The Story of Our FLOW EXPERIMENT - Fairy Godmother Inc. · 2015. 12. 12. · started the FLOW...

Find Your Flow The Story of Our FLOW EXPERIMENT Introduction This Ebook has been bursting to come out since we started the FLOW experiment of ours at Fairy Godmother Inc. in March 2013. Firstly I pondered about how to structure a Flow Ebook and then I realised how ironic that thought was. You’re doing an Ebook on Flow, so let it flow. Let it take shape and form the way it wants to take shape and form. Surrender to the universal source of knowledge and let the content flow through you and out into the world. Like a river, that doesn’t force its journey, it just flows and moulds itself around any obstacles; this is the nature of flow. The flow of today is a perfect example of embracing the journey, rather than resisting it. I’ve been doing some tasks around setting up new talks and events most of the afternoon and had planned to finish the final task this afternoon, as well as do some banking, when my internet connection started

Transcript of The Story of Our FLOW EXPERIMENT - Fairy Godmother Inc. · 2015. 12. 12. · started the FLOW...

  • Find Your Flow

    The Story of Our FLOW EXPERIMENT


    This Ebook has been bursting to come out since we

    started the FLOW experiment of ours at Fairy Godmother

    Inc. in March 2013.

    Firstly I pondered about how to structure a Flow Ebook

    and then I realised how ironic that thought was. You’re

    doing an Ebook on Flow, so let it flow. Let it take shape

    and form the way it wants to take shape and form.

    Surrender to the universal source of knowledge and let

    the content flow through you and out into the world.

    Like a river, that doesn’t force its journey, it just flows

    and moulds itself around any obstacles; this is the nature

    of flow.

    The flow of today is a perfect example of embracing the journey, rather than resisting it. I’ve been

    doing some tasks around setting up new talks and events most of the afternoon and had planned to

    finish the final task this afternoon, as well as do some banking, when my internet connection started

  • to get really dodgy. At first I kept trying, getting more and more frustrated as the connection got

    worse and worse. After 10 minutes of sitting with this frustration, I realised I had a choice. I could

    continue to resist what was going on with the technology and have another frustrating hour of

    intermittent internet connection, or I could surrender to what is, and let it go. I could let go of the

    “supposed urgency” of the tasks at hand, and move on to something else that didn’t require an

    internet connection.

    One thing I’ve realised in this flow experiment, is that most deadlines (why on earth do we call them

    that anyway? Click here if you’re interested in the answer) are self-imposed.

    We HAVE to do this TODAY or that TOMORROW!! Who says?

    One of my favourite questions that I’ve posted up on the wall at our office is “WHOSE RULE IS IT

    ANYWAY” so whenever I’m feeling like I HAVE to do something, I ask myself that question. It’s

    usually a self-imposed deadline or rule that, with a simple thought, can be changed in an instant.

    So with a simple thought, I decided not to let my internet connectivity (or lack thereof) ruin my

    afternoon, and to switch gears and write this Ebook instead. And do you know what, it’s flowing out

    of me beautifully Those tasks that absolutely HAD to be done today, DIDN’T! They can wait until

    tomorrow without any negative consequences. Now some of you may wonder if this isn’t just a

    form of procrastination, putting off until tomorrow what you could do today. After all, we’ve had

    ‘Seize the day’ and all sorts of ‘act now’ mantras drummed into our heads since we were little. We’re

    guilty of this at Fairy Godmother with references to ‘take aggressive action’. This statement hasn’t

    been resonating with us for a while now so you’ll soon start seeing references to ‘take inspired

    action’ which sounds much more like the kind of actions I would like to take. I believe there is a

    divine timing to everything we do in life, and the way you know the timing is right, is when the

    action you take feels easy and effortless. If you’re experiencing resistance to any action you’re

    taking, or finding it filled with struggle and stress, then understand that it’s not the right time for

    that particular thing you are trying so hard to do, to be manifest into reality. Every creation has

    universal timing, when all the stars align in order to bring that creation to life. Divine timing is not

    necessarily aligned with what you THINK the timings should be. Respect and honour that, and you’ll

    find yourself naturally and easily and effortlessly moving to do those things whose timing is right,

    right now.

