The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1903-03-13 [p...

e- S TilE llAiETFORJ EEPITBLICANI I Fine Job Work a Specialty OFFICIAL QAN OF TEE PAin INTB rOu flCQ1EIQLDTflC7 Subscription 1 ayear i VOL 4 XV i HARTFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 131903 llo34 t t f w steelI by constant use and must have a new xjfje if It ia to do good work Constant nlokelW iJ Ilreul n toOIC Bomctlihif tlmt will the kecnticu of mind and activity p of li ly GotdcnMullen puU ntiy lift into runedown Women It strength k eni the weak torn tbebloQd sly itimaUUi the wholebody eahbythe i MedlcalDUcOTery I wa confined to my I IDOnUuIrol11 l oad J to 0 JUt16th ot30ptrtilff tool qtht botl oIDr MedIci InKriptloat weed a a Ilnlmtnft oUttnote coonipallon and btrdrnlnp of the Urtr waa my anyktndohouc l from my grin Thank to you forth benefit Jot1 raN WU bopclrMwbcu 1 bcflau lakwjt JOUr edJd Dont be tooted into trading a tub r stance for a ahadovr Any substitute jJf Goldenidedical everyfr no ju t aa good medicine can allow ft BlliouncM cured by the UM of Dr Pierce Pleasant Pellets r Stop That Cough Care That HoarseRes R ll2i3 That Tightness Dont n ftr when there U no need that YOU shoal But If U take molldno to reUco or lire your trouble bo sure thai yw take tint which will do tho work ibma Ooachj Cold UoaneiuM 80rtt Thrna i1ckUHi W4 to tact any I4onebial troubto that you hue rtsnlta front COEgmtkU bt parts soctiL Uw Dr Ottos Spruce Gum Balsam I to Cure f Thl la one of hit moat ronuvrktUo comb a J nation of rmanUol agcoU that baa erer been offereil to the people ntvt has a reputa- tion seont to none to mnedjs sdenco IRIOE 85 AND 60 CENTS AU Couch 11 ant Ootda ore Iustd by eon urcr Is not itcuntf ngni Na ture Waning Uiould hare attention Take Dr Carlsiedls German LiwPawder- It is always rreih Which will nle 14 at one and a core la v IUJIr nUxiL No I aooarenjmoa etxporieaord w 10 tll urns It wilt rty 2 klllt1lthllllklnrlinhl1 the ttlQM and make a new of oa U prarenU doctor WU Do not becom- Dei r < Oarlatsdta Qenaan Liver Pow dar lIcuronu It la pmreJr ffgetabjeand ran IS OIl 1hl Is rt UT r wlrin IC thaturm Do not take any other Sold In tjottti 80o and SlOO sack Bold br 11- 11DraIPaID Mrdlcina- flUC AUBUltlN KAXKAOAIi CO I Role Proprietor It411Inrulllnrut4 f LJPPINCOTTSI MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Bi Best fe Cunent Uterta- Z CoupLtrc NOVELS YEARLY k MANY SHORT STORIES AND OPICJ i PCNYCAH 25 era A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES c7 CVEKV NUMBER COMPLETE in ITSELF f 1 H SilbermHn y v Bros iLaiistFurHousslaAmer1ca lUattnl cub prleaald for n kInds I R of raw fur hold yoer allJlDlenl until you tel our price list Writt Str tuba WmatItltm- SILBERMAN S BROS lZitol29MlehlnnSiChlcagollll I For Constipation Tali Lyond Laxatlro apitlsplcauotlolakeaudper- gcuybarmleuuuderillclrcumalances ru t an Ideal remedy lrlCl3IIO fot Mrs Fred Unrath C1 Betett o r 1IIkh Mtumyflrstbaby WM lomididnot 1seem to rtgals my sl4houh iSa gays me a tonic width hi conttd 4J I iced wry but liutcad of gtttbij- i bitter weaker every thy My hus hand teFrtt3 that I take afCdu for a wctk and Mi what R wouU do for ma IdId labs tN medicIne end Wit ta to IIai my s4rtntk whuHia ilow rturnMg 10 two Web I WM out d bad ad U a moat J wss tbh to taltl myiuitnl duo ifl very IMhuJI aj4IIiiIMNWif the f dqdeal ff1lli tanaeW1drrlh 1tpevoutmb- I 1 ir qQsiIa4eIsar ua or4ng oL bee t 1 Z4r bad ttkit Wino of Cardd befse her came show noL have been weak as she wan II rapid reoovro obuaead this remedy to G sWnt mother Cezdut- ifigulates the meootroal flow i W i7cb iii k I A > j TO WIPE OUT The State Debt With War Claim is the Governors Plan The Checks are Turned Over to the Governor Sinking Fund Commission Will Meet Monday to Consider the question tiF DISPOSITION OF MONEY In a dispatch from Frankfort to the Jatuailutar 7jsys Three check ru iiggrev gating i3a39993S representing In ¬ terest accumulation for nearly forty years on money furnished the Nation- al Government by the State ol Ken- tucky ¬ during the War of 186165 were received today by Governor Beckham who eighteen months ago set on oot a movement lor Its collec ¬ tion and payment into the Kentucky Treasury The checks were placed in the Governors bands by Capt CCi Colhoun of Lexington to had Intrusted the work ot presenting the claim to the Government through the War Department Capt Calhoun brought them in person from Wash ¬ ington where he has been engagedt constantly for months on the aReralphotograpb taken for the CourierJournal in the Farmers flank of Frankfort for colI lection They are for 13177787 I I65r64 and 1566 The arrival of Capt Calhoun with the checks ex ¬ cited much interest about the capital and a host 01 people flocked to thel Executive Department to stet a hresenting What is to be done with the money ii a question that has excited ranchh lottrest not overJ Kentucky Gov DeckharntowhoF efforts its is due has very decided views oa the question aid has called a meeting of the State Sinking Fund Commission to place c hla views before that body sad have ate settle what is fo fee done The Governor thinks that the moneyt BBonld be uwd to pay the debtednesa ol the State if that can be accomplishedb This bonded debt is an even million dollars of which 500000 is payable in 1905 antI the other 500000 Int 1907 He Is not of course InlavorIi of paying an extortionate ort these bonds but believes they can be purchased at a resaonable market price The matter is entirely under the control of the State Sinking Fund COll1mliIt loa and If the money Is noti used for the purchase of the outstand ¬ ing bonds 11 will go Into the Sinking Fund of the State Treasurys The Kentucky claim U largest Interest claim yet allowed to a StAteg by the Federal Government 200000 in excess of that allowed thet State of Illinois and larger than thec claims of the States of iBdlan and Michigan together Altogether twelve States have collected Interest on war debtaOf these slxallowedI bythe Congress just adjourned wereI for 3000000 and Kentucky got nearly half the total allowance But Kentucky is not yet satisfied and will likely get a further appro ¬ priation The Governors attorney figures that there is some 20000 yet due the State as Interest and a deterI mined effort will be made to collect itt LifeGuards The life Guards are two regiments Ct cavalary forming part of the Brit ¬ ish household troops They are galI lant Boldlsrs and every loyal heart Is proud ot them Not only the Kings household but yours our everybodys should have its life guard The need of them is especial- ly great when the greatest foes of lUet lfseaaeafir ditlllealn the very ele ¬ meats as cold influenza catarrbJ the grip and pneumonia stormy month of1 March The best way that we know ot to guard against I these diseases is to strengthen theJ system with Hoods Sarsaparilla the greatest of all life guards It removes the conditions which these diseases make their most successful attackI gives vigor and tone to all the vital organs and functions and imparts a genial warmth to the blood Remem ¬ her the weaker the system the greater the exposure to disease Hoods Sar ¬ saparilla makes the system strong Another Riod in Hancock It Is positively asserted that the j 1l build a swtthAEr itj IWhftesvUlt to Pellvlle thence l < f I Haweaville to the river says the Hawesvllle Plalndealer We knbw nothing as regards the move but such a line would traverse the finest coal lead and oil fields in the State and I make money for that great system and bring wealth to the people of this I county 1J J < sij pi STEAMER Charlie Curlin Sinks in Green River In Deep Water Near Calhoon Lives or Women Aboard Saved by Evansville Traveling Men While Others Swing TO LlflBH OF OVERHANCUMI TREES The steamboat Charlie Curlin sunk yesterday alternoon in Green river at Irwin landing a point about four miles above this place says a dispatch of last Friday to the Henderson Jour v The boat Is completely submerged only a part of the wheel protruding from the water It Is feared that it will go to pieces before it can be raised The accident occurred at 2 oclock in the afternoon There were twelve people on the i steamer when it went down and they all mlracuulonsly escaped death The heroism of John tamey and John Closter two traveling salesmen from Evansville was responsible for the rescue of the three women on the craft one ol whom was Miss Mary Hill of Calhoon and known as one the prettiest young woman In the own The traveling men lowered a life and assisted the women into it the peril of their own lives The members of the crew were busily en ¬ In vain attempts to save the vesselThe boat was in charge of Captain Hougland who was at the pilot wheel In attempting to make a landing the boat struck a log which was under water and an immense was torn in the hull It was een in n few moments that thet- eamier was going down and nil ands were turned to helping the pas eengers from the deck wbcrr they were seated enjoying the warm sun hlgbwiater assistt by one or two meuers crew lowered a lifeboatand helped IhV women In it The other men on ko boat peeing that the yawl was well filled withtke party launched boat or swung on to the- runches of the overhanging trees and climed to the ground in that way During the 10 minutes required for he steamer to nettle in the water the greatest excitement prevailed among he passengers Capt Hougland at ¬ tempted to quiet the panic stricken men but his efiorts were useless There would probably bavebeen sev- eral ¬ drowcings had not the limbs roni the trees been hanging so close to the boat For several minutes it was thought of the party had been lost before Hougland gathered them to ¬ ether on the bank Whed the clerk declared there were only 12 people on he ateames and the captain had ac ¬ oun d for that number a shout of thankfelRes wet up from the strand- ed ¬ travelers Most of the passengers and mem ¬ of the crew lost their personal ef eels to the wreck It was seen tint attempts to save the steamer would prove useless and row boats were seemed and the party set out for Calhoon The ride of four miles on the swollen stream was ac- complished ¬ in a few hours None ol women suffered any from the hard rip The steamer was owned by Cap ¬ tains Houghland and limes of Cal ¬ hoon They purchased It front the Evansville bunting club about two months ago They will notify the insurance com ¬ pany of the wreck lUbe work of raising it is begun immediately It can probAbly be saved but Ifitla allowed- to remain in the water any length of time It Is the general opinion that it will be so badly damaged that will be practically wdrthless Theboat was run between Liver- more and Calhoon It has been do- ng ¬ a good business and was becom ¬ log very popular It was valued at about 5000 For bruises cuts burns wounds of any sortfor rheumatism stiffjoints and sore muscles Ramons Nerve and Bone Oil is a prompt remedy J H Williams m Catarrh and Hay Fever Liquid Cream Balm is becoming quite as popular In many localities as Elys Cream Balm sold It is pre ¬ pared for use in atomizers and Is highly prized by those who have been accustomed to call upon physicians for such a treatment Many physi ¬ clAns ire using and prescribing It All the medicinal properties ot the celebrated Cream Burn are contained In the Liquid form which Is 75 eta Including a spraying tube All drug ¬ 561Waruu 1 BLOODY Triple Tragedy in Henderson County Allen Melton Mortally Shoots His RIccc and Stepdaughter end Shoots Mrs John Culver Shoots Himself and Takes Paris Green Last Wednesday evening at 730 i oclock Allen Melton shot and mor ¬ tally wounded his Btepdanghteriidrjd seriously wounded Mrs Mrs John Culver at the Culver home InHen derson county about three miles from Smith Mills On the evening named Melton vis ¬ lied John Culver ostensibly to see about some plant beds At the hour named and while John Culver the head oi the house was out in the barnyard Melton went toi the room In which Mrs Culver and Miss Melton were sitting His hos til demonstrations alarmed the ladlesI and they started to flee Melton fired the ball taking effect in the girls back The murder then pur¬ sued Mrs Culver to the kitchen door and fired the ball taking effect In her back also- MlssllIelton1s thought to be mor- tally ¬ wounded The wounds of Mrs Culver are not so serious Melt n left the premises in double quick time leaving both women ly- Ing ¬ on the floor bleeding and appar ¬ ently in a dying condition Friends and neighbors started in pursuit and it was thought the wretch had fled to the Ohio river near by and crossedbut this morning bloodhounds from Morgaafield traced him to his own bran In Union county just over the line where he was found When Melton learned that his hid- Ing ¬ place had been discovered or just before he shot himself in the head- s inflicting a bloody wound Later it was found that he had taken Paris green