THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL....Special to The Journal. Helena, Mont., Feb. 22.-George Washington got one...

THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. PEICE TWO CENTS. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22, 1901. 16 PAGES-FIVE O'CLOCK. KILLED BY THE MAFIA Wealthy Chicago Italian Is Found Dead. POLICE MAKE A RAID Nine Men Found in a Room, One of Whom Is Wounded. THEY BELONG TO SICILIAN ORDER Kuives anil Revolver* in the Room— v\ .-apoii in the Dcait Man's Pocket. Chicago, Feb. 22.--A murder believed to be the result of a vendetta, was committed late last night near Grand and Milwaukee avenues. Salvatore Giovanna was found shot through the heart. Carlo Battista, who recently arrived from New York, was standing over him. Battista says he and the murdered man were warm friends, and thai while on the way to Giovanni's home, they were attacked by three men. Battista was not injured. He carried a revolver, which had not been fired. lr the dead man's coat pocket, was a revolver, from which three shots had been fired. In his pockets also were many counterfeit coins. Giovanni, one of the most prominent Italians in Chicago, was a member of several secret societies. He came here from New York, seven years ago. The police believe that he was the victim of the Mafia and that he was murdered with the weapon found on him. Battista is held pending investigation. Within five hours after the murder the police raided a house at 141 Milton ave- nue and arrested nine Italians, said to be sympathizers of the Chicago branch of the .\kfla society. The persons arrested are: Dominic Catalan, Nofel Philip, Ra- fael Lita. Capalnan Makea. Nalkaer Erna, John Ronte, Simon Rafael. Tony Spargno and Joseph Mariso. Joseph Mariso has a severe bullet wound in the mouth. The nine men were hud- •:. 1 in a small room. In the room were found numerous dirks, stillettos and re- volvers. A deposition in the divorce case of Dr. Ralph Cundovo against Oolinda Gondovo, TOO S Fourth street. St.. Louis, was found on the dead man. Ie is believed that Gio- vanni was acting as agent for some attor- ney, and this may have had something to do with the plot to end his life. Giovanni and Battista were friends in Italy. For seven years Giovanna was a labor contractor in New York and Boston. Three years ago he came to Chicago and conducted a cigar store on Polk street. Six months ago he engaged in the restau- rant business. He had considerable means. At 3 o'clock this morning, one of the prisoners said the members of the band belonged to an organization known as the Sicilian order and that Mariso was the president of the order. Motive for the Murder. A clew- to the motive for the murder •was found among the letters in Giovanni's pockets. One of these, written by a man in St. Louis, spoke of a murder commit- ted in Mulberry street. New York, to \u25a0which Giovanni was a witness. The the- ory of the police is that Giovanni was murdered to prevent his appearance at the trial. Letters found in the murdered man's pockets showed that he had been summoned east as a witness. The Mafia society is mentioned in the case, but as yet there is no evidence di- rectly implicating that society. In connection with the murder, the sa- loon of Frank Moiicl, 57 Grand avenue, was raided to-day by the police. The proprietor and ten inmates were arrested. ( AIXEI) HIMSELF A OOVIfT His Uivorod Wife'u Relatives Are Suit! to Re I iifriendly. St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 22. —Domenica Gin- nocchi, Italian consul in St. Louis, and other prominent Italians of this city, be- lieve Salvator Giovanni was Dr. Raft'aelle Guidone, who, until a few months ago, lived in St. Louis. He obtained a divorce h^ie and is said to have aroused the en- mity of the former wife's relatives. When Dr. Guidone first appeared in St. Louis a year ago, he introduced himself as an Italian count. He left here last August and had not been heard from since. A VOTE FOR "GEORGE" Only I luiiiK*' of Nate in the Montana Senatorial Situation. Special to The Journal. Helena, Mont., Feb. 22. - George Washington got one vote for the short term senator«hip in the Montana legislature to-day. Otherwise there was no change from yesterday. Senator Gruwell of Yellowstone county, when hi* name was called, raised a round of applause in commemoration of the birthday of the great American by recording his vote for "Honorable George Washington." After the joint ballot both houses adjourned for the day out of respect for the Father of His Country. ' The vote to-day was: Mantle. 31; Frank, 24; Coburn, 2: Toole, 1; Washington, 1; Mac- Ginnis, 24; Cooper, 6: Conrad, 2: Clancy, 1. It required 47 votes to elect to-day. Still Balloting lor Senators. Lincoln, Xeb., Feb. 21.—The following vote on United -States senator was taken to-day: Allen (fusion), go; Hitchcock (fusion), 55; 1). E. Thompson, 37; Meikeljohn, SO; Currie, 15; Rosewater. IT: Martin. 7; Crounze, 7; Hinshaw. U; Hainer, o; Kinkaid, 5; scat- tering, S>. Helena, Mont.. Feb. 21.—The result on vote to-day was: Mantle, 32; Maginning, 23; Frank, 23: Cooper, 7: Coburu. i'; Conrad, 2; Toole, 1; Clancy, 1; Kennedy. 1. Salem. Ore., Feb. 21—The senatorial bal- lot to-day was: Bell, Si: Williams, 22; Her- mann, 7; Inman (dem.h 26; Bennett, 1. TRAINS IN COLLISION Accident to G. X. and M. & St. 1,. Pas- \u25a0eniters at Himlcj Palls. Clarkfield, Minn.. Feb. 22.—A Wiliniar & Sioux Falls passenger on the Great North- ern road collided with a west bound pas- senger on the Minneapolis & St. Louis road at Hanley Falls yesterday afternoon, at a crossing of the roads. The Great Northern engine struck between the fourth and last coaches, derailing them and tear- ing up the track and wrecking the engine. The Great Northern train was apparently tinder full steam. The St. Louis train usually crosses first, but was five minutes late. W. J. Wolford of Dawson had his skull fractured and may die. Mrs. Nash re- ceived slight scalp wounds, and C. H. Lea- man of Minneapolis, had his face cut and three teeth knocked out. FAT STOCK SHOW Another Will Be Held at the Union Stock Yardn, Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 22.—Plans (or a second fat stock show at the Dexter Park pavilion in the Union stork yards were discussed to-day at a meeting of the executive committee of the National Breeders' association, in con- ference with the executive branch of the International Live Stock Exposition company. The opinion was practically unanimous that another exDosition should be held. LET THE WAR TAX STAND Growing Feeling Against Ac- tion at Present. MAY NBEBf HEREVENUE Extra Session Next Month to Act % on the Cuban Question. DECLARATION OF THE RELATIONS (oiiKrok May Submit It tv the Cuban « onstitul ional ton- veutiun. .From The Journal Bureau, Room 48, JPobI Building, Washington. Washington, Feb. —A growing senti- ment is observed in congress to the effect that perhaps it would be just as well if no war revenue reduction were made at this session. The wisdom of taking off between $40,000,000 and $50,000,000 of reve- nue is doubted in many quarters, and may ; ultimately control, if the house,and sen- ate conferees do not speedily agree. The interests pressing for immediate ac- tion are the brewers and tobacco dealers. They are both deeply interested, as more than one-half the taxes proposed to be taken off will be. for the express; relief of the brewers and tobacco men. A year from now all the revenue that is raised under the existing law may be needed, and as long as there are bonds to be paid off, it is beginning to be urged that there is no necessity for action at this session. If a deficit should develop a year from now. owing to troubles in Cuba, or for any other reason, the repub- j lican leaders would become the laughing i stock of the country. None of the blame j could be put on the administration, for it is distinctly recommended that not more than $30,000,000 be taken off from the revenues, while the bill that passed j the house would make a reduction of $40,000,000, and according to Mr. Allison, j the senate bill will take off from $45,000,- --000 to $50,000,000. There is deep significance in the sugges- | tion of well-informed members of both I made since the conferees have been dead- i locked, that the war revenue ought not to be reduced until it is known definitely what the final solution of the Cuban prob- lem is to be. It is believed that an extra session to consider the Cuban question will be called for March 18 or 25. Senators, who have hitherto been directing all their efforts to secure the abandonment of the extra ses- sion idea have desisted and now talk about the convening of congress as a set- tled fact. -. ...