    The delicate beginnings

    So let me tell you a little bit more about this flow experiment of ours and how magnificently it was

    born. I (Timea, the Dream Fairy and Donna’s business partner) have a history of doing different

    experiments throughout the last few years to try new ways of doing things, to get to know myself

    better, to have fun and to learn. I’ve done all sorts of experiments from Yes week (I said yes to

    everything for an entire week! Read my summary here) to Fancy Dress May (check out the pictures

    on my Facebook page here) to riding my bike every day last October (in some very interesting

    weather conditions, pictures here) to Pay it Forward, doing random acts of kindness for strangers.

    These experiments aim to challenge me, push my boundaries, create adventures, create new ways

    of thinking, entertain others and most importantly, they aim to shake up the way I have previously

  • done things. To bring new paradigms and dimensions into my thinking, my life and my world. Each

    experiment has a huge range of results and benefits and every single one adds colour to my world,

    making it brighter and brighter.

    Donna (The Fairy Godmother) and Marissa (The Dream Weaver) get to experience and witness and

    participate in every one of my experiments, learning and growing alongside me. For the last year or

    so, my WIG (Wildly Improbable Goal) has been to LIVE the 4 HOUR WORK WEEK, a book by Timothy

    Ferris, in which he outlines how to set up your working life, so that you too can live the 4 hour work

    week – which basically means working for only 4 hours to make money, and the rest of the time you

    just do what you absolutely LOVE doing –whether it makes you money or not. We’ve started

    implementing a lot of his principles at Fairy Godmother Inc, and the results have been amazing.

    We’ve outsourced a lot of our administrative tasks, to free us up to create like inspired creators, to

    bring more amazing programs into the world, to help as many people out there as possible to live

    their dreams. Both Donna and my biggest passion is around helping people like yourselves, to live

    the lives we believe are possible. The only way to show people what’s possible though, is to do it

    yourself! Only when we learn from experience, are we able to teach. Theory is all well and useful,

    but unless you’ve actually done something for real, it’s very hard to show it to other people.

    Divine inspiration

    Leonie Dawson (Goddess Leonie) is one of our favourite teachers and someone we all admire for her

    courage and determination and BELIEF that things can be done differently. And for the incredible

    online business she’s set up! She wrote an article titled ‘Business doesn’t HAVE to be like that’ in

    which she calls bullshit (yup she swears a lot) on the belief that the only way to play big and create

    an incredible business is to work your ass off. She’s the CEO of a half-million dollar a year (R4,750

    million) company and she only works 2 – 3 hours a day! She talks about a new way of doing business

    – the sacred feminine path, the path of heart and soul and work. When I read this, it made me cry

    with joy, because I believe with every fibre of my being, that this is possible.

    So of course, I then shared the article with Donna and Marissa as we always talk about planting the

    seeds of an idea, watering them and watching them grow. By sharing this article, I planted the seeds

    of possibility in their consciousness. This was the first of a few little seeds that I sent their way in the

    form of articles, quotes, images, all about new ways of doing business, shifting paradigms, thinking

    differently, creating from a place of love, prosperity thinking.

  • Divine Timing

    Until one day, when the timing was perfect, I gently introduced the idea of a FLOW ‘EXPERIMENT’.

    We were having a conversation during one of our weekly lunches about the vision we had for our

    lives, how we wanted to be in the world, what we wanted to create, the value we wanted to offer

    and about doing things differently to how we’d done them in the past. We were all at the point

    where we were ready to try anything.

    We were all ready to create a business that fully supports all our needs financially, creatively and

    emotionally. The big question that came up for all of us is HOW do we do this? And none of us had

    the answer. Which is when the FLOW EXPERIMENT suggestion came up.

    What if, for just one week, we tried a new experiment. The Flow Experiment. For one week, we

    would live deeply in flow. All 3 of us (Marissa, Donna and I) agreed to embrace this experiment fully

    and only do what makes our soul sing for one week. We would move with the flow of life, doing

    from moment to moment exactly what we wanted to do in that moment. So without having any idea

    what we were getting ourselves into, we plunged enthusiastically into an experiment that is

    revolutionising our business and completely changing our lives.

    So what did our first week look like?

    The results surprised us all a little bit. I decided to ask Donna and Marissa to feedback personally,

    instead of writing for them, so here is our feedback of our first week. We all had vastly different

    experiences from embracing the flow, to resisting it, to fearing it, to revelling in it, to questioning it

    and even judging it. Read on to see just how different each of our experiences were.,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNHGDozO9OmGPjTNvRBsYiAQLdxHPQ&ust=1377008947915263

  • DONNA:

    On Friday Timea came up with an “inspired idea.” Let’s have a

    week of flow. Let’s spend the next week not listening to ANYONE

    else’s rules – not societies rules, our parents rules, our bosses’

    rules. Instead let’s follow our flow, our bliss, our joy our hearts.

