The Herald. STOCK il is Kains: Notice Dissolution of Just GILM … · 2019. 2. 5. · Drugs--the...

The Herald. !.'AI. ADT lU'TiSK'.'ENTs. r '- - -- ;. itH. ;r-ii- iar :..iv. tiib- - I ..i!" - r.ur. s it lite law will b field - m il.-- . ihey liami in, v.::-- fit: ; a proof of pt:llic- - be ,'i-u- l lor the tmblica- - i' I.!jAVIi).S. ' 'hrteit, cii'iMiimitcaVoni ' . .1 . i i lo ii..- - ,i .;:t. witli no wast ifM.!si''Si: for tTie cone ctuess "" .1- ;'' iI in. matter and paid . i:u t ii. hi I tie paper regularl lll'tl tl.r tn-- i:reced to hii f '..!.-- . t.. '..'. ..e t subseiioer or not. It f !. " i; I J. pay. -- U..-- ui;. his p.nper discontm-t- s . ' .f'.si (: all arrearages, or the publish k-- . . r :):i..ue to cnd It until payment U hi. An'! ri!iec. the whole amount, whether ti : : tii-- r W nk-- n from the office or not. ? i in t hare decides that refusing to tr-'.- cwsiniirn and periodicals from the post e. o' omving and b aving them unca41e4 I ; Hi . dCV evidence Of 1XTKNTJOHAI. TK AU !. LOCAL NEWS. A new stock of Stetson Hats at Wttscott's. 31t2 See tl'H Omaha Republican's offers in premiums, in another column. Underwear till J ou can't rest, at Wescotl's 3112 New Dolmans, plush trimmed, at Baker & At woods. 3M2 You ought to see that Excelsior Mitten at Wescott's. 31t2 See the "New Ollendorff on the outside. Mason & Morgan's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to night. A fresh importation of Cloaks and Dolmans, at Baker & Atwoods. 32-t- 2 Gloves and Mittens a full stock at Wescott's. 81t2 Go to see "Uncle Tom" to night by one of the best troupes in the U.S. Go to ,. C. Erven to get your wateh repaired. All work warranted.3 Some h.indsome and new styles of Glass watw at Baker & Atwoods. 32-t- 2 Read Adirondack's letter on the outside thi week. Glooi and Mittens a full stock at low priei's at Wescott's. 31t2 New assortment of Queens ware, latest styles, at Baker & Atwoods. 32t2 Drugs -- the largest stock at J. M. Roberts. 3tf Qlottsand Mittens a full stock at low prices at Wescott's. 31 12 . Nobby new Cloaks, pluh and pa3sementei ie trimmings at Baker & Itwoods. 32-t- 3 Great attraction at Fitzgerald Hall to night "Uncle Torn". Remem- ber and go. A Gne lot f ladiers' sets just re- ceived by L. C. Erven. Call and see them. 31t2 Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5tCm The Great old play of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by the Mason, Morgan troupe, to night. A superior line of all kinds of Gloves and Mittens at Wescott's boss clothing store. 3U2 Spectacles and eye-glass- es to suit all ages, at L. C. Erven's. 31t2 Wood and coal stoves of all kinds at Duke's, at the lowest puces they can be sold for. Dr. A. Salisbury, the Boss Dentist, over Smith, Black & Co.'s. 31tf Clarke is running an Oxteam now a days. Nearly ever work-hors- e in town has tho "Pink-eye- ". When you go for crackers take none but Bremner's. 27t4 Call and see the new designs in Queensware Chamber sets at Baker & Atwoods. 32t2 Bugle caps and feather caps at Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's. Something new.' 30t3 General street-fixin- g is the order of the day, now. It needs it bad enough. A variety of handsome articles in Majolica and other fancy wares at Baiter & Atwoods. 82-t- 2 Miles Morgan is having the cross- ings overhauled in a thorough manner nil over town. The new styles of Glass ware, Goblets, Fruit dishes. Sauce plates &c. &c. are very pretty and cheap at Baker & Atwods. 32-t- 2 Elegant shaded plumes and tips, a large assortment, at Mrs. Johnson & Sweenev's. Also, owl heads, birds' heads, steel mounted tips, etc. 30t3 A couple of drunken fights some- what changed the moriotony of affairs in our otherwise peaceful burg, Mon- day last. Get Dr. Salisbury to make you a set of teeth and they will last you as long as you need any. 31tf The Woman's Temperance Union will meet on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Nov. 3d. at the residence of Mrs. 0. II. Parmele. If you need any work done in the dental line, call on Tr. A. Salisbury. ho will do a first-cla- ss job for you, as cheap as the cheapest. 31tf Col. Woodford is having good suc- cess again. The Hall is crowded nightly, and many are signing the pledge. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webber was buried a week ago llast Saturday, after an illness of some weeks. J. S. Duke has the best Hard Coal "Burners in the market; also a variety ot other Heating ai.d Cook stoves, call and examine. 30t3 "Go -- to see P. B. Murphy's new Oyster Salong on Main street, under the Biily-yar- d room. There you trill find a stev, a roast, a fry or a good hot cup of coffee. Go and see J. S. Duke's Hard Coal Burners before purchasing, he has Crown Jewels and one called the Splendid. 30t3 Jake Kapple, our Bohemian friend at M. Schnellbacker's had to stand a good deal ot chaff, and good natured fun-jaaki- ng Monday. It is a boy, JTafce stfys, and everything is lovely. . Personal. Lawyer Crites was iw Lincoln Sat- urday. Waller Jenkins of Eight Mile Grove called Tuesday. Alva Drew left for Burlington and St. Louis Sunday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hill, of Evanstoii, 111. are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Livingston. Mrs. John W. Barnes is getting better from her late illness, we learn with great pleasure. Mesdames Yates & Darrah, of Lin- coln, were in this city la?t week, the guests of Mrs. F. E. White. Geo. Magney is prospering in Papili-io- n we hear, and takes the Herald, in that "Paradise" of "his'n" over there. Hon. 11. B. Windham left for St-Lou- is Monday to attend the River Improvement Convention which meets this week. Mr. Chas. Guthman, who has been here under medical treatment, for some time, has been very ill for the past few days. Mr. Jos. McKinnon was in the city last week, bringing his family as far as Plattsmouth where they took the train for a visit to Ohio. Mrs. Jno. Manchester and children and Miss McAusland of Omaha spent a couple of days in the city last week. the guests of Mrs. Ilaniblin. Mr. A. A. Prall having completed kis work on Boyd's opra house, stopped over Sunday in Plattsmouth then left for St. Louis his home at present. John McCaig, of Elm wood was in Monday. John looks ''gallus" these days and says times are first rate out there, and the old Herald is not en- tirely forgotten. Charley Pet tee, "Local" on the Her- ald is sick this week, with the pre- vailing malarial fever, and that ac- counts for the omission of some mat- ter that ould otherwise appear in this paper. Dr. Myers fermerlv of W. W. now of Lincoln is in our town canvassing for The Western Mutual Aid Society, of DesMoines, Iowa. The Doctar will be remembered as taking an active part in our campaign last fall. Elder Crowther of the Christian church called in on Friday last. We were very much pleased to meet the gentleman more intimately and most heartily welcome him to Plattsmouth hoping he may find a pleasant and profitable field to work in. D. C. Keiley the traveling agent for the Evening Telegram was in town Monday and tells us he took quite a number of subscribers for his paper. The Telegram is a newsy sheet, edited and owned by young men of practical newspaper ability and contains a reat deal of very good leading matter. Mr. W. W. Conn, formerly a resident of Cass Cwiinty. now of Indian", and a cousin of W. L. Browne's has been vis- iting us. Mr. Conn is a general In- surance and Ileal Estate Agent and as sharp as tacks, r he would not be a western Immigration Agtnt for the B. & M. It. R. there. We are pleased to see him West again. Dr. Doggfc's family arrived in Platts- mouth last week and are by this time settled and regular residents of our city. The Dr. has fitted up rooms over J. V. Weekbach'a present stand for his family, and as soon as Mr. Weckbach removes to his new store. Dr. Dogge will occupy his present quarters with his drug store, and will enlarge his business, adding several departments. Miss Alice Morrison, of Rochester, N. Y. granddaughter of Chaplain and Mrs. Wright, arrived in Plattsmouth last week and will probably spend the winter with her grandparents, if she finds Plattsmouth sufficiently pleasant. Miss Morrison will be a desirable ad- dition to our young society, and we congratulate the. Chaplain on the pleasure of having his grandchildren about him to render his declining days happy. If we can't sell revolvers and pen- knives cheap enough, we can stoves, hardware, and all sorts of mechanics tools as cheap as any body. Jno. S. Duke. The Ladies of St. Luke's Guild will give their next sociable at the 'residence of Mrs. S. S. Hinkle, next week Thursday evening, November 3d All are cordially invited. I sell the best and cheapest bcots and shoes. I defy competition. 4tf Peter Merges. Mr. II. C. Miller, a young man from Iowa, is canvassing our town for "Hills Manual" in an enlarged form Give the youug man a chance. It is really a valuable work. The name of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup is a household word. It cures all severe cases of coughs, colds, bron- chitis, etc. Price twenty-fiv- e and fif- ty cents. Ask your druggists. We tried to get Phil Young mad the other day when Kendall's baud was playing, by telling him that it was no band at all, etc., but he only smiled supremely. 1 II. Drake, Esq., Detroit, has re- covered from a terrible skin humor, which covered his head, face and hands, by using Cuticura Resolvent in- ternally aud Cuticura Soap externally. This is good news. Paul Boynton is expected here in his sub- - Marine Armor, the last of the week. We ought to give bin a wel- come as here was the first place Mer-riam- 's life perserviug suits were ever tried. The beautiful enow will give you a severe cald. which can be cured by tak- ing Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup for a short time. All druggists are author- ized agents. -- We hear that two of our young peo- ple have been and joined themselves in the holy bands of natrimony, on the sly. as it were. How aud who is it? Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers and others whose occupation gives but lit- tle exercise, should use Carter's Little Liver Pills for torpid Liver and bill-iousne- ss. One is a dose. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. DARING BURGLARY. Duke's Hardware Store Tisited. Opening the store early yesterday morning Charlie Duke was consider ably taken back by the appearance of tilings generally, and soon discovered that socue daring thieves had made the store a visit during the night previous. They had effected an entrance through a back window, seemingly hi.JL not been in a great hurry to get away, and had an eye particularly -- to the finer quality of goods. An inspection of the stock revealed the loss of all the revolvers an hand, the finest grades of cutlery goods, such as Wostenholm's razors, pen-knive- s, etc. In addition they had broken oten the money draw- er and abstracted the cash therein, about three dollars. The total loss will foot up to over a hundred dollars. The police were immediately sum- moned, and it is hoped the thieves will be caught, although there is but a faint clue to the identity of the burg- lars. ! r i O'Denoh O' Can hold his row Willi the best pen O'th County O ! Then why this fuss, This mighty muss, Why Treat ye Herald Likeacu83? Q. the Cincinnati inquirer says: Hon. P. T. Barnuin stiongly indorses St. Jacob s Oil for pain. His combi nation and artists all use it. Among the prominent meii of the state who are about to make Lincoln their home are Hen. J. B. Weston, Hon. C. W. Pierce, Hon. Chas. II Walker, and Hon. D. II. Wheeler. And still they come. Lincoln Democrat. Judge W. T. Filley. of Pittsfield, this state, was cured of severe rheum atism by St. Jacobs Oil. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. . Owing to Mr. Pettee's sickness the score of the base bad match between Plattsmouth and Rock Bluffs the other day must ba omitted for this week. Those who have Leen dosed with quinine, and experienced its injurious effects, should try Carters Liver l$it ters. a sure cure for malaria. Fr sale by Smith, Black & Co. "Pot" wants to know the assets of the Democratic party, so that if O'Donohue gets a verdict the damages can be estimated. The harsh aspect of the autumnal gray, which betokens the shady side of lift, is easily modified by the use of Ayer s Hair v igor. Burglars (embryos, we judge) blowed off the door of Morrissey Bro's safe at the elevator Tuesday night and were rewarded with a lot of useless papers to them. This does not make the crime any less, and this business wants looking after closely in and about Plattmontb. Salt Rheum for seventeen years Helpless for tight years. Unable to walk. Got about on hands and knees. Head, face, neck, arms and legs cover- ed. Cured by Cuticura Rem- edies. WTill McDonald, 2542 Dearborn St., Chicago. iFred. Gorder has commenced the erection of another two-stor- y brick business building, immediately west of his present location, and intends to have it completed in a short time Fred, is doing his share in the improve ment line,. and deserves credit. Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. For gale by Smith, Black & Ce. A good course of lectures is talk- ed of again here this winter. If some one, or a number of gentlemen and ladies would take hold of the matter, it is possible they could be sustained. We hope Elder Crowther or persons interested will take hold and secure us a good course of lectures the com- ing season. Henesty is the best policy in medi- cine as well as in other things, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a genuine preparation, an uneqoaled spring medicine aud blood purifier, dee'dedly superior te all others in the market. Trial proves it. Our hunter have been having a glorious time the past two or three weeks, rushing off on hunting exenr- - sions at all hours. The Herald watches them go with the utmost equanimity; for don't it get Ks share of the game, and a royal good share. too, without any of the double? It is an indisputable fact that Hall's Hair Renewer renews, cleanses, bright-ens-e. invigorates, and restores faded or gray hair to its youthful color and lustre, cheaply, quickly and surely People with gray hair prefer to buv it rather than proclaim to the wrld through their bleached locks tha Jiey ire becoming aged, and passing i to decay. We stated last week thai v lap- - lain Wright had been putting i.. :wo new houses for rent, and now he in forms us that it is three; two of which are already rented and the other likely to be soon. Sure enough, the Chaplain never does anything by halves, nor thirds either, and pretty soon we shall probably hear that he is about to erect three mere. We recommend Carter's Iron Pills to every woman who is weak, nervous and discouraged; peculiarly those who ICSpe thin, pale lips, cold hands and feet, and who are without strength or ambition. These are the cases for which Carte's Iron Pills are specially prepared, and this class cannot use them without benefit. Valuable for men also. In metal boxes, at 50 cents Sold by Druggists or sent by mail. See advertisement elsewhere. Now that the city authorities have commenced the much needed in the way of substa-.tia- l crossings and sidewalks, it is ) be hoped that there will be no let ii in the business, and that new sid-'wa.k- s be placed wherever needed, nno ..Id, ones be ptoperlj repaired. Let the work be thorough, and tho city of Plattsmouth will be the better off for it in the future. Verbum gap. .A. IF'TTX.Xi ! SEW STOCK m a il il i is is is 3? Kains: Just Opened WE3E5PZBKZ3- - WTESKL XEW STYLES! TIA'SII for trimming in every color and shade. BLACK TIPS in all prices, from 40 cent ! -- .0. FANCY TIPS In mil colar aid shades. Elegant WINTEE FLOWERS ! LADIES OF CASS COUNTY I Please call and examine our yoods before jyurdiaslng elueiehere ! MISS LILLIE BARBER, Trimmer. 31t3 w Somewhat widely and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of this section, announces Fall Arrive! SiAciua! bargains worthy of inspection. His host hold is CLOTHINGS CLOTHINGS and he has a complete stock of new goods. WHAT HIEj 3LAIMS. Jiixt Jfaten'als, Latest Styles, Superior Juu'sli, Perfect Fits and Popular Prices. "WBI.T ZEEHi WILL IDO. Clothe you from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner, save you big money, and fill your soul with happiness. MAKE .A. ISTOTIE OF IT. All Garments "Warranted. "Try 'em 'fore you buy 'em." LIFE and DEATH of JAMES A. GARFIELD A correct Hutor orbit Life m.I full Particular! of th Assassination of oor .tfA mA'i- - ransrkaula and critical ja fMXC record of a noliln man.ULaCIl 1 S wjiouiHAti rt-u- . ? w. tau. f r a . . au per cent, discount to Agents Death of Senator Yaa Wycfe'd Children. Senator VanWyck ami wife have lost th irtwo beautiful children by that fell disease diphtheria in the most painful manner. They have the sympathy of the whole state. A telegram to the Bee tells the details as follows: Tho Senator and Mrs. Van Wyek were called by telegraph from Washington a few days at by the sudden illness of their children. They arrived at their hwuie only a few hours before, the death of their young- est child, a baby about fourteen months old. The death of their old- est, a bright, gifted and genial girl, about nine years ld, followed yesterday. This is a sad bereavement in which Senator and Mrs. Van Wyck have the profoundest sympathy of the people of this whole state. Their loss i deplorable and irreparable and only those who have been similarly afflicted can compreeend the depth of their un- utterable sorrow. Buy Gloves at Wescott's. 1 Wood Stoves, cheap at MathewsM We were visited last week by quite a family of old friends and new ones. Mr. Young and two sons of II. B., old friends of the Herald, and their relatives the Messrs. McBroom invaded our sanctum in a body. There was Mr. John McBroom from Denver. Colorado, J. E. McBroom of the same place, Jno. A. McBroom of Danville, 111., and Wm. McBroom of Danville, 111. and Wm. McBroom ef the same place. Father and son and brother thus meet half way across from tho old United States to the young great west and greet each other after an absence of years. Such meetings are frequent in Nebraska lately, and seem to show how widely we get scattered over broad America. Nobbiest Suits in the land at Wes-cott'- s. 1 . Sickness of a member of the edi- torial staff prevented the appearance of several items of 4news in our last week's paper, for the omission of which we crave indulgence: among them we oraittted to return thanks to Mrs. Wm. B. Porter for the champion sweet potato, which weighed seven pounds; it was a regular buster and we just made up our mind that with the potato market on the raise we were particularly fortunate to have such good friends to remember us with a potato big nough to last a small familv a month. Mathews has the stoves of the sta- - son. l Murphy's new Oyster House un derneath the old Billiard Hall is a daisy". Besides oysters, canned fish, sardines and all sorts of good things to eat can be had for the asking. Just you remember the spot, and go and see what he's got. Coffee, cakes, cigars, fruits, and everything else in the refreshment line. It is just the place for farmers and their families to drop in for a nice stew or a quiet lunch. The ladies of the Chris tian Temperance Union are making efforts to place the books of the li brary which have laiD so long unused for lack of room in some position where they can be opened to the pub lic at least a portion ef the time. This is a step in the right direction and re- vives a little the hope so long dormant that some day Plattsmouth may re joice in a well sustained public libra ry. A letter from F. C. Bowen, for merly agent of the Singer Sewing ma chine in this city, informs us that he is located in Red Oak, Iowa, and wants a copy of the Herald to follow Mm, which we send with pleasure. Mr. Bowen, during his short stay in Plattsmouth, made friends by his straightforward business metliods, and will doubtles do the same in his new home. --- Fence, and all kinds of Hardware and Implements at Math- - ws'. 1 OP in UOODS ! SOLD LOW! The BEST SELLING nf ttiM A OK. Circulars Free. .TmIm f..w HA nwam. Samp! Book br Bail. l.OO. Gospel Temperance Meeting. There will be a Gospal Temperance meeting at Good Templars' Hall on Sunday Afternoon at 3 p. m. presided over by the Rev. Mr. Wilscn of the M. E. church with other speakers. The Hall has been seated and made convenient of access and these meet- ings will be held every Sunday after- noon hereafter, if sustained. -- Buckskin Underwear at Wescott's All sorts oi Stoves at Mathews'. 1 Best made Suits in the land at Wescott's. 1 Smoke thecelebratid "Sailor Girl" 5c. cigars at the P. O. News Depot. 1 Lowest prices asked first at Wes- cott's. 1 - -- New styles and handsome Zinc Boards at Duke's. 1 For a square deal aud fair treat- ment go to Wescott's. 1 Lots of Boots and Sh )es, cheap at Merges. 1 styles of Hats just re- ceived at Wescott's. 1 Smoke "Tansills Punch" 5c. cigars for sale only at the P. O. News Depot. - The troupe playing "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to-nig- have the reputation of being one of the best now traveling, and make "Uncle Tom" as originally represented, a specialty. It will pay you to go and see it. Wiuter Caps in great variety at Wescott's. 1 - Manufacturing and repairing at P. Merges' Shoe Store. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 One price and no monkey busi- ness, at Wescott'g. 1 The road at the end of Chicago Avenue is being fixed. Hurrah. Reversible and all other kinds of Overcoats at Wescott's. I Gloves, Boots and Shoes, also Manufacturing and Repairing at Mer- ges.' 1 Underwear Underwear, The larg- est line in the city for Ladies, Gents and Child's at Herrman's. 1 Knit goods for Ladies Misses and Children's wear at E. G. Dovey & Son's. 32t2 The Cass County Republicans have again nominated It. W. Ilyers for Sheriff. Mr. H. has had the office four years and has shown himself so well qualified that it is thought the Demo- crats of old Cass will all turn in and give him almost a unanimous vote. We hope such will be the case for a good officer always meets his require- ments with credit, and such is the case with Sheriff Hyeis. DeWitt Times. The largest assortment of Pipes of in the city at the P. O. News Depot, and don't you forget it. - 1 Nubias, Scarfs, Gloves ar.d Mitts a complete and cheap assortment at Herrman's. 1 Nice line of Ladies Cloaks and Dolmans again received by E. G. Dovey & Son. 32 12 Smoke the "Our "Sailor" 5c. cigars and the "Hazel Kirke,' 10c. cigars at r.e P. O. News Depot. 1 Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Dolmans, Dolmans, Ulsters Havelokcs and Cir- culars, a full line at Herrmans. 1 - Blankets and Comforts and all other kinds of winter goods at E. G. Dovey & Son's. 32t2 . Stoves till you can't rest at Duke's. The best and cheapest "Hardcoal Bur- ners in town. 1 A car load of choice Michigan Apples just received now is your time to lay in your winters supply. 32t2 E. G. Dovet & Son. If you want any accordeons and violins don't fail to go to the P. ' O News Depot where you will find the largest line at the lowest prices in Plattsmouth. The boys just had a ge-lorio- us old time at the Camp Fire out at Eight Mile Grove. The bean3 were the best yet cooked and tasted the most natu- ral, the "talks" were good and they tossed Ilyers and Jennings in a blan- ket and had lots of fun. The school house was crowded ; Voudry was hap- py and all hands were eager for an- other good old turnout when election is over. Hill's Mannal. I hereby' give notice that all parties living in Cass county, desiring a copy of Hill's Manual can be furnished the same by applying to me through P. O. II. C. Miller, Gm. Ag't. Plattsmouth, Neb. 82tC A Car Load of Apples. Wiley Black will have a car load of fine Michigan apples this week and they will be sold cheap by the barrel on the track. W. Black. Stvf Barber Shop. Palmer & Morley have opened anew Barber Shop in the building East of the court house on Main st. It is a real neat and tasty little shop and we hope the boys will do a fine business, as they deserve to, being both good work-me- n. Life of (iarfleld. S. J. Richardson recently of Ft. Wayne, Ind., is in town canvassing in the interest of the National Publica- tion Company for the Life ahd Public Services of President Garfield, a relia- ble and and authentic account of his early liff ; his public services and dastardly assassination; including the account of his long and painful illness and heroic death. These Books will be furnished at reasonable rates to those wishing the Book and will be 6old by subscription only. 1 Browns' Blackberry ami Uiuger. Should be in every house during the heated season. It never fails to cure Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. H. Buttery, Siqith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and J. M. Robert-- , Flattsmouth, "J. V. Painter, East Plattsmouth. Henry's Carbolic Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tet- ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions, etc. Get HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are but imitations. Price 25 cents. DR. GREEN'S OXYOEXATED BITTERS are the surest and best remedy for dys- pepsia, biliousness, malaria, indiges- tion, disorders of the etomacU, and diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver and skin. DURNO'S CATARRH SNUFF cures all affections of the mucous membrane of the head and throat. DENTON'S BALSAM cures colds, coughs, rheumatism, kidney troubles, etc. Can be used externally as a plas- ter. 4 SPEdAL NOTICES. isl500 per year can be easily made at home working for E. G. Rideout& Co., 10 Barclay Street, New York. Send for their catalogue an 1 full particu- lars. 31-l- y. Little girls, all of you go to Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's and see tho lit- tle doll bonnets. 30:3 Money to Loan. J. S. Mathews has money to loan at nine per cent interest, on Real Estate security at three or five years. Apply at his office on Main St., Platts- mouth, Neb. 26tf. The best and cheapest, The finest and neatest Shoes and Slippers For little trippers at Merges'. 4tf "Hark ! Hulk ! the Uojrs do bark, The (lollies have come to town," and all their little girl mammas must march down to Mrs. Johnson & Swee- ney's and buy a lovely little bonnet or hat for each dolly. They're just the sweetest little things you ever saw. 3 Dress Making. Misses Cramner and Conn have opened a dress making establishment in Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney's rooms and would be pleased to obtain a share of the patronage of the ladies of Plattsmouth. Miss Cramner is lately from Philadelphia and is thoroughly posted in her business. Give them a call. 80t3 FALL HAS COME! Winter is Almost Here! and all the ladies are beginning to think about a new hat or bonnet. Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney are ready for them, and have just received a line of pattern hats and bonnets which will show all the new styles, and give every one something to suit. Go and see them. 80t3 First I rem i u in. The Domestic sewing machine re- ceived first premium at the fair. It is the lightest running, makes the least noise, and it is warranted the best ma- terial. 30tf Peter Merges. Old Keliable. For the Old Reliable C. S. Maltby Oysters, the best in the market, go to Bennett & Lewis, thev are receiving them now direct from Baltimore. 31tf New Millinery Store at weeping water. Mrs. C. M. Paine has opened a fine and complete stock of Millinery Goods, in Weeping Water, and would respect- fully solicit the patronage of the ladies of Cass County. See advertisement in another column. 31t3 31 C AT MABUiET. GOT . FlilF.U FICKLtR. PLATTSJIOUTII, NEB., MAIN ST. At thi hop you'll find meet wboleom and eweet, Sausage, pork mutton and veal. And It i our belief, you'll buy excellent beef. If you at this butcher shop deal. He keeps alw ays on hand the bet iu the land ; OF such as your families need ; Others may do well, but they cannot excel. For Fickler will still take the lead. A good bargain you'll niake if oti want to buy steak. Or soup meat or to boil or to frv. You can have a jjood Ui.h of whatever you wish. Competition he well may defy. This bubincs provides for good pelts and hides. Lard and tallow he'll both buy aud sell ; Aud yo'll find IhU the case, there's no other place, Youl! do better, if you will quite as well. And this we may tell if you've fat cattle to Or hogs or ehecp that are nice ; You can bring them right here and you need never fear. But for them you'll net a good price. Satit-factio- to all who give hiai a call. It H hU Intention to give, For we're cartaia indeed, this belong to his creed . Not only to live but let live I 31m3 CCSTOMEK. ASK YOUR GROCER AFTER NOV. 10, FOll GILM A.ILNPS FIRE MING-BRIC- K J. For mixed paints go to Roberts' Drug Store. Oltf a work In your on town. Terms and $66 outfit frett Address. II. Mai.lktt 6i Co Portland, Maine. 