The task of english about My Pet

Mutiara Nisaa Azzahra 7.1 Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Transcript of The task of english about My Pet

Mutiara Nisaa Azzahra

7.1 AssalamualaikumWarohmatullahi


My Rabbit

My pet is a rabbit , his name filon. My rabbit fur are black and white . He has long ears .

The color of his eyes is brown . His very cute ,

and his fur is so soft

My rabbit eats spinach and carrot every day . I give every morning and every night . I gave him a place to stay for bed and others . If i have time , i definitely play with filon . I love filon very much ,because he is a cute rabbit .

Thank you... For your attantion

Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi
