The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning

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  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    The Parotid & Temporal Region

    edited by :

    C.W.TSuliman Qaralleh

  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    Parotid Region

    Extends between:

    the ramous of the mandible



    the mastoid process


    Contains:Parotid Gland


    Str. Inside it

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    Structures Within Parotid Gland

    1. Superficial:

    Facial n. & its

    terminal branches

    2. Middle:

    Retromandibular V.

    & the terminal part of

    superficial temporaland maxillary veins

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  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    Parotid Gland

    Largest S. G.

    Wedge-shaped gland:


    to the zygomatic archApex: inferiorly to the

    neck of the mandible

    Covered by C.T. sheath

    (parotid capsule)

    derived frominvesting

    layer of deep cervical fascia

    * P. gland is Divided by Facial n. into superficial & deep parts

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    Processes of The Parotid Gland

    Extensions of parotid tissue into certain regions

    Glenoid Process:upward to into the posteriorpart of the mandibular fossa

    Pterygoid process:

    forward deeply betweenthe ramous of the mandible

    and the medial pterygoid muscle

    Facial processforward superficiallyover the masseter muscle

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    Accessory part of parotid gland:

    a small part of facial process

    that separates from the main


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    Relations To Parotid Gland

    Superficial (lat.):

    Parotid fascia

    Great auricular n.





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  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    Parotid Duct (Stensen's duct)

    - Pass ant. & horizontal over the masseter m. & belowto the zygomatic arch

    - At ant. Border of masseter:

    pierces buccinator m. to enter the oral cavity

    - Opens into oral cavity opposite to the upper secondmolar

    Accessory Parotid Duct drains into its own small duct which

    opens into main duct (Stinsons duct)

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  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    The external carotid artery (ECA) will provide blood supply to the

    parotid tissue, the vein is the retromandibular vein so it will provide

    the drainage to it , the sensation over the parotid gland come from thegreat auricular nerve and it takes from the glossopharyngeal nerve

    (IX) for secretion which is the lesser petrosal nerve

    Read Your Text For additional Blood Supply, Innervation & Lymph

    Drainage of Parotid Gland

  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    Clinical: Mumps

    A viral infection to parotid gland causing swelling & pain

    Pain is due to swelling within tight parotid fascia (p. capsule)

    Pain is worse during chewing because the gland is compressed

    between the ramous of the mandible and the mastoid processWhen the mouth is opened

    Parotid duct may also become obstructed with stones (calculi)& cause a painful swelling

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    Surgical removal of the parotid gland

    Most common cause: cancer

    * 80% of salivary gland tumors occur in Parotid g.

    Risks of surgery:

    1. Facial n. (VII)

    2. ECA

    3. Retromandibular vein

    *Important step in Parotidectomy:

    Identification, isolation, and preservation of those structures

  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    The Temporal Region

    The region that situated on the side of the head


    Sup.& post.:

    sup. Temporal line


    frontal process of

    zygomatic bone

    Inf.:zygomatic arch

    *continues inf. & deep to zyg. Arch with

    infratemporal region

  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    Contents of Temporal Region1. Temporalis m.

    largest muscle of mastication

    Originates from the whole floor of thetemporal region

    insertion into the coronoid process ofthe mandible and the anterior border ofthe ramous

    innervated by two nerves we name themthe temporal nerves coming from theanterior division of the mandibularnerve

    action elevation (the anterior part of it)and retraction (the posterior part of it)

    2. Temporal fascia: deep fascia coveringthe muscle and its attached ascontinuation of the epicranialaponeurosis laterally

    3. Deep temporal a. origin from themaxillary a.

    & nerves ( the same as arteries )

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  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    4. Superficial Temporal a. & v.:

    pass posterior to the TMJ

    5. Auriculotemporal nerve:

    fromthe posterior division ofmandibular nerve

    pass posterior to superficialtemporal vessels

    it gives sensation over thetemporal region

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  • 8/2/2019 The Parotid Temporal Regions E-learning


    Q1. What is (are) the cutaneous innervation of the skin over theparotid region?

    Q2. What muscles control her whistling?

    Q3. What is the connection between the right side facial weakness

    & the parotid swelling?

    Q4. What is the diagnosis?

    Q5. What is the treatment?

    Q6. What is (are) the structure(s) that may be endangered of suchkind of treatment?