the Rise of Development Educationists

Symbology, Graphology and Development Concept of a Leaf

Transcript of the Rise of Development Educationists

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Symbology, Graphology and Development Concept of a Leaf

the Rise of Development Educationists Ridwanul MosrurFriday Forum, Global Education Cooperation, College of Education, Seoul National University4 November 2016

Education remains a fundamental necessity for sustainable social development to build egalitarian society.

Mrs Olanike Adekunle, educationistKunike International School, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria

People are designed to interact and learn together as they always lived together. Why there so many schools in service, so many charity trying hard to deliver literacy, so may bilateral and multilateral operates with massive funds, so many library full of books stands out there ..and still 758 million* people are illiterate! Dont just say they dont have access Because, learning is not a cognitive but social process* UNESCO data, 2016


Development Education: the new frontierEducation is no more limited to an indicator or any means of development it is the development.

Education can provide 3 (three) things, which can achieve anything The freedomThe choiceThe knowledge/skill

Educationists who analyze the educational improvement and structural/social change.

Till now, the psychological aspects of development were ignored and remained in the darkness.

Development was seen as a socio-economic reality initially, socio-economic with a strong link with politico-cultural process lately but is that it?

If you have everything you need and still you think that you dont - can you be tagged as developed?

Then what is this development? Is it a perception? Dark side of the Moon

Power of Mass Perceptions

The Mutual UFO networkThe cold war propaganda

attribute to psychological section of US Military


Is development is the development of mass perception or truly development?

Conspiracy and Paranoia White-mans burden?Development is essential for global integrity and peaceTotal ControlWhat is total control?Cultural ColonizationDebate

Is Population is a problem?

For the sake of development it needed to be controlled!

How? Development projects or something else?The last two decades of economic achievements of China and India have proved that population explosion is perhaps not necessarily a detrimental force in economic development.

Why poverty is the biggest problem?Issues like hunger, illness and thirst are both causes and effects of poverty. For instance, not having water means you're poor, but being poor also means that you may not be able to afford water or food. In a sense, these issues are both a symptom and a cause of poverty. poverty heighten crime, high intensity of gangs and violence in the slums. Poverty creates tensions, unrest and social divide in the societyPoor housing & living conditions, a classic cause of diseases; Water and food-related diseases, simply because the poor can't always afford "safe" foods. Poverty as a factor of social exclusion, mental and physical illnessPoverty boosting up terrorism - Afghans producing opium for the Talibans, one of the rare decent paying jobs in the country

As a student, what you want to have in your life a good job which will help you to have everything else you want?

If you believe so, keep your figure crossed because there is a free-market full of competition which you together have created !So, how education is helpful?

We know Money is the just a necessity and we should learn and educate ourselves for the higher values.And then what happens.? Why?

What is in control? And how? If we act in this way, why we ask the poor to educate themselves instead of running for business and money-grabbing?

Free-market control in what way we need to be educated and how we should live our lifeGovernment is responsible for public good and education is a basic rightEducation liberates our mind and give us freedomDevelopment projects also target education to ensure basic rights and to empower individualDemocracy is our core value and means of individual empowerment

Why our visions and means are conflicting with each other? Be free at the free-market?

Development TheoriesModernization theory Sociological and anthropological modernization theory Linear stages of growth model Critics of modernization theory Structuralism Dependency theory Neoclassical theory / Structural adjustment Post-development theory Sustainable development Human development theory

Failure of Modernization Theorydeeply racist worldview embeddedabundantly clear that high sounding moral ideas have served as a cover for very low and despicable purposesfailed to deliver resultsNot context focused - the idea that Western models are perfect in all areas, including social, cultural and economic, leads to the dominant role of foreign expert advisors in developmentModernization theory see west as the model and focused on simple economic perspective ignoring the difference of cultural, geographical, political and social aspects in the targeted countries

Failure of Dependency Theory

Failed to suggest what will be the right policy at right placecant made clear on the very nature of dependencyNegative approachThe theory is very much dependent of the economic system and state-to-state relationsSocialism is obsolete in global market driven economyMore of all, it never explains how a nations ideology, philosophy can be build through dependency.

