them - Memorial University of · .0e2...

New degree regulations brought in In tile". fU"lt year, nu"''' lie required tg Iwo cou.... In ucll. of !:nahlh. biolollY, ch.m,stry and psyehololY. The choic. of the fi ....l lwo cour... must be made from malhanallCl, phYIlCI, lIistOl"", polillul lCient:e.•ntl._OIodllUl.,....1'urlUll.ud....lmuslcompkte.tIeast4Sco..._ 0",,_. of tbe ran........ <eqwrt:IDIlIIl ID ..... deferred. l>eca.- of. colllm","" 01'...._ oftloe rDllU1flfllenhl.l.lSandlC........ Tbe I'-rd ._a! "pal 110.-. Tbe orpllUlfi Ur-e dClCoded thac "US IlIIbemochedukd Iwdcd toun •• t, fa'" .-I11lif)'", TltiI opell ho.- II p...lIwlul)' for h.... nlitCl"I .. rll be fiN to F wbanl lbey adtoolllud.llIlb..lllopllllolhellnenl ....ot pubb< n.nent IIt.kUII ploo;.dun", WUller Tbe m.InQtpNulfo, IhiseYent II Dr. C.. nivll ...llen ....-l.mlC buddmp ... ilI be A.R. Ste,n, Prof_ of Clltmllt,y It pllctic.Jly Vleont. Tb. PhYlical MUN. lie is uP.ctmlbet ..een 6.000 and EduQlioll Buildllll will b. tile only One 8,OOOvisitorL off limltl 10 tile villlors lin<:. it will be In LIII yu, IrploxlIll.101y 4,000 Iludents .. tended.ove' halfoflb.... from Ouloftown them FASC co'Ol'dl.. tor .1 MUN, Sally Althoulh FASC dominated the ...00 MUN shaU rtm.m. member Ine run-down on ...hy meelinl, unnl Olhe' potentially of the Union until hla paid-up comp... ble orpniutiolUl -m.nt recently important iau'" were nised, It wll membe"llIp uritea. This WIll eYentually cuS - hid failed... they IIId been .,eed tbat the CSU Ihould protesl to Ihe passed wilh .n clause IIlow'llI impeNd 00 the Itudentl from .bo..-e. federal.nd plo"-lI\<;ial .,..-ernmenll.nd S1udent to lu..-e the Union if he doanot wllile. ill .d1Ocat.,. FASC publicly state tllal fUllocill .id for willi 10 mn.Ul member A ..bynnth of ... studeDtsis imdeqlllte. Thilcamp.." ... 1II commitlee p,oudllte was "FU.lled to "'be" tIM: ..S.... illut. pr_III.UOft of be b..o Oil Dr. SIIiIJ'IU'I r... h .. IIIaI91 tud! thil dClClIioIl. II I.....e wal \eqlhy tIM: FASC cue wummplae.CoUlldllor per ccnl oflbe S3SlIudenlswhodld1101 d_"'oftIleDmediatelyqueatlOoof John Show riolelllly .ttacked Ii.e Idea m_ back lui Sept_bel" cJa.lcd lilal ...hethe' u.oa fealboWd be ,dunded ill ::e - afford 10 colli"."" thell willllOW COm. up .t ... .-I 1.Ioai .. e........\.11 .ud.OU _R A co_lIlce oa CO_lIt_.. Pllyllil !»tk. moved that lbe U . qull. capable of Cl"P_I. cr II led .. "dl< C.o'le Fu,.y'. publish. bl-Weeldy _s.ielt.r 1.1 . E.uo'"1 d.b.te .ner. IIo::IrI dlalTl'l'lflstup.ltl,JOblitokeeptildrof effOlt 10 brIdle the UlIOUI r«.lH:lOtred on Illis iIRl. Ind tbo.. ",110 IU OIlier UIIIO" COAUtUllea in .11 effort commulllc..uon pp betWelll CSU .nd IIw the valu. of FAS(· d thlt.n 10 make lhem lftOte product,.... In studentl. Til .......1 ",fened 10 I .. led. electedCouncilrouldnOllUn«d,wllile 1967·68. fo' •• lmple.32 ..l.a comm,ttee for mo,e del.iled tho.. wOO took tile Orpo"'lll view held romolllllll "'.'" IPPOlDled ofwb><;h IWO conll.dention. III ,mplicalion. Ceoc,e tmol IIll1i. lod the Olh., would ,eporlal FlUey po,nted out. is tllat NUSE b. better .mployed,.nd moMybe bett.r d.: ... "".eral. ha. hen ulldequate 14 tllat ..... M._III abould 1101 ,ecoAlIIUlll:selft, Open house planned .hom _'.. tI.1 lbe loa of NL;S llII'p>tt ""..Id be erllM:a! fa FASC. U-.. ",bee_ t. .......... 01 FASC W'Ouid be peatbk.• paU'lled 0 ..1 lba ..... COIII"""lIon would "''''paid. FASC he:ld_ke.'11I!uy for Ibrel mootlll .nd FASC lI.cry ti&J!llyfilllnced 1I11rT'" aaid eitlle, the Arne propoul ""dl be b'ou&ht to Councillpin a h. will introduce I new motion ereali",. IIomOoFOwn committ.e to r.. lfill th. lime functiona as FASCbul .0Idy.1 N....orial Tempers flare Council rejects FASC IV OAVIU GRifFITHS .... rqubtlDlll fOJ III Ilud.IIIX 'II the focul1)' Tile rei! of h. co...........)' be lldected from .... <11<. Of lbe. rarly, 18 an: CO_Ue. ax •• AttI ud 5.: ....... took ....... lIep low.. d, f....r _,.ct .. or ftom hm,ted bit Dr courws In olher ecollOlDlCl coona, ami IhrN In: ....1!tnn.!Icl ,.0...- II Illey fmally p.-1 tluG.... Ille fowl! ........ 11 .. cduclllOD.•lI&IJ*'mll, and medIC..... beyond lbe 100 ,"eL S••ell cou.- mUll be complel. lIlun<:ilofAnl.nd S"."". A lilt of COUTIII .ppro.-cd ror lbe B.A, provam .. from the flCIIlty of Ulland 1C1Incc: or from IIlOlhu tillY r". "Mitered Ihroup lhe S.nat. commUtee Ilt.dled tOIh8dear.. relul...onL. flwlty Ipl"foved by the commrtt.. onund.....dulle ."'Fldulte Itudiea.nd tile Senate lt1elf. n..... Tllere Ire ""upl. of , .. tnet,onl on til .. freedom, ltudieL It'Oni would d,nti.. lly Jille"'h>.e d.pee how.. er, In his majol, tile stud.nt must follow Six fuulI., w ....... mUlt be complded .lthe' In AWnll for 'tudenll in the B.A, a"nd B.Sc. COU'''' d.putm.nt.l ""ulalion" .nd tb. d.partm.nt lIallbe ""mmer.e.o' In lIlIn-commeree COIlfIlS req"lTed ,.ocuLar ..utbonly to JC>ec:ify whal .U CDUrws IlIaD he. for lhe wnunerce optionL ........e... l ",,«Ill .....1l."'C". faculty collDcil (0 y around tbit. or couree. if Ikp.t .... nlal Nolt of the COli"" ,.quired for lhe COllUDlfce l!l.a elllire ad gr rqulahonx fOl" tbe B.A.. lbe ' I.holD ... Ilrll;:l. IS to m9X m lUlOlhu IIIh}Cd Ind prop-•••• apecifically p,aalbed am tile B. COIfllll,. 0 ... cbux '" Ille B.'., Uld\Ode. COlICmu.t>OD of Q,)UTIII Ul yo.. fldtl gf S110plIOD..... lIowedtocou.... for .. IlllJO!'.aItho..1l II 1.IIII.tlonl -II ddmed fat "lit UlIeT111'''''.)'G1lt OplIOl'lL) .. Itud.1Il .,1 requorod to fgUow .ft 01'11011. Cg_ ""lOn .nd the BS,," lSoc:w '''ork) p......m h. "1ae aI., .... re:Itr... .. lhal ... welll"'l 0""..... .e pnllled for opl-'Olll Ul ICQ UIltUliCo be cd CO letcClOIIl"I1l:SUlllluatro....lffenntoub;ad: .. and _kc:tIlll.illdllllnalre..llOlU,q.......iIatlr. 1Iod.. ....tltillheClOoxiIk:ndby }takecouneo"'llIoret.... tendJff."'IIl ...jaclL h ...... amI .........erIl rh.B.k..prop.... _ilar ....t_.ntlCaf J.A.PfOIl""m.pplOl'edh)'taculty.:ollJldfwould C>fCllune _"Ibe",.-.. The _UIII prop:am. wll;idt Ilk. tlII co_rill st\d.nt to do forly courws, 1111 praent ......1'"'1. Ind tile stud.nt mUll ""mpkt. II lea.. 12 pr.... m lealh 10 prof_nal d......, II "'ibny TeljUlttment .....tolDl.!'callydoubledwl.nall IClence cOli'''''. C.Oluphy. payeboqy .nd r..,,,,tr.-e. aoneaemesle,lollI. mltbem.llClcanaUbetak.n.llCiencecoUIXSOtllart. JIlClICI" Oivision•• Itud.nt warhOl for B.A be requITed to Ike two EnaJ"'b WU'SII (the Th. other major difference COmes In the junior nt of I'.naJisll lOOl,.nd fou, more wunes. two d.. 1l10n leqUlrements, whe,. lI:ience studentl lie nol ....dI of Iwo of lI,.tory."'" Ind. I",en .ny coo;.;.... Th.y IlIUlt complete two counea m ......... In other wordl lie has tot.l of IIlI EnaJi:Ilt. IWO In matbenuh'" .nd Iwo In oeoond COlltlOS. but he IlaltbeoptiooofllOllIlClud"" .......... OIher ' ... ident.:alto be B.A tbcobo.ethree .. bICclL JIIOIflm I"" ItudlDl mult take II least lwe"'. CO_ TIl. B.Co_. iI""lIIidenbl)' lIIote colDpbcaled lOoId .... bellix f.... co..,..jlDo.. Artl ..bped B. Co_ ..... mtl ....11 complete. tol.1 o( flft,. IP I ma)Or CO..... of __eatu eadt. Tn of tbex •• In lbe ..... COIllPIa•• 10111 of 11 co..-- AtU hlDiCI" O,.lOOn .nd tbe I" .re lui out b)' the collllherc.dep.lmenl X•• OIlII'I Il ... councu hu Un"" from the oontro.erSlal lIono! Alblllie Student Councilt • molioa for ,e-eommllmenl .. as Iy defuted at tlCfmy rollneil S",ll4aYni&bt v-. !'raidelll Jack III1TIS 'lid 4UIl .u BoO B"dlqlulll ",.ted. cue for (oolia WUS lOll 111 FASC ilIllIe vllbo _f''''acebeldtllrw u.,.' Dtapuc..t_oftbiltfor .... ...... Aca>rch,.. 10 FASC. iU 4ftlCIOI resolullon, '.;. 10 ilion "hose dud COncern oDd farMUllislhepb&llloflhemUi ,Stooent .. as men, hlYcprobleml, of "hicll aremlnifuted uspedfie IIdI .. lualPfobelml, hUI.llof"whi<;h "''''IeS .. hid! are COll1Jllon h. tIM: of all men:' FAS(; _110 bell' _,...Iem. Harrll.rpMd ltutlbc _ell .. betberIMCSUQIlIDM pIOblau or 'I MeIb Illy u "t.....1QUlysc FASC CSU f.a..iluI& 10 do ill JOb an:!. 1M bypa-t. Ilc llDrd......t _. 10 wo.d Ibl: lu p of .. .........III ...... itbll.rnalddiD& ... t. Frederid:oll cotlference ,nllliural conference in Idown lut May, he Aid. had d"'ided tllalnorpnilllion""u .. ... lIIt tort of

Transcript of them - Memorial University of · .0e2...

Page 1: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.

