The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    The Ult im at e Gui t ar System

    For Beginn ers

    Is the revolut ionary t eaching syst em especial ly design edfor the beginner to und erstand t he basic rudim ent s ofmusic appl ied t o t he gui tar w hi le learning t o play a var ietyof st yles of m usic wh ile method ical ly evolvin g t he degreeof pr ogr ess wi t h ease in t his uniq ue present at ion .

    Copyri gh t 2005 RGR Music Pub li shing

    All Right s Reserved

    Ult imate

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    The Ult im ate Guit ar Teaching System

    For Beginners

    By Rick Rug gieri

    Introduct ion

    I have designed this unique m et hod of t eaching guit ar by my i ntegratedThree book guid e fo r each level o f stud y as out lin ed..

    Th e Ul t im at e Gui t a r Sys tem (Beg inn er s Level )

    Book 1 ) Basic Stu dy Sect ion

    A per sona l l y p i c t u r ed , we l l exp la in ed and dem ons t r a t ed stud y sect i o n

    t e a ch i n g basi c rud im en t s, p l a y i n g i n bo t h t he p l ec t r um and c l a ssi c a l f i n ge r

    st y l es. A l l o f t he exer c i ses a r e na t u r a l l y app ea l i ng r hy t hm s and m e lod ies o f

    r ecogn i za b le songs. Th i s stud y section is int ended t o be usedsimultaneouslywit h t he next t wo book s included in t he beginners level as fol l ows:

    Book 2 ) Sty le Sect i on

    A sec t i o n t o i n t r o d u ce you t o a va r i et y o f m usi c a l st y l e s f r om r o c k t o

    c lassi ca l p r esen ted in an e lemen t a r y deg r ee o f b as i c st udy w h ich you ha ve

    a l r eady acqu i r ed in the f i r st sec t i on . Assoc ia ted techn iques and r hy t hm s

    a r e dem onst r a t e d f o r each st y l e o f m usi c t o devel o p you r ver sa t i l i t y .

    Book 3 ) Reper to i r e of Mus ic Sect ion

    A sec t i o n o f a va r i et y o f m usi c i n cl u d i n g ove r 100 songs f r om a r ound t he

    wo r l d , sepa r a t e d i n t o g r oups of speci f i c st y l e s, mus i c f r om va r i o u scoun t r i e s, and f o r speci a l o c ca si o n s bu i l d i n g a we l l r o unded reper t o i r e o f

    mus i c .

    U l t ima t e

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    The Gui t ar s used in thi s book

    The guit ars pictured in t he book are fam il y treasur es. Included isa 1938 Gretch acoust ic whi ch belong ed to my g randf ather. The cir ca1940 birch bl onde f hol e arched top was my m oth ers whi ch sheplayed.My grandf ather and my f ather bough t m e th e 1959 FenderJazzmaster which I played pr ofession ally f or years un ti l in 1973when stolen from my car. I loved that guit ar and went thr ough m anyoth ers tr ying to r eplace it. Twent y Three years later w hi le visit i ng atown in upst ate New York I discovered it in a guit ar shop. Afterexamin in g th e details with m atchi ng seri al num ber. (The law inforced th e statue of t i me l im itat ions so I had to pu rchase the guit ar

    again , and at a sti ff pri ce! At l east I h ad fou nd my lost tr easur e. TheLorenzo Pim entel Classical cut away was custom m ade inAlberquerqu e, New Mexico in 1968, wit h solid Brazil ian r osewood isvery rare. The Gianin ni Craviol a was purchased f rom Brazil in th eearl y 70s. The natu ral b lon de ES-175 was f rom th e mid 70s. Andf in ally th e Ibanez GB-10 was pu rchased in th e late 70s. I lov e all ofth ese guit ars, th ey have been wi th me for a long t im e and h avebecome li ke part of m e, represent in g t he versati l e styl es whi ch I l oveto pl ay.

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Ult imate

    Th e Ul t im a t e Gu i t a r Sys tem For Beg inn ers

    Book 1

    Basic St ud y Sect i on

    I n th i s f i r st sec t i on we w i l l get t o k now the gu i t a r and to becom e

    fam i l ia r w i t h basi c under st and i ng i n p r epa r a t i on fo r p l ay i ng mus ic .

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    A) Classica l Gui ta r ( f la t to p)

    Uses ny lon st r i ngs and is used to p lay

    C lassi ca l m usi c as we l l as m any o f tod ay s

    Mus ic inc lud i ng Span i sh s ty les .