^.u-,. . -. : While the Cubans will, in all probabili- ty, accept some of the suggestions as to their relations with this country which have been made by the president, it does not seem likely that a full solution of the problem can be made by the constitutional convention. The president expects, there- fore, to call to the attention of congress, in the message which he will submit at the beginning of the extra session, the necessity which has arisen for a complete outlining of the policy of the United States toward Cuba. It is known the constitution will not contain any reference to American rela- tions, but these will be expressed in a supplemental convention. Congress will be asked to ratify or amend this declara- tion and in the meantime United States troops will remain in the island. The president does not believe that upon'him alone should be placed the responsibility j of deciding upon the relations with Cuba. The serious character of the problem vs appreciated by the utter lack of unanimi- ty among senators as to the best method of its solution. All agree, however, that the situation is critical and that it pre- sents many new and novel features, which will require most careful consideration. Many senators are opposed to any decla- ration in a Cuban constitution, on the ground that such a document could be, and probably would be, amended without warning to the United States. They pre- fer some treaty stipulation, which would be a binding contract, but they realize that no treaty can be negotiated without recognizing the Cuban government. Taking the attitude of ihe United States toward the South American republics as a precedent, it is found that no treaty was ever negotiated with any of those governments until formal recognition had been granted. # The necessity of deliberate action before recognizing any government in Cuba is fully appreciated, and it may be that the dilemma will be met by declaration to which the Cuban convention will be asked to give its assent. This declaration will set forth the well-known conditions which this government will require to be ob- served, including sites for naval stations an agreement that no treaties will be made with foreign nations without the sanction of this country, and that no debts will be placed in Europe. While these provisions are under con- sideration the troops will probably remain in the island. The president is of the opinion that the work of the extra session can be speedily concluded, provided the entire time is devoted to the consideration of Cuban affairs- —W. W. Jermane. WiiMlifiiuton Small Talk. Representative McCleary recommended An- ton M. Holt for postmaster at Delavan Fari- bault county. W. R. Merriam will give a dinner to-night for the members of the Minnesota delegation in tfce house and senate, and their wives. Representative Stevens to-day secured the passage of a bill granting the railroads a right of way over lands reserved or with- drawn from settlement for reservoir purposes It particularly applies to lands at the head- waters of the Mississippi. The controller of fhe currency has approved the Swedish-American National bank of Min- neapolis as a reserve agent for the First Na- tional bank of Harvey, N. D. The controller has approved the First National bank of Min- neapolis as a reserve agent for the First National bank of Blue Earth City, Minn., and the Metropolitan National i bank of Chicago for the First National bank of Gowrie, lowa. Senator Kyle saw the secretary of the treasury and the commissioner of internal revenue regarding the new South and North Dakota internal revenue district. No prom- ises as to favorable reports were made, but Senator Kyle feels more encouraged than ever before. There Is considerable opposi- tion to the establishment of the new district, which will have to be overcome before the president's orders are issued, and the fight must be kept up until action is taken by the chief executive. TAXATION OF BOATS Minnesota and Wisconsin Legislat- ors Discuss the Qnestion. TRI-STATE ACTION IS PROPOSED Michigan Will Be Invited to Join With WiHconnln and Minne- sota in I nlform Legislation. Every condition that surrounds vessel! taxation was discussed this morning at the conference at the Windsor j hotel between j Wisconsin and Minnesota legislators. The visitors, with the exception of Representa- tive August Vinn, of Milwaukee, arrived last night. Senator E. G. Mills,' of West Superior, and Representative Henry Over- beck, of Sturgeon Bay, with Mr. Vinn, make up Wisconsin's commission. The conference this -morning made Sena- tor Mills chairman and Representative Laybourn, of Duluth, secretary. The ses- sion was executive, but it may be said that i the Wisconsin men reviewed the various attempts in that state to bring shipping within the domain of the taxing power. This was followed by a proposition that Minnesota and Wisconsin adopt some mu- tually satisfactory program -which would allow a maximum rate to be imposed with- out driving the vessel owners to ports out- side of the two states. The necessity for communicating with the Michigan legisla- ture then became apparent, inasmuch as vessel taxation is being considered at this time by that body. It was decided to in- form the Michigan legislative authorities of what was proposed. The conference then adjourned, subject to the call of the chair- man. Senator Mills," with his two colleagues, left on the afternoon train for the head of the lakes. No Increase on Wisconsin Registry. Some interesting facts were disclosed during the discussion.' It was claimed by the Wisconsin lawmakers that within the last five years tonnage on the lakes had doubled, notwithstanding which fact there had been practically no increase in the registry list of any port in Wisconsin. During this time practically 240 vessels have taken out registration in Duluth, a total of 300,000 tons in round numbers. At the present time there are two bills before the Wisconsin legislature provid- ing for vessel taxation. One is an exact copy of the Minnesota law of 1895, save that the rate is reduced from three cents a ton to ne cent. Up to 1895, Wisconsin applied local assessment to all shipping. Subsequently a plan was evolved whereby the value of the vessel was made the basis for the tax. This porved so defective in operation that the law was repealed at the last session. The necessity for con- sultation which Michigan is emphasized by the fear of Wisconsin and Minnesota state officials that to impose a heavier tax at the head of the lakes will drive all vessels to some Michigan port, or else to New York. The biennial report of the Minnesota state auditor shows that during hte last year and a half there has been collected from vessels registered at Duluth some- thing over $11,000. This is not a large amount, but the tax itself by no means represents the benefit accruing from a large, registry list. Vessels ordinarily win- ter at the port from which they hail, end to have several fleets shored at Du- luth means heavy expenditures of money in several directions. There is always an item ofr repairs during the winter, : an- other for new supplies, and : still another for the men employed. And, incidentally, there is the advertising derived from hav- ing a vessel carry the name of its. home port wherever it tseams. , The Minnesota law of 1895 was enacted at th« instance of prominent Duluth busi- ness men, who at that time were anxious to have at least one of the large lake fleets register in Duluth. They were so successful in their representations to vessel owners after the bill had been passed that a heavy tonnage was removed from Buffalo to Duulth. BRAKEMAN KILLED Fell on the Track and Run Don n hy An i;n«.ine. Special to The Journal. New Richmond, Wis., Feb. 22.—A. Stuessey, a brakeman on main line pas- senger train No. 6, was killed at Millston this morning. While making a switch he tripped and fell and was run down by the engine of train No. 9. ONE MORE DEATH IN THE WOODS. Special to The Journal. Betnidji, Minn., Feb. 22.—Andrew Madson. . of lowa was killed yesterday by a falling tree, while working in Gray'e lumbur camp, j near here. . MRS. HEM'S SPEECH DEFEATED CANDIDATE TALKS DaughterN of the American Revolu- tion Complete Their Election— Mrs. Fairbanks Will Keceive. (For earlier proceedings see page 11.) Washington, Feb. 22.