The Aid Cycle Now, the beneficiaries are very concern about what and how much they get from a project whether that is matching with there needs or not. Who is fooling whom why the gaps why new agendas why not planning with the consequence ahead who are driving this cycle

Is total development achievable? Development targets at 1960sDevelopment targets at 1970sDevelopment targets at 1980sDevelopment targets at 1990sMDGSDGand what coming next?

Failure of Economic Development ModelsEconomic growth may not be termed as realistic and down-to-earth development as the growth of wealth would not necessarily ensure that nobody would really be hungry. Human development broadly refers to improvement in the overall human well-being. And since, so far the economists expected which is actually untrue there is no automatic relationship between the growth of GNP and improvement in the quality of life.Sri Lanka, Chile, Jamaica, Thailand and Tanzania, have done far better on their human development ranking than on their income ranking, whereas Oman, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Senegal have a much higher income ranking than their human development ranking (UNDP, 1990: 14-16). China, India and Pakistan have almost similar per capita GNP level but human development performance of China is much better than the other two countries.

Failure of Economic Development modelEconomic SolvencyBuying capacityCan that assure making right choice? Political StabilityWhat is right political choice for them? Better Life ConditionsNeed to differentiate what is better as better is relative? Healthy LifeWhat are the healthy behavior (preventive attitude geo-anthropological contextual)Social Capital & CohesionHow to make better use of them, what and when?Knowledge for Economic productionHow to make that sustain after achieving?

What is Human Development

Human Development as the center



Education as solutionHowever, the multidimensional process of development involves reorganization and reorientation of the entire system economic, social and cultural. Michael P. Todaro wrote that development, along with economic development, involves radical changes in institutional, social and administrative structures as well as peoples attitudes, customs and beliefs.

Like health system, education can impact positively and greatly in the other areas of life social and personal well being, income, political choices etc.

Why education is important for Development?

Education Project: what are the expectations and the reality? Why through-out so many education projects, people yet to achieve self-dependency?What can be proper education?Sens CapabilityFreires LiberationCultural Circles Education as a tool, Education as a strategy?Traditional Education vs Development Education

Education as Breakthrough

Changing our perception and attitude towards the underdeveloped Everyone is Educated but not LiterateEvery community and everyone know, can and do what is needed.All they need, initial resource for investing towards enhancing their capabilities

Education as Development

Non-guiding Empowering EducationPromoting own values of the communityParticipatory Development PlanningCollective ConsciousnessStrengthening Personal Capabilities and FreedomBottom up approach Nonmaterialistic rather Spiritual Investing Development for Development

Korea as ExampleCollective approachStrong Social Cohesion Education for consciousness, education for skillBlending indigenous and global valuesBetter understanding of geo-political realityEconomic Development as solutionSee power as a tool of uplifting own values rather aggressive purposesInwards approach to Development

So, it is the self-consciousness and realization of honor & self-respect which will keep people moving forward.People dont die for anything but honor!And only Education can mass-achieve that.

Knowledge and Skill sharing in Korean ODA policy what exactly Korea wanted to share?


Changing Inwards Out an experience, a storyProject TitleSushikha o Susasther mahdhomy Surokkha (SSS) [meaning: Protection and Health through better Education]GoalAll children living in brothels have improved access to education, health and protection quality services in a non-discriminatory environment Related Thematic areasEducation, Child Protection, Health,Nutrition & HIV Project DurationJuly 2015 - June 2020Phase 1- July 2015- June 2018Phase 2- July 2018 June 2020 Target beneficiariesTotal: 3,445Direct reach: Children 1605 (girl 873, boy 732); Adult 1840 (female 1695, male 145)Indirect reach: 6000 (children and adults)Project BudgetKRW 1,966,833,015 (US $ 1,824,520) / (BDT 140,488,072)

Modern Educational Trends: Development in MindsSkill-Specific EducationSocial Learning as a Pedagogical MethodLearning-on-the-Go

Sens Individual Capability and FreedomFreirean Liberation and Cultural CircleResource Sharing beyond geo-political limitationSocial Development DynamicsKnowledge Based Empowered and Enlightened Society with Global Cohesion

Q&AThank youfor you attention