The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1901-05-10 [p...

CASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the- Signature of In- Use For Over Thirty dear- sCASTORIA CITAU COY W n CITI Jfln7 Cents a Yeu Loss Than a Penny a Numbor THE SOUTHS LITERARY WEEKLY I Published ut Atlanta Ga I 111oeraqunrteroCllnniury It contains feriul Hit rlei < from the lot known authors the world I over It Is devoted to Southern reader mud Southern w rllrrs and Is their own Mory paper Flimt itorlc skctebes liicMemi of v and of 11CtI1t flue lutes at home and ntleld xiiIM leads a ifI Jon hints fur hot le kttti r everything of futvrcet to old uprhutwugreat AXTIIOXY > ls to cover former la- stalhnentslnuIittlynJifiLuvr by dunrlci141111 Son to begin April 2d will iJe read with nbrorlitiiff lotsivt i throughout the vhlo South Till Ii your oi ig rtimtty wl only 60 cents for u lull of It Think oill 50 itriiK bul HTlitloii pie la onyfiity ccntt a year Noap i comniWIon Tlio ijptr h It I own I ect olVor argument to te subscriber One anipi copy ftxi to you and in ynm lx I neighbors vlios niiiicsaiKl aJJrcs > c < you sand < m l1 tnl card provide you send at mice A ciub of flu at 4C II each avoiiiiiink Ly the full amount t i bl set to Ut < tl- I9 the sender to The flinny t outs a whole year free i The Sunny tu your oll iiieml In a new form rl ri ways Inipiovlm t very issue to exrl tle lat one Tot South V It todftYfhu the rreatwt of nil 1VeellyC to Thc Sunny Suitli anti get tliwe two jrcut pa1KtOud Literary the oiler News AddrcxR flit lelu s ind reiiilttnifi tlI rTHE SUIKY CCUTII ATLANTA C1 FIE1LD SON = = 0 = = = = = = TRANS FEll LINE = = = W == C = = = = = A = == AV = = = J- BAFtTFORD I Y A FAST AND KASY RIDl IN THE MOST COMFORTABLE VEHICLES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED A BOON TO MANKIND s DRTALEPS BUCKEYE A New Discovery fcr the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES WITHOUT PAIN CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED TUBES BY MAIL 76 CENTS BOTTLES 60 CENTS JAMES F OAl1AOD Sole Proprietor 310 North Main Street ST LOUIS MO wr X T WHITES CREAM V ORMS e VERfi1FUCE JIUlnQancLr IV I In Quality For 20 Years Has ied all Worm Remedies r A- t90Ta Y l3T AXX cnUGOEOXO Prepared by JAMES F SALLARD St Louis < u I 331DTTOATIOKT n BUSINESS uDnolaleir nc TKIIJT to tliu young ninu oryounx IIIm nbo would win Ielunfo Thin Mnit ton erdrd It ie or amt 111111100 o ortrnuingalthubolthnttundIntlwitryrontrank She Bryant Stratton Business College OV = z = c = IrsdA uprlnapromd 044444440 llltlM so New Smith Premiers Nos5d 6 The No6 takes paper I8J Inches wide and writes lines 16 Inches long longThese mechanical principles are the same as Models Nos 2 3 and 4un r equatedM I TdtetotPrinted Matter Free I Smilh Premier i esrrrifiw Co 412 Walnut Street Cincinnati Ohio d Hartford Republican FRIDAY MAY lo GOVERNMENT CURIOS SOME INTERESTING DEPARTMENTS AT TH E PANAM ERICAN EXPOSITION Ilnre Collections From the Smith MonlnH Inatllllllon llvlntf Hllilblt of Indian an Aurlcnltural 3luae nut and 3lodela of AVnrahlpa As nu appropriation of half n million dollars wall uiailo by the Government for the buildings to contain tho Govern meut exhibits as well ns for the exhib its themselves the display at the Pan American Exposition will be of uo ordinary standard The collection tram the Smithsonian Institution will be very large and of Croat Interest as It will demonstrate the scientific progress of the country and the results of Its recent explora tions accompanied by portraits nod models of various kinds The groups under the Department of Anthropology In the Museum will bo of particular value broth front scientific and artistic standpoints Somo already completed are groups of the Patagonlans the Es- kimos ¬ and the Sioux done by skilled artists and scientists The sculptor El llcott has had several of them In hand and they present the most Interesting and lifelike study of character manu ners customs and dress of the various peoples they portray The Natural Ills tory display also under the National Museum will IKS excellent while all ob jects Illustrative of the natural re- sources of tho country and their utiliza tlon not covered by other departments or exhibitors will bo exhibited The Living exhibit of the Six Nations now In preparation by the Hureati of Ethnology will be especially unique Representatives of all the tribes now In the country will be brought to the Exposition The historic old council house of the Iroquois wilt be reproduc ed In bark by the Indians who have gathered and prepared the material themselves At the Exposition they will follow the customs of their early ancestors In making weapons tools utensils dolls and knickknacks Corn will bo ground In stone mortars 300 years old and bread will be made In the crude way known to the Six Na- tions ¬ as they learned It In time imme- morial For