The Reds are invading Objective: Analyze the role of Communism in America Std 11.9.3a&b.

The Reds are invading Objective: Analyze the role of Communism in America Std 11.9.3a&b

Transcript of The Reds are invading Objective: Analyze the role of Communism in America Std 11.9.3a&b.

The Reds are invading

Objective: Analyze the role of Communism in America

Std 11.9.3a&b

The Second Red Scare Feared that

Communism would take over the world

1949 – China becomes Communist

1949 – Russia builds their own nuclear bomb

1950 – Communist North Korea tries to defeat South Korea and the U.S.

NK receives military and financial help from the Soviet Union and China

Communism in America

Great Depression - Americans joined the Communist Party, legal organization

During and after WWII, the economy improved Trust Stalin (No

Way!!!) Communists quit

their support of the party pasts came back to

haunt them

Loyalty Programs Federal Employee

Loyalty Program in 1947

New government employees were checked for possible disloyalty

Accusation enough to get someone fired or prevented from getting a job

Millions were investigated, several hundred removed from their jobs, few arrests

Pledge of Allegiance????

Communist Spies in America

Alger Hiss State Department

official accused of being a

spy – convicted of perjury (lying to the court)

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg accused of passing

atomic secrets convicted and then

executed in 1953 Recently released

secret Soviet records indicate that Hiss and Julius Rosenberg were guilty, while Ethel was probably innocent

H.U.A.C. The House Un-

Americans Activities Committee investigated

Communist infiltration of Government agencies and the Hollywood movie industry

Many in Hollywood used to be, or still were Communists

Hollywood & Government encouragement, had even made pro-Soviet Union films during the war

Uncle Joe was considered to be a friend of America

Hollywood writers and directors were called before the Committee Witnesses made

outrageous and unsubstantiated accusations

“Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?”

Hollywood 10 refused to answer any questions, invoking their

Constitutional Rights They had to serve jail

terms for 6 months to a year

Movie studios compiled a blacklist Names who should not

be hired because of possible Communist ties

or because they opposed the idea of a blacklist

The Texas State Legislature made it a felony to belong to the Communist Party – up to 20 years in prison

The Texas Governor threatened to veto the bill – he thought the punishment should have been death

In New York city, citizens had to pledge their loyalty for a fishing license

In Indiana, professional wrestlers were required to take a loyalty oath

In 1954, it became illegal to be a Communist – the bill passed Congress by a combined vote of 365 – 2


Joseph McCarthy

Objective: Analyze the role of Communism in America

Std 11.9.3a&b

Joseph McCarthyA. “Tailgunner Joe”

Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin elected 1946

1950 feared reelection in 1952 “Tailgunner Joe”: WWII vet,

but a low level paper pusher in intelligence

Ideas against Communism Opposed public housing (in

support of real estate cos.) Publicly defended Nazi war

criminals on trial for death (to woo German Americans

Red-Baiting to Power

Feb. 1950: Wheeling, WV, speech before Women’s Republican Club

Reason for US impotence in containment: traitors

collaborating w/enemy,

State Department overrun w/Communist spies

Holds up a piece of paper and claims “205 names” # came from a HUAC

list of accused officials

Appeal of McCarthyism for Public

1. Appealed to a variety of fears (catch-all all negative changes after WWII: women, blacks, union activism, economic slump), never able to point to a specific action: accusations empty, but seemed to have substance

2. Americans wanted to believe (conspiracy mind-set helps to make sense of a complicated world)

3. Anti-communism had deep roots in American history and psyche (always more concerned about the Left than the Right; 1st Red Scare)

The End of McCarthy

In the end, presented a list of only 9 names (and only 4 in State Dept.) to Senate Committee denounced as a fraud and hoax

Saved when chief opponent, Millard Tydings (D. MD) lost seat in election “proof” of power

With election of Ike in ’52, Republicans hoped he would give it up (almost no one really believed there were spies election year tactic): didn’t

The Downfall of McCarthy

Famous broadcaster Edward R. Murrow publicly challenged McCarthy’s character and accusation on his national television show

McCarthy charged members of the Army of being Communist sympathizers – he had gone too far

Millions of Americans watched McCarthy crumble in the Army-McCarthy hearings over a span of several weeks

The word McCarthyism has come to mean unfair and untrue accusations to make a person look bad