The Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2012 - Autumn

Photography by Joe Brereton


Hade Edge Village Newsletter

Transcript of The Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2012 - Autumn

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Photography by Joe Brereton

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Photography by David Craggs

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What a wonderful summer of sport we’ve had. It’s great to reflect on the summer of 2012 and Team GB’s extraordinary and at times super human successes, which created life long memories.One of the highlights was the way in which the volunteers who helped to organise both the Olympic and Paralympic games changed the way we thought about ourselves, and what we can achieve. Their smiling faces, positivity and “can do” attitude were infectious and contrasted with the embarrassing and ultimately unsuccessful approach adopted by G4S. How can it be that a group of volunteers are able to succeed where paid contracted staff failed? I guess it’s to do with motivation and the values that those volunteers hold.

The Olympics in this country only come around once in a life time, but the spirit and energy of those Games Makers is something we could all seek to emulate in our daily lives. Ultimately it makes life more fun and meaningful if you engage with you local community, get to know your neighbours and feel a strong sense of belonging. Hade Edge Action for Residents (HEAR) is about all of these values. It needs to be a proactive, diverse group of local people who share one commitment: making Hade Edge a great place to live.

Each year we organise a Gala, which raises funds to support a variety of activities for the people of the village. We are currently involved in supporting the football club in their bid to build new changing facilities, organising a Christmas lunch for the senior citizens of the village and helping to gather the views of local people regarding traffic calming measures. We hold regular acoustic nights in the Bay Horse and undertake biannual litter picks to keep the village tidy and attractive. There will be those in our community who could think of other ways in which we can support one another to make the village a great place to live. If you are interested in getting involved then why not come along to one of our meetings, they take place on the second Tuesday of every month at 8pm in The Bay Horse. The committee is a joy to attend and open to anyone who wishes to join in.

Matthew MilburnChair HEAR



The village has managed to acquire 60 sapling trees including a Queen’s Jubilee commemorative Oak. These have been donated by The National Woodland Trust to be planted in and around the village. The saplings are arriving 5th November (and no they are for planting!) Would be great if a group of village volunteer came together to plant them - Interested? contact the breeze email, the more the merrier.

Stop Press:

Hi peeps I’m begging again. I wonder if any body would be kind enough to donate a gift for the senior citizens christmas dinner. It’s on the 18th November. Some thing like biscuits, wine, chocolates, preservatives or toiletries. Please let me know. Message me or text or ring on 07841752973. Thank you. Helen Craggs

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There are many Hero’s in Hade Edge who often don’t get recognised, or worse still, thanked for what they do for the village community. This is the opportunity for us to formally recognise our Hero’s (who come in many guises) by nominating them.

There are five categories

1 – The season’s village hero – For work recognised by the village

2 – The youth hero of the village - For work in the village or for personal achievement.

3 – The unsung hero of the village – For work that isn’t always appreciated.

4 – The sneaky pooch anti-hero – For being able to get under their owners radar regarding picking up dog poo

5 – The village cock-up hero – For making the funniest cock-up in the village.

This breeze’s nominations are

1 - Matthew Millburn – for the work on the HEAR committee (and being one of the few men who appears to get things right)

2 – James Slack – for the work he does on the village green (and his dad takes the credit)

3 – Leigh Rossi – for the work she did in the school, training the kids at gymnastics (and putting up with Mathew Millburn)

4 – No nominations this breeze – which is great!!!!

5 – Richard Slack – for offering to do a sponsored 7 hour silence (he, he) for a trip of a lifetime to Venezuela for his son James. (but agreeing to a full body wax forfeit, auditory recorded, if he fails)

Please contact the breeze if you would like to put forward a nomination (and why) for the next edition.

[email protected]

Heros of Hade Edge

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Hi again, so the bus campaign is still ongoing after raising the issue at the last HEAR meeting. However I am currently having trouble displaying the poster at the bus stop to local people, especially elderly residents who may be unaware of the petition. It seems every morning a group of High School students are ripping down posters (Including some of the Christmas and Macmillan posters) making it impossible for residents who use this stop later in the day to be informed. If you know anybody or have any relatives who would be interested in a better bus service in Hade Edge, please could you help spread the word. Details on how to contact Metro can be found here: Thank you very much!