in an eflort to end his wretched existence His wounds were dressed by a physician and he now lies ins dangerous condition and is not ex- pected ¬ to recover The shooting was all done with aa old pistol owned by Melton and which had been repaired by a black ¬ smith at Smith Milts two days before It Is thought that Meltons real pur- pose ¬ In visiting the Culver home was to boot his stepdaughter with whom he had not been on good terms for sometime past bhe having let his home to seek shelter at the home of her relative John Culver on account of her stepfathers mistreatment Melton Is about 40 years old and married Mrs Melton the widow of his deceased brother Her daughter was therefore his stepdaughter and niece as well She is about 16 years of ageFor some unknown reason Meltcn bad been angry at his wile and her daughter and is said to have attempt edhls wiles life some weeks since by attempting to hang her The tragedy has stirred up the en ¬ tire neighborhood and but for Mel ¬ tons condition his life would be un ¬ safe longer in the coummnnlty John Culver is a prominent farmer living in the Utley neighborhood about three miles from Smith Mills He and his wIle are old citizens of the county It has been leared that before flee ¬ ing from the Culver home after the bloody deed Melton also made an at temp upon the life ota boy member of the family who escaped the clutches of the fiend and made his escape and raised the alarm READ IT THROUGH Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It In the Headlines To pe an eighteenth century phrase this Is an oer true tale Having happened in a small Virginia town in the winter ol 1902 it is a story very much of the present Up to a short time ago Mrs John E Har ¬ mon of Melfa Station Va had no personal knowledge of the rare earnt tive properties of Chamberlains Cough Remedy Last January she says my baby took a dreadfuls cold and at one time I would have pneumonia but one of my neighbors told me how this reme ¬ dy had cured her little boy and I be ¬ gan giving It to my baby at once and it soon cured her I heartily thank the manufacturers of Chamberlains Cough Remedy for placing so great a f cure with himy reach I cannot recommend It too highly or say too much in its favor I hope all who read this will try It and be convinced- as I was For sale by all druggists CTO xi rA BNIitbSits Kind You lira Always Bott tSlsn If ro > o 1 WIFEDJES Suddenly After Being Beaten by Husband George Roone is Arrested and V fjJafcen to Carrollton for 1safeKleplng YlfE S bODY BEING EXAMINED t Owenton Ky March 9xrrGebrge Boone is In the Carrollton JiVSKon the charge of wife murder and physicians are engaged in holding a postmortem 5camlnation on the body of Mrs Bone wUi a view to ascertaining the cause of her death News reached here early this morn t Ing that Mrs Boone was found dead andofficers started at once on the hunt of Boone The family lived about four miles south of here on Mr Neal Littrels latin and when the of- ficers ¬ arrived there they saw Boone making his way across a field After an exciting chase he was captured aud landed in the Owenton jail On Thursday morning he had a quarrel with his wife and it is said struck her with a club She left home and went to the house of a neighbor remaining there until that afternoon when she returned to her home to pack up some of her house ¬ hold effects Later in the afternoon she went to the home of a Mr Hearn and stayed there alt night The next morning she was found dead with her slxmonthsold child lying across her breastWhen seen in the jail Boone was very nervous He said that his wif i had often threatened to poison her ¬ self and he esked that a postmortem examination bemads to determine whether she had taken polon He said he did not believe the blows she received caused her death Later Boone was taken to Carroll ton for safekeeping Doctors Bott and Blrchet In com- pany ¬ with the Sheriff visited the of the crime and made a careful examination of the body They re ¬ moved the stomach end are analyzing it The physicians say the blows were sufficient to cause death Since their report excitement has increased and talk of mob violence has been prevalent Noonebelieyca the story told by Boose that she took poison Boos is about thirty years old Mm Eoone had born previously mar ¬ rid and bad csveral children She was a dughte of John McCcmcs a reputable citizen of Owen county v Not a Candidate Louisville Match 9 Augustus E Wilson denies that he is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor of Kentucky He said that he would feel complimented like any other ordinary citizen by being nom ¬ inated but when askedJf he would accept the nomination fflt was ten ¬ dered to him unanimously he replied that he would not accept It under any conditions OA Z R irsth yjfta KM YN Dm Almjs fetjt 8m fIl a a Attorney Chas 0 Prowse of Hop klnsvllle has written ta the Ken ¬ tucky Exhibit Association that he can furnish for the Kentucky Build- Ing ¬ a rough frame of Jefferson Davis birthplace made from the timbers of the old home site in Christian county He also offers the Association pen and ink drawing J2 by 18 iriches in size of the blrthplac- eChamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is the best and most popular medl ¬ cine in use for Dowel complaints It totalttMr eaysI have handled Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for twelve years have never sold a bottle that did not give perfect satis ¬ faction and it is the best selling diarrhoea medicine that I handle Fbrsale by all druggists m Christopher Columbus ListlJp neral Christopher Columbus has just been burled again and probably for the lajst in The event took place a few week ago in the famous and beautify catticdral of Seville Spain wherein a- pecial mausoleum has been con- structed ¬ to hold the ashes of the once despised but now glorified navigator The coffin was bore by seamen of the navy and was followed by a cortege headed by the Archbishop oi Seville the minister of marine the captain general of Cadiz and other dlgnltar ei The ashes of no illustrious man have been honored with so many burials and removals an those ol Co- lumbus They rested for two centur lea at Santo Domingo and in 1796 were transfcrcd to tie cathedral at Havaaal After the SpanishAmeri ¬ can SpalncO wheie they by deslre r a descendant j of Columbus the Duke oi Veragua k bg j TREATMENT AT HOME Dr Hartmans Free Advice to Women = z A Generous Offer