The White House Press Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, 10/14/2010

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Transcript of The White House Press Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, 10/14/2010

  • 8/8/2019 The White House Press Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, 10/14/2010


    The White House

    Office of the Press Secretary

    For Immediate Release

    October 14, 2010

    Press Briefing by Press Secretary Robert

    Gibbs, 10/14/2010

    James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

    2:15 P.M. EDT

    MR. GIBBS: Mr. Feller, take us away.Q Thanks, Robert. Two topics. I wanted to follow up on some of the discussion yesterdayabout the "don't ask, don't tell" ruling. Does the President have a message yet for officers andservice members on how to react until the legalities are settled? Should gay service memberskeep their sexuality secret?

    MR. GIBBS: What I would tell you is that the Department of Defense is working on guidancewith the entire chain of command. That should be ready and out soon, and I would refer you to

    the Department of Defense on that.

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    Q What can you explain is the White Houses role, if any, in that discussion?MR. GIBBS: In what? The guidance?Q That should be in the guidance, yes.MR. GIBBS: My assumption is -- and I would double-check -- my assumption is we've --people here may have seen it. I don't know the answer to that, though, and let me check on it.Q Okay. And more broadly, can you describe, since this ruling came down, I guess a coupledays ago, what the Presidents engagement and/or involvement has been?

    MR. GIBBS: There have been discussions obviously between this building and the Departmentof Defense and the Department of Justice. The President has been involved in meetings with theCounsels Office to get an understanding of the lay of the land and has been very involved in


    Ben, you know that the President has -- as I stated yesterday after having talked to him -- thePresident believes that this is a policy that undermines our national security, discriminates

    against those who would sacrifice their lives for their country, and is unjust; that the policy needs

    to be changed and should be changed. His hope is that the Senate will take up the legislationpending before them to do just that, as the House of Representatives has already done.

    Q One last thing on this. I mean, you just talked about how the DOD is doing guidance and thecall to Congress to pass that law, but is the President comfortable with sort of how this stands?Theres a lot of -- at this moment, a lot of deferring going on. Does he feel like he needs to --MR. GIBBS: Deferring what -- I'm sorry.Q Deferring to Congress to pass the law, deferring to DOD to take the lead on responding.MR. GIBBS: Well, I dont know if I -- there are certainly places that -- obviously Department ofDefense, working on guidance for the entire chain of command, that would be the department

    that would have obviously purview over that.

    In terms of -- I dont think were deferring to Congress. The President has been active inencouraging and imploring Congress to do the right thing and end a harmful, discriminatory,

    unjust law. Thats been his position for as long as Ive worked for him since 2004.I think were close; the House has voted on that. And as I said yesterday, the courts havedemonstrated that the time for dont ask, dont tell is coming to an end. There is a legal roadmap that shows the courts are ruling on behalf of plaintiffs and against this law. So I think, as Isaid yesterday, in discussing with the President, I think this policy -- I think the end of this policy

    -- the time for the end of this policy has come, and that it will end quite soon.

    Q One other quick topic, please. Can you give the latest assessment from the White Houseabout the peace talks that Afghanistan is trying to hold with the Taliban? Specifically, I mean,

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    should the American people view these as serious talks that could actually lead to some sort of


    MR. GIBBS: Well, Ben, as far back as his speech at West Point, he has mentioned an Afghan-led process for reconciliation. We understand that a political -- theres certainly a political

    dimension to ending the war in Afghanistan, as there was in Iraq, and as weve seen in -- andwere likely to see in conflicts that are not going to involve the entire defeat or surrender of and

    the signing of documents on the deck of the battleship.

    This process, as weve said and as the President has said, will be Afghan-led, appropriately so;

    that those that seek to come back into the fold of life in Afghanistan must renounce violence,

    abide by the Afghan constitution, and break from al Qaeda.

    I would mention that these are talks that are happening at a time in which you have heard

    General Petraeus discuss the tempo of our operations in Afghanistan. The tempo has never beenhigher. We have the most resources that weve ever had in the country, and the tempo of thoseoperations also has never been higher.

    Q On the NATO subject, are U.S. and NATO forces, as is being reported, willing to help theTaliban leaders, negotiators, get safe passage to participate in talks?

    MR. GIBBS: I think ISAF has discussed some of their logistical roles in this and I would pointyou over to ISAF on that.

