uiclud^n?. but not timitftd to. atbomev*®' fees and

incurrpdl in si^ch pRforcement efforts. recardless of whether litipation ispeq^gary for the enforcement. shaU be a Special Assessment aeainst the Unit

er and 's r r 't collectible m the hion as otherAssessnient T>rovided hereunder.

^Sccttoh <. <) No owner shall be pcrmlUed to conatruct a fence, wall or hedge on any portfoa of thePropwty bordering un the Sherwood Park Golf Coune.

SectioB? The A Iute»hii Coi. niitteeahal fonnul di

tha Ubcanenfo cable anttothcaeC ants. This ncntit wft be flppnnred by tw<>-think r2a«»ofth<»B<rrd Qtsawtn^ m<». h,


I uid ini.B

e^\<?( TS" o^.<^. a/yM^T.

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StBdnal. ABtarti^ecuB, t"udk«>nt»b«^iAaBbcIiBp^ auri notaluSfc® flnrdlqw. afMinSMKitioflBoftte

nBteBBEJdBb UqndwIhnnthBtmuU cftnahlnstrict

.dinr fenca»! jHropwty


Section 2. No temporary or permanent items inchidinsr. but not limitertto. utility or storage shed, building, tent. taroaulm. ^tudte cover7^ructure orimprovement sbaU be constmcted, erectet^jagUasd or maintedned without theprior appiwal Tecoixunendation of the Architectural Committee fliKLaTmroval ofthie Board of Directors-

Section 3. No farm animals^ or reptiles- oy da^pemus qr^imala, aaAftftcr 4ppned bv the Board of Directors from time IOJH^ shaU be^^t,raised or maintamed on any Unit or in any dwplliyig; PROVTOBD, HOWEVER,that dogs, indfifil_<ats, bifd& fie and-other mdoor household pets may be keptur'rea. s&nahlc. uumbcr& in &e dwelling if their pTcsence causes no disturbanceto others nor are a tiviTwncc on the ProDcrdes. A taaxitnuin of two f21 does ispeimittcd- AB pets ahafl be kept oa a teash when not can the Owner's d^lMVtAk and shaU be waDccd only on areas des^nated for pets tay the Board~ofDirectors, if any. Ownere are rcsoonsible for the nntn«»riiat«* n>m<wni of anvw^te^wpsited by p?te mvwtwiw m thff Properties. The feedm? of_g,ffirmm^ ffiltSJ^? ftlTtfr? dwellmtr is strictly prohibited.

Scrti-4. Ne nrfmnitmg pool aynninhtlned un say VsSt^ midb dwt tt faAnttfttcr CwanAti

pr houw akdl beOwnaay Htonf

erected orfsvsS rfflw



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Cm 20190471956BOOK 31117 PAGE 14417 OF 16

Section 5. Vehicles and Parkms.x


fei-All v?Md9S 00 tilft Prooertv must haw a cuirent license teff and hofiDerable.

ib)-No wAidcs are aflowed to park awmi^ ̂ ^ street and turlciTon the ca-ass is not permitted at any ti^ifi. ~ -- '

fe) Prpptatir Mw^gement should be notified of aw Quest vehicles?»inp ̂ Tlffdon tfyf P pcrty ttff01» tfrc arrwal ofthc vehicle in th*. P^wimi,^

(dl ̂ N9 wfticte, iiipNdmc flW fldtfitional fiirtures suchfls a hitch. ̂ &ra^ or W^T fl^Won. may exceed tiie footprint of the drinrewav and^ajuigtblock, tfac sidewalk at nnv timft

j^ - No wtod^rwfljra or naRintRnnnw, other fhBn waBhinBr nr warinp,s^flH 1w pmmtted pn tfre Property.

ffl. A frpck wtrifth ̂ tJIJml TW pn Ownea- solely for personal i^ ̂ ^^pemijtt^. po ̂ ̂ ft d(W9 ffifft ̂ cecd sBven m feetfai heipht No other

,tm?to vS any kln4. m^fcK, withoiit Ifmi^&tio" cnT^m^rapl chicles of ans

li rwreatwn vdMplw. rflmpmF. mobae honies. motoriiomcs. boats, hou^t^itffiy, hoftt teBtt?ra, or traiiera of every ofhcr description, motorcvdes.motwNl^s, m<?p?<te, or aU-tprr^in vdudes sheJl be permitted to be pajSssS-S£to ̂ ?tor?d at sw ptece Wittim the Property inchidm^ on any Unit- asSE^^ufdess enflto8 ft4 withm the g9ffure exceot on]v durine periods of aptnwedwnpfrufitim w w4 Vnlt. a&d wcevt fhat tt??y m^y ̂ stored ̂ ^ gprpe^,

