The Messenger - OlneyGoodShepherd June Complete Newsletter.pdfThe Messenger . The Lutheran Church...

The Messenger The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Olney, Maryland June 2017 Who Will Serve? Unfortunately, Isaiah’s, eager and joyous “Here am I, send me!,” isn’t quite as common today as it has been. Perhaps we can get some helpful suggestions about how to proceed with the task of encouraging people to serve from the book of Acts. You may remember that there was a need to replace Judas after “he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.” Come to think of it, the church might have better luck recruiting if we felt that would happen to us if we were unwilling to serve! Anyway, the Book of Acts, Acts 1:20-26 gives us some guidance. It includes the following: The disciples knew Judas needed to be replaced. They needed a person from their group with a history of faithfulness, knowledge and participation. This person must become a witness with the others of the resurrection. They named Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias as “called.” Then they prayed, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry.” Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven. Who will serve at Good Shepherd in the 2017-2018 year? I pray all of us will, and that a smaller number will serve as leaders in specific positions that at this critical time in our congregations’ ministry. Here are some encouragements/suggestions as to how to proceed: 1. Pray for the congregation, its’ ministry and mission needs, and for God-pleasing leadership, as we face the many challenges God puts before us. 2. Take out your Membership Directory and carefully – prayerfully - ask God to help you discern who he might like to serve at Good Shepherd in the 2017- 2018 year, and how he might want them to serve. Be sure to include yourself. You might use the words of Acts - Lord, show me which of these you have chosen to serve at Good Shepherd. 3. Now, pray for the particular individuals God has brought to mind, asking him to direct you to find a way to invite them to serve at Good Shepherd during the 2017-2018 year. At this moment, the congregation is seeking a President- Elect, Financial Secretary Elect, Recording Secretary (to be elected) and several Elders to be appointed. God will show us who among us is to serve and take over the apostolic ministries needed among us when we cast lots (vote) at the June 25 Voters’ Meeting, and announce those who have agreed to serve as Elders. In the meantime, continue to pray for our holy work together, for the work of our Call Committee and the available candidates whom God has brought forward for prayerful consideration. God’s peace, joy and love be yours,

Transcript of The Messenger - OlneyGoodShepherd June Complete Newsletter.pdfThe Messenger . The Lutheran Church...

The Messenger The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

Olney, Maryland June 2017

Who Will Serve?

Unfortunately, Isaiah’s, eager and joyous “Here am I, send me!,” isn’t quite as common today as it has been.

Perhaps we can get some helpful suggestions about how to proceed with the task of encouraging people to serve from the book of Acts. You may remember that there was a need to replace Judas after “he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.” Come to think of it, the church might have better luck recruiting if we felt that would happen to us if we were unwilling to serve!

Anyway, the Book of Acts, Acts 1:20-26 gives us some guidance. It includes the following:

• The disciples knew Judas needed to be replaced. • They needed a person from their group with a history of faithfulness, knowledge and

participation. • This person must become a witness with the others of the resurrection. • They named Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias as “called.” • Then they prayed, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have

chosen to take over this apostolic ministry.” • Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven.

Who will serve at Good Shepherd in the 2017-2018 year? I pray all of us will, and that a smaller number will serve as leaders in specific positions that at this critical time in our congregations’ ministry.

Here are some encouragements/suggestions as to how to proceed:

1. Pray for the congregation, its’ ministry and mission needs, and for God-pleasing leadership, as we face the many challenges God puts before us.

2. Take out your Membership Directory and carefully – prayerfully - ask God to help you discern who he might like to serve at Good Shepherd in the 2017- 2018 year, and how he might want them to serve. Be sure to include yourself. You might use the words of Acts - Lord, show me which of these you have chosen to serve at Good Shepherd.

3. Now, pray for the particular individuals God has brought to mind, asking him to direct you to find a way to invite them to serve at Good Shepherd during the 2017-2018 year. At this moment, the congregation is seeking a President- Elect, Financial Secretary Elect, Recording Secretary (to be elected) and several Elders to be appointed.

God will show us who among us is to serve and take over the apostolic ministries needed among us when we cast lots (vote) at the June 25 Voters’ Meeting, and announce those who have agreed to serve as Elders.

