The Pixar Theory




Transcript of The Pixar Theory

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What is the Pixar Theory?

The Pixar Theory is that the whole Pixar world runs on one constant time in the same universe. Through out this timeline its all about 3 groups of things (Humans, Animals, and Artificial Things) battling against one another. Which one very smart man finally stuck together all the pieces and put it into a brilliant theory. That mans name is Jon Negroni who calls himself the “Pixar Detective” (His webpage)

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What movies are included?

A Bug’s Life Toy Story 2 & 3 Monsters Inc. Finding Nemo The Incredibles Cars 1 & 2 Ratatouille Wall-E Up

Brave Monsters


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Where it begins

Brave In Brave Merida discovers magic which

turns her mother into a bear, and back but where's the fun in that, anyway this really weird witch who can make rooms seem different and make kitchen knifes turn into killing machines.

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This is the only movie out of all Pixar movies to explain why animals and machines (the jist of everything else other than animals) act and talk like humans.


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So if this crazy witch did use her whodoo voodoo magic on Merida and her family why wouldn’t she use it on other humans creating things like Ratatouille, Nemo, and Doug

That’s right… Ratatouille, Finding Nemo, and Up.

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During these three movies!

We begin to see animals becoming smarter and learning things that are normally seen humans doing them (aka cooking, looking for lost children, and talking)

But what ever happened to the mean old cook from Ratatouille is it possible that he went and spread rumors of this food cooking mouse????!!!!!

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Rumors of food cooking mice

Maybe rumor of Food Cooking Mice spread everywhere and one crazy man made an invention to allow animals to talk.

WHO COULD THAT BE?! Oh yeah Charles Muntz from Up could he have heard these rumors and created such machine and gave talking powers to dogs. (DOUG)

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Coincidence I think not

In the beginning of Up, Carl is forced to give up his house to a corporation because they are expanding the city. Think on that. What corporation is guilty for polluting the earth and wiping out life in the distant future because of technology overreach?

That’s right Buy-N-Large

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What is Buy-N-Large though?

Buy-n-Large (BNL), a corporation that runs just about everything by the time we get to Wall-E.

We’re told that BNL has even taken over everything basically. BUT WERE NOT DONE YET. This is the same organization showed in Toy Story 3

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