^ tffm "OTnipftTpipl vehwle- ffhnll include aB automo^ea, tr\r^ »^VCh^llflr egyipWWt V^Kft Iwar siipis. loeos or letterinff on any side of thevetucle^w ?hafl hav? PPntwi OT l^rw ffftTne nsfcrencme to any commerci^undcrtql^ng or cftterorise. or dcsi^natm^ & business of any land. or whifh^v^y^b]^ tw^ ̂ ft t^^ W tnjwnm fflllYW^ere in or on a vehicle. J^

of parkfa>fir «*«^ iwt aooiv to temporarff parlnnff of tr^^ andWXnmcrci^ yehjdFs. such as for pick-uo. delivery and other mtn^gQaalWnjcw ren<i«?^ ft m4 on behalf of the Unit Owner or resident:

i8)-The Pwrd may adopt Rules and Rceulations ftnm ^xnc to timeTOCTNffig 9^^9Wi Vehicle and oarkinff restrictions. to &e cveut there is a4jgpUtP a^ to ^ ^IflRqiftcatjpp pf any TOhide. tfie Board R^^ have fihe BOJ4iS<WlMa tft ma1?R the 4?terpffffiation as to whethCTanv vehicle molates til®isstrictions.

(h) Awy whicle par?ccd in violation of thew ̂ .hirio p^strictions and/orR^lc^an4 R?gMlati9ng_T^te4 to vehicle/parldne may be remove4jBcjfecAfwwifltmi at th? whjcfe pwsw's sole fftpf ynse. mchidinff. mAoi»t UmitBlio^fhroufiifa towine. r



d boats, trailc-rs, cemmui. uil wludcB 01' truclEB fc^rad or pick*up) wfaich arc'pai'luMl uu Uu, pioptrty during dayli^it hours inuatgaraged during non d&ylight houra or huuaul uff fh& property. RLcrcationed

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'^:rf^^^tW Jses Co^-

No entdoor drfbu <hyt|g sbdl k» »tlhwied

ScdtBBZ Norigin, or (weevftfw«_ aayba n,?h«dTin1ii »nyI?BU, uwpt rwiwu-Iy


StcfiunSL NetnuIeortaidMaaltdlbceoiidacttd, ase ^afsnyUBtt..aft hr

1 ' : . I ;1

Sccdona. No , bedknndiyBauyiadfwUditonfawthatfaaa to»dtorUnttOwB»BoriBl»tf»i with pwcpwpar a«e tffte UritLi ty fte midate tttxot

ScdtonK. NBhnmonI, teipniiu,annulwor«nh Bbe ~

flr» Ihftaul wad

orfiMuwud ofiifiginwiinwatd teh J .tantcrtiiBfl|yduurwd.

Secthall. Noldm<dB«Br »B^ aaAla. ttraCTiutom rwyb.CTBcted, flOMt»Bcted, <>rjBt?&t»lBedexcqptfl)rttwwnnBaify ., , ..,,. . . byfteAao<iatioa,oraBdi<»fliBraBteaiawinagrbe»pp»wuI»fiawrftii»,bytke Aasodalfoa.

SecdonU. N8nam»<u;«kaai»fa«tdMi>Bal»aItwi» wftonS bf tte AnUtortBrd rs«H«a_ffl- -K±Sf ff-

iw^sBt. P&iEisan^( .. <- I 'l. l:'.

Sactinn 13. AB-Imnteaa* d

fttfa twaw^aa.p» ffllB^ ?^8_S'^9SW»-1

Section 14. Oaipgip ̂ P^es. Gajra^ sptep flnd/or yard sales areprohibited. However, uponDirectors, au. OWQM' niav hold an estate or nunrine sale. All transactions and

items tniist be lcnnfr wn+hhi tha rftnfin*>n nf+hn rinwllini



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The original Dediuadon of Protective Covenants and RcstrictiMM fia Sherwood Forest isTecoided ia OfiBdal Records Book 20977 at Page 389 of the Publk Records of Palm BeadiCouMy, Florida.