—The Daughter* of the American Revolution completed their election as follows: Vice president general in charge of the or- ganization of chapters, Mrs, Miranda B. Tul- loeh of the' District, of Columbia; chaplain general, Mrs. W. A. Smoot of Virginia: reg- ister general. Miss Mlaj.'e Mickley of Penn- sylvania: treasurer general. Mrs. G. B. bar-, win of the DistHct of Columbia: librarian general, Miss Julia T. Mcßlg'.i ; editor Ameri- can Monthly Magazu'rs. .». r»- Ellery A. Avery of Ohio: business manager of magazine. .Visa Lillian Lockwocd of the District of Colum- bia; recording secretary general, Mrs. E. W. Howard of Virginia. There was no election of corresponding secretary general, historian general and assistant historian general, as no candi- date received sufficient votes for a choice. The following vice presidents general were selected: Mrs. Wm. Lindsay, Kentucky; Mrs. Georga If. Sternberg, District of Columbia; Mrs. C. Waring, South Carolina; Mrs. T. Scott, Illi- nois; Mrs. A. A. Kendall. Maine; Mrs. J. R. Mellon, Pennsylvania; Mrs. M. If. Granger, Ohio; Mrs. Major General Wheaton. District of Columbia; A. G. Foster, Washington. The tenth vice president general was not elected, as no candidate received an elective vote. Mrs. Manning then presented Mrs. Fair- banks as the next president general. Mrs. McLean congratulated Mrs. Fair- banks, addressing her as president general and requesting permission to address the house for ten minutes. The chair ruled that Mrs. Fairbanks had not yet taken her eeat, and Mrs. McLean must address the present chairman. Mrs. McLean then asked the chair, who put the question to the house, and permisison was granted. Mrs. McLean said that while her relations with Mrs. Fairbanks had been slight they were always agreeable. Mrs. McLean thanked those who had been friends to the principles she represented and then ad- dressed Mrs. Fairbanks, asking her to be a fair presiding officer and to protect the members of the Daughters of the American Revolution from calumny. At this point, amid hisses and applause, Mrs. McLean was ruled out of order by Mrs. Manning. Mrs. McLean continued, saying that she \u25a0was incapable of doing aught to prevent a legal election, or to do anything else which she believed to be wrong. Mrs. Fairbanks then addressed the house, thanking the members who had identified themselves with her. Later ehe invited the Daughters and visitors to a reception on Saturday and a rising vote of thanks was tendered her. NO KENNEDY VERDICT Jury In the A'ew York Mnrder Case Is Unable to Agree. New York. Feb. 22.— jurors in the eKnnedy murder trial reported this after- noon that they were unable to agree. ANOTHERTVIONEY MAKER Delhi. Redwood County, Fanners Organize a Creamery. Special to The Journal. Redwood Falls, Minn., Feb. 22.—Another ' creamery has been established in Redwood county. At Dehli the farmers have or- ganized a co-operative association.- and are now erecting the necessary buildings. The officers are: Thomas McKay, presi- dent: A. D. McLean, secretary, and David McNaughton, treasurer. '; Articles' of incorporation of the new vil- lage of Seaforth have been filed. The elec- tion of officers will occur on the second Tuesday of- March. The Filorita Cream- ery association In Renville county has elected F. A. Schroeder, president and manager; Peter Binger, vice-president; F. M. Shoemaker, secretary ;;J.H. Schroe- der, treasurer, and Henry . Bluhm, Fred Sommers and Fred Steinkamp, directors. H. T. Sutton. - pastor of the Christian church, has resigned.—The Methodists are holding v revival meetings. * Next Monday Rev. John Stafford of Red Wing will have charge. BEDE BILLED TO TALK. Special to The Journal. Rochester, Minn., Feb. 22.—J. Adam Bede ts to lecture in this city March, l.'i He.'comes' under the auspices of the junior class of ; the Rochester high school. The Queen City Man- dolin club- plays for the occasion.—The Bap- tists of Rochester have engaged the Rev. Loren A. Clevenger; of Minneapolis to open j a two - weeks' series »of meetings, . beginning next Monday night." : DEATH OF MAJOR KETXERIXG. Special to The Journal. 5 Clinton, lowa, Feb. 22.—Fred P. Ketnering, major of the Eighth Infantry, and mem- ber of the ; ,yicksburg; park \u25a0 commission, . aied | here ; to-day. \u25a0 QUEEN WILHELMINA'S NEW EASTER CROWN. Queen Wilhelmina—ls my crown on straight, dear? Sentenced Then. tj nliim Bravely. MONDAY IS THE DAY Frank Hamilton Will Probably Be STAY OF TWENTY OR THIRTYDAYS Hamilton's Attorneys Will Ask It When Sentence It» Pronounced •\u25a0l-• -\u25a0-\u25a0- —Prisoner Is Not Well. R is practically certain that Judge Brooks will pass entence on Frank Hamil- ton next Monday morning. -It rests en- tirely with the court to take action in this matter and there is ho disposition on the part of Mr. Hamilton or his counsel to make any suggestions. Xeither is Coun- ty Attorney Boardman particularly inter- ested. Court will be in session to-morrow, of course, but the judges for the most part will be occupied with special term mat- ters in the morning and in the afternoon they rarely return to the courthouse. Then, again, Jndge Brooks likes to sleep over his decisions, even after he has made up his mind, and in this case, to which attaches much public interest and which is of such a serious character, he will take ample time. For these reasons it may fairly be expected that Hamilton will not be sentenced until Monday morn- ing. Without having heard from the court in any way, R. L. Penney does not expect further action until Monday, though he will not be surprised if Hamil- ton is ordered to appear some time to- morrow. The prisoner is in pretty bad condition, though his distress is of a physical nature and not mental. A persistent cough racks his body, producing a general weakness, and food, even of the daintiest kind, is not retained in his stomach. With such physical ailments he could not be in a cheerful. His spirit is undaunted, however,and his faith in his own innocence has in no wise been shaken by t the verdict of the jury. In the main he "takes what fate has al- lotted to him philosophically and greets his numerous friends cordially when they call. Any intimation that he is breaking down mentally is resented most emphat- ically. Hamilton held a long consultation this morning with his attorneys, Robert L Penney and Frank M. Xye. That they were planning for the future is probably true, but what line of action was agreed upon Mr. Penney declined to say It assumed that an effort to secure a new trial will be made and the first step will doubtless be taken at the time sentence is passed, with a request for a stay of sentence for twenty or more days PABODY'S HEROK .SACRIFICE N»n -Shi ok in* Juror Took IIis Mar- "E. H. C, general delivery, Minne- apolis." who writes under the pseudonym of "Taxpayer." demands a new trial for Hamilton. E. H. C. objects to Juror L. T. Lincoln's admission in an interview that he smoked 400 cigars in fourteen days. If the other members of the jury, she says are addicted to "the same dissipated habit, their verdict should be set aside as in- competent." "They were in about as fit mental con- dition," she goes on. "after the nicotine imbibed by smoking 400 cigars in fourteen days to arrive at a just and intelligent verdict as were the drunken witnesses in the Hamilton case to give truthful and in- telligent testimony. "I believe Mr. Hamilton should be given a new (rial and try if twelve jurymen can- not be found whose brain will not be be- fuddled by the nicotine of 400 cigars in fourteen days." 1 San Francisco, Feb. 22.—The steamer Rio de Janiero, Captain Ward, from the orient and Honolulu, struck on a rock early to-day just outside the Golden Gate and sank in twenty minutes. The loss of life is estimated from 50 to 150. The smokestack and a part of the pilot house are above water. The steamer had been lying off the heads all Dight, an unusually heavy fog preventing her from entering the harbor. At 5 o'clock this morning she weighed anchor and headed for the city in charge of Pilot Frank Jordan. Shortly afterwards the vessel struck a hidden rock, and Pilot Jordan shouted for all on board to take to the boats. Wildest confusion prevailed, the passen- gers and crew a^ike scrambled for the boats and many jumped overboard. Captain Ward ordered several of the boats alongside and the ladies of the cabin and some of the male passengers were placed in them. The boats were manned by part of the crew and headed citywards. Only Three Boats. So far as known but three of the ship's boats left the vessel. Juror Pabndy Agree* With Her. Miss C. has the sympathy of Juror Pa- body and should promptly tender him an apology for including him with the other eleven devotees of the "weed." Miss C. should know, and in justice this is intended to let her know, that The Journal has it from that young man in a public statement made this morning, that he is the only one of the twelve wHo does not use tobacco. Mr. Pabody looks wan and worn. He said that he was feeling all out of sorts, but that fresh air