the time being the Indians will discard what civilization has brought them and live In the wigwams as their ancestors lived ready for the battle or the chase Interpreters will be provided so that the public may talk with the Indians who do not under- stand ¬ English Their various festivals will be celebrated with the customary dances and weird ceremonials Under the Department of Agriculture there will be n museum of cereals to- bacco animal and vegetable fibers II ¬ lustrative of distribution the effect of transportation of changes of soil cli- mate and altitude and showing depart ¬ mental methods of study and treat- ment ¬ All exhibits of Interest and con- cern to those engaged In agriculture horticulture and live stock Industries will be gathered and arranged by the following bureaus The Bureau of Ani ¬ mal Industry Weather Burefu Divi ¬ lion of Entomology Division of Orni thology and Mammalogy Botanical and Horticultural Divisions and Divi ¬ sions of Forestry Chemistry Statistics and Experimental Stations The State Department will Illustrate the workings of the Diplomatic Bureau Consular Bureau Bureau of States ¬ tics Bureau of Accounts and a number of other divisions of the department An exhibit of historical archives and letters of great men will also be made under the auspices of the State Depart meat Among the exhibits collected by the Treasury Is one of a lighthouse In full operation with models of lighthouses showing styles of construction a coin stamp In operation showing the coin Ing of money at the rate of 00000 coins per hour a complete collection of the coins of all nations and n set of medals struck by this mint In Phila ¬ delphia a model of a quarantine sta- tion ¬ Illustrating the care of the Gov- ernment In preventing the Introduction and spread of contagious diseases models of Merino Hospital operating rooms with X ray apparatus and a model of a vessel especially construct- ed ¬ for deep sea sounding showing sounding lines and apparatus used In measuring the depth of the water The department will also construct n life- saving station upon the shore of Lake Erie showing all modern devices In cluding a lifeboat and a surfboat with captain and crew of ten men who will give exhibitions dally Illustrating the actual operations of nil the devices for saving life along our coasts All of the portraits of the Attorney Generals from 1TU to the present time will be sent on by the Department of Justice together with photographs of other famous lawyers and Judges Doc- uments ¬ showing Important periods In the history of the United States de- partmental ¬ publications and u number of old lawbooks will also be sent One special feature of Interest under this department will bo the photos and prisonersIlInller The 1ostolUcc Department will have a larger space at this Exposition than It has ever occupied at any previous exposition In this country 3000 square feet Models of all the various meth- ods of mall transportation employed In this country and our newly acquired territories will be exhibited and these will take up the main part of the ex hibit They will Include models of domestic and International mall steam ¬ ships railway postal cars mall wag ¬ ons pneumatic mall carriers a model of the overland coach a figure of the Pony Express and largo models of rural collection and distributing wag oils In themselves postotnccs on wheels In addition there will bo an array of stamps envelopes and cards domestic and foreign with models of Cuban Porto Rican nail Filipino mall carriers as they were under Spanish rule paintings photographs and pic- ture illustrative of wall trantqiorta tlon In all countries as well as a large and curious exhibit from the Dead Let Iter Olllco nail a Model Olllcc giving a complete view of the operation of n poxtotllcc where mall for visitors will be received Under the Department of the Interior will be exhibits from tho Geological Survey with particular reference to the mineral products of tho States and from the Bureau of Indian Affairs demonstrating the educational work of the Government among time Indians The special features of Interest under this department will be exhibits from I Alaska showing the wonderful devel opment of gold mining the fish fur oil and Ember Industries as well as- S wo y ry u- L minerals and curious sections of forma ¬ dons from our national parks The Navy Department will make ex ¬ hibits of models of ruenof war Includ ¬ ing battleships monitors protected and unprotected cruisers gunboats Includ tug the dynamite gunboat Vesuvius rams torpedo boats and torpedo bolt destroyers One of tho most Interest platedS The victorious fleets at Santiago and Manila will be separately grouped The visitor will be able to examine close at band such Interesting objects as rapid fire guns of numerous designs Catling guns rifled cannon of various shotn der used In modern naval