The Information Age

The Information Age The Impact of 1980-1984 By Ray Walker


The Information Age. The Impact of 1980-1984 By Ray Walker. The Information Age – The radical changes in the technology of communication and the ways we receive and process information (Fiero 127). The key points that I will addressing are: Cinema International Events National Events - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Information Age

Page 1: The Information Age

The Information Age

The Impact of 1980-1984By Ray Walker

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The Information Age – The radical changes in the technology of communication and the ways we receive and process information(Fiero 127).

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The key points that I will addressing are:

CinemaInternational EventsNational EventsScienceSportsTechnology

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First commercial cellular (wireless) phones produced - 1983 (Fiero 127).


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Ronald Reagan was elected President -1981(


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First commercial use of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) -1983 (Fiero 129)


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Sandra Day O’ Conner first woman appoint to the U.S. Supreme Court 1981 (Rosenberg First Woman Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court)


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Personal computers introduced by IBM - 1981 (Bellis -The History of the IBM PC - International Business Machines)


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Sally Ride become the first American women in space – 1983(First Women In Space - 1)


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E.T. Movie Released 1982 (Rosenberg 1)


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Muhammad Ali retires from boxing -1981(Muhammad Ali)


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The Tanker War between Iran and Iraq – 1981 (The Tanker War 1)


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Huge poison gas leak in Bhopal India – 1984 (Rosenberg 1)


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The hepatitis-B vaccine invented – 1980 (Vaccine Against Viral Hepatitis)


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Cinema - ET MovieInternational Events – Tanker War, Gas Leak in Bhopal, IndiaNational Events – President Reagan, Sandra Day O’ConnorScience – MRI, Sally Ride, Hepatitis B vaccineSports – Muhammad Ali Technology – Cell phone, Personal Computers


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Bellis, Mary. "History of Computers - The IBM PC." Inventors. Web. 16 July 2011. <>.

"E.T. Movie Released." 20th Century History. Jennifer Rosenberg, 2011. Web. 16 July 2011. <>.Fiero, Gloria K. The Humanistic Tradition. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2011. Print."First Woman on the Supreme Court of the United States." 20th Century History. Jennifer Rosenberg. Web. 16 July 2011. <>."Muhammad Ali." Nova Online Home Page. 2011. 16 July 2011"Poison Gas Leak in Bhopal India." 20th Century History. Jennifer Rosenberg, 2011. Web. 16 July 2011. <>."Sally Kristen Ride | First American Woman in Space." Lucidcafé Interactive Café and Information Resource. 1995-2011. Web. 16 July 2011."The Tanker War." 1980-1989-. 7 July 2011."Vaccine Against Viral Hepatitis - Baruch Blumberg - Hepatitis." Inventors. Mary Bellis,, 2011. Web. 16 July 2011.

Works Cited