The Pigments

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Transcript of The Pigments

  • 8/2/2019 The Pigments


  • 8/2/2019 The Pigments


    EXTRA TIPSAll that you must remember about Pigment aplications.Despite all besk: information published in marlY magazines we think it necessary to list some of the most important aspects inthis guide t o help the modelers when they are in front of their projects ready to paint. This small bOOklet will help simplify learningthese techniques because you can refer to il in case of doubt, encountering problems or simply to refresh yourself with basicooncepls_ We also include new lips that are well explained in books or articles_You will also find in this booklet a list of al l Pigment products available in M IG Catalogue. But not forget thai the most effectivemethod in modelling is to experimenl with a/l tools and techniques available. Therefore do not be afraid to try all that yourimagination is offering you. Good luck and welcoma 10 MIG Productions Pigments.DO NOT FORGET!!!

    1. A lways app ly a Ilgh l coa l 01 pr imeronto ,.ach o f y ou r models d.sp ile theIn tended base oo lour. II w i ll he lp top ro je ct th e p la sl ic a ga in st Ih e Th inner(o,W1Ishe . w he nm i"l'"h "i th P ig me nlll_Tami ya Of C itlde lle prim ers are som eoll l1e best ",,"I !able.

    2. If yo ur m od el is p a in te d w 1 11 1c ry tl op ain ts yo u ca n use Th im er and F...w lIhou l p rob lem . If t he base oo lom Isenam el. m ix your P igm ents w ith w .le ror a 'o oh oL A mll1 er s olu tlo n I. a pp l) 'in ga few coats of varnish over the enam elbase colour 1 0 protsc t ItBE AWARE!!!

    1. P igm ents can be app lied d i.-.d ly on to your m ode l w lIhou t any k ind of f i xerover sa tin """,. and can be rem oved easily w llh your ~ '" o r a o ol to n o lo th .Th is oou ld b . good ~ y oo wish to remove part o f tIlis powder wh ile leav ing ab it In som e areas to crea te rendom dusty e IIec ts,


    3. You can m ix your P Igm ents andT hinner w lIh other produc ts l ikev arn lsh es, A sa lin 0< g lo ss y v am is hca n be used fo r fresh m ud and a maltvarnish fo r dr y mud T he e na me lp ro du cts w ill retard Ih e dryin g o f m ixe se sp ecia lly In m ud e Re cts .

    4. Remember lhe l al l P igm en ls canbe app lied direc lly over a roode lw ithou t any products suoh as resin,th in ,,"r o r varn ish , Use a soft b rushto app ly your pre fe rred oo lour overyour m ode l wh ile beO lg sure tha t tilesur faoe is oornpletely m a I L Thls wil lhelp to fix !he P igment 0010 Ih e sur face,

    2 . Don 't be frigh tened. Any type of liqu id dropped over yO llr P igm ents w ill g iVean Im pression lhe t Ihey have d isappeared , liqu id m lg trt also g ive tIlem a verydark ap.aranca. Do no t wony ~ Ih is happens becau a fte r the liqu id is dr y th eP ig me nt w ill rensn to !he o rt gl na l c o lo u r.

    1 . The most com prehens iv e tedm ique is the use of Th inner fo r W ashes w ith P igm ents o ffe ring fast and easy resu lts w ith a il k irJds 01 m odels, m s tschniqua al lowsyo u to orste Incred ib ly rea l l.~o dusly e~eots because II worlm like the rea l th ing. Firs! app ly som e d iffe ren t co loured P igm en ls over a f ia t . .m a o e_ Then app l y Ih eTh inner fo r W ashes over the P igm ents and you w il l see how Ihe li qu id q uic l< iy e xp an ds , Move the m ix over the swlaoe accumulat ing the PigmOl l ts a ro und ha tch es ,r tvets o r o th er d ela lls I :K J l . . 'ways In a v ery 1 00 ,e 9"l"r rnsnner.After Ih e P ig m en ts dr ies it w i ll r et ur n to th e o rig in al c olo ur, Do oo t app ly any kind of varn ish over th is step or the P igm ent w il l partia lly d '",ppe .r, If y ou wan l a strongerfi"" lion usa Ihe P Igm ent FI"er a 'though w e reoom mand lhe l you first practice w1th It o n ol d model s_

    THE DIFERENT PURPOUSES FOR EACH PRODUCT3 . T I' u; ! Thrrrner for WaMli1!~ Ii:; OM O r tM, b~ttt linners ill ttle wend fo r enamel andolil ,pa~!.S. It I s s , peoo ll i d a -s lg t \f :i df ar w a s h effe~. It a!w worb~$I)V: '6: . rm~~~'~7: :e~is easy to u s e b e ca u se a ft er th efli:gme~ts. .ate dty you eenr emove o r m o d ify th em w ith ab ru sh a n d more lhlnnar.

  • 8/2/2019 The Pigments



    1. T hO !; i s a very qu ick tedln ique for w eathering m ode l tank Irackses~ ltyn y o u lack ~ '" ~m e. Pa in t your rubber, p las tic o r m eta l trades lMth an a~ lic basecoa llhen app ly a la rge amount of dust or oarlh coloured P Ig me nts w hile pntSSlng st rongly lMth a b ru sh . Next. remove the oXOOSSP lg mo nt W ith yo ur OOger or ap i eoe of ro tton [loth and yo u w ill o bta in a re a'i~ c 1 0 0 1 < in m in im al tim e.If you w ish to haw a more pro fessiona l appe3m nce do tly the sam e as abov e but fix ing the P lgrnonts w ith fixe r O r th inner and repealio'1g th e same p ro ce sss ev era l tim es u sin g d ilfe re nt 00100'" in random areas . C AunO N: Do not use Th inner fo r W ashes or Fixer r : r v e r MOI lE lKASTEN TRACKS. These t racks are veryfrag ilo and can be darnaqed w ith o oa mo l pro du cts su ch a s the Th inner 0< Fi :