    Let’s have a week where we take the “Leap of Faith” to live in a

    world that we feel and is possible – a world that I often teach

    about, yet I still get “stuck” in the old paradigm.

    In our office we called it the “FLOW EXPERIMENT”

    I was excited about it – I’m always excited about anything that

    promises new personal growth and development. And “what’s the

    worst that can happen?”, I thought, “it is only an experiment and it

    is only 1 week!

    Here’s an excerpt from my journal on Day 1:

    “Isn’t it AMAZING that just when you create a possibility… what

    then comes into the gap is EVERYTHING that is NOT that thing

    Today we started our FLOW Experiment…. A week of living from the place and possibility of flow….

    Eg. Flowing from thing to thing, place to place, experience to experience that feels good, feels like

    joy, truth and love in each moment.

    And what showed up this morning FEAR with a CAPITAL F… all the things that could go wrong, all the

    worst things about the future came flooding into my mind, problems, challenges and obstacles. And

    now I just feel like I want to cry and go back to bed…. Or just say FUCK this flow experiment….”

    On that Monday morning the Flow experiment began and all my resistence, all the rules, all the

    “shoulds” and “have-to’s” and a whole lot of fear came racing into my life.

    Fears like

    “How are we going to make money, if we are all just wafting around doing whatever we want?”

    “How will we be able to work together? What if someone isn’t in the office and I need them? Or

    can’t get hold of them?”

    “What will happen if I’m not in control?”

    That first week was a wild see-saw between my fear and the absolute MAGIC of co-incidence,

    serendipity and synchronicity. Luckily I have enough awareness and tools at my disposal to know

    how to shift through the fears. The personal growth was amazing and my feelings of freedom and

    creativity were amazing and despite the fear and resistance, I really wanted to try another week.

  • TIMEA:

    It was a hot summery week (being in early March) and I expected to

    want to spend all day every day at the beach as that is one of my

    favourite places. I was as surprised as anyone else when this didn’t

    happen. My flow generally went like this. Woke up when I was ready,

    usually around 9ish (no alarm clocks when you’re in flow) and slowly

    got up, meditated, had breakfast and a cup of tea and showered and

    got dressed. Was usually ready by 11ish. Some days I would head into

    the office then, and work until about 4ish on whatever flowed for me

    that day. It would be anything from admin to writing to social media to

    marketing. Some days, I would want to start my day with a bike ride,

    so I would get on my bike and go for a ride before heading into the

    office. Some days I wouldn’t feel like being in the office, so I would

    work from home. Every day that week, I did make it to the beach but

    only around 4pm and then would stay until early evening. I remember

    on one of the days when I was out for a bike ride, I ran into a friend

    and we went for a spontaneous coffee to catch up. The feeling of

    freedom I experienced in that moment, of not having to say No

    because I had to get back to work, of not feeling guilty because I was

    taking some “me time”, and of going with the flow of the day, was truly magical. In that moment. I

    understood what it meant to be in flow. I felt what a difference it makes when you are doing what

    you want and love to do, moment to moment, and what a different world we would live in, if

    everyone found their flow. The activities I chose when in flow, were those that I absolutely LOVE to

    do. Working, cycling, doing acro yoga, connecting with friends, beaching, laughing, playing, having

    fun, resting, creating, walking with my dog and deep conversations. One of the biggest lessons that

    came out of that week was Honouring. How being in flow is so honouring of myself. Honouring of my

    energy in every moment, honouring of the people I chose to spend that time with and honouring of

    the divine timing for everything.


    I was thrilled and terrified by the idea when we decided to move

    forward with the flow experiment. What would "freedom" feel like?

    What would I reveal about myself? Would I actually get anything done?

    What would people say? I felt really grateful to work with a team that

    found this type of exploration valuable and crucial. And yet, when

    faced with the possibilities, I didn't always know what to do with


    So many questions kept arising - What did I actually want to do, and

    why? Was it what I wanted, what I thought I should do, what I though

    was expected of me in this situation? I was definitely judging myself.