4'J)y Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at C. Sclilegel's, opposite P. 0. 7tf Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi- cine warranted a safe, certain and speedy cur3 for Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side, Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Co. have scrfd over one hun- dred bottles in the last two months 48tf It .Must Be So. For all who use Brown's Pepsin Tonic say it is a sine cure for Dys- pepsia and sick Headache. Try it. For sale by all Druggists in Platts- mouth and East Plattsmouth. Thorley Food, for the use of stockmen, farmers, teamsters, lumbermen, Norsemen and every one owning an animal. It is a concentrated food, not a medicine. Stall fed animals require a substitute for grass and herbs; this food being composed of seeds, spices and saccha- rine matter is more nourishing than green fodder or any other known food in the world. For sale only by Smith Black Co. 29t4 A great desideratum in the pre- paration of medicine is that it should be palatable without losing its efficacy. This is the case with Prickly Ash Bit- ters, and being graded as regards their cathartic properties, they are better adapted for general use than ;ny other similar article. A trial will convince the most skeptical. 1U4 LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY Ladle Weniiiuiry- - unsurpassed. Arart-rm- y lliormi'ih. 4'ollrtff four co irn-s- . Year begins Sept "til. l '.xaminr. for H'wrx' treM. Catalogue sent hy the President, l. !S. :iik:-oit- v. 1. i.. Lake Vol er't. III. 2ol!j Uools and Shoes. Call and examine the large and new stock at .Merges.' BOtf Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils ami liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro- prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate secur- ity. Inquire of I). I). Martindale, Louisville, Neb. 13tf Brown's Vegetable Liver Tills Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation and Biliousness. For sale by all Druggists in the West. Relief from Sick Headache, Drow- siness, Nausea, Dizzinecs, Pain iu the Side, &c, guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Fills. These com- plaints are nearly always caused by torpid liver and constipated Lowels. Restore these organs to their proper functions and the trouble ceases. Car- ter's Little Liver Pills will do this ev- ery time. One pill is a dose. Forty in a phial. Price 23 cents. Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut- ter's Glycereno Tooth Tablets. Beauti- fy! Cleanse! Preserve! tf A nobby olive silk beaver poke bonnet with a new style of ribbon trimming, shaded tips and fancy wing; a lovely olive brown plush bonnet with beaded border and shaded tips to match: a handsome black poke with cardinal plush trimmings; a beaver broad brimmed hat of Gainesborough style, stylishly shaped are among the new pattern hats at Mrs. Jshnson & Sweeney's. Go and see them. 30t3 Wanted At this office good dry corn or' oats on subscription, at once. Immense Stot':. The largest asortmeut of boots and shoes thad ever came to town, to be sold at the lowest cash prices at Mer-bes- '. 80 tf For the best staple aud fa'ney groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V. Weckbach's. 10tf Come and See The large stock of Spring Shoes and Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf Don't forget that the Herald office is the placo to get your fine job printing. 23t4 Wanted Some corn and oats on subscription at this office; at once. Nobby new silk beaver hats, Der- by style, with cord and balls for trim- ming; English walking hats of felt for street wear, at Mrs. Johnson & Swee- ney's. 30t3 Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every dav, at the Union Bakery, corner Main anil Third 10tf Pepsin. Rhubarb, Maudrakc & Gentian Are the active ingredients of Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give this wonderful Dyspep:ia remedy a trial :.nd be cui ed. For sale by all drug- gists in Ni b. AUENTS AND CANVASSERS Make from 23 to per week selling goods for E. l. KIUfcOL'i" 6i CO.. 10 JJarciay Street. New York. 22yl Send for their Catalogue and terms. Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cas3 county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat- urday in January, February, May, Au- gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur- day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb- ruary. E. II. Wooley, 42tf Superintendent. To the Citizen's of the County and State. I have now ready for market 100,000 White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices; parties wish- ing to build a tire :pi oof house before the comet comes r' on J. T. A Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. VASSAR COLLEGE, POUfllfKKKPSIK. A', r. FOK TIIK LlltKKAI. KIU CATIOS OK WOJIKX. Examinations for entrance, Sept. Uth. Catalogues sent on np;i!ication to i"jt8 V. IIKAX, ItesUtrar. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice of Dissolution of Part- nership. Ntlce U hereby given that tha Law partner-Httl- p heretofore existing between the nnder-tigne- d paiilrH have day lit en dlpoolved by mutual consent. Win. I.. Isrounn ret i reft from the linn aud IiuhIiicih of the oMu-e- , J. E. Morri- son to collect moneys due the linn, ami pay all delits owing by naid firm ot Alurrtxon and Browne. .Iamcs i:. Mohhiso.v. Wit. I.. UltOWNK. Oct21, A. 1. 1881. 3.'tf Tax Deed Notice. To the non-reside- nt or unknown owner or claimant of lots two (2) and three (3 in block forty-liv- e (4o In the city of l'lattsinoutli. t'a county, Nebraska ; Vou are hereby notified that the above lots wer n.seiHd aiid taxed for the year l7S. an belonging to a non-reside- nt or un- known owner, thai aid lots were sold at pub- lic sale for the delinquent tax of caul year Itt'.H, on the '.'lot day of November, 17: ; that the un- dersigned w.i.s the purchaser of the said lot. at aid sale and that unh fs redemption of Maid lots from faid eale be made on or before t lie 14lli da)' of February, lJ, a Treasurer' deed will be ivsucd to the undersigned therefor. VI. liAU.AM'R, riatt.smouth. Neb., Oct, 21, lful. JtU Probate Notice. Iu the matter of the etate of John Hporer, deceased. In the County 1,'ouit f t'ass County Nebraska. Novice is hereby given that J. !. Hansen. Administrator ot the estate ot the said John Sporer. deceived, has made application for final Hettlenient, and that aid cause is set for bearing at my ottlo at I'latt-iuuiitl- i, on tlij yolli day of November, A. 1. Inl, atone o'clock p. m. on raid day; at which time ami place, all jkmsoiis iuterexled may be present aud examine said accounts. A. N. AX, Co. ,Illd;'e. rialtsmouth, Oct. 'JO, 1K81 a.t l Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate of Hiram Hoan, deceased, in the County Court ot Cus Co., Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that Harvey Ilogun, administrator of the estate of the, haul 1 nam Jlegaii, deceased, has made application for fin- al aetticnieut, and that said caur-- Is set fr hearing at my olllce at J'iatt.smouth, on 1 lie lstli day of November. A. I. 1MI, at 1 o'clock p. in., on said day, at which time and place nil pcrxoas interested may be present and examine, said accounts. A. N. St i.i ivan. County Judge, riattsinouth, Oct. Jb, lsst. a-- ta Probate Notice. In the matter of the (stale of Edward , Duvey, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Edward C. love , deceased, to llle the same on tr before the Till day of June, A. 1. IhhJ, in the ollico of the County Judge, ut Piatlsmoiith, Ca-- s Cttiiuly. Nebraska. A. N. M'l.l.iv AN, Co. Judge. l'lattsinoutli, Oct. 1:1, Ism. yit Notice of Final Proof. I.axo Oki ic'k at Lincoln. N'kb., i lelober 20, lssl. ( Notice i hereby biveil that the IoIIomiih named settler ha, tiled notice of his intentim to in. ike piuof In of his claim, and secure entry thereof at the expiration if thirty day from t lie riate of this notice, vi : Alson Mack. Ii'd entry No. l.".,T7X for (lie mhiIIi went quarter (sw'i) ol south w est quarter ( li ) section twenty ("Joi. tovnship twelve (U). noun of range eleven (l I) cast, ami names t lie lo How -- lng as liis witnesses, vi : Ta lor F. W'elhorti, William It. fwihdall. licorge W. L'rwin iin.l John M. Wutcriuaii. all of l."iiis ille, CaxsCo., Xebranka. J. IS. Ah Dow km., 3lti Koglster. Tax Sale Notice. To the unknown nonresident owner of lots fourteen (14. fifteen l.r0 aud sixteen (U) nf ThompfOli's addition lo lily of l'lattsinoutli. Neb. You are hereby notified that on the 2;M day Of .September, A. l. ls5. at tax sale in Cass County, the abo'e described premises were sold for the turn of $ fur taxes of lt7t and 75 inclusive to Cas ci uuly, and that on the ih day of October. A. I). Ishl, the said Can County assigned certilb ate ol purchase in John II. Kelly ol aid county, and that on th" lOth day of February l?s. the said J. II, Kelly w ill apply to the treasurer ot l ass County lor a tax dee'd of said premises. J. II. IvKl.i.V. I'latlsmoutli, Neb., Oct. U, lssl. :ilt3 Road Notice. To all Whom it Mivj Couei ru: A petition for opening a section line road has been prevented lo I lie l:ard of County Commissioners, rod described i'S follow : Commencing al the iuner scctlan Iwenty-elg- bt ( twenty-nin- e cj'.ii, thirty-tw- o and Ihii ee i'.Ui, tiwii welve(U) range twelve (J ). and running thenc. west two miies and terminating at the the owuslilp line l mining north :iud south. All objections thereto or or claims for damages, m...--t bo tiled iu the County Clerk's otlice. on or before noen on the lMh day of Iec. A. l. lssl, or such road will be opened without reference thereto. N J. I). TLTT. 30I5 County Clerk Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate of John M. Lain, deceased. In the County Court of Cass Co., Nebraska. I' pon rending and filing Hie duly veiified pe- tition of John S. Jones, praying that adminis- tration of the estate ot John M. I.ane. deceas- ed, be granted to Mary l.ane : Ordered that no- tice of the pendency of ttai'l cause be publish- ed in the Nk.biiaska II Kit a mi. a weekly news- paper printed, published, and in general circulation iu said count", lor three consecu- tive week, and that the heal ing of said cause be set for the 1st day of November, A. 1. lssl, at 3 o'clock p. in., at the oilice of llio County Judge, at riattsinouth, at winch time and place ail persons interested may Kppenr and vbow, if any they have, why nduimisl ration of said estate should not be granted to the said Mary Lane, according hi the praver of said pe- tition. A. N. M.I.MVAN, County Judge l'lattsinoutli. Oct. l- - 1hM. :tut:i Executor's Sale of Land. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the authority vested in me by tins last will ami tew-taue- nl of Sarah S. Muai t. deceased, 1 will, on Saturday, the ;,th day of November, A. 1. ism, at one o'clock i. in. of said day, sell ;;t public vendue, at the front doer of the Court House, In riattsnioulh, Cass County, Nebraska, the follow ing real estate, situated in said County, to-- v it : The north east qnarler (ne') of section No. ciihteeiHlS). iu township No. twelve (ISM, north i-- f range No, twelve ( I J), east of the Olh 1. M. Terms of sail one-ha- lf of purchase money cash dow n ; balance in one year, at ten per cent, interest, secured by mortgage on t be land sold. The right reserved to reject any or all bids. J. W. Joh nson, Administrator of thif estate of Sarah S. Kloart, with the will annexed. ;mu Sheriffs Sale. I'.y virtue of an order of sale issued by V. C. Show-alte- tHerk of the lusliict Court within and for ass County, Nebr ika. and to ine di- rected, 1 will on the ;'lh day of November A. 1. lssl, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day. at the south door of the otii t Mouse, iu said County, sell at public auction the fallowing real estate to-w- it : 1 lie west bait ('-- ) of the north car-- t quarter 04) of section No. seventeen (IT) in township No. twelve (la i iiorlli range N'o. nine (10 east in Cass County. Nebraska, with the pi ivel mes anil anpi rten.i nces thereto belolig-liu- r. '1 he same being levied upon and taken as the property of J. W Newsuni, 1'. A. (iotiid and Ann H. tioild licfendant-- ; to satisly a judg- ment of said Court recovt red by Dennis Dean l'laintitT. It. YT. II vr.i:-- i. Sheriff. Cass Co., Neb. l'lattsinoutli. Neb.. Oct. 4th, A. 1. :ssl. j:n: Sheriffs Sale. Hy virtue of au xecutioii issued by W. (,' Show alter. Clerk of the District Court, within atid for C;t-- s County, Nebraska, an l to me di- rected, 1 will ou the :jlst day of October A. 1. IsM, at 10 o'clock a. in., ot said day. at the south door of the Court House, in said county, sell at tiubiic auction the following real estate to-w- it "; The east half lets1 of the north c;u-- t quarter (iic!4) of section eight tow nship ten (10) range ten (In), east of 01 ii P. M., in Cass County, Neb. The same being levied upon and taken as the'property of David MeCaig. Wil- liam McCaig and Joiin Defeiwhu.ts ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Henry Crist ell, I'laimitl. str K. W. HvKits, S'ieri!TCas Co. Neb. riattsinouth. Neb.. Sept. Sieth A. D. ls.1. MOUKIS 0'110UKKK, once more corncs forward with an entire nw Stock of the finest I'iece Goods ever brought into I'iatts mouth ! ! EVEI.Y GARMENT CUT IS WA RR ANTED to FIT Hundreds go there and they are ALWAYS H U I TED. Shop opposite the Com t House. Give him call and examine for yourselves. 4stf machine" SHOTS ! PLATTSMOCTH, EC, Repairer of Steam Engines, lloiltrx, Haw awl Grist Mills U AN AMI KTKA3I -- f;.H, Vrought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift 11 pes. Steam Gauge. Safety-Valv- e Governors, a;id all kiwis of Ilrass Kngine Fittings, repaired on short notice. FARM MACHINEK fft'Foy TO- - BA-rrr- sc 1 p " Ew? vw - -- di tl. w'ou anrw Kruwu.ul tlir,'.VLuierot Uiuut-u- huuonsa ti Co., 3 Cluiton t7Ltoe, New X (