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It may come as a surprise to some newer residents, but Hade Edge actually was at the receiving end of a German bomber during the Second World War. Whether by accident or design will forever remain a mystery.

Three substantial bombs were dropped: the first fell just behind Standbank Farm, the second hit the embankment of Holme Styes Reservoir and the third landed in a quarry on Cartworth Moor. I have heard several theories on the “raid”. They range from the random ; by which the bombs were jettisoned after an unsuccessful attack on Sheffield , through the accidental; with the pilot being fooled by decoy lamps on the moors, and finally the intentional; with the objective being a dambusters-style attack on the reservoir. The blast at Stand Bank must have been substantial because, according to John Swallow, the back roof of the farmhouse was badly damaged and had to be replaced.

In the written words of Miss Kathleen Lockwood of Choppards Buildings, “ One clear December night there was an air-raid warning about midnight and we went down into the cellar as usual – most of the local houses had a cellar, and the all-clear went after about an hour. We were all thankful to go back to bed. Before we had time to go to sleep we heard the loud droning sound of a bomber plane coming nearer and nearer. It dropped three bombs, each one making a terrific noise and when the last one fell we could hear the sound of falling stones and we felt sure the bomb had fallen on Washpit Mill, but luckily it fell in a quarry at Cartworth Moor.”“The first made a huge hole in a field at Stand Bank and the second fell harmlessly in Holmestyes Reservoir. If it had fallen on the embankment and breached it there might have been a Holmestyes Flood. It was not until 1976 during the drought that it was found almost at the bottom of the embankment where it had caused a small leak.”

“During the Holmfirth War Weapons Week, a total of £116. 8s 6d was raised by the sale of a coal rake and horse shoe, hand-forged from Nazi bomb splinters which were found in the Choppards area by Mr. J. Lodge of Glenthorpe, a member of Holmfirth A.F.S. Later Mr. Lodge made an impressive Russian emblem.”

The story of decoy lamps is itself an interesting one. A friend of my father, Raymond Shaw, recalls driving a lorry and trailer from RAF Manchester Ringway to RAF Hull in late 1940 or early 1941. Having newly joined the RAF, his first posting, before moving onto bombers, was as a driver. At the time, all road-signs had been removed for fear of invasion and navigation was difficult. With the aid of an AA map, he came over Holme Moss intending to stay overnight at RAF Holmfirth. To his surprise, what he found was a group of around a dozen Airmen whose job was to light flares and paraffin lamps (each night in different patterns) on the moors to attract German bombers who at that time had switched targets from London to Manchester and Liverpool. It seems that they had quite some success in attracting bombs and were very keen to make sure they were not on the moors after nightfall. Mr. Shaw cannot remember exactly, but RAF Holmfirth was roughly where Andrew’s Greengrocers is today on Huddersfield Road.Joseph Lodge, a cousin of my father’s mother, was a well-known character in the area. Born in 1889, he started working at Washpit in 1901 and later in 1907 he moved to working with his

MeMories of theBlitzkrieg. By Jimmy Dickinson

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father as an engine tenter, looking after the mill’s steam engine, Agnes. Coming from a family of blacksmiths and engineers, he was a gifted practical engineer himself and had the idea of collecting up fragments of the bomb shrapnel for reforging.

For War-Weapons Week in January 1941, Mr Lodge made a coal rake and horseshoe to be sold at auction. For Warship Week in 1942, he produced a model anchor and finally for Wings for Victory Week in Aprl 1943, he created the Russian Hammer and Sickle emblem : chromium plated and mounted on an oak shield.

At the time , before the days of the Cold War and the Iron Curtain, the Russians were seen as vital allies ; Stalingrad had just been retaken by the Soviets a few weeks earlier in February. Fund-raisng by the War Savings Committee that year was through the sale of lottery tickets sold at 6d each. Remarkably, the winning ticket was entered in the name of Winston Churchill.

Through the Colne Valley MP, Glenvil Hall, the shield was passed onto Downing Street with the effort being acknowledged to Mr Hartley , committee secretary, as follows : “ Mr W G Hall MP has forwarded to the Prime Minister a hammer and sickle shield made from Nazi bomb splinters in your area. It is not usual for the Prime Minister to accept gifts of any kind, but in view of the exceptional circumstances he has agreed to accept this and he desires me to thank you and through you, Mr Lodge who made this emblem, for all the hard work you have done in the War Savings campaign.”

Joe Lodge retired in August 1963 on completion of sixty-two years’ service at Washpit Mills of which fifty six had been spent looking after and oiling Agnes, the steam engine. As a retirement gift, he was presented with a silver-plated oilcan.

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Head Teacher Jeff Kilner reports…

I have to start by saying what an excellent beginning to the school year that we are having. Our new reception children joined us with such enthusiasm and excitement that we are overwhelmed by their confidence. All pupils are well settled into their routines and our theme of transport that school is buzzing with excitement. Indeed, we are awaiting our whole school trip to the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry which will consolidate the learning and the fun we are having with this topic.

On arrival back at school we introduced new ‘enrichment’ activities which gives children access to learning new skills in sewing, baking, sport and gardening. These are proving to be a great hit with the children and thanks to our recent addition of a greenhouse and planting beds, we have the capacity to grow fruit and vegetables in the ‘lovely’ Hade Edge climate.

All plans are currently being formed with Hade Edge Church and the pre-school for our Harvest Festival. The children are busy learning songs and during some assembly times we are thinking about harvest time in different locations. However, in song practice we keep being drawn back to ‘Have you heard the raindrops’ as it has fitted in with our recent weather. Hopefully, the song and the weather will improve over the coming weeks.

Then of course, we are looking ahead to Christmas and all of the festivities that a village school plans. We have already ordered our Christmas Tree and have even asked for a visit if Santa is in the area. As always, we would like to open one of our production dates to the elderly residents of Hade Edge and we will be contacting them directly closer to the time.

We do enjoy the links that we have with our community and hope that these can develop even more in the coming months and years. Events such as the Macmillan Coffee afternoon which our Friends of Hade Edge group held recently, that managed to raise over £262.00 fopr Macmillan Cancer Support.

So, a busy start to the school year. With the excitement and the enthusiasm that is in abundance within school I am sure we will have more to report in the coming months.

Thanks, Jeff Kilner.

There is so much going on at

Hade Edge J & I School

The school has an opening for a community governor. Information on the role of a school governors can be found on Kirklees M.C. website. If you require any further information, please contact the school.

Opening for a Community Governor...

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It seems an awfully long time since our last event, which was the gala, but we do remember it fondly despite the panics over the weather! What a fabulous event it turned out to be. We had great fun on our stalls and would like to thank all the helpers and those that came to play the games and eat the hot dogs. Please let us know if there are any games you particularly liked or if you have an idea of a new one for us to try next year. September 28th saw us work with the children at school to hold a Macmillan Coffee afternoon. The children baked some delicious goodies and year 6 pupils were great at helping us to sell the cakes donated by parents and friends. Thank you to everyone that came and together we raised a magnificent £262.21. For such a small school we think this is amazing. This time last year we signed up to and so far we have raised over £130 just by shopping! If you would like to help us in fundraising in a very easy way then please log on to the website and register as a giver. Search and select Hade Edge School as your beneficiary and then follow the instructions on how to shop. There are 100’s of companies on there who will give us a % of your total spend with them as a result of us introducing them to you through thegivingmachine. Thank you again to all of the people who are helping us to fundraise in this way already and if you have any problems or would like an easy 5 step guide to joining us then please email [email protected] Bags to school is our regular fundraiser and this year the first collection will be on the 14th November. If you have any clothing, shoes, bedding or soft toys that you are wanting to donate then please bring them to school before 9 am on this day in plastic bags. Donation bags will be sent home before half term with school children but if you require bags and don’t have a child at school or would like extra bags please email [email protected] or pop into school. If you need help to get the full bags to school then please contact us on the above email or via the school office and we will try to help. Last year this scheme helped us to raise over £300 for school and we are very grateful for everyone’s help. As we look forward to the build up to Christmas we hope that we will have another successful term and can raise lots of money to enhance the children’s learning. Thank you again for all your support, Angela Vernoum Chairperson

Friends of Hade Edge School

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Our Day Out

Every summer Huddersfield Sailing Club moves to Coniston in the Lake District for a weekend sailing on a much bigger water than Boshaw Whams. This year we took ten boats to the National Trust campsite on the lakeshore near Torver. Tents had just been pitched on Friday evening when the rain began and it continued to pour down for the next 24 hours. Finally, late on Saturday afternoon, the weather cleared and we were able to leave the pub and enjoy a fine evening sail and a BBQ by the lakeside. Sunday was a much better day. The traditional race down the length of the lake to the Bluebell Café lifted damp spirits and was won by Paul O’Connor and Tony Hall sailing Enterprise 20192 (pictured below). A final sail back to the campsite followed by a busy hour packing everything up saw us back at Hade Edge by late evening.