to The Afflictedf i > r- L nSiNtLCItJ Biftip LADE Secretary minot Woman1 Alliance Miss A Brady Corresponding Seem tary Illinois Womans AlUance writes from 2725 Indiana avenue Chicago HI Z Lost year from continued strain In literary work I bocamo very much ex ¬ hausted my nerves seemed to give way and I hod backache headache and seri ¬ ana indigestion Ono of my friends sug- gested that I try Pecans It certainly acted like magi on my system Within ton days I felt now life and health givon me and by taking an aces sional dose oB and > n when I feel extra tired I keep my system In perfect ordorMiM Brady Miss Millie Baker writes from 200 East Ohio street Chicago Ill t LUX suffered for Tears with weakness Groves Tasteless Tonic MZonI Groves Pile Keelr1J 81STS 7SorThQflZ 1iHvhlll lJ J IIlltzI prerertoldbT CamS but School ollthejenr WKIGJIT PreaU have been interred in cathedral Surely the inscription qulescat written pver this tomb have of more ordinary significance hoped that this interment wilt serve to settle forever the dispute as to whether Columbus remains were ever really removed Do mingo Leslies1 Weekly You Want Ibis Gol nrp going to givo a TenDollar Gold piece to Correspondent THE REPUBLICAN who sends us of yearly Rub scribers bolero noon of ilon day April 5 Renewals counL the aa new subscriptions when paid up one your in ad vance prizo tie work ono of our cor respondents is going to it Why not could clubs having tho of- fer open to everybody we limit it to our correspond- ents because we want to show them that wo appreciate their work for REPUBLICAN Send in money as rapidly receive them Qvery subscription iIi bo credited to your account Begin AT ONCE Farming Colorado Mexico The who contemplates1 changing his location should look well Into the subject irrigation I Mas jL1S0 peculiar to women sovero bearingdown and continual headache After using flvo of I was as well and as everMfH Millie Baker Mrs Nellie 070 W Twentieth street Chicago HI President of the Ladles of tho O A R has the following to nay about Pornn- aGontiemenZ recommend especially for women aa It promptly cures tho weakness our sex and will be sure to give satisfaction MRS NELLIE BLYLER A Assist Matronof Peoples Hospital 758 Sheffield avenue Chlcagofllwrtteat I Lava had trcqoeat opportaalUtt to observe the woa4 trtul csmttve too with every bottle b a Cent package Mock Root Uvar I lo TMC CNWt3T J I I Rlfn r iIO T t C I and icnool building In thi South Instruction laiMiloa StnQeaU can enter at any time VUlton alwari welcome EI they Seville In pace would been than It is to be from Santo ¬ Do Wo nice new the of tho largest club same ¬ A for a lit anti got you Wo got moro by but ¬ TilE names arid as you and sent will club < in Utah and New c farmer of r J p = pains bottles Feruna strong Blylor t Fcrnna of always MisvW Allison I Teed l arranged ladlridnol big Before making a trip of investigation there is no better way to secure ad vanced Information than by writing to those most Interested In the settle merit of unoccupied lands Several publications giving valuable infor ¬ mation In regard to the agricultural horticultural and live stk interests of this great western section have been prepared by the Denver Rio Grande and the RI Grande Western which should be In the hands of all who desire to become acquainted with the merits of the various localities TADenver ptesT One way second class colonist rates commencing February 15th andcon tinning dally until April joth Tick- ets will be sole at greatly reduced rates to California Colorado Oregon and Washington points These rates will continue in effect until March 31 for Colar do and California points but only until April sofa for Mon ¬ tans Washington and Oregon points An experienced and successful ad says In the beginning he was confronted by the problem as t9 what form oi publicity would bring the best results After trying all other mediums he was convinced that not only the betbnt alsothe cheap eat medium is the newapapcrot large circulation DAVIESS COUNTY BANK t TRUSTCO1OW- ENSSORO KY Cash Capital SEOOOO Stockholder AddTI Liability 10000 QuarulIeeFuodbrCiilom r St 00- 000rE OcpotlU recelTwJ ratijw to ebeclc CoiU Mthlne to d p9 l or cluck oat All can to done br null laterert raid ea time dtporiu- tSP i a or begun = CU T II ANUEUSOV IrntJetI I i r sI1 Muw iJ tecta of Peninn It Jiffevlatea paM nod sreaest IncreaSes the appetite and so tones ap the entire system that the pattest quickly ngatoa ttnagtA ss4lJHltllMrs W A AINsoa Free Homo Adttee In view of the great mnUUode ot women Buffering from some fora if female disease and yet BaaWai fta J any cure Dr Hartmaa the reaow tptclalM oa female eetarrhat dH Matodlr cases as make application to him during tile samaer moatbi wlttKHtt charge > J Thom wishing to become paMela should address The Peruaa Medlola OoColumbuflOhto Enclosed Tea of > ALFRED HUDSON BUILDER X GONTWORH- nrlford Ky totract contract ROUGH RIVER TELEPHONECOMPANY lICOirOXATZI Talk being cheap and necessary you should patronize home Mtts where you can buy your own pliqasB and build your own lines dud btviav talking distance with the wbi > k Ma ¬ ty and business points gefreMlty by only paying a reasonable Rough River Telephone Cotnpftnyec they will be nt the whole expense if you say so We connect with all In- dependent Companies For particu ¬ lars call on ST Stevens Manager Hartford Ky RE THIS DyCATARRHJ Is sure to GIVE- Satisfaction IrS CREAM BALM Outs UIIf At once It clennm koothnt Bad heal the dUcnxnt membrane It en ii catarrh end dilTM anw Ilald In 0u EADorbed I protwt tbe Membrane Rtwtorfe the Sense ef Taetanad Howll Knll tlu SOe at D laU or byrn bAil Trial eli ICc br mall ELY DKOTIJEKSM WarrenStreet New Tork Lyons Laxative Syrup rsn vegetable preparation absolutely harmless Itrita effcct it acts gently oa the kidneys Iverandbowelscurcsconi- tipation sick headacbe j clears complexion and makes the blood pure An remedy for child ten aa as adults For sale by J Thoa Allen RoslneKy YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAK- ING ¬ Vten roa take Ororea Tuteleaa Chill Tonic be caora the torninla U printed on seer bot tie inowlnt that U la imply Iron and Quinine In ivtontclciw Jprn No Cure No Tar aac ATTENTION When In Oweoaboro call oa Vm Cuahlo denier In pore straight WhUklre Apple and 1each Brandies Agtiat frank Phr Drowlc Co Jurorden will recelre roQipt attention The beet 2W AVhUker In the State Win CUSHION Owensberq L- L j