was rapidly bringing him back to health. Just as Miss Taxpayer says, his col- leagues on the jury are all inveterate smokers. They smoked from morn till dewy eve. Mr. Pabody began to gasp like a flsh out of water the very first day of close confinement. Unable longer to stand the strain, he made for the window i which o£>ens on the courthouse court, and On board the Rio de Janeiro were twen- ty-nine cabin passengers, 150 in the steer- age and 140 in the-vrew. Tugs and other small boats quickly put out from this city, and a number already have returned with large numbers of the rescued. < oiimul Wildmau Lost. It is almost certain that United States Consul Wildman of Hong Kong, his wife and two children are among the lost. Nothing has been seen of the family since the vessel struck the rock. Purser John Rooney is missing and all of his papers are believed to have gone down with the vessel. Unless he is found alive or his pouch recovered, it will be impossible to determine the total loss of life'until the agents of the company in the orient and in Honolulu can communi- cate their passenger lists. One of the rescued passengers gives it as his belief that the loss of the vessel was caused by the explosion of her boil- ers. * These Are Saved. Following is a list of the known saved: Mrs. K. West, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Lehrman, J. K. Carpenter, an Oakland, CaL, capi- l'crini|)s mi Explosion. was in the act of elevating it when Mr. Oakley said: "No!" Xo Fresh Air for Oakley. Mr. Oakely was one of the most influ- ential members of the jury. Besides, he has gray hairs and insisted on being re- spected. He explained that he was very susceptible to colds and that a draught from the window would probably lay him low with pneumonia and incapacitate him from further jury service. Mr. Pabody, still gasping, at first ex- postulated. Then out of deference to the father of the jury, he took his hands off the window. Since then for fourteen days and nights his martyrdom has been something; ter- rible —one of the sublimest spectacles of self-sacrifice in the history of juries, where twelve men heretofore unknown to each other are suddenly brought together on the most intimate terms that could exist between bosom friends. The smoke irritated his throat and his eyes and kept him blowing, sneezing and hacking during all of his captivity. And through it all, the windows were'kept shut by order of Mr. Oakley. MOT JLOST -SIGHT OF Hamilton*!) Friend* Have Kept Him in View. Referring to a dispatch from New York published in The Journal yesterday, friends of Frank Hamilton say that it is not true that his friends and relatives have not kept track of him. On the con- i trary, they have, and were in close com- j munication with him both before and since the killing of Day. While in Colorado for his health he was liberally supplied with funds by a relative who has since been very solicitous for his welfare. CALLAHAN'S FRIEND i-\u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0 * Rhoily Redmond MuM Report at Omaha at Once.• ' Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 22.—Rhody \u0084 Red- mond, an Omaha saloonkeeper, whose place in that city is said to have been frequented by James Callahan, arrested-for'complicity In the Cudahy kidnapping, was arrested'here to-day. Chief, of Police Hayes examined the prisoner and then had a talk with Chief Don- ahoe of Omaha over the telephone. ' Chief Donahoe \ requested i that the prisoner be -released on his, promise ':tos report at Omaha to-morrow. This"was don«, and Red- mond . says he: will go ,to Omaha, immediately. Alex Ricketts of Argentine. Kan. r a sub- urb of Kansas City, was arrested with Red- mond, but no charge could be placed against him, aad lie, too, was released- STEAMER SINKS IN TWENTY MINUTES Between 50 and 150 Go Down With the Rio de Janeiro, Wrecked Outside Golden Gate. Steamer From the Orient and Hon- olulu Strikes Hidden Rock This Morning in a Fog. It Is Thought That Only Three Boats Left the Sinking Ship-Consul Wildman Probably Lost. talist; Captain Hecht of the German navjv Long of Honolulu, Freight Clerk Engle- hart, Chief Engineer Hurley. the Rio Janiero, Second Officer Coghlan, Carpenter P. K. Tamp, Phil Xussenblatt of Honolulu. Watchman J. Russell, Storekeeper Bogga, Water Tender D. Lane, Quartermaster R. Mathieson, R. S. Leasy, Fred Lunsted. The steamer Sequoia brought in twenty not included in this list. Captain Goes Down. It is reported that Captain Ward locked himself in his stateroom and went down with the vessel. Pilot Fred Jordan was picked up by one of the boats. He was severely injured and was taken to: the hospital. Nineteen of the Chinese are known to have been rescued. G. Hecht, a German officer, was rescued by the life saving crew and Immediately upon being taken ashore he was driven to the California hotel. He said that the fog prevented him from see- ing what was going on in the -work of, rescue. He procured a life preserver, fastened it about his waist and jumped overboard. He was in the water only a short time. Under Half Stea'iu. Pilot Jordan was taken on board yea- terday afternoon Inside the Farallones. The ship then laid to until 4:30 o'clock this morning, when the weather cleared somewhat. The steamer then started un- der half steam toward point Bonito. She held to her course until 5:20 a. m., when she struck a rock. There was a terrific jar. The steamer kept an even keel for fifteen minutes when she sud- denly plunged downward bow first. A boat had been launched to examine th* ship's position. It contained Third Of-» fleer Holland and. J. K. Carpenter, a cap- italist of Oakland. The Rio Janeiro, ia her plunge, smashed the little craft. Oar-i penter was picked up, but it Is not known what became of the third officer. Captain Ward stood on the deck and su«, perintended the launching of lifeboats an£ rafts. Let; Hongkong Jan. --. New York, Feb. 22.—The steamer City i of Rio de Janeiro sailed from Hongkong Jan. 22 for San Francisco via Yokohama, | in command of Captain Ward. She be- | longed to the Pacific Mail Steamship com-* pany. The City of Rio de Janeiro was an iron vessel, built at Chester, Pa., in 187S, byj Roach & Son. She was 344 feet long, 38* feet beam and 28.9 feet deep, and regte-^ tered 3,548 tons gross and 2,275 tons net,™ MINISTERS UNDER BONDS Wichita Police Will Try to Prevent ' Kml icnt Speeches. Wichita. Kan., Feb. 22.—Extra precau« t tion has been taken in this city to pre-' vent saloon rioting. Chief of Police Gub-; bon has sworn in 100 extra policemen, and he will swear in 500 if necessary to keep the peace. Mayor Ross has refused the demands of the \V. C. T. U. to close the saloons. Citizens will hold mass meet- ings to discuss plans to keep down riot- ing. The business houses will close so that the clerks may attend. If the min- isters make radical speeches at their meeting Sunday afternoon, in all probabil- ity they will be placed under bonds tq keep the peace. .11 ST I.IKK BRYAN Mrs. Nation Will Be the Editor oC the Smasher's Mail. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 22.—Mrs. Carrie Na-»i tion is to enter politics and to become the' editor of the Smasher's Mail, a paper to be run in behalf of negroes. She has re- fuged tempting offers to lecture, and says she will remain in Topeka and help elect a 'clean man" for mayor at the spring election. The newspaper will be published by "Nick" Chiles, the negro Jointkeeper who signed one of Mrs. Nation's bonds last week, and David Nation, Mrs. Nation's husband. Mrs. Nation says the paper will contain news about the temperance cause in Kansas and will devote much space to letters Mrs. Nation receives from her enemies and her sympathizers. Mri. Nation will write the editorials. Protent From the Head. London, Feb. 22.—Lady Henry Somerset, president of the World's Women's Chrlstl&n. Temperance Union, declares that Mrs. Na- tion's crusade is not recognized by the Wo- men's Christian Temperance Union of tli« United States, which has disassociated itself entirely from the movement. Father Nation Submits. Dubuque. lowa, Feb. 22.—At a recent gath- ering of literary women in this city, the question came up whether -Mr. Nation in- dorsed his wife's actions. One of the women wrote, asking him about it, and this was hi* reply: ' * "Topeka, Feb. 19.—Yes; ma'am, my wife first-class, and the loveliest woman I ever saw, but she will have her own way and I have to let her, and 1 glory in her falUfc in God. —David Nation." ,' Indianapolis—Rt. Rev. Aug. Bessonies, vicar general of the diocese of Indianapolis, died J here to-day on s the sixty-first anniver- sary of his ordination. win* bora la Jfranc«; eighty-six years: ago. : ". ;\u25a0..,