Transcript of The Herald. STOCK il is Kains: Notice Dissolution of Just GILM … · 2019. 2. 5. · Drugs--the...

Page 1: The Herald. STOCK il is Kains: Notice Dissolution of Just GILM … · 2019. 2. 5. · Drugs--the largest stock at J. M. Roberts. 3tf Qlottsand Mittens a full stock at low prices at

The Herald.!.'AI. ADT lU'TiSK'.'ENTs.r '- - -- ;. itH. ;r-ii- iar :..iv. tiib- -

I ..i!" - r.ur.s it lite law will b field

- m il.-- . ihey liami in,v.::-- fit: ; a proof of pt:llic- -

be ,'i-u- l lor the tmblica- -i' I.!jAVIi).S.' 'hrteit, cii'iMiimitcaVoni

' . .1 . i i lo ii..- - ,i .;:t. witli no wast

ifM.!si''Si: for tTie cone ctuess"" .1- ;'' iI in. matter and paid

. i:u t ii. hi I tie paper regularllll'tl tl.r tn-- i:reced to hiif '..!.-- . t.. '..'. ..e t subseiioer or not. Itf !. " i; I J. pay.

-- U..-- ui;. his p.nper discontm-t- s. ' .f'.si (: all arrearages, or the publish

k--. . r :):i..ue to cnd It until payment U

hi. An'! ri!iec. the whole amount, whetherti : : tii-- r W nk-- n from the office or not.