    Q Okay. On the housing foreclosure crisis that seems to be building, there is growing signsthat this is not being contained. What is the level of concern within the administration and what,if any, new steps are being considered to prevent this from spreading further?

    MR. GIBBS: Well, Matt, as I talked about the other day, we believe that every servicer shouldlive up to the full extent of the law and their failure to do so should be met with accountability.We are in full support of what is being done at the state attorney general level in the

    announcement of their investigation. We have federal regulators at FHA who started earlier thissummer a comprehensive review of FHA-approved mortgage servicers to monitor the steps in

    the foreclosure process. That process is ongoing and last week they expanded that to a fullreview process.

    In addition, the financial fraud enforcement task force of the Department of Justice is examining

    the issue, and the Attorney General has discussed publicly that the task force finds -- if the task

    force finds any wrongdoing, that that also should be met with appropriate action. Failing to dealwith the obligations under the law to live up to your responsibilities in mortgage servicing is aserious problem and has to be rectified by those servicers. And were certainly supportive ofthose steps.

    Q So are you completely ruling out any administration support for a national -- a nationwidemoratorium on foreclosures?

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    MR. GIBBS: As we discussed, what happens at that point is that anybody that's entered into acontract or a pending contract or a pending sale of a home in a distressed area that has seen a lot

    of foreclosures, that those transactions and therefore that recovery in the housing market stops.Its frozen. That obviously can have -- we believe and others believe -- a very negative anddetrimental impact to our economic recovery efforts and the housing market in states that have

    been hardest hit. We believe the best place to examine this is, as I mentioned, directly with theobligations of those mortgage servicers.Q Are you ruling out supporting a moratorium?MR. GIBBS: Well, we have -- I think we have stated clearly the reasons why we have not calledfor and don't altogether think its the best idea.

    Yes, sir.

    Q On a couple of occasions from the podium you have talked about how the President hasntspent a lot of time thinking about his reelection campaign in 2012. Now, in light of what theVice President has said, has the President made up his mind about running again?

    MR. GIBBS: If he has, he hasnt told me.Q And what about todays town hall? What does the White House hope to gain from that?MR. GIBBS: Look, I think its another opportunity, in an open setting, to hear from -- directlyfrom Americans, in this case younger Americans, about their cares and their concerns. Im sureyoull hear -- as we do at all -- almost all the town hall meetings that we do -- a wide range of

    subjects dealing with the economy, to our foreign policy, to a whole host of domestic issues.And I think its another opportunity for the President to describe the steps that were taking to

    address our economic recovery and deal with a whole host of those issues that we have to dealwith.Q Going back to the back-and-forth the White House is having with the Chamber ofCommerce, can you respond to the argument that the Chamber is making that this might --

    opening up their books might cause potential harassment to their donors?

    MR. GIBBS: I mean, again, I think this is a nonsensical argument to make in order to continueto hide and shroud the identity and the agenda of those that are giving -- writing million-dollar

    checks to influence the outcome of elections and ultimately influence the next legislative body. Are those donors -- is their identity being hidden because the voters in a certain state would

    rather not be confronted with the fact that theyre for rolling back Wall Street reform?Maybe

    they want a whole host of things from the next government that knowing their identity would

    know their political agenda. Its the easiest problem in the world to solve; simply open yourbooks.

    Q On one other issue, Michelle Obama early voted in Chicago today, as you know. And in theprint pool report, one of the people, Dennis Campbell, who she met said -- this is quote from the

    pool report -- She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husbands agenda

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    going. Some people have raised the possibility of this being against the law, as far as electionhearing rules, not campaigning within 100 feet of the polling. Can you respond?MR. GIBBS: Obviously, I wasnt in Chicago today. Id point you to the First Ladys staff. Idont think it would be much to imagine that the First Lady might support her husbands agenda.But thats just me going way out on a limb.


    Q Speaking of which, has the President watched her events out there? And have you heard himsay anything about it?

    MR. GIBBS: No, I have not heard him say anything today. Obviously, look, she is a -- shes aremarkable campaigner. She spent -- in 2007, she went into a lot of the early states, did a lot ofcampaign events and was enormously valuable throughout the general election. Its notsurprising to us that she got the type of rave reviews that she got yesterday.