As iMcd herdn, words BBderimed are added. and words hyphcaaed tiitpi^i are delved.

.iTE!tft:"A^te^-of^8vaforesattSlta?w»<foafeaa. iaidi^^ tfdtfipgitin Ib entirelyNiid rqthccd witih tbe foaming amCTded: .


RcstrictitmB.,;SJ..t^u"-l"., TCTS

Sectiftp 1. Learn. No wuKwierd^j Imp hisAcr unit ̂ rthr^ ̂ ra^p ^edate (hp Qroi^r puictiawi the Utrit No Unit OwnCTmavJeasc a U^PBW JB » Crfffl^ YW, NP W» Qwffff »uy lease a Unit iiorna^t it to jsjaaA

TOt WCongpaodatioiB. Any lease ofaITni't sf^n h>; written, aatl fiw atetmofftot 1?» Aftti thre^<3) months, ̂ p pOTtion afa Umt fother ftan an .̂ EElfilfflfflw \ff pe"^ m4 ffQ IfWS ?NII poiqdv wifl]i &e foUawinB Dmvisions.

A. OwffW BWY Itas<?,. «inew a lease or extend a lease ofa. Uiut mthpnt thepriwwritt?? appwvalofthe AsSOCiffittOffl Vtfhich aufiioritvinavbc delepated ta aWpnffiftpflrasent ^opmffnjiBSKJBSSa^aJfe^

to^^mffWflpyJW^-UBLei^fw^nii^df-al}^^ .

jnsoiw Chaa^rtyO j ^

Btirive^3orfhirtvf3(nTn MSKm&.-S^^^MlfeL̂ BS^e _ASgt^^l^BAegib[ ^oaDpmvaTbv

i* _fl _ *<»^ ' . .

regulations ̂ o^m^ esssS. ssK^wsd^r^l^, -^^^

d AtWffv^frv^mtoiCT, T^wprov^ ofAe Asmdfltmn that is reatrired fai

^jease of a pwetlfflg Vmt shafl he oblained in the fellowmy man^'

1,^ Nflto? tff Anwitiffp. An Owner desirin(> fa? l^gseliis Bnit. shaU eivB tp ^lAssoci<ffioppot»ce of such jpteDtion tBBctfiffwith acopvoftfaB proposefU^K

Lotoposed occiuiaafs. a comp?ei^awHcfltiOP pnd tmy yffm infiwn^atjon requested bv ti» Association. S


Book23242/Page504 Page 2 of 7

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CFN201BQ146UMBOOK 297'87 PAGE 1432141 OF 160

I ,'^-^' .... deht-toTe'ir that a tanti vanif

used and re '' 's choftier' rmatio Ac o tenant-and all,.occ as the o d s' ro "ate und" cucumstaaces'. The

Board ihc * to conduct ac* d c on "the cd tenant andeir se. if a Bcabednd 1 occu ' . jt. 'Su

be nd arc ma .' dud ' check of e o and/of an sed tenant and their

s use if se ecu ants of a Uni as a'condition for a rovaJ.

lsi n oe oVw n o laridaS sC te 7 ' ' Dec 'tio' . l es the. B'laws d fee esande " &f ' al edeettcd ressl .iaco' otated-into- lease-of ' 'n' eAs ci ' " &v ' .-0 da. '-

. ;.fi»a-t ^' 1-_.- .&otr<ft! . "" -rCTa'" r' Biissi '..' .^ , :1 ' " ,..'<u \''dis rove die ro sedl e'or bsedf lessees or ' .'. . .As ciAonshan. eavorto ve Ae Owner writteh 'eof decisi w

I "" nt v" written nott'lo wrtiu eri ' not be deemed an v of the lease.

2. FaiIuretOui.^Notfeei IfdieDodcetothsL^^.""*-' ' - -^;""~."ven, then at an" time after re " 'edpe oTara93sacaoa-07event ..

transfsmn osseysion of a residence e iatinalits lection dvratbno" e av o eordisa3, Disa rova ssodati'lease a o ' a "

J . < . i

the transfer.Ift Association

.ch lease or occ'all'diA ov a

s lnoi6cro


4. No individual oomsmaacco ' odaed; -shariijor a ' 'mmn "odo efc

rented and aoand subleasina s

D. Tfinant.Con u Re cs.

. -s!legteii^yt a ' i

II Iwvideor e'd e 'bound b "tfd . laratioaJARe ulatio t same ' iDo ante .. umforail

vid r de t '.shall cbiisdtute.a;inaterial brwell as-'aav othe rsmwi ' '

icntte sma beis mhibite' , Al 1c

.. -:*'^.

