The Plains Wars

The Plains Wars Mr McDonald



Transcript of The Plains Wars

Page 1: The Plains Wars

The Plains Wars

Mr McDonald

Page 2: The Plains Wars

What motivated the Indians?

1. White settlement of the Plains.2. A lack of

understanding/ignorance by the Army.

3. A lack of respect by the American government with regards to treaties.

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Settlement on the Plains Not bad at first e.g. Oregon Trail

for 1848. Real problems started with the

gold rushes and the gradual settlement on the Plains.

The fencing of the land and the destruction of the Buffalo made this worse.

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Army Ignorance The Army was used to protect

settlers but no real thought was made to see Indian views.

There was a deep mistrust by both sides and the Army was quick to react in ways that went ‘over the top’.

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Broken Treaties The Indians were seen as a

problem by 1851. The American government made

treaties to create reservations but these kept getting smaller and the land was poor – it often led to trouble.

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The Conflicts:

1. 1862 Little Crow’s War (Sioux).2. 1863 The Cheyenne Uprising –

also Sand Creek Massacre.3. 1867 Red Cloud’s War (Sioux).4. 1868 The Winter Campaign – also

Battle of Washita.

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Little Crow’s war Little Crow was Santee Sioux. He gave his tribe’s homelands for

reservation life. The life was bad – harvests failed

and no compensation came from Washington.

12,000 people faced death.

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Little Crow’s War In August 1862 the Santee Sioux

attacked the white traders and settlers. 20 men were killed, 10 women and

children were captured. The Indians took food and ambushed

soldiers trying to deal with the incident. These attacks lasted over three months.

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American Reaction 307 Santee Sioux were tried for

the rebellion. 38 were hanged. 2000 were moved to a smaller

reservation. Conditions were worse and several hundred died in the winter.

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Cheyenne Uprising 1863 Black Kettle signed an agreement in

1861 (Fort Wise). His tribe moved to Sand Creek in

Colorado. The land was hard and infertile and

had been opened up for white settlement.

Even Buffalo could not be found. They were starving

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Cheyenne Uprising 1863 The Cheyenne ended up attacking

wagon trains and stealing food. No-one was harmed but in 1864

there was news they were stealing cattle.

The Army responded by attacking the camp at Sand Creek.

Colonel Chivington commanded the American forces.

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Sand Creek Massacre Chivington said any tribes wanting

peace had to report to the Forts. The Cheyenne reported to

Chivington who decided to misinterpret the Indians actions.

An American and white flag at the camp were ignored.

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Sand Creek Massacre At least 163 Cheyenne were killed –

many women and children! It was an atrocity and Col.

Chivington left the army before he faced trial.

Those taken prisoner were shown to American theatre audiences.

It meant more violence in the long term.

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Consequences The Sioux, Arapaho, Kiowa,

Commanche and Cheyenne all joined forces and fought a war lasting until 1868.

Hundred of settlers were attacked. In 1867, the Kiowa, Arapho,

Cheyenne and Commanche made peace at Medicine Lodge Creek – but not Red Cloud and his tribe.

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Red Cloud’s War 1867 The creation of the Bozeman Trail

was to allow gold miners to get to the gold in Montana. This went against the Fort Laramie Treaty in 1851.

Red Cloud wanted this stopped and attacked those making the journey on the trail.

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Red Cloud’s War The Government tried talking to

Red Cloud but whilst doing this they built Forts along the route.

Red Cloud was angry at this and withdrew from the talks. He attacked the Forts.

He was joined by other Sioux leaders Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull.

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Red Cloud’s War Captain Fetterman took a party of

soldiers to guard wood cutters building a Fort whent ehy were ambushed.

100 soldiers died in the ambush. In Spring 1867, the government

threw in the towel – the forts were abandoned and the army left – Red Cloud won – but for how long?

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Consequences Red Cloud won but the Army was

humiliated and wanted revenge. Red Cloud ended up loosing out in

the end with a new Fort Laramie Treaty (1868).

A new Sioux reservation was made in the Black Hills but not everyone agreed – Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull did not.

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The Winter Campaign of 1868 By 1868 the army had grown wise

to Indian tactics – they did not attack in winter – no doubt due to conditions and their way of life.

The Americans decided to go on the offensive.

A winter campaign was launched on the Cheyenne for attacks on white settlers.

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Winter Campaign The Army led by Sheridan and Custer

attacked Black Kettle’s camp at Washita.

Black Kettle was flying a peace flag but it did not stop the attack.

It was like Sand Creek all over again. The dead were mainly women and the

venerable – even Black Kettle died.

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Consequence Even the right to roam for Buffalo

was removed from the Medicine Creek Treaty.

This highlights the way in which America failed to keep the promises it made and why the Plains Wars continued until 1890 and the Battle of Wounded Knee.