    Q On the Chamber and Karl Rove and all that -- and I might have missed this if anybodyalready asked it -- but Tim Kaine compared it to Watergate, said this could be the biggest

    political process scandal since Watergate. Does the President feel that way, too.MR. GIBBS: I haven't seen what Chairman Kaine said. Look, obviously what happened around-- this is pure conjecture about what hes discussing, but after that campaign we passed what --

    the campaign finance laws that we now have on our books that require the giving to a federal

    candidate, that giving to be reported -- who that person is, who they work for -- the basis of our

    campaign finance and our disclosure laws. I think what everyone should be able to agree on isthat sunlight and disclosure are the best policy.

    Q And on Afghanistan, how big is this? Does the President see this as a potential turningpoint?

    MR. GIBBS: Well, as I said earlier, Chip, I think that -- and I would certainly refer you to --Secretary Gates and Secretary Clinton are at a joint meeting of NATO defense and foreign

    ministers, and both spoke about this process today. I think it was Secretary Clinton who said you-- if you're in the Afghan government you don't make peace with your friends. Theres a politicalelement to an ultimate solution in Afghanistan. And it is appropriate for us to provide support foran Afghan-led effort to do just that.

    Q Is this the continuation of whats been going on or is this is a new moment?MR. GIBBS: I think this is new press for a continuation, to be totally honest with you. Again,this is something that the President mentioned in his speech at West Point; this was discussed inthe Rose Garden in the presence of Hamid Karzai. This is -- reconciliation and reintegrationhave been topics that have been discussed for many, many months.

    Q But the idea of there being talks in Kabul and with people coming in and with the U.S.military and ISAF reportedly paving the way for people to come to Kabul, couldnt that be the

    start of something new? Couldnt that mean a turning point?

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    MR. GIBBS: Look, I think our hope is that certainly those that once sought refuge in the Talibanwill, as I said, renounce that membership, renounce violence, break off from al Qaeda, and

    adhere to the laws and the constitution of Afghanistan. That would represent in any form apositive development in the history of that country.


    Is this significant enough that the President has been on the phone with General Petraeus orSecretary Clinton or Gates?

    MR. GIBBS: This is a -- the topic of reconciliation is something that comes up in every meetingthat is done in the Situation Room on this, and if I'm not mistaken --

    Q In the last day or two, have --MR. GIBBS: No, hes not spoken to General Petraeus in the last day or two.Q With respect to Peter Bakers impressive 19 pages in the coming Sunday magazine, can youtalk to me about Obama 2.0? The President seems to think that hes going to have a different andprobably better relationship with Republicans whether they do well or poorly in the November2nd election. Explain why.MR. GIBBS: Well, look, I dont know the outcome of whats going to happen in several weeks,but I think the President is hopeful that regardless of that outcome, that Republicans will come in

    from outside and come off the sidelines and help begin to solve problems. Thats whatgoverning the country is all about. Thats whats required.We have problems that have to be dealt with. Our long-term fiscal situation, it has to be dealtwith. Education reform next year is going to have to be dealt with. Implementing Wall Streetreform is going to have to be dealt with. And the President believes that its possible thatRepublicans will actually begin to take part in that.

    Q John Boehner put out a release today in which he called your infrastructure rebuildingproposal more stimulus spending to be paid for by higher gasoline taxes. What indication do youhave that Republicans will join the process?

    MR. GIBBS: Well, look, I think that the message that voters have sent for years now is, stopbickering and start working. Were hopeful that eventually that message reaches even JohnBoehner.


    Q A couple things. You mentioned in the Afghanistan -- the tempo has never been higher. Soyou believe -- we should draw the conclusion that with the surge fully in place, you think that is

    what is --

    MR. GIBBS: Well, look, I think that -- I certainly think that there are those involved in theconflict that have never seen the pace of operations as high as they are. Look, obviously thereare going to be some that you never assuage. I think there are others, though, that, as youve

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    heard the President talk about, will look for an opportunity to come back into life in Afghanistan. Thats part of that process.

    Q But you guys believe theres a direct correlation here? As you guys have beefed up theoperation in Afghanistan, suddenly youve got reconciliation talks.