    B) Hol low Body or Arched Top

    Uses steel st ri ngs and is used t oplay jazz as well as Blues andot her types of contempor arymusic

    C) Sol id Body Electr ic Gui tar

    Uses steel st ri ngs and is used t oplay jazz as well as Blues andot her t ypes of cont emporary music

    D) Acousti c Folk Gui tar

    Uses steel stri ngs and isused in fol k, count ry andContemporary m usic

    U l t ima t e


    In t r oduci ng The Gu i t a r

    I Wi l l Teach You Sty les Play edOn These Four Typ es Of Gu i ta r s

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    6 U l t ima t e

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Holdin g The Guit ar(Righ t Hand posit ion)

    Classical Jazz (Sit t ing )

    Th e Classica l Gu i t a r is ar ched Th e Jazz F Ho le Gu i t a r is

    Over t h e l ef t l eg i n a sea t ed p l a y ed w i t h t h e wa i st o f t h e

    Po si t i o n , w i t h r i g h t h a n d g u i t a r a r c h ed o v er t h e r i g h t

    Fi n ge r i n g as shown . l eg w i t h a p i c k I n t he r i g h t hand ,

    h el d f i rm l y between the thum bAnd f ir st f inger as shown.

    Electr ic (st andi ng )

    The Elect ri c Guit ar i s shown held by aSt rap, placed ar ound t he neck andShoulders, and played with a pick.

    8 Ult imate

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Playi ng St yle Cho ices

    As we begin playing not es on t he st rings, you wil l see tw o i l l ustrat edmet hods for each exercise f rom whi ch t o choose.

    Exampl e 1. The pick or plectr um style

    Notes wil l be indicat ed to be played wit h a pick in up ( )and do wn ( ) str okes.


    Exampl e 2 The Classical or f inger style

    Notes wil l be indicated t o be played wit h th e right hand f ingersWhich are called P-I-M-A.

    Ul t imate 11

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Basic Rudiments Of Music

    Not es and Rest s

    The Types Of Notes and Rest values wil l d eterm in e how lon g t o playthe sound of the note or count the length of si lence in the rhyt hm .

    - Whol e Not e = 4 beats Whol e Rest = 4 beats

    Half Not e = 2 beat s Half Rest = 2 beat s

    - Quart er Not e = 1 beat Quart er Rest = 1 beat

    Dot t ed half not e = 1 beat Dot t ed half Rest = 1 beat

    - Eigh t Not e = beat Eig ht Rest = beat

    14 Ult imate

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    We are now ready t o learn t o pl ay the not es on t he st r in gs

    Take Not e

    18 Ult imate

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    The Fir st St ri ng E

    E F G

    (open, not fr ett ed) ) (f irst fr et, f i rst f i nger) (third f ret, thi rdf inger)

    Now lets play E, F and G in eith er th e plectr um styl e with a pickusin g down strok es ( ), or in th e classic style, usin g your rig hthand f in gers, ( P I M A ) as in di cated, count in g evenly.

    I I m I m I I m I m I m a

    Ul t imate 19

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    The Second St ri ng B

    B C D

    (open, not fr ett ed) (f irst fr et, f irst f i nger) (thi rd f ret, thi rdf inger)

    Now lets play B, C and D i n eit her t he pl ectr um styl e with a pick,Usin g down str okes ( ), or in the classic style, usin g your righ thand f in gers, ( I and M ) as in di cated, count in g evenly .

    I m I I m I I m i

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    20 Ul t imate

    The Fir st Ti m e

    I m I m I m I m I m

    I m I I m I I m I i

    Waltz With Me

    I m I m I I m

    I m I I m I I m

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Ult imate 21

    Com bin ing Two St rin gs E and B

    ------------ 2n dstri ng B ----------- -

    ----------1 st stri ng E ----------

    Yankee Dood le

    Rick s Walt z

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    22 Ul t imateIntr odu cing The Dot t ed Quart er Note

    A dot aft er a not e increases its valu e by one half

    Counti ng as we play the fol l owing exercise wi l l s im pl i f y yourunderstanding of using the dotted quarter n ote.

    Now l ets use the dott ed quart er not e as we pl ay the song.

