The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI

Transcript of The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Page 1: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit:A User-level Tutorial

The Globus Project Team


Page 2: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 2

AbstractThis tutorial is a practical introduction to programming for high-performance distributed computing systems, or "computational grids," and the capabilities of the Globus grid toolkit.

Emerging high-performance networks promise to enable a wide range of emerging application concepts such as remote computing, distributed supercomputing, tele-immersion, smart instruments, and data mining. However, the development and use of such applications is in practice very difficult and time consuming, because of the need to deal with complex and highly heterogeneous systems. The Globus grid programming toolkit is designed to help application developers and tool builders overcome these obstacles to the construction of "grid-enabled” scientific and engineering applications. It does this by providing a set of standard services for authentication, resource location, resource allocation, configuration, communication, file access, fault detection, and executable management. These services can be incorporated into applications and/or programming tools in a "mix-and-match" fashion to provide access to needed capabilities.

Our goal in this tutorial is both to introduce the capabilities of the Globus toolkit and to show attendees how Globus services can be applied in specific applications. Hence, the tutorial covers a mixture of grid programming principles and detailed case studies of real applications.

Page 3: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 3

Tutorial Goals

Provide an introduction To the structure of the Globus computational

grid To the capabilities of the Globus toolkit To pragmatic issues associated with using

the toolkit Enable attendees

To start building & using Globus applications To utilize Globus services

Page 4: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 4

Overview Introduction to computational grids High-level overview of the Globus toolkit Four components:

Security and remote process creation Running programs across multiple resources Information services Dynamic configuration and resource management

Case studies Other Globus services, and future directions Globus installation & administration

Page 5: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 5

Why “The Grid”?

New applications based on high-speed coupling of people, computers, databases, instruments, etc. Computer-enhanced instruments Collaborative engineering Browsing of remote datasets Use of remote software Data-intensive computing Very large-scale simulation Large-scale parameter studies

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Introduction 6

Los Angeles Chicago

E.g.: Computer-Enhanced Instruments for Microtomography

“100 Gflop/sec, 50 Mb/sec, 5 minutes; rendering, 10 GB storage”


@ Argonne

Coupling with supercomputers

Interactive use of beamline

Collaboration on results

Parameter studies for experiment planning

Coupling with mass store systems

50 Mb/s -> 5 Gb/s -> 100 Gb/s

5 Mb/s -> 1 Gb/s -> 10 Gb/s

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Introduction 7

Control Text Video Audio DatabaseLeigh et al., UofI, Electronic Visualization Lab.

E.g.: Tele-immersion

“5 Gflop/sec, flowspecs, design db”

Multiple access modalitiesMultiple flows

Simulation Tracking Haptics Rendering

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Introduction 8

SF-Express: Distributed Interactive Simulation

P. Messina et al., Caltech

Issues: Resource discovery, scheduling Configuration Multiple comm methods Message passing (MPI) Scalability Fault tolerance





“200 GB memory, 100 BIPs”

Page 9: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 9

The Grid

“Dependable, consistent, pervasive access to

[high-end] resources” Dependable: Can provide

performance and functionality guarantees

Consistent: Uniform interfaces to a wide variety of resources

Pervasive: Ability to “plug in” from anywhere

Page 10: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 10

Evolution of a Concept

Metacomputing: late 80s Focus on distributed computation

Gigabit testbeds: early 90s Research, primarily on networking

I-WAY: 1995 Demonstration of application feasibility

PACIs (National Technology Grid): 1998 NASA Information Power Grid: 1999 ASCI DISCOM: 1999; SSI: 2000?

Page 11: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 11

National and International Grid Testbeds


NASA’s Information Power Grid

The Alliance National Technology Grid

Page 12: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 12

Technical Challenges

Complex application structures, combining aspects of parallel, multimedia, distributed, collaborative computing

Dynamic varying resource characteristics, in time and space

Need for high & guaranteed “end-to-end” performance, despite heterogeneity and lack of global control

Interdomain issues of security, policy, payment

Page 13: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 13

Domain 2

Domain 1

•Authenticate once

•Specify simulation

(code, resources, etc.)

•Locate resources

•Negotiate authorization,

acceptable use, etc.

•Acquire resources

•Initiate computation

•Steer computation

•Access remote datasets

•Collaborate on results

•Account for usage


Page 14: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 14

Architectural Approaches

Distributed systems: DCE, CORBA, Jini, etc. Rich functionality eases app. development Complexity hinders deployment

especially in absence of global control

Performance difficulties Internet Protocol, Web tools

Simple protocols facilitate deployment Missing functionality hinders app. development Performance difficulties

Page 15: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 15

Standards & Commodity Tech

Where appropriate, exploit standards and commodity technology in core infrastructure LDAP, SSL, X.509, GSS-API, GAA-API, http, ftp,

XML, etc. Provides leverage

Interface with other common standards CORBA, Java/Jini, DCOM, Web, etc While our core infrastructure may not be built on

one of these distributed architectures, we must cleanly interface with them

Page 16: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 16

The Globus Project

Basic research in grid-related technologies Resource management, QoS, networking,

storage, security, adaptation, policy, etc. Development of Globus toolkit

Core services for grid-enabled tools & applns Construction of large grid testbed: GUSTO

Largest grid testbed in terms of sites & apps Application experiments

Tele-immersion, distributed computing, etc.