    MR. GIBBS: I think it is unlikely that it normally happens the other way around. But I think itsimportant to understand that even as we -- even as there is an Afghan-led effort to do this, we

    still have our operational goals that are being fulfilled by General Petraeus and our troops on the


    Q Dont ask, dont tell very quickly. Whats the President think of the court case itself?Does he agree -- and we know -- I know what his position is on dont ask, dont tell. Does heagree with the ruling that this is the way to go?

    MR. GIBBS: Look, I will say this. I think the President agrees that its time for this law to end.I don't -- I have not heard him discuss specifically the ruling or go through the ruling of the case,

    in the sense that you might as a law student. But certainly his belief about the injustice that'sdone, the discrimination that's done, are all part of what frames his view that its time for this law

    to end.

    Q Is it fair to say that he wishes this were not done through the court process, that this had beendone through Congress and the Department of Defense?

    MR. GIBBS: I mean, that's the process that were -- the President has, through the legislativeprocess, begun the repeal of the law and, through the work of the Department of Defense, the

    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Secretary Defense, and the other Joint Chiefs, working through

    how to ultimately transition from one to the next. And I think its clear, based on the cases thatyouve seen around -- not just this case but other cases, that dont ask, dont tell is not going tolast much longer.

    Q Does Justice have to challenge the ruling? I'm sorry.Q That's okay.MR. GIBBS: I'll just say, Wendell, news on that will be -- youll hear from or come from theDepartment of Justice.

    Q This week? Should we expect something like that this week?MR. GIBBS: Again, I'd stay in touch with Justice.Q But is there -- is Justice ordinarily bound to challenge a judges ruling that strikes downexisting law?

    MR. GIBBS: Again, without getting into what might happen, I would just stay in touch withJustice.

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    Q Very quickly, everybody else is setting expectations for you guys in the election. What's awin, as far as the White House is concerned?

    MR. GIBBS: Nice try.Q No? I mean, is holding Congress -- you know, what's a win, what's not?MR. GIBBS: Ive said I expect that we will hold Congress.Q And if you don't, that's a loss, as far as you guys are concerned?MR. GIBBS: I don't have my wallet with me and -- (laughter.)Q No, but I mean, you guys know what's winning and what's losing. I mean --MR. GIBBS: Again, Ive said clearly that I think on election night we will retain both the Houseand the Senate.John.

    Q From your answer to Wendells question, it sounds like you did read the New York Timesmagazine piece.MR. GIBBS: I did.Q Can you elaborate a little bit on what the President meant when he said theres no such thingas a shovel-ready project? Does that mean that the stimulus on the infrastructure side has notbeen helpful to the economy?

    MR. GIBBS: No, I -- look, there are -- more than 75,000 job-creating projects have been startedas a result of the infrastructure investment in the Recovery Act. Did every project start asquickly as you would have hoped? No. But 75,000 have. Investment in each state in improvingthe infrastructure of the roads, the bridges, the airports -- fundamental investment in building a

    foundation for a stronger tomorrow, which was necessary and needed, and has created jobs, has

    led to economic growth. The President has no second thoughts about that.Q Do you think that the timing of this self-criticism is helpful to Democrats going into thiselection?

    MR. GIBBS: No offense, I dont think -- I dont know how many people will read the New YorkTimes magazine.

    Q Okay. And one more question on something else.Q A guy from the Wall Street Journal likes hearing that. (Laughter.)MR. GIBBS: The same could be said and underscored for the Wall Street Journal.

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    Go ahead.Q MTV has asked some of the people whove submitted questions if they also have lightquestions regarding pop culture. And Im wondering if -- do you think that the President wants--

    MR. GIBBS: I think Im the last pop culture person that anyone is going to want a questionfrom, Jonathan.

    Q I mean, does the President want these things to be light-hearted or does he want some harderhitting questions than, say, he got at George Washington University?MR. GIBBS: At George Washington University at -- oh, at the town hall? Look, Jonathan, Ivebeen doing town hall meetings with the President since 2004. I dont know how many hundredswe did in 2007 and 2008 and weve continued to do them in 2009 and 2010. I dont recall evercoming back thinking, boy, that was a series of easy questions -- because the issues that we are

    dealing with in this country right now, from economic recovery to the challenges that we have

    overseas and in Afghanistan, there arent any easy issues. I dont --Q Boxers or briefs?MR. GIBBS: No comment.Q I wasnt asking.MR. GIBBS: I know. But, look, do I think that do sometimes people ask questions aboutsomething that doesnt involve a piece of pending legislation before a subcommittee in front of

    Ways and Means? Sure. Thats just human nature.Mark.