\ 6^6. ^ i^Sft^Wl^&^&rfti-^A.n". i&iml ai^ daud'alI-dSiCT

v'de tibe te " have" an3t eed- o elesof rati - a" andRuI and

B fl- time to" time- 'Associ "cme ra emdum and other leases all'furtherth6tan violat'onof e Association Do ments

ch of the lease and sub'ect'the t 'to evietioii.asb" tte AssociadoaDuCuinentgorRbridalaw.

2.. Ifaltenantfaj foabide-b eAssociari Doctimenss-ffie ef-. &i shall bereg?oitsibfei econdufcfo tenant and shall be s&B" erf to Urem-edies. set

ffirth in the- iarionsDo' ;eatsand law. wftho " are avail bl to' e Assotetadoti as to the. t eo\ . W- 'e.the -

U -tob'n ' tenant' ' ' t c 1' ' e ciati ''

Book232 2/Pag 505


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instjtfftji^i flfgyjCtion prttoeedin^a wfibout noto'ce tp caae. v^e legaUy

. . -. .

3, tfAe qwDBf faife to brinB fee conduct ftfthK-«»>i»n^ mto complianffiStSLfllSAsswistim pw?ui»wnt?, tbro tfte Asw'^tmn shnll Tuve-the auflKmfrto revoke ftsapppvpl pffte l?flge flnd tafa; whatever action is accessary to abate tfietgantelI1W <WW?WW Wtb tfce Assodfltion documents. Such action may include. butSftBU WK ̂ limtftd h». Ifo? risht (ft ip^^trtfe and actfcfn fiw iniunctne niUefaadanB"TOP^ ?ffe tPffi^ fi»tU ̂ DweUinp IMf, ̂ ^mm^n^ntf/ftr th*, ripht toa?tfl?fle?Biro^theO-*Tieirafsd ' sefa'onfisr©v?eSionasai?isltAe_^|^'

t to I'taWft 5WwCT-CTfl@?T 9? i? &? W«nc AfAe Afifi&ritttim- nr^ w^f^^^.^^^'^^fQ. cS^S^eM^&e:^ ̂ .

Awrfatwn Qffcmmrtp ̂ ̂ e ̂ ant, ̂ fae Associati^i ?h^ hi~^the ripftt toyewwfflYWgteW iee^ indudinc attonffiv*s fiiea. aicunedmconnectfoa withWA a?ti9a»ftflpi the Owner whfc^ shaH be seemed bv a continuiiuz Beam tfaeSflflttfi Tiwnn&t at fl uafffiinttnl f-haTiEnhu *

4, ITnapDrtwedflrITn«*i^ri7^t(fMe or Occupancy. Anvleas^prP *fPff»CY Pfft DffeUiqR Upit wfa&h b^ not been aDprovBd or has bBeniflwmwe^ Bmnwt ̂ te iBmis Offhis declamtion- shan he vai<l up^^»wqi^>fty appr?vBd m wr^tine by the Aasodation. tlus.-AKiociatioa shaU hth? right t9 pepaov? iffly HnaDproved or ̂ 1^*^^ occupa^ls aiid.tfadroeisonal


.P- A^^^Wr:: The Owner or ley<^ fi».IrmR appmva! ofa lease of ^Dwdline Urft riiall

NodiargcsIrilbemaflp^pT";! E£iiMl2Bfej aJS[&|[a Off

£^^^"!l2!"^^'ffl¥m'ATO$:;.fe ffiW?:.^ v*>t ̂d^.AWfeWtf^ ̂ ̂"K-wnph? ̂ ̂ fifflounng.p^eisions..A, Tff»B?fmofTW<8SnhfeettoApp»wri ' ,

L $ale, ̂ ft ?r 0 w Trpnrfer. No Unit owner mavdispoae. ofa Umt ,NWrtffi MP^hyflfllft P?ft (ff ffftfiT tftktauisfia-. wtthout pripr wrjtfaEjg

ffirectms. No Owner may dispose of a kit or a^v mt|fffm ft'.bvo&eriaeansri m^ultnp, aji [for deed'instaUgigntj AWt, <Cg^ W,?ftn SffnilfiT h-apsaaioas^ wiflimit prioTffl^waval hy fiie Boyd rfDficecft^s. . ^ '

