The Global Laboratory Initiative of the Stop TB Partnership · of the Stop TB Partnership National...

Thomas M. Shinnick, Ph.D. Chair, Global Laboratory Initiative The Global Laboratory Initiative of the Stop TB Partnership National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD & TB Prevention Division of Tuberculosis Elimination 6th GLI Partners Meeting Geneva Switzerland April 30, 2014

Transcript of The Global Laboratory Initiative of the Stop TB Partnership · of the Stop TB Partnership National...

  • Thomas M. Shinnick, Ph.D.Chair, Global Laboratory Initiative

    The Global Laboratory Initiative of the Stop TB Partnership

    National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD & TB Prevention

    Division of Tuberculosis Elimination

    6th GLI Partners MeetingGeneva Switzerland

    April 30, 2014

  • • GLI History and background

    • Update from Stop TB Partnership – SOPs

    • GLI structure, core group, mission, priorities

    • 2013 Accomplishments

    • Priorities for 2014-2015


  • Evolution of GLI

    • Beginnings in the WHO Supranational Reference Laboratory Network

    • Grew into the Subcommittee on Laboratory Capacity Strengthening of the DOTS Expansion Work Group

    • GLI endorsed by STP-CB in October 2007

    • Elevated to a working group in June 2008

  • Stop TB Partnership Workgroups

    • Implementation Workgroups

    • DOTS Expansion

    • TB/HIV

    • Global Drug Resistant TB Initiative

    • Global Laboratory Initiative

    • Research Workgroups

    • New Diagnostics

    • New TB Drugs

    • New TB Vaccines

  • Stop TB Partnership Working Groups Standard Operating Procedures

    • Consistent governance structures• Standardized TORs for Chair/Vice-chair,

    Core Group, Sub-groups, Secretariats

    • Transparent planning and budgeting• Consistent annual process for WG planning

    • Strengthened accountability and evaluation• WGs subject to the same ‘minimum

    requirements’ as other Partnership bodies

    • Supportive communications

    • Formalized communications process

  • GLI Structure & Governance

    TB Supranational Reference Laboratory Network

    GLI Partners Committee

    GLI Core Group

    Stop TB Partnership

    Laboratory strengthening

    Human resource development strategy

    Laboratory accreditation


    Evaluates, approves, governs

    projects; Advises GLI Secretariat

    Advises and approves strategic

    agenda of GLI; Monitors project progress

    WHO Global TB


    Priority projects and activities

    Time limitedPartner approachTe





    GLI Secretariat


  • Role of WHO in GLI

    • Provide the GLI Secretariat

    • Provide strategic global guidance and evidence for policy

    • Facilitate integrated country laboratory strengthening

    • Provide monitoring and evaluation support and global analysis on laboratory strengthening progress

    • Promote advocacy, resource mapping, resource mobilisation

  • GLI Core Group

    • Chair - Thomas Shinnick (U.S. CDC)• Vice-Chair - Rumina Hasan (Pakistan)• Secretariat – Chris Gilpin (WHO)

    • Armand Van Deun (Union)• Heather Alexander (CDC,

    PEPFAR)• Amy Piatek (USAID)• Sara Eyangoh (NRL

    Cameroun)• Maarten van Cleef (KNCV)• Marie AliceTelles (Brazil)• Sabine Ruesch-Gerdes

    (Chair SRLN)• Rick O’Brien (past Chair)• WG Liaisons

    • Heidi Albert (FIND) • Levan Gagnidze (IOM)• Paul Klatser (KIT)• Richard Lumb (SRL

    Adelaide)• Tsehaynesh Messele

    (ASLM)• Alaine Nyaruhirira

    (MSH)• Joshua Obasanya (NTP

    Manager, Nigeria)• Civil society – vacant

  • GLI Mission

    To serve as a platform of coordination and communication for TB lab strengthening, in the areas of:

    • Global policy guidance • Laboratory capacity development• Interface with other laboratory networks,

    enabling integration • Standardised lab quality assurance• Coordination of technical assistance• Effective knowledge sharing

    • Advocacy and resource mobilisation

  • GLI 2013–2014 Priority Activities

    • Accreditation of TB Labs and Networks

    • Review existing GLI Tools, guidance and develop additional tools

    • National TB Laboratory Strategic Plans

    • Strengthen the SRLN; expand ability to provide coordinated technical assistance

    • Human resource development

    • Integration of TB Laboratory Services and Public Health Laboratory Networks

    • Improve interactions with WGs and partners

    • Explore creation of regional GLIs

    • Add new CG group members

  • 2013 Achievements – Accreditation

    • Version 2.0 of the GLI Stepwise Process Towards TB Laboratory Accreditation

    • Harmonization of GLI tool with SLIPTA and SLMTA

    • Basis for WHO Laboratory Quality Stepwise Implementation (LQSI) tool

    • Standards and guidelines for accrediting AFB-smear microscopy networks

  • 2013 Achievements – Tool Review

    Review of existing GLI Tools and guidance and develop additional tools

    Handbook for National TB Laboratory Strategic Planning

    AFB Smear Microscopy Manual

    TB Lab Biosafety Manual in Six Languages

  • 2013 Achievements – Xpert MTB/RIF

    • Expand-TB and TB-Xpert projects

    • Tools for Xpert MTB/RIF scale up• Xpert training package• Contributed to updated WHO policies and

    guidance on Xpert MTB/RIF• Promote strengthening of the entire diagnostic

    cascade and scale-up of PMDT in parallel

  • • Two new SRLs were designated: SRL-Karachi and SRL-Copenhagen

    • the NITRD-New Delhi was designated a National Centre of Excellence

    • WHO and GLI are reviewing the activities of current SRLs to ensure that all designated SRLs that meet the TORs

    2013 Achievements – SRL network

  • Global Laboratory Initiative for Africa (GLI-AFR)

    • Support countries to achieve quality-assured, accessible and sustainable TB laboratory services in the African region.

    • The GLI-AFR Secretariat is housed at ASLM in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia.

    • An interim GLI-AFR Core Group has been appointed

  • • Assist countries develop the laboratory component of their National TB Strategic Plan

    • Promote the use of the GLI accreditation tool with other tools for improving QMS

    • Finalize development of new GLI tools• TB Laboratory Consultant Manual• Xpert MTB/RIF Training package• Update SOPs, performance indicators• Guidance on engineering requirements

    • Disseminate and promote use of GLI tools

    • Develop strategy to improve human resources for laboratory management

    Proposed GLI priorities for 2014-2015

  • For more information please contact Centers for Disease Control and

    Prevention1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333

    Telephone, 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)/TTY: 1-888-232-6348

    E-mail: [email protected] Web:

    The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official

    position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Thank You

    National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention

    Division of TB Elimination