warfare nnft the thousand and one equipment aril des that make up the outfit of a mod ern manofwar The transportation and arrangement of all these exhibits are under the board of management of the commit ¬ tee also charged by net of Congress with their selection and purchase and which Is composed of the following members J II Drlgham Assistant Secretary of Agriculture chairman W IL Michael Department of State W II Hills Treasury Department Cap taln Peter C Harris War Depart- ment Frank Strong Department of Justice John B Brownlow Postofllco Department B F Peters Navy De- partment P W Clarke Department of the Interior F W True Smithsonian Institution and National Museum W deC Ravenel Commission of Fish nod Fisheries C II Vcrrlll Department of Labor W C Fox Bureau of Ameri can Republics W V Cox Secretary W M Geddes Disbursing Officer John M Blddle Assistant Secretary R U Stone Clerk A special committee was appointed by this board to arrange for exhibits from the Philippines Hawaii Porto Rico Cuba Alaska the Isla toC Guam and our newest possessions Tu tulla nud Slanua This work Is well advanced and unique and Instructive exhibits of a most extensive variety will be displayed A WORTHY SUCCESSOR Something New Under The Sun All Doctors have tried to cure Catarrh by the use powders acid gases inhalers and drugs in paste form Their powders dry up the mucuous membranes causing them to crack open and bleed The power fnl acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same mem branes that their makers have aimed to cure while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease An old and experienced practitioner who hat tar many years made a close study and speciality of the treatment ol Catarrh has at last perfected a treat ¬ ment which when faithfully used not only relieves at once but permanent Iy cures Catarrh by removing the cause stopping the discharges and curing all inflammation It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts This wonderful remedy Is known as Snuffles the Guaranteed Catarrh Cure and Is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar each package containing iaternaland external medicine sufficient fora full months treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use Snuffles is the only perfect Cureever made and is now recognized as the only sate and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease It cures all irflamatlon quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve Hay Fever or Cold in the Head I Catarrhwhen neglected often lead to Consumption Snuffles will save you if you ate it at once It is no ordinary remedy but a complete treatment which Is postlvely guaran teed to cure Catarrh in any Into ot stage if need according to the direc- tions which accompany each pack age Dont delay but send lor it at once and write full particulars as to your condition and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding yourcasa without cost to you beyond the regular price ol Snnfihs the Guaranteed Catarrh Cure Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt ol One Dollar Address Dept i Ed- win B Giles Company 2331 and 2332 Market street Philadelphia C ClaranteeG 900 YearlySl on Nome to trarel n liner ttfnnin other for local work looking utter our luUrentn ft WOO salary Kuarniitft jrorlj nun rumtnUMlon d adrnnrrmnt old mtiitllnh w1 Lourhand rbnone for tnriimt roan tir ptnltlooniiitrallnromendtutor Wrlle lit on aeti- ahFLrFIIU IIIES- salharshA II ps 11ntr1onn i Hughes Chi I Tonic I Pa1atab1eJ- i Better than Calomel Quinine Contains no Arsenic I TH GOLD RELIABLE Excellent GENERAL TONIC- A well u II arnrfor CIIIMJt nod FE VUIIM llulnrlnl Ftrrn Swamp Fern 8011111 loai Ftvtri It Never FailsJ- ust what you Recd at this season MILD LAXATIVE NERVOUS SEDATIVE SPLENDID TONIC Jont old Ijj your PrnmdU lionS take nnjr ubntltote Try lt9OCandl10- 0PREPARED B- YRobinsonPettet Co arts INCOItlOIUTKn Loulsvlllo Ky it J r I buckles famous I Roasted Coffa o 45t The low price t which Atbucklcs famous roasted coffee can be sold is made possible by its enormous sale It should not be classed with the inferior imitations sold at a cent a pound less than Arbuckles It has a quality greatly superior to these imitations and makes many more cupfuls to the pound No other firm in the world can buy coffee to so good advantage is the producers of Arbucklcs Coffee No other coffee is cleaned roasted or blended with such great care and skill When you buy Arbuckles you get better quality and greater value than you can get in any other coffee at anywhere near the same price You also get with each package t1 definite part In sonic useful article Full information with etch package Save the signatures ARBUCKLE BROS- NotIoaDqtt New York Coq NY Chills FQ e d THE BEST PRESCRIPTION IS I Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic youLJ1 ill MIUv jusi WIIUL you arc larwiiij