Huddersfield Sailing Club - Hade EdgeWhere it’s always a good sailing day!

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To find out more about the sport of sailing come down to the clubhouse any Saturday or Sunday afternoon and have a chat. We also race on Wednesday evenings and can be found in the Bay Horse afterwards at 9pm from April to August. Full details of the club’s activities can be found on our website:

Next events: Yorkshire and Humberside Youth Sailing AssociationOpen event - Saturday 21st April First Race 11.00

Mirror / HeronOpen event - Sunday 13th May First race 11.00

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About Us

Proprietor, Brindon Addy, is extremely passionate about all food, but meat in particular. His commitment to delivering the very best meat available sees him continually visiting farms for livestock and strengthening his relationship with the farmers who rear them, whilst seeing first-hand what the animals are eating and how well they are being kept.

His duty of care covers all areas, not least when back at the shop and ensuring the meat is kept in optimum conditions. He’s so confident that he can provide you with the ingredients for the perfect dish and tell you how to cook it, that he offers a money-back guarantee! As a member of the prestigious Guild of Q Butchers, Brindon sends out a strong, recognisable message that J. Brindon Addy is amongst Britain’s best butchers’ shops.Brindon Addy has been in the meat industry ever since he took a Saturday job at the local butcher’s shop at age eleven. From day one, he knew this was the job he wanted to do, so he went on to study Meat Technology at Thomas Danby then worked as a trainee manager at a local bacon factory — a role which he disliked, but one that gave him some valuable experience – though it wasn’t long before he returned to his real passion. He pursued a job with a small, family-owned butcher and remained there until he was twenty-four, at which point, he decided to hand in his notice and take the plunge to start his own business, together with school friend, David Cannon.J. Brindon Addy is proud of its continuing commitment to source from only the very best, caring, honest farmers and suppliers in the local area.

We have won a variety of awards including gold and silver awards for our Bacon, Sausage and Pies and last year we won Best Lamb award at the q-guild BBQ competition.

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The Hade Edge Gala was on the 14th July in our lovely British summertime. The weather looked like it was going to be against us, but with a couple of drier days, the football field was good to go & so the go ahead was given. Hade Edgers don’t let any thing get in our way.

We had a fantastic day, with a couple of showers that we didn’t let spoil the fun.

The teas, coffees & cakes went down a treat. Thanks to Mrs Dalton & helpers. A big thank you to Ian & David Mallinson for doing a brilliant yummy hog roast & thanks to our lovely Brindon Addy for donating the pig.

Mrs Moorhouse’s cake stall was superb, better than any bakery. A true delight! The raffle raised a lot of money as did the tombola. Thanks to Mrs Earnshaw, Andrea Turner, Tracey Hawley & David Elliott. Your efforts were worth it!! Thanks to Mr Dalton & Mr Moorhouse for the legendary coconut shy, Mrs Turner certainly ended up with a lovely bunch of coconuts. The school stalls were a huge hit with the children, thanks to Angela Vermoun & ladies helping, as were the pre school teddy tombola & face painting. Sharon Taylor did a super job of painting those beautiful faces all day. Thank you Sharon. The pre school bouncy castle was a success with kids of all ages.

Lisa Daltons wine & water was yet again a huge triumph. Thanks Lisa! The ‘decorate a cookie’ stall was popular with the kids, teens & quite a few adults too!! Of course our Chairman & Mr Sykes on the bar did a sterling job. It was a very popular venue, especially during the showers. Well-done boys. Thanks to Lynda Mallinson for doing the lucky bucket, one lucky person won £76! Definitely worth a quid of any ones money!! Thanks to Richard Slack for the Mini Digger stall, a challenge for boys & men alike. Also for being compare for the day, which given he loves talking, he did very well.

We must thank Simon Wood & the Hade Edge band for entertaining us. The fabulous training band first and then his accordion band had us clapping & tapping our feet. We should be proud to have such talent in our village!