?. Pwise ̂u- lah^ritame. IfanvOwn^r siiaM acquire Ua tirifi by ̂ h^gS^Jac?n»ini»mm of ̂ ̂mierahip ^f^ T"<^ sh^fn^ subject to tfaaQiBOTOiofAiBoard of Duectars. ' f^v-


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f^F tt, ;Sf

CFN 2U1BU148U23BOOK 29767 PAGE 1434143 OF 166




^&. .' .^

rshaU-. as i title.* er. the " ceofhisownersK of

e beet t6 !B r vda e Board o Du^ctors-Ifan. . '" e ' ' '^it ns' ' f in ecti t&atall have o ' . the " fore ein a roved b fhe

Beard of Directo underihe Iroced u ined below

3. Olh^transf ofTi ie.o ' e-f oin 'ch i

fers of oershi

rofow ershl o <a, :

B. Asso!uation A nrvalfor ales Gifts aadO eof Ua . j

J . -' .. J'.,' hea r-ovalof e^kssoaati feat" ' uiredfor e-t' ?nif&" Qe'eSt fed thw "wi rtianA&>:

Notice to Boa

a Gift or therTran An Owner inteh ' o make a bo de saleo ' 'otoan ' rest i'it 've o eB aid of Diiectors notice o such

ic! to her with the naliAc and address of fiiemtcnded wchascr ancxcc dec f ft l(lo tract and its-exhibite such other" ation

e * Aemtendcd urcA and the transaction as-tEie Board 1'Directors-may-reasombl r uire th Hcatio - .. The Board ma re " -wi ut3im~ on credit ' &' 'aalbac ' dmvestf fltio Tesiden .or

cati 1 fenenccs -and a-- ' " intCT<iew with the1 " " c' anfSoft 'Dwellm Uni TBiefo ' " n at

traosfer of title ift r ther manna-notCd.-

cm !o entva-i.urch r s and

also be re uued> re'riotisl 'eoosi

atfure' 11b. Failure To Give Notice. Ifithe abiwc lured notice to - oard of"Snot 'v th at time after receiv' " cdia'&ofa acd

." ttBBSfemlKi-O


dt sess?o ofaUni tfacBoaid f.DirectmsatJts.OB1^" 0^

' '.' ."

ye^.&^puWie&sWa&SaQ^eer . ,.".oftae"1 " -If " Board o ' rettois. 'S ves'liie ' "^'srtiwsTlte. l&aBbaid.ofDirecfosshall lobeedasifhhadreceiv 'e. . ' o&e thedate of uchdi val. i .

2. C i icate o A reval.

&.'. Sale. Giff-or OtherTra . If the crODosed transaction]e.,^i'ft orfranSfer in any ermffimer. t en within fhir. v ;'30; davs after ret!ein1»ofjiofice!fflitl"in£B "onr'uir. fl t Associati . mclu"' a rsenal "nterview-if d b e Board .of . ' tors. and a Icadon fe ihe Board ofD&'ectort

Aer veordisa ovethe ro bsed transacdon:

3. D.isa rcvalb theI

Book232^2/Pag 507

M of Directors. If the Board o Directors shall


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'. ^-^

diSsayam/vs .& .'tt'anafer of owniaFsfafe'bf a Unit. th'fii the transfer shall -not iiccur- If

^ Boari ofpimrtws SJaU disapprove occupancy oea-Unit bv aaindiwduaI. Aentlle^iccuoancv of,a Unit'bv'suclijindhndual shall nint occur.

4, TiT?ftrFw. Th^ AsSffcJatipq mav chanze a onscessinB fee forAc approvaloftraasfeas of tide. The fee mav not exceed the Tnaiirmim n»Tnitt»>^ hu Taiunw

5, VmpprpV^WVpanthorBedTrflnsfer/RemediBs. Any hans^u^fila^rQWWStCy Pfa Umfc which has not been aporovcd or ̂ s l^n <lf?f*RS2S!gl

. shall he

, ?ppTO^ V WBtiwW <te,^WBfe>n. The Associaricin shaU li&va fiiygSfi^4T^W^. ^@1 FMHffdJ^ ayplpftfe to pauove anv^a&ppi ^Y^d <rf^ "ff^;??H< <occuofflits'and tiaear Dearsoaat bdffliBicss and seek to have the sal^ vacsfsA.