In the meantime, continue to pray for our holy work together, for the work of our Call Committee and the available candidates whom God has brought forward for prayerful consideration.

God’s peace, joy and love be yours,

About People ....

We continue to pray for:

. . God’s care for our Good Shepherd family: Bob Wolters back surgery on May 31; Jim Strachan back surgery in June;

Jeanne Berger broken right wrist; Earl Hyler recently hospitalized. . . . God’s care for our relatives and friends: Daniel Maxfield at Walter Reed for possible pneumonia; Catherine Cook (Mike Hillhouse’s aunt/godmother) in hospice care; Jeff Smith (Gail Hind’s nephew) hemorrhage in right eye, operation in late May; Cadell (Kaydell) Smith (Gail Hinds’ sister-in-law) cancer also operation in late May; Ben Schaeffer (friend of Nancy Wald) issue with neck disk; Robin Kunkel (Jasmine Berg’s mother); Bob Tolbert (family member of Carpenters) terminal cancer.

. . . those rejoicing and giving thanks: Rebecca (Downs) and Evan Lane (Gina Quinn’s niece) married on May 20; Brian and Kim Maxfield (Eric’s nephew) married on May 20.

. . . moms-to-be: Heather Carpenter Elhawa (Andy and Lisa’s daughter), due August 13; Diana Izrailova-Canarte (former SCCC preschool director) due August 26; Melissa Wilk (Tom’s daughter-in-law) due September 25; Lisa Hillhouse (Mike & Robie’s daughter-in-law) due November 14.

. . . military serving our country: John Berle stationed in Georgia (Ruth Blackburn’s grandson); Mark Goldey Fort Carson, CO (Lois Kubu’s step grandson); Austin Ivkovich stationed at Fort Campbell, KY (Marion Ivkovich’s grandson); Justin Kubu is stationed at Fort Bragg, NC; Richard Daniel Kubu (Ken and Joyce Kubu’s nephew) is also stationed at Fort Bragg; Seth Maxfield stationed in Ft. Riley, Kansas (Darlene Maxfield request); Cory Metz, stationed in Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, CO (son of former members, Charlie and Audrey Metz); David J. Wald (Kim & Nancy Wald’s grandson) is with a detachment in Technical Communications in Cherry Point, NC; Trevor White stationed in Okinawa (Brianna Hoffman request); Libby Shoefly stationed in Ankora, Turkey, friend of Jeanne Berger.

. . . those who mourn: family of Andrea Schwantes (friend of Phil Nicholson) who died May 3; family of Mel Krump (Sandy Langer’s

uncle) who died on May 5; family of Dan Shea (friend of Rick Paugh) who died on May 7; Norman Darden (Katherine’s Horn’s brother) who died May 7. *Names used with permission


SUNDAY, June 25, 2017

11:15 a.m.

Pentecost Sunday, June 4 WEAR RED

You are encouraged to wear red (representing the color of fire) on Sunday, June 4th to commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles.

Susan Otto will be visiting the children’s home, Hogar Infantil, in July to help them celebrate the 50th anniversary of this wonderful mission in Chiapas, Mexico. In the small town of Ocozocaultla, they shelter, feed, clothe, and educate about 70 children who were living in extreme poverty. While she does bring two extra-large suitcases packed with shoes and clothing (elementary school sizes, great condition only please), the most portable way to support this mission is with a check. Money is needed for clothing, food, tuition in public schools, uniforms, school supplies, house parents, transportation, medical care, the list goes on and on. Checks can be made directly to Hogar Infantil or to LCGS with Hogar on the memo line. Give checks to Susan or put in the offering plate by Sunday, July 9. No money is used for travel expenses. All donations directly benefit the children. Thank you to everyone who already supported this mission at the pancake supper.

News from the Call Committee

Latest News The Call Committee would like to thank everyone who attended and participated in the on-site visit with Pr. Jason Taylor and his wife Jennifer on May 10th and with Pr. Braun Campbell on May 24th.