Transcript of The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1903-03-13 [p...



TilE llAiETFORJ EEPITBLICANII Fine Job Work a Specialty OFFICIAL QAN OF TEE PAin INTB rOu flCQ1EIQLDTflC7 Subscription 1 ayear



iHARTFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 131903 llo34 t tf

wsteelIby constant use and must have a newxjfje if It ia to do good work Constant

nlokelWiJ Ilreul n toOICBomctlihif tlmt will

the kecnticuof mind and activity

p of li ly

GotdcnMullenpuU ntiy lift into

runedownWomen It strength

k eni the weak torn

tbebloQdsly itimaUUi the


i MedlcalDUcOTeryI wa confined to my

I IDOnUuIrol11l oad J to 0JUt16thot30ptrtilff

tool qtht botl oIDr


weed a a IlnlmtnftoUttnote

coonipallon and btrdrnlnp of the Urtr waa myanyktndohoucl from my grin Thank to you forth benefit

Jot1 raN WU bopclrMwbcu 1 bcflau lakwjt JOUredJdDont be tooted into trading a tubr stance for a ahadovr Any substitute

jJf Goldenidedicaleveryfrno ju t aa good medicine can allowft BlliouncM cured by the UM of Dr

Pierce Pleasant Pellets

r Stop That Cough Care That HoarseRes

R ll2i3 That Tightness

Dont n ftr when there U no need that YOUshoal But If U take molldno to reUcoor lire your trouble bo sure thai yw taketint which will do tho work ibmaOoachj Cold UoaneiuM 80rtt Thrnai1ckUHi W4 to tact any I4onebial troubtothat you hue rtsnlta front COEgmtkUbt parts soctiL UwDr Ottos Spruce Gum Balsam

I to Curef Thl la one of hit moat ronuvrktUo comb

a J nation of rmanUol agcoU that baa ererbeen offereil to the people ntvt has a reputa-tion seont to none to mnedjs sdenco

IRIOE 85 AND 60 CENTSAU Couch 11 ant Ootda ore Iustd by eon

urcr Is not itcuntf ngni Nature Waning Uiould hare attention TakeDr Carlsiedls German LiwPawder-

It is always rreihWhich will nle 14 at one and a core la

v IUJIr nUxiL No I aooarenjmoa etxporieaordw 10 tll urns It wilt rty2 klllt1lthllllklnrlinhl1

the ttlQM and make a new of oaU prarenU doctor WU Do not becom-

Deir <Oarlatsdta Qenaan Liver Pow

dar lIcuronu It la pmreJr ffgetabjeandran IS OIl 1hl Is rt UT r wlrin

IC thaturm Do not take any other Sold Intjottti 80o and SlOO sack Bold br 11-11DraIPaID Mrdlcina-flUC AUBUltlN KAXKAOAIi CO

I Role ProprietorIt411Inrulllnrut4



Bi Best fe Cunent Uterta-Z CoupLtrc NOVELS YEARLY




H SilbermHny v Bros

iLaiistFurHousslaAmer1calUattnl cub prleaald for n kInds

I R of raw fur hold yoer allJlDlenluntil you tel our price list WrittStr tuba WmatItltm-

SILBERMANS BROSlZitol29MlehlnnSiChlcagollll

I For ConstipationTali Lyond Laxatlro


ru t an Ideal remedy



Mrs Fred UnrathC1 Betettor 1IIkh

Mtumyflrstbaby WM lomididnot

1seem to rtgals my sl4houh iSagays me a tonic width hi conttd

4J I iced wry but liutcad of gtttbij-i bitter weaker every thy My hushand teFrtt3 that I take afCdufor a wctk and Mi what R wouU do forma IdId labs tN medicIne end Witta to IIai my s4rtntk whuHiailow rturnMg 10 two Web I WM outd bad ad U a moatJ wss tbh to taltl

myiuitnl duo ifl very IMhuJI


f dqdeal ff1llitanaeW1drrlh 1tpevoutmb-

I 1 irqQsiIa4eIsar ua or4ng oL beet 1 Z4r bad ttkitWino of Cardd befse her cameshow noL have been weak asshe wan II rapid reoovroobuaead this remedy toG sWnt mother Cezdut-ifigulates the meootroal flow


W i7cb iiik





The State Debt WithWar Claim is the

Governors Plan

The Checks are Turned Overto the Governor

Sinking Fund Commission Will

Meet Monday to Consider

the question


In a dispatch from Frankfort to the

Jatuailutar 7jsysThree check ru iiggrev

gating i3a39993S representing In ¬

terest accumulation for nearly fortyyears on money furnished the Nation-al Government by the State ol Ken-tucky


during the War of 186165were received today by GovernorBeckham who eighteen months agoset on oot a movement lor Its collec¬

tion and payment into the KentuckyTreasury The checks were placed inthe Governors bands by Capt CCiColhoun of Lexington tohad Intrusted the work ot presentingthe claim to the Government throughthe War Department Capt Calhounbrought them in person from Wash ¬

ington where he has been engagedtconstantly for months on the

aReralphotograpbtaken for the CourierJournal in theFarmers flank of Frankfort for colIlection They are for 13177787 I

I65r64 and 1566 The arrival ofCapt Calhoun with the checks ex¬

cited much interest about the capitaland a host 01 people flocked to thelExecutive Department to stet a

hresentingWhat is to be done with the money

ii a question that has excited ranchhlottrest not overJKentucky Gov DeckharntowhoFefforts its is due has verydecided views oa the question aidhas called a meeting of the StateSinking Fund Commission to place

chla views before that body sad haveate settle what is fo fee done TheGovernor thinks that the moneytBBonld be uwd to pay thedebtednesa ol the State if that can be

accomplishedbThis bonded debt is an even million

dollars of which 500000 is payablein 1905 antI the other 500000 Int1907 He Is not of course InlavorIiof paying an extortionate ortthese bonds but believes they can bepurchased at a resaonable marketprice The matter is entirely underthe control of the State Sinking FundCOll1mliIt loa and If the money Is notiused for the purchase of the outstand ¬

ing bonds 11 will go Into the SinkingFund of the State Treasurys

The Kentucky claim U largestInterest claim yet allowed to a StAtegby the Federal Government