? i in t hare decides that refusing totr-'.- cwsiniirn and periodicals from the post

e. o' omving and b aving them I ; Hi . dCV evidence Of 1XTKNTJOHAI.TK AU !.

LOCAL NEWS.A new stock of Stetson Hats at

Wttscott's. 31t2

See tl'H Omaha Republican's offersin premiums, in another column.

Underwear till J ou can't rest, atWescotl's 3112

New Dolmans, plush trimmed, atBaker & At woods. 3M2

You ought to see that ExcelsiorMitten at Wescott's. 31t2

See the "New Ollendorff on theoutside.

Mason & Morgan's "Uncle Tom'sCabin" to night.

A fresh importation of Cloaks andDolmans, at Baker & Atwoods. 32-t- 2

Gloves and Mittens a full stockat Wescott's. 81t2

Go to see "Uncle Tom" to night byone of the best troupes in the U.S.

Go to ,. C. Erven to get yourwateh repaired. All work warranted.3

Some h.indsome and new styles ofGlass watw at Baker & Atwoods. 32-t- 2

Read Adirondack's letter on theoutside thi week.

Glooi and Mittens a full stockat low priei's at Wescott's. 31t2

New assortment of Queens ware,latest styles, at Baker & Atwoods. 32t2

Drugs -- the largest stock at J. M.Roberts. 3tf

Qlottsand Mittens a full stock atlow prices at Wescott's. 31 12

. Nobby new Cloaks, pluh andpa3sementei ie trimmings at Baker &Itwoods. 32-t- 3

Great attraction at FitzgeraldHall to night "Uncle Torn". Remem-

ber and go.A Gne lot f ladiers' sets just re-

ceived by L. C. Erven. Call and seethem. 31t2

Crites and Ramsey, attorneys andNotary Public, second door east ofCourt House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5tCm

The Great old play of "UncleTom's Cabin" by the Mason, Morgantroupe, to night.

A superior line of all kinds ofGloves and Mittens at Wescott's bossclothing store. 3U2

Spectacles and eye-glass- es to suitall ages, at L. C. Erven's. 31t2

Wood and coal stoves of all kindsat Duke's, at the lowest puces they canbe sold for.

Dr. A. Salisbury, the Boss Dentist,over Smith, Black & Co.'s. 31tf

Clarke is running an Oxteam nowa days. Nearly ever work-hors- e intown has tho "Pink-eye- ".

When you go for crackers takenone but Bremner's. 27t4

Call and see the new designs inQueensware Chamber sets at Baker &

Atwoods. 32t2

Bugle caps and feather caps atMrs. Johnson & Sweeney's. Something

new.' 30t3

General street-fixin-g is the orderof the day, now. It needs it badenough.

A variety of handsome articles inMajolica and other fancy wares atBaiter & Atwoods. 82-t- 2

Miles Morgan is having the cross-ings overhauled in a thorough mannernil over town.

The new styles of Glass ware,Goblets, Fruit dishes. Sauce plates &c.&c. are very pretty and cheap at Baker& Atwods. 32-t- 2

Elegant shaded plumes and tips, alarge assortment, at Mrs. Johnson &Sweenev's. Also, owl heads, birds'heads, steel mounted tips, etc. 30t3

A couple of drunken fights some-what changed the moriotony of affairsin our otherwise peaceful burg, Mon-

day last.Get Dr. Salisbury to make you a

set of teeth and they will last you aslong as you need any. 31tf

The Woman's Temperance Unionwill meet on Thursday afternoon at 3

o'clock, Nov. 3d. at the residence ofMrs. 0. II. Parmele.

If you need any work done in thedental line, call on Tr. A. Salisbury.

ho will do a first-cla- ss job for you, ascheap as the cheapest. 31tf

Col. Woodford is having good suc-

cess again. The Hall is crowdednightly, and many are signing thepledge.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Webber was buried a week ago

llast Saturday, after an illness of some

weeks.J. S. Duke has the best Hard Coal

"Burners in the market; also a varietyot other Heating ai.d Cook stoves, calland examine. 30t3

"Go --to see P. B. Murphy'snew Oyster Salong on Main street,under the Biily-yar- d room. There youtrill find a stev, a roast, a fry or agood hot cup of coffee.

Go and see J. S. Duke's Hard CoalBurners before purchasing, he hasCrown Jewels and one called theSplendid. 30t3

Jake Kapple, our Bohemian friendat M. Schnellbacker's had to stand agood deal ot chaff, and good naturedfun-jaaki- ng Monday. It is a boy,

JTafce stfys, and everything is lovely.

. Personal.Lawyer Crites was iw Lincoln Sat-

urday.Waller Jenkins of Eight Mile

Grove called Tuesday.Alva Drew left for Burlington and

St. Louis Sunday evening. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hill, of Evanstoii, 111.

are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Livingston.Mrs. John W. Barnes is getting

better from her late illness, we learnwith great pleasure.

Mesdames Yates & Darrah, of Lin-coln, were in this city la?t week, theguests of Mrs. F. E. White.

Geo. Magney is prospering in Papili-io- n

we hear, and takes the Herald, inthat "Paradise" of "his'n" over there.

Hon. 11. B. Windham left for St-Lou- is

Monday to attend the RiverImprovement Convention which meetsthis week.

Mr. Chas. Guthman, who has beenhere under medical treatment, forsome time, has been very ill for thepast few days.

Mr. Jos. McKinnon was in the citylast week, bringing his family as faras Plattsmouth where they took thetrain for a visit to Ohio.

Mrs. Jno. Manchester and childrenand Miss McAusland of Omaha spenta couple of days in the city last week.the guests of Mrs. Ilaniblin.

Mr. A. A. Prall having completedkis work on Boyd's opra house, stoppedover Sunday in Plattsmouth then leftfor St. Louis his home at present.

John McCaig, of Elm wood was inMonday. John looks ''gallus" thesedays and says times are first rate outthere, and the old Herald is not en-

tirely forgotten.Charley Pet tee, "Local" on the Her-

ald is sick this week, with the pre-

vailing malarial fever, and that ac-

counts for the omission of some mat-ter that ould otherwise appear inthis paper.

Dr. Myers fermerlv of W. W. nowof Lincoln is in our town canvassingfor The Western Mutual Aid Society,of DesMoines, Iowa. The Doctar willbe remembered as taking an activepart in our campaign last fall.

Elder Crowther of the Christianchurch called in on Friday last. Wewere very much pleased to meet thegentleman more intimately and mostheartily welcome him to Plattsmouthhoping he may find a pleasant andprofitable field to work in.

D. C. Keiley the traveling agent forthe Evening Telegram was in townMonday and tells us he took quite anumber of subscribers for his paper.The Telegram is a newsy sheet, editedand owned by young men of practicalnewspaper ability and contains a reatdeal of very good leading matter.

Mr. W. W. Conn, formerly a residentof Cass Cwiinty. now of Indian", and acousin of W. L. Browne's has been vis-

iting us. Mr. Conn is a general In-

surance and Ileal Estate Agent and assharp as tacks, r he would not be awestern Immigration Agtnt for theB. & M. It. R. there. We are pleasedto see him West again.

Dr. Doggfc's family arrived in Platts-mouth last week and are by this timesettled and regular residents of ourcity. The Dr. has fitted up rooms overJ. V. Weekbach'a present stand for hisfamily, and as soon as Mr. Weckbachremoves to his new store. Dr. Doggewill occupy his present quarters withhis drug store, and will enlarge hisbusiness, adding several departments.

Miss Alice Morrison, of Rochester,N. Y. granddaughter of Chaplain andMrs. Wright, arrived in Plattsmouthlast week and will probably spend thewinter with her grandparents, if shefinds Plattsmouth sufficiently pleasant.Miss Morrison will be a desirable ad-

dition to our young society, and wecongratulate the. Chaplain on thepleasure of having his grandchildrenabout him to render his declining dayshappy.

If we can't sell revolvers and pen-

knives cheap enough, we can stoves,hardware, and all sorts of mechanicstools as cheap as any body.

Jno. S. Duke.The Ladies of St. Luke's Guild

will give their next sociable at the'residence of Mrs. S. S. Hinkle, nextweek Thursday evening, November 3d

All are cordially invited.I sell the best and cheapest bcots

and shoes. I defy competition.4tf Peter Merges.Mr. II. C. Miller, a young man

from Iowa, is canvassing our town for"Hills Manual" in an enlarged formGive the youug man a chance. It isreally a valuable work.

The name of Dr. Marshall's LungSyrup is a household word. It curesall severe cases of coughs, colds, bron-chitis, etc. Price twenty-fiv- e and fif-

ty cents. Ask your druggists.We tried to get Phil Young mad

the other day when Kendall's baudwas playing, by telling him that it wasno band at all, etc., but he only smiledsupremely.

1 II. Drake, Esq., Detroit, has re-

covered from a terrible skin humor,which covered his head, face andhands, by using Cuticura Resolvent in-

ternally aud Cuticura Soap externally.This is good news.

Paul Boynton is expected here inhis sub-- Marine Armor, the last of theweek. We ought to give bin a wel-

come as here was the first place Mer-riam- 's

life perserviug suits were evertried.

The beautiful enow will give you asevere cald. which can be cured by tak-ing Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup for ashort time. All druggists are author-ized agents.

-- We hear that two of our young peo-

ple have been and joined themselvesin the holy bands of natrimony, on thesly. as it were. How aud who is it?

Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers andothers whose occupation gives but lit-tle exercise, should use Carter's LittleLiver Pills for torpid Liver and bill-iousne- ss.

One is a dose. Sold bySmith, Black & Co.


Duke's Hardware Store Tisited.

Opening the store early yesterdaymorning Charlie Duke was considerably taken back by the appearance oftilings generally, and soon discoveredthat socue daring thieves had made thestore a visit during the night previous.They had effected an entrance througha back window, seemingly hi.JL notbeen in a great hurry to get away, andhad an eye particularly -- to the finerquality of goods. An inspection ofthe stock revealed the loss of all therevolvers an hand, the finest grades ofcutlery goods, such as Wostenholm'srazors, pen-knive- s, etc. In additionthey had broken oten the money draw-er and abstracted the cash therein,about three dollars. The total losswill foot up to over a hundred dollars.The police were immediately sum-moned, and it is hoped the thieves willbe caught, although there is but afaint clue to the identity of the burg-lars.


r iO'Denoh O'Can hold his rowWilli the best penO'th County O !

Then why this fuss,This mighty muss,

WhyTreat ye HeraldLikeacu83? Q.

the Cincinnati inquirer says:Hon. P. T. Barnuin stiongly indorsesSt. Jacob s Oil for pain. His combination and artists all use it.