Call Worship Service – June 11th Please make every effort to attend the Call Worship Service on Sunday, June 11th at 1:00 PM. During the service, we will cast our votes in the hope of selecting our next pastor at Good Shepherd from the two candidates on the ballot; Pr. Jason Taylor and Pr. Braun Campbell. The Call Service will be led by Pr. Ken Carlson our Circuit Visitor. There will be a luncheon held in the Family Life Wing immediately following the 10:00 AM Praise Worship Service. All are welcome! In advance of the Call Service the Call Committee has compiled information on both candidates that should assist you in your decision-making process as you consider your choice for our next pastor.

• Interview questions and summary of answers taken from each phone interview

• Summary of questions and answers taken from each Congregational Meet and Greet

• Color sketches by Jeanne Berger from each Congregational Meet and Greet

• Link to information packet -

Your Call Committee: Colette Carter, Paul Fowler, Marc Gregory [Chair], Sandy Langer, Kathy Nicholson, Susan Otto and Matt Quinn Questions? Concerns? Input? Please email [email protected].


The six confirmands in the second year class will read their essays during the 10:00 service as well as receive the rite of Confirmation. They will be honored with a reception immediately following the service.

You are cordially invited to attend the reception.

Confirmands being honored this year are: Emma Baker Elizabeth Rajnik Mason Boyd Luca Satterlee Jeremiah Chinwendu Jacob Wald

Bible Verse to Remember

Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Luther Quote

“As God at first gives faith through the Word, so He thereafter also exercises, increases, confirms, and perfects it through the Word. Therefore the worship of God at its best and the finest keeping of the Sabbath consist in exercising oneself in piety and in dealing with Word and hearing it. On the other hand nothing is more dangerous than a dislike of the Word.”

Summer Schedule

Begins June 4

Church start time Beginning June 4 – 10:00 a.m.

Please make a note on your calendar so you will remember. Also the last Sunday 10:00 service for the summer will occur on September 3. On September 10 we will return to the regular two services at 8:15 and 11:00.

Summer Sunday Refreshments

Sign Up Sheets

On the table in the narthex you will find colorful sheets of paper waiting for you to sign up on the date of your choice to bring light refreshments for after the summer services. It was decided to use signup sheets this year to make it more convenient. So please take a minute to choose a time for a Sunday that works for you. There are six openings for each Sunday between June 18 and August 27, and if you wish, you may sign up more than one time. Thank you for your help.

The Elders

Luther Quotes

“Whenever a man reads the Word of God, the Holy Spirit is speaking to him.”

Summer (Sunday Morning) Study Room 104/8:45-9:45 a.m.

Last week a number of us had a conversation in the narthex about what we feared, or what scared us or terrified us. Some of the things offered were snakes, mice, spiders, and I would add, some people. Truth be known some of the things that scare or petrify or put us off are some of the “various manifestations” of sharing our faith.

• Some fear that it will start painful arguments which we would rather avoid.

• Some fear it because we can’t find the words and we don’t want to be ridiculed or feel foolish.

• Some fear we don’t have enough information to speak confidently.

• Some fear that our own lack of confidence will betray us.

• Some fear hurting others feelings or intruding on others privacy.

If sharing your faith is difficult for you this Summer Study is for you and will help you build confidence and learn how to navigate the waters of sharing faith and giving witness ion today’s world. Here we will practice how to build a relationship for sharing our faith. Here we will learn about what words we might use to open the conversation. Here we will have an opportunity to build our confidence for this good work. Here we will learn how to do this while respecting the feelings of others.

You do not need to be present every week and the classes are not sequential but they will help. The classes will continue in my absence. I hope to see you there for the sake of God’s Kingdom and the purpose of sharing his word.

Pastor Dave

For the Month of June

May 28th was the last day the Sunday School classes met before summer vacation begins. Regular Sunday School will begin again on September 10, 2017. The Board of Education is looking for at least one person and likely two to replace those who will no longer be serving. Please consider this as a possible place for you to become active. We will also need one or two teachers for the 1st/2nd grade class. One person can take it over or two can share the teaching responsibilities. Starting the first Sunday in June, our church services will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will continue throughout the summer until the last one on September 3. There will be no Sunday School during the summer but it will start again on Sunday, September 10th following the opening of Montgomery County Schools.

Patricia Colacicco

Please email your articles for July to [email protected] or put them in the newsletter mailbox in the copier room by June 15th.

Thank you, Nancy Wald

Will You Help?

We are once again sponsoring nearby Rosa Parks Middle School with needed school supplies this year. The Board of Social Ministry asks for your support – new unused items only please. Some suggested

helpful items for students are backpacks, 2” loose-leaf binders, wide-lined notebook paper, #2 pencils, pens, and spiral notebooks. Your past support has helped so many students to get off to a strong start in their studies! Please place any new and unused school supplies in the colorful box in the Narthex.

We know we are all thinking “Summer,” but it’s not too early to think about the upcoming school year – and this can be a great time to take advantage of summer sales on school supplies. Please note that August provides many opportunities to get school supplies on sale! Any questions, ask Bob Wolters at 301-774-6169. Thank you!

Next Road Clean Up will be on

Saturday, June 17

Organized by the Kiwanis Club, breakfast will be at 7:30 a.m. followed by the road clean up. Contact Bob Gill with any questions at 301-438-3122.

Brian Farrell Brian loves skateboarding and has participated in OGSLY activities here at Good Shepherd. He will be graduating with the class of 2017 from Sherwood High School in Olney and plans to attend Montgomery College this fall.

Andrew Gordon

Andrew will graduate from Sherwood High School, with honors in June. He has been a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and has played four years of hockey for the Sherwood Warriors Ice Hockey Club. Andrew will be attending his fourth year at ASE this summer. He has been an active member of OGSLY, a VBS instructor, and also a member of the Good Shepherd Prayer Team. He recently completed an internship at the Lutheran Church of Saint Andrew.

In August Andrew will begin his college education at Concordia University of Wisconsin. He will be majoring in Pre-Seminary Studies, with a minor in Theological Languages. Andrew received a Regents Merit Scholarship, as well as the Luther Scholar Guarantee, which is a Pre-Seminary Scholarship. He is also hoping to be awarded with a grant from the SED for Future Professional Church Workers. When Andrew is not studying, he will be playing ice hockey for Concordia (go Falcons)!

With Good Shepherd’s help, Andrew was able to attend Christ Academy at Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne) twice, as well as take online Deacon courses. He feels called by God to become an LCMS pastor and he would like to thank his Good Shepherd family for all their prayers and support while focusing on achieving this goal.

Iliana Lambert

Iliana Lambert will be graduating from Sherwood high school with honor roll. She currently is in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club at Sherwood and is an active member of OGSLY here at Good Shepherd. She has also recently finished her third year of club Volleyball. Iliana has played the viola for six years in her school orchestra classes and most recently represented Sherwood High School in the Montgomery County Senior all county Orchestra. She hopes to continue playing music as a violist in college. Iliana will be attending Montgomery College starting in the fall. After a year of attending Montgomery College, she plans on continuing her studies at Concordia University Wisconsin to pursue speech pathology.

Michael Rajnik

Michael is a 2017 graduate of Linganore High School in Frederick County. He excelled in both the classroom and athletic arena. He completed the Project Lead the Way Pre-Engineering curriculum and was a member of the National Honor Society and the National Math Honor Society. Athletically, he was a starter on the Lancer football, basketball and baseball teams. He was captain of the baseball team during his senior year. He will be attending Elizabethtown College (PA) in the fall and has been awarded their Presidential Scholarship. Michael will study Engineering and continue his athletic career on the Blue Jay baseball team.

Chris Brunetto Chris Brunetto graduated on May 21st from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He earned and received the prestigious Les Aspin Center sash which he proudly wore during graduation. His future includes a gap year as he interns and then on to law school in the fall of 2018. One of his highlights while at Marquette University was his selection as a Marquette University intern on Capitol Hill for the spring 2016 semester and attending classes at the Les Aspin Center for Government. While there, he represented Marquette University at the viewing of Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia. We are so very proud of our son, his bright future and that he has always maintained his faith in the Lord.

Charlie Carter Charles Richard Carter graduated on May 19, 2017 with honors from Montgomery College with an Associate’s Degree in Mathematics. He plans on continuing his education at the University of Maryland, College Park in the fall. While at Montgomery College, Charlie was president of the board games and astronomy clubs, completed a research project on complex polynomials, and received the Florence Muriel Ashby award for his accomplishments as a mathematics student at Montgomery College. After completing a four year degree, he plans on applying to NOAA Corps to become a hurricane hunter and would eventually like to complete a PhD in Mathematics so he can become a community college professor.

Brianna Hoffman

Brianna Hoffman graduated from The Pennsylvania State University on December 17, 2016 with her Bachelors of Science in Forensic Science (chemistry emphasis) and two minors; one in chemistry and one in sociology. She became involved with a philanthropy known as THON and volunteered with them during her time at Penn State. Brianna is currently working at Fisher Bio Services while she is working toward her career goal of working in a federal crime laboratory!

Adam Howard

Adam Howard graduated on May 25, 2017 from Salisbury University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education. He has enjoyed student teaching this year at Berlin Intermediate School and Buckingham Elementary School with plans to teach in Montgomery County Public Schools in the 2017-2018 school year.

Ryan King

Ryan King graduated in December 2016 from Rochester Institute of Technology, and will participate in commencement exercises in May. Ryan graduated Summa Cum Laude with an undergraduate degree in Game Design and Development, and minor in Digital Literature. He was a member of Honors Society in the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. He is currently employed at Envative as a web developer. He lives in Rochester, NY.

Calling All Musicians!

Summer is nearly upon us, and the Chancel Choir is looking forward to a little break from choir rehearsals.

Please consider singing or playing a solo (or duet or small ensemble) to enhance worship this summer. Kids and teens are also encouraged to come forward and share their gifts with the congregation. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Let it shine! Maria’s contact information is (240-342-2529) or [email protected]) Maria Sampogna, Organist

and Minister of Music

Jean LaPorte Jean is from Baltimore and moved to the Washington area in 1965. She now lives in Damascus with her wonderful husband, Tony. They have three daughters, three grandsons and one granddaughter who she says are the joy in her life, and she believes, her purpose. Jean has a BS degree in business and works as an office manager for one of her best friends who has a dental practice. She credits Sandy Langer as being the reason she joined Good Shepherd.

Marianne Compton

Originally from New York I have lived in Montgomery County for the greater part of my adult existence and retired in 2004 after 33 1/2 years as a financial analyst from BAE (formerly Vitro). My present family includes three adult children, Diana, Karl and Paul, all married with five adult grandsons--four in college and a UMBC graduate Drew (age 30 and married). My partner and soulmate John and I have done our share of international and domestic travel through the years including visits to my German relatives living in both north and south Germany (I am first generation American). Actually I felt welcomed the first day I stepped over the threshold of LCGS and realized I would eventually become part of the church family. About five years ago my good friend, Elsie Stevick, encouraged me to help with LCGS events--Christmas Bazaars, yard sales, Oktoberfest, Chase House--and whenever else I was needed. About two years ago I began to attend the 8:15 service regularly. So a short while back, Pastor Dave persuaded me that it was about time to make it official and become a member. I feel blessed to have been accepted and hope to serve for many more years.

Marge Donovan

Marge was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up in Camp Springs, Maryland. She graduated from Crossland High School then completed Nursing School at Prince Georges Community College. She also has a Bachelors Degree and a Masters from Central Michigan University.

Marge has been married for nearly 17 years and she and her husband just adopted a puppy from the Humane Society. She is currently an Assistant Nurse manager in the ICU at Suburban hosptial. When she is on shift, she manages 24 critical care beds and 16 staff and works mostly weekends.

She also enjoys reading, home improvement projects and working out and sports you participate in AND up until last a few weeks ago she enjoyed watching the Washington Capitals!

Marge looks forward every year to traveling to Hatteras, but this year she and her husband will explore the Chesapeak shore in Virginia.

She says she has been away from the church for a number of years but that Good Shepherd feels like home. She grew up in church and her grandfather, who was also her first pastor, baptized her. Her uncle is a retired Lutheran minister and married she and her husband. Her mother was their church organist and choir director and her father was the church president for many years.

Marge wants to thank all of us for the warm welcome she has had and looks forward to serving the Lord with you.


Olney Good Shepherd FaithInKubators Lutheran Youth (High School) (Grades 7 & 8)


SUNDAY SCHOOL (Grades 4-6)

Upcoming Events:

OGSLY • June 11th – Call service at 1:00;

Graduate Sunday – during the church service.

• ·June 16th – prepare popcorn for Popcorn for Pops – Meet at church at 6:00 then a TBD social event.

• June 18th – Father’s Day – Distribute Popcorn during the church service.

• June 23rd – organize the youth room, Lock-in, cook out and movie. Meet at church at 6:00.

• June 25th – Servant Event Blessing during the church service.

• June 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th – Summer Suppers – Meet at church at 5:30 – supper locations TBD.

FINK • June 4th – Confirmation Sunday.

SUNDAY SCHOOL • No Summer activities

Luther Quotes

“It is most scandalous for us to attempt to defend God’s Word with our reason, whereas we are to defend ourselves against all the enemies with the Word of God, as St. Paul teaches (Eph.6:17). Would he not be a great fool who in battle would seek to protect his helmet and sword with a bare hand or head? But that is the situation when we try, with our reason, to defend God’s Law, which is our weapon.”


1 - Susan Conn 2 - Patricia Colacicco 3 - Doug Davis Joyce Teske 6 - Jean Krueger 8 - Gage North, Hope North 12 - Emma Baker, Ian Gregory 15 - Jeannie Plew, Adam Reinhold, Jane Stillwell 17 - Randall Fossum 18 - Grace Haddad 20 - Andrew Gordon 21 - Kim Lourenco 22 - Bob Gill, Dave Krueger, Nancy Wald 23 - Jasmine Berg (our new secretary), Joey

Quinn 24 - Michael Rajnik 25 - Donna Zoldi 26 - Ken Kubu 27 - Cheryl Malina

8 - Tim & Carol Leydig 9 - Bernd & Sandy Langer 13 - Jim & Jill Ruspi 18 - Peter & Janet Stadler 19 - Chuck & Sherrie Dean Jim & Kathie Taylor 20 - Eric Wald & Melody Stone-Wald 25 - Rich and Lynn Boyd

. C.A.R.E. (Caring and Respecting Everyone)


(Saturday Morning LCGS Men’s Group)

The Men’s Group will meet at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 3.

Day Trippers Upcoming Events

There will not be a trip in June. Questions or comments should be directed to Dorothy Hughes at 301-437-8906 OR Bob Wolters at 301-774-6169 or [email protected]).

Game Night

Lynn and Mary Kay Dean’s Home

The Game Night CARE Groups meets monthly on the third Friday. We gather for fellowship, food and fun – and play a couple of games each time. Newcomers are always welcome! If you are interested in joining us, call Andy Carpenter (301-774-8298).

Lunch Bunch is for people with free time over the lunch hour on the second Wednesday of each month. If this fits into your schedule, retirees and others who want to share, join us at 12:00 noon on June 14, 2017.

The Good Shepherd Book Club

Will NOT meet on

Sunday, July 9, 2017

in the Family Life Wing at 6:00 p.m. to discuss

“Ordinary Grace” Written by

William Kent Krueger

Attention all readers, the book club will not meet in June. Our next meeting will be July 9th. Please put that unforgettable date in your IPAD or memory, whichever you think is more reliable. In 1961 the Twins had finally found a home in a state that no one outside of the Midwest knows exactly where it is located geographically (as a matter of fact did you know a tiny piece of Minnesota is completely surrounded by Canada, knowledge you will need just in case you get on Jeopardy). Ordinary Grace is a moving account of a boy standing at the door of his young manhood trying to understand a world that seems to be falling apart around him. It is an unforgettable novel about discovering the terrible price of wisdom and the enduring grace of God. So put on your Norwegian hat and rustle up some rokelaks or brunost and join us for laughter, food and good times. Ann Wolters

Luther Quotes

“Your faith comes from Him, not from you. And everything that works faith within you comes from Him and not from you.”