  • These were all thoughts I was aware of that happened in my life previously, but man, now were they

    ever magnified. I kept trying to “figure out” what flow should feel like, how to flow. How to do it

    right. Hahaha! And I found in that first week that it ebbed and flowed (pun intended). Some days just

    went - they felt good, I always felt like I was right where I was supposed to be and doing just what I

    was meant to be doing. Some days I spent a lot of time struggling against “shoulds” and “have-tos”,

    responsibility, habit, and my commitment to this experiment. I realized that in general I love the

    work I do and I love spending time with and connecting with people on many different levels. I love

    exploring ideas, human behavior and interpersonal interactions and connection. I put a lot of

    pressure on myself to be perfect and to do the "right" thing. So do so many other people.

    Sometimes I am lazy and sluggish and I'm not sure if my flow is to sit still or to move. This process is

    helping me to better understand when to push myself (because I truly want to) and when to let

    myself be still.


    We are truly in synch with one of our favourite authors, Danielle La Porte, because in the first week

    of our “FLOW EXPERIMENT” she sent out this email about flow

    What it really means to 'Go with the flow'.

    Going with the flow isn't about being passive or lazy. It's not about just letting things happen "to you". It's not aimless wandering. It's a co-creative act. "The flow" is the ocean of cosmic intelligence. It's the substance that carries the whole shebang. The flow is life energy itself.

    Going with the flow is responding to cues from the universe. When you go with the flow, you're surfing Life force. It's about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what's showing up for you.

    When a woman tangoes, every inch of her body is flowing into the man's lead. She's not complying, she's responding. Hockey great, Wayne Gretsky said he, "Just skated to where the puck was." Flow was his strategy. So you can set down the zealous goal-chasing. You can burn your detailed five year plan. And you can certainly worry less about the right move/wrong move. You're not nuts, or submissive or lazy if you, like, go free form. You're a Flow Artist. Or a Ninja of Flow -- take your pick. With keen senses, skilled daring, and the heart of a warrior. You're daring to catch a wave of truth, again, and again, and again. Go with it.


  • And the experiment continues….

    After one week, we all felt like it wasn’t enough time to truly experience being in flow and that the

    experiment needed a bit longer to work its magic so we tentatively extended it to another week, and

    then another week and then a full month! And this is when all the “juicy stuff” started to show


    The Control Monsters

    The Fear Monsters

    The Ego Monsters

    The Practical Monsters

    The Resistance Monsters

    The Judgement Monsters

    And those DREADED HOW’s!!!!

    But HOW are we going to do this? How do we have meetings and arrange appointments? How do

    we carry on making money if we’re not working as hard? How, How, How?

    Can you see the fear and the limiting beliefs in all of these questions? The

    fear of the unknown. The belief that we have to work HARD to make money.

    The belief that our value in the world is tied to how many hours we spend

    working and not the quality of the work we do.

    Despite all these fears, and limiting beliefs that appeared for all 3 of us, we

    soldiered on. We inspired each other, supported each other and kept going.

    And now, 7 months later, we are living in a way that is astounding. We are

    living, working and playing in a way we thought was possible but didn’t know

    “HOW” to create previously. Donna’s and my highest value in life is

    FREEDOM. Our mantra for this year is Ease, Effortlessness and Flow. You’ve

    heard Donna keep saying “Let it be EASY!” With this FLOW EXPERIMENT, we

    have created a level of freedom that we’d never previously experienced. We

    have given ourselves permission to do things differently and are reaping the


    The FLOW EXPERIMENT has show us, experientially the value of many of our teachings and radically

    shifted our beliefs.

    We now believe in

    quality not quantity

    ease not stress

  • allowing the flow not forcing

    effortlessness not hard work

    divine timing not deadlines

    being in the NOW not focusing on the future (or the past)

    These shifts in our beliefs have bought a whole different energy to what we do, and the way we do

    things. And the response has been amazing. We’re working less ‘hours’ and yet producing the same

    results that we were before! Our flow experiment has shown us that when you do what you love,

    you will be supported.

    From A New Earth – Echart Tolle

    “Don't let a mad world tell you that success is anything other than a successful present

    moment. And what is that? There is a sense of quality in what you do, even the most simple

    action. Quality implies care and attention, which come with awareness. Quality requires your


    Watch this video from Vishen Lakhiani of MindValley on Flow, The Paradox of Intention and the 4

    states of mind. In it he describes how FLOW is the best state in which to grow a business. Fascinating

    how the concept of flow is being applied by top entrepreneurs like Richard Branson.