YIIVII you iarv vjiuvw t iiiuiaiui I do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy A their medicine if you knew what it contained Grovcs contains Q Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless H form The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the jlj malaria out of the system Any reliable druggist will tell you that tf Groves is the Original and that all other socalled Tasteless Chill Tonics are imitations An anao- fl Isis or other chill tonics shows p that Groves is superior to all others in everyrespect You UJ arc not experimenting when you take Groves its superiority and excellence having long been established Groves is the only Chill Cure sold throughout the entire malarial sections of the United States No Cure No Pay Price soc DO YOU WANT MACHINERY For Threshing Machinery fnv Mills Hay Presses Wind Mills Well Pumps THE BEST J Huy Bale Tics Coilwiro Grato Burs Pipo Fittings Engine and Boiler Trimmings etc Callon McHenry Mf g < Mach CO McHonry Ky Take The Hartford Republican fl rd fLtI I I IDIIh1Dcl T 0 Oiilo County Clrcnll Coatl WT Own Jniln i JJB flout Attorney Omb ro T II Illufk Jallrr BI faluloanl i1 Htvrrni Hh riff lUrttoril Drpatjr Hhtrltf D WsTloaly nut Aogaat nceonUnur tbrr wotktaad third Ho d j In May nod Norrrotwr two wwk County Contt J I Jllllfr Judal II HllUK imdnrrkftl U llfimla Attorufj Hartford j fUoart eon nr tint Monday In each mouth MondayIn i lbnrtolneimacannaeamtMoagayInJ l aatT > la October Otaer Offlren N tloilej Xarrjor lthn D II royal AMnuor PordiTtU FOB Roger school HQwrlatad at Hartford I W Itt Coroner Sulphur Sprluit- i7vtBUc Court i SVpIamb W A Mont CentertowaFtbraarr 11 llajr U Animit M VortaUr 4 INI Septmber U F Irate IiatordUarch 51 Jg10 sep tmbr It Lamb 11 INI- OK Fltihogh IQHdiUartk eJv e T8p tow ber I Dcnmber I INI- ConitablM T W Uarrttt Olaton WI HUw art Uaoda J II Itennlt 1mitlt Jrum A1IQ JIDRO I L NVUoi llifard r rl1l1o + t Crvtea M E berth southseas third Bnndaj la each moth atUani and 7p m ud fonrths Bandar at T p la 1rnjr Dwtlmr am TCtdm dAl tTeolQK the J 0 IVtrU Tutor IIndAlleb lairtrrrThnnda vnfg IIrII II Htoet hem 1ator 0P ChonhtVnrlrM Bnt Btnda la tack mouth at It a uaBdT pm ItI I liar anl Mulur school TnIllatttdlu P Jlllltr J H- Ulnu W U llardvlti WII Maai Woodbury Tile 11 F Thomai Tows Trotwlt T Colllat J M Uattltal Shelby Tailor EW Ford A DWhit Hartford Ccnt Oocl u A O U W alt Mcund cad fourth Wrjor day aught KalukU ol GqiltjnwUHtoad cud fourth Sat ardaj sight Knight ot Honor tnttta Bnt cud third Satur ¬ day alorbl- olItUottl Lodge No ra K A A 1I0lIrot Moody night la reek uiooth Image Illrrr LodgeNo11 Kal hUol Itkla mrtrry Taraday night rrNtHB Ilortulat No 4 U A IL hold Ttf star m rtlam Ratanlay bfur5mt Gaudy each monk All mmbtro of tk rr ctlr < lodirM em InTlttd atud alt tnwtlDiri ThrouRh Stooping Car Sor vico Louisville to Jaoksonvillo VI- ASOUTHERN RAILWAY Leave Louisville 745 a m dilly Leave Lexington 1050 a m dally Arrive Chattanooga 550 p m dally Arrive Atlanta 1015 p m dally Arrive Jacksonville 830 a m dally Equally at good schedule returning Alto train leaving Louisville 7 45 P > m has through connections and aleep lug car service arriving at ville 1009 P m next IacklonI Southern Railway In with the Queen tt Cresent Rout Is the only line with 24Hour Schndulo Between Louiavillo and Jack- sonville Superior connections at Jacksonville for all polnta in South Florida Winter tourists tickets now on salt to principal lesorta of Florida and the Southern States also to Havana Nu ¬ San and Porto Rico via Southern Rail wayInformation 230 Fourth Ave Louis ¬ l ville A Whedon Passenger Agent W A TURK Gen Pus Agent Washington D C WM II TAYLOR A G P A Louisville Ky NEW THROUGH LINE trWlllf tYASSYlfr AND CHICAlCO A new through car line has been established for the entire distance over the Illinois Central between Kvansvill and Chicago the line being via Mattoon Champaign and the road t from Rvansvllle to Mattoon formerlJ s part of the P D B services is as follows NORTH BOUND SuijLv Ar Chicago 7008 m 700 pm SOUTH BOUND Daily Ex Sun Lv Chicago 840 pm 830001 AiBvansvllle 8058 m 5sop m Through sleeping cars on night trains and through free reclining chair JIB on day trains tickets ol you local ticket agent 11 E5rof htorn ob o ael od tIIOoeo tIIrtl mdlhnaTAkoltlla I 111 po aU Nrrlal en dlrentlbeaelatutdbeererwrnmd CVUII w- ranqmruwe DROPSY IMmWa may Ihnwnd e bop- tmsuJ11u11wot11MnfUmpwme ln IB tea nmer- 1aiunlatsadTIPDAYS trwtrowt tn oa P BenKtll sold Hoi KA luMUft csaacs rSOJA L are two of the mot profitible crept nA Other aeaaonahleeed may need SeenSorghum Corn Ouclnvbeat Rapt Etc We carry trio target rind hilt col lection ol Seed In the Centni West Including VerttabJe Field OraM and n OUR CATALOGUE full defer h1a11e4FRED Scud in a lilt of Seeds you heed aodweltqutglowprlcuWood 9lDmneltsPflPr LouiaviuE KENTUCKY IIzlr sisr 1 + f 1

