Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19,...


Transcript of Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19,...

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Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, 2017

Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- noviembre 19, 2017


SHARING OUR GIFTS Autumn is the season for harvesting and sharing the fruits of our labors. This week’s scriptures use images of the harvest, family life, pregnancy, and investment to describe the abundant harvest in the reign of God. We discover that sharing the gifts we have been given brings eternal rewards for everyone. In the Gospel parable a master entrusts his possessions to three servants before going on a journey. Each is given some talents. What they do with those talents determines what the master will do with them when he returns. How about us? What are we doing with our talents? How will our Master treat us when he returns? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). Gospel — To all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commssion on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

The Pastor’s Corner Helpfully, the Book of Proverbs has 31 chapters. This facilitates, if one wanted to take up the practice, the reading of a chapter for each day of the month. If a person were to maintain that cycle for a year or two some of the most meaningful insights in Wisdom literature would become a part of who they were. Today we read from the final chapter of Proverbs, a passage that is often selected for weddings as it describes beauty, love, and worth. The affection and tenderness in the verses reaches us even today, when we are so often at a loss as to how to find our self-worth, our own identity. A practice often described in retreats or devotionals in reading the Scriptures is to recast the text in the first person: to reread the verses as if they applied to oneself to experience how it sounds. Today, hearing God speak these words to us personally unlocks a whole new understanding of how he sees us. "Your value," God tells us, "is far beyond pearls." When God describes to us how he sees us as his children, as the bride loved by the Lamb, God knows we have so much to discover about who we are: "Your husband, entrusting his heart to you, has an unfailing prize. You bring him good, and not evil, all the days of your life. You . . . work with loving hands. . . . You reach out your hands to the poor, and extend your arms to the needy. Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting; you who fear the LORD are to be praised." Ponder again on this way God describes you. As you let it sink in, there can be so many voices within that protest, calling up all the blemishes that don't match this new way of seeing ourselves. And this is why we read the Scriptures, why we spend time with, pray with, the Word of God. It is vital for us that the voice of our Creator define us over the voice of the Accuser who never relents. Jesus, speaking to John in the Book of Revelation, describes how he will give to the one who is victorious a white stone with a new name engraved on it, known only to the one who receives it: God is here to rewrite our identity, to give us a new identity in his radiant compassion that draws forth all the beauty and worth he sees within us. "Behold," Jesus says again in Revelation, "I make all things new." In these final days of the liturgical year, our listening and receiving of these verses allows this illumination to shine on the whole Body of Christ, especially our brothers and sisters in Purgatory. God's affection and tenderness define our whole being, both those of us here in time and those who have passed into eternity.

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Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, 2017

Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- noviembre 19, 2017


COMPARTIENDO NUESTROS DONES El otoño es la estación de la cosecha y de compartir los frutos de nuestra labor. Las lecturas bíblicas de esta semana emplean imágenes de la cosecha, la vida familiar, el embarazo y la inversión para describir la abundante cosecha en el Reino de Dios. Descubrimos que compartir los dones que hemos recibido trae recompensa eterna para todos. En la parábola del Evangelio un hombre le encarga sus bienes a tres servidores antes de partir de viaje. A cada uno le da dinero. Lo que hacen con ese dinero determina lo que el amo hará con ellos cuando regrese. ¿Y qué de nosotros? ¿Qué estamos haciendo con nuestros talentos? ¿Cómo nos tratará nuestro Maestro cuando vuelva? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Un esposo es capaz de confiar su corazón a su esposa que es como una joya (Proverbios 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Salmo — Bendito sean los que temen al Señor (Salmo 128 [127]). Segunda lectura — El día del Señor vendrá como el ladrón en la noche (1 Tesalonicenses 5:1-6). Evangelio — Porque has sido fiel en lo poco, ven a compartir la alegría de tu Señor (Mateo 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,