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Introduction 17

Globus Approach

A toolkit and collection of services addressing key technical problems Bag of services model Not a vertically integrated solution

Inter-domain issues, rather than clustering Integration of intra-domain solutions

Distinguish between local and global services “IP hourglass” model

Page 18: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 18

Technical Focus & Approach

Information-rich environment Basis for configuration and adaptation

Enable incremental development of grid-enabled tools and applications Support many programming models, tools,

applications Deploy toolkit on national-scale testbed to

allow large-scale applications Evolve in response to user requirements

Page 19: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 19

Globus Approach

Focus on architecture issues Propose set of core services

as basic infrastructure Use to construct high-level,

domain-specific solutions Design principles

Keep participation cost low Enable local control Support for adaptation

Diverse global services

Core Globusservices

Local OS

A p p l i c a t i o n s

Page 20: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 20

Layered Architecture


Core ServicesMetacomputing

Directory Service


Security Interface

Heartbeat Monitor



Local Services


Condor MPI





High-level Services and Tools

DUROC globusrunMPI Nimrod/GMPI-IO CC++

GlobusView Testbed Status


Page 21: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 21

Core Globus Services

Communication infrastructure (Nexus, IO) Information services (MDS) Network performance monitoring (Gloperf) Process monitoring (HBM) Remote file and executable management

(GASS and GEM) Resource management (GRAM) Security (GSI)

Page 22: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 22

Sample of High-Level Services I

Communication & I/O libraries MPICH, PAWS, RIO (MPI-IO), PPFS, MOL

Parallel languages CC++, HPC++

Collaborative environments CAVERNsoft, ManyWorlds

Others MetaNEOS, NetSolve, LSA, AutoPilot, WebFlow

Page 23: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 23

Sample High-Level Services II

Resource brokers and co-allocators DUROC: co-allocation of multiple systems Nimrod: high-throughput computing

Graphical system status display elements GlobusView MDS Browsers Health & Status Monitors (HBM) Network Monitors (Gloperf)

Page 24: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 24

“GUSTO”Globus Ubiquitous

Supercomputing Testbed Organization

A collection of organizations committed to creating a persistent computational grid infrastructure

As of November 1998, 70 organizations in 3 continents and 8 countries

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Introduction 25

16 sites, 330 computers, 3600 nodes, 2 Teraflop/s, 10 application partners

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Introduction 26

GUSTO Testbed During SC’97

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Introduction 27

GUSTO Computational Grid Testbed: November 1998

Page 28: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 28

Where We Are (November 1998)

New results in security, resource management, tools, fault detection, etc.

Globus v1.0 completed All core services complete, relatively robust,

and documented Available on most Unix platforms Many tool projects are leveraging this

considerable investment in infrastructure Interesting applications are emerging, although

mostly still in “demo” mode

Page 29: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 29

Where We Are (June 1999)

New results in QoS, security, resource management, data management, tools, etc.

Globus v1.1 nearing completion Available on most Unix platforms and Win32 Many tool projects are leveraging this

considerable investment in infrastructure Documentation and deployment underway at

NCSA and NASA IPG Always looking for interesting applications

Page 30: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 30

Changes from 1.0 to 1.1

Tutorial changes for 1.1 are denoted by Name changes from Globus to Grid

Security and Information Service adopted as core Grid infrastructure by several organizations

Globus Security Infrastructure -> Grid Security Infrastructure Metacomputing Directory Service -> Grid Information Service

Affects naming of APIs and tools Numerous small API fixes, additions, changes Cleanup of programs/tools A few new modules (I/O, error objects)

Page 31: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 31

Example Application Projects

Computed microtomography (ANL, ISI) Real-time, collaborative analysis of data from

X-Ray source (and electron microscope) Hydrology (ISI, UMD, UT; also NCSA, Wisc.)

Interactive modeling and data analysis Collaborative engineering (“tele-immersion”)

CAVERNsoft @ EVL, Metro @ ANL X-Ray crystallography (ANL, SUNY)

High-throughput computing for Shake ‘n Bake

Page 32: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 32

Example Application Expts (contd)

Distributed interactive simulation (CIT, ISI) Record-setting SF-Express simulation

Remote visualization and steering for astrophysics Including trans-Atlantic experiments

Data-intensive computing experiments (with LBNL and SLAC: “Clipper” project)

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Introduction 33

For More Information on Globus Papers on all components Tutorial and documents Software Application descriptions

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Introduction 34

The Grid:Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure

I. Foster, C. Kesselman (Eds), Morgan Kaufmann, 1999

Available July 1998;

ISBN 1-55860-475-8 22 chapters by expert

authors including Andrew Chien, Jack Dongarra, Tom DeFanti, Andrew Grimshaw, Roch Guerin, Ken Kennedy, Paul Messina, Cliff Neuman, Jon Postel, Larry Smarr, Rick Stevens, and many others

“A source book for the historyof the future” -- Vint Cerf

Page 35: The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit: A User-level Tutorial The Globus Project Team ANL and USC/ISI .

Introduction 35

Tutorial Approach

Four sections, each illustrates a basic Globus technique

Laboratory material is available to allow practice with the use of each technique See