200000 in excess of that allowed thetState of Illinois and larger than thecclaims of the States of iBdlanand Michigan together Altogethertwelve States have collected Intereston war debtaOf these slxallowedIbythe Congress just adjourned wereIfor 3000000 and Kentucky gotnearly half the total allowance

But Kentucky is not yet satisfiedand will likely get a further appro ¬

priation The Governors attorneyfigures that there is some 20000 yetdue the State as Interest and a deterImined effort will be made to collect itt

LifeGuardsThe life Guards are two regiments

Ct cavalary forming part of the Brit¬

ish household troops They are galIlant Boldlsrs and every loyalheart Is proud ot them Not only theKings household but yours oureverybodys should have its lifeguard The need of them is especial-

ly great when the greatest foes of lUetlfseaaeafir ditlllealn the very ele¬

meats as cold influenza catarrbJthe grip and pneumoniastormy month of1 March The bestway that we know ot to guard against Ithese diseases is to strengthen theJsystem with Hoods Sarsaparilla thegreatest of all life guards It removesthe conditions which these diseasesmake their most successful attackIgives vigor and tone to all the vitalorgans and functions and imparts agenial warmth to the blood Remem ¬

her the weaker the system the greaterthe exposure to disease Hoods Sar ¬

saparilla makes the system strong

Another Riod in HancockIt Is positively asserted that the j

1l build a swtthAEritjIWhftesvUlt to Pellvlle thence l<fI Haweaville to the river says the

Hawesvllle Plalndealer We knbwnothing as regards the move but sucha line would traverse the finest coallead and oil fields in the State and

Imake money for that great systemand bring wealth to the people of this

I county



sij pi


Charlie Curlin Sinks in GreenRiver In Deep Water

Near Calhoon

Lives or Women Aboard Saved by

Evansville Traveling Men

While Others Swing


The steamboat Charlie Curlin sunkyesterday alternoon in Green river atIrwin landing a point about fourmiles above this place says a dispatch

of last Friday to the Henderson JourvThe boat Is completely submerged

only a part of the wheel protrudingfrom the water It Is feared that itwill go to pieces before it can beraised The accident occurred at 2

oclock in the afternoonThere were twelve people on the i

steamer when it went down and theyall mlracuulonsly escaped deathThe heroism of John tamey and JohnCloster two traveling salesmen fromEvansville was responsible for therescue of the three women on thecraft one ol whom was Miss MaryHill of Calhoon and known as one

the prettiest young woman In theown

The traveling men lowered a lifeand assisted the women into it

the peril of their own lives Themembers of the crew were busily en ¬

In vain attempts to save the

vesselTheboat was in charge of Captain

Hougland who was at the pilotwheel In attempting to make alanding the boat struck a log whichwas under water and an immense

was torn in the hull It waseen in n few moments that thet-

eamier was going down and nilands were turned to helping the pas

eengers from the deck wbcrr theywere seated enjoying the warm sun

hlgbwiaterassisttby one or two meuerscrew lowered a lifeboatand helpedIhV women In it The other men on

ko boat peeing that the yawl waswell filled withtke party launched

boat or swung on to the-runches of the overhanging trees

and climed to the ground in that wayDuring the 10 minutes required for

he steamer to nettle in the water thegreatest excitement prevailed amonghe passengers Capt Hougland at ¬

tempted to quiet the panic strickenmen but his efiorts were uselessThere would probably bavebeen sev-


drowcings had not the limbsroni the trees been hanging so close

to the boatFor several minutes it was thought

of the party had been lost beforeHougland gathered them to ¬

ether on the bank Whed the clerkdeclared there were only 12 people onhe ateames and the captain had ac ¬

oun d for that number a shout ofthankfelRes wet up from the strand-


travelersMost of the passengers and mem ¬

of the crew lost their personal efeels to the wreck

It was seen tint attempts to savethe steamer would prove useless androw boats were seemed and the partyset out for Calhoon The ride of fourmiles on the swollen stream was ac-


in a few hours None olwomen suffered any from the hard

ripThe steamer was owned by Cap¬

tains Houghland and limes of Cal ¬

hoon They purchased It front theEvansville bunting club about twomonths ago

They will notify the insurance com¬

pany of the wreck lUbe work ofraising it is begun immediately It canprobAbly be saved but Ifitla allowed-to remain in the water any length oftime It Is the general opinion that itwill be so badly damaged that will bepractically wdrthless

Theboat was run between Liver-more and Calhoon It has been do-


a good business and was becom ¬

log very popular It was valued atabout 5000

For bruises cuts burns wounds of

any sortfor rheumatism stiffjointsand sore muscles Ramons Nerve andBone Oil is a prompt remedy J HWilliams m

Catarrh and Hay FeverLiquid Cream Balm is becoming

quite as popular In many localities asElys Cream Balm sold It is pre ¬

pared for use in atomizers and Is

highly prized by those who have beenaccustomed to call upon physiciansfor such a treatment Many physi ¬

clAns ire using and prescribing ItAll the medicinal properties ot thecelebrated Cream Burn are containedIn the Liquid form which Is 75 etaIncluding a spraying tube All drug ¬




Triple Tragedy in HendersonCounty

Allen Melton Mortally Shoots His

RIccc and Stepdaughter end

Shoots Mrs JohnCulver

Shoots Himself and Takes ParisGreen

Last Wednesday evening at 730 i

oclock Allen Melton shot and mor ¬

tally wounded his Btepdanghteriidrjdseriously wounded Mrs Mrs JohnCulver at the Culver home InHenderson county about three miles from

Smith Mills

On the evening named Melton vis ¬

lied John Culver ostensibly to see

about some plant beds

At the hour named and while JohnCulver the head oi the house wasout in the barnyard Melton went toithe room In which Mrs Culver andMiss Melton were sitting His hostil demonstrations alarmed the ladlesIand they started to flee Meltonfired the ball taking effect in thegirls back The murder then pur¬

sued Mrs Culver to the kitchen doorand fired the ball taking effect In herback also-

MlssllIelton1s thought to be mor-


wounded The wounds of MrsCulver are not so serious

Melt n left the premises in doublequick time leaving both women ly-


on the floor bleeding and appar¬

ently in a dying conditionFriends and neighbors started in

pursuit and it was thought the wretchhad fled to the Ohio river near by andcrossedbut this morning bloodhoundsfrom Morgaafield traced him to hisown bran In Union county just overthe line where he was found