    Merr il y We Roll Along

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Ul t imate 23

    The Repeat Sig n and The Doubl e Bar

    The repeat sig n is placed at th e end of a given measur e. This signtells you to go back to a repeat sign f acin g in th e opposit e dir ecti on

    and play to the doubl e bar or f in al endi ng.


    If t here is no repeat sign t o go back t o, th en go b ack t o th ebeginn in g and pl ay to the doub le bar or f in al endi ng..per

    fol lowi ng exam ple.

    Mary And Her Lam b

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    24 Ul t imate

    Begin ning a song w it h an Incom plete Measure

    Let s say a song has a tim e signat ure of ( 4/ 4 ), t hat m eans th ere are 4beat s to a m easure and the fi rst m easure cont ains only one beat . This is

    called an In comp lete Measur e.. To pl ay the song, st art by silent lycount ing of f the m issing 3 beats and start playing on beat 4 ( also calledthe pick up not e ). Cont inue playing t he song and you wil l f i nd t heremain ing t hree beats in t he last measure . These t hr ee beat s com binedwit h the single beat of t he f i rst incomplete measure wil l t hen add up to 4beat s maki ng a compl ete measur e.

    Let s Try It !

    A Tisket, A Tasket

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Ul t imate25

    The Third St rin g G

    G A

    (open) (second f in ger, seco nd f ret )

    Now p lay G and A

    Mulb erry Bush

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    26 Ult imate

    Reviewing not es we have learned on 3 str ings,

    Let s Get up ( ^ ) and Get dow n ( v ) anddo

    The E B G bees

    OK, now lets put t hose not es and p lay a song

    SparkleSparkl e Lit t le Twin k

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Ultimate 27

    A Rhyt hm St udy

    Usin g th e dif ferent n ote valu es, we wil l p lay the thr ee open strin gswe have learned in various rh ythm s

    Chu g-a-lu g-a-boom -boom in 4

    Do-Bee-Do-Be-Da in 3


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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    That w as very Good !,

    Later we wil l apply th ese rh yth m s to vari ous styles of m usic

    28 Ul t imate

    The TIE

    To hol d a not e longer t han i t s valu e, we wil l u se a TIE

    The Tie is a curved li ne between tw o not es of th e same pi tch ( ).The fir st not e is played onl y and h eld to last th e coun t of both not es.

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Comin Roun d The Mount ain

    Ul t imate 29

    We are now ready t o p lay our f i rst Solo Song !

    You w il l n eed t o revi ew these sim pl e A-B-Cs in or der t o pl ay thi ssong

    A. Notes on str in gs E, B and G

    B. The TieHolding the note for the length of the t ie symbol

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    C. Incomplete Measur es or Pick u p Not es

    30 Ul t imate

    Now Lets play our very f ir st compl ete song

    Stair way To Heaven

    By Led Zepl in

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Congratulat ions !

    You h ave played your f i rst Solo song. Play it over and over un ti lyou become so famil i ar with i t that you have i t memori zed. You wi l ldevelop an ear for harmony and rhyth m as you bui ld a col lect ion ofsongs to perf orm as a soloist . Later in secti on 2 you w il l l earn t o playmany song s in variou s styles which wi l l create a vast r epert oir e.

    Ul t imate 31

    Now let s get start ed p laying chord s.

    Chords are a comb in ation of not es placed one above the other onthe staff i n harmon y and strum med sim ult aneously to form t heorchestrati on used in r hyt hm to accomp any the melody.

    The chor ds are played i n cert ain patt ern scalled Progressions....whi ch prov ide th e changes for th e verses thr ough out th e song.

    These chor d pr ogression s blend in Harmony wit h t he melody.

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    chor ds played in p rogr ession wil l accomp any the melody of th esong.

    Let s get start ed w it h The f ir st set of basic chords


    32 Ul t ima teInt roducing 3 str ing chords

    A chor d i s a comb in ation of not es in harm ony, placed one above theother on t he staff and strum med or pl ucked sim ulateously.

    The C chord

    The G7 chord

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    The G chord

    Ultimate 33

    Basic 3 Chord Harm ony

    The 3 chor ds whi ch we have learn ed bl end i n harm ony and wh enplayed in or der for m a chor d pr ogression .

    C G7 G

    Chords m ay be wri t ten in the for m of i ndivi dual notes placed oneabove th e oth er on t he staff or by di agonal l in es ( / / ), each l i nerepr esenti ng one beat of a measur e.

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    This exercise nclu des chor ds di splayed b oth by n otes and diagonallines.

