The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1856-12-13 [p ] · IlE cuI ofcr4 (,tlt~di for Salt ) hs SLw...

VOL. 5. OPELOUSAS, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, (Louisiana,) DECEMBER 13th., 1856. NO. 2. rtaBLSIIKD ON SATrURIAY BY JOEl II: .1BO0Z & ANDREW IEYNIER. CONDITIONb. Subscriphon, for one year, payable in advance three dollars; if paid at the end of the year, four dol- lars. No subscription will be received for a period less than one year. A subscriber wishing to dis- c wintnue. must give a r, iten notirce to that efliect. and seotle up all airrearages. .dd.rti~inag:-For one square not exceeding the Lice ol ten lines, one dollar for the first insertion. and fifty cents fur each sbsequent insertion. Longer aldveytisements will be charged accordingly. A;1 the advertisements will be inserted in french anudeglish until ordered out, or until the editors shail judge it convenient to discontinue the publi- 9ation. A liberl deduction are en uivertisements in- serted oe long period. No alvertisementor suhbscription will lie stopped unoil all the arnearages are paid, unless at the option o fthe plui shcrs. No i-cl hin tickets or ofther jobs printecl without the omoryy,,r the person ,oidering the( to be print- Ec' i a iespensible person. Ici' t , inadvance will invariably bhe required or t, 1.nn otlun.emelt of candi dates forolfice. . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . . ... .. .. - - - -- . is a w-li~ i Yl no Sale. IlE cuI (,tlt~di ofcr4 for Salt ) hs SLw atl1 si . u dud n Batyoun QeueTort to, in the I'aristh of : t. Laolry , sail Saw Mill ii~ tttiirry new ; -ItI) arpents of fine cy:rss ~iat'l is tta:chtud to sao'd establishmtent and also ftJ()) or 63), logs ready to be sawed. More cvu re.5 laud close to the iare can also be 111) neht. For the eu tlitiin= and other particulars, Pi l'1Y to ilw Elit re of the Opeluusas Courier t1r to the uuder:;7,vtei'1 'ji EO G EN 1iE JTIEDERT. Cli ~ O I(DE OF *C ENCi; E. JIL. i I TI E has removed his residence adk l (i hie: to Ianmdry Street, near ,!u&Le (1 ,'rt n s and oppo .tc to the mierhiIant L. r''t. B r,1es tk1. urdmnary services of hijs pro- - : i. theDr wili' l eintitiue to iattCId oil a II din- ea,, iBtt,! t h luttla:l , i m t practice in all the !I ties ul Dlnti try. tHis work in all that line is ~n rasted adil peLrtIltnv alter the latest and most mapprnoved pircss. Aitiiiciil tIeth are not onmlv an ornament, they re-r:tablmlic tie spice to it. naitijial tone aid above :I pr nt 04ath ieu l~ so iudiapen~aaie to the healthm. I)r. Pilate uwill trmt IYasiiigton weekly. !'T ire , iu ,,tprate. (li.lo'ism.i, I Jai, iemc 1?- 6. N I'rlfA1 A iUBii IC ANI) AUCTION EET in and l i tiii Ih Piishl uf St. ILatidry, offms hli,; serviccs a ,Ut to hlig fieids and the pubfi. in genei-nrl. II'.i oftice i ati ihis resitl'trce, heart Grand Coteatt. All o:dtll It t at thi&! torie u Mri. J. II. Pu!iittgue, is (;. id Cot' it it, sill ien p.rtnnptiy attcndecd ie. St. Laudrv, .Anilli 5t1, 1t6.j Fiich'E'.ly t1. G arla nd, ATT'OIINEY AT LAW. \ 7 ILL exercise :iis pruiCsAiont in the duff- crenit Courts uf the 1 t1 Jndieial 1>izrri::t. ilij tifie is in Opelou as. 'I'II 'xODOSES CILACII . Ir1 .'ubiEic .Iteei ot ,c erP, In and for t/i Parish (f St. Landry. COlticc.--At tho~ Sheiitl*"; Office. S,_pt. L';ii, 185G. _ DebaiUlon & `='aricre, vi criring, 1 teai irdg aI nd Conzn ission II'WNtbhiaigtOx, Ea. Jan. 19th, 185f. ADillE IlEYlIER, Jutstice of the Peace, W ILL punctually attend to all business entrusted to his care, as Jlustice of the Peace, in the First District of the Parish of ti. LI dry. (hiice-Court street, opposite the Court House, Opel ousas. L)pelousas, June 24th, 1S.56. JoaN F. MoRRnoGH. WILLIAM MOUTON Mor'rogh & MoutoHn, .ftlornteys at Law, SILL punctually attend to all business entrusted to them, in the different Courts of the Fifteenth Judicial District. Office in Washington, La. March 3d., 185t6.--lv. DORns P. L AFLEUR, Publec .duction1eer, In and for the Parisk of St. Landry. His office is at Chatagnier. St. Landry. November Ist, 1856.-6m. To the iPublic. HIE nudersigued have formed a partner- ship iu the practice of Medicine and Surgery, and will attend to all cases entrus- ted to their care. GEORGE fILL, M. D. JAMES RAY, M. D.. Opelousas, Juue 21st, 1856. For sale at privet bh I T lIE undersigned offejslb # vaot sale ad.I -o ofa Iih tb a . J. qt1Fr It: i. T & Mlercantile Cards, &c. 1T W 0=5CO S THE undersigned has the honor to inform his friends and the public in general that lihe hasjust received a large nasortmentof Spring and Summer Goods, such as : -Plain and Embroidered Swiss Muslins, JaeOnate of all I qualities, English and French Einbroideries, Ginghams, Ladies Bonnets, Eihbroidered Veils of all kinds, also a large asortment of ready made elothings, shoes, &e. A fin assortment of '• sily Groce rie can always 'be ond at his stbre . He always buys beef hides and sheep wool, payable eash or in goods. F. AIIALFF. Grand eteanu, April 19th, 1856. New Orlcans,.lDirect -Importation cf French, British and b:ish Dry Goods ) & E. REILLY & Co., so long known 0 at the corner of Royal and Canal trects, beg to say they have removed to their large new store 12G Canal Street, between Royal and Bourbon streets, known as Tou o Buildings, sign of the Golalen Flax. Where their ample room and a resident buyer in Europe, will enable them to keep (the year round) a complete stock in every department. Also, a full line of Plantation G oods, of the best Southern manufacture. Combined with the above, they will keep at the old stand, corner Royal and Bourbon streets, under the name of Embroidery and Lace Store, a complete stock of Ladies Dress Trimmings, Ribbonds, Embroideries, Laces, aind Ladies and Gents furnishing Goods, to suit the country merchants as well as the con- sumers. This latter is a class of house heretofore unknown in this Market. E. & E. REILLY & Co., 126 Canal Street, Between Royal and Bourbon streets. Touro Buildings, Sign of the Golden Flax. September 20th, 18513.--6m. dund IWIatchmaker's ShAop. TIE undersigned has just open- ad, at the corner of Mbain and Bel- levue streets, a splendid Jewelry and Watchmaker's Shop. He has now on hand an assortment of fine gold and silver Watches, also an elegant assort- nwint of Jewelry, Clocks, of every quality arid Inrces, &c.. which he offers for sale at very reduced lriaces for cash. lHe has engaged ite services of a good Watch- maker, and will repair all Watches, Clocks and Je.we!ry that will be confided to his cares. He hopes by his attention and punctuality. and his mnolerate prices, to deserve ashare of the pub- lic t . FRANKg D LA RUA. Opelousas, Jlse, 14th, lbs56. Sale of Valuable sugar Lands Situated in the Parish of St. Landry , in T. 4 S 'ange 6 E. to rwit: S. E. quarter Sea. Rich Sugar Lands S. W. quarter See. .. part adjoining C. N. WV. quarter cs.. 4. L. Swayze, 40.81 T. 6 S., R. 7 E. W. half Sec. 2, High tich-nsgar All of Sec. 3. lands, navigable 1. half of E. half See.4 Bayou; 1117.78 On both sides Bayou Petite: Prairie, near Atchafalaya River. Total eeres, 1598.59 The flregoing lands will be sold on ae.ommo- dating terms. Apply to .A. J. POWELL. Doealdsonvite, La. [rBasinesu in the different .and Ofices of the State. and also at the Departments at WaUhiugton City, attended to with promptness by AS J. POWELL. Donaldsonville, La., lgth April, 185&, NEWV WTAREOUSE. T HIE undersigned'havingformed a part- nership for the carrying on of the Warehouse situated in the Town of Washing- ton, formerly known as Anmerson& Thomp- son, fur the purpose of receivingand forward ing freight and merchandise, will faithfully attend to all business which may beientrusted to theom by their.friends and the publie in generMl. J. B. A. 1FONTENOT. JOHN LYONS. Washington, La. N'ov. 24, 18656 51tf. REGULAR P4CKET Twice A WanR is coNswcrToan wrrm mrag Nw.- OLE.ANS, OramessAs & Ga3AT WasasaN RAIL- ROAD. The fle Steambni ORION, Awirs Mermdsi. Master, leaves Bgyou Bc for Atta- kapase very Sunday and Weda4tsdy,at•,A'2&lock, iM., at the arrival of the Cars, for Patersonville. Centreville, Franklin, Chare4tou, Prevast's Land- ing, New-Iberia, St. Martinavitl., and all interme- diate landiab,-And leaves St. Martianseilt every Tuesday and Friday,at 6 o'c•oec, A. M i St. Martinsville, August 9th, 0 56. U~ER*a r Wkrckt: TiSSitJ)loNxALYONS, mm"he1r r ererukr tripe 8e ington The nIen The IM M SnwC*Uli4lI boat Inr i Wv Or livi iqit AV 4 t .* I Miscellaneous. CONVENT AND ACADEMYJ OF TIHE IHMCIULATE CONCEPTION, Opecousas, Lorhisianla. j-V HIS Institution will be opened by the Ladies of .IL th. "Holvy Cross" in the beginning ofOctober, i i the Town of Opelousaa, for the education of the young Ladies of the 'Parish and of the neighborioug Parishes. The location is mu.-t delightful, and ofler all the exterior advantages which parents may deuire for their ceild(hen. The system of education will im- brace all the branches taught in the test Institutionl of Amnerioaor Europe : R,:adingSpelling, Grammuar, amrnposiion, Ithetorte, Elocnuo, aippled to the Frech and English languages, to both of whilh the utmost attention will be paid, and both of which thi pupils will most carefully be trained to speak and write with correctness, elegance and fluency,-Writin:, trGeographv, sacred and pro!fane, an:ci,-t and moldern• Iliety, Mythology, Alithlrt'ic, i-uk-Keepi g, thll clnrntst of Algebra and Geomnety, Natuial l'hil.c- Stiy, Natural History, rotestic c., m ,-, .wi, I Embroidery, Artificial tlowers., Drawing," Paiti: Vocal and Instrumental Music.