Transcript of THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL....Special to The Journal. Helena, Mont., Feb. 22.-George Washington got one...

Page 1: THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL....Special to The Journal. Helena, Mont., Feb. 22.-George Washington got one vote for the short term senator«hip in the Montana legislature to-day. Otherwise



Wealthy Chicago Italian IsFound Dead.


Nine Men Found in a Room, One of

Whom Is Wounded.


Kuives anil Revolver* in the Room—v\ .-apoii in the Dcait

Man's Pocket.

Chicago, Feb. 22.--A murder believed tobe the result of a vendetta, was committedlate last night near Grand and Milwaukeeavenues. Salvatore Giovanna was foundshot through the heart. Carlo Battista,who recently arrived from New York, wasstanding over him. Battista says he andthe murdered man were warm friends, andthai while on the way to Giovanni's home,they were attacked by three men.

Battista was not injured. He carried arevolver, which had not been fired. lr thedead man's coat pocket, was a revolver,from which three shots had been fired.In his pockets also were many counterfeitcoins.

Giovanni, one of the most prominentItalians in Chicago, was a member ofseveral secret societies. He came herefrom New York, seven years ago. Thepolice believe that he was the victim ofthe Mafia and that he was murdered withthe weapon found on him. Battista is heldpending investigation.

Within five hours after the murder thepolice raided a house at 141 Milton ave-nue and arrested nine Italians, said to besympathizers of the Chicago branch ofthe .\kfla society. The persons arrestedare: Dominic Catalan, Nofel Philip, Ra-fael Lita. Capalnan Makea. Nalkaer Erna,John Ronte, Simon Rafael. Tony Spargnoand Joseph Mariso.

Joseph Mariso has a severe bullet woundin the mouth. The nine men were hud-•:. 1 in a small room. In the room werefound numerous dirks, stillettos and re-volvers.

A deposition in the divorce case of Dr.Ralph Cundovo against Oolinda Gondovo,TOO S Fourth street. St.. Louis, was foundon the dead man. Ie is believed that Gio-vanni was acting as agent for some attor-ney, and this may have had something todo with the plot to end his life.

Giovanni and Battista were friends inItaly. For seven years Giovanna was alabor contractor in New York and Boston.Three years ago he came to Chicago andconducted a cigar store on Polk street.

Six months ago he engaged in the restau-rant business. He had considerablemeans.

At 3 o'clock this morning, one of theprisoners said the members of the bandbelonged to an organization known as theSicilian order and that Mariso was thepresident of the order.

Motive for the Murder.

A clew- to the motive for the murder•was found among the letters in Giovanni'spockets. One of these, written by a manin St. Louis, spoke of a murder commit-ted in Mulberry street. New York, to\u25a0which Giovanni was a witness. The the-ory of the police is that Giovanni wasmurdered to prevent his appearance at thetrial. Letters found in the murderedman's pockets showed that he had beensummoned east as a witness.

The Mafia society is mentioned in thecase, but as yet there is no evidence di-rectly implicating that society.

In connection with the murder, the sa-loon of Frank Moiicl, 57 Grand avenue,was raided to-day by the police. Theproprietor and ten inmates were arrested.


His Uivorod Wife'u Relatives AreSuit! to Re I iifriendly.

St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 22. —Domenica Gin-nocchi, Italian consul in St. Louis, andother prominent Italians of this city, be-lieve Salvator Giovanni was Dr. Raft'aelleGuidone, who, until a few months ago,lived in St. Louis. He obtained a divorceh^ie and is said to have aroused the en-mity of the former wife's relatives.

When Dr. Guidone first appeared in St.Louis a year ago, he introduced himselfas an Italian count. He left here lastAugust and had not been heard from since.

A VOTE FOR "GEORGE"Only I luiiiK*'of Nate in the Montana

Senatorial Situation.

Special to The Journal.Helena, Mont., Feb. 22. - George Washington

got one vote for the short term senator«hipin the Montana legislature to-day. Otherwisethere was no change from yesterday. SenatorGruwell of Yellowstone county, when hi*name was called, raised a round of applausein commemoration of the birthday of thegreat American by recording his vote for"Honorable George Washington." After thejoint ballot both houses adjourned for theday out of respect for the Father of HisCountry. '

The vote to-day was: Mantle. 31; Frank,24; Coburn, 2: Toole, 1; Washington, 1; Mac-Ginnis, 24; Cooper, 6: Conrad, 2: Clancy, 1.It required 47 votes to elect to-day.

Still Balloting lor Senators.Lincoln, Xeb., Feb. 21.—The following vote

on United -States senator was taken to-day:Allen (fusion), go; Hitchcock (fusion), 55;1). E. Thompson, 37; Meikeljohn, SO; Currie,15; Rosewater. IT: Martin. 7; Crounze, 7;Hinshaw. U; Hainer, o; Kinkaid, 5; scat-tering, S>.

Helena, Mont.. Feb. 21.—The result on voteto-day was: Mantle, 32; Maginning, 23;Frank, 23: Cooper, 7: Coburu. i'; Conrad, 2;Toole, 1; Clancy, 1; Kennedy. 1.

Salem. Ore., Feb. 21—The senatorial bal-lot to-day was: Bell, Si: Williams, 22; Her-mann, 7; Inman (dem.h 26; Bennett, 1.

TRAINS IN COLLISIONAccident to G. X. and M. & St. 1,. Pas-

\u25a0eniters at Himlcj Palls.Clarkfield, Minn.. Feb. 22.—A Wiliniar &

Sioux Falls passenger on the Great North-ern road collided with a west bound pas-senger on the Minneapolis & St. Louisroad at Hanley Falls yesterday afternoon,at a crossing of the roads. The GreatNorthern engine struck between the fourthand last coaches, derailing them and tear-ing up the track and wrecking the engine.The Great Northern train was apparentlytinder full steam. The St. Louis trainusually crosses first, but was five minuteslate.

W. J. Wolford of Dawson had his skullfractured and may die. Mrs. Nash re-ceived slight scalp wounds, and C. H. Lea-man of Minneapolis, had his face cut andthree teeth knocked out.

FAT STOCK SHOWAnother Will Be Held at the Union

Stock Yardn, Chicago.Chicago, Feb. 22.—Plans (or a second fat

stock show at the Dexter Park pavilion inthe Union stork yards were discussed to-dayat a meeting of the executive committee ofthe National Breeders' association, in con-ference with the executive branch of theInternational Live Stock Exposition company.The opinion was practically unanimous thatanother exDosition should be held.


Growing Feeling Against Ac-tion at Present.


Extra Session Next Month to Act

%on the Cuban Question.


(oiiKrok May Submit It tv the Cuban« onstitul ional ton-


.From The Journal Bureau, Room 48, JPobIBuilding, Washington.

Washington, Feb. —A growing senti-ment is observed in congress to the effectthat perhaps it would be just as well ifno war revenue reduction were made atthis session. The wisdom of taking offbetween $40,000,000 and $50,000,000 of reve-nue is doubted in many quarters, and may ;ultimately control, if the house,and sen-ate conferees do not speedily agree.

The interests pressing for immediate ac-tion are the brewers and tobacco dealers.They are both deeply interested, as morethan one-half the taxes proposed to betaken off will be. for the express; relief ofthe brewers and tobacco men.

A year from now all the revenue that israised under the existing law may beneeded, and as long as there are bonds to

be paid off, it is beginning to be urgedthat there is no necessity for action atthis session. If a deficit should developa year from now. owing to troubles inCuba, or for any other reason, the repub- jlican leaders would become the laughing istock of the country. None of the blame jcould be put on the administration, forit is distinctly recommended that notmore than $30,000,000 be taken off fromthe revenues, while the bill that passed

j the house would make a reduction of$40,000,000, and according to Mr. Allison,

jthe senate bill will take off from $45,000,---000 to $50,000,000.

There is deep significance in the sugges-

| tion of well-informed members of bothI made since the conferees have been dead-i locked, that the war revenue ought not tobe reduced until it is known definitely

what the final solution of the Cuban prob-lem is to be. •

It is believed that an extra session toconsider the Cuban question will be calledfor March 18 or 25. Senators, who havehitherto been directing all their efforts tosecure the abandonment of the extra ses-sion idea have desisted and now talkabout the convening of congress as a set-tled fact. -. ...^.u-,. . • -. :

While the Cubans will, in all probabili-ty, accept some of the suggestions as totheir relations with this country whichhave been made by the president, it doesnot seem likely that a full solution of theproblem can be made by the constitutionalconvention. The president expects, there-fore, to call to the attention of congress,in the message which he will submit atthe beginning of the extra session, thenecessity which has arisen for a completeoutlining of the policy of the UnitedStates toward Cuba.