The Hade Edge School put on a wonderful gymnastic display. They were delightful, very agile young ladies. Well done for all of the effort that went into training for this event & thanks to Leigh Rossi for spending time training the girls.

Our thanks goes to Steve Richardson, of Wheelsbrook, for organising the classic tractors & car display, which had sons & dads agog. Not quite as large as intended, due to the field being a little wet, but never the less the turn out was fantastic.

Our beautiful Gala Queen Tara Smith was every inch a true Queen, along with her attendants Niamh Kelly & Harriet Brook. They did us proud. Thank you girls. Thanks too to all our fancy dress competitors!The evening event was also a great success. The Hade Edge Collective played two 45 minute sets

The Hade Edge Gala 2012By Helen Craggs

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to a wonderful crowd of revellers, then John Lloyd & Rob Mather did a disco. Food, alcohol & a fantastic group of people made the night a triumph.

Thank you to every one who helped with the gala & all the people who supported this special day, with out you it wouldn’t be a success. We raised £500 for school, £500 for pre school, £500 for the chapel & £500 for the football club. Well done every body!! Next one is 13th July 2013.

Get it on your calendar, it will be bigger & better than ever before!

Hade Edge School Gymnasts A great day out for the whole family

The Mini Digger Challenge Classic Car Display

Classic Tractor Show The Collective playing at The Party In The Parkevening do

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J. Brindon Addy, Master Butchers and Graziers, exercise their years of knowledge to bring you meat that’s been hand-picked from local farms and providers for its extremely high quality. Their beef, for example, is matured for 21 days in their on-site, state-of-the art maturation fridge which dry-ages each individual fibre, bringing a remarkable difference in taste when it’s cooked and on your dinner plate.

J. Brindon Addy are award-winning butchers, and members of the Q Guild. They’re more than happy to share their knowledge, imparting cooking tips and recipe advice to help make your family tea or dinner party a meal never to be forgotten.

J. Brindon Addy also make their own pies, pasties and more, and stock a plethora of accompaniments, such as marinades and preserves. Once tasted, their quality meat and mouth-watering produce will have you coming back for more. J. Brindon Addy offer continual promotions; make sure you visit the website often for details of all current offers and their latest tantalising recipe. To ensure you don’t miss out, sign up for their newsletter and receive 5% discount from your next purchase.

Get £5 off when you spend£25 or more!

**************** Special Offer ****************

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Autumn Lamb with Blackberries & Honey


Cooking Times

Medium - 25 mins per 450g/1lb plus 25 mins Well done - 30 mins per 450g/1lb plus 30 mins


1. Preheat the oven to Gas mark 4-5, 180-190°C, 350-375°F.2. Place the lamb on a chopping board and make several slits all over the joint. Season. Divide the rosemary into smaller sprigs and use to stuff the joint with the garlic.3. Put the onions in a large non-stick roasting tin and place the joint on top of the onions, arrange the potatoes around the joint and toss in the olive oil and white wine. Open roast for the preferred calculated cooking time, basting occasionally with any meat juices, tossing the potatoes if necessary.4. In a small bowl mix together the blackberries, honey, lime zest and juice, gently mash and set aside.5. One hour before the end of the cooking time

smear the blackberry mixture over the joint and return to the oven. Cover the joint with foil during cooking if browning too quickly.6. Remove the joint and vegetables from the oven, transfer to a warmed plate, wrap loosely in foil and allow to rest for 10-15 minutes.

This recipe and many others can be found on the EBLEX website -


1 x 1.3kg/3lb lean whole lamb leg joint Salt and freshly milled black pepper 2 fresh rosemary sprigs 2 large garlic cloves, peeled and cut into slivers 3 red onions, peeled and cut into small wedges 30ml/2tbsp olive oil 150ml/¼pint white wine 900g/2lb red potatoes, skin on and cut into wedges 100g/4oz fresh blackberries 30ml/2tbsp runny honey Grated zest and juice of 1 lime For the blackberry and honey gravy: 15ml/1tbsp plain flour 600ml/1pint good, hot lamb stock

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By October cutting should be over for the year, apart from a light topping in early winter if the weather is mild. Replace lost nutrient by applying an autumn lawn fertilizer. Aeration, such as scarifying, is important since this helps grass roots grow deeply & removes the layer of dead grass, which can choke new growth in the spring. Keep the lawn free from leaves and debris through out winter & try to keep off the lawn on frosty days to avoid damaging the grass.