Among the prominent meii of thestate who are about to make Lincolntheir home are Hen. J. B. Weston,Hon. C. W. Pierce, Hon. Chas. IIWalker, and Hon. D. II. Wheeler. Andstill they come. Lincoln Democrat.

Judge W. T. Filley. of Pittsfield,this state, was cured of severe rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil. Springfield(Mass.) Republican.

. Owing to Mr. Pettee's sicknessthe score of the base bad matchbetween Plattsmouth and RockBluffs the other day must ba omittedfor this week.

Those who have Leen dosed withquinine, and experienced its injuriouseffects, should try Carters Liver l$itters. a sure cure for malaria. Fr saleby Smith, Black & Co.

"Pot" wants to know the assets ofthe Democratic party, so that ifO'Donohue gets a verdict the damagescan be estimated.

The harsh aspect of the autumnalgray, which betokens the shady side oflift, is easily modified by the use ofAyer s Hair v igor.

Burglars (embryos, we judge)blowed off the door of Morrissey Bro'ssafe at the elevator Tuesday night andwere rewarded with a lot of uselesspapers to them. This does not makethe crime any less, and this businesswants looking after closely in andabout Plattmontb.

Salt Rheum for seventeen yearsHelpless for tight years. Unable towalk. Got about on hands and knees.Head, face, neck, arms and legs cover-ed. Cured by Cuticura Rem-edies. WTill McDonald, 2542 DearbornSt., Chicago.

iFred. Gorder has commenced theerection of another two-stor- y brickbusiness building, immediately west ofhis present location, and intends tohave it completed in a short timeFred, is doing his share in the improvement line,. and deserves credit.

Dyspepsia in its worst forms willyield to the use of Carter's LittleNerve Pills aided by Carter's LittleLiver Pills. They not only relievepresent distress but strengthen thestomach and digestive apparatus. Forgale by Smith, Black & Ce.

A good course of lectures is talk-ed of again here this winter. If someone, or a number of gentlemen andladies would take hold of the matter,it is possible they could be sustained.We hope Elder Crowther or personsinterested will take hold and secureus a good course of lectures the com-

ing season.Henesty is the best policy in medi-

cine as well as in other things, Ayer'sSarsaparilla is a genuine preparation,an uneqoaled spring medicine audblood purifier, dee'dedly superior te allothers in the market. Trial proves it.

Our hunter have been having aglorious time the past two or threeweeks, rushing off on hunting exenr- -

sions at all hours. The Heraldwatches them go with the utmostequanimity; for don't it get Ks shareof the game, and a royal good share.too, without any of the double?

It is an indisputable fact that Hall'sHair Renewer renews, cleanses, bright-ens-e.

invigorates, and restores fadedor gray hair to its youthful color andlustre, cheaply, quickly and surelyPeople with gray hair prefer to buv itrather than proclaim to the wrldthrough their bleached locks tha Jieyire becoming aged, and passing i todecay.

We stated last week thai v lap--lain Wright had been putting i.. :wonew houses for rent, and now he informs us that it is three; two ofwhich are already rented and theother likely to be soon. Sure enough,the Chaplain never does anything byhalves, nor thirds either, and prettysoon we shall probably hear that he isabout to erect three mere.

We recommend Carter's Iron Pillsto every woman who is weak, nervousand discouraged; peculiarly those whoICSpe thin, pale lips, cold hands andfeet, and who are without strength orambition. These are the cases forwhich Carte's Iron Pills are speciallyprepared, and this class cannot usethem without benefit. Valuable formen also. In metal boxes, at 50 centsSold by Druggists or sent by mail. Seeadvertisement elsewhere.

Now that the city authoritieshave commenced the much needed

in the way of substa-.tia- l

crossings and sidewalks, it is ) behoped that there will be no let ii inthe business, and that new sid-'wa.k- s

be placed wherever needed, nno ..Id,ones be ptoperlj repaired. Let thework be thorough, and tho city ofPlattsmouth will be the better off forit in the future. Verbum gap.





m a il il i is is is 3? Kains:Just Opened


TIA'SII for trimming in every color and shade. BLACK TIPS in all prices, from 40 cent! --.0. FANCY TIPS In mil colar aid shades. Elegant WINTEE FLOWERS !


Please call and examine our yoods before jyurdiaslng elueiehere !


wSomewhat widely and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of

this section, announces

Fall Arrive! SiAciua! bargainsworthy of inspection. His host hold is

CLOTHINGS CLOTHINGSand he has a complete stock of new goods.

WHAT HIEj 3LAIMS.Jiixt Jfaten'als, Latest Styles, Superior Juu'sli,

Perfect Fits and Popular Prices.

"WBI.T ZEEHi WILL IDO.Clothe you from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner,

save you big money, and fill your soul with happiness.

MAKE .A. ISTOTIE OF IT.All Garments "Warranted. "Try 'em 'fore you buy 'em."

LIFE and DEATH of JAMES A. GARFIELDA correct Hutor orbit Life m.I full Particular! of th Assassination of oor .tfA mA'i- -

ransrkaula and critical ja fMXCrecord of a noliln man.ULaCIl 1 SwjiouiHAti rt-u-. ? w. tau.f r a . .au per cent, discount to Agents

Death of Senator Yaa Wycfe'd Children.

Senator VanWyck ami wife have lostth irtwo beautiful children by thatfell disease diphtheria in the mostpainful manner.

They have the sympathy of thewhole state. A telegram to the Beetells the details as follows:

Tho Senator and Mrs. Van Wyekwere called by telegraph fromWashington a few days at by thesudden illness of their children. Theyarrived at their hwuie only a fewhours before, the death of their young-est child, a baby about fourteenmonths old. The death of their old-est, a bright, gifted and genialgirl, about nine years ld, followedyesterday. This is a sad bereavementin which Senator and Mrs. Van Wyckhave the profoundest sympathy of thepeople of this whole state. Their lossi deplorable and irreparable and onlythose who have been similarly afflictedcan compreeend the depth of their un-utterable sorrow.

Buy Gloves at Wescott's. 1

Wood Stoves, cheap at MathewsMWe were visited last week by

quite a family of old friends and newones. Mr. Young and two sons of II.B., old friends of the Herald, andtheir relatives the Messrs. McBroominvaded our sanctum in a body.

There was Mr. John McBroom fromDenver. Colorado, J. E. McBroom ofthe same place, Jno. A. McBroom ofDanville, 111., and Wm. McBroom ofDanville, 111. and Wm. McBroom efthe same place.

Father and son and brother thusmeet half way across from tho oldUnited States to the young great westand greet each other after an absenceof years. Such meetings are frequentin Nebraska lately, and seem to showhow widely we get scattered overbroad America.

Nobbiest Suits in the land at Wes-cott'- s.


. Sickness of a member of the edi-

torial staff prevented the appearanceof several items of 4news in our lastweek's paper, for the omission ofwhich we crave indulgence: amongthem we oraittted to return thanks toMrs. Wm. B. Porter for the championsweet potato, which weighed sevenpounds; it was a regular buster andwe just made up our mind that withthe potato market on the raise wewere particularly fortunate to havesuch good friends to remember uswith a potato big nough to last asmall familv a month.

Mathews has the stoves of the sta- -son. l

Murphy's new Oyster House underneath the old Billiard Hall is adaisy".Besides oysters, canned fish, sardines

and all sorts of good things to eatcan be had for the asking.Just you remember the spot,and go and see what he's got. Coffee,cakes, cigars, fruits, and everythingelse in the refreshment line. It is justthe place for farmers and theirfamilies to drop in for a nice stew ora quiet lunch.

The ladies of the Christian Temperance Union are makingefforts to place the books of the library which have laiD so long unusedfor lack of room in some positionwhere they can be opened to the public at least a portion ef the time. Thisis a step in the right direction and re-

vives a little the hope so long dormantthat some day Plattsmouth may rejoice in a well sustained public library.

A letter from F. C. Bowen, formerly agent of the Singer Sewing machine in this city, informs us that heis located in Red Oak, Iowa, and wantsa copy of the Herald to follow Mm,which we send with pleasure. Mr.Bowen, during his short stay inPlattsmouth, made friends by hisstraightforward business metliods,and will doubtles do the same in hisnew home.

--- Fence, and all kinds ofHardware and Implements at Math- -ws'. 1




The BEST SELLINGnf ttiM A OK. Circulars Free.

.TmIm f..w HA nwam. Samp! Book br Bail. l.OO.

Gospel Temperance Meeting.

There will be a Gospal Temperancemeeting at Good Templars' Hall onSunday Afternoon at 3 p. m. presidedover by the Rev. Mr. Wilscn of the M.

E. church with other speakers.The Hall has been seated and made

convenient of access and these meet-

ings will be held every Sunday after-noon hereafter, if sustained.

--Buckskin Underwear at Wescott'sAll sorts oi Stoves at Mathews'. 1

Best made Suits in the land atWescott's. 1

Smoke thecelebratid "Sailor Girl"5c. cigars at the P. O. News Depot. 1

Lowest prices asked first at Wes-

cott's. 1

- --New styles and handsome ZincBoards at Duke's. 1

For a square deal aud fair treat-ment go to Wescott's. 1

Lots of Boots and Sh )es, cheap atMerges. 1

styles of Hats just re-

ceived at Wescott's. 1

Smoke "Tansills Punch" 5c. cigarsfor sale only at the P. O. News Depot.

- The troupe playing "Uncle Tom'sCabin" to-nig- have the reputation ofbeing one of the best now traveling,and make "Uncle Tom" as originallyrepresented, a specialty. It will payyou to go and see it.

Wiuter Caps in great variety atWescott's. 1

- Manufacturing and repairing atP. Merges' Shoe Store. Satisfactionguaranteed. 1

One price and no monkey busi-ness, at Wescott'g. 1

The road at the end of ChicagoAvenue is being fixed. Hurrah.

Reversible and all other kinds ofOvercoats at Wescott's. I

Gloves, Boots and Shoes, alsoManufacturing and Repairing at Mer-ges.' 1

Underwear Underwear, The larg-est line in the city for Ladies, Gentsand Child's at Herrman's. 1

Knit goods for Ladies Misses andChildren's wear at E. G. Dovey & Son's.


The Cass County Republicanshave again nominated It. W. Ilyers forSheriff. Mr. H. has had the office fouryears and has shown himself so wellqualified that it is thought the Demo-crats of old Cass will all turn in andgive him almost a unanimous vote.We hope such will be the case for agood officer always meets his require-ments with credit, and such is thecase with Sheriff Hyeis. DeWittTimes.