It is known the constitution will notcontain any reference to American rela-tions, but these will be expressed in asupplemental convention. Congress willbe asked to ratify or amend this declara-tion and in the meantime United Statestroops will remain in the island. Thepresident does not believe that upon'himalone should be placed the responsibility jof deciding upon the relations with Cuba.

The serious character of the problemvs appreciated by the utter lack of unanimi-ty among senators as to the best methodof its solution. All agree, however, thatthe situation is critical and that it pre-sents many new and novel features, whichwill require most careful consideration.

Many senators are opposed to any decla-ration in a Cuban constitution, on theground that such a document could be,and probably would be, amended withoutwarning to the United States. They pre-fer some treaty stipulation, which wouldbe a binding contract, but they realizethat no treaty can be negotiated withoutrecognizing the Cuban government.

Taking the attitude of ihe United Statestoward the South American republics asa precedent, it is found that no treatywas ever negotiated with any of thosegovernments until formal recognition hadbeen granted.

#The necessity of deliberate action beforerecognizing any government in Cuba isfully appreciated, and it may be that thedilemma will be met by declaration towhich the Cuban convention will be askedto give its assent. This declaration willset forth the well-known conditions whichthis government will require to be ob-served, including sites for naval stationsan agreement that no treaties will bemade with foreign nations without thesanction of this country, and that no debtswill be placed in Europe.

While these provisions are under con-sideration the troops will probably remainin the island.

The president is of the opinion that thework of the extra session can be speedilyconcluded, provided the entire time isdevoted to the consideration of Cubanaffairs- —W. W. Jermane.

WiiMlifiiuton Small Talk.Representative McCleary recommended An-

ton M. Holt for postmaster at Delavan Fari-bault county.

W. R. Merriam will give a dinner to-nightfor the members of the Minnesota delegationin tfce house and senate, and their wives.

Representative Stevens to-day secured thepassage of a bill granting the railroads aright of way over lands reserved or with-drawn from settlement for reservoir purposesIt particularly applies to lands at the head-waters of the Mississippi.

The controller of fhe currency has approvedthe Swedish-American National bank of Min-neapolis as a reserve agent for the First Na-tional bank of Harvey, N. D. The controllerhas approved the First National bank of Min-neapolis as a reserve agent for the FirstNational bank of Blue Earth City, Minn., andthe Metropolitan National

ibank of Chicago

for the First National bank of Gowrie, lowa.Senator Kyle saw the secretary of the

treasury and the commissioner of internalrevenue regarding the new South and NorthDakota internal revenue district. No prom-ises as to favorable reports were made, butSenator Kyle feels more encouraged thanever before. There Is considerable opposi-tion to the establishment of the new district,which will have to be overcome before thepresident's orders are issued, and the fightmust be kept up until action is taken by thechief executive.

TAXATION OF BOATSMinnesota and Wisconsin Legislat-

ors Discuss the Qnestion.


Michigan Will Be Invited to JoinWith WiHconnln and Minne-sota in I nlform Legislation.

Every condition that surrounds vessel!taxation was discussed this morning at theconference at the Windsor jhotel betweenjWisconsin and Minnesota legislators. Thevisitors, with the exception of Representa-tive August Vinn, of Milwaukee, arrivedlast night. Senator E. G. Mills,' of WestSuperior, and Representative Henry Over-beck, of Sturgeon Bay, with Mr. Vinn,make up Wisconsin's commission.

The conference this -morning made Sena-tor Mills chairman and RepresentativeLaybourn, of Duluth, secretary. The ses-sion was executive, but it may be said that ithe Wisconsin men reviewed the variousattempts in that state to bring shippingwithin the domain of the taxing power.This was followed by a proposition thatMinnesota and Wisconsin adopt some mu-tually satisfactory program -which wouldallow a maximum rate to be imposed with-out driving the vessel owners to ports out-side of the two states. The necessity forcommunicating with the Michigan legisla-ture then became apparent, inasmuch asvessel taxation is being considered at thistime by that body. It was decided to in-form the Michigan legislative authoritiesof what was proposed. The conference thenadjourned, subject to the call of the chair-man.

Senator Mills," with his two colleagues,left on the afternoon train for the head ofthe lakes.No Increase on Wisconsin Registry.

Some interesting facts were disclosedduring the discussion.' It was claimed bythe Wisconsin lawmakers that within thelast five years tonnage on the lakes haddoubled, notwithstanding which fact therehad been practically no increase in theregistry list of any port in Wisconsin.During this time practically 240 vesselshave taken out registration in Duluth, atotal of 300,000 tons in round numbers.

At the present time there are two billsbefore the Wisconsin legislature provid-ing for vessel taxation. One is an exactcopy of the Minnesota law of 1895, savethat the rate is reduced from three centsa ton to ne cent. Up to 1895, Wisconsinapplied local assessment to all shipping.Subsequently a plan was evolved wherebythe value of the vessel was made the basisfor the tax. This porved so defective inoperation that the law was repealed atthe last session. The necessity for con-sultation which Michigan is emphasizedby the fear of Wisconsin and Minnesotastate officials that to impose a heaviertax at the head of the lakes will drive allvessels to some Michigan port, or else toNew York.

The biennial report of the Minnesotastate auditor shows that during hte lastyear and a half there has been collectedfrom vessels registered at Duluth some-thing over $11,000. This is not a largeamount, but the tax itself by no meansrepresents the benefit accruing from alarge, registry list. Vessels ordinarily win-ter at the port from which they hail,end to have several fleets shored at Du-luth means heavy expenditures of moneyin several directions. There is always anitem ofr repairs during the winter, : an-other for new supplies, and : still anotherfor the men employed. And, incidentally,there is the advertising derived from hav-ing a vessel carry the name of its. homeport wherever it tseams. ,

The Minnesota law of 1895 was enactedat th« instance of prominent Duluth busi-ness men, who at that time were anxiousto have at least one of the large lakefleets register in Duluth. They were sosuccessful in their representations tovessel owners after the bill had beenpassed that a heavy tonnage was removedfrom Buffalo to Duulth.

BRAKEMAN KILLEDFell on the Track and Run Don n

hy An i;n«.ine.

Special to The Journal.New Richmond, Wis., Feb. 22.—A.

Stuessey, a brakeman on main line pas-senger train No. 6, was killed at Millstonthis morning. While making a switchhe tripped and fell and was run down bythe engine of train No. 9.

ONE MORE DEATH IN THE WOODS.Special to The Journal.

Betnidji, Minn., Feb. 22.—Andrew Madson. .of lowa was killed yesterday by a fallingtree, while working in Gray'e lumbur camp,

jnear here. .


DaughterN of the American Revolu-tion Complete Their Election—

Mrs. Fairbanks Will Keceive.

(For earlier proceedings see page 11.)Washington, Feb. 22.—The Daughter* of

the American Revolution completed theirelection as follows:

Vice president general in charge of the or-ganization of chapters, Mrs, Miranda B. Tul-loeh of the' District, of Columbia; chaplaingeneral, Mrs. W. A. Smoot of Virginia: reg-ister general. Miss Mlaj.'e Mickley of Penn-sylvania: treasurer general. Mrs. G. B. bar-,win of the DistHct of Columbia: librariangeneral, Miss Julia T. Mcßlg'.i ; editor Ameri-can Monthly Magazu'rs. .». r»- Ellery A. Averyof Ohio: business manager of magazine. .VisaLillian Lockwocd of the District of Colum-bia; recording secretary general, Mrs. E. W.Howard of Virginia.

There was no election of correspondingsecretary general, historian general andassistant historian general, as no candi-date received sufficient votes for a choice.The following vice presidents generalwere selected:

Mrs. Wm. Lindsay, Kentucky; Mrs. GeorgaIf. Sternberg, District of Columbia; Mrs. C.Waring, South Carolina; Mrs. T. Scott, Illi-nois; Mrs. A. A. Kendall. Maine; Mrs. J. R.Mellon, Pennsylvania; Mrs. M. If. Granger,Ohio; Mrs. Major General Wheaton. Districtof Columbia; A. G. Foster, Washington.