Pruning flowering shrubs correctly is important in maintaining the health & vigour of the plant. Proper pruning helps the shape & form of the plant & stimulates new growth & better flowering. Early spring bloomers (prior to the end of June) should be pruned immediately after flowering in late spring/early summer. Shrubs flowering after the end of June must be pruned late winter/early spring. If you have vigorously flowering shrubs such as Buddleja or Forsythia it may be beneficial to prune off the dead and faded flowers, enabling the plant to flower until well into the autumn. There will be more on pruning in the spring Breeze.

Shrubs can provide wonderful autumn colour making the garden seem vibrant until winter sets in. Cercidiphyllum japonicum eventually makes a large tree. Its orange and red autumn leaves smell of caramelised sugar. They develop their colour best when planted in a moist acid soil. Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’ takes on fiery tones, thriving on almost any soil. It’s a striking addition to a border in sun or on a woodland edge. Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, a low-growing, ground-cover shrub that combines late, deep blue flowers with red-tinted green leaves, likes well-drained soil in full sun. The Cotinus family (smokebush) is a classic for autumn tints, deserving pride of place in the border. Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii has clusters of little bead-like purple berries that adorn the branches from summer, remaining there until autumn. Callicarpa will thrive in any well-drained soil in sun or dappled shade. Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’ This beautiful hybrid, is a deciduous shrub with burnished bronze foliage in autumn and exquisitely fragrant flowers from late autumn into early spring. It earns its place in any garden, as it flowers freely all winter. Viburnum opulus, a compact 90cm (3ft) variety, bears white flowerheads in early summer and clusters of glassy red berries and red leaves in autumn. Workhorse shrubs include hydrangeas, which flower in late summer offering large blooms in shades of pink and blue before the flowerheads change colour to a rich straw-coloured hue, maintaining their shape as they dry beautifully on the stem. The dried blooms can remain on the shrub throughout autumn and winter, providing a structural focal point in the cooler months when much else has died down, and protect the emerging leaves from frost damage in the depths of winter. They don’t need clipping until the following spring. If you want berries, of course there are many obvious candidates including cotoneaster, pyracantha and holly, but there are others, too, which will keep you in flowers, berries, scent and foliage all year.

Autumn Gardening 2012

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Borders Bush roses need a light pruning in autumn to stop them being uprooted by winter winds. All stems should be cut to about half their height. Each cut should be made at about a 45 degree angle, so that rain can drain off the stem rather than sitting on top and rotting the plant. The cut should be parallel to the angle the shoot comes out of the ground. Use the whole of the blade to get a clean cut. To stop the bare stem from dying, cut the stem a few millimetres above a side shoot. Look out for any brown stems with no shoots, these should be cut at the base of the stem again with an angled cut.

Cutting back foliage & stems of herbaceous plants that have died back is a priority. Don’t dead head ornamental grasses or plants with seed heads as these will provide winter interest & food for birds. Hardy geranium can be cut back to remove tired leaves. Perennials are not demanding plants, but trimming them after flowering finishes in autumn helps improve their appearance and flowering. However, you can leave some stems over winter to provide homes and food for wildlife, and then trim back in spring. Cutting back herbaceous perennials during autumn restores order and tidiness to the garden. After selectively cutting back, mulch & fertilise to promote growth in spring. With subshrubs such as lavender it is ok to trim but do not cut to the ground as this may lead to their demise especially when the cold weather arrives.

Buddleja Davidii (Autumn Beauty) Vibernum Bodnantese (Dawn)

Frosted coated heads of White Champion

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The Holme valley moutain bike challenge 2012

The original Holme Valley Mountain Bike challenge took part in September starting & finishing in our very own village. Congratulations to all who took part. There are 2 routes for the challenge, the full route for those feeling up to the challenge & a shorter route for those that are not quite up to the challenge of the Holme Valley. Around 400 riders took part in the 20th Holme Valley Bike Challenge & we send our congratulations to Sam Jones who came first in the gruelling exercise in a time of 2.18.45, amazing. For anybody interested it will be back next year, again in September. At the finish you get a Mountain Bike Challenge t-shirt, aching legs and the pleasure of knowing you have met the challenge head on. Follow the following link to find out more information

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Fundraiser for the Pre School and Baby and Toddler GroupMonday 19th November from 6-8pmWith:Bags to Bling (Bags and Accessories)Fair and Funky (Fair trade products - gifts and books)Bodyshop at home (up to Half Price Bodyshop products)Coocakecachoo (Cake maker with cake toppers etc).Phoenix Cards

Refreshments will be available (tea, coffee and cake !)