International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserve

El Rincón del Párroco

El Libro de Proverbios tiene 31 capítulos. Un capítulo para cada día del mes. Si mantuviéramos ese ciclo por un año o dos, algunas de las ideas más significativas en la literatura de la Sabiduría pasarían a ser parte del quienes éramos. Hoy leemos del capítulo final de Proverbios, un pasaje que a menudo se selecciona para bodas, ya que describe la belleza, el amor y el valor. El afecto y la ternura en los versículos nos llegan incluso hoy en día, cuando a menudo estamos perdidos de cómo encontrar nuestra propia autoestima, nuestra propia identidad. Una práctica que seguido se describe en retiros o devocionales al leer las Escrituras es volver a redactar el texto en primera persona: volver a leer los versículos aplicándolos a uno mismo para experimentar cómo suena. Hoy, al escuchar a Dios decirnos estas palabras personalmente, se abre una nueva comprensión de cómo él nos ve. "Su valor", nos dice Dios, "va mucho más allá de las perlas". Cuando Dios nos describe cómo nos ve como sus hijos, como la novia amada por el Cordero, Dios sabe que tenemos mucho por descubrir acerca de quiénes somos: "Su marido confía en ella y, con su ayuda, él se enriquecerá; todos los dias de su vida le procurará bienes y no males.” Adquiere lana y lino y los trabaja con sus hábiles manos. …. Son engañosos los encantos y vana la hermosura; merece alabanza la mujer que teme al Señor.” Medita la manera que Dios te describe. Profundiza, al profundizar puede que haya voces dentro de ti que solo te hagan ver todas las imperfecciones las cuales no coinciden con esta nueva forma de vernos. Es por eso la importancia de pasar tiempo leyendo la palabra de Dios y que oremos con ella. Para nosotros es vital que sea la voz de nuestro Creador quien nos defina y no la voz del Acusador que nunca cede. Jesús, al hablarle a Juan en el Libro de Apocalipsis, describe

cómo le dará a la victoriosa una piedra blanca con un nuevo

nombre grabado, conocido solo por el que la recibe: Dios está

aquí para reescribir nuestra identidad, para darnos una

nueva identidad en su radiante compasión que atrae toda la

belleza y el valor que él ve dentro de nosotros. "He aquí",

Jesús dice otra vez en Apocalipsis, "Yo hago nuevas todas las

cosas". En estos días finales del año litúrgico, nuestra

escucha y recepción de estos versículos permite que esta

iluminación brille en todo el Cuerpo de Cristo, especialmente

en nuestros hermanos y hermanas en el Purgatorio. El afecto

y la ternura de Dios definen todo nuestro ser, tanto para

nosotros que aun estamos aqui como para aquellos que han

pasado a la eternidad.

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Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, 2017

Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- noviembre 19, 2017



Thank you for your generosity; please continue to support our parish

community and the school.



PRAY FOR... | OREMOS POR... Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: For those

suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers… Recordemos en

nuestras oraciones de esta semana a todos aquellos que estan enfermos,

especialmente a:

Georgia G. Poulos, Steve Flarida, Steven Andrew Jung, Efrain Ortiz,Julie

Sasamoto, Sam Uriarte, Jack Abe, Sandy Kenny, Oliver Lanier, Albert

Antuna, Rey Yandall, Joan Stone , Louise Zocco, Ella Land, Fabia de Leon,

Evelyn Emezi, Maryann Krog, Herald Himenes Jr., Anabella Vazquez, Andy

Low, David Beltran, Simplicia Gacayan, Karina Sullivan and Family, Mike

Conroy, Ed Genato, Rose Healy.

For the souls of the following recently departed, that through the mercy of

Christ, they may rest in peace… Oremos tambien por todos los fieles difuntos

para que a través de la misericordia de Dios descansen en paz....

Francisco Velasco The names on these lists will be on for two weeks ONLY



Nov. 23-Thanksgiving Day Mass 9am

Nov. 23-24- Parish Offices Closed

Nov. 23 No Confessions |No Mass


The lector manuals for the new Liturgical Year are available in the Sacristy. Please feel free to sign out your copy for the coming year

Please be generous in this week’s second collection for the

Catholic Campaign for Human Development. In the United

States, one in six people lives in poverty. With this collection

you support programs that address the causes of poverty and

provide a sustainable future for those who are struggling

across the country. In addition, 25 percent of funds collected

remains in our diocese to fund local anti-poverty projects.

Please prayerfully consider how you can support this

collection and work on the margins. More information about

the Catholic Campaign for Human Development can be

found at

Church Beautification – Help Needed

We are planning to replate the six candlesticks on the upper Altar by the tabernacle. This would restore them to their original beauty and shine. We have obtained a price from the same company that replated the sacred vessels we use on the Altar. The cost is $200 per candle stick. These candlesticks are believed to be part of the original furnishings of the Church. They have become tarnished over the years and simple cleaning methods will not restore them to their original condition. Please consider making a donation marked Candlesticks and we will be able to get the job done quickly. Over $400 has already been donated for this work. Thank you in advance.

Week Ending Date Current Month

November Offertory Received

November Offertory


11/05/2017 $16,881.70 $12,004.00

11/12/2017 16,004.00

11/19/2017 12,004.00

11/26/2017 16,004.00

Total $16,881.70 $56,016.00

October 2017

Offertory Received

October 2017

Offertory Budget

July-October 2017/18 Offertory Received

July-October 2017/18 Offertory


$68,300.00 $71,208.00 $238,488.00 $249,192.00



5:00pm Angie Thoo (Birthday)

7:00pm Elias Beltran (Cumpleaños)


8:00am Rose Healy (healing)

10:00am Zachary Tallon (Birthday), Felix Arellano Jr. (healing), Silvia Mansanalez (healing), Mary Ann Morris (healing), Rose Healy (healing)

12:00pm Horacio Vazquez (Cumpleaños)

2:00pm Los fieles difuntos en la lista del libro del recuerdo

5:00pm The faithfull departed listed on the Parish Book of Remembrance

7:00pm Los fieles difuntos en la lista del libro del recuerdo

Mon.-8:30am The faithfull departed listed on the Parish Book of Remembrance

Tues. 8:30am Eileen Retutal (Birthday)

Wed.- 8:30am The faithfull departed listed on the Parish Book of Remembrance

Thursday 8:30am 8:30am

Angel Salas (healing)


Friday- 8:30am Ray & Rita Buttacavoli (50th wedding anniversary), Alida Hrivnak (Birthday)

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Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, 2017

Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- noviembre 19, 2017


NEW HOSPITALITY MINISTRY! Beginning Sunday, November 19th, St. Isidore will embark on a new Hospitality Ministry with the mission of providing community and fellowship through meals (i.e. FOOD) after Mass. Martha Zaldivar is taking the lead on this new project. We will be offering tacos, fruit, and beverages following the 10am, 12pm, and 2pm Masses. If you are interested in volunteering to help with this ministry, please contact Daniel Quiroz or Susan Burky at the Parish Office 673-1573.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

We have been very excited these past weeks in kicking off the new year. Currently, we have about 13 children in each level. Level 1 serves children from ages 3-6; level 2 is for ages 6-9; level 3, ages 9-12. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd also serves children who attend St. Isidore School from TK to 2nd grade. Please keep all of these children in your prayers as we continue to

listen to scripture and explore our liturgy with them in the coming months. Thank you for your prayers!

Our Don Bosco Youth Group meetings will be every Friday from 5:00 – 6:15pm in the School Science Room. Come and participate in your Catholic faith- this is your group this is your Church. Viva Cristo Rey.


Attention all adorers: Holidays, family gatherings and celebrations in our Church are soon approaching. An important reminder to all committed adorers to please call your day coordinator if you will be unable to do your Holy hour. We have a list of all day coordinators & their contact information on our sign up table. We

encourage all adorers to please take one. On behalf of our Perpetual Adoration Ministry, we keep you all in our prayers and thank you.

