THE YORKTOWN COURANT - · ment's durability...

1 THE YORKTOWN COURANT Special points of interest: RobCon Upcoming Events Promotions & New Members Regional News 1 Year Anniversary...sort of. Inside this issue: Command Decisions 2-3 Operations Observations 4-5 Sciences 6 Medical Musings 7 Visual Logs 8-9 Space Cadets 12 USS YORKTOWN NCC-1704 Volume 2, Issue 5 September - October 2018

Transcript of THE YORKTOWN COURANT - · ment's durability...



Special points of interest:

• RobCon

• Upcoming Events

• Promotions & New Members

• Regional News

• 1 Year Anniversary...sort of.

Inside this issue:

Command Decisions 2-3

Operations Observations 4-5

Sciences 6

Medical Musings 7

Visual Logs 8-9

Space Cadets 12


Volume 2, Issue 5 September - October 2018


VADM Kimberly Donohoe

This is your captain speaking… It’s coming up on a year now since we saw the anniversary screening of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. It was that night that we first toyed with the idea of launching our own ship again. Can you believe how fast time has flown? I couldn’t be prouder of our crew and look forward to many years of having fun and enjoying our various...and often out there...pursuits. Another fun aspect of having a ship locally is reconnecting with old friends. Recently we attended a meeting with the USS Aries and I can’t tell you how much fun it was to see Judith Durall, Mike Wilson, Alan Jack, and David Roberts, Naomi Durall, and to meet more of their crew. We talked of us all collaborating on a few projects and hosting events together. Strength in unity! Our youngest, Matt, spent the summer in Florida visiting family and we were so glad for him to come home that we hosted a cookout. A big thanks to the members of the Aries crew who were able to attend. It made the event even better. As with the recent Fanboy Expo, I didn’t see a SFI presence at RobCon. In fact, I only saw three Star Trek costumes. The next one, Conapalooza, will have SFI there since the Aries is hosting a table. If anyone wants to help out manning the table, please let me know and I’ll pass that on. I’m sure they will appreciate help spreading the word for SFI. Since Olivier Kling, Channel One’s editor, didn’t have time to do the most recent issue,

I was tasked to do it. I’m quite proud that it won Best Regional Newsletter at the SFI International Conference. Though I’m disappointed that The Yorktown Courant didn’t win anything, but a win for one is a win for all with this crew. Everything we do is for our ship, for our region, and for SFI. We have a new member! I’m happy that my good friend, Jason Williams, has joined our crew. He’s a good man, has many talents, and I’m sure he will be quite an asset to the Yorktown. Jason was long overdue for a promotion and the command staff was glad to award him one. Congratulations to Matt Donohoe, Will Roberts, and Vidalia Roberts on their promotions as well! If you have any suggestions on activities we can do please let me know. You can call, text or email me if you need anything. I am most always available.

Command Decis ions



COMM Tom Donohoe Executive Officer

A couple of weeks ago I had the honor to attend a ship’s meeting of the USS Aries, located in Johnson City. It was a pleasure to finally meet some of the people that Kimberly has told me about over the years, and some new ones, too. ADM Wilson and his XO, RADM Judith Durall, and the rest of the crew were welcoming. I look forward to having many interactions with them in the future. And now on to other news. We’ve had some changes recently in staff and crew. Crew Roster I’d like to welcome Jason Williams to the crew. I know he’ll be a valuable member. Welcome aboard! Personnel Changes CMDR Jason Williams has been appointed Chief of Engineering LT Kimara Cha’Suran has been appointed Chief of Communications for the time being. I want to thank Matt and Vidalia for their hard work, but school and other real life things come first. Promotions LT Matt Donohoe LTjg Will Roberts LTjg Vidalia Roberts CMDR Jason Williams Congratulations to you all!

When Kimberly and I first began talking about starting up another ship, I admit I was a bit hesitant at first. I can’t believe that just shy of two weeks it was a year ago that we began our plans. The new friends we’ve made, events we’ve had, and plans for upcoming ones have been interesting and fun. After a frustrating wait to launch, I watched her work hard to make sure we reached all the requirements, and we commissioned in record time. Well done, crew!