If you would like to bake a cake for us to sell on the night, we would be ever so grateful.

Sunday School Room, Hade Edge. Ring 01484 680235 for any queries.


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Senior football, Secretary Edward Dalton 688689. Junior football, Audrey Dalton 684924

Training• Senior training is on Thursday evenings at 8.00pm at Newsome High School All weather

pitch• The under 5’s and 6’s Saturday training is at 9.30am at the Phoenix Centre on Dunford Rd.• U16 Wednesday 7.00pm at Newsome High • U14 Tuesday 6.oopm at Holmfirth Sports Centre • U11 Wednesday 6.00pm at Holmfirth Sports Centre• U9 Thursday 6.00pm at Penistone High Sports Centre• U8 Saturday mornings• U7 Saturday mornings

The Juniors have grown to eight registered teams and two training teams and the enthusiasm has been amazing. All the teams have a good number of players which makes it easier when there is injury or illness.

New Club House You may have notices a small amount of movement, some clearing of the site, overall things are moving forward if somewhat slowly.

The Annual Autumn AuctionIs to be held on

Saturday 20th October 7.30pm

At the Bay Horse PubAll are very welcome to attend

this event

ReportsThe Senior teams have had an excellent start to the season, with three teams.


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Hade Edge is in the Parish of Holy Trinity, Holmfirth. Services; 8.00am B.C.P. Communion, every other week. 10.30am Parish Eucharist every week.Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals; Rev Keith Griffin 682644

We run a Sunday Club for four to ten year olds, 10.30 till 11.45 am every Sunday morning.

Events;The Autumn Fair takes place on Saturday 10th November from 10.30am. There will be morn-ing coffee and lunches and various stalls all in the gallery of the church.

During September, October and November, there is an inquirers course being held on Thurs-day evenings in the gallery room between 7 and 9pm. If anyone would like to join this course please give Keith a ring on 682644

All are welcome to any of these services and events.

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kids will love making & eating these and they make perfecttreats


8oz/225g castor sugar

8oz/225g butter

8oz/225g Self Raising flour

3 large eggs

little milk

food colouring green, red & black

Oven Temp 180C Gas 4

Mix sugar & butter until creamy. Whisk eggs and a little milk together. Add flour and eggs to butter mix to form the bun mix. Divide into two to three portions depending upon the colour that you want the buns to be. Add food colouring to each mix until you reach the required colour. (make sure your mix drops off the spoon to a count of 3 seconds, if not, add a little more milk)

Pop mixture into bun cases and bake for 20-30 minutes until nicely browned.

Topping Mix

6oz/175g sifted icing sugar

3oz/85g butter

4 drops vanilla essence

food colouring of your choice

Beat the butter until smooth, add icing sugar slowly, mixing until smooth. Add essence & drops of colouring. Pipe or spread onto cooled buns. Add decorations of your choice using regale icing & different coloured writing icing tubes for eye balls, insects or creepy crawleys of yourchoice!!....................... HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Juliette Robinson

Creepy Cup Cakes

Hades Treats

Page 28: The Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2012 - Autumn

I think that the summer is finally over.

Playing outside in the sunshine seems a long time ago, but it is lovely taking the bands out and about playing. I really enjoyed playing at Hade Edge Gala this year.Despite the few showers both the training band and accordion band played for the crowds and from what I gather even the pig enjoyed the entertainment…. It seemed a lovely day all round.

Senior band were immediately into the thick of things. We played a lovely concert raising money for Holmfirth hospital at the civic, then the following day, after a winding bus trip we played at Hardraw Scar. It was our first contest of the season and was lovely to come out as winners. Woohoo…

The day wasn’t complete though, we entertained the crowds at Ed Clancys civic reception at St Georges Square, what a wonderful experience. That topped off a wonderful weekend.