R.C.I.A. Adapted for Children and Teens R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation) Adapted for Children and Teens is the process by which unbaptized young people at the age of reason (7 years of age or older) prepare to enter the Catholic Church through the sacraments of initiation- Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist (Holy Communion). Children who are already baptized in this age group, but who are not catechized, can also prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. You can see the names of these children who are in our parish Adapted RCIA program. Check out the Bulletin Board in the back of the church. Please pray for these children that God will strengthen their parents resolve as they assist their children on this journey. If you would like to be a prayer partner for this group of children, please contact Jennifer Hackney at 673-1573. The children would be ecstatic and empowered to know that their parish community holds them up in prayer. There are 81 children in this program. Thank you!

Lunch Benches St. Isidore School just ordered six more lunch tables that will arrive on Monday, Nov. 27th. This will make a total of 12 for our students. Next week we will make sure we include a picture of our new tables. We are hoping to reach a total of 20 lunch tables. We do thank everyone for their support in this project for our school students. If you are interested in donating a lunch table or donating towards a table – the full cost is $950.00.

Farm to Fork

St. Isidore School would like to thank everyone for your support of our recent Farm to Fork Dinner and Auction. Our main chairs, Melissa Laney and Simone Smith, made this a truly elegant event for our parish and our school. We netted an estimated $45,000 for the benefit of our school. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and to all who donated to our Farm to Fork Dinner.

Catholic School Advisory Commission for

St. Isidore School Our CSAC ( advisory school board) meets once a month to work on marketing and promoting our school. We are interested in developing an alumni list for the school. If you know of any alumni or if you are an alumni, please call the school office and give us your name and address. You can also email us at [email protected]. We are in need of at least one parishioner to serve on our commission. We prefer someone who presently does not have students in the school, but is very interested in promoting Catholic school education.

Two Crowns Young Adults Group

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Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, 2017

Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- noviembre 19, 2017


Are you between the ages of 20 and 40 something? Enjoy going on outings, socializing and networking with your fellow Catholics? Come join Two Crowns and learn more about our religious beliefs and the way the church is moving these days. Two Crowns is a young adults group for anyone in their 20's, 30's or 40's. We go on outings once a month and have a theology based meeting once a month. We are looking to expand our group. If you and anyone you know would like to be part of this ever growing group please join us for November’s meeting.

Guest Speaker: Dale Walker from the St. Joseph Catholic Church, Marysville, CA. Dale is the Faith Formation Coordinator for St. Joseph’s. She will be discussing the importance of faith in our relationships. When: Monday November 27th | 7:00pm Where: Pasquini's Fine Italian Food at 6241 CA-99 Live Oak, CA We will be upstairs in the meeting room (ask the hostess and they will direct you up there).


A partir del domingo, 19 de noviembre, San Isidro se embarcará en un nuevo Ministerio de hospitalidad con la misión de proporcionar comunidad y compañerismo ofreciendo alimentos de venta después de las misas. Martha Zaldivar está tomando la iniciativa en este nuevo proyecto. Vamos a ofrecer tacos, frutas y bebidas después de las Misas de 10am, 12pm y 2pm. Si está interesado en ser voluntario para ayudar con este ministerio, comuníquese con Daniel Quiroz o Susan Burky en la Parish Office 673-1573

Catequesis Del Buen Pastor

Hemos estado muy emocionados estas últimas semanas por el inicio del nuevo año en el atrio. Actualmente, tenemos alrededor de 13 niños en cada nivel. El nivel 1 sirve a niños de entre 3 y 6 años. el nivel 2 es para las edades 6-9; nivel 3, edades 9-12. La catequesis del Buen Pastor también sirve a los niños que asisten a la Escuela de San Isidro de TK a 2 ° grado.

Mantenga a todos estos niños en sus oraciones mientras continuamos escuchando las Escrituras y explorando nuestra liturgia con ellos en los próximos meses. ¡Gracias por sus oraciones!


El corazón agradecido no sólo es la más grande

virtud, sino que es el padre de todas las otras virtudes. —Cícerón

Nuestras reuniones del Grupo de Jóvenes Don Bosco, serán todos los viernes de 5:00 - 6:15 pm en la Sala de Ciencias Escolares. Venga y participe en su fe católica-este es su grupo esta es su Iglesia. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!