The tenth vice president general wasnot elected, as no candidate received anelective vote.

Mrs. Manning then presented Mrs. Fair-banks as the next president general.

Mrs. McLean congratulated Mrs. Fair-banks, addressing her as president generaland requesting permission to address thehouse for ten minutes. The chair ruledthat Mrs. Fairbanks had not yet taken hereeat, and Mrs. McLean must address thepresent chairman. Mrs. McLean thenasked the chair, who put the question tothe house, and permisison was granted.Mrs. McLean said that while her relationswith Mrs. Fairbanks had been slight theywere always agreeable. Mrs. McLeanthanked those who had been friends to theprinciples she represented and then ad-dressed Mrs. Fairbanks, asking her to bea fair presiding officer and to protect themembers of the Daughters of the AmericanRevolution from calumny. At this point,amid hisses and applause, Mrs. McLeanwas ruled out of order by Mrs. Manning.Mrs. McLean continued, saying that she

\u25a0was incapable of doing aught to preventa legal election, or to do anything elsewhich she believed to be wrong.

Mrs. Fairbanks then addressed thehouse, thanking the members who had

identified themselves with her. Later eheinvited the Daughters and visitors to areception on Saturday and a rising voteof thanks was tendered her.

NO KENNEDY VERDICTJury In the A'ew York Mnrder Case

Is Unable to Agree.

New York. Feb. 22.— jurors in theeKnnedy murder trial reported this after-noon that they were unable to agree.

ANOTHERTVIONEY MAKERDelhi. Redwood County, Fanners

Organize a Creamery.

Special to The Journal.Redwood Falls, Minn., Feb. 22.—Another

' creamery has been established in Redwoodcounty. At Dehli the farmers have or-ganized a co-operative association.- andare now erecting the necessary buildings.The officers are: Thomas McKay, presi-dent: A. D. McLean, secretary, and DavidMcNaughton, treasurer. ';

Articles' of incorporation of the new vil-lage of Seaforth have been filed. The elec-tion of officers will occur on the secondTuesday of-March. The Filorita Cream-ery association In Renville county haselected F. A. Schroeder, president andmanager; Peter Binger, vice-president;F. M. Shoemaker, secretary ;;J.H. Schroe-der, treasurer, and Henry . Bluhm, FredSommers and Fred Steinkamp, directors.

H. T. Sutton. - pastor of the Christianchurch, has resigned.—The Methodists areholding v revival meetings. * Next Monday

Rev. John Stafford of Red Wing will havecharge.

BEDE BILLED TO TALK.Special to The Journal.

Rochester, Minn., Feb. 22.— J. Adam Bedets to lecture in this city March, l.'iHe.'comes'under the auspices of the junior class of ; theRochester high school. The Queen City Man-dolin club- plays for the occasion.—The Bap-tists of Rochester have engaged the Rev.Loren A. Clevenger; of Minneapolis to open ja two -weeks' series »of meetings, . beginningnext Monday night."

: DEATH OF MAJOR KETXERIXG.Special to The Journal. 5

Clinton, lowa, Feb. 22.—Fred P. Ketnering,major of the Eighth Infantry, and mem-ber of the ;,yicksburg; park \u25a0 commission, . aied

| here ;to-day. \u25a0

QUEEN WILHELMINA'S NEW EASTER CROWN.Queen Wilhelmina—ls my crown on straight, dear?

Sentenced Then.

tj nliim Bravely.

MONDAY IS THE DAYFrank Hamilton Will Probably Be


Hamilton's Attorneys Will Ask ItWhen Sentence It» Pronounced

•\u25a0l-• -\u25a0-\u25a0- —Prisoner Is Not Well.

R is practically certain that Judge

Brooks will pass entence on Frank Hamil-ton next Monday morning. -It rests en-tirely with the court to take action in thismatter and there is ho disposition on thepart of Mr. Hamilton or his counsel tomake any suggestions. Xeither is Coun-ty Attorney Boardman particularly inter-ested.

Court will be in session to-morrow, ofcourse, but the judges for the most partwill be occupied with special term mat-ters in the morning and in the afternoonthey rarely return to the courthouse.Then, again, Jndge Brooks likes to sleepover his decisions, even after he hasmade up his mind, and in this case, towhich attaches much public interest andwhich is of such a serious character, hewill take ample time. For these reasonsit may fairly be expected that Hamiltonwill not be sentenced until Monday morn-ing. Without having heard from thecourt in any way, R. L. Penney does notexpect further action until Monday,though he will not be surprised if Hamil-ton is ordered to appear some time to-morrow.

The prisoner is in pretty bad condition,though his distress is of a physical natureand not mental. A persistent cough rackshis body, producing a general weakness,and food, even of the daintiest kind, isnot retained in his stomach. With suchphysical ailments he could not be in acheerful.

His spirit is undaunted, however,and hisfaith in his own innocence has in no wisebeen shaken by

tthe verdict of the jury.

In the main he "takes what fate has al-lotted to him philosophically and greetshis numerous friends cordially when theycall. Any intimation that he is breakingdown mentally is resented most emphat-ically.

Hamilton held a long consultation thismorning with his attorneys, Robert LPenney and Frank M. Xye. That theywere planning for the future is probablytrue, but what line of action was agreedupon Mr. Penney declined to say It i«assumed that an effort to secure a newtrial will be made and the first step willdoubtless be taken at the time sentenceis passed, with a request for a stay ofsentence for twenty or more days

PABODY'S HEROK .SACRIFICEN»n -Shi ok in* Juror Took IIis Mar-

"E. H. C, general delivery, Minne-apolis." who writes under the pseudonymof "Taxpayer." demands a new trial forHamilton. E. H. C. objects to Juror L. T.Lincoln's admission in an interview thathe smoked 400 cigars in fourteen days.If the other members of the jury, she saysare addicted to "the same dissipated habit,their verdict should be set aside as in-competent."

"They were in about as fit mental con-dition," she goes on. "after the nicotineimbibed by smoking 400 cigars in fourteendays to arrive at a just and intelligentverdict as were the drunken witnesses inthe Hamilton case to give truthful and in-telligent testimony.

"Ibelieve Mr. Hamilton should be givena new (rial and try if twelve jurymen can-not be found whose brain will not be be-fuddled by the nicotine of 400 cigars infourteen days." 1

San Francisco, Feb. 22.—The steamer

Rio de Janiero, Captain Ward, from theorient and Honolulu, struck on a rockearly to-day just outside the Golden Gateand sank in twenty minutes. The loss of

life is estimated from 50 to 150. Thesmokestack and a part of the pilot houseare above water.

The steamer had been lying off theheads all Dight, an unusually heavy fogpreventing her from entering the harbor.At 5 o'clock this morning she weighedanchor and headed for the city in chargeof Pilot Frank Jordan.

Shortly afterwards the vessel struck ahidden rock, and Pilot Jordan shouted forall on board to take to the boats.

Wildest confusion prevailed, the passen-gers and crew a^ike scrambled for theboats and many jumped overboard.

Captain Ward ordered several of theboats alongside and the ladies of the cabinand some of the male passengers wereplaced in them. The boats were mannedby part of the crew and headed citywards.

Only Three Boats.

So far as known but three of the ship'sboats left the vessel.

Juror Pabndy Agree* With Her.Miss C. has the sympathy of Juror Pa-

body and should promptly tender him anapology for including him with the othereleven devotees of the "weed."

Miss C. should know, and in justice thisis intended to let her know, that TheJournal has it from that young manin a public statement made this morning,that he is the only one of the twelve wHodoes not use tobacco.

Mr. Pabody looks wan and worn. Hesaid that he was feeling all out of sorts,but that fresh air was rapidly bringinghim back to health.

Just as Miss Taxpayer says, his col-leagues on the jury are all inveteratesmokers. They smoked from morn tilldewy eve. Mr. Pabody began to gasplike a flsh out of water the very first dayof close confinement. Unable longer tostand the strain, he made for the window

iwhich o£>ens on the courthouse court, and

On board the Rio de Janeiro were twen-ty-nine cabin passengers, 150 in the steer-age and 140 in the-vrew.