Command Decis ions

Page 3 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4


ENGINEERING CMDR Jason Williams We have a new Chief Engineer on the Yorktown! He’s still on leave but will be assuming command all aspects of engineering soon. Chief Williams is a longtime member of SFI and hails from Nashville. He also does amazing graphic work and made the ship’s logo. Now to think of a cool nick-name... Meanwhile, we’ve dedicated various parts of the Yorktown to honor beloved and respected members. This was discussed amongst the crew and we based them on aspects of their lives as we knew them. They are the: Matthew Brooks Armory & Range Margaret Donohoe Concert Hall Marlene Miller Archival Center Helen Pawlowski Arboretum There will be dedication plaques created to represent these rooms and facilities, and more areas named as needed.

SECURITY LT Eddy Jones My name is Samuel E. Jones, and I will be taking over as your new Chief of Security. My day job, as you would call it, is as the Program Coordinator for the local Toyota/Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Buckle Up for Life program. In this capacity I am a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician and CarFit Event Coordinator.

I am also an Operation Lifesaver Presenter, where I educate about rail road safety. From time to time I may write about topics related to these fields an this first article will be about will is car seat safety important. Often times this is considered by some individuals to not be important, but it is. You may ask why it is important and the fact is because it is the law. Tennessee and Virginia require that child under 9 years of age ride in some kind of child safety seat. Police officers in Tennessee for example when they go through the class to become a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician, are told by the police officer conducting the course that with the knowledge gained from the course that it can potentially increase their ticket quota.

This will affect some of you with your pocket book. The main reason that car seat safety is important because it is about potentially saving the life of a child. A child safety seat when used right will actually cause a child to leave and accident with very little of no injuries at all The problem as already been stated is that some people to do not use child safety seats.

Operat ions Obser vat ions



One CDC study found that, in one year, more than 618,000 children ages 0-12 rode in vehicles without the use of a child safety seat or booster seat or a seat belt at least some of the time. Every day in the U.S., three children die in car crashes and 469 children are injured. Child passenger fatalities have fortunately decreased 46% since 2002 thanks to the use of child safety seats. These things have had a lot of testing done on them to prove their effectiveness in saving the life of a child. Remember that all child safety seats have to pass the same Federal standards. Some seats may have more features than one, but that does not mean the 300 dollar car seat is any safer that the 56 dollar car seat. In the end remember to always use a child safety seat or booster seat when traveling with a child.


LT Kimara Cha’Suran - Chief Hailing frequencies open! Looking forward to Conapalooza, so try your best to make it at least one day. If you have any other events to add to the calendar, please let me know. Star Trek Snippets

Karl Urban is confident ST4 dispute will be resolved. “Hopefully, we get back for another movie, or two of them,” said the actor, who has played Dr. McCoy since 2009’s Star Trek. “We are sort of waiting on negotiations. I’m confident we will.”

According to a report early last month, Pine and Hemsworth insist they simply want Paramount to stick to their existing deals, but the studio wants a leaner budget following the box-office performance of Star Trek Beyond. The film earned $343.5 million, less than the previous two films. Star Trek: Discovery: The Official Companion will arrive in stores and online outlets on September 4. It delves into the making of Discovery’s first season. More than just the tale of the Discovery and her crew, the story of season one is also the tale of a massive creative collaboration – of how hundreds of actors, producers, writers, designers, costumers, makeup artists and visual effects creators came together to bring Star Trek back to the small screen. Episode by episode, the Companion tells that story, from both behind and in front of the camera, with insights and commentary from, among others, Mary Wiseman, Mary Chieffo, Tamara Deverell, Gersha Phillips, and Glenn Hetrick. Ethan Peck has been cast as the most famous science officer the Federation has ever produced. While it’s not yet known how much screen-time the character will receive in the CBS series, the announcement confirms that Discovery is set to bring Spock firmly into the pre-Kirk universe.

Operat ions Obser vat ions

Page 5 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3


CMDR Richard Watts - Chief OSIRIS-REx Snaps First Images of Asteroid Bennu The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft finally has its destination in its sights. On August 17, the probe took its first images of the asteroid 101955 Bennu, marking the beginning of the spacecraft’s approach after a nearly two-year space voyage. “I just can’t explain how much it meant to this team,” mission investigator Dante Lauretta, a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, said August 24 in a news conference. “This is an extremely exciting time for OSIRIS-REx.” The asteroid, only just 500 meters wide (about the height of the Empire State Building), appears as a small bright dot moving against a starry background. Taking these images reassured the team that all the spacecraft’s navigation systems work, and that the asteroid was where the team thought it was. OSIRIS-Rex snapped the pics



