The idea below has been used by Pope Francis as an aid to...

Prayer for the Week: The idea below has been used by Pope Francis as an aid to help children pray. When you say your prayers each day, look at each finger on your hand and say a prayer for the people suggested below.

Transcript of The idea below has been used by Pope Francis as an aid to...

Page 1: The idea below has been used by Pope Francis as an aid to  · Prayer for the Week: The idea below has been

Prayer for the Week: The idea below has been used by Pope Francis as an aid to help children pray. When you say your prayers each day, look at each finger on your hand and say a prayer for the

people suggested below.

Page 2: The idea below has been used by Pope Francis as an aid to  · Prayer for the Week: The idea below has been

Home Learning Information

For each new day, the children need to write the date at the top of the page in their exercise books and underline it, just like we do in school. Make sure the days and months are spelt correctly and have capital letters. All the work for that day can then be recorded underneath. Please use a sharp pencil for your work and keep your presentation neat. For each new day, please start a new page.

Each week we would like you to send us a picture of one specific piece of work so that we can take a look. This week it will be the RE writing from Thursday’s activity. Please also send us one additional photo of a piece of work of your choosing. It can be any activity.

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Monday 18th January 2021

English Over the next two weeks, you will be listening to the story ‘How Coyote brought fire to Earth’ and learning how to use descriptive language in your writing. If you are asked to write, please record your work neatly in your green books. Click on the link below to start your lesson. Pause the video whenever you need to and listen carefully to the story. LO I can listen and respond to a story

Maths Our topic for the next two weeks will be money. Please complete the quiz below in your exercise books to check how much you already know about this topic. We will go through the answers in tomorrows zoom meeting.You might need to ask an adult or use google if you are unsure of anything.

1) What unit of currency do we use in this country? 2) Do all countries use the same currency 3) What does this symbol mean - £ ? 4) When using money, what does the letter p represent? 5) How many pennies are there in one pound 6) How many different coins do we use in this country? 7) Can you draw these coins in your book from smallest value to

largest value. 8) The small brown 1p and 2p coins are commonly known as what?

(clue – it starts with the letter c) 9) How many different paper notes do we have in this country? 10) Draw the notes from smallest value to largest value in

your book. 11) Practice drawing the pound sign in your book – you will

need to use it in tomorrow’s maths lesson.

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Science LO I can identify a range of materials and their purpose Our new topic this term is materials. Materials are all around us and they have different uses and properties. For your Science lesson today, can you look around your home and collect objects which are made of the following materials: Wood Plastic Metal Wool Glass Paper Look carefully at the objects and think about their purpose. Why are they made from that material? For example, why are keys made from metal? Why are packed lunch boxes made from plastic? Choose one of your favourite soft toys and make a bed for it. What types of material are you going to choose and why. Why not send me a photo of your work? I would love to see them.

SPAG – Homophones LO I can spell a range of homophones and use them accurately in my writing. Last term, we began to learn about a homophone. Homophones are words which have the same pronunciation, but different meanings – such as new and knew. Look at the homophones below and then put both words into the same sentence and write it neatly in your exercise book. Make sure that it makes sense and is punctuated correctly. For example: I knew the name of the new teacher at my school.

1) Weak, week 2) Groan, grown 3) Feet, feat 4) Heard, herd 5) There, their, they’re

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Tuesday 19th January 2021

English LO I can tell a story from memory Today you will be becoming more familiar with yesterday’s story by retelling it orally and using actions and mind maps.


LO I can recognise and use symbols for pounds and pence. Make sure that you have your exercise book and pencil ready for this lesson. Today we will be going over the answers from yesterday’s quiz, and we will be practicing adding amounts of money and recording these correctly.

SPAG LO I can use the homophones there, their and they’re correctly in my writing There means the opposite of here; “at that place.” Their means “belongs to them.” They're is a contraction of “they are” or “they were. Copy the sentences below neatly into your books and fill in the missing word. Extension – can you make up your own sentences which contain all three homophones.

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1) The new teacher got _____________ books in a muddle. 2) Put the pen over _________ on the shelf. 3) Obaro and Sattar put _________ hands up at the same time. 4) Are you sure ____________ not real? 5) Can you put ____________ coats on the pegs over ________.

Science LO I can identify natural and man-made materials Natural resources are materials that are 'naturally' found around us. We may have to dig them out of the ground, grow them, or take them from living things. Whereas man-made resources are natural materials that are changed through chemical processes by 'man'. Look at the pictures of various materials at the bottom of this document. Are they natural or human-made? If you can print them out, cut and stick the pictures into your book into two clear groups – natural materials and human-made materials. If you are unable to print them out, just copy the names into your book. Challenge Can you think of your own materials to add to each list? If you are unsure, refer back to the definition above. I will tell you the answers in tomorrows zoom session.