Tugs and other small boats quickly putout from this city, and a number alreadyhave returned with large numbers of therescued.

< oiimul Wildmau Lost.

It is almost certain that United StatesConsul Wildman of Hong Kong, his wifeand two children are among the lost.Nothing has been seen of the family sincethe vessel struck the rock.

Purser John Rooney is missing and allof his papers are believed to have gonedown with the vessel. Unless he is foundalive or his pouch recovered, it will beimpossible to determine the total loss oflife'until the agents of the company inthe orient and in Honolulu can communi-cate their passenger lists.

One of the rescued passengers gives itas his belief that the loss of the vesselwas caused by the explosion of her boil-ers.

* These Are Saved.

Following is a list of the known saved:Mrs. K. West, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Lehrman,J. K. Carpenter, an Oakland, CaL, capi-

l'crini|)s mi Explosion.

was in the act of elevating it when Mr.Oakley said: "No!"

Xo Fresh Air for Oakley.

Mr. Oakely was one of the most influ-ential members of the jury. Besides, hehas gray hairs and insisted on being re-spected. He explained that he was verysusceptible to colds and that a draughtfrom the window would probably lay himlow with pneumonia and incapacitate himfrom further juryservice.

Mr. Pabody, still gasping, at first ex-postulated. Then out of deference to thefather of the jury, he took his hands offthe window.

Since then for fourteen days and nightshis martyrdom has been something; ter-rible —one of the sublimest spectacles ofself-sacrifice in the history of juries,where twelve men heretofore unknown toeach other are suddenly brought togetheron the most intimate terms that couldexist between bosom friends.

The smoke irritated his throat and hiseyes and kept him blowing, sneezing andhacking during all of his captivity. Andthrough it all, the windows were'kept shutby order of Mr. Oakley.


Hamilton*!) Friend* Have Kept Himin View.

Referring to a dispatch from New Yorkpublished in The Journal yesterday,friends of Frank Hamilton say that it isnot true that his friends and relativeshave not kept track of him. On the con- itrary, they have, and were in close com- jmunication with him both before and sincethe killingof Day. While in Colorado forhis health he was liberally supplied withfunds by a relative who has since beenvery solicitous for his welfare.

CALLAHAN'S FRIENDi-\u25a0. \u25a0

\u25a0 *Rhoily Redmond MuM Report at

Omaha at Once.•' Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 22.—Rhody \u0084 Red-mond, an Omaha saloonkeeper, whose placein that city is said to have been frequentedby James Callahan, arrested-for'complicityIn the Cudahy kidnapping, was arrested'hereto-day. Chief, of Police Hayes examined theprisoner and then had a talk with Chief Don-ahoe of Omaha over the telephone.

' Chief Donahoe \requested ithat the prisonerbe -released on his, promise ':tos report atOmaha to-morrow. This"was don«, and Red-mond .says he: will go ,to Omaha, immediately.

Alex Ricketts of Argentine. Kan. r a sub-urb of Kansas City, was arrested with Red-mond, but no charge could be placed againsthim, aad lie, too, was released-


Between 50 and 150 Go Down Withthe Rio de Janeiro, Wrecked

Outside Golden Gate.

Steamer From the Orient and Hon-olulu Strikes Hidden Rock This

Morning in a Fog.

It Is Thought That Only Three BoatsLeft the Sinking Ship-Consul

Wildman Probably Lost.talist; Captain Hecht of the German navjvLong of Honolulu, Freight Clerk Engle-hart, Chief Engineer Hurley. the RioJaniero, Second Officer Coghlan, CarpenterP. K. Tamp, Phil Xussenblatt of Honolulu.Watchman J. Russell, Storekeeper Bogga,Water Tender D. Lane, Quartermaster R.Mathieson, R. S. Leasy, Fred Lunsted.

The steamer Sequoia brought in twentynot included in this list.

Captain Goes Down.

It is reported that Captain Ward lockedhimself in his stateroom and went downwith the vessel.

Pilot Fred Jordan was picked up by oneof the boats. He was severely injured andwas taken to: the hospital.

Nineteen of the Chinese are known tohave been rescued. G. Hecht, a Germanofficer, was rescued by the lifesaving crewand Immediately upon being taken ashorehe was driven to the California hotel. Hesaid that the fog prevented him from see-ing what was going on in the -work of,rescue. He procured a life preserver,fastened it about his waist and jumped

overboard. He was in the water only ashort time.

Under Half Stea'iu.

Pilot Jordan was taken on board yea-terday afternoon Inside the Farallones.The ship then laid to until 4:30 o'clockthis morning, when the weather clearedsomewhat. The steamer then started un-der half steam toward point Bonito.

She held to her course until 5:20 a. m.,when she struck a rock. There was aterrific jar. The steamer kept an evenkeel for fifteen minutes when she sud-denly plunged downward bow first.

A boat had been launched to examine th*ship's position. It contained Third Of-»fleer Holland and. J. K. Carpenter, a cap-italist of Oakland. The Rio Janeiro, iaher plunge, smashed the little craft. Oar-ipenter was picked up, but it Is not knownwhat became of the third officer.

Captain Ward stood on the deck and su«,perintended the launching of lifeboats an£rafts.

Let; Hongkong Jan. --.

New York, Feb. 22.—The steamer City iof Rio de Janeiro sailed from HongkongJan. 22 for San Francisco via Yokohama, |in command of Captain Ward. She be- |longed to the Pacific Mail Steamship com-*pany.

The City of Rio de Janeiro was an ironvessel, built at Chester, Pa., in 187S, byjRoach & Son. She was 344 feet long, 38*feet beam and 28.9 feet deep, and regte-^tered 3,548 tons gross and 2,275 tons net,™

MINISTERS UNDER BONDSWichita Police Will Try to Prevent '

Kml icnt Speeches.

Wichita. Kan., Feb. 22.—Extra precau«ttion has been taken in this city to pre-'

vent saloon rioting. Chief of Police Gub-;bon has sworn in 100 extra policemen, andhe will swear in 500 if necessary to keepthe peace. Mayor Ross has refused thedemands of the \V. C. T. U. to close thesaloons. Citizens will hold mass meet-ings to discuss plans to keep down riot-ing. The business houses will close sothat the clerks may attend. If the min-isters make radical speeches at theirmeeting Sunday afternoon, in all probabil-ity they will be placed under bonds tqkeep the peace.


Mrs. Nation Will Be the Editor oCthe Smasher's Mail.

Topeka, Kan., Feb. 22.—Mrs. Carrie Na-»ition is to enter politics and to become the'editor of the Smasher's Mail, a paper tobe run in behalf of negroes. She has re-fuged tempting offers to lecture, and saysshe will remain in Topeka and help electa 'clean man" for mayor at the springelection.

The newspaper will be published by"Nick" Chiles, the negro Jointkeeper whosigned one of Mrs. Nation's bonds lastweek, and David Nation, Mrs. Nation'shusband. Mrs. Nation says the paperwill contain news about the temperancecause in Kansas and will devote muchspace to letters Mrs. Nation receives fromher enemies and her sympathizers. Mri.Nation will write the editorials.

Protent From the Head.London, Feb. 22.—Lady Henry Somerset,

president of the World's Women's Chrlstl&n.Temperance Union, declares that Mrs. Na-tion's crusade is not recognized by the Wo-men's Christian Temperance Union of tli«United States, which has disassociated itselfentirely from the movement.

Father Nation Submits.Dubuque. lowa, Feb. 22.—At a recent gath-

ering of literary women in this city, thequestion came up whether -Mr. Nation in-dorsed his wife's actions. One of the womenwrote, asking him about it, and this was hi*reply: ' *"Topeka, Feb. 19.—Yes; ma'am, my wife i»first-class, and the loveliest woman I eversaw, but she will have her own way and Ihave to let her, and 1 glory in her falUfcin God. —David Nation."

,' Indianapolis—Rt. Rev. Aug. Bessonies,vicar general of the diocese of Indianapolis,died J here to-day on sthe sixty-first anniver-sary of his ordination. H« win* bora laJfranc«; eighty-six •years: ago. : ". ;\u25a0..,