    Q Do you know if the White House approached MTV and BET and offered the President for atown meeting, or was it the other way around?

    MR. GIBBS: I thought it was an invitation from them but, Mark, let me check. I mean, theyhave handled the logistics for this.

    Q And on dont ask, dont tell, if you say the President agrees its time for dont ask to end,he thinks its unjust, discriminatory, why isnt he celebrating the court ruling -- say, great, its

    over, dont enforce it?

    MR. GIBBS: Well, obviously there is -- as I said yesterday, Mark, there has to be an orderlytransition. Thats what the President has worked on with the Secretary and with the Joint Chiefs.I think its safe to say the President believes that the court has dealt another blow, as the House of

    Representatives vote did, to ending this law -- as you said, a law that the President believes is

    discriminatory and unjust. I think, again, the court demonstrated that the life expectancy of thislaw is coming to an end.

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    Q The court said it was at an end.MR. GIBBS: And I think it will be at an end very soon.Q Can I follow on that, Robert?MR. GIBBS: Ill come around. Mr. Dorning, welcome.Q Thank you. On Afghanistan, Secretary Clinton was talking about red lines in these talks.MR. GIBBS: Talking about?Q Red lines in these talks. Can you tell us what the-- give us a better sense of what the U.S. deadlines are, and does that include, for example,

    allowing the Taliban to continue as a political movement?

    MR. GIBBS: You know, let me get some -- let me see what she was discussing in that interview.I dont remember seeing that particular line. This obviously is an Afghan-led process. They are-- as we provide help, this is something that is up to the Afghans to lead and the Afghans toconstruct.

    Q But if we have red lines, those -- when you say red lines it usually means those are strictlines that we think shouldnt be crossed.

    MR. GIBBS: Well, again, we have enumerated that that must include, as Ive said, renouncingviolence, breaking from al Qaeda, and ensuring your willingness to adhere to Afghan laws and

    the Afghan constitution.

    Q Would that include just allowing the Taliban to continue --MR. GIBBS: Again, I dont -- I'm not an active participant in the talks.Q Another easier question. You guys are going to Delaware tomorrow, where the Democraticcandidate, I believe, is 19 points ahead in the latest public opinion poll and the Republican loser

    has declined to endorse the Republican candidate. Can you give a better sense of why, less thanthree weeks before an election, it makes sense to devote both the President and Vice Presidents

    time to this Senate race?

    MR. GIBBS: Look, I think its a very important race, Mike. I think thats why you had anational news network hosting on its airwaves last night a debate on its airwaves about it.

    We understand that every vote and every race is important. And obviously this one is sort of near

    and dear to the Vice President, and theyre both happy to go do that. They were both inPhiladelphia over the weekend. The President and the First Lady will be together this weekend.And its an important race that we certainly hope and expect to win.

    Q Is the President going to do early voting in person?

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    MR. GIBBS: No, hes going to vote by absentee. He has requested the ballot. I believe theballot is somewhere in the building. I think he has it.Q You said yesterday the President hoped to speak with the CEOs of some of the companiesthat were involved in the rescue. Has that happened?MR. GIBBS: I will check with OP on that. I know they had gotten some numbers, but I dontknow the answer to that.

    Q Also, are there ways in which you expect this afternoons town hall to be fundamentallydifferent from Tuesdays, or is it sort of the same thing, different venue?

    MR. GIBBS: I don't know what the participants will ask. I don't doubt that there's an element ofcommonality in a number of the questions that you hear throughout the country in town halls. So,

    look, I think there will be some overlap on topics, as you always hear, but I have no idea what

    theyll ask.

    Q Robert, you said that the President is hopeful that after the election the Republicans willcome off the sidelines and participate more. Hes been hopeful before for Republicanparticipation and he hasnt gotten it --

    MR. GIBBS: Hope is kind of big with us.Q Hope is big with you, yes. And is there -- does having more Republicans in Congress givehim more leverage to bring them into the game, or is there --

    MR. GIBBS: Well, again, I think there are a series of problems that are going to be dealt withand have to be dealt with by both sides. We are not going to solve our long-term fiscal problems-- one party alone is not going to solve our fiscal problems. One party alone is not going toreform our immigration laws. There are a whole host of issues that Democrats and Republicansare both concerned with and need to take part in solving.The President has remained optimistic and hopeful throughout the process that Republicans will

    at some point, as I said, come off the sidelines and begin to participate in the act of governing. The President remains hopeful that that will happen.