Transcript of The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1901-05-10 [p...

Page 1: The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1901-05-10 [p ] For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the- Signature

CASTORIAFor Infants and Children

The Kind You Have

Always Bought

Bears the-





For Over

Thirty dear-


Jfln7 Cents a Yeu Loss Than a Penny a Numbor


Published ut Atlanta Ga I

111oeraqunrteroCllnniuryIt contains feriul Hit rlei< from the lot known authors the world Iover It Is devoted to Southern reader mud Southern w rllrrs andIs their own Mory paper Flimt itorlc skctebes liicMemi of vand of 11CtI1t flue lutes at home and ntleld xiiIM leads a ifIJon hints fur hot le kttti r everything of futvrcet to olduprhutwugreat AXTIIOXY

> ls to cover former la-stalhnentslnuIittlynJifiLuvr by dunrlci141111Son to begin April 2d will iJe read with nbrorlitiiff lotsivt i

throughout the vhlo South Till Ii your oi ig rtimtty wlonly 60 cents for u lull of It Think oill 50 itriiK

bul HTlitloii pie la onyfiity ccntt a year Noap icomniWIon Tlio ijptr h ItI own I ect olVor argument to tesubscriber One anipi copy ftxi to you and in ynm lx Ineighbors vlios niiiicsaiKl aJJrcs> c < you sand < m l1tnl card provide you send at mice A ciub of flu at 4C IIeach avoiiiiiink Ly the full amount tibl set to Ut < tl-

I9 the sender to The flinny touts a whole year free iThe Sunny tu your oll iiieml In a new form rl ri

ways Inipiovlm t very issue to exrl tle lat one Tot South V IttodftYfhu the rreatwt of nil1VeellyCto Thc Sunny Suitli anti get tliwe two jrcut pa1KtOudLiterary the oiler News

AddrcxR flit lelu s ind reiiilttnifi tlIrTHE SUIKY CCUTII ATLANTA C1

FIE1LD SON= = 0 ==== ==

TRANS FEll LINE===W== C === = = A = ==AV== = J-





A New Discovery fcr the Certain Cure of INTERNAL andEXTERNAL PILES WITHOUT PAIN


JAMES F OAl1AOD Sole Proprietor 310 North Main Street ST LOUIS MO


V ORMS e VERfi1FUCEJIUlnQancLr IV I In Quality

For 20 Years Has ied all Worm Remedies r A-


l3T AXX cnUGOEOXOPrepared by JAMES F SALLARD St Louis <uI 331DTTOATIOKTn BUSINESS uDnolaleir nc TKIIJT to tliu young ninu oryounx

IIIm nbo would win Ielunfo Thin Mnit tonerdrd It ie or amt 111111100 o ortrnuingalthubolthnttundIntlwitryrontrank

She Bryant Stratton Business CollegeOV = z = c=IrsdAuprlnapromd044444440 llltlM so

New Smith Premiers Nos5d 6The No6 takes paper I8J Inches wide and writes lines 16 Inches longlongThesemechanical principles are the same

as Models Nos 2 3 and 4un requatedM ITdtetotPrinted Matter Free

I Smilh Premieri esrrrifiw Co

412 Walnut Street Cincinnati Ohio


Hartford RepublicanFRIDAY MAY lo




Ilnre Collections From the SmithMonlnH Inatllllllon llvlntf Hllilbltof Indian an Aurlcnltural 3luaenut and 3lodela of AVnrahlpa

As nu appropriation of half n milliondollars wall uiailo by the Governmentfor the buildings to contain tho Governmeut exhibits as well ns for the exhibits themselves the display at the PanAmerican Exposition will be of uoordinary standard

The collection tram the SmithsonianInstitution will be very large and ofCroat Interest as It will demonstratethe scientific progress of the countryand the results of Its recent explorations accompanied by portraits nodmodels of various kinds The groupsunder the Department of AnthropologyIn the Museum will bo of particularvalue broth front scientific and artisticstandpoints Somo already completedare groups of the Patagonlans the Es-


and the Sioux done by skilledartists and scientists The sculptor Elllcott has had several of them In handand they present the most Interestingand lifelike study of character manuners customs and dress of the variouspeoples they portray The Natural Illstory display also under the NationalMuseum will IKS excellent while all objects Illustrative of the natural re-sources of tho country and their utilizatlon not covered by other departmentsor exhibitors will bo exhibited

The Living exhibit of the Six Nationsnow In preparation by the Hureati ofEthnology will be especially uniqueRepresentatives of all the tribes nowIn the country will be brought to theExposition The historic old councilhouse of the Iroquois wilt be reproduced In bark by the Indians who havegathered and prepared the materialthemselves At the Exposition theywill follow the customs of their earlyancestors In making weapons toolsutensils dolls and knickknacks Cornwill bo ground In stone mortars 300years old and bread will be made Inthe crude way known to the Six Na-


as they learned It In time imme-morial For the time being the Indianswill discard what civilization hasbrought them and live In the wigwamsas their ancestors lived ready for thebattle or the chase Interpreters will beprovided so that the public may talkwith the Indians who do not under-stand