New degree regulations brought in

In tile". fU"lt year, nu"''' lie required tg Iwocou.... In ucll. of !:nahlh. biolollY, ch.m,stry andpsyehololY. The choic. of the fi ....l lwo cour... must bemade from malhanallCl, phYIlCI, lIistOl"", polillullCient:e.•ntl._OIodllUl.,....•


0",,_. of tbe ran........ <eqwrt:IDIlIIl ID~..... deferred. l>eca.- of. colllm","" 01'...._ oftloe


Tbe I'-rd ._a! "pal 110.-. Tbe orpllUlfi Ur-e dClCoded thac"US IlIIbemochedukd faF~7 Iwdcd toun •• t, fa'" .-I11lif)'",

TltiI opell ho.- II p...lIwlul)' for h.... nlitCl"I ..rll be fiN to F wbanl lbeyadtoolllud.llIlb..lllopllllolhellnenl ....otpubb< n.nent IIt.kUII ploo;.dun", WUller

Tbe m.InQtpNulfo, IhiseYent II Dr. C..nivll ...llen ....-l.mlC buddmp ... ilI beA.R. Ste,n, Prof_ of Clltmllt,y It pllctic.Jly Vleont. Tb. PhYlicalMUN. lie is uP.ctmlbet..een 6.000 and EduQlioll Buildllll will b. tile only One8,OOOvisitorL off limltl 10 tile villlors lin<:. it will be In

LIII yu, IrploxlIll.101y 4,000 con"anlU~dunncCarnivaLIludents .. tended.ove' halfoflb.... fromOuloftown


FASC co'Ol'dl..tor .1 MUN, Sally Althoulh FASC dominated the ...00 MUN shaU rtm.m. memberJO'I~len Ine • run-down on ...hy meelinl, unnl Olhe' potentially of the Union until hla paid-upcomp...ble orpniutiolUl -m.nt recently important iau'" were nised, It wll membe"llIp uritea. This WIll eYentuallycuS - hid failed... be<oIu~ they IIId been • .,eed tbat the CSU Ihould protesl to Ihe passed wilh .n clause IIlow'llI •impeNd 00 the Itudentl from .bo..-e. federal.nd plo"-lI\<;ial .,..-ernmenll.nd S1udent to lu..-e the Union if he doanotwllile. ill .d1Ocat.,. araued~ FASC publicly state tllal fUllocill .id for willi 10 mn.Ul • member A ..bynnth ofu.~_tbltwiUoflblt/IUI.ofIUode"'... studeDtsis imdeqlllte. Thilcamp.." ...1II commitlee p,oudllte was "FU.lled to

"'be" tIM: ..S.... illut. pr_III.UOft of be b..o Oil Dr. SIIiIJ'IU'I r...h .. IIIaI91 tud! thil dClClIioIl. II I.....e wal \eqlhytIM: FASC cue wummplae.CoUlldllor per ccnl oflbe S3SlIudenlswhodld1101 d_"'oftIleDmediatelyqueatlOoofJohn Show riolelllly .ttacked Ii.e Idea m_ back lui Sept_bel" cJa.lcd lilal ...hethe' u.oa fealboWd be ,dunded ill::e1I:=(;Il':'~~ ~tI:~ ~':r':uld - afford 10 colli"."" thell :':f=t=;"~I~OPOCwillllOW COm. up

.t ... .-I 1.Ioai ..e........\.11 .ud.OU _R A co_lIlce oa CO_lIt_.. Pllyllil !»tk. moved that lbe U .qull. capable of Cl"P_I. cr II led .. "dl< C.o'le Fu,.y'. publish. bl-Weeldy _s.ielt.r 1.1 .

E.uo'"1 d.b.te .ner. IIo::IrI dlalTl'l'lflstup.ltl,JOblitokeeptildrof effOlt 10 brIdle the UlIOUIr«.lH:lOtred on Illis iIRl. Ind tbo.. ",110 IU OIlier UIIIO" COAUtUllea in .11 effort commulllc..uon pp betWelll CSU .ndIIw the valu. of FAS(· d thlt.n 10 make lhem lftOte product,.... In studentl. Til .......1 ",fened 10 I .. led.electedCouncilrouldnOllUn«d,wllile 1967·68. fo' •• lmple.32 ..l.a comm,ttee for mo,e del.iledtho.. wOO took tile Orpo"'lll view held romolllllll "'.'" IPPOlDled ofwb><;h IWO conll.dention. III ,mplicalion. Ceoc,etmol IIll1i. lod the Olh., ~·ASClSlswould ,eporlal FlUey po,nted out. is tllat NUSE

b. better .mployed,.nd moMybe bett.r d.:...':,,~r ~t:"'.. W~:,'h ~~;;::I'"': :~::~':: "".eral. ha. hen ulldequate

"~~;..~~:::OO&b~ll~f~I"IO14 tllat ,P,,::::=::.:J=~~,,",,!o!!"_---;;-----;-.....M._III abould 1101 ,ecoAlIIUlll:selft, Open house plannedFAj~f~:':::~;~ .hom _'..tI.1 lbe loa of NL;S llII'p>tt ""..Id beerllM:a! fa FASC. U-.. ",bee_ t........... 01 FASC W'Ouid be peatbk.•paU'lled 0 ..1 lba ..... COIII"""lIon would"''''paid. FASC he:ld_ke.'11I!uyfor Ibrel mootlll .nd FASC lI.cryti&J!llyfilllnced

1I11rT'" aaid eitlle, the Arne propoul""dl be b'ou&ht to Councillpin a h.will introduce I new motion ereali",.IIomOoFOwn committ.e to r.. lfill th.lime functiona as FASCbul .0Idy.1N....orial

Tempers flare

Council rejects FASCIV OAVIU GRifFITHS

.... rqubtlDlll fOJ III Ilud.IIIX 'II the focul1)' Tile rei! of h. co...........)' be lldected from ....<11<. Of lbe. rarly, 18 an: CO_Ue. co~ ax ••AttI ud 5.: ....... took ....... lIep low..d, f....r _,.ct.. or ftom • hm,ted bit Dr courws In olher ecollOlDlCl coona, ami IhrN In: ....1!tnn.!Icl ,.0...-

~olXl.y II Illey fmally p.-1 tluG.... Ille fowl! ........11 .. cduclllOD .•lI&IJ*'mll, and medIC..... beyond lbe 100 ,"eL S••ell cou.- mUll be complel.lIlun<:ilofAnl.nd S"."". A lilt of COUTIII .ppro.-cd ror lbe B.A, provam .. from the flCIIlty of Ulland 1C1Incc: or from IIlOlhu

tillY r". "Mitered Ihroup lhe S.nat. commUtee Ilt.dled tOIh8dear.. relul...onL. flwlty Ipl"foved by the commrtt.. onund.....dulle."'Fldulte Itudiea.nd tile Senate lt1elf. Ih~ n..... Tllere Ire • ""upl. of ,.. tnet,onl on til .. freedom, ltudieL

It'Oni would d,nti..lly Jille"'h>.e d.pee, In his majol, tile stud.nt must follow Six fuulI., w ....... mUlt be complded .lthe' In

AWnll for 'tudenll in the B.A, a"nd B.Sc. COU'''' d.putm.nt.l ""ulalion" .nd tb. d.partm.nt lIallbe ""mmer.e.o' In lIlIn-commeree COIlfIlS req"lTed,.ocuLar ..utbonly to JC>ec:ify whal .U twely~ CDUrws IlIaD he. for lhe wnunerce optionL........e... l ",,«Ill .....1l."'C". faculty collDcil (0 y around tbit. or couree. if Ikp.t ....nlal Nolt of the COli"" ,.quired for lhe COllUDlfce

l!l.a elllire ad gr rqulahonx fOl" tbe B.A.. lbe ' I.holD ... Ilrll;:l. IS to m9X m lUlOlhu IIIh}Cd Ind prop-•••• apecifically p,aalbedam tile B. COIfllll,. 0 ... cbux '" Ille B.'., Uld\Ode. COlICmu.t>OD of Q,)UTIII Ul yo.. fldtl gf S110plIOD.....lIowedtocou.... for .. IlllJO!'.aItho..1l

II 1.IIII.tlonl -II ddmed fat "lit UlIeT111'''''.)'G1lt OplIOl'lL) .. Itud.1Il • .,1 requorod to fgUow .ft 01'11011. Cg_""lOn .nd the BS,," lSoc:w '''ork) p......m h. "1ae aI., .... re:Itr..."1~ .. lhal ...welll"'l 0""..... .e pnllled for opl-'Olll Ul ICQ UIltUliCobe cd • CO letcClOIIl"I1l:SUlllluatro....lffenntoub;ad:.. and _kc:tIlll.illdllllnalre..llOlU,q.......iIatlr. 1Iod..

~IODlalso ....tltillheClOoxiIk:ndby }takecouneo"'llIoret.... tendJff."'IIl ...jaclL h ...... amI .........erIlrh.B.k..prop.... _ilar ....t_.ntlCaf

J.A.PfOIl""m.pplOl'edh)'taculty.:ollJldfwould T"'11~"-""lIar C>fCllune _"Ibe",.-.. The _UIII prop:am. wll;idt Ilk. tlII co_rill• st\d.nt to do forly courws, 1111 praent ......1'"'1. Ind tile stud.nt mUll ""mpkt. II lea.. 12 pr....m lealh 10 • prof_nal d......, II "'ibny

TeljUlttment .....tolDl.!'callydoubledwl.nall IClence cOli'''''. C.Oluphy. payeboqy .nd r..,,,,tr.-e.aoneaemesle,lollI. mltbem.llClcanaUbetak.n.llCiencecoUIXSOtllart.

JIlClICI" Oivision•• Itud.nt warhOl for • B.Abe requITed to Ike two EnaJ"'b WU'SII (the Th. other major difference COmes In the juniornt of I'.naJisll lOOl,.nd fou, more wunes. two d ..1l10n leqUlrements, whe,. lI:ience studentl lie nol....dI of Iwo of lI,.tory."'" Ind. I",en .ny coo;.;.... Th.y IlIUlt complete two counea m......... In other wordl lie has • tot.l of IIlI EnaJi:Ilt. IWO In matbenuh'" .nd Iwo In • oeoondCOlltlOS. but he IlaltbeoptiooofllOllIlClud"" .......... OIher ' ... ident.:alto be B.A

tbcobo.ethree ..bICclL JIIOIflmI"" ItudlDl mult take II least lwe"'. CO_ TIl. B.Co_. iI""lIIidenbl)' lIIote colDpbcaledlOoId .... bellix f.... co..,..jlDo.. Artl ..bped B. Co_ .....mtl ....11 complete. tol.1 o( flft,.

IP I ma)Or CO..... of __eatu eadt. Tn of tbex •• In lbe..... COIllPIa•• 10111 of 11 co..-- • AtU hlDiCI" O,.lOOn .nd tbe I" .re lui out b)' the


X••OIlII'I Il ...d~nt councu huUn"" from the oontro.erSlal

lIono! Alblllie Student Councilt• molioa for ,e-eommllmenl ..asIy defuted at • tlCfmy rollneil

S",ll4aYni&btv-. !'raidelll Jack III1TIS 'lid

4UIl .u BoO B"dlqlulll ",.ted.cue for (oolia WUS

lOll 111 FASC ilIllIe vllbo_f''''acebeldtllrw u.,.'

Dtapuc..t_oftbiltfor .......... Aca>rch,.. 10 FASC. iU

4ftlCIOI resolullon, '.;. 10ilion "hose dud COncern oDdfarMUllislhepb&llloflhemUi,Stooent .. as men, hlYcprobleml,

of "hicll aremlnifuted uspedfieIIdI..lualPfobelml, hUI.llof"whi<;h"''''IeS ..hid! are COll1Jllon h. tIM:

of all men:' FAS(; _110 bell'_,...Iem. Harrll.rpMd ltutlbc_ell ..betberIMCSUQIlIDM

pIOblau or wlI~1Ier 'I MeIb Illyu "t.....1QUlysc ',~e FASCCSU • f.a..iluI& 10 do ill JOb an:!.

1M bypa-t. Ilc llDrd......t_. 10 wo.d Ibl: lu p of

~lodolbiqlrorJ'ClOpk...........III ......itbll.rnalddiD&... t. Frederid:oll cotlference


• ,nllliural conference inIdown lut May, he Aid. hadd"'ided tllalnorpnilllion""u...:t,:;~:=:"'1 ... lIIt tort of

Page 2: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.




5 DAYS PER WEEK 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.









The counselling centre will oHer the following courses

during the Winter Session

9OOLJll.11:00 ....".9:OOL'll­

11:001.111.1:00pm3:oop ...1:00pm.3OOp.m7:00p.m.