Hicjirfnig ̂ Ks^ Vw^ ft>, wrimettvp reliefer any olher mfcaas brovided for in(iusDedffl-atiraa. . . »

6. In tire event fhe Associatfon and Owners desire to create any i^tricdqgg^Ae'". ss!ejt®sfer (ff Iwjtfp of any Unit. it shafl be fav amendment to this Declaration?; JBLfliSfidance wMi Ae reqimcments ofamendmmts as set forih in tti4. Declaration, tn'flvided. howver. m no eveat shaU tiie rieht of a Umt Owner to selL.: 6esi&L£EPdmwiW CWvev his-UniL be subject to aav rieht offlisUiri&SEto^

similar Tisftjction. tmless &nited to no more ftao sbctv (GO) days' re^onse time.*<? faraisU ̂ srf^itut? pwrctiB?CT. (f4^ined. and w*ich ripht ex^lud» alfmortfpgees, Ffflto. W pntyision shall be created in this nnnflnnifua. or thep?d»^ts jj^n^>, ̂ to'ch nsstrict the ripht of a Unit Owno- to mortpape or otheTwiae

., . ?pppmb& ̂ 9 URJt ̂<?eot as may be scecificallv provided hsreaa.

..»--&efCTe aUaitissold. transfCTred-OTotfaerwise conveyed, the Associatinn ^. ^ fJrirt tP inspect Ae exterior of Ae Propertyto insure'lhat it is in compliance

.ffiifa^U WYfflffB^ap<< ^ddme&described in thi&docuinent; -'ff.thaOwnsi- doesr ' \^A5a^!eiaa^i^lS!tli^By^t. a^^^e»^^

-ff.l. ^ff-^-__ -. -_ - l-J*.. ' - . - . ..~ arf^ .«. - * .- *'

:/^l^m^'<^WC^aaw. mid-Ml^-e-*%tn^br-mdceTaSen-(mAfl^^&e w&ricdone. " . ' ' -'- : <-^*"r-

?«<^ftn, ?. E?;WP >^ The Assodatim Boaid shaflliave the autfa^ifv. ta ..WmV9 HWPptii<?n? tO th® orovisions stated in Article XH on a case Tw'isaae hasia.A ff<ffi®st,<<!F ft" CTceptifip must be made in writine to .the Association Boaid.


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sectionL Jne- . dafeal Qt^bfa toflKUailOwBen . k^^n, la«awn»orrf aiy iteri awrtg»ee aoy cnawt cqiiaa aftthi ItodhnAui '77. ^. the

^rtlde. ofawapoKiitt _or _ <r< A«ad«3bn. ottenh«cuwni~~aenm>UB-owitMdmcnrfa flriiadd rtateauris of Ike A»wda *. , "~~~te^

laqptctf . ffmnqnu^attttAueda *. offlct dinfat afl»n-

SwfiiuX AqyhddBrofofflnt npflaaiaritiftaDbeflaaacM ttetunwif tffte Awodaltott fi>r d» tonBdlatefy

wuadur otter

vfwwf xt to^ JUS.

S«ttBn3. IIponmnwBff»qn«rttDaB AamdRUaalyakaMCT, la»mw, orgB- tartfa^ytt-*of < Unit (Iiarahuflwndhmd to a«"L(ate^wUcai written Mwitttydn

oftIwLwfcr dtfw nunbwad MBB8aflttnul;tl» b«tu ttn^ywrfyun rtticc ofe

(a) AnyuindtBnnaflon <a- *BwwUcfai]SeetiaMsteff»'3portiimufflwPn>plriy,wnyUaitanwUddweiiafinrt iddllyttclmdui

(b) AaydtMnqnuBtylajlj<ctto»fint


(c) Anyhpn,auiSBtaracdIyflie

(d) Aay ̂ x^oaed aetba wMdhinortj^gB

r-trf or om&tywOmtwvta. 'OsSthdd tyA* Lender, wUch -nmndferapttAidaf

wanateri modificatSiaofBay pdiqrwfiddltybnud»

nqnln dw vf^ spuS&iA cf

Page 25: This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...