-Thi- last bra:ih wil be taught by a distingui-hed At tist jut arrived filU : New-Orleans. Nothing will be omitted to ki:ille in the pupil; a rivid emulation for learni:ig; t!:, gr:'ate t attentio will also be paid to develop their nmint,l firm their heart.., atnd elevate their character. Theyl will have notlhi:g to fear from evil examptlles or evil ass,-,cia- tions, rtemaining at all times witini the ecrlo-ure of th. ho:use, and under the eyes of kit I teachers u•h will watch over their morals with t:atcrr:al af:is:tihn. They will receive no visits, except fromth,ie plarents or relations, who will be admnitted to see them in the parlor, on Thursdays after the morning cla-ses and on Suidavs after the high mass. The utmost attention will be paid to the health of i the pupils, the dirt will be wholensomte : alrln rd- ant, the sick will be nursed with maternal vigilance and tenderness. RIligion is the ground work of ediucation. Tlhe I'Ietitution is Catholic; however, y ,,,,g ladies Wh , I may belong to other denomination- will hb receiverd, on the only condition of conforming to the public exercises of the house. To enable ;parents to send their children at an earlier age to echool,-- child lay profit f un the age ol seven or eight, and even eooner,-to keep then 1,m- ger, and send several of them at once, the m, n-t ntol- crate prices have been adopted:-tFor Io•d and Tuition, $100 per scholastic year of ten months, pay- able quarterly itn advance; Day-bcholas will pa:y - , $30 or $40, for the scholastic year, accor ding to thii age and the classes they will attend. Music on the Piano or the Guitar will be chargied 6 per month, $1 per month for the use of the Piano;--3, per month for vocal music. Parents will have to supply their rh:tdren wi:h books and paper, and provide f •r t •e a!lig of their clothes; expenses incurred in sickne-s will al=o be charged to them. Boarders will have to be suppl!ie,l, a t their en- trance, with a musquito bar, a siiiicient quai:nity of sheets, blankets, towels, and every day clothes; they must also bring the untifrmn consisting for the whole year in a blue dress, with cape of the same color, trimmed with black velvet; two sun bonnets, 1 blue, I of brown linen ; two veils, 1 blue. 2 yds, I white, 2 yds; a spon. tolk. tumbler and knife; also a small bucket, br,:-h-s. conreRs. a pitcher, bowl, and looking-glass:--these three last articl:es will be for sale in the house, to preserve uniformity in the dressing room. For further particulars apply to Sister RARY OF TlHE HOLT ANGELS. - Supecrior. i to Rkv. i. RAmSN, Rector of the Churt ch of Opelousas. Opeleusas, August 16th, 1S56. OPEL@USAS LITERARY INST1ITITiON. St. Landry, (La.) U NDER the direction and proprietor-ihip of Messrs. A. DE ST. Cy's D 'ArIULN and Jon, GITar., this InstitutiOnl Wil: Le opened on ,Monday next, 7th day of Juiy, fbr thie recepti,,i of pupils. The course of education comprises the Er,glih. French and Spanibh languages; Classics. ( lathe- matics, Arithmetic, Wrtting.Drlanmtin. HIistory. Chronology, P'hilosophy, Geographv and Globes. The English and French langu;;ages, regarded now a days, in highest esteem; because of the ex- traordinary extent of territory. as we!i as globe.- encircling commerce of the thiee nations, claim- inn them as their vernacular tor:gies. will ie taugiht at this Institution, in such pure .- tyle of their na- tive proprieties, as regards symphl,:,y and correct- ness ofgrammatical construction, e ,qituence ofdie- tion, and euphonious elegance uo- ie•dini anrd del- ivery, as cannot fail in securing a secce:sfl:d patron- age. The strictest vigilance wii be exer,'ihed over the orthographical and orthmpicaI departoments of all languages taught. CoNbTIONS : Instruction & board peryear. .o mths 1.10 00 Day scholars per annum, , . 40 00 Day scholarsn [Ip month), 4 00 Latin, " additional;y, 2 00 Spanish, a 2 00 D;awing (per year), " 30 00 Music, " 40 00 Raral sera.--Paridk of Lafayette: Rbeit Tayl•t, ' Emile Monton, Revillon, Eraste Mouton. OLOVLAa :s Dr. De La Ruelle, G. Ayrivid, Andr6 Meynier, Joel H. Sandoz. Opelousas, July 5th, 1858. SIIAVE the honor of informing the pub- lie, and parents in particular, that, from the lstofJuly next, my Institution will be removed to the property of the late Mr. Jacques Lastrapes; and, that, from that date, I shall be ready to receive the scholars, whom parents will confide to my care. That well-known position, at a short distance from Opelousas and Washington, being unquest:onably situated in the most healthy part of the Parish,.and not exposed to annual maladies, will assure to pa- rents the health of their children, whose studies will never be interrupted. So far as regards instruction and education, I shall neglect nothing to merit a continuance of the kind patronage, with which I have been honored here. Bad weather, alone, will prevent the" scholars being accompanied to Divine Service, every Sun- day. Franklin Institutiog. THEODORE VALADE, Prifcipal. Docroa HoAES, English Teacher. Terms, payable Quarterly. Soarders, for Scholastic year of ten months and a half, $130 00 scholars, for smine period, 40 00 All Quarters commenced must be paid in full. no detetions made for absence, except in case ssick T. VALADE, S Principal and Proprietor. 14th, 1856. iugton, La. G- g purchased the known-as the nce to the e reception ofj This I l ower Miscellaneous. AYER'S PILLS, A svw and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious diseases - Costiveness, Indi- gestion, Jaundice. Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritabilit, nflamma- tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast. Side, Back, and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c,r4. Indeed, very few are the disease%in wthich aPurgative Medi- eine is not more or less required, and much sick- ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm- less but effectual Catha:rtic wecre more freely used. N;o person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides, it soon gen~erates serious and often fatal diseases.which migit hu-e been avoidcd by the timely and judicious use of a go I purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptons, and Bilious derangemnets. They all tend to beconle or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes- sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub- stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention: Prof. J. M. LOCKE, Analytical Chemist, of Cin cinnati, whose high professional character is en- dorsed by JoSIN McLEAN, Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Tuos. ContwiN, Secretary of the Treasury. IIon. J. M. WRIOGHT, Governor of Indians. N. LONuowouTrn, great wine grower of the West Also, Di. J. It. CtHhl.Tox, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by HoN-. W. L. M tacr, Secretary of State. Wx. B. AsroR, the richest man in America. S. LELAND & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitaa Hotel, and many others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certificates, from all parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects uuon trial. These Pills, the result of long invest:gation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtsues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combinedl together in such a manner as to insure the best results. This eystem of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob- tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob- vious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acri- monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi- vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual- ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate iormiull by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer- ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any one who has not received them, they will be prumptly forwarded by mail to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known 1 Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are comnpetent to judge on the subject freely acknowledce their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em- inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will- ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action--remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange- ments as are the first origin of disease. Being sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Bos. PREPARED BY DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist LOWELL, MASS. Pri•e 5S Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1. SOLD BY John Posey. and P. L. Hebrard & Co., Op!oueas- S. t. D. Allis Wasiington, and J. B. Pollinu•.'. Grand Coteau. jan Cth l ti6-1y MILLENERY STOIIE. New-Orleans, 1* Conde St. Pontalba's Builing. MRI1s. PIGEON, x, ITAS the honor to inflrm the ladies of, that she has opened a lillendry and fancy Store at No. 18, Condi street, New Orleans, where can always be found the most complete and finest assortment of Capottes, Straw and winter Bonnets, Mantillas, Embroideries, -Laces, Flowers, and all articles for ladies in the latest style. Bonnets are made at orders. A Seamstress has been engaged by thq establishment. Mrs. Pigeon shall be thankful to the ladies of Opelousas, for a continuanuce of their patronage, of which she has been honored by them during her stay in Opelousas. New Orleans, October 11th, 1$5(3. 3TIE undersigned hereby notify planters and others, that, from the 1st of No- vember next 1856, the storage now existing will henceforth be charged for merchandize and other articles laying in their warehouses for the period of one nionth, and every addi- tional month or part of a month, the same additional rates will be charged. [ Nothing will be delivered until the storage is paid. J. B. A. FONTENOT. Washington, October 11th, 1856. FOR SALE, A N excellent SUGAR MILL with the kettles; the whole in good order. For the particulars, apply to the editors of the Courier, or to Mr. Simon Richard. Opelousas, November 1st. 1856. 48-tf. HIDES! ]RIDUES!! T HE undersigned will pay beef hides of four years and abqve from $3 to $3 50, smaller ones in proportion. He has constantly on hand, at his Tan m'd in Washington, all kinds of leather for esses, saddlery, and carriage work, &c. ich h offers for sale at reduced prices. VICTOR TOUCHY. Washington, La., Sept., 6th, 1•i6.-er. Judicial nales, &c. For sale. H73H E Sugar Plantation on which the sub- R I scriber now resides, consistiug of near l y 900 arpents of Land, 500 of which is under fence, the balance in sood. The improvements conu;st of an excelhlnt Sugar Iouse, Steamn Engine, Kettles, and i perfect order and as good as new, one of the Lest D)welling Houses in the Pari,-h, with all the necessary Cribs, C'abins, &c., &c. It is considered one of the inoAt beautiful places in the country and will hlu ou!d on more *liberal terma. than any-such prclprty can be purchased. Apply to Di•. J. A. TAYLOR, Opelounsa., N',v., til, 1 > ';. for SaiC, by F;outs col & Lyons. ShLmINE lot of puIt.s fur i of' thte icZ4 quality, ulso, a guanine of lit; fincsr 6 fe~et pickets in nmarkt whc Ina 11 used inn pa:cet: of 3 feet boardi., I r co ein ( +1 h hInui!cs, tIhe abouve nn' be hal cA-tnp )r canIA. Wuahnlirgtunn, July- 19th, 1~A HIOT '.EL FO( SAIAE. TIIE unertigr•e, ir,.-nt pre- ": I prictor of the ' nio: Hotl, in ( 'I ()Opelousas, lately kept by iI r. I1. A. lPatin offers said e-talihineiet for sage, with or without the furniture. Said Ltel is admirally ,ituated, and well patroized. For the terms and ,ther particulars, a iply on the premises to 11. A. Patin, or to the undcri:iged. VALERY GUILBEAU. Opelousas, August :d, 1856. T- LE undersigned hereby notify planters _i and lthers that fi'rm and after the lt of November next I ;i, the straire ti I existing will hencefWrth h, charged e oa r ne a- chandize and other articles la:itlg in their wareholuses ~r the per'iod of on" moon/th, a•l! tor every additional month or part of a month, the samne additional rates wiil ie charged. Nothing will be delivered until the storage is pai. I•EIAILLON & CARiTIERE. Waahingtln, Oc:ober 11th, 1 &3. . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . .. . . . . .. S IIpE partne hip heretofore exiting un- der the firm of J. 1B. BELLOCQ & CO., was dis-olved on tte S31t of August last, by limitation and the death of J. B. Bellocq. The subscribers will contiuue the business ',f the holuse under the style f BELLOCQ, NOBLO31 & CO., according to act passed before S. Magner, notary public. , VEIVE J 1. BELLOCQ, A. 1'. NOBL,_3I1, J. B. ) IRBES, P. ROUY. New Orleans, Sbtn-mberI 1, 3--y. . ... .. ___________ - - -..... .. . . . ... . .. . . .. . .. . . . W ILL be offered fr sale, at. the st(,rc of Carroll &Kcough, oi Pquti, Brulee, on the 2Utih lG56, •40,000( cypress fencing picux, to be soldin 1eis to suit purchasers. Te2Crms .- Ouc year fromn date, pI•lrchaser to give their unotes with good security at sati-faction. CARROLL & KEOUGII. St. Landry, Nov., 22d, 1856. IAVING rented the house of' Ir. Noel Larcade, near Jesse 1utchinls ilac.- enmith's shop, I take this opportunity of in- forming the citizens of OjelJusas as well a, those of the surrounding country, that I am now fully prepared to clean both Cloaks and overcoats, vests, pants and render them in a manner new. My terms will be moderate. In my absence those wishing articles clcaned will please leave them with IMr. C. 3Jornl:i:i- veg, as I have made an arrangement with him to that amount. VICTOR CAIIORS. Opelousas, Nov., 29th, 1850. H AV1NG purchased a plantation in Bellevue, perfectly convenient to re- ceive patients, will devote himself nmot ex- clusively to the treatment of chronic diseases, add his prices will be moderate, that is to say, one dollar per day fIr slavcs which d c not require the attendance of a nurse, a•al for those to whom a nurse is necessary, the price will be agreed upon with the owner. Dr. Salles moreover offrs his services to all those who may honor him with their con- fidence. B. J. SALLES, M. D. Believue, Nov., 29th, 1856. I TJ E3 I C. PROF. ANTIHONY W3DI ER :• has the honor of informing the public, that having beer induced to come and settle in the town of (Jpelousas, he is ready to give lessons on the Piano forte, the Violin, the Guitar, and also in vocal music; he will likewise tune Pianos.--Iis prices will be very moderate; 86 00 per month for Instrumental music, and $3 00 per month for vocal music. For tuning Pianos, the charges will be proportionate to the work; still they will always be moderate. Opele.i as, August 16th, 1 .... Opelousas Hotel, KEPT BY H. PROVENT Vorner of Union and Belleve its., Opelousas. SOOD Table, good wines of all kinds.- SChampagne first quality. Nov. 22d, 1856. COTTON, IIDB AND IOOL. S7HE undersigned informs those who it iU. may concern, that he will purchase cotton, hides and wool at the market price, for cash or draft on New Orleans. J. L. COU'RET. Opeleasns, Deember 6, 1856. i4JO L R. SANDOZ, NOTARY PUBLIC. 'l AS removed his office to the corner of Landry and Market street, near the office of the Clerk of the District Ceart. Opelousas, Nevember 8Q, 1 5. Judicial iotices, &c. Public Sale. Succession of Catherine Stelly deceased, late wife of Elias Steen. Y virtue of an order granted by the 14th U District Court, in and for the Pari-h of St. Martin, dated 19th of November 1856, tie u,•i'r-ign.l :ueitioneer a'jpointcd by the aid (Court, will ofler for sale; at public auction, at the residence of Elias Steen in this Parish (Bayou Fuselier,) on Tuesday, 23d of December next, , propTerty hereinafter described, belonging to oi aid 4uccs-iIon and to the community Ilerettfroe existing between the said Elias FSteen and his latc wife, to-wit : t, A SL T GAh PLANTATION, mc:Onuri g atbout 700 superficial acres, more or Ie-s, ohuntid North by land of Dr. Walker, :•- ,v i:r. Scott, W'cst andl Soutlh-West vb ay,, u VCrnaPi!!L,, and Sotth by laud of `id ,,y, Si;le, Ituo,, tgelther with the houses, ma n azinic, -ugar house, c itton gin, and other iq ro,vclei:ts thenron erected. 20. 50 LIKELY 1' AA FIES, of both scxes and of dilerent ages. :Bo. A certain nitumber of horned cattle, Cowsi, Calves, Oxen, Ilor- ses, Sheep, Carts, a Buggv, and Aratorv utensiils ofall descriptions household fturniture, &c., &c. 'lo. A certain quantity of Corn, Fodder, 1hay, &c., &C. o0. A LAND CERTIFICATE, for 160 acres, No. 41763. Conditions:--All sales of ten Dollars and nlder, payable on the 1st of April 1557, and all sales fur over that amount payable in threec <ioual annual in tahlnents at 1, 2 and 3 years Seriri: tfrvm tie saidl ].t of April 1 57; the purc1hasrs fritnisihing their obligations with g, ad slivent security in solido, to the ati.-tctiou of Elias Steen, to whose order and at whose doiicil the notes shall be made ,amvyabie Lbr the use of the succession and conm- 'ICianiy, ail bearing interest at the rate of eight pcr cent per annum, after maturity un- til thal payment, and all property sold su.- coptiible vo mortgage, remaining specially hy- poth cated until fuol pay ment of the purchase lmoney and of the interest accruing thereon. (O31IE1 31ARlTIN, Auctioneer. St. Martinsville, Nov. 20th, 1850. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . S District Court, 'aruish of iSt. Landry. Novl:1BE TE LRM, 165.. Clhotile Guillory, vs. No. 7281. E:,ile L. Guillory & als., 1i E law and evidence in this case being in tvnr of the Plaintiff, it isadjudged and decreed that the said Plaintiff, Cleotiie n;uillorb , have judgment against her hu.sband E;minil L. Guiilory one of the Defendants for :ihe -u, of seven hundred and seventy-six doillar and forty-three cents. The legal imortiagec of the Plaintiff upon the Estate of iter said hu-bund, to attach upon three hun- dred and thirty dollars and eighty-nine and uIe half cents, from the 19th of August 1244, upon, the sunm of three hundred andad inety-- six dollars and iifty-f;,ur cents, from the 5th of August 1t54, and upon the sum of forty- ~ine dllars, from the 1st of January l152. It is further decreed that the said Plaintiff re- cover in kind fromi her said husband, one bed, one armuir and live head of cattle with the brand about thus: J-1, and it is further ad- judgt.d that she be separated in property from her said husband and have the entire and ex- elusive control of her extra dotal estate. That the injunction issued in this proceeding restraining the seiznre and sale of the movea- bles decreed as aforesaid to Plaintiff's be per- petuated at the custs of the said Defendants thus enjoined. And it is further decreed that the Defen•dant Emile L. Guillory be adjudged to pay all other colts in this behalf expended. Read and signed in open Court, this first day of )Dcemeer 1•56i. LUCIUS J. DUPRE, Judge 15th Judicial District. A true copy, A. D)EJEAN, Dep'ty Clerk. OIpelusas, D:e. 6th, 1~53. Rtatr of ?LOlitcsUrl4. DISTIICT (COI RT, No PAiurSI OF ST. LANDRFY, Estate of Louis Tihibodeau, dee'd. A(EON TII[BODEAU, of the Parish of St. Landry, Admrinitrator of the Es- tate of Louis Thibodeau, deceased, late of the aforeanid 'ariah, having filed a Tableau of (lassification of the debts of said Estate, ac- compianied by a petition praying for the ho- mxologation of the same;-And whereas the prayer of said petition has been granted by order of Court dated Nov. 21st, 1850;- Now therefore, notice is hereby given to all interested, to make opposition, if any they have, within thirty days from the date hereof, why said Tableau should not be confirmed and homologated, and the Administrator author- ized to pay according to his tableau. L. LASTRALPES, Clerk. Opelousas, Nov. 22d, 1856. BOOKSI BOOKSI! BOOKS!:I .AT THE CHEAP STORE. I ITAVE on ha d a large assortment of School Books, Paper, Pencils, Ink, Pens, &c., for sch", s aln offices, which I am constaznt'y adding to by almost every arrival from New-Orcean~s. Also, an assortment of Religious Publications for all denominat•ols. I am also agent for all thestan• dard works and late publications, for sale by E. L. NIMMS. Opelousas, Nov. LSd. 186. COPARIX ERSIIIPt. T--HE undersigned have formed a part- nership under the style of A. Rousset & Co., to date from the first of October last, for a general Hardware and Variety Store. ALF. RtOUSSET, Clk;. A. GENIN, New-Orleans, Nov. 3d, 1L5.---3m. ALL KINDS OF Blanks for Justices of the Peace, Ready for deliverr. and for sale sieap tSh sik. Aply as Ahe o* e of Ae tea;p;. L .Judicial Notices, &c, SHERIFF'S SALE, STATE O0 LOUISIANA. Charles D. Dreu . vs. Flavius H. Thompson Ir wife.-District Court,-Parish of St. Landry,- No. 7745. Elodie~ ambert, wife &c.. vs. Mlichael King-- District Court,-Parish of St. Laudry,-No. J. Druilhet & Son. vs. Flavius II. Thomson & wife, -District: Court.-Parish of St. Landry,--SN ,744 jjl Y virtue of three writs of fi. fa, issued in the above entitled suit, by the Die- trict Court, in olr the Parish ot St. Lardry, and to Itie directed. will be exposed to pubiic sale, for cash. at the Court Ilouse of this Puarish. orn SaturdaIy, ie 3,1 day of January next, 1ih57. commuencin g at the hotr of 11 o'clock. A. t.i. and co:ntinuing trora day to , da .ii nc s ty. al the right , . till'. interest ,odi euartd t •fi.:us I. ilhthnor,, & w.fe, in a:nd t,, th, l ,t- ,f ,w ; ' described propel tyi seized to satitty sa witd t-i it; A, NSou-mat, sla re fir life• named Morel, agel! " a7 5t-a N 'g'ro-tat, , s] fO ile, named Perry, agedt 23 " eard s,t. aunother Negro, slave fur life, naited Jini. ged t-1 years. L. V. CIIACHERE, Sheriff. Sheriff's office. St. Landry. Nov. *.th, 1S30. SHERIFF 'S SALE, STATI' OF LOL'ISIANA. Jean R.Yiou, ) Dist•irt C.,.rt vs. Parish of St. Laidry. Onez. L. Fntenot. No. 7920. I] Y virtue of an order of c:izure and sale, J issrued in the above entitleht suit, by the District Court, in and for the Parish of St. .andry. and to nme directed, will be exposed to plbhlc sale, for ca il, at the Court House of this Parish. on Na',iday. the 3d day of January next, 1,IN7. cunimenci Ii at the hour of 11 o'clock, A. *M., and continuing f'orn day to day, if necessary, all the right title, interest andl demand of ()Onez. L. Fon- tenot, in and to the lollowing described property, seized to satisfy said writ to wit: The Land or Plantationi where said Fontenot resides now, situated in Old Grand Prarie. in said I'uri h, with all the uilliiings and ilmprovemetnts thereon. measuring 13 arpents front by forty il depth, boulded North by Public Laid, South by lands of Alexandre Fonltenot fits. East by the 'samo and West by the land. of Jean Pierre Latleur. Also a Negro named John. aged 30 years. L. V. CHACIHERE, Sheriff. Sherifl's office, St. Landiy, Nov. 29th, 1856. SHERIFF'S SALE. S TA TE OF LOUISIANA. James W. Clark, District Court. vs. Parish of St. Landry, John Caswell & als., No. G000. Y virtue of a writ of fi. fa., issued in the above entitled suit, by the District Court, in and for the Parish of St. Landry, on a twelve month bond, and to me directed, will bh exposed to public sale, for cash, (without the benefit ,f appraisetent.) at the Court House of this Parish, on Saturday, the 3d day of January next. 1S!57, commencing nt the hour of 11 o'clock, A. M., and couutining from day to day, if necessary, all the right, title, interest and demand of Johnt Caswell & als., in and tc the following described proper`*, seized to satisfy said writ, to-wit: A certain Tract of Land, held in common be- I ween the Defendants, situated in the Parish of St. Landry, fioting on the Bayou Courtableau, run- ning back to the Bayou Teche or Lemelle, and colntdillng seventy-seven and 871100 acres, or nine- ty 21100 superficial arpeits, more or less. L. V. CIHACHERE, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, St. Landry, Nov. 29th, 1836. 11. BONNABEL'S BI-SULPIIITE 01 IE1. NEW ORLEANS, September 20th, 1856 T IIE undersigned are now manufactur- Sing, and prepared to supply, pure and genuline Bi-Sulphite of Lime, of which exceeds:in quality and strength any that has been heretofore manufactured. It is unnecessary to remind the planters, as they are already aware of the tact, that this Bi-Sulphite of lime when properly used. never atils to produce a beautiful white and yellew crystalized sugar, that always commands the highest price in this market. and the very best recomimetidation it can have with Western and other buyers is the fact of its has ing been made with BounLabel's Bi-Sulphite, as they consider that a guarantee aainst any loss in weight, and are always willing to pay higher prices for it. The high repute and favor in which the planters generally hold this Li-Sulphite is so much a matterof notoriety that it isquite unnecessa- ry to publish here ally of tihe many tlattering testi- morials redcived daily from those who have used it, and invariably succeed beyond their mriost San- guine expectations iii not only making the best augar ever previously made by them, but also in re- aizinlg the highest prices with less loss ini weigh_ tiian ay other process. The manly btrienls and superior advaritges to be derived trom its use are now too well established to need any further cornmmet; but it may be well to ymark that this lI(-Sulphlte alone possesses that streigth and those qualihtes necessary to insure success to the planter. The many orders a!ready received this year from those VWho have used this Bi-Sitilhite, with- out in asingle instance tailing. is lie best evidence, if any wire wantang. in its lavior. The underr- signed alone possess all the fi•iulties to make a plUe article, guaranteud to be several degrees stronger any .ttiuer in use. There being no other ina•itactory in th, South equal to the New Orleans Chemical Works, or which can in any way berar comparison with them, any quantity of Bi-Su!phite can be supplied at the shortest prssible not ice. Very excellent barrels have been secured this season toship the hi-Sulphlite of Lime in: they areguararnteed not to leak. anid when returnred they will be re-filled and shipedl. acid the planter will invariably be allowed fifty cents per barrel. Planters who older througn their merchants mnust be particular to instruct themr to buy none but H. Bonnabets Bi-Sulphite, and all orders must inva- riably De addressed to H. I4ONNABEL, Corner of uatchiez nid Tehoupitoulas streets. 7 Barrels returned to be re-filled will be takes from the boats free of charge, and will be re- shipped at no additional expense to the planters, except drayage. [It October, 156. SHWARTZ & KAUFMAN, Opelousas, La. H AVE just received by the last boats, a complete assortment of winter goods, conrristing principally in Silks, Cashimires, M3Iulin de Laiue, Bombaziucs, Meriuos aid Alpacas. All kinds of woolen goods, &e. Also, a large assortment of fancy articles. Men and youth's clothing of all descriptions, which they will sell as low as any other house in this Parish and on reasonableoterms. Having established a house in the city, it will enable them to procure by every boat goods asked for, if there should be none here as desired. Opelonsas, Dec. 6th, 1856. MILUSIC FOR TalE MILLION, JT THE CHE.P STORE. I HAVE on hand and shall continue to keep a well selected stock of lMusic of every descrip- tion. Instructive books, violine and guitar strings, Violins, prepared rosia, all of the latest style and best quality. Z. L. NIMMO. Opelousas, Nov. 22d, 1830. LACK OATS for sale by DEBAILLON & CARRIIIR, otr Iritesl. eot•br l-ttl, hfg .

Transcript of The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1856-12-13 [p ] · IlE cuI ofcr4 (,tlt~di for Salt ) hs SLw...

Page 1: The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1856-12-13 [p ] · IlE cuI ofcr4 (,tlt~di for Salt ) hs SLw atl1 . si u dud n Batyoun QeueTort to, in the I'aristh of : t. Laolry , sail Saw

VOL. 5. OPELOUSAS, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, (Louisiana,) DECEMBER 13th., 1856. NO. 2.



Subscriphon, for one year, payable in advancethree dollars; if paid at the end of the year, four dol-lars. No subscription will be received for a periodless than one year. A subscriber wishing to dis-c wintnue. must give a r, iten notirce to that efliect. andseotle up all airrearages.

.dd.rti~inag:-For one square not exceeding theLice ol ten lines, one dollar for the first insertion.

and fifty cents fur each sbsequent insertion. Longeraldveytisements will be charged accordingly.

A;1 the advertisements will be inserted in frenchanudeglish until ordered out, or until the editorsshail judge it convenient to discontinue the publi-9ation.

A liberl deduction are en uivertisements in-serted oe long period.

No alvertisementor suhbscription will lie stoppedunoil all the arnearages are paid, unless at the optiono fthe plui shcrs.

No i-cl hin tickets or ofther jobs printecl withoutthe omoryy,,r the person ,oidering the( to be print-Ec' i a iespensible person.

Ici' t , inadvance will invariably bhe requiredor t, 1.nn otlun.emelt of candi dates forolfice.

. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . . ... . . . .- - - -- • .

is a w-li~ i Yl no Sale.IlE cuI (,tlt~di ofcr4 for Salt ) hs SLwatl1 si . u dud n Batyoun QeueTort to,

in the I'aristh of : t. Laolry , sail Saw Mill ii~tttiirry new ; -ItI) arpents of fine cy:rss~iat'l is tta:chtud to sao'd establishmtent and alsoftJ()) or 63), logs ready to be sawed. Morecvu re.5 laud close to the iare can also be111) neht.

For the eu tlitiin= and other particulars,Pi l'1Y to ilw Elit re of the Opeluusas Couriert1r to the uuder:;7,vtei'1


Cli ~ O I(DE OF *C ENCi; E.

JIL. i I TI E has removed his residenceadk l (i hie: to Ianmdry Street, near

,!u&Le (1 ,'rt n s and oppo .tc to the mierhiIant L.r''t. B r,1es tk1. urdmnary services of hijs pro-- : i. theDr wili' l eintitiue to iattCId oil a II din-

ea,, iBtt,! t h luttla:l , i m t practice in all the!I ties ul Dlnti try. tHis work in all that line is~n rasted adil peLrtIltnv alter the latest and mostmapprnoved pircss.

Aitiiiciil tIeth are not onmlv an ornament, theyre-r:tablmlic tie spice to it. naitijial tone aid above

:I pr nt 04ath ieu l~ so iudiapen~aaie to thehealthm.

I)r. Pilate uwill trmt IYasiiigton weekly.!'T ire , iu ,,tprate.(li.lo'ism.i, I Jai, iemc 1?- 6.

N I'rlfA1 A iUBii IC ANI) AUCTION EET in andl i tiii Ih Piishl uf St. ILatidry, offms hli,; serviccs

a ,Ut to hlig fieids and the pubfi. in genei-nrl.II'.i oftice i ati ihis resitl'trce, heart Grand Coteatt.All o:dtll It t at thi&! torie u Mri. J. II. Pu!iittgue,

is (;. id Cot' it it, sill ien p.rtnnptiy attcndecd ie.

St. Laudrv, .Anilli 5t1, 1t6.j

Fiich'E'.ly t1. G arla nd,

ATT'OIINEY AT LAW.\ 7 ILL exercise :iis pruiCsAiont in the duff-

crenit Courts uf the 1 t1 Jndieial1>izrri::t. ilij tifie is in Opelou as.

'I'II 'xODOSES CILACII . Ir1.'ubiEic .Iteei ot ,c erP,

In and for t/i Parish (f St. Landry.COlticc.--At tho~ Sheiitl*"; Office.

S,_pt. L';ii, 185G. _

DebaiUlon & `='aricre,vi criring, 1 teai irdg aI nd Conzn ission

II'WNtbhiaigtOx, Ea.Jan. 19th, 185f.

ADillE IlEYlIER,Jutstice of the Peace,W ILL punctually attend to all businessentrusted to his care, as Jlustice of

the Peace, in the First District of the Parish ofti. LI dry.

(hiice-Court street, opposite the Court House,Opel ousas.

L)pelousas, June 24th, 1S.56.


Mor'rogh & MoutoHn,.ftlornteys at Law,SILL punctually attend to all businessentrusted to them, in the different

Courts of the Fifteenth Judicial District.Office in Washington, La.March 3d., 185t6.--lv.

DORns P. L AFLEUR,Publec .duction1eer,

In and for the Parisk of St. Landry.His office is at Chatagnier.

St. Landry. November Ist, 1856.-6m.

To the iPublic.HIE nudersigued have formed a partner-

ship iu the practice of Medicine andSurgery, and will attend to all cases entrus-ted to their care.


Opelousas, Juue 21st, 1856.

For sale at privet bh IT lIE undersigned offejslb #

vaot sale ad.I -o


Iihtb a . J.


It: i. T &

Mlercantile Cards, &c.1T W 0=5CO

S THE undersigned has thehonor to inform his friends andthe public in general that lihe

hasjust received a large nasortmentof Springand Summer Goods, such as : -Plain andEmbroidered Swiss Muslins, JaeOnate of all Iqualities, English and French Einbroideries,Ginghams, Ladies Bonnets, EihbroideredVeils of all kinds, also a large asortment ofready made elothings, shoes, &e.

A fin assortment of '• sily Groce rie canalways 'be • ond at his stbre .

He always buys beef hides and sheep wool,payable eash or in goods.

F. AIIALFF.Grand eteanu, April 19th, 1856.

New Orlcans,.lDirect -Importationcf French,

British andb:ish Dry Goods

) & E. REILLY & Co., so long known0 at the corner of Royal and Canal

trects, beg to say they have removed to theirlarge new store 12G Canal Street, betweenRoyal and Bourbon streets, known as Tou oBuildings, sign of the Golalen Flax.

Where their ample room and a residentbuyer in Europe, will enable them to keep(the year round) a complete stock in everydepartment. Also, a full line of PlantationG oods, of the best Southern manufacture.

Combined with the above, they will keepat the old stand, corner Royal and Bourbonstreets, under the name of Embroidery andLace Store, a complete stock of Ladies DressTrimmings, Ribbonds, Embroideries, Laces,aind Ladies and Gents furnishing Goods, tosuit the country merchants as well as the con-sumers.

This latter is a class of house heretoforeunknown in this Market.

E. & E. REILLY & Co.,126 Canal Street,

Between Royal and Bourbon streets.Touro Buildings,

Sign of the Golden Flax.September 20th, 18513.--6m.

dund IWIatchmaker's ShAop.TIE undersigned has just open-

ad, at the corner of Mbain and Bel-levue streets, a splendid Jewelryand Watchmaker's Shop. He hasnow on hand an assortment of fine

gold and silver Watches, also an elegant assort-nwint of Jewelry, Clocks, of every quality aridInrces, &c.. which he offers for sale at very reducedlriaces for cash.

lHe has engaged ite services of a good Watch-maker, and will repair all Watches, Clocks andJe.we!ry that will be confided to his cares.

He hopes by his attention and punctuality. andhis mnolerate prices, to deserve ashare of the pub-

lic t . FRANKg D LA RUA.Opelousas, Jlse, 14th, lbs56.

Sale of Valuable sugar LandsSituated in the Parish of St. Landry , in

T. 4 S 'ange 6 E. to rwit:S. E. quarter Sea. Rich Sugar LandsS. W. quarter See. .. part adjoining C.N. WV. quarter cs.. 4. L. Swayze, 40.81

T. 6 S., R. 7 E.W. half Sec. 2, High tich-nsgarAll of Sec. 3. lands, navigable1. half of E. half See.4 Bayou; 1117.78

On both sides Bayou Petite: Prairie,near Atchafalaya River. Total eeres, 1598.59

The flregoing lands will be sold on ae.ommo-dating terms. Apply to .A. J. POWELL.

Doealdsonvite, La.[rBasinesu in the different .and Ofices of the

State. and also at the Departments at WaUhiugtonCity, attended to with promptness by

AS J. POWELL.Donaldsonville, La., lgth April, 185&,

NEWV WTAREOUSE.T HIE undersigned'havingformed a part-nership for the carrying on of the

Warehouse situated in the Town of Washing-ton, formerly known as Anmerson& Thomp-son, fur the purpose of receivingand forwarding freight and merchandise, will faithfullyattend to all business which may beientrustedto theom by their.friends and the publie ingenerMl. J. B. A. 1FONTENOT.

JOHN LYONS.Washington, La. N'ov. 24, 18656 51tf.

REGULAR P4CKETTwice A WanR is coNswcrToan wrrm mrag Nw.-

OLE.ANS, OramessAs & Ga3AT WasasaN RAIL-ROAD.

The fle Steambni ORION,Awirs Mermdsi. Master,leaves Bgyou Bc for Atta-

kapase very Sunday and Weda4tsdy,at•,A'2&lock,iM., at the arrival of the Cars, for Patersonville.Centreville, Franklin, Chare4tou, Prevast's Land-ing, New-Iberia, St. Martinavitl., and all interme-diate landiab,-And leaves St. Martianseilt everyTuesday and Friday,at 6 o'c•oec, A. Mi

St. Martinsville, August 9th, 0 56.

U~ER*a r Wkrckt:

TiSSitJ)loNxALYONS,mm"he1r r ererukr tripe

8e ington

The nIen

The IM M SnwC*Uli4lI boat Inr i





AV4 t .*



IHMCIULATE CONCEPTION,Opecousas, Lorhisianla.

j-V HIS Institution will be opened by the Ladies of.IL th. "Holvy Cross" in the beginning ofOctober,

i i the Town of Opelousaa, for the education of theyoung Ladies of the 'Parish and of the neighboriougParishes. The location is mu.-t delightful, and oflerall the exterior advantages which parents may deuirefor their ceild(hen. The system of education will im-brace all the branches taught in the test Institutionlof Amnerioaor Europe : R,:adingSpelling, Grammuar,

amrnposiion, Ithetorte, Elocnuo, aippled to theFrech and English languages, to both of whilh theutmost attention will be paid, and both of which thipupils will most carefully be trained to speak and writewith correctness, elegance and fluency,-Writin:,trGeographv, sacred and pro!fane, an:ci,-t and moldern•Iliety, Mythology, Alithlrt'ic, i-uk-Keepi g, thllclnrntst of Algebra and Geomnety, Natuial l'hil.c-Stiy, Natural History, rotestic c., m ,-, .wi, IEmbroidery, Artificial tlowers., Drawing," Paiti:Vocal and Instrumental Music.-Thi- last bra:ih wilbe taught by a distingui-hed At tist jut arrived filU :New-Orleans.

Nothing will be omitted to ki:ille in the pupil; arivid emulation for learni:ig; t!:, gr:'ate t attentiowill also be paid to develop their nmint,l firm theirheart.., atnd elevate their character. Theyl will havenotlhi:g to fear from evil examptlles or evil ass,-,cia-tions, rtemaining at all times witini the ecrlo-ure ofth. ho:use, and under the eyes of kit I teachers u•h

will watch over their morals with t:atcrr:al af:is:tihn.They will receive no visits, except from th,ie plarentsor relations, who will be admnitted to see them in theparlor, on Thursdays after the morning cla-ses andon Suidavs after the high mass.

The utmost attention will be paid to the health of ithe pupils, the dirt will be wholensomte : alrln rd-ant, the sick will be nursed with maternal vigilanceand tenderness.

RIligion is the ground work of ediucation. TlheI'Ietitution is Catholic; however, y ,,,,g ladies Wh , Imay belong to other denomination- will hb receiverd,on the only condition of conforming to the publicexercises of the house.

To enable ;parents to send their children at an earlierage to echool,-- child lay profit f un the age ol

seven or eight, and even eooner,-to keep then 1,m-ger, and send several of them at once, the m, n-t ntol-

crate prices have been adopted:-tFor Io•d andTuition, $100 per scholastic year of ten months, pay-able quarterly itn advance; Day-bcholas will pa:y - ,

$30 or $40, for the scholastic year, accor ding to thiiage and the classes they will attend. Music on thePiano or the Guitar will be chargied 6 per month,$1 per month for the use of the Piano;--3, permonth for vocal music.Parents will have to supply their rh:tdren wi:h

books and paper, and provide f •r t •e a!lig oftheir clothes; expenses incurred in sickne-s will al=obe charged to them.Boarders will have to be suppl!ie,l, a

t their en-

trance, with a musquito bar, a siiiicient quai:nityof sheets, blankets, towels, and every day clothes;they must also bring the untifrmn consisting forthe whole year in a blue dress, with cape of thesame color, trimmed with black velvet; two sunbonnets, 1 blue, I of brown linen ; two veils, 1 blue.2 yds, I white, 2 yds; a spon. tolk. tumbler andknife; also a small bucket, br,:-h-s. conreRs. apitcher, bowl, and looking-glass:--these three lastarticl:es will be for sale in the house, to preserveuniformity in the dressing room.

For further particulars apply toSister RARY OF TlHE HOLT ANGELS.

-Supecrior.i to Rkv. i. RAmSN,

Rector of the Churt ch of Opelousas.Opeleusas, August 16th, 1S56.

OPEL@USAS LITERARY INST1ITITiON.St. Landry, (La.)U NDER the direction and proprietor-ihip

of Messrs. A. DE ST. Cy's D 'ArIULNand Jon, GITar., this InstitutiOnl Wil: Le openedon ,Monday next, 7th day of Juiy, fbr thie recepti,,iof pupils.The course of education comprises the Er,glih.

French and Spanibh languages; Classics. ( lathe-matics, Arithmetic, Wrtting.Drlanmtin. HIistory.Chronology, P'hilosophy, Geographv and Globes.

The English and French langu;;ages, regardednow a days, in highest esteem; because of the ex-traordinary extent of territory. as we!i as globe.-encircling commerce of the thiee nations, claim-inn them as their vernacular tor:gies. will ie taugihtat this Institution, in such pure .-tyle of their na-tive proprieties, as regards symphl,:,y and correct-ness ofgrammatical construction, e ,qituence of die-tion, and euphonious elegance uo- ie•dini anrd del-ivery, as cannot fail in securing a secce:sfl:d patron-age. The strictest vigilance wii be exer,'ihed overthe orthographical and orthmpicaI departoments ofall languages taught.

CoNbTIONS :Instruction & board peryear. .o mths 1.10 00Day scholars per annum, , . 40 00Day scholarsn [Ip month), 4 00Latin, " additional;y, 2 00Spanish, a 2 00D;awing (per year), " 30 00Music, " 40 00

Raral sera.--Paridk of Lafayette:

Rbeit Tayl•t, ' Emile Monton,Revillon, Eraste Mouton.

OLOVLAa :sDr. De La Ruelle, G. Ayrivid,Andr6 Meynier, Joel H. Sandoz.

Opelousas, July 5th, 1858.

SIIAVE the honor of informing the pub-lie, and parents in particular, that, from

the lstofJuly next, my Institution will be removedto the property of the late Mr. Jacques Lastrapes;and, that, from that date, I shall be ready to receivethe scholars, whom parents will confide to my care.That well-known position, at a short distance fromOpelousas and Washington, being unquest:onablysituated in the most healthy part of the Parish,.andnot exposed to annual maladies, will assure to pa-rents the health of their children, whose studieswill never be interrupted.

So far as regards instruction and education, Ishall neglect nothing to merit a continuance of thekind patronage, with which I have been honoredhere.

Bad weather, alone, will prevent the" scholarsbeing accompanied to Divine Service, every Sun-


Franklin Institutiog.THEODORE VALADE, Prifcipal.

Docroa HoAES, English Teacher.

Terms, payable Quarterly.

Soarders, for Scholastic year of ten months anda half, $130 00

scholars, for smine period, 40 00All Quarters commenced must be paid in full.

no detetions made for absence, except in casessick T. VALADE,

S Principal and Proprietor.14th, 1856.

iugton, La.G- g purchased the

known-as thence to the

e reception ofjThis I

l ower


AYER'S PILLS,A svw and singularly successful remedy for the

cure of all Bilious diseases - Costiveness, Indi-gestion, Jaundice. Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers,Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritabilit, nflamma-tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast. Side, Back,and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c,r4. Indeed,very few are the disease% in wthich aPurgative Medi-eine is not more or less required, and much sick-ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm-less but effectual Catha:rtic wecre more freely used.N;o person can feel well while a costive habit ofbody prevails ; besides, it soon gen~erates serious andoften fatal diseases.which migit hu-e been avoidcdby the timely and judicious use of a go I purgative.This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptons, andBilious derangemnets. They all tend to beconle orproduce the deep seated and formidable distemperswhich load the hearses all over the land. Hence areliable family physic is of the first importance tothe public health, and this Pill has been perfectedwith consummate skill to meet that demand. Anextensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes-sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassingany thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cureshave been effected beyond belief, were they not sub-stantiated by persons of such exalted position andcharacter as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.

Among the many eminent gentlemen who havetestified in favor of these Pills, we may mention:

Prof. J. M. LOCKE, Analytical Chemist, of Cincinnati, whose high professional character is en-dorsed by

JoSIN McLEAN, Judge of the Supreme Court ofthe United States.

Tuos. ContwiN, Secretary of the Treasury.IIon. J. M. WRIOGHT, Governor of Indians.N. LONuowouTrn, great wine grower of the WestAlso, Di. J. It. CtHhl.Tox, Practical Chemist, of

New York City, endorsed byHoN-. W. L. M tacr, Secretary of State.Wx. B. AsroR, the richest man in America.S. LELAND & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitaa

Hotel, and many others.Did space permit, we could give many hundred

certificates, from all parts where the Pills havebeen used, but evidence even more convincing thanthe experience of eminent public men is found intheir effects uuon trial.

These Pills, the result of long invest:gation andstudy, are offered to the public as the best andmost complete which the present state of medicalscience can afford. They are compounded not ofthe drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtsuesonly of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemicalprocess in a state of purity, and combinedl togetherin such a manner as to insure the best results. Thiseystem of composition for medicines has been foundin the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce amore efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob-tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob-vious. While by the old mode of composition, everymedicine is burdened with more or less of acri-monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi-vidual virtue only that is desired for the curativeeffect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual-ities of each substance employed are left behind, thecurative virtues only being retained. Hence it isself-evident the effects should prove, as they haveproved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer,more powerful antidote to disease than any othermedicine known to the world.

As it is frequently expedient that my medicineshould be taken under the counsel of an attendingPhysician, and as he could not properly judge of aremedy without knowing its composition, I havesupplied the accurate iormiull by which both myPectoral and Pills are made to the whole body ofPractitioners in the United States and British Amer-ican Provinces. If, however, there should be anyone who has not received them, they will beprumptly forwarded by mail to his request.

Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, howfew would be taken if their composition was known 1Their life consists in their mystery. I have nomysteries.

The composition of my preparations is laid opento all men, and all who are comnpetent to judge onthe subject freely acknowledce their convictions oftheir intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral waspronounced by scientific men to be a wonderfulmedicine before its effects were known. Many em-inent Physicians have declared the same thing ofmy Pills, and even more confidently, and are will-ing to certify that their anticipations were morethan realized by their effects upon trial.

They operate by their powerful influence on theinternal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate itinto healthy action--remove the obstructions ofthe stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of thebody, restoring their irregular action to health, andby correcting, wherever they exist, such derange-ments as are the first origin of disease.

Being sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take,and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise fromtheir use in any quantity.

For minute directions, see wrapper on the Bos.PREPARED BY

DR. JAMES C. AYER,Practical and Analytical Chemist

LOWELL, MASS.Pri•e 5S Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.

SOLD BYJohn Posey. and P. L. Hebrard & Co., Op!oueas-S. t. D. Allis Wasiington, and J. B. Pollinu•.'. GrandCoteau. jan Cth l ti6-1y

MILLENERY STOIIE.New-Orleans, 1* Conde St. Pontalba's Builing.