Atención a todos los adoradores: Se acercan las vacaciones, las reuniones familiares y las celebraciones

en nuestra Iglesia. Un recordatorio importante para todos los adoradores comprometidos que por favor llamen a su coordinador de día si no estaran disponibles para hacer su hora santa. Tenemos una lista de coordinadores del día

y su información de contacto se encuentra en nuestra mesa de registro. En nombre de nuestro Ministerio de Adoración Perpetua, los mantenemos a todos en nuestras oraciones y gracias.

San Vicente de Paul 2017

Programa de Comida enlatada El almacén de comida de San Vicente de Paul proporciona alimentos a quienes lo necesitan en nuestra comunidad. En el 2016, brindamos asistencia alimenticia a más de 4,400 personas en nuestra área. Con su generoso apoyo de nuestro programa Can-a-Week, usted ayuda a llenar las estanterías de nuestro armario de comida parroquial. Se les pide a los feligreses que traigan UN producto alimenticio a la misa cada semana (por favor, sin recipientes de vidrio). Recuerde traer una lata para ayudar a alimentar a los necesitados en nuestra área. ¡Gracias! NOVIEMBRE: 19 ……………………………..Fruta Enlatada 26 ………Salsa para Spaghetti


Acabamos de ordenar seis mesas más para nuestra escuela San Isidro. Estas llegarán el lunes 27 de noviembre. Con esta orden tendremos ya un total de 12 mesas. La próxima semana nos aseguraremos de incluir una imagen de nuestras nuevas mesas. Esperamos llegar a obtener un total de 20 mesas de almuerzo. Agradecemos a todos por el apoyo en este proyecto para nuestros estudiantes de la escuela. Si está interesado en donar una mesa o donar para una mesa, el costo total es de $ 950.00.

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Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, 2017

Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- noviembre 19, 2017


Cena y Subasta

La escuela San Isidro desea agradecer a todos por su apoyo a nuestra reciente cena y subasta de Farm to Fork. Nuestras presidentas, Melissa Laney y Simone Smith, hicieron de este un evento verdaderamente elegante para nuestra parroquia y nuestra escuela. Se recaudó un total de $ 45,000 para beneficio de nuestra escuela. Gracias a todos los que donaron su tiempo y a todos los que donaron a nuestra cena de Farm to Fork.

R.C.I.A. Adaptado para niños y adolescentes

R.C.I.A. (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana) Adaptado para Niños y Adolescentes es el proceso por el cual los jóvenes no bautizados a la edad de razón (7 años de edad o más) se preparan para ingresar a la Iglesia Católica a través de los sacramentos de iniciación: Bautismo, Confirmación y Eucaristía (Sagrada Comunión). Los niños que ya están bautizados en este grupo, pero que no están catequizados, también pueden prepararse para celebrar los sacramentos de la Confirmación y Primera Communion. Los nombres de este grupo de niños estan en la parte posterior de la iglesia. Por favor oren por estos niños para que Dios le de fortaleza a sus Padres mientras ayudan a sus hijos en este viaje. Si desea ser un compañero de oración para este grupo de niños, comuníquese con Jennifer Hackney al 673-1573. Los niños estaran muy contentos de saber que la comunidad de su parroquia los mantiene en oración. ¡Gracias!


The Sunday bulletins contain important and necessary information. If you have anything to be placed in our bulletin, please send an e-mail to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday.

REST (Regional Emergency Shelter Team)

We are in our 8th season! REST will be providing homeless services to women and families in need for 18 weeks. Our season begins in the first week of December and will run through the first week of April. If you are interested to learn how REST works and would like to lend a hand, Volunteer Training is scheduled for November 16th at Hands Of Hope, 909 Spiva Ave , Yuba City from (6:30 to 8:30) PM: December 4th at Cornerstone Church , 700 Washington Ave, Yuba City from (6:30 to 8:30) PM Contact- Valerie at (530)-218-1985 or Joe Saavedra at (530) 755-8458. Visit our website for more information at "Come unto Me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28 Thank You

YLI Bake Sale This Weekend!