I. STUDY SKILLSThIS wline wdJ OOlllJSl ofleetu~l. dlJQl:lOlOll and uercdrs desil;ned to malce the

.ludenl.WIlle oftbe ruI'lie$ofun"'~lyttudyandlomoti'l'alchwnloonrds

..HUll out on the road 10 mon errlC~nl siudy. CommencJ.lll on Janll3r)' 11 and

.. ~l ~ct fix fOUl ....~u. this ooune .. III llleel on Wednndays II the follow"..-9 J() ILOOuII JcOO·430pm100 2.JOp.m. 6;OO-7;Xlp.m

1. SPEED REAJ)tM>1 ... l:Ou.... dniJped for the lIudmt ..Iu~rud)' h•• ..,ooundenulld...of

ltv basic Ikillsand IcdlllJ'",lUdl ..e -.ttlll f« df",_readin&- 1M_atthe r;oune 1110 _ siplif.,;.,.Jy 1Iw Illlhuiu.allludmc't rr8dme IIpCed ..... ikmaiIU...... bi&h dep:~ of undel$&and.1D1 of tIw ....emal r-s.~JirIUoafYI9.1hi1cour.wdl~fc.IIft_dr.I.therollow"Wl~

Monlby" TbundJy""-'ndIy.Thu.....y1uem) " FrllbyTun,la)4 FrodayMuncbyAThundJyt.t.,noUy4 ThundayJUNIa)'. Fuels)'lund.} .. Frills)'MurMUy'" Thunday

J. DEVELOPMENTAL READINGThe lheorct",;d rJltionaie belllnd lh,s course is lhat almoll an)'Q~' ~w learn to

read NlIer Ihan he docs. Developmenlal Read'll& mews imp'UVlI. Meneralprofi~iency as I ,eader wilh rer.ard 10 speed and comprehension, 'llCfea.ulll powt,.,of COllCenlrlllOn, bcronullg lTlOfe accurale In con.....ehension, and .~h""'".

flCltib~,ty of readuw rale. Tile obJ'!"",e of the COUISC is for the ,ndr.odu..J 10dcye!opamorehe!&htenedawarellC$lloflheUl.ksoflheeffieicnl,eadcr.8qinnonaonJlfluvy Il,l. thu couoe ",ill meet for fr.ewcclr.lllthe folJowil1£lJfTICSMond;J.y'" Thundly 1000 a.lll. 1100 a.mMonday&: Thunday 12:oonooa I:oop,m.


<t. CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING INSTITtrrEthIS isd~. pnmanly,l<J bfq abol,l1liilniflQflt lIIlp,ow_liil


IlReI on WedlllCsday 8:00 p.m. thfOUlh Febnury 25,

S _EfFECTIVE PERSONALITY SYNAMICSTbc pi <:of this COlIne • CCftlCIM IfOWId the ....~ al::::

cffea..~ In lOCiaI ltIIerwlll'X. Seaunan and d--.aioos wdI be ulClCl ..

;:-r=:r="ot:~=.:'m;=IU:~~polent.... This dill ..ill ..-t for fow woW~ Ofl. J&NW)' 19. Tilt"andllllliCSufmcctillp.r.f~.

Nunday'" ThundayMonda). T"hurUyruc.day4frmyTuelday4 fr-day

•. JlELAXAnON11tAlNlN<;

e'~:af:t::~~::r~"::;m~PI:::" ~h~~";::::~ '=:"d:U:'~m,nules from february 9 February 27. The dally rneclll18 \lmc for both~wdlbelOO

7, SEMINAJlIN HUMAN SEXUALITYThe 8011 ofthi.Jm1U1al foster I better and more compiele llndr"unch"tI

III ISpcd. of hum.n SCltlllhly. The 5Cminl.. wlll meet fII S ....eks. be&lnnut_J.nlliry 22.on the follow'"8d'ylThlll>day 330 S.IOp

~l:~:: 1O~00 II~~=:for pn-rer.l$lratlOl1 and addlllooll lllf..-m.alion C'OlllAct Mn. Rose P.ltca. 1M


Page 3: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.


pcnd,nJ Ih~ StlUI"1 d,~ ,n'''n~ of lh~ <IudellU IIDIICht

help from lhe <Iudelll ,-IIQIThe ....Il'r ... as 10 hi..., bundllCllSttfl '"' the rqular ...~eklyC'Sli mec1Il1ISundlI) bUllnalt,*o.J!<>ur d'N!eO". motionth.1 oou.ncrl I'UOrrunll ,I ....ftofFASC)IMlI>tf'tlll&_k.upnb counaBon nqle<;1",& Ib'!at ..nd. "~m. lhe OInol,..•&ndual>On

Gntflllll ")'I 11l.I1 "~'I.'

1ftdl.._'tnllKlJb.tll... fo.lhepalGD. 10 "'JUIt 1<> u"'~ty

Iif' especid.youlol"'....studmts...-

Dr. A. S"',nll, PfOf.llllbelkpart..... of PfYdIoklIY.1Iod.d .ludiQ on ba year·1Cb.rid~ .,adUilItl ..y~ lbeaudoa .1Id $lahmc~ 40 nOlIpplyllusyearbca.u-.ofw... Nk. lie 1Ibied Illat Ihfuil110 ,uy to okIn._ 110_stKee-Iu.l !he audnlls ..k/fded tim fur ..oulod be if Ih~COft!lDoxd.llh'UlUW'

fht,.,...u·~oflIUTIi"""'..y.....c.rDfd IhIOx.tao Iu~ IDCIIht lelUI, cO ....IlIl'~'~requ"'llltnIS. 4S nudeliUall..l:thl:toflhelo·ar;odu,",n',_ILKhOl tbf 16 fc. ..edl~al.ndtature,elllons.are.lJo..edlo


<.LASS ATTE!'oOA!'oCE CQl:."ffEDOt~","'h"eclT,()lonlyl1c

n ...~nl 'lOll... I><ll alIo th~ faeltlull <:oIIlf'IIIOr}' IUudlna ....r.o.n"olc<:ount

OM _'I,nt _110 Iltoolllhl ..~IudltOfedUf"f,ut'nhcrF",1ICh ,u.. a<1ua11y "'",....oNy.~ per _I h'Q._Ih~b.-l101 .. ,,!Oded th~ ~wrecl

....mbcr of b .....IOf}" pmo41Tb' Modenl Ilad tIlk,o tM bb'um.Ia>INf.....rl<SIII'lbIlI1o.c Ilxm all b«:aUIlC 1Ib~ Udboyo;olled "Utball fourbbponoda,lbr __.. pmllltled

byth,FrfIIdld'plrt_llIOn, oIulklM ac:<>ded tbe

.1I111I_nllOll of l>aIII III• U II ~ o. m u nl (. I,. ~

buruu,rl'Y" Ind I~nnl

.mPdff'td: why 1M .... N.I~ Ud_ l:/ftII"'equaldyuplaiDfd

Randy PIa......mlMduplh'lIlorttt..-lpaiodl"..y ··8ylbflllMy..... t..kno. tllernolllflOUlloflht!_'''''RQ'you·r,oul··~oIIM.ndlUll.. luft

_de pla"k1_rk_IuI~OIiler1

h...e..,fl for bo_ ",nuillediIIllIIIaI_,caw,n:Rnloul,Ih~ ".'SI •.,'I off_ hll~ctedIIMUlklllsln"'1III

Ibcm 10 11I'1Id (b-. "'111

Senate says NO

MUN non-returnees are flustered

Al Tund;ty ".,ht'l "'1131( IordT.y\ol,ltnalethairman,-.,n., • mUIlOll 10 open uked whtlh"" Ihe phrue.....It mcttirc.was ddcaltd hy "H.dtmic body" ucludal1110 I.. adnlln;'Ullloro, lind wond~ra1

Tilt molion ..... inl,od""ed wh~lher il ..... 10 speakQ- R.ndy JoY",oncoflh' A,U of clo"', mfel'neS bym~lHil)'

_wenl "'""Ion. LiJ;;, mo.1 ~Ol' for ".",:h mltl,n .'co,"hd'ltI in ~o~~,nb<:r'. ""nalt p~"onahly issun.·' II WI'dt<.1lOn5. Joynh.d .upputlfd d,frI,ult 10 Ji". Inuamplcnl

m«I'",L And III Ih.IM kind of lI\lI\lcrs JlISlify,,'l1111' m"'I"" of (kte",~. '.I, doli.nJ • 'Ilcchlll, ..lICe Ih..

~ad 11ft.. nr>1..t lhal .. e~unplc would b(,om.'n1I00..... at Ihe "'1 u luil~e. (Joyct Iala ..~e,

I'IlI • mollon on up... lhal it was dlffitllil 10 pv•..lem«I1",5. predlt n.mplcs.nd ac«l'lfIIlThe IlIOllOn WI' delayed unhl.n am,ndmcnl ddetu¥ lho

pm. by. heavy "..... pluue.BultllcmohOlln:rnallled Ilu':OIrlIllOIrJ:no ..l~pllttlllll.TJto""'IO"C'''tnllo... o/thMOJtlrDt«iqlU/iI't'rv,..ilrto'''',WIley flJllUy moved, II I.d Iunlled 10 f...-uhy.nd Aud~lll I"" III, cil" !iff",,1r wt'ndlMl'rt' ""rllal '11110""" wII'Ir,uptCf,,,,.ruldoo!tto/lbltftt. lit'"'1lleeunp of II. WIn bt .lIen4lnce al mft'llllC") ....., m.t "."It • !,~ . ,m"... .Nt. ~b .lu.... 81ft ,,~ .... dc.,.".,rt I "lId~",

·~:':::<.J~1"wO~ ~:~ :i5-;:?~:':,~~ G·"~o"b·v""~'t"' 'l"rresponsl"ble' Warren_~ lI>ay bt dosed f.. .-dl would mbi"" lkNl(. Da.1I __ .....~liIy_byl 1Iarn1 d oN. u~ Iw= ...... olily ...., or _1Ilb<:n""aol .. lIIy pathfl .. •• 10 tb~ "'wfound.lId· educalX'" ,f It. J¥ ......." ..,11OlI Illd Illat U would not .yaaa bas .1 1..1 -,val .. n(u end.1 III Ib' edlOcal,on ~,a bLL~ JollaAoL llluul.IOIl inhDildetlalf. lhe XlIII D•. PJ IIOlIlmalOn. u '"'POll re-or.....ed.lbo"lb._ .L· ...d~== ....Ior. ~nrlcd Ibf 0~O:-=07-::.e-~~d:: w-:,ww-::-~=~ of ~~:~1II40~~:"~~:': :O:d .:: II:: :..::.~k~ce nplai:neclllM pI'irIdp. 5lud,nll' Vnlo. d.lfd Educat..na1 Ad__,.IIO••t Plonncl.lspeIO'~~", llIe Act. ··for aI.'1s faulls'" a

_tlOn "n, Sc1lIteb all Iketlltba' 1969, -ppor~ y,IIIOriaI .... Cbav-... or tIM: umUnder h., ken uned 111M .,p ill lhe ri&bI IlIred alld___ body. 11 h.. been I .... f'I'IllI;lI'k of Opal "ed'~" Royal CO_ .... ed.atlOll sdaool tw.rd.s. Ille unr~IY bn rnad~ • CO .. Im.... .....•• 011".11, elected by P_ns _1Il-..d • MUSE and Youtb whK.b ",porlcd IM« Iht leadll.. ,",,_" .nrI '1rY Rap;>lISIibi.Idy for )'OulII and

;""p~~::'I~y,.,;' \:::';y~ :-.:..~u~:'d11 :::: ~~ ::.;.;:~~"; ;~::: ~I~' abo poUlled 0llI 11l.If ::'':=ltO(aI:II'::~lllI>uld l!lese peopl~ a:lI tilt ..._ to IliIII _heth« lOp, c ' • II •• t I h t ~ltllo'" tile P10pcnals for I;d""_IOII. lbe An&JXaa. u.tId

.... llIclll!dlo_t.... -':1JlP D.,llnp'*"'''P''aOldotecl. Iccornmaid.I..... oflbeW...ea .d.i.1I1...1I.. "-PAIl.llon OIu,,,, and SUvallOn Arm,

~l~d:ka:::.~ have ~~:':.-:.:.=~wto': ='~ b~::e ;''':=:I~ or ::....C:c=I:.:..:=.r~~::~ :'=:ed.~~e~~v~~Ilaa.... _. swift Dr. ".G aeulor sUd If 11'l1li of. Dr. W.rtt. _110 lal~, _ real, _porta....hataoca an: denillpq bcI_ lla

I e AId lllat opnllnJ lb~ '''lUItrot _lure' co_ up deKnhed ""'~.. 10'"-- _IAlbt","-OO.. IIOlOP .nd til' olliff...oaIdlQdlolh~praI ~uq",m:IY IItCS.".lfl1U,JfJl:bc d'clllo., _ .u.,.l...a. 0, ......ell -.ok. frtdold deno_I_ ....dl MIiaIIia

lllI til .... sub-.q_ .. 'opalllll IIId ck>tua III door. ""iIIro-'~nI and inapo~- d.";' of III<: 0111 110_ of lAc ad/ook - P'n1ecosta!a. CII'"'Pn:KDUIIOII III pruII. aU f\'ftIlIlI.~ AnOIIw=r <IOUnl ...... said lhat: IUre ..s .. dtar":111 uco--.d"1OItIL So_ .., and ~n1b. Day Ad_ AI

run dJlal'fCd IIIiI ... ,1II llx IllJ&dllOn lhat .~r 101M q If _. >.iIi:I IuoI btco bIIplc_ed... W.DIOlill _as' 00 til

Q =::'p::~lr7.~:"'" til IlOl. finl of ai, U ilcIy fll' ...110'.« pitt n, dcpat1_ ed"".llOn 11"~ btu.. dllYdoped.