MRI1s. PIGEON, x,ITAS the honor to inflrm

the ladies of, thatshe has opened a lillendryand fancy Store at No. 18,Condi street, New Orleans,where can always be foundthe most complete and finest

assortment of Capottes, Straw and winterBonnets, Mantillas, Embroideries, -Laces,Flowers, and all articles for ladies in thelatest style.

Bonnets are made at orders.A Seamstress has been engaged by thq

establishment.Mrs. Pigeon shall be thankful to the ladies

of Opelousas, for a continuanuce of theirpatronage, of which she has been honored bythem during her stay in Opelousas.

New Orleans, October 11th, 1$5(3.

3TIE undersigned hereby notify plantersand others, that, from the 1st of No-

vember next 1856, the storage now existingwill henceforth be charged for merchandizeand other articles laying in their warehousesfor the period of one nionth, and every addi-tional month or part of a month, the sameadditional rates will be charged.[ Nothing will be delivered until the

storage is paid.J. B. A. FONTENOT.

Washington, October 11th, 1856.

FOR SALE,A N excellent SUGAR MILL with the

kettles; the whole in good order.For the particulars, apply to the editors of

the Courier, or to Mr. Simon Richard.Opelousas, November 1st. 1856. 48-tf.

HIDES! ]RIDUES!!T HE undersigned will pay beef hides of

four years and abqve from $3 to $3 50,smaller ones in proportion.

He has constantly on hand, at his Tanm'd in Washington, all kinds of leather for

esses, saddlery, and carriage work, &c.ich h offers for sale at reduced prices.

VICTOR TOUCHY.Washington, La., Sept., 6th, 1•i6.-er.

Judicial nales, &c.For sale.

H73H E Sugar Plantation on which the sub-R I scriber now resides, consistiug of near

l y 900 arpents of Land, 500 of which is underfence, the balance in sood.

The improvements conu;st of an excelhlntSugar Iouse, Steamn Engine, Kettles, and iperfect order and as good as new, one of theLest D)welling Houses in the Pari,-h, with allthe necessary Cribs, C'abins, &c., &c.

It is considered one of the inoAt beautifulplaces in the country and will hlu ou!d on more

*liberal terma. than any-such prclprty can bepurchased. Apply to

Di•. J. A. TAYLOR,Opelounsa., N',v., til, 1 > ';.

for SaiC, by F;outs col & Lyons.ShLmINE lot of puIt.s fur i of' thte

icZ4 quality, ulso, a guanine of lit;fincsr 6 fe~et pickets in nmarkt whc Ina 11

used inn pa:cet: of 3 feet boardi., I r co ein ( +1 h

hInui!cs, tIhe abouve nn' be hal cA-tnp )r canIA.

Wuahnlirgtunn, July- 19th, 1~A

HIOT '.EL FO( SAIAE.TIIE unertigr•e, ir,.-nt pre-

": I prictor of the ' nio: Hotl, in( 'I ()Opelousas, lately kept by iI r. I1.

A. lPatin offers said e-talihineiet for sage,with or without the furniture. Said Ltel isadmirally ,ituated, and well patroized.

For the terms and ,ther particulars, a iplyon the premises to 11. A. Patin, or to theundcri:iged.

VALERY GUILBEAU.Opelousas, August :d, 1856.

T- LE undersigned hereby notify planters_i and lthers that fi'rm and after the lt

of November next I ;i, the straire ti Iexisting will hencefWrth h, charged e oa r ne a-chandize and other articles la:itlg in theirwareholuses ~r the per'iod of on" moon/th, a•l!tor every additional month or part of amonth, the samne additional rates wiil iecharged.

Nothing will be delivered until thestorage is pai.

I•EIAILLON & CARiTIERE.Waahingtln, Oc:ober 11th, 1 &3.

. . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . .

S IIpE partne hip heretofore exiting un-der the firm of J. 1B. BELLOCQ &

CO., was dis-olved on tte S31t of Augustlast, by limitation and the death of J. B.Bellocq.

The subscribers will contiuue the business',f the holuse under the style f BELLOCQ,NOBLO31 & CO., according to act passedbefore S. Magner, notary public.


New Orleans, Sbtn-mberI 1, 3--y.. . . . ..___________ - - -..... .. . . . ... . . . . . .. . .. . . .

W ILL be offered fr sale, at. the st(,rcof Carroll &Kcough, oi Pquti,

Brulee, on the 2Utih lG56, •40,000(cypress fencing picux, to be sold in 1eis tosuit purchasers.

Te2Crms .- Ouc year fromn date, pI•lrchaserto give their unotes with good security atsati-faction.

CARROLL & KEOUGII.St. Landry, Nov., 22d, 1856.

IAVING rented the house of' Ir. NoelLarcade, near Jesse 1utchinls ilac.-

enmith's shop, I take this opportunity of in-forming the citizens of OjelJusas as well a,those of the surrounding country, that I amnow fully prepared to clean both Cloaks andovercoats, vests, pants and render them in amanner new. My terms will be moderate.In my absence those wishing articles clcanedwill please leave them with IMr. C. 3Jornl:i:i-veg, as I have made an arrangement with himto that amount. VICTOR CAIIORS.

Opelousas, Nov., 29th, 1850.

H AV1NG purchased a plantation inBellevue, perfectly convenient to re-

ceive patients, will devote himself nmot ex-clusively to the treatment of chronic diseases,add his prices will be moderate, that is tosay, one dollar per day fIr slavcs which d cnot require the attendance of a nurse, a•alfor those to whom a nurse is necessary, theprice will be agreed upon with the owner.

Dr. Salles moreover offrs his services toall those who may honor him with their con-fidence. B. J. SALLES, M. D.

Believue, Nov., 29th, 1856.


:• has the honor of informing thepublic, that having beer induced

to come and settle in the town of (Jpelousas,he is ready to give lessons on the Piano forte,the Violin, the Guitar, and also in vocalmusic; he will likewise tune Pianos.--Iisprices will be very moderate; 86 00 permonth for Instrumental music, and $3 00 permonth for vocal music. For tuning Pianos,the charges will be proportionate to the work;still they will always be moderate.

Opele.i as, August 16th, 1 ....

Opelousas Hotel,KEPT BY H. PROVENT

Vorner of Union and Belleve its., Opelousas.SOOD Table, good wines of all kinds.-SChampagne first quality.

Nov. 22d, 1856.

COTTON, IIDB AND IOOL.S7HE undersigned informs those who it

iU. may concern, that he will purchasecotton, hides and wool at the market price,for cash or draft on New Orleans.

J. L. COU'RET.Opeleasns, Deember 6, 1856.

i4JO L R. SANDOZ, NOTARY PUBLIC.'l AS removed his office to the corner of

Landry and Market street, near theoffice of the Clerk of the District Ceart.

Opelousas, Nevember 8Q, 1 5.

Judicial iotices, &c.Public Sale.

Succession of Catherine Stelly deceased,late wife of Elias Steen.

Y virtue of an order granted by the 14thU District Court, in and for the Pari-h

of St. Martin, dated 19th of November 1856,tie u,•i'r-ign.l :ueitioneer a'jpointcd by theaid (Court, will ofler for sale; at public auction,

at the residence of Elias Steen in this Parish(Bayou Fuselier,) on

Tuesday, 23d of December next,, propTerty hereinafter described, belonging

to oi aid 4uccs-iIon and to the communityIlerettfroe existing between the said EliasFSteen and his latc wife, to-wit :

t, A SLTGAh PLANTATION,mc:Onuri g atbout 700 superficial acres, more

or Ie-s, ohuntid North by land of Dr. Walker,:•- ,v i:r. Scott, W'cst andl Soutlh-West vbay,, u VCrnaPi!!L,, and Sotth by laud of

`id ,,y, Si;le, Ituo,, tgelther with the houses,ma n azinic, -ugar house, c itton gin, and otheriq ro,vclei:ts thenron erected.

20. 50 LIKELY 1' AA FIES,of both scxes and of dilerent ages.

:Bo. A certain nitumber of hornedcattle, Cowsi, Calves, Oxen, Ilor-ses, Sheep, Carts, a Buggv, andAratorv utensiils ofall descriptionshousehold fturniture, &c., &c.'lo. A certain quantity of Corn,

Fodder, 1hay, &c., &C.

o0. A LAND CERTIFICATE,for 160 acres, No. 41763.

Conditions:--All sales of ten Dollars andnlder, payable on the 1st of April 1557, and

all sales fur over that amount payable in threec<ioual annual in tahlnents at 1, 2 and 3 years

Seriri: tfrvm tie saidl ].t of April 1 57; the

purc1hasrs fritnisihing their obligations withg, ad slivent security in solido, to theati.-tctiou of Elias Steen, to whose orderand at whose doiicil the notes shall be made

,amvyabie Lbr the use of the succession and conm-'ICianiy, ail bearing interest at the rate of

eight pcr cent per annum, after maturity un-til thal payment, and all property sold su.-coptiible vo mortgage, remaining specially hy-poth cated until fuol pay ment of the purchaselmoney and of the interest accruing thereon.

(O31IE1 31ARlTIN, Auctioneer.St. Martinsville, Nov. 20th, 1850.

. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .

S District Court,'aruish of iSt. Landry.