English Their various festivalswill be celebrated with the customarydances and weird ceremonials

Under the Department of Agriculturethere will be n museum of cereals to-

bacco animal and vegetable fibers II ¬

lustrative of distribution the effect oftransportation of changes of soil cli-

mate and altitude and showing depart ¬

mental methods of study and treat-ment


All exhibits of Interest and con-

cern to those engaged In agriculturehorticulture and live stock Industrieswill be gathered and arranged by thefollowing bureaus The Bureau of Ani ¬

mal Industry Weather Burefu Divi ¬

lion of Entomology Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy Botanicaland Horticultural Divisions and Divi ¬

sions of Forestry Chemistry Statisticsand Experimental Stations

The State Department will Illustratethe workings of the Diplomatic BureauConsular Bureau Bureau of States ¬

tics Bureau of Accounts and a numberof other divisions of the departmentAn exhibit of historical archives andletters of great men will also be madeunder the auspices of the State Departmeat

Among the exhibits collected by theTreasury Is one of a lighthouse In fulloperation with models of lighthousesshowing styles of construction a coinstamp In operation showing the coinIng of money at the rate of 00000coins per hour a complete collectionof the coins of all nations and n set ofmedals struck by this mint In Phila ¬

delphia a model of a quarantine sta-tion


Illustrating the care of the Gov-ernment In preventing the Introductionand spread of contagious diseasesmodels of Merino Hospital operatingrooms with X ray apparatus and amodel of a vessel especially construct-ed


for deep sea sounding showingsounding lines and apparatus used Inmeasuring the depth of the water Thedepartment will also construct n life-saving station upon the shore of LakeErie showing all modern devices Including a lifeboat and a surfboat withcaptain and crew of ten men who willgive exhibitions dally Illustrating theactual operations of nil the devices forsaving life along our coasts

All of the portraits of the AttorneyGenerals from 1TU to the present timewill be sent on by the Department ofJustice together with photographs ofother famous lawyers and Judges Doc-


showing Important periods Inthe history of the United States de-


publications and u numberof old lawbooks will also be sent Onespecial feature of Interest under thisdepartment will bo the photos and

prisonersIlInllerThe 1ostolUcc Department will have

a larger space at this Exposition thanIt has ever occupied at any previousexposition In this country 3000 squarefeet Models of all the various meth-ods of mall transportation employedIn this country and our newly acquiredterritories will be exhibited and thesewill take up the main part of the exhibit They will Include models ofdomestic and International mall steam ¬

ships railway postal cars mall wag ¬

ons pneumatic mall carriers a modelof the overland coach a figure of the

Pony Express and largo models ofrural collection and distributing wagoils In themselves postotnccs onwheels In addition there will bo anarray of stamps envelopes and cardsdomestic and foreign with models ofCuban Porto Rican nail Filipino mallcarriers as they were under Spanishrule paintings photographs and pic-ture illustrative of wall trantqiortatlon In all countries as well as a largeand curious exhibit from the Dead Let

Iter Olllco nail a Model Olllcc givinga complete view of the operation of npoxtotllcc where mall for visitors willbe received

Under the Department of the Interiorwill be exhibits from tho GeologicalSurvey with particular reference tothe mineral products of tho States andfrom the Bureau of Indian Affairsdemonstrating the educational work ofthe Government among time IndiansThe special features of Interest underthis department will be exhibits from

I Alaska showing the wonderful development of gold mining the fish furoil and Ember Industries as well as-

S wo y ry u-


minerals and curious sections offorma ¬

dons from our national parksThe Navy Department will make ex ¬

hibits of models of ruenof war Includ ¬

ing battleships monitors protected andunprotected cruisers gunboats Includtug the dynamite gunboat Vesuviusrams torpedo boats and torpedo boltdestroyers One of tho most InterestplatedSThe victorious fleets at Santiago andManila will be separately groupedThe visitor will be able to examineclose at band such Interesting objectsas rapid fire guns of numerous designsCatling guns rifled cannon of variousshotnder used In modern naval warfare nnftthe thousand and one equipment arildes that make up the outfit of a modern manofwar

The transportation and arrangementof all these exhibits are under theboard of management of the commit ¬

tee also charged by net of Congresswith their selection and purchase andwhich Is composed of the followingmembers J II Drlgham AssistantSecretary of Agriculture chairman WIL Michael Department of State WII Hills Treasury Department Captaln Peter C Harris War Depart-ment Frank Strong Department ofJustice John B Brownlow PostofllcoDepartment B F Peters Navy De-

partment P W Clarke Department ofthe Interior F W True SmithsonianInstitution and National Museum WdeC Ravenel Commission of Fish nodFisheries C II Vcrrlll Department ofLabor W C Fox Bureau of American Republics W V Cox SecretaryW M Geddes Disbursing Officer