    Q By having a larger Republican presence in this -- or outright control, though, will he beusing words like obligation to participate? Will he be making clear that --MR. GIBBS: Look, you take an oath to -- you largely take an oath to obligate to participate. That's what their job is, drawing a paycheck to do that. Well see if they begin to earn some ofthat money.

    Q Robert, you were asked previously, I think it was yesterday, whether the President believesdont ask, dont tell is constitutional or unconstitutional.

    MR. GIBBS: Ive not gotten anything else on that. Wrong, unjust, discriminatory.

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    Q All right. Can I ask about the trade deficit? Its back up again sharply this month and its atits highest level ever against China. Isnt it time to get something done about the currency?MR. GIBBS: Well, look, which is why the President raises it in meetings with the Chinese, whythe Secretary and others have been involved in pushing the Chinese government to take action on

    its currency.Absolutely.

    The legislation that was passed in Congress is a reminder, as Ive saidhere, of the extent and the concern about this issue. Its not just something thats here or at the

    Department of Treasury; its on both sides of the aisle and its on both ends of Pennsylvania

    Avenue.The United States -- I think weve seen over the past many months that the United States cannot

    drive world demand anymore. We cannot as a group create the demand all over the world for

    everybody else to sell their goods. Thats why the President has pledged to increase our exports,and were working to do that. But theres no doubt that the President, the Secretary of Treasury,and others will continue to put pressure on the Chinese government to live up to its obligations.


    Q Clarifying on your suggestion of the new guidance will be coming out for the military chainof command. Wouldnt any new guidance have to be based on whether the Justice Departmentand the President intend to seek either an appeal or a stay of the current injunction?

    MR. GIBBS: Again, Id point you over to DOD.Q Separate from --MR. GIBBS: No, no, theyre not, but Id point you to DOD for the answer.Q Well, but DOD isnt making the decision on an appeal, is it?MR. GIBBS: DOD is involved in that, yes.Q And so any new guidance they get would have to wait and see what the Justice Departmentwants to do.

    MR. GIBBS: Again, I think theyre in the midst of constructing the guidance and it will be outsoon.

    Q On the MTV event this afternoon, are you aware that the network put out a casting call on aprofessional site for -- asking for people to apply for --

    MR. GIBBS: My understanding is MTV is selecting their audience the very same way that --through the very same means of seeking interested participants as ABC did when we had our

    health care town hall, or CNBC did when we had -- we did our recent town hall on the economy

    and jobs.

    Q And this is a regular presidential official event? This is not a campaign event?

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    MR. GIBBS: Right, thats true.Q And you dont have a -- do you have advanced knowledge of the questions?MR. GIBBS: Never have.Q The same way?Q And just two things. Is the President planning to go to Cancun for the climate summit in theend of November?

    MR. GIBBS: Is what?Q Is the President planning to go to Cancun for the climate summit?MR. GIBBS: This November?Q

    In November, yes.

    MR. GIBBS: No, not that Im aware of.Q Thats not under discussion?MR. GIBBS: No.Q Also, has he personally heard that some members of the military overseas have not gottentheir absentee ballots yet?

    MR. GIBBS: Ive not talked to the President about this. I know the Department of Justice hasrecently been involved in cases with states around military ballots and the MOVE Act. Ive nottalked to the President about that.

    Q Whats your reaction to that? Does that outrage you?MR. GIBBS: Well, again, I think the Department of Justice has said quite clearly that statesmust comply with the law.Q Robert, there have been some recent polls out showing that the Presidents approval ratingamong people has taken a pretty precipitous dip. Why do you think that is? They were a hugepart of your success in 2008. What do you have to do to reclaim it?MR. GIBBS: Well, look, not shockingly, our approval rating is not the same as it was when wecame in. The good news is nobody expected that it would be. Look, I dont think young peopleare immune to the frustrations of our economy any more than voters my age or others.Look, the pain of our economic devastation has been spread wide; its deep. It affects those whoare coming out of college and looking for jobs in a job market for the first time. And I think thePresident will be able to make a pretty forceful case that weve taken big banks out of being the

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    middlemen in college loans. Weve made college, by definition in that case, more affordable,more available. We have economic growth for the first time. Were creating private sector jobs,which are important. My guess is his message will also be the same as it is to others in that itsgoing to take time.