ScBlhrl. CUtOtnicn. Emynto^ad

wpw Onnnart VsStfs w

' . poBqrdfiie.. fltoihndlfa^aadaacawrlaa ̂ UefanpnmnBBbrit

n<rtte» tetun i^jara^. . tbtrltnui aaniu^udadcd wrQa, a

hy_&®iiBwaaw " d <hau be k^t oa ffic wUh tto Anodlitt»s ky 0 .K»n«rtttfiu^Om*wtB apimldefteAnodattoft AttA nrt^ ' . b^fiinfoncandd«Btl,alltrtoB (l<9d^'miUtBiM>ttai, di«Ba <k» '- . to ., -

niBnwat<keco8t«ad«nqwawf»aUOwB«ywIuiAanke ted to tha AuadaikjiiBimdlatifyi iiw-pmeBtattenofttBhffl. Sackcortand b a ofttelteitaad.InB eondnnli neadMartoanaffl M. BaotptiMwWhtmiOlfl!) .7

^r -- erf»ne . ~'. uafeicuiwrt flf


Stdtoa2. Auodatl

() Tht n - - n-Atte Co (canctyt IMNI, iinwdaeadadtd ftoa cownuB) Bd aay coauac» in.


pnahrilalfea^as ,1

odwpe wnwd asfeB Awtnttnfledi

odNrputti Ueaamcunwaxriltowwertdwtttn^ertto " -tiaai, towti perihnonu^ycBmm<lyd»uri<a»p tttdb bte. TUBpdhy beln


anj Ac^ptia.t . . . ; . I


< !<&*'toone

tf *KC

Page 26: This is a volunteer blended version of all of the ...


s a »pfal mt coat of the Coiiuaoa Anu, eulnsive ofhmdnd perccat (100%) ofcamat i

Imd, 'iEnnMliiliBn; «xawatloa aaff ofiiw itana BiwnuHy csrdnilml Omm tonr^ge. ThepoBcics may not be canwted w-brtatfiaUy modijfodwifliont at kasttea (1B) day* priorwriftai notfae to the Anodatfw*. The Auocfatton ahBU abo obtdn, tf avrihiUe, thefdhnriaeqpecirienddffMmente: "Agreed AnMmnt" ad "IttCa&inGuanlEndonwiert".

fb) Rood Inraraacfc ff tiie Property an lutated wttbia an ana whidiluuapecial floodhaaards and forwtkli flood inninnice hw been nude available-dcr dwNatiand Rood

Insnraace Program (NEBP), the Aiwciatfau duB obadu and pay the pnnilans aprni ftpofcyoffI«idfauwB<eon<3BBiHM»nAnMaud»aybiiiMtot*t»flthercoan»npn>pwtyBownd by fltt nqnfc<d form rf poKiy (knrdn "Bamnble Property^), in aa amoBBtteemed approprinto, but not leu ttan the foflowiag:

The leaser of (i) the naximan cmwage avaflaUe nndw NFEP fw aB 'and utter buunbte Property wiUan «ay poitiro of ftc Coaumon Ana loeatedwithin . duigiuteai flood Iiaaard area; w ^1) one Iiuadnd percwt (190%)ofaurent ''replacencat cost* (rfaU mch baUdingB and otticraunrabtePn»perty.

(c) Liability lasnrance. The Aaaociadoa Bhril nuintein cmBpn*Muin general BaMBtyiaanrancecoven^ecBveringaKofflieConunonAreaa. Iliecowerq^ahadlbeatfciutfiwOne MOBoa DvSSam (StjMOftBQJWfy fin- bodily {ajury, faidndittg deaflu of penona andproperty danu^t viWog sat of a atnrite occamnM. Ctowm^c . tarfl fadade, withoutKaUation, legal BabMity af the laaired far property dann^e, bodify ii^wrfu airi dcaflisof pemria ia connection wHh the qicittttoi, maiatoiance or IUB of the <^»nnaoa Ana,

and legaS liability "arising out <rf l»ws«U» rdated to emptoinnent cuntracte uf theAasociation. Such p»Ucica mut pnwUte at may not be cuicded or MihrtutiaDymndified by any party, wfthout at kart ten (10) Aqw' prior written auticB to tteAiBoeEation.