When Melton learned that his hid-


place had been discovered or justbefore he shot himself in the head-

sinflicting a bloody wound Later itwas found that he had taken Parisgreen in an eflort to end his wretchedexistence His wounds were dressedby a physician and he now lies insdangerous condition and is not ex-


to recoverThe shooting was all done with aa

old pistol owned by Melton andwhich had been repaired by a black ¬

smith at Smith Milts two days beforeIt Is thought that Meltons real pur-


In visiting the Culver home wasto boot his stepdaughter with whomhe had not been on good terms forsometime past bhe having let hishome to seek shelter at the home ofher relative John Culver on accountof her stepfathers mistreatment

Melton Is about 40 years old andmarried Mrs Melton the widow ofhis deceased brother Her daughterwas therefore his stepdaughter andniece as well She is about 16 yearsof

ageForsome unknown reason Meltcn

bad been angry at his wile and herdaughter and is said to have attemptedhls wiles life some weeks sinceby attempting to hang her

The tragedy has stirred up the en ¬

tire neighborhood and but for Mel¬

tons condition his life would be un ¬

safe longer in the coummnnltyJohn Culver is a prominent farmer

living in the Utley neighborhoodabout three miles from Smith MillsHe and his wIle are old citizens of

the county

It has been leared that before flee ¬

ing from the Culver home after thebloody deed Melton also made an attemp upon the life ota boy memberof the family who escaped the clutchesof the fiend and made his escape andraised the alarm


Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It In

the Headlines

To pe an eighteenth centuryphrase this Is an oer true taleHaving happened in a small Virginiatown in the winter ol 1902 it is astory very much of the present Upto a short time ago Mrs John E Har¬

mon of Melfa Station Va had nopersonal knowledge of the rare earnttive properties of ChamberlainsCough Remedy Last Januaryshe says my baby took a dreadfulscold and at one time Iwould have pneumonia but one of

my neighbors told me how this reme ¬

dy had cured her little boy and I be ¬

gan giving It to my baby at once andit soon cured her I heartily thankthe manufacturers of ChamberlainsCough Remedy for placing so great a

fcure with himy reach I cannotrecommend It too highly or say toomuch in its favor I hope all whoread this will try It and be convinced-

as I was For sale by all druggists

CTOxi rABNIitbSits Kind You lira Always Bott

tSlsnIfro >



WIFEDJESSuddenly After Being Beaten

by Husband

George Roone is Arrested and

V fjJafcen to Carrollton for1safeKleplng


Owenton Ky March 9xrrGebrge

Boone is In the Carrollton JiVSKon thecharge of wife murder and physiciansare engaged in holding a postmortem

5camlnation on the body of MrsBone wUi a view to ascertaining thecause of her death

News reached here early this morntIng that Mrs Boone was found dead

andofficers started at once on thehunt of Boone The family livedabout four miles south of here on MrNeal Littrels latin and when the of-


arrived there they saw Boonemaking his way across a field Afteran exciting chase he was capturedaud landed in the Owenton jail

On Thursday morning he had aquarrel with his wife and it is saidstruck her with a club She lefthome and went to the house of aneighbor remaining there until thatafternoon when she returned to herhome to pack up some of her house ¬

hold effects Later in the afternoonshe went to the home of a Mr Hearnand stayed there alt night The nextmorning she was found dead with herslxmonthsold child lying across her

breastWhenseen in the jail Boone was

very nervous He said that his wif ihad often threatened to poison her ¬

self and he esked that a postmortemexamination bemads to determinewhether she had taken polon Hesaid he did not believe the blows shereceived caused her death

Later Boone was taken to Carrollton for safekeeping

Doctors Bott and Blrchet In com-


with the Sheriff visited theof the crime and made a careful

examination of the body They re ¬

moved the stomach end are analyzingit The physicians say the blowswere sufficient to cause death Sincetheir report excitement has increasedand talk of mob violence has beenprevalent Noonebelieyca the storytold by Boose that she took poison

Boos is about thirty years oldMm Eoone had born previously mar ¬

rid and bad csveral children Shewas a dughte of John McCcmcs areputable citizen of Owen county


Not a CandidateLouisville Match 9 Augustus E

Wilson denies that he is a candidatefor the Republican nomination forGovernor of Kentucky He said thathe would feel complimented like anyother ordinary citizen by being nom ¬

inated but when askedJf he wouldaccept the nomination fflt was ten ¬

dered to him unanimously he repliedthat he would not accept It under anyconditions

OA Z Rirsth yjfta KM YN Dm Almjs fetjt


a aAttorney Chas 0 Prowse of Hop

klnsvllle has written ta the Ken ¬

tucky Exhibit Association that hecan furnish for the Kentucky Build-


a rough frame of Jefferson Davisbirthplace made from the timbers ofthe old home site in Christian countyHe also offers the Association penand ink drawing J2 by 18 iriches insize of the blrthplac-

eChamberlains Colic Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy

Is the best and most popular medl ¬

cine in use for Dowel complaints It

totalttMreaysI have handled ChamberlainsColic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedyfor twelve years have never sold abottle that did not give perfect satis ¬

faction and it is the best sellingdiarrhoea medicine that I handleFbrsale by all druggists m

Christopher Columbus ListlJpneral

Christopher Columbus has just beenburled again and probably for the lajst

in The event took place a fewweek ago in the famous and beautifycatticdral of Seville Spain wherein a-

pecial mausoleum has been con-


to hold the ashes of the oncedespised but now glorified navigatorThe coffin was bore by seamen of thenavy and was followed by a cortegeheaded by the Archbishop oi Sevillethe minister of marine the captaingeneral of Cadiz and other dlgnltarei The ashes of no illustrious man

have been honored with so manyburials and removals an those ol Co-lumbus They rested for two centurlea at Santo Domingo and in 1796were transfcrcd to tie cathedral atHavaaal After the SpanishAmeri ¬

can SpalncOwheie they by deslre r a descendant jof Columbus the Duke oi Veragua

k bg j

TREATMENT AT HOMEDr Hartmans Free Advice to Women =zA Generous

Offer to The Afflictedf i> r-




LADESecretary minot Woman1 AllianceMiss A Brady Corresponding Seem

tary Illinois Womans AlUance writesfrom 2725 Indiana avenue Chicago HI Z

Lost year from continued strain Inliterary work I bocamo very much ex¬

hausted my nerves seemed to give wayand I hod backache headache and seri¬

ana indigestion Ono of my friends sug-gested that I try Pecans It certainlyacted like magi on my system