Novl:1BE TE LRM, 165..Clhotile Guillory,

vs. No. 7281.E:,ile L. Guillory & als.,

1i E law and evidence in this case beingin tvnr of the Plaintiff, it isadjudged

and decreed that the said Plaintiff, Cleotiien;uillorb , have judgment against her hu.sband

E;minil L. Guiilory one of the Defendants for:ihe -u, of seven hundred and seventy-sixdoillar and forty-three cents. The legalimortiagec of the Plaintiff upon the Estate ofiter said hu-bund, to attach upon three hun-dred and thirty dollars and eighty-nine anduIe half cents, from the 19th of August 1244,upon, the sunm of three hundred andad inety--six dollars and iifty-f;,ur cents, from the 5thof August 1t54, and upon the sum of forty-~ine dllars, from the 1st of January l152. Itis further decreed that the said Plaintiff re-cover in kind fromi her said husband, one bed,one armuir and live head of cattle with thebrand about thus: J-1, and it is further ad-judgt.d that she be separated in property fromher said husband and have the entire and ex-elusive control of her extra dotal estate.That the injunction issued in this proceedingrestraining the seiznre and sale of the movea-bles decreed as aforesaid to Plaintiff's be per-petuated at the custs of the said Defendantsthus enjoined. And it is further decreed thatthe Defen•dant Emile L. Guillory be adjudgedto pay all other colts in this behalf expended.

Read and signed in open Court, this firstday of )Dcemeer 1•56i.

LUCIUS J. DUPRE,Judge 15th Judicial District.

A true copy,A. D)EJEAN, Dep'ty Clerk.

OIpelusas, D:e. 6th, 1~53.

Rtatr of ?LOlitcsUrl4.DISTIICT (COI RT, No


Estate of Louis Tihibodeau, dee'd.A(EON TII[BODEAU, of the Parish of

St. Landry, Admrinitrator of the Es-tate of Louis Thibodeau, deceased, late of theaforeanid 'ariah, having filed a Tableau of(lassification of the debts of said Estate, ac-compianied by a petition praying for the ho-mxologation of the same;-And whereas theprayer of said petition has been granted byorder of Court dated Nov. 21st, 1850;-

Now therefore, notice is hereby given toall interested, to make opposition, if any theyhave, within thirty days from the date hereof,why said Tableau should not be confirmed andhomologated, and the Administrator author-ized to pay according to his tableau.

L. LASTRALPES, Clerk.Opelousas, Nov. 22d, 1856.


I ITAVE on ha d a large assortment of SchoolBooks, Paper, Pencils, Ink, Pens, &c., for

sch", s aln offices, which I am constaznt'y addingto by almost every arrival from New-Orcean~s.

Also, an assortment of Religious Publications forall denominat•ols. I am also agent for all the stan•dard works and late publications, for sale by

E. L. NIMMS.Opelousas, Nov. LSd. 186.

COPARIX ERSIIIPt.T--HE undersigned have formed a part-nership under the style of A. Rousset

& Co., to date from the first of October last,for a general Hardware and Variety Store.


New-Orleans, Nov. 3d, 1L5.---3m.

ALL KINDS OFBlanks for Justices of the Peace,

Ready for deliverr. and for sale sieap tSh sik.Aply as Ahe o* e of Ae tea;p;. L

.Judicial Notices, &c,


Charles D. Dreu . vs. Flavius H. Thompson Irwife.-District Court,-Parish of St. Landry,-No. 7745.

Elodie~ ambert, wife &c.. vs. Mlichael King--District Court,-Parish of St. Laudry,-No.

J. Druilhet & Son. vs. Flavius II. Thomson & wife,-District: Court.-Parish of St. Landry,--SN,744

jjl Y virtue of three writs of fi. fa, issuedin the above entitled suit, by the Die-

trict Court, in olr the Parish ot St. Lardry, and toItie directed. will be exposed to pubiic sale, forcash. at the Court Ilouse of this Puarish. orn SaturdaIy,ie 3,1 day of January next, 1ih57. commuencin g atthe hotr of 11 o'clock. A. t.i. and co:ntinuing troraday to , da .ii nc s ty. al the right

,.till'. interest

,odi euartd t •fi.:us I. ilhthnor,, & w.fe, in a:ndt,, th, l ,t- ,f ,w ; ' described propel tyi seized to satittysa witd t-i it;

A, NSou-mat, sla re fir life• named Morel, agel!" a7 5t-a N 'g'ro-tat, , s] fO ile, named Perry,

agedt 23 " eard s,t. aunother Negro, slave fur life,naited Jini. ged t-1 years.

L. V. CIIACHERE, Sheriff.Sheriff's office. St. Landry. Nov. *.th, 1S30.


Jean R.Yiou, ) Dist•irt C.,.rtvs. Parish of St. Laidry.

Onez. L. Fntenot. No. 7920.

I] Y virtue of an order of c:izure and sale,J issrued in the above entitleht suit, by

the District Court, in and for the Parish of St..andry. and to nme directed, will be exposed toplbhlc sale, for ca il, at the Court House of thisParish. on Na',iday. the 3d day of January next,1,IN7. cunimenci Ii at the hour of 11 o'clock, A. *M.,and continuing f'orn day to day, if necessary, all theright title, interest andl demand of ()Onez. L. Fon-tenot, in and to the lollowing described property,seized to satisfy said writ to wit:The Land or Plantationi where said Fontenot

resides now, situated in Old Grand Prarie. in saidI'uri h, with all the uilliiings and ilmprovemetntsthereon. measuring 13 arpents front by forty il

depth, boulded North by Public Laid, South bylands of Alexandre Fonltenot fits. East by the 'samoand West by the land. of Jean Pierre Latleur.

Also a Negro named John. aged 30 years.L. V. CHACIHERE, Sheriff.

Sherifl's office, St. Landiy, Nov. 29th, 1856.


James W. Clark, District Court.vs. Parish of St. Landry,

John Caswell & als., No. G000.

Y virtue of a writ of fi. fa., issued in theabove entitled suit, by the District

Court, in and for the Parish of St. Landry, on atwelve month bond, and to me directed, will bh

exposed to public sale, for cash, (without the benefit,f appraisetent.) at the Court House of this Parish,on Saturday, the 3d day of January next. 1S!57,commencing nt the hour of 11 o'clock, A. M., andcouutining from day to day, if necessary, all the

right, title, interest and demand of Johnt Caswell& als., in and tc the following described proper`*,seized to satisfy said writ, to-wit:

A certain Tract of Land, held in common be-I ween the Defendants, situated in the Parish of St.Landry, fioting on the Bayou Courtableau, run-ning back to the Bayou Teche or Lemelle, andcolntdillng seventy-seven and 871100 acres, or nine-

ty 21100 superficial arpeits, more or less.L. V. CIHACHERE, Sheriff.

Sheriff's office, St. Landry, Nov. 29th, 1836.

11. BONNABEL'S BI-SULPIIITE 01 IE1.NEW ORLEANS, September 20th, 1856

T IIE undersigned are now manufactur-Sing, and prepared to supply, pure and

genuline Bi-Sulphite of Lime, of which exceeds:inquality and strength any that has been heretoforemanufactured.

It is unnecessary to remind the planters, as theyare already aware of the tact, that this Bi-Sulphiteof lime when properly used. never atils to producea beautiful white and yellew crystalized sugar,that always commands the highest price in thismarket. and the very best recomimetidation it canhave with Western and other buyers is the fact ofits has ing been made with BounLabel's Bi-Sulphite,as they consider that a guarantee aainst any lossin weight, and are always willing to pay higher

prices for it. The high repute and favor in whichthe planters generally hold this Li-Sulphite is somuch a matterof notoriety that it isquite unnecessa-ry to publish here ally of tihe many tlattering testi-morials redcived daily from those who have used

it, and invariably succeed beyond their mriost San-guine expectations iii not only making the best

augar ever previously made by them, but also in re-

aizinlg the highest prices with less loss ini weigh_tiian ay other process. The manly btrienls and

superior advaritges to be derived trom its use are

now too well established to need any furthercornmmet; but it may be well to ymark that thislI(-Sulphlte alone possesses that streigth and those

qualihtes necessary to insure success to the planter.The many orders a!ready received this year

from those VWho have used this Bi-Sitilhite, with-out in asingle instance tailing. is lie best evidence,if any wire wantang. in its lavior. The underr-signed alone possess all the fi•iulties to make a

plUe article, guaranteud to be several degreesstronger any .ttiuer in use. There being noother ina•itactory in th, South equal to the NewOrleans Chemical Works, or which can in any

way berar comparison with them, any quantity ofBi-Su!phite can be supplied at the shortest prssiblenot ice.Very excellent barrels have been secured this

season to ship the hi-Sulphlite of Lime in: they

are guararnteed not to leak. anid when returnred theywill be re-filled and shipedl. acid the planter willinvariably be allowed fifty cents per barrel.Planters who older througn their merchants mnust

be particular to instruct themr to buy none but H.

Bonnabets Bi-Sulphite, and all orders must inva-riably De addressed to


Corner of uatchiez nid Tehoupitoulas streets.

7 Barrels returned to be re-filled will be takesfrom the boats free of charge, and will be re-

shipped at no additional expense to the planters,except drayage. [It October, 156.

SHWARTZ & KAUFMAN,Opelousas, La.

H AVE just received by the last boats, acomplete assortment of winter goods,

conrristing principally in Silks, Cashimires,M3Iulin de Laiue, Bombaziucs, Meriuos aidAlpacas.

All kinds of woolen goods, &e.Also, a large assortment of fancy articles.

Men and youth's clothing of all descriptions,which they will sell as low as any other housein this Parish and on reasonableoterms.

Having established a house in the city, itwill enable them to procure by every boatgoods asked for, if there should be none hereas desired.

Opelonsas, Dec. 6th, 1856.

MILUSIC FOR TalE MILLION,JT THE CHE.P STORE.I HAVE on hand and shall continue to keep a

well selected stock of lMusic of every descrip-tion. Instructive books, violine and guitar strings,Violins, prepared rosia, all of the latest style andbest quality.

Z. L. NIMMO.Opelousas, Nov. 22d, 1830.


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