The largest assortment of Pipes ofin the city at the P. O. News Depot,and don't you forget it. - 1

Nubias, Scarfs, Gloves ar.d Mitts acomplete and cheap assortment atHerrman's. 1

Nice line of Ladies Cloaks andDolmans again received by E. G.Dovey & Son. 32 12

Smoke the "Our "Sailor" 5c. cigarsand the "Hazel Kirke,' 10c. cigars atr.e P. O. News Depot. 1

Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Dolmans,Dolmans, Ulsters Havelokcs and Cir-culars, a full line at Herrmans. 1

- Blankets and Comforts and allother kinds of winter goods at E. G.Dovey & Son's. 32t2

. Stoves till you can't rest at Duke's.The best and cheapest "Hardcoal Bur-ners in town. 1

A car load of choice MichiganApples just received now is your timeto lay in your winters supply.32t2 E. G. Dovet & Son.

If you want any accordeons andviolins don't fail to go to the P. ' ONews Depot where you will find thelargest line at the lowest prices inPlattsmouth.

The boys just had a ge-lorio- us oldtime at the Camp Fire out at EightMile Grove. The bean3 were the bestyet cooked and tasted the most natu-ral, the "talks" were good and theytossed Ilyers and Jennings in a blan-ket and had lots of fun. The schoolhouse was crowded ; Voudry was hap-py and all hands were eager for an-

other good old turnout when electionis over.

Hill's Mannal.I hereby' give notice that all parties

living in Cass county, desiring a copyof Hill's Manual can be furnished thesame by applying to me through P. O.

II. C. Miller, Gm. Ag't.Plattsmouth, Neb. 82tC

A Car Load of Apples.Wiley Black will have a car load of

fine Michigan apples this week andthey will be sold cheap by the barrelon the track. W. Black.

Stvf Barber Shop.Palmer & Morley have opened anew

Barber Shop in the building East ofthe court house on Main st. It is areal neat and tasty little shop and wehope the boys will do a fine business,as they deserve to, being both goodwork-me- n.

Life of (iarfleld.S. J. Richardson recently of Ft.

Wayne, Ind., is in town canvassing inthe interest of the National Publica-tion Company for the Life ahd PublicServices of President Garfield, a relia-ble and and authentic account of hisearly liff ; his public services anddastardly assassination; including theaccount of his long and painful illnessand heroic death. These Books willbe furnished at reasonable rates tothose wishing the Book and will be6old by subscription only. 1

Browns' Blackberry ami Uiuger.Should be in every house during theheated season. It never fails to cureDiarrhoea, Dysentery and CholeraMorbus. For sale by J. H. Buttery,Siqith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson andJ. M. Robert-- , Flattsmouth, "J. V.Painter, East Plattsmouth.

Henry's Carbolic Salve.The best salve in the world for cuts,

bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tet-ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns,and all kinds of skin eruptions, etc.Get HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE,as all others are but imitations. Price25 cents.

DR. GREEN'S OXYOEXATED BITTERSare the surest and best remedy for dys-pepsia, biliousness, malaria, indiges-tion, disorders of the etomacU, anddiseases of the blood, kidneys, liverand skin.

DURNO'S CATARRH SNUFFcures all affections of the mucousmembrane of the head and throat.

DENTON'S BALSAM cures colds,coughs, rheumatism, kidney troubles,etc. Can be used externally as a plas-ter. 4


isl500 per year can be easily made athome working for E. G. Rideout& Co.,10 Barclay Street, New York. Sendfor their catalogue an 1 full particu-lars. 31-l- y.

Little girls, all of you go to Mrs.Johnson & Sweeney's and see tho lit-tle doll bonnets. 30:3

Money to Loan.J. S. Mathews has money to loan at

nine per cent interest, on Real Estatesecurity at three or five years. Applyat his office on Main St., Platts-mouth, Neb. 26tf.

The best and cheapest,The finest and neatestShoes and SlippersFor little trippers

at Merges'. 4tf"Hark ! Hulk ! the Uojrs do bark,The (lollies have come to town,"

and all their little girl mammas mustmarch down to Mrs. Johnson & Swee-ney's and buy a lovely little bonnet orhat for each dolly. They're just thesweetest little things you ever saw. 3

Dress Making.Misses Cramner and Conn have

opened a dress making establishmentin Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney's roomsand would be pleased to obtain a shareof the patronage of the ladies ofPlattsmouth. Miss Cramner is latelyfrom Philadelphia and is thoroughlyposted in her business. Give them acall. 80t3


Winter is Almost Here!

and all the ladies are beginning tothink about a new hat or bonnet.Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney are readyfor them, and have just received a lineof pattern hats and bonnets whichwill show all the new styles, and giveevery one something to suit. Go andsee them. 80t3

First I rem i u in.The Domestic sewing machine re-

ceived first premium at the fair. It isthe lightest running, makes the leastnoise, and it is warranted the best ma-

terial. 30tf Peter Merges.

Old Keliable.For the Old Reliable C. S. Maltby

Oysters, the best in the market, go toBennett & Lewis, thev are receivingthem now direct from Baltimore. 31tf

New Millinery Storeat weeping water.

Mrs. C. M. Paine has opened a fine andcomplete stock of Millinery Goods, inWeeping Water, and would respect-fully solicit the patronage of the ladiesof Cass County. See advertisement inanother column. 31t3



PLATTSJIOUTII, NEB., MAIN ST.At thi hop you'll find meet wboleom and

eweet,Sausage, pork mutton and veal.

And It i our belief, you'll buy excellent beef.If you at this butcher shop deal.

He keeps alw ays on hand the bet iu the land ;

OF such as your families need ;

Others may do well, but they cannot excel.For Fickler will still take the lead.

A good bargain you'll niake if oti want to buysteak.

Or soup meat or to boil or to frv.You can have a jjood Ui.h of whatever you

wish.Competition he well may defy.

This bubincs provides for good pelts and hides.Lard and tallow he'll both buy aud sell ;

Aud yo'll find IhU the case, there's no otherplace,

Youl! do better, if you will quite as well.

And this we may tell if you've fat cattle to

Or hogs or ehecp that are nice ;

You can bring them right here and you neednever fear.

But for them you'll net a good price.Satit-factio- to all who give hiai a call.

It H hU Intention to give,For we're cartaia indeed, this belong to his

creed .

Not only to live but let live I




FIRE MING-BRIC- K J.For mixed paints go to Roberts'

Drug Store. Oltfa work In your on town. Terms and$66 outfit frett Address. II. Mai.lktt 6i Co

Portland, Maine. 4'J)y

Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. perlb., at C. Sclilegel's, oppositeP. 0. 7tf

Dr. Black'sRheumatic Cure, an internal medi-

cine warranted a safe, certain andspeedy cur3 for Rheumatism, Neural-gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,Black & Co. have scrfd over one hun-dred bottles in the last two months


It .Must Be So.For all who use Brown's Pepsin

Tonic say it is a sine cure for Dys-pepsia and sick Headache. Try it.For sale by all Druggists in Platts-mouth and East Plattsmouth.

Thorley Food,for the use of stockmen, farmers,teamsters, lumbermen, Norsemen andevery one owning an animal. It is aconcentrated food, not a medicine.Stall fed animals require a substitutefor grass and herbs; this food beingcomposed of seeds, spices and saccha-rine matter is more nourishing thangreen fodder or any other known foodin the world. For sale only by SmithBlack Co. 29t4

A great desideratum in the pre-paration of medicine is that it shouldbe palatable without losing its efficacy.This is the case with Prickly Ash Bit-ters, and being graded as regards theircathartic properties, they are betteradapted for general use than ;ny othersimilar article. A trial will convincethe most skeptical. 1U4

LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITYLadle Weniiiuiry- - unsurpassed. Arart-rm- y

lliormi'ih. 4'ollrtff four co irn-s- .

Year begins Sept "til. l '.xaminr. for H'wrx' treM.Catalogue sent hy the President, l. !S. :iik:-oit- v.

1. i.. Lake Vol er't. III. 2ol!j

Uools and Shoes.Call and examine the large and new

stock at .Merges.' BOtf

Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is aninternal remedy and is pronounced byhundreds who have used it to containmore true medical virtue than anyother kind thrown upon the market inthe shape of oils ami liniments. It iswarranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro-prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf

Money to Loan.Money to loan on real estate secur-

ity. Inquire of I). I). Martindale,Louisville, Neb. 13tf

Brown's Vegetable Liver TillsAre a sure cure for Liver Complaint,Constipation and Biliousness. Forsale by all Druggists in the West.

Relief from Sick Headache, Drow-siness, Nausea, Dizzinecs, Pain iu theSide, &c, guaranteed to those usingCarter's Little Liver Fills. These com-plaints are nearly always caused bytorpid liver and constipated Lowels.Restore these organs to their properfunctions and the trouble ceases. Car-ter's Little Liver Pills will do this ev-

ery time. One pill is a dose. Forty ina phial. Price 23 cents.

Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut-ter's Glycereno Tooth Tablets. Beauti-fy! Cleanse! Preserve! tf

A nobby olive silk beaver pokebonnet with a new style of ribbontrimming, shaded tips and fancy wing;a lovely olive brown plush bonnetwith beaded border and shaded tips tomatch: a handsome black poke withcardinal plush trimmings; a beaverbroad brimmed hat of Gainesboroughstyle, stylishly shaped are among thenew pattern hats at Mrs. Jshnson &Sweeney's. Go and see them. 30t3

WantedAt this office good dry corn or' oats onsubscription, at once.

Immense Stot':.The largest asortmeut of boots and

shoes thad ever came to town, to besold at the lowest cash prices at Mer-bes- '.

80 tfFor the best staple aud fa'ney

groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V.Weckbach's. 10tf

Come and SeeThe large stock of Spring Shoes and

Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf

Don't forget that the Heraldoffice is the placo to get your fine jobprinting. 23t4

Wanted Some corn and oats onsubscription at this office; at once.

Nobby new silk beaver hats, Der-by style, with cord and balls for trim-ming; English walking hats of felt forstreet wear, at Mrs. Johnson & Swee-ney's. 30t3

Fresh bread, cakes and pies, everydav, at the Union Bakery, corner Mainanil Third 10tf

Pepsin. Rhubarb, Maudrakc & GentianAre the active ingredients of

Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give thiswonderful Dyspep:ia remedy a trial:.nd be cui ed. For sale by all drug-gists in Ni b.

AUENTS AND CANVASSERSMake from 23 to per week sellinggoods for E. l. KIUfcOL'i" 6i CO.. 10 JJarciayStreet. New York. 22yl

Send for their Catalogue and terms.

Notice to Teachers.Examination of persons wishing to

teach in Cas3 county, will be at thefollowing times and places:

At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat-urday in January, February, May, Au-gust, October and November. AtWeeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur-day in March, June and September. AtLouisville 1st Friday and Saturday inApril, July and December. Notice ofother examinations will be given.