  • 8/2/2019 The Pigments


    WEATHERING PIGMENTSThe Pigments where lntrod ucec Into the armour modellnQ world byMIG Prod uctions. MIG Produ ctlons has been rnanuta ctunng, sell i ng.and u51ng The Pigments for many years. Ou rs are the ongl na I ,mosteffective and most appl led pig menls on the mode ling market.They are a non-toxlc professlo na I weathering medi um tMI allowm od elers easy appl ication of rea listie effects. The MIG ProductionsFanmsy range of Pig men," allow modelers to quickly and easilyobtain numerous weathering effects such as dust and mud. fadirlg.smoke, Iaser blast, and va rtous types of skin textures on a l iensand monsters.The MIG Productions Fantasy range of Pigments can be applied toall types of solen ce fi cnen models from movies such as S\a r Wa rs,Aliens, Star Track, and Mad Max. Our Pigments are also great foreffects onmelal and resin frgures from both classleel and currentmonster films alon g wiII1 all types of robots such as Ma.K and Manga.Our ran g e can also be mxed with plaste r to make Ie r ral ns on dioramas.Different gloss and .satin varnishes can also be mixed with them tocreate viscous wei looking textures such as Slime on aliens and zombies.Fr.e compl emenlal)' products are 5.,,11able from MIG Productionsto be used wiII1the pigmanls to obtai n dif fe rent effects.

    A CR YLIC R ES INAerylh:. R e sin e en ben-Hxad with TM M gm ent:G to t t hi Ck mOO Ielects Ql t er ra in s, v eh ic le s a m i m o ots . O tt le r e H ec t:s call bea ctJ 1f :.v OOL Js ln g~ Iic . R e sjn o v er t he f 1 : s i ' I o r a h c na a nd m e es te ra .

    TH IN NER FO R W AS HE STh inne r fo r W a sh es Is u su ally u se d 1: 0 tKllh~patll:l a nd b le nt t t he p lg me tl!1 ; o ye r a s l" ir l;a Ol! ;l'_T he T hin ne r w ill no t p e rm a n en tl y a tt ac h1n9 !PO-nents a l l O " W ' i n g , )tOll rc r9r r ' l1D\1 'e an y,m w a ..,t e( jl e xc es s. u ee t he U lin "e r [ or c ce tsof d us t. ru sls mo ke - a nd fa din g o f c oIo urs _

    P IG M EN T FIX E RP ig m en t F IX e r c an be used to p er m an en nv a tt ac h th e d if fe re ntplilrt' lA:lnts : OMo a -SL Jr fa !: S _Some ex am f ll "" s i r. c: li .J d e a~ s .of h ea vy d U 5Ita rid v ar io us t ex lu re a a nd t oo es o ve r f le :s .t J,A p p ly in g sm o k1 3 :,r us t a n d o tt le r s im i la r :fJocts ca n also beEItCCornptietJed U~Il!I' U le F ix er , M a lt ;e ;51.1"e th ai yo u a re ce rta ina s to e >:a ctly h ow m uc h p ig me nt y ou wan t to a pp ly p rio r t oa:PilI'Ylng'ltle FDter .

  • 8/2/2019 The Pigments


    O ur w ashes can .00 used in oon jud ion Use h jg h q ua lity A ble ilu '1 9 O ils fo rwith the Pigments 10 gaoe",1$ contrast ao o c re a te deep efIecIS.r ea li st ic e ff ee ls .

    Apply the Mart ian Du st o ru o th e I O W 9 rareas of Ihe l egs and 'feel

    A pp ly P la sm a B um P ig m on ts ID g e td iffe re nl la se r b la st effects.

    GLOSS VARNISHThis product ls a $pecra llypa of v arn ish tha tallows for areas of damp and wei looking dust,fle sh a nd te rr ain .

    O IL A ND GREASE STAINSPi g rnents canalso be applied wilh our 0 11 a ndGrease Slain,s mixture to obtain differentareas "f real isUe Ires h, g lossy grease and oldermati grease. D iflerenl coloured p igmenrncan beadded to Ihe 0 11 a nd Grease stains mixtureto make exotic types of fuel spills, eflecrn on thebodies of monslers and a l iens and over terrenes.


    FA NTA SY SET VO L. 1CONTAINS' Feoo + F601 + F602 + F603

    amF AN TA SY S ET V OL . 2CONTAINS; F604 .. F60S .. F606 .. F607


  • 8/2/2019 The Pigments



    FRESH MUD PIGMENT SETCONTAINS: P026 '" P028'" P 032 P033 + P034 RUST & SMOKE PIGMENT SETC O NT AIN S : P 02 2 + P 02 3 ... P O .2 4+ P0 25 + P0 31 ... P 03 9

    SAND & IEARTH PIGMENT SETC O NT AIN S : P 02 7 + P028 + P029 + P030 + P 037 + P 03S URBAN COMBAT PIGMENT SETCONTAINS; P026 '" P 239 + P230 + P 232 + P 234

    RAILROAD PIGMENT SETC ON TA IN S : P 235 + P 23 6 ... P 237 +P 238+ FIXER INCLUDED

  • 8/2/2019 The Pigments




    I i Z l D RAIN MARKS

    I l I 1 E ! I DARK WASH







  • 8/2/2019 The Pigments






    Iillm LIGHT RUST

    I i I l F D LIGHT DUST


    m :m BRICK DUST

    I i l ! m I BEACH SAND

    Glm VIET!