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Wednesday 20th January 2021


LO I can build descriptive language

Maths LO I can recognise and use symbols for pounds and pence. Use what you have learnt from yesterdays zoom session to add up the following amounts of money and record them correctly in your exercise book. Remember – if the amount is less than £1.00 – you need to put p at the end to represent pence. If the amount is £1.00 or over, you don’t need to add the p. Don’t forget the decimal place – it is very important!





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Which strategy did you use to complete this activity? Which coins do you look for first? We will go over the answers on Thursday’s zoom lesson.


LO I can investigate how materials are made

Think about what we learnt in yesterdays Science lesson about natural and human made materials.

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Remember – although paper is made from wood, and glass is made from sand – these are human-made materials as other components have been added by people.

Have you ever wondered how these materials are made?

Below are two fascinating videos which show how paper and glass are made.

Watch the video below to find out how glass is made

Watch this video to find out how paper is made.

Pick one of the videos and in your exercise book, draw and label four pictures to show how these materials are made. Use the labels to show your understanding of these processes.


LO I can read and understand a text

Click on the link below and you will see a book called Open Very Carefully. Click on ‘read along’ and turn the sound off. If you are finding the words tricky, you can read along with the sound on, then try and read it again on your own.

Answer the following questions about the text in your book. Remember to use full sentences. Refer back to the text when needed.

1) How many ducklings did mother duck have?

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2) Which story was mother duckling trying to read? 3) What are the crocodiles favourite letters to eat? 4) Why did the crocodile wake up? 5) How did the crocodile escape the book?

Thursday 21st January 2021


LO I can use expanded noun phrasees


LO I can combine amounts to make a particular value

Click on the link below to practice the above skill. Click on ‘mixed coins’ and look in the left hand column entitled exact money. Have a go at making amounts for £1 to £5 and £1 to £10. Try to use the fewest amount of coins possible.

Maths/ English

Today we will go over the maths work from yesterday and you can mark your answers.

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I will also tell you the answers to Wednesday’s Science activity. Have your pencil and paper as we will be working on verb tenses and noun phrases.


LO I know the story of Jairus’ Daughter

Our topic this term is good news.

Can you think of a time when you received really good news? Maybe you were chosen to be a star learner or your parents took you somewhere fantastic. Hoe did it make you feel?

In the Bible, Jesus performed many miracles, where he turned sadness into joy, and today we are going to listen to one of these stories, It is called Jairus’ Daughter. Click on the link below to watch a short video.

Can you imagine how Jairus’parents must have felt!

In your exercise book, imagine that you are Jairus and you are writing to a friend to tell them what has happened. Explain what happened and tell your friend how you felt during the whole experience.

Start your writing with these words;

You will never believe what has happened today!

When you have finished your writing, ask your parent to take a photo of your work and send it to me. I would love to have a look at your work.

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Friday 22nd January 2021


LO I can retrieve information from a text


LO I can find different combinations of coins that equal the same amount of money


There are lots of different ways of making the same amount of money. For example, you can make £1.00 from two 50p coins or from five 20p coins.

= £1

= £1

= £1

= £1

In your exercise book, see how many ways you can find to make £3.00. You are only allowed to use 8 coins or less! Good luck!

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Hopefully you are managing to take part in the PE with Joe sessions which take place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am on the body coach channel. If you miss them, you are able to do these at any time during the week.

As we are not able to do out daily mile in school, it is really important to do some exercise which raises our heart rate and gets us out of breath. Exercise can really make you feel great, and you can do these workouts at home.

Skills Practice

Look at the PE challenge card below. Have a go at the activities on the card. There will be a new card full of challenges each week.

The Friday zoom session is a chance for us to all catch up and for you to ask any questions. We will also read some more of our class book.

Well-being: During lock down it is important that we take time to do some things that we enjoy. Some of the Year 2 staff are reading books, exercising and learning how to cook new meals. What do you do at home that makes you feel happy?

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Daily exercise – PE with Joe is back! Why not try one of Joe’s live PE sessions – every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am on the Body Coach channel

Reading – click on ‘story time online’ on the blog to access a range of books

Times tables – keep practicing your times tables so that you can recall them really quickly. Do you know the related division facts? Practice your times tables here:

Phonics – you can practice your phonics and play lots of games on the phonics play website.

Activities from the blog

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Page 16: The idea below has been used by Pope Francis as an aid to  · Prayer for the Week: The idea below has been
Page 17: The idea below has been used by Pope Francis as an aid to  · Prayer for the Week: The idea below has been
Page 18: The idea below has been used by Pope Francis as an aid to  · Prayer for the Week: The idea below has been