  • Find YOUR Flow

    This Ebook has been written with the intention of opening you up to the concept of Flow. Those of

    you who have done the Growing Wings Program have been introduced to a concept of FLOW that

    Donna wrote about 4 years ago. I shared our story in detail to inspire you and plant the seed of

    Flow in your consciousness. Our story will be different to your story, as each person has their own

    flow, and what flow is, is different for everyone.

    Another excerpt from A New Earth – Echart Tolle.

    "When you yield internally, when you surrender, a new dimension of consciousness opens up. If

    action is possible or necessary, your action will be in alignment with the whole and supported by

    creative intelligence, the unconditioned consciousness which in a state of inner openness you

    become one with. Circumstances and people then become helpful, cooperative, coincidences

    happen. If no action is possible, you rest in the peace and inner stillness that comes with surrender."

    This FLOW EXPERIMENT of ours has sparked off many conversations with friends, family and

    Community Members about flow, the possibility of flow and how open some lives are to it, and how

    blocked other lives are. I have a friend who is a doctor working as a paediatrician at the Red Cross

    Childrens Hospital and she laughs every time I talk about flow and doing what I want from moment

    to moment, as she can’t just not go to work if it’s not in her flow. Even with her though, the flow

    concept has taken root, as we’re about to go off on a holiday together in which it was her suggestion

    not to plan or book anything, but rather just go with the flow!

    No matter what job you do, or role you have in society, there is an element of freedom and

    effortlessness that you can bring into your every day.

    This quote on effortlessness from Adamas, who wrote Buddha Brats is one of my favourites:


    Effort is the disease that keeps us from realizing our Natural State as ALREADY enlightened beings.

    This does not mean that one simply does nothing, unless that is what one wants to do, and even

    that will eventually change because we are naturally dynamic beings.

    What is meant by Effortlessness is the Awareness when something doesn’t feel right and then

    choosing not to force oneself to do it out of guilt, obligation or any other type of poisonous

    emotion. When one applies this it is often amazing to see how quickly things change. Often one

    just needs to let something go for a while, until the desire naturally arises to do it, at which point

    the action itself is entirely effortless and as a result, significantly more effective.

  • Ease, Effortlessness and Flow was our CHOICE at the beginning of 2013. Once we allowed this reality

    to be created in our minds, it then beautifully started manifesting in our lives. The desire to force,

    strain and push anything fell away, and a gentle allowing started taking its place. An acceptance of

    what is, no resistance to the way any event or thing unfolds in our lives – no matter how negative or

    positive it may seem to be. (And at times, that is way easier said than done!!)

    After 5 months of living in flow:

    We’ve prepared a short summary of where we were all at in August 2013, after 5 months of living

    and working in flow.


    Wow what an amazing, growing and phenomenal 5 months it has been doing this Flow Experiment.

    Every year is a growth year for me, because that is my highest value and the nature of my work,

    however 2013 through the Flow Experiment has categorically been the biggest year of personal

    growth for me.

    The flow experiment has helped me find a place of inner-peace and calm that I have never tapped

    into before. I have previously taught about the concepts of “letting go”/ Faith and Trust over the

    last 7 years and now I am living a completely different depth of experiencing them.

    Tangible results

    Out of my “fears” that came up during the first month, I FLOWED into writing the “Out of Fear into

    Fabulousness” Program and similarly out of the self-appreciation that I moved into, “The Gem”

    program flowed.

    I’ve produced the best quality of work that I’ve ever produced, in the last 5 months.

  • Present – able to live more and more in the moment

    Stress decreased to almost non-existent. When I notice stress, I shift into being present and being in

    my ease and joy

    Deep internal joy around all the time – even when the circumstances in the outside world aren’t


    Some of my big dreams like “Living in Durban for Winter and surfing every day” and “Being on the

    cover of Get It magazine” and “being on radio every week” – have happened completely effortlessly,

    without me having to DO anything.

    I have surfed almost every morning during winter and have not had one ounce of “guilt” or “I

    shouldn’t be doing this” or I “should be working” – this is HUGE for me, as I used to have lots of

    “guilt” if I wasn’t working during societies “working hours”

    I am way more present with people when I’m in conversation with them, rather than having any

    stress about “moving onto the NEXT thing”.