    34 Ul t imate

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1



    The D7 th Chord


    3rd f inger plays th e 2nd f re t

    The D7 chord shown Play 3 str ingsin musical notat ion

    (Using 3 st rings)

    Buil d It

    Let s tak e what we have learned and u se it t o pl ay th is son g --------

    Ul t imate 37

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    The 4 t hSt r in g D

    D E F

    (open) (Second f ret , second f inger) (Third f ret , t hir df inger)

    Now l ets play D, E and F in eit her t he plectr um st yle wit h a pick

    Using down str okes ( ), or in t he classic styl e, using your ri ghtHand thumb, ( P ) as indicated, counting evenly.

    Let s m ove the not es around using t he F# on t he 4th f re t

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Mood Sw ing Changes

    38 Ul t imateAppl ying The Eig ht h Note ( )

    Play the foll owin g song applyin g th e eight h not e we havelearn ed wi th n otes on 4 str in gs using .

    A. Incomp lete measur e or ( pi ck up no te )

    B. 3 str in g chor ds.

    C. Rest s..

    D. Double bar ( f in al ending ).

    E. Th e t ie ( )..

    Ul t ima te 39

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Songs have notati ons dir ecti ng t he planned order of m usic calledAn Arrangement .

    The fol lowi ng exam ple is an arrangement u sing a 1st and 2 n dendin g.

    The 1st endi ng shows a repeat sign ( ), tel l i ng you to go back to thebeginn in g and play the song again, skip pin g over the 1st ending andCompl et in g th e song by pl aying the 2n dor (fi nal) endi ng ( ).

    Note: Thi s song also in cludes th e use of in compl ete m easur es, chord

    not ations, t i es. It is played in 4/ 4 ti me and is in t he key of G wh ichmeans t hat al l f s are sharped ( # ) or (pl ayed 1 step h igher).Usin g all 4 stri ngs t hat we have learned so far, th is song can beplayed eith er i n t he pick or (plectr um ) or classic or f in ger style asIndicated on the staff by notes and on tab with fr etboard nu mbering.

    Red River Valley

    40 Ul t imate

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Now Com es The F Cho rd(Made Easy)

    ------- opti onal (bar 1stf inger)

    _______ Let s apply i t in a Chord Progressi on usi ng F an d G ----------


    C F

    F C F C F

    Ul t imate 41

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Learn ing The F Scale

    The F scale star ts on th e not e F and ascends 8 not es hi gher in pi tchin order of th e alph abet and ends on th e note F , one octave high er. Ithas 1 fl at (Bb) whi ch is th e 4 t h note of th e scale. Lets tr y i t

    do re mi fa so la t i do

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    A.) Listen t o t he sound of The D Minor Chor d

    Bui ld i t..

    B.) Listen t o t he sound of The A7 thChord

    Bui ld i t..

    C.) Now here how Dm and A7 t hb lend in harm ony

    Dm A7

    42 Ul t imate

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    Let us now use this harm ony of Dm and A7 t has weapp ly a melo dy and pl ay .

    A Spanish Walt z

    Dm A7

    A7 Dm

    A7 Dm

    Ul t imate 43

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    The 5 thSt ri ng (A )

    A B C

    (open) (2 nd f ret, 2nd f inger) (3rd f ret, 3 rd f inger)

    Now let s play A B and C in either t he plect rum st yle with a pick usingdow n stro kes ( ), or in t he classic style, using your ri ght h and fin gers, ( PI M A )As indicated, counting evenly.


    Th e Volg a Boatm an Song

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    44 Ul t imate

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  • 7/26/2019 The Ultimate Guitar Beginner's Bk 1 A1


    The C Chord p layed on 5 str ings

    Now th at you h ave learned t he ABCsof th e 5 t h stri ng you can playth e com plete C chor d.

    Place the 3r df in ger on th e 3 r df r et of t he 5t hstr in g ( C ), th e 2n df i ngeron th e 2n df r et of t he 4t h stri ng ( D ) and th e 1st f in ger on th e 1 st f ret ofth e 1st str in g ( C ).

    Now eith er str um or plu ck al l 5 str ings whi ch are the notes of th earpeggio of t he C scale that prod uces th e 5 str in g C chor d.

