The Hunger Games Ms. Smith 8 th Grade Language Arts.

The Hunger Games Ms. Smith 8 th Grade Language Arts

Transcript of The Hunger Games Ms. Smith 8 th Grade Language Arts.

Page 1: The Hunger Games Ms. Smith 8 th Grade Language Arts.

The Hunger GamesMs. Smith8th Grade Language Arts

Page 2: The Hunger Games Ms. Smith 8 th Grade Language Arts.

Chapter One - Vocabulary1. Reaping – harvesting2. Deterrent – a discouragement to act in

a particular way.3. Poaching – hunting illegally4. Maniacally – overly enthusiastically5. Preposterous – ridiculous; unbelievable6. Haggling – bargaining, usually arguing

over a trade or price of an item

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Chapter One - Vocabulary7. Adjacent – close to or joining8. Layer of material such as coal

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Chapter Two - Vocabulary1. Protocol –the customary or proper way

of doing something; etiquette.2. Dissent – protest3. Plummets – drops (falls) drastically4. Radical – extreme5. Predicament – problem; troublesome


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Chapter 3 Vocabulary1. Disastrous – extremely unfortunate. 2. Intensity – concentration; focus3. Insurmountable – unable to overcome4. Gratified – satisfied5. Sniveling – whiney or weepy6. Replicate – duplicate; to create again7. Disgruntled – unhappy; dissatisfied.

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Chapter 4 Vocabulary

1. Mentor – a supporter, guide, or trusted advisor.

2. Pondering – thinking deeply3. Inexplicable – unable to be

explained.4. Gnarled – twisted.

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4. Substantial – very large5. Detest - hate

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Chapter 6 Vocabulary

1. Barbarism – lack of refinement; wild

2. Adversaries – enemy or rival3. Maimed – to seriously wound4. Immobilize – can’t move

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Chapter 6 Vocabulary

5. Concealed – hidden6. Mutilate – damage by cutting

off a body part.

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Chapter 7 Vocabulary1. Emaciated – very thin, especially

from disease or hunger. 2. Arbitrary – based on random

choice or personal whim, rather than reason.

3. Deluged – flooded or overwhelmed.

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Chapter 7 Vocabulary

4. Archery – the sport of shooting arrows with a bow.

5. Adversaries – opponents, enemies.

6. Combative – having or showing a ready disposition to fight.

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Chapter 7 Vocabulary

7. Brutality – the trait of extreme cruelty.

8. Incompetent – not qualified or suited for a purpose.

9. Mediocre – moderate to inferior in quality.

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Chapter 8 Vocabulary

1. Leniency – being more tolerated than expected.

2. Stalk – to pursue or approach; to follow or shadow.

3. Arduous – involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

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Chapter 8 Vocabulary

4. Solitary – done or existing alone.

5. Audible – heard or able to be heard by the ear.

6. Mutual – common or shared by two or more parties.

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Chapter 9 Vocabulary1. Ludicrous – ridiculous; laughable.

2. Banal – boring and ordinary.

3. Intrigued – intrigued; fascinated.

4. Sullen – in a bad mood; irritated.

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Chapter 9 Vocabulary5. Hostile – antagonistic; unfriendly.

6. Prestigious – honored; respected.

7. Unrequited – not returned; not reciprocated.

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Chapter 101. Assent – agreement2. Breached – broken3. Entourages – groups of attendants to

someone who is famous4. Aghast – shocked5. Perceived – believed6. Reenactments – reliving or acting out

events that happened in the past.

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Chapter 111. Condenses – concentrates2. Void – emptiness3. Botched – ruined4. Rejuvenating – energizing; restorative.5. Dispersed – spread around

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Chapter 12 Vocabulary

1. Lapdogs – pampered pets2. Gall – nerve3. Hoist – pull; lift4. Imprudent – not cautious

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Chapter 12 - Vocabulary

5. Dynamic – relationship6. Scarcity - rarity

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Chapter 16 Vocabulary1. Ordeal – trouble; severe occurrence. 2. Rations – a portion or fixed amount.3. Forages – searches for food.4. Obliging – willing to do favors. 5. Rendezvous – meeting place. 6. Copse – a group of trees or bushes.

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Chapter 17 - Vocabulary

1. Doggedly – persistently; stubbornly

2. Subsequent – next]3. Fractured – broken4. Fragmenting – splitting

apart; breaking up

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Chapter 17 - Vocabulary

5. Subtly – difficult to notice; gradually

6. Vulnerable – able to be easily hurt.

7. Decadent – rich and luxurious.

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Chapter 18 Vocabulary

1. Fretful – distressed; irritable.

2. Audible – able to be heard.

3. Inadequate – not enough

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Chapter 18 - Vocabulary

4. Inflict – to impose something unwanted.

5. Despondency – depression, hopelessness.

6. Lethargy – lack of energy; sluggishness.

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Chapter 19 Vocabulary

1. Dissipate – scatter or spread in different directions

2. Pariahs – outcasts3. Loathe – hate4. Evade – avoid; hide from

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Chapter 19 Vocabulary

5. Scrupulously – carefully6. Ruse – a trick7. Peruse – to look over or

look through.

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