    I work way fewer hours and am getting better results – eg. Quality of work has improved,

    satisfaction around my work has increased (which I didn’t think was possible, because I already loved

    my work), lots of opportunities.

    Less attachment to the “results” – this is still a work in progress through the Flow Experiment.

    I find I am using my energy to RESPOND to things, rather than “pushing and forcing “ to make things


    I have been kinder, more gentle and more loving towards myself and others.

    I have TIME for things… it is AMAZING!

    Here’s an extract of an email I sent to Marissa and Timea recently:

    “I am now being able to be "ahead" of myself workwise… Not sure If I'm explaining myself correctly…

    But I was always SO busy previously and would never be 25 videos ahead and have them in

    "storage"… If you know what I mean… Makes me wonder what I was doing in all that "busyness"


    The BIGGEST distinction for me has been CREATING OUT OF “BEING” rather than creating out of


    And having said all that… I still go through moments of fear, doubt, sadness, effort, guilt etc. but

    they are now short periods of time in a day rather than consuming hours or days.


    This experiment has been the teacher of some of the biggest lessons of my life. The sheer number of

    beliefs I’ve adopted that are nonsense, the way of thinking that is holding me back and the silly

    monsters that have run my life in the past – have all been revealed and busted. Slowly but surely,

  • layer after layer is being peeled back, revealing the core beliefs underneath. And once I see the core

    belief that isn’t serving me, I can choose not to believe it anymore! Some of the revelations have

    been HUGE, earth shattering ones, but a lot of them have been small minute shifts in ways of

    thinking that have brought about massive changes in the way I carry myself in the world, the way I

    work and how much value I create in the world. And I am soo much happier, far less stressed (in fact,

    these days when something stresses me out – I can very quickly turn it around and accept that it is

    what it is and deal with it positively and constructively) and generally in love with the world and all

    its beauty. There are certainly days where I feel “out of flow” – with have to’s and shoulds appearing

    in my day, but they are few and far between and most of my days are spent engaging in activities

    that make me truly happy. I’ve developed a deepening of my trust in the Universe and faith that

    everything unfolds exactly as it will for my highest good!


    I am still experiencing ups and downs - and have full weeks where I forget I am supposed to be in

    flow and think for sure I have no idea what flow even is. Comical to even read that sentence and

    how constricted the energy is in the words. That said - I have come to a greater realization of how

    crafty and clever the mind is trying to box, label, compartmentalize and solve everything. Perhaps I

    am always in flow and just choosing not to recognize it sometimes. I definitely have a greater

    awareness of when and how I am resisting flow, and collectively, I feel we continue to pioneer our

    way through challenges around how one's individual flow affects or flows with or against another's

    flow. We continue to encounter these challenges and clear, timely and authentic and honest

    communication seems to be the key to uncovering potential solutions. One huge gift to date from

    this experiment for me is the development of greater compassion for myself and others. This is a

    work in progress, but I am becoming more accepting and understanding of what is. What is

    happening in this moment, what is getting done and what isn't, etc. and trusting more and more in

    the divine genius of the universe and the perfection in everything.

    So how do you start a FLOW EXPERIMENT of your own?

    Ask yourself the questions below to inspire you.

    Where in your life/work are you forcing and pushing something to happen?

    Where in your life are you resisting something that is and causing yourself unnecessary pain and


    Where can you simply let go of expectations, attachments and preconceived notions of how things

    should be, and simply accept things as they are?

    Where can you open yourself up to the magic of the universe, and allow divine inspiration in?

  • Where are you able to be in flow, and where do you feel like there are too many should’s and have

    to’s? Where are you doing things the way you do them because that’s the way you’ve always done


    When we allow ourselves to ask these kinds of questions – we open ourselves to other ways of doing

    things. Ways we’ve never considered because we’ve never thought to ask the questions!

    Coming SOON - when it flows ;-)

    When the FLOW is right (early 2014), we are intending to launch a broader FLOW EXPERIMENT

    “program” where we will help to facilitate and support people through a full experiencing and

    experimenting with flow as a way of living a life of ease, joy, love and abundance. Of course, we’d

    love to have you participate with us on it.

    By downloading this Ebook, you’ve already taken the first step! The Flow Ebook is our introduction

    to the broader Flow Experiment we are launching in January/February 2014.,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNHGDozO9OmGPjTNvRBsYiAQLdxHPQ&ust=1377008947915263