(d) FldcatyBonda. IlieAModatloBdianmafHtainflblanfeetfldtsBtybandforrilof&WB,dirccton, tnuteea and nnployea of the Adwodatmn, and aB oflherpcmBU handling wnspoDriUeitarlnindtoforaditunutBndbyftcAuodation. fathecveattheAnodationddqprtes Borne or aB of Ac re»poiMbiKty for die handling of tte fnnda to a BunagwncntagaaA, »ach bonds are reqrired fiir ita nBicen, laaySayeea ari ̂ ente, kandtlng orresponriMeforfindsof.oradnilNfetendottbduIfufthBAauiciaUim. Ilieainanntoffluefiddlty bond .httB be bued upon fhc but bt^ausjndgmeatiid .hanaotbelenflifln theestimated maihniuboffiiind»,Inctadtngnaem hmd», inCTBtodyflfdieA8SodadBBorthe nun^cuuit agent, as the caae my be, at any ghren time dnriBg flic tunt nf eachbond. Huwcnr, in no went msy Aft iiggregate . mount of web bwria b» leu Oian anamOTutcqaaItotIu'ecnoatluaggr^BteaMesautntaonaUVnttet irfaBnacrvefuada. The

fidtUty bonds nquind herfSa. mast ineet tiw foUowii^ wqutreiaatte:

6) Fidelity bund» shidl name tteAasocfation as AnaM^ee.

flO Tke Iwndte akaM contain wBirors by tte hunren of the boada Af afl dcfeBf

based upon the tixdnsian ofpenona . crying iritiwint cmnpnuatioa from thfldefiaitw of "eiuployee", or rinular temB or eaepreu&ow^

CovtMBb -SIunnud F»nrt iii/iBooas Pap IS

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(iif) The pnanjunB oa aU bonds reqnind Iwrdn for the Aasqdation (except fi»rpruninns an fidelity bond* maintahied byanan^uawitagentorHanflicen,emptoyeuand agents), shaU be paid IvthcOwnert AawdadBBtacommoaCTpuue.-

(hr) nebondriiallpnwidetIuttiicynaynotbecancdBdoranlutntiany modifcd^adudfa^ caacdlation for nonpqrment cfpnadnn) frithoat at femt ta (10)daya' priorwritten notice to fte Aaaodation.

Iiunnmce Tnutee. Notwitkrtanding tugr ofdw fongotng pnnririou and reiininmenterelatii% to property or Uabffity inaannce. there nuy be naned ag »u insnred, oa bdkidfoftiwAa8<^ation,theAaaodattontaantfa>riBcdnpM »eatalive, IndBdtngaBytrnrteew!Awhom andi Assoitetion may be cntend Into an laninnce Trast Agiwnen^ or anysuccumr tn »ucb Trnrtee (each of irfrich akaU be nfawd to hw^n as the "LuuanwTrustee"), who .haB have exdatfve antfaority to »%odafe Iwses -dBr poflcy provfaUag.uch pwpsrty or liabUHy inauninte.

Cevuuat* -Sh»woo<t Fonrt


10/I8B005 faecw

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Section 1. T1ieA»aodatii»mayiup<»efiawagaa»tattyOtnacriiM' ayndatioa aftiie Dedantion, fte Ariidca afIhctBpM ataon, (he By-t<nra and Rnlcs

and R^ulatifliu, as amended firwa tune to thne, and/or vtolatfaai oflaw.

Sectiwi 2. Kadi and wwy vtohitimi ahaG ba the n»poiuIMBty offlic Ownerregardlew ofwhethur Q ttfFcntKng party fa flie Owner or At Ownw*» twttnt,SssaSft guest m invitee.

Secticn3. No fine sbaBbcfanpos^agafaurt an Owner fwritrfationunleas andnatU the offending par<y has been given writtm aotfce rf U» vmlation aud saopportunity to appear and be heard brfore * vwnaiSStes.

Scctiw4. Thc<»inoi*Btofti»ejBneniayb<tiptoAenMafaawnaanouatpennittedly law. BTpennIUed by bw, any fine levied ahaB be deemed »a fcswsnuat nadCfdtoctWe in die aame manna-as an awessmtBt.

Sections. ThejBncq^emBnaybeinTnkedndependKBtfyoforainaumaitfywifli any o&cr renaedty. A» nidi, the fine ayshm fa not a condUioa pnsccdnBt to dieAs»dation's pnnnit oftflicr ruacdiBS avaaabfc to U under fl»cArtidca <rflncorpo»"tion and By-Lsws or inndertht hw.

.ab-SbOTiwidPawit ivwem BW"

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