    Ok, now p lay the arpeggios (buil din g one note at a t im e) andstru m m in g th e C, F and G chor ds in a basic 3 chor d harm onyset t o rh yth m as we pl ay

    Do - Me - So - Bop

    Ul t imate 47

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    A Visi t From The Relativ es

    Each m ajor k ey signatu re has a relative mi nor . It is bu il t on th e 6 t h not e of t he scale of t hat k ey. Theref ore in th e key of C, th e the 6 t h not e in th e scale is A, so A min or wou ld b e the relative mi nor . Itshares th e same scale as C, start in g on A and ascend 8 n otes inorder of th e alph abet and end onA, 1 octave high er i n p it ch.

    The A n atur al or ( Pur e ) scale

    The A Minor Chor d

    Orchestration style chor ds

    Orchestrati on chor ds are expressed by a di agonal li ne ( / ),indi cat ing th e 1st wr it ten chor d of a measure be repeated - (eachdiagonal symbol represent in g 1 beat of th e civen m easur e).The fol lowi ng r hyt hm exercise pattern of harm ony is called achord progression

    This pr ogression i s played in m any songs you wil l soon learn .48 Ult imate

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    The 6 thSt r in g ( E )

    E F G

    (open) (1 stf ret, 1 stf inger) (3rd f ret, 3 rd f inger)

    Try It Out

    Lets use th e not es of th e 6t h str in g, E and op en A to pl ay power Bassto a classic award win ni ng th em e


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    50 Ul t imate

    Now w e can play t he G chord on al l 6 St ring s

    First pu t your 2n d f i nger on the 3rd fr et of the 6 t h stri ng, th e 1stf i nger on the 2n df r et of t he 5t h str in g and the 3r df in ger on th e 3 r df r etof th e 1st stri ng l i ke th is

    Now hold t he G chord down and play the notes shown un ti l you getto th e next chord th en f orm i t , (try in g not to m iss a beat) then playth e notes of th at chor d as they appear and we wil l see how Gharmoni zes with D7 t h t o t he


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    Ul t imate 51The Rhyt hm Guit ar

    When accompany in g a melody or (lead), you w il l have to p lay rh yth m .Here are th e ABC of pl aying r hyt hm :

    A. Here are 3 chor ds to learn t hat h armon ize in t he key of A mi nor .

    Am Dm E7

    B. You m ay accomp any your m elody for solo perf orm ance by addingth e alternati ng bass l in e to create rh yth m.

    The altern ate bass not e is he 1st and 5 t h note of any scale, th erefore:The alt ern ate bass notes for th e foll owin g chords are:

    (Am = A and E) (Dm = D and A ) (E7 = E and B)

    Note: Arch your left hand to for m a clear chord as shown:

    Lets try thi s accompanim ent in A mi nor

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    52 Ult imate

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    Thi s classic piece is a exercise in ri ght hand f in gerin g pl aying t hemelody notes includi ng th e high A in 6/ 8 t im e using quarter andeigh th n otes with h armon y of t he Am , Dm and E7 Chor d prog ression .

    Th e Tarant ella.

    54 Ul t imate

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    Open Chor d Pro gr ession

    The open f orm of t he E7 t hchord in combin ation with A7 t hand B7 t h chor ds int rodu ced below are comm only used in popul arprog ression s and wi l l be fou nd i n th e Styles Secti on of Th e Ulti mate

    Guitar .E7 A7 B7

    Chor ds and 3 not e arpeggios pro vide a rhyt hm p rog ression

    A. For m th e assigned cho rd ------ (keep f in gers on t he chor d)

    B. Play t he in di vi du al no tes of t he chord as wri tt en, th en..

    C. Str um or p lu ck th e chor ds as ind icated by not es and dashes ( / ).

    Rock in 3/ 7 ths Rhyt hm


    A7 E7

    B7 E7

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    Ul t imate 55 Alt ernati ng bass

    wi ll al low you t o play bass not es and arpeggionot es of t he chords in pr ogression w it h rh yt hm ..

    Try i t .

    Pick in Licks

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    56 Ul t imateTechniques

    I wil l show you vari ous techn iqu es used to express musi c whi chyou w il l appl y in th e Musi c Styl e Secti on, (Book 2) of Th e Ult im ateGuitar

    1) The Bend is used to express rai sin g th e pi tch of a note ..

    (Demonstrated in Style section, Rock)

    2) The Hamm er is used to accent a not e by playing a note th enattackin g th e desired f ret of the str ing with a f in ger t o hear t he note.

