The Old Woman 3º Eso

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Reading comprehension 3º ESO

Transcript of The Old Woman 3º Eso


1Read the text and tick the sentences T (true) or F (false). Many years ago, there was an old woman. She lived with her little black cat in a small cottage in the middle of the forest. There was a village near the forest. The people from the nearby village were frightened of the old woman because she looked like a witch. They didnt go near her cottage. Stay away from her! many of them said. She is a witch.

One day, a little boy was on his way home when he got lost in the forest. He didnt know what to do, so he sat on a rock and cried. After some time, the old woman found the boy and took him home to his family. His parents were so happy to see him. Then they realised the old woman wasnt a witch at all, but just a lonely, old woman. They told the other villagers how she helped their son. Many villagers became her friends after that day.


1.The village people were scared of the old woman.((

2.The little boy got lost in the forest.


3.The old woman took him to her cottage.


4.The village people became the old womans friends.((2Circle the correct answer.

1.The village was in / near the forest.

2.The old woman lived in the village / forest.

3.The village people knew / didnt know the old woman.

4.The woman helped the little boy / villagers.3Answer the questions.1.Where did the old woman live?

2.Who thought the old woman was a witch?

3.What happened to the boy when he was in the forest?

4.How did the old woman help the little boy?

5.How did the old womans life change after she helped the boy?

6.Where was the old womans cottage?

7.Why were the village people frightened of the old woman?

8.What problem did the little boy have and what did he do?

9.How did the old woman help the little boy?

10.What did the villagers learn about the old woman?