Please stop by and checkout the YLI goodies. Thank you for your support and have a happy Thanksgiving!

St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul is in URGENT need of a trailer to pick up and deliver furniture for our clients. The one we had has gone missing; if you would like to donate one or would like to make a donation to purchase one please contact St. Vincent de Paul. 671-5154.

St. Vincent de Paul 2017 Can-a-Week Program

St. Vincent de Paul Food Locker provides food to those in need in our community. In 2016, we provided much needed food assistance to over 4,400 hungry people in our area. By your generous support of our Can-a-Week program, you help stock the shelves of our parish food locker. Parishioners are

asked to bring ONE food item to Mass each week (please, no glass containers). Please remember to bring one Can-a-Week to help feed those in need in our area. Thank you! November 19 ……………………………..Canned Fruit 26 ………Dry Spaghetti Sauce Mix

¡Venta de Pasteles del Grupo YLI Este Fin de Semana!

Los fondos recaudados serán para ayudar a seminaristas, la parroquia y otras funciones de YLI. Gracias por el apoyo.

REST (Equipo Regional de Refugio de

Emergencia) REST, está en la 8ª temporada. REST proporcionará servicios a personas sin hogar, a mujeres y familias necesitadas durante 18 semanas. Nuestra temporada comienza en la primera semana de diciembre y durará hasta la primera semana de abril. Si está interesado en saber cómo funciona REST y desea ayudar, el Entrenamiento de Voluntarios está programado para el 16 de noviembre en Hands Of Hope, localizada en el 909 Spiva Ave, Yuba City de 6:30 a 8:30PM: y El 4 de diciembre en Cornerstone Church, 700 Washington Ave, Yuba City de 6:30 a 8:30PM Para obtener más información por favor de llamar a Valerie al (530) -218-1985 o Joe Saavedra al (530) 755-8458. Visite nuestro sitio web en para mas detalles. " Vengan a mí todos ustedes que están cansados y agobiados, y yo les daré descanso." Mateo 11:28.

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Embelleciendo nuestra Iglesia:

¡Necesitamos su Ayuda! Estamos planeando pulir los seis candelabros que estan junto al tabernáculo. Esto los restauraría a su belleza y brillo original. Hemos obtenido un precio de la misma compañía que restauro los copones que usamos en el Altar. El costo es de $200 por candelabro. Se cree que estos candeleros son parte del mobiliario original de la Iglesia. Se han manchado a lo largo de los años. Simples métodos de limpieza no los restaurarán a su condición original. Considere hacer una donación para estos Candelabros y podremos hacer el trabajo rápidamente. Ya recibimos una donacion de poco más de $ 400. Gracias de antemano.

Start 2018 off with Jesus! Join us for a Divine Mercy Retreat! Journey into the Heart of St Therese of Lisieux’s Little Way with the “33 Days to Merciful Love” Group Retreat. We’ll uncover the power of trust; find the inspiration to become great saints in ordinary circumstances; and prepare for a personal consecration to Divine Mercy. This six-week parish retreat includes workbooks, group discussion, and talks on DVD by Fr. Michael Gaitley from the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception.

The format of the retreat is simple: The participants will read from the book 33 Days to Merciful Love and answer several questions in their workbooks daily, on their own. Then we’ll all come together weekly to watch a talk by Fr. Michael on DVD, and break into small groups for discussion. The retreat will begin on Tuesday, Jan 2 in Bishop Quinn Hall. At the conclusion of the six-week retreat, we’ll make our consecration to Divine Mercy on Sunday, Feb 11. Please consider joining us. All are welcome! Contact Cathy at 755-1536, leave your call back phone

number. Please register by December 10 so that books can

be ordered.