Our Jazz band have already had there first concert of the season, as guests of Marsh Ladies Choir. That was a super evening, and once again raising lots of money for charity. Our jazz band also sponsor ‘jigsaw’. A charity working with homeless children in the Phillipines. I’m really proud of this.

The community choir entertained at Brockholes church, and they all tell me it was a brilliant concert because I wasn’t there!!!

If you’re not sure what groups we have going on at Hade Edge here’s a quick reminder. Senior, Youth and Training band, Accordion and concertina band, Rock School, Jazz band, Community choir, percussion group, clarinet group and saxophone group. There are also theory lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Phew…..

On a serious note we now know the future of the band with regard to funding. Money from Edgar Dickinson’s will keeps the band going until January 2014. After this date we are not sure what will happen. However the business plan is in progress and hopefully I will be a able to continue with both the Senior band and Academy groups.

On a lighter note development of our second balcony will give us whole new and separate rehearsal space. Exciting times. We’re also in talks with Two valleys radio about some combined projects, in particular a session for any budding rockers. More news to follow.

If you still haven’t been in the band room please call in. We have three kettles and a big jar of gherkins…….

The Hade Edge BandBy Simon Wood

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Page 30: The Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2012 - Autumn

Edgy Sessions July 2012 We started with Robert Sharp, a cutting edge folk/rock singer, a brilliant performance. Next up was Mr Tom Craggs who together with Mr Mather & Mr Harley made up Basto V. Tom had written four new songs for the sessions which were received extremely well. He also did a cover of The Doors, Riders on the Storm. A very talented singer, musician & song writer. Well done Tom and the boys. Our last act was Irene Pirrera. She is the true piano girl. A beautiful singer and pianist, chilling whilst Irene serenades you is a treat indeed. Plus she did one or two unusual requests which had the audience in stitches. She is a fantastic entertainer. Thank you to all our acts for a splendid night. Come and support the event on the First Saturday of every month. The infamous raffle raises money for the senior citizens Christmas lunch AND for the gala pot for next year, which don’t forget raised £2000 for the school, preschool, chapel & football club this year. Entry is free so come along and enjoy a lovely evening of talent.

Edgy Sessions August 2012 Excellent Edgy Sessions last night. We had some fantastic musical talent on display, and raised money for the toddler group with a raffle. First up we had Alice Jane. She had the audience in rapture with her vocals performing some of her own songs and covers as well including ‘Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell. She was followed by Felix performing under the name of Felix for the final time. His witty material was all written about life in general, with his songs nodding to experiences most people have had. Felix will hopefully be back with us in the future only under his true name...The final performance was a showcase of musical ability by Stephanie Stephenson and Matt. Their set included both acoustic and electric guitar, ukulele and mandolin. All were used in spectacular style leaving the audience wanting more...............(Joe Brereton) Edgy Sessions September 2012 Phil King kicked off the night and although being nervous (his first time for 40 years in entertaining by himself) we forgave him and enjoyed his songs. The one lyric to stick in my mind was ...”He’s got a six pack, I’ve got a one pack”, he went down very well. Next up was the phenomenal Kath Reade, a voice like melted chocolate. A pure talent of unbelievable degree, she hushed the room, & took us away on a journey of pure delight. ( We hope she returns soon. Last but not least was Simon Wood & his band (Hade Edge band) He whipped the audience into a frenzy with his Latino music. Standing in at last minute, he was well received & as always entertained us all immensely. His band were brilliant, his trumpet player out of this world. Well done to all the acts. Our raffle raised another £60 for the village. All was good. “Edgy Session Tonight: Amazing. Wonderful. Amazingly wonderful!! With the sensational Kath Reade, Phil King and Simon Wood’s Band who saved the night by filling in for the band that didn’t turn up! Such energy! Tequilla! Yippaaa!” (Well said Irene Antonella Pirrera ) “Thanks for the opportunity to play at Hade Edge - I loved the enthusiastic audience!” (Kath Reade) Thanks Kath, we loved you too. Don’t forget we will be back on the 3rd November with Decca, a comedy guitarist musician, The wonderful Martin Christie & friends, and the beautiful Irene Pirrera to serenade us with candle light & wine. Be there, you never know you may enjoy yourself!!!!

Edgy SessionsBy Helen Craggs

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The Simon Wood Band

Photography by Helen Craggs

Basto VThe Simon Wood Band

Page 32: The Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2012 - Autumn