“The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and...

“The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”

Transcript of “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and...

Page 1: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

“The Testaments”- Part 6“Now I See - 2015”

Page 2: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses was Jeshurun when all the tribes gathered into one. 13!

Page 3: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

We talked about the mergence of the electromagnetic grid and the crystalline grid of the earth and how it is raising the energy from 7hz to 13hz.

Page 4: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

We talked about “Vibrational Reality” and how we are not only connected to the Universe but we are shaping and forming the universe to our reality of vibration.

Page 5: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

We talked about the “Cardinal Grand Cross” formed in April 22-23, 2014 and how it is a change of orbit for the universe. It is a door of entrance like the Cloud over Arizona.

Page 6: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

We revealed that “Unity” is not a commandment given to obtain by force or self will. It doesn’t come by doctrine. Unity is a result or consequence of loving oneself, loving your neighbor, and your enemy. This transforms to 13.

Page 7: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

Number 13 It is an empowering number when used consciously and with deeper metaphysical understanding. It is a symbol of transformation and regeneration into a new state of being.

Page 8: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

The Cardinal Grand Cross opening a Quantum Gateway of potential to a most cherished ancient truth; a cosmic truth built upon the foundations of LOVE and a deep reverence for all of LIFE. People are awakening en-masse to a higher wisdom and transcending the social, political and religious frameworks built on fear, to co-create a new world based on foundations of LOVE, compassion, sovereignty and unity.

Page 10: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

To add to the transformational energies, the climax of this Cardinal Grand Cross on the 23/24 April 2014 takes place between two eclipses; a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 14 April 2014 followed by a Solar Eclipse on the 28 April 2014. In actual fact, this Cardinal Grand Cross is having a major effect on us over seven months.

Page 11: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

In ancient cultures, the number 13 represented femininity, because it corresponded to the number of lunar (menstrual) cycles in a year (13 x 28 = 364 days). The theory is that, as the solar calendar triumphed over the lunar, the number thirteen became “unlucky”.

Page 12: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

Here is the key: Understanding what went on in the relationship between Abraham and God gives us the insight into the number “13.” How and when God gave Abraham the Promise, Abraham’s and Sarah’s struggle, the time involved in receiving the manifestation of the Promise. These are all wrapped-up in the number “13”. Therefore keep the entire Scripture story in mind as we proceed.

Page 13: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

In Genesis 16:15-17 it reveals that when “Hagar bore Ishmael, Abraham was 86 years old.” Then “when Abraham was 99 years old the Lord appeared to him” and iterated the Promise again---that He will give Abraham a son by his wife. I will bless her, and she will produce nations; kings of peoples will come from her. (See Genesis 17:1-22.)

Page 14: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

* At 99 years old, God’s Promise came.* At -86 years old, Abraham tried to bring about Gods Promise.13 years between the Promise given and the Promise manifested.

Therefore, 99 minus 86 equals 13.This is “The Number 13 Promise”.

Page 15: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

The Number 13 Promise is a “two-fold” promise. It always involves man and it always involves God. It always has seasons, times and circumstances in which God and man participate.

Page 16: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

The number “13” does not mean “evil,” but rather it is a most powerful God-given promise that will change the world for ever. It is a number that promotes, solidifies and draws all things to one.

Page 17: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

Unity is not a commandment Biblically or otherwise. Unity is not a doctrine to be preached until everyone conforms. Unity cannot be forced upon people as it will not be accomplished in such a manner. When Unity occurs it is a step beyond love. The rich man found this truth when he had loved his God and his neighbor yet he fell short when in the face of Christ. He was told that he lacked something. He lacked the character to surrender his all, give his all, and follow.

Page 18: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

We all had to come to this same point of no return. We love our Lord, our neighbor, our enemy and ourselves. Now we stand where the rich young ruler stood. Unity is before us and we have never witnessed true unity among a people throughout history. Yet, we have transcended to Unity! How did this happen?

Page 19: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

Unity is a result, a consequence of transformation from many to one. Unity is a condition that raises above all of our numbers, patterns, forms, shadows and concepts. It is impossible to attain through human concepts due to traditions, dogmas, creeds, ideas, ethnicity, religion, books, and all of mans intellect. How did we come here? Unconditional Love that accomplished what we couldn't. It's our love, our humanity merged now with the Love of God and become one; Unity. It's impossible otherwise.

Page 20: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

Some of the aspects of the promise are:

1. The promise is always initiated by God and destined to change the world forever.

2. Concerning man, to obtain the promise is beyond hope---impossible!

Page 21: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

3. Concerning God, the chosen opportunity to manifest His plan of blessing and change.

4. The number 13 promise always has an underlying knowing that man can’t make it happen himself.

Page 22: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

5. The number 13 always has the underlying fact that God determined it, said it, and it would happen regardless of the circumstances.

6. The number 13 is the difference of what man can do and what God can do.

Page 23: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

7. The number 13 is the number of (new) life.

8. The number 13 promise always has time and space between when it was first given and when its given to manifest.

Page 24: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

9. The number 13 promise always has a season in which man tries to bring to past himself what God has promised him.

10. The number 13 promise also has the season in which God brings to pass His promise regardless of what man has tried to produce on his own.

Page 25: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

11. The number 13 promise has such a blessing on it that it will even bring to pass what man produces from him trying to bring to pass what God has promised in his own strength. This can also have dire consequences like the situation with Ishmael and the Middle East problem today.

Page 26: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

12. The number 13 promise always brings excitement, hope and desperation for the promise to be fulfilled.

13. The number 13 promise is always presented in the presence of unfavorable circumstances, though in time, the circumstances will give way to the birth of the promise.

Page 27: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

The fact that the twelve are all connected in the center is the thirteenth. Thirteen is the number that bonds multiplicity into oneness. For Example: There are twelve tribes that are bonded into their father Israel (Jacob). Israel is the sum of the twelve; the thirteenth. The meaning of the number thirteen is the bonding of many into one.

Page 28: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

All of humanity is being presented with this energetic shift to either embrace willingly or vainly try to resist. The more discoveries like these, and the growing revelations in other areas regarding our true origins, the manipulation of humanity, the shift from ideology and heiearchy, the inter-connectivity of consciousness etc., the better.

Page 29: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

When we look at the power of one conscience it is amazing how it guides and develops unity. The hierarchy of the past ages is resolved in reducing multiplicity oneness. Smallness awakens us. Think of the air waves.

Page 30: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

Reducing us to one, places all things in us. When we are one in love and unity what exists outside us. The world, the universe is us. We don’t seek to reduce when we are already one. We fellowship, enjoy, awaken, and bond with one another.

Page 31: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

This is the time to say, “Let us come together and reason”. This is the time to embrace and not separate, exclude, and rule. Teaching and preaching are excellent but communion and fellowship are more excellent

Page 32: “The Testaments”- Part 6 “Now I See - 2015”. In our last message we spoke about Jeshurun and the number 13 in the scripture and numerology. How Moses.

Reducing smaller is becoming larger. Digging deeper is going higher. We have found that the way to understanding is not to add to our intellectual ideas but reduce them.