Por favor, sean generosos en la segunda colecta de esta semana para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano. En los Estados Unidos, una de cada seis personas vive en situación de pobreza. Con esta colecta ustedes dan su apoyo a programas que tratan con las causas de la pobreza y brindan un futuro sostenible a aquellos que están luchando en todo el país. Además, el 25 por ciento de los fondos recaudados permanecerán en nuestra diócesis para financiar proyectos anti-pobreza en nuestra área. Por favor, en oración, piensen en cómo dar su apoyo a esta colecta y trabajar en la periferia. Pueden encontrar más información sobre la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano en


Code of Canon Law, 536#1. “In every parish of the diocese, a Pastoral Council shall be established…The Pastoral Council is composed of members of the congregation together with those of the parish staff who have pastoral care by reason of their office. The Pastoral Council assists in promoting pastoral action in the parish.” We are in the process of selecting 5 new members to the Pastoral Council. If you are interested in serving the parish community in this capacity, please submit your name on the following application to the "Suggestion Box" found in the church vestibule. More detailed information about the role of a Pastoral Council member can be found on the parish website on the Pastoral Council page.

St. Isidore Parish Contact Commitment Sheet








as a practicing Catholic, with a desire to serve the

Church in her mission, am willing to commit my time,

talents and wisdom and hereby present myself as a

candidate for St. Isidore Parish Pastoral Council.



Page 9: Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, … · Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- noviembre

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, 2017

Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- noviembre 19, 2017


Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. close for lunch from 12:30pm-1:30pm Catholic Bible—available in the Parish Office $10 each. Each family must have a Bible!

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We extend our hands and hearts in Christian Fellowship to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the Parish. To register, please complete and place in the collection basket, or mail to the Parish Office. Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP: __________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________________________ Phone______________________________

Services & Prayer Directory

Bulletin Editor: call the Parish Office 673-1573, or email [email protected]. Deadline is Monday at 4pm.

Mass Announcements: Submit to Parish Office by Tuesday preceding weekend, or use online form: http://www. stisidore-yubacity. org/pulpitbulletinform. Htm

Communion for the Sick and Homebound: Call Parish Office, 673-1573.

Divine Mercy: Meets 3rd Mon @ 6:30 p. m. in the Conference Room. Cathy, 673-1573

Knights of Columbus: Bob Guerin, (530) 755-3403 Legion of Mary: Mon 4:15pm – 6:00pm in the small

dining room. Both men and women are invited to attend.

Novena and Prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual Help: Wednesday's after 8:30am daily Mass.

Religious Education: Rita Ramos, 673-1573 or [email protected]

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Adult Baptism, Confirmation & First Communion. Jennifer Hackney: [email protected]

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Adapted for Youth and Teens (RCIA Adapted): For youth 7 and above who have not been baptized or not baptized Catholic. Jennifer Hackney: [email protected]

Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA): Español-Bautismo Confirmacion, Comunión de adultos. Llamar a Diácono Rubén Rojo, 673-1574.

Marriage Preparation: Call Paige Westlake, 530-673-1573 or [email protected]

YLI: Leslie Lee, (530) 713-9996 Youth Group: Daniel Quiroz: 530-673-1573.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

A Woman’s Friend: Pregnant? Don’t know where to turn? Call 741-0556

Prayer Blanket Ministry: To receive a blanket at no

charge, visit the parish office. For more information, to

volunteer, or to donate, call Kathy Anderson 713-7022. Child Care: Available in the Little Lambs Nursery

(located in the Preschool) Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. to 1 p. m., children 0 to 5

Cuidado de Niños: Abierto a las: 9:30 a. m. — 1:00 p. m. Niños edades 0-5. Lugar Escuela Pre-escolar Cursillos: Hilario Rivera # 790-7640. Ultreyas son el

segundo y cuarto viernes del mes a las 7pm en el cuarto de conferencias.