John M Blddle Assistant SecretaryR U Stone Clerk

A special committee was appointedby this board to arrange for exhibitsfrom the Philippines Hawaii PortoRico Cuba Alaska the Isla toCGuam and our newest possessions Tutulla nud Slanua This work Is welladvanced and unique and Instructiveexhibits of a most extensive varietywill be displayed


Something New Under TheSun

All Doctors have tried to cureCatarrh by the use powders acidgases inhalers and drugs in pasteform Their powders dry up themucuous membranes causing themto crack open and bleed The powerfnl acids used in the inhalers haveentirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimedto cure while pastes and ointmentscannot reach the disease An oldand experienced practitioner who hattar many years made a close studyand speciality of the treatment olCatarrh has at last perfected a treat ¬

ment which when faithfully used notonly relieves at once but permanentIy cures Catarrh by removing thecause stopping the discharges andcuring all inflammation It is theonly remedy known to science thatactually reaches the afflicted partsThis wonderful remedy Is known as

Snuffles the Guaranteed CatarrhCure and Is sold at the extremelylow price of One Dollar each packagecontaining iaternaland externalmedicine sufficient fora full monthstreatment and everything necessaryto its perfect use

Snuffles is the only perfectCureever made and is now recognizedas the only sate and positive cure forthat annoying and disgusting diseaseIt cures all irflamatlon quickly andpermanently and is also wonderfullyquick to relieve Hay Fever or Coldin the Head


Catarrhwhen neglected often leadto Consumption Snuffles willsave you if you ate it at once It isno ordinary remedy but a completetreatment which Is postlvely guaranteed to cure Catarrh in any Into otstage if need according to the direc-tions which accompany each package Dont delay but send lor it atonce and write full particulars as toyour condition and you will receivespecial advice from the discoverer ofthis wonderful remedy regardingyourcasa without cost to you beyondthe regular price ol Snnfihs the

Guaranteed Catarrh Cure

Sent prepaid to any address in theUnited States or Canada on receipt olOne Dollar Address Dept i Ed-

win B Giles Company 2331 and2332 Market street Philadelphia

C ClaranteeG 900YearlySl

on Nome to trarel n liner ttfnnin other forlocal work looking utter our luUrentn ft WOOsalary Kuarniitft jrorlj nun rumtnUMlon

d adrnnrrmnt old mtiitllnhw1 Lourhand rbnone for tnriimt roan tirptnltlooniiitrallnromendtutorWrlle lit on aeti-

ahFLrFIIU IIIES-salharshA II ps 11ntr1onn i

Hughes ChiI TonicI


Better than Calomel QuinineContains no Arsenic


Excellent GENERAL TONIC-A well u II arnrfor CIIIMJt nod FE

VUIIM llulnrlnl Ftrrn Swamp Fern 8011111

loai Ftvtri

It Never FailsJ-ust what you Recd at this


Jont old Ijj your PrnmdU lionS takennjr ubntltote Try lt9OCandl10-

0PREPARED B-YRobinsonPettet Coarts INCOItlOIUTKn

Loulsvlllo Ky

it J r

I bucklesfamous


Roasted Coffao

45t The low price t

which Atbucklcs famous

roasted coffee can be sold is madepossible by its enormous sale It should

not be classed with the inferior imitations sold ata cent a pound less than Arbuckles It has a

quality greatly superior to these imitations and

makes many more cupfuls to the pound No otherfirm in the world can buy coffee to so good advantage

is the producers of Arbucklcs Coffee No other coffee

is cleaned roasted or blended with such great care and

skill When you buy Arbuckles you get betterquality and greater value than you can get in any

other coffee at anywhere near the same price

You also get with each package t1

definite part In sonic useful articleFull information with etch package

Save the signatures


New York Coq NY

ChillsFQ e

d THE BEST PRESCRIPTION ISIGroves Tasteless Chill TonicyouLJ1ill MIUv jusi WIIUL you arc larwiiij YIIVII you iarv vjiuvw t iiiuiaiuiI do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buyA their medicine if you knew what it contained Grovcs containsQ Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a TastelessH form The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives thejlj malaria out of the system Any reliable druggist will tell you thattf Groves is the Original and that all other socalled Tasteless

Chill Tonics are imitations An anao- flIsis or other chill tonics shows

p that Groves is superior to all others in everyrespect YouUJ arc not experimenting when you take Groves its superiority

and excellence having long been established Groves is theonly Chill Cure sold throughout the entire malarial sections ofthe United States No Cure No Pay Price soc

DO YOU WANT MACHINERYFor Threshing Machinery fnv Mills Hay Presses Wind Mills Well Pumps

THE BEST JHuy Bale Tics Coilwiro Grato Burs Pipo Fittings Engine and Boiler Trimmings etc