    (Demonst rat ed In St yle sectio n, Count ry)

    3) The Vib rato is used to sim ul ate th e wave cycles of a sin gers voice

    (Demonstrated In Style section, Classical)

    4) The Sli de is made by playing a not e th en sli din g the frettedf inger

    up or down t he fr et board t o achi eve a ri se or low ering of pit ch.

    . (Demonstrated In Style section, Blues)

    5) The Slu r (The upward or (ascending legato) is made by playin g anot e, th en (Ham meri ng on ) a hi gher f ret and Downward slu r ordescendi ng Legato by (Pul l i ng off ) a played n ote to a l ower f ret.

    (Demonstrated In Style section, Classical, Country andBlues)

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    Ult imate57


    Is placin g an accent on a beat and p laying th at beat wi th mor eexpression. Play t hese exercises wit h u p and down str ok es asin di cated, accent in g on the f ir st beat of each m easur e.

    Syncopated not es Played li k e th is

    1 &(2) 1 & (2)&

    Syncopated picking patterns

    Patt ern 1 Patt ern 2 Patt ern 3 Patt ern 4

    1 2 & (3) & 4 & 1 & 2 & (3) & 4 & 1 & (2)& 3 & 4 & 1 &(2)& 3 & 4 &

    Pattern 1 Pattern 2

    1 & (2)& 3 1 & (2)& 3 &

    Now play th e foll owin g exercise usin g syncopated strok es asindicatedusin g th e assigned chor ds, comp letin g each l in e as the sam e rhyth mpattern i l l ustr ated in t he fir st measur e of each l i ne.

    C F G C

    G Em Am D7

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    Am Dm E7 Am

    58 Ult imate

    Walking Bass.

    is a chor d orchestr ation prog ression wit h syncopated bass not esleadin g in or i dentif yin g each chord pl ayed in t he specif ied rhyt hm .

    Play th is jazz exercise in walk in g bass accom pani ment

    + = You wi l l be learning to play wit h extensive walki ng bass with movin gorchestrati on chords in t he interm ediate level of The Ulti mateGuitar.

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    Ult imate 59

    Chor d Melody

    is a techn iqu e used to express a ful l h armon y of an orchestr ationby playin g both th e m elody and t he chor ds wit h opt ion al bass notes.

    The next songs wi l l demonstr ate th is techn iqu e.

    Heres How

    A.) Form th e chord i n th e m easur e on t he beat it appears

    B.) Keep the chor d form in posit ion whi le playin g unti l the nextchord

    symbol appears

    C.) Play th e not es on t he beat of t he measures shown th en stru m orplu ck t he chor ds on t he beat in th e m easur e on wh ich it appears.

    Lets tr y it w it h t hi s ol countr y song.

    Long, Long Ago

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    60 Ul t imateThe second song demon str at ing chord m elod y is a

    stand ard pat ri ot ic f avori t e..

    My Countr y (chor d m elody)Ex 2

    Play f inger style or str um w it h a pick

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    Ult imate 61

    ..This chor d m elody exercise is t his ol d f ami liarcount ry song ent i t led.

    Home Hom e on The Range (chordmelody)

    Ex 3

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    62 Ult imate

    Now let s play th is pop ular st andard

    Summert ime

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    Ultimate 63

    We wil l comp lete our stu dy sect ion w it h t his spir i t ual.

    Amazi ng Grace

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    64 Ult imate

    Congratulat ion s !

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    You h ave comp leted t he stud y sect ion , (Book 1) of t he

    Ult im ate Guit ar Metho d for beginners

    Thank you f or choosing The Ultim ate Gui tar System . I hope you

    have enj oyed t he experience of learnin g th e basic rudi ment allang uage of p layin g m usi c on th e guit ar. Book 2, (Styl e secti on) andBook 3, (Repert oir e of m usi c secti on) of th e beginn ers level aresuit ed f or t hi s level and are recomm ended to compl ete th eBEGINNERS level of

    The Ulti m ate Gui tar.

    Wit h th is abil i t y and u nderstandi ng, you shoul d progr ess wit h easeand conf idence to t he Interm ediate level of stud ies of The Ult im ateGuitar.

    You m ay cont act m e by em ail - [email protected]

    Or send correspondence to - RGR Music Production s724 Prescott AvenueEnd i cott , NY, 13760

    Good l uck, I wi sh you th e very b est always,


    Rick Rugg ieri

    Ult imate65

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    Begin ners level Cho rd Reference Char t

    70 Ult imate

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