June 2017 Schedule of Church Helpers


Elders Communion Assistants





Altar Guild

June 4

10:00 a.m. Worship/Eucharist


Wor. Asst: Sister Robie

Carol Brunetto

Sasha Miezis Janet Mullen

Kathy Nicholson

Gaetan Brunetto Andy Carpenter Mark Hardcastle

Andrew Gordon Kathy Nicholson

G/Kim Wald Nancy Wald

(S/Joyce Teske)

Hannah Ehrlich

Set up: Sherrie Dean

Clean up: Dawn McCann

June 11

10:00 a.m. Worship/Eucharist

Wor. Asst: Sister Robie

Matt Quinn

Andrew Gordon Colette Carter

Karin Wuertz-Schaefer

Charlie Loehr Don Pohlmann

Tom Wilk

Debbie Harman John Maisel

G/Marion Ivkovich Ann Sprague (S/Jackie Schulten)

Jake Wald

Set up: Marion Ivkovich

Clean up: Dorothy Hughes

June 18

10:00 a.m.

Worship/ Eucharist

Benevolence Fund

Giving Sunday

Wor. Asst: Marc Gregory

Steve Gordon

Steve Gordon Marc Gregory

Debbie Harman

Doug Dye Gail Hinds

Ann Sprague

Ann Sprague Melody Wald

G/Eric Wald Melody Wald

(S/Kathie Taylor)

Lena Wilson

Set up: Ken & Joyce Kubu

Clean up: Lora Birch

June 25

10:00 a.m.


Voters Meeting

Wor. Asst: Janet Mullen

Andy Carpenter

Steve Gordon Sandy Langer Alex Predoehl

Anthony Hoffman Don Pohlmann

Connie Strachan

Kelly Groff Connie Strachan

G/Charles Falck Dolores Falck

(S/Mark Hardcastle)

Kevin Moses

Set up: John & Pat Maisel Clean up: Lynn Boyd

If you cannot make it on your scheduled Sunday, please trade with someone or find a substitute (adults and teens alike) and notify the church office at 301-774-9125 of any changes.

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd4200 Olney-Laytonsville Road l PO Box 280 l Olney, MD 20830 June 2017

1 2 3 9:00a


Preschool 1st Summer SessionBrownie Troop MtgShepherd's BellsChancel Choir



Preschool 1st Summer SessionA.A.

7:30a Men's Group

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8:45a10:00a

Adult Bible Class / Worship - EucharistConfirmation



Preschool 2nd Summer SessionA.A.

9:00a Preschool 2nd Summer Session



Preschool 2nd Summer SessionSr. Lunch Bunch



Preschool 2nd Summer SessionShepherd's Bells



Preschool 2nd Summer SessionA.A.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8:45a10:00a


Adult Bible Class WOV Worship - Eucharist Grad. RecognitionLunch ProvidedCall Service



Preschool 3rd Summer SessionA.A.

9:00a Preschool 3rd Summer Session



Preschool 3rd Summer SessionBoard of Elders



Preschool 3rd Summer SessionBrownie Troop Mtg




Preschool 3rd Summer SessionGame Care Group (Deans)A.A.



Breakfast (Road Clean-Up)Road Clean-Up

18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Adult Bible ClassWorship - Eucharist


Little Hands Integrated Arts CampA.A.


Little Hands Integrated Arts Camp


Little Hands Integrated Arts CampSCCC Board MtgBoard of Trustees


Little Hands Integrated Arts Camp


Little Hands Integrated Arts CampA.A.

25 26 27 28 29 30 8:45a10:00a

Adult Bible ClassWorship - Eucharist Blessing of ASE

8:30p A.A. 7:00p Caregiver Group




Father's Day


The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 4200 Olney-Laytonsville Road

P.O. Box 280 Olney, Maryland 20830-0280

Return Service Requested

The Messenger Is published monthly by

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

Olney, Maryland 20830-0280 Telephone: 301-774-9125

FAX: 301-774-9649

Vacancy Pastor: Rev. David Betzner

[email protected]

Deaconess: Sister Robie Hillhouse [email protected]

Office Secretary: Jasmine Berg [email protected]

Newsletter Editor: Nancy Wald

[email protected]

The deadline for the July issue is Thursday, June 15, 2017


Summer Worship Schedule begins June 4, 2017

Worship will be at 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Class offered in Room 104 – 8:45 a.m.

Sunday School for Children will begin in September.

U.S. Postage