    One other thing.Yesterday the First Lady mentioned on the Tom Joyner show that she wasencouraging supporters to pray for her and the President. Do you think that thats a good idea --

    (laughter) --

    MR. GIBBS: Praying on behalf of people? Sure. Do you have anything against prayer?(Laughter.) I mean, I used to pray before tests. Look --Q Did it help?Q On your knees? (Laughter.)MR. GIBBS: No, but lets be serious. In church they pray for -- we pray for our troops. Wepray for those in harms way. Each individual may pray for people that are important to them. And I think the President is always uplifted by those when they pray for him and for the country.


    Q Robert, going back to this event this afternoon, what is the specific youth demographic thatyoure trying to reach? Ive been told today that -- by David Bositis at the Joint Center forPolitical and Economic that African American and Latino youth are younger than white youth.So what is your demographic that youre really trying to reach --

    MR. GIBBS: I dont know the answer to -- I think this is -- I think the demographic for the townhall is -- I think youth in this case is considered under 30. But, look, I don't know if there's ademographic standard for such. I think that's what's -- again, those are those that areparticipating in the event itself. But, look, I think youre talking about people that are -- thatparticipate in a democracy that are near the voting age, that are in college, that are just coming

    out of college, that are young professionals. I think its a whole host of different ages.Q And also, do you have a definitive answer as to when President Obama last spoke withNancy Pelosi? I asked that a couple of days ago.MR. GIBBS: I believe it was during the meeting that she was last here.Q September 30th?MR. GIBBS: If that was the date, then that was the case. I know the Vice -- I think the VicePresident is supposed to speak with her at some point today.

    Q But understanding that hes going to go on the campaign trail with Harry Reid, do you thinkthat's a long period of time not to talk to the leader of the House whos in his party?

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    MR. GIBBS: I think the Speaker and the President and Senate Majority Leader are clear aboutwhat we need to do in the remaining few weeks.


    Q So weve got this, like, really busy domestic political season, and then hes leaving almostimmediately for India. And what Im wondering is, in between, is he trying to make some timeto get ready for the trip? I don't -- he has not been to India before at all, has he?MR. GIBBS: No.Q Is he building into the schedule over the next few weeks some time to meet with IndianAmericans, to read any literature, to study up on the Diwali? And can you describe any of that?MR. GIBBS: Let me get some better guidance -- I have not certainly seen -- theres regularlyscheduled national security staff time. I know there's been a lot of staff meetings about ouritinerary and our list of events. But let me see if I can get a longer answer for them on some ofthat.

    Q Thanks, Robert. The very first question I asked you on Tuesday was whether there had beenany discussion of how to bring DOD into compliance with the injunction. Its now 48 hourslater. There's been nothing -- to this very minute, there's been nothing yet out of you guys orDOD or DOJ on how to bring them into compliance with the injunction.Meanwhile, as first reported by The New York Times this morning -- Ive also verified this

    myself -- there are recruits walking into -- hopeful gay recruits walking into places, trying to

    enlist and being turned away by recruiters -- one specifically, Omar Lopez in Austin, Texas. Areyou saying -- I know you said that DOD is going to be issuing guidance on this, but you seem

    completely deferential to them. Are you saying the White House has no concern and bears noresponsibility for the fact that DOD seems to be out of compliance and potentially in contempt ofcourt?

    MR. GIBBS: Well, Im not a judge or have a legal degree in terms of the last part of thequestion, Kerry. We have been in and are working with DOJ and DOD regarding the legalquestions surrounding the judges ruling. I expect, as I said earlier, that DOD will have guidancesoon. And I would stay tuned to the Department of Justice for news or developments on thelegal side.

    Q But any back-and-forth between the White House and the Pentagon on what to do about this,on the fact that theyre -- I mean, these recruiters said --

    MR. GIBBS: I dont know the nature of every discussion, Kerry, but the White House counselhas certainly been in touch with the counsel at the Pentagon over the course of the past 48 hours,


    Q And what is the nature of that conversation there?

