The Northwest Territory Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

The Northwest Territory Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Transcript of The Northwest Territory Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

Page 1: The Northwest Territory Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

The Northwest Territory

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Page 2: The Northwest Territory Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

Brief History

Northwest TerritoryPRE-FRENCH & INDIAN WAR

Before 1763, FRANCE controlled much of the area north & west of the Ohio River – “UPPER LOUISIANA”

POST-FRENCH & INDIAN WARFrom the TREATY OF PARIS IN 1763, GREAT BRITAIN controlled much of the same area – through it’s colonies & other means.

FEBRUARY 1779 During the Revolutionary War, Virginia basically took control of the entire Northwest Territory…


MARCH 1, 1781 Maryland ratifies the Articles of Confederation, formally establishing the first government of the United States and “creating” the Confederation Congress.

OCTOBER 19, 1781 General Cornwallis formally surrenders his British forces to a French & American force at Yorktown, Virginia – BRINGING THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION TO A CLOSE.

Page 3: The Northwest Territory Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

SEPT. 3, 1783 TREATY OF PARIS formally & officially ends the American Revolutionary War. Boundaries are drawn and British North America is set apart from the new American States.

Great Britain formally CEDES THE LAND to the United States!

Brief History

Northwest Territory

MARCH 1, 1784 The Confederation Congress officially acquires the NORTHWEST TERRITORY!

Virginia & New York, Connecticut & Massachusetts all laid claim to parts of the Northwest Territory – slowly gave it up to the Confederation Congress.

JULY 13, 1787 The Confederation Congress passes the NORTHWEST ORDINANCE

The ordinance is arguably the single most important piece of legislation passed by the Confederation Congress *

Page 4: The Northwest Territory Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

Importance & Significance

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

1.) “Established precedent that all NEWLY ACQUIRED LANDS would be administered by the central government”

2.) “Created a process by which territories could BECOME STATES in the united States” (Sec. 14, Art. 5)

3.) “Created a process by which the territories could create a system of REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT (Sec. 9)

4.) “Established the importance of NATURAL, PROPERTY & LEGAL RIGHTS for Americans – led the way for BILL OF RIGHTS” (Art. 14)

5.) “PROHIBITED SLAVERY” (Art. 14, Sec. 6)

“What was it?”

“What were they?”

WITH A PARTNER OR TWO (using the doc. & notes)* Create a TOP FIVE list of the most important aspects of the Northwest Ordinance