Page 4: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.


the ward system ....... time for review

Wllf'flpolJb;allharl" allla, ",pplbe.4a '1Iwudl}',lemo:repruenllh<>flfOf MUN's MudeRl p,verl\mllnt Ind ma,.el to adl It to I ifllbborn ulkntc:oun.:i1.hLSruloru".e'mlannlrnspect._r...tylO\lnd:

Whal could be more Oem<xntt!; tIw:Il f;(IUQCilor for ('Wry 100 or SO S1uOmts~

'II!I&t ebe could kap I dehnquent councillor 6a lui toes like hl\'Ull to JM periolheIlXOlInts of hIS dump dIrectly to IuIlX1l1Sl:lluents~Vtba.t could be more ....ful fororpnizinl "Udeclll tlwl Iuv... 58 or 60 couocilon who !OI'=ther would Jtnoor,.:almost evny ,tuclent on campuS It Jelll 0111 <:alai ba_~

But now it Ioob IS if the ItUlknts .'110 Ittempted to nto the ...rd I)'Slem in botFebrum-y·I.efermch (IlIqlle&ked chrouPby II votawich IIOOltudmlleast..bdlOII) y be ha che last: ... 8«:Iuoe the symm, now III ,"*,t.iclloperat for aInX>Il: four I1IOnths.• hardly IhllpUllllp 10 be che IlIc:oe11 S10ry oftbeye.

h QUlbe.peeI tilIt -.::b I raIbo:aI.,ft lSI Mlllknt ~mIP'nttel-4lplakn,etllllluad to and IIloul4 be lJ"nl.t Ie.! utrtJ the nod of chis term to prow ihdfYel to us chis ~'t _ nfICftPIY becaute even I ca.>al obafftT elll_ tilIttM ...rd l}'ltmIWI,.n.ty Ilounclmnala ~tilIllru_e.eal. tolU~ the onld_tlllC.Of,IO borrowah.:kneyedp/trale,11 che puI 1001.

""'-Singe the rnl m«tuIiP iii Odober...txfll wtq>.,...IJ percelllvllhe ltudmll

turnecl 001 to elrel 111ft reps 0Dly the utremely xtlw: "",rd1 haw: I1WIIpCl toIlIr~ OIOrc thaa IIaIf I cluzea .rodeD1l to .... rneetmp. A tIInKJUt of I• ., or:Jiroe • typICal. ~ _I.,. weft! boycotted conJPletd). eva! ...-hebydectlOlII _re tQ haw been hdd

Po.:.or COIlUlIII...:atJon iI In OlIUlIPfUelIt bUlbar But....-bmCOWlCilontakethctrouble to penollllly lCkphonc 80 ... 90 Itudenu and gil 1"1 fewer Ibn ZO IItheir _I.. lhere II _ nlllieDoe~ \ad( ofcommlilUCltlOIlIli not the ",bole..........

SQ. ....ltil1~bnyQllltIld:ll~poanttothalllb>qlliloollCape-soilcaUedsl:ud...tap.athy. ThI stulknlS limply aren'tlllterelled.lhcy yY. Thcy'rchere to I"t mealtic:lelS. The library II thelf bailwld They ean'l '" beyond lhe lIe.t tena pape'Thea fae1-dullered hblb ClnllUt oamprdlend the profund"iu thitlre ullered oathe serond floor of the ThoInptonSIudC'nt (enlre

BiUo$erdalh..Thelludentlh.Yell'DpoIlantrnleralsand the uqedyofstudenlIfl'i"rnmenllt Mcrnuual .nd .t many othcr ldloob is that it hal no coQCephon of",hit these rnterellS are It lIu failed 10 pasp the problefTII ,or in rol'ltcmporlryli, doe-an't know wllerethe.tudenl.'lIead• .,elt

Can students be faulted for IlUt frelklfll OUI over the M,. ComptilCr CentreDance,IMCrap.ndClownbudaetlndld"zcn.ndoncotlleroftheSClflJtU<:keymoUII/ mU'h? Can they be expe<;ted to pl lpe OYer OOlIocil'l new buOetin board inIhe TSC? (Tlluugh Ihe facl Ihlt couoc~ dulrd 0111 5120.00 for such I u$elc. pieceof cork Ind &llilSQUght 10aooMI few)

11'1 not espe~illly dIffICult to pICk holel in the ....rd J)'stem or in many ofOOUnc~'1 Ictivilies. Tllcre"111O lillie point in doina it Solutions are whit we need.nd.,lutioru Ire as eluSIve as the problems Ire obvious

A loglCllltep ff<lm lIere. however. would leem to be I completc CJl;lmination oflhe mlc uf MUN'I lIulknl 80wrnmc:nl. For lack of student entllusiasm may restwilh wllat the (SU dun 'Itlle. tllin ililiu or how it operale,.

If a study wcre10 dctermine 11111 provi<hlll the conYentiuna!scrvil;:elsholildbethe eJl;tcllt oftlleulll"n'SXtLV1tia.lhIf\OOtInc~shOtlldbedrasticalJycul inmc.quit pbYin&po!Jtic1in itspresenlllalf-aledfashionlndp.--oceedoontenledlyinltsquut..dmatiltrlhw role w,thoul freulna OVl:r poor Student plrlic:ipltlC>fl. Sucnoounci!sdonolapcrlle"",thootpltifiealion.U,'iver$ilyadminisl.rationslovethcml.euworklnd.Othll

It il_re declCledon tlleOlMr lIand thlt the "\llknt uJllon Ihould be morepllllical.odohouldbeflllhulIIstudenu·ba1tlnenrywhercfromthcdaSlroomtotheoourthouse. Lbtnut strpwoold bt'todelcrmjneju.l",ltatbanle,thc,ludenllWIlli to rrthllnd htow betI to r!&hl thmt, If tMIf mlefflll .re IUaced aOClU1ltclyand _ refuse to be.~ ~ they hln no IIltcrcas in need of atlention Ibn IpoIitically-.orientedlwlkntplWl1lI1Wnl fTIlIyyel have I fuwre

A CSU oomntIlll!Ie tI c\UTently --.. Ihe ",ard 1)'ltem Since il II OOWlUI• ., the system II headed ""lIy DOt FI -rid of some of the de3ld ""'ilbt on cbcQOfllflIillcc, bed it up I fe-«lante.o:IIcd ItIIlklll:lllld haw it do a dctaied1M/) 'the rok 01 IIt1Ident p'Ym\fTlIenl al Ml,;,"


the_use__c._ftU-O_._'_" __'-"_ ... u_t... _ ....._ ,,:MT... MUI£ .. .- ...... ot_.. __ ._,_.___ at _ S,._...__••• Io .T...___ oI _ ...... csu ... •• Gft....

T.....UW; __ ' T_ ••_' e:- T_

51t- UJ<l"'.1_, __2_.~_' IIT_._I,DO .....-­~"'cCu"'yfIl....... _

DcarSIfI muc.ll CI ,yed I ~ .r'I.W ,n Inalory


!oIL... bill I tiunk tile Illt!>or'l athtudc totlw. nounlllin& art r.... II OUI of daleM,c' I r.... Imwed IIcre I rltllel''<~f\"I. cd II MIt n.d1ll1J a ubfy

'etllSltecllay.lory lIo_utIaltId ' ,ueclIMoDelfltllepvuncl&x>roflME.-ICIl:_Bul4~

I laue _ oay bppy lito"" III......,.,.1a _IIdt.uropeaftC!tbae eUor Rabelalli.. eoks I reprd •


Page 5: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.

.lANUARY 16, 1970 PAGE 5

__a ----:t::.:h..::.e...;.f.:.:.ift::..h:...C~O~lu~m~n---• by Randy Joyce

"'heo 1 lOt back from Ihe holld~~, I found ~ i1ttle...prllt for me had ~t tb~ MUS!: orric'C in tileIIalL Po.tmarktd Im,..ton, Ontano, Dectmber l~,

1969. fheen..elopebeanlhe bold ;J\3I:riplion [ROON[W1'OUNDLAND NEWSLl::TILR. Quitt a ""rprist,ueeJl"'uu"",bclttd.

The EReo Iymbol, Ilhould 'dd. iJqlQte~lIradift.It_aofawhlteCenttllIllaJI~lIIbololillioeiDlidc.

-.oed circle. Encto.o1 "y I'" I)'mbol .re the kuen[lC'O, \lcrylllll~IIIJ,lilII;e E.RC'Obappcllltobe...... lIyaBnI""lDfporaIJO Anduweallk_11wr_elIIlIaI symbol IS. tI ttd Star of D.arid.ltlllCJllllolr tb:al story .bo1l1 U", .ltilb beiIIJ dtlalldadtt.",llItttTcn loA Tn"tlofl...r.'

... ""1 lib ~ 100k l-lIIide. The lead lIIIory II pap_ • about [Roo'l _ "actlllll pond..... rhree _

""'1, .IIich ...e .... I to IocaUttt tiltfI'Ollllt». aDd ao.,Jd IlYerklllt", alr..dydead PIa<*!Cia.,

So m",,1t for th~ K ..nI,r", stuff. p.t ''''0 • a IIUe. "'bat """" up Ihe wholt ERoo tJunJto me d

~::UI IlI~I~ o:htK>\;~f~':nd~n,tro:.;:~,~~' l:n~~~ :i~~b~~~r~ltbo~o:r;P~n°lfh;o:'I~t~':.:~'::~.~6~departmenl. The h~a.d.l,"e NI:WFOUNDlAND AND HARBOUR i. the home of man~ former n$htrmen whoERCO BOTH BENFFI r FROM TilE L RGF LONG now work at the FRoo planl, That', interestin.. Could

liAR flOUR PLANT. The ~rllcle bq.inll: ~~n)U of it be because there are no rllb Itfl! A b,t1er litlle joke~lmo_ U million ~ ~tar;, only pll1. oflhestoryotlhe Fishinc Clo'l po_o you bke fad.lII'y work. J:tut Ie<>JnollUc impact of tilt I· Reo plmt ~I 1.0,.. lIarbollr, ~ suppose you CUI a1w.yl'" drowotd.