Engaged Encounter: 916-987-0747 Food Locker/St. Vincent de Paul: 671-5154 Grupo de Oracion: miércoles a las 7 p. m. José Luis Ruiz

#844-7126. Grupo Familiar: Para matrimonios católicos. Lunes a las

7 p. m. Salvador y Elisa Vargas, 695-8762. Relevant Radio: 1620 AM Marriage Encounter: 893-2348 or 891-0426 Prayer Chain: Serious illnesses or critical situations: 673-

0556 Natural Family Planning: Call Parish Office for referral Rachel’s Vineyard: For those suffering emotional or

spiritual pain from abortion, 888-HOPE-790 Respect Life/Yuba-Sutter Right to Life: 1st Wed every

month @ 7 p. m. in the Brides Room; Maureen, 673-1437 Troubled Marriage: 800-283-5952/ www. retrouvaille.

org Website: Mike Pugh, webservant@stisidore-yubacity. org Chamorro Ministry: (530) 673-1573 Filipino Ministry- (530) 673-1573 Encuentro Matrimonial- Eugenio & Magdalena

González 530-701-1677 Guadalupanas - Cora Garcia 671-4269 Perpetual Adoration Ministry- Ruth Pendilla 530-674-

7193 Catholic Moms Group: For moms with children still at

home. Facebook group, Park days, Moms who homeschool, Request prayers, Resources and more. Jennifer Hackney 530-415-7854

St. Paul Street Evangelization- Greg Thompson, 530-713-9909 or [email protected]

Additional contacts are found on the parish website’s “Contact Us” link

Page 10: Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, … · Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- noviembre

ST. ISIDORE / 182 For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601


Office Hours By Appointment

RON L. C. SUEN, D.M.D., Inc.

1215 Plumas St. Ste. #52Yuba City, CA 95991

(530) 755-9968Fax: (530) 755-4557

What Hearing Should Be

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Kenneth S. WoodB.S. Speech Pathology & Audiology

Dispenser Lic. H.A. 6032Richard C. Lind

M.A. AudiologistLic. AU402

Mei-Ling MillerAu.D. Audiologist

Lic. AU2891Oticon, Starkey, Widex, Phonak, Resound, Unitron

CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING523 Reeves Ave. • Yuba City


Mike & Gayle


10-5 Mon.-Fri. Closed

Wed. 1-2

OliveWoodfrom the

Holy Landis available for sale.

Please check the Parish office for more details.

Independently Owned & OperatedLidia Jimenez

"Hablo Español" • REALTOR® • Church Member951 Live Oak Blvd. • [email protected]

Cell: (530) 701-7321 • Office: (530) 751-8000CalBRE #01836864

BRADLEY OPTOMETRY, INC.Quality Family Eye Care

Dr. David A. BradleyDr. Elizabeth Hankins

1160 Live Oak

Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

710 Cooper Ave.Yuba City, CA

(530) 673-3137


Eva Garcia Owner10821 Stephanie Dr. • Live Oak, CA 95953

FREE ESTIMATES • [email protected]


Continuing a fifty year tradition of excellence in personal injury lawNo charge for initial consultation

1289 Lincoln Rd.Yuba City

[email protected]

Damon Ullrey817 Almond St. • Yuba City

(530) 673-9542 • Fax (530) 673-2066


Solar Specialist

1978 Bridge St.Yuba City

(530) [email protected]

John L. GuthCertified SpeCialiSt in eState planning, probate & truSt lawby the State bar of California board of legal SpeCialization

474 Century Park Dr. #300Yuba City(530) 674-9841

[email protected] (530) 674-7818

919 Reserve Dr. #118Roseville

(916) 774-7030


Family & Cosmetic Dentistry1215 Plumas St. Ste. 1901

Yuba City

(530) 751-7671Fax: (530) 751-7234

HOLYCROSSMemorial Services, Inc.

Affordable Funeral & Cremation | Hablo Español486 Bridge Ste., Yuba City | (530) 751-7000 | FD1653

David Holycross

Kevin & Jodi MallenOwners

Michael HansenService Manager

( 5 3 0 ) 6 7 1 - 2 1 1

1150 Stabler Ln.Yuba City, CA 95993

Mallen's Automotive

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LIPP & SULLIVANFuneral Directors

Dan & Kay Gray Church MembersThe Gray Family has been providing compassionate care to grieving

families and individuals in California since 1888(530) 742-2473 • 629 D St. • Marysville

[email protected]

FD #387 FD #856

530-674-8900700 Plumas St. • Yuba City


Letty DuenasRealtor BRE #01457210

[email protected] Office Independently Hablo Owned & Operated Español

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