At Elmwood the last Friday andSaturdap of March. At Greenwoodthe last Friday and Saturday in Feb-ruary.

E. II. Wooley,42tf Superintendent.

To the Citizen's of the County and State.I have now ready for market 100,000

White and Fire brick, which we willsell at reasonable prices; parties wish-ing to build a tire :pi oof house beforethe comet comes r' on J. T. AHoover, Louisville, Nebraska.


FOK TIIK LlltKKAI. KIU CATIOSOK WOJIKX. Examinations for entrance,Sept. Uth. Catalogues sent on np;i!ication to

i"jt8 V. IIKAX, ItesUtrar.


Notice of Dissolution of Part-nership.

Ntlce U hereby given that tha Law partner-Httl- p

heretofore existing between the nnder-tigne- d

paiilrH have day lit en dlpoolved bymutual consent. Win. I.. Isrounn ret i reft fromthe linn aud IiuhIiicih of the oMu-e- , J. E. Morri-son to collect moneys due the linn, ami pay alldelits owing by naid firm ot Alurrtxon andBrowne. .Iamcs i:. Mohhiso.v.

Wit. I.. UltOWNK.Oct21, A. 1. 1881. 3.'tf

Tax Deed Notice.To the non-reside- nt or unknown owner or

claimant of lots two (2) and three (3 in blockforty-liv- e (4o In the city of l'lattsinoutli. t'acounty, Nebraska ;

Vou are hereby notified that the abovelots wer n.seiHd aiid taxed for the

year l7S. an belonging to a non-reside- nt or un-known owner, thai aid lots were sold at pub-lic sale for the delinquent tax of caul year Itt'.H,on the '.'lot day of November, 17: ; that the un-dersigned w.i.s the purchaser of the said lot. ataid sale and that unh fs redemption of Maid

lots from faid eale be made on or before t lie14lli da)' of February, lJ, a Treasurer' deedwill be ivsucd to the undersigned therefor.

VI. liAU.AM'R,riatt.smouth. Neb., Oct, 21, lful. JtU

Probate Notice.Iu the matter of the etate of John Hporer,

deceased. In the County 1,'ouit f t'ass CountyNebraska.Novice is hereby given that J. !. Hansen.

Administrator ot the estate ot the said JohnSporer. deceived, has made application forfinal Hettlenient, and that aid cause is set forbearing at my ottlo at I'latt-iuuiitl- i, on tlijyolli day of November, A. 1. Inl, atoneo'clock p. m. on raid day; at which time amiplace, all jkmsoiis iuterexled may be presentaud examine said accounts.

A. N. AX, Co. ,Illd;'e.rialtsmouth, Oct. 'JO, 1K81 a.t l

Probate Notice.In the matter of the Estate of Hiram Hoan,

deceased, in the County Court ot Cus Co.,Nebraska.Notice is hereby given that Harvey Ilogun,

administrator of the estate of the, haul 1 namJlegaii, deceased, has made application for fin-

al aetticnieut, and that said caur-- Is set frhearing at my olllce at J'iatt.smouth, on 1 lielstli day of November. A. I. 1MI, at 1 o'clockp. in., on said day, at which time and place nilpcrxoas interested may be present and examine,said accounts.

A. N. St i.i ivan. County Judge,riattsinouth, Oct. Jb, lsst. a-- ta

Probate Notice.In the matter of the (stale of Edward ,

Duvey, deceased.Notice is hereby given to all persons having

claims against the estate of Edward C. love ,

deceased, to llle the same on tr before the Tillday of June, A. 1. IhhJ, in the ollico of theCounty Judge, ut Piatlsmoiith, Ca-- s Cttiiuly.Nebraska. A. N. M'l.l.iv AN, Co. Judge.

l'lattsinoutli, Oct. 1:1, Ism. yit

Notice of Final Proof.I.axo Oki ic'k at Lincoln. N'kb., i

lelober 20, lssl. (

Notice i hereby biveil that the IoIIomiihnamed settler ha, tiled notice of his intentimto in. ike piuof In of his claim, andsecure entry thereof at the expiration ifthirty day from t lie riate of this notice, vi :

Alson Mack. Ii'd entry No. l.".,T7X for (lie mhiIIiwent quarter (sw'i) ol south w est quarter ( li )

section twenty ("Joi. tovnship twelve (U). nounof range eleven (l I) cast, ami names t lie lo How --

lng as liis witnesses, vi : Ta lor F. W'elhorti,William It. fwihdall. licorge W. L'rwin iin.lJohn M. Wutcriuaii. all of l."iiis ille, CaxsCo.,Xebranka. J. IS. Ah Dow km.,

3lti Koglster.

Tax Sale Notice.To the unknown nonresident owner of lots

fourteen (14. fifteen l.r0 aud sixteen (U) nfThompfOli's addition lo lily of l'lattsinoutli.Neb.You are hereby notified that on the 2;M day

Of .September, A. l. ls5. at tax sale in CassCounty, the abo'e described premises weresold for the turn of $ fur taxes of lt7tand 75 inclusive to Cas ci uuly, and that onthe ih day of October. A. I). Ishl, the saidCan County assigned certilb ate ol purchase inJohn II. Kelly ol aid county, and that on th"lOth day of February l?s. the said J. II, Kellyw ill apply to the treasurer ot l ass County lora tax dee'd of said premises. J. II. IvKl.i.V.

I'latlsmoutli, Neb., Oct. U, lssl. :ilt3

Road Notice.To all Whom it Mivj Couei ru:

A petition for opening a section line roadhas been prevented lo I lie l:ard of CountyCommissioners, rod described i'S follow :

Commencing al the iuner scctlan Iwenty-elg- bt

( twenty-nin- e cj'.ii, thirty-tw- o andIhii ee i'.Ui, tiwii welve(U) range twelve(J ). and running thenc. west two miies andterminating at the the owuslilp line l miningnorth :iud south. All objections thereto oror claims for damages, m...--t bo tiled iu theCounty Clerk's otlice. on or before noen on thelMh day of Iec. A. l. lssl, or such road will beopened without reference thereto.

N J. I). TLTT.30I5 County Clerk

Probate Notice.In the matter of the Estate of John M. Lain,

deceased. In the County Court of Cass Co.,Nebraska.I' pon rending and filing Hie duly veiified pe-

tition of John S. Jones, praying that adminis-tration of the estate ot John M. I.ane. deceas-ed, be granted to Mary l.ane : Ordered that no-tice of the pendency of ttai'l cause be publish-ed in the Nk.biiaska II Kit a mi. a weekly news-paper printed, published, and in generalcirculation iu said count", lor three consecu-tive week, and that the heal ing of said causebe set for the 1st day of November, A. 1. lssl,at 3 o'clock p. in., at the oilice of llio CountyJudge, at riattsinouth, at winch time and placeail persons interested may Kppenr and, if any they have, why nduimisl ration ofsaid estate should not be granted to the saidMary Lane, according hi the praver of said pe-tition. A. N. M.I.MVAN, County Judge

l'lattsinoutli. Oct. l- - 1hM. :tut:i

Executor's Sale of Land.Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the

authority vested in me by tins last will ami tew-taue- nl

of Sarah S. Muai t. deceased, 1 will, onSaturday, the ;,th day of November, A. 1. ism,at one o'clock i. in. of said day, sell ;;t publicvendue, at the front doer of the Court House,In riattsnioulh, Cass County, Nebraska, thefollow ing real estate, situated in said County,to-- v it : The north east qnarler (ne') of sectionNo. ciihteeiHlS). iu township No. twelve (ISM,

north i--f range No, twelve ( I J), east of the Olh

1. M. Terms of sail one-ha- lf of purchasemoney cash dow n ; balance in one year, at tenper cent, interest, secured by mortgage on t beland sold. The right reserved to reject any orall bids. J. W. Joh nson,

Administrator of thif estate of Sarah S.Kloart, with the will annexed. ;mu

Sheriffs Sale.I'.y virtue of an order of sale issued by V. C.

Show-alte- tHerk of the lusliict Court withinand for ass County, Nebr ika. and to ine di-

rected, 1 will on the ;'lh day of November A.1. lssl, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day. at thesouth door of the otii t Mouse, iu said County,sell at public auction the fallowing real estateto-w- it : 1 lie west bait ('-- ) of the north car-- t

quarter 04) of section No. seventeen (IT) intownship No. twelve (la i iiorlli range N'o. nine(10 east in Cass County. Nebraska, with thepi ivel mes anil anpi rten.i nces thereto belolig-liu- r.

'1 he same being levied upon and taken asthe property of J. W Newsuni, 1'. A. (iotiid andAnn H. tioild licfendant-- ; to satisly a judg-ment of said Court recovt red by Dennis Deanl'laintitT.

It. YT. II vr.i:-- i. Sheriff. Cass Co., Neb.l'lattsinoutli. Neb.. Oct. 4th, A. 1. :ssl. j:n:

Sheriffs Sale.Hy virtue of au xecutioii issued by W. (,'

Show alter. Clerk of the District Court, withinatid for C;t-- s County, Nebraska, an l to me di-

rected, 1 will ou the :jlst day of October A. 1.IsM, at 10 o'clock a. in., ot said day. at thesouth door of the Court House, in said county,sell at tiubiic auction the following real estateto-w- it "; The east half lets1 of the north c;u-- tquarter (iic!4) of section eight tow nship ten(10) range ten (In), east of 01 ii P. M., in CassCounty, Neb. The same being levied upon andtaken as the'property of David MeCaig. Wil-

liam McCaig and Joiin Defeiwhu.ts ; tosatisfy a judgment of said Court recovered byHenry Crist ell, I'laimitl.

str K. W . HvKits, S'ieri!TCas Co. Neb.riattsinouth. Neb.. Sept. Sieth A. D. ls.1.

MOUKIS 0'110UKKK,once more corncs forward with an entire nw

Stock of the finest I'iece Goods ever broughtinto I'iatts mouth ! !


WA RR ANTED to FITHundreds go there and they are

ALWAYS H UITED.Shop opposite the Com t House. Give him

call and examine for yourselves. 4stf

machine" SHOTS !

PLATTSMOCTH, EC,Repairer of Steam Engines, lloiltrx,

Haw awl Grist MillsU AN AMI KTKA3I --f;.H,

Vrought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift 11 pes. SteamGauge. Safety-Valv- e Governors, a;id all

kiwis of Ilrass Kngine Fittings,repaired on short notice.



1 p "Ew? vw - --ditl. w'ou anrw Kruwu.ul tlir,'.VLuierot Uiuut-u-

huuonsa ti Co., 3 Cluiton t7Ltoe, New X (