Within ton days I felt now life andhealth givon me and by taking an acessional dose oB and >n when I feel extratired I keep my system In perfectordorMiM Brady

Miss Millie Baker writes from 200 EastOhio street Chicago Ill tLUX suffered for Tears with weakness

Groves Tasteless TonicMZonIGroves Pile

Keelr1J 81STS

7SorThQflZ1iHvhllllJ JIIlltzIprerertoldbTCamS but School

ollthejenr WKIGJIT PreaU

have been interred incathedral Surely the inscriptionqulescat written pver thistomb have of moreordinary significancehoped that this interment wilt serveto settle forever the dispute as towhether Columbus remains wereever really removed Domingo Leslies1 Weekly

You Want Ibis Gol

nrp going to givo aTenDollar Gold piece

to Correspondent THEREPUBLICAN who sends us

of yearly Rubscribers bolero noon of ilonday April 5 Renewals counLthe aa new subscriptionswhen paid up one your in advance prizotie work ono of our correspondents is going to itWhy not could

clubs having tho of-

fer open to everybodywe limit it to our correspond-ents because we want to showthem that wo appreciate theirwork for REPUBLICAN

Send in moneyas rapidly receivethem Qvery subscription

iIi bo credited toyour account BeginAT ONCE

Farming ColoradoMexico

The who contemplates1changing his location should lookwell Into the subject irrigation I


peculiar to women sovero bearingdownand continual headache

After using flvo of Iwas as well and as everMfHMillie Baker

Mrs Nellie 070 W Twentiethstreet Chicago HI President of theLadles of tho O A R has the followingto nay about Pornn-

aGontiemenZ recommendespecially for women aa It promptlycures tho weakness our sex and will

be sure to give satisfactionMRS NELLIE BLYLER

A Assist MatronofPeoples Hospital 758 Sheffield avenueChlcagofllwrtteat

I Lava had trcqoeat opportaalUttto observe the woa4 trtul csmttve too

with every bottle b a Cent package Mock Root UvarIlo TMC CNWt3T J I



T tC


and icnool building In thi South Instruction laiMiloaStnQeaU can enter at any time VUlton alwari welcome EI

they Seville

In pacewould been than

It is to be

from Santo ¬


Wo nicenew

the of

tho largest club


A for a litanti

gotyou Wo got

moro bybut


TilEnames arid

as youand

sent willclub


in Utah andNew c



r Jp=

painsbottles Feruna





MisvW Allison



arranged ladlridnol


Before making a trip of investigationthere is no better way to secure advanced Information than by writingto those most Interested In the settlemerit of unoccupied lands Severalpublications giving valuable infor ¬

mation In regard to the agriculturalhorticultural and live stk interestsof this great western section havebeen prepared by the Denver RioGrande and the RI Grande Westernwhich should be In the hands of allwho desire to become acquainted withthe merits of the various localities


One way second class colonist ratescommencing February 15th andcontinning dally until April joth Tick-ets will be sole at greatly reducedrates to California Colorado Oregonand Washington points These rateswill continue in effect until March 31

for Colar do and California pointsbut only until April sofa for Mon ¬

tans Washington and Oregon points

An experienced and successful adsays In the beginning he

was confronted by the problem as t9what form oi publicity would bringthe best results After trying allother mediums he was convinced thatnot only the betbnt alsothe cheapeat medium is the newapapcrot largecirculation



Cash Capital SEOOOOStockholder AddTI Liability 10000QuarulIeeFuodbrCiilom r St 00-

000rEOcpotlU recelTwJ ratijw to ebeclc CoiU

Mthlne to d p9 l or cluck oat All can todone br null laterert raid ea time dtporiu-tSP i a or






tecta of Peninn It Jiffevlatea paMnod sreaest IncreaSes the appetiteand so tones ap the entire system thatthe pattest quickly ngatoa ttnagtAss4lJHltllMrs W A AINsoa

Free Homo AdtteeIn view of the great mnUUode ot

women Buffering from some fora iffemale disease and yet BaaWai fta Jany cure Dr Hartmaa the reaowtptclalM oa female eetarrhat dHMatodlrcases as make application to himduring tile samaer moatbi wlttKHttcharge > J

Thom wishing to become paMelashould address The Peruaa MedlolaOoColumbuflOhto

Enclosed Tea of >


BUILDER X GONTWORH-nrlford Kytotractcontract




Talk being cheap and necessaryyou should patronize home Mttswhere you can buy your own pliqasBand build your own lines dud btviavtalking distance with the wbi>k Ma ¬

ty and business points gefreMlty byonly paying a reasonableRough River Telephone Cotnpftnyecthey will be nt the whole expense ifyou say so We connect with all In-

dependent Companies For particu ¬

lars call on S T Stevens ManagerHartford Ky


Is sure toGIVE-



Outs UIIf At onceIt clennm koothnt

Bad heal the dUcnxntmembrane It en iicatarrh end dilTManw Ilald In 0uEADorbed Iprotwt tbe Membrane Rtwtorfe the Sense efTaetanad Howll Knll tlu SOe at D laU orbyrn bAil Trial eli ICc br mall

ELY DKOTIJEKSM WarrenStreet New Tork

Lyons Laxative Syruprsn vegetable preparation absolutelyharmless Itrita effcct it acts gently oathe kidneys Iverandbowelscurcsconi-tipation sick headacbe jclears complexion and makes theblood pure An remedy for childten aa as adultsFor sale by J Thoa Allen RoslneKy



Vten roa take Ororea Tuteleaa Chill Tonic becaora the torninla U printed on seer bottie inowlnt that U la imply Iron and Quinine Inivtontclciw Jprn No Cure NoTar aac

ATTENTIONWhen In Oweoaboro call oa Vm Cuahlo

denier In pore straight WhUklre Apple and1each Brandies Agtiat frank Phr DrowlcCo Jurorden will recelre roQipt attentionThe beet 2W AVhUker In the State

Win CUSHION Owensberq