McHenry Mf g < Mach COMcHonry Ky

Take The Hartford Republican

fl rd fLtI I

IIDIIh1Dcl T 0Oiilo County

Clrcnll Coatl WT Own Jniln i JJB floutAttorney Omb ro T II Illufk Jallrr BIfaluloanli1 Htvrrni Hh riff lUrttoril Drpatjr Hhtrltf DWsTloalynut Aogaat nceonUnur tbrr wotktaad thirdHo d j In May nod Norrrotwr two wwk

County Contt J I Jllllfr Judal II HllUKimdnrrkftl U llfimla Attorufj Hartford jfUoart eon nr tint Monday In each mouthMondayIn i

lbnrtolneimacannaeamtMoagayInJ laatT > la October

Otaer Offlren N tloilej Xarrjor lthnD II royal AMnuor PordiTtU FOB Rogerschool HQwrlatad at Hartford I W IttCoroner Sulphur Sprluit-

i7vtBUc CourtiSVpIambW A Mont CentertowaFtbraarr 11 llajr U

Animit M VortaUr 4 INISeptmberU F Irate IiatordUarch 51 Jg10 sep

tmbr It Lamb 11 INI-

OK Fltihogh IQHdiUartk eJv e T8ptow ber I Dcnmber I INI-

ConitablM T W Uarrttt Olaton WI HUwart Uaoda J II Itennlt 1mitlt Jrum A1IQJIDRO I L NVUoi llifard r

rl1l1o +t CrvteaM E berth southseas third Bnndaj la

each moth atUani and 7 p m ud fonrthsBandar at T p la 1rnjr Dwtlmr am TCtdmdAl tTeolQK the J 0 IVtrU Tutor

IIndAlleblairtrrrThnnda vnfg IIrII II Htoethem 1ator

0 P ChonhtVnrlrM Bnt Btnda la tackmouth at It a uaBdT pm ItI I liaranl Mulur

school TnIllatttdlu P Jlllltr J H-

Ulnu W U llardvlti WII Maai WoodburyTile 11 F Thomai

Tows Trotwlt T Colllat J M UattltalShelby Tailor EW Ford A DWhit Hartford

Ccnt Oocl uA O U W alt Mcund cad fourth Wrjor

day aughtKalukU ol GqiltjnwUHtoad cud fourth Sat

ardaj sightKnight ot Honor tnttta Bnt cud third Satur ¬

day alorbl-olItUottl Lodge No ra K A A 1I0lIrot

Moody night la reek uioothImage Illrrr LodgeNo11 Kal hUol Itklamrtrry Taraday nightrrNtHB Ilortulat No 4 U A IL hold Ttf

star m rtlam Ratanlay bfur5mt Gaudy eachmonk

All mmbtro of tk rr ctlr< lodirM em InTlttdatud alt tnwtlDiri

ThrouRh Stooping Car Sorvico Louisville to


ASOUTHERN RAILWAYLeave Louisville 745 a m dillyLeave Lexington 1050 a m dallyArrive Chattanooga 550 p m dallyArrive Atlanta 1015 p m dallyArrive Jacksonville 830 a m dallyEqually at good schedule returning

Alto train leaving Louisville 7 45 P >

m has through connections and aleeplug car service arriving atville 1009 P m next IacklonISouthern Railway Inwith the Queen tt Cresent Rout Isthe only line with24Hour Schndulo Between

Louiavillo and Jack-sonville

Superior connections at Jacksonvillefor all polnta in South Florida

Winter tourists tickets now on saltto principal lesorta of Florida and theSouthern States also to Havana Nu ¬

San and Porto Rico via Southern Rail

wayInformation230 Fourth Ave Louis ¬ lville A Whedon Passenger Agent

W A TURK Gen Pus AgentWashington D C

WM II TAYLOR A G P ALouisville Ky


CHICAlCOA new through car line has been

established for the entire distanceover the Illinois Central between

Kvansvill and Chicago the line beingvia Mattoon Champaign and the road tfrom Rvansvllle to Mattoon formerlJs part of the P D Bservices is as follows

NORTH BOUNDSuijLvAr Chicago 7008 m 700 p m


Lv Chicago 840 pm 830001AiBvansvllle 8058 m 5sop m

Through sleeping cars on nighttrains and through free reclining chairJIB on day trains tickets ol youlocal ticket agent


E5rofhtornob o ael od tIIOoeotIIrtlmdlhnaTAkoltlla I111 po aU Nrrlal en


CVUII w- ranqmruweDROPSY IMmWamay Ihnwnd ebop-

tmsuJ11u11wot11MnfUmpwmelnIB tea

nmer-1aiunlatsadTIPDAYS trwtrowt tnoa P BenKtll sold Hoi KA luMUft



are two of the mot profitible creptnAOther aeaaonahleeed may needSeenSorghumCorn Ouclnvbeat Rapt Etc

We carry trio target rind hilt collection ol Seed In the Centni WestIncluding VerttabJe Field OraM and

nOUR CATALOGUE full defer

h1a11e4FREDScud in a lilt of Seeds you heed


9lDmneltsPflPrLouiaviuE KENTUCKY

IIzlr sisr1 +