Anollla- Plrt of the IIl11'y of ERCO'. lIDDnomk By tbe w.~, ~Oll know ...hlt EReo 1IIY.I<a7,aoct mllbl bo: IIll1o:lrattd b~ lbe :Ilk of r ClI. ,... I'boaphalea.. T'bellluffllwy lilt 1II11dtr...DC .. O«erll'oll,

"'lDeIl(alI znark<:t of nIlI "-rial Ibe r label lhe Und tbat Jill alIM.h, h\lt the IUdI dOll'! _op ....ell"'OT CAUGHT I' '["'rOl.' OlioSO. lIN' they hit tile _el TIMy keep 011 JIlIllI& ud dol up

1tkt "Freu Lobster Oil C~\I&IIC in Place.. B.y~ r ..en ud Iak"- It·. JtCtlllllo lit • problnl 111 Uppernow Illlldl of • beatllll ha.-e Our f<rap r.. .-leta Comda. ... hJ,ca I IIIII[IlIIl' • pod.~ Jlllhc., ItIK* 0:>_takell'OIlJ~partofl"'ICOl'}'",lll.y, aiI-...I-_ttr"1JOlIlItIq _-, (iocl.MiI,...1I ERCO

'Molll IIwI 4~ 1'C'Ot'~ an: ..1II'.....t tbe plaaJ; IIl1t plant) it Ioca!td I'-t. Sollldlody lw lII¥"'1IItd •ftwk., .. lhal440ofl~ar~StwfQullllluldtn.n- 1I0000lIotpbatedetCfJl'Dl,bllldon'tboldyourb:tulh1lIdud. plant ..orken .1Id _urlly mm, ..inttlUlDc8 _"'na for II 10 lLil: IIIe m.kel:. TIlt _tid pbolpllate

II and ItCrdaria, .......nd cook... &tid JlIIC abolll Ulttre.u ~Ill 100 ItrODJ. l.d 11I00111 ERoo'. pr$dtlllln~ryJob in the ..bole p!anI.~ weut on CBC le~ mol bad tilt -'I to lIy

JOBS, JOBS. JOBS!!! pbolphatea ... elC not • m..- factor ID ..lIer poUlllJOII."'nd, of COline, m hne ...,th JoeY'1 theory of Bear in mind lbat ERoo .. lilt pafeec example of

Itcond....y empJo~Q1.nJ, II ouchntd in To YOli Wllh "eIItd indultriaJ intena. Fi'I'e daYl1IO they r",tdOeception S4O,ooo for violatUllClnad.'llnb-trualleps.lalion, the

'To the 450 job••t the pt,nl can be ,dded Ihe !lUIny Combmes In.callphon A~I. liRCO had been Ir~iJ1lto

new Job. Cleated by the ....lou.llI:l'vic••cti..iheabecIUlt entr.nch further Il. near-monopoly Q1 suppl~inJ

tllt~ work 001 on1~ fill' the plant r:mplo~ea. bul'r.:. pboaphat.. to deter.nt manufacturen. fhe ttn'Oc" few tach otber. Th.. mea .... lhat rtally IlIlIJ""ltd unot mthe pubb~inlttelt.'fRCO',Ontario

t,,:, lolal ~mploymmt at the plant dCIolt to mOpb. r~ol.p:twC(l=~=I~:e~;'C":U::::nt;::~ ":'

TbaI'I cool Bul tbe qlleitlOIllt totaUy aidell.,. ill Dealh." ....lly prO'lut.:eI ...ouldo't loueb ER{'O ..WilY ARE MOST OF nlE PROFITS STILL GOING ... ilh.lG-footlIDtIkec.d<.OllT OF ~E"'FOlf1l;DLASD'tWe Ieanr. m the anjde Bu.t """'eJOtIt""" berelllStwfoundland.I.... '111 full prodllct_ ERCO'I lMII Hartoo... Since '" .ppear to be 11"'* with tbe "lid 11II:'.ClplDtJOII tr:iI tarll ..e tlaD S10 millioll' ~tar for lIIIke twe 1!Iey beilaoe. .twfou.llllland still bICa_.', apxt talk:' Too '*' II un'l _ke. Il\lIlol'ttUlI& Ontanlll ~'I U'f't dallI au .nd clanlDlIlpa:sbk .... for "iewfou.llllland. We coWd certaUIJy ....ta-_ II, We'lll in debl: up to our ~1Id tbe Ioanl ...e IlICidelltlJl~. if you're. f'laor;oIla Bay ...·f...........,IIllllC ",pay ...e &tquenlty UlfbhO Ulllbk, ... the or enll • browflCOd-<lff pro-I'twfo\llld1uld t__, aDdnIue of 1IID1It)' JOG cio"'l1 we ha.-e 10 p.y _e cioUan. you _11I10 b.ett .bo. ERCO. do ao toTblt Wall GtrlllllD loan IIHd to fina_ ComHI~<bance Electric Rtducho.. Co...pao)' of Canada, Lid.hal been Rl-....ohaltd TlIREE lIme&. I au- we nted a P.O. Boa 5617II"'" of ECOIlOJIIlC Oe'ftJopm.1l1 10 ",pl.ace the St, Jobn'I, Ne..foundlandOlle ..e've Joe (Smallwood). And it'd hdp if tile IIt'1' 01" call 722-4974, Ifthe~ "Pho,", Forum" belcbmmiJI ... wtre. maJi~"1I. intolhepllonelnd p ..eic up as a bad job

Page 6: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.


--._--....,t ,... In u ..... rlutll Cl.IUIW



MA~~~t.lll~ .m"'...~."'_

*• •










_'''''''''M,_IIESEIlVEDSEATS S3.00 S2.S0 .'fi~",Sl1.50



JANUARY 30. 1970...•... oto',.. " ., .. , ... ".11 .. "," ..,.... " .,,,.,,..,, ... ,, ......,,,,,,

.""" "01"''''''••

CNGHATUlATIONS!gou and 88,000 D1ihersgradua1ie 1ihis spring

got a job?It IS becomIng common knowledge that th •• year Ihere,*,11 be ~ny mor. graduates than job•. We ••e Iwueollhe,'lu.\Ion.ndWI"r.~k,ng.tepslosol>'e'1

Dunng ....orkatlops held recently by the HUlTl.ln Stud,••Fou~toon and c."",, A.ueutnent ltd.. leadIng enl­plo~ d'scuued Cal'lllda'. human resources ptoblemnil''' 1lN!,ngs are ,mporun. 10 you(1) Employers agree<llhalltlete are I'nOfIl and lTIOfe

Ipploe.nt...ctl year for lewer and lew.r jobl.ndlhe'''OO .. grow,ng

(21 Turnover of gr.ds IS 'IlCrNSlIlg .nnu·aJly,,ludents.b.dflsklorupens>velr.,n­'ng, Th" 's due 10 I"" I.CI thai gr.dsoften do 1"01~.l""'r l,rsllOb. IInce., thel,me lhey were hOfI<!

lNlyw.... unsu reol!hetrr..I,l\leresls.nd.bllllesThe worllshops w.... conducted by _.' em,nen'ps;ychologsts 'nct~lllg Dr, Edwin Henry and Or. WII.... o.,n, The lormer has bien Ch,,1 Psycl'KMog,sl ofthe US Armed Serv>ces. and D,retlor 01 SeIIebonPNce Carpi The La"-r .. Presiden1 or the DIV'soon 01~="IPtychology.ArnenunPsychologocaIAslJo.

Drs Henry.t'Id 0..._. lIong wr\tl),lr Ja/TllS HlCld IlgoICa~,loretnOs'inOuSlr"lpsychologsls""'"


,....., !hi ""ht lOb The hrsl limeThe F(lundaIOf! un do th,s ,t rou colTlQle1e a BIograph­lUI ,"-,1Of)I81.nk-BB, , .• mull'pIe chooee ~n­Ioryol.u~rapt"calquesl>Of'Srel.lnglO)IOUtown

~st ••penence, Once)lOU have compleled!he BIB .nd,..lurtlll<l 'I 10 the Human Stud_ FO\Indabon )I'OU willbI-.t.n 'lid vldull, penonal counsellof'll report based

upon your respon..., Till compil.hon 01 IhlS reportIn'o'Ol ...u.d fl(;l<!compuler.l'\llly... b.sedonlhlrlyyelt,olre rchThe BIB could .,so prOv'de )101/ w,th profeutOl'\lllIyselected ;00 o09Ortutl1l_ rhOi II done w'thoul charge10 you by Career A_menl LId Our stan 01 psycholo­g,sls will be reeorrom.t'ldlllg lOlls of people who completethe BIB 10 "lflOUl Cal'\lld"n employers. The reeorn­mendahons Ife Only .ller urelul malchlng 01lOb spe<:,hcahona 1o BIB prof'les have been compleledby the ps,ycholog'stsBIB w be ."a,tab" ,n your campus bookstore, .IollgwllhlXpl:al'\lllory maltn&l... oIJ.nuary21$1. Your lee 01s,s 00,. remrtled tothl FOUndahOfl 10 help I rwncelurthel'r_ch If 'J'O'I ...1Sh fOb • ...,slance IS well as •COI.lllNl:lng report your BIB /!lUll be poalmarked noI.ler tro.f1 J,f1 2tth For more lnlormallOfI about BIBCOfltael )'OUr Oepart/Mt'lI 01 Psychology"}'OU~Ie-telefroln}'CM.lfbookstore,wrile'"H_ Slucliel ~Iion. 50~ Atu- A._.TOfOfl1011O.0rIIarlo.~S5.00

th 'I'm,h' \irk rd:l1AEm,It. It1 r •• ,It. TRSSESSr:JEJ:iThI ll,loIdu,l.Tr£ Ur:JITHl

" ... ..c(_~Vf_fOIiIO'o'OQOoT.. O......m' __nD

Page 7: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.

lIe.ddedlt.llyou,.erper.:Jn,rather!Iu,n mor lhorila'lan-lyp.r.,urQ ......choRn f th~jobofchcd<inatheboob

nhe felt ltp,..~oledamo,.polill".aIldrriendlyaltlll pIleR.

JeffDyer.o:,.ofllle .....l!l'llanp.b'ed.tlbedoor.OOll\Rlelllecl:-ltl«TCllherwp;>lt.nd IS I damn JOOd ide.... Headded.iIowner.thalbedidn'l.qo,IOUlIlluoupotherpeoplc'tbdo...

D.L.RyrllI.head bbnriln.... that helbolliPlilWllsloolrlOllloldl",hetbtzorOOIlbeproced..e would """ced.bu.lthal ,t ".n ilBtaled ...illl Ibcnpectallon IblIl II would work and 1uI,8IIc"",dedl... ifloootsoollluaoedlollcRolen. -.daaaoaI dn'icel wlYI be-..kdlodetectlxJoks.

··WoItRurlelllt""", c

1l:JIaI lbe ftIlr..,.. h. IItftRld lAd'raDlqcL Wost obVlOl<IS • lbe

O...._,luofradliJlllbe.atnp..-tt" lilxary from 1M pcnodiealla;t1OO. A_Ira prot>_ ...... lbeScaaI nsirIcnd_tl.. ,.......y'ta.b.., p.I... ""iLAcalfd.. 'ololrRya.. llwl'robJcmlt.u_ yelbYt•• doeI a _ .....,UI prom..., bII

-~A. (or a.llpnlJ· beAks tIM: lUlUI '0.11 I

fgqel·· ca_ tben: 0 ...' b«n one_ate fa_ 0111_...... I1 ...bel Ontlotbedued.orofttIMlCIIII.rta.....

Clamp on pilfering,borrowers frisked


SIUd~,,1J who .~d Ih~ ""''''Tll/.~ lib,."..,. 'Iouh,,"~ [0' [,.~ b<Jcb """1'''1 ro­bt I.bll II lilt .,,<1 d1nUh~J f '........ [0"1Id Ih~ P1II18. Il/II~ hll,d~, 1114 IU", ..,llIdr,,1 ""'''''y ....,dJ "'.'~ pOIr,d., Ih, .....'" ~xrl o[ Ih~ b"ild;", 10 >101' /I.,.w.~.• ~;r"dw, Ilu"'fIl,y fro'" Ih, ,h,I",1 I'rvlll" Oil Ih"~,,.1d wl/,c/,"... ill

~f'!,~ol':::\~~. I III h ,,il "1""/111' C rJ. '~IIi., Ollr IHJ k, "nd

TIl, prneM ~ _ ..

.>titer Ca""d.. nil -.Patbyl lIitnry .......I lI ""'byt.. ....,. Iccaad.,..., lbe\<-Ulc..

So fa • .teal_ b....... ol>J«tedItrotl&!y.but .......lprof_t • ..,d1lllllSl1111 at llc.. trealed u-'d-bcIh;c-IeLS",d \I...." ....., I aU. _~ 1"ld~Dd... They"..... _.e..·lcallillll~tl\irlr .. ·

prof .... WCI f'red 10 '·urpad•• "IId~mil; .tand",d.~ .1Id 10 ",.par. fllr.n ··.nh"pllrd d~"r""...." in .nrolln,,:nt.1 Loyoll nul YClr:

Thebur..lof."I'Jn.bladoo(fininfronl of llie Loyola ch.pel followed af ..nenlrrocouion Il"ouootllecamruslodby member. of til. Erelish derlflm.n1and_llldenl.carryullcrosxs.

A lIludenl ~ulolY (W.r 11I.··lfue" ......fOllowed by an o.alion ddil<~red by T bu,y hn firlllily d.clded 10 cra"'"I>orlllid Thed. chair"",n of the Ellliish down on book pl1ferase.On JonlW"y5 •• of/lld:;ilI Unive'III,. n..... t~lIlem U1Ue inlo effect rcqU""ll all

MeaowhrJe. the nllmber of dudMI. borro ....en to lobow lllt" bt>oltt to _ur,I,Iin... ·LO al Ibe Loyola "dollorstrilion ptnannel .. lhey lq.~ ~y ....hat II no...bllildi.. I.",led to approJUm'ldy 200. the only U,I oul 10 the "''''1I1.tlon

AdllllIlidnlllOo praKknt Nak>oe hal daJ<\dtlhecamPlllforUlulBtaledperiodofIlIDe. Innlli/lllO TeuL The ""tu,.., of John Noland. hqd of tM cm;.. lItlOn_b.....-tber.ilnotkno",". d'....ionlllyalbcry.lem ..'lduplo

LoyolottudentJ ..ucaloouper:ledlo prn-ent _ofbooltJ fro.. Ibcfl uo;tO<pOIU a ...ela>....... daephOfl Friday u......lhof"iud borroWUll· In fonna- ~ean,to .-Cd Ibe rctlll"ll of admlJUlln,hOn he ul'h.ullld. m_ llam, ~ 11111....e-prqicknt Jam O'Bnan fro'" a p;>saih.hty remote.".. III.o"", ..y aoofll"'__ Wnfa-CDCtI II Ba-m L .lId'n! oould obtalll a boo.It ..u b~

O·BriIa.bdin'edce:nttallolbcfin a-"">,,lhelrbranan...... 11M lar"Ff, for .lIdeal aool lacIIlt~

1Vl"'~" Wore Christ" ... ..tIaI biJ In ""• .-bc:f. 1961. IbtI RKta we..,rt:lllUllOo ... demaJlded. '''' The follo...... th, 590booh

WU "1SiWlI '01 flldudedllliltitn.un:.. lb.. III1ff1.ber 01 boou 1lW:_ 'P"""'ed. period••11ft! •••lDUnllfceru.. _ ,..,ber.. -.n....Th_booh~ lo.olatd·"noedup ."~Ibe" nlI' ..... 1Iwa

Ell ••"'......i>t Sui.. "_rYCJaIIoJn'l!a1ed al

7S ll'a'cnl tllow.epcrt hcale....__10 .._10 ...


allbel_ ...a.e.~I>&_.en:rd O'.. MU(I60) ...~~.p~1IIIII teao;kn./tile .6 had fou'" OIbrpefman.... .10M. T.....'._ ' laIIllat I""" taIIponry_p.b,.. ..S re._pkryed

Dr enl adlhllo&ollad. -..:t lie .1Iid, and 11M:•••1,•• 01 ...,ordo lllal,-

11_0 ledforn k lhal...001_1 cl lhe fotmdallOi.

4id anact lbe ..mb"'Clf-.11le "",llOaof .. IIIO••

Iidalllilaki. Ilt,-t_I.... _.

be .11t.d for "">dnl"." bad'-1 1.._lII. ...._'~tlM

ed .. a.:. yeU

TIl~ -.olbo....1Id..., ,..,prex.ll .• -..e.: (1.. IOIalu I'

e"'"..ofacall' '"od I ...malra n

F"ftbe"""""", an<bnIIf_ICIt_u b.ilnd.uItlee••apirelIn.fll'll.p..... l..I..... aII<I~ _ hcific Sboowba... frotll EqlandLa•. a.~_.EodiIhllJllCl,"'"

...... ap .d. 1M h<if" Showband I

........., ...cupmd..OI''''')ltunalOa folt 10 ROCk T!W1tQl.........p.

.... co. Row • 1lanI ...d< ToroalO....Eud ~.. for Ille porfornll ••as In

..I J'" .>ahbll b",t If I. ,0uI"I rlv. upl<Jn~lIo... lhiI'...·I(·alllrWaI .. 1l.IbII.lIAaIidl"""oca

Loyola holds burialfor English dept.

Those were the daysI. C"RFIELD PLDDlCO.. 1E

.lANUARY 16,1970

TlIe Sullivan Report

Most MUN 'no-shows'lacked enough cash

I d I r Al .oIf

Page 8: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.


Madam I'd like to give you your moneybut the Campusbank architect made aslight error in wicket design.


E1e.:l:IUll&:_III: •• comblDaholloicoDCrdeand.ylli_nil. fbe. are procaMd iD JludiDIlWD& Iwo and faIape-n:oorlkr oaillalon, fillen and ..,...erbnaholl unit .. So..llIlts "",ret 10 'Ylltbeme all _Dds d«trODllCally In IH••01.... lIId"J. co...rdt IOUnd. from Ihe real _Id. Me

U'· "lIlIfRId-_k.Thedlo,ceofw"",n:lesound.... ol<t'~. Ib_,"p-.caJ'tlllurnHllltr«linlhestud,o

A._III brcal.llLro..hUlpopul.iztnldeclron m~.1M

M·"'")'lIIh'llUeI.De~lopedb)'k~rt"OOI.'tsvirtutn....w'''I>anh'' pon,bilil)' and low jlmel.. Staru"" from $1500 INo"" IIamad. el",lronicml1$iccomrnetciallyfeaslble,Ho",lilt d• .,.... 11" In f.dism thai chum. 0111 unimIl«U>aI'v.lh'l"ell\lcll •• the work of Did< Hyman and others, TIw III/lowenr, will probably M superseded by wmpulerizrd m... ilh,n 1 fA' yur.. For lhe momenllhalleavea manyoompo~rs ri&hl had< with Ihe b;w~ problelJl> of mone~ ...expoaure, UnJ_ one bas acce. 10 lhe Iludios of a !lipprofetltonal concern or univerliity, home studio. lie th.OllIJIJternaliv.lnd a prohibitive one.

A word.houl lOme oflhekey fllUresfdprVarese, barninP.i.. J88S.SludiedunderRo_

d'lndy, and Wldor, livinl in U,S.A, line. 1915. Conlideredl"falh... of.ledrorucmu.. ~, he used wncret. and elc.:tronic'!Olllldleven before there were declroni~ means 10 do 11. Ihs ide.pre·,

Vladunlr U....~"ev1ky uses both con~fet. and cJe.;ulIO<Jr~. tither t~ lUll the .ynth.sizer. The Iatt., _101 (0lbe lnelmahon of Ih. curr.nt Ifnatllion ofoompolUs. II •dtr«lor of lh. <,'ol"mbia- Princeton Ele<;ltonic Cenlr. wbidl_been 1 f<>allof lhe at form in tb. U5. H. "I'Cllt 196811'"lAoonlor... in Ne... J.r.eywmpoSllll with a wmputer

)lilloo Babbitt 111110 a direclor of lb. Cohr.mbia-Pr__

C.We. Ilia """_ • 00 a punty kw.1, f<:>l0...UI.llSiDns of Arnold Sdloenbal'll ....:he-too. method.

lalUlia X.ukit, G~, .iI • IlOlcd aclLilecl ...ho wlblbcnllll... ,111 Le Cotbuder for .......y yc:ar.. Tiley deliped Ih.'......P.\"lIio1l .llhe 19S8 Bnr__ Wo,k! Flit for ...hidl Edp, V..<:0.,.0..... 4Poeme Elettroniq",,'" Ik .iI abo ooe of the faa[lU"Opeu nllllll.... oompo...... haTUll "",n.n • wI'.,f raal.--..11Dd ordlestnl1JOfb u well as eIect,OIllClie lMIodueed <*"'s ...... Iheons of prot>abi1tly ",to",• t~ 1950'. IDd RCenlIy ba. beu np.nmenfU\l .-iI.IIlbeQry aDd .....-.atiullDp;,

Kal HeJalI Slod.__ • ODe 0/. Ih. JfQI leaden of Or~ lIe .. lIIltied .. Colope aad ulldcr N__ .Pant.

c.rty ..-an _ ....1Iy ....... by 'icbem'. ideas of.:ollt:rol _ .. e-.... of. c:ompolilioll. H. _lid..-b:ll"" ... "'Solll of lbe yo........ &o1n •CDlDmIDdofl'ureeklCl.l'OIU, ..ll8dlaadw",,-rct.lIIalenai.I«eal _t CD8>billel d«lroai, aad liv~ lDItIumNI.l!ftfarlDPo<e. lie beca ...eal in8ll fro. UIIfl•• 10 I" 8elI1 W.oll>en of 11IR1II.....

AnyOMlll>lCral p&U":lUUlI electroai<: __ .oldd ..

10 r:r-. out 1<lIMIT _CSIl"CC111d lIIare,CoklmbialautWll¥(Immel 01 U._ Va..'• .,ua: oo1idua'" by Roben CI:aft.Slo.:i;ba_ 1-.11 for [)a".1a;ae Graqun.'-'" AflICl Ru~ ..... offcrllll._of wlDl'<*l'l. .10....-,. IIlIac1IDO of d",,1r00II:....aeP5,O_~e_ b«to.. P>erreBoIlk.


by Jim Brokenshire

WANTED'Sl"d •• , o. p.ohu;o ..,'.ftIlllfta.. tolh.' ...pwt_1Itw'lb _lbeI lIlude.l, rboD<1l1..U8 IfDO_~"keep


T a-..... ~llI.T saw_~~.baf*....

Visit:=C::~:Sbank ~ Bankof Montrealc..-._......BRANCH of B of M It 394 ELIZABETH AVENUE WEST

Like to get your hands on an English

bird? Get your passport photo taken

at CAMERAMUN now! Then go !I!

'~.. dortlld_IlIl .... libt.II"O"~,""llht)'·.t••")'illoo'"

Page 9: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.

....UARY 16. 1970 PAGE 9



' ..... wtlo .....lfyfor_A...Off.--T........ ,..,.'-- tD -t '-d 10" t:Nir._ in Aru. Sc__ OO'

l ..---. offiolr·.oo -.on.T 10--' I'IItd 10 i1th-'_lPcill

ott • PfOIJ_.IfyOtl ••• fulltim..........nd..8dulll.lllud..,twittl.

,,"""""1 ...-t....1c _d VO" should klIOw ~Ul !h.oppor1unitielthlt Ihe Canadian Armlld Fore.. un offeryou IS In ROtp e.odll. You will conflll..1 you. CHlli.nS1udln IO_rdl. d 1 you. Univeuny, w,th "'I>'''ses~od,.Ql.-y,.nd non.rnonlh·,YKOt1l0n ...lIhp~

And ...... 'fO<".I.yOUCltnpul ...h.lyou'v.I...nld10 WOfk buikhnll your hllll",

For mo., ",fOln\lloor> COMlICl your IoaiI m,lrt¥y c.-_ ......tlh«

ClI..-;1i1tnfQr_R_,,,ungC."".MainPoIIOff_Buildint.Wat_S1r••StJohn'.. Hewlound1and.T...-156851.

It takes a lot of hardwork to go on from

high school to become

an officer in theCanadian Armed Forces.

Can you take it?



HOURS: Sunday through Thursday· 11:30 '.m. to 12:30 ••mFriday and Saturday -11:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

AVALON MALL 726 1000

is seeking aclrculationmgr.apply to muw officesecond floor, TSC

Money II!

Wins CUP position

...... """'.l42 'ATRICK STREET


lP_ntF..-I'...... 11I ....... 1.... ..-.

Golden Foods

...... T.....,Santfwodo................... ...,s-t.........-FISH .nd CHIPS


IfbuJY Dial 519-4163F_1\lnng:


~the muse'

B"ti,h NewfoundlandI ~pJO"llon limited, •,ublidlafY of Drinoo, III,don.ted $450010Memon.J', GeololYtnPiU'lntent to M .... rded to19/:09 10 pd""te,uldent'In ltCOby whose t-.a U~

baird 011 fldd r-..~b 1ft

'ewfoudlalld ..nd Labr.dor.Of E.R'N. 'calo:, kH or

,., • ~~bst:::'::"U:I:Uof·~~''=~ :r~7:T::; IEId f:~1~ 0"A,".:":::::;';':."~~";,:;:=,,'c~~ :::,~~=~:=::n(.~:s =~~~I~ ~c:. t=: :::,II::,~::- 1.< B.,n' ;:':~4o.L~~:-::;;:f~ ':iI:;~~::~::,~*,t;:,,:,:~;,,,,:};~'t':

Ilr=~iD"'j'I'I~ii·••••~~iI••••I:~~"~'::"':::""'l·~";:'::"::-=------'::------",-­Look at the

G~~' bright side.After examsare over youcan relaxwith a cool,

•premlum-stockBlack HorseBeer.

Page 10: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.


Newfoundland Forum to promote dialogue

I fin llDIl-.n"r hatIIIformed 01 theT.S.c IW the cl'uinmllst beIIPIO.ed from IeUlnd and thudODor bndmpnear tile ek...lorbeulIMlhI'Yllelfut=b,r,_d.

. ...'" o_m t.• J __... lolW 10 Ill)' Pour.••",10 bold .......... Ibne.

A m,.;...,u.itlleial".poaIhelbiJdf\oofo•• trillt>....S....d.klt.. _t-. DiIIr. andJlft>Nt>lyc:offeewdlbe.w.,lIbleI,*-- UIIIc.... J.B, lluller"nlo::-':'m :IQ<bllllrl'bilcafcon

1"0 l"Iether...e <an fUlldlerttiltry .Iuo:h ..,U IIItheqllmcyofdec....ns.

The !'.n.follndlaad fuotwed & .DWoa"" tb,r,t .~<;allbe:rJ.•nd .._

IhePol11..alSQeIIl:eMonpr IpOkt Oil tIM I•· elllOrw U_nit)'

' n0\, fue...., DMlUIP

........ foll",n.Dll Forlllll,fordBgl... mfort)o;r;public lIIeel'D, ..disaJ_d. The .'1fhe Forum ...11 beJamaary27 .. alO ....

U II". nity tnd Ihe In flllu~ weeIL I" Mnfollndlo.ndc:ollUlllQU1ja.Wy be n _

0_. ""IN' rerr .....foWldllnd Judea by Dr. Mo..,fOl'- • Ib,r,t by bfUlPllll tlte WI he .._=

"e ... fOllndlll on OlherQCInl.empoIIrY--'

''II'. II'J Ille For feel thai_Jof tblp of IIIeidlad c.. he lOhed by "t_ld_-." Dr. tot..... ald.

\t ny of IIIe dcQUoou laILelI ..lloe pad baN boI-. IlObbly......iPtenedIDIMoe_I 1_ .I ...ttif"".llOlISfcrrl....

~ _n .ndar and thed__ 1I• .,., ..... for103Illtn

I". p •• t b.,""e of_farmll_ofillewo"'d

!l', otJno.., 10 ... thatCOllideD" 11IUIe.:h"" aDd..".1,.,.,_ 1'1. lit lhe

A nllDbal Of D'.lteratl_tobe y

f tbe r .." r- 51...Ce.>e wen '118010 OYU lheClIr.........li4ay... forlheauof .,re lou. tp&0II ..

• ..delll,.ndbrlle.lI...-1Grtbebartlert.

T. b'lWr tbop b,r,t-"_wed from lhe Hurd noc. (11l1li Tholllf*>n SIu4enl (' he malll fklor when I itWr.dyloFtDlDrebuttne&Th.okibarber.hopisiobellltd •••101l''l'<Ifllreqllidly~lb.

TV from tbe blue room WIU bemowed In ,00 loullle clrllnprovided.

The fllmilllt. flom the old

New arrangements at T5

'The ",In pi • tile'C'WWfollndlnlllf lIlll .IdDr.Tbo..... \l. \lullpi' ._atle1"'0feDQl'o(polilil:al .. ",IICI:U

\ll;' UId I_POPry chatrm...f 1M FONJD M. to pr n>teiaIo... bo1:weclllhe"__l7

.wltbeoo_"-y theildelbeiIIIl_~I'" of

BEVERAGE SALES LTO.Phone 722- 5620

The ·,,,*(,,,,ool.1nd ~ IIID• 11'0111' llllaoW'-'<i III bnd......n·fll'bel_enIIleUn..."rrjly.nd olbl( ".(ollndl'lId0011111111"" .as (orllled IPl

oecanhu 10

Tile FOlll!D II COIllp:>_ offlllily ,ac1 ttlldelllt ofMeJIlOI'w,DdreP'"__.Ufttoftlu 1II.... Olly lItcbod:lII&

e fr D

II for ..tlOII thr: .,:hpeuplcm.kepolit""alaad-...Jdec-.oas.­l1IeForllmbo~to.dll"'"

ill IOa1s ID. ...en.1 _y.. AIUbIil: Dea.llll .. lbe lup,"Melmrw UIII'Unll1 :lolIlIuad

heine' lIl..d.t for ..IyFebnaary VOCM ILl, IMlllD •Rnet OJ" four ..1Ir...., _lUlIrftSiIy l<Iblod lopEa. rfinl_, ..cdJ.II\&IfY '"

,.---------------, l~d:tbM~ I~:a~nillhl" r.- • alkltltd 10p_dilt, .. __ JIoe

rellllllllkr lIlil t1Iow •dnolodIOlllllpublic·,._ (Ibetop",.


CCDDII.Jlles lbroll,1l0.1







Page 11: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.

come acting president 01 lib lIDI ...ena­tyw'-theJocalulMlerrroundplpt'rthreatenedtopublishapiclu~ofhJm

with his arm around one of the 3·Ggirls

11IeincidentwlSorigll1llllyharm·leslof course but you know bowpictllrncanloot -

Papagoras ~taDItS firm througtl thJsaDd furthel' tri.ll thougtl be don 1_his calm jllltonee wh(!lllte stnkesasttldtnt, 'IVbohad been previously at­tacking him In a demonslration, andhospkaUu:s the fellow

INring the CriSil Papacons' YOlolDl

entourageofnll!llandofcourwsrnell,allowCapp to include his attack onpolitical aeti ...ism and non-conformistyouth cultures inont grt'at parI'}' ofhiS pen

They marcll aoywbere, alwayswithout l'UJIOIl,aDd arell"'(!Il to thecrudest iOCOlllisteDCiel - Capp'sm'lnpoint

Carrying signs labelled .. r-;on·­lence," they will be violent - de­mandmg better uniYl!rsity educationthey ha...e eithfor never befon Ii:I c1useaor are dropoutI-calliDl for distribu·bon of pnvate property 10 the peopI.etbey keep it all tbemselvesordestroyItillndolcourst the mellllof produc·ingmoregoodlll

Apartment 3·G hIS been muchmore subtle than Capp - I man whohardly seems capable of subtlety

The COIIlk Jtrip about three YOUlllWllmen IiVIIllI" an apartment togeth­erbatj\lStfiOl~aleriesthatlo,

...ol ...f'ldthe,irls·frierldlynext-doorneilhbor Ind confrere -ProfessorPapagorasISubtlel1llme,eh~,

1L.:]�il-L'----'.i=·8UI .........Iy i$pr_nt"_t..... " .....~ti.... 'hal"'.....r...... _

....s fat this sit NO! e..m


How much more rtpreRntallve a.statement could JlOSSlbly becollecttdfrom I person of Capp.'s economic andsocial position' Radical positiolllareattacked not on conteot but just lorbel1l&radical

Capp WTlIps his attatk 011 the stu·dent acti ...ists.Dd hippie crouPS up inooe,roup Students Wildly Irldll'I1lInt .bout ~early EverythinlSWINEforshort

The SWINE, wbo are alwaysdressed poorly, and carrying mean­inglesl signs, who ba ...e ill constant


(!) TIte -Politics of Comics--A.. At le~--St Charlie Brown is still sacred

Uli.JtaIlt, wbo tnIsted .Dd rapectf'ldthe underground journalists.t (\r~t

comes to lurn that hlgh-lOundi'limoti ofun bide ...el'}' low pis ,,,IdsneUy methods Cominc to his sen....!Sbe 111 fmany able not orIly tobrin,tbef'lditors of the IlIIder(fOQDd mapzintIOjlllliC't.butaLtotheunscrupulouspolitical a~Ultor who was rQlly be­hind the whole thing from the begin­nmll

The lesIOns that cln be learne(;from this one"comic" stripserlelarellll1imited

• Good l6eals. ~ea wbeD tbe7 aretruly beh~f'Id by moM Invol ...rd.•re110 ncuselor any kllldof extra·1ep1adlOnbeeausether.eareunscrupu­louspolitical Igitators really man·~uyeringthelCene

• We must not hesitate to attack~uld.iYldualswbopreacbradlcal

change yen wben it seems to m.hteDie becallle there are deeper tIwIphi4incinthesftadoolln

• We must understand when the.utboritiesare driven to violent.c­tion Ind know that tbey reallyresret;t

• We must reililiu that youncerpeople, even facult" .re If'Id astra,but most win retu.m ifbandJedflf1DlJ

• We must overlook occasionalextra·legal act.ion 00 the part of theauthor'itiesbecausetbeyarefightingsuch dirty underllandedopposition

• We mUllt remember that radiulacbOns actually stop tile cIlall£l!S theliberals wanted to becallK!beTare busy doinc battle and mlllt live~"..",

It lends to all seem fl.lrly IlIUmpor'Ulnt - hidden away In the back Ie(:­

tions of our newspapers, butitisn·trealJyso

These comics will be part 01 theoverall commuoiutiOD process tlIatwin eo1rftldIln people's minds u-e...Iews 01 wbat lhe IW'W movements areaU about.

Combined with simil.r distortionson the news pagel and editorialpages,tbecomlcswlllbethemetbodby which people are turnf'ld alalnstevm listeDinI to the KtiYistsortbeyouth subculture

II wouldn't take any COMC:ioIU P'ot

~y ALEX KOT.:rKY ~::.:e~'~=o~=ie.lly

The comics of course have tbeirown contradictions 11'1 inevitablebecallle tbey LIke. Libera1 stance

Srnidgelllis.pod eumpleBetween complaioilll .bout tile

hippll!ll the strip is COIlItaoU, com­mePtinc on the .lienation of modenIlife -nf tbe common man'a feeHDI ofuselessness

But no an. lysis Is presented­tbereareDOllluestiOlUthatUlereare real ra.- lor this Ji.tllaboB or~01"""

Like tbe other' aecta<-.of the paper,the comics limit lheruelvn to ecm­mtntary 00 the pbenomenallSpe<:tsof our life and its problems. Theyne seek the roots 01 those prob·lems -they Illgesl anl.uti~Forste'k.illltberootIoftbe~

lemis radicalism-bettertobave

.W.m...' ...........ndWhe.. t .............t_ ............. tevi.....'-....ftdknr.~';~~~7~~;TYU.OfT,~~~=:/::=~~::'m,sel'

"'Il~.n....".lIiftnity,...• '" are liven to bellevinl that

ale plots are being formed tosocial change -you might

wry quickly to the daily newspa·..-"to t1IeIM'W'Ior edIli:1rialpaees.caDdidalesthouptbeymipt

.... theory,buttothecomk

.,.UARY 16, 1970

Page 12: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.


MOUCIl1llOllTHITIWOTUIol'-t..o ..."EA!


J:l'''UHJIf...T(lItflO1.........L.OliIIMAL.L. ...fll-AI

Larry OTmovles---..

T".. of pnolO

A«ention Graduates


KtKtueq fried~l~.

e-Barney's ,.~ I

~... Chicken r- Bars "


COllI~~~Z'::~~Io~i:~~~:E"'1 I 7:1:1-'1'1 II 711-6119 II 579-1161 I1711-1615 !1361.5005 I

Gf-.l pnol0W-phI for the Cep .nd Go.... n 1970 .... ill b.....en ...y Mono;Uy .ndW"~y, from 9 I.m. to 12 _n, Iftd Irom 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. COmmit'lCt"

A,B N.o,P,O)l Cameramun Studios .hn.191nd21c,o.E.F, S,T)J,V .hn. 26 Ind 28G)t,l.r. w,x.v,Z. Room 204.TkomsonCenlre. F•. 2.nd_K,l,M, P•. 91nd11

Page 13: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.

.. Cameramun photography byBill Coultas"

ality portraiture at prices less than half those atother professional studios in St. John's.

Thinking Photography?Think CAMERAMUN.

Page 14: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.

.... H"Ie.

.AIlE Ie ....UARY It.

Big week of basketball for Memorial teaKings a .H~ly Cross wibig hit I'!.~~~.r..!~.urname

.......-.,.... ....~for ___

,.. ... - s..Iay·lIMJ--­sss...........-.1idI_...,.. 11: •• Toc\lIr_e-

n. --. _1IicIl b..-_"'.rd., .... '.abl,..........aIf.r.-....1Iob'a-, 11-'-1'" a--. OIl...lIIdqal, __ ....•••lr lilelaDrIal......"'.i8Io ' _"' ....... oIt po6aI..... _ 1_..-1....,.""".0. .....,._....IIoIJ e- .., e.-..60-42 to Ill for till-­0.$11"" --....,CIJoet~tIM ",

."..11.. "-W 49-44co..... "-': r.a. • 10-11~ ........ dIt ....

"'~-"I''''''to .... ....,0-. PM........ ISFc. ........,.., T_ .......2 ....1I;>.:o~I.;:::•..:fl=--64--S4.~",,,,,-'ida"""" .... IIiIiIII 10--,"-* 43 u.......--..._ ......two trw"-,. .tIIW ......... e-aAl _-"' a.............. , .....___ 111ft, 10, TobIII

-.d01 botla""MI.todli.....-Ia.1Ie nr. S o-u.tIIc t.- 10."''''...10 0...- ... 10.,.., lalllil_~


G-* ....• (aM....

n.-­0. ......................... --''''''-'4,-.. tII*....--ll ........... _- ....•••••" ••tlll laIr..... ", • .-..--=of_I,.....n.,.ror-_.....,._IIlow b,.

........ • S· :U~

WC_ ~......1I_ n.odlII..... oI 1IIiooWM( 01'.E..-no-.I10 ....otr __ ... .....,1IOMIMtwltll 1110.11.11)•••,..1 '11.. ..--.- 10 IIIU"I • ....., !WI...... , .. 0..- .......... -.I wD.!WI_-......- -...... 10 ....,....................................-......~ .._41U ~ ........... ( -......................10.""- .......••••forl I••cc: .................... fIIl ..._ ..~.....,. ..........................."''' __ OlIlM,...,...fIIlt"'~.~"­....-O....."mllllt_lboaldlt....... t...~-.0_ fill dllI n.,............ _ t..

KNIp'.---.fIIlUMI ....

~-.""".......... _d ........ - II Dlp"........... _.,..- ...........................Il_fIIl.................-.. ,.., ...-....-.,.. .., ..-................"'~ ­....................

lei.-... .........- ......~..- ............... ...­It 1....., .. 'hIIII~ ~ ....~-... 22 .......................... O'I.-r 12 .. _=......::.~":l.........................-=t.::.~=.................__ , I' ..- ..

Page 15: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.


.eferH eo"'ta .-c re"., II ...-.... ·1 S.n GoodJ_JI.ikt. up a f."nd";p ..;Ib Mounl AIIlIO't', D ilI Rich..dlOlI in S.luf!1.y·1AIAA

J $u'dbt 1IWIbbalbandbtad_ol Ml.pooliorlbt' ..,nlt._

H lO"l, and 7 ",.i,l. for IS poinU. "',,,,cm.l', n.xl pmu are achtduledAllcndance "'II al 110 .uolamary 10.... roo JanuII)' Brd and 24th It SI. l'nnd.

;;1 ulhe 1,,"11Ilcndl",,' Xa.... Unl"CrIll)'

Instructional swimming

BaII'llqI lIMN. Ilh""d'('Wlburpbt,n Ibt lui .""1" alld GibbolU IICOr«unn lbttarpl)'....:aI19n

Mtmo ....1 .."Iohol WOllnl ,0,11110114131 In Iht>pI'Y p_"ndp",ktdupfiwof II prnlllte1

Sa.lunJay·, pmt btUtr playt<!,although,t ..lloot tnl)'-<:onltllt<!M.monll op.ncd lip a 2 0 I••d b.foreIh.lI"m< n mlnUlt,old on 10.11by Brocklthunt, On a dooe-"'''lle shOI,IndK.Uy .... ..,IO>I.<lonI1-on-lb••""""Ih Brodtl.hunl \f" .. nl AIlWnlied.1.p bdllftl .... ,.,nod .... owro"pbb)'••ndFnJIlIOII

TI\O;II8;llh...... _edro...una_Cftd...... If' tbe -.:oM prriod \"In!OU' P"I••••p.aPe 1Ibot II .. 27 _db BUb1CItt...... \lo ....I>e >eJ.. Da./t.... ~Ilwlr__I terGilobull.loot..

beaullfulkad ,..tro."dl)' bIok...JOal dII f;DblOIl ...b D.." 11lI'

pudl.lllidia 1.".•)'-':. _Iht ....~oflb ddtedDalllln.n6paId. J,. 1 .. ler.a1118S3.Ktdyl<ll>red' pidpa..".play.dlh(;,~boll$.ndBrodlctlpnl

Me"",,,.1 COnll.llu~<I la donun.l~ phyl/1 Ih~ th",! l'~n,,<I, ICOn"" lh..,e I1l1loaBibb frum I ..,rlmbl. al J:17.andaboullnen mlnule,lal.r alole the pU"k(.om I \t"unl'" dden't"'." .1I<.l .... tnllnalone 10llCOrt 8ulkta<ldcdlhe(ina11O.1onlpassolllfrorpB,oclrk:II.PnI

"'cUlo",1 wtabol ~'''"nl Allison~S ~S an<l <Ire.. 13 of ~2 pmaJUft.In .udcd 'II t p<"IUIt_ ..enr_ nl!Wle r;PI -.. a'" .._

:o..:fv;;1 la s... Goodyell • ..:f \le"C""rlla of"" D....1s RdIrltrl;>1Iaad J,m hdrl;>11 of W<>"III ..\lIisr>II. wltawelf 1P..,"cd .. Iwo ~, r~.

tbtllunJ pmudJusr: aboul tk .nl)' bn,.1lt Icbl fOf

Mo..nt AIIiIo" ...1 plic 10m Ihllorl.dtlf'll.lhef.cllh.lbe ..a.btllenISa ..... in Iht 1....0 pmel H oIttnll111.. or Mtflll>....1 fo .,d. _110conlinllaU)' OUIJu.-..l lb. pathel"Mount"dtftn.t.•n<l ..~ralofhJlU''''....erulUIrhblc

BtodlchurU',12lteltlpoinlsl",ell1m21 for Ih. ""!IOn, indudu,& 18,htopsOnlh.tcam K.Uyfo!lo"""'llh




"CAP and GOWN"

Beothuks finally win twoIkmomllko'buu h..aUy p>d.N.p I

pouIIb • AIAA bod~ ""mprt",,,,n_tri;~lId .. Ibey Ir""n<:cd Mou""" M.tllnh.. b 4 and 9 2 oil I_

.,IJI<)IIFnda)'l\J&hla"dSaturdl)'_.Tllt.,c{ollnl>wh a lQ.sarneloll"

iIffal.f",'heBrolhuband.xttndtdlht1IoIi1'll",,' ... inl... strut 10 nlnt.ame,n:~:~~~II~~ f~!-t::~ ::~;~: and .rt

On Hodl)' lI~hl. PtttS.I>b.nd '>;and)'110m ICOrN I... ia: t:t<h .. luIt R,II

Ind SIn.. V.inltr addtd ......• ;tlohllnl had hn' 1IIIiIl:. ".

'u WhdlMC J<>IIn 1lar1 hadatId Dol.,. Rldlard.:lll IICIlRdW_... wIl... St_ T..­pl__L

•• aJ aht.-1I1 ..__

......... "td)'_I.lIaro.sleliallll J,.\a,_

...ltT ..will' tbe ,otll..nalao il.d.1 ...., l(lf"

I! Iprrf,ma-.orfoflhe





S... , g ';111"',,,11(0' atooenls",lIbc, frendll '"m",follows"'",lday 10'00 a~n Be mMfI.lh"'51ia~' llooim. lh'r:mn"..v.c'CIne>d.y. 11:00 a.ltl Inle"n~diale

l"daylO:OO •.ltl.lnlcfll1<-'d1atclu",.hy II,OOa,m Inle."""d,.1Clhu'sch~ IO:ooa.m l"I,;{II""d,,'•.i u,·.,Ja) 10:00 a '" 8~"IIIllC'fs.

f ..J.) 11 00,,<11. B<'JI""0'n.iu,·,;dayJ:OOp.m. 1"ltn".,.I.. ltIt lIrsda) ~.OO p <II l"I.rm-'CIII\(\t"nda~ ~.OO p.OII. BqItllln'STl.uf1d.a)J:OOr·'" ~II('R

v.<·<irltlda~ 300,-'11I J:kIlMtnfri4ay )()p.m 8eJlIIM'I'I.




It ,I;IU arc mt(.CIU!I, .tpaltn ill S.... O.~ I'lca~

l).~ ....,(' R., m(; 1:.\ Of M, fa) I....;~111( .. ISn""lIbCllIIIO \1')'»1) J!\~lARY l'llh.

Page 16: them - Memorial University of · .0e2 january 16 information centre lobby of thomson centre 5 days per week 10:00 a.m.



by David Griffiths

A new information d~ for audenlt, desiped a joilll ",mute by lIMThomplOfl Cenlre Commiltee 10 overoome lhe problem of 1Kk 01.bouleampv.t.ctil'ilies,hI5beenl)~nedinltRTSClobby.

The orpnv.en' un Ii 10 plher II OM plaa III information p<.>tentillyNUN audC'fllt. All de..llrnmlt Ind 10cietics h:Ift been liked 10 poeevenlt Itley a", sporuoxilllo and boefdetaib will be ditpbyedOllIlOh;eboard on the TSt" lUi~ 10 the Iu.nneb.. Complete infor....nallablealllwdetk.lwif.

As well _ covenna <:anJpID nmlt, !be emile will hMoe inl'or-uOll 011aid for IllIdenll and OIhn adnUUtratift~ Atoothn .....omualued rewnb of boob for IaIe or wanted. Tbe cenlre will...,..1OCieUef,'lllCOlllkllmaiL

The SK wIU abo ullillue free publicatioDt. AI tile IIIDmml dialdrlailed birth 00111.01 hIIdlook and. ClJS.publilhed utide,".Nun~ by Jeny F.ber.• ~IOUS ooDdernnalIOll. of the Nord!edu<:lllOll ry1iImt. SILMkn! UIllOll manqcr Dan Corbetl said thedlllllbv.le-nythllllll_petl. ·unIns.ftaptnll r2le Criminal Code.

Otltet ilems .,w avalable irdDde • pirie 10 ThoJrll*)n CaMreanmOR IIk1tD'w by I" Pre$idall Lord Taylor and fin.ol ed.i1lOll_speper~-.

The (flIIre Ii opm MDrlttay 10 F,i4ay. 10 ..1lL 104 p.rn.. and.P .... _cliNiled by ".JD Ioktcalfe. AI tIw aKlllle'1ll tbe orpu:ca.... Ihtred all the .for....llOSIlhey would like. Corbett upWned thai.IhouIdbc Opnlllll& .1.-0 or lhne weeb,bul!beQe1ll"' ...... _alllSenlt'.I~JOflloil.

The ickaof&ll.for..... cntnhal been bclr.ed IIO\IIId for ....Iwoyr~._wuIll;lIllilyKtup.ltfaiJr:r:l,CorbeIt~

bem UlIfTed by ......... (tbt _crMrrhalp.tdaafl) _..:k>c.led. Wany~ are alre:ady beiItI deall 'Mlh ....drmantIhuber:aoaaudenilol-.wloawDoftaDlp_of&a..u.r.Ianrl~W..rrC.ninI.