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    MR. GIBBS: I have not been in most of those discussions, Kerry. Again, I think they areworking through legal issues and I would point you over to the Department of Defense on that.

    Q Is the President concerned about that? I mean, the fact that the DOD isnt --MR. GIBBS: Absolutely. Look, as I said to an earlier question, I think the President clearly hasbeen involved in and been in meetings about our policy, about the steps that were taking. Icame out yesterday after -- only after Id talked to him about the case itself. So, yes.Q And one last question?MR. GIBBS: Sure.Q Thank you very much. In the lame duck session, youve talked about being hopeful that theSenate will actually pass this. Will the President actually lobby senators and work to make thathappen? I mean, will he be reaching out to people, along with Secretary Gates perhaps?MR. GIBBS: Well, I know that the President -- its an important priority of the President. It hasbeen for a long time. Weve made progress in the House. And I anticipate, yes, that thePresident will be involved in moving that important piece of legislation that contains a repeal of

    dont ask, dont tell in it.

    Q So actually talking to senators?MR. GIBBS: I think -- again, the President believes its time for this policy to end, that the bestand most durable way for it to happen is through legally repealing it. Thats what he supported.Thats what hes worked with members of the House to get passed, and will do so in the Senate

    as well.

    Q No commitment on talking to senators?MR. GIBBS: I just said that he would be actively involved in that. If that, Kerry, involvestalking to senators, absolutely. Does that involve staff here talking to the staff of senators?Absolutely. I think you took yes for no.Sam.

    Q Is it unusual that the President would go more than two weeks without talking to the Speakerof the House?

    MR. GIBBS: Not that Im aware of, no.Q I mean, do they regularly go that length of period without speaking?MR. GIBBS: I dont have a list of all the times that theyve spoken, Sam. Again, Congresshasnt been in session. Im fairly clear from every part of this White House what our objectivesand goals are for the next several weeks heading into the election.

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    Q Well, you could see how that would seem odd, though. I mean, its the --MR. GIBBS: No. No, actually.Q Does she have his email address? (Laughter.)Q Back to the Peter Baker interview. One of the sentences that struck me -- as the Presidentsaid, one thing he has learned is you cant be neglecting of marketing and PR and public

    opinion. Is that a general admission on his part that, well, we got a lot done but we did a lousyjob selling it?

    MR. GIBBS: Bill, what I think youve heard him and others say, myself included, is we did a lotof things that we knew didnt poll well. Ive said it in here a hundred times. If the actions thatwe took were based on the information that we got from a pollster, it would be time to get a new

    pollster -- right? Nobody ever went into a meeting and thought, you know what, helping the auto

    companies stave off bankruptcy is huge. Nobody thought stabilizing the financial system haddramatic political benefits. Leading the country, though, is about doing whats right when it hasto happen, not waiting for it to be politically popular.

    Q But he seemed to be saying it wasnt enough to do it; we should have been better salesmen.MR. GIBBS: I dont think anybody would dispute that.Q And was he particularly talking about the health care reform legislation or just in general?MR. GIBBS: Id have to go back and look at the -- what surrounds that sentence. My sense isthat it has a lot more to do with, again, some of the things that had to be done that werent

    necessarily easy or popular to do.

    Nobody likes to have to take extraordinary action to ensure that the economy doesnt fall off a

    cliff and into a Great Depression. But thats what we had to do and those are the actions we tookand it staved off that Great Depression.

    Q Thanks, Robert.MR. GIBBS: Thanks, guys.Q Robert, can I ask a quick question about Bill Clinton? Bill Clinton is campaigning in dozensof districts across the country. Is the President pleased with what hes doing and is he frustratedthat Bill Clinton is so popular he can go so many places where the President doesnt seem to be


    MR. GIBBS: I think President Clinton has long relationships with many people that are runningfor many different jobs on many different levels. Were, of course, enormously thankful forformer President Clinton to be able to go and campaign on this administrations behalf and on

    behalf of candidates that we also support.

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    Look, there are some -- sending a President -- and I think President Clinton would probably be

    the first one to tell you he travels with a slightly smaller entourage of assets as a former President

    than you do as the sitting President. Thats also true for the Vice President and for the First Lady.Plus you dont have that day job called the presidency.

    But, look, were enormously thankful, and I think Bill Clinton has done a wonderful job.

    Thanks, guys.


    3:03 P.M. EDT

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