from a distance of 2,186,228 kilometers, the closest-up images yet. When the aster-oid was discovered in September 1999, it was 2,204,008 kilometers from Earth. Over the next five years, OSIRIS-REx will map the asteroid’s surface, measure its gravity and pick up a sample of Bennu’s surface dust and send it back to Earth. That sample, plus one from a separate asteroid from a Japanese mission called Hayabusa2, will help reveal details of the early solar system and the origins of life and water on Earth. Scientists also hope studying Bennu from afar and up close will help figure out what to do if an asteroid seems to be on a collision course with Earth. That's not an implausible scenario: Bennu is categorized as a potentially hazardous asteroid, and has a 1 in 2,700 chance of hitting Earth late in the 22nd century. Article, photograph and artwork courtesy of the NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.


Medica l Musings

CAPT Morgan Kirby - Chief 15 Foods That Can Help Lower Blood Pressure 1. Berries 2. Bananas 3. Beets 4. Dark chocolate 5. Kiwis 6. Watermelon 7. Oats 8. Leafy green vegetables 9. Garlic 10. Fermented foods 11. Lentils 12. Natural yogurt 13. Pomegranates 14. Cinnamon 15. Pistachios

Page 7 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4

Foods to Avoid While some foods may relieve hypertension, others can cause substantial increases in blood pressure. People can prevent or reduce high blood pressure by avoiding the following: Salt Caffeine Alcohol Consuming moderate amounts of red wine may have some health benefits, but larger amounts of alcohol can cause dramatic increases in blood pressure. Heavy alcohol use also increases the risks of heart failure, stroke, cancer, and obesity. Outlook A healthful diet and lifestyle can help to reduce the risk of hypertension. Foods that may lower blood pressure include fruits, vegetables, oats, nuts, lentils, herbs, and spices. Incorporate these into a balanced diet and engage in adequate physical activity to treat hypertension and improve overall health. As always, check with your doctor for more information. Don’t diagnose yourself or let Dr. Google do it for you!


V isua l Logs - RobCon



Matt spent most of the summer break in Florida and we had a small cookout to welcome him home, with the help of some of the USS Aries crew. Many hot dogs were consumed with only the loss of two. Tom and I appreciated everyone coming out.

V isua l Logs - Welcome Home, Matt !

Page 9 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4


September 14-16th - Stargazers Camping Trip Cardens Bluff Campground 8th & 22nd - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic RPG Sat 12 pm 11th - Boardgames 6pm 29th - Party like it’s 1928 at the 90-Year Speakeasy Tennessee Theater - Knoxville Birthdays 21st - Hope Fields-Isley 28th - Matthew Brooks

Upcoming Events



October Gaming 13th & 27th - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic RPG 12 pm 9th - Boardgames 6pm Events 12-14th Conapalooza Meadowview Convention Center

TBA - USS Aries & USS Yorktown Halloween Bash Donohoe House 7 pm 27th - Mini Golf Challenge - USS Ronald E. McNair Columbia, SC 12 pm Birthdays 12th - Kristen Hawkins Anniversaries 28th - Rich & Tina Watts

Upcoming Events

Page 1 1 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4


Q: What do planets like to read? A: Comet books! Q: What did the alien say to the garden? A: Take me to your weeder! Q: What is an astronaut’s favorite key on the keyboard? A: The space bar!

Space Cade ts

VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4 Page 12


FCAPT Michael Lewis, of the USS Heimdal, is the new Recruiting & Reten-tion Officer for Region One! The USS Heimdal made $4731.00 from their auction! Welcome back, USS John Paul Jones! They are to finish up their chapter-in-training time. The JPJ is commanded by VADM John Sprouse and is located in Raeford, North Carolina.

2017 Fleet Awards for R1! Regional Newsletter of the Year: Channel One Enlisted of the Year: PO3Beth Hopkins, USS Heimdal Distinguished Membership: GEN Jill Rayburn, SS Nikola Tesla

Go Region 1!

Reg iona l News

VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4 Page 13



425 Harding Road Kingsport, TN 37663 [email protected]


The Yorktown Courant is the official newsletter of the USS YORKTOWN, a chapter of STARFLEET International, located in Region 1, and is published bi-monthly. All articles are the property of

the USS YORKTOWN, however, they are the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff of The Yorktown Courant. Permission is granted to copy any part of this newsletter, as long as proper credit is given to the author(s) and The Yorktown Courant. Send all submissions to [email protected] before the 25th of every even month. STAR